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Us er Maintenanc e G uide

How to ...
1 - clean the s heet
2 - clean the P rint Head by C leaning P en
3 - exchange the C leaning P ad
4 - clean the P rint Head by C leaning S heet
5 - s tore the s heet

T he ins truc tions in this guide are not only for produc ing
high quality printing res ults , but als o to prevent the P rint Head
from being c ons umed or broken. P leas e read this guide
c arefully to pproperly perform the periodic c leaning.

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1 - C lean the s heet and C leaning P ad

Make s ure to c lean the s heet every time before printing. Dus t or oil on the
s urfac e of the s heet c ould res ult in poor printing res ults . A ls o, partic les of hard
materials s uc h as s and c ould res ult in damage to the print head.
Pull out the amount to be used for printing.
T his can be performed most easily if you set the
sheet on the PC-60
f. after powering off.

Wipe the surface of the sheet strongly with a cloth soaked

in alcohol to remove the dust and oil.
Please use a cloth which produces little or no fiber dust.
Make sure not to put alcohol on the P L AT E N.

Check and make sure that the CL E ANING PAD is not dirty.
If there is dust, please remove it with a brush.

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2 - C lean the P rinting Head with C leaning P en

P erform this c leaning only when you have s c ratc hy printing or fine lines ac ros s the image.

Turn off the sub power by pressing

Open the front cover and move the printing head to the left
side of the machine.

R aise the head cover with your fingur.


Do not rais e the c over too forc efully or the head c ould break.

Clean the edge of the printing head with the cleaning pen.
It is not necessary to clean the bottom part.

Mak e s ure not to mak e c ontac t to
the rubber roller with c leaning pen.

Mak e s ure not to mak e c ontac t to
the platen with c leaning pen.
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P erform this c leaning only when you have s c ratc hy printing or fine lines ac ros s the image.
Turn off the sub power by pressing


Open the front cover.

R aise the sheet loading lever.

Unload the sheet from the machine.

Take out the ink ribbon cartridge and remove the blade

While pressing the SHE E T TY PE key, turn on the sub power

by pressing

P os ition the material, the pinch rollers , and the grit

C leaning S heet

rollers at the locations s hown above.

S ens or

P inch R oller

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Position the sheet, pinch rollers, and the grit rollers at the
locations shown in the figure.
Pinch rollers should be on the black lines on the cleaning
sheet. A lso make sure that the sensors are covered.

L ower the sheet loading lever.

If the sheet is not loaded at the correct location, the PIE CE
and R OL L L E Ds flash at the same time.
If this happens, reload the sheet at the proper location.

When the front cover is closed, head cleaning begins.

Head cleaning is finished when the B USY L E D goes
dark and the PIE CE L E D flashes.


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When cleaning is finished, raise the sheet loading lever

and remove the sheet.

Turn off the sub power by pressing the


4 - E xc hange the C leaning P ad

Make s ure to replac e the c leaning pad when it bec omes dirty (turns brown) or fluffy.
Us ing a dirty or fluffy c leaning pad c ould res ult in a damage to the head.

R emove the old cleaning pad from its right side.

A ffix the new cleaning pad.

C leaning P ad

1 R emove the backing of the cleaning pad.

B acking

2 Move the platen to the right side.

C leaning P ad

3 Place the new cleaning pad by pushing it toward the

left side.
** Make sure that the cleaning pad is not loose.

P laten

Check the following:

1. Make sure that the there is a gap between the platen
and the cleaning pad.
2. Make sure that the platen damper moves in 4 directions: left, right, front and rear.
I f the platen doesnt move smoothly, it could cause poor
printing results.

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