Bacterium Application in Health

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The bacteria also can provide benefits in health. Antibiotics are substances produced by
microorganisms and has inhibitory activity against other microorganisms, and these compounds are
widely used in curing a disease. Some bacteria produce antibiotics are:

Streptomyces griseus, produces the antibiotic streptomycin

Picture 1: Streptomyces

Streptomyces are gram-positive bacteria produce spores that can be found on the ground.
These bacteria, nonmotil and filamentous. Besides found in soil, the bacteria can also be found in
decaying vegetation. Streptomyces, also known because produce volatile compounds as geosmin
which have a characteristic smell in the soil. Streptomyces included in the group, namely
Actinomyces bacteria that have a structure resembling a branching hyphae of fungi and can
produce spores.
Streptomycin antibiotic produced by the bacterium Streptococcus griceus that can kill
pathogenic bacteria that are resistant to penicillin or sepalosporin. Antibiotic production through
the use of microorganisms is done through fermentation. Streptomycin works by turning off
sensitive bacteria, by stopping the production of essential proteins that bacteria need to survive.
The medicine trade is in the form of sulfate salt. Streptomycin sulfate is a white powder
hygroscopis that is odorless. This medicine is soluble in water and very soluble in alcohol.
Antibiotics are used to kill germs that cause disease:

- tuberculosis, along with other TB Drugs

- pneumonia
- dysentery
Streptomycin also be used as pestisid against the development of bacteria, fungus and algae
Streptomyces aureofaciens, produces the antibiotic tetracycline

This type of bacteria produce antibiotics called tetracycline. This antibiotic is used as an antibacterial interfere in the human body. The use of this type of antibiotic has to go through the

recommendations of the doctors because of the effects of long-term use are dangerous.
Streptomyces venezuelae, produces the antibiotic chloramphenicol
Venezuelae Streptomyces produces an antibiotic chloramphenicol, which is active against a
broad spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative. This antibiotic is an antibiotic that is used
as a cure typhoid
Various derivatives of chloramphenicol successfully synthesized but no compound usefulness
goes beyond the efficacy of chloramphenicol because of chloramphenicol bitter normally used in
capsule form. Mechanism of action of the antibiotic chloramphenicol in inhibiting the synthesis
of proteins required for the formation of the bacterial cells so that chloramphenicol inhibits the

function of RNA from bacteria

Penicillium, produces the antibiotic penicillin
One microorganism that can produce antibiotic agents are fungi, particularly fungi of the
divisions Ascomycotina that is Penicillium notatum.

Penicillum can produce penicillin antibiotic which can be exploited by human to control
various infectious diseases. The substance was named penicillin, because the fungal contaminant
was identified as Penicillium notatum. Fleming found that it was effective against many Gram
positive bacteria in laboratory conditions, and he even used locally applied, crude preparations of
this substance, from culture filtrates, to control eye infections.
An expanded role for the penicillins came from the discovery that natural penicillins can be
modified chemically by removing the acyl group to leave 6-aminopenicillanic acid and then
adding acyl groups that confer new properties. These modern semi-synthetic penicillins such as
Ampicillin, Carbenicillin and Oxacillin have various specific properties such as:
- resistance to stomach acids so that they can be taken orally,
- a degree of resistance to penicillinase (a penicillin-destroying enzyme produced by some

extended range of activity against some Gram-negative bacteria.
Although the penicillins are still used clinically, their value has been diminished by the

widespread development of resistance among target microorganisms and also by some people's
allergic reaction to penicillin.

Bacillus polymyxa, produce antibiotics polymixin.

Bacillus polymyxa is producing the antibiotic polymyxin B for the treatment of gramnegative bacterial infections. Bacillus polymyxa including the types of beneficial bacteria in
health and environmental fields and food because it contains antibiotics which Antibiotics are

produced by microorganisms

and has inhibitory activity against other

Regardless of its role in producing antibiotics, many types of bacteria that are pathogenic
actually. In humans, a few types of bacteria that are often the causative agent of the disease are:

Salmonella enterica subspecies I serovar Typhi that cause typhoid,

Mycobacterium tuberculosis that causes tuberculosis,
Clostridium tetani which causes tetanus.
Pathogenic bacteria can also attack livestock, such as Brucella abortus that cause brucellosis in

cattle and
Bacillus anthracis causes anthrax.

Advertising health drinks, milk, or yogurt that connection between our digestion with friendly
bacteria. Good bacteria that is a friend and protector of our stomach.

Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium (bifidus). The actual amount of good bacteria in
the intestines our most compared to other bacteria. Reduced amounts, will make the body's
equilibrium disturbed. Because of the onset of decay and toxins in the colon. We were so

vulnerable to disease and more often undergo physical disturbance caused unfriendly bacteria.
Asidofilusdan bifidus, guarded very important because it can increase the body's metabolism and
digestion us to always keep fit. Besides these bacteria produce essential B vitamins.

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