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Nervous System and Muscular System

Description of model:
Working together:
We will make a model of neurons traveling back and forth, telling the muscles to expand
and contract. The power outlet represents the brain. It connects to the power strip, which is the
spinal cord. This will power flashing christmas lights, which will be attached along the arm
board. The light traveling back and forth will show the neurons traveling along nerves, sending
messages to and from the spinal cord. After turning on the lights, well move the arm on its
hinge. The slinkies attached will expand and contract like muscles.
Working Separately:
Were demonstrating the nervous system by showing how the hypothalamus measures
body temperature. These messages tell your brain whether it is too hot or cold and triggers a
response based on the feedback. The hypothalamus is represented by a laser temperature gun,
which well point at the body. The laser takes place of the message being sent from the brain, to
the body, and back to the brain.
We will model the cardiac muscles to represent the muscular system in motion. Water
will be pumped by an aquarium pump (the pacemaker). Well run a blue pipe (vein w/
oxygenated blood) from a container (the heart) along a piece of wood (the arm). The pipe will
loop back once it reaches the hand, painted red to represent deoxygenated blood.
Drawing of model:

Muscular System
- Cardiac Muscles- Contracts/relaxes to pump blood in and out of heart
Muscular/Nervous Together
- Skeletal Muscles- Performs voluntary actions
- Brain- Processes information and sends messages throughout the body
- Spinal Cord- Links the messages from the brain to the nerve branches and trigger
- Peripheral Nerves- Transmits impulses to and from the central nervous system and
- Motor Nerves- Sends messages from central nervous system to muscles and glands
Nervous System:
- Sensory Nerves- Sends impulses from sense organs to the central nervous system
Plan for where to get them
2 Small slinkies- Jessica @ Target
1 big rectangular wooden board (2 x 3 x 1-2)- Mr. Williams
2 long wooden boards (2 x 6 x 1-2)- Mr. Williams
1 hinge- Mr. Williams?
Power strip (at least 2 outlets) and extension cord- Mr. Williams (if not, from someones house)
1 String of Christmas lights with light traveling back and forth- Jessica @ Target
Aquarium Pump- Mr. Williams said Dr. LB probably has one we can use
1 container (no cracks) ( about 6 x 4 x 2)- someones house (if not, Jessica @ target)
1 bendy pipe (must fit aquarium pump, about 4 feet)- Jessica @ Ace
Laser thermometer- Carina said we could use hers
Needed for construction:
- Power tools
- Plain white paper
- Markers
1. Attach diagonal pieces of wood at base to support wooden bodyboard
2. Attach both wooden arms
a. Screw in straight board horizontally near the top of center of the side of the body
b. Cut 2nd board in two, attach them with a hinge, screw in to bodyboard
horizontally in line w/ other arm.
c. After the frame is built, well put the power strip on the top of board.

3. Attach Christmas lights and slinkies to side w/ hinge

4. Set up pump/ make it function properly; attach them (The pump and container is placed
in the center of the board and the pipes run in a loop along the straight arm)
5. Make a box (hand); attach over end of arm (where pipe changes direction); draw hand w/
veins; glue to box
6. Plug in christmas lights and motor
Unresolved issues or questions:
Will our expectations be the same as our results? Will the slinkies actually contract and expand?
Can we find lights that turn on in right pattern? Will the pump have enough pressure to pump
water along the whole arm? Will it pump too much water?
Special requirements/requests:
We have to obtain certain materials like the aquatic pump, laser thermometer, and pipe.

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