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B i b l i o g r a p h y J U L I U S C A E S A R I N H I S T O RY | 1

Julius Caesars Stand in the Roman Empire and the Future

Laurel Bollinger
Honors History 9

B i b l i o g r a p h y J U L I U S C A E S A R I N H I S T O RY | 2

Plutarch: The Assassination of Julius Caesar, from Marcus Brutus (excerpts) a text translated
by John Dryden shows Julius Caesar was killed by the senate members who conspired and
murdered him together, led by Brutus. The reading found online from Internet Ancient History
sourcebook (August 2000) on November, 29, 2016. The reading is a primary source, from
Marcus Brutus. Another source is The Gallic War is a nonfiction book, by Julius Caesar. The
book is translated from Latin into English by H. J. Edward, and is a part of the Loeb Classical
Library. The book also contains multiple maps; one being of Gaul by E. Stanford, Ltd., London
D.S. 2067, and the other map is titled the Campaign Map which is by Edward Sanford, Ltd.,
London D.S. 2067. There are 5 more maps using the same author and citation, first being Plan
of Gergovia, and the second being Plan of Alesia, then The Battle Against the Helvetti,
The Battle of the Aisne and finally The Battle of the Sambre. The third primary source is the
Civil Wars is a book found online and is by Julius Caesar. Although the book is nonfiction and
translated to English by W. A. Mcdevitte and W.S Bohn. The next source is modernized, and
was found online from the Ancient History Sourcebook(October 1998). Finally Julius
Caesar: Historical Background is a secondary source found online.

B i b l i o g r a p h y J U L I U S C A E S A R I N H I S T O RY | 3

John, Dryden,. Paul, Halsall. (August 2000). Plutarch. Lives. Retrieved from
Julius. Caesar., H. J. Edwards., G. P. Goold., Jeffrey. Henderson., James. Loeb.(1911). Gallic
War Retrieved from Loeb Classical Library.
Edward. Stanford. The Battle of the Sambre. Retrieved from the book Gallic War.
Edward. Stanford. The Battle of the Aisne. Retrieved from the book Gallic War.
Edward. Stanford. The Battle Against the Helvetti. Retrieved from the book Gallic War.
Edward. Stanford. Plan of Gergovia. Retrieved from the book Gallic war.
Edward. Stanford. Plan of Alesia. Retrieved from the book Gallic war.
Paul. Halsall. (October 1998). Suetonis (c. 69-after 122 CE): De Vita Caesarum, Divus lulius
(The Lives of the Caesars, The Deified Julius), written c. 110 CE.
Barbara. F. Mcmanus. (March, 2011). Julius Caesar: Historical Background.

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