Inherent Toxicity of Aggregates Implies A Common Mechanism For Protein Misfolding Diseases

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Inherent toxicity of aggregates implies a

common mechanism for protein
misfolding diseases
Monica Bucciantini*, Elisa Giannoni*, Fabrizio Chiti*, Fabiana Baroni*, Lucia Formigli, Jesus Zurdo, Niccolo` Taddei*,
Giampietro Ramponi*, Christopher M. Dobson & Massimo Stefani*
* Dipartimento di Scienze Biochimiche, Viale Morgagni 50; Dipartimento di Anatomia, Istologia e Medicina legale, Viale Morgagni 85,
Universita degli Studi di Firenze, 50134 Firenze, Italy
Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW, UK
These authors contributed equally to this work


A range of human degenerative conditions, including Alzheimers disease, light-chain amyloidosis and the spongiform
encephalopathies, is associated with the deposition in tissue of proteinaceous aggregates known as amyloid fibrils or plaques. It
has been shown previously that fibrillar aggregates that are closely similar to those associated with clinical amyloidoses can be
formed in vitro from proteins not connected with these diseases, including the SH3 domain from bovine phosphatidyl-inositol-3 0 kinase and the amino-terminal domain of the Escherichia coli HypF protein. Here we show that species formed early in the
aggregation of these non-disease-associated proteins can be inherently highly cytotoxic. This finding provides added evidence
that avoidance of protein aggregation is crucial for the preservation of biological function and suggests common features in the
origins of this family of protein deposition diseases.
An increasing body of evidence suggests that amyloid formation is
the fundamental cause of protein deposition diseases1,2. The nature
of the pathogenic species and the mechanism by which the aggregation process results in cell damage are, however, the subject of
intense debate3 10. In systemic non-neurological diseases the
accumulation of large quantities (sometimes kilograms) of aggregated species within a variety of organs and tissues may itself be the
major cause of clinical symptoms11. In other cases, particularly the
degenerative neurological diseases, it appears likely that impairment
of cellular function is directly linked to the interaction of protein
aggregates with cellular components12,13. One specific indicator of
the significance of aggregate formation in pathological conditions is
the evidence for a high variability in the age of disease onset14, an
observation that has recently been linked to the evidence that
aggregates form by nucleation15. Further clues to the molecular
basis of amyloid diseases and the biological significance of protein
aggregation have been provided by recent observations that a range
of proteins not associated with amyloid diseases are able to
aggregate in vitro into fibrils indistinguishable from those found
in pathologic conditions16 19. This finding has led to the proposal
that aggregation can be viewed as a general property of polypeptide
chains rather than one restricted to a small number of sequences2. In
the light of this conclusion we have now examined the effects on cell
viability of aggregated species produced in vitro from two such
The SH3 domain from bovine phosphatidyl-inositol-3 0 -kinase
(PI3-SH3) and the N-terminal (acylphosphatase-like) domain of
the E. coli HypF protein (HypF-N) are two examples of small
globular proteins that can form fibrillar aggregates in vitro under
appropriate conditions17,20. Evidence that the aggregates formed
from PI3-SH3 and HypF-N can be classified as amyloid fibrils has
been obtained from electron microscopy, specific tests such as
Congo red and thioflavine T binding and, in the case of PI3-SH3,
X-ray diffraction17,20. The heterogeneous nature of the in vitro
aggregation process is a potential difficulty in experiments aimed
at probing the nature of aggregate pathogenicity; this problem can
hinder the identification of the particular species responsible for
NATURE | VOL 416 | 4 APRIL 2002 |

any observed toxicity. We have found, however, that highly homogeneous populations of various types of aggregates of PI3-SH3 or
HypF-N can be obtained by incubating either protein under well
defined solution conditions for specific lengths of time. These
sequentially and structurally unrelated proteins are therefore exceptionally favourable systems for investigating any inherent cytotoxicity of specific types of proteinaceous aggregates.

Cytotoxicity of PI3-SH3 aggregates

Incubation of PI3-SH3 in either a 50-mM acetate buffer solution,
pH 5.5, containing 25% (v/v) trifluoroethanol (TFE) or a H2O/HCl
mixture, pH 2.0, results in the formation of granular or fibrillar
aggregates, respectively (Fig. 1). Both types of aggregates enhance
the fluorescence of thioflavin T (ThT) by factors of more than 30,
indicating the presence of amyloid-like features within these structures (data not shown). Examination by transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) reveals that the aggregates formed rapidly at
pH 5.5 in solutions containing TFE appear as granules 4 200 nm in
diameter (Fig. 1df) without any detectable fibrillar species. Prolonged incubation at pH 2.0, however, yields 7 13-nm-wide fibrils
in the absence of any detectable granular aggregates (Fig. 1b); the
width of the fibrils observed here is characteristic of the ex vivo
amyloid fibrils extracted from patients suffering from various
forms of amyloid disorders21. Some fibrils of this type formed
from PI3-SH3 have been shown to consist of a double helical
arrangement of two pairs of ribbon-like protofilaments wound
around a hollow core22. In the samples analysed here, such fibrils
are occasionally found to split into two 6 7-nm-wide fibrils or to
associate further in a parallel fashion to produce 23- or 33-nm-wide
sheet-like fibrils, also in agreement with previous findings22.
The cytotoxicity of the two types of aggregates formed in such
experiments was examined by adding aliquots of the aggregates, at a
range of final protein concentrations (see Fig. 1 legend), to cell
culture media. Aggregate cytotoxicity was evaluated by the 3-(4,5dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT)
reduction inhibition assay, a standard indicator of cell physiological
stress thought to be related to changes in intracellular trafficking,

2002 Macmillan Magazines Ltd


particularly in the pathway of exocytosis23,24. The experiments
reveal that the highly structured PI3-SH3 fibrils formed by prolonged incubation at pH 2 do not significantly modify MTT
reduction in either NIH-3T3 or PC12 cells even at the highest
concentration tested (Fig. 1a). The presence of the granular aggregates formed after short incubation periods, however, significantly
reduces cell viability (Fig. 1c, P , 0:01 at PI3-SH3 concentrations
above 1 mM). No significant decrease of MTT reduction was
detected when the cells were exposed either to 20 mM native PI3SH3 or to the buffer solutions used to form the aggregates in the
absence of added protein (Fig. 1).

teins at relatively early stages of fibril formation25. The ends of these

aggregates appear disordered, suggesting they are in the process of
undergoing a transition from amorphous to fibrillar structures.
After about 20 days, aggregates of this type can no longer be detected
in the samples; at this time all the aggregates appear as long
unbranched fibrils with widths of either 3 5 or 7 9 nm (Fig. 2d,
e), characteristic of constituent protofilaments and mature amyloid
fibrils, respectively20.
Addition to the cell medium of the aggregates formed after a 6 h
incubation period resulted in a marked decrease in the MTT
reduction by both NIH-3T3 (Fig. 2a) and PC12 cells (data not
shown). This decrease is statistically highly significant at all protein
concentrations tested (0.04 20 mM; P , 0:01 at 0.04 mM) with
respect to controls performed by incubating the same cells with
20 mM HypF-N in its soluble form or with the buffer solutions in the
absence of protein. A series of experiments revealed that aggregate
toxicity depends on protein concentration and initially increases
with the length of exposure to the conditions that result in
aggregation, reaching a maximum after 48 h (Fig. 2a). Incubating
cells with protein aggregates formed at this time results in an
inhibition of MTT reduction ranging from 20% at the lowest
protein concentration used here (0.04 mM) to 70% at the highest
protein concentration (20 mM) with respect to the control experiments. In addition to impairing cellular function, HypF-N aggregates were also found to lead to cell death, as revealed by the trypan
blue internalization test (Fig. 3). The results show that the rate of cell
mortality increases until it reaches nearly 40% at the highest protein
concentrations, indicating that the cellular dysfunction shown by
the MTT assay leads to cell death. Addition to the cell medium of

Cytotoxicity of HypF-N aggregates

In a second series of experiments, the toxicity of aggregates formed
by the protein HypF-N was examined. HypF-N was incubated at
0.3 mg ml21 concentration in 50 mM acetate buffer, pH 5.5, in the
presence of 30% (v/v) TFE at room temperature; aliquots of this
solution were withdrawn at regular time intervals for examination
by TEM and for ThT and cytotoxicity assays on cultured NIH-3T3
and PC12 cells. Under these conditions, aggregates develop within
minutes; these initial aggregates exhibit both a CD (circular dichroism) spectrum indicative of b-sheet structure and an enhancement
of the ThT fluorescence by over 50 times relative to that of the
soluble native domain. At this stage of incubation, however, the
aggregates appear completely non-fibrillar and non-granular in
TEM images (Fig. 2b), whereas after 48 h of incubation some
fibrillar character is clearly evident (Fig. 2c). The latter aggregates
have a width of about 4 8 nm and are extremely short (typically
25 60 nm), resembling the protofibrils observed with other pro-


MTT reduction (%)

Fibrillar aggregates


100 nm

0.2 M 0.1 0.5 1.0

5.0 20.0
HCl PI3-SH3 concentration (M)


MTT reduction (%)

Granular aggregates

20 nm
100 nm

20 nm

1.25% 0.1 0.5 1.0

5.0 20.0
TFE PI3-SH3 concentration (M)
Figure 1 PI3-SH3 aggregation and cytotoxicity. a, c, Cytotoxic effect of fibrillar (a) and
granular (c) PI3-SH3 aggregates on NIH-3T3 cells. Reported values are those after
treatment with 20 mM native protein (Native), with cell medium containing an aliquot of the
solution where aggregates were formed (HCl or TFE) or with aggregates at the indicated

protein concentrations (PI3-SH3). Values are relative to those of control cells treated with
complete medium alone. b, d f, Electron micrographs showing fibrillar (b) and granular
(df) aggregates formed from PI3-SH3. Labels 1 and 2 indicate large granules and
clusters of small granules, respectively (e, f).

2002 Macmillan Magazines Ltd

NATURE | VOL 416 | 4 APRIL 2002 |

protein samples incubated for times longer than 48 h, however,
resulted in a progressive decrease of cell impairment that correlates,
at least qualitatively, with the increase in the proportion of mature
fibrils relative to other aggregates in the protein samples. Even at
the highest protein concentrations analysed, MTT reduction
approaches the value of the controls when the cells were exposed
to protein samples incubated for 21 days (Fig. 2a), conditions where
only mature fibrils are evident in the TEM micrographs. A lack of
toxicity was also found when cells were exposed to well defined
amyloid fibrils formed at low pH (50 mM citric acid, pH 3.0) (data
not shown).

The origins of aggregate toxicity

The results of the present study indicate that aggregates formed
from PI-SH3 and HypF-N can be substantially cytotoxic. In both
cases, the cytotoxicity was found to depend on the supramolecular
organization of the amyloid aggregates and is much more pronounced for the rapidly formed non-fibrillar aggregates than for
the highly organized fibrillar structures. The results for these two
proteins, neither of which is disease-related, are very similar to those
reported for the disease-associated fusogenic prion protein fragment,
for a-synuclein, for Ab(1 42) and for transthyretin3 10,26. Remarkably, the levels of cell impairment induced by the most toxic species
found in the present study are comparable to those of the highly
toxic aggregates formed from Ab(1 42) (ref. 27). The data, therefore, suggest that impairment of cell viability by protein aggregates
of the type that can subsequently form amyloid fibrils could be a
general phenomenon and not simply a specific property of the small
number of polypeptides associated with clinically recognized protein deposition diseases. This result is of particular significance in
the light of the recent conclusion that the ability to form highly

ordered amyloid fibrils is itself a generic property of proteins17 19.

In addition, the mature fibrils of the proteins we tested appear to
be essentially harmless to cells, providing an explanation for
previous data indicating that well defined amyloid fibrils formed
by a synthetic peptide are not cytotoxic27 and reinforcing the
findings on the cytotoxicity of Ab, a-synuclein and transthyretin
pre-fibrillar assemblies both in cultured cells and in transgenic
mice3 5,9,10,26,10,28.
The results reported in this paper, therefore, provide evidence
that protein aggregates not associated with disease can be inherently
cytotoxic and result in substantial impairment of cellular function


MTT reduction (%)

Figure 3 Percentage of cell deaths induced by 48-h-aged HypF-N aggregates at different

protein concentrations. Solid bars refer to aggregated protein, dotted bars to control
experiments performed in the presence of soluble protein (see Methods for details).







50 nm




Time (h)


50 nm
Figure 2 HypF-N aggregation and cytotoxicity. a, Differential toxicity of amorphous,
protofibrillar and fibrillar HypF-N aggregates. Cell viability was checked by the MTT
inhibition reduction test, after addition to the cell medium of either 20 mM native protein
(black circles) or different concentrations of protein incubated in TFE: 20 mM (blue), 5 mM
(red), 1 mM (green), 0.2 mM (purple) and 0.04 mM (cyan). Values are relative to control
NATURE | VOL 416 | 4 APRIL 2002 |

50 nm

50 nm

cells treated with complete medium alone. The electron micrographs show amorphous
aggregates of HypF-N, formed after 6 h incubation (b), amorphous aggregates developing
into fibrils after 48 h incubation (c) and mature amyloid protofilaments (d) and fibrils (e)
after 20 days incubation.

2002 Macmillan Magazines Ltd


or even cell death. There is a considerable debate as to whether fully
formed mature amyloid fibrils or rapidly formed aggregates that
precede their formation are the primary pathogenic species responsible for the onset of disease3 10. Although there is evidence for the
toxicity of mature fibrils in some amyloid diseases, the data reported
here support previous suggestions that, at least in some cases, the
non-fibrillar aggregates that precede formation of mature amyloid
fibrils may be the primary toxic species3 5,9,10,26,10,28. This toxicity
is likely to arise because in these early aggregates hydrophobic sidechains and other regions of the polypeptide chain will be much
more accessible than in the fully formed mature fibrils. Indeed, the
latter are often found to be remarkably inert, for example in their
resistance to proteolysis and degradation29.
The inherent cytotoxicity of the aggregates formed by the two
non-disease-related proteins studied here suggests not only that the
toxicity of aggregated species could be a general phenomenon, but
also that the pathogenicity of protein-deposition diseases could be
primarily related to the structural nature of the aggregates rather
than to the specific sequences of the proteins from which they arise.
We suggest that toxicity could primarily arise because on the surface
of disordered aggregates there is likely to be a combinatorial display
of amino acids enabling these species to interact inappropriately
with a wide range of cellular components. Such a conclusion further
suggests that the differing clinical manifestations of amyloid formation, ranging from neuronal cell death to the accumulation of
large quantities of proteinaceous material, could arise in large part
because of variations in the nature and morphologies of the specific
aggregates as they form in the different diseases, as well as on the
susceptibility of different cell types to the various aggregates. Such
variations will occur as a consequence of the specific character of the
different proteins involved and their location, and also on the
different conditions under which aggregation takes place.

Implications for misfolding diseases and biological evolution

The present findings, that early aggregates formed by a wider range
of proteins than those known to be associated with neurological
diseases can be cytotoxic, provide new opportunities to define the
nature of amyloid diseases and the mechanism of amyloid toxicity at
the molecular level. They also raise the possibility that trace
amounts of aggregates of a variety of proteins might occur spontaneously, particularly during ageing, and that such aggregates
could account for subtle impairments of cellular function in the
absence of an evident amyloid phenotype. It would thus be interesting to search for early protein aggregates in systemic and
neurologic disorders not presently associated with amyloid formation. More generally, knowledge of the origin and nature of
aggregate pathogenicity is of crucial importance in efforts to
identify the correct targets for drug design in the search for effective
therapeutic protocols.
The inherent toxicity in protein aggregates could also help us to
understand fundamental aspects of cell biology. It suggests, for
example, that avoidance of aggregation could be more important
for the proper functioning of biological organisms than was
previously suspected if aggregates of proteins are often toxic rather
than simply non-functional. In this case, in addition to increasing
the efficiency of folding and rescuing misfolded proteins after
biosynthesis30, evolutionary developments to prevent aggregate
formation, notably molecular chaperones, ubiquitination enzymes
and proteasomes, are needed for the preservation of the long-term
viability of living organisms. This latter idea is reinforced by recent
findings concerning the relationships between neurodegenerative
diseases and failure of cellular defence mechanisms targetted
towards misfolded proteins and the existence, in both prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells, of a complex regulatory system of intracellular
protein degradation (see ref. 31 and references therein). Such
results, together with findings that aggregate formation is linked
to the inheritance of specific traits in organisms such as yeasts32,

provides increasing evidence that the control of protein misfolding

and aggregation in addition to being of fundamental importance
for cell viability, has been a major driving force in biological

Protein aggregate production
PI3-SH3 was expressed and purified as previously reported33. Granular aggregates were
formed incubating the protein for 1 h at 20 8C at a concentration of 10 mg ml21 in 50 mM
acetate buffer, pH 5.5, containing 25% (v/v) TFE. Fibrillar aggregates were grown for 1
month at a protein concentration of 10 mg ml21 in a water/HCl mixture, pH 2.0, at 37 8C.
Conditions for HypF-N purification and aggregation have been described previously20.

Cell culture
NIH-3T3 cells (mouse fibroblasts, American Type Culture Collection) were routinely
cultured in Dulbeccos modified Eagles medium (Gibco BRL) containing 10.0% bovine
calf serum and 3.0 mM glutamine in a 5.0% CO2 humidified environment, at 37 8C. PC12
cells (rat pheochromocytoma, American Type Culture Collection) were cultured in RPMI
medium (Gibco BRL) supplemented with 10.0% horse serum, 5.0% fetal bovine serum
and 3.0 mM glutamine in a 5.0% CO2 humidified atmosphere at 37 8C. 100 U ml21
penicillin and 100 mg ml21 streptomycin were added to both media. Cells were used for a
maximum of 20 passages. NIH-3T3 or PC12 cells were plated at a density of 10,000 cells
per well on 96-well plates in 100 ml of fresh medium. After 24 h, the NIH-3T3 medium was
exchanged with 100 ml of DMEM, without phenol red, containing 10.0% bovine calf
serum, and the PC12 medium was changed with 100 ml of RPMI, without phenol red,
supplemented with 10.0% horse serum and 5.0% fetal bovine serum.

Incubation of cells in the presence of protein aggregates

Aliquots of solutions containing native or aggregated proteins were centrifuged, dried
under N2 to remove TFE when necessary, dissolved in RPMI without phenol red and
immediately added to the cell media at 0.1 20 mM (PI3-SH3) or 0.04 20.0 mM (HypF-N)
final concentrations. After 24 h incubation, 10 ml of a stock MTT solution in PBS was
added to give a final concentration of 0.5 mg ml21 and incubated for a further 4 h. 100 ml of
cell lysis buffer (20.0% SDS, 50.0% N,N-dimethylformamide, pH 4.7) was added to each
well and the samples were incubated overnight at 37 8C in an humidified incubator.
Absorbance values of blue formazan were determined at 590 nm with an automatic plate
reader. Cell death was assessed by the trypan blue internalization test34. After a 24 h
incubation with 48 h aged HypF-N in TFE or with the soluble domain, NIH-3T3 cells were
treated with trypan blue and survival was quantified by counting (three fields per well, two
wells per condition, an average of 50 cells per field).

Electron microscopy
TEM images were acquired using a JEM 1010 transmission electron microscope at 80 kV
excitation voltage. In each case, 3.0 ml of protein solution was placed on a formvar and
carbon-coated grid and blotted off after 3 min. The sample was then stained with 3 ml of
2.0% uranyl acetate, dried and observed at a magnification of 12 30,000.

ThT staining
60 ml aliquots of protein solution were mixed with 0.44 ml of 25 mM ThT in 25 mM
phosphate buffer, pH 6.0, and the resulting fluorescence measured immediately after
mixing using a Shimadzu RF-5000 spectrofluorimeter at excitation and emission
wavelengths of 440 and 485 nm, respectively.
Received 2 January; accepted 11 February 2002.
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The work was supported by grants from the Italian MIUR (PRIN Folding e Misfolding di
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from the Italian Telethon Foundation.

Competing interests statement

The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.

Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.S.

(e-mail: or C.M.D. (e-mail:

2002 Macmillan Magazines Ltd


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