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--------------------------A gang may have as many NPCs in its employ as it wishes at any given time.
Each NPC counts as a ganger for the purposes of upkeep. If, at any point, an NPC
cannot be paid for in upkeep costs, he is returned to the NPC pool.
At the conclusion of each round, a gang may roll to attempt to recruit an NPC. R
olls are conducted in order of lowest gang rating to highest.
The gang decides which table it will try to recruit from, Investigation, Subvers
ion, or Special. When rolling to recruit from the Investigation or Subversion ta
bles, roll 2D6 and if you roll equal to or under the relevant attribute the recr
uitment was successful. Roll a further D6 to see whom you have recruited (Re-rol
ling empty slots due to absent NPCs). Note that when rolling to recruit from the
Special table youroll 2D6 but must reroll the highest result.
---------------------------1) Apothacary Philippos (+100 GR)
- Apothacary Pilippos allows one re-roll on the serious injury chart per scenari
o. If no ganger incurred a serious injury this round, Apothacary Philippos creat
es a medi-pack as per the CRB (cannot stack: e.g medi-packs created by Apothacar
y Philippos must be used before he can generate another).
2) PDF SGT (Rtd) Fullon (+100 GR)
- SGT Fullon owns a nearby firing range, and allows the one ganger to add or sub
tract one when rolling for advancements when gaining a level. If no gangers leve
led this round, a random ganger (that participated) gains D6 experience. [If thi
s roll earns him enough experience to gain a level, SGT Fullon does not allow th
e +/- one on the roll).
3) Sanctioned Seer Delphi (+100 GR)
- One free re-roll per scenario. At the end of the game, roll a D6:
1-5= No Effect.
6= Perils of the Warp! Delphi suffers mental trauma and is placed back in the NP
C pool in order to recover.
4) Agric Verum (+100 GR)
- Agric is somewhat of a hoarder of ammunition, able to recyle pretty much anyth
ing into a bullet. The gang may ignore one ammo roll per scenario. After ingorin
g the ammo roll, that particular weapon gains the 'Gets Hot!' rules until the en
d of the scenario.
5) Tarot Reader Zoltar (+100 GR)
- The gang may reroll the dice when rolling to determine the scenario.
6) Elisiba Varico (+100 GR)
- Elisiba spends a night with one of the gangers (for conversation, prayer or ot
herwise)! Motivated to return back for more, the ganger gains a 5+ invulnerable
save which can be taken after a failed armour save.
--------------------------1) Brutus Hasta, Contracted Killer (+100 GR)
-Opposing gang members with Old Battle Wounds miss the game on the roll of a 1 o
r 2. If the opposing gang has no members with an Old Battle Wound, XX can try to
poison an enemy combatant. Pick one ganger and have them take a Toughness test.
If failed, the ganger misses the next game. If passed nothing happens. If the g
anger rolls a 1, Brutus is spotted and must escape! Brutus is placed back in the
NPC pool.

2) Quaesitor Brun (+100 GR)

- Brun is experimenting with some old technology he found deep in the Underhive.
Before deployment, secretly select one of your participating gangers (note it o
n a piece of paper); this ganger is actually projecting a decoy ahead of him! Th
e first time he is hit with a ranged weapon, you must reveal that a decoy was hi
t instead! Redeploy the ganger within 4" of the 'decoy's position (on the same l
evel, not up ladders or through walls).
3) Roba Natus, Thief (+100 GR)
- Steal 2D6x10 Thrones from opposing Gang, however XX takes half the spoils for
4) Phagin (+100 GR)
- A recruiter of sorts for pickpockets and hoodlums, Phagin knows the right pers
on for the right job (for the right price). At the conclusion of the round, roll
a D6.
1-2= No Effect.
3-4= You may recruit a Juve (E) for half price [you must pay for his equipment a
nd weapons].
5-6= You may recruit a Juve (E) for free [you must pay for his equipment and wea
5) Nima the Rat (+100 GR)
- Nima scouts ahead, laying deadly traps for the enemy amidst the battlfield. Be
fore deployment, secretly select a piece of area terrain (note it on a piece of
paper); this piece of terrain in now mined! The first enemy model to move into t
his area suffers D3 S3 hits.
6) Boruk Willus, Local Guide (+100 GR)
- When taking territory from a rival gang, you may choose which territory to cla
im instead of rolling randomly. If no territory is stolen this round, you may re
-roll one territory when working.
(Can be recruited with either Investigation or Subversion)
*Dangerous!* When rolling to recruit from this table, you must re-roll your high
est die result.
-----------------------------1-2) Agent **REDACTED BY ORDER OF THE INQUISITION** (+150 GR)
- **REDACTED =][=** may be used to kidnap another NPC! To use *REDACTED =][=**,
the gang must pay a fee of 50 Thrones. Then, pick the target of the attempted ki
dnapping and roll a D6 (only NPCs may be targeted).
1= Spotted! The kidnapping is a failure and XX returns to the NPC pool.
2= Failure. No Effect.
3-5= Got 'Em! The target NPC is kidnapped and is added to the kidnapping gan, bu
t *REDACTED =][=** returns to the NPC pool to accept another mission.
6= That was pretty fun. The target NPC is kidnapped and is added to the kidnappi
ng gang. *REDACTED =][=** remains in the employ of the kidnapping gang.
Kidnapped NPCs!
When an NPC is added to your gang via kidnapping, make a note that the NPOC has
the 'Kidnapped' rule.
At the end of each scenario, roll a D6. 1-5= No Effect. 6= I'm Outta Here! The N
PC escapes and returns the NPC pool.
3-4) Andre of Ashtora (+150 GR)
- May attempt to tinker with a gangers weapon prior to the start of the scenario
. Pick a non-special, non-heavy weapon (these are too expensive or rare to risk

ruining!) and roll a D6. The weapon gains the following until the end of the rou

I made a mistake...: The weapons gains -1 to hit at all ranges

Well it glows now: Uh-Oh!: The weapon gains Get's Hot!
Extended Mag: The weapon subtracts one from ammo rolls
Optic Sight: The weapon gains +1 to hit at long range
Folding Stock: The weapon gains +1 to hit at close range
MORE DAKKA!: The weapon gains Sustained Fire +1

5-6) Servo-Skull YJC2249 (+150 GR)

- Servo-Skull YJC2249 is a legendary item, akin to a skeleton key allowing acces
s to areas of the Underhive that have been sealed for centuries. Many rumours an
d secrets revolve around this Skull, many believing it's existance to be a mere
Servo-Skull YJC2249 does not count towards upkeep costs. Whilst Servo-Skull YJC2
249 is in your gang, you gain the 'Ancient Secrets' territory. This territory ma
y never be stolen as the result of losing a scenario. When working the Ancient S
ecrets territory, roll a D6.
1: Mmmm-Monster!: The ganger working this territory must pass a Toughness or Ini
tiative test, or suffer a Serious Injury
2: Dust and Bones: Nothing of value has been found
3: Spore Cave: As per CRB
4: Strange Egg: The gang gains a one-use Hallucinogen Grenade.
5: Treasure!: The gange gains 3D6 Thrones
6: Mmmm-Motherlode!: Cashes of food and weapons provide 3D6x10 Thrones.
2-3: "As Expected" The player with the higher gang rating may choose
4-5: "Forward Planning" The player with the higher Investigation may choose
6-7: "Confrontation" Play the Gang Fight Scenario
8-9: "Cloak and Dagger" The player with the higher Subversion may choose
10-12: "Now's Our Chance!" The player with the lower gang rating may choose

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