Castration (Also Known As Gonadectomy) Is An Action

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Castration (also known as gonadectomy) is an action, surgical, chemical, or otherwise, by

which an individual loses use of the testicles. Surgical castration is

bilateral orchiectomy (excision of both testes), and chemical castration uses pharmaceutical
drugs to inactivate the testes. Castration causes sterilization (preventing them
from reproducing); it also greatly reduces the production of certain hormones, such
as testosterone. The loss of testicular testosterone also reduces sexual desire, obsession and
sexual behavior.
Pedophilia is a seriously case that it sometimes happen in our life. There are some
violence case that it happens to children up to sexual murder. To solve this problem,
the government has to make some punishment for pedofilia gelding. There are pro
and contra with this issue
religious leaders reject this sentence because it is a denial of the human nature and
against God's prerogative.
some political figures are also opposed because the gelding is considered inhumane
punishment and there are no facts about the effectiveness of castration punishment
for pedophilia.
health minister also rejected, gelding punishment would deprive the doctor,
because it does not comply with the mandatory ethics treating physician not spoil.
ladies minister approved the empress have penalties for cases of sexual assault on
children is an exceptional case that should be handled with remarkable that the
perpetrators deterrent
some people also approved it for punishment gelding considered appropriate for

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