AOM Academy User Guide

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The AOM Academy: User Guide

Active Operations Management (AOM) is a revolutionary approach to balancing the three key
targets of cost, quality and serviceenabling your organisation to deliver its strategic aims in a
controlled, efficient manner. The AOM Academy is the online training and knowledge management
space of Active Operation Management International (AOMi).
This guide will help you to log in, navigate and enrol on courses in the AOM Academy. The AOM
Academy can be found at:

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Section 1: Basic Setup and Navigation .......................................... 3
1.1 Creating an account and logging in ....................................................3
1.2 Navigating the AOM Academy and enrolling on courses ........................5
1.3 Editing your profile and changing your password .................................8

Section 2: Using AOM Academy training materials......................... 11

2.1 Viewing Academy resources ............................................................ 11
2.1.1 Viewing PDFs ............................................................................................... 12
2.1.2 Viewing AOM eLearning units ......................................................................... 13
2.1.3 Viewing Workware eLearning units .................................................................. 15

2.2 Completing implementation roadmaps ............................................. 18

2.3 Viewing your grades ...................................................................... 20
2.4 Completing feedback questionnaires ................................................ 21

Section 3: Advanced Options and Accreditation ............................ 23

3.1 Contributing to forum discussions .................................................... 23
3.2 Quizzes and tests .......................................................................... 30
3.3 Completing assignments................................................................. 32

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Section 1: Basic Setup and Navigation

1.1 Creating an account and logging in
1) Navigate to using your web browser. The first time you visit the AOM
Academy, you will need to create a new user account. Click Create new account on the
bottom right hand side to take you to the new account page.

2) You will be asked to choose a username and a password. Follow the instructions for choosing a
password carefully; it must be at least 8 characters, include lower and upper case letters, and
have at least one digit and one non-alphanumeric character. An example of a password which
follows these rules is:
8 characters
An upper case letter


A lower case letter

A digit

A non-alphanumeric character

You then need to fill in some personal details. To help us in ensuring that you have access to the
appropriate material for your organisation, please use your work email address and city/town. You
will be sent an email to allow you to complete registration, so please make sure you type in the
correct address. Once you have filled in your details, click Create my new account.

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3) You will see a message telling you that an email has been sent to the address you provided.

When you check your email, you should see an email from AOM Academy Administrator with the
subject AOM Academy: account confirmation. It will contain a link which you will need to click (or
copy and paste into your web browser) in order to confirm your account registration. This link will
then automatically log you in to the AOM Academy.

4) On future visits to the AOM Academy, you will need to enter the username and password you
selected and click Login. If you forget your password or username, click on the Forgotten
your username or password? link and follow the instructions.

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1.2 Navigating the AOM Academy and enrolling on courses

1. Once you have logged in to the AOM Academy you will see the main Academy homepage. From
here, you can find and enrol on the online courses offered by AOMi, edit your profile, find help
with any aspect of the Academy, or log out. The majority of courses require you to enter an
enrolment key (password) the first time you access them. Your core coach will provide this.
Once you have enrolled on courses, they will appear on your My Courses page.
These links will
let you find and
enrol on AOMis
online training

Click here to
edit your
personal details
and preferences
or change your

Click here to
log out when
you have
finished using
the AOM

Use these links

to find help if
you have any
problems using
the AOM

2. The first time you visit, or when you want to enrol on new courses that you have not studied
before, you will need to use the category links located in the top left of the page to find the
course you want. Click on the appropriate link for the type of course you want to enrol on.
Once you have enrolled on courses, clicking this link will take you directly to them.
If your core coach has enrolled you on any courses, they will also appear here.
This link will take you to courses designed to be studied before, during and after
an implementation. There are courses for team members, leaders and managers.
This link will take you to courses which result in certification, accreditation or
qualifications, including the AOM Africa accreditation and ILM qualifications.
This link will take you to courses designed to support the use of Workware. This
includes courses for new users and for all users after product upgrades.
This link takes you to any other courses, including Simulation courses.

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3. Once you have clicked on your chosen category, you will be taken to a list of courses that are
linked to that category. To enrol on a course, click on its name. The example below shows the
Workware category, but all categories follow the same structure.

4. The first time you go to a particular course, you will be prompted to enter an enrolment key.
You should have been given this by your core coach. Make sure you enter it accurately, taking
care with the number 0 and the letter O, and click Enrol me.

This will take you to the main course page for your chosen course. If you have problems with your
enrolment key, please contact your core coach. You only have to enter this enrolment key once as
the AOM Academy will remember that you are enrolled on this course on future visits.

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Once you are on the main course page you can access the course material, view your grades
for any tests you have taken, unenrol yourself from the course, and change your profile settings
and preferences. Further sections of this guide offer help with these options.
This unenrols you from the course. Only
do this when you no longer want access
to this course; unenrolling will also
mean you lose any recorded grades.

resources and
quizzes for
this course.

View your
grades for
this course.

6. On future visits to the site, you can find courses you have enrolled on by clicking on My

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1.3 Editing your profile and changing your password

You can edit your profile to add, remove or change personal information and login details as well as
to set some personal preferences for how the site appears and functions.
1. There is a Settings block on the left hand side of the home page and most course pages. Click
the My Profile Settings link in this block.

2. This will show a sub-menu giving you various options.

This allows you to edit personal details and set user preferences.
This allows you to change your password.
This allows you to set preferences for how you are notified of new
messages, forum posts and more. These features are not currently used.
This allows you to set preferences for how you view Blog posts. This
feature is not currently used.

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3. Editing Personal Details: To edit your personal details or preferences, click Edit Profile.

4. You will be taken to a page the outlines the different options that you can edit. Explanations of
each option are shown below. Once you have made any changes, click Update Profile.

Your name (as displayed in the top right)

Your email address display preferences; as default, users
enrolled on the same course can see your email address.
These settings control whether you are emailed when there
are new forum posts. These are not currently used.
These affect how your computer displays the Academy.
Switches on a screen reader to assist vision impaired users.
Your location, time zone and preferred language.

These options are not currently in use.

You can choose to enter further contact information.

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5. Changing your password: To change your password, look for the Settings block on the left
and click Change Password.

6. You will then need to enter your current password once and your new password twice; make
sure your new password meets the requirements on being at last 8 characters long and
containing lower and upper case letters and at least one digit and one non alpha-numeric
character. An example of a password which follows these rules is:
8 characters
An upper case letter


A lower case letter

A digit

A non-alphanumeric character

Once you have entered your new password twice, click the Save changes button.


Next time you log in, you will need to use your new password.

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Section 2: Using AOM Academy training materials

Once you have created an account and enrolled on a course as described in Section 1, you are ready
to start accessing the eLearning materials on the AOM Academy. There are a range of different
documents, slideshows, quizzes and checklist. This section of the User Guide will help you to access
and complete all of these materials.

2.1 Viewing Academy resources

1. Navigate to the course page for the course you are studying as described in Section 1. The
example below shows the Team Leader course in the Implementation section, but other
courses work in the same way.
2. You will be able to see the various eLearning resources for this course in the centre of the page.


The different icons to the left of the resource names indicate different types of resource. This part
of the user guide will focus on PDFs - and eLearning modules . For other resources,
such as forums, roadmaps and assignments, please see later sections of the user guide.

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2.1.1 Viewing PDFs


To view a PDF (

), click the name of the resource you want to open.


Some resources will appear in a pop-up window. You may have to allow pop-ups to make this
appear; if the resource does not appear, look for a warning box saying that a pop-up has been
blocked and change your browser settings to allow pop-up windows on this site.


Other resources will appear directly within the same browser window.


Whichever way the resource is displayed, you can scroll up and down to view all of it.

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2.1.2 Viewing AOM eLearning units


To view an eLearning module (

), click the name of the unit you want to open. Please note
that the Test elements in the AOM eLearning modules may not work on Apple devices.


The front page of the eLearning unit will appear. Ensure Normal is selected and click enter. As
with PDFs, you may have to allow pop-ups in order to view the eLearning modules.


The first page of the eLearning unit will be displayed with a contents list to the left.
Click the

arrow (referred to as Next) to progress through the unit.

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At the end of the unit there is a test. Click Start test to go the first question.


Answer each question and click Check Answer to see if your answer is correct.


Once you have read the feedback on your answer, click Next Question. For some questions you
may need to scroll down or drag the navigation block out of the way in order to see the Next
Question button.

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When you have completed all of the questions, you will be given an overall mark and feedback.
You have now completed this eLearning unit and can move on to another unit by going back to
the main course page and choosing the next unit.

2.1.3 Viewing Workware eLearning units


To view a Workware eLearning unit (

), click the name of the unit you want to open. Please
note that the Workware eLearning units may not work on Apple devices.


The front page of the eLearning unit will appear. Ensure Normal is selected and click enter. As
with PDFs, you may have to allow pop-ups in order to view the eLearning modules.

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The first page of the eLearning unit will pop up in a new window with a contents list to the left.
Each slide will play through automatically. At the end of each slide, click the large
(which will be flashing) to progress to the next slide.



There are quiz slides throughout the unit to help you check your understanding. Answer each
question then click Submit.

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You will be told whether your answer was correct or incorrect. To continue to the next question or
slide, click the


At the end of each unit, there is a summary of the topics covered. You have now completed this
eLearning unit and can move on to another unit by going back to the main course page and
choosing the next unit.

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2.2 Completing implementation roadmaps


For each phase of the implementation, there is a roadmap (

) to complete. Roadmaps are
checklists which help you and your core coach to monitor your understanding of AOM principles
and progression through the implementation.
Click on the roadmap for the appropriate phase of the implementation.


The roadmap then appears. As well as an overview of the implementation phase, you will see a
list of check boxes. Click the right hand boxes to check off each item as you achieve them.

Please note:
Items in plain black text are required
Items in grey italic text are optional
eLearning units and tests are automatically checked off when you complete
them. Although they appear in the list, you cannot check these off yourself.

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Your entries are automatically saved, so you do not need to click a save button. Simply return to
the main course when you have finished.


Most roadmaps also need to be signed off my your core coach. If your roadmap has two sets of
checkboxes, the left hand check boxes will be filled in by your core coach. Once they have
confirmed that you have achieved each item, the progress bars will be filled in. If your roadmap
does not need to be signed off by your core coach, the progress bars will be filled in as you tick
items off.
The example below shows a student who has checked off all of the items, completed the
eLearning units and had their roadmap confirmed by their core coach. You can go back in to your
Roadmap at any point to check your progress through the implementation phase. You can also
see your progress against the roadmap on the My Courses page.

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2.3 Viewing your grades

1. It is possible to view all of your grades and marks for a specific course in one place.
From any main course page (for example The AOM Team Leader), click on Grades in the
Settings block on the left hand side.

2. A page showing all of your grades and your progression through the roadmaps will be displayed.

3. You can return to this page at any time to check your progress and grades.

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Completing feedback questionnaires

1. You may be asked to provide feedback through a feedback questionnaire (

) on the AOM
Academy. The feedback questionnaire may appear at the bottom of another course, for example
The AOM Team Leader course, or you may be asked to visit a separate course.
Click on the name of the feedback questionnaire.

2. You will then see an introduction to the feedback questionnaire. Click Answer the questions to
continue to the questionnaire itself.

3. Answer the questions. These may include multiple choice questions and questions where you are
required to type an answer. Some questions are required and some are optional. Required
questions are marked with a red star. If you do not complete a required question, it will be
highlighted in red and you will be unable to continue to the next page. Questionnaires can be set
up so that your response is anonymous; Mode tells you whether the questionnaire is anonymous
or whether your name will be included.

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4. There may be more than one page of questions. If so, you should click Next page to continue.

5. When you have completed all of the questions, you will have the option to submit your answers or
cancel. If you choose cancel, your answers will not be submitted. The answers you have filled in on
each page are automatically saved when you click to the next page, so you can return to them and
change them before submitting your answers.
When you are happy with your answers, click Submit your answers.

6. A page will be displayed which confirms you have completed the feedback questionnaire.

7. You can now close the page and navigate to another part of the Academy.

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Section 3: Advanced Options and Accreditation

3.1 Contributing to forum discussions
1. Some courses on the AOM Academy include discussion forums. These allow users to start and
respond to discussions. To contribute to a discussion ( ), navigate to the course which contains
the appropriate discussion forum. The example below shows the AOM Champions Forum course.
Click on the name of the forum to which you would like to contribute.

2. From here, you have a range of options. You can add a new discussion topic; you can read and
respond to a discussion which has already been started; or you can use the Search function to
search all forum discussions for key terms.

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3. To start a new discussion, click Add a new discussion topic.

4. Fill in a Subject and Message. Note that the Subject is all that is initially displayed to other users
so this should be clear and descriptive. You can also choose whether to receive emails every time
a new post is made in this topic through the Subscription settings.
You can also attach a file to your post. If you do not wish to attach a file, skip to step 11. If you
wish to attach a file to your post, click the Add button next to Attachment.

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5. When you click Add, the File Picker will appear. If you wish to attach a file you have already used
elsewhere in the Academy, you can click Private Files and all files you have used before will
appear. To upload a new file, click Upload a file.


Click Browse to choose a file to upload from your computer.

7. Click on a file from your computer to select it and click Open.

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You can change the name of the file by typing a new name in the Save as box, or leave it blank
to use the files original name. You can also edit the Author name which is displayed, and change
the type of licence. The default setting is All rights reserved, which is the appropriate setting for
most files which you have created. Click Upload this file to attach it to your forum post.


Once you have completed all of the required sections, click Post to forum to post the new
discussion topic to the forum.

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10. A message will appear confirming that your post has been added. You can only edit your post for
half an hour. Click Continue to return to the list of discussion topics or wait for the page to
automatically continue after a few seconds.

11. To read and respond to a discussion topic, click on the name of the discussion topic.

12. Any posts in that discussion will be displayed. To reply to the discussion, click Reply in the
bottom right corner of the post. The Edit and Delete options are only available on your own
posts and are usually only available for half an hour after posting.

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13. Fill in your response to the post in the Message box. As with posting a new topic, you are able to
attach files and choose whether to receive emails when there are new posts. Click Post to forum
to add your post to the discussion.

14. A message will appear confirming that your post has been added. You can only edit your post for
half an hour. Click Continue or wait for the page to automatically continue after a few seconds.

15. You will see the whole thread of the discussion, including your new post.

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16. To search all forum discussions for key terms, return to the list of discussion topics (step 2).
Type your search term in the Search Forums box then click Search Forums.

17. A list of all posts in discussion forums which contain your search term will be displayed. You can
click on the discussion name to view the whole discussion

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3.2 Quizzes and tests


Some courses on the AOM Academy, in particular the Accreditation courses, require you to
complete quizzes and tests. To take a test ( ), navigate to the course which contains the
appropriate test. The example below shows the Team Leader Accreditation course.
Click on the name of the test that you want to take.


An introduction to the test will be displayed. Many of the tests allow only ONE attempt look
carefully at the number of Attempts allowed and do not start the test until you are sure you are
Click Attempt quiz now to begin the test.


You will be reminded of the number of attempts that you are allowed and asked to confirm that
you wish to continue. Click Yes to take the test.

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Work through all of the questions, following any instructions carefully. Click Next at the bottom
of each page to continue to the next page of questions.


When you reach the end of the questions, you will be shown a summary of which questions you
have answered. Ensure that you have answered all of the questions and that you are happy with
your answers, then click Submit all and finish. You will be asked to confirm you are happy to
submit your answers; click Yes.


An overview of your attempt will then be shown. For most tests the results are available
instantly, but for others you may have to wait for the test to be marked manually before you can
view your grade. Grades can be viewed at a late date through the Grades function; please see
section 2.3 for instructions.

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3.3 Completing assignments


As part of the accreditation course, you are required to provide evidence in the form of
assignments and witness statements. To complete an assignment (
), navigate to the course
which contains the appropriate assignment. The example below shows the Team Leader
Accreditation course.
Click on the name of assignment that you want to complete.


The task for this assignment will be displayed. Read the task carefully.


Most assignments include templates which allow you to structure your assignment. To access the
template for each assignment, return to the main Accreditation course page and click on the
folder Assignment Templates.

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A list of available templates will be displayed. Click on the template you want to download and
save it to your computer.


Open the template and complete the required sections, then save your work to your computer.


Once you have prepared your assignment, return to the Accreditation course page and click on
the name of the assignment you have completed.

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Check that you have completed all of the required sections, then click Upload Files to allow you
to attach your work.


Click on Add to select a file to upload. Note that there is a maximum file size of 1MB. However,
you are able to submit multiple files.


The File Picker will appear. If you wish to attach a file you have already used elsewhere in the
Academy, you can click Private Files and all files you have used before will appear. To upload a
new file, click Upload a file.

10. Click Browse to choose a file to upload from your computer.

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11. Click on a file from your computer to select it and click Open.

12. You can change the name of the file by typing a new name in the Save as box, or leave it blank
to use the files original name. You can also edit the Author name which is displayed, and change
the type of licence. The default setting is All rights reserved, which is the appropriate setting for
most files which you have created. Click Upload this file.

13. The file will appear in the list of files you are including in this assignment. You can add multiple
files here. When you are finished, click Save Changes.

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14. The files you have added will now appear at the bottom of the assignment. You can add or
remove files by clicking Edit these files. When you have attached all of the required files, click
Send for marking.

15. You will see a warning that once you submit this assignment, you will be unable to make any
changes to it. Click Continue.

16. You will be returned to the main assignment page. You can review the assignment you have
submitted, but are no longer able to make any changes.

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Copyright 2012 Active Operations Management International LLP (AOMi).
All rights reserved.
Active Operations Management International LLP
Forbury Court
12 Forbury Road
Tel: +44 (0) 118 907 5000

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