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Kevin Middleton

Dr. Gulla
Content Pedagogy Part 2: Elements 1-4
For Content Pedagogy Part 2: Elements 1-4, I used the assignments from Dr.
Gullas class on Inquiry and Learning. We were studying the book, Between
The World and Me by Ta-nehisi Coates and I was absolutely captivated by the
theme of the book and the many powerful quotes that oozed from it.
My informal text and formal text satisfies element one. My thoughts on the book
are in the Word Document artificat. My formal text is the powerpoint
presentation. That purpose of the presentation was to show how much the book
truly impacted me. I was able to take the book and make it real to my life. In the
book there is much dialect and in the book they even talk about the affect of
police brutality on black communities and how that all plays into the prison
pipeline. That is also in my powerpoint. In this way, all the elements are

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