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English composition 2

Difference of older Korean generation and young Korean generations
Difference between older Korean generation and younger Korean generation is getting deeper
as the time goes by. People wonder why the younger generation of Korea has changed so much over
50 years and it is quite interesting to observe what changes people experienced. The change started
as the 21st century begins including their characteristics, future plans, and individualism.
First and foremost, the characteristics of younger generation in Korea are far different from
the older ones. Current generations in Korea tend to get together with people theyve known for certain
amount of time such as in their schools or works. Most of younger generations think that they do not
have enough free time to enjoy their hobbies or personal experiences. Usual ideas among youngsters
have is that it could be waste of time to meet new people if it is not for their benefits. Cold
atmosphere of competition such as their wealth, working status are pure examples of emulation.
However, older generations in Korea think it is important to have good reputation among people in
their towns. The discrimination in older generation was more serious that they had no choice but to
build good reputations.
Secondly, decreasing number of working rates in Korea has made it more difficult for younger
generations to have dreams. Older generations in Korea had more chances to work in stable
companies in their time. People in their 50s and 60s were only had to graduate college to work in
major companies that is famous nowadays. However, younger generations are suffering in the agony of
getting stable jobs, it is even hard to start internship in companies for those who did not graduate
university. The conflict between the old and young generations of Korea has built up bigger than ever
due to enormous number of losing jobs in 2010s.
Lastly, the view of political events and the participation rate of voting are different. As stated
above, younger generations tend to be disadvantageous in social matters, but the whole
consequences might happened due to younger generations indifference in politics. The interest of

politics for older generations in Korea was very high compared to the younger ones and the motives
came from their daily lives. Older generations everyday life was pressurized by the government with
unfair policies for university students, and many labor unions were threatened by major companies in
late 1990s. It is not quite right for older generations to scold younger generations that they lack
efforts in their works, but it is also incorrect for younger generations to defend themselves by ironic
pretexts of difference in recent circumstances.
In conclusion, the realization of hardships in current society for younger generations is getting
deeper and deeper. It is quite irresponsible for older generations to scold younger generations for not
trying their best in their lives. Instead, the older generations should advise their sons and daughters
how to overcome such difficult times giving examples about their lives in the past. Such differences
between two different generations show that peoples mindset change as the time goes by and as the
environments develop. To resolve these issues, harmony between old and young generations should
be done in social influence by people living in current society.

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