The Immortality of The Soul

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\I\ 1N\\\'

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r .

So farreforth as it is dcmom _
rable From the KnoWledge d v
NATURE and the Ligh;
of REA.S "0N..

By HEN R_Y _M OR zfeow o Chzis

Colledge in Cambridge;

nary-&u- G a'c'e'ey. ZFLTAEOV TO 4-uxa7v, 25) TQTH;

&aim-'ds 'i a; Heaven; vop-Zeaau, Pjtbag.

Qidjucmzdim quhmcirequidimm, quid

fuerimwz quiderimmk z- atque cum In; etiqriz

at ' ucuprqma
dium Mundi
qctm victudines
i . ictapo


Printed by 17, Fleur, for Williarix Mordm

Bookellct in Cambridge.








































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. 'TO- thc

Honourable. A -

E D- WzA-= R. D
1 _--_L0'tc{ V-icz9ugt__'C ON W;A ctY - _

lgLfll L 'r A; T'i_


My' Lodz = L *.';:' -. .

,. . . Hough r! be nodgnorant of

3,- yorz Lordhipsi *.aVcrnc{s-*

NP -: i 'from all- addregs i-of this?

' - 3

' . kinde;- *(Whc't-hcr}it*bc that

oUr-Lordhip hast'akcn noti'd'e ofthan

ual vanity ofeihoie "that dedicgtb
IOQks; r in- zbdQiuringKm f oblige

1'cir r:1-'(a't1:ons K by ovct-lswi-h "Prai'i:s;

JCh as much-cXccc'd- thdmrorthr of the
argy- 'zthey _*.thtgsy ugmeaukabl com

mend ;L_ Or whet-he? it be from? a natiqi

11- mode-y. that-caitinotabdafz T ctno not
'3 _ muchv as _a..ju Ifepreentzztion' of

Olir own, vCrtuEs and 'abi-l'i'tisg or

Lly, from. a a mo true bbcrvatidnj

lat there; 'are zia'cryzew Trcjati-'cs writ

7hid-1: are, - any? zt'hi'ng more1 thctdn meek
*ran=criptions> or collection-5 . but' of

A z

' other

The Epile Dedicatary;

other Authors, whoe Writings have

- - already been conmtedro the Name'
and Memory 'of ome other; worthy '
Perons'Long ince deceaed; o that

they doe but atcr'* 'manner rob the

dead,to furnih themelves with Pre
ents cooffer to the living) Yet not

wichanding this averenes of your

Lordhip, or Whatever grounds there _

may bemmiedchereo,
l could not 3
rimr making, ehiepreencDedication. No: o Much l__ confes to 3
gratify your Lordhip (though it

none ofthe
be Gomplements)
l doe not
o great
as intake
of H
the Emes 8: urablme omine own' *
actions; ax'mng which I can nde

none moreex: &ly.ju &betting'th'

this 5 there' being many coniderations

that give you a pewliar right and title' *

to the Patromge of this Preent DiIL 1

coure. For, beides your Lordihipz



The Epi/lle Dedicatory.

skill in Philooph'y Be real ene 0Pie

ty, cwo'iich/endowments as are rarely to be found together (epecially inPer
ons of high quality) and-yet withou:
which matters of this' nature can neie

- ther' be read with any relih nor eaily;

imderood 5 there are alo-other things
ill more peculiar, 8c which naturally'
doe direct and determine me to the
For from
WhetherourI ct
lelf-'GcneareRelations,epecially om
your noble 8: vertuous Lady, whom-1
i can never think on but'wich admirer

tion, * nor mention wirhouttthehighe '

repectzor whether I reCOllectFWith-my

elrhe r occaion of buying my '

Fhoughts upon. this Subject, which.

was then when]

thi honour and

xzxltmc ofreading Pea-Coma his Pai:

(mits with yourLordhiP in the Gar-s

den oFLuxenburg to pas away the time,
' (in whichTTeatie though there be no.

thing bin-what is handame and wir


The Epile Dedzicatarj,

ty,-i yet all did not eem o, perfectly

olid and atisfactory to. me but that I

was forced in ome principal things to

eek atisfaction 'from rny dz) ' or

laly, callto minde that Izleazmt'lre-v

tirement t enjoyed at Raglcy during zmy
abode-wit'h-your Lordhip; my civil
treatment there,x*om that Perfect. and. '

unexceptionable patternof arrulyNo

' ble & Chriian Marron,the Right HO- .
nourable your Mother 3 theole'mnes

o the ,Place,_thoe hady' Walks, thoe

Hills & Woods, wherein often having
lo the ight'gothe re o. the World',

and the iW'orld of. me, '1. zzundzoutifn

that hidden olitude the c'hoicc Thee

' YziWhaher-l:
'O'ries in the Following
all theeLi'I eimian'ces, orany. 0Frthem,...12c0uld V not but. judge them _-_mbrzc-then_ enough

, todeteimine.,-Tm'y choice-to
1 w - a:o i-wotchy'
ctornir i
.r Nor coiild- the abovezilicnt'ncgl

urmies beat me fro mm7dei'g9g3d3 i



, _

ara'reacbingtherteni &are.For
--asaritriy*art,l ZlrfF,)Ygf_e12aI-"OM('F '

Mv'ulgar Eidquenedg deattjneithmotie
piegefosany gropdvauwgeTjmulll

evglrzmakefewpgoiow unbu

fetw the vil-si 'ie-Eaxrvyr

he rickiiisgimwa lauesazvbnr- ,

glory; 'ed-'actlehegj "nareZt'Sie dFan-(DSothatydni-Eordefhght

''e'ifediife a? Mghingzhezr Manna
Linea verily'orte "ifeviaidgrthwgm
&Wefzirnii minde WMMMBTHL *



your Ehips': vzrctresmdncczsznz

Wfsif TW'WZ-YVSir-V
nels bthe; &> theT'eEneGfdffFE
d 'iBnOt-o
'sniode A;

inuiedz it to &e
that, xighx-Wlzsthcrtermine-'r by; d

The Epile Dedicdtbov.

; , Am la] ,. for that cruple concer

, orwho,asictilc'dgCO
it wicre,rob the
,_ Monu'ments of the dead to; adornz'the

ring; it is the onely thingthatlean *

without vanity Profe, that what-1 q

fer'so your LP-is properly my mutual-at
is taay,that the invenuonzappllcation
of 'the Reaon: and


Argumcnts corn jrihd in this Book

whether for con utation on;
tidn, is the 'genuine reult of-xny own
Jzllmhdz no old

' npurloinedor t

edfrqmout j

WritcirS. What truth &qlidity'ztheteis i

' in-myPrincipEs-and Reaqxiingi were

too;_ etermine.
Thismu'bc- lcte the?
judgements ofuch free &dilhcmipgz
firits as your Lordhip t, With:


J dt-"aavourablc ccnczitf Fin- BF, the,
greater obligationBccncOMWmWz:

' '
' -yzaitioukmmukciivdervant;
"LA-An- 'in-o.



as: 2.."



'I T'zi-jfl

The Cd'tanmoftbc.'P9'gm.5:.n-; '

" :. i m t'- .' 'm uf'zeunir-l' mid-'r

lo' The TitIe'Aoi-ZatlieDinoin-fe hnwio istto "

be'nndetood. a'. Therunhonsubmi

3---ion of his Whoiewflfiieariem theinfdli

=-'_-ble*Rnle of Sacre'd Writ. :g,>A-*piainmd

_- monkes-didde Danbnratinulnt Mater

mea' zopans indiccrpible'z 4. Anim

warm an-OBjeemjooudiinghis De
I 11

oventhonirs fifthe- Earth. 452.- A

con rmation of Mr. Hpbbrzhis. ' "on,

thatPetception is really one with or o
real Motion ndtkeactinncr if' there
it; nothingfbui"zWd' 'ihmWOhHi '61


'ApologieForthe Vehieieq of Man-rend:

' v"Soals, eparate: > 7.' As elfoqnwhis'o
*- punnaliyaz'.decrlbitigldiekhtea
-.i0ther..hfe', 'and (o curidnzxzd'eninglhe
* num; ofi Particuiar.-Spn*it.<.&: Sha'c h
ual'zbnt- Diatineea.
he 'decribes
helm nntmnde

theateof' thewicbedngdd eay forTthem

oihertmldg.zro;-;That it is, nor
one Wivetail'aSoule thatzhears, ee: anii
' reaOns in every
demohuted terne?

'the ActsofMemotyejr, Ofthe. spri

'fNatm'zrhit-itis ndobenre'P'rtnctplq _ A'

3: not:ei\eat_'", rz. Till:




The Preace.
he has abolutely demonrated the Exi
encethetfeof. 3132., That-'the admiion
of that Principle 'need be no hinderance

one' th'

ghd WMPhQo by:

eqgnemlmure ti-that. 'huto

-Z IihtiMdrmeidml. petnnsa

' Olimrhat

hmliceminellt it would he: 'i Linian-te:

me . in eit- Lnhe Bqi'ori
-:::ins'0 gChMhte. :m.t5Anmne'0f



Audthdlrt-therlra oincezt'many rational
(noBemduiSpiri-f 'zo ncizmr Lia-0
Navel,- i': w eno Y}_';;_-t -noljrz-zz.*..<a'*.:,rli
" TT'lMtift 'dye-lid!" mric

' hij Wbutzgdzindwf

buzMn ''dmNrWo
'Am-oh dal. wxaqtinrzir
mist' from'tboghbpc

mlxepfmh'hkdtginy In q'idtmio'- in
kid' hewcto. ' * bit third] L'izgbghrc
mnzfuyixainirg added

u'xgwbdavek 1 Wheirue.dnoion Tth their

ii 'in 2:- Flz. *1.
that 1b62-vmMeVmy Dzcilufenimy
zfeem 4

lid' tmht'ttluenbx'bm Trhndiz'ke aft/'e 5

maw hadr amknt-z 'f
' and?
MtMtbnr-M'fg be
t a

&The.- Pfredde.

'w " MAN- qortbyimruwhte

abode; r'dniipybemt
'f- ries

'M tWxw-aht



chuck- , " do 'an ' Mwdtimim

zf-mzmrmki iekd'a



wit/1 'the * fy) Te
.\ roll-13 ,..3\:**\:n IXI'L'Z i Ir-i'K-n Quit-X
But if 'ieifoifmcr-I mnmywmw
culty the" sir? WdetYfeWWHf

Many 'J'MiTZ-TvrMMBHZL int-Brim

Iol'y eMajrMZml-upr bwdi


alm _ winds' Mieztnuktrhkzeitberd

Sfir wive i WwWlrbw-Mntziumr:

tal SMe,*#bIe}\.)i-h dihbeiiiiktrdw nbbb'ip
rience oSene, or 'the clearnes of ReaTnh

flu- former wiz'errazfxa- WW izt Mu e

thee Izo'ld- aenygw iofrhqiwwrizy
Son-le him:
a nephew-3 win-'3 de
aer=5Dad{-br no;Yibd-WF>

uPqn'<ratiml"gfkiu* =ztltndmizzpnrttizmb

rbczn'teyjamz' '_ Muy- NNW

and fnndziwwiu

a 2


h'-ay their zc'kedce pruned: .


Rue aguingimfrb: advere my; x [pi-m,

Mirxwcdly 'Idea-e' of them, (their an" dign:
it thy.that
to be tanza-3

* 'it in' t it 'rim _ m 'nbertlu'izwx theirs.

Mr MA'MMM Jlylfh m meum-yf

'hit Cap/e wele) him ent-'la 4 And m's
But Malkin'/zing I' ye, 'In uid

e H''HPM my 'W
Ioggt. Wlzmfm I. a 'cq'n'rr Mm-'Mdjto
pen-e 'ii/24' I lum written, be are they-um

Me rit' 'waged-(zem i add ter. the] have

full Me widdrdmNb-'t'lw wolde
' - tlza-_Guuq--1-.bundance/e; _I

Main mmuz ajxr. 'In-it. (thy 'anew/1,

hav'n-'1741. Part jw'of. WJHDM'M tas
'in thy di utnfawgk "chemit w mld

elden -t cmzifl,
In dlcmmn


gz ..Bal:a.t/1'c'at{m I. wmr with more made

lmd- 'ubmiah 'at 'In itte of my

Voide: not pmirilj Limplyfanyprmie of

it-fall paid Perfirct a pemmration, that no
Ythingem be ddqdr 'the rmrr aurance of
thmh; 5343. Mebjdfte my be ex

ftctdza dent 'at tree d$> Natural Reaon

will aord an;" Aft-'n- Michjbgyhould- m
(Imi infecte, that!
acknowledge afnrtber'

m(mia VVhen-'dame comprehended


t r.


The' Pli'eaee. ' r

to 'be giiimrlirj
'Neither *Iei]im**
deal barnewitbftboinotiicr
of bie-7

Reaon 'le
end Pn'lo
** But 7, declined
of t ot'rgommt
'at 'bit '.
time z only' beoiiy float-he dde 'm let!


I) thereof in' "my 'The-'If e_ _ vthe

Myery ofChriian Re igio'n," God' er;

mit 3 and partly bern? Few-1." no' "ab e' to
the prefent'Ti'le,w/:io
on'd within t eretard:
'bon-ito ofendit'him-al
Li bt, unacd and 'mgaided by an] 'him

m a.
' '*'*toncbi
** .
will be o ed m' pect-'cle
a: [mue a Gem'w to 'be e binde of' Cotton-'
platiom, and wholly widow; dongergj 'bej
ill rcmembrin * 'lb-it i' it 'be mio: of Reaon.
&Nmmhbic being 'n'bjoct to co'pio'
may 'very well be'dcfcctwm or erronmn in
their dictatcr
nd therefore- mber'e
'lever thy
> wit/1 the Di-v ne Orac or, 'bay mu med: be

ife from alfduction :_' 'bring/1, I oif, 'I

not know
I tbemjdxwt
m in 'Mr
_ doe
itbot any
di a which
m with

any qqicleer-gbte' 'son my

cover my 'bing not according'to 'bin Rain-if
may be an occaion of humble tbapkfnlm to
God for 'but great "priviledge of 'air ting


4' 4




Laws-Mr. which"


\ noisy-M
tial-t. excoriates-meate'

11, Eat

aenoa. i.< to... r:, I:

a. icftctw,
W-MW Its/7 ystmr
'Few-4.. r 'thee-Ne tle &eke. _.Wg}h
W'YP Few;



It' -*. .- tun-1

12.: .. -. 'Ki-Myi-Uw"
3 tbatzxh'qgd


- , 'to r'L-MM .-'<I-za.*zieimioggh<. x


\ WMLVWWTGd-m&ii-'AN '

Ham-tween,- "S , exixezeltmmdweoe

* 'and I '3. in" .'<.
3. I'I 'be Fir Book 'Exteriour onely;
G MZZBMyawn 1

xt-Pap -.r>.Ratucu.!FSPii'ic:n-. '0 A

ee I,.Aas.>dfetiltedeaad dwmccttzd


zexherzmeermzw Pater-Warm;

Fkehzmilm sat =xheraizumeeinnonys



-.-. me Miter-w!err,the(La-Matter?t
'him 1.fakro-tbebeldaiaha
Wwnttdrtcxn'. &se-cedar Riding:

U _ Qi'p1leMs,pmid<C->Mf-..ANill-'i
WNWMW Melt,- za't/acj;

&fj 'WHEN dlz JM'

'West wewwww-M me
MWrKfe-iwzafaew-Mm wi 'm- are

&With-NNWue-li-illa-1 without ZNMMV

W-F Writ Wire-Meat W'Fz


WtiUlCMffribct you'

Ham-being Moymdnilypiulem
mtmtbcrk '> Bid/gu timlmyf. arme:
Maker-rien- Mad-w' ' Whoe-its- &1122
fFWEIMJMM-MM judirio'rm TB'WT'. that

'time Me &ack. 2 indirerpiblezymbln

'IN-&Matin. ' de'mtble; ' vizglkbwbm


ndi- yt-lmzt'inpzmhtxgflyt

ingpatzk --,t'=1 Z/hallzlliinly -. word-'-wmzrd:?*

Hid-Yea flye-Head:i fault rdf)
lo im,



-,.''\.\*\-kt*'ttt'\t'i Qui ws:

Wit. mln'c'b Mxah-dzwzymayafmm

Muab'diwftod at) 'baye-w k.mde Hadde/re?

iMPartfMHrpiblA *.'.,'\ _*\I-:_"\j*-jtt'\

wRBf ail-'Nei- (LW 'that In{egrnl.&pfeom\_ '

ofter) it mcty
w 'form
Wtictml-fdwM-xpyaywn bewddd. *--:'* Yf; L'rtrutre 4

diatgin' 'to Z/we oifberm' L

mazptioh't cy'beilzg'botb
'*o'- '
no izowcmaion
int-Euclide'iqmore; clear;- - ixifombirb all-Mdtbomwio'd-ADZ-i

'It cannot Hutbdwnfed'
wrNefd-nidn' - > t-'beieforegniiiti
tbot'fbjtwlljwd vziayit kqbdmbk ini- .
in mit-tun; 'bough then pain that wnitofe 'aw

W--Q i *i
\ ,

rThe Preace.

a: ly intelectnay
of whatoever
5', is
it ,'bein
to 'r we
of 'be
or ex

,knon bt'm meaure-w otbe'. For, 'a take

away' a Bx'tenon, it to reduce dlbig onely
to. a Matbematical point, wbicb is not/'ing

d? but-'pare Negationor Non-entity z and

were being no' mecfmm betwixt extended and
not-extended, " no more then 'bare r'a betwixt

Bn'i'y and Non-emity; it r'a plain 'bar a

'bing be' at ad, it 'mo be extended. And
rberefm there is an Bential Extenon be
longing 'o tbZe indicerpible par-title: of
Matter;- wbic war 'be other property wbicb
was to be demonrated.
I know unruly Fancy will make mad work

bore, and clamour again 'be Conolnon a:

impoible. For nde Extenon (will ye
mu need:
Fi nre,
of part:
a diand
cannot but conceive tbem [lil actually divi
ible. But we, anwer, tbat when Mamr i:
Mr: actually divided a: farre a: pofibzy it
can, it i: aperfect contradiction it Ilion d be
divided anyfart/re' z as it i: alo that it canno' be divided actually a: farre a: it can
actnacty-be divided. And no ronger De
monration 'ben tbir a ainl them can be
brought again a: by eit er Fancy. or Reaon .'

and therefore up o/ing_we were but eqaal in

on' reaoning, _' is is enough togi-ue me 'be

The Prefacc;

"who . 'nel t'amend

or but
the-p aMy
if 5! 'hrzfhg

FIRST' .Mi"tl that. it is, at the other that' it

fewe' \M me den) me hue the: the thing is

Pe w'- ,de.-_>



w ;


Mette i me' thedwe-reeitedzlr 'intent

thou ' h the 'me newerunfwer oure, I ey,*the]g

indifcapi le partieies qfMetterha-ve 'tafio

gure' Ate/t: A innite. Creatnei hee no Fell

gure; ojxmize Littknehze time dl. And

a' Cuheihnitelj.
little in the execte
'4 K emtradictiew
me a C'theene',
rite/1 great in the _ ame en: qf Innity:
fqr- the an le: waxe] heaped in magnitude'

to _the.He rae thereo Bejides, 'ue me' are

aieged-yf man; thingsthat theirexey'emsf

not he: 'phy- tritht'nrith them in z \_ mev in the.

Inrzit] 'qf Dhratien and qfMaeter, er at lea

o v Speee. of the-truth whereqf though they
are 'te-ver
they conider
44 divi-i

ded,- eppo e, into three equal art! (all which

mu me he innite;" el e thewhole will'
not he-.__o) the 'middle part of each hi/[eem

hethinite And innite; for it 'is bounded at

hath ends. But euery thing has two handles,

a Epictems notes -,-. and he h 4 fool thar wi.
hym hie n er: with the hot handle, when he

may-haw afe hy the other that e'emore tra-ev


Me 4" wi,"' *

4. Cen

The Pnzw'i

ix: '4. Ceneerhtzng my Dew'wtumnz'the

Impoibzlity- _-0f_ the S'mis _bcing a Sp'kct'ai

thereof one
thtiti m- afgifsUb-MM,
ahyeetim, Via-The'
' though the atter/deed, hzfmbef 'harp-te?

dijtmrei'mrm fee

panter-ler' (big Pap

W 'Few
he het a wa! in 'thief-if' 'nerj
" e-in 1 'ehY'w'e hehlgtpe'thztgaf-he
Me dwoii? "Offen!3 weld JeezT-yeT'h'A

. hang hfe'xmzi yereepehhghemey ehz'rrge

he Thu/V '3M5'*(d<'t"i$e}{ee W'HL'" it' .
' '" theirepnta
the, Birth

djhnngdero 'Ypearte hint to' Egg;- w;

pteaeer = o'hoeg ojm mldhe mea' ready to

At;'th'ctt-a>zpe'r_"'e,*b 'elde -_u\tt"i e;

wM-fw'r the 'en-wan ' warm:

e' twfettz 'tith 'but zaeirrzwe -t Hugh "vdfele'u

'efe 'z yetihecmefe it eemY'iWthL-V grey ei-ede'

facing; man' have the m-e-fctitmz te

(enemYthMeyz-Y -Fie/fzzvthatvhibhzlectfiozi \
me' Ietzehdo 'ye rength


the" '

"the" Stmhe're OYZMAI-ZM

Whem: he

i B ' i

zz'ezi'hi '" huthiighmizo'zhd

ue: 'her harm' z'z-imeweing Mysia; me

Which this-31&he/heale!' he w- the 'Fehzzqleg

the:aztiemzihhefggringyf 'h'h-'e'idMht'eerz
Make-t he eected: < he: "je"
rent; t-hhtfehere
hay-"uch may' ereal- shepen; 'ad-(hire eye;"
hie vicldme w at I eentend

fit; 'That

Jbe: Prexed.

there-am Juimeh saw-ces. 't-"th

Wed-I. V But' thar-therein' m'futh and-um

RPJWiaIn Nztz'i'phenhy' he wamrithhqfd
up' i Men m
the-'Earth it'trefehhque any'itpe &te-5
To that:
t'et. him, Nukivkritt
aw; the

hall thht*lievh=*hi"i.WhM,

was gke't Fm hym-ent thnxhehp kwirh

Diwim't' in hid- 'A fU/NLMIJ; Mthyreaw
hit-'M . 'th W Pompenat'znsyCaMVNih
rius; and. other')
the dung. bfml: 'ark-1
, him', jthdt rrxtmd : robt'i therfdceit laid

adder: of Iu'eLt- hTe'np'A-s; maw: ewd

Me: 'that they-m hhtz. dedfdagdx'hmui *

Deitiet. Laly, though meheuluppG
' 'i-Epi
'LZYI h'Zvt'Jetx-the
ddtke sthElbhtcttiz
,_e' Aqmohcewitht'vtherdifdx'zl
We I"
dread] 'admitted in lmj
Imn'e, *mlzes it: bmrcdihle iMheMdey

ah*wfrkmkhkzady -'t'nteu_tty'Figterescex$t
w? mshixzewp'ziten thenfrerzg
'mlerzzxz AN TT.

fv *.-. '.-*T';T?*"-_G:)

.{5=-.- In MNMM*M_ thesijf i . _


Yafrhnvexm WHJJ'N
no. dximztyhic
'oiychn'ct N'M

d white-w'
z hin'=.up>te-

be ma:


' '8


=*iThc Prcacc.

'herein other: will holdthmfelm: mettenned. But lum', fig/I, that it will tumeed!

hitfollmerem tie/14: hinffg that' itit'n

eontet'tptt'hle yictery ta'- death/ture ug'itzp.

'eettfdent 'x feelen of lmn'zmiz

tial Sttbhnces, that' dram' named.

ged' ' Prinwletu will' nevehzihy 'infecte This;

Extmee ef-theminthe
TBlt-iJ) the.
'text late, itvt'llmt he, hard th prodxre rate
dam' lejeah; te;=wt't1_ee*thmritth._e Mix
Weimed Ajxtbme',
aht-SMU mld!
Matter, Jupyohg
mothi ' -\._
fame-with * Co'rpreal X Mogidn 'add Rch
*,-.\ 39. .;-.'\
mad a ,{3%\*\ '\ .1*'*.ml

- x for

ale; pink in Senaixiodz themhewe

lltnju' .externith.'hwtim r'emxahjek when

m Set-t WWHM- Meedthat iMdxCbL

Ttaxioni thtek"performed; Jdppcttrs.


eat that? Thinkin
- ate/ba

with.7ttoit-it_eft*'v=-terpreal. .'*=--mti*'*1f the'kehe'tid-z .


' Cogirelcion it elftie reMj*thtm'hiWbCatpoxeal MQtidn._?MeW'iMm=;Fed4-z

'him/te Cerporenl Motion ek-fzzud heaps:

timftenietgzit 'it neeewythat;'nimralja

in tt interval' agitation-'ap _ certain, am:

my! Meti'mj'mMi-ztelWede thoegrerit
kepte/1.', though; nati-diet:-1
. .'., .: '


, .

The? Ptbace;

<WM it
r.- Far'tho'nv'mldthetwe I
piggit m hym: [making it he:
tgihezlnfmut that 't e fdhtile-Hetm
z'z'ejt'hed or me. 'impre up', 'maid he m
more capable' e 36' itatim-lhl'il 'JWMQKZ
Gold;ate-It' *
hue _ wife/i (whaez made hat: --'t'4f<_-j't't 'tail

YMN'Ue NNW! Fit-NNW" ' mak!

'f'Geld-h-ee not an] 'Thought or Per'ceptidm't

act ztvlxhnteme. (rape/e er adzt'm pumme

hle Mtheir

hltdity, the, uche?

'Mattetzmt/I 'hedtjfhhawmnt With? A!

p/epttt'etuhle paion 'ruing-th, , W

(A it.

_'n them Lies-reward. lex-Mieux

colt' 'Apreeeles'Pmt in," 'With-a' ate:

Feet-mien Behind' fte'lt'ttgztyhithuht a
len .' 44' 'hill 'Wepte witnee,
laz ' httt that eeain it extipgttt' 'do the wate:

- ter; ting then it. ter'd grim; Big-Lead.

4g<th4tthetfqtj$ie general. t, t tial-r.
mite few-ered!
where thmwh'Cezgt'q

Wignzzfhe'di-uerwien e ,-th.ic. nal-'hind

colt'-'ctum- t' the-ditc- e union''it>a-.n.
etheyettzt had M-h __ , eme-m
4y?;the,2:m mpjzhei -*_.,1'W01f}2 lithetw
t e. prq
t et' tutor 4 ing anger.

the &pae-page : w h-.-b,w e he

(wheehvingjwwsctt nm'n-vr'eeiv
them' -W,



ner' H't-x


t set'
He eFvv'fdLWn
nxtiuj wttntd'DhfeiM-z

umwMug-Bzr agn-


gm Wefar after-de f [thy NERVE

mfe T-IheefMW
0 Fyzm



. Win-w'- MlhahMitt-WWMWW e
Wpu w ;*k3._).-.Q*3'T (m Kzr. nd No) Te
' 'i SH

my Mawhewmgwmptm SKYMQUSR

xmh hthe way-An hDnj-Mct at

wz- M-WW

lnj'h'niew '
head Jlfzbi,
Whg ' PWpA ix Fauces txFzz mak JL X ;

weete-ma was: mW_ Mzthewrhn "he

zammmww mhzvqfe


. my

NNW' _, Which'- ftYM-zcti'ozyy

me ffzteit-nWuMy-dzznwd


magwttzzhe=idzqhateea etahhzez-Yi
M VMWePhefW/Yng'fh MeW-eftt'dhct
mad'FWhiFt/tihh'-Wjgzeelthf 'PWJ'Y-F


imPmAw-vzxrhaw th? 'h-

X' int-33r

'me e

The Prefacc..
ma/ee the other part true, That there 12' nothing'
exient in Nature hut what it purely corpo
out of the Prineiple,
former part,
which it _
his ownBut
I haveiund

niahly demon/Zratea' that there ie.

6. The other Exeeption it again that Opi
nion I eem to emhraee touching the Vehielee
of Dnmons and Soul: eparate, an' having.
herein oended again/t the authority of the'v
Sehooles. And I profethtls is all the reaon
I ean imagine
they can have
my .
But. that
they mayzifthe
remernher thatauthority
the Sehooles
a more
emeltveit, that

ay, the Pythagoreans, Platonis, JeWih

Doctoursj and the Fathers of the Church', '
who all 'hold that ere-en the' puret Angel: harue,
corporeal Ve'h'ieles, But it 'will he hard. for,
the School: to alledge any. antient Authority

for their opinion. For Aridtlctheir great

Oratle 12: utterly ilent in thie matter, ne' not

r much at helie-uing the exienee'of Dee

mons in the world (no POmponatius and Va
ninus hh' worn dzeiples ha-ve to their great
contentment taleen notice of) And therefore

heing left to their own dry uhtilties, they ha-vc

made all Intellectual Being: that are not
grofly terrerial, aaMan to', purely immatef

Wherehy they make a very hideous'

Charne orgaping hreat'h in the order'ofthingt,



The Preace; *
tith de no moderate judgment will ever allow
of, end have heeo'ne very ohnoxiout to he
fvyled hy Athei/lieal wits, who are forward
and skilful enough to draw forth the ahurd

conequence: that lye hid in fale uppoitiont,

asVaninus does in thit. For he does notfoo
lihly eollect from the uPPt'Ed pure Immate
riality 'of Dxmons, that they have no know
ledge ofpartieular
Ineorporeal Eienee:
of impreion from Corporeal Ohjectt, and

therefore have not theSpeeiet ofany particular

thing that ie corporeal in their minde. Whence
he inert that all Apparitions , Propheeies,
Prodigiet, and whatoever miraeulou: hreeor
ded in antient Hiory, it not to he attrihuted
to, thee, httt tothat
the there
are ofthe
no uch

a Damon:
in the Mnivere.
I for
i things
i By which
kinde ofreaoning
alo it isA. eay
the Pychopannythites to upport their opi
the Slee
For the
all that
is cor
real, andhavingno vital union therewit at
nd, they will he very prone toitzer, that it 12:
intpofihlehe hould know any t ing :1'd extrzi,
'ifhe'ean o rnuohmr dream. For. even that

pow'r alo may eem intompetihle to her in

uch. aate, he having uch an eential ap
titude afor vital union with Matter. of o
,. -



The Preaxc.
' great conequence' it it' ometime; to Tdeert
the opinion of the Sehoolet, when Ftrrtething

more rational and more afe and ueful oenl

*itelfuntp its,

t" t


7, Thee are the main Ohjections

andeeond Book eem liahle unto. My lahI
to he moreI fofeee
common 'Exeeption
thiiit will
' he again it, it, That 'I have taken u on me to
ate ofthe at
other Ict-Worldipunctit
and the
hadv hee'n 'lately

in it. For over-exquitene'ntiay ee'n tomel

ofart andfraud, And. no' there it adiideney
many time: in to: when * we. hear. omething
that is extremely utahle to 'our deire, heing
then mo ready-to think it too good to he time;
o alo in Nation: thateem over-ateurattly
tted to our Inte/lectual farultiet, and agree
, wt'manymol
them tohe
too are
'to hl!
7 trne -, ereeially in things that eemed 'at
to m very ohcure and intrioate. For which

caue alo itit very likely that the notion czf

a Particular Spirit, which I have


deerihed in my Firt Book, Cap, 5., 6, 7', 'may

eem the les eredihle toome, hetaue itia now "

made/o clearly intelligihle, they thinkingiic

utter improhahle that thee things', that have

heen Zeld alwaies neh inextrieahle pery/lend
itiet,hould he that ofazddain made manifed

The Prcacc.
andfamiliar 'to any that has hut a co'npetency
of Patience and Reaon to perue the The
. for my own part, I [hall not a u'me o
much to my hlf, ac peremptorily to a irm that
the Indicerpibility of a s irit arie: that

way that I ha-ve et down, t at t: to ay, that

God hac made a particular Spirit
in that
manner that I have delineated, For his Wi
dome it innite, and therefore it were an im
pioue piece of holdnes to conne him to one
certain way offraming the nature ofa Being,
that it, o endowing it with uch attrihutes
ae are e ential to it, at Indicerpibility is to
the Soule ofMan. But onely to have aid in

general, itia poiihle there may he a particular

Eence of it: immediate nature penetrable (T
indicerpible, and not particularly to have
decrihed the manner how it may he/o, might

have eemed
to lurking
many more
ight an unati
in iuni-uerals,
a: the
Proeverh'hac it. And therefore for the more
fully con-uincing ofthe advere party,I thought
fit to pitch upon a punctual decription ofome
one may, how the Soule of Man or of a Dx

mon may he conceived necearily indicer

pible, 'though dilatahle z not heing 'very olli- '
citoue Whether it he ju that way or no, hut
yet well aured that it is either that wa or
ome hetter. But this one nay hewe: the t ing

The Preace.
poihle at large : (As that mean contrivance

ofan Indian Canoa might prove the 'poihility

of Na-vigatioh)
And that is all that
at in that place.
iI' I'_was' to.
So in my decription oftheate ofthe .' other
'very eitollicitous
he jutoam
at not
I ha-ve
them down,
hut hecaue
ome men utterly mishelie-ve the thing, he
caue they can frame' no particular conceit
what the Reception: and Entertain: of thoe
Aerial Inhahitants may he, or howthey pa:

away their time, with many other intricacies

which ue to entangle the 'Theory z I thought

it ofmain concernment to take away the? oh'

jection again the Life to come . Q-viz. That
no man can conceive what it "is, and there.

fore it is no: at all, which ic the ordinary

Exception alo again/t the Exi/lence of ad
Incorporeal Suhances) hy a punctual and ra-v

tional Dccription of thiefutureate. Which

I exhihite to the world ac'an inteigihle Hya

pothes, and

ch a: may very wel he, eaten

according to t e dictates our own'Facultiey,

heing in the mean time fully zjlured, that
things are either thu:,or after a etter or more
exact order. But, ac 1aid, to propoundome
particular prohahle way, 1 thought it of no
mall er-uice to thoe who totally diru at?

thee things for that reaon mainly, at he-.._

ing uch ac we can make no rational reprer

The Preacea
entation of to the 'xnderandingsiofmem
z' - 8. * But there arealo particular Ohject'ions.
'The r wher'eoi: again/t our Aerial and
ufthereal El 'ni'ore
whicht orooth,
to make *
ey will parallel
their reproach
with the Mihomemn Paradie, But hedet
that] doe in the very place where I treat of

thee thingsaend'my aent' after the decri

ption of them,'*there. is nothing there oered

in their decription, but, if it n'ere aentedto,

might hecame the 'mot rened hirit in the

World. For 'therew- Nothing more certain

then-that; 'helm-of God and our Neighhour

fihe-greate' happiujs that' me can arrive

untaeither in this I-i e or that which is to '

come; And whatever thing: are there decri

hed, are-either
divine orPasion.
Neither-are the External incitement: thereto',
Which. I there "mention, rightly to he deemed
aaxtaz, hut 'Intellectual .- For even uch is
ulozcnhle Beauty, whether ithew it el'in

HatureM tck, or whatever grace ul De

Prtmentwmd'tmely Actions, ae Plotimls _

harm-I! deined; 'And thoe things that are
m'properly Intellect'ual, itppoeodours and
savours, yet uch a S irit may he transfud
Eibisto'the Vehicles of t ee Aerial Inhahitants

the,rehy,_ghat may more then ordinarily raie

int?" re-i' intellect-m! FMFWFF- Why/e


The Preace'.
- nations
he that ohervethow'
our Thought:
depend immediately
on"a cirt'ain'
tile Matitervin our Bodiec, 'Will n'ot "at al-ick
'to acknowledge to' 'he true? 'i And' therefore

whatever out Elyiums 'eetb' 'the

linjudiciomh'theyare reaily"*no'other third' an

pure Paradie: ofinielectu'al plea[are',---' 'reine

Love and hlamlle Friendhip
I '7' '337.


*'9. T . e >=zxextJ Oh'ectionJ_13*7concerning*=th?

if? xj19'uti'thie
any man
he kept'ofrom',
make; 'the 'rock of (ZZ
\ A
'wore them-a 'perpetuaillylrepeatdd
Which it too "too credihle fto come to pa there',
we findejphati'eieecjttion*Pai'ione
even in this'difjeg 'Vthe 'Sicilian
'not found out' 'a more _'e3e'qu'il
ite torture'th'en they; iid

ton doe
o, lot
_I the
of' Concience;
other' punihmentc
'that are more cor _oreal,*an'd little inferiour
a prophe
' [led
the that
and the
damned at the la Day. \ By which neither
then nor hefore could they he tortured (ifwe

appeal to humane Reaoncwhom alone We ap

peal to, ac udge, in this Treatie) if they were
not vitally united with corporeal /ehicles.

lo_ The

The Prcace.
Io; The two lat Exceptions are, the one
touching the Soul ofthe World,'the other
the Spirit of Nature. The rt icagain/i
our over-favourahle repreentation zf their
"opinion, that make hat one Soul in t e whole

Zlnivere, inditing 'her with Sene, Reaon,

and under/ianding: which Soul they will
have to act in all. Animals, Dcemons them
elves not excepted.

In all which, ay they,

it is one and the ame Univeral Soul that

gears, Sees, Reaom', Zlnderlands, &e. Thu
opinion I think I have confuted Lib. 3.
Cap.1 6', acufciently at any oneError can he
uted in act repreentation
Natural Philoophy.
I have made
-there of it, Sect. 4. hat that in it, where.
hy, unles a man he very remis and mind
let, he may eaily demonrate the falnef

of the Suppoition; For though we may well

enough ima ine how, the Body heing unchanr

ged, and t it Soul of. the ZIn'ivere ex ui

itely the ame every where, that thougZthe
party change place , and

into another

part of the Soul of the World ,.he may re,

tain the ame opinions , Imagination: and
Reaonings, o farre forth aethey depend not
an Memory (t hit Univeral Soul raiing her

elf into the ame Thoughts upon the ame

occaions-5) yet Memory it incompetihle unto

that part which has not had the perception he


' \ The Prefacei

fore of what is rememhred. For there is nece
arily comprehended in Memory aSene or

Perception that we have had a 'Perception or

Sene afore ofthe thing which we 'conceive our

elves to rememher.

To hell/hart therefore, and- to rike this

0 inion ead at: one rake ze- They that ay
t ere it hut one Soule o theWod, whoe per
ceptive Power is every. where, 'they mu-a

ert,* that what one'part-thererperceives, all

the re perceives; or ele that perception-s
in Damons, Men - and Brutes are conned to

that part of this Soul that

in-thcm, while

they perceive this or that,

If the, former,

they are confutahle hy Sene and Experience,

for 'though all Animals licziieeped, as it

were, in that uhtile Matter which runs

through allofthings,
the immediate
Sene' and
and is
yet In<
are not concious of one anothers-thoughts, nor
feel one anothers pains ,- nor' thepains- and

pleaures of Brutes, when they are in them

at the highe/i,

Nor yet doe the Doemons,

feel one anothers aections,or necearily a: '

ent to one anothers opinions ,-- though their

Vehieles he exceeding xperviousz eZ/e they
would he all Avenrois, as well as t oe that

appeared to Facius Cardanus, uppoing any

clude, that
.W a

The Pre'ace.=
Soul, fetive pertiezdzZ'j-pneeptiom t/ycre'ia
"are rerained te ilziwotbztt pert in which
Wide m- Which'
to theinu'ti
ty -of=are
I While'i ' ready aid
' *
But let Mgnmt the t-bz' ' (far' indeed we

it" to'mite
be tith
(m uiirzjeral
Soule -and
it) tltenctthe
which part
I but:eft/te
bew, tocomex
wit, irt,Tbatitlmt
Soule - the' world that 'te-ver perceived a
flying', all 'tonj'it/zanding 'remember it,' 'that
if toayz
itmll pierceiged:
perati-ve it bm
"it 'te-ver

tun/ire to
'be purP07e,*ap uing the Birth 1mo'uc',>'w}jat
Iivrite nongg't e Partly" b'ng'inN't/ze te' "i'n'i , X
ping qfAriejsz'Jb'zz-IZ Pethhhbethf I ' zi'rue
Written wlne'nae is' in the ZejgZmitt '0i Lib'ra;
though tat- Part of the c:ctS'ortile'_*o te'W-'orld

mt-j/aees m] 'Body tht will' *De-*'t:i'e5,e ii:

'Joekfgxcta'e 'mythe'
mite nen:
,'m- 'the Ectt-tkct-am
Wherefore it'zSfpl'ztirt. tle/if nelyiait , Hid-vere!

Soule will notzifrve-all PXhomenaz but there

Mu'be4riim14rSeuIe'in-e-ve men, 'And
yet 'I dare hy, flux mildeo'pz'itien w more rein;
He then -'t/zei'rs' that mekemtlzing vbut meer



--Thc Prcacfe.
Matter in the World; But Itboygbtz'itniart/L
thewhile ivith all. dt'h'gente-tm cm'tethern:
the hetterefth'em
htttuimo're re-z;
ned lei'nde
df Athetme, being
werio'n'of act the 'ftenddrrterztalta ef. Religivn
andI Piety
I. Asfor
the SPiric'of
letten, -' Naturezthegreatx
* "._ 3- -'._
e excepttans- ere, 'th-nt I hnvejnt'rodnced an

ohftnre Prineiplefot ignorance and Sloth ter

ta/ee anctnary in, hndfo te'v e'nerwnte 'arfore-ia
at/e the tteftt/l 'enden-vour: of' erth-lum Witi,:

and hinder that ekpected progre' that way

he made in the Methztnitle Philofaphyg and

this, tonggra-vnte the crime, hefaxe'it 'tempo-2

tent earch he made whet the -Methnnithl.

of Matter
or what Mecha
preent or'Fforegoing
amid 'not light upon, the ucceeding may; and

therefore itt't ds yet nnjenfanahle to: hrittg'inl

kny tith principle into Nntttrzd'l'hiloophy. 'I
Ta which I anwer, That the principle m;
eak' of 13 neither ohfture ner nn-enonahlez
hy me,ofenforced
rnt'hy rn'tteh
Rehort That:
itit no' ahcure Prineiple, the clear _Deeription=

I herue'gi-uen of it, Lib. 3.'Cap'. 12; Will

- make good. Thoe that pretend that; the 'inn-e?
dxctton thereof it ttnettorttthle ,' - (demand-of'
them when they 'will think it to he e'utmtzthltF

For thternplettrrntic 'That nlthpttgh all Zhe

-' - >
Met 4

The PrcFacc.
Mechanical olntiont of ome Phznomena
which have heen hitherto oer'd to the
world he demonrahlyfale, yet future Age:
'nay light upon what to true, can he held no
thin eleofhyfearful
the judicione,
hut aare
Soule, that
very [oath
to let in any ueh arightil Notion at an
Immaterial or Spiritual Subance into the
world, for fear the next ep mu he the ac
hnowledgrnent alo ofa God z from whom they
would fain hide themelves hy thit poore and
precarious pretence. But I ay, the intro
duction ofthtkl'rinciple he not eaonahle now,
it will never he eaonahle, For that admirahle
Maer of Mechanicks Des-Cartes hao impro
ved thh way to the highelJ dareay, that the
wit of man can reach to inuch Phaenomena
Mhf had attempted to render the caues if.
But how in undry pzyages he fallshort in is
account, I have hot

in the forcnarned and

following Chapter, at alo elewhere, taken

notice. I will inance here onely in the Phae
nomenon of Gravity, wherein I thin/e I have
perfectly demonrated that hoth he and Mr.
Hobbs are quite out of theory, and that the
caue: they aign are plainly fale. Andthat
I have not mentioned the opinion: of others' in '
this way, it wax onely hecaue I loolet upon them
a: les coniderahle.

Izf, Butyou'l ay that though thee he all


The Prcacctc. >

miaken, yet it does notfollow cthut that there
may arie ome happy Wit that will give a
true Mechanical olution of this Prohleme.
But I anwer, that I have not onely' confuted

their Reaons, hut alofrom Mechanicalprin

ciples granted on all ides and conrmed hy

ex erience,
of a Stone
or Bulletthatorthe
uch up
heavy Body o's enorrnoulZ contrary to the Lawes
of Mechanicks, and t at according to them

they would necearily,

they lye looe, recede

from the Earth, and he carried away out ofour

ht power
into themore
t enparts
the Aire,
did not
curhe that Motion, andforce them downwards
towards the Earth. So that it is plain that 'we
have not arhitrariouy introduced a Principle,
hut that it is forced upon no hy the undenia
hle evidence of Demon/Zration. From which

to uhend our aent tillfuture Ages have im

proved this Mechanical Philoophy togreater
height, is as ridiculous , as to douht of' the

truth ofany one plain and ea Demonration'

in the
Book of Euclide, till We' have tra
velledthrough the whole eld of that immene
udy' of Mathematicles,
13, Nor laly needs the acknowledgment
le toMechanical
damp our endeavours
caues of the

Phaenomqpmf Nature, hut rather make us


The Preacc.
more circumect to di/tiugui/h what is the
reulto the meer Mechanical powers of Mat
tera Motion, and what ofan higher Prin
ciple. For quetionles thisecure preumption
in ome, that there it nothing hut Matter in the
world, had emholdned them too ra/hly to ven
ture on Mechanical olutions where they would
not hold, hecaue they were condent therev

were no other olutions to he had hut thoe of

thi: kinde.


14.. Bedes'that to' the rational 'and reli

gioun there a adouhle pleaure to carry them

'on in thi tay of Philo op'hy : The one from

the oher'vaon how ar in every thing the
concatenation of Mechanical caues will reach,
which will 'wonderfuly gratify their Reaon;

The other from a' ditinct deprehenion where

they mut needs hreak off, as not heing ahle

alone them
to reach
the Principle we contendfor, namely the Spiz
rit of Nature, which is the vicariotos power
of God upon the Matter, and the ir/I tep to
the aZruej myteries in Natural Theologie .z

whic mu needs highlygratify them in point

-_ Is. And trul for this very caue, I think

it is the mol o er and faithful advice that

can he oered to the Chriian World, that
they would encourage the reading of Des:

.-'lhe- zRrctace.
Cartez' in' all rubb'd? 'Sehools


ties._ That ihe-smdcate' of Philo' op'h'y may

he 'throughly exercid in the
the Mechanical 2 owen of Mattera'howfarre

aid! uch,
they to-fall
he the-hetwhere
Re igion
that Reaon andtlieklenowledge o Nature can
aord." zvFor' hy their means uc iir-areint-en

ded to er-ve- the Church wid he? armed he?"

times. with ufcientxength tografple with

their _proude Deriders'or 0Ppojers',\*> When-'te
for want of this, we ee how liahle they are
to he contemned and orn down hy e-uery hold

though wea/e pretender to the Mechanic/e Phi

16. Thee are the main paages I could
any way concei-ve might he excepted again
in the enuing Dicoure: which yet are o
innocent and rm in themelves, ando ad
q/antageouy circumantiated in the places
where they are found, that 1 fear the Reader
may uhect my judgement and dicretion in
putting my elf to the trouhle of writing,
and him of reading, o long and needle a
Preface. Which o-ver/ight though it he an
argument of no great wit, yet it may heo
much Humanity, and of an earne deire of
doing a Puhlic/e good without the leat oence
or di-atisfaction
to anyand
are hut tole
Retai-ners to Reaon

The Prcacc.
for thoe that have hid adieu to hath, and
meaure all Truth: hy their own humouome
fancy, 'na/cing e-very thing ridiculous t at a?
not utahle to their own ignorant conception: z
I thin/t noerious man will hold himelf hound
to ta/ee notice of their per-vere conruction:

and 'nd-repreentation: of things,v more then

a religious Eremite or devout Pilgrim to heed
the ugly mows andgrimaces of Ape: and Mon
hies he may hapl meet with in hn paage

thmigh the Wil eme-i.

' ,-.'





the uunjderandifng
and lithe'
e ulne s o theo?rePCo-vidfnee,
ent S eculation
management of our lines for our greateZZ

happines 5 2. For the moderate hearing t e

death and dipt/ters ofour Friends z 3. For
the hegetting true Magnanimitie in m, 4.
and Peace and Tranquiitie ofminde. 5.

Thato weighty a Theory is not to he hand

led perfunctorily,


all the Speculacions the

Soulof man c-an entertain her

fele \<>

greater moment, or of cloer

concernment to her, then this' of' her owh'

Irnrnortality, andlnde endence on this ter

reriall body. For hereby not onely. the

intricacies and perplexities of Pro-videnee
are made more eay and mooth to her, and


The Immartality
'LiB.' 1.'
he becomes able, by unravelling this clue
from end to end, to pas and tepas afe

through this Labyrinth, wherein many-both

anxious and careles Spiritsshave lo them- a
elves -, but alo. (which touches her own
intere more particularly) being onceraied
a into the knowledge and beliefof o, weighty

a Concluion, he may view from this Pro

pect the mo certain and mo compendi
ous way to her own Happinesz which is,
the bearing a very moderate aection to
what ever tempts her, during the time of

this her Pilgrimage,and a careful] preparin

of her elffor her future condition, by uch
-N0ble actions and Heroicallqualications
of. mind, as hall render her mo welcome
to her own Countrey.
a. Which Belief and Purpoe of hers
'will put her in an utter incapacity of either

enwying the life or uccees of her mo im

bittered Enemies, or ofo-ver-lamentin


- death or misortunes of her dear-e' Friends;

he having no friends but uch as are friends

touGod and Vertue, and whoe aictions

will prove advantages for their future Fe

licitie, and their departure hencea paage
to preent poeon thereof. s '
3. Wherefore, being fully grounded and a
'routed in this o concernmg a Perwaion ,

he is freed from all poore 8e ahject thoughts


Cap. 1 .

crhe Soule. ' '


_ and deignes'g'and-as little admires himthatl _

gers the mo-of this WOKld, be it by. In

. du'ry, Fm'tun'e or Polide, as a dicrerand
'erious-'man 'does the? poiles of School
boyes, ' it being 'very inconiderableto him,
who at the victory rit-'Cocks or Cobenu't,
or w oe bag returned home the fulle
ued with Gounters or ChePr'y-onesr- .
4. She has' therefore no amulation,unles_
it be ofdoin Tg'ood,-an'd.of out-hipping, if
it were lgble, the noble examples of

- either'the preent'or'pa Aged nora'n oa

n, unles it be with &freh-that _ e has

- made no greater .'-'proefieney rewards? the'

(cope he almes at; fand 1aimi11g3at"\n0hing

but whereas-no: inxt-he-'xpoweroff-men to

conrt-'r upon her, witheourage'heets-upon

- the main Mark; n-ndb'eing hll 'Mdreith
' full
ths the'tofir

'Harvelh'and' do'es'mor'e- then prezgethat

'1 Heat Happines that 'isacc'xewmg tezher.
-' nd o'quiom the nbubles and a'neiecies
* ofthis Preent' World, aiel' in-'lt' With Trans
quillitie and omen-gaud at- la ilezWes it
with-For. .

s. The KhdWledgei'the/reioreandbellef '

6f_\ogrand Importance',
We are-i-enga
carefully and Punctually' to' hand r this o




The Immortality


weighty a Theory :, which will not be per

formed by multipl ing of words, but by a
imore frugall ue o them, letting nothing

fall from our pen, but what' makes cloely

eto the matter, nor omitting any thing ma;
_teriall for the evincing the truth thereof. 4 ilk' i

't'li Mr;



' ' i

'='Z>CHAP. Hs' -'




4. That the Soule-5 Int'nortaIity it demonra

z: . hle, hy the Authors method," to all hut meer
z_jz.S!cepticles. a, An Illurationof his Firt
- --S-Axietne. 3. A conrmation and example of

I 3 the Second, 4._An explication ofthe Third.

_._ 3, 5. An explication andproof ofthe Fourth.
&6.. A proof'of the Fifth. '7. ofthe Sixth.
zL' 8.--A_nexa_mple the eventh. 9. A conr
'nation of the truth of the Et' hth. 10, A

; , f demonration and example of:the Ninth.

- 11. Penetrability the immediate pro erty


of Incorporeall uhance. 12. As al o In

dicerpibility. 13. A proof and illura

' tion of the tenth Agciome.

1 3.. tv.Nd
to op all
no placefor
ubteriges and
._ ons of COniEuEdand' cavlilling pirits, I

. hallJ
of that'
; prex,- ome;-few
, ' ' '

CAP. 2.

ofthe Soule.

5 '

plainnes and evidence, that no man in his

wits but will be ahamed to deny them, if
he will admit any thing at all to be true.
But as for perfect Scepticime, it is a dieae.

incurable, and athing rather to be pittied

or laught- at, then eriouly oppoed.- For
whena man is o fugitive and unetled," that

he will not and to the verdict of his own

faculties, one 'can no more faen anything
uponhim, then he can write in the water,or

tye knocs of the wind. But-for thoe, than

are n0t in uch a range depondency,.buti
that they think they know omething al'
ready and ma learn more, I doe not doubt,:

but by a ea onable recoure to thee few?

Rules, with others I hall et down in; X
their due place, that they will be perwa
ded, if not forced, to reckon this Truth, of
the Immortality of the Soul, among uch
as mu needs appear und'eniable to thOiC:

that have parts and eiure enough accurate

ly to examine, and throughly to underand

whatI have here written for the demonra

tion thereof.

' '



The Immortality

_LlB.l ..


. s
1 .
What- ever 'things are in them gloet, they are

j nothing to us, huto'far orth as they he

- come known to "out Faeulties or Gogniti-ue
. powers. _


LTHis Axiooneis plainof it elf, at the

_- very r propoal, For asjnodiingior
example, can concern the Viive faculty, but

o far forth as it is'virble; o there imo-thin

'that can ehaenge any roak to o mu'c

asa. touching , much les determining out
Cognitive powers in generall, but o far
forth as it is cognocible,


Air-tour, ll.
whatoever is unknown to us , or is known
hut as meet-ly Poih'lenls not to n'o-ve its,

or determine m any way, or make us unde

termined z hut we are to re in the preent
light and plain determination of our owne

3,"I" His is an evident Conectary from the

foregoing Axiome. For the Exience

0that thatis meerly pos'ihle is utterly unknown to us to be, and therefore is to have



- otheSoule_


no weight again/any Concluion, unles we

will condemn our elves to eternal] Step

tictme. As for example, if after a man has

i argued for a God and Providence, from the

wie contrivance in the frame of all the bo
x dyes of Animals. upon earth, one hould

reply, That there may be, for all this, Ani

mals in Saturn, "T'apiter, or ome other of
the Planets, of very inept fabricks z Hor
es, uppoe,and other Creatures, with one
X ly one - eye, and one eare, and that b0tl1_
on a ide, the eye placed alo where the ear
hould be , and with onely three legg's z_
Bulls'and Rams with horns on their books,
and thelike:Such allegetions as thee,accor

ding to this Axiome, are to be held of no

force at all for the enervating the Conclu

ion. See my Antidote again/t Atheinte,lib. r .
cap. a. and 9.
Axr o'M a lll.
All our Faculties have not a right ofurage
for determining of Truth, hut onely Com
mon Notions Externall Sene, and e-uident

and undeniahle Deductions of Reaon.

4.BY Common NotionsI underand what

ever is Noimatically true,that is to ay,

true at r ight to all men in their was,
B 4


The Immortalzity

Luz. I.

upon a clear perception of the Terms ,

without any further dicoure or reaoning,

From External! Sene I exclude not Memory,
asit isa faithfull Regier thereof. And by
ondeniohlc Deductian of RCd on , I mean
ach a collection ofone Truth rom another,

that no man can dicover any looenes or

disjoyntednes in the cohaeion of the Argu
What 12' not cononant to all orome ofthe e, is
meer Fancy, and is of no moment or 'he

evincing of Truth or Fale-hood, hy either

it's Vigour or Perplexivcnc.
51 Say 'mer Foncy, in Counter-diinction
to uch Repreentations as, although

they be nor the pure imprees of ome real]

Object, yet are made by Rational] deduction
from them, or from Common Notions, or

from both. Thoe Repreentations that are

upon are
Fonoz'es 3 which
value at
all in'mer

termining of Truth. For if rigour of Fa n

cy will argue a thing true , then all the *
ofmad-men mu
of goe
for Oracles
hinder aent, we mu not believe Mathe



CAP. 2.

ofthe Soule.

maticall demonration, and the I 6, Pr0p0

ition of the 3d Book ofEoclz'de will be
condently concluded to contain a contra

diction. See my-Antidote lib, 1, cap.4. v

Whatever is clear to any one of thee Three
Fnculties, is to'he hela' andouhtedly true," <

the other having nothing to eroia'enee to_

the contrary,


6.0R elea man hall not be aured of

any enible object that he meets with, ,
nor can give rm aent to uch Truths as
thee, It A' impoihle the ame thinghould he,
and not he, at once z Whatever" is, is either
nite, or innite z and the like.

AXIOME Vl.'\.i.
What is rejected hj one, none ofthe other Fa
cnlties giving evidence for it, ought to got
for afalehood,
7.OR ele aman ma let pas uch Imi
poiibilities as t ee fOr Truth, or

doubt whether they be nor true or no, viz.

The part is greater then the whole z There it

omething that is ncithernite nor innite)

Socrates is in-ozhle z and the like; A X I


The Immortalitj

LlB. I.

A x 1 on B VII.
What is plainly and mortie/il] concluded ,
ought to he held nndeniahle, when no def
culties are alledged again it, hutach as
are achnowled ed to he found in other Con

cluons held y all men undeniahly true.

8.As for example, uppoe one hould
conclude, That there may he Innite

Matter, or, That there it Innite space, by

very rationall arguments z and that it were

objected onely, That then the Tenth pare

ofthat Matter would be innite; it being

mo certain That there is Innite Daration

of omething. or Other in the world, and that
theTenth part othis Durationis innitqlt

is no enervating at all of the formerConclu

on, it being incumbred with no greater in

eon ruitie then is acknowledged to coni

wit an undeniable Truth.

The Snhject, or naked Eenoe. or Sohanoe
ofa thing, it utterly unoontei-uahle to any
ofottr Faottlties.

9.F0r the evidencing ofthis TrUth, there

needs nothing more thena ilent ap

lAp. 2,

ofthe Soule.


eal to a mans owne mind , if he doe

on nd it o; and that if he take away all

iptitndes, operations, Proper-ties and Modi

z'cations from a Sohjett, that his conception

hereof vanihes into nothing, but into the

Idea of a meet Ztndiwe'cated Subancez
o that one snhanee is nor'then diin
guihable from anOther, but onely from Ac

cidents or Medes, to which properly belongs

no ubience,

There areome Properties, Powers and opera

tions, immediately appertaining to a thing,

ofwhich no reaons can he given, nor ong t

to he demanded, nor the Way or Manner if

the tohaion of the Attrihnte with the Sit r'
ject can hy any meanes he fantyed or imo,
10.TH E evidence of this Axiome_ap-'

peares from the former. For if t e

nakednhanoe ofa Thing be o utterly un,
conceiveable, there can be noching dCPl'Cs
hended there to be a connexion betwixt it

and it's r Properties. Such is Actnall Di 'uihility and Impenetrahility in Matter. By

Actaall D'i-vzhility I underand Di-'erPk

hility,gros tearing or cutting one part from




The Immortolity,



Thee are immediate properties

of Matter, butwhy they-hould be there,

ratherthen in any other Subject, no man
can pretend to give, or with any credit aske'
the reaon.

For Immediate Attrihntes are

indemonrable, 'otherwie they would not

be 'Immediate


'11. So the Immediate Properties ofa

Spirit or Immateriall Subance are Penctra
hility and Indieerpihility. The neceary

cohaeion of whichAtt'ributes with the Sub

ject is as little demonrable as the former.

For uppoing that, which I cannot but a

e'rt, to be evidently true, That there is no

Subance butit has in ome ort or other

the Three dimenions; This Subance,

which we call Matter, might as well have

been penetrable as impenetrable, and yet

have been Subance: But now that it does

o certainly and. irreiibly keep one part
of it elf from penetrating another, it is o,
vire know not why. For there is no nece

ary connexion dicernible betwixt Sub

ance with three dimenions, and Im ene

trability. For what ome alledge , t at it

implyes a contradictiOn, That extended ub
ancehould run one part into another z for
_ o 'part of the' Extenion, and conequently

of the Subance, would be lo z this, I ay,

IAP,v 2.


1 ,_, .


ifnearly looked into)-is ofno force, For

he Subance is no more lo'v in this cae
zhen when a ring is doubled and redoubled:

ar a piece of wax reddeed from along gure

to around: Thedimenlon zof Longitude
is in ome part lo, but without' detriment

to the Subance ofthe wax; In like manner

when one part ofan extended._Subance runs
into another, omething both ofLongitude,
Latitude and Profundity may, be lo, and
'yet allthe Subance there ill; as well as.

Longitude lo in the other cae without any

los of the Subance. And-aszwhat was
lorin wLongitudez'was gotten in _L titude-or
Brofundity before, o what is lo ere in all

orany two of thejdimenions, iskePt- afe

in' Efential Jpitude. For o I will call this
Mode or Property ofa Subance, that is

able to receive one art of it elf into'an

- other.- Which feurth Mode isvas eayand

familiar. to my Underanding,as that of the

Three dimenions to my Sene or F-ancy;

ForI mean nothing ele by Spifitadc, but

the redoubling or- contracting ofSubance

intoles pace then it does ometimes occu

py. And Analocous to this is the lying of

two Subances ofeveral kindes in the ame
place at once. To both thee may be ap- '
plied the termes of Redajolieation and Satu
ration: The former when Eence orsub


The Immortalz'ty

LiB. I.

ance is but once redoubled into it elf or

into anocher ; the latter when o oft, that

it will n0t eaily admit any thing more. And

that more extenions then one may be com
menurate, at the ame" time, to the - ame
Place, is lain, in that Motion is coexten

ded with t e Subject wherein it is, and b0th

with Spnce. And MOtion is not nothinog
wherefore two things may be commen u-*
rate to one pace at once
I 2- Now then Extended Subance (and

all Subances are extended) being of it elf

indierent to Penetrability or Impenetra
bility, and we nding one kind of Suba'nce
o impenetrable, that One part will' not enter

at all into anocher which with as much'

reaon we might expect to nd' o irreiibly
united one part with anorher that nothing
in the world could diever them. For this

Indi-erpihility has as good a connexion with

Subance as Impenetrahility has, they nei- 1
ther falling. under the cognocence of Rea
on or Demonration, butbeing immedi
ate Attributes of uch a Sub'ect. For a man

can no more argue from t ie Extenion of

Subance, that it is Drcerpihle, then that it. is Penetrahle -, there being as good a capa
city in Extenion for Penetration as Dicer

ption)I conceive,l ay,from hence we may as

eaily admit that ome Subance may be of



JAP. 2,
ofthe Soule.
: elf Indzcerpiblc , as well as others Im
e'zetmble; and that as there is one kind of

iubance, which of it's own nature is Im

'emtrablqand Dzcerpible, o there may be

nether Indzcerpible and remuable. Nei

her of which a man can give Any other ac

:ounc of, then that they have the immedi
LIC Propertieswof uch a Subject.

Az-Xl o M E X.
The dzcwery ofome Power, Propcrty,or ope
ration Hncometz'ble to 'me Subject, A an

infallible argument of the exzence

ome other, to which i't mu be competible.

5733- Aby
tba am was
the RijvergNgm,
he paed
over it, and a-Tree by the commanduof

Tbehean the chief of the Gymnaapbzs

aluted APo-Ilmim in'a diinct and articulate
but That
mall there
asa wa'swqmansz
evi i
dent, I ay,
than was neither River 'nor Tree, to which

thee alutations mu be attributed ,'- 'no

Tree nor River vhaving any Paculty'ok Rea
onnprSpee'ch.v r
' . J nf


_t 6

The Irhmortality

LIB. it


[1. The ' eneral notions of Body and S jrit.

a. T at the notion ofSpirit is altoget er as
intedigihie at that ofBody. 3. Whether there
he an] Suhame qfa mixt nature, hetwixt
Body and Spirit.

H E greate and groe obacle to


the belief of the Irnmortality of the

Soul, is that condent opinion in ome, as

- ifthe very notion of a Spirit were a piece of
Non-ene and perfect Incongruity in the

'conception thereof. Wherefore to proceed

,by degrees to our maine deigne, and to lay
ourfoundation low and ure, we will in the

r place expoe to view the genuine notion

. ofa spirit, in the generall acception thereof;

andafterwards of everal kinde: of Spirits:

that it may _appear to all, how unju that
eawill is again Incorporeall ubances,
as if they were meer. Impoiibilities and
contradictious Inconiencies. IWill dene
therefore aSpirit in generall thus, A ah

ame penetrable and indicerpihle.


tnes ofwhich denition will be the better

underood, if we divide Subance in gene

rall into thee r kindes,viz. Body and Spi



o the Soule.


rit, and then vdene Body to be ASnhance

imenctrahle and'dzcerpihle. Whence the

contrary kind to this is tly de'fined, A
Stthance penetrable and indzterpz'hle.
2. Now I appeale to any man that can
et aide prejudice, and has the free ue of .
his Faculties, Whether every term in the de
nition o a Spirit be not as intelligible
and congruousv to reaon, as in that ofa Be
dy. For the precie notion of Subanceis
the ame in both, in which,I conceive,iis '
compried Extenon and Action] either
connate or communicated. For matter it
elf once movedv can move other matter,

And itis as eay to underandwhat Pene

trahle is, as Impene-trahle, and what Indcer
pihle as Dicerpz'hle zand Penetrahility and

Indz'eerpihilz'ty being as immediate to Spirit, _

as Impenetrahility and Dzcerpihility to Body,
there is as much reaon to be iven-for the
attributes of, the one as of t eother, by' K
AXiome 9.' And Subance in its precie
"lotion including no more oflmpenetrahz'lity

:hen Indzcerpz'hz'lity, we- may as well won

ler how one kind or' Subance can o rm
y and irreiibly keep our another Sub

rance (as Matter for example does the.

arts of Matter) as that the parts oanocher

ubance hold o fa together, that they

'e by no means Ditcrpz'hle, as we have



The Immortality

Lnz. I.

already intimated: And therefore this hold

ing out in one being as dicult a buines
to conceive as the holding together in the
Other, this can be no prejudice to the notion
ofa Spirit, For there may be very fa
union where we cannot at all ima ine the
caue thereof, as in uch Bodies w ich are
exceizding hard, where no man can fancy

what holds the parts together o rongly;

and there being no greater diculty here, _
then that a man cannot imagine what holds

the parts ofa Spirit together, it will follow

by Axiome 7, t at the n0ti0n of a Spiritis
not to be excepted again as an incongruous
nodon, but is to be admitted for the notion
ofa thing that may really exi.
3. It may be doubted,whether there may
nOt be Eences ofa middle condition be
twixt thee Corporeal and lncorporeal Sub
ances we have decribed, and that of two
orts, The one Impenetrahle and Indieer
pihle, the other Penetrahle and Dtcerpihle.
But concerning the r, iflmpenetrability *
be underood in reference to Matter, it is
plaine there can be no uch Eence in the
world z and if in reference to 'its own parts, _

though it may then look like a poible Idea

in it elf, et there is no footeps of the
exience thereofinNature,the Souls of men

and Daemons implying contraction and di-.


CAP. 3.

ofthe Soule.


latation in the-tri." As for the latter,'it has no.

priviledge for any thing more then Matter >
it elfhas, or ome Mode of Matter. For it

being Dicerpible, it is plain it's union is by

Faxtapoftion ofparts, and the more penee .
trable, t e les likely to conveigh ene and

motion to any-diance, Beides the ridicu

lous equel of this uppoition, that will ll
the Univere With an infinitenumber of

hreds and rags of So'uls and Sirits, ne

to" any
uvora be
'laly, tadain
Incor ubance,
oreal f lynecearily
ding in it o 'rdno and indioluble'uriion of parts, that it 15 utterly'InditerpiBle a

whenas yet for all that inthis general no

tion thereof neither ene nor cogitation is
implyed, it is mo rational' to' COnC'eiVe,
thatthat subance wherein the are man _
alredly be lncorporeal inthe (Zricte g
nification; the nature ofcog'itation and coni

munion of ene ar ningv a more. perfect de

rrree ofunion'then s-in meet Indicerpibi

ity of parts.

But all this Scrupulotie

night have been' avedz 'Scarf-confidently

my elf,
there are nonexo
and u '

erfuges, but that they Will acknoedgd,

vhereeverlcan prove that there is a Sub
C a



The Immwtality _


ance diinct from Body or Matter, that -

it is. in the mo full and proper ene In



I. That the notions of the everal hinder of

Immateriall Being: ha-ve no Ineoniencie

nor lneongruitie in them. 2. That the na

ture of God is na intelligihle aa the nature
of any Being whatoever. 3, The true no
tion ofhis uhiquity, and how intellzgihle it

it. 4. Ofthe union of the Divine Eenee.

5. Ofhis power of Creation.

E have hewn, that the notion of

. a Spirit in general is not at all in
congruous nor impoible: And it is as con.
ruous , conient and intelligible in the

Fundry hinder thereof; as for example that

of God, of Angels, of the Souls o Men and
Brutes, and 'ofthe Ao'yai azreawmtoi or Sei

._minal Form: of-things.

2. The
netion ofmuch
though the know
' ledge
by the
of either u
or? profane
mein,that pleaethemr


their large iRhetoricatimls, con.

i -_





CAP. 4.

et/ye Soule.


cerning the unconceiveablenes and utter

incompreheniblenes of the Deity z the
one by way of a devotional exaltation of the

trancendenc-y' of his nature, the other-to

make the beliefofhis exience ridiculous,

and craftily and pervery to intimate that

there is no God lat all, theaveryfconception

ofhiin being madesto apphar nothing' ele

but a bundle
'of inconi'ehcies
z Nevertheleis
.I 'halland
'nor impoil,
at- all
ick to arm, that His' Idea or'Notion is
as 'eay as any- Notion ele whatOeVer, and

that we may-'know as much 'ofhim' asof

ariy thing 'elein- the worldrr For: the very
E ence or naked Subancel' of>ngthing can
pobly be ki'tioWn b'y Axiome; 8. Butfo'r 1
His Attributes, &they. are Fasx. mnpicuous

as. the attributes Iof any'tsubiect Or Subl

ance whatever',.-Fromwhichrainan 'may *
eaily dene. him-'thus .-,' TGodJ it a Spirit ate?

nal, innite in e/enee and "goodne, ornntT:

I apeal to
n this Denition-'be nbti'ucientlyinte'h

igible_ Porira's fer Spirit, that: has been ale

'eady :dened*and>explained: B'y Eterna'lul
ndera-nd nothing here butDuration with
ut end or beginning:bylniniteneiof eenee,
hat his Eence orvSubance has no bounds,

o more then his Durati'on: by -.Inn'z'iein




The immortality

LlB . I.

goodne, uch a benign will in God as is

carried out to. boundles andinnumerable

benefactions: by ommeieney and aim'ipo;

tenty, the ability of knowing or doing any ,_
thing that can be conceived without a plain .

contradicticm: by Self-exieney,that' he has '*

his Being from none Other: and by neceary
Exzenee, that he cannot fail to be. What -.
terms ofany Denition are more plainthen
thee of this a' or what Subject can be more
accurately dened then this is a' Forthe

naked Subject or Subance of any thing is

no otherwie tobe known then thus. And
they that gape after any other Speculative
know-ledg of God then what, is from 'his
'Attributes and Operations, they may have
their heads and mouths-lled with many
hOt calding fancies 'and words, and run
mad with the boyerounes of their own
Imagination, but they will, never', hit upon
any ober Truth,

- 1

3. Thus-have I delivered a 'very ex'piir

cite and intelligible notion ofthe natu'r-eof
God z which I might alo more compendie

ou-ly dene,An Eenee akh/oiutely er ect,in

which all the terms of the ormer He nition
are comprehended, and morethen Ihave
named, or thought needful. to. name, much

les t0_ ini upon 5 'as his power ofCreation,

and his Omniprefenee or 'uhiqaity , which


drive Soule.

23 1

Tare necearily included in the Idea o Abo

S lnte perfection, The latter whereof ome
aneientPhiloophers endeavoring to et out,

have dened God to be a Circle whoe Cen

. ' Her '3 (very where andCirmr/afcrence no where.

By which decription certainly noching ele

can be meant, but that the Divine Eence

' is every where preent with all thoe ado

rable Attributes of Innite and abolutely

perfect Goodnes,.Knowledg and Power ,

accordino to that ene in Which I have ex

plained them, Which Ubiquity or Omni
preence of God is every whit as intelligi

ble as the overpreading of Matter into all

4, But i here any one demand, How the
parts, asI may o call them, of the Divine
Amplitude hold together, that of Matter
being o dicerpible; it might be ucient

to remind him of what we have already

poken of the general notion o a Spirit,
But beides that, here may be alo apecu
liar rational account given thereof; it im
plying a contradiction, that an Eeme aho
lately perfect hould be either limited in pre- *
ence,or change place in part or whole, they
being b0th notorious Eects or S mptoms
o _Imperfection, which is inconi ent With '
the nature of God, Andno bettetnor more

cogent reaon can be given of any thing,




'he immortality t'

LIB. l.

then that it implyes a contradiction to be

p 4
5, That power alo of creating things of

nothing, there is a Very cloe connexion be

twixt it and the Idea of God, or of a' Being

abolutel perfect. For this Being would
not be what it i's conceived to be, if it were

deitute of the power of Creation, and

therefore this Attribute has no les cohae-'
- rence with the Subject, then that it' is acon'
tradictionit hould n0t be in it, as was ob<
7 erved of the foregoing Attribute olndi
cerpibilitie in God. But to alledge'thata
man cannot imagine how God'hould create

of o
or how
the Divine
ther,is to trangres again the 3, 4, and 5,
Axiomes, and 'to appeal to a Faculty that
has no right to determine the cae,

C'H A P. V.
1, T/ze Denition belonging to all Finize and

Ceizted Spirits, 2, Of Indicerpibility, a

' jj'mboligal repreentation thereofg. An Ob
jection anweren'again that reprebntation.
have done with the norion of


that Innite and Uncreatcd Spirit

_ >



CAP. 5.

ofthe Soule;


we uually call God z we Come now to

thoe that are Created and Finite, as the
Spirits oAngels, Men and Brutes, we will
ca-in the Seminal Forms alo,or Arcloei, as
the Cbymis call them, though haply the

world ands in no need of them. The Pro

perties 'of a Spirit, as it is a n0tion common

to all thee, Ihave already enumerated in\

my Antidote, Lib_1,cap_4_ Self-motion,

Self-penetration, &r-contraction and dila

and Indi-vi
which I'mean
: 'toility,
trating, Mo-ving, 'and Altering the written

Wemay therefore dene this kindoSpirit *

we peak o, to. be 'Anbnnte Indzterpible,
that can move itelf, that can penetrate, con
tract', and dilate'it elf, and can' alo pene
trate, MONK, and alter the metten We will
now examine every term of this Denition,

from whence it hallappear, that it is as

congruous and intelligible, as thoe iDe
nitions that are made of uch things' as all
'men without any cruple acknowledg to




2. O the Indzcerbility'o a spirit we

have already given rational grounds to e
vince it not impoible, it 'being an Imme

diate attribute r thereof, 'as Impenetrabz'lz'ty

is of a Body, and as conceivable or ima
ginable, that one Snbant'e ofit's own na'




The Immortall'ty

LlB . I .

ture may invincibly hold its parts together,

o that they cannOt be diunited nor die
vered, as that another may keep out o

outly and irreibly anorher Subancc

from entring into the ame pace or place
with it elf, For this dvmuwla- or Impene

"ability is not at all contained in the pre

cie conception of a Snb/lance as Snlanee,

as I have already ignied, But beides

that Reaon may thus eaily apprehend that
it may be o, I hall a little gratifie Imakgi
nation, and it may be Reaon too, in o

ring the manner how it is o, in this kind of

Spirit we now peak of. That ancient no
tion ok Light and Intentiomtl pecies is o far

from a plain impobility, that it has been

heretofore generally, and is ill by very
many perons,looked upon as a Truth, that

is, That Light and Colour doe ray in uch

ort as the are decribed in the Peripatc

ticalPhilo ophie. Now it is obervablein

Light, that it is mo vigorous towards its
fountaimand fainter by degrees. Butwe will
reduce the matter to one lucid point,which,
accordino to the acknowledged Principles
of Opticks, will ll a diance of pace with
its rays o light: Which rayes may indeed

be reverberated back towards their center

by interpoing ome opake body,and o this
Orbe of light contracted; but, according ltlo


t e

Cap. s,

. ofthe Soule.


, the Arzoteleon H potheis, it was. alwayes

accounted impo lble that they hould be
clipt o, or cut from this lucid point,

and be kept apart by themelves. Thoe

whom dry Reaon will noc atisy, may,1f '

they pleae, entertain their Fancy with uch

a repreentatitm as this, which may alitthe
eae the anxious importunity of their mind, z
it how
too eagerly
this Spirit
we comprehend
peak of may-be

aid to be Indtcer ible, For think of 'any

ray of this orbe of ight, it does uciently

>et out to the imagination how Exten on

and Indtferpibility may coni toget er.
See furt er in my Antidote, Lib. L'cap. 4.
as alo the Appendix cap. 3. and 10., 3, But if any object, That thelucid Cen

ter of this orbe, or the Primary ubance;

as I call it, in the orecited places, is either

-diviible or abolutely indiviible, and ifit

be diviible, that as concerning that Inm
ofa Spirit, this repreentation' is noc atfall

erviceable _ to et o the nature thereo'hy

hewing how the parts there may hold to
gether o indicerpibly, but if abolutely
zindiviible, that it eems to be nOthingz

To this I anwer, what Smliger omewhere

hasnoted, Thi what 33' innitely great or
-innitelyfniall, 'be imagination of man 'is

at 4 Io' to conceive it. Which certainlyds

t e

. 28

The Immortality -

LlB. l.

the ground of the perplexednes of that

Probleme concerning Matter, whether it

conis of points, or onelyof- particles di

viible in innitum, But to come more
cloely to the buines z I ay that though

we hould acknowledg the Inmo Center

of life, or the very r' point, as I may o

call it, of the primary Subance (for this

primary Subance is in ome ort gradual)
to be purely indiviible, it does not at all
follow, no not according to Imaginationit
elf, that it mu be norhing, For let us
imaginea Perfect Plain, andonthis Plain
a perfect Globe, we cannot conceive but

this Globe touches thePlain, and that in

what we ordinarily call a point, ele the one
would nor bea Globe, or the other nota
Plain, Now itis impoible that one. body
hould touch another, and yet touch one

anorher in nothing. Wherefore this in

moCe'nter of life is omething, and ome.
thing o full of eential vigour and virtue,
that though gradually it diminih, yet can

llacertain Sphere ofSpace with its oWn

preence and activity, asa parkv of light
illuminates the duskilh aire. Wherefore
there being no greater perplexity nor ub
tilty in the conideration of this Center of
life or Inmo/Z ofa Spirit, then there is in the

Atomes ofMatler, we may by Axiome 7.



CAP . 6.

of the Soule.


rightly conclude, That Ina'zterpihility has

nothing in the notion thereof, but what
may well coni with the poibility of the
exience of the Subject Whereunto it be

I, Axiome: that tend to the demonrating

how the Center or Fir point ofthe Primary

Subance of a Spirit may he Indicerpiblez

2 _ Several others that demontrates how the

Secondary Subance of a Spirit may he
Indicerpible, 3._ An. application of thee
Principles. 4.' ofthe union ofthe Seconda
ry Subance tonidered tran-ucr/ly. 5.
That the notion ofa Spirit has lediftalty
then that of Matter. 6, An anwer to an
Ohjection from the Rationalfacnlty, 7, An
wer: to Ohjectionsnggeed fromfanty.
8, 4 more tompendzottt athfaction con
cerning the notion of a Spirit,

I,AN Dthus we have fairly well grati

ed the Fancy of the 'Curious con
cerning the Extenion and Indzcerpihility
of a Spirit, but we hall advance Yet higher,

and demonrate the poibility of this no

' tlOn

I he lmmortalitj
tion to the cverc Reaon, out of thee '

following Principles,

A Globe toucbes a Plain in omething, tbougl:

in 'be lea that e; conceivable to be reoll. '

The led/I that ekconcei-vable is olittle, tbzit

it cannot be conceived to be icerpible into
' l'

15 little Willi-3' 12', tbe "petition of it will a
monnt to coniderable mdgnitndes.

As for example, if this Globe be drawn

upon a Plain, it conitutes a Line, and
a Cylinder drawn upon a Plain, or this ame
Line decribed by the Globe, multiplyed
into it elf,'conicutes augerciesc. This
a man cannot deny, but t e more he thinks

of it, the more certainly true he will nd




GAP. 6.

ofthe Soule;


T thee

Magnitude cannot arie out of meer Non

FO R multiply Nochino ten thouand mil-


lions oftimes into n0t ing. the Product

will be ill nothing. Beides,if,that wherein
the Globe touches a Plain were more then
Indicerpible, that is, purely Melt-viible, it .

t, flat
'le into

is manile that a Line will 'coni of Points

Mathematically o called, that is , purely
Indi-vible, which is the 1gdlrande aburdity
that can be admitted in P iloophy, and the
mo contradictious thing imaginable.

'ill a

Axr O'M e XV.


, and i'
itmdc ,

Tbeame tbinzz by reaon o its extreme lit

tlcneimay eutterlyl' icetpiblejbongb
intellect'ually Diviible,



THis plainly aries out of the foregoing




Principles: For every Wantity is in

tellectaall] diviiblezbm omething Indice't'-v

pible was afore demonrated t'o be Bath'
tity, and conequently diviible, otherwe
Magnitude would coni of Mathemati

call points. Thus_have I found apoliildie




The Immortality

LlB . I.

lity for the Notion of the Center of a

Spirit, which is not a Mathematicall point,
but Subance, 'in Magnitude o little ,,
that it is Indzcerpiblez but in Virtue o

great, that it can end forth out of it elf

o large a Sphere of Secondary Sabance, as
Imay o call it, that it is able to actuate
rand Proportions of Matter, this whole
Sphere of life and activity being in the
mean time utterly Indicerpible. *
2. This I have aid, and hall now prove
it by adding afew more Principles of that
evidence, as the mo rigorous Reaon hall
not be able to deny them.


An Emanati-ve Caue it tbe notion ofa tbz'ng
an Emanati-ue
e isBeing,
fief BaYCaue
as meerlyno other
'M activity or 'cauality interpoed, produces
ll'i KL an Eect. That this is poble is manife, it

tW'being demonrable that there is do facto


ome uch Caue in the world z becaue

omething mu move it elf. Now ifthere

be no Spirit,Matter mu of neceity move
it elf, where you cannot imagine any acti
Yity or cauality, but the bare eence ofthe
' Matter

CAP. 6.
ctbe Soule. '
Matter from whence this mocion comes.

For if you would uppoe ome. former

motion that might be the caue of this,

then we might with as good reaon uppoe

ome former to be the caue of that, and o
'in inniticm.

'. t

An Emanatitxe Eect a coexient with' tbe
'very tcb am'e of tbat Wbicb is aid to be

tbe Can e tbereof.

THis mu needs be true, becaue that

very Subance which is aid tobeythe

Caue, is the adaequat'e 8: immediate Caue,

and wants norhing to be adjoyned to its

bare eence for the production oftheEect;
and therefore by the ame reaon the Eect
is at any time,it mu be at all times, or o
long as that Subance does exi,v




No Emanati'ue Eect, tbat eXcee-ds not the

virtue: and powers ofa Caue, can be aid

to be impoible to be produced by it.


THis is o plain, that noching need be

added for either explanation or proo?I


The Immortality


There may be a Sublance of that high Vertue
and Excellency, that it may produce ano- '
ther Subance by Emanatz't/e caufality, pro
'vided that Subance produced be in due

gradual! proportion: inferiour to that which

, caues it,

THis is plain out ofthe fOregoing Prin

ciple, For there is no contradiction nor
impobility ofa Caue producing an Eect .'
les noble then it elf, for thereby we are
the better aured that it does not exceed
the capacity of its own powers: Nor is
there any incongruity, that one Subance
hould caue omething ele which we may
in ome ene call Subance," though but
Secondary or Emanatory 5 acknowledging

the Primary Subance- t'o be the more ade

quate Object of divine? Creation, but the

Secondary to be referrible alo to thePri

mary or' Centrall Subance -by_-_wa_y ofcau
For uppoe' God ower
the Matter

moving it elf, God indeed 'is t e Prime

caue as well of the Motion as of the Matter,

and yet. nevertheles the Matter is' lightly


CAP. 6.


aid to move it elf. Finally, this Secondary ' i

or Emanatory Subance may be rightly

called Sub/lance, becaue it is a Subject in
dued, with' certain powers-and activities,
and that it does not inhaere'as an Accident '
in any other Subance or Matter, but could
- maintaine its place, though all Matter or
t what other Sub-an'ce oever were removed

my) of that pace it is extended through,

p vided its Primary Sub/lance be but

3. From thee four' Principles I haVe
here added, we may have not anjmagina=
- tive but rationall apprehenion-of that part
of a Spirit which we call the Secondary-Sub
lance thereof.v Whoe Extenion ariing
by graduall Emanation from the Fir and
prime Eence, which we call the Center of
the Spirit (which is no impoible uppoi
tion by the 16. 18, and 19. Axiomes) we
are led from hence toaneceary acknow
ledgment operfect Indicerpibz'lity' ofparts,
though n0t intellectuall Indiviibility, by
Axiome 17. for itimplyes a contradiction
that an Emanative eect hould be disjoy
ned from its originall.
4. Thus have I demonrated how a Spi
rit,conidering the lineamentsof it (as I
may o callthem) from the Center to the

Circumference, is utterly ll'ldlCGl'Plb'lCs But


. now


The Immortality

LIB . I.

now if any be o curious as to ask how the

parts thereof hold to ether in aline drawn
cros to thee from t e Center (for Imagi

nation, it may be, will ugge they lye all

looe) I anwer that the conjecture of Ima
gination is here partly true and partly fale,
hall be
or For
united, it is fale and ridiculous: but if only
o dicerpible , that one part may be di
united from another,that is not 'only true,
but neceary -, otherwie a Spirit could noc
comract one part and extend another,
which is yet 'an Hypotheis neceary to be
admitted. Wherefore this Objection is o
far from weakning the pobility ofthis no
tion, that it gives occaion more fully to de

clare the exact concinnity thereof. To be '

brief therefore, a Spirit from the Center

to the Circumference is utterly indicer

pible, but in lines cros to this itis cloely
cohaerent, but not indicerpibly; which co
haeion may coni in an immediate union
of thee parts,and tranvere penetration
and trancurion o econdary ubance tho
rough this whole Sphere of life which we
call a Spirit. Nor need we wonder that o
full 'an Orbe hould well-out from o
fubtil and mall a point as the Center of
this Spirit is uppoed. EI igmp 9 75 Some;



=_ -


CAP. 6.

oft/Je Soule.


yampa'v ZB-i, Word/us: i; amid-nii 7ro7ui yAhor

dmpz'xa rely-my, as Ariotle omewhere

ayes of the mind ofman. And beides it

is but what is een in ome ort to the very
eye in light, how largea pheare oaire a
little park willilluminate.

r -

5. This is the pure Idea of a created Spi

rit in general, concerning which if there be
yet any cavill to be made, it can be none
other then what is perfectly common to it

and to Matter, that is,the unimaginablenes

of Points and malle Particles, and how .

what is dicerpible cannot. at' all hang to

gether ; but this n0t hindering Matter
from actuall exience, there' is no reaon

that it hould any way pretend to the iner

ring of the impobility of the exience of
a Spirit by Axiome 7. But the mo lubri
cous uppoition that we goe upon here, i-s
not altogether o intricate as thoe dicul
ties in Matter. ' For if that be but granted,

in which I nd no aburdity, That a Particle of Matter may be o little that it is utterly

uncapable of being made les , it is plain
that one and the ame thing, though intel
lectually diviible, may yet be 'really indi
cerpible. And indeed it is not only poble,
but it eems neceary that this hould be
true: For though we hould acknowledg

that Matter were dicerpible in innitum,


D 3



The immortality


yet uppoing a Caue of Innite diinct _

perce tion and as Innite power, (and God
is uc 1) this Caue can reduce this capacity
of innite dicerpiblenes of Matter into
act, that is to ay, actually and at once di,
cerp it or disjoyn it into o many particles
as it is dicerpible into. From whence it will
follow, that one of thee particles reduced
to this perfect Parvitude, is then utterly

and magnitude
yet intellectually
ible, otherwie
iwould coni
of meet points, which would imply a con
tradiction. We have therefore plainly de
monrated by reaon, that Matter conis
of parts indicerpible z and therefore there
being "no other Faculty to give urage
again it, for neither ene nor any common
notion can contradict it, it remains by Axi
ome 5, that the Concluion is true,

6. What ome would object from Rea

on, that thee Perfect- Parrviwder being ac
knowledged ill intellectually diviible,
, mu ill have parts into which they are di

- viible, and therefore be ill dicerpible;

to thisit is anwered, That diviioninto

parts does not imply any dicerpibility, be

caue the parts conceived in one of thee

Minima Corpomlizt (asImay o call them)

are rather eential! or n'mall parts then
mtegm/l, and can no more actually be die-.

vered, '

CAP. 6.

v aft/ye Soule.


vered, then Sene and Reaon from the Soul

"of a man. For it is of the very Eence of
Matter to
be diviible,thereof
but it to
is be,
at all
in theeence
' piblez and therefore where dicerpibility fails there is no neceity that diviibility
hould faile alo-See the Preface,Sect,3. .

* 7. As for the trouble jofpurigus ug

geions or repre'entations from the Fancy,
as if thee perfect Parpitader were zround
Bodyes, andt at therefore there would be
Triangular intervals betwixt, voidof Mat
ter, they are of no moment inthis cae,- he

alwayes repreenting a Dicerpible magni

tude inead of an Indicezible one.:Wher,e

fore he bringing in afal _ evidence,-er.ter.
imony is to be rejected z- nay ifhe could
perplex the caue far-wore, he was not to

be heard, by Axiome the 4. Wherefore;_

being inunable
exhibite theobject
its duetoadvantages,
we know thee perfect' Parvitudes may lye

o cloe together, that they have no intervals

o; For
if there were
it eemsi
any uch
to be
they were capable of particles les then thee
lea ofall, which is a contradiction in Rea on, and a thing utterl-y..impoble. But if

we hould gratify Fancy-fo far asto admit

pf thee intervals, the greate .aburdi_ty



* would

4 o i

The Immortality

LIB ._ I,

would be, that we mu admit an inenible

rationem, which no Faculty will be able ever

to confute. But it is mo rational] to admit
none, and more cononant to our determi
nation concernin thee Minima Corporalia,
as I call them, w oe largenes is to be limi

ted to the lea reall touch of either a Globe

on a Plain, or a Cone on a Plain, or a Globe
on a Globe z if you conceive any reall
touch les then another,let that be the mea

ure of thee Minute Realitit: in Matter.

From whence it will follow,they mu touch
a whole ide at once, and therefore can
neverleave any empty intervals. Nor can

we imagine any Anguloities or round pro

tuberancies in a quantity innitely little,

more then we can in one ininitely great, as

I' have already declared in my Preface.I mu

confes, a mans' Reaon in this peculation

is moumed far beyond his Imagination z but
there being wore intricacies in Theories
acknowledged conantly to be true, it can

be no prejudice to the preent Concluion,

by the 4. and 7. Axiomes.

8. Thus have we cleared up afull and

diinct notion of a Spirit, with o unexcep
tionable accuracy, that no Reaon can pre
tend, to aert it impoible, nor unintelli

gible. Bur if the Theory thereof may eem

more operoe and tedious to impatient wits,


-* -*i-C-'-'="I,

CAP. 6.

ofthe Soule;


and the punctuality of the decription the

more hazardous and incredible, as ifit were
beyond our Faculties to make o precie a
in a ubject o ,obcure,they
eae their underandinctg
by contenting

themelves with what we have et down

Cap. 2, Sect. II, 12. and remember that

that Widome and Power that created all

things, can make them ofwhat nature He
pleaes, and that if God will that there hall
be a Creature that is penetrable and indi

cerpible, that it is as eaya thing for him

to make one o of its own nature, as one

impenetrable and dicerpible, and indue it

with what other properties he pleaes, ac

cording to his own will and purpoe : which

induments being immediately united with
the Subject they are in, Reaon can make
no further demand how they are there, by
the 9. Axiome. ' '




The Immortality

*LI B -. I.

CHAP. vu, I. Of the Self-motion ofa Spirit. 2. OfSelf

penetration, 3. Of &If-contraction and di

Iatatitm. 4. The power of penetrating of

Matter. 5. The power of nto-ving, 6. And

of altering the Matter.

I. VVof
E have
the Indi
a Splzrz't
as well
in Center
Circumference, as well in the Primar] as

Secondary Subance thereof, to be avery

conient and congruous Norion. The next
property is Self-moti0tt,which mu ofnece
ity be an Attribute of omething or other;
For bySelf-motion I underand norhing'

ele but Self-activity, which mu appertain

toa Subject active of it elf. Now what is

mply active of it elf, can'no more ceae

to be active then to Be; which is a ign
that Matter is not active of it elf, becaue'
it is reducible to Re: Which is an Argu

ment noc only that Self-acti-vt'ty belongs to

a Spirit, but that thereis ucha thing asa
Spirit in the world, from which activity is

communicated to Matter. And indeed if

Matter as Matter had m0tion , noching
Would hold together
but Flints,


CAP.7. _ ' ofthe Soule;


Bras, Ironzyea this whole Earth would.

uddenly melt into a thinner Subance then

the ubtil Aire," or rather it never had been
condenated tOgether to this coniency
we nde it. But this is 'to anticipate my
future purpoe of proving That there are
Spirits exiing in the world : It had been
' ucient
to have aerted,
That Self
motion or here
_is as conceivable
appertain to Spirit as Body, which is plain
at ir ight to any man that appeales to

his own Faculties. Nor-is it at all to be

crupled at,that any thing hould be allowed
to move it elf, becaue our adveraries that:
ay thereis nothing burMatter in the WOrId,

mu of neceity (asl have intimated al

ready) ' confes that this Matter moves it _

elf, though it be very incongruous o to

arm. ,
' > '
a. The congruity and poibility ofSelf'
penetration ina created Spirit is to be con
_ ceived, partly from the limitablenes of the
Subject, and partly from the foregoingat

tributes of Indzcerpihility and Self-motiort.

For Self-penetratt'on cannot belong to God,
becaue it is impoible any thing hould
'belong to him that implyes imperfection,
and Self-penetration cannot be without the
leening of the preence of that which does

> penetrate it elf z or the implicationthat


The Immortah'tj
ome parts of that eence are not o well as
they may be, which is a contradiction in a
Being which is abolutely perfect. From the
Attributes of Indzterpihility and Self-mo
tion (to which you may adde Penetrability
from the general] nocion of a Spirit) it is

plain that uch a Spirit as we deine, ha

ving the power of Motion upon the whole
extent of its eence, may alo determine

this Motion according to the Property of

its own nature: and therefore if it deter
mine the motion of the exteriour parts in

ward, they will return inward towards the

center of eentiall power -, which they

may eaily doe without reiance, the whole

Subject being penetrable, and without da
mage, it being alo indicerpible.

3. From this &If-penetration we doe

not only eaily, but necearily, underand
_ &if-contraction and dilatatim to arie. For

this elf-moving Subance, which we call


a Spirit, cannot penetrateit elf, but it mu

needs therewith contract it elf; nor reore

'it elf again to it's former ate, but it does

thereby dilate it elf; o that we need nor
at all ini upon thee termes.
4. That power which a Spirit has to
penetrate Matter we may eaily underand
ifWe conider a Spirit only as a Subance,

whoeimmediate propertyis Acti-vt'ty. for

, .
t en


ofthe Soule-'


then it is not harder to imagine this Active

Subance to pervade this or the other part

of Matter, then it is to conceive the per

vading or dispreading of motion it elf

5. The greate diculty is to fancy
how this Spirit, being o incorporeall, can

be able to move the matter, though it be

in it. For it eems o ubtil, that it will pas
through, leaving no more footeps ofit's
being there, then the Lightening does in
the Scabbard,-though it may haply melt
the word,becaue it there indes reiance.
But a Spirit can nd no reianCe anywhere,
the cloe matter being eaily penetrable
and pervious to an Incor oreall ubance.

The ground of this di culty is founded

upon the unconceivablenes 'of any 'union
that can be betwixt the matter, and a Sub
ance that can o eaily pas through it. For
ifwe could but once imagine an Union be
twixt Matter and a Spirit, the activity then
ofthe Spirit would certainly have inuence

upon Matter, either for hegettin , or increa

ing, or directing the morion t ereof. But
nOtWithanding the Penetrability and eay

paageofaS-pirit through matter, there

is yet for all that a capacity of a rong
union betwixt them, and every whit as con- X

ceivable as betwixt the parts of Matter



The Imanortality
LIB . I.
themelvdsor what glue or Cement holds
the parts of hard matter in ones and
metalls together, or, if you will, ofwhat is

abolutely hard, that has no pores or par

ticles, but is one continued and perfectly

homogeneous body, not Only to ene, but

according to the exact Idea of Reaon!
what Cement holds together the parts of

uch a body as this s' Certainly noching but

immediate Union and Re/t. Now for Union,
there is no comparion betwixt that ofMat

ter with Matter, and this of Spirit with

Matter, For the r-is only uperciall;
in this latter the v'eryinward parts are united
point to point throughout. Nor is there
any feare it will not take hold, becaueit
has acapacity of paing through. For in
this abolutely olid hard Body, which I'et
be A, in which let us con

ceive ome inward uperi

cies, uppoe E. A, C, this

upercies is o mooth as
norhing can be conceived E
moother: [why does not

therefore the u per E. D.

C, lide upon the neather
part E.F,C, upon the lea morion imagina
ble,epecially E. F.C. being uppoed to be

held fawhil the Other is thru again s"

Thls facxlity therefore of one Body pang



UAP. 7. - ofthe-Soule.
upon another without any icking, eeming
as neceary tolour fancy as a Spirits aing
through all Bodies-without taking old of

them, it is plain by Axiome 7. That a rm

union of Spirit and Matter is very poible,
though we cannot conceive the manner
thereof. And as for lie, it is comp'etible
alo to this conjunction ofMatter with Spi
rit,as well as of Matter with Matter. For

uppoe the whole body A. moved with

like wiftnes in every part, the parts of A.
then are aCCording to that ene ofRe, by
which they would explain the adhaeion of
the parts of Matter one with another, truly

quiecent. So ay I that in the Union of

Matter and Spirit, the parts of the Matter
receiving from the Spirit ju uch a velo
city of motion as the Spirit exerts, and no

more, they both 're in rm Union one

with anorher. That which comes to pas
even then when there is far les immediate _

Union then we peak of. For if we doe but

lay, a Book on our hand, provided our hand

be nor moved with a wifter motion then it

communicates to the Book,nor the Book be
puht On faer thenche wiftnes ofourhand; '
the Book and our Hand will mo certainly'
retain their Union and goe together. So na
turall and Eay is it to conceive how a Spirit may move a Body without any more per


The Immortolity

LiB. I.

plexity or contradiction then is found in'

the Union and motion of the parts ofMat
ter itelf. See the Appendix to my Anti
dote, Cap. 3.

6. The la Terme I put in the Deni

tion of a Spirit, is the poweriof altering' the
Matter ; which will nece arily follow
from it's power of moving it or directing
its m0tion. For Alteration is nothing ele
but the varying of either the Figures, or
poures, or the degrees of motion in the
particles; all which are nothing ele but

the reults oflocall motion. Thus have

we cleared the intelligibility and poibility
of all the Termes that belong to theNotion
ofa created Spirit' in generall, at lea of

uch as may be rationally conceived to be

the caues of any viible Phaanomena in the
world: We will now decend to the dening
of the chief Species thereof.


CAP. 8.'

oft/se Soule: , .




_'_,-r' '-',1 23' *_r_.*_






t 3 Fotixbmdin Species Spiritsgfzy'Hoihitlboy

are to be dened. 3. T/o'e ddttrltioywfjdxoe
minalltFormez 4430' th'cZSoula'of-o' BMtoz
5. Of the Soule ofa Man. '6> The W.
rence betwixt the Souleof on Qgedzzitrf

an bw'mme Soule, 7.'-=THe-dezzit-imzqfmz

Angelicol Soule. 8.
and 'Et-Menof9;-'-Tbot'Des'-Carte's
the' Extejacemfe
Humane Soule does at ieawondddcvte'
poibility ofa Spirit. i-m '_

. wi.- writ


have enumerated foitr Jli


cts' of

Spirit5.,Viz.T he Aoyqt dwepamul

or Seminall Formts, the soules of Dow'gtih

Humane Soule, mdtlmt Soule or Spirit
uctoote: or informet tbc eve/title: qf-Angels:

For I look upon 'Angel's robe as-'truf

compound Being;I c'oniingzcin Soule and
Body, as that of Men and' nnes; Their
Exience We hall not now 'goe 'about to

pr0ve,-=-for that belongs to-anmhe'r-place.

" My preent deign is? onely to expound or'
of thee
, othey
far .,
is needful
are the Ideas or' ' Net'ions-ofthings Which


The Immortolit)

Lin. I.

imply no contradiction or impoibility in

their conception; which will bevery eay
for us to perform ': the chief diculty ly

ing1 in that more General notion of a Spirit,

w' 'ch we have o fully explained in the
foregoing chapters.
, 2.- Now this General notion can be con

tracted'into Kindes, by no other Dzerentes

then uch as may be called peculiar powers
s or properties belonging to oneASpirit and
excluded from another, by the 8. Axiome.
From whence it will follow, that ifwe de
cribe thee everal kindes of Spirits by
immediate and intrinecall properties, we

have given as good Denitions of them as

any one can give ofany thing in the world,

- 3. Wewill begin with what is mo im- i

ple, the Seminal Fomes of. things which,

for the preent, deciding nothing of their

exience, according to their Woe. pot'ibilit,
We deine thus 7, A Seminal Forme it a orea

ted Spirit organz'Zjng duely prepared matter

into life and wegetation proper to this or the
other leind ofplant. It is beyond my imagi
nation what can be excepted again this
decription, it containing nothing but what
is very cohaerent and intelligible. For in
that it is a Spirit, it can mo-ve Matter intrin
ecally, or at lea direct the m' tion thereof:
But in that it is not an Ornni otent Spirit,



CAP. 8.

otbe'SouIeS. '


but Finite and Created,it-Ts power may Well

be rerained to duely preared Matter both

for vital union- and motions' He that has
made thee PartiCular Spirits, varying their
Faculties of Vital union according tasthe
diverity of the preparation 'Of Matter, . and
o limiting the whole comprehenion of

them all, that none of them may be able

to be vitail joyned with any matter what

ever, and-t 'e ame r Caue of all things',

that gives thema power of uniting with
and moving of matter 'dael prepared z may

alo et uch lawe's to t is motion, th'atv

when it liohts on matter t for it, it will

produce uch and uch a Plant, that is to
ay,it will hape the matter into uch Figure,
Colour and other properties,as "we dicover
in them by our Senes,
* v
4, This is the r degree of Particular

Life in the world, if there b'e any 'purely of

this degree particular, But now, as Ario
tle has omewhere noted, the Eences of

things are like Numbers, whoe Species are

changed by adding or taking away an Unitez

adde therefore another Intrineoall power to.

this of Vegetation, viz. Senation, and it be

comes the soule of a Bea, For in truth

the bare Subante it elf is not." to be com-P
puted in explicite knowledg, it being utter
ly in -it elf unconceivable, and therefor-e
E z:



The Immortality

i LIB . I.

we will onely reckon upon the Powers. A

Subject tbereforeom whence is both Yegeta;

tion and Senfation 13 the central nation ofthe
Soule ofa Brate. Which is, diribuced into
a number of kindes, the eect of every- In
trineeal power being dicernible in the con- *
ant hape and properties of every ditinct
kind ofBrute Creatures. .
. -

5. Ifwe adde to Vegetati-on and Senfatim

Reaon properly o called , we havethen -_

a etled n0tion of the Soule ofMan z which

we may more compleatly decribe thus:

A created Spirit indmd WitbSene and Reaon,
and aponter of organiKz'ng terrerial matter

into hnmanehape by vital union therewith.

6. And herein alone, Itonceive, 'does
the Spirit or Soule of an Angel (for I take

the boldnesao call that Soule, what ever

it is, that has a power of vitally actuating

the Matter)die'r_ from. the Soule ofa Man,

in that the Soule of an Angel may vitally i

actuate an aireal or net/need] body -, - but *

-cann0t be born into this world in ateme *

' . - ' ' .'
7. To make an end therefore of out

Denitions: an Angelioal Soule is very in,r

telligibly decribed thus,- -,=_' A created Spirit indited With-Reaon, Senationind. a. power 7
of'lcingwitnx - anitedwitlr and clinking Of

a Body after: out/ver onely; Which . power '

r. A


- CAP.8.

Oflbets'wle- '


' ' over an a'cireal or 'act/yern! Body is. 'very


'eaily to be underOod out ofthatgeneral

notion of a Spirit in the foregoing Chaps

ters. For-it being there madegood, that
union with Matter is not incompetible to'a
Spirit, and conequently not 'moving ofit',
nor that kind of motion ina Spirit which
LWecaH Contraction and Dilatation z thee

powers, if carefully conidered, will necez

h hrily ihfer, thepoibility .-of the Actuat

on and Union ofan AngeliCal Soule with

an mhereal or aieryBody.
'* \
iof Spirits or Imatcrial Sub'ances, as the *

MW-*"_f,.m_ \

Nine and Tydeus." But there being more

subtilty then.eithex_uefuiznefs or aurance
inuch- like Spmuhtions, r I hall pas them

over at this time -,-. having 'al'ready, Ithink,

irrefwtabiy made gbod, That there is no
incongrurty 'nor *incompobility'compried _
the NOtiOn-rof
_. Spirit
. . Incorpor'ea-L
. .

-* 9. But thereisytrt anouher- way ofiner

ring the . amez and' it is (the Argument of

Dcs-Cams, whereby he Would conClude

that there is de facta aSubann in m- di
inctfrom Mart-er, viz. our own Minde. FOr
every Real aection or Property being the
Mode of ome Subance or Other, and reall'
Modes being unconceivable without their




The Immort'ality


Subject ,- he inferres that ,' eeing we can

doubt whether there be any uch thing as

Bodyin Cagitation
the world from
Body) there
mu we
ome other' Subance diinct from the
Body, to which Cogitation belongs. But I
mu confes'this Argnment will not reach i
home to Des-Cams his purpoe, who would
rove inFor
bein ubance
thiLre may.
be made:
mon to more-S-u jects then one, and this of
Cogitation may be pretended to be uch as
is competible as well to ubance Corporeal
as Incorporeal, it' may be conceived 'apart

from either, though not frOm bOth. And

therefore his argument does not prove. that

lThat in us which does thin/e or IIercei-ueis

a Subance diinct from our ' ody, but
'onely That there may be ucha Subance,
_ which has- the power of thinking or per
ceiving, which yet is not a Body. For it be
ing impoble that there hould be any real
mode which is in no Subject, and we clear
ly conceiving Cogitifion independent for
exience on Corporeal Subance z it is

neceary, That there' may be ome other

'Subance on which it' may depend z which
mu needs be a Subance Incorporeal.


CAp, '9.

ethe Soule.


I . That it it qf
C nmall
H A P. conequence
IX. .,Fct_.:} to have

a Spirit._2." Po
The ibility
of -afexamining
the Exience of
Mr. Hobbs ha't Reaon: to the contrary,

3. Ther Exccrption ' out of MrzHobbs.

4', The ecend Excerption, 5. The third.

6, Thefonrth. 7. The
8. The ixth. 9',
The eventh. 10. The eighth and la ax:
* cerption,
_ _1_


,_ z

Have. been, I believe', to*admirat_ion'_

curious and ollicitous to make good,

that the Exience of a Spirit or Incarporeal .

snhance is p01b1e.- But there is no-reaon

any one hould wonder that I have pent o
much pains to make o mall and inconide

rable a progree, as to bring the thing only

_ to a hare pofihility. For though-I may eem
to have gained little to my elf, yet I'have
thereby given a very ignal overthrow to
the advere party , whoe ronge hold
eems to be an unhaken conHdenCe, That

the very n0tion ofa Spirit or Snhance Im

material is a perfect Incompobilityand
pure Non-ene, From WhenCe, are ininu
ated' no better Conequences then thee:




The mmonalzity

LIB- l

That it is impoible that there hould be'

any God, or Soule, or An el,__Good or Bad;
or any lmmortality or Li e to come. That
there is no Religion, no Piety nor Impiety,
no vertue nor Vice, Juice n'otln'ynice,
but what it>pleaes him that has' the longe

&yoxed-to call-o.- z That there is

domectWillmor conequently anyRatiOnal

remore. of Conciencein any Being 'what

oever, 'but that
all that
is, is nothing
th'ctehre every; trace of mans life is asne
ceary as the tracts o Lightning, and the
kallings of Thunder 3 the blind impetw of A
theMarter breaking through or being opt \
every where, with as 'certain and determi- '

nate necelity,.as'the coure of a Torrent

after-mighty ormes and howers of Rain.

'7 3 a; And verily conidering ofwhat excee

ding-great conequence it is to roor out this
that' ome
have taken
if it.n orea
contradiction'in the very termes, I think


I hall be wahring to o weiaht'y a Caue, if

Ihall content my elfwith a 'bate recita
tion ofthe Reaibns whereby I prove it po


lble , and nor: produce their Ar ments


that eem 'mo able to maintain t e con?


tratyz And truly Idoe' not remember that


Fever met with any one Yet that may july


' -



CAP. 9.

ofthe Soule.


be upected to be more-able to make good

this Province then out Countreyman Mr, r

Hohhi , whoe inexuperable cOndenCe of

the truth of the -Concluion,may_ Well aure

any man that duely coniders the excellency

of this 'natural Wit and Parts, that 'he has
made choice of the mo Demcvnrative
Arguments that . humane Invention can
'earch out for the eviction thereof, . _
*' .3_' And that :I may not inCnrte the upi

cion of miakinghis Aertionr 'of mire-

reenting the force of his' Reaons, I hall

__ere punctually. et them dowo in the ame

words I-nd them in his own Writings,that

any man may jtidg'e if I'doe him any Wrong._
The r place Ihall take 'notice'of'is in-his
'Le-viathan, Chap, 34; The ward'

in the

ma meam-al acceptation ignies that which

filleth or occupieth ome certainxream, 'or ima-L

ginedplace 2, and defendeth not' in the Imo _

gulation, hnt
it 'athereal
Partee 'that
of allit' Bodyes,.
ma ing
thereof that
nctot'ale there
not" anyit
properly a Body, that it not alv parraf (that

Aggregate of all Bcdyes) the ani-ve'e. The

ainte a"la,hecanenvaes. areuhject'. to change,
thank taay, to variety'of appearance to the
ene of living Creatares, it called Snhance,

'that 'it to ay, it-hied? to clarion-5 Accidents;

- >


The Imrhartality

LlB . I. i

aontetimes to he moved, ometimes to and

* ill, andto eem to our Z-ner ometimes Hot,
ometime: Cold, ometimes of one Colour ,
Smell, Ta, or Sound, ometimes of another.
And thrlt diverity of eeming, (produced hy

tho.diverty ofthe operation of Bodye: on the

Organ: 12' ourSene) we attrihute to altera
tion: oft e Bodyer that operate, and call them

Accidents of thoe Bodyes, And according to.

hin' acception of the word, Suhance and Body
igni/ie the ame thing; and therefore Suh
anco incorporcal are word: which when they

are joyned
an Incorporeal
deroy one Body.
another, fI/I
4. The econd place is in his Phychr,
Part 4, Chap, 25, Article 9. But it tis here
to he oherved that certain Dreames, ehccially

. uch uchme men have when they are hetwixt

leeping and waking, and uch ac happen to

thoe that have no lenowledg ofthe natureof


Dreamet, and are withall uperitious, were

nor are now
the Apparitiont
thou ht they


andthe voice: they thought they heard inleep,

were not hclieved to he Phantamer , hut


thingtuh/i/ling of themelves, and Ohject't

without thoe 'that Drcamed. For to ome

men, M wellleepingaa waking, hut ehecially
to guilty men, andin the night, and in hal
lowed places, Fear alone, helpcda little with

9, ofuch
Soule. hath

" t

the names
of Gho:

and Incerporeol Suhanees.



'5 . We
I: Chap.
adde a5.third
4, of


a hadow,
pace, che. vitpqtzear
to m' nolight,
._; .=_-.x'-._*.v-*_o<-

then waking, they cannot he things without ye,

'hot onely Phentomes of the'mind their-ma'
ginee them.


_> j i "\

6. And a feurkh oucof hiS'Humanc' Na;

ture, Chap. n, Art. 4, But spirits opera'

naturnll commonly ignie ome' S'l anee

5 i

without dimenion, which two words doe atly


contradict one another, And Articlc 5. Nor

I thin/e is that word Incorporeal at all in the

Bible, hut isaid ofthe Spirit, that it ahideth
in men, ometimes that it dwelleth in them,
ometimes that it cometh on them, that it de

cendeth, and goeth, and cometh , and that

Spirit: are Angels, that ietoay, Me engersz

all which words doe imply localit ,an localit]
it Dimenon, and what oe-ver hit/1 dimenlion
is Body, he it ne-uerfo nhtile, ->'-

- ' >

7. The fth Exw'ption hall be out of his

- Le-uiathan,
they conCha
t e. hyI'z,
the oMatter



The Immortality

LIB . I. '

't 'on an] other conceit, hut that it was the

f'lc with that ofthe Soule ofMan,and that the
Soule ofMan war of theame Sahlance with
that which appeareth in a Dream' 'to one that

leepeth, or ina Loohing-gla/Y to one thatir

awake: Which, men not knowing that ech
_ Apparitions are nothing ele hu' creatures of
the Fancy, think to he reall and external Snhu

ancet , and therefore call them Ghos, a'

the Latines called them Iinagincs, and um

S iritt,
that Agent',
it, thih
-, and

which thejfeared, to he li/ee them, fave'that

the] appeare and vanih when they-pleae. But

theopinion that uch ffiritt were Incorporeal
or Immat'eriall ,- coal never enter into' the
winde, ofan] than hy' nature -, hecaufe, though
men 'may put together word: of contradictory
i nicati'on, M'SPirit and 'Itxcotporeahyet
t j can never have 'the imagination ofany
thing an'ering to them, We will help out

this further from what' he Writes in his

HumancNature, Cap. I '-,'. Art. 5. 'To [enow

thata spirit it, that. it to ay, to have natural

evidence oftheame, it is impo-ihle. For all
evidence it conception, and all conce tion if

imagination, 'andproceedethfrom Sen 5 and

Spirit: we uppo to he thoe Suhance: which
wore 'hot upon-the Sene, ad therefore are not
-_ , _'._.'_


8. The

ofthe Soule.
v 61 J
'CAP- 9.

8. The FLXtvhMUE of Chap.45'. where'he

writes thus; 7; That nature of Sight having
never heeri dicovered hy the ancient preten+

dere-'to 'naturall knowledg, much lei hy thoe

that conider, net-thing: o' remote (at that,

men to'conjceive
thoe nfe,it
Fonc-y and in the Sene , itherwie then of
thin s really without ne.

Which ome (her

mas they-vanih away they know not whether

nor/tom) willha've to he aholutely incorpou

real, that i tafayintmaterial, or Form: with

out Matter," Colour and. Figure, without any

coloured ar-guretllody, and that they can a:
on aiery hodyes, (as agarment) to make t en'
xvihle WhMihty will to our bodily eye: z and
othersfay, are Bodyes and living Creature-I,

hut made ofAire, or other moreuhtile and

athereel matter, which 121- then, when' they

wi he eymdlldr But hath afthe'm

agree on one general appellatimofthene, Dxr
mous. As the dead of'wh'om' they' dreamed

were not the Inhahitanti oft'heir own Brain,

hut ofthe Airexczr-ofHeaven or Hell,not Pham

tames hat qhahtz with ju ae much rea on do'

if one hould ny he aw-hit own Gho ina

Looking-gle: 5 , or the Ghot: of the ars' in a

River, or call the ordinary Appari'tion ofthe

' sun of the' quantity of about a eat, the

Dan-on orGhof of that. great Sun that enr \

The lmmortality
1 B . .
lightneth the whole viihle world.

9. The eventh is out of the nex: Chap

he calls
againit,taking to task
as he
of *
Ahract Eence: and Suhantial Formes, he
writes thus : The world (I mean not the Earth

onely, hut the Zlnivere, that is, the whole mat'


of all things that are) it corporeal," that is to

hath the Dimeniont
of' Magnitude,Body,
and Depth
-, alo A


every part of Body is likewie Body, and hath,


the like dimenions z and conequently every

part ofthe Univere it Body, and that which



isnot Body ik no part ofthe Zlnivere : And 'l

hecaue the Mnivere is all, that which is no

part of it is nothing,
and, conequently no

IO. The eighth and la We haVe a' little

after in the ame Chapter, which runs thus;
Being' once fallen into that errour of eparated
eences, they are therehy necearily involved
in many other ahurditie: that follow it. For
eeing they will have thee Forme's' to he real,
they are ohlige'd to aign them ome place.
But hecaue they hold them incorporeal with
out all dimenon of Qantity, and all men
know that Place is Dimenion, and not to he
lled hut hy that which u' corporeall, they are
driven to u'phold their credit with a diincti
on, that they are not indeed any where Cir

CAP.9. 5 ofdveSoule.


cumcriptivc?> hitt Denitive. Which termes,

being meer words, and in this occaion inig

ni cant, pa onely in Latine, that the 'vanity

o them might he concealed, For the Circum
cription of a thing is nothing ele hnt the
determination or dening of it'splace, ando
hoth the termes of ditinction are the ame,
And in particular of the eence ofman, which
they'ay is htkSottleJhey airm it to he all ofit
'in his little nger, and all ofit in every other
part (how mall oever) of his Body, andyet

'no more Soule in the whole Body then in any

one of thee parts. Can any man thin/e that
is fer-ved
with uch
? And
et all
this is neceary
to helieve
to thoe
will helierve the exience of an jncorporeal
Soule eparatedfrom the Body.


*- f-*Fj-*.._5n=u s-uw


The Immortalzity

CHAP. x.
1_ An Anwer to the

- L1B _ .


ExcerPtion. 2. To

the econd. 3. An Anwer to the third. 4:

To the fourth Excerption. 5, An Anwer

tothe fth. 6. To the ixth. 7._ To the e


venth, 8. An Anwer to the eighth and


la. 9. A hrief Recapitulation ofmhat hee!

heenaid hitherto.



Ehave et down the chieei a

Vvages in the Writings of an.

Hohhs, that condent Exploder of Imma
terial Snhancet out of the world, I; re
mains now that 'We examine them,and ee
. whether the force of his Arguments beares


any proportion to the rmnes of his be

lief, or rather mi-belief, concerning thee

things, To rip therefore the r Excerp

tion of that long Amhages of words, and to
reduceit to a more plain and compendious

'_4 4____<_""

forme of reaoning, the force o his Argu

ment lies thus: That eeing every' thing in
the Unto/ere is Body (the Linen/ere heing no-v

thing el e hut an Ai gregate of Bodies) Body

and Sit ance are hent names of one and the

ame thing -, it hein-g called Body M it lls a

place, and Suhance a: it is the Suhject of

BTAP. to.

ofthe Soule. 1 * - '


everal? Alteration? and ' Accident. Where'

fore Body andSubande being allow, Incori
Poreal Subanc'e is 'to het'ter
then-jot In
c rporeal BOdY, which tis' nt contrddiction in
t e my' termes. Bur in' i's plain to all the

World that this i's not to proves but to up

poe what is to be pwwdhac the Univere
is' nothing
ele but anAgg'regate
he hasprovied
that; We willofBodye's:
LCk'nUWI , '
led e the eqdel; till then he has proved
not ing, and therefore this r arghmen?
tation mu pas for nought."

' _, **

2.. Let us eXamine the rength' ofthe

Second, Which certainly mii be this; ifati

at allxz That whichhns its origin-il were y

and in
eyes, him'
no reallFeares
the worldJ-Bxt

Incorporeall Suhances have no Other oin'

inahl, The Propoition' is' a > Trmh indu4
hitabie; but the Aumptiofn, is 'is Walls as

the other is rong; whether' you undet

an'd it of the reall Original] of thoe Sub

ances, or of the Principles of our know'

ledge That they are', And be the-it Ori-K

gittal-1 what" it wills it is'nothing to ussur

far forth
it dierefor-e
is cognocible
ue by
ct 'o
r. as
when' to
he ayes
they have no Other Original! then' that of

ourownxFa-ncyhe' mu be underood to'

amr'e that there in? mite! pxintiplef

t e


The Immortality

Liar. i

.'_ 13-4.'.'-'J)'-A.-

of their
then that
we knowledge
vainly imagine
to bezwhich

grosly fale.
Forit is notand
the Superitious
Dreams and
of Melancholick
perons, from which Philoophers and Chri


tians have argued the Exience of Spi

rits and,Immaterial Subances, but from
:*-: .:
'u . . . . .

the evidence of Externall Objects of Sene,

that is, the ordinary Phanontena of Nature,
in which there is dicoverable o profound
Widome and Counell, that they could
not but conclude that the order Of things

in the world was from a higher Princip e

then the blind motions and jumblings of
Matter and meer Corporeall Beings. To

which you may adde what uually they call

dpparitions, which are o far from being
meerly the Dreams and Fancyes ofthe Su
peritious, that they are acknowledged

by uch as cann0t but be deemed by mo

men over Atheiicall,lmean Pom onatim

and Cardan, nay by Vaninii: himel ,though

o devoted to Atheime, that out of a per

fect mad zeale to that depicable caue he

died for it. Iomit to name the operati
ons of the Soule, which ever appeared to

the wie of all Ages of uch a trancendent

condition, that they could not judge-them
- to pring from o contemptiblea Principle
as-bare Body or Matter. Wherefore to de
. .
. cline

CA. to.

of the Soule',

67 '

cline all thee, and to make repreentation

onely ofDreames and Fancyes to be the oc
caions of the' World's concluding that 'there
are Incorporeall Snhances, is to fancy his

Reader a>meer cale, and publiekly to ro

fes 'that he has a minde to impoe upon im;

3. The third argumenta'tion is this: That

which appears to its as well leeping as 'palm
ing,is nothing Withoictns : But Ghots,,that
is Immateriall Suh/lances,appeare to ns as
wellleeping' as waking. This is the weak
e argument that has been yet produced : s
for both the Propoition' and Aumption
are fale. For if the Propoition' were true,
the Sun, Moon, Scars, Clouds , Rivers,
Meadows, Men , Women, and other living

creatures were nothing without us: For all

thee appeare to us as well when we are
leeping as waking, But Incorporeall Suh
ances doe no: appeare to. u's as well leep
ing as waking, For the, notion of an In- '
eorporeall Suhance is o ubtile and rened,

that it leaving little or no impreion on

the Fancy, it's repreentation is meerly
upported by the free power ofReaon,
which eldomeex'ercies it elfin leep,- un;
of the fourth
Argument is .
' briey this :_E,+Very Suhance hid-i dime'nions;
I con
.hilt a Spirit/paine


'1 be lmmortaltty

LlB . 1.

dentl deny the A'umption. For it is not X

the Chatacte'r'thcall ofa Bod to have di
menons,but robe Impenetra l . All Sub
ance has Dimenions , that is , Length ,

Breadth, and Depth : but all has not fit-Pe

ncirahilifj. See my Letters to Monieur

Des-Cartes, beides what I have here writ,
Cap. a, and 3.


5. In the Excerptions belonging to the

fth place thee A'rguments are' compried.
I, That me have no principle of knowledge of
any Imrnateriall Bein , hnt uch as a Dream
ora Looking-Gla/e fSrni/heth tos mithall, 2.
That the word Spirit or Incorporeall int lyes
a eontradiction, and cannot he conceive to he
ene hy a natnrall Underanding, 3. That

nothing is conceived hy the Underlanding

hat what comes in at the Senes, and therefore
Spirits not acting upon the Senes 'n'i remain
unknown and nnconceivahle.

We have already anwered to the r in

what we have returned to his econd Argu

ment in the econd Excerption..'

To the econd] anwer, That spiritor
Incorporeall implyes no contradiction, there
being nothing underood thereby but In)

tended Snhanee with Action-'ty and Indter

pihility, leaving out Tmpenetrnhility :-Which
I have above demonrated 'to be the norion
ofa thing POble', and need net repeat what

I have already written.


CAP. '0.

ofthe Soule. " . , I '69

the upon'
third the
do .
Matter that aects the Senes z= and-ome

of thee operations being uch, 'that they

manent be razionally attributed to the 'Mar
' ter alone, Reaonb the information-&th'e
'Senes concludes', t at there 'is-ome gther
more noble Principle diinct-'fmmthe Mat- a
ter; And as for that" part'of the Argumenc

that aerts that-there is nothing' in the Unt

deranding but what comes in attheSenes,

I hall in it's due place demonrate it'tobe

_ a verygros' Errour. 'Butin the mean' tinie

'I'-'conclude,'r=thatlthe sobanoetoevew - thing being ntterly'uncortceivable by Aer

'ome8. and
being man-'conceives'
onely the Into-edible
by, it:nihich'a
i "
every ,
'and the'proptrrtiet
being 'as'e'act
to emz- . '
ceive , (as of.> terpihitity and: mfll'd
hiljty, and the power of communicating
'ofmtionto'Matter as eay as the Matter-5

'neceptipn ofits, and the Union of Matter

with' S iri.t,-as.oz.

with Matter; it - -

aiaihly ollowesz



is as..napnrally conceivable as' the notioncof

away." A :';-.'r


- .. '

lax-this- xthi-Excerption" he is very

mpmus in jearing. and making-ridiculous

the Opinion of Gho: and Damian: 3' but the

* wi:




'The lmmortalitj

LIB . I.

rength of his Argument, if it have anzr, is

this, viz. Ifthere he any uch thing: a; G o s
or Damons, then they are (according to them

that hold this opinion) either tho elmages

reectedfrom water or Looleing-gla es,cloath
ing themelves in aiery garments, ando wan
dring up' and down, or ele they are living
Creature: made of nothing hat Aire or ome
more ahtilc and eASthereall Matter. One

might well be amazed to oberve uch

light' and vain arguing come from 'o grave \
a Philoopher, were nor a man well aware,

that his peculiar'eminency, as himelfome-* ,

where profees, lies in Politicks; to which '
the humom's and Bravadoes . of, Eloquence,
e ecially among the imple ,*is a very
ectuall and erviceable' inrument. And
certainly uch Rhetorieations as this cannot .

be intended for any but uch as areof' the

very weake capacity. Thoe two ground

les conceitszthat he would' obtrude upon

the ober Aertors of Spiriks'and Doemons

' . belong not to them, but are'the genuine

iue 'of his own Brain. For, for the former
ofthem, it is mo july adjudged to-him,
rt. Author
it being
neither thereof
my elf enoir
(I darea ay)
any ele ever' met with'mit of'ri HDHIS
his Writings. And the latter. he. does

nor onely not goe abonitEtoxonnezhebre,

ut t

UAP. to.

tyme dame.


but makes a hew ofallowing it, for eat

he hould eem to deny Scripture, in Chap',
34. __ohis Le-uiathan. But thoe that aett,

the. exience of Spirits, will not and to

Mr, Hohh: his choice for dening Ofthern," -

but will make ue oftheir own Reaon and:

Judgment for the etling of o concerning. a_- Nocion."
7. In this eventh ExcerptiOnis wcontaii

ned the ame Arzgument that was found in

the r -, but to deal fairly and 'cnfiidl .
I" mu confes it is better backt thenbeuforef
For there he uppoes, buc does not provex

the chief ground ofhis Argument zbut here.

he oers atnproof ofit, couched, as'I con-,
ceive, in thee words [and hath the dimm
ow vof"'lllagm'tu'de, namely Length, Breah

ana'pepth]tbr_hencehe would infertha th *

wvholevllnivere is corporeall, thatist ay, ,
every _ thing inthe Univere, becaue the _
is nothing but has 'Length,' Breadth a __ ,
Depth. H'This therefore is the ver la2
to bealready
But hoctwhisAr
wea ument
it is-I ishave

ted, it- being, not

Body.but mi
, -8,_' _ This la Excerption eems more con
iderable then-any ofthe former, or all of

them put together : but when the force of

is duely
i thereinF4
' weighed


1'98 IMWM'U

pus. 1, =

weighed, they will be found of as little e cacy' to make good the Concluion as'ehe
n'i, ' The r'Argument runs thus, What
foe-vei- 'z'z 'eall,__'nii' haw ome Me: But
can-have noaae,
But t ele
is isbe-lmi
Pin' if nothing

derood by Place, but Imaginary Spaoepi

rits and Bodyes may be in the ameimagiz

nary space, and o the Aumption is fale.

But if by Place
meatztzhel "concave, Slit
r eieso
Bo thatimo',
it be' 'ate
"to it?
ofthe very' Formality of "a Place,- immedi

ate! to'environ-the'corporeall' Supercies j

oft 'at Suanee'uwmehisaidi robe' placed; ;
thenit- is impoible that a, spirit hould-be'

PrOPerI' aid th be in'fa =PZazTand 'o'the

Ptooliytimwmjbe fale. ' *Whcterefore there' '

heine' thee two accept'ions bf'aae, that i

Himction vofbeing there Cirqm or) 'we
terms' * is an'noti'iignify
pile, in
add the
ame thing. But -we wiltwith- 'Mrz Hohh
. (andl know no great hurt '-w.e houid see

_ o) conne the- ction Vol-T Made' 'to Tin is?

nary Span,lthis diinction of the 'SQhQHlS
be needles
any moie
'ad-ac, here,
Eaieit,and we53?
'its are as
truly in Haeeaszioiiyeti 1

' 3"


YFSWd'ATSUmcnt'is-diawn 'omthaie
- -*

2 ,*<


cAp, to,

i ofthe Suuleii i


Scholaick Riddle, > which - I- v mu confes?

eems 'to verg'e- [00. near to profound No'ni'

the' soule'
is 'ora
oor ans;
Jingle it eems h'a's" o g- 'ted Mr, Hohh:

metime or erh'erzth'at her-lever. ne: cohldx endure to come'nearf ' the-not'ion-'of a- Spirit
again, not7o 'muchas to 'coni'deh Whether?
it: Were' al meet"- fug-bearegll-kjzr "ome reali.

Being, But; 'if Paon had &tartar-pare.

his Better: Faculties, hemight have'foun

atrue" aled-imeaningirhezeo, and 'yePtIEP

eluded the'eV'wde 'intricacies "that" jth
heedies Benders 'feeni' to have' 'chargedji
with; 'PoftUeiZzMMe'diWprofertietTGfi S irit" are ved?" wen- E intelligible 'Withbui

't 'ee aenigmaricaourihes,wiz'.7 That it -

is a Saw-kite?'FPenctraihie-j'and-hiderpihle;

as' thav'e neegdylhew'na iajzge.=

* Nor is'thatT-Seholaieki Enigme neeef;

beliewdlby- au-t'hog'zhat Would
Believe the'eRiEHeEQZaFHiTneQrPOreHJ SQHIL,
nordo-I belIeVefTMJHohhK 'his hee-"pied;"

tion oft-his-'Riddl'ejte be o neceary; 'Axis *

it. had been-(hue re Praye-o 'haVd- been aui

renew-the Bsliobls hdd'Fudi' a'Pee'ct

eoiitradiction,i3 before he pronounced 'the '

belief thereof neceary ee-'Fall thoe that

would hold the Soule ofMan an Immatm'ail

Huldimzemfrem the Body- Iupplfe

, ,

F ey

7 4.

1 he 1mmortauty

L'J'Bi I;

they may mean nothing-by it,_ but what

Plato did byhis making the Soule to coni

He 'cepts-'n'is wimple- ain', nOr Plato any

thin more bythat a'iwi 'He and indivifihle


Sub ance, then an E enCe that is intel

lectually diviible, but reallyindicerpible.

_ 9. We' have now rmlyzmade good,that

the 'notion of a Spirit implyes no contra

. diction nor incompobility in it; 'but is

the notion or Idea ofa thing that may pou,

ibly be. Which' [have doneo. punctually

and particularly,, that Ihave, cleared every
s ecie:__ of z$ubanees zlncorporeall , from
t e imputation of either pbcurity or in

coniency;., LAqd that.l_,might not eem

to take advantage in, pleading their caue-in
.1o-e. _. _

the. abeneeof athe advere party, 1- have

brpughFi-\h5.h19h.3-l -Acivacate-. and the;

mo 'aured- cbat I-hayehichexto CVFXFWCL
withall z and dare now appeal t0; any indif

fcrsnt Jufg Whetherh an; not- demQn-x

his Allegaxiqas to bCWk

Mad inconcluivsl Wherefore. having o.

dearly evinced Ibe PdblliY;-;Qfthe Exit
enccpfa Spirit, we hall;

a. ce

further, and prove ;That_._-i5 is, ngtonely

a thing Poible, but that? it is xcallyad

actuallyinNaturs- 7

- -<, - ' :

4 .. -*

' that?


CAP. 1 1,




.C H A P. XI- '
grounds Sio
to ance,i"whereofthe
ro-v'e ihe Exience of'
I. an
isfetoht fromthethePhanomenoin
Nature ofofMotion
God. 2. The
the world. 3. Thatrhe Matter himelf
moveable, 4. An Ohject'ion that the Matter
' - 'may he/part eIfLrno-ued, Tar not,5'he

An wer 'to the Objection. 6. Therond

Anwer.'7.0ther E-vajions annzercd. 8. The
Conoliion, That- no Matter elf-moved;- ,

hat that avcertain quantity 'o motion was

upon it at its rt X'crew-m
' j.



1. . Here be, three maitiG-rdundsV'i-om

whence a man may? be'aired-ofth'e

Exience of Spirituall or Immat-eriall rSilh'z'

ance. The one isfth'e coriid'eta'tidofth'e

trancendent. -'e'xc'ellenc'y 'off'th'e' names- of

God z who being', according to 'the true'

'Idea of Him, an Benee ahhlately-perct;

cannot poiblysbe Body, and 'annequently beomet'hing Intorporeall: and ee?

'ing that - there isno-contradiction in the
notion of a Spiritin generall, nOr in any of

kinds of- Spirits
which-we-haue dcfci3i
' ..'



The Immortality

LlB. I.

ned, (where the notion of God was et

down among the re) and that in the very

norion of him there is contained the reaon

of his Exience, as you may ee at large in

my doth-ate, Lib, Lucan. 7, 8; certainly

ifwe nd anything at allnt'o he, we may

afe-ly conclude that He A much more; For
there is nothing beidesl-Iim of which one
can givea reaon why it' is, unles we-up

poe him
to beQod
the Author
ofit.'V'i* Where
be neither
He 'nor- *
Tangihle'z yrethis-very Idea re re entin' to

out: Intellectuall Faculties t e nec ary

aon ofhisxiencee 'are by Axiome, s.

we hadno condently
i from
to cmlude
' That Heis.

_* > *

_2. The econd ground is the ordinary

FbAMMM-f Nature', themo, general!

whereofis, Motion-- Now. it eems to me de?

mnnirahle from. hencez that' there is ome

Being in the: worlddiin fromMLtterzFOr

MZEW bTIBLFPEQM implehomogcneal . na?

tureac ndingllihqblcrby'pecicall di
Wces 'astbe 'Schoels Wkt mut have
every-w eke, the-very amezcmitdl pro.
, nitz
-, and therefqre
of fit elf or
it mu
'ele all

elfdnovingzand that inuthnruch azte'non,

or meaure 40? Motion' z- there being' no

_ i

reaon -


ofthe Soule.


reaon imaginable, vWhy me part' of the

Matter hould mOVe of it elfzlee then ans' Other; and therefore if there be'anyvuch

thing, it can onely 'arie from external! int,

pedime'nt. .*z ,\ x. i it Tin" '.
v T: *
3. Now-1 ay, if Matter be 'utterly cic

void of Motion in it e1f,it is plain it has it's'

mocion from ome: other Subance, which
is necearily a Subanoe that is not Matter,
, thatis to ay, a Sahiance _ Inmrrporeali. Bill;
if it be moved ofit elf, in. uch or neh a
meaure, the eect here being. an Enmxat

time eect, cannot pobly fail to be where-i

ever Matter is, by Axiome t7.*efpecially
if there be no externall impediment: And
there is no impediment at an, but that the
Parts tomight
very nighequall
the aethereall,
rather '

never have lo it. For if* the [Linnen-had

buta 'common Divided Of all the motion. *
whichthemelves and the "Sun 'and Scars,

and allthe 1Ethereall matter poes,"<the

matter of the Phmets being o little iII'COl'BP
parion of that ofthe S'un,Stars and' jEthetj
the proportion. ofmotion that will fall-due,

to them would be exceeding much above

what they have. For it Would ibe as if four
ot- -ve poor' men . in a very rich and popu

lotis city "hould, by giving rup that eate

they "hewe, in a' =leveliittg'.tvay,, get egjuall



. I.

The Imntortalny
hare with all the re, Wherefore every
Planet could act-faile ofmelting it elf into

little les ner Subance then the pure

waker." Buc they nor doing o, it is a igne
they have not that Motion nor Agitation
of themelves, and therefore re content

with what has extrinecallyaccrued to them,

be it leSior more.
4.. BIIt the pugnacious, to evade the

roke o our Dilemma, will make any

bold hiftzan'd though they aront their own
faculties in aying o, yet they will ay,
and mu ay s That part of the Matter
is elf-moving, part without mation of it

5.- But to thisI anwer, That r this
evaion of theirs is not o agreeable to ex
perience ; but, o far as either our Sene or
Reaon can reach, there is the ame Matter

every where. For conider the ubtile/I

part: of Matter dicoverable here below,

thoe which for their Subtilty are inviible,

-* _-z: ._ ._ ,_

and for their Activity wonderfull, Imean

thoe particles that caue that vehement
agitation we feel in Winde: .- They in time
looe their m0tion, become of aviible va'


porous coniency , and turn to C-louds,

then to Snow or Rain,- after haply to Ice

it elf; but then in proces oftime, r

m<t=d into Water,
then exhaled


CAP. 11.


' 79

Vapours, after more ercely' agitated, do

'become Windagain. And that We'may not
' think that this Reciprocation into Motion
and Rc belongs onely to Terreriall par;
ticlesz that the Heaven: themelves be of

the ame Matter, is apparent from the

Ejections of Comm into our Vartex, and the
of thoe
upon' the Face
Sun. Spots and Scu'm.ct
6. But econdly, to return what is ill
more pungentr This Matter that is sdf

'no-ved, in the im teing o-Motion upon

Other Matter, either looes ofits own mo
. tion, or retains it ill entirepIf the r,
it may be depoiled of all its m0tion_:* And
o that whoe immediate nature is to met-e,

hall re, the entire caue-of its motion ill

remaining, viz, it elf: which is a plain con.
tradiction by Axiome 17; I the econd,
no meaner an inconvenience then this will.

follow, that the whole world had been tur

ned into pure IEther by this time,-inot

into a perfect ame, or. at lea will be in
the concluion, to the utter deruction of'

all corporeal] Coniencies. For, that thee

Self-mo-v'wg parts ofMatter are' ofa con

derable copiounes, the event does teiy,
they having melted almo all the world
already into Snm, Stars and tber, norhing

remaining but Planets and Comets to be

diolved :



, 'I/ze lmmort'alzty


dLOIVed :' Which all put together- carce

beare o great a. proportion to the re of
the Matter o the UniVere, as an _0rdinary
apple-to the ball of the Earth,- Wherefore
o poren: a Principle ofMotiOn ill adding
new motion to Matter, and no motion once
communicated being lo , (for according
to the laws o motion, no Body looes any
more morion then it communicates to au-v

bthcr) it plainly follows, - that either the

world had been utterly burnt up' ere' now,

or will be 'at lea in an innite les. time

then it has exied,nay,zl may ay abolutely
in a ve' little time, and will never return

to any tame of things again,- which'though

it poibly maybe, yet none but a mad-man'

will aert,_by Axi0me 2; And that it has

not yet been ince the rBpoc/les of Hio
Zais a Demonration this ecmid Hypty

vis is fale.
7. There is yet another EVaiOn or tWo,
which when they are anwered 'there-will be
no cruple remaining t'ouchig-thispointhe
r is, Thatlike
of it homeit 1at'5

- it
is the
to be
ofit *
Maria' orRe
z- and
fore, that it is no.won'der that ome ofit
moves and other ome of it regor 'Navel

les then other mne-Towhiehl aW,Tl1112G


t 1?

CAP. ll.


ofthe Scale.


i this Indietency ofthe Matter to' Wttmor'

l ze may be underood' two wayes _:rEithexi

r priwti-veljz that is to ayi, _ Thatit has not,
inin anyrca'n
'or active
Mix, more
then t5 Win',
or Native-I,

r ly paive and ucepti'ifeoEsl/hat Motionin;

in Fixa'ti'oii ome othen-Izlhgen't 'eonfetivitmoh

it,--a'_n'd Reepsthat-rrtodi
za erpe'cnauyl t'iljl agtix 'ome
other KA'gluf

i 'changeitjzi 'on whi'ehiene-Iallowxhe no .

i, ration-'toes true; but/it'makesn-nothiig'

m again'aishiit,> it, plainly iiiiplyritl'g

9 'that there is 'an 'harpers-'1 Shance diinct.
from' the'M-itter ' from" Whence, manam:

z had? and 'nuibdmbveds'Or"ze}1}fe;thi*

5I Indi
that NNW-That'
toes-underoodj-the Mhtt-eit ueKZZR

3. andjact'rve *ropenoii_-'>ts-wdll teem-Was

, to Rehzh tliat'it moyeblj it Rlf and ieiliit '
elfro'rhits-own immediate- ztiatd're' I; =Froni

_* whencecherearezbuttheretw* Amonges
; 'that renew E' the r; Thatzcwq aboluteiy
&oundy-'prayeres are-immediately eated

in 'are i'mtilje, S-ubj * ,_z'r-'tlteh which nothing Mee'nif more harh-and unhandonie to

'out Logieall facilities; unles-the- econd,

Which is; T hat .M0tidiiatid Rze/Z. being time

the, Matter 'will
metre' and

'te ai-eii'ce' g drgi' they doe'



Y '

-l-S'-*L F-x

'1 be 1mm0rtaat)

L 1 B . 1,

by Rejl, Fixation, but a meet abence of

morion, That it will both move andn0t
move at once. For what is immediateto

any. subjects willgnot ceae to be, the-Subject

not being deroyed'pby Axiome I__7_- Nor
will they much' he] themelves by. ancyi
thack/latter nece arily exerting both' ths?
immediate power-S'pt..,prq erties at; once _o

Motion and Rew'mqyes, er, elgto-ucha

meaure _ and no Miter; For; this-poition
iszbt'it coin-cident z with the econd. member

oftheznilemma, Sjecgtzz. of this Chapter;

andvthereore this ,Arg11ment will erve

for b'oth' places; The other Evaion is, by

upromg. part TQf lls;- Mattcr IFQJC stif

mwing, and partoit Sdf-reing, in a ipoi
tive ene, or .,_S'_elf-m"_'g 2- __Whi,ch_is Parti
eular'ly 'directedagainz what we. have. argu
ed Sect; 6. Butthat this uppoition isale
is manifc
For if 'there
the. . are certainly-zinjiold and Lead-and

uc like Mctallsz but it is plain that they

are not there. For-what is Sclfkiz 1will

mmediately be reduced to Re, o pon as

it zwill taken
thee &If-xing parts of Matter mayre car:
Fricd'by other matter while they are-made
.fa,xo_i,t> YSE left freeitheyvwill;uddainly


CAP. r 1 .
ofthe Soule. '\'
re, they 'having the immediate caue of
: Fixation in themelves. Nor: can an one
ditu-__that thechange will be o u dain,

if_ he conider, how. uddainly'an _externall

force'putsMatter nponkmotion. rsBut alzulq
let' of golde-r lead put thus,- upon motion,
wift or 0w, does not uddainly reduceit
elf to re. Whence it plainly appears that

this la Evaion contradicts Experience,and

has no force
e therefore
i again
' 'V our former
1 _ -_ 8,_-* Wherefore it is morationall- to con;
: clud_e,_l_'_hatMatterofitsown Nature has_rio
H active Principle ofMotion, though it bere-v

l ceptive thereo,but_ that when Godcreated

e it, hezusraddxcd an imprcsdMhnbniunon

* it, uch-a meaure and pro ortion, to all of
1 it, which remains ill. much-__what3the-ame

3 for quantity inthe whole, though the parts

3. of Matter in their various 'occurion 'of one
s toanother have'not- -alwayes the ame pro
. portion ofit. Noris there any morene
cetythat God-hould reiterate this im
pres ofMotionon the Matter created, them

that he hould perpetually create the Mat

ter, Neither does his conervation of this

quantity of Morion any thing more imply

either-arepetition zor an augmentation of
it, then the conervation of the Matter does

the uperaddition of new Matter thereuntog

G_ a



The mmortality

LIB. I. *

In'dee'd he' need but coner'v'e the Mattet,and

the Matter thus conerved will faithfully
retain, one part with another, the whole
of Motion rexteptedgwhich
communicated toare

n'ot worth the memionmg inthis plate;- *


* C H A P. XII.

I. Thdtct the Order and Nature aft/'ings in the

u'ti-verc argue an Eeme Spirituall ' or

Incorporeall. 2, The E-vaan, of this Ar n

ment; 3 J-A preparation out afMt, Ho bs

to anmer the' Ewaio'. 4. The


5_ The' econd
Mr. Hobbs
ct- miahe,
of mal-ing
'Can/'es the (tirely Seed




a --Bhave diCovet'ed out of the m4

ple Phmmemn of Motion,-the ne

ce'ty of the Bxience of ome Incorpo

teall Eence diinct from' the Matter; But
there is a 'further aurance of this Truth,
frdm the-conideration of the Order and
admirable-[aect of thisMotion inthe-WOZM,

Suppofe Matter could moYelZw would

m/eete Matter, with Selfllhotion, ambxmt to'
that admirable' Wife contrivance of things'
'" ' V
*' him

-CAP.. '1 2..

air-'be Soule, "'

' 85

which we ee in the world e Can a blind-im- r

ctm produce uch eects, with that accu
racy and conancy, that, the more wie-a
man is, the more he. will be aured That
' m' mlome con adde, take tum), or alter any

thing in the worke: of Nature, whorehy they

may he hettemt' i How can, that therefore
that has not o much as Sen e, 'arie to the '
eects ofthe highe pitch o Reaon or Io!
tellect' t Butof this I have poke o fully

and 'convincingly in the econd Book of my

Antidote, that it will be but a needles repe- _
vtition to proceed any further on thisSubject.

2. All the evaion that I can imagine out

Adveraries may ue here, will be this: That
Matter, is capable ofSene,and the ne and
mo hbtilof the mo rened sene,and

conequently of Imagination too, yea haply

of Reaon and Und er'anding. For Se'ne
being n0thing'e1e,- as ome conceit , but

Motion, orrathe'r Rtuctioh ofa Bod 'preed

upon by 'another Body, it will fol ow that
all the Matter in the' world has in ome

manner or other the power of-Senations

3. Let us ee" now Whatfthis Poition
zwillamount to: Thoe 'that-'make Motion

and Smation thus really the ame, they

3 mu ofnecety acknowledg that no lenger
no longer
a's Mr, Hohh;
25 - -




-_. ._

The Immortolitj
And that every Motion or Reoctim mu be
a new Sena'tion, as well as every ceaing of

Reaction a ceaing of Senation.


4. Now let us give thee buie active

'particles of the Matter that play up and
' down every where the advantage of Sene,

and let us ee ifall their heads laid together

can contrive the Anatomicall fabrick of
'any Creature that lives, Auredly when
' all is umm'd up that can be imagined, they
will fall hort oftheir account. For I de
mand, has ever one ofthee particles that
mu have an and in the framing of the
Bod of an Animal, the whole deign of the
'wot by the impres of ome Phantame
upon it, or,as they have everall 0ces,'o

have they everall parts of the deign e If

' the r, it being mo certain, even accor
ding'to their opinion whom we oppoe,
that there can be no knowledg nor percep
tionin the Matter," but what aries out of

the Reaction of one part again another,

how isit conceivable that any one particle
of Matter or many together (there nor Ex
iing yet in Nature any Animal) can have

the Idea impreed of that Creature they

are to frame 6 Or if one or ome few parti

'cles have the ene of one part of the Ani

'mal (they eeming more'capableof this, the

Partsbemg far: more imple then the whole
_ .-:.-..
:_ 5;

CAPi. 12.

ofthe Soule.


Compages and contrivementwnd Other ome'

few ofother arts'z how can they cener'
notest. by w at language or peech can
they corn municate theircounell- one to an'
Othert Wherefore

more" impoible, then that' o many'm'en

blind and dumb from' t'hein nativity-7 hould

joyn their forces and'Wits together 'tob'ui'ld

a Cale, or- carve a S'tatue of uch 'a Crea

ture as none of them'ltn'ew any more of


in everal, then ome' one; of' the" malle

parts thereof, but 'not therelati-On- it-bore to
the whole *' '" r
- " 13'7'"


ame with Corporeal Motio'n,it mu c' 'ange

5. Bedes this, Son/I: 'being reall the

upon new imprees of Motion, o * that'if

a particle by Sene Were carried-in this' line, '
it meeting with a counterbue 'in the way,
quite another
and sene,
going aboht,
divert its Coure another way. Nayvth'ough
it caped free, Sene being aReaction, when

that which' it beares again is removed,

Sene mu needs cea_e,-and perfect Oblivion
ucceed. For it is not with 'thee particles as

with the Spring ofa Watchgor a bent Cro

bow, that they hould for' a coniderable
time retain the ame Reaction, and o con
equently the ame Sene'. And lavly , if
G 4.


The Imottelig'

LIB. . I.

th9y'tould,it is ill nothing to the utpoez

o!" let their Sene be What it will, t eir ma:
tion is*neceary,.it being meekly corporeall,

and thereforev the reult of their "motion"

cannot be from any kind of knowledg. For

the corpoteall motion is r, and is onely

*_felt', not directed by feeling, And therefore
Whether th 'Matter haue any Sene or no,

what is nia , out ofit-is nothing butwhat

reult; from the wild jumblings and lznock

ings-of onepart thereof again another,

without anyzgaurpoe, counell orditection.

Wherefore t e ordinary I'll-wem" of Na

ture being guided according to the mo.
EXquiite Widome im

inable, it is plain

that-they are not-the e. ects of' the meer

motion ofnmttrhut of ome Imateriact
'Ptincip1e, by Axiome Io.

6. And -'thctexe the Ignorance of Se

cond Caues is not o right] aid to be the
Seed, ofxeligiqat, (as Mr. Ho las would have
it) as of
and Athezme. For if

we did moreizpunctually and particularly

eareh into their; natures, we hould clearly

dicern their--innfciency for uch eects

as, we dicover to'be inthe world. But
when we: have looked o cloely and care.- *
of Corporeall
'and can ndeno
in them proporect

Fxonable to thee Eects we peak of, ill




Czxy, j 3.

of the Soule.


to implead oup elves

rather of' lgnorance,
and Corpoieall
motion of

Iniciency is to hold an opinion u On

humom, an to trangres again _011r r

end econd Axiomes. * , -

c H A P, xm.


',I, The la prtwf Imorporeall Suhance;

fram Apparitiam. 2.,.The r Ewm of

the force 0fuch Argai'tgs. 3. An 'and
um' to that E-vaiw, 4.. The econd. Eva
- A rm. 5. The
him' ofthe econd Eva
' _ Latin;
um. 6. A
out 0fitting:
Vir iloall;that
thatngp esvthe
Epimrean Phila ophy, 7. '1'he morefull and
renedfene 0fthat Philoothj um a da es.
8, The great eicacy of t e Star: (wZich
to coni
tian uppoe
and Matter)
for'of nothin
manner of Creature: in t e world,

L;TH E Third and lat ground which I,

would ma'ke ue of, for evincing the

Exience of Incor _ man Subancegis uch

Extraordinary e ects as we cannoe well

but muAgent
or pontaneous'

* ' Caue
1. thereof,
' >ct when
* ' as' yet ' it; is clar.
c at



7/2e Immortaliity

'-. Li'fsi I.



that they are from neither Man nor Bea,

Sucare peakings, knockings, opening of
they ofa
hut, 'udden
liights in the mid
aire, and then paing and vanihing'z nay,
hapes of Men and everall orts of _Brutes,
that after peech and convere have uddain
ly diappeared.- Thee and many uch like

extraordinary eects (which, if you pleaea

You may call by one generall terme oAp

paritidns) eem to me to be an undeniable

Krgument, that there] be uch 'things as

Spirit: or Incorporeall Suhances '* in the
world; and l have demonrated the equel
to beneceary in the la Chapter_0f the
to my Treatie azazctn ' Athezme ;
and in" the third Book of that Treatie have

produeed'o many and o unexceptionable

oryes toncerning Apparitiom, that I hold

it 'u er'nods to adde any' thing'here of
that Kind, taking far more pleaure in exer
ciing of- mYReaO-then in regirin'g o

Hiory, Beides thatl have made o care

full choice there already, that I cannoe
hope to cull out any ' that may prove more
_ pertinent 'or convictivezl having pen'd down

none but 'ueh'as I had' compared with thoe

evere'laiir' I' etmy." elf in the r
Chapter oftha'tmthird Book, to prevent all
tergiiferations 'and evaons ogain-ayers,

2.. But,

CAP. 13,

ofthe Soule.


2.' Butzpartly out of my own oberva

tion, and partly byinformarionfrom Others,

I am well aured there are but two wayes

whereby they ecape the force of uch evi

dent- narrations. 'The r is a rm


waion that the very norion ofa spirit or

Immzzteriall Subancei's an Impobility or
Contradiction oriesimplying
in the very termes.
' thereforeuch
that which

they are 'condent is impoible,- tlie Na'r'L

ration vat the very rt hearing mu needs
be judged robe fale, and therefore they
think it more reaonable to conclude 'all

_ thoe that proes they have een uch or

'uch things robe mad'smen' or cheats; then

togive credit to what 'implyes a Contra


3. But this EvaionI have quite taken
away, by' o clearly - demonraring that the
notion ofaS irit implies no more contra
diction then t e notiOn o Matter z and-that
its Attributes are as conteivable' as - t-h'e
Attributes of Matter: o that I hope this

creep-holeis 'Opt forever.

r '

4_ The econd Evaion is not properly

an evaion ofthetruth of thee ories cOn
cerning dpparitiaxr, but of oUr deduction

thererom, For' they willingly admit of

thee Ay aritiom vand Prodigz'es recordedin

Hiory, butthey deny that thcy\'are any




'i .i9;


' LIB.I.

Arguments oa truly Spirituall and Incor

pQreall Subance diinct from the Matter

thus changed 'into this or that hape, that

can walk and peak, &c. but that they are
'peciall eects of the inuence of the Hea

yenly Bodyes upon this region of'Generaz

tion and Corruption. '

5. And thee thatanwer thits are of

two orts. The one have great Anity

With 4riotle and Ave-arm, who look not
'upon'the Heavenly Bodies as meer COr
_ 'poreall Subances, but as actuated with
Intelligencie's, which are Eences eparate

and Immateriall. But this Suppoition hurts

not us at all in mn- preent deign; they
granting that which I am arguing for, viz. .
a Subance IncorpOreall. The ue of this
pervere Hypochois is only to hue o all
Argurnents that are' drawn from Anteri
tiom, to prove that the Souls of-rnen
ubi after death, or that there are any
uch things as Dqmqm or Genii o a nature

ermanent and immortall. But Ilook upon *

this Su poition as conutable enough, were
(it wort the while 'to'encounter it; That

ofthe Sadduccr is far mOre rm, they up

'poinot their u'vroioml to be nothin zele ',
'but t_ e ecacy 'of the preence o God

altering Matter into this Or the. other Ap

parition, or Manifetationz asi there Were
i ' i



_ _ I

but one Soule in all things, and God Were

thatSoule variouy working in the Matter:
But this I have already-confined in my Phi- .
' -'
_ 6, Thev Poems.
other Inuemiaricr
hold- - the_
ame power of'v the Heavens as thee;"
though they do not uPp'oe o higha Prini

ciple in them', yet they. think itucient

for the alv'ing 'of all'fsublunary Phiom
mene, as Well ordinary 'as extraOrdinary;
it is a or'
venerable Secret,
but' by

old Silenus lying in his obcure' Grot or.

Gave, nor that nhither but upon due air-4
cumances, and in a right-humOUr,'vvhen
One may nd him With his veins well'd one
with wine," and his Garland faln o from'

his head 'through his he'edles- drouines':

then' if ome young Chrbr'm's and Mzzaluqlr
epeciall alked by a fair and fOrWar j
Wgle, t at' by way- o a lov-e-frollick will

leave the' tracts of her ngers in the blood

ofMuIberi-es', on" the temples and forehead
Othis aged satyre, while he eeps dog?"

will notofhisfeain'ge,
eemtoajee for
fear '6 .
the pleaure
i thee youngilads-importmre him - enoug ',-'

he will 'a ain'ng that'5old ong of thexfpfa

ever, which




1 be immortality
LIB. l.
cite,werej it not to confute z it is o mon
rous and impious,_ But becaue no ore can

be cured that is concealed, I mu bring

, this Hypotheis into view alo, which the

Poet has briey compried in this ummary,
Namq-7 canchnt, nti magnum per innne concta
Scminn tcrrnrnmqz 4nimnqz marzq; fnient,

Et liqnidiimnl zgnnjz nt his exordin prirmls.

Omnia, 6" ipe tener mnndi concreruerit orhir.
7. The fuller and more rened ene
whereof now? 'daies is this z That Matter
and yotiqn are-the..Principles ofall things
z' and that
"- whatoever
tame; vor particles

others, and ofmore nimblenesand activity,

That mation ofone Body again another
does every whepe necearily produce'Sene, '
Sene being nothing ele but the Reactian
of parts of the Matter, That thenhrihr
is , the Matter.
sene isdxnoreubtil,
ithe thtilt
of all is that,

which conitutes the a'unand Stnrs, from

whence they mu needs. have thepure

and; uhrile Sme. That what has the

'mo perfect Sene, hasthe. mo perfect
Imagination and Memory, becaue Memory
and Imagination- are but the ame with

- Sen: in reality, the latter being but certain'

' '

Cnrzrz. ' ofthe d'aule.

p' '

95 .

-Mode_._c of the former. - Thatwhat-hasthe

_ perfecte imagination, has the highet Reaon'

and fro-violent' :,,-7__.31_'t'qvid_etzce_ Land, Reaon

being nothing ele- lputzan- exacten train of

Phaniaincsz Senatipn.s.ox._z> lmag'inations'

Wherefore the Size-and h?.'*-.SW5 eateth:
ha. Intellectno thinge-in the wOi'ldzzand

in thembyztwhich
is. that Kmndrdg:
- all _-$.ubl.unary
and are
8,_-\ and governed;
by theireverall imprees
. \; _ _and
. i
impregnations have lled the whole. Earth
with vital Motion, raiinglinnuniorale orts
Flowers Herbsmnd
the ,
. of

Vll- Khdes Of livingzLclfsawreskgmhec

have lled the Seas..witlh- Fihes,_.the,l,=iel_ds

with ,Bg3,s, and; the Aire with uliowlesz

'the 'Terreriall _*matter being as (eaily for.
med into 'the living hapes of'thee everall
Animals by the powerfull impres of the
Ima ination of the Sun and Stars, as the

En' ryo in the wombis marked by the

rong fancy ofhis Morher that bears him.
'And therefore thee Celcioll power: being
able to frame living hapes of earthly mat
ter by the impres of their Imagination, it

willbe more eay for them to change the

vaporous Aire into like transgurations.

So that admitting all thee stories ofAp




' The Immortolig'

v -'-l'..'IB. I:

paritions- to be truev that are recorded in'

Writers, it is no Argument of the Exieiice

'ofany Ino'orporeod Principle in the World;

For the piercingFo're-ight of thee gloric'ms
Bodies, the son and Stors, is able to raie

'what Apparr'tions orv-Prodzgies they pleae,

to uher in the Birth: or forehignify the
Death: of the mo coniderable Jerons

that appear in the world; ofw'hi 'Pom

ponotim himelf does acknowledg that there
are many true examples both in Greek and
This isever
that oldHiory.
Silenni': could
'the ears of deceivableYouth. zAnditis

Wild;- Fvpzor,
in the
ver readftill
r'ny rirmt,ai
and dangerous My ery, aving that'there

is no mall ho ethatitimay no: provetrue;

Let us there ore now examine it.E - *

-"(\' .

CAP. 14..-

Ofthe Soule.


I'. That the Splena'or ifthe Celetiall Bodiei
pro-vex no Fore-ig t nor Sowraignt] that
they have
over m.,
the Stars can
no hnowlea'g
(leman/hated, 3, The ame Conclu/ion a

gain tlemen/hated more familiarly. 4. That

the Star: cannot communicate Thoughts,
neither with the Sun nor with one another.
5. That the Sun has no hnomlea'g of our

aairs. 6. Principles Zaia/don'm for the in

fcrring that Concluon, 7. A demonra
tjon that he cannot ee as. 8; That he can
have no other kind ofhnowledg ofusyzor of
theframe ofany Animal! on Earth. 9. That

. _. F though the Sun had the lenowlea'g of the

'right frame of an Animal, he could not
tran mit it into Terrcrt'a/l matter. Io, An,

An mer to' that In/tance a the Signature of

the Foetus. 1 1.! 2. Furt er Anwer: there
to. 13. A hort Increpatz'on of the con

dent Exploders of IncorpOreall Suhance

out ofthe wo'ld.

i.T*Hat theLigh't is 3; very gioribus thilig,

and the lure ofthe Stars very lovely

to lddk tlponz and that the Body ofthe Sun




Thelmmartality - '

LIB. l'.

is o full of plendour and Majey, that

without attery we may proes our elves
conrained to look aide, as n0t being able
to bear the brightnes of his apect -, all this
mu be acknowledged for Truth : but
that thee are as o manyEyeso Heaven to
watch over the Earth, o many kinde
and carefull Spectators and intermedlers

alo in humane aairs , as that phanifull

Chymi Paracelus conceits, who writeth
that not onely Princes and Nobles, or
men of great and ingular worth, but-even
almo everyone, near his death has ome
prognoick ign or Other (as knockings
in the houe, thedances o dead men, and

the like) from thee compaonate Fore

eers of his approaching'Fate z this I mu
confes] am n0t o paganly Superitious
as to believe one yllable of,- but think it
may be demonrated to bea meet "fancy,
epecially upon this preent Hypotheis,
*' That the Sun and Starshave no immateri
all Being reiding in them, but are meer

Matter coniing o the ubtile Particles

and rno vehemently agitated. For then
we cannot but be aured that there isvno
thing in them more Divine then what is
een in other things that hine in the dark,

uppoe roc-tenv wood, gloisvorms, or the

ame ofa ruh-candle. '
a. This

CAP. '14.
lothe Soule.
2. Thisa'ci'lesa
let the
Stm Weifwrn'z
and Staris
have what '
knO'WlCdg they'ctWill" o'other things, they
have ju none at'all' ous', norof our' aairs;

which 'will quite take away- this la Eva-4

ion. ' That 'theStars can-'haue no knowledg

o ds i's exceeding evident." 'For When-as

the Mngnus-Orhzz
io thethe
is butvas'a
to a xed Sta'r,'th'at is-to ay, when as that
- tobybe.ithe
from a Scar, and to'mayimagin-e
be ubtended
Dii .
the Magnas
to Sene
Angle at all,
but as a Orbit,
-, how
little then' is the Earth it elf f and how
ntterly inviible to any Star, When as her
Diameter is-'above Iloo'."tirries les then

that of her Magnu's Orhtk a' From' 'Whence

' it' is clear that it is perfectly impoiblethat
"the stars', though they were endued with
ight , could o muchas ee the 'Earthit
elf, (much les the inhabitants thereof) to
be Spectator: and Intetmedlers in their a=
faires for good or evil z and there being no

higher'Principle to inpire'them with..the

knowledg of thee things, it is evident t-hat
'they remain utterly i'gnOrant of them;
- 3; Or if this Deinonh-atiOu (though
I'mdeniably true in it elf) 'be not o intele
' ligible to every one, we may<adde what is
H a

more' *


1 oo

The Immortality

Luz . I.

more eay and familiar, viz. That the Stars

being lucid Bodies, and thoe of the r

magnitude near an hundred times bigger

then the Earth, and yet appearing o mall
things to us,h.ence any one-may collect,that
the opake Earth will either be quite invi
ible to the Scars, or ele at lea appear o
little, that it will be impoible that the
hould ee any diinct Countries, much le s
Cities, Houes, or Inhabitants.
4. this
have plainl
oiy the
iall Senators from having any thing to doe
to conul: about, or any way to overee
the aairs of Mankind; and therefore let

them eem to wink and twinkle as cogita

bundly as they will, we may re in au
rance that they have no plot concerning us,

either for good or evill, as having no know

ledg of us. Nor if they had, could they
communicate their thoughts to that great

deemed Soveraign of the world, the Sun z

they being ever as inviible to him, as they
are to us in the day time. For it is noching
but his. light that hinders us from eeing *
o feeble Objects, and this hindrance con

ieth in nOthing ele but this, That that

motion which by his Rayes is caued in the .
Organ is o erce and violent, th-at the
gentle vibration of the light of the Scars -'
. '

CAP. 14. ' cthe Soule.


cannot maer it, nor indeed bear any con

iderable proportion to it : What then can

it doin reference to the very 'Body of the
Sun himelf, the matter whereof has the
'mo furious motion of any thing in the
*' 5.' There
is nothing now therefore

but'theSun alone, that can pobly becon

ceived -to have any knowledg of, or any
uperintendency over our terreriall aairs. And how uncapable he is alo o this oce,

I hold it no dicult thing to demonrate.

Whence it will plainly appear, that thoe
Apparitions that are een, whether 'in the
Aire or on Earth (which are rightly looked .
upon as anArgument ofProvidence andEx

ience ofome Incorporeall Eence in the

world) cannoc be attributed to the power
and previion of the Sun, uppoing him purely corporeall.
6. For it is a thing agreed upon by all
ides, That meet Matter has no tonnate
Idea: in it of uch things as we ee inthe

world z but that upon Reaction of one part

moved by another aries a kind of Sene, or
Perception. Which opinion as it is mo
rationall in it elf to conceive (uppoing
Matter has any ene in it at all) 'o it is mo
cononant to experience, We eeing plainly
that Sene is ever caued by ome outward

corpo- '

'- mz
'Ilze Immortalit'y- *
LIB. 1.
corporeall mOtio'n upon QUJ' Otgans,which

'are alo corporeall. For that Light is from a

recrporeal 1110tl0n,i5 plain from the reexion
zo the rayes thereozand no Sound is' heard
but from the motion ofthe, Airev otome

Other intermediate Body; no Voice but

cthere is r,- amoving*othe,.t0ngue_z no

Muick humbler: mU either; ..b.e .th<:'b10W

-ing'ofwjnd,_ or the riking-upon itrings, or
omething Anqlpgicall to thee, and o in
(the 0t11erzSenes-_- -Where{ore if there be.
nothing hilt Body in the world, it isevi
---'d_ent that Sene aries meerly from the 'mo

. tion of one part of Matter again another, . and that Motion is evervr, and perception
-followes,andthat therekoreperceptionmu
necearily follow the laws of Motion, land

-__that no Percipiem can have any thing more

to conceive then what is conveighed._-b_y

corporeall inodon, Now from thee Prin- '

'ciples it will be eay to prove that,jth0,ugh

. we hould acknowledg a power of percep
- tion in the Sun, yetitiwillnm amount to
any ability of his bein0 either a Spectator,
or Governor ot'our afgtirs 'here onvEarth,
v 7. According to the'Computation of

4/Zronomers, even ofthoe that peak more

modely, the-Sanis bigger then the Earth
aove an'hundred and, fty times. But how

lue he appears to tis every eye is able to

' '




CAP. 14.i

ofthe Soule.

l o;

judge. How little then mu the Earth ap-'

pear to him: If he ee' her at all, he will
be o far, from being able to take notice o

any PerfOns or Families,-vthat he cannot.

have-any ditinct dicerning of Streets, nor
Cities,'n0 not of Pieldszmor Countries;

but whole Regions, though ove}y,great

Extent,- will vanih -here,z as' Alcihjddes his
Patrimony, in that Map of the world Saint
tes hewed him, torepres._the pride ofthe
young Heire_. The Earth mu appear con
derably les to him then the Mam does
to us,the.
Sma- eayv
Moon, the
It were
to demonrate
'that her dims would appear: to-the Sun
near thirty, n'ay ixty times Les thenche

Moon does to us, according _t0' Lmhpgizg

his computation." NQW QOnider how little
we can dicern in that 'broader Objectof
ight, the MOM,when he is the nighemot
withanding we be placed in the dark,;un
der , the hadow of thezdrth, whereby: our

ight is more paveandzimprebleg-How

little then mu the ery. Teye of that-gay;
the Sun; which is;all_:Flgme gnd-Light,_, di.

cern in andr
this mct0tion'being
leer Object-the
Earth, his
F o vehemently

rong and unyielding 2" What eect it 'will

have upon him, we may in ome ort judge
by our elves -,'_ Forithough our Organ be '.


H 4.


1 04

The Immcrtality


but moved or agitated with the reection

of his Rayes, we hardly ee the Moon when

he is above the Horizon by day: What

impres then can our Earth, 'ales Object
to him then the Moon is to us, make upon

the Sun, whoe Body is o furiouy hot,

that he is as boyling Fire, if ia man may
o peak, and the Spots about him are, as it
were, the cum of this fuming Cauldron a?
Beides that our Atmo/I'here is o thick a co

vering over us at that diance, that there

can be the appearance ofnothing but a white
mi enveloping all and hining like a bright

cloud -,_ in which the rayes of the Sun will

be o lo, that they can never return any
diinct'repreentatiOn of things unto him,

Wherefore it is as evident to Reaon that he

cannot ee us, as it is to Sene that we ee

himzand therefore he can be no Omreer not

Intermedler in our actions.


8. Bur perhaps you will reply That

though the SUn'CannOt ee the Earth, yet

he may have a Sene and perception in him
elf (for he is afine glittering thing, and
ome range mattervmu be preumed of
him) that may' amoimt to a wonderful]
large phere of underanding, Pore-know
ledg; and Power. But this is a meet fancy
full urmie, and uch as cannot be made
good by any oour Faculties: Nay the



- CAP. 14,

ofthe Soule.

1 05

quite contrary is demonrable by uch

Principles as are already agreed upon. For
there are no connatc Idea: in the Matter, and

therefore out of the colliion and agitation

of thee Solar particles, we cannoc ratio

nally expect any Other eect in the Sun,

then uc as we experiment inthe ercu*
ion of our own eyes,out ofwhich or inarily
followesthe ene of a confued light or' _
ame. If the Sun therefore has any ene
ofhimelf, it mu be only the perception

of a very vigorous Light or Fire -, which

being ill one and the ame repreentation,
it isaqueion whether he hasa ene of it
or no, any more then We have of our bones,
which we perceive not, by rea'ontof our
accuomary and uninterrupted ene of

them as Mr. Hohh: ingeniou'y ton'ject'ures

in a iike uppoition, But if you will ay

that there is a perception of the' jogging

or juling, or of-what ever touch or rub

bing 'of one Solar particle again anorher,

the body of the Sun being o exceeding
liquid, and'conequently the particles there

ofnever rein , but playing and moving

this way and t at way; they hitting 'and
ridging o fortuitouy one again anOther

the perceptionslthat arie from hence mu

be o various and fOrtuitous, o "quick and
hort, o inconient, itting and unper



The Immortali

LIB ;_I,

manent,'.that'if any man were in uch-a con

dition as the Sunnecearily is, according
to this Hypot'heis, he would both be,,and
appear to all the world to be, ark mad -;
he would be o off and on, and o '. unetled,

and,d,oe-, and-think-,,and peak' all things

with uc-h ;ungover'nable. tahnes-z and teine

rity,- Inv brief,'that the Sun by this tumul
tUQHs'agitat-ion of- his ery 'ANWSLhOUld
hit ,_uP9n any rational! r contrivance, or
tight Idea of any of thee living- Crea
tures we ee here on" Earth, is utterly as

hard toz'conceive, as that [the Terrer-iall

Particlesthemelves; hould: jule together
into uch.- contri-vances and formes, which

is that which I hewe-already- uciently' con

fured. ii-'t *

rr' ' '

' me? I

> 9- And if'the Sun; c'ould light pon-any

uch true frame or forme of any Animall,
orthedue'rudiments or -con-trivancethere

of, it is yet unconceivable how hezhould

conveigh Fit-into this. Region of Generation

here on "Earth _, partly-by reaon ofthe
Earths Diance and Inviiblenes, and-part
ly becauethe jdeepeLzPrinciple of allbeing
but meet LMotion, "without any UPeriOr

power; to govern it', this imagination Hofthe

Sun working on the Earth can > be _but'a

imple Rectilinear impres," which-can never

ll? to, uch an inwardv Olid organizatiop
. of

'CA_P. 14;

ofthe Soule; -


ofparts in living Creatures, nor: hold toge

ther thee Spectra: orvApparitiom in the

Aire, in any more certain form then the
moak of chymnies, or the fume ofTobacco. _

* ,10, . Nor is that inance-ofthepoweizof

the Mothers fancy on thezFa-tm in; the

womb, any mpretzhcnga- meer-zpurihz- ,for

the diparity iso great, that the, Argu-e
ment proves ju; nothing: .F'0r,.wherea_s the

zM-pcher hasan. Explicit: Idcazofthe Few

and every part_zthereo_f,_ztheS,un and-Scars
have-no. diinct Ideaatall; Ofthe parts
of the Earth-5 nay Idare ayvthat what we
_ have already ,intimated-Zwilli amount, to "a

,Demonration ,z That z-sho'ugh theyh'ad

*Sene,-yet.theyi do. not oztnnch as know
whether this Earth we live on be in rerum

Natuni or-n'o.


' .-_.r

I I- Againzthe markphat ,is impreed on

the Fetur, the MOther hat! clearand-Yivid
conception of-,'_ but the curious' contrivance
in the Idea of Animals,- ,I; have hew/rumour
incompetible zit is t0_ they fortuitous juling

of the ery particles ofeit-her Sun or Stars.

12. Thirdly, the impres 'on the Ferm- \
is very imple and ight, and eldome o
curious as the ordinary imprees of Seals
upon Wax,which are but the modications
- of the urface thereof -, but this uppoed

impres Of the Imagination of the Sun and

' .



.z' o 8

The Immortalz'ty

LlB . I.

Stars is more thena olid Statue, or the

mo curious Arm-maw that ever was in

vented by the wit of man; and therefore

impoible to proceed from a meer Rectili
mar impres upon-the cA-Zt/zer down to the
Earth from the Imagination of the Sun, no
not ifhe were uppoed to be actuated with
an Intelligent Soule, if the Earth and all
the pace betwixt her' and him were devoid

thereof. Nor do Iconceive, though it be an

innitely more ight buines, that the di
rection of the Signature of the' Fetus upon
uch apart were to be performed by the

Fancy of the Morher, notwithanding the

advantage of the organization of her body,
'were not both her elf and the Fa-tm anima
ted Creatures. 7
13, Wherefore, we have demonrated

beyond all EVaion, from the Phanmem of

theUnivere, That of neceity there mu
be UCh a thing in the world as Incorporealt
'Snb/Lmce'z let inconderable Philoopha
ers h00tatit, and deride it as much as

their Follies pleae.


CAP. 1 .

A ofthe Soule.

1 09


BooxII, CHAP. I.

I . An addition of more Axiome: for the de

monrating that there is o Spirit or Immaz

teriall Subance in Man. 2. The Truth

of the r of thee Axiome: conrmedfrom
the teimony of Mr. Hobbs. 3. The proof
ofthe econd Axiome, 4, The proof ofthe

third. 5. The conrmation of the fottrth

from the teimony of Mr. Hobbs, as alo
from Reaon. 6, An explication tmdproo
of the
7. A further proof thereof
8. A third Argumeht ofthe Truth thereof. '

9. An Anwer to an E-uaoh. Io. Another

Ere-arm anwered. I I' A further An wer
thereto. 1 2. A third Anwer. I 3, A onrth
Anwer , wherein is mainly contained o

conrmation of the
Anwer to the
econd Eva/ton. 14., The plan-he: ofthe
xth Axiome. Is. The proof of the fe

_._,,;,,,,Lzz Aving cleared the way thus far *


as to prove that there is no

Contradiction nor Inconien
cy in the norion of a Spirit, but

that it may Exi in Nature, nay that de



1 'o

The Im'hortalz'ty

Ll-Bi. II -

facto there are Incorporeall Subances real

ly Exient in the World, we hall now drive
more home to our main deign, and demon

rate That there t'aueh an Immoterz'oll Suh

zmte m Man, which, from the power it is
conceived t'o have in actuating and guiding

the Body, is uually called the Soule. This

Truth-we hall make good r in a more
generall way, bur not a whit the lee rin
gent, by evincing That uch Faedlties or
operations as we are concious of in our
elves, are utterly incompetible to Matter
conidered at large without any particular
organization. And' then afterwards we hall
of man,
and every
ipo ible
tnes in the ructure

thereof, that is worth taking n0tice offor

the performance of thee operations we or

dinarily nd in 'our felves; And that this

may be done more plainly' and convincingly,
we will here adde to the number of our Axi

omes thee that follow.


- CAR. Ii.



ii r
'w ='>

Motion or Renction of one part of the Matter

ngnin another, or at lea a dne'eontinn
nnce thereof, 15: really one and the ame

with Sene and Pereeption,

Sene or Pereeption in Matter.

there he any

2_THis Axiome, as it is plain enough of

it elf (uppoing there were nothing .

but Body in the world) o has it the uage

of our mo condent and potent adverary
Mr. Hohhs in his Elements ofPhilo. Cap.
25. Art. 2, Whoe judgment] make much
ofin. uch caes as thee,.being perwaded
as well out of eReaon'as Charity, thatihe

eeing o little into-zthe nature'of. Spirits,

that defect is .compenated with an ex
traordinary Wickightednesin' dicerning
of the be and mo. warrantable wayes of
alving all Phenonzenn from the ordinary
allowed properties _of Matter. Wherefore

Ihall n0t holdit impertinent to bring in

his Teimony in-thing's of this nature, my
- Demonrations
recommeindable tobecoming
men 'of histhereby
own Conclu
onszBut my deign being not aparticular
victory 'over uch a ort of Men, bU't van ab
olute eablihing, of the TruthJ I', hall lay

1 l2

'1 'be lmmortaltty

LIB. lI.

diown no Grounds that are meerly Argu

menta d hominem; 'but llCh as I am er

wade (upon this Hypot'heis, That there

is nothing but Body in the world) are evi

_ dent to any one that can indierently judge'

thereof. And the demonration of this
preent Axiome I have prexed in my-Pre-' .
face Sect. S.

So far at their' continued Reaction reaehes, o

far reaehe: Sene or Peroeption, and no


3.THis Axiome is to be underood as'

well of Duration of time, as Exten

ion of the Subject, viz. That Sene and

Pereeption pread no further in Matter then'
Reaction does, nor remain any longer then

this Reaction remains. Which Truth is

fully evident ouc of the foregoing Axiome.

That diverity there it of Sene or Perteption

. the
necearily arie from the diverty
Vigonr and
Direction of Motion in partie'the Matter,
4.TH E truth of this is alo clear from

the 20. Axiome. For Pereeption being


CAP. '1.

ofthe Soule;


really one and the. ame thing With Rehp'Zio

one Part again'
a diueriof

ny alo a diverity cz'ttmbazacauon ' atte,

Action 5 and, Reaction 'f.,beipg_,inothz_ngpfear
pry/Ingot, itare
be; 'varied
but _by.__
., atejMagniznde,
Bonre, Lot-all ;_ Mhtibn, ,'whgrreinlis'contahijezi '

ends'atdut &Word-t it; aslalnrzhstl

re ionvof that..either=fu1l; Motionortugjd

" stdeazveetr'znidiaiton ABYLEdfL'J-ZW


yonrunetonhe lowe. degrees 'YOH-wi _, at

_come;to:1t_e;/Z, whichlzthere (are excitet

zZPwczta x'efarzLittfca-r ,rTbte ate-Else

-. et CPnFsiiI-tbits-iezwtrro-and aide-fate
i Wctiwz 'Qliiiridsptidznmaf negery

&lip/3' I-'F'il'T-.-'?::.';--:z:o

'10 ,z-t


. ":A)X'I=Q>M,Fz


T I Kz-'i'w


e? Pereeftibht

'Fit it eh-ctihle ofa-a: nioine" hnt tehfar-act're

Linne-et:hither-'al Moiiontthe'nit
', ay, it' attire 'Perteptions'z joinetactionrar
' $.TO
one Truth
pwnrrr 'of
A his 3 eale

t* i' "with
all willingnes
> rather

1 r'4.

_ . The [immortality '

LIB . Il.

rather eagernes, as alo hisfollowe'rs, they

"outly' contending that we" have not 'th'e
'perception ofany thing but thePhantames
. * Markes
f0r uch

and uchObjectS;* Whichcertainlyi would

"be it'no true if there wer'e HOthiri'g but"Mij:t_'

ter' in 'the to theirToftha'tltheypeak

'onctm Principles- i Ivery
Zthis'is not, jon'iy; t'rue zin' 'that-School', but

._alo___ratioxm_l.l*in itelf uPPoing' orhfns

but Matter in the worl , and that Peraeption
and Reaction is really one;" zj'Porthat Re

gction being' in Brutes 'aswell' as in Men',

fthere mu n'Otbe any dierenee bya' per

- z'stption pinns. 'anb'thcr kind; but, 'b " an

Je'x'ternall way' of communication o_f__ _' eir
etwixt Men and
Beas mu' clonrldndy
in this, that the one can agree in ome com
mon markWhethet Faith-For? Characters, or
" __ whatever- ele,._to expres;beir-petceptions,

., themelves._
but the other
. man
be of.but
in. both,
,- they neither 20'them Perceiving anything
zhULFOL'PQTQQUiHPPrCHJOHSQ uchias-they. feel

by the parts' ofthev Matter bearing bone

CAP. l .'

et/te Soule.

ZAX 1 o M

'15 i


The diinct Impres'ion of any coniderahlr

extent o vuariegated Matter cannot he' rei
A ceived ya meer point of Matter.

a meer
of Matter Ipoint,
dOe not
a Kerfect Par-ziz'taa'e, or the lea Realit] of

w ich Matter can coni, concerning. which

I have already poke Lib..I. Cap'. 6. This
being the lea quantity that dicerpi

ble Matter can coni of, no particle of

Matter can touch it les then it elf. -,This
'Parvi'tude therefore that is 'o little that it

has properly no integrall. parts, really" dil

inguihable, 'how can it pobly be a Subv
ject'diinctly' receptive of the view, haply, _
of half an Horizori at onCe 2' vwhich ightis

'caued by reall' and diinct motion from

reall diinct parts of the object that is
77. I'ackmwledg
p -' indeed
that'the' [in-pill
of the Eye i's'b'u't mall in comparion of

thoe va Objects that are een through

it,- as alo that througha Hole exceeding
'ly much les', made uppoe in bras of
lead, large'Dbiects aretr-an'mitted very

clearly-7 butIhaVe oberved with all that



Ia '

. Yon

1 16

The Intmartaligi

, LIB. II.

you may leen the hole o far, that an un

clouded day at noon will look more obcure
then an ordinary moon-hine night. Where

fore Nature has bounds, and reducing her

to the lea meaure imaginable, the eect
mu prove inenible,
8. Again,this object we peak ofmay

be 'o variegated, I mean with uch colours,

thatit may imply acontradiction, that one
and the ame. particle of Matter (uppoe
ome very mall round one, that hall be the
Cupe of the ,viuall Pyramide or' Cone)
hould receive them all at once z the op
poite kindes ofthoe colours being uncom
municable to this round particle,-. otherwie
'then by contrarietie of Morions, or by
Re and Motion, which are as contrary;
-'. teim
me' manife
of- that inwDrer-Cartes
excellent Theo
Metem, which ifit were poible to be fale,
'yet it i-s mo certainly "true, that eeing
of Sight,
riety ofObjects caue
for Colouri
Iocontrary inodications of Motion in this
Iparticle we peak- of, that. immediatly com
zmunicates the object-to the Sentient: which
contrariety, of; Motions-at the ame time

rand within the, ame 'urfacejof the adaz

'quate place'ofaBody is utterly.- incompeti
ble thereto;
3 . _ v
- w:

9. Nor

*AP. 1 .

ofthe' Soule. -

1 17

9. Nor
that isEvaion
thing avail;
not any

all MOtion here, but that there is onely

1d_eavour to Motion: For it is plain that
ndeavour is as reall as Motion it elf, and

s contrary, vbecaue it does really aect the

zght,and in a contrary manner, Beides,this

Zn'deavour toward Motion is Morion it

"elf, though ofan exceeding mall progres:

But be it as little as it Will, it. is as great a

:ontradiction, for example,

that the Globe A, hould

upon the ame centre, and

within the ame iipercies B

(which is its admquate place _

according to the meaning of
that Norion in Aritottes Schooledbe turned
never o little fromC. to B. and from B; to
C. at once, as tobe turned quite about'in
that manner. To which you may adde that
ome Colours imply the ones Morion, and
the others 'Rez but-a Globe ifit rein

any one part from turning,resin al-L- From

it will
. whence
to ee Red
and follow,"
Black at Thatit
Oncctef- is impoible
._- " ,

* lO'. This Subterfuge therefore'being

"thus clearly taken away, they ub'i tute an
other, viz. "That the diinct parts ofthe
' Object doe 'not act upon this round par-title,

a which is theCupe of the viuall Pyramide,


1 18

The Immortality

LlB. Il.

at once, but uccevely,and o wiftly, that

the Object is repreented at once z as when

one wings abouta re-ick very fa, it

eems one continued circle of re, Buc we
hall nd this inance very little to the

purpoe , if we- conider , that When one

wings &re-ick in a circle, it decribes
uch a circle in the bOttome ofthe Eye, not
upon one point there, but in a coniderable
diance; and that the Optick Nerve, or

the Spirits therein, are touched uccevely,

butlleft free to a kind of Tremar or I/z'bm
tiqn as it were, (o as it is in the playing of
21 Lute) till the motion has gone round, and
. then touches in the ame place again, o
quick, that it ndes it ill vigorouly
moved: But there being but one particle to
touch upon here, ome uch like inconveni
ences will recurre as we noted in the former
II. For, asI demonrated before, that
ome Colours cannot be communicated at
once to one and the ame round particle of
Matter, o from thence it will follow here,

That, uch Colours ucceeding one an

other, the impres of the onewill take o

immediatly the impres of the other -, from

whence we hall not be able to ee uch va

rious Colours as are dicernibl'e in a very

large Object at once, For unlesthe im

CAP.., 1.'

(ofthe Soule.

* p 1_19

preon make ome coniderable ay upon

that. which receives, it, there isno Senation;

a man
may. wag hisandnger
o fa thathe Cani
.d_t_>e;make a duepay, uppoe a; large Object


theimo oppoite ColOurs,

ipwere znzpoble that we hould ee that

o large za.'c,.otn.p2$
we doezut. atoncc
we hall in
by Parts,

the parts. vanihiyig

and 'comingagain in:*
im riees, ' from the
of theofBaisf'of
the weviuall
Cone toparts
it, wcthiithz
uppoe to be a very
' '. 6

A _ , .

- i

.Deg-Cgrtes-liis econd JGFT ' ,

element conis of, it


'being thus uccevei- _

.l p thru : avainzz 3

rich; be F',_.. .

- z-izg
As is,gures-3
thy; herd),- '15 ,i* 2' *

. ner, and I'. tealhbh'



163. Will-&Will.
be r.i T .; z* " : p

i ct



- .

i 'i


i 20

ct The IMmOrt..-Iit)'

Luz. H.

tovvard P_where there will be received uch

nto-lour in the lea Reality of the Sentient

'Matter in F, but from A. it will be borne

towards B; and with a very hort rowling

touch in another Reality, or itmay be more

diantly from F. and impres uch acolour

lfrOm A. upon B, or thereabout, and o from
iC, upon D. o that hereby alo it is ma-ni

fe that n'o one perfect Par-vimde receives

the whole Object C, E. A.

I 3, Laly, this quick vicitude of im-.

. pule
or impreion
and make
the whole
it were ofone confounded colour, as a man

may eaily perceive 'in a painted Wheel -,

what is it but a quick coming on of one

colour upon the ame part of the Optick'

nrvegupon which another_was_,immediately

tlzat makes the whole Wheel eem of one

to imPoe'has
inance-Ofthe Wheel
a pecu
liar advantageia'bove this' preent Suppoi

tion'ifo'ri niaking'ali 'eem one confounded'

colour, becaue 'the colours of the 'Wheel

come notonely upon one and the ame Part

of the Nerve, but in one - and the ame lite
the object
o that in' this-regard
is les 5!Paccom'modate':
Bi1t. vittles
hreudly probable,that fluid perceptive MIL

Fsr Will not fail to find theco'lours tinctured

' '' * '

"v' '

' l

ZAPu 1,

ofthe Soule.

'1 2'

*om one anorhet in ome meaure in the

'hole object here alo, by reaon of the
1ability of that particle that is plaied
pon from all parts thereof."- * At 'leai't'is

n unexceptionable conrmationok'our r:
)emonration of the weaknes of thee

ond Evaion, from the necetYofac'o'ni

erable ay upon the percipient Matter,

nd that Senation cannot be but With- oin'e

eiurely continuance- of this 'or that Morion
efore it be wiped out. We might adde

lo that there ought to be adue perma

iency of the Object that prees again the
)rgan, _ though no fnew impreion uddenly - a
'ucceeded to Wipe 'out theformer, la's'one
nay experimcntvin-wiftly winging about
painted Bullet 'ina ring,'which will ill
nore fully conrmewhat wezaime at. ,But
his is more then enough for the making
;ood of this 24, Axiome -, whoe evidence
so clear ofit elf, that-I believe ther-eare

'cry few but will be 'convinced 'of it at the

righ\__-.'-i a ->


., "*'

' '.

1 a3

1 be Immortalztj

LIB . 11 ..

Whatever impreion or art: ofany impre
5: op-qrenot received , y thee perfect Parg
vitude or Real] oint of Matter, are not

34: na perceived yit.

,ct;4,THis is o exceeding plain of it elf,
that it wants neither explication nor
'AxroMI-z XXVl.
war itScne
Motion impreion
there isnow
i Matter,
it 4 orneceary

' ' ome other part of Matter, and does nece

, hrily continue til! ome part or other of
3.."N4tterha jntedit out. '

" -

his, ' Hatwhat Motionthereis in any part

zn - -- 'of-Matter'is necearily .there,>and
there continues , till ome other parent'

Matter change or diminih its M0tion, is

plain from the lawes of Morion et down by

Des-Cartes in his Principin Philoophin, And
that there is the ame Reaon of Sene or
Perception (uppoing there is nOthing but
>Matfer in the world) is plain from Axi
ome 20. that makes Motion and Sene or
Perception really the ame.
C H A P.

CQAP. 2. .

ofthe Soule.


I . That Matter he capahle ofSene, Inani
mate things are o too wind of Mr, Hobbs
his wavering in that point. 2- An Ennme
ration ofeveral! Facnlties in m that Mat
of. 3,,iilt
in is
kind of
Scne_ 4. That no one pointiof Matter can
the ofuch
5 , Nor
a male

entire image of the Ohject. 6. Nor yet re

ceiving part part, and the whole the whole,

ia incompetjhle
to. Matter,
8. That
That Memory
the Matter
is nnapahle

notes of bnae circumances rofJthe'ohject which we rememhred. 9. That Matter can

not he the eat of econd Motions; Io, Mr,

Hobbs hhEvaion
o theforegoing
clearly conefted.
I 1..Th4t the

a'ome of on' Will evincer that there t'a'a

Suhance in m, diinct 'from Matter;
I 2, That
all onr
ii cat/monaJ
I.\/VE have now made our' addition fof
uch Ax'iomes as are ,'mo uefull'

for our preent purpoe.. Let us._therefore,

according to the order we_prop.ouudcd,fb__.__cf '

- ore

n 24

The Immortalz'ty

LIB . II. i

ore we conider the fabrick and organiza

tion ofthe Body,ee ifnc/z operation: as we

nd in our elves be competible to Matter
looked upon in a more generall manner, ThatMattcr from its own natureis uncapable
ofSmfe,plai1fly appearsfrom Axiome 20.&
'21. For Motion and Sene 'being really one
And the ame thing, it will 'necearily folq

low, that whereever there is Motion, epe

cially any coniderable duration thereof,

there murbe Sence and Perce tion : Which=

iscontrary to w at we vin ina Catoclzw,

and experience-daily in deadCarkaes zin
both which, thOugh there be Reactipn, yet
there is no Sme, In brief, if any Matter

have' Seneyit will follow that upon Jac

'actiaiz all; hall have the like; and that a Bell
- "while" itiS' ringing,v and a Bow while it is '
bent, 'and 'everyjjack-in-a-box that School
boyes play
while' it ,is hall
held be
in by
the \
Anima s, 0_r"Senitive Creatures. A thing

o foolih and fi*i\folous;' that the meer re

cital] ofth'evopinion may Well be thought
conutatione'nough with the ober.- And
indeed Mr, Hobbs himelf, though he re
*QlV__e_SenjcHm_e_*erlY into 'tlezzJZZion of Matter,
'fyetis'ahamed of thee odd conequences
> thereof, 'and 'isver loth tio be reckoned
m. the company oly thoe Philoophers',




QAP.2. '

. odnSaule- i


Lthough, as he ay,es,lea_rned men) who have'

maintained that z1ll_Bodies-are' endued with

he can.
aying and
are zcthardly
he 15.,mm

them Memory,
have whetherhe
iwill forWhich
ma," ighe
give them Sene, As for Example, inthe

ringing ofa Bell,._ from every roak there

a tremor in theJBell,
caying, mu._acc-oirding
- to' ,'3Pl1il040phie
be imagination,
and- reerringw'
the iroalc
mu be Memory
z and iardak

take it within the compas _of_this.iMemor-'y,

[but Dzriznination-orndge
ment may
the 'conclifuion isct cor
onant enOugh tothis aburd PnciplezTht
there is nothingut Matter in tiellmvere,
and that
is capableofoperceptionSeeM'j,
his itEleimerits
Pliilfo. Cliap;'2s._ p'

2.. But
content our
with we_w11_l,.n0t_
incOnvemence. othis'bold iAdtidnLbHr

hallkfurtherb endeavour roirhpw'thac the' Hi

fale', and
that Mofter
is utfjy
thing in m Inziloozl'e'*iz'n_v
and that 'thereforeor' lnripbrenHiE5r
there is
we'incle "ini out elves , that",_'o"ne "and," lie

ame. thing both heareis, and *,ee,s,.and ,ta "s,

and,'to he horn, perceives fall the (variety of

l 26

The Immortality

LIB.' ll.

Objects that Nature manifes unto us

'Whereforev Sene being nOthing but the im4
pres of corporeall motion from Objects
without, that part of Matter which mu

be the common Senorinm, mu of neceity

receive all that diverity o imp'ulions from
ber, Reaon,
be the fountain
neous Motion as alo tlieSeat Of what the
Greeks call the rid atdnEzlm-v' or liberty of
'hall nde
in Une'xtricable
i in

'= (3. For r,\Vecannot"'COnceive of any

Portion of Matter but it 'isjei'ther Hard or
lSoft. As for that whichis Hard, all men

leave it out as utterly unlike to be endued

rwith uch Cognitive 'faCUltl'CS as we are
concious' no out elves go, That which is
Soft 'will prove either apake', peatid, or'

'ln'oia'._ 'Iopak'e, it cannot. *ee,bthe exterior

_up'erciesz'being a bar t_G.'tHe*inWard parts.

*Ifpenoid,.a*'s_'_ Aire and Water, 'then indeed

admit 'inwardly
are theCi'cOnveighers"
' th'eSenf, and*diin'ction of. Colours' z ' and

_Sonnd alo will . penetrateh'Btit; this ,Matttr.

, being hetei'ogeneall, that is' to ay coniing
ofparts'of 'a dierent nature 'and Oce,- the
-' 1ire,-uppoe, being pro _erfor S*onnzl_,'zand
Whoe Roland particles which "Carteiw de'
- . cribes

CAP." 2.

ofthe Soule.

1 27

'tribes for Coloar and Light x, the' erception

) thee Objects Will be dierent y lodgddZ
>ut there isome one thing in us that per
:eive's borh.r Laly, ifi'ncial, there would

)e much-what _the,ame inconvenience that

hete is in the
for tOiI'ChLof
ire-own erinesf
ot'o _e_alee,

1alli-inrees5 oi if it be driiil'de and thin

hat itis in a dmer'nwure "diaphanoiijs, 'thC
in the Yelk-aid,
v man; Brief,
mia' Matter has hch varietybf particles in

t, thatfrom
Whole, asaectedwit
itmt, bfei'ng
_ "any,mu',
ie'variouly aected, o thaenopbjeet will v
me '2 2. Which Truth,
'als a'p hall

by a- homelybui
i- 'Sii ' are' well A''gcam'ff
hers, Bullets*an__js_pur-1f9w931silla
n '
me with another: on anyju eshe?
e'CEiVeSz upzzongal'thes nuzejhereoi

latest-ipe; 'it-isfevjdent , t ac i; i 'e endall

hfrigjztherennr be di stent' "affecteaz

Fit 'mlofe'iiteidirimop'il-a pra-'a- were
nii? "trawtwld eem noxhvmdgctrea

iPT-this'wod- be. 01:"thea: bverall
feat. thre
bvel- particles


The Immortality

Ll 5, l _

captive: of the everall motions o the ame

from without, o
as the
the CarteianiGJlobnli
_But what receives all thee, and o can
judge ol't'hemall, we are again at a los for,
we imagine
and ubtilly

thatit eels' not it elf, but o yielding'and

pai-ue, that it eaily feels, the everala
oothex Bodies,
it, Or and
init -,-imprees
which yetxwould

this Matter
and: the
not; and
o it
be 0ranted,=thiat
' Bbllies),'l_ias'
no: all' Mortar
_(no.- not.
; o. laud),

as this'isnia'nalogw's Ato'tlie,_jainimal Son-its:

, * 2which
"i 'Matter
_ 'could
_ andoaanznonz'troipiantijdza iMoridns tory

. zitit-hInYJi'Wit out', bylr'eazinpf'theggu:

ixyz. Pa. ,liitY.--*-id-' 'nsairsfzlwwogeneixx an?

impcrceptibility , laying.
of' any,togeter
ghgnge or:


_'t.. Particles, 5', and ther-efore.

very, t 'to ,'receive all'_'-ttian;net ,o imprees

'from Lz'oth'efs,
Ome ilch'ubtilerationally
"this, is"

r_,the Sonlgctlotlhcter i'nctmectdiat;

Zinlratmeint, (thrall manner, oiiTei-c'epcttionsj.

The dftftiriv'vhei'eol_ v(vlctiiztllproveto bettue .


- ,


. '

' in

-AP . 2'.

oft/ye Soule.

t 29

its du'e place. That the former pa'rtis

le I hall now demonrate, by proving

lore ringently, That no Matter what

of uch to
and Per-T
eption isas capable
we are concious
our elves
of." i
4. Fo'r concerning that part of Matter.

thich is the Common Senforinrnd demand'

vheth'er o'me one point of it receive the
vhol'e image of the Object, or whether it
s wholly received'into every point o it, or

Hnally whether thewhole-Senorinm receive

the whole image by expanded parts, this
part o the Scnorium this part dtlie image,
and that part that. I the r, eeing That
in Us Which perceives the e'mernall Object;

moves alo the Body,it will ollowzT hat one

little point of'Matter will give locall motion

to what is innumerable millions o times

bigger then it elf, owhich there cannor be
fOund nor imagined any example in Nauire?
3 . Ithe econd, this. diculty preents
it el, which alo reects upon the former

Poition", How o mall 'a point. as we. peak

of hould- receive the'images o o va, or
o various Objects at once, without Obli- *
ter'at'ion or ConuiOn -, a thing impoiible,

as is manie from Axiome 24. And therei

o're not receiving them, cannor perceive
them by Axiome 25. Buti every Point or

paiticle of this Matter could receive the


Whole '

1 5 U

1. 'lc Junnull-uut)

1.' lo - kl .

whole image , which of thee innumerable

particles, that receive the Image entirely,

may be deemed I myelf that perceive this

Imaget' For if I beall thoe Points,it will
come to pas, epecially in a mall Object,

and very neare at hand, that the line of im

pule coming to divers and diant Points, '
it will eem to come as from everall places,
and o one Object will necearily eem a
Cluer of Objects, But if I be one of thee
Points, what becomes ofthe ree' or who

are they '3

6. There remains therefore onely the

third way, which is that the parts of the

image o the Object be received by the
parts of this
portion of
Matter, which
the common
does perfectly contradict experience; for

we nde our elves to perceive the whole

Object, when in this cae nothing could per
ceive the whole, every part onely perceiving
its part z and therefore there would be no

thing that can judge ofthe whole. No more

then three men, if they were imagined to
ing a ong of three parts, and none ofthem
hould heare any part but his own, could X
judge of the Harmony of' the whole.
.7. As concerning the Seat of Imagina
tion and Memory, epecially Memory, What

kinde of matter can be found t for this

function a'

CAP. 2.
ofthe Soule.
:;1; 1
anction-3' Ifit be Fluid,the images OfObi
jects will be prone to vanih uddainly, As
alo to be perverted-ot turned contrary
Wayes. 'For example _C-. 'a pat'mld
ing an im'Pres from B. mu feel i, .
it as coming'from B: but-it' t'oy- . _


ing and rumbling up and down, 3 l-sz: .

as the particles of. uid 'Matter


doe, tumes the de E; E. _ which g, H.

received that impres romBL to- _ * * c .

wards L, whence it will feel as i-fthe impres

had been from L. for it mu celrit its from'
the p'lace 'dipectly oppoite wit-elf
the amei reaon will he in' other 'parti

cles of this uid Mattengmhich mn needs'

a great deall
of prdpoerous
both upont'hc
and Memory.confuion
Ifit be

Hard, it will oon be compoed to rezas

ina B=ell.whoe trem'dr is gone ina little
time zbnt'we remember things o'me years
togetherzthongh W'e never: think ofthcm'

till the end' of that terme. If Vicid, there is the like inconvenience, nay un-'
itte' ofall for either receiding of Motion,
or continuing it, and therefore unlikely "to
be the Seat of either Fancy' or Mer'mry. For

ifMotion or R'eact'ion and Sene, whether

internallor externall; be all one, Motion

ceaing Memory' mu needs ceae, by Axi


K 2


. 1 32

The Immortality


ome 21. Nor canit any more remember

-whenit is again moved in the ame manner,

'thena Stone or a piece of Lead that was

ung ormore
up into the'
becOme when
to ie
ey have once ceaed from Motion -, for

t- eye are b0th 3 exquiitelyasif they had

"never been moved. '
5 8, Laly, we remember ome things, of'

rwhich there carl be?no Sign/attire: in Matter

to repreent them, as for-exam le, Wide.
ne 'and Diamie, For as for' bath ofthem,
.'t.hereisnon0te_ ., *
. Lcantbe- made in
the Matter E,


c .


from I,

uA. B. and
'1 -.- 75 D
'QWherebY the 'or '.

dierence of remotenes; QFFAL E. above C.
;E,o_r ofthe widienes of A. Bzbove C. D.

can-be dicernedz
z'; for borh rthe Objects
and. the.ame-iginatnre
in the

-- '

v i -

= 9..-Thore.,tha;dux}6h1ailed by thename of Setnndinatimer ,', and are not

'any enible Objects. themelves, nor the
PhanTtames o;any.=enible Objects , but
zonely our manner of conceiving them, or
reaoning about them, in which . number are



CAP. 2.;

_> ofthe Soule.

comprehended all Logicall and Mahom

ticalltermer -, thee, I ay, never came inat *

the Senes,'they being no imrees of-'cor

in us,
as of
Doggs and
the ene
Colours, of Hot,aected
of Cold,'and
like.i Now-Matterbeing
by' no

perception but ofcorporearll impreon,by

- the bearing ofone Body again anorher z 'lt'

is plain from Axiome 23- 'that theeecond
Natiom, or 'Mathematicall and Logimll conceptions, cannot be eated in Matter,_zand

therefore mu be in ome other Subance \

diinct from it,by Axiome Io.
. > p
Io. Here Mr, Hobbs, to avoid the force
of this Demonration, has found out a mar'

velous witty invention to befool his fol

lowers withall, making them believe that
there is no uch thing as thee Secunda No
tioncs, diinct from the Names or Words.

'whereby they are aidto be ignied ,-, t and

that thereis no perception in us, but ofuch
Pbzmtafme; as are impreed frOm externall
Objects, uch as are "common to Us and

Beas: and a-s for the 'Names which we

give to thee, or the, Plmmkmes of them,
that there is,.the ame reaon 'ofthem, as of

other Maker, Letter: , or Characters, all

which coming in at the Scnfer, he Would

beare them in hand that it is a' plain cae,




The Immartalitj


that we have the perception Of nothing but

what is impreed from corporeall Objects,
BUt how ridiCulous an Evaion this is, may
be eaily dicovered, if 'we conider, that
if thee Mathematicall and Logicall Nation:

' we peak of be nOthing but Names, Logicall

and Mathematicall Truths will not be the
ame in all Nations, becaue they have not
the ame namer. For Example, Similitude
'and dptataiqm, dmAoyhc and Proportia,2\d'y

and ame, thee names are utterly dierent,

the Greek from the Latine z yet the Greeks,

Latins, nor any Nation ele, doe vary in

their conceptions couched under thee dif
ferent names: Wherefore it is plain, that
there isaetled Notion diinct from thee
Word: and Names,as well as from thoe cor

poreal] Phantames impreed from the

Object z which was the thing to be de

, 1 I. Laly, we are concious to our felves
ofthat faculty which the Greekes call dil
sidmov, ora Power in our d'UN, notwith
anding any outward aaults or importuv
nate temptations, to cleave to that which it
vertuous and hone,- or to yieldtq pleaures,

or other evile advantages. That we have this

Liberty and- freedome in' ou'r elves, and that
we refue the gOOd, and chae the-evill,
when we might have done ctherwie z that



' '


CAP. 2.

aft/92 Soule.


xaturall Sene of Remore of Confcienoe is an

evident and undeniable witnes of.' For

When a man has done amis, the paine,
grief, or indignation that he raies in him
elf, or at lea feels raied in him, is of _
another kind from what we nde from mi
fortunes or aronts we could not avoid..
And that which pinches us and vexes us o

everely, is the ene that we have brought

uch an evill upon our elves, when it was
in our power to have avoided it. Now if

there be no ene nor perception in us, but

what aries from the Reaction of Matter

one part again another z whatever Re

preentation of things, whatever Delibez
ration or Determination we fall upon, it,

will by Axiome 26. be purely neceary, there

being upon this Hypotheis no more Free
dome while we deliberate or conclude, then
there is in a paire of cales, which res as

necearily at la as it moved before.Where

efore it is manife that this faculty wecall
Free-will is not found in M4tter,but in ome

other Subance, by Axiome Io_

12. Mr Hobbs therefore, to givehim his'
iue, cononantly enough to his own princi
>les, does very Peremptorily arm that all
iur actions are neceary. Bat Ihaving pro-.

' ed the contrary by that Facul'ty which we y- .

lay call Internal! Sene or Common Nation,

K 4.




The Immortulity

LIB. I1 .

found in all men that have not done Vi

olence to their own Nature -, unles by ome

other approved Faculty he can dicover

the contrary, my Concluion mu and for

an undoubted 'Truth by Axiome 5. He pre
tends therefore ome Demonration' of

Reaon, which he would oppoe again

the dictate of this Inward Senfzwhich it _
will not be amis to examine, t at we may
dicover his Sophiry,


I. Mr. Hobb's hh A'guments wherehy he
would prove all our actions neeeitated.


Argmnent. 2, He: econd Argu

3. His third Argument 4. He;

fourth Argmnent.

s. What mu he the

meaning of thee words, Nothing taketh

beginning from it elf, in the
znent of Mr. Hobbs. 6, Afnller andznore
determinate ex lieation of the foregoing
words, whoe infe heruidently convinced

to he, That no Eence of it elcan vary

its modication. 7. That ths 12: onely aid

hy Mr. Hobbs, not roved, andn full con-i.
futation of he? Afrtion. 8. Mr. Hobb
zmpoed upon hy hn" own Sophzry, 9, ThJ

CAP. 3.

of the Soule.

1 37

one art of the

this ahe:
r; op
Ar iicall.
ument 05
plain propoall of his Argument, whence

\\ appeares more fully the weakne andophi

_"** [try thereof, 11. An Anwer to hieecond
Argument. 12, An Anwer to the third.

_13. An Anwer to a diiculty concerning

the Truth and Falehood of future Prope
jitions. 14. An Anwer to Mr. Hobbs ho's
, fourth Argument, which, though ighted
. hy himelf, is the tronge of them all."
I 5. The diiculty of reconciling Free-will
with Di-vine Precience and Prophecies.

I 6. That the faculty ofFree-will iteldome

put in ue. 17. That the ue of itt'spro
perly in Morall conict. I 8, 'That the Soule

is not invincihle thereneither. 19. That

Divine decrees either nde t Inrumentt

or make them, 20. That the more exact we'
ma/ee Di-vine Precience, even to the corn

prehenon of any thing that implies no

contradiction in it elf to he comprehended,v

the more cleare it it that mans Will may he

ometimes free. 2 I. Which il: uicient

' to make good my lat ,Argument vagain
Mr.Hobbs. _


I S r Argument runs thus (I will

repeat it in his own words, as alo the

. re o them as they are to be found in his


.) 3 8

The Immortalzity

LiB . II -

Treati ofLiherty and Nece tity) I conceive,

(aith he) that nothing tahet heginnin fron"

hut from the action ofome ot er im
mediate agent without it

z and that

therefore, when r a man hath an appetite

or Will to omething, to which immediatly he
ore he had no appetite nor Will, the caue of
hilt Will it not the Will it elf, hut omething
ele not in hit own dipoing': So that where
ac it il: out of controvery, that of voluntary

action: the Will it the neceary caue, and hy

thiZt which ie aid the Will 'it alo cau ed hy
other thingt,whereof it dioth not,it ollow
eth,that voluntary action: have all ofthem ne

ceary caut, and therefore are'neceitated,

2. His econd thus, I hold (aith he)
that to he auicient caue, to which nothing
it wantin t at 12' needful] to the producing
ofthe e ect: The ame alo it a neceary caue,
For if it he pofihle that a uicient caue
hall not hring forth the eect, then there
wantethomewhat which was needfullfor the

producing ofit, ando the caue was not uf

cient -, hut it he impofihle that auicient
caue hould not produce the eect, t enis a
uicient caue a neceary caue,for that itaid
to produce an eect' necearily that cannot hut
produce it. Hence it ia manife, that what
oever is produced, is produced neceiarilyu For

whatoever ia produced, hath had auicient


'._A._ _.J

CAP. 3;

ofthe Soule'

1; 9

caue to produce it,or ele it had not heeu.What"

followes is either the ame, or _o- cloely

depending on this, that I need not addeit.
3, His third Argument therefore hall be

that which he urges from Future dzuucti

ons, For example, let the cae be put of the

Weather, 'Tis neceary that to morrow it

hall rain, or not rain -, If therefore, aith
he, it he not neceary it hall rain, it it nece
ary it hall not rain, otherwie thereis no ne
ce'ity that the Propoition, It hall rain or not
rain, hould he true,

4. His fourth is this, That the denying of

Neceiity deroyeth hoth the Decreet and the
Precience ofGod Almighty. For whatoever
God hath purpoed to bring to pa? hy man, a:

an Inrument, orforZ/eethhall come to pa'

a man, if he have li erty from neceitation,
mightfrurate, and make not to come to pa;

and Godhould either notfore/enow it, and not

decree it, or he hould forehnow uch thing:
hall he aa hall never he , an decree that
whichhall never come to t',
5. The Entrance into 's r Argument

is omething obcure and ambionous, No- '

thing taketh heginning from itel :But I hall
be as candid and faithfull an, Interpreter as
Imay. If he mean by beginning, beginning
oExience, itis undoubtedly true, ThaaJ

no' subance, nor Modication ofSub



The Immortality ' LiB.II.

ance taketh beginning from it elf z but

this will not iner the Concluion he drives
at..Bur if he mean, that Nothing taketh he
rom it el , of
hein he
e a -

underand by nothing, no Eence, neither

Spirit nor Body,or noModi/ication of Eence.
He cannot mean Spirit, as admitting no

uch thing in the whole comprehenion of

Nature. IBody, it will nor infer what he
at, unles there
be nothing
Body in
the Univere,
meerv but

Principle o his, which he beeeches his

credulous followers to admit, but' he proves
it no where, 'as I have already noted. If by
Modication he mean the Modication of

Matter or Body, that runs ill upon the

former Princi le, 'That there is nothing
but Body in t e world, and therefore he

proves nothing but upon a begg'd Hypo

theis, and-that a fale one', as I have ele
wheredemonrated. Wherefore the mo '

favourable Interpretation I can make is,

That hemea b'y-Tno thing, no Eence, nor

Modification' of Eence, being willing to

hide that dearly-hug'd Hypocheis of his
(That there .is_no_thing but Body in the

world) under o-generall and uncertain


. 6. The words therefore in the other en



\CAP.3. x
ofthe Soule.
14 1'
es 'having no pretence to conclude any
thing, let us ee how far they will prevail
in this, taking no thing, for o-Eenoe, or
no Modication of Ejemepr What will com'e
nearer to the Matter in hand, nolFaoulty o

an Leoe.And from this two-told meaning,

let us examine two Propoitions, that will
reult from thence, viz. That no Fatultj
of any Eieme can vary it: operation from
What it A, hat from the action of-'fome other
immediate agent without 'itelf -, or, That no'
E/ence can ruar its Modication or operation

hj it

hot y the action ofome other im

mediate Agent Withootz't. Of which two

Propoitions the latter eemes the better

ene by far, and mo nuturall. For it is
vety_\harh , and, if truly looked into, as

fale, to ay, That the Mode- or Fatulty of

any Efenoe changes it
for -it is-therE
enceit elfthat exerts it elf into theefvad

riations of Modes, if no externall-'Agentis

the caue of thee changes; -Angl>Mr_ Hohhs

oppoing an External! Agent to this Thim;

that he aies doesnot change it elf, does
naturally imply,That>they are borh not Fa
ealties but &th/fanne he peakes of, '

.- . 7. .Wherefore-'tl.1c're remains; one] the

latter Propoition to be examined, T at m'

L/emeza it. elf can wary its Modication.

That. ome Eence mu have had a POWMk:

14 2

The Immortaltctty

LlB. lI .

of moving is plain, in that there is Motion

in the world, which mu be the eect of
- ome Subance or other. But that Motion

in alarge ene, taking it for mutation or

GhanOe, may proceed from that very Eence
in w ich it is found, eemes to me plain

by Experience: For there is an Eence in

us, whatever we will call it, which w'e nd
endued with this property z-as appears

from hence, that it has variety of percep

tions, Mathematicall, Logicall, and II may
adde alo Morall, that are n0t any imprees
nor footeps of Corporeall Motion, as I
have already demonrated, and any man

may oberve in himelf', and dicover inthe

Writings of others , how the Mindehas
paed from one of thee perceptions to
another, in very long deductions of De
monration 5 as alo what ilnes from bo

dily Morion is required in the excoglitatiou

of uch eries of Reaons, where the Spirits
are-to run into no Other poure n'or m0tion'

then what they are guided into by the Mind

it' elf, where thee immateriall an'dintel

lectuall Nocions have the leading and rule.

Beides in groi'er Phantames, which are
uppoed to be omewhere impreed in'
the Brain, the compoition of them, and
dicluio'n and various' dipoall of them,

is plainly an arbitrarious act, and implies


CAP. z.
ofthe Soule. 4
1 43
an Eence that can, as it lis, exciteinit
elf the variety of uch Phantames as have

been r exhibited to her from Externall

Objects, and change them and tranpoe
them at her own will, But what needI
reaon again this ground of Mr, Hohhs o
ollicitouly e' it being ucient to dicover,
that he onely aies, that' No Emcev can
change the Modication: of itelf, but does
nor prove it; and therefore whateverhe
would infer hereupon is meerly upon a

begg'd Principle.
8. But however, from this precarious
will infer,
that ofthis
we iecthave
a Will tohea thin
, the cau'
the Will it
hat omething ele not in our
own di/oingz the meaning whereof mut
be, That whenever we Will, ome corporeal!

impre, which me carmot avoid, forces w

But the
as Weak as
as Ihavie
bold z
it being built
no foundatitm,
already hewn, I hall onely take notice.
how Mr. Hohhr, though he has recuedhim

elf from the authority of the schools,

and would fain et 'up for himelf, yet he
has act freed himelf from theirooleries
in talking ofFaeolties and, 0 eratiom (and

the aburditie is alike in bot ) as eparate

and ditinct from thefmce they belong to,
wich caues agreat deal of diraction and

l 44

'Ihe Imnortality


ob'curity' in the p'eculatio'n of' things. I

peak this in reference to thoe expreions

ofhis ofthe Will being the caue ofwilling,
and of its being the neceary caue ofvo-"

luntary actions, and of things not being in

its dipoing. Whenas, if a man would peak'
properly, and deired to be underood, he
would ay, That the subject' in which' a this'
power or act of willin , (call it Mart or the
Soul ofMan) tis the care? ofthis or that ruolun+
tary action. But this would dicover-his So
phiry, wherewith haply he has emrap't
imelf, which is this, Something out of

the power ofthe Will necearily cauer the'

Will, the Will once caued is the neceary

caue of voluntary actions ; and therefore all
'be untary actions are' neeeitat'eol.
9. Beides' that the' rpart of this Ar
gumentationis groundles (as I have' al
ready intimated) the econd is ophiicall,

that ayes That the Will is the neceary caue

of'voluntary actiom; For by neceary may

be underood either neceita'ted, forced and

made to act, whether it will or no -,' - or ele

it' may ignify that the Will -is- arequii'te

CaiJe of voluntary actions, o that there can

be n'o voluntary 'actions without it. The

latter - whereof may "be in ome ene true,
bur- the former 'is- utterly fale.- So the
Concluion being inferred from aertion-s





CAP. 3.

ofthe Saule.,

1' 4;

whereof the one is groundles, theorher

Sophiicall, the Illation' . cannot blithe ii,

diculouy Weak and depicable. But', he
poke, the
in the
Concrete had
in ead-(off
been' more
grosly-dicoverable, or rather. the._tra'i_n of
his reaoning. languid and _ contemptible.

Omitting therefore to peak-Of the' ez

Power or Operatiomlet
which of it elf
us ispeak
but ofthe;
Eence which 'is enduedwithWill,,.$_en_e;
Reaon, and. Other Fa_dulties,and-ee 'Whilt
face this argumentation ,of his will-hear,
which will then run thus 5. _

1 o, Some externall, irreihle Agent does

ever necearily-mue that Eence (call
Souleor what 'you pleae) which deadned
with the faculties of Will and Underaudiog,
to Will. This Eex-ce, endured with the power
ofexerting it elf into the. act of We'ilZgf

the neceary caue 'alute-tary actions. T ere-e

fore all voluntary actions are neceitated;
The r: Aertiou now-at' r ght ap
a with.
. and
is not necearily
as well
as deter
-r_niued to will by externall imprel'es,ut

bythe diplaying ofcertain notions'andper

ceptionshe raies in- her elf, that-be pure?v

ly_ inrelleekuallz
the' econd eems-13
' And Lg
a Veryv

1 46

The Immortality


very lim and lank piece of Sophirie. BOth

which my reaons already alledged doe o
eaily and o plainly reach, thatI need add
nothing more, but pas to his econd Argu
ment, the form whereof in briefis this;
I I. Every Caue is' aufcient caue,other
wie it could not produce its eect : E-very
ufcient caue is a necjary caue, that 'is to
hynvill he ure to pro uce the eect, other

'vie omething was wanting thereto, and it

was no uicient caue: And therefore e-very
caue ita neceary caue , and conequently
e-Uery Eect or Action, even thoe that are
termed Voluntary , are neceS'itated.


reaoning looks martly at r view, but

if we come cloer to it, we hall nd ita

pittifull piece of Sophiry, which is eaily

detected by oberving the ambiguit of that '
Propoition, E-very uicient cau' ie ane
eeary caue : For the force lyes n0t o much
be Suicient,
aidit tois aid
bea toCaue
ziwh'ich ifasitinbe,that
mu of neceity have an Eect, whether
it be the
or inuicient
-, which dico
For thee relative

of Qaue and Eect necearily im ly one

anOther. But every Being that is Eicient
to act this or that

it wi, and o to become

the Caue thereof, dorh neither act, nor ab

ain from acting necearily; And therefore




CAP. 3.

ofthe Soule.

, r47

i it doe act, it addes Will to the Suieiency

of its power zand i it did 110t act,
becaue it had not ucient power,
caue itwould not make ue of it,
we ee that every uicient Caue

it is no:
but be
So that

underood without captioitie is not am

ceary caue, nor will be ure to produce the

Eectz and that though there be a uci

ency of power, yet there may be omething
wanting, to wit, the exertion of the Will g
whereby it may come to pas, that what
might have acted, if it would, did not : but
if it did , Will being added to ucient

Power, that it cannor be aid to be neceary

in any other ene, then of that Axiome in
.Metaejpl hJeicks.
me uz'a'eJheqreois,
, uamdiubdaue
e , ne
-' Tregon
it is impoible that athing hould be and
not be at once. But before it acted, it might
have choen whether it would have acted or
no; but it did determine it cl, And in this

ene is it to be aid to be afree Agent, 8: no:

a necear one, So that it is manife, that

though t ere be ome prettie pervernes- of
wit in the contriving of this Argument, yet
'there is no olidity at all at the bottome.
12. And as little is there in his third.
But in this, Imu confes, Icannot o much

accue him o Art and Sapbirie, as o igno

rance of the rules of Lagiclez for hedoes


_ _ _. _- .

1 48

The immortality

LIB . I i. i

plainly aertThat the neceity of the truth

o thatPropoiti0n there named depends on
the neceity o the truth of the parts there

ozthen which no groer errour can be com

mitted in the Art of reaoning. For he
might as well ay.that the neceity of the
truth of a Conne-5: Axiome depends on the
neceity of the truth of the parts, as ofa
Dinnct. But in a Connex, when both the
parts are n0t onely fale, but impoible, yet
the Axiome is necearily true. As for ex
ample, If Bncep/mlns be 4 man, be is endued
Wit/1 humane reaon z this Axiome is ne

cearily true, and yet the parts are impo

ible. For Alexander: hore can neither be
a man, nor have the reaon ofa man, either
radically or actually. The neceity there-.

ore is only laid upon the connexion of the

parts, not upon the parts themelves. So
when I ay, To morrow it will. rain, or it will

not rain, this Dinnct Propoition alo is

neceary, but the neceity lyes upon the

Dijunction o the parts,rnot upon the parts

themelves : _For they being immediately

dijoyned, thereis a neceity that one of

them mu be, though there be no neceity

that this mu be determined rather then

that. As whenaman is. kept under cuo
die where hehasthe ue of two roomsonly,

though therebe a neceity that he be ound

-. _.

, CAp. 3,


oft/Je Soule.



in one of the two, yet he is not conned to

either one of them, And to be brief, and
prevent thoe frivolous both anwers and

replyes that follow in the puruit ofthis

Argument in Mr; Hobbs, As the neceity
of this Dzjuuct Axiome lyes upon the Di

junction it elf, o the truth, of which this

. neceity is a mode, mu lye there too z far
it is the Dijunction of the Parts that is ar
med, and not the parts themelves, as any
one that is but moderately in his wits mu
needs acknowledg.
13. There is a more dangerous way that
Mr. Hobbs might have made ue of, and with
more credit, but yet carce with better uc
ces, which is the conideration ofan Axi
Ome that pronounces ofa utureCOmingent,
uch as this, Cro: Socrates nomen. For
every Axiome pronouncing either true or

fale, as all doe agree "upon, if this Axiome

true, ittoismorrowz
impoibleor but
iit Socrates
be now
fale, it is imporible he hould : and o his
Action of diputing or the omiion thereof
will" be neceary, for the Propoition can
not be both true and fale at once. Some

are much troubled to extricate themelves

out ofthisNnozez but ifwe more preciely
enquire into the ene of the Propotion,
*.-'t_-he*dicultie will vanih; He therefore that



1 5o

The Immortalit)

LlB . II.

arms that Socrates will dipute tomorrow,

armsit (to ue the diinction of Futuri

ties that Ariotle omewhere ugges) either

as a m) ne'Mov, or rnS Sad-arrow, that is, either
aa a thing that is likely to be, but has a poi
bility of being otberm , or el: as a flying
certainly to come to pa. If this latter, the
Axiome is fale, if the former, it is true:

and o the liberty of Socrates his action, as '

alo of all like contingent eects, are thus
eaily recued from this ophiical entan
glement. For every Futurc Axiome is as
incapable of our judgment, unles we de-.
termine the ene of it by one of the fore
named modes, as an Inaenite Axiome is,

before we in our minds adde the notes of

Uni-uerfality or Particularity: Neither can
we ay ofeither of them, that they are true
or fale, till we have compleated and deter
mined their ene.

14., His fourth Argument he propoes

with ome didence and diike, as if he
thought it notgood Logie/e (they are his own
words) to make ue of it, and adde it to

the re. And for my own part, I cannot but

approve ofthe coniency of his judgment,
and coherency with other parts of his Phi- 'loophie : For if there be nothing but Lady
or_Matter ir the whole comprehenion of
;thi_ngs, it will be very hard to nd outang'

.' ....


1' CAP. 3.

oft/Je Soule.

1 51

uch Deity as has the knowledg or fore

knowledg of any thing: And therefore I
upect that this la is onely ca in as argu
mentum ad bominern, to puzzle uch as have
not dived to o profound a depth of naturall,
knowledg, as to fancy they have dicovered
there is no God in the world.
15. But let him viliie it as he will, it is

the only Argument he has brought, that

has any tolerable ene or olidity in it 5
and it is a Subject that has exercied the
wits of all Ages, to reconcile the Liberty of
mans Will with the Decrees and Praeiente
of God. But my Freenei, I hope, and Mo
deration hall make this matter more eay to
me, then it ordinarily proves to them that
venture upon it. My Anwer therefore in
brief hall be this;

16. That though there be uch a Faculty

in the Soule of man as Liberty of Will, yet

he is not alwaies in a ate of acting accord

ing to it, For he may either degenerate o

far, that it may be as certainly known what
he will doe upon this or that occaion, as
what an hungry Dog will doe when a cru
is oered him -,- which is the generall
condition of almo all men in mo occur
rencies of their-lives; 'orgel he may be

o Heroically good, though. th t hap en in

very few,- tha't it may

1 SZ

'1 be lmmortaltty

LlB. 11.

as before what he will doe or uer upon

tith or uch emergencies : and in thee
caes the ue of Liberty of Will ceaes;
the there,
ue of the
of Free
will1 That
we nde
our i

elves 0 near to an afquiponderanoy, being

toucht with the ene of Vertue on the one
ide', and the eae or pleaure of ome vitious
action on the other, that we are concious
to our elves that we ought, and that we
may, if we will, abandon the one and cleave
to the Other.
> "18, That in this Conict the Soule has

no uch abolute power to determine her

elf to the one or the other action, but

Temptation or Supernaturall aiance may

Certainly carry her this way or thatWay z
o that he may nOt be able to ue that liber

ty of going indierently either way.

* -I9,'That Divine Decrees either nd men

t, or make them o, for the executing of

is abfolutely
pheied concerning
them. purpoed
' or pro

' 2'0'.exceeding
That the the
of God is o
of va
thoughts, that all- that can be afely aid of

it is this, That this knowledg is mo per

fect and' exquiite, accurately repreenting
the Natures, Power-s. and Properties of the

thingit does-ibfeknow;
it mu
'- **. Whence
' '

CAP. 3;

of the Soule.

t 53

follow, that if there be any Creature free

and undeterminate, and that in uch circum

ances and at uch a time he may either act

thus or not act thus , this perfect Fore
knowledge mu dicern from all eternity,
that the aid Creature in 'u'ch circumances

may either act thus, or o, or not. And fur

ther to declare the perfection of this Fore
knowledg and Omnicience of God e, as His
Omniporenoe ought to extend o far, as to
be able to doe. whatoever implyes no con
trad'iction to be done -,_ o his Praoienre and

omnieienee ought to extend o far, as to

know preciely and fully whatever implies
no contradiction to be known, To conclude

therefore briey, Free'or Contingent Eects

doe either imply a Contradiction to be fore
known, or they doe not imply it. If they

imply a contradiction to be foreknown ,

they are no Object of the Omnicience of'
God, and therefore there can be no pretence
that his Foreknowledg does 'determinate
them, nor can they be argued to be detere
mined thereby. If they imply nocontra
- diction to be foreknoWn, that' is 'to acknow

ledg that divine' Praecience and they may

very well coni together, .And',,o either,
way, notwithanding the divine Omnici- *
ence, the Actions of men ma'ybe free.-_

2 I, The um therefore ofall' isthis,T-hat


1 54
The Immortality
mens actions are ometimes free and ome
times not free -, but-in that they are at any
time free, isa Demonration that there is -

a faculty in us that is incompetible to meer '

Matter : which is ucient for my purpoe.

1. An Enumeration ofundry opinions con
cerning the Seat of Common Senfe, z.upzm
uppoition that me are nothing but meer

Matter, That the whole Boa'y cannot be the

Common Senorium z 3, Nor the Orice of
the Stomach, 4, Nor the Heart', 5. Nor the
Brain -, 6, Nor the Membranes z 7. Nor the

Septum lucidum -, 8. Nor Regius his mall

andperfectly olid Particle. 9. The proba

bility of the Conarion being the common

Seat of' Sene.

Have plainly proved, that neither thoe

more Pure and Intellectual faculties of
Will and Reaon, nor yet thoe les pure of
Memory and Imagination, are competible to
meer Bodies. Of which we may be the more

ecure , I having o convincingly demon

rated, That not o much as that which we

call External! Sene is competible to the,

ame : all which Truths l have concluded
concerning Mattergenerally conidered. But

CAP. 4.

ofthe Soule.


becaue there may bea upicion in ome,

which are over credulous concerning the
powers oBady, that Organization may doe
range feats (which Surmie n0twithand

ing is as fond as if they hould imagine, that

-' though neither Silver, nor Steel, nor iron,
nor Lute-rings, have any Sene apart, yet
being put together in uch a manner and
forme, as will (uppoe) make a compleat
Watch, they may have Senez that-is to ay,
that a Watch may be a living creature,
though the everall parts have neither Lie
. nor Sene) Ihall for their akes goe more'
particularly to work, and recite every opi
nion that Icould ever meet with by con
vere with either men or books concerning
the Seat of the Common Smfc, and atertrie
whether any of thee Hypothees can poi
bly be admitted for Truth, upon uppoi
tion that we coni o nothing but meet
modied and organized Matter. [hall r
recite the Opinions, and then examine the

' poibility o each in particular, which in

brief are thee, 1, That the whole Body is

theSeat of Common Sene, z_That the Ori

ce 0ftheStomack. 3. The Heart, 4. The

Brain. 5. The Membranes. 6. The Septum

lucidum. 7. Some very mall and perfectly
olid particle in the Body. 8, The Common.
9, The concure of the Nerves abofut th;


1 56_

The Immortality

L 113. II.

fourth ventricle of the Brain. I o. The Spi

rits in that fourth ventricle,
2. That the r Opinion is fale is ma
nife from hence, That upon uppoition
we are nothing but 'mer Matter, if we grant

the whole Body to be one common Senori

wm,perceptive ofall Objects, Morion which
is impreed upon the Eye or Eare, mu be

'ttanmitted into all the parts of the Body. *

For Sene is really the ame with' commu
nication of M0tion, by Axiome 20, And
the varietyofMotion,
of Sene ariino
whiclh from
mu the

variouly modied by the dierent temper

of the parts of the Body, by Axiome 22, it

lainly followes that the Eye mu be other

wie aected by the motion of Light, then
the Other parts to which this inOtion is

tranmitted. Whereforeif it be the whole

Body that perceives, it will perceive the
Object in every part thereof everall wayes
modied at once; which isagain all Ex
perience, It will alo appear-in all likeli
ood in everall places at once, by reaon
of the many windings and turnings that
mu happen to the tranmion of this
Motion, which are likely to be as o many
Refractions or Reecti0ns..

3. That the Orice of the Stomach cannot

be the eat a Common Seoe, is apparent



CAP. 4.

ofthe Soule.

l 57

from hence, That that which is the com

mon Sentient does not only perceive all

Objects, but has the power of moving the
Body. Now beides that there is no orga
nization in the mouth of the Stomack, that
can elude the rength of our Arguments
laid down in the foregoing Chapters, which

_ took away all capacity from Matter of

having any perception at all in it, there-is
to be
in the Body,
will appear
poible, that uppoing the mouth of the
Stomack were the common Percipient ofall
Objects, it could be able to move the re
of the members of the Body, as we nde

omething in us does. This is o palpably

plain, that it is needles to pend any more
- words u on it,

4. The ame may be aid concernino the

Heart' For who can imagine, that ithe
Heart were that common Porcipient , that'
there is any uch Mechanical connexion be

partsai ofthe
Body, comthat '
or uch
mand the'motion o 'the 'Foot or little

Finger t' Beides that it eems wholly im'

played in the performance'o its Syole and
Diet/tale, which caues 'filch a great 'die
rence of the ituation ofthe' Heart by turns,
that ifit were that Seat it! which the ene


1 58

'I be Immortality

LIB . H.

of all Objects center, we h0uld not be able

to ee things eddily teing in the ame
5. How uncapable the Brain is of being'
o active a Principle of Motion as we nd
in our elvesz the wcialz'ty thereof does
lainly indicate. Beides that Phyitians
have dicovered by experience, that the
Brain is o far from being the common Seat
of all enes, that it has in it none at all.
And the Arahians, that ay it has, have di

inguihed it into uch everall oces of

Imagination, Memory, Common Sene, &c.

that we are ill at alos for ome one part

of Matter, that is to be the Common Per

cipient of all thee. But I have o clearly

demonrated the impobility of the Brains
being able to perform thoe functions that
appertain truly to what ordinarily men call
the Soule, in my Antidote again Ahezme',
that it is enough to refer the Reader thither,
6; As for the Memhranes, whether we

would fancy them all the Scar of Common

Sene, orome one Membrane,or part there
of; the like diculties will accur as have

been mentioned already. For iall the Mem

hranes , the dierence and ituation of them
will vary the apect and ight of the Object,
__'o that the ame things will appear to us

in everal hues and everall places at once,


CAP- 4.

ofthe Soule.


as is eaily demonrated from Axiome 22,

If ome one Membrane, or part thereof, it

will be impoible to excogitate any Me
chanicall reaon , how this one particular
Membrane, or any part thereof, can be able
o rongl and determinately to move
upon occa 10n every part of the Body,
7. And therefore for this very caue

cannot the Septum lucidum be the Common

Percipient in us, becaue it is utterly unima

ginable, howit hould have the power of o

outly and diinctly moving our exteriour
parts and limbs.
8. As for that new and marvelous Inven
tion of Henricns Regim, that it may bea
certain perfectly olid, hat very mall particle

of Matter in the Body,that is the eat of com

mon perce tion, beides that it is as boldly

aerted, t at uch an hard particle hould
have ene init, as that the lings of Iron
and Steel hOuld 5 it cann0t be the pring of

Motion: For how hould o mall at Atome

move the whole Body, but by moving it
elfe But it being more ubtile then the
point of any needle, when it puts it elf
upon motion, epecially uch rong thru
ings as we ometimes ue, it mu needs

pae through the Body and leave it."


9. The mo pure Mechanical Invention

is that of the ue of the Conarion, propoed

1 60

The Immortality


by Dts-Carteszwhich, conidered with Ome

other organizations of the Body, bids the

faire of any thing I have met withall, or
ever hope to meet withall, for the reolmion'

of the Paions and Properties of living

Creatures into meet corporeal] m0tion.
And therefore it is requiite to rni 'a little
Upon the explication thereof, that we may

the more punctually confute them that

would abue his Mechanicall contrivances
to the excluion ofall Principles but Cor
poreall, in either Man or Bea,

1 , How Perception afexternall Ohjects,Spon-=
tancom Motion, Memory and Imagination,

are pretended to he performed hy the Co

narron, Spirits and /Mncles , without a
Soule. 2. 'Ihat the Conarion-, devoir! ofa
Son/e, cannot he the common Percipient,

demon/Irated out of Des-Cartes himelf.

3. That the Conarion, m'ithvthe Spirits'
and organization ofthe Parts ofthe Body,
is nota uicient Principle of Spon-tanoom
motion, without a Soule. 4. Aacoription
ofthe ac ofthe Valvulae in the Nerve: of

the M1'185f0rPonF-tneoas morian._ see/26


i CAP. 5.

oft/ye Soule.

'6 [

inuiciency of flat? cantri-zjnrzce'for t/mt '
L ', ptz-oe. 6. 'Afurt/'er demonration Z/(fkc

* in 1'icimcy tbcreofrom whence is c early"

evinced that Brute's hart/e South; 7_ T/Mf

Memory cannot
ful-um' the may
8, NorbeImagination,
9. abo-g'e
A Dzctri
bution out of Des-Cartes oft/e Punction?

in as, ome appertaining r'o the Bodyhnd

other: to the Soule. Io_ The Authors 06-*
fer-vation; thereupon, "

Of 'this
in brief
i be this,
the Abue
thewmmon-Semjef or Perctyient (full 'ob

jectsT; and Withouta Soule, by vErtUe d

the Spirits and Or'ganizacio'r'r-of the Body;v

may doe ll thoev fEats that we ordinafily

conceive to vbe: Erormed by Soule and
B'ddy joyned? tOgEther. For it being one;
the' dre,
of) the O'rfgdn's
dbkblc, and
to coin

n'mnic'atc with the" Spirits a's well of' the

poeriour -a's im'teriur Cavities of the
FMM z By t'hfit he'lp all the mOtions of the
Name: (both'tde that efa'ninic the. ene
o'fourward Objects, and GFinWatd aecti-v
ons-othe Body, Fu'ch 'as Hctunger', Thirad
c'hect like) are-'eaily com/eighed unto it : and
o being varou'y moved, it does variouiy

dscermine the coure of the Spirits imo



1 62

'The Immortality

LiB. Il.

uch and uch Mucles, whereby it moves

the Body. Moreover that the tranmion
of Motion from the Object, through the

Nerves, into the inward concavities o the

Brain, and o to the Comrian, opens uch
and uch Pores of the Brain, in uch and uch
order or manner, which remain as tracts
or footeps ofthe preence ofthee Objects

after they are removed. Which tracts, or

igmtures, coni mainly in this, that the
Spirits will have an eaier paaoe through

thee Pores then Other parts ofpthe Brain,

And hence aries Memory, when the Spi
rits be determined, by the inclining of the
Caution, to that' part of the Brain where

thee tracts are found, they moving then

the Conm'an as when the Object was pre
ent, though n0t o rongly. From the
hitting of the Spirits into uch like tracts,
is alo the nature of Imagination to be ex

plained -, in which there is little dierence

from Memory, aving that the reection
upon time as pa, when we aw or per
ceived uch or uch a thing, is quite let out.
But thee are not all the operations we are
concious to our elves o, and yet more'

then can be made out by this Hypotheis , That Perception of Objects, Spomaneour Mo
tion , Memory and Imagination, may 'oe all
performed by vertue of this Ghmd'la, the


ofthe Soule.


g as we'and
hall meer
find, thoiigli
but upon an eay examination.

'23 For thatthe Cdnariox, devdid of a

Soule, has no perception ofany ohe Object,
is demonrable from the very decriptiod
Carteiw makes of the tranmion ofthe'
image , uppoe through the Eye to the
Brain, and o t0_ the Cbarion- For it is ap
'parent from what he ets down in the 35;

Article of his Tr'eane ofthe Paions ofthe'

Shalt, that the Image that is propagated
from the Object to the Conarion, is impre
ed thereupon in ome latitude of Pace;

Whence it is manife that 'the awry-on'

does not, nor can perceiVe the whole Obje,

though everall parts may be' acknowledged

to have the perception of the everall Parts

thereof. But omething in us erceives the!

whole, which therefore canno be the 'Co'l
Narum. And that we doe not 'perceive the'
eitternal Object double, is not o much bei
caue the Image is united in the Organ' of
from the Sene,
O'bject' as
to that
it is felt in one place z o'therWie i the.

Object be Very near, aridthe direction o

our Eyes be not. tted t'o that dearnes, it

will eem double'however; Which is a De-F'

wonratioti that a man may ee with both



1 64

The Immortalit)

LIB . I I .

e es at once; and for my own art, I'me urje

'that I ee better at diance,w en I ue both,

th en when one.
3. As for Spomomom Motion, that the

Conarioo cannot be a ucient Principle

thereof, with the Spirits and oroanization

of other parts o. the Body, though we
hould admit it a it eat of Common Sene,
will eaily appear, if we conider, that o
weak and o mall a thing as that Gloodolz
is, eems utterly unable to determine the
irits with that force and violence we nd
they are determined in running, riking,
thruing and the like; and that it is evident,

that ometimes carce the thOuandth part

Oftheonorioo hall be directer ofthis force;
viz.. when
of Sight,
as the
a pin's
or when
a man is

prick'd with a needle, thee receptiOns mu

be as little in the Glondulo as in the exte

riour' Seue. But u poe the whole Cooorion

alwaies did act in tiie determining the mo
tion ofthe Spirits into this or that Mucle;
itis' impoible that uch fluid Matter "as
' thee Spirits are, that upon the n'oddings
of the Conorio" forward may eaily recede
back, hould ever determine their coure
with that force and rength they are de;

termined. But_haply it willbe-anwered,

That uch ubtile and uid bodies as the







Animall Spirits, that are in a readines to be

upon Motion any way, the lea thing will
determine their coure, and that the Mu- '
cles themelves, being well re leniht with
Spirits, and framed with uc Valvulo as

will eaily intromit them from the Brain,

and alo conveigh them out of one oppoite
Mucle into anorher upon thelea redun

dance of Spirits in the one above the Other,

and o hut them in, that that force we
in pontaneous
Morion may
very well
by thisMechanicall
4. That the inuciency o this anwer
may appear, let us more aCCurately conider

the contrivance ,in the following Figure,

which mu_be ome uch

thing as Regim has, Philo

op, Natural, Lib.4. cap.1 6,
and which may erve' for
the more eay underanding
of what Des-Corter writes
in his book of Paons Ar
tic. 11. Here B. C. are two

0ppoiteMucles,the known
Inruments of pontaneous
Motion -, K. ome part of

the Body, to be moved z D.

E. and F.G. are the Nerves

through which Spirits are

tranmitted 'from the Brain

M 3


t 66

The immortality


into the foreaid MucleszD. and F. two Val

qmlo to let pas the Spirits from the Brain

into the Mucles, but op them if they
would regurgitate z G, is aValve that lets
the Spirits out ofthe Mucle C. into B, and
'E. anOther Valve that lets the Spirits out of
B, into C. Now in brief, the reult of this
Mechanicall contrivance is this, viz. That
the Spirits being determined by the Cano

rion never-'o little more copiouly into B.

then into C, thoe in C. will pas through
the Valve G. into B, and o B. welling,

and conequently hortning it elf, it mu

needs bring up the member K.
' 5, We will not here alledge that this
onely an0t
yeti thee

any Anatomi to be pctart of the Organi

'z'ation of the Body of any Animal; but ra

ther hew, that the would not eect what

is aimed at, thoug

they were admitted,

For r it does not appear that the Spi

rits will make more ha out of C. into B,
the preure
caued from
in B. bthethe
of the Spirits
forces them to. For all places beino alike

tio them to play in, they will goe 'no fiirther

then they are driven or preed,asWind in a
Bladder_And how the Common hould drive

or presthe Spirits into B, o as to make J


CAP. 5.

ofthe Soule.


it pres thoeinQ and force them out o _

quick and mart as We ind in ome Actions,

is a thing utterly unconceivable.

6, Beides,admit that the Comrirm could
determine them with ome coniderable

force o into B, that they would 'make thoe

in C. come to them through the Valve G,
there being the Valve E. to tranmit them ,
into C. again, it is impoible but that the
Tenth part of that force which we ordi
narily ue to open a mans hand again his
will, hould whether he would or no eaily
open it. For a very ordinary rength move
ing K. from B. towards C. mu needs o
pres the Spirits in B, that they willcer
tainly pas by E. into C, if our Body be
nOthing but Matter Mechanically organi
zed. And therefore it is the meer Imperiom
of our Soule that does determine the Spi
rits to this Mucle rather then the other,
and holds them there in depite of external!
force. From whence it is manife that
brute Beas mu have Soules alo.
7.*Concerning Memory and Imagination,
' that the meer Mechanical reaons of De:

Cartes will not reach them, we hall clearly

underand, if we conider that the ea y

aperture of the ame Pores of theBrain,
that were opened at the preence of uch
an Object, is not ucient to repreent the
M 4


1 68
The lmmortality
LlB. ll .
Object, after the Comaon has by inclining
it elf thitherward determined the coure
o the Spirits into the ame. Pores. For this.
could onely repreent the Figure ofa thing,
not'the Colours thereof. Beides aman may
bring an hundred Objects, and expoe them
to our view at the ame diance, the Eye
keeping 'exactly in the ame poure, ino
much that it hall be neceary for thee ;
images to take up thevery ame placeof *
the Brain, and yet there hall be a. diinct
remembrance of all thee zwhich is impo
rble if there be no Soule in us, but all be

meer Matter; The ame may be aid of o

many Names or *Words levell'd if you will
out of aTrunk into the Eare kept accurately
in the ame poture, o that the Sound hall
_ beat perpetually upon the ame parts of the

Organ , yet it' there be ve hundred of

them, there may be a diinct memory for
every one of them z which is a power per
fectly beyond the bounds of meer Matter,
folr there would bea neceary confuion of
al ,

8, Laly, for thoe imaginations or re?

preentations that are of no one Object that
we ever ee, but made up of everal] that
have taken their diinct places in the Brain,
how can the Coma-inn joyn thee together e
Of father in one and the ame Object, up

CAP. <_.

ofthe Soule.

I 69

poe this Man or that Houe, which we ee

in a right poure, and has let uch a igna
ture or gure in the Brain as is t to re
preent it o, how can the Conarioninvert

the poure of the image, and make it re

preent the Houe and Man with the heels
upwards a' Beides the diculty of repre
enting the Diance of an object, or the
Breadth thereof, concerning which we have
poken already. It is impoible the Com
rz'on', if it be meer Matter, hould perform
any uch operations as thee, For it mu
raie m0tions in it elf, uch as are not ne
cearily conveighed by any corporeallim

pres of another Body , which is plainly

again Axiome 26, '


9. And. therefore that ober and judici

ous Wit Des-Cartes dares nor retch the

power of Mechanicall organi'zation thus far,

but dorh plainl confes, that as there are
fame Functions that belong to theBody alone,

o there are others that belong to thoSaule,

' which he calls Cogitatiomz and are accor

ding to him of two orts, the one Actiom,

the other Paions. The Action: are'all the

operations ofour Will, as in ome ene all
Perception: may be termed Actions. And
thee Actions ofthe Will are either uch as
are meer Intellectuall Operations, and end ' '
in the Soule her elf, uch as her irringhup

1 70

The Immortoligr


her elf to love God, _or contemplate any

-Immateriall Objectz or they are uch as have

an influence on the Body, as when by ver

tue ofour Will we put our elves upon going
to this or that place.
.- He diinguihes again our Perception: into
two orts, whereof the one has the Soule
for their caue, the other the Body. Thoe
- that are caued by the Body are mo
what uch as depend on the Nerves, But
beides thee there is one kind of Imaginav

tion that is to be referred hither, and that

properly has the Body for its caue, to wit,
that Imagination that aries meerly from
the hitting of the Animall S irits again

the tracts of thoe Images that external]

Objects have left in the Brain, and o repre
enting them to the Common; which may
happen in the day-time when our Fancy
roves, and we doe n0t et our elves on pur

poe to think on things, as well as it does

in eqp by night. Thoe Perception: that
arrive to the Soule by the interpoition of
* the Nerves, dier one from anorher in this,
that ome of them refer to outward Ob
jects that rike our Sene, Others to our
Body, uch as Honger, Thir, Pain, &c. and
others to the Soule it elf, as Sorrow, Toy,
Fear, &e.

-Thoe Perception: that have the Soule


CAP. 5 .>

ofthe Soule.


for. their caue, are, either the Perception: of

her own Acts of Will, or ele of her, Specu

lation of things purely imo/11' ible, or ele of

at ple-'ign
, -or nally
, when
he earches

omething that he has let lip out of her


to, That which is obervable in this Di

tribution is this, That all thoe Cogitatiom r
that he calls Actiom, as alo thoe kind of

Perception: , whoe. caue he argnes to the

Soule, are in themelves (and are acknow

ledged by him) of that nature, that they

cannot be imitated by any creature by the.

meer organization ofi'ts Body. But for the

other, he holds they may, and would make
us believe they are in Bodies of Brutes,

which he would have meer Mochimo's, that

is, That from the meer Mechanical frame
of their Body,outward Objects of Sene may
open Pores in their Brains o, as that they
may determine the Animall Spirits into
uch and uch Mucles for pontaneous Mo

tion. That the coure of the Spirits alo

falling into the Nerves in the Inteines
and Stomack, Spleen, Heart , Liver, and
Other parts, may caue the very ame eects
of Paon, uppoe ofLove, Hatred, Joy,
Sorrow, in thee brute Moc/n'na's, as we feel

in our Bodies, though they, as being eldze

e s.


'1 be Immortatty

LlB . II

les, fee] them not; and o the vellicati'on

ofcertain Tunicles and Fibres in the Sto

mack and Throat, may aect their Body

as ours is in the Sene of Hunger or Thir;

and nally that the hitting of the Spirits

into the tracts of the Brain, that have been
igned by External] Objects, may act o
upon their Body as it does uponours in
Imagination and Memory.
Now adde to this Maoln'mz of Des-Cortes,
the capacity in Matter of Senation and
Perception, (which yetI have demonrated
it to be unca able of) and it will be exqui
itely as much as Mr. Hobbs himelfcan ex
pect to arie from meer Body, that is, All
the Morions thereof being purely Mecha
\ nicall, the perceptions and propenions will
be fatall, neceary, and unavoidable, as he
loves to have them.
But being al] Cogitatiom that Des- Cdrtes
terms Action: , as alo al] thoe kind of
Perception.' that he acknowledges the Soule
to be the caue of, are nor to be reolved
into any Mechanical! contrivance-7 we may
take notice of them as a peculiar rank of
Arguments, and uch, as that ifit could be
granted, that the Soules of Brutes were

nothing but entient Matter, yet it would

follow that a Subance of an higher na
ture, and truly Immoteria, mu be the
-.:\ - r.


Cap. 6.

ofthe Soule.


Principle of thoe more noble Operations

We nd in our elves, as appears from Axi
ome 2 o. and 2 6.




I . That no part of the SFimtll Marrow can

he the Common Senorium without a Soule
in the Body, a. That the Animal Spirit: are.

more liker) to he, that CommoniPercipienca

3.' But yet ita'azdemonrahle the are not;
As not heipgh emoch at mpa le asur
ation 5 5, Nav- ofdirecting Motion, into the

,.Mlt>* a; 65 tow/2 le, oflmogimtiw and

",rationa I't-uezotz'onz _7;.z Nor- wof Memory
8. At' an meete-m Evaiomg. The Av
, thors rea on, why he hae
it omi

tuhz'rly- all'the
w an
few ot/tom

_ . hen armed with the eotduom; ofa Soak.



.-;.,*.., ,.'..*'_L$v7-'\ unca:

now onelyTwo Oini-.
i r _ ons to remain
be examinedzthe.'one-,That
ofthe Sinall Marrow whennatomiscond i

ceive t ere is the: nearet' commrr 'felle/'02

Nerve: ofthe Body; 'the other,'the Animall. i '

Spirit; m the fourth-Ventricle ofthe Brain.

As for. the former, viz. That pm of the


The Immrtalzg

LIB. lI'.

Spinal] Marrow , where the ooncure of the

Nerve: are conceived to he, as I haVe anwe
red in like cae, o I ay again, that be
ides that I have already demonrated,
that Matter is uncapable of Sene, and that
there is no modication thereof in the Spi
'tall Marrow,t'hat will make it more likely
to be indued with that Faculty then the

pith of Elder or a mes of Curds -, we are

alo to take notice, that it is utterly inept
for Motion, nor is it ceneeivable how that'

part ofit, or' any other that is aigned to

this oce of being the Common Pereipient
in us ofall ThOughts an'd'Ob't-cts," (which
mu alo have 't epowerb moving our

members) "can, having o little agitation in

it elf, (as appeari ' nothin' " but a' kind of

oft Pa or Pulp) 0 nimb y' and rongly

mover eparts-ofour'Body._- 1



2. In this regard the Animal S irits' eem'

much more likely to' perform t at oce -,
and thoe, the importunit'y' of whoe gros
fancyes conrains them tomake theSoule

Corporeall; doe neVertheles uually pitch

upon ome fuhtile thin Matter to 'conitute
her nature or Eencez' And therefore they'
imagine her to' be either Aire, Fire, Light,

or ome uch like Body; with which the'

Animal! spirits have no mall anity. _

3.- But this opinion, though it may eeth


j CAP, 6.



r plauible at r ight, yet the diculties it .

ixis involved in are inuperable. For it is ma
l nife, that all the Arguments that are,

' brought Chap. 2. Sect. 3. will recur with

J full force in this place. For there is no Mat- -'
j 'ter that is o perfectly liquid as the Animal
Spirits, but conis of particles onely con
tiguous one to anorher, and actually upon
Motion playing and turning one by another,

as buy as Atomes in the Sun. Now there

fore, let us conider Kwhether that Treaury
of pure Animal] Spirits conta-ined in the

Fourth Ventricle be able to Suain o noble

an oce as to be the common Percipient' inv

our Body, which, as I have 'often repeated, i

is o complex a Punction, that it l- does not.
onely contain the perception of externall;
Objects, but Motion, Imagination, Reaon.
and Memory.
. , _ ;
4. Now at the very r dah, the tran
mion of the image of the Object into this;
crowd of particles cannot but hit variouly,

upon them, and therefore they will have

everal] Perceptions among them, ome,
haply perceiving part ofthe Object, others3
all, Others morethen all, others alo per

ceiving of it in one place, and others in;

another. But the Percipicnt in na repre
enting no uch confuion or diorder in our
beholding of Objects, it is plain that


1 76
The Immortality
it is n0t the Animal! s irits that is it.
5. Again, that whic is o confoundeda
Percipimt, how can it be aright Principle
of directing M0tion into the Muclesf For
beides what diorder may happen in this
function upon the diracted repreentation
of preent Objects, the power of thinking,
excogitatingand deliberating, being in thee
Animal Spirits alo, (and they having no
means of communicating one with another,
but juling one again another; which is
as much to the purpoe, as if men hould
knock heads to communicate to each other
their conceits of Wit) it mu needsollow

that they will have their pcrceptions, in

ventions, and deliberations apart z which
' when they put in Execution', mu caue a'
marvelous confuion in the Body, ome of
them commanding the parts this way,

others drivino them another way s or if

their factions have many diviions and ubl
diviions, every one willbe o weak, that
none of them will be abie to command it

,any way, But we nd nouch ruglingor

countermands of any thing in-us, that would

act our Body one way when we would

another z as if when one was a going to
Mlw Jews .GEac'_.-__a
omething ronger in him, whoe conceits

'CAP. 6.

ofthe Soule.

1- 77

he is n0t privy to, hould get the ue 'ofhis



hand, and, in ead ofthat, write down . t

Arma virzimqnc ran),

And the like may be aid of any other Spon

taneour Motion, which being o conantly
' within our command as'itis, it isauci:
ent Argument to prOVe that itis not uch
a lubricous Subance as the Animal Spz?
rits, nor o diunited; but omething more'
perfectly One and Indiruizhle, -

6. We 'need nor inance any further con'

cerning the" power of Invention and Reaon,
how every p'arricle of 'thee Animal Spirits

has aliberty to thin/e byit elf, and confnlt

with it elf, as well as to play by it elf, and
how there is no poible means of com
municating their Thoughts one to anOther,
unles it hould be, as I have aid, by hitting

one again another: but that can onely

communicate Motion, not their determinate

Thought; unles
that themelves
thee particles
tio gure
the '
hape othoebythings
which _

it were poible one particle hould hape it ,- .'

elf, for example,into a George on Hore-hack '
with a Lance in his hand, and 'another into
an InchantedCnIez this George on Hort- p

had: mu run again the cale, to make

the Cole receive hisimpres and imilitude;





, 1 73
Jbe lmmortality
But what then r' Truly the encounter will
be very unfortunate. For St. George indeed
may eaily break his Lance, but it is impo
ible that he hould by juling. again the
Particle 'in the form of a Cale c'onveigh
the entire hape-of himelf and his Hore

thereby, uch as we nd our elves able to

imagine ofa man on hore-back. Which is *
a-Ta'uth as demonrable as any Theorem in
o plain atofr
Ineed not iue the
a longer
.mOnration to makeit more rm. Nor is
. there- any colourable evaion by venturing
upon a newzwayr as if this particle having
transformed it 'elf intoa Cale, and that
into an Hore-man,all the others thenwould

ee them bothn For by What light, and how

little would 'theya pear, and in what di e
rent places, accor ing to the dierent po
ure of the particles of the Animal spirits,

'and with what ale' e'en' faces, ome eeing

one ide, other's another ' Bnt- beides this,

zthere is a further dicultyr-,.-that i uch

zSenihle repre entations as thee could be.
om' one particle
to anOther
corporeall' encounters
or by
Ihat'OthCr way- after alledgedl- za Logicall and
notion: may
can noc,
the Anim'alaspirit:
oneiDe''Mnthematiek-t,;0t ofparLof

t at

CAP. 6.

ofthe Soule.


that Demonration', and others ofanother:

inomuch that if a Mathematician 'be to
write, while he would write one thing upon

the determination ofthee Animal Spirits,

others may get his hand to make ue of
for the wri ing omething ele, to whoe

Thought, and Counell-he- was not at all

privy z-nor can tell any thing, till thoe
other Animal Spirits have writ it down.

Which Aburdities are o mad and extrau

vagant,that a man would carce dele his pen"
by recording them, were it not to awaken
thoe that dore o much on the on'er ofMa'tz
ter (as to thinkit of it elf u cient for all
Phanomena in the world) into duehante

and abhorrence oftheir foolih Princi le.

7. The la Facult I will con ider is
is al
o necearily
with the re
which n0t 'onely the .uidity ofp'arts, but

alo their' dis'zpahility, makes the Animal

Spirits utterly uncapable. For certainly, the '
Spirits byr'eaon of their Slilt 'and Actii
'vity are very dziipahle, and in al likelihood
remain not the ame for the pace 'of a Week

together; and yet'thingsthat one has not

thought o for many- Years,- will come as
frehly into a mans minde, 'asif theyvwere
tranacted but yeerday. > 'i '
1 ' - ' '
x- 8. The onely Dilation-they canenoog'i

z .

N 2

o. 'We


1 80

'The lmmartality

LIB. Il.

tate here is thls,Tltl:t ads there is a contingall _

n l 'of thg
S iritseorets-,:
o, as tan
are ZaonZd,

tinctured wit

the ame notions, percep

tions and rope'nions that the Spirits they

nd there have. Thee are ne words, but

gnie nothing but this, that the Spirits

there preent in the Brain communicate the
Notions and Perceptions they have to thee
new-comers-z which is that which] have
already proved impoible in thev foregoing

Sections. And therefore it is impoble that

the Animals irits hould be that Common
Percipient, t at heart,ee.t, 'no-ver, remem

hers, 'enden/lands, and does Other functions

of life that we perceive performed in us or
b y9a
. have now

that neither the whole "Body, nor any of thoe

parts- that have'beenopitched upon ,' i we
exclude the preence a Soul or Immaterial
- subance, can be theSeat of CommonSt-nfe.
In."whichIWould notv be o' underood, as
'ifit im 'lyed that there are none othee
parts, utome'm other have armed

might-be the ea'nmn Senforinm, though we

i hadno Soule a, but becaue they have been
ood-ripen, all n.'.them,by omezm Other
to be the Seafof Cmmon-Sene;,' uppoing a'Soule Mother-Body,- that there, might no
.2 a
r .-2 v

CAp. 6.
, ofthe-Soule.
maginable doubt or cruplebe left behind,

[ have taken the pains thus punctually and

articularly to pr0ve,that none of them can
He the place ofConimonSene withoutpne.
And thus I have perfectly nihed nay-main
deign,-.which'_was to demonrate That, there

is a Saide orzlneorporeall S'thante re-(ing

in m, diinct om the Body. Buc I ha1ln0t content my elf here, butfora more ,full
'dicovery of her Newe and Faenltier, I
hall-advance further,and earch-out her thief

Seat in the Body, where and from-whence he

exetcies her- 'mo noble Functions, and
after. enquire whether he be conned to

that part 'thereof alone, or whether he be

lpred through all our members; and laly

conider after. what manner he ees, feels,
hears, imagihes, remembers,:_t'ea0ns,'*>and

moves the B'ody. For beide that Ihall

make ome- good ue, of thee d1c0veries
fer-farther purpoe, it is alo in it elf 'very
zleaant to haveirt readinesa rationaliand
#f0h6t3CE01m\5>3nd adetermiuate appre

z-h'enion (if-things of this nature-1 -'- * >

' un
\'\_ 'nih-'A




-L-_'\ _,f\_ r



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->*- -' s." d'1-"i







l" .k/







. Bells' "

* '

,a._f._;_-._._j . . ".;-I.ONS'. - .. RE-'d7'.:_ r


X''s'f) W






The immortality ,

L'IB . ll. '




I, His enquiry after the Seat of Common

33 Sene, upon uppoition there 12 a Soule in
' the Body. 2. 'Ihat there izc ome particular
part in the Bed] that it the Seat of Common

_ 'Sene._ 3. A generall diviion of their

opinions concerning the place-of Common

;Sene. 4, That ofthofe that place it out of

- the Head there are two orts, 5. 'The lit-va
- lidity of Hplmont's rea 'o'nsl whereby-'he
- wouldpro-ve the Orice o the Stomach to he
'- '- the 'principall Seat ofthe Soule. 6. An An

'Jn wer to Helmont's- orye: for thatpnrpoe,

-*7>. A nrther con utation out of hie'a'nin

' tence sions. 8. Mr. HO'bbS' his opinioncen

fiend, that ma/eet the. Heart the' Seeitof

v-'Common Sene. 9. A forther confatation

thereof from ' Experience.__:lo_ That. the

particular place thereof. 12. That' the
whole Brain 13 not it; 13. Nor Regi'us his
f'nalloltd Particlez 14. Nor any external!

Membrane ofthe Brain, nor the Septum

Lucidum. 15. The three mo likely places.
16. Qhjections again/t Carteius his opi
nion ioncernin thie'Conarion anwered,
it7z hat the gonarion i? not the Seatof



CAP. 7.

ofthe Soule.


Common Sene z 18. Nor that part ofthe

Spinall Marrow where the Nerves , are eon- -

ceived to c'oncnrre, hnt the Spirits in the

fourth Ventricle of the Brain.
'- '

1 .'IT will 'therefore be requiite for us to

reume the former Opinions, altering
the Hypoch'Cs-z and to examine which of

them is-mo reaonable, uPpon'g there

bea Snhanc'e immateriall or Soule
2. That'there is ome p'artie'ielar or remiz

ned Seat of the 'Common Senfe,is_-an Opinion

that even- al_l- Philoophers and Phyitians
are agreed-upon, And it is an ordinary
Comparion among them, thatthe Exter

me Senfe:v
'are lik'e
a Circle
ve .
lines draWn from vthe Citcumference-to the

Centrei- iWherefore askt-'has been obvious

for them to nde out particular Organsfo't

the external-1 "Senes_,-7 oltheyiha'te alo

attemptedltbx aign ome- diinct 'part-"of
the Body'afor- .'to bean Organ' of the Come

'mon Sene'g that is to- ay,as they'dicovered

Sight tofbe eated in the Eyegl-Iearing in. the

Ear-egsinelhng in the? Noe, &c.' o they ,

_conceivedthatxth'ere is' ome part ofthe
Bady Wherein-'Seeing,=Heating and all Other
Per'ceptioneineet .together,*as the linesdf
fli cigcte-Iinfthe; centre :- and' that' there the

N 4.


l 54

1 ne tmmortattty

-.LJIB. 11.

Soule does alo judge and dicern of the

dierence of the, Objects o the ourward _

Sene's. They have july therefore excluded

all the External] parts o the Body from
the lighte upition of any capacity ofun
dergoing uch a function as is thus generall,
' they being all employed in a more-particu
lar task, which is to be the Organ of ome
one'ok' thee veoutward Senesz and toz

beaected no otherwie, then. by what is

impteed upon themelves, and? chie

from their proper Objects, ame. _- whic z
ve,*1oaeb properly o called has, t'he_great'-_

e hare, it being as large astheSkin that;

covers us , and. teaching as deep Many
Membrane and- Netve inthe; limbs and

trunk of theBodyz
the Head.
zAllr whichxan
no , X
'i-e,- then. the;- Eye; CaB:hGzZf,_*NF:
T (z 4.; the'i i ,
r?.==3.-,Bedes thiszall thoe Argumentstbag ' X

doe o clearly; evizice-tha-t the place-oComz 3

mon Sene is omewhere in,z*t'he':H'e.1d,isa .

plain-demontration that the'wh'olc Body

cannot bethe 'Seat-i 'vh'ereoland What thoe
Arguments' are you hall hEaBnO; For all
thoe Opinions that have pitched-on any
one Part o: the Seatv of CQtnmonBene,
being tobe divided into two Ranks'z to wit,

PFhPI'BFh as. aign ome Wrimlsfplacq i



* . -

* it

CAP. 7.

inf the Soule.


in the Body, or ele in the Head, we will

proceed in this order, as r to confute

thoe that have made choice of any


for the Seat of Common Sene out o the

Head-5 and then in the econd place we will
ingenerall hew, that the common Senjb

rinm mu be in ome part of the Head;

and laly, of thoe many opinions concerning what part of the Head this common
Senoriunz hould be, thoe which eem les
reaonable being rejected , we hall pitch;
upon what we conceive the mo unexcep
4. Thoe that place the Common Senq

orium out of the Head, have'eated it either

-in the upper Orice of the Stomack, or in the
Heart. The former is Van-Helmonf: Opiu
nion, the other Mr. Hohhs his.

5, As for Van>Helmont, there' is n0thing

he alledges for hisOpinion but may bezeaily

anwered, That which mainly impoed u-pe -

on him was the exceeding senihilit 'ofthat

part , which Nature made o, t at, as a
faithfull Be agaciousPorter, it might admit

nothing into the Stomack thatmi ht-prove ,

michievous or trOubleome tQ t e Body,

.From.th_is tender Senihility, great oengeS

to it may very well caue. Swooninggpnd

'*Apoplexi*es, and ceations of Sene. 'But

Fear and Joy and vGrief -'have dipatfhed*
- i




The lnnnortaliy i


ome very uddainly, when yet the r en'

trance of that dead y roak has been at the
Eare or the Eye, from ome unup ortable
ill newes or horrid pectacle, And t e harh

handling of an angry Sore, or the treading

on a Corn on the Toe, may eaily ca ome
into a woon , and yet no man will ever
imagine the Seat ofthe Common Sene to
be placed in the Foot, In ne, there is no
more reaon to think the Common Seno
rinmisin the mouth of the Stomack, be
caue of the Senhle Commotions we feel
it isperceive
eated intheir
the Light,
becauev we
as Det-Cartes has well anwered upon like
occaion. Nor can Phrenes and Madnees,
though they may ometimes be oberved to
take their rie from thence,.-any more prove
that it is the Seat ofthe-Common -Sene,
then the Fteror nterinm, iApo lexies, Epi
lepiesz and Syncopes - proceeding from the
Wombe,doe argue that the common' Seno
rinm of,Women lye's i-nthat part.
, _

6. And if we- conider the great'Sympae

thy betwixt the Orice-'oil the Stomach and
the Heart , whoe _Pathemata are, omalike
and conjoyned., that the" Ancient-'s have

given one name to; both parts-T, taining

aict, andand'
thE*SLOMRCk xwpxackylu,



CAP. 7'.

ofthe Soule;


'i m-nw'c, asalo that the Heart is that part

from Which rmaniely are the upplyes of

life, whence the Pulc ceaing. life cannot

long continde t for-want of warmth and
Spirits; here is an evidentireaon, how it \
may happen that a Wound about the mOuth

ofthe Stomack may dipatch a man more

u'dd'ainly then a' wound in the Head, they
being both uppoed mortal , though the

eat of the Senitive Soule be not chiey

in the afore'iiid Orice. For 'partiy the
natural] 'Sympalth'y betwixttheOrice ofthe
Stomach and' the Heart, and'partly' the her.
rour and pain perceived bythe-'Soule inthe

common Senfmzium; whichWe will uppoe

in the Head,zdoes:o dead'thc Heart, that;
as in the uddain Paons._.above named, 'it v
ceaes to perform' the ordinary' functionsof *
Life, and o Pule and-Sene andpall is

gonein hort-time; vuhetikasv the Hqadbd

ing wounded mortallyy Perception * is there'

-by o diminihed, '-_ that the Hem capcs'-_'t-h_e

more free iom the 'force of that lethirous

paion; and x'o- though'FSene. be gone, can

continuethe Pule a longer-time: whichis_

a perfect anwer 'to Helmnfs &cries-here:

J 7. inTola-ll
his 'Skdet
may = adde, That
\ I Th'im

does acknowledg
in the
of their
Treatie',thait the power
of end
of "
' V'YillI


The Immortaliity '


Will, Memory and Imagination, is in the

Brain; and therefore unles aman will ay ,

and deny any thine, he mu ay that the
Common Sene is t ere alo.
8. The Opinion of Mr. Hobbs beats more
credit and countenance with it, as having

been aerted heretofore by Philoophers of

great ame , Epimrw, Artatlc," and the
School of the Staiclzs: but ifwe look cloer
toit, it will roveas little true as the Other;
epecially in is way, that holds there is no

'Soule in a Man, but that all is butorganized

Matter. For let him declare any Mechani
call reaon whereby his Heart will be able
to move his Finger. But upon this Hypo

theis I have confuted this Opinion "already,

is moreinmaintainable,
if there
be granted
the Body, that
the Heartisiithei
chief Seat thereo,.and place of common
Smfe, as Aftotlt and Others would have it,
as alo the pring-opontane'ous Motion,
> But it is very 'unlikely, that that part that
is o continually employed in that naturall
Motion Of contracting and dilating it elf,

hOuld be theSeat of that Principle which

commands Free-and. Spontanebus progre
ions: Perceptiom alo Would?-be horribly

diurbed by it's-qtxeezing ofit Mhmd then:

agging again by viciiitudes, '- Neither
' would Objects appear in are) ame plcv


' W en

_CAP. 7. i

,oihe Soule.

1 89

when the Hurt is drawn up and when it is

let down again, as Ihave above intimated :
the extream heat alo ofit could noc admit
that it be aected with the gentle motions

of the Objects ofSene, the Blood being

there ina manner calding hoc. And it is

in this enethat that Aphorime'in Ario

tle is to be underood, 73 pical' I', mid',

That which mu receive the markt) o exter

na imprees, mu not he it

in any high

temper or agitation,
" '
9. "Wherefore it? is a very rah thing to

aert, that 3theHnm is the Seat of Common

Se'ie, unles by ome plain experience it'
couldbe'evinceditobe o,'whenas indeed

Experiments are recorded to the contrary,

As, that iwebindla Nerve, Sene and Mo

tion will be betWiXt the Ligature and the

Brain, but not betwiXt- the Heart and the

Ligature. And that the Crocadile,his Heart

being cut out, will' live for a coniderable
time, andghtnddeend himelf. The
like is oberved 'of the Sea-Tortote, and the
wild Goar,as Calridim writes. To which ou
may adde what Galen relates of acri ced
Beas, that their "Hearts being taken out

and 'laid vupon theA'l'tar,they have been een

in the; mean time nor Onely to' breath, and

roar aloud, 'but'alo to run away, till the"

exPence &Blood-has maderthem fall down;"
Which. -

., 90

The Immortaliity

v xLlB. II.

Which Narrations to me are more credible,

Ihaving >een with mine own eyes aFrog

quite exenterated, heart, omack, guts
and all taken out by an ingenious friend of
mine, and dexterous Anatomi, after which

the Frog could ee, and would avoid any

object in its way, and skipped as freely and
nimbly up and down, as when it was entire,

and that for a great while. But a very little

wound in the Head deprives them immedi
atly of Life and Morion. Whence it is plain
that the derivation of Sene and pontane
ous Motion is n0t from the Heart, For if
the Motion be intercepted betwixt the
Brain and the Heart, by Mr. Hohh: his own
conceion, there will be no perception of
the object. ,And there is the Fame reaon
of the Orifice ofthe Stomac/co that this one

Experiment does clearly evince thee two

Opinions to be erroneous.

to. And that no man hereafter may

make any other unhappy choice in the parts
of the Body, we hall now propoe.uCh
Reaons as we hope will plainly prove,
That the common Sen'riam mu needs be

in the Head ; or indeed rather repeat them:

For ome of thoe whereby we proVed 'that
the Heart is not the Seatof CommonSene,

' will plainl evince thdtithe Head is. :As

that out o, Laarmtim,vthait atNerve beino

tie ,

ofthe Soule.
X -1 9 I
y tied, Sene and Motion will be- reerved
from the ligature up towards t e Head,

but downwards they will be lo. As alo

that, experiment of a Frog, whoe brain if
you pierce will preently be devoid of Sene '

and Motion, though all the Enttals being

taken out it will skip up and doWn, and ex

ercieits enesas before. Whichisaplain

evidence that Morion and Sene is derived
from the Head z and there is now no pre
tence to trace any Motion into a farther

fountain, the Heartom whence the Nerve:

were conceived to branch by Arzotle, and ,

from whence certainly therein:- and Arteries

doe, as appears by every Anatomie) being
o july dicharged from that oce. To

which it may uce to adde the conidera

tion of thoe difeaes that eize upon all the
Animal'functions at once, uch as are the
Lethargie, Apoplexie, Epilepie, 'and the
like, the caues ofzwhich Phyicians nd in
the Head, and accordingly apply remedies.

*Which is a plain detection that the Seat of

the Soule, as much as concerns the Animal
'in the and
The ame
be aid vof P r-eny

and'uch like:diempers.z athat-.deprave a _

mans Imagination and JudgMentzPhyitians

alwaies conclude omething amis Within

the Cranium, ,Laly,-_if itzwerenothipg bgt
t e

1 92

The Immartalitj


the near attendance of the outward Senes

on the Soule, or her dzternz'n Fatalty, being
o tly placed about her in t e Head; this,
unles there were ome coniderable Argu

ment to the contrary, hould be ucient

to determine any one that is unprejudiced,
to conclude that theSeat ofCommonSene,
Underanding, and command of Motion,
is there alo.
It, But now the greate diculty will
be to dene In what part thereof it is to he
lated. In which, unles we will goe over
to work,
we are to have
a oldly
n0t pitch upon any thing that, by the
advantage of this Suppoall, That there it a
Soule in man, may goe for poible; butto
chue what is mo handome and conve
_ 12. That the whole Brain is nor the Seat

of CommonSene,appears from the wounds

and cuts it may receive without the de

ruction of that Paculty z for they will not

take away Sene and Motion , unles they
pierce o deep as to reach the Ventricles of
the Brain, as Galen has oberved.

I 3. Nor is it in Regim hisfma/blidpar

ticlc._For beides that it is nor. likely the
Centre of Perception is o minute, it is very
incongruous to place it in aBody o pere

CAP. 7.
ofthe Soule.
fectly olid,more hard then Marble, or Iron.
But this Invention being but a late freak of
'his petulant fancy, that has an ambition to
make a blunder and confuion of all Der

Carm his Metaphyicall Speculations, (and

therefore found out this rate quirk of wit

to hew, how though the Soule were

thing but Matter, yet it might be incorrup
tible and immortal) it was ,n0t worth the

while to take notice of it here in this Hy

potheis, which we have demonrated to
be true, viz, That there a; a Soule in the

Body, whoe nature ti iminateriall or incor



14.' Nor are the Memhraner in the Head

the common Senoriimzz neither thoe that

-envelop the Brain, (for they would be able

then to ee the light through the hole the
Trepan makes, though the. party Trepan'd
Winked with his eyes, to ay nOthing of the
conveyance of. the Nerves, the Organs
of externall Sene, that carry beyond thee
exteriour Membranes, and therefore-point
to a place ofall
more inward,
that munorbe any
their imprees)
Internal! me'mhrane, as that which bids fai
re for itgthe SeptnmLatidanr, as being in

-.the mid ofthe upper ventricle. But yet

.ifthe-levell* OfMOtiO through the eXter- '
gall Senesbe accurately conidered, ome

x will

1 94.

The Immortality

LlB. Il.

will hoot under> and ome in a diant pa

rallel, o that this Membrane will not be
ruck with all the Objects of our Senes.
Beides that it eems odd and ridiculous
that the centre of Perception hould be
either driven out o into plates, or pread
into hollow convexities, as i't mu be up
poed, i we make either the externall
or internall Membranes of the Brain the
Seat ofCommon Sene.

15. The mo likely place is ome one of

thoe that the three la Opinions point at,
Viz, either the Conarion, or the Canon-e i
the Near-ver in the fourth Ventricle, or t c

* Animal S irits there.

16. T e r is Dcs-Cartes Opinion, and
not rahly to be refued, neither doeInd
any Arguments hitherto that are valid
enough to deace it. Thoe that are recited
out ofBartholine, and ubcribed to by the
learned Author o Adenagraplaia, in my ap
prehenion have not the force to ruin it:
we will r repeat them, and then examine
The r is,that this Glandttla is too little
to be able to repreent the Images of all
that the Soule has repreented to her. The econd, that the externall Nerves

doe not reach to the Clandnla , and that r

therefore lt cannotreceive the impres of
enble Objects:

CAP. 7.

' of the Soule.


Therhird, that it is placed in a place o

excrem'ents Which would oile the pecies
The fourth,- that the pecies o things
are perceived there where they are carried
by the Nerves. But the Nervesmeet about

the beginning or head of the Spinal! Ilu-2

raw, a more noble and ample place then the,
Glzmdrtla pine-acts.

To the r I aniver,That the amplitude

of that place where the Ner'ves meet in the

Spina Marrow, is not large enough to re:
ceive the diinct imprees ofall the Objects
the mind retains inMemory. Beides, that

the other parts o the Brain may erveor

that purpoe, as much as any of it can, For .
it is the Soule it elf alone that \ is capable of '
retaining o diinct and perfect repreenta
tions, though it may make an occai'Onall
ue or' ome private marksit imprees in
_ the Brain; which haply may be nothing at

all like thethingsitwould remember , 'nor

of any coniderable magnitude nor propor
tion to them, uch as we oberVe-in the
words Arx and Atome-1, where there is no

correpondency of either likenes or big

nes, betwixt the words and the things re

preented by them. '


To the econd, That though there be no

(gntinuation ofNcr-vn to the Coma-ivy, yet



X 1 96

The Immortality

LIB'. ll.

there is of Spirits z which are as able to con

veigh the imprees of Motion from exter

nall Sene to the Common, as the Aire and
Q/ftbe'r the impres of the Stars unto the
E yTo
e. the third, That the Glondula is. con

veniently enough placed, o long as the

Body is ound, for no excrementitious hus
mours will then overow it or bemeare it. But in uch diempers wherein they doe,
Apoplexies, Catalepies, or uch like di
eaes will arie; which we eedoe fall out,

let the eat o Common Sene be where it

Will. ,
" ' To the la I anwer, that the Newe: ,
when they are once got any thing far into '
the Brain, are devoid of Tunicles,- and be o

oft and pongy,'_that the motion of the

Spirits can play through them, and that
therefore they may ray through the ides,
and o continue their m0tion to the Com
' 'iomwhereeimr their extremities may eem
to tend.


17. But though thee 'Arguments doe

nor uciently confute the. Opinion, yet I
am nor o wedded to it,'*but Ican think

omething more unexceptionable may be

ound out, epecially. it being o much to be
,upected, thatall Animals have notthis

Common. z and then , that. what pleaed


,' _


CAP. 7.

ofthe Soule.


Des-Cartes o much in this Invention, was

that he conceited it uch a marvelous ne
inrument to beat the Animal Spirits into
uch and uch Pores of the Brain,a thing
thatI cannot at all clo'e with for reaons
above alledged. Beides that. Stones have
been found in this Glandola, and that it is

apparent that it is environ'd with a net of

veines and arteries, which are indications

that it is apart aigned for ome more in

'eriour oce. But yet I would nOt dimis
it without fair play. '
18. Whereforethat opinion o the fore

cited Author', who places the Seat oCom

mon Sene in that part ofthe SpinalZMar

row where the Nervesare upected to meet,

as itis more plain and imple, oit is more
irreutable, uppoing that the Soul's Centre
of perception (whereby he does not onely
apprehend all the Objects o the externall
Senes, but does imagine, reaon, and'freely
'command and determine the Spiritsinto

what part of the Body he pleaes) could be conveniently eated in uch dull pay

Matter as the Pith Of the Brain is -,.a thing,

Imu needs" proes, that pleaes not my
at all,'opinion
and therefore
alo take
leave, ofthis
pronounce, That the chief Seat of the Soule,
where jhe'pcr'teiwr all >0hjtfcts , where he '



vO 3


1 98

'1 be Fmmortatzty

LIB. lI .

imagines, reaons , and inventr, and from

whencehe commands all the parts ofthe Body,

it thoe purer Animal spirits inthe fourth
entricle ofthe Brain.

i. nient
The Situation
reaon ofhis
o inion,
the 2,ton-ve
of the/e
econd, that the Spirits are the immediate
-inhrument of the Soule in all her uncti
onr_ 3. The proof ofthe econ'd Rea on from '

thegenera/l Authority of Philoopherr,and

particularly of Hippocrates z 4. From our
'Sympathizing with the changes ofthe Aire,
5. From the celerity ofMotion and Cogi
tation r, 6. From what it ohct-vedgencrally
in the Generation of things -, 7, From Re
gius his experiment of a Snaile in agiai z

8. From the running round of Images in a

Vertigo; 9, From the conitution ofthe
and motion of- the S irits there z
10. From the dependenty oflihc actions of
the Soule upon the Body, nrhether in Medi
tation or corporeal! Motion -, I r . From the
recovery of Motion and Sene into alupi
ed part 5 1 2. And la] from what it oh

errveol in wooning its, ' of palenb and



CAP . 8.

ofthe Soule.

t 99

harpne of 'w-go, &c. x 3. The in

ference from all this, That the Spirits in
the fourth Ventricle are theeat of Common

Sene, and that the main ui- of the Brain

and Ner-ver ti! to prefer-or the Spiritr.

Hat which makes me' embrace this

Opinion rather then any other is this,
That r, this ituation o thecommon
Senorium betwixt the Head and thetrunk

otheBody, is the mo exactly conveni

ent to receive the imprees oObjects from
borh, as alo to impart Mocion to the
'Mucles in both"the Head and in the Body.

'In which I look upon it as equall with the

la Opinion, and uperiour to all them
that went beore. For whatever may be
objected is already anwered in what I
have aid to the la Objection again Desa

_ 2. But now in the econd plate, (where

in this opinion of mine has a notorious ad

vantage above all ele * that Iknow) It is

mo reaonable that that Matter, which is
the immediate inrument o all the Animal

junctions ofthe Soule, hould be thechiee

Seat From whence and where he exercies
thee unctions, and if therebe any place
where there is a freer plenty o the pure
ort otlW Matter, that her peculiar rei

O 4. -


2 5o

The Immortality

Luz . II.

dame hould be there. Now the immediate

inrument of the functions ofthe Soule is

that thinner Matter which they ordinarily

call Animal Spirits, which are to be found
in their greate purity and plenty in the
fourth Ventricle oft/'e Brain, From Whence

it mu follow that that precious and choice

part of the Soule which we call the Centre
qfperceptz'on is to be placed in that Ven
tricle, n0t in any pith of the Brain there
about, but in the mid of thee Spirits
themelves; for that is the mo naturall

ituation for the ,commanding them into

the parts of the Head and Body, beides a

more delicate and ubtile ue of them at
home, in puruing various imaginations and


' -


. 3. That this thin aim' Spiritaom Matter

is' the immediate engine of the Soule in all

her operations, is in amanner the general!

o inion o all Philoophers,- And even

t oe that have placed the Common SE'V
in this
the Heart,
have been
ecure ofthe
truth 'of
their' conceit
,i becaue

took it for granted, that the left Ventricle

was the and
thee pure aniL
ubtile Spirits,
much,in that
'thati ippocratdt,
Oracle of
and wie

to peak their own ene o fur and



$ '



picant. ,

CAP. 8,

ofthe Soule.

20 t

nicantly, I'm'ptn 'ing aivs'pwnu Women

Et 'r'lri Man;" naiAip' Tpe'Qeilau

Z-n &Tibia-w Z-n

7ru'ToTa-w Xmi 'F vndi, aiMaixa-S-a-PZ 25 Quo

rrnddla TEpwaiq, gnaw/tap c'nt 'F &temple-m;- rrg

ati/LdtQ' that is to ay, That the mind of

man is in the left Ventricle of his Heart,
and that it it not nourihed from meats and
drinks from the helly, hat hy a clear andlnmi

non: Suhanee that 'edonna's hy (e aration

from the hlood: which is that' Whic happens
exactly in the Brain. For 'the Spirits there
are nothing ele but more pure and ubtill

parts othe blood, whoe tenuity and agil

tation makes them/eparate from the re
of the mas thereof, and o 'replenih the
Ventricles of the Brain.
4, Moreover out jmpathizing o en
ibly with the changes ofthe Aire, which

Hippocrates alo takes notice 0f,that in clear

" Aire our thoughtsv are more clear, and in
cloudy more Obcure and dull, is no ight

indication that that which conveighs Sene,

Thoughts and Paons immediately to the
Soule, is very tenuious and. delicate, and of
a nature very congenerous to the Aire with,

which it changes o eaily.

5. The range Agilit alo 'ofi Motions.
and Cogitation: that We nd in Our elvics', has forced the mo luggih 'witt*s,e_'vien uch .
as have been o gros as to deem the Soule

I '


1 ne immormmy
zo z
Cor ered, yet to chue the free, ubtile
an mo active Matter to compound her o,
that their imaginations could excogitate,
And Lacretins, the mo condent ofthe
Epicttrean Sect, thinks he has hit the naile
on the head in his choice, De rernm NatJih,
3. where he concludes thus,

Nnne igitnr qnoniam e' animz' natnra reperta

Mohilis egregie, per quam wnare nece/e et

Carparihm par-vie (y- levihm atque rotnndit :

whoe teimony I account the better in this

Cae, by how much the more cras Philoo-

pher he is, the neceity o the tenuity of

particles that are to pervade the Body ofa
Man being convinced hence to be o plain,

that the dimme eyes can eaily dicover it.

6. But we will advance higher to more

forcible Arouments, among which this, I

thiuk,may hind ome place, That wecannot

dicover any immediate operation of any

kind oSouleinthe world, but what it r
works upon that Matter which participates
in a very great meaure o this inenes and
tenuit of parts, which will eaily yield and

be gmded -, as may be univerally oberved

'in all Generations, where the Body is al
waies organized out o thin uid liquor,

that will eaily yield to the plaick power

of the Soule, In which I doe _ n0t dog:


., I

CAP. 8.

ofthe Soule.


but it takes the'advantage of moving the

mo ubtile parts of all r, uch as De:
Cartes his r and econd element, Which
are never excluded from any uch humid
and tenuious ubance: which elements of

his are that true Heavewly or uEthereal mat

ter which is every where, as Fieinns ome
where aith Heaven is; and is that ire

which Trimegi/t arms is the mo inward

vehiele of the minde, and the inrument

that God ued in the forming of the world,

and which the Soul of the world, where

ill ue.
7. he
to does
yet acertainly
ep further,
ocular demonration that Henriem Regim
brings Philo. Natur, lih.4. cap.16. eems to
me bOth ingenious and olid. It is in a Snail,

uch as have no hells, moving in a glas :

o oon as he begins to creep,certainBubbles
are dicovered to move from her tail to her
head; but o oon as he ceaes moving, \
thoe Bubbles ceae. Whence he concludes,
That a gale of pirits that circuit from her
head along her back to her tail, and thence

along her belly to her head again, is the

* caue ofher progreve motion.
8. That uch thin Spirits are the imme
diate inruments of Sene,is alo dicovered
by what isoberved ina Vertigo. For the
Brain it elf isvnot of uch a uid ubance


'2 04

The Immortalzity

' Luz . II.

as to turn round, and to make external'Ob

jects eem to doe o. Wherefore it is a

ign that the immediate corporeal inru

ment of conve ing the images of things is
the Spirits in the Brain.

9. And that they are the chief Organ of

Sight is plain in the exteriour parts of the

Eye; for we may eaily dicern how full

they are of that xatZ'aLp-h \ cpwrroacs Saint, .

pure and [acid ith anee which Hippocrates

peaks of , thoug he eat it in a wrong

place; and how upon the' paions of the
minde thee Spirits ebbe or ow in the Eye,
and are otherwie wonderful-ignicantly'
modied, inomuch that the Soul even
eems to peak through them, in 'that ilent
voice of Angels, which ome fancy to be by
nothing but by dumb hews, but I doe n0t
at all believe it. It is alo plain enough,that.
dimnes of ight comes from deciency of
thee Spirits, though the parts of the Eye
Otherwie be entire enough. The wider

opening alo of the pupill ofone Eye upon _

the (hurting of the other does indicate the
' ux and more copious. preence of Spirits
there,,as Galen hasingeniouy collected.

10.' To which we may adde that in thoe

more noble operationsof the Minde, when
' he meditates and excogitates various Theo

rem's, that either

uescome part [of

t C

C-AP. 8 .

ofthe Soule.


the Body as an Inrument then, or acts free

ly and independently' of the Body. That

the latter is faleis manife from hence,

that then the change of Air, or Diemc'r
prejudice her
in her
Inventive andcould

perations --, but it is manife that they doe,

and that a mans Minde is much more cloudy
- one time then another, and in one Countr
is that'
' '
-- -..proverbiaii
'- i

BreM/o jnrare: aere natnn'.

_ If he ues any part of the Body, it mube

either thee animal Spirits, or the Brain;
it is notclammy
the Brain,
very conien
an evi-i
dentdemonration, which will ill have
the more force, ifwe conider what is mo
certainly true, That the Soul has not any
power, or ele exceeding dittie, of maw'
z but
her peculiar
is ofde
in motionpriviledoe
z whic 'i the

ubtile and agitated it is, the more eaily by

reaon of its own mobility is it determined
if it were
an' immediate
of theForSoulzt'ov
motion fal
any-matter,1 doe-not underand how that

faculty never ailing nor diminihing no'

more then the Soul it elf can failor dimi- '
"ruh, that wehouid ever be weary of mo



The Immortaltity

LlB _ II.

In o much that thoe nimble-fected

Menades or he-Pries of Batehna, with

other agile Virgins of the Country, which

Dian ns decribes dancing in the owry
meadows of Maander and Cayer, might, if
life and limbs would la, be found dancing

there to this very day, as free and frolick'as

wanton Kids (as he pleaes to et out-their

activity) and that Withoutxany latude at

all._ For that immediate moti-ve faculty of _
'the Soul can ill as freh as ever impart mo
tion to all the Body, and ooner conume it.
into air or ahes by heating and agitating it,"

then make her elf weary or the Body eem

o. .Whereforeit is plain that that motion
or heat that the Soul voluntarily confers
upon the Body is by vertue of the Spirits,
which he, when they are laying onely and
ently toying among t emelves, ends

orth into the exteriour members, and o

agitates and moves them: but they being
o.-ubtile- and diipable, the Soul pends

them in uing of them, and they being much

pent, he can hardly move the Body any
the the
o'gimu we
or call

Hippocrates, and the Souls immediate engine

zgf dmotien through all the parts 'of the
o y.
' ,1 1- As, they are alo
i of
W Sene
i theremote

CAP. 8.

t the Soule.


remote parts, as well as in the Head, as Spi

geliw handomely ininuates by that ordi
nary example of a mans legge being upi
ed or aleep, as ome call it, by compre

ion or 'whatever hinderance may beef the

propagation of the Spirits into that part.
For as ene and mocion is reored, a man

may plainly feel omething creep into it

tingling and inging like Pimires, as he

compares it z which can be norhing but the '
Spirits forcing their paage into the part.
Wherein what they uer is made enible

'to the Soul, they being her nnmediate Ve

hicle of life and ene;
1 2. Laly, in wooning zs, when motion

fails, the. exteriour parts are pale

and fallen, the Face looking more lean and

harp, of which there can be no Other mea
ning, then that that benign gale of vital air,
that fill'd up the parts before, is now abent
- and retreated from them; that is, that the

uid Spirits are retired, withoutwhichno

m- nor motion can be performed : whence
it is apparent that they are the immediate
I 3. I have
proved that the Animal Spi-i

rits are the Souls immediate organ for ene

and motion. If therefore there beany'place

where thee Spirits are in the tte plenty

and purity, andinthe mpft convenient r



The Immortality


tuation for Animal functionsz that in all

reaon mu be concluded the chief eat and

Aeropoli: of the Soul. Now the Spirits in
the middle rventriole ofthe brain are not o

indierently ituated. for both the Body and

the Head, as thoe 'in thefourth are; nor o
pure. The upper Ventricles,being two,are
not o t for this oce,that is o very much
one and in lar. Beides that the enife
a rous impre es of motion through the eyes
play under them -,,'to ay nothing how the
Spirits here are les defxcate alo then in

the fourth Ventricle, Wherefore there be

in u cient lent
. andSlimy
urit , and
' gefljzuatioz
of ythe

Ventricle, it is manife that in thee is pla

ced the Centre of Peroeption,& that they are
the common Sexforium Of the Soul. And that
as the Heart pumps out Blood perpetually
Lto upply'the whole Body with nourih
qnent, and to keep up the bulk of this edi
_\ce for the-Soul to dwell in, as alo from
'the more ubtile and agile parts thereof, to

re lenih the Brain and Nerves with Spirits,

w ich are the immediate inrument ofthe *
'Soul for Sene and Motion; o it is plain
'likewie that the main ue of the Brain and

zNereues is tokeep thee ubtile spirits from *

'over peedy diipation, and that the Brain

'With its Ca'Werns Tis bur= one great round

. _ .


CAP. 9.

ofthe Soule.

209 i

Nerve z <asrthe Nerves with their inviible

pOroities are bnt o many' maller produ;

ctions or enderer prolongatiohs of the


t a '

. o.

e m. '


_, ..

'fCHAIA IXef'; i'i. T"fi'..*.*,'

I, Several ahjeziions again/7' Animal Spirits;

'* z; An Anfroer to the r ahjection'tohohe

ing the Pore/it] of the Narum, 3- To' the

cond andhirdfromthe iExtl'a-yantion'o
: the Spirits. andpitne'tone. Bxkrememicfor' i
him the Brain. p 4.. To thefanthfetehti'ah
the increde'hle 'mm ofuoootionin the SFZL
* ritr. SaTo fht-lohmu man-romp
- demnhle DeMmtionQt vt adherence?
in ;-.'-..
'the,> <_.ctlFrm-'rides
Brain, Spirits
21.' Juz: 'of/ill'
' :

. .


Luxu- r' '.


1; BEfore- Weepro'ceed to our=other twin

.,: . Enqui'ries,rwe are forcedtomak'e-'a

whiie,*and,-li'en'w ome' fewOvb'v
juitions made by*ome.i-Yate.:'Authours',
Who-again the-common ream ofall other
Philoophers ,z Phyitiaris: and Anatomis,

arefnidt ahamed'tu: deity EhMLdiQXC are any

uch 1hing-s'asSpirir: in the-Bndy=,.'or at'lea

that there are' any in l the" Ventricles . of the

Main; For'

for the Nerves, ay they,

Zro have' no
or CavitiestoLIBJIJ
them -, and beides, it is plain that what is
nid in them is nothing but a milky white
juice, as is oberved in the pricking of a -

Nerve. And as for the Ventricles of the

Brain, thoe Cavities are too big 3 and the
Spirits if they iue into them, will be as
extravaated Blood,whence they mu needs

be' poiled and corrupt.

Beides that the

Will evaporate at thoe paages throug

which the mucous or pituit'ous excrements

pas from the Brain. Whoe appearance
'there is, ay they, another' great argument

that thee Ventricles were intended onely

for'receptacles and conveyances of uch ex
ere'rnentitiousHumours which the Brain di

charges it elf of.

Laly, if Spontaneous

_'M,0ti0n be-made by means of thee Spirits,

it could not be o extremely 'udden as it is, r

for we can wagge our nger as- quick as

thought, but corporeal Motion cannOt be
'o wift. And if the Spirits be continued
from the Head to the Finger, uppoe,in the
ligation of, the Nerve there would be ene

from the Ligature to the Fingers end-,which r

_is,ay they, again Experience.- Thee are

the main Objectionsl have met withall in

Hofmn and others z but are uch as I think

are ver eaily' anwered: and indeed the _*

doe in ome ort clah'ome ofthem one wit


2. For

ofthe Soule.
2l1 *
2. For how can the Nerves derive-juice
if they have no Pores,or arenot o much as

_ paable to thee thin activeSpirits we peak

ri of:
orfrom whencethen
can we
that juicetoarie,
- themelves, as they looe their agitation;
. and ag into a more gros coniency t' a' I]
3. Neither can the Spirits be looked u -*
on as extravaaeed in the Ventricles oft e
Brain, more then the Blood intheAuricles
or Ventricles'o the Heart.

Nor is there

any fear of- their. liding away through-the

Infondihnlnm, the pituitous excrement's

having' no paage there but what theymake

y a their Weight, as well as their ininuatin r
bemearing tothe
more impervious
light Spirits,- ' whoe agility 'alo andcome
ponderancy with- thebut'ward vAire renders'
them uncapable,v Of leaVing the Caverns in

Which they are. That arguingfrom- the.pi-.

tuito'us excrements &and-there, that th


Were made onely for a'.Receptacle of ue

ueles. redundaucy-, is as ineptly inerted, as

if 'a man hould argue fromwhat is found

inthe Inteinumrectum, that the Stomaek
i' andzall the Inteines were made for a Recei

Spirits of
in 'S,tercore0us..,excrement.
the-&Ventricles Of the Brain,
The -*

playing about andhitting againthe idz

P z


1 be mmortalitj

LIB. 11.) '

of the Caverns-they are in, will in proces

of time abateof their agitation, the groer

parts' epecially -, and o necearily come to
a: vmore vcoure * coni
, and. ettle into

like ., moiis ' found
at : ,thicuch
ofthe Sedim'ent
ture dichargeth through it- paages,where
more' pure.
But bein
eaue . this
is found
thee Cavities, tn-'concludethat that is the
onely ue ofthem,. is as ridiculous as tain

fetre ' That 'becaue I pit at- my Mouth, and

blow my 'Noe, that that was the chief "

on'd and ue of thee two parts of my Body,
or'that my'E'ye'si were not made-..for eeing,
b'ut'weeping. ' -3
. .
r i lip. The nature 1 of thezwiftnes of Mo

tiontzi'nz-thee' Spirits is much like that' of

Light, 'whichis ax'Body. as wiellias; they, But
that-Lucia' Matter. 'in the Smi-e'does not, ,o
'fames heappearsarpon the Horizon, -y. 'o
mahy thWLndZmZlLS-insamnmem to-alute .

out; cites-5' but rMb'tion is xpi'opagated as 'it

were-at' roncerfrrom'. che--.=_-3um-co rout. Eye
through theaetheraMatteb betwixt; jJOr
one tb-blowoinzit
s in. ame " aasyou
i ozoon
he'iblows- at-Joneaend, theoMbi'tion wilitbre

efelt-at the bathed-and thati-dowmardsrgas i

well as upwards, nndzasieailyz to atiksle
" =

e it

- t at

CAP. 9.

of the Soule. -


that other frivolous Objection I nd '_ in

Hafman, as if it were o hard a: buines
that thee-Spirits hould be cbmmanded
downwards into the' Nerves. But the Opr

of this-ancient
and'7' ond
very imple
and care-les.
J ' Opinion
* iare
' ct
5. 'That of the Ligature proVes nOthing,
For though theNerve betwixt the Ligature
the yet
well ofenough
the be
, and
there being
an' interruption
and there
'continued to their ComMOn-Senpriwm, and

'thee on the other de 'of the LigatureJz'tis

no more wonder, that we 'feel nothing an

this ide ofthe Ligature, then that we'ee

nothing in enr'neig'hbours' garden, Whena
wall is betwixt', though- the Sun hine clear;
ly on borh ides ofthe walk. - A _'

- - ,

6, We ee how invalid' their Arguments

are again '- this receivedjOpinion "of almot

- all both Phytians and Phi-loophers: Iris

needles to produce any for) the confirma
tion of it, thoe which We have made ue of

for'proving that the Spirits are the inn-me'b

diate In'rurnefnt of the Soule, bein<7 of '
equal] force mo of them to concludet 'ei'r
the Body." And yet for an

over lus' Iwillnoc much care to ca ina

brie uggeion of the ue of the Lung,



21 4

The Immortality




which the be 'Phyitians' and Anatomis '

. adjudge to be chiey for conveighin pre


pared aire to the Heart -, as alo o t 'e Re

te mimbile and Plexm C'boroides, whoe bare
tuation dicover their ue, that they' may

_ more plentifully evaporate the thinner and

-W-B__-L _MN

more agile particles of the ' Blood intOthe

Ventricles of the Brain. The Dizz/lole alo

o the Brain keeping time with the Pule

of the Heart, is a manie: indication, what
avehementeam of Spirits, by the direct,

and hort paage of thedrtm'e Carotid-'gate carried thither. For ione part of the Blood '

' bemoreery and ubti-llvthen aucther, it

will be ure to reach the Head. From whence

, conideringthepongines _& laxnes'of the

Brain, and thinneszo the Tunicles in the

little Arteries; that are there z it will follow

by Mechanical neceity that the Ventricles

thereof willbe- lled with that 'cat-Bag), 29 '- :_.

tpoddlhs Tipwm'aoc'm J'ampiaw; 75 . i/[Lw


' which Hip _ nor-ates o t-ly decribes, though

he fancy; e Seat ofit in an -untting place;

But the,
pure (d-thee'
Spirits being
in the '
it follows



plainly from what has been,alledged, That

the CommonSenoriuma's te beaced in the

mid ofthe/2- pugcrz Spirmvqftbe fourth I'8731
tricle eft/le. Bzaz'eu . - -;.
'..--.> -





a. CAP, 1 o.

\ ethe Soule,

2 t 5w



''=r'-i-,:_'f- Q_.'.*TW\:-I

I. That the Soule 12: not conned to the C0m*
mon Senorium. a. The r Argument
from ther Plaick power of the Soule,
3. Which is conrmed from the gradual!
dignity of the Sou'ler Facultiet, ofwhich
taa Plaickxir the lowe/ii, 4. External]

Senation the next; 5. After that Imagi

nation, audtheu Reaon. 6, The rond

Argume'wtfrom Paions and Sympathies

iu Animals, 7. An illuration ofthe mart
mr of naturact Mugic/c. 8, The third Ar

gumeutfrom the Perception ofPain in the

exteriour Parts of the Body. 9. The urth
and lafrom the nature ofSight.
7 E are now at leiure to reume the

two remaining Enquiries -, the or

* 'mer whereof is, whether the Soule be o in

1 this fourthVentricle,that it is eentially no

-Where ele in the Body, or whether it be
7 pread out into all the Members. Re iue

'would coup it up in the Couurion, whic he



"believes to be the Common Senorium, and

o by. conequence it hould be connedto
the fourth Ventricle, and not Lexpatiateat

all thence, uppoing that the Seat oCom- r='*-e:*.,w-:_ mon Sene, The reaon of this conceit of
P 4.

2 '16 -

The Immortality


his is this, That whatever is in the re o - the Body, may come to pas by powers
meerly Mechanical -, wherein he does very
uperitiouy tr'ead'in the oote'ps of hiSZ-z
Maer Dear-Certes. But for my-own part,I
dienr, ofo
I nding
any '7;" i''
vnovellin anneither

but ratherapparent reaons teache contrary.

z 2, As r the From 'of the Body, of
* which l thinkrno reaonable. to conclude

clhgSuult herelf to be. the more particular

Ire'hitect (for Iwili not wholly reject Pla
tium his 0pinionz-_) 'and thatthe Plaieh
Menredes: in her," as aloin the Soules

* ofBrute animals, as very learned and wor

thyWriters have determined. That 'the Fa
hric/e of the B'odyNis-out o the concure o
Atomes, is a meer precarious Opinion, with
'out any grounden' reaon; For Sene does j '

nOt'd-i cover any.uch-thing, ithe r rudi-. - ments o-lie being out o ome liquid howv '
Matter of
-,* ' and
it 'is again reaon', i ' '
particles. hould produce snch' exquiite
irkm'es of cmatures, Wherein the acute wit

isrtotable toind any thing inept, but all'

done exquitely wel every Where,where the
fouines 'and mnrenes o Matter has not

beenin fault." That God-itnot the imme

diate-Maker o'thee; Bodyes,', theparticuiar. 5

't "-


ofthe Soule.v
z 17.,
' CAP. lo,
micarriages demoprate. For there is no
Matter o pervcrh 'and ubborn but his
Omnipocency-zcould-tamc; zwhence there
-. would'be no Defects nor Monroitiesitt

._ the generation of

nimals. Nor is it o

' _ congrUOus to admit, that the Plaic/e faculty'

'o the Soul ofthe World is the ole contrivcr
ofthce Fabrichs of particular creatures.
deny but he may give.
A." _' hine rude.will-not
formationn but -;that it-every particular.

worid, uch' as Man 'is Epecially, his oWn.

Soule is= the peculiar and mo perectivei

' Abchitect theeofsthe Soule of the World;

For Archi'tccture,
this vitail Fabrication
nOt as"
in ctit;
when an 'is
peron acts upon Matter, butimpliesa more

pzirtitular andnear union with' that Matter

it thus intrinecally hapes out and 'or'ganiH

7 - 2425.. -v And what ought to have a more par-v

ticular and cloe union with our Bodies then
our- Souls themelves? My opinion is there-

fore, That the Soule, which is a Spirit, and

7 therefore contractible and dilatable, begins
within les compas at r in Organh
zing the tlyeprepared Matter-5. and for

bears itv elfcoin-the ame tenour of work

till the Body has attained its. full gTOWEh z
and 'that the- Soule- dilates it elf in the

' giiat'ing'rqftherodyv, and opo'ees itv

' i

n 4

2, 1 8
The Immortalig'
LlB .
through all the members thereof.
3. The congruity othis Truth will ur- _
ther dicover it elf, iwetonider the na
ture of the faculties of the Soule (ofwhich

you may read more fully in Enthuiafmw

Triumpbatus Artic.3,4,S .) in what a natural
graduality they arie till they come to the
mo free ofall. The a'cepe or lowe is this

Plaickpower we have already poke of, in

virtue whereof is continued that perpetuall
Syole and Diaale of the Heart, asI am
more prone to think then that it is meerly
Mechanical, as alo that Rehimtian that is
performed without the command of our

Will: For the L-ibmtion or Recipromtim

of the Spirits in the Tenility of the Muclcs
would not be o perpetuall, but ceae ina __
mall time, did not ome more rn icall
Principle then what is meerly Mec anical
give Aance, as an one may underand
by oberving the in uciency of thoe de
vices that Hem-ita: Regia: propounds for
adaequate caues of uch motions in the

Body. TheeI look upon as the Fi' Pa,

cultie: o the Soule, which may be bounded

by this general] character, That the exercie

ofthem does nOt at' all imply o much as
our Perception,


4. Next to thee iS'the Senatian of any

externa Obje, uch as Hearing, Seeing ,_


CAP. r o.

ofthe Soule.


Feeiing, &c. All which include Perception

in an unreiible neceity thereof, the Ob
ject being preent beore us, and no exter
nall Obacle interpoing.
5. Imegimrtiim is more free, we being

able to avoid its repreentations for the

mo part, without any externall help; but
it is a degree on this ide Will and Reaon,
we Thus
ee ilence
how the
v7_ _._

tie: othe Soule rie by Degrees; w ich

makes it ill the more eay and credible,

that the lowe of all is competible to her

as well as the big/ze.
6, Moreover, Paions and Sympatbier, in
my judgment, are more eaily to be reiol
,ved into this Hypotheis of the Souls per
vading the whole Body, then' in reraining
its eentially preence to one part thereof,

to uppoe,aBear
believe that uch
i. For
ject as,
or an
by tran
mion of Motion from it through the eyes
ofan Animal to the Comrrion,hall o reect

thence, as to determine the Spirits into uch

Nerves as will reighten the Orice ofthe
Heart, and leen the Pule, and caue all
other ymptomes o Fear -, eems to me
little better then a meer piece of Mechanical

Crcdulity; Thoe Motions that repreent the

Species ofthings, being turned this way Ior
t e


The Immortalziu

LlB . II.

the Other way, without any uch impetm of

Matter as hould doe uch feats as Des

Certes peaks of in his Book ofPaons.

And that which he would give us as a pledg
of this Truth is o fale, that it does the

more apimate me to di-believe the Theo

rem,Ar'tic. r 3. For the waftin'g of one's hand
neare the Eye ofa mans friend, is no uo
cient proof That externall Objects will

necearily and Mechanicaily determine the

Spirits into the Mucles, no Faculty of the

goule-intermedling, For if one'- be fully
aured, or rather can keep himelf from
the fear o any hurt, by the wafting' of his
friends Hand before his Eye, he may eaily
i fear
him, thefrom
is to be But
to the
acti- v
on, and not the meer Mecbam'mc of the

Body. Wherefore this is no proof that the

P/ummena of Paions, with their conequences, may be alvedin brute Beas by
pure Mechanicks-7 and therefore neither in

Men: butv itis evident that-they arie in us

again both our Will and Appetite, For who

would bear the t'Ortures of Fear: and Few

buier, if heeoul-d avoid it a' 'And therefore

the Soule ends not nor determines the Spi
rits thus to her _0.W11T0rture,a5 he rei des in
the Head. .-Whenceitis plain that it is the

, eect Oi her, as he reidesin the Heart and'

v T

- -


CAP. 1 o.

ofthe Soule.


Stomack, which ympathize with the horrid

in theCommon
reaon of the exquiite
unity ofitheSoul
wit '
her elf, 8: of the continuity of Spirits in the
Body , the neceary inrument of all her
Functions. And there is "good reaon the
Heart 8: Stomac/t hould be o much aected,

they being the chief Seats of thoe Facul

ties that 'maintain the 'life of the-'Body z
the danger whereof is the mo eminent
Object of Fear in anyAnimal,- ' _ ' "
7; 'From this Principle, [conceive that

not' onely the Sympathj of am in one par

ticular Subject, but of-diirmt and di aat'
Subjects, may be underood: uch as is be
twizxt' the party Wonnded, and the Knife or

Swordthat wounded him, bemeared with'

the' Weaponialve, and kept in'a due tem

per: Whieh certainly is not purely Mecha
nical, but Magical,"thorigh nor in"an unlaw-'

- - ful ene; that is to ay, it is not to be re"

oived into' meet Matter, of what thinnes
on tbtilty oever 'you pleae, but into the

unity of the'SoaI

flye unripe-e, and Cair

ti'zraity-af the'rrabtila Matter, which anwers

to our Animal spirits;

inzthis ene it

iszt'hat -Hlotz_'nm' ayes, that the - World is 5

Few gins, tlaexgrand Magns or Enchtmter.

"And! doe not queion but 'that upon this

core meerly-,without '- 'e aociation ofany




1 De 1mmarmmy

LlB U.

Familiar Spirit, everal odde things may be

done, for evil as well as good, For this

Spirit of the World has Faculties that work

nor by Election, but fatally or naturally, as
everal Gamaitus we meet withall in Na
ture eem omewhat obcurely'to ubindi

care. Of this Principle we hall peak more

its we
v 8, inBut
yet a, more clear dico-.-.i
very, that our Soul is not conned to any
one part of the Head, but poees the
whole Body, from the Perception of. Pain

in the parts thereof: For it is plainly im*

poible, that o high a torture as is felt but

in the pricking, of a Pin, can be communi-.

cared to the' Gcntre of Perception uponxa

meet Mechanical account, For whether the
immediate xlnmmentpfwne be the Pith of
the Nerves, as ,Des-Carter would have it,- or

whether it be the Spiritu as is'mo true;

it is ridiculous to think, that by the forcible
parting of what was joyned together at eae
(when this cae is not communicated to ei

ther the Spirits, or Pith ofthe Her-vex, from

the place of the Puncture, to' the very eat
of Common. sene) that the Soul there ea
ted hould feel o -.mart: va torment, unles _

that, her very Eence did reach to the part

zvhcre the pain is felt-robe; 2 For then' the .
(eaen of this is plain, that. it is the unity of
* -





of the Soule.

2 2;

Soalpoeng the whole Body, and the

Continuit of Spirits that is the caue there

An it is no wonder, if the conti

nuationand natural compoure of the Spi

rits be Re and Eae to the Soul, that-a

Violent disjoyning and bruing of them,and

barring. the Soul-ofthem, as I may' o peak,

i hould caue a*"'Very harh and torturous >

ene in the Centre ofPerception. This Ar
gument bears undeniable 'Evidence with it,

if""We doe but conider the fuzzines of the

Pith. of the Nerves, and the uidity of the'
Spirit, and What little res or crouding o
mall a thing as a Pin or Needle can make
in uch oft and liquid Matter,

. Laly, unles the very Eence of the

Soul reach from the Common Senorium to
there hould
will bebeVery
great adicul
ties Eye,
how there
o diinct
entation of any viible Object: for it is ve

ry hard to conceive that the Colour: will no:

be confounded, and the hignes of the Ob

ject diminihed, and indeed that the image

will not be quite lo before it Can come to
the Soul,if it be onely in the Common Sm- *
orium. For it is plain, and experience will
demonrate that there is a very perfect

Image of the' Object in the bottome of

the Eye, which is made by the decua

tion of the lines of Motion from ii, thUs'

The Immortalig a
The Line A. B. from the Object A.*C:._
bears again that point in the borrome 9'5





theEyje in B, and the line. C; D. againfthe

point D z.,wh,exeby Grand.- A. are felt-in

their places: andvin- uch a ditanceas they:

are in the Object C.A,;>an'd_zo of allz,'the'

lines which' come from thezQbjectiC-zA.

'iPSQ thc'bettgie. Of the-Eye B-i TD; a-Fmmn '

Whence thepbject is'feltz-in uch alength
and bredthas itjs capable ofbeing perceived

mar uch-a ditance from 'ther-Eex Andas

ghezMotioxl that is ,conveyedTfr-om A; td B,
and from CJZO D', is felt; there; o theniodi-j

cation. O iF-zZWbercbyftheDbject in thoe

parts mayeemred,yellow,'green, or any
other .colour,'fis felt there altp; 'Whence it

iszplain-that-there will be aneWuim-hr

Preon,,ac_cording to all' circumances o
thezobjectgin- the bottome ofthe Eye: 'e

'that if the Soul receiveit- there, and convey

> it ' thence
* i go (her
- 'GmnqVef Perceptiontirely

CAP. w.





tirely in the=ame circumances, there' 're-'1 '

entation' Will be compleat: Butif the'


be not there, but the conwyanee thereof'

mu be left to the bare' laws of Matter-32
the Image willbe much depraeedpr leLbei
fore it can come to the Cemmonrsmoximz
For this Motion fmule'pmpagaeedzfreni

_B andD, till it 'came to the hele-Ezrartdz-d

* pas into 'the ' Optick Newe,"- to' be 'i-tarried
intothe Brain,*an'd o to 'the eat of Womb
mon-'Sene_: but betwixt '-B and E,*-'GT.D
and E, 'theresmay be t-hedepaitrtmeofuna
dry colours,2 Whence it'- 'will- be i neceary

that F be tinctured with the adown; and

G'with' the' colour of Bern-'Dane term:
o Of thereftof-thdLine's "dram tm'thd -

object to thetEy'e': e that all their covers

would be blended befere. The? 'time Wi
Now at that harh exure a_t_ E, where the

viual Line is as crooked as B E R, accor

ding to the experimegtsiqf Seection and

Refraction, the brea thorX length of, the.

* ObjectK-C A; wedded lats-2 Perweinu
needs-saw'st; that as'it- rew-Reections and

Refractiens, wliePerheOWeO-WM appear '

imhar- Line thalt immediately eonetys'the

ene of' it; 'e-here itcinlt, be alhi,='and

therefore the 'point CVYarfd Al mb'ap-pear

sheet Q, whence'the OM-'Amsippre
will (third





1 be immortality

LlB . U.

'it might appear in ome tolerable latitude,

for all this, the Brain being an opake ub-"z

it wouldobe
o as
the Motion
or lo,
the'lmage could not pas the opacity of it,

in any plendour or entirenes. -Wher_efore

Ido not doubt butvthat the Image which

the Soul perceives is that in the Eye, and

not an _ Other corporeally producted to
the] ide of the Brain (where Colour and
Eig'm would be o rangely "depraved, if
not'quite obliterated) Imean it is the con
ooure ofthe lucid Spirits in the bottome of

the Eye, with the outward Light conveyed

through the Humours thereof (which is the
. bea: ene of the Plalonlckauuutiyaz that

Plxtdrqb peaks of) wherein the great Myery &sight-conis.

* -_ .





1., That, neitcrjke Soul without' 'the Spiritr,

v wor- LheSpiritr without he preence o the
-; Soul in dagger',dxzehfcimtt'tans of
z-'Sen-ztion. *,2._*A brief declaration hm_

> ; Senatiom'c made. ' 3. ery Ima iteration


- 4- Of Reaon
Mover), en whet/ver:
;_, 'ber-A'
. 5. That.
ele Spirit: are the; immcilimzlnmmm;
, w?

CAP. 1 r.
'ofthe Soul

of the Soule.


Memory &elew- Md how Me

"mory ariesz "6, As-elb Forgetfuhm?

'7. Hour honbmeo'm Manna-performed."
* 8. Honfn'enmlkzng,MdayjhbhghMr;

1- zing of' omething' 'ie'lfcz '>9.v'I-'hat though- _

'I ' the Spim-Fhe" ' riot game?

every' where;

Tf-'yet the ' 'Senife'rous -I-npreon Will pie/Leg

'ct'the CommonSenorium t' fo.I*-Ih4t\t_hi#ei

He en-Heerogeneity ire-re very Soul ther)

'-'_4>'J3Wbtlf' it. '31 iw her wreak-du

,Root, the-Gentre, end-theiEye'z- lamb-hat;

_- fhe-R'a'yes'4hl'_Branches;*E ne.- That-the
her dhdkoahk DiWinYOf hir and

> feam, .'I';:*{'-'

into PerupriteiilmdPlaichzlz
m ,
*i)n3nv a: wi


rid? zFteivou'r evincing-'that theSc'ml imo-'i

- -*>=*- -' conned pojthe'CbitrmonSehvri-im;
-, f-i-'t 'win-bereactaldh

=i theNainiefSeh
werz'ienti01ried='.-I or'
Rtated-itheiei-'two Jthh'lg
them; comb-2

' quence 31 Thee?sfhsIritt-fexezridet-cient of

tbeihleesfwfthefe Functions a me teiSoe-z
ritsa 'as- is?withqut
'of then: i
junction owhenceit
the Spiritsis,'_t'hat*Bl=indn_es
by 'JLigature 'ormite
tit'n'esr' happensI meerly forvthatlthe Optick
Nerveis'obructedu - ' I' r (La
2. Where

a, 28

'1 be; ,lmmortahty

tLIB , u_

A; Whereforehbxiey - t.0.v-.di_pa_tch our

thixd WEFLCZ Izayin general,l"_hat Sma motion'frpm

cheObiect to die-psganz When', itzisrecei- X

Wezt in, all the. Circuman's'- weperceive

izi, And-conveyed by NCEWQYQELhASOUlS

preence; thesegzamedzyuimmediate
In'rumentjhe x 'ritzs,1by;vsrme:_owbde
caminuity- to-t aim dicamon Senfo
aw';.thelmagk of. Imms: Jewry Obiqct

isitibihliyutjnmkmdzchiiberai-, Bagg-Ax- fon Imagination, 'sheredwo-que


xmainly Exerded

in the: chief' anof the Soot; Me-purex-A

nimal Spirits in the fodrth Ventricle of the

Brain; * I, peak PeciaHYTf MzJmaginai

tienzwhichimmo-free, uch &Wakekl Ro-' unwak-mmtwzz 01:- zlnhizasascenkpmz
the rmoreever'c MQditza:is'>ns=.-and glziqniih:
a-Licktbizmmr - BN' ESilQEzXYBQA Allifa;

middcratg.inm aad-allzthiags shaw-end tt

Ay handqzimupplyz iand7dszpxuiitrpnl- With? -

Sepizitsz, dreafzhr-fTx
make omdio ' i hF-mwzczcexxfubv
* wM-i I! FL fziz

-' 24.v Reangaish.'aVolVIcdJi<-Zzg@h_ with

mginatimg - xhzc xmzncnzt Lay: 'mhmgmli
more peculiarv :conderasianzzze

ieapart by iecmzzmmrpxszzzaculeyzw; ,
Pith of the Brain contribute; make
B _


CAP. I l. ofthe Soule.


>ons of any power- of the mind, (more then

by conerving the Animal Spirits) it isto,
this. But that the Brain i hould. be ore'd

with di inct. images (whether they coni

ofthe F exures ofthe uppoed Fibrilla, or
the orderly puncture of Pores, or in a con

tinued modied Motion 'of the - rts there'

of,cta ome
otEZrs in
I have already

impobTe. "If therc'be any Mark: in it, it

mu be a kind of Brachygrqbie, ome mall

dots here and there anding for the recoi

vering to Memory a eries? of' things-'that

would ll, it may be, many' hd-cts of paper

t_o write them a't'large. As if a man hould

tie a ring about a friends nger to rememi
ber a buines, that a whole 'daies dicoui-f-ez.
it may be, was but little enough to give him

full inructions in. From whence it is plain

that 'the Memory is in the Soule, and not in
the Brain, And if he doe make any uch
Marks-aswepeak of, he havino no per
ceptiOn of them diinct from the repre

entation of thoe- things which they are to

remind her of; ,'he mu no: make them by

any Cagnitioe pon-er, buc by ome uch as

is Analogous _t0'her Plafick-Famlty of or
ganizingl the Body', where he > acts and pery
CeLVes it not.'_ .

-- _-

5,- But'whethet the Seind-Act thus or no

12.? i



' 2.; o

The Immortality


zupjon-the Brain, a Matter- o- uncertain de

termination zl Lnorca'n it be demonrated by

'any 'experiment that I know... 'a , And there'
-fore if we will contain our elves 'within the
-capacities -of the spirits; which I haveo
often armed to be the immediate inruz- '
ment of the Soule. in all her. operations ,
that Poition will be more unexception'able,

And truly Iv doe no: undertand but, that

zzthey end-Lthe soule together will perform
jeu-the,Functions,-of_Memor zzthat we are
' concious to0ur-elvesof.z ndthereforel

hall conclude : thatMcmizy-cenis- in this,

hat the: Soule. hasv , acquiredja' greater
aPzamptitudc to think of * this, or that 'Phan

tatm;3 with the circuxnances tlie'reo,-which

were raied z-zin her _ upon fome - 10ccaon.

,Which- Ire-reputed: is, "ecquited by either

fthe often repreentation of thzame Phan
- gahietolherg or, ele zbya-mor-'e vivid im,

&Les-ofit, from Esnovelty, excellencyz m

Chjrfvwhszrl orzzome [nd-la like condition
thgtztpncejwill -pi_ex'.e,theSoule
i gxtraprdinaryreentment
by vo
luntary'za_ttent-ion,z whenzhe ver


on etean-intoher
.ea. as deep
ly asjhe
Rrmyzimdtz to. think en-zfupit an Idea 'will
leen in time, and be o'quite ent-,tha;

When the, ame Ideajs.repreexit-, again go

_ .,.-




the Soule, he cannot tell that ever he aw

it before. But before this inclination thereto

be quite gone, upon this pronenes to return

into the ame conception, with the circum

ances , the Relati-vc Smfe o having een
it before (which we call Memory) does ne
cearily emerge upon a freh repreentation
of the object.

6. Dctcfuemde
But Purge-'faine
of thinking
uch anoutObof
ject, or on others that are linked in with it,

in uch a Series as would repreent it as pa

and o make it a roper Object ofMemory.
Or ele for that t e Spirits, which the Soule
ues in all her Functions, be nor in a du'

tem er z which may arie from overmuch

Can nes'prWatcrihmr' in theHead,to which
alone Sennertm acribes ObIi-vz'ounc',


7. The la thing we are to conider is

- Spontaneour Motion.Wliich that it is perfor
med by the continuation of the s irits from
the Seat of Common Sene to t e Mufrler,
which is the gros Engine of Motion, is out
of doubt. The manner how it is, we partly
feel and ee 5 that'is to ay, we nd in our
elves a power, at our own pleaure to move

this or the other member with very great

force, and that the Muclc wels that moves
the part -, which is a plain indication of in

ux of Spirits , thither directed or there




Tbelmmortalitj '

guidedbyour meerWill; a thing admirable.

noconder , and worth our mo erious

meditation. That th's direction otheim

pree of Metionis ,adeby our meet Will,
and Imagination o doing o, we know and
ed iLO intimately, that we can be of no
thingmore ure.-,That there is ome uid '
Matter, which we ordinarily
> and
that moves

the, Member, its welling t ces evidence to

our-'ght z as alo the ex _rie'nce, that mo-_

derate ueo wine which upplyes. Spirits

apace , v will make,v this motion the more
re tAs f0r;'nner,whether there be
'ny ' Itch ral-wile or-no in the Nerve,jcom

mom-tQ-the oppoite Macler, as: alo in thoe

that'are proper to each, it is not materiall.
This great Priviledge 'ofour Soules direct
iizgir: motion of Matter rim, is wonderfull
enough _ in either ,Hypotheis. But 1 look

*_._ n_ A4_

upon the o the Mvrlc as the

I -mainzenginernf-inotionz which the' Soule * '

_ moxning with'that ubtil liquor of the Anie

imal Spirits, makes them well and hrink,

like Lutoilrings in rainy weather- :. And in

this. chiey conis that notable rength of
rout-Limbs inpontaneous motion; But for

thee conceived Falevuln that: Experience

has not-found out yet,nor u-cient'Reaonz
fthey are tQ waitfforadmiron til-i they bring

' - -> .;



' better


ofthe Soule. ;

' 23 zkv

better evidence,- 'For the-preenceof'the

Animal Spirits in this Fibrous eh; and the
command of the Soule to moste; is Uei'T

ent 'to alve all Plmnomem of this kind;

For upon the Will cc'mccived inthe Cmmm
that to
int- arium,that
e Mvhlects, by
za-- ofthe
'owcr Soule
near mkin
by which he inade t ieBody and the Organs

thereof, guides 'the Spirits into uch Pores

and parts, as is mo requiite for the hrewd,
ing the'ue o this excellent Fabrick,

- r 8. Andi'n'virtu'e of Ome uch power as

this,:doe we o-eaily walk, though we think

net oit, as alo breath anding, and play on

the Lute, though our Mindes -be"taken up
with omething' el'e.*'F0r Cuome is anOf

ther Nature : and though the Animal Spi

rits, as being meerly corporeall, cannot be

capable of any habits yet the Soule, even

in that part thereof that is'not Cogm'ti-vc2
may," and therefore may move the Bodyz
though Cogitatian'teaez provided the ments
bers be well replenihed with Spirits, whoe
aance-in naturall motions of Animals is

o great, that their HEadS being-taken o;

their Body
for alongrelates
time will'
as Cbdciidiw
of Wa/s
Hamms, who will y about, and ue their
wings, a good part Ofan honre'after' they
have lo theiri Heads: 'Which-is to be im




z 34

The Immortalig'


puted to the reidence oftheir Soule in them

ill, and the intirenes of the Animal Spi

rits, not eaily evaporating through their

cruaceous Bodies. For it is but avulgar
conceit to think, that the Head being taken

o, the Soule mu preently fly out, like a

Bird out ofa Basket, when the Lid is lifted

For the whole World is as much

throng'd with Body, as where he is -, and

- that Tyc of the Spirit: as yet not being lo,

' it is a greater enoagement to her to be

there then any where ele. This motion
_ thereforein the WzZ, that is o perfect and

durable, I hold to ebimll -, but that in the \

parts odimembred creatures, that are les
perfect, may be uually Mecbanicall,
9- .We have now, o far forth as it is

requiitefor our deign, conidered the Na

ture and Functionsof the "Soule, and have
plainly demonrated, thathe is a Sub

ance diinct from the Body, and that her

very Eence is pread throughout all the
Organs thereof: as alo that the generall

inrument ofall her Operations is the ub-.

tile Spirits; which though.:theyrbe.not in like quantity. and incerity everywhere, yet
they make all the Body _ o'pervrous ruthe
imprees of Objects upon the 'externall
Organs, that like Lightning they pas to
the Common Senforium. For it is ,not ne.



CAP.i I .

ofthe' Soule.

23; ,

marry that the "Medium be 'o ne. 'and tei

nuious as the Matter wheretheino ab-f
, tile motion'begins WhenCGLi-ght paes
both Aire and Water, though Aire 'alone

is not ucient for uch a motion * as Light;

and' Water almo uncapable o being the
Seat of the-ountain'tliereoT 'This may
ervie o illurate' the paage of S'ene from'
the Membranes (or in what other eat o?

eVer 'the Spirits are'mo ubtilan'd' lucid)

through thicker places of the Body to the

very CentreofPerceptim, .'

1 -_ ii.

10. Laly, 'we have dicovered'a kind of

Heterogeneit in the Soule' -, andltha't he i's'

nor o the v ame pon/er every- where', For?

her Centre of Perception is'co'n'n'ed' to 'the
Fourth Ventricle of the Brain-i, and if the'

Senferous Motions' we' pe'ak**of ben'o't'

fair fully concluded' thither," We vhave no"
knowledg ofthe bb'ject: "That part there
fore o the. Soule is to be 'looked upon as

mo precious z _ and henot being an inde-Y

p'endent Mas, as Matter is , but' one part' _
" r-eulting
noble is from
in allanother,
reaon to
iiectemedis the;
the: -

caue of the re, For whichv reaon (as Sy-'

mm calls God, on whom 'all things do:v
, MaiMay)
Root o,

prehenion oours will eem the les ranggj

'* -' =



_.Y>be\ Immortalz'ty

LlB . II.

i we conider that from'the highe Lzfe,

viz. the Deity, there does reult that which
has no Life nor Smc at all, to wit the u
id Matter. Wherefore in very good Ana
Ogie we' may admit, that that precious part

o the Soule in which reides Perception.,

Sarah/e, and Under/landing, may end forth

uc an Ejemial Emnation from'itelf, as

is utterly devoid of all Sene and Perce tion; which you may-call,i you will, t e
Exteriour brane/m of the Soule , . or the '

Layes ofthe Soule, if you call that nobler and

diviner part the Centre zwhich. may very
well merit alo the appella'tion of the Eye'of'
the Soule, all the re ofits parts being but

meer darknes Without Ait, "In whichplike

another Cyclopr, it will reemble the World
we live in, whoe oneEye'is conpicuous to
all that behold the light;" it " '
11. Butto leave uch' luor'ious Conn.

derations , that rather; gratie - our. fancy

then atiSFyOur' evere: 'facultiesz we hall

content our. elves hereafter," From thoe

two natorions Powers,landco. perfectly 'dif

ferent, which Philoophers; acknowledg vin

the Soule,'to wit', Perception And aggravate-

tion, onelyto' term that more 'noble part-o

her in the common? S2na'rim;*.the Berrep-'z

ti-ue, and all the'.'re?the*flaic/: part ofz

the Soulegz'r T:

. -_-_-:-; ,5: .





ofthe Soule.


r. m 'Anfwek-to 'an .Objectia'},* That-Mr Ar: _

gnierm mid ame/1 pra-ac the Immmalit

fthe- Snls af-Bmtes, a: of-Me't. 2. Ano

z ther. object-uen inert-ing tlmruexi eme
, o-Bmtcs-Soab; and coneq'zzzmy. a ours.

3. (The
Anwer 10 'In objection.
44. zTlzc econd, 'Anwer coning affaur'
Pints. , 5 . fir, That the Hyotbc: afu
' conance is more agreeable.- to Reaon t/zm

_, an) other Hypot'lzeis; - 6. 'Andnatvomly a,

- lmztlmt 'It-13: very olid in it elf, - 7.T 4:

and Gopdm: o Godwgne t/ie
2. Hb timeaxz AJ alo-the fad'afPfo
.-.>+Yideme1'nrtbc.-Wvrld. 9. The econd part
3, thee-cond Mhwer'lmt 'be Pucxi' ence
- elf (LLSMWT-be 4 e ofhi' P ilofa
; hmxin ad. Agig at hjdjt 'Incorporeal.

JQ-'i'Tdt the aGywophs



1- do IndianBrachmans, 'the P _ an Ma ',

. zz-makqjt
z-'z-Qj'in'wz"1 1.:MLCdtdl
'a mace
z-fwm. jeTm J-IMt-_ &11..

12. That

z ame;

riotle nw: alo of the ame

= - mnde._- X1-3; nde' make clear place in

3 ,Ax'rotlc - m' Mix jape-2, with Sennertus

abi- Invprqmim " ta." M'Znfmr 3777.
to m
. _, 1.

z; 8

The Immortallty


we/ion ofthat Mter retatim. I s . The lah

and cleare/i place a allow' of Ariotles


i 7

"i- b

Aving thus dicovered the-Nature of


the Soul, and th'atvhe 'is a 'Snbflame

a'i/Zincttfrw 'he Body z.Iaiould be 'in'readi

nes ton-cart oher Sepdratlbx-om, it,:d%d I

noc thinkinydf'obligeddk; to ann'ier'z an
qnvi'ousbbjectiou ca incur way, Whem-by

they wogld' make us<belieW,=\-that' the Ar

gumfn'cs'which- We 'have uhd; . though they

be '110. .lelctsuheu Dempnraciods; ._are._'nw<er

b'ecaue ome ofthem,"
and thoe
not, eke ilbiltvalidit'y;
prove what-'is

aburd Mdzfac; mix), . That 'the Sand;- -'=0f

Bmm alo' arc'SdbMus'Inmiporeizlihct

that 'thezmxelxmmortalxw
Bdt'to-chis-I'have _ '
in Fhgrxzapehd'ix
to 'by m
tjdote, &c.:c'4p.i'1'o.'
and imbkief concluded,
'Heat Lbby aft. 'propexlyaz Tivq 'more - Immal
e encheuzid Mattexgwhich 'die-we' pmhes, \

andthacouc of a te'rreaLBddy theYl-m-a

ha've no xrQMcne'tbenitn =F0r=- alk the e
things are: a's'" it. pleifes nhE'r' Crkazdur
othem'h "13


'=: .: I

Lz; 'Po-this theypefvery reply, 'That if

the SoulSOf- Bruteszhb after death, and

are then. (erxefs and. unactive, ixwill-m'ese.

-: --*


Qmz- nd. '

A the Soule.


ari)y follow that they mu come intoBo-j

dies again. For it is very ridiculous to.
think that thee Soule, having a-Being-yet

in the world , and wanting nothing but

tly-pre ared Matter to ut them in a-cae

pacity o living again, hou d be always neg

lected, and never broxzht into play> but

that new ones hould be fly created in their

ead: for thoe innumerable Myriads of
Souls would lie ueles in the Univere, the

number ill increaing even to infinity. But

if th

come into Bodies again,it is evident

that t ey pmexiz. and ifthe Squls ofBrutes

prcexi, then certainly the Souls oMen
doe o too. Which is an Opinion o wilde
and extravagant; that a wry mouth and a;
laud, laughterve Argument that ever] Feet
ishle to ue) _i_s ucient tov ilence it and
< dalh it out- (if-countenance,

No an: nue"

can ever harour uch a. conceit as this,

which every [diet is able to confute 'by con-,j

ulting but with his own Memory. For he is

ure, i he had been before, hecould remenh
ber oinethingzof that life pa. .< ; Beidesthe
unconceivablenes of the Appxoach and Enev

trance of thee'pragexientSoulsinto the-3

Matter that they-are to actuate; _. . . . 53
' -_ 3, T,O.thi_$ may be anwered-two thiv 5.;

The r,_Tha_t thoughzindeed it cannot e,

deigied3 'but that the conceon ofthe,

- Leo
The lmmortah'ty
P'veextenee To'- the Souls of Brutes is' 'ah
Fair introduction
to the
the Smls
Of Men
53 :'yCt-*
the equ'el ishot at ell neceary, but one-may

The econd is this, That'i
9- ' the-'edueli
were gramedghh no AbFui-dyean beds?
tected froni 'thence inand
= Reaon,
'if the
pre'jui *
On -Ounito'ncerhed FQC'RHIESF, that have'ir

right: t'olvote here-he laid aide. To-pe'alz'F

n'KOre ieztplicjty,'-li>*;ky,-**This ZOnequence-r
ofour Soulsifieexienii i'si-kmdx'eagreeable
tGR-eaqn then any Other' Hy otlieis whate;

ever z' has bee'n'- iieceived

t e 'inbezrn'ed

Phriloopl'rer'sfoail Ages,-*th'eke*lieing-eai*ee
of uonftlfenieer'li
theriizkhat held thejSOuFQ
he ctNamr'ei
but " aeree'dal
0'7 her Pto
That Me'h'iaiis'vno
aeyl 'to

Win and &meer- aee-as-int'riixat'e
coneeiwbleas fh-is'oppdctiGpinion.._ i; .-_- '._

7 l 3.' [hall
' The with' of
1 ri 'We-hall? manhead-if we eompar'ebitl
with, thoe Opinions that>iifnd in' conipei'

nen-fron Witl'r'ir3',}vvli1'chate 'But 'two that are

z 'the Father;
hoe chafe

4- -ct'*


CAP. 12.

ofthe Soule.

7 34:

that ay it is created, upon occaion, isThe

r Opinion is a plain contradiction to the

nation of a Soul, which is aSpirit,and there
, fore of an Indiwbkz that is-of an Indi cera

'pible, Eence. ' The econd Opinion im lies

borh an Indignity to the'Majey of
(in makin


Him the chief aant and

actour int e highe, ree, and'mo pan.

ticular way that the Divinity can be conceis
ved to act,.ini thoe abominable crimes of

Who'redome, -Adultety, Ince, 'nay Buggel

'ry itelf,- by' upplying thoe foul coitios
created Souls
put ei)
the Soul's
that they' being eversthus zcreated bWthe
immediate 'hand "of God', and' there?

fore pure, innocent and immaculatez hould

be imprioned in-Unclean;"dieaed and-di? '

ordered Bodies, 'where very many of them

eem to be o fatally' over-maered, and- in
uch an ucter incapacity ofcloing with what
is good and-'vertu0us, that th mu needs

be'adjudged to that extreme ca amity which

atttnds all thoe that forget God. Where
fore thee tWo opinions being o incongru
ous, 'what is there left that can eem proa

bable, but the Pree'xiem ofthe Soule'

6. But Ihall not pre s'the Reaonables
nes of this Opinion onely from comparing

it with others, but alo from the concin- _

' ,


mty I


The Immartality



my that is to bei-found in itelf. . For as it

is no greater wonder that every particular
mans Soul than-lives now, in . n Earth
hould bea mundo cond-to,- thent e articu
lar Matter of their Bodies hould (w ich has

haply undergone many Millions of Altera

tions and Modications, befOre it lighted
,into ucha contexturc as to prove the en-e '

the? Body 'of any one peron in the world,

has been in places unimaginably diant ,
has led, it maylbc, through the triangular
paages of as many Vortices' as wexee
stars in a clear froty night, and has' hone
once as bright es'thc Sun (asthe Cemau _*

Hypothes would have all theEarth to have i

done) in o much that we eat, and drink,

and cloath our elves with that-which was

they pure
the and
date with
aciion of the World, that unavoidable cer
tainty of thePrxexiencezzo the Soule

_ of Brutes does-,aecording to-the very conr a

'ceon of out' Adveraries, fairly iininuaten '
-. 17. Butthi's is notiall-il Both the Aitrie
bates of God', and Face' (if-things in the
world, out.0f.- which his Brim/Meats is not
to bev excluded, are very vtrong Demonai
' tions thereof to.- Reaonnnptejudieed. For
' r, if it be good for'theouls ofmen to
heat all, thezzom-theY are the &mer.- But



CAP. 12.

ofthe Soule.


we are mo certain that-the -Wzdom and

Gaodnef of God will doe that whichis the
' Le; and therefore if they- can enjoy them
elves before they ame-now thee terre
rial Bedies-(inbeing-better for them'r-td'en'.

joy themelVcs then not)*they mu-be be-_

' . fore they come into thee Bodies What is,
They mu be i'n a capacity of enjoying them

, (elves-'without them for. f long periodd of

vtime, before they appeared 'herein this\Age
,of- the)
nothing hind'mfsjbut
Body, as 'Wdlas they'zmywer-thdr gding

out of ,it :.' the laeker'.,_whereq*ri-s- 'acknoQ

ledged-even' by them this deny' the fPr-ee'x-ji
enc'e. -* \Wh:r-eorez the l Wr'cexmq'zivf

Souls is anecca'ry reuit 'of 'the Widdn-Fe

and Goodneslbf Gody'whocan no' n'ioe

fail to dvr'that which is btz 'then he can to

mzdlrdnddt :..for. odw'rwie- his Widmie

would exccedhis- Bmigm't hisGoodnes,t"-Heh

-, nay there wbuld

' u: dleBmntzi'mf a vdiy-benign and gdb

man, - who,rwexmay'be well aured, will' i
-'no7 oppottuniryof doing "g'otd that lies in

hispowerp eprciall 'if itfbe'nectithei'f dh

'edge nor tremble-to himyboth which hin'

-_ derances a're'mcompetible- to 'the-Deity.


78'. Agiiilgzthe face qf' Prk-yide'nee inthe

Worldeem fvery muth to'uit with thijs




R z


._ 2_44

The Immartality

LIB. ll,

,Opinionz there being not any o naturall and

eay account 'to-be

iven of thoe things

that eem the mo arh in the aairs of

men; as 'o'mthis Hypotheis, That their

Soules did once uhi in ome o'theratez

zwhcz'e, i'IC'Uctd manner: and degrees, they .
o agqording
t_0. ,that oftheir
that HeAnd
has ct
num-um in they mh/htution of the um'z

vere, and
undergoe _ct
zapdad drudge-'tare Fare, Mjafunifhmmt

_.inicted,5orzd'ditge contract: from the .

z-uemll ahliqytitjesoftheir ip-0' zge. Which *
key-Knot onely) able to unloc that recon
'zdite mYery-Ofozixe particularMens almo ._fatal avernes from all Religion sand Ver.

ctqe, their upidizty and 'dulnes and- even

._invincible- ownes to thee things . From

ztheirrver-y clri'ildrlwod , and their. uncer

zrigible pmpmma IO all'ma'ner of Vice z
,butnl'o Q...t1>at: qualid ,efotlornenes 'and
zbtnt'ih Bararityzz thatwhoieizNations; for
(many_Ageshayejiayen'undcrzand many. doe

riliiye uUdKRaF thizwerydayit 'Which ad

_ seen-e of thiag'sz'mufneedsz exceedingly'
.c_l_oud' and oenre- thezwayesv. of Divine

Providenceead mkezxhmurce-ly unintel

&Bible-ar Helde-ome lightibelet' in from
she prpcntypothes
of. plain
x ii

CAP. l 2.

ofthe Soule;

24; '

plain therefore that there are very weighty

Reaons may be ound out, to conclude
the. Pm'eximce of Soules. And therefore,

this Opinion being o demonrable from

this Faculty, and there being no other that
can contradict it, (for-- that the verdict of

- _ Memoryih this cae is invalid'I hall prove

anon) we are. according _t0*.tlle Lighto -

. Nature undoubtedly to conclude, that the

i Soules o Men doe praeexi, byAxionte gy.
9. elf,
thisit alo
lin it
gained is

o all Philoophers of al A es, of any note,


* that have 'held the Souleo Mans Incorpvrcal,

and Immortact. And therefore Iarn notat - all ollicitous what either the Epicuream
or Stoick: held' concerning this Matter;

this conte being betwixt thoe onely-that

agree on this Truth, That the Son-le 23- 4
Suhame Immateriall, And uch amongt
the Philoophers as heldit o, did 'unani
mouy agree th4t it dml HPrAcxi/l, e, ' This is
o plain, that it is enoughronelytotrnake
this challenge z every one in the earch will
atie himelof the Truth thereof. lzhall
onely adde, for? the better. countenance of

herein, as i'
of theome
my generalllqon.cluon. Let us ca our Eye therefore into
what corner of the World, we will ,_.th_at

r. *






' -LIB. II.

b'een "famous"- fqr Widome - and Line-'

rature, and1 thewie of "th'oe-- Nations
hall' ndthe-fRertomszid.
'i'_._"of thisOpi
- lt'oz, In Egy 'tg- that ancientNure of all
hidden 'ScienCCS--,-' that this Opinion was in

vague among? the wiemen there, thoe

fragments of Irlfmegi doe ucie'ntly wit

esi- fraud-and
'For thoughthere
be npected
. arme
in everall

ages in' that Book',- in reference to the in

ter'eoChri'itifii-'t z yetthi's0pini0n o
the Ptee'xtezztj of? the Soule, in which
Chritianity di', not-intereit'elf, cannot'
'but-be judged-From' the-Tei-mony o thoe

Wfi't'ings, tfo'have "been a-Branch Of the

Widome of 'that Nation: o'which Opinion

not-"onely dieth" rhhhophilj-j andother wie

alo the Brachmam
ndit,ofandtl'ie Maigi
and Perazag

nttlet that
Tletho 'land 'If/Ellzitave Cominented upon.
z'fojthee you?
adde the abrue Philo
which' they call their
- Cahhnlii, o'Fwhieh? the Soules Pretextence'
' makes a coniderable part, as all the lear
- ' 'ned o the Few: doe confes. And how
. fna'turally applicab'le _this Theory is to thoe


myterious chaPters Of Geneis,




VCAP. tz.

athe Soule.


Ivhave, I hope,with no contemptible ucces;

endeavour-ed to hew in my CanjectttrdCath-F

bali/Zict. _
.- T
11. And if I hould particularize in per
ons o this Opinon, truly they are uch, of '
o great fame for depth of Underanding

and abrue Science, that their tetimony

alone might eem ucient to bea'r down,
any ordinary mode man into an aent to
* their dOctrine. And in the r place, ifwe p
can believe the Cdhhdtt of the Town, we

mu agn it to Moes, the greate Philo

opher certainly that ever was in the WOi'lClz
to Whom y"0u may adde Zorooer, Pythogo
not, Epicharmm, Emyedocles, Cehes, Euria'
pides, Plato, Eutlide, Philo, Virgil, Maroc)

Cicero, Plotirtw, Iamhlitus , Proclus, Boe

thius, Lfellns, and everall- Others which it

would be too long to recite. And if int' were

t to adde Father: to PhilohphErs,_-we

might enter into the.ame"li Syne/iuj'and
Origm : the latter ofwhom was urelyjth'e
greate Light and Bulwarkthat antie'nt
Chriianity had z who'unles therehad

been ome very great Matter in it,- Was fat

from that le-u'iry and wm't , as t'o entertain

an Opinion o vulgarly igh'ted and 'peg

lected by other men: and the ame may-be .

aid ofothers that were Chriians, its Bet;

thine', I'eIlm,-'and?the late learned Mziriim
- '




The Immortality

L 1 B .l[.


But I have not let ended m Ca

talogue: that admirableP yitian Fa amm

Fernelius is alo of this perwaion, and is
not content to be o himelf onely, but di

covers thoe two grand Maers ofMedi

cine, Hip-parate; and Galen, to be o too;
as you mayee in his 11; 4bditis rerum cau
s, Cdrdan alo, that famous Philoopher

of his Age, exprey concludes, that the R-atiomll Soule is both a diinct Being-from

the Soule of the World, and that. it does prie

exi/l before'it comes into theBody: and
laly Pomponatius, no friend to the Soules
Immortality, yet- cannoc 'but confes, that
the ae w_ay_t0 hold it, is alo therewith

to-acknowledg her Prgrexience.

12. And thatv nothing may be wanting
to hew the frivolounes of this part of the

Objection,- we hall alo evince that Arllotle,

that hasithe luck to be believed more then
mo Authors, was o the ame opinion, in
hisTreat-ie De Am'mz Lib.1 ,Cap. 3. Where
he eaks of the, _necetyo the qualication

pf the Bodythat theSoule is to actuatez and

lgming thoe that omit that conideration,
ayes,that' they, are-as careles of thatMatterz

asiit were poible that, according to the

zytgorickfallemny Soule might enter in
to. any Body. Whenas every Animall, as it
. its proecr
'_ ' pecies,
ct' ' 4 ' o itis, ,cohaVc
* ' ' its

CAPJ 2..
a the Soule.
culiar form.But* thoe that dene otherwie,
_ Hapmrhrimor My'sa-t,aith he,aia*we_p e'i 'm (par-in
V wile-um si; aiuAhs EMv'uB-ai' (DE-i 'fixt/m'

xp-'h'bZoLt mi's o'yw'rois, 'thy

i. e. The] ea/e no

+uxiw To? Meat,

one hould airm that the

skil of a Carpenter did enter into a Flute or

Pipe z for every Art mu ue its proper In

truntents, and ervery Soule its proper Body,
Wher'e (as Gardan alo has oberved) Ari

otle does not nd fault with the opinion'

ofthe Soules Ooing out of one Body into
an0ther,(which implies their Prceexiencez)

but that the Soule of a Bea hould goe

into the Body ofa Man, and the Soule ofa
Man into a Beats Body-7 this is the'Ab
urdity that Ariotle july rej.ects,the other
Opinion he eems tacitely to allow of.
13. He peaks omething more plainly

in his De Generat. Animal; Lib. 3. Cap. I I,

'There are generated, aith he, in the Earth,
and in the moiure thereof, Plantrland living
Creatures; hetaufe in the Earth isthe moi
lure, and in the moiure Spirit, and in the
whole Mni-Uere an Animal warmth or heat ;

in otnueh that in a manner all lates are full

0 Soules, aise Tpon-ov 'Tll/a; 7rcxi/ ac +uxhis great

7rAn'pn, Adeb nt mode quodom omnia int Ani

_ marum ple-na, as Sennertus interprets the
place : Ariotle underanding by xl-uxhhe

amethar he does afterwards by +uzmi





The Immortality i


' ", that

le we callaerts,
that A.
mals are more or les noble; which aertion

therefore reaches Humane Soules as well

as thee of Beas.
14. Nor can this Text be eluded by being
oinjurious to Ariotle, as to make him to
aert that there is but one Soule in the
world, becaue he ayes auzas, not douze-To,
For the text admitting ofSennertu: his ex
poition as well as this other z that which is

mo reaonable is to be attributed to him.

Now if his meaning was, that there is but
One Soule in the World that goes through
all things, and makes the Univere one
0teat Animal, as the Stoit/er would have it, a
he need not ay that all places are in a man
ner full of this Soule, but aholutely full of it,
as out Body is wholly actuated by the Soule
in it. And therefore the Sene mu be, that '
all places indeed are in a manner full of
Soules *. not that they have opportunit to
* actuate the Matter, and hew their pre ence

there by vitail operation; but are there dor

mient as to any viible energie, till prepared

Matterengage them to more enible'actions.

I 5 . We will adde athi'rd place ill more
clear, Lib. 2, Chap. 3. where he arts this ,
very queion of the Pretxi/leney of Soules,
or the Senitive and Rationall epecialxlzzn ;'


Che. r 2'.

ofthe Soule;

W' dictnmathis

XK; 79 He) whim-Is, whe

25 t

ther b0th kindes doe wpavm'pzclv, that is

praexi, before they come into the Body,
or whether the Rationall onely-,and he
concludes thus, ' Aein'e'lou

"rhV'VOJV fadrov

S-upocev &admit/at: ig Z'cTiov SWZJPLO'VOW Sal?" 35'

along 'nJ ZVEPJ/Eiclo xowwveii NNW-lull Eripydae?
i. c. It remain: that the rationall or intel
lectualSoule onely enter from without, no he

ing onely o a nature purely divine, with whoe

actions t e actions ofthiogroBod have no
communication. Concerning which point he
concludes like an Orthodox scholar of his

excellent Maerfloto' z to whoe footeps

the cloer he keeps, the 'les he everwan
ders from the truth. ' For in this very place

he does plainly 'profes, what' many would

not have him o apertly guilty of, that the _
Soule ofman is immortall, and can perform
her proper Functions without the help of
this terreriall Body. And thus Ithink I

have made good the two r parts of my

anwer to the propoed Objection; and

have clearly proved, that the Praexiente

of the Soule is an opinion borh in it elf
themo rationall'that can be maintained;
and has had the urage ofthe renowned
Philoophers in. all Ages vof the World,

and that therefore this equel from out

rguments for the immortality of the

2 z

The Immortality


_ Soule is no dicovery o any fallacy in




I. The thirdpart of the econd Anwer, That
theforgetting ofthe former ate ie no good
argument again the soules Praeexience.
2, What are the thief caue: of Forget
fulne/f. 3. That they all eonire, and that
in the hi he degree, to detroy the memory
ofthe ot erate. 4, That michance: and
have here
quite inthe:
taken life.
away 5.the
mory ofthings
is impo/Fhle for the Soule to rememher her
former condition without a Miraele. 6. The

fourth part of the econd Anwer, That

the entrance ofa Praexient Soule intoa
Body is as intelligihle as either Creation or


S for the. two la Diculties, con

cerning the Soules Memory of her

former ate, and the manner of her_ooming
into the Body; Ihope I hall with as much
eae extricatc my elf here alo,- epecially
in the former, For if we conider what
things they are Ihat either quite tal-e away,
91' ,CXCEedingly diminih our Memory in this




life z we hall nd the Concure of them all,

and that in a higher degree, or from ron

ger caues,contained in our decent into this
- earthly Body, then we can meet with here:
they none of them being o violent as to
dilodge us out ofit.
2. Now the things that take air-'ay on'

Memory here, are chiey thee; either the

want of opportunity of being' reminded ofa
thing,as it happens with many,who rie 'con

dent they lept without dreaming uch a

night, and yet before they goe to bed again,
_ 1'eCOver a whole Series of repreentations

they had in their la leep, by omething

that fell out in the day, without which it
had been impo'ble for them to recall to
minde their Dream. Or ele, in the econd

place," Denetnde of thinking of a Matter;

whereby it comes to pas , that what we
have earnely meditated, laboured for, and
pen'd down with our own hands when

We were at Schoole , were it not that we

aw our names written under the Exercie;
we 'could not lacknowledg for ours when

' "_ \ we aregrown men. Or laly, fomeconi

derahlechan e 'in theframe and temper ofour
Body, whet er from ome externall mi
' chance, or frO'm ome violent Dieae, or
ele from old-age, which is dieaeenough

ofit elf: which' often doe exceedingly im



2, 54

'JI/ie Immortalzity

LiB .

- paire, if not quite ta/ee away, the Memory,

though the Soule be ill in theame Body, .

3. Now all thee Principles of Forget
fulnes, namely the want of omething tore- '
minde no, Deuetude ofthinking, and an Eye.
traordinary change in the Body , are' more
eminently to be tound in the Decent ofthe

- Soule into thee Earthly prions, then can

happen to her for any time' of her abode

therein. For there is a greater dierence;

In all IObability, betwixt that Scene Of *

things the Soule ees out ofthe Body and

init, thenbetwixt what hee ees ee Ing

and waking: and the perpetuall occur on:

ofthis preent life continue a long Dene- -. i

tude of thinking on the former. Beides that
their decentlhither in all likelihood carce
them but' which'myriads
in their ute of
and Inacti-uity,iin
of Silenee
may haply be for many Ages, as the main
Opinion mayexpirarions-oif
of t_tl e's innumerable

the Meal- Perieds of life ,, and the-more

narrow Lawes of' preparing terrerial . '
. Matter. And. lalyzher- coming into this
Earthly Body is a greaterand more' dis

advantageouz change, for the, utter fpoiling

ofthe memory of thingsihe was acquainted .

with be0_re,.'then any Miehance or Dieae

can b'e forzthebringing upon her a for


ofthe Soule.

255 '

g-Ftfulnes of what he has known in this li e,

4, And yet that Dieaes and Cafnalties,

" have even utterly taken away all memory,
is amply recorded in Hiory. As that Me

ala Cor-vinn: forget his own name; that

one, bya blow with a'one, forgot all his

learning z anOther, by a fall from an Hore,
the name ofhis MOther and kinsfolks. A
young Student of Montpelier, by a wound,
lo his Memory o, that hezwasv fain to be

taught the letters of the Alphabet'again.

The like befell a Franczcan after a Feaver. '
And Thucydides writes ofome, who after
. their recovery from that great Pcilence
at Athens, did not onely forget-t-henames i
and perons of their friends, butthemelves

too, not knowing who themelves were,

. nor-by what name they werev called: _ p

Atqne etiam- qigodam cepie ohli-uia rerum.

Canctariem, neqz e poe-'nt cognofcere at ip;

"as- the Poet Lucretia: adly ets down in

his. decription- oE that devouring Plague,

r 3 5.of the
. it- is

imPo-ble the Soule. hould remember any

particular circumance ofherformerconz

dition, thQugh hedidyreally praexi, and

. was


'Ihe Immortahty


wasinacapacity of acting before h'e came

into this Body, (as Ariotle plainly acknow
ledges he was) her change being far greater
by coming into the Body then' can ever

be madefwhile he aies in it, Which we

haply hall be yet more aured of, after
We have conidered the manner of her decent,
' whichis the lat- Diculty objected.
6, Imight eaily decline this Controvere
ie, by Pleading onely, that the entrance of

the Soule into the- Body, ,. uppoing her

Praexience , is as -intelligible as in thoe
Other two wayes, of Creation and Traducti

on. For hOWIhiS newly-created Soule is

infafed by God, no man knowes -, nor how,
if it be tradnctedfrom the- Parents, both

their Soules contribute to the making up'

anew one. For if there be deciion' ofpart
of the Soule of-the Male, in the injection > '
of his eed into the matrix of the Female,
and part of the Female Soule to joyn with
that of the Males'z beides that the deciion

parts of their
a Dice'rpihle
' eence-zctk
is encou
ceiVable how thee im- parts hould make
up one Soule-fore the Infant: a thing rid_icu-"

louSLat- ir- view. But if there be no' deciion

Of any parts - 'of the Soule, and yet' the Soule
ofthe Parent'be the caue of the-Soule of
the Childegit is! perfectly an act-of Creationz

CAP. 14.

ofthe Soule.


a thing that" all ober men conclude 'interm

petible to any particular Creature. It. is

therfore plainly unintellilgiblehow anySoul

hodld pas frOm the Parents into the Body
of the eed of the Fame, to actuate and- in
form it: which might be-ucient-toitop

the mouth ofthe Op'ptzer, that pr'etends

uch great obcurities concerning-'them
trance of Proexzent Scale intotheirz'odiet.



I, The knowledge ofthe dierence of Vehi
cles, and the Soules Union with them, ne'

cearyfor the anderanding how he m'm

into thin Earthly Body,

2. That though

the name 'of Vehicle' he not in Ariotle,

the thing
ia ofthe
there. '3.
A clearing
out of the
Philoophy of Des-Cartes, 4. A' fa'ctin- \
terpretation ofhis Text. s. That Ariotle
maker onely two Yehiclet, Terreriall and

jEthereall -, which is more then ucient

to prove6.the
the Ohli/vion
ordinary of
e ofthe
Soule after death is Aire. 7, The duration

of the Scale in her-uerall Vehicles. 8,That

the Union of the Soule with her Yehicle




The Immortality

LIB. Il .

doe: not coni in Mechanicall Congrnity,

. hat Vitall. 9. In what Vitall congruity of
the Matter conis, Io. In what Vital
congruity of the Soule conis, and how
it changing, the Soule may he free from her

aiery Vehitle, without 'violent preeipitatio't

out of it, I r . Ofthe manner ofthe de tent
ofSoul: into Earthly Bodies. 1 2. That there

it o little Ahardity in the Praeexience of

Soules, that the toneeiion thereof can he
hat a 'very mall prejudice to our Demon

rations ofher Immortalz'ty.

r.BUT Ihall pend my time better in
clearing the Opinion I here defend,
then in perplexing that Other that is o gros
of it elf, that none that throughly un

<4Y_huni:'4 _ 1_

derand the nature of the Soule,- can o

much as allow the poibility thereofzwhere

forev for the better conceiving, how a Pra

exi/lent Soule may enter this Terrejtria '
Body, there are two things to be enquired
into; the dierence ofthe Vehicles ofSonles,

and the caue oftheir n'nion with them. . The

'Plato'ns doe chiey take notice of Three
kindes of Whither, eAZthereal, Aerealz and

Te'rrerial, in every one whereof there may

be everal degrees of purity and impurity,
which yet need not amount to a newSpecies.

2. This action' of Fehieles, though gt



no',, &LA-1;
"' A

CAP. 1 4.

of the Soule.

z 59

be dicoured of mo in the-se hool ofiPlatoz

yet is n0t altogether neglected by jdrifotle',

as appears in his De Generat. Anima .\-_ ib.z.
Cap. . 3. where, though he does not hie the

Name, yet he does exprey acknowledge

theThing it elf: For. he does plainly arm,
that every Soule partakes of a Body diinct
from this organized t'erretiall' Body , 'and
oamore divine nature then the Elements

o Called -,. and that as one Soule is'more

noble then another, o is the dierence of

this diviner Body-7 which yet is norhing

ele with him then that warmth or heat in

the eed 3 ma it 79; Wepte-am Etumoxot '73

mMzaex-ov &eft/int, which is no: re, but a

Spirit contained inthe pumeous eed -, and

in this Spirit amcure analogous to the ele

ment of the Scars.

3_. Of Which neither Arzotle himelf had,

nor any one ele gan have, o explicite an
apprehenon as' thoe that underand
the r and econd Element * of Des-Cartesz

which is the mo uhtjill and active Body

that is in the World',\& is ofthe very ame *
Heaven and
Stars are, that
i . is
to ay,is
to be underood chieyof the rElement)
though-o, mingled withmher Matter here
below that it does. nOC'hirIE, buc is the
-- Bais of all that. human-Warmth inallgenee
S 2.


'Lbe lmmortahty
LIB. 11,
Yati'ons, and the immediate inrument of

the Soule, when it organizeth any Mat

ter into the gure or hape of an Animallz'
as I have alo intimated elewhere,_WhenI
proved, that the Spirits are the immediate
inrument ofthe Soule in act Vital-and Anz'- *- \

malfant't'ions. In which Spirits ,of necety

is contained this Cele/liall Subance, which
keeps them from congealing, as it does

aloall other liquid bodies, and mh needs

beinthe Pores of them; therein-cing no

Vacuum in the whole comprehenion of _




: .

V 4. The fulland expres meaning there

fore of Ariotler- text mu be this, that in

thepumeous and watry or terrene moiure

of theeed is contained a Body of amore
pirituous or a'ereal coniency, and in this
a'Ere'al or pirituous c0nency is compre
hended (pv'ms' dvetAoyQ gan. 'real wi;- &is-'pan

waxet-a, anatnrez that it analogues or like to

the.-Element- of the ars, namely that is of

it elf atherealand lucid.

15. And it _is.,this.-"I/ehiele that Arzotle

eems to aert thatrthe Selrle does act in,

a epararefromtheBody'; as ifhe were ever t

either' in this ter'nria'l Bodyzo 'in her athe
were true,
o vaofa
all Memory
her former condition-r, _,whe;n he is once *
5 A..

. l

CAP. 1' 4,-

ofthe Soule. - 4'


* plunged intolthis earthly prion. But it

eems not o probable to me, that Nature
admits ofogreat-a Chame 5' nor is it'3jne

ary to
for this
the Soule
jnto this terrerial Body," and bemearing

moiur'e'of the r rudimen'ts oflifei'e'ing

u'cient 'to lull her into an eternall oblivi'on

of whatever=>hapned to' herI in -that'other,

- condition; to ay nothingo- her 'longzate
tof silence and Ina'ctivitcy: -v5befor_e_ her-turn
come to revive in an earthly
" 1 87? -"
\ orderly
p" 6. 'Wherefore
co'nceiti of
bold to aert,
"that-the =-Soule-niay
live and'actin'ctan

in the athereal I, and "'that-the're'are veYZi-few

that ' arrive "to sthat high hapincts; as-'Fto

acquire' a "Cwle/l'e'al Vehic'letimm'ediatlyupon

their quitting- the' term riot-one : that'shw

evenly chariot- neceari yf mtryino usin tri

uniph to thezgreate-happines the Soule-'of

man is capable? of: which would arrive to all men'indierently,good and bad, 'if the
parting with-this earthly: Body would"fud
'dainly mount us into the heavenly.- Where-r a
for-e by: av ju Nemer,= theSoules oifMen

that 'are not'ver'y- Her'dically 'et-nuous; 'iwill

nde themelves rerained Withinthe'com
Aigez- ashqrh Reaon
' pas
1 " ofthis caliginous

;_ 3
' U

26 2

The immortality

Luz . Il.

it elf, will ugge, and the Platonir have

-unanirnouy determined. - 5


._ ,7. We have competently decribed the

dierence of thoe-three binds ofehitles,

for-their pnrt'tynndz-eont may. The Plato

m; addeome
the Idioference
of, them
that 'nature
as to
ent-straw 'the m Soule a longer' time in them',
- others a horten The horte- ofall is that

of the-Terrt/trtal Vehidd ln- the-Adreal the

_5@u1e,zm3y .inhtibit,-,z zzas ' 'they dekine, 'many

/ Ages, andinythezythereal for ever. '583 zBut this' makeslittle to the I clearing
of the mannerzjqf their decent ei; go'n-saw,

which; cannot'bezbetterunderood, then by

conidering 'theirllnion- with, t'h'eBody ge
nerated,- orzjndeedewithzany kinde of Body
, whatever, when'e theSoul is; held; captive,
and-cannot quit her. elf thereof- by- the free

imperiam of her own-Imagination and Will.

Pox-'what can herbe. caue 0f;th'ts>-.c0li:eion,

'Ihefyery eeneeolt'he-'Soul being o 'eaily

penetrative of, Matter, and, tliezdimenions
of. all Matter,,be"iog;_alikepenetrable every
where-t' For Ethere being nomore Body or
Matter inza veel lled with-Lead then When
it istheniwhen
full of Water,
nor when
hall with llb?
with, Aire,
tiler Body oever that can befima ined in

Fhc' Univcrez
' it* is'* manifei thatthepm

CAP. '4.

ofthe Soule.


ties of Matter is every where alike, and

alike enetrable and paable to the Soul"
And therefore it is unconceivable how her
Union hould be o with any of it,as that he. hould not be able at any time to lide free-5

ly from one part thereof to anot er as he

, pleaes. It is plain therefore, that this um.
- on of the Soul with Matter does not arie
from any uch gros Mechanical way, as
when two Bodies ick one in another by
reaon of any tonghnes and vicoty, or.
raight commiure of partszbut from a eonw
graity of another nature, which I know not
better how to term then Vital : which Vital
Congraity is chiefly in the Soul it elf, it be
ing the noble Principle of Life; but is alo
in the Matter, and is there nothing but uch
modiication thereof as-ts the Plaie/e part

of the Soul, and tempts out that Faculty ins

to act,

_ 9. Not that there is any Life in the Mat

ter with which this in the Soul hould ym
pathize and unite; but it is termed Vital

ecaue it makes the Matter a congruous

Subject for the Soul to rei de in, and exer

cie the functions of life. For that which

has no life it elf, may tie to it'that which
has. As ome men are aid to be tied by the
teeth, or tied by the ear, when they are dey
tained by the pleaure they are ruck with

S 4




tLm. Il. _

from good Muick or delicious Viands.*-But'

neither is that which they eat alive, nor that.

which makes the Muick, 'neither them-3.

rument, nor the Air that conv 's the
ound. For there is nothing inall t lS but:
meet Matter and corporealmtnion, and'yet

our vital anction; are aected &thereby.

Now as we ee 'that the Imjepti-ue part of

the-Soul is thus vitail aected with that

which' has' no life init, o it is reaonable that _
the FIafic/e 'part 'thereof mayzbe o too;
That t ere'may be an Hazmonybetwixt

_ -_

tter thus nd' thus; modied, and that

_ oWer that we call Big/kick, that is utterly
djevdid of all Petception.'-' And-in- this alone

leons that which we call Vital Congrm'ty;

in the' prepared Matter, either to be organ
into the
perfect form ,
* fii
i', >>Vital Cana ,ruity
' .z -which is it]
_ the-"Soul,- I' m'ezi'zrizin the Pliick part there
,o is analogouslito-that Meaure that is per'
efeiir'ed by the Sene, or rather to the 'capa-i - eirt'y' off-receiving "it, when the Sene is by,
agreeable motionfrorh 'withciut or', in 'the

it' elfvery much graftiednd that

Whether the" Minde will 10;- ndjz 1901-7 there

,'ai-e ome 'touches-that will' iu'their'PerccL -- ydon eem? pleaant, whether-our Jud e:

pent would have them o'qr. not.

CAP.L4. _

0tbeSauIc.'- "


this is to the Perceptiw-part ofthe Soul, *

that othercongru'ity ofMatter is to the Hae
ick, And thetehre that WIiich'ties the Soul

"and this Or that Matter together, isanuno.

reiible and nnperce'ptible Pleaii-re, if I
may o to
it', P'laic/e
ariing from
'of t

Which Congruity in the Matter not ailing;

nor that-in the Soul , the: Union. is atale'i'

_ as neceary as the continuation of eat'

and drinking, o- long as Hnnger and Thi
the Meat
'and Drink
good. But

ome il-lta
inthe Meat'may
oin either'ide,
and- then break
the action
will'ceae with the-pleaure thereof. 'And
upon this very account mayaiSoul be conZ

ceived to quit her aieryVehicle within'a-cert

t in<Period of Ages, as the Hmm': hold
he' oes, without any violent precipitatioq

of her elf Loutx-of it.

' _ *' .- - wit
r .-' 11 . What
are Body,
the rings
cords Vehitle
that tie
to the
ortoor What
ele oever,
declared as
which it'willbe.
to under'
of her
the amecords
or decent."
rings 'that
there, may draw her thither :* Where the

care-as is, there will the Eagles be gathered'.

No-t that'he'- need ue h'er. ram-grim [fa
* '




gu ty

The Immortalxlty
L IB . lI.
culty in her decent, as Hawks and Kites by
their ght or melling y directly to the

lure or the prey :. but he being within the

Atmobear (as TI may o call it) ofGenera:
tion, and o her I'laicl- power being reach
ed and toucht by uch an inviible reek, (as

Birds of prey are, that mell out their food

at a diancez) he may be fatally carried, all
Perceptions ceaing in her, to that Matter _

' that is o t a receptacle for her to exercie

her eformatiye power, upon. For this Ma
girk-laere,as I may o term it, that has this
ower of cOnjuring down Souls into earthly
godies, the nearer the Centre, the vertue
is the ronger z and therefore the Soul will
never ceae till he has ided into the very
Matter that ent out thoe rays or ubtile

reek to allure her.

From whence it is eay

to conceive that the Souls of Brutes alo,

though they be not able to exercie their _

Pcrceptiw faculty out of a terrerial body,
yet they may infallibly nde the way again
into the world, as often as Ma ter is tly
prepared for generation. And
is one
Hypotheis, and mo intelligible to thoe

r that are pleaed o much with the opinion

of thoe large Sphears they conceive of
cmiizry Atomu, *' There is- alo another,

which is the Power and Activity of the Spie

rit 'If Nature or Inferiour Said ofthe World,


- \






who is as t an Agent to tranmit particular

Souls, as he is to move the parts ofMatter.
But of this hereafter. '
_ "
. .
preent to illurate the retendedv obcuri
ty and unconceivablene s of this Myery.
So that I have fully made good all 'the four

parts of my Anwer to that Objection that

would have upplanted vthe force of my
ronge Arguments orthe Souls-Immor
tality, and have-clearly proved, that though

this' equel
from them,
ofMen and
-exi, yet- to unprejudiced vrea on 1 thereis
no Aburdity nor Inconvenience at all in the,
Opinion. ,And therefore this obacle be- *

ing removed, I hall the more chearfully

proceed to the demonrating of the Souls
actual Separation from the Body.


I. What is meam
hy theXV,

' Soul, with a confutatim of Regius, who

would/fat her in the dead Cor s. 2. A)
Anwer to thoe that proe themelves
[ma-led haw the Soul can get out of the Body.
3. That
Vital Congru
r - ity
to hethere


4: That'


The [Mmortaltity


4. That this triple Congruity o'; alo earn

Pett'hle to one Suhject, viz.the Soul ofMart
5. That upon tht's Hypotheis it je very-'in
-_ telligihle how the Soul may leave the Body,

' 6. That her Union with the aereal Vehicle

may he veryfuda'az'n; and aez't were'inia
moment. 7. That the Soul o's actually e'
parate from the Body i: to hepra-ved either

h Hiory or Reaon. Example: of the

fhrmer kinde out of Pliny, Herodotus, Fi

cinus. 8. Whether the Exjhaie of Witehes

_ pro-ne an actuale , aration of the Soul from
I the Body. a 9. T at this real eparation of
- the Soul in Exta/ie t's- 'very Po ihle.

10. How the Soul may he looned an leave

and yet-Reaon
- ' 11.; Body,That. though
Will oan'noti
in th:_-lzfe releae the Soulfromthe Body, '
-, andyeto
n'zay re-.
again. 12.
'Thei eeuliar
Deire for thi; purpoe.

1 3. Of Caizdans

Exaieo, and the Ointment of waden,

and what truth there may he in their con
. 'm va:

I; COnceming the actual vand local Sepa

- ct v - ration 'of ghe Soulfrbm the Body, it
is manifc that itis to ctbeunderdddbfthis

Terrerial Body. For to bein uch aTepafatd

htg ast'ox-bcwhere' novB'ody'or- Matter is,

* CAP- '5.

1 of the Soule.
is to be out of the World: the Whole Uni-' v
Vere being o thick et with Matter,.or

Body, that there is not to be found the leat vacuity therein, The queion therefore is
onely,whether upon death the Soul can pas
from the Corps into ome orher place. Hen
riom Regius eems to arre her there by
that general law ofNature, termed the lan)
of Immutahilityz whereby every thing is

to continUe in the ame condition itdnceis

* in, till omething ele change it.- But the ap
plication'of this lawis very groyinju in
thiscae. For as I have above intimated,

che Union of the Soul with the Body is up



_ on certain terms z neither lS every peece of

Matter t'or every Soul to unite with, as
An' erefore
otle o that
old has
very olidly
of the Matter

ing not kept,.the Scul is no longer engaged

to the Body. _What he here ays for the ju'
ifying o himelf, is o arbitrarious', o chilL
dih and ridiculous, thatccording to the'
' merit thereof, I hall utterly neglect it, and
pas it by, not vouchang of it any'Anwer.
2. Others are much puzled in their ima
gination, how the Soul can et ouc of the'
Body, being imprioned and ockt up in*o*
cloe a Cale. But thee eem to forget
both the nature ofthe Soul, with the tenu-'l

ity other Vehicle,and alo the Anatomy of

t he


The Immortality


the Body.

For conidering the nature-of

the Soul her, elf, and of Matter which is

alike, penetrable every where, the 'Soul
can pas through olid Iron and Marble as
well as through the oft Air and Ether; o
that the thicknes of the Body is no impedi
ment to-her, Beides, her Aral Vehicle is

o that tenuity, that it elf can as eaily pas

the malle pores o the Body, as the Light

does Glas, or the Lightning the Scab

bard oa Sword without tearing or corch
ing of it, And laly, whether we look up
on that principal eat of the Pla/Iicle power,
the Heart, or that of Perception, the Brain -,

when a man dies, the Soul may collect her

elf and the mall reidue o Spirits (that
may haply erve her in the inchoation of
her new Vehicle) either into the Heart,

whence is an eay paage into the Lungs,

and o out at the Mouth; or ele into the

Head, out of which there are more doors

X open then I wilLand to number.


things are Very eaily imaginable, though as

inviible as the Air, in whoe element they

are tranacted.


3. But that they may kill be more per

fectly underood.,l hall reume again the
conideration o that Facultyiin the Plaie/e

.' part o the Soul, which we call, Vital. Con

gruit_y._ Which
' according to the number-of

CAP. '5.




Vehicles,we will deine to be threeolder

rerial Aereal, and ulthereal or celeial,
That thee Vital Congruitie: are ound,ome
in ome kinde of Spirits, and others in
0therome,is very plain. For that the Terre
rial is-in the Soulof Brutes and in o'ur

own is without controveriezas alo that

the Aereal in that kinde of Beings which
the Ancients called Act/muse' and laly,that

the Hea-uenly and uEt/zereal in thoe Spirits

that Antiquity more properly called Gums
being Inhabitants o the Heavens. For that

there are uch Aereal and Qhereal Being:

that are analogous to Terrerial Animals 5
' if we compare the nature of God with the
Phaenomena of the world, it cannot prove

les then a Demonration. For this Earth

that is repleniht with living Creatures, nay
put in all the Planets' too that are in the'
world, and fancy them inhabited, they all
joyned together bear not o great a propor
tion to the re of the liquid Matter o the

Univere (that is in a nearer capacity _o be

ing the Vehicle ofLie) as a ingle Cumin
eed to the Globe o the Earth. But how'

ridiculous a thing would it be, that all the

Earth beide being neglected, onely one
peece thereof no better then the re, nor
bigger then the malle eed, hould be in

habited 2' The ame may be aid alo o the


27 2.

'he Immartalzity

,LIB . II.

compas o the Aire; and therefore it i-s

neceary to enlarge their Territories, and
condently to pronounce there are ofthe-'
real Animals, as well as Terrerial and
4. It isiplain' , therefore that thee three
Congraitie: are to be ound in everall Sub- _

jects 'z 'but that which makes mo to our

pmpoe, is to nde them in one, and that
in the Soule of Man. And there will be an

eay intimation thereof, if we conider the

va dierence of thoe Faculties that we

are ure are in her Peroepti've part , and

how they occaionally emerge, and how
upon the' laying aeep of one, others-will
pring up. Neither can 'there be any greater

dierence betwixt the highe and lowe

o _ thee Vital] oongruities in the Plaicb
* art, then thereis betwixt the highe and

owe, of thoe Faculties that reult from

the Perception Forome Perceptions are
the very ame with thoe of Bear; others.
little inferiour to thoe that belong to An
\ gels, as we' ordinarily call them; ome per
fectly brutih, others purely divine: why

'therefore may there nor reide o greata

Latitude ofcapacities in the Plaie/e part of
_ the SOule, as that he may have in her all
thoe three Vital! Congruitie: , whereby

he may-be able livingly to uniteas WCll

' t

CAP. '5. ofthe Soule.

the' celeial
this Terrertial
one and
t' Nay,
o free and multiarious as it is, it would
eem a reproach to Providence, to deny
this capacity o living in thee everal Ve

hicles -, becaue that Divine Nemes which

is uppoed to rule in. the world, would
eem defective withom this contrivance.
But without controvery, Eternall-Wia
dome and Juice hasoreca that which is
the be: and, Unles iwe will ay nothing

at all,we having nothing ro- judge by' but *

'our own Faculties,we mu ay that the .
Foreca is according to whatwe, . upon out

mo accurate earch, doe' conceive to be the ,

be. For there being no Envy in the Deity,
as Plato omeWhere has noted, it is not to
bethou'ght but that He has framed our 'Pa
culties o, that when we have rightly pre? v
pared our elves for the :ue of them,"'the
will have a right correpondency with tho e

things that are' oered to them to contem

late in the world. And truly iwe had
ere timeto conider, Idoe not doubt but

it might beinade'to a _, ear afvery rationall

, thing, that there hould; be uch an AmPhiI-l
hion as the Soule of man, that had a'ca' a
city (as ome Creatures have to' live'eit t? , '
in the Water or' on the Earth) to change

herElemen't, and after: ther-abode here im




'he Immartalny

L 1 B .I l .

this Turn/hid! Vehicle amOng Men and

Beas, to acend into the cornpany of the

Act-cal Genii,in a Vehicle anwerable to their

7. C'ngruity
Suppoing inthen
Man, the
manner how he may leave this Body is

very intelligible. For the Bodies tnes of

temper to retain the Soule being lo in

Death, the lower Vital! Congmity in the

Soulelooeth its Object, and conequently

v its Operation. And therefore as the letting

<goe one thought in the Percepti-ve part of
the Soule is the bringing up another; o
the ceaing of one Vital! Congmity is the
wakening ofanocher, if there be an Object,
or Subject, ready to entertain it z as Cer

tainly there is, partly in the Body, but main

ly without it. For there is a vitall Aire

thatpervades all this lower world, which is
cOntinued with the life of all things, and is
the chiefe Principle thereof.Whence Them

in-his Scbalia upon Amm interprets that

' '


'9 7v Pupil',

in a econdary meaning as poken of the

Aitfegwhich he calls 'row Ain- or rro'r Zva. m
tpwimdr; the naturall Jupiter, in whom, in _
an inferiour ene, we may be aid o live,

and mMzandlm-wmr Being: for witliiout

.* .'i




yCAP. I 5.

ofthe Soule.


Aire, neither Fihes, Fowls, 'nor Beas- can

ubi, it adminiring the mo immediate
matter oflife unto them,byfeeding &reieh-j

ing their Animal Spirits; Wherefore upon

'the ceation Of the lowe Vital! Cangruity,
that Aereal capacity awakening into Act,and

nding o it'Matter every where to employ

her elfv upon, the Soule will not faile to
leave the Body; either upon choice, b
the power of her own Imagination 8: Wil 5

or ele (uppoing the ver wor that can

happen) by a naturall ki
or Tranvection, he beingher elf,.in than

ound and confuion that l-acCompaniee

wit out
and wit-all then in the corrupt cavernSof

the dead Body, and yet there being a

continuation thereof with that withour zit -'

is as eay to -underand,'how (that Princi

ple ofjoyning therewith in the Pin/ticl- part _
of the Soule being once excited) he 'will

natural] glide out of the Body into the free

Aire,as how theFire will acend upwards,ot
a Stone fall downwards :-or neither are the
motions of thee meerly Mechanicail, but

vitail or Magicall, that cannot be reolved

into meet Matter, asI hall demonrate in
my Third Book.
6.- And being 'once recoveredfinto
T 2.

27 6

The Immortality

L iB'. II. X

va Ocean of Life, andenible Spirit ofthe .

world, o full ofenlivening Balame; it will

be no wonder ifthe Soule uddainly regain

the ue of her Perccpti-uc faculty, being, as
it were in a moment, regenerate into a natu

rall poWer of Life and Motion, by o happy

a concure of rightly-prepared. Matter for

her Plaicle part vitally to (mite 'withalL

For groer generations are performed in
almoas inconiderable a pace of time;

ifthofe Hiories be true, of extemporary

Sallads, owne and gathered not many hours
before.the meale they are eatenat: and of

theuddain ingendring of Frogs upon the

- '_\ fall ofrain, whole warms whereof that had
1 no Being before, have ap eared with perfect

hape-and livelines in the pace of half an

houre, after ome more unctuous droppings
upon theidry ground z as I nd not duely

recited out of Fallopimcalzger, and others, .

but'have been certainly my elf informed
ofit bythem that have been eye-witnees

thereOf 5 as /'minm alo profees himelf

to have been by his friend Tobannes Gino
thine,- who told him for a certain,that in the

month ofuly' he aw with his own eyes a

drop of rain uddenly turned into a Frog,
' By uch examples as. thee it is evident, that
_ the reaon whyLife is o long a compleating

inTerrerialgenerations, is onely the ag

* _'


CAP. 15.

ofthe Soule.

I '277

gihnes of rthe Matter? the Plaick xPowder

wdrks upon.Wherefore=aSoule,once united,
with Aire, cannot mis of being able, in a
manner in' the twinckling- 'ofan eye, 'to ex

ercie all Percetim fmictians-again, if'there

was ever any - interceation'of them'ihPt-He

aonihment-s ofDeath;--'2-'f ' t 1 "'
: _ -7. Honn the Soule'mtj "live and'a'ct 1epa
rate from the Body, niay.:be eaily under

ood out of what hasbeen 'poken-3 '* But

that he does o de facto, 'there are buttwo
wayes to proveitz the one by the teti
mony ofHiory, the other by Reaon. That
'of Hiory , is either of perons perff
dead, or ofthoe that have been ubject to
Ea-aces, or rather to that.height_'theIr-_e07f
w ic is more properly called &payed/at',

when the Soule does really leave the Body,

and yet return again. OFthislatter ort'is

that example that Pliny recites of Fit-Matin

' ma: Clazdmcnirai, whoe-Soule would-'OFY
. ten quit her Body , and'wander. up "and

down; and after her return tell many-true

oriesowhatz he had een during the time
-o_f-.-her disjunction, The'vame , Maxitwm
Tyrius-and Herodotu: report of Ancus Prol
ctum-ins, ,_ Men-llet Firimn- adjoyns to 'this
. rank that:-narration in Axlus'.Gellim, con;

cerning Onezcirrnelim, aPrie, who in an

Ecaie aw theBattel fought betWixt ca-r
' _-3




The Immortalizy

LrB. II.

and Pompey in Thcaliehis Body being then

atPua'rMz and yet-,could, after his return

_to_ himelf, punctually declare the Time,

Order and -SUCces- of the Eight. That in

.Mtrut of the. weael!- co'miug Out of the
ouldiers mouth When he was aleep, is a
more plain example; whibh, if it were true,

would makeAr-iau his Pigea'n not o much

upected of fabuloty as Plinywould have
it. Severall Relatibns there= are'inthe world

Lo, this eect ,v that cannot but be loudly laughed at byxthem that think the Soule

ineparable 'from the Bodyordinarily

they. eem very ridiculous alo' tozthoe that

think it is eparable, but' asrmly' believe

that, it is never, nor ever cahbe, eparate but
I; :..,;i.;
, .'

8. Bodim has a-very great' deire,'t\6t-'

withanding, it IlSL o ineredibleirvo others,

rxlramhe thing hoe-[rive true; it being o &Vinc'ingan a'rgumim for teSWB Immor
tality. And he thinksthis Truth is evident

from innumer-alnle a examples of the' Ecac: ,

of Witches : 'which we mu' tonfes with

him nor to be natural -, but that they amoimr

to a perfect a'pmpem'w or carrying away the
Sciilevout ofthe Bod ', thiwlly ene of
their maing,\=m1 a'cing ,wnd adoring
[the Devill, and' the unite-all remembrance

that meet
a one
. 'anOther there

CAP. 1-5.

tyme Soule.



at uch a time, will be-no infallible Down'

l'mtion that they were there indeed, while

their Bodies lay at home in Bed. 'Conforf

mity of their Confeons COnCerningthF

ame Conventicle. is onely a hrewd r probat
bility, i it once could be. made good,- that

this leaving their Bodies were, a thing pa'

ible. Forwhen they are out of them, they
are much-what in the ame condition that
other Spirit: are, and can imitate what hape
they pleae -, o that many of thee Tranv _

formations into Wolves and Cats, may be

as likely of the Soule having left thus the

Body, as by the Devils poeing the Body
and transguring it himelf. And whatthee aiery Cats or Wolves uer, --'whether cut:
tings oftheir'limbs, -_or breaking the Begin,

or any uch like michief, that the Witch

in her Bed uers the like, may very, well

arie from' that Magicl- 'Sympatlzj that is.

eated in the Unity of the Spirit of- the
World, and the continuity of the ubtill
Matter dipered throughout. The
vere in ome ene being, as the Stale/er and

Platmz: dene it, one va. entire 'AN-9341.

' 9. Now that this reall Separati ofthe

Soule may happen in ome Ecaiex, will

be eaily admitted, iwe conider that the

Soulein her own Nature is eparaldle ozn

the Body, as being a Subante really._d1"






The Immortalitj


'1 inct thererom -,' and that all Bodies are

alike' penetrable
to her, he
devoid of and
that paable

'which they ordinarily call aZF/Ilum'at, and

therefore can freely lide through any Mat
ter whatoever , without any blot/cing or

remce; and laly, that he does no: o

properly impart Heat and Motion to the
Body,-as Organizationz and therefore when
the'Bodyis well organized,_and there 'be that
- due temper of the Blood, the Heart and '
will be
in replenih't
ome meaure
and and
therewith the-whole.
the - j
out ofirr-lnBody,
which though
cae aving
'the S
it iritof
be perfectly
cannot be
his __ * *

'Mibictm withontSenez though eemingly

as much alive astany animate. Creature in
aldeep leep, Whence it appehrs, that ithe
' -Soulecould71eavethe Body, that he might
t dOe it for a certain time without any detri
ment thereto; that is, o long as he might
well 'live without R epa. Which fullyt an'
Wers their earis,who; conceit that i the
' smile
was but
out of the.
fect Death
1 poible return thither be precluded;

' so.theButSouctii'niay
all the' diculty
is to undertand
from the . i

TCAP. 15.

ofthe Soule." *

28 r

Body, while the Body is in a it condition to

retain her.That is a very great Diculty in
deed, and in a manner impoible for any
power but what is upernatural. But-it is
not hard to conceive that this vital tnes

in the Body may be changed, either by way

of natural Drqfe, or by Art. For Why may
not ome-certain Fermentation in the Body
o alter the Blood and Spirits, that the pow

ers of the Plaiclc part of the Soul may

- _ ceae; to operate, as well as ometimes the
Percepti-ue aculties doe, as in Catalcpier,
Apo lexie5,'and thelike c' Wherefore this
pa ing otheSoul'om o the Body in Sleep',
be ometime
acertain tha:
eae, as wellmay
as that
of the wx'ToBat'au-x,

- tlmtnmlle in their-eep. Now i it hould

happen that ome uch diemper hould,
arie in the Body, as would very much'
change the Vital Congraity thereof for a
time, andin this Paroxym thatother Di-i a

* eae of the Noctambuli hould urprie the

party, his Imagination driving him to walk

to this or that place, his Soul- may very ea

ily be conceived in this looned condition

it lies in, to be able'to leavethe Body, and.

pas in the Aire, as otberlnhabitants ofthat

Element doe, and act the part of eparate
Spirits, and exercie uch Functions of the

V'WUW faculty, as they-do that are qili _


re ea
.__ ':**!__,.c_. .

28 2

The Immortalitj

LlB. Ill

releaed from Terreirial Matter. Onely

here is the dierence, That that damp in

the Body that lo'oned the Union of the

Soul being pent; the Soul,by that natural
Magirle I have more then once intimatedz

will certainly return to the Body, and unite v

with it again as rm as ever.But noman can
when he pleaes pas out of his Body thus,

by the Imperiam of his Will, no more then

he can walk in his Sleep: For this capacity
is preed down more deep into the lower
life ofthe Soul, whither neither the Liberty

of Will, nor free Imagination can reach,

r I. Parian is more likely to take eect

in this cae then either of the other two

Powers, the eat ofPaons 'being originally

in the Heart, which is the chief Fort of thee
lower Facultie's-z and therefore' by their pro

pinquity ca'n more' eaily act upon the r

Principles of Vital Union-he eect ofthee
has been o great, that th ey - have quite car
ried the Soul' out ofthe Body,- asvappears in
undry Hiories-of that-kinde. i, For both
,Sohocler and Dimym the Sicilian Tyrant
died uddainly upon the neWS-of a Tra
gick Victor; as Polym'ra alo a Noble

Woman o 'the Ile of Name, the Poet Plzil

lippides, and;D_iagorm of Under, upon the
like exces of To),

We might adde ex

amples of udden Fegtrand Grief,

' but He?
it *'

i CAP. 15.



needles. It is a-known'and granted Truth,

that Paion has o much power'over the vi

' tal temper of the Body, as to 'make it an uni _
t 'main'on for the' Soul 53 from whence will

necearily follow her diun'ion' from it;

Now if Paiu'will 'o utterly change

theHarm'ony of 'theiood and Spirits, as'

quite to releae the Sbul from the Body by
a perfect Death; why may it not ometime'
act onuthis 'ide that degree, and'onely bring

a preent igtemperiesput ot'which the Body

may' recover, and conequently 'regain the'

Soul hack againy virtue of that Mandam Sympatby I haveo often poke of! = I_2, 'Now of all Paions ivhatevegex
pas OFD-ere is tte for this more harm-_


momentan'y- abl'egation- of the

Soldfrom the Body; becaue the' great

hiength thereOF is o cloely aed with -

the irnagin'aLiOn of departing to the Place

where the ,partyz would be, that "upon dii .
union not amounting to perfect Death, the

_ - power
the Sd'uland
pierce intended
-, 'and
re-v >
turned, may rekindl'e life in the Body to 'the
ame degree it had' 'before it was infeed
this"exees of Deire. This' is thanif any '

thing', that has made dying men viit their'

friends before their departure,at many miles

'siitancsz'cir Bodies l keeping thdrbijk


* '

= -

_C.,\ z


\ The Immortality

LlB. ll.

bed -, and thoe that have been well, 0ive a

viit to their ickriends, of whoe health
they have been over-deirdus and olicitous.
For' this Erha/ie is really of the Soul, and

not of the Blood or Animal Spiiitr z neither

at all.
this Prinin
an . therefore
Sene or into
,ciple is to be reolved that Story whichMar
time: Del-Rio reports ofaLad who, through
the rength of Imagination and Deire of
eeing his Father, fell into an Ec/hzc 5 and
after he came to himelf, condently' ar
med he had een him, and told infallible cit

Zumances of his being preent with

13, That Cardzm and others could fall

into an Ecaie when they pleaed, byorce

Ofmagination and Deire to fall into it,is re<

corded and believed by very grave and o

ber Writers: but whether they could ever '

doe it to a compleat aitpatfeatm, or local di
junction of the<Soul from the Body, I know
none that dare arm', uch- events being
of Naturethen
in the Nacta-mbuli,
ofour Will._ But we cannoc auredly con-_

' (lade but that Art may bring into out own
Fower and ordering that which natural cau-.
es put upon us ometimes without our '

leaves. ,But' whether thoe Oyntmeqtsjof

" "

CAP. 15,

ofthe Soule.

285 \

Witches have any uch eect, or whether '

- thoe unclean Spirits they 'deal with,by their

immediate preence. in their Bodies, cannot

for a time o up res or'alter their Vital'

tne to uch a egree as will. looen the
' Soul, I leave to more curious Inquiitors to

earch after. It is ucient that I have de

monrateda very intelligible poibility of
this actual eparation' without Death pro
perly o called. From whence theperem
ptoryConfeions ofWitches, and the agree

ment of the ory which they tell in eve

ral, as well thoe that are there bodil , as
they that leave their Bodies behinde t em,

epecially when at their return they bring

omething home with them, as a permanent
at theofplace,
it mayoftheir
be all the
their is

no contemptible probability of their being

there indeed where they declare they have
been. For thee are the greate evidences

that can be had in humane aairs : And no

thing,o much as the uppoed Impobil-ity
thereof, has deterred men from believing
the thing to be true. '



28 6

The Immortaligr


x. That Soul: departed commanicate Dreamr,

. z. Example: of Apparitzions of Soals ded

ceaed. 3. Of Apparitions in eld: where
pitcht Battels have heen fought z aa alo of
tho/It in Charahyards, and other va arom


4. _-. That the Sptsz'tna'e oft e Air

may nue/4 oont-rihnte to the ea/ines of the

a pearing of Ghos and Spectres. 5.' A
ir-ther proofthereoffromundry examples.

6. Of Marilius Picinus his appearing af

ter death. 7. With what ort of people
aoh examples as thee avail little. 8. Rea

- ons to perrade the anprejndioed that or

, dinarily t oe Apparitions that hear the
hape and peron ofthe deceaed, are indeed
the Soals ofthem.
I, TH E Examplesv of the Other ort,
wSL of the appearing ofthe Gho I of
'nen after death, are o numerous an re
Fuent in all mens mOUIhS,-> that it may eem
uperuous to particnlarize in any. This

appearing is either by Drea_ms,or o en ,Yzt'on.

In Dreams, as that which Yhapne to Atuen- - '
War' Alhamaron an Arahian Phyitian, to

whom his. lately-deceaed friend uggeed

in his eep a very overain Medicine for
his *


his ore Eyes.

* a the ooute.


Like to this is that in Dia

dom: concerning Iis (hie-en ofuEgypMhom

he reports to have communicated remedies
to the usgyptiam in their leep after her
death, as well as he did when he was alive, '
Of this kinde is alo that memorable ory
of Paia'onius the Stoic/c, concerning two
young men of Arcadia, who being come to
Megmz, and lyingthe one at a Victuallers,
the other in an Inne; he in the Inne while

he was aleep dream'd that his Fellow-tra

veller earnely deired him to come and

help him, as being aaulted by the Victual

ler, and in danger to be killed by him: But

he, 'after he was perfectly awake, nding it

but a Dream,neglected it. r But faln aleep

aEain, his murdered friend appeared to him
t e econd time, beeeching him, that

though he did not hein-him alive, yet he

would ee his Deathz-'i i*evenged z telling

him how the Victualler had-ca his Body
into a Dung-cart, and that if he would get
up timely in the morning, and watch at the

Town-gate, he might thereby dicoYer the

murder: which he did actordingly, and o
aw Juice done on the Murderer. - Nor'
does the rDi-eam make the econd imper
,tinent to our purpoe: For as that might
begftom the rength of Im mation, and

deire of help in the dih' ed Arcadim,

. .


z_ 8 8

The Immartaltctty

LlB . II.

impreed on the spirit ofthe World, and o

tranmitted to his friend aleep (a condition
s itte for uch communicationsz) o it is

lain that this after his Death mu fail', if

is Soul did either ceae to be or to act.
And. therefore it is manie 'that he both

was: and did act, and uggeed this Dream

inrevenge of the Murder.

Of which kinde

there be innite examples, I mean ofMur

ders dicovered by Dreams, the Soul of the
peron murdered eeming-to appear to ome

or other aleep, and to make his complaint

. to them. But Iwill content my elf onely
to adde an Example of Gratitude to this of
Re-venge. As that 'OSimonides, who light
ing by chance on a dead Body by the Sea
de, and out of the ene of Hamanity be
'owing Btirial upon it, was required with a

Dream that aved' his life. For he was 'ad

moniht to deii'rom his Voyage he inten

ded by-Sea,. which the Soul of the deceaed

. told him woUldr bejfozperillous, that it
would hazard the lives of the Paengers."
He believed the Yiion, and abaining was

afe : thoe others that wentuered Ship- '

wrack. .
' ' 2.. We will-adjoyn onely an Example or
two of that other kind of Yiam, which are

ordinarilycalled theA paritions of the dead.

And uch is that which Pliny relates at large '


'. CAP. 16.



in his Epile to Suraik of "an houe haunted

at Athens, and freed by Atlzmodnrur the

Philoopher, after the

of that peron
' that appeared to him-'was-digged up, and
interred with due. olemnity. It is not-a

thing unlikely, that mo houes that 'are

are o chieyl from the Soules of
the deceaed z,'Who='haivze either beenihuk

or ome'way
injured, or like,
have s-And"
hid treaure-'to
are haunted
for the. like caues," 'as
= well
as houes-5

dering ofhis Mother. gzdtlmipudont bfhijd

bed in the night bythe-Gho? obulai
Such inances are inhi'uet-as alo-'whoe
Wherein t the Soule Io'F'one's friend,'='_ippt)@
Father, Mother, 'or Huazmhave- appeared

to give'them good'cotinell; Land tdiinrudz'

them of-thezevent
'oFthe' greate
_ \- their'
life; 1The".GhotX_-cts2
alo' of'Tdbceaed
rrqzorred. to adhare- to
i Lovershavk:
their Parainours,
Bodies; =taking aillxoppontunities to mite:

Bigg! in'Solitudegdv etheezby 'day- or'byI








3. There ., bis-alo. 'bther-mo'reortuitous

occurions,..of thee-deceaed Spirits; o

_ which-onecan giveindaecount,'unles it be;

becaue they nd themelves in a more eay
L . to appear. As Vhaply. itzmay 1


LIB. Il.
in. Fields fater great laughters Id Armies,

andin. publick Bariall-"places, Though ome

wouldridicuiouypnto theeA petitions, '

writhing but t e reck or -

repentant-the Mesjof the rdead, which

tbsyzfancy-Wjllzailzintor the like ature and

! 'hapenththemaittomes from: '-Which
Yet: MJM playes -;thefoolin>as-.weli as Va

'aim-It Bndiothebswiaa lie-does 'alo in his

dcmntofztlme as rmthat appear o or
dhlaxyuin Jjhlm 3 adhere the'lnhabitants

metzdrtirydeseaedzriends in o lively an .
Image; that theyalure them. and-embrace
LhLMTO the-thwerons; not knowi

Mthcirddeath, unles-by their uddain di appearing'ror-t? afterkinformation that they

Wesdaedea . s 'Ihisihe imputes partly to

the Zzickmxa theahire, and artlyeto the

' oulezfendzand
* are o i
ronwas- to cenvere the: thick vaporous
aire'. ino Z_the compleat hape of their-abent
Wdzdewfedzacquaiqtande, and o tperfwade
them-eiyes than-they. ice them, and talk
with them, Whenas it is nOthing elebut
'own Fa'nc Butvmade
it had
My to aye-denied: the. Narratino, then
to give-e ight and xenprobablez reaon of




CAP. 1 6.
o/ the Soule L'
4. That the SPli'itnde of the-Aire in that
place'may contribute omething to the fre
quency othee Spectu, is rational] enough.
For it being more thick,it isxthe more eaily
reduced to a viible coniency: but mu be

haped, net by the fancy of the Spectatour,

(for that were atmonrousipowm but b
the Imagination of the Spir t that actuat

its own Vehicle of that gros- Aire, For' the'

Paine reaon alo in other places thee Ap-*
paritions haply appear oftner in the Night

then. in' the Day', the Aire being more dam

m and thick after the Sun has'ibeen ome
w ile dovm then before; To which alo
that cuome of the Lappimpa people of
Scandia, eems omething to agree i, who,
as Caw Penance relates," are 'very much
haunted with At atirions otheir'deceaed
rien'dsz For w ich trouble they hawe- rid
remedy but 'bury-ing them under there

Hearth, Which Cdemony can have no tra

small-inuence upon thee leman, tune-e

they. hould hereby be. engaged to keep in:

warm'et' aire, de dhnedttentiy 'more raried,

then if they were incerred elewhere; Or ra

ther becaue theirBodTks will eene:- merry
by, thewarmth ofthe hearthz Whenas Other
wie the cqldnes of that Clime wouldper-e'
mit them to be otmd a longer- time,- and

conequently be. tar 'he Soals of the dat

Y 3-


29 2

He Immortality

L 1 B .'l I 1;

'ceaed to have reco'ure' to and replenih

'their Vehicle with uch a Cambinm or gluih
moiure, as will make it 'far eaier to be
commanded into a viible conience,
ct 5. That this acilitates their condition of
appearin , is evident from that known re

coure t ee ineant Spirits have to their

dead B'odies. As is notorious in the Hiory
ofCuntius,which I have et down at large in
my Antidote, Lib. 3. Cap. 9. and of the Si
ie/izm Shoomaker and his Maid in the fore
going Chapter. To which you may adde

what Agrippa writes out of the Crctian An

nals, How there the Catechzmes, that is7the
o the deceaed Husbands, wouldv be
very troubleome to their ives, &endea
vour to lye with them, while they v'could

have any recoure to their dead Bodies.

Which michief therefore was prevented:
by a Law, that if- any Woman-was thus in
feed, the Body o her Husband hould be, 7 *

burnt, and his Heart ruck through withza- _

a peedy
end to thoe;
i irs
Of Cuntius
thOC.Ot_herS caued at: Pmtfcb and Bre-m;
in'SlIe/ia. The like diquietnees are rej-L
ported to have hapned in the year 1-z-67_- at,
Trawtmaw a city of Belle-mia, by -ope;Ste-- '
plzanus Hubemr=, who was zto admiration;

gxown richras Cgntius-pfrgmcz', and



i CAP. _16.

ofthe Soule.


he died, did as much michief to his fellow

.Citizens, For he would ordinarily appear

inthe very hape he was when he was-alive,

i and uch as he met, would alute them with
o cloe embraces, that he caued 'many to
fall ick- and everal to die by the unkinde

huggs he gave them. But burning his Body

rid the Town of the perilous occurations
of this malicious Gobling. All which intan

ces doe 'prove n0t onely the up caring of

Souls after they have left this li e, but alo
that ome thicknin Matter, uch as may be
gor either from Bo ies alive, or lately dead,
or as freh as thoe that are but newly de ad

(as the Body of this Hubemr was, though it

had lyen 20 weeks in the Grave,) or laly

from thick vaporous Air, may facilitate

much their appearing, and o invite them to
play tricks, when they can doe it at o cheap

a rate; though they have little or no end

in doing them,but the pleaing of their own,
either ludicrous, or boierous and domi-z

neering, humour.

w -

6. But of any private peron that ever

appeared upon deign after his death, there
is none did upon a more noble one then that
eximious Platoni, Marlz'm Firimuz Who

having, asBarom'us relates, made, a 'olemn

vow with hisrfellow- Platoni MichaeIMer
t ' atert h ey hd
r*tty warm
a benszpe


The Tmmartalitv-

LIB. Ii. _

diputing of the Immortality of the Soul,

out of the Princi le's of their Maer Plato)
that whether of t em two died r hould
appear to his friend, and give him certain
information of that Truth; (it being Firi

ma his fate to die r, and indeed not long nfterthis mutual reolution) he was mind.

ful ofhis promie when he had left the BO*

dy," For Richard Mmamr being very intent'
at his Studies betimes on a morning, heard
an hore riding by with all peed, and ob

erved that he opped'at his window; and

therewith heard the voice of his friend Firi
nus crying out aloud, 0 Miclmel, Mibael,
wmpmunt illa. Whereupon he uddenly
opened the window, and epying Marilius _
on awhite Steed, called after him; but he
vanih: in his ight. He ent therefore pre
ently to Ftmme to know how May-irre;

did; and underood that he died about that

hour he called at his window, to aure him
of his own and other mens Immortalities. ' -

.7. The Examples I have produced of the

appearing of the Souls ofmen after death,
conider ng how clearly I have demonra
ted thejopembility of them from the Body2
and their capacity of Vital Union with an
pie-ry Vehicle, cannot but have their due
weight of Argument with them that are un

preiudiced. Butas for thoe that have their

. .:
.r t .

'CAL- 16.

ofthe Smite;

. 29; -

minds? enveloped in the dark mi-'ofeith

theimg. that lazy- and Melancholy caying

whichnhus dropt from the care'les 'pen of

thatuncertain Writer Cardan, Orbit magnur

e, (37- mwrha languor', d- amn; na time? ml

mm'n humming-r pomt, will prevail more

with them their all the Stories the ame
Authour writes'oi Apparitiom, or whatever

any one ele can adde untothem. 7 And

Others that doe admit of thee things,'pra
conceptions from Educationz That the Sozul

when he departs this life, is uddenlyeither

watched up into the Cat-lum Bmp rmm, or!

harried down headlong towar'dst e Centre

the Earth,
the Apparitions
of the
of men
them; they always ubitutinv in their
place ome Angel or Devil which mu re
preent'their perons, themelves being not

at leiure to act any uch parth

8.\ But Micomeit and Prejudice, though
it may hinder the forCe of van Argument
vith thoe that are in that manner entang
led, yet Reaon cannot but take place with',

vtlem that are free. To whom I dare apv

pul whether (conidering the aereal Ve->
- hzles ofSouls which are common to them
o that
to: doe
in their
ithey may
f'm themelves; as- alo how congruous


The Immortalitj
LlB. II. ,
it-is, that thoe perons that are mo con
cerned, when itis in their power, hould act

in their own aairs, as in detecting the Mur

therer, in dipoing their eate, in rebuking
injurious Executors, in. viiting and coun
elling their Wives and Children, in fore
' warning them offuch and uch' coures, with

Other matters of like ort, to which you

may adde theprofeon of the S irit thus
appearinO, of being the Soul of uc an one,
as alo the militude of peron z and that
all this adoeisin things very ju and eri
ous, unfit for, aDevil with that care and
kindnes to promote, and as unit for a good
Gfil, it being below o noble a nature to *

fella Li_e,epe_cially 'when the aair may be

as' eectually tranacted withoutit -,) I ay,
I dare appeal to anyone, whether all thee
ut togetherand
tihe vio ence
of prejudice not
' the ballance,._it,wrll ,not be certainly carried

for the Preent caue. and. whether any. in-.

theev Sitories
than-are not
o frequent
to conclude,
where and in. allAges conceming;theGho
ofmenappearingbe but true," that it is tr
alo that it is their Ghos, and that ther

' fore the Souls of men,- ubi and act, aft

they have leftzhee earthly Bodies, '

v '



oftheSa-de. *




1. The reeminenee of Arguments drawn from

Rean aho-ue thoe from Story. 2. The r
ep toward a Demontration of Reaon that
the Soal act: out of her Body, for that he 12:
'an immaterial Subanceeparable there

from. 3 .The eoond'hat the immediate in

ruments for Sene, Motion, and Organi
1ation of the Body, are certain ubtile and.
tenuious Spirits. 4. A comparion betwixt
the Soul in theBody and'the Aereal Genii,

5. Ofthe nature of Daemons from the an'

count of Marcus the Eremite, and how the

Son] is preently uch, having onee left this

Body. 6. An Objection concerning the

Soul: ofrntes : to which 'is anwered, Fir
h may of come?ion -, 7. Secondly, hy con

)Znting the Argumentsfor theformer conte

ion. v8. 'That there os no rational donht at
all of the Humane Soul acting after death.
A further
her acti'vity
of this
Body, Argument
fromct her ofeonicts
while he is in 'it. Io. As alo from the
general hope and heliefofalt Natiens,v that
they/ball live after dent/1.
I, BU T we proceed'now to what is les:

ubject to the evaions and misinte

Frecacions of either the ._Profane or Sap-ere





The IWUO'Tdlity

KL 13. II.

titioae. For none but uch as will profes

themelves nleer Brutes can ca othe De
crees and =Concluions of Philoophy and

Reaon; though they think that in things

ofthis nature they may, with a great deal
ofapplaue and credit, refue the teimony

of other'mens'enes if not of their own:

all Apparition: being with..them nothing but
the rong urprials ofMelanehot and Ima
gination. But they cannot wit that eae
nor credit ilence theDeductions of Reaon,

by aying it is but a Faljaej, unlee they

can hew the Sophim'e :-.which they cannot

doe, where it is not. _

2, To carry on-therefore our preent Ar

gument in a rational way, and by degrees;
we are r to conider, That (according as

already has been clearly demonrated) there

is a Subance in us which is ordinarily cal

led the Soal, really diinct from the Body ,
(for ocherwie how canit be a Subance c')
And therefore it is really and locally epa
rable from the Body. Which is a'very con
iderable ep towards what we aim at,
3. In the neXt place we are to take no
tice, That theimmediare Inrument of the

Soul are thoe tenuious and aereal particles

which they ordinarily call the Spirits -, that
thee are they bytwhich the Soul hears,

foes, feels, imagines, remeinbers,reaons,

" '
. and

bAPJ 7.

ofthe Soule.


and by moving which, or at lea directing

their motion, he moves likewie the Body,

and by uing them, or ome 'ubtile Matter

like them, he either compleats, or at lea

contributesrto the Bodies Organization. vFor

that the Soul-hould be the Vital Arohitect

ofher own houe, that cloe connexion and

ure poeion he is to have of it, diinct

and ecure from the invaion of any Other

7 particular Soul, eems no light Argument.
And yet that while he is exerciing that
Faculty, he may have a more then ordinary

Union or Implicationwith the Spirit of Na

ture, or the Soul.of the World, o far forth
as it is Play/title, eems nor unreafonable : and

therefore is aerted by Hotimn 3- and may

jul be upected to be true, if we attend

to tv e prodigious eects o the Mothers I

magination derived upon the Infant, which

ometimes are vo very great, that, unles he

raied the ,Spirit of Nature into conent,

they might well eem to exceed the ower
ofany Caue. I hall abain from pr ucing
any Examples till the proper place: in the'
mean time Ihope-Iimay be excued from
' any rahnes in this ,agnation of the caue

of thoe many and 'various Signatures. found"

in Nature, oplainly pointing atv uch a._
Principle in the World as-I have intimated<


_ _:

4. Bctutct

3 oo

The Immortality

LiB. II. _

4', But to return, and ca our eye upon

the Subject in hand, It appears from the

two precedentConcluions, that the Soul
Conidered as inveed immediately with this
tenuious Matter we peak of, which is her
inward Vehicle, has very little more die
rence from the aerealGenii, thena man in
a Prion from one that is free. The one can

onely ee, and uck air through the Grates

of the Prion, and mu be annoyed with all
the ench and unwholome fumes of that
ad habitation z whenas the other may walk
and take the freh air, Where he nds it
mo commodious and agreeable, This dif
ference there is betwixt the Geniz' and an
\ incorporated Soal. The Soul, as a man faln

into a deep pit, ,(who can have 'no better

Water, nor Air, nor nolongetenjoyment
of the Sun, and his chearful light and
warmth,then the' meaure and 'quality of the
pit will permit him) o he oute immured

in the Body cannoc enjoy any better Spirits

(in which all her life and comfort conis)

then the conitution of the Body after uch

circuits of concoction can adminier to her.
But thoe Genii'of the Aire, who poes

their Vehicles upon no uch hard terms, if

themelves be not in fault,r_nay by the power
pf their minds accommodate , themelves'

with more pure and impolluted Matter, and

. uch


o the Saide.

get . *

uch as will mare eailyconiire with the no-.

ble and divine functions of their Spiritin.
brief therefore, ifwe conider things aright,

we cannoc abain from rongly urmiing,

that there is no more dierence betwixte.
Soule and an aEreal Genim', then there is be
twixt a Sword in the cabbard and one out.
of it: and that a Soule is but a Genim in the
Body, and a (it-nine a Soule out ofthe Body;v

as the Antients alo have deined, giving

the ame name, as well as'na'ture , promi-z

cuouly to them both,by calling them both

- Awlpoyes, as Ihave elewhere noted.
5.' This is very cononantx-to whattillx'e

ehael Pellzn ets down, from the ingulari

knowledge and uexperierice of Marcia: the'
Eremite, in thee matters, z. who decribes
nature , Spirit
of thee
as being'
and Asian-es,Airez- whence

heare "and ee and feel in every part of their:

Body. Which he makes good by this reai;
on, and wonders at the' ignorance of men .
that doe nor take notice of
viz. nti-[u't
Fiat' was dq'oiiv I yepor To 'rid mazed/astart;
aEMcZ-TSEV 'rein-at; irurdpxav Weiipoe, that. it,

it neither Bones, nor Nerves, no' anygrosoh

voi 'Hepart of-the Body, or ofany Organ.tbere-,z

5, wherehjjhe Soule immediately exit-ries;

thefonctions'of-Senfe 5, hot-'thatit it the. Spi

rit: that are her;neareanditt'vqinimmjf



3 o3

'The Immortalzty

LIB . ll ..

'f thee aemtiank 2 Of' whichlwhen the Bo

dy i's deprived, there is foundno vSenein
1c3-th0ugh 'the-gras Organs'and parts are
in their una coniency, . as'We ee it Syn
cope: and Apoplexies. Which plainly
hewes, thar-the immediate Vehicle ofLie =

are the Spirits z_ and that the Soules con-

nexion with' -the*B6dy is by thee; as the

mdkearned Phyiciansdoe conclude with

one-conent. zWhence it will follow, that

tbisyixmtnm being broke,tb6$oule will be

free om the Bidd-yz and will as num-ally be

carried out oche'co'trnpc carkas that now
hasno harmonys-with the x-Serulez into that
Elemexit that is mate. COgeOUSjO hemhe
irits] Aire,'as"the-Fi-e will mount upwards;

as [have already- noted.And oPtinciples of

LieHeing fuHyr kindled in this thinner- Ve'
hide, he becomes as comPkeat' for Sene

and Action as anyocher-Inhabirams ofthee

aiery regions... qv?


. 15; There-x onely one pervere Objecti

o eayThat
and natmall
is this'z.i
by this Condu
ofrmoning, the Spqks of Brutes, epeci
ally thoe ofthe,
onely trbi, (.

ecter ort, will alo not

th; diculty is con

cocted pretty well klready) buu ako live

after &catch.
itis aTo


HAP. 17.

a] we dame.


i timesmi'ore reaonable that they doe, then

I that' theSonies ofMen 'doe _not.Yet Iwill not
z condently aert, that they doe,or doe nor;
, but ,wiii lightly examine each Hypotheis. p 'And rz, by way of feigned ,tonceon, we

1 Will ay; They doe a, and take notice of the

i Reaon? that. may induce. one to think o.
; Aniong: which two prime ones are thoe
invoiv'edzin the Objection, That they doe
r atevinrnment
ubi. after death
That the
their ;Sitits, as. well as in Man. To which

we may. adde', That for the preent we are

fellow-inhabitants of one and the ame Ele

ment, the Earth, ubject to the ame fate

* ofPire, 'Deiuges and'Earthquakes. That
i it is improbable, that the vapace ofAire '

and Bther, that mube inhabited byliving

Cte'atureghQu-id have none but of one ort,
tbztt=is the/Angeisvot Genii, good or bad.
Forit would eem asrgreata olitude, as if
Men onewere'thelnhabitants oftheEarth,

or Metma'ids' of theSen. That the petiods

of vitail tongruity, wound up in the Nature
of their Soules', by-th'at eternzii Widome
that is the,Cteatres 'ofall things, may be
' of
' r, atcordin to
as the
the Bagg
their eecand'reiatiog
t'equire-s-7 and that o their Decents and
Remrns may' be accordingiy wiger- or



The' Imniortality


ower. That it is more con'ormable ruthe

Divine goodnes to be o then otherwie, i
their natures will permit it: And that their
- exience would be in vain, while they were

deprived o vital operation when they may

conveniently have it. That they would be
no more capable of Salvation in the other
ate, then the are here of Converion.
That the intellectual Inhabitants of theAire
having alo external] and corporeal] Sene,
variety o Objects would doe as well there,
as here among us on Earth. Beides that
Hioryes eem to imply, as i there were
uch kind of aereal. Animalsamong them,

as Dogs, Hores, and the like. And there

fore to be hort, thatthe Soules' breme;
ceae to be alive after' theyare eparate from
this Body, can have no Other reaon, then
Immoralityz the Mother of Ignorant,- ' (that

is, nothing but narrownes of pirit, out o

'over-much elf-love; and contemptofother'

Creatures)tozemboldenfus'o condently to
r 7- This
to o
mkesr'ndeeda plauible

hew, inomuch that i' the Objectibn drove'

one to acknowledge it for Truth, he might

eem-to have very little reaon tto: be a

hamed of it,_' But this Controvery is not
o eaily decided, For though it be plain

that the Soules . of. Beas be Subances




x GAP'. 17.

ofthe ooaita


real-lyieparable iom their Bodiet z'y'ec if

they have but one' Vital. congruity, namely
the Terreridzone, theyzeannm recover
lie in the Aire.- But their'havi one or
two," or more Vital congruities, w oly de

pends upon his Widome 8: counel thatdras

made all things. Beides,the Soals oBrute's'

eem to have amOre paive nature, ther' to

be ableto [manage or. enjoy this1 ecape d
Death, that free and commmding'lmagina'a
tion belonging
to onely:
u's,"as a.- alo.
gination,and.bare Memory-5. w ich' ailing'
them in all likelyhoo-d in the hipwrack of
their Body,- ifthey- could liveLin the. Aire;
they would beginv the World: perfey'on
anew corez-xrwhich isztlittle' ibe'tter then'

Death: o thatthey might zin this e'nezbe

rightly deemed mortalla, our-being (Io-sine.
habitants ofthe ame element, the" Earthzg
proves nothing: 'for by: the ame "reaon,

. WormsandxFleas- hould diveout ofthcin

Borliiegmandhilhes hould "not, whomorv
v'vit ia i At eir'hape,1it=
changed QfZZthere isno neca that thee"

houldbe A
creatures) in Ftheirai'ery
exactly like themelves in- their terrehziails

nues) might act andlivei

the. more nioii

tra ctsutheAirer. [As Mzthekuppoedoe'

litudedaat wimlibe inthe Aieqziweathez





The IMMortaliqy


(not nhjs Minte'ruFor in the lower. Regions.

thereof, will
the' varioub.
of the
, aindSea
erve theObjects
turn. The

up ofthoc cVctalljcircuits ofvital] congru

ity mity indeed pas 'for an ingenious inven
tion', - as ofa thing poible in' the Soulcsof
Bmces :_ bUt,as the Schools ay well, Apo:

ad a: inn win * cnzfequentia. As for that:

'Axgqment from Djruim Goodncf, it not ex
ehldinghis Widom which attempers it elf

not'lien'atures of things, 8c we no: knowing

ehenamiteofztlieoules of Brutes o per-__
fgctlyzas We doe-our own,we cannot o eaily
be aured, from thisnce what will be in this
qach A Mnitian hikes not all rings-at
is it'e'o'
that. every
bling.-, 'neither
in Nature.. at be
time hould
aict :

butwhen itisits Ftp'rn, then touched upon

\ it, IVllIBiVC ids=oundg in the interim in lies

lmc. lAnd oizitzmy be with' xhe Soules of
Bazu'tes for 1- time; epecially when the vitail
tcmex'ofzuvhx andAire and Seazhall fail;

ycaznd'ac ochar Itimes' too," ihnone but In

trvzllxzctual.itipiazicxs.v betnt to mamg'edmali
Veh'irlcs; lznefz indeed, thar t-Salvacion
canl-nozmore belong tp \he.>Sdulcs of Bruzcs
rLheniConvennh -,r: but than is: betide of the

- SMlLSzOEPlazlt$,-z(ithey have my diinct

watheunimx spirit-o-NM) buc

yet-it does-na, Fove xhacznhn Soules o



CAP. "7.

ofthe Soule.


Vegetables hall'live and act" in" Aicry Vehii:

cles," after an Herbe or Tree is dead and

rotten here. 'To thatjof> conveniency of

variety of Objects forthef 'alery Inhabltants
[have anwered already. ' Andfor the Ap
paritions of-Hores, Doggs and theilike;
may be the'transfotmacion
of the ned;
ria Geniiintothee
ha-pes: Whichtltou'gh

it be a ign that thCY'iwpuld not abbot

- from
'the ifue
ociety =0f
they'ma '
the' better 'want them," the _' being'ablc

Well thcmelVes to upply their pacasi

We will briey therefore-conclude , That

from the me'er lightof Reaon it cannot-'lie

infallibly demdnrated, that the Soules/d '

Bmms doe 'not'livc after death', not 'thatit

is any' Incong'ruity in Nature to ay-'they
do. Which isfucient 'to'jen'ervate the pre? *
ent Objectio t' ' 93 . .r_ :z; v ._
H-'f '1
r *8_Bl_1lZ'fOl* -'th'e"lie*'and"activity =of' 't'h'e
soules ofMen' 'out of this; Body; 'allthill'g's
For * it -',' T without
. checkonor*hand-'nooth
op. "For iw'c''ndiu'g
the- 'Aerial

caitif-'o exceeding nearla-kin-to 'u'h' their

Famlticsjve Being'bdthihklltctull CPP-'P *

turdgandi-'b'oth uing the fain;" immediae

jnrfamenofj Sene and Pefc'r tion; town;

kriiad Spirits inomuch' that v'e can ceptre

diGbVei: ally Lanes &Hence-betwixt23

X 2

tiiLZiW I;


A The Immortality


then'there is betwixt a man that is 'naked

and one clad in gros thick cloathing z
it is the mo eay and naturall inference
that can be, to conclude, that when we are

. eparate from the Body, and are inveed

onely in Aire,that we hall be ju- like them,

and have the ame life and activity they

have. 'For though aBrute fall hort ofthis

Priviledge, it ought to be no diheartning

to dszbecaue there is agreatet cognation

betwixt the Intellectual Faculties and the

aiery or cthemtl Vehicle, then there is be
twixt uch Vehicles and thoe more low and
enual] powers c'ommonf to us with Beas.

And we nde, in taking the freh aire, that

the more ne and pure our Spirits are, our
thou hts become the more noble 8t divine,
and t e more purely intellectuall. Nor is the .
' ep greater u wards then downwards :_'For

eeing that w at in us is o Divine and Anq

gelicall may-be 'united with the body' ofa
Brute,(for uch is thisEarthly cloathing)why
_ may not the Soule, notwithanding her ter
triall Congruity oflife,(whichupon new

Wcaonsmayzbe eaily conceived toureeae '

from actingybe united with,the,-Mehicle,of
anAngel t' Sotbat there is nozpuule' at all '
concerning theSoul Tof Man, buethat imineu

diatelyupmDsaith he may aqciateher 'elf

- with thoe; aetiall Inhabitams, ich: timid or Angcls.


9. Which

Cn. 17.

ofthe Soule.


9. Which we may ill be the better a

ured o, if we conider how we have uch

Faculties in "us, as the Soul nds hoppled

and ettered,clouded and obcured b 'her

fatal reidence in this prion of the Bo y. In

omuch that, o far as it is-lawul, he falls
out with it for thoe incommodations that

the mo conrmed brutih health brings'

uually upon her. How her Will mggs
' again the im urity of the Spirits thatir'
up beial Pa ions,(that arernmwithanding

the height and ower ofotherCreatures en

jokyments) and'how many times her whole
li e upon Earth is nothing ele but a perpe*
tual warfare again the reults of her union
with this lump o Earth that is o much
like to other terrerial Animals. Whence

it is plain he nds her elf in a wron con

dition, and that he was created for a etterl
and purer ate; which he could not attain
to, unles he lived out of the' Body-r which
he does in ome ort in divine Ecaies and
Dreams; in which cae he making no ue

of the
but of
the purer
in Bodies
the fourth
Ve i tricle
acts as it were by h elf, and perorms
ome preludiom Exercies , conformable to

thoe in her aiery Vehicle.

10. Adde unto all this, that the Immor

tality of the Soul isthe common,and there


X 3



'The Inimonalitj


fore natural] , hQPQ and expectation-'of-aII

Natibns z there being very few- o barbarous

asnot to hold rit for-a Truth: _;th.ough, it

may be, as,v in. other things, they may bez
oincthing ridiculous in the-manner of ex',

prengthemelws about it; as that

hall retire after Death to pelt a Grave or) - Wood, or beyond uch a Hill,_or unto uch:
an Ian'd, UChBS wasAej/tttj- ,Axtndm, thei:

Iiland where Achilles Gho, was. conceived

touvander, orth-elvde, Fortuna-e, the no:

ted 'Elyian of the Ancients; And yet,it

may be, if we hould 'tell thee of the Crizxm
Erzp'yrmm, ,and compare the height of it,"
an diance frotnthe Earth, and how 'many

blid Orbs mu be' glided-th'rough before a;

Soul can come thither z thee imple Barba-'

rians would think 'as odlyz of the &bate

z it- Opinion as wedo oftheirs rand it may

be. ome more judicious and. agapious Wit.

will laugh at us both alike. ,- Iris-ucient,

that in the main all Nations in a'manner' are
agreed that there is an Imortalityto be cxzj

pacted, as well, as that thereis a Deity to, be

worhipped; though ignorance of circuman

ces makes Religion vary, eyen to Monroq
ty,in many parts of the world. But both
Religion,and the belief of the Reward ofit,

which is a bleed ate after-Death, being

o generally acknowledged by all the Inhaz

' * 'i

' s -i 4




ofthe Soule.


bitants of"_ the Earth-3 it' is =a'piain'TAkgu

men: thatit' is true accbrding to the Light
of Nature, And no: Qhely becaue they-'be

lievg O, but' becaue the vdtro eviou'y

either deire it, or are o- orribly afraid- of

-_.ic,if they odnd much again their Conci

cnces: which; propergievwquld notibe- in

o univerally,
no O'bj'ects
toi'thee 'Faculties,ds I
have elewhere argued in-_t{ie ike caei Wi



\r '\

>_:_I: al

I. That tl'c Faculcics ofour. Soals, and th?

nature of * the imm'diou inrument of
them, the Spirits, doe. o nurlyymbolizc

'viit/lo; ofDzmom, zlmtzit eems reaon-11

able, "fand did not ontp'orpo e hinder it,

/M' they would not fdi to a ontoflm"
earthly: Bad . 2. Or if they would, lnk pom
z' V and wi ome could eaily iwplant 'in their
'w- oence a double or triple Vital Codgzruiny;
to 'me/ce all ure. 3. , A further Almond

- ir-'tion aft/ye pre-m Truth from the Io

'mity of God. 4. An. Anwer to an Objo
. ction .agai;o the foregoing' 'AA'rgiomeom _'

5- A'mbe'r Damian/lution from Hzk, For:

i? ice.:;6,2d Anwer 'to an 0bjrctiom\'7,-AN




-Aamer to another Objection. - 8. Another
Argument from the Fuioe of God. 9. An

. ohjrecti'on anwered; xo. An invincible

_Deo'mm_ m'iow ofa the Soul: Immortalit]
from t eDirv-inc raoodnesf-l '11. A more

particular ehfbemmt of that Argument,

z And who theymrtupon whom it Will' work
; ha; 12. That the nohle and mo/h cutr

: _[uqm'-*Spir-Lilr-'fht mo a-'rable of the

Said- Immarfulityo'. ., '

t _:

I. Bu T nally, to make all ure, let us

comemplate the Nature of God, who

is the Aurho 'anmMaker da things, ac

to things
whoe raierez.created,v
Goodnes, Widome
Power all
on'd are ever

ordered z ' and lethstake pieciaL norice how

mahY=..-.eps IOWZRLI'dSX-this ImmOrtraljty w'e
now 'treat o,x':are*-.impr_eed upon the' very
nature ofthe-soul valreadyg'end'khen eri

ohyconider,ainfbe poble' that the So

morazgk Deity' hould op there-nd oe no

1r'the'r,'wh_en'there-ire o * grear re'a ons, if

perfect our'
exp.ectatidns.= anyxhlingzv
For we have
demdnratedhar theSoul ofman is aSub
ameeactually eeme-able from the' Body, and
thar-an her perations&.1=unct'rons are' im
mediately perkormedg'notby thoe Parts. of
the 'Body-'ther are ofan earthly . 'and gros

** _ .


CAB. 18.
of the-Soule.
3 i;
coniency, buc by what is more aeriall or'
Xthereall, the Vital! and Animal] Spirits;

which are very congenerous to the Vehiz

cles ofthe Angels or Gmii. .Inomuch that ,
if the Divine poiver did but leave Nature
to work of itthoe
might eem
"and very
Faculties in os, (as conformable to the'een

ces or Soules oi'Angels as our Animal Spi3

rits are tO' their Vehicles) if it would not

be an immediate equel of this Priviledge,

that our Soules, once eparate from the Bo
dy, hould act and inform the Aire they are

in with like facility that Other Genii doe,

there being o very little dierence betwixt
both their natures. '


a 1 2. Or if one ingle Plalioh power, in a

Subject o near a-kin to thee aerial people,
will nOt necearily uce for both ates,
certainly it mu be a very little addition

that will help out: and how eay'i it for

that Eternal] Widome to contrive a Souble
or triple Vitall Congruity, to wit, a'criatl
and athcreal, as well as terrelrial, in uch
an Eence, whoe Faculties and pr'operties
doe o plainly ymbolize with thoe puret
Inhabitants 0fb0th the uEfher and Aire?

3, But thisis not all we have to ay. For

if there-be one thing more precious in

the Deity then another, we hall have it all




3 1 4'

The Immwtahty

. L 13, II',

as a ure and infallible pledge of this preent

Truth, That our Soal: toil/not fail toprwe

Immartall. And for my own part,l know no

thing more precious in the'Godhead then
his Veraez'ry, "juice and Goodmf; and all
thee three will aure us and ecure us, that

we hall uain no los or damage by our

de arture out o thee Earthly Bodies, in,

r Life or Eencee For-it were a very

a hivh reproach to that Attribute o God

which we call his Feraeity, he o plainly and
univerally promiing to all the Nation; of

the World, where there is any Religion at

all, ahappy ate after this lie'; if there
hould in reality be no uch thing, to be

expected. For he does not onely connive at

the Errour, if it be one, bynor declaring
a ain it, hould
would, iganother
his preence or- hearing, to tell Other-s t at

heintendedtobeow uch and uch gifts

and revenues upon them, when there was
no uch mattere) but: he has, as a man may

ay on et purpoe indued-men with extra

or inary parts and powers, to z-et this Opi
nion on fooc in the Earth 5 all Prophm and

. -,Worher: of - Miraeles that. have. appeared in

the world, having one way or other aured

toMan-kind this o weighty TruthAn-d the

mot Noblejao Vertuous Spirits in'all asses
2.. .


4 all?


O me oomc. '

3 5 5

hay'q eenthemo. prone to believe it. And thiznot onely out of a ene of their own
Igtez'e; z but' anyone thatever _h%d the hap
pines to experience thee things, may 0b7

erve That that ,Clearnes 85 Puxityoftemx

; per thar mo conis with the. Love-and

'admiration of God and Ver-tue, and all thoe

; divine Accomplihments that' even thoe;

tjhatnever could attaln to them give their;

highe'- approbationof, I ay-,that this more

Henedxtemper of.Minde dgeg. ofit elf bex

gem wotgderful pronenells, ifnot a neceity,E
of-preuming o the. Truth of this; Opinion


we plead for. Andthereore ifit bcgnot truew

God has laid v_:z1_;rai_n inv Nacute, that thq
mo vertuous and pious meq hall be the;
mo ure to be- deceived: Which is a conz

tradiction to his Attribute of remedy. .

4. Nor can the rength of this Argus
ment be evaded by replying, that-God may'
for-, theix
ood,ras His
and tlg-lerefore
mayscontrive uch a naturall Errour as this,

RtO beerviceable for' States and Polities, tq

. 'keep the people in aWe, and orender them

more faithull and governable; I mu con-3
fes that there does reult from this divine;
Truth uch an ueulnes, by the by, for the',

better holding together of Common-weak;

. but. to think that. this is the malt; a; there;





3 '6

The Immortrzlity

LiB. II.

' o, and that there is nothina more in vit then

o, is as Idioticall and Ch'fdih, as to con
clude, that becaue theStars ,- thoe va

lights,doe ome mall oces for us byNight,

that therefore that i's all the meaning of
them, and that they erve for nothing ele.

Beides, there is no Father would tell a Lye

to his Child, if he were furniht with truth
as eectual for his purpoe z and ifhe told

any thin really good, as well as deirable,

to his C ilde, to induce him to Obedience,
ifit lay in his power, he would be ure to
perform his promie. Buc it is in the power
of God to make' good whatever he has
prOpounded or- reward; nor-need he make

ue of any falhood in this matter. Where

fore if he doe', he has les Vcracity then
an ordinary hone man -, which is Ha
ylyemom, and contradictiour to the nature of

the Deity.
5. Again upon point of Juice, God
was engaged to contrive the Nature and'
Order ofthings o, that the Soules' of Men

may live after death, and that the may fare

according to their behaviour ere-upon'
earth, For the Godhead, a's the Philoo
pher calls him , is Nape; ia'o'tAWhs, and
does immutably and inevitablyv diribute
Juice , both Reward and Punihment,
it; the world, But how dicult a thing



a the Soule.

3 17

it is to be good and to live according toVer

tue, the common practie and complaint of
all men doe coneswith one conent z and

that it is exceeding hard to perwade any

one to doe that violenceto their own na
tures, as to endeavour after a due degree

and right ene o Vertue (for Craft and

Policy are eay enough, and Other things
there are that,et again the contrary Vices,
look like Vertues, but are non) But to per

wade to thoe that truly are, is,I ay, ex

ceeding hard, i not impoible, without the
inculcation o this grand concernment, the
State o the Soule after Death, and the Re
ward that will then 'follow a Vertuous life."

Ofwhich hopes ifwe be frnrated by the'

Soules Mortalit z weare defrauded of out

Rewatd, and

od of the honour of fice-r

6.. Nor can-the
form, of this Argument

beenerv-ated b either that-high pretenion

0fStoiam',,T at rannen it
12: 4'
cz'cpr ram-'debt that the very hopes o t is
Immortality, -it being accompanied 'with o;
much joy, ttanquillity and contentment, .
Will countervail all the pain and trouble Of
either acquiring; o'rkeeping cloe to Vertue

once acquired.=. 'For as fOr. the r, 'It is

thing -to'.. s'Ad
and anOther
thin -=
to. practie.
for. mw'pdct,
z =I thin
;.. 3


z- l 8

The Immortalz'ry

LIB. II. i

in the main, that E imrur, who 'placed the

'chiee good in P eaure ,. Philoophized
more -olidly then the paradoxical Stoickr,
Forqueionles that is that which all men

ought to drive at, if they had the true no

tion o it, and knew wherein to place it, or
could arriVe to the pure and mo warran

table ene of it.- But there can be no Bled?

ure, (without a-perect Mitacle) while our

Spirits are diurbed and vitiated by 'ordid

and contemptible ' Poverty ,- by Imprion;
mnts; Sicknees, Tortures, ill Diet, and
a. number of uch Adverit'ies, that thoe
that are the mo exactly "vertuous have
been in-all Agesmo lyableto.xBeides
the'care and vollicitudeofl perpetuall'yfan
their guard,vand
of Ca'lumL
ny and
ation to ee the baenes and vilenes of metrev
tempers, and ugly oblique' zttanactionm of
aairs in the world; Which " inquietudes'
cannOt be-Lavoided: by any lother remedy
but what is as 'il-1. as- the dieae, orzwore,it\
being altogether incompetible to arme-Hei
rpz'mll tenour o'minde z I mean itheir Stoical

xparby z ofWhich the be-that can be aid

is, thatit is a kind of conantt and afe pieceof' Thlldines,iating us onely 'inthe condi
tion ofthoethat are idto- have neither'

Wonenbr lo.j:,<So ppora'rewird is peregux

=2 -.te

&he. 1 i,

- of me dom.

3 39

ted-and direed Vertue of it elf, withoutthe hdpe of future Happines,

_- .7. But toay, the 'Hope thereof without

Enjoy'ment is ai-ucient compenation, is

* like that mockery Plutart'h records ofme

hy/iw towards a Pidler, whom he caued to

play before him, promiing him a reward z

- but when he demanded it of him for his

pains, denied it him, or ratheraid it was
paid already, put-ting him owith this je,
e'Oam/ xpo'vov iutppativts cli'dwr, man. lzarrpe;

ZA-m'wv, i, e. So long a; you pleaed me wit/r

playing, o [on you wjayced your elf with

hoping a e' t 'a reward ia the! jtm-rtreuf

riently paid 'air-rang; Which pieceofinju

rious mirth may e paable in a ludicrous
matter, and from a T rant,where height of
Fortune makes prou and forgetful Morta
lity cbntemn their intirriours: "But in- a;
thing of this nature,that concernsnor onely
this tranient life, but the empioernal dura-=
tion of the Soul,.Iujuice there is unpe'ak

ably grievous 5 and o much the more harh'

and unc'omely, ifwe conider that it is up
poedv to be committed, nOt by a frail earth-3
ly Porentate, (the-'height of whoe Honours

may make him regardles of maller. aairs:

,) the
but like.
by the:
all things as he can any one thing z" and who


, gzo '
The Immortah'ty
is. perfectly and immutably ju, not doing
nor omitting any thing by changeable hu
mours, as it happens in vain Men, but ever

acting according to the trancendent Excel

lency and Holines of his 'o'wn Nature,
r *8. Neither is Divine "Try/fice engaged
onely to reward, but alo zto 'pumiz which
cannor be, unles the Souls o men ubi

aterDcath. 'For there are queionles many

thouands that have committed mo enor
mous Villanies-,perecuted the Good,taking
away their poieiions, liberties, or lives,

a'ddin'g'- ometimes mo barbarous tortures

and reproachful abues; and in all this high?

l-y gratied. 7 their covetounes', ambition

and revenge-,r-nay, it may bethe beiia-'l fero
city oftheir-own pirits, that have pleaed
themelves exceedingly to' bring the truly
religious'inuo digrace, and have laughed'at
all vertuous actions as the ruits'of I no
rance and'Folly z andv yet-for all this. a ave
died in.-peace on ztheir'bed's, after their lives

have been as thick et withal] enual enjoy

ments 'of Honour, Riches and Pleaure, a's
their. Story is with Frauds, Rapin'es, Mur
ders. Sacril'edges, and-whenever crimes the
impiobszboldnes Otllawles perons ,. will
i .l 9. such things as -theezhzippeuipropors

tionably through all the ranks. and _order"s.


UAP. I 8.

V me oome.

32. l

, of men. Nor is it ucient to' reply that

1 their ownConciences,as o many Furies,do
lah them and corch them in this life: For

we peak of inveterate and uccesful wick

ednes, where that Principle is utterl laid
aleep; or if it at any time wake an cry,
the noie of the aairs of the world, and *
z hurry of buines, and continual viits of
friends and atterers, fale inructions a

covetous Pries or mercenary Philoo

phers (who for gain will impudently cor
rupt and pervert borh the Light of Nature
and Sene of Religion) the ound and clatter
. of thee, I ay, will o poes the ear ofthe

properouly wicked, that the voice of con

a cience can be no more heard in this conti

nual tumnlt, then the vagient cries of the

Infant Jupiter amid the rude hues and

dancings of the Cretic/e Carybamcr, and the

tincklin and clahing of their brazen Tar


And therefore i there be no Life

hereafter, the wor of men'have the grea-'

te hareof happines, their paons and

aections being o continually gratied, and

that to the height, in thoe things that are
o agreeable, and, rightly circumantiated,
allowable to humane Nature: uch as are
the weet reection-on the ucces of our
' political management of the aairs of the

World z the generaltribute of Honour and



3 2. 2

'1 he lmmortaltty

LlB . ll.

'repect for our Policy and Wit, and that

ample teimony thereof, our acquiitions
of Power or Riches-7 that great atisfaction
of foiling and bearing down our Enemies,
and obliging and making ure our more er
'viceable Friends z to which nally you may
adde all the variety of Mirth and Paime

that eh and blood 'can entertain it elf

with, from either Mue/e, Wine, or Women.

Io. Thirdly and laly, the Mortality of

the Soulis not onely inconient with the
Veracity and Fuice of God, but alo with

his Gaodmf, the mo overaign and acred

Attribute in the Deity, and which alone is

enough to demonrate, That the Soul of

man cannot perih in Death.

For uppoe

that God had made no promie to us, ei

ther by any extraordinary Prophet, or by
the uggeion ofour own natural Facu'lties,
that we hall belmmortal,and that there was
neitherMerit norDemerit in this life,o that
- all plea from either the Divine Yerarity \or

Juice were quite cut o; his Goadnq'alone

(epecially ifwe conider how capable the
Soul is of after-ubience') is a ucient
aurance that we hall not fail to live after

-Death.For how can that overaign Goodm,

'aed by an omnipotent Knowledge, fail
- -t0contri.veit o; itbeingoinnitely more

.conformable to (his Trancendent Bounty,

- ' z

CctAP. 18.

ofthe Soule.


to' ordain" thus then otherwie r' that' *--is

'to ay, o oon as he created the World, to
make it o compleat, as at'once to bring in'
to Being' not onely' all Corporeal Subance
(according as all men confes' he did) but

aloall Subances Imnidterial or Incorpo

real, and'as many-of them as can partake

of Life,and of enjoyment ofthemelves and
the Univere, to et themu on living-and
working in all'places and' lements that
their Nature is able to- operate in; and
therefore among other Beings ofthe In
tellectual order, that the Souls of men alo,

whereever 'they were,*or ever hould b'e,

- epecially i it werenotlong*ofthemvelves,., r

hould have a dWer of 1'Life and.Modon,-,

and that no ot 'er Nemes-hould 'follow

them 'then what they themelves lay the

trains of -, nor this to utter annihilation,
buc by way of chaiement 'or punihment:

, and that they being of o multifarious a

as to tohave
as are
nearly a-kin
as ctwell as uch
have o cloe an anity withthoe of the
aereal Gem'i and celeial A'ngels, 'that their

Vital Cangruity hould be'as multifarious,

and themelves made capable of'a living

Union with either Celcial, Aerial, or Ter
re/Zrial Vehicles; and that the leaving of

one hould be but the taking up of another, _ . , .


3 24


LIB. II. *

o long as the Elemqnts continue, in their

garnard temper, and as. oon as the Laws of

Generation will permit,

L ,1 1. Thee, and a long eries of other

things cononant to thee, repreent them
' elves to their, vziew that have the favour of
behold-ing the more hidden treaures of the
Divine Bcm'gm'ty, But they being more then

the preent occaion requires, I hall con

tent my elfwith what preciely touches-the
matter in hand, which is, That the Soul of
Man being capable to act after this life in an
Aerial Vehicle, as well as here in an Emb
t) z mid being bettetthat he do live and

act, then that he be idle and ilent in death 5 .

and it depending meerly upon the Will of

God whether he hall or no -, He ordering

the-natures ofthings infallibly according t6
what is be, mu of neceity ordain-that
the Souls of men live and act after death.

This is an unavoidable Deduction of Rea-v

on. to thoe that acknowledge the Being of
God, and rightly. relih that trancendent.
Attribute inthe Divine Nature. For thoe

that have atrue ene thereof, can as hardly deny this Concluon as the Exiten'ce of
the Deity, Nor can they ever be perwa-_

ded, that He who is o perfectly goodin

' himelf, and towhom they have o long adr
liered in faithful obedience and amorous de'

CAiPJ 8.

Otbe Gauls. - -

i; z;

devotion, has made them o' uch a nature, that' when they hope mo to enjoy himz

they hall not be able to enjoy him at all,

nor any thing ele; as_n0t being inacapa.
city to act but in an earthly Body, But to

thoe that be'of'ameet animal' temper, that'

r'elih no love hilt that o'themdves hnd

their own intere, nor A care for any but

thoe' that? are erviceable to them ,, and
wake forvtheik prot, thee' bein prone -

to judge ofGod accotdin to t



nes 'of their OWn_"Spirit, wi Peaily conceit,

' that'Gods ate-Of us and-tendernes over,

uxsi; is ondy'- ppdportiomble to the hufthe reap: by'us-'PL- 'Which is jun'one 'at all.

zed. And therefore this Argumente e

ti'allyzad ll'd the twoformerg though t ey

he undeniablctDe-monration's 'in them
elves; yet'th

"requiring a due'reentment

df'MotalitYz-' -t at is-of Ver-'fth Juice and

,Gobdn'e, inhim that is to= be; petwaded b
them-'3 it wli-* follow, that 'thoe who e

' Middes are 'man blinded and debaed by

Vcez Will'eel lea the force them z and
the Noble/t and mo merous: spirit will be
the mo rmly aure ofthe wem-lit) of

1129- Spulcp . '












. .

- -'

z'i'- BOOXLIII. ',C HAPa.





T') .v'.{t



-* 'YV

;-._1W!21\ thev dat/mer. treawfthc zm 'tile

;..So-, . der.{DMb, and in. mild Method.
z eat-Arguments;til-Praye: that-the Soule is
_ very," Mind vitdlizi-Pi me,-;M4ttcr 0'?

zzzetbferzn zczarkber (Newe-50; Wi; the:

-.; jqmeu 4- . Thgtzzzhe- souk-,sr mal-Let of an.

: ,aiety. And-aethereal Baahxaxzz WKIM 4 ter:

-.- >-r.eri_alk __5 .:;Ibiatbe 'owner-ib Zdi'ekssw

- -.- .'of:-m earthlyv into dnzaeir He. ,ide L/lq

,6. Thamzer .aie,r'y 'Velf'clfht WdP4...cte

'. ScneePleaurFz Mldaixiz '7>- Te

Wax-tie. w of the sovlewerz her asregx t
.L_- Yehiq e Aztlzg_...directiqnjof New/t ir? tc

' zitdfzidtekf- 8- The' wXez-dde




the z/

ter'd -=

Cxzqifkmef Wfe MCJLKHWWZFA my P- =

xzrzzhe Houes Jaw? f rhax Jh! FFW"
'_' of her 361-'KaL-rW/9M Y'ILZPZ-z-Aldlhzff


=.C:Ax10m{lztdl z-

. .=.':*<'iz'\z:.*(::- '.

* U

7, E ha've,I hope, with uhdehidble


evidencedemonrated the lmmor

glxtyzpzthe Souklcjo uch as neither by,



CAP. r.

otbe Soule.


3 37

their ownes ofparts, nor any prejudice of

Immortality, are made incompetent Judges
of the truth ofDemonrations of this kind :

o'that I'have already perfected my Tmain

Deign. But my' own curioity, and the de
ire of gratifying others who love to enter
tain themelves with peculations of this
nature, doe call me out omething further. z
if the very Dignity o the preent Matter l
am upon doth n0t july require me, as, will
be be een after the nihing thereof:

Which is concerning the State qf the Soule

after Death. Wherein though I may' not
haply be able to ix my foot o rmly as in
the foregoing part of this Treatie, yet I

will aert norhing but What' hall be reao

vn'able,though not demonrable, and fat re'
ponderating to whatever hall be alleciged
to the contrary, and in uch clear order and
. Method, that if what I write be nOt worthy
i *_to cOnvince, it hall not be able to deceive
or entangle by perplexednes and obcurityf;

'and therefore I-hall oer'to view at once

the main Principles upon' which I hall build
'the reidue of my Dicoure,
2 -.


. " t.

Y 4-


The Immortality



he Soule eparate ram 'hit Terrerial Bad)

is not releaed m'- ad Vital Union with

a.THis is the general Opinion of the 1'14

twit. Plotimn indeed dients, epe
tially concerning the mo divine Souls, as

i they at la were perfectly unbared of all

Matter, and had no union with any thing
but Godhimel: which I'loolt" upon asa
the urmie
ame , inequality
i fancy
that made
that the
mo degenerate Soules did at la leep in
the bodies of Trees, and grew up meerly

into Play-tal life. Such ictions as thee of

fancyuil men have much depraved the an
cient Cnhhala and acred Doctrine which

the Plttonis themelves doe Profes to be

a-eorapacta or , a holy Tndx'tion received

from the mouth of God or Angels. But

however Platz'ma himelf does not deny but

till the Soule arrive to uch an exceeding

height of purication, that he acts in either

an aiery or pale/tial Body. But that he is
ever'releaed o perfectly from all Matter,
_ow pure oever and tenuious, her condii

tion ofoperating herein this life is a greater







qftheSoule. i .,

7 329

preumption then can be- fetcht from an

" thing,ele,'that he ever is. For we


plainly: that her mo ubtil and mo in-'

tellectnal operations depend upon the tnes
of temper in the-Spirits ; and that 'it is the

nenes and purity. ofthem that invites her;

and enables her to love and look after die ,- -

ruin: and hate-(lected Objects: '-Wl1lCh-kinda

ofMotions, ifhe could exert immediately
by her own proper power and eence, what
hould hinder her but that, having awill, he '

' ' hould bring it to eect, which Yet we nde

cannot if the Spirits be indipoed, Nor

can the Soule well be hindred b the undue

' temper of the Spirits in thee

cts, if they

be of that- nature that they' belong-to the

bare eence ofthe Soule 'quite praecinded

from all Union with Matter, * Por- then as to

thee Acts it is all _one where the Souleis,

thatis, in what Matter he is (and he mu
- be in ome, becaue the Univerei is every

where thick-et, with Matter)'* whethervhe

e raied into the pure regions of the Aire,

\ br plunged down into the foule Recepta-v

_ cles of Earth or- Water -, for her intellcct'ud

actings would be alike in both. >What then
is there imaginable in the Body that can hine
der. her in thee Operations a' Wherefore
it is plain that the nature of the Soule is.
uth,as that ie cannot act but in dependence
' "


The Immortality .


on Matter, and that hernoerations are

ome way brother 'alwaiesl modied' there

by-g And thereforeif the Soule act at ali

after death;= (WhiCh we (have demonrat'ed

he does) itis evident that he i's nOt releaed

from all vita'll union with all-kind of Matter
whatoever: Which is not o'nely the Opi'
nion of theeilmisybm of Ariotle' alo,"

as-may beeailyx gathered out of what

we; have above-cited out >of "him, Lib, 2,

Pa; Beidesg'itfeems a very wilde leap vin

nat-tire, thatztheI Soul of-Man, from being

o deeply and r'nu'cldlly immered into Mat

ter, -as to' 'keep company With Beas', by

vitall'unio- With gros' eh and bones ,

hould o on a fuddain be 'changed, that he
Should non-num; to an' [Matter whato

ever, but acend into an dead-'tus Corn etible

lie-ply to none but God himelf -, unle s there
bwch Crezturs as the Piatgmis call Nq'es
m?" urc'hrdllc. 'This mu eem to any,
in' ierent manvery harh'and incongruous,
epecially ifwe conider what noble Beings
ih'ere are Onthiside the Ndb'i or 'Ne'er-,- that

all-the Pllo'ophers that-'ever 'treated of

them acknowledge to b'e vli-t'ally united With
either aieriai: or' etberea'l Vehicles." For of

this condition" are. all the Gehiz' or- Angels.

it is uicient therefor-'e that the Soule never

7 '


CAP. 1 .

a the Saith.

3; t

exceed the immateriality of thoe orders

of Beings -, the lower ort whereofthat they
.n'aw-*_:a,r'- l_,

are vitally united to Vehicles of Aire, their

ignorance in Nature eems manifely to
bewray. Forjtzhad been an'eay thing, and
more for their credit , to have informed

their followers better in the Myeries of

Nature z but that themelves were ignorantx

cool'd' vto
they were
n0t thus hound
aid bodies. Foltthnn they were not enga-t
gegto move 'with- the whole coure of the'
E-< >':=-*"_ U'*B

Aire,z ,bnt keeping', themelves Reddy,i-as

being diunitedfrom all Matter; they mighe

ina moment' have perceived: Fboth Ille dint-I
inland mutual-mation' of"theoza'db, xand o:
havezaved IhtLCICdZF ofthe-it followers,-l '


by eommnnieati this Theory totherhz the'

Wdnt'ofthe know edgezwherebfpoiles thein
eputcwith them-,Lthat underand. the Sy-Z
ame ofthe-World- -bctt'er:-"lthen thein'zt
elve-s, ' for 'all- theyi boac 'oft-heir Philooai 7

phy,o as ifit: were the Did-"tate of the highxu

c.-At*gel$.- L;-.,-..'.'Z1'.i'


-::I3 J_
Lad-p >

' ';

in," ..,.'


LSL-'Di ;:="






, z': Zxu'v ' *,-J--:=._r:13.r-.-: .=,** Lia;

. 51- die: In" 1 1., um; X) (Wed
' P ct 5 f'rmnoi' '_,':-.'=:17


3; z

772e ImOrtalit)

"' '

A x l 0 M E XXVIIL

Lrn. lll .

There it a Triple Vitall Congruity in the

Soule, namely Either-call, Acrtall, and


Hat this is the common Opinion of

the Platonir,l have above intimated.
That this 0 inion is alo true in it elf, ap
pearsfrom t e. foregoing Axiome. Ofthe
Tcmrial C'ngmit] there can be no doubt z
andas little can there bebnt that at lea

one ofthe othertwo is to be granted,elo

the Soule would be releaed from all vital
union (with Matter after Death. Wherez

for-e he has amiral qtitt'de! at lea. to unite

witbAire; But Aire isa common Recep
tacleofb'ada'nd. good-s: iritsrta'sthe Eatth

. is of all orts of- men an 'rbezq nay indeed

rather ofzth'oe that arein' ome ort or other
bad, then ofg'o'od, v'its it' is upon- Earth;- But
th'e- Soule of Man is capable' of very high?
yenements, even to a condition purely-'And
gelicall. Whence Reaon will judge it r,
and all Antiquity has voced it , Thatv the
Souls of men arrived to uch a due pitch of

Ezcriication mut at la obtain celeial Ve


A X I:

_ Why-le



According to tle: uualcuom: ofNattm, 'be

Soul make: orderly into t/n Vital Con
gruities, not paing from one Extreme to
another without any ay in 'be middle.

His Truth, beides that at r ight

_ it cannot bur eem very reaonable,

according to that known Aphorim, Nature

m faaitalmmz o if it be further exami
ned, the olidity thereofwill more fully ap
pear., For conidering how mall degrees
ofpurication the Souls of almo all men '
' get in this life, even theirs who pas vul
garly for hone and good men,it will plain
ly follow that very few arrive to their ME
tbeml Vehicle immediately upon quitting

their Terrcfrial Bodyz that being a privi

ledge that as. appertained to nOne but v

Noble and Heroical Spirits indeed, ofwhic

Hiory records but very few. . But that
there may be degrees of purity and excel

lency in the Aerial Bodies, is a thing that is

nor to be denied, o that a ju Nem: will
nde out every one after death.


3 34.

'1 be Immortalzty

LiB . 111.

The Soal in her Aerial Vehicle is capable of

. s Sen: Fr'optralj called, andconfeqnently of

6. Pleaure
Pain. appears
from the 27.

' ct

and 28. Axiomes. For thereis a', ne

ccty ofthe reulcing of-Sene from Vital

' Union' of 'the Soul with anyBody whato
ever : ' and-We may remember that the im
' mediate' inrument of sene, even, in this

earthly Body,are the Spts r o' that t-here

canbe nex-doubt ofthis Truth. And- Plea
re'and Pain being the-proper modicati
no that
ipabl-e , there
it is Jbeing
Vehicle; ofvAir are ubject to Pain as Well as
Pleaure, in ghis'Region where ill things are

to be met with as Well as good.

A xi 0 M E 'XXXL
to nor ta/ec
coniderahlezdegrce of, Motion, at yet can
direct the particles moved which may he

pleaes hy the Imperium of her Will,

7. TH E reaonablenes of this Axiome _

may be evinced, partly out ofthe fori



mer z






merz for conidering the bruhines and

anguloity of the parts of the Air, a more

then ordinary Motion or compreve Re

may very well' prove painful to the'Soul,
. and di-harmonious to her touch z-


partly from what we may oberve in our

own Spirits in this Body,which'*we 'can one

' ly direct, nor give Motion to, nor diminih

their Motion by our Imagination or Will,

(for no man can'imagine himelf into-Heat
or Cold, the ure conequences of extraor
dinary M0tion and Re, by willing his Spi
rits to move faer or flower; but he may

direct them into the Organs of pontaneous

, Mocion, and o b moving the groer parts
* of the Body, by t is direction he may pend
* them,*and heat thee parts in the expence of
them z and this is all we can, doe) and

partly from that Divine Providence that

made all things, and meaures out the POW
ers and Paculties of his Creatures accor
ding to his own Widome and Counel, and

therefore has bound that ate of the Soul

to raighter conditions, that is competible

to the bad as well as to the good.

3 3' 6

1 be mare-my-

LIB. 111.;


'Though the Soal can neither eonfer nor tal-e

away any coniderable degree of Motion from
the Matter of her Aier Vehicle, yet no

thing hinder: hat that

may doe both in

' her jEthereal.


H E reaon hereof is,becaue the par

' ticles of her ehthereal Vehicle coni

partly of mooth phaerica-ll Figures, and
partly of tenuious Matter, o exceeding li

quid that it will without any violence c'om

ply to any thing : whenas the Aire, as ma
be oberved in Winde-Guns, has parts o
ubborn and o i, that after they have

been compreed- to uch a certain degree

that the barrel of the Piece grows hot again,

they have n0t lo their hapes nor virtue;

bur likea pring of Steel, liberty being gi
Ven,they return to their natural poure with
that violence that they dicharge a Bullet
with, equal force that Gum-powder does.
Beides that the Goodnes of that Deity on
Whom all Beings depend, may be july

thought to have priviledged the e/ffhereal

Congren'ty of Life (which awakes onely in

perfectly-obedient Souls, uch as may be

trued' as throughly faithful to his Empirelz

CAP. r. i

a] the Soule.


with a larger power then the other, there

being no incompetiblenes in the Subject,
For it is as eaya thing to conceive that

God may endow a Soul with a power of

* moving or reing Matter, as of determi
' ning the motions thereof;
- . ' '... oh


- 'A xi o m a X'xxm
i. The - [ne'er the _ Vehicle it. the more
-. qui-il:
;_:* and,

perfect are. the ,Percepuve Feet-Irn: ofthe





; .

-;-."1_ .. , xt-i.
'zr' . 'IZ

'* rLKJ-J

l 9.' TH E truth of this-awe may'inzaanam

I - . ner cxperie'nceinthis life,wh'ercwii

1 nde that th'c quicknes of Hearingzseemg;

Taing, Smelling, the nimblenes of-Rciniz

uicency, Reaonz-and ailothd Peeeeptim
Iaculties, ate- advanced-or 'abated byzztht
clearnes, or foulnes and-didnes of the Spik

'I ritr ofour Body; and that Oblivion and Soc

,I thies,
tiines or**Waterihnefs,or
arie from their 'thicknns
whatoever other:

' gras coniency. of them z'iwhich dicmi

er removed;- and the Body being replnni'o

ed with good Spirits in ucient plenty

and purity, the Minde recovers her activity

again, remember-s what he had forgot, and

underands whathe was before uncapable
1.; . 'i




The Immortality


of, ees and hears at a greater diance; and

o of the re.
* 'Axr on e XXXIV.
The Soal hae a marvellous Some' of not onely
changing the temper of er AieryVehicle,

hat alo ofthe external hape thereof.

IO. THE truth of 'the r part of this
, Axiome appears from daily expe
rience z' for we may frequently oberve how

rangely the Paions ofthe Mind will work

upon our Spirits in this ate, how Wrath,

andGrief, and Envy will alter the Body, to

ay nothing of other Aections. And a
uredly'the finer the Body is, the more mu

table it is upon this accountu o that the

Pajiiom of the Minde-mu 'needs have' a
vezy great iniiuenceu on the-Souls Aereel
Ye ielez which thoug they cannot change

into any thing but Air,yet they may cha e

this Air into qualicationsas valy d' e

rent as I/'ertae iszfrom rim/sicknes from

and the
of' a Gaol
the _\
Aromatick odour: Of a ourihingfatadi e. : i :

' 11. The truth-of the latter! part is de

monrable from the latterparztzof the 31.
Axiome. . ,Por uppoing a power insthue


b. 7

CAP. 1_.

of the Soule.

33 9

Soul of directing the motions of the pat

ticles of her uid Vehicle, it mu needs fol

low, that he will alo have a power of ha

ping it in ome meaure according to her
own Will and Fancy_ -Tozwhich you may
adde, as no contemptible pledge of this
Truth, Whatis dOne in'thatx kinde by' Oiir'r '

Will and'Fancy 'in this "life fia's, onely-be

caue I will and fancy the' moving of my
zMOUth, Foot, 'Or Fingers, hair-move them, *
Iprovided I have but Spirits} into
,this motion 5 and the whole Vehicle of the

Soul is
in a' manner nothing 'Ele but lSpiiitSg'
in the i
'Womb by thezDeiroaind. Imaginationrofi
the Mother, is ver erviceable for the eyini g

lcing ofzthisz'll'ru't .:. 3but=I:hallpeakfof it

zmore illy-inizitsplace, for; a; :;. -'

-:..-,.= a: ,

1 "i"


(r i

: 'l'.-*"'. '



Jt a rational to thief/r, that a: fame Faealtie: _,

are laid aleep in Death or after Death, o
may awake
' ,that-are: moreutahle
*' i or




a. TH E truth of this-Az'tidrne ap'ears

v . - . 'fromfhence,.That-ourTSoulscome
not by chance; but' are vina'dexbyan All-'Wife '
God, who foreeeingzali' their: ates, has
z z ' ' tted


'1 be Immortalztj


tccgl the Excitatim or Conpjtim ofPow+

ers and -Faculties,_.=ueab}y=.tothe preent

condition they are tobemg;

..- ,A ,-

.. .*


_ ;;

'*{_T-"-'- * 'AxL'OJME X-XXV]._

l'l-.Z ;




Him/yf' Lbc'l'iul Cugnity of the Sad ex.

epic; a mid ym'ad lm'n * wite' movnz'
xz-'r 'but thaMdter be e 'acedby 'my ef- ' *
-4fm'ti41, Drbnmm, 'in zum'cm immdi-'
umlj mqs; r .- ' .
23] 1'.

13; .; His Ja Axiome-is' plain enough' '

5 i:
of itelf at r ight, and the ue;
She-unne may be ghnccd at in. his du:
-- ;
ziTbee are themzlin Trnths I- hall tecum
to, or ac lea uppoe, in my, fall-owing Diquiitions: Others willbe' more eaonabl - \
delivered in the-,-cencinuati0n
* 'i a
" our D' -














*1=-,\*=_';*.:'.'; '* 'CHA'R'

.-.' \

I. of the Dimenions of thi Soul conidered ' '

i' be!

'2. Gffbe Figure yf;

' ef-il! Dmmoqz. re - 3. -'o.f.tbc Hete-,

'4 YQSQWW ef lar- Wane.- , "4;- - afict-Men;
j. Wheccwgmeity
__: [I



oft-be Soule.


diinctfrom 'In Perceptive, " s. of 'be

ning of the? Plaiek 'm in leerfranirzg

yf the Vehicle. 6;" The excellent] of Des

' Cat-ces Ink Philopbyz

7, That the Ve

-hicles "of Ghos led-ye a mue/1 qf olid

corporeal Subance in them a the Bodies

of Men. ' 8. The' fejof the contrary 0

)im'on evinced. 9. The advent' e qtl'e

Soul, r matter 'f Body, in 'In 0' erate,
abwe thi',


I. THat we may now have , a more

clear and determinate-ap' ehenion
of the nature and condition o the Soul
out of the Body, let us r conider her a
while, what he is in her own Eence, with
out any reference to any Body at all,and we

hall nde her a subance extended and i'z-y

dietrible, as may be eaily gathered out
of w at we have W1*itten,'Li6-,t. 64p.3,s,8.

a: 'alo Libn, Cap. 1, ax. And it-is a eaon

able concemplarion here<where we conider
the Soul as having left' this Terrerial Do;"

dy) that he hath asaample, if not more

ample,Dimenians of her-own, then are vi

ible in the Body he has left. WhiChI think

worth taking notice' of; v&hat it may op the
mouths 'ofcheth that, netwlthout reaon,
laugh at' thoe hnconceiVabl'e and ridiculous
5. that r'rahlytake
23 ,.z)ct

34 2

The Immortalizy

Luz. lll'.

away all ExxenmufroimT-Spirits, whether

Soules or Angels, and then di-fputehow

many of them booted and [pur'd- may dance
On a needles point at-Oncei- -Fooleries much

- derogatory to the Truth, and 'that pinch

our erception into. uch an intolerable
reig tnes and .\evanidnes,.that we cannor
imagine any thinge our.own Being; and
if we doe, areprone tpall intozdepair,
or contempt of our elves, ,by'. fancying

our elves uch unconiderable Motcs of the




- '


'it But as it is very nianife. that-the

Soule has Dimenions, and yet n0t innite,

and therefore that' he is necearily bounded

in ome Figure or other z oit- is 'very' un
'certain whether th'erebe any_.pec,uliar Fi
ure natural] to her, anwerable. to animal

Zmpe', or whether , he be of-her 'elf Oeither

i'Round'or Oval gure, but does change

v t IteriSnOt
in this .

Wcion more then, thus, That when the

Soule acts in ette/hid Matter,.her Plzticb

part i-s det'erininedto' the Organization Of

the Body into-humane forme; and in the
Aereal or e/ftbcreaL, thathe'is neither more

nor les determine-die any hape then the

x Gemi or Angels, and thatitheirVehicles

are more naturalljn guidcd. into one hape

z 31' '
then. a

CAP. 2; 'i

ofthe Soule.


then anorher, that hers is in the ame

condition; o that in her viible Vehicle
he will bear the ordinary form of An
gkels, uch a countenance,and o cloathed, as

t eyx
3. That which is more material, Ithink
is more eay to be dened, and that is, whe
ther the Soule be one Homogeneal Subance,
or whether it be in ome manner Heteroge
mal." That the latter is in ome meaure
true, is manie from what we have written
Lib. 2.Ca[. 11. viz. That the Pereepti-ue

faculty reaches not throughout the whole

Soule, but is conned to a certain part,

which we called the Cenm or Eye of the

Soule, as alo her Perceptieve part -, but all

the re Pin/litle. But here aries aurther

Scruple, whether there be not an Hetero

gemity in the very Plaicl- part alo of the

Soule. The Ari/ioteliam; eem tozbc con'

dent there is not, and .doearm,..thatif

the .-T0e Would ee
as- an
as int

doubt Creatures
: For hencewouldrhavecta
it would ol
that ome
glim'mering- o Light all over, they being
ina manner allover tranparent -, and o '

thin and clear Complexions, might hap y

have the perception ofLight betwixt the
lower parts of their Fingers, which are in
.> ,





LIB. Ill.

ram good meaureipellucidz and ctthere

forge: Life and - SpiriTcs being continued from
thdnc'e' to the 'down-ivy, as they are, or to
, the fourth Ventricle" of the Brain, it would
follow that the Soule would have affa

tcptron o ome gzimm'erings ofLighc om

thence, whichw 'e't'occ there as well as


' *


' -"4'.> *Whcrefore it 'eems more rationall to

'admit an Heterogehdity'in the Plaich part

' bFthe-Soule al-o,_and to acknowledge-that

We't'yremovall From the Sea! of 'Commor

'Sknf,khat-is to ay," every Circle that ur '

rounds the Cent'te of the Scule, has not
* gie tame bounds ofp'rower, withe:- for. numb

b'e'r*n6r'ext&nt.: But that as conperniqg the

T6rh1?g,*-' there is a gr'adualfalling o'from
'the r, 'exceHeac-yz which is the' ' P-em iw

Yf-'of-the" Sb'ulcQ *-'the cloe Circ e m

Whfch'Ti-s'thm pan' of the Plpick that is able

Qjecti of Si ht as Well as of
" p'u-zlqd'Hem-hg, fand w. ac ochgr senes

e'fgherd may bein Ithe Soule', "f-The next

MW-mumg iwhow scebcg, though

hou'ti Tohvzjoqcjpreads through

xaih-BpfTin'ics' &Per-'lowe region, which is ex

jc'gmbezy_ che-gvewm; it_ tranmits the ti:

c': thghtiattd'PctCetim 'of-no Objects

gm__t_6cxhac>are=12ctm z_ but to others it

ppczy as' a=agagmgdiqm, ja_sj the Circle;


T ._

i X 1.CA1>.'3..'

oftheSohlr; "

345i m

ofHearing is but as a dead Medium to the

'Objects of Sight. So that if We would
pleae Our Imagination with Firinm,in fart?

Cyiugr the Soule as a Star, we hall doe it

' more perfectly2 if we look upon her in' her
.Circles,as havmgan Hall' about her: For

the, Soule to our Reaon is no more ln

pmgl'zned, then that' Spectacle is to our
- ies; But if we look uPOn the Soule as ever

propendiug to ome per-mall hape, the die

tection of the lit-ick rayes mu then tend
to a kind oforgimization, o. fat as is cou
ducent to the ate the Soule is in, whether

in an Aiery or eftffdl Vehicle, For that

the Pint/firt power omits or chan es as he
is-draw'n forth by the nature oft e Matter :

. he acts upon, is dicOVerable in her Or a:

nimdon ofour Badies here. 'For in all li e

lihood the Soule-in her elzfis as much 'of

one ex as another-5 which makes her ome- A

times igne the Matter with both, but that
' veryeldomc: and therefore" it is manife;
that he omits onepart of her Her/lick power,
and makes ue' of the Other, in almo all

eormations of the Ftt'r. Whence it is

eay to conclude, that upoing her Pin/rie;

power naturally 'work thee/swarm! orAereA-l.
Vehicle into any: Animal hape, -it may put
forth quely uch maks- o the eormatiVe



3 46

The Immartality


vertue as are convenient and becoming 'the

Angelical Nature, But according to-'thi's

Hypotheis haply all Objects of Sene will
not arrive to the Centre of the Soule from
'every part o the Horizon; no not though
'this Organizatio'n were not naturall but
meerly arbitrarious. But be the Soule con
'ceived either bound up thus into anjmal
forme, orvpread looe_into any c'areles

round hape, according as her rayes hall di-z

. play themelves in her Vehicle of Aire or

utber, yet the eat o ght will be duely

rerained, which is a conideration of no,
contemptible conequence.

6. ThiS'in general] may uce concern

ing the very Nature of the Soule it elf, her
Barren/inn and Hcterogemity. I hall- onely
adde to this one Obervable concerning her
Aiery and aft/aereal Vehicle; and then l' hall

decend to more particular diquitions.

Rah aucies and fale deductious from mis
uunderood- Experiments have made ome
very cOndent that there is a Vacuum in
Nature, and'that every Bodyby howmuch

more light it is, o muchdes ubance it

'has in it elf' A'thin'g very. fond 'and irra,
' -tional,at the r ight; to uch as are butini' 4
diErently Well veredv in the incompar-able

Philoophy o Hemms .Drr-Cartes,*whoe'

dexterous wit 'and through; inightinto the '


CAP. 2.

of the Soule.


nature andlawes of Matter, has o perfected

the reaons of thoe Phanomcna, that De
mom'tur, 'Epicurur, Lucretia: and others

have puzzlcd themelves about, that there

eems n0thing now wanting as concerning
that way of Philoophizing, but patience and

an unprejudiced judgment to perue what

he has writ.


7. According therefore to his Philoo- '

phyand the Truth, there is ever as much
Matter or Body in one coniency as ano
_ ther; as for example,there is as muchMatter
in a Cup ofAire as in the ame Cup lled

' with Water, and as much in this Cup of'

Water as if it were 'lled with Lead or
(Lujckilveiu VVhichi take notice of here,

that I may free the imagination of men from

that ordinary and idiocick miapprehenion
which they entertain of Spirits that appear,
as if they were as' evanid and devoid of Sub
ance as thevery hadowes of our Bodies
ca again a Wall, or our Images reected

'from a River or Looking-glas :, and there

' fore from this errour have given them names
accordingly, calling the Ghos of men that

.- preent themelves to them, "Et-Paine and

lbnirie, Image: and Shader. The which, the

more viible they are, they think them the

_* more ubantial; fancying that the Aire is
o condened, that there is no: onely more


348 \

The Immortality i


of it,but alo that [imply there is more Mat

ter or Subance, when it appears thus vii*
ble, then there was in the ame pace before,

'And therefore they mu needs 'conceit that

Death reduces us to a pittiull thin pittance
\ of Being, that our Subance is in a manner

lo, and nothing but a tenuious reck re

mains, no more in proportion to us, then

what a weating hore leaves behind him

as he gallops by in a froy morning, Which

certainly mu bea very lamentable coni- -

deration to uch as love this thick and

plump Body they beare abouc with them,

and are pleaed to conider how many

pounds they outweighedtheir Neighbour
the lat time they were pue in the ballance
' '
8. But ia kindeo dubious Tranparen
cy will demonratc the deicicmy-ofCorpo
, real Subance,aPillar of Cryal will have

les thereof then one o Tobacco-mock;

which though it may be o doubtul and
evanid an object to the Eye, i we try it
- by the Hand, it will prove exdeeding o-v
lid: as alo thee Ghos that are aid to ap
pear in this manner have. proved to them
that have touched them, or have been tone
ehed by them,, For it isa. thing ridxculous
, and unworthy of a Philoopher, to judge

the meagre of corporeal Matter. by wlm it






' LOlbe Soule. 'ct


eems to out ght z for o Air would be no

thing at all: or what it is to our ban-ding

or weighingof it; for o indeeda Cup of
Quickilver would eem to have infinitely

more Matter in. it then one fill'd with An" \

' ' onely, and a veel of Water les when it is'

plung'd under the water in the River, then

when' it is carried in the Air. But we are to
remember, that let Matter be of what confi-3
ency it will, as thin and pure as the ame'

Of a candle, there' is not les of corporeal

Subance therein then there is in the ame. .
dimenions of Silver, Lead, or Gold.

9. So that we need not bemoan the hri

velFd'condition of the deceaed," 'as i they
all Subance'
real i,- ript
and were
clad. tocorpo-'T
themelves as to any Object of Sene. For
they have noles Body then weour elve:

have, one] this Body is far more active

then ours, eing-imore hiritmlr'Zgd, that is
to ay, having greater degrees of Motion
communicated unto it; which the whole'
Matter of the world receives from ome

iritual. Being or other , and therefore in

this regard may be aid the more to ymbolize with thatimmaterial Being, the more' v
Motion' it com'munica'tedzto it':_ 'As it does

alo in that which is the eect. of Motion, to:

wit the temritY and nbtilty'oits particles,


w ere

z so

The Immortality


whereby it-is enabled to imitate, in ome

ort, the proper priviledge of Spirits that _

pas through all Bodies whatoever. TAnd

thee Vehicles of. the Soul', by reaon of'the
tenuity oftheir parts, may well pas thrOugh _
uch Matter
it-be as
not eems
o to impervious,
them.i For

Matter reduced ,to 'uchuid ubtilty 'of par

ticles as' are. inviible, may izwell have en

trance 'through Poresr ' unperceptible.

,is manifethat
the Soul,peaki
inct a - itnatural
by' Death," but is a very'coniderable oainer' ,
thereby.- For-he does not onely 'p leesas
much Bodyasi before, with as full-and olid
dimenions, but has that acceon ca'iin," of

having -thi's Body more invigorated with

Life and; Motion then it ' was formerly,
Which-cOnideration I-could not but take
notice of, that I might thereby expunge that
fale conceit'that adheresro mo' mens fan
cies, of'that e-wmid andarwd condition of
the Other ate; ' * ' 1" -**

. .

T-ZLY'CHAP. 111.
I, T/mtgbc natural abodexof the Soul after


2. Thkt/he-mnn'arquit

9 'be Aerial, Region: till the Ethereal Gon-v





o the Soule.

35' t

w gruicy of life he am/eenediniher. 3. That .

' all Soul: are not in the ame Region of the
Aire. 4. inCardans
the upper
Re of
5. The
u e of this conceit for the

ming the rea

ort of their jeldorne aplttearz'zoguw 6. That

- this' Phaenomenon isfaued hy a more ra

tional Hypcthes. 7. A' further cortcta
tion of Cardans opinion. 8. More tending
to the ame cape. 9. The Original of
Cardans errour concerning the remote aperation: of Dxmons, Io. An ohjection

how Dcemons and Soals eparate can he in

this lower Region, where Wind: and Tentpes are o frequent. 11; A 'preparation
' T to an An 'ver 'from the conideration of the
nature o the Windy,

12, Particular An'

wers to the objection, I 3. Afnrther All-t

fwer fron' the7nat'tre 'at the Statick Fa
cu'lty ofvthe Soul.

14. Another from the

nddain power-of actnating' 'her Vehicle.

5-15', Whatenodmenodatiomhe uer: from

-_ haite, rainicecg
1, .

; *

= '"-.-*-f= IP: '



I. THoe more-particular Enquiriesz-wn

_ _ or , intcnd.-torfall uponzma'y be reduced

to. : thee few-i Heads :* viz-.- The Zplace. of thi.
Sonlsyahvde, ver'e'mlgoyment, and Her 'mond
' conditima terfDeat , 'Thatnhcacezofee

abode; in' e Airezis the contant opinioun?


i 'J



\ The Immortality

Lm_ ]n_

the ancient Philoophers and mtnral The

ologers, who doe unanimouy make that
.Elerpent the Receptacle of Souls departed:
which' therefore they called Johns, that is,

dUus, becaue then deceaed are in a ate of

inviibility,es 'the place they are confinedv to
is an Element utterly inviible of its' nwn
nature, and is accl'oy'd alo With c-a'liginous
mis, and"enveloped by vicitudes-with
the' dark hadow ofthe Bath. Thettruth
of this opinion'of theirs- its-plainly demon
- arableromthezft.
and 31: Axiomes.
1 For
Natuire making nofemrmnusz
jnmps,it- niu
needs ooimtht- eperam Sonls muithke

When' reation in the Aire, becaue' that

Vital Congm'it') that its fern-Aerial man
does of order: awaken immediately' upon
the quitting of the Eartltly fodji- r ...<.> :.x
_- '2, ;WhercF0're'-\_the Sou Being. 'thnstjyi
rally united'with a Body' or Vehicle pf Aire,
it ' i_s impoible frhat'hdhouiddrivebugof
thoe -Regin's,__:. becauesherzmdtionsr are
onely according to the capae'xty oft her. ..Ve
hide, he being not able to alter the coni

ency therecif into any more ubtile or pu<

rer- temper. 'then the Airew'ill ad'mit of,
keejng ill 'ii-5..0wn5pede5L0ne1y hemy

conpiat'e the Aire.

'directing the imo?
, 'tie-il thered: tdms her; and' ciquieiting

out" 'a conider-'able 'part n-the r: 'and 'ea

'- - 3


CAP. 3.-

ofthe Soule;

' 35;

cond Element may retain more Aire then

ordinary: But-'he cannok'comemand the Air
_ ftdm her d- entirely, as tti'actutzte thee two
Elements alone, or Any condekabte part of
them, beeauIetbegAIMen-M congrony of
hfe'is as yet wholy aleep; nor is it inthe

power d the Soul to awaken tas he ptea-a

ee 2 and'thetefoce it would be Pain and
Death to her to attempt the remov'd ofthe'
aeeial-Maftct quite'rom her. Beideg that

it Would require uch 2 force-as Wonldlimg"

ply a contrihut'ion'- Of Wti'on' to' it, as" Well
a's direction' &in-tomake it' able' to beste

again other pert-w the Aire' that l'oVe not:

to'bere'tghinednb't cronde'dswhich thoug

it _ may haply'- be' done in- owmeure, Yet?

that'e meyny thiSfdtce'GE dtreaiatea ' cover a Wh'ole'Vehicl'e ofa-steer, eemed;

ceveIY tirp bbbkr 'at-'is plain from the
grixiomei. '.

- ..'z


.' .

' '3. -Wherefore' it let ne'eehry that the

Soul departedthis'lie hbuld' be omewhere,

in the Aire,- thmgghit' be' not n'e- allTnecearY'?
that they hould -inhabie all of their the

ame Region chereo-'Pot ashme Son-is

are more puried-'thenmhets' When' they'

leave' the Body, o amote pure degree of
Vital Congrne'ty will awake in them: Whence
bythat Divine Ne'ne' zs'thaf'kuns thfoughi ,

all things, they'ww,

. x-

nXm-any conWYe-di '



354. .

The Ymmortality


touch places,,_and_be aociated to uch

cOmpany as is moi congruous to their Na
ture z and willbe, as diinctly orted by
- that eternal Juice that God has o deeply
ingrated in the very eential contexture o
theuniverE,a.S humnneLnwsv dipoe o er-.

Aons with us, ending ome to Prions, ome

to Pe-houes,and others to the Prytanettm.
_ 4. -It will'thereore, in all likelihood, fall

to 'ome of their, hares to be fatally ette

' red to this lower Region of, the Aire, as I
doubt not but many other, Spirits are z
thou gh. Cardan much pleaes himelf with a

peculiar conceit o his own,as ifthe upreme

Region o the Aire was the onely habita

tionof all Dan-ons or Spirits-whatever, and

that their decent to us is as rare as the di

ving of Men into the bottome o the Sea,

and almo as dicult, this thick Aire we

i breathe in being in a manner as unutable
to their tenuious coniencies as the Water
is to us; in which we are fain to hold our

breath, and conequently to make a very

z hort a in that Element. Beides that he

,-fancies t e paa e of the Middle Region

tedious to them, y reaon of its Coldnes z

which therefore he aith is_ as it were a fence

betwixt us and-them, as the Sea is betwixt.
the Fihes andand
u-s zIndury,
whom though
we aexceed
i .muCh.-in_Wit
and have




C.AP-. 3 . '*

the Soule.


dei're tovcatch them and 'kill them, yetzwe

get very few-into our hadds in compaeioxt

ofthoethac cape us :; And' o thee 'De-1
mans,- though they bear-us no good will, byv
bodily conict they can-hilt: none of- uS-(as-F

being o, dicult a thing-to, come at >us).-and?

* very few of usiby thC'lLAl't and I'nd'ury;

u For'- this 'fancyfull Philoopher will;ha;v,e;

_ them onely attempt us zaswedo the Fihesh
by Baits, and,Nets-,- andEel-pears, Orlcha
like Engineswhch we. cat imo the bottom
of the Wade's-,- S'o thee aerial Gnu'i, keep-v
(asx we
doe onthe

River, or-'in a-Boat onthe Seazwheh we h):

by: ending down Dxeams a'nd 'Apparitions,.

may entangle ome mejhz ithatzby arigbt-:
'ments and diurbances of minde at la,

though at this diance; thry- ay work:

their 'ruineand deh'uctiotlsx


5. This Hypotheis, .I, ugpoe, h'e has.

framed cozgive an account w Who a' pea-.

,- ring-of the (int-ii is o eldomee andw. yo;

little hurt is done by them-'as 'there is. For?
an Anwer would be read. -,. that this' lower:

Aire is no, Elbmcnt; for t em- to abidexin a.

and that' it i's asoclihly, argued by thoe
_ * that aty there-are no spirits, becaue theyare o eldome, een, as if-the*.Fihes-, upon a

to more
A a z


The Immmczlitj

LlB .lll.

mnteTribe, hould generally conclude, that'

there are no uch Creatures as Men or Hor
esg'becaue it happens o very eldome that
they can ee them z and hould contemn and

laughrat thoe Fihes that, having had the

hap to meet withithem,hould ay they have

een uch Creatures, as if they were am

not and
in their
or ele
the wits,
con- 'trived uch ctions for omepolitical eign,

-6.'Which Parable may hold good,though

noruon the ame grounds, onely by ub

ituting 'dierence- * condition for dcam

of place; and the lmilitnde will prove as
ound as bef0re.- For, for a Spirit to con
denate his Vehicle to almo a Terrerial

grosnes and Vibility, isas rare and un

couch as for Terrerial animals to dive to

theibmtorn of the Sea, andius likely every

joc as dicult : and o 'the reaon as obvious

why 'o few are een, & the condent denial

of their exience as rah and foolih,by them \
that'have nOt-een them themelves. _For it
is as if the Fihes. hould conte among

themelves about the exienc-e of Men, and'

their diving into the Water, and whether
rherevwere any places. haunted in- the Sex; A:
. S't-h0e- wouldzb'e-the mo famous where

they h for Pearls, or that- caue the mot

frequent Shipwracks, or: arecmowpleaams

t; 2 .


CAP. g.

Soule. '


to wimin. - And ome nomble occaion,

-miChGCi-ctOfTWdgh\y deign, uch as oc

.zcurre more stately, mut be reaonably con
ceived the onely invitementsto the. Genii to
7. That there to
is, o
view.hurt> done,
-:z.= by
-.them',rneed oathe reolved-into thedrbanee

of their habitation, but into the Law ofthe

univera, whoe force enetrates through

7all orders of Beings. B idea, it- is too trivial.
.ad\idi_0tidt aconceit, &Far-below- the pixch

ofa Philefopher, to thinkthat all-Aetial

'Spirits are'lintdrs of M'ankinde,:o NLSJO

take delight meerly in deroyin chew-Pot

"Men do netzhate Fihes-becau e theyz live

sin " anorher-- Blement dierent from theitzs,

.- but CatCh*hm'meCflY\il] love to- them

velves,.orgain and food-e, 'which the aier'y.
; aem'i canot; aim, at indetmying of WHEN:
(to doeMiche meerly fer Michies. ake,

o 'mevez an WMiCYz that oule

'doubt whet-herd: be competible to any JU

ztellectuaucing. And'therefore Cardm ought

ztohave-proived that rt: 'as-alo, ifrthere' -

I beany o e'zttremely degenerate, than-here

abe; many: of them,* 701' 'rather o many-"A that

'-. they cannmheawed by the number of thoe

that are les depraved. For we may obewe
xthan lnen- among our elves- that are uciz
'ently wicked-,yet they abbot-very mathmrn

Aa 3

, 'FhOG

' 3558

The Immortaiity

LIB'. Ill .

.' there' 'things that aregrrofsly &eiu'ey de

ructive to eithelrMzn oreazathem'elves

-W0uld- help' to detroy, p'unihz'zori at lea

Khi'nder' the attemper; of uch-wild 8: exor

bitant, outrage-5 'that havev Tnctor pretence' of

'Real-"on, but are aI'hed-T exercie jof Cruelty '
and=Vexation=t1dother2 Creatures; =He alo
* ought-to'have 'dEhOntatqdj than? all Man
1 kihd are' n'ot- _? t-h'eflfctplinmx off ome Spirit-s

lor-other, and thavt-it-here-'iitfe hot inviible

{iGoi/ernoms'r oiNition-sz "Citieezi Families, '

-'--andf'oihetime purtieulaMen' grand-than
'(letilealla-Politituli'v-Gaodmjfkb'ias 'LfePYES

'IQSr-tiie' aetyaofehibns = and: whatlbeloirgls

'3 'to them, it' not egceedinglyzmow prevalerit

eleven' in- thee Kingiimms me Ft'heuAirez' then

Yet-e? Ijkiije; Fonj'a'lit-t'hisrmaz' he on this

Yde of the' Divine-Life ezsathat'thereidho

Jlfe'er'e' of makingbthee':aerizaltslnhahitals
&over- perfect' ley-'this Suppotiohi'n'a word,
1?- 'i'n
'he 't-'he
Exertie i-therqiof;
did rnot Ordeir,
3 fromHt-wen' '-tO'-->E2"_*th, and'pier'cer imo-che'
' 'Mbterrancou Reginii alo', iifwheye. be? any
' v'atn'tlvllectual creature: therez"=*-For>thislwil

T' Y-u'ce to give-a- reaonjtha't.-h little. v hurt is

i S"done , * thought'iill'uplaces "bectnllhofu'lerctz'al

'ir 'KFFI _

i "rw . * -' er" . ',

- a 8; Adde'unto ell this; thatthough the

' may
evi- l
3 not be:F__permitted
' doei ' 'grosthan;


ofthe Soule.


them.elves,and to kill men at pleaure with;

out their Fonents, yet they may abet them'

it-uch Wayes , or invite them to'=nch

coures, as will prove deructive to them:
but, it may be, with no greater lot 'then
We have when we et Doggs toget er by the

'eares,ght Cocks, bait: Beares 'and Bulls, .

'run Hores, and the lik'e z where oten',by
our occaion, as being excited and animated

by us', they purue their own inclinations',

'to the los of their lives', =Butthoughwe
doe n0t care'to 'killa Dog'or aCock'in
thisway 5 et'there is none o barbarous
as to knock thee Creatures' To'n 'X the head

meerly becaue- they will doel'o; $o thee

worer kind 'of Genii,*aetording as their
-tempers 'are,-may haply'lfollow ome men

rone to uch or' uch Vices," in which they

may'drivel them in way of conte, or to

pleae' their-'own 'fancies,' to' the utmo th'e-y

can doe in it z and', taking their parts, port

themelves in- making one man overcome

' another in duelling , in' drinking, in craft
and undermining, in wenching, in getting
riches, in clambering to honours z and o of
the-re. A _Where it may be their paime't'o

try the Victory of that Peron they have

t'a 'en to 5 and- ifhe perih by the hurry of

their temptations and animations , it is a

thing they intended no more, it may be,
Aa 4



zhmhq ther.- ensxia


nue. Woe-MAN

ins;- hzs znnck hould e bkj


Men o,;he qsroaw le-much all-hew O

sazzs, And <0{6:hFcr".5-Wr,1$5 maze

Mzmxchtefewzghzm the

in KING-3'

zing man that. act Luzzchough haply they

pen-hat. take Fleam-e' 15; dmng._of 'U HPQQ -

qaymher Man-es

xfthLY: fill-i, am We

m. des: ib. Maximus o 'WHIL- WZWYN

PYQS 9Y1er..@chmn>.*, Pox Fhpc. MRUFZ zLpgwy

mad; MPJUH'PF Mint-'i Iwyz And WY

asdpjy.,recngm as' dle-vNM-OMPH .
&aws-NNW be MOFdCCPWr_, - ' z
'15.92, Bnufxheiezazumw zx'emqvsd
o. far K as ,CM-mwosdd hzvzzxhnp ldP-f
nex. [whom zxhcmz-couldxhawc any NNW.
all-With" ,' Wdoe-znszeuh-er good

WJPEL'EOFILIS; y arezabluepo end-AL

wrMOaMmDmi: Uithl:

45 w

elfbnqa Dreamspszcacd From cha; Exit

God. andrfrhe Imellzgctnccz
act. frqm
- IQWVMFFBNM,,dzfd produce all
z-hefc Was owl-azure below-zes- uch ascag A
Spirit be
of Lifrtbac
donsbut. ' pet-va-des
by a Ptsac

. 19. This Weifthemfwfhis AHJF

an, Mdranzx-reo Mr cpnchdhg; Tlzax- Ighl
Lqzver Bastard a zche Aif'lsga replsmhz

Mix Pmmz: Wbishiz: itisw "V



Cum-3 .*
\ of the Soul',
likely, but Lint. the impair-es
'Fine-ye alo 5 Whough-I have taken all this

Wze xiag illgneater trouble. UPQB'WY

elf, for it is Qbvions to object zt-ha'; which
Lucretia' hasM-tsd EOMJhHC-thi Region
bfiag- o obnoxizoustowmdesami cempes,
pc Souls will not be able to kcep'thgit

NhielcspfAjrcabout. them, but that they

wAl-bc blpwa mPmQas-byzme ymughncs of
IFTG'ROWQLBQS w may be wily delivered
ofzth hlicuadc, ifwecaaiderv'dle man;

pthe WivdWb-e. nature, of thswdaichm

511.? SWWF

WET; ofthe 80uLe.-= For toay

xhwilma esagood hit-as thema Hem;

is awfully atisfyenh'a pun woxd

zlh willingly 'Ud'dx haw-che Gut-'i

themelves JWBQFXUGMBI zthisinconvmir

My ,AQMEF pha-efore hall. reach bothe
11. Tbzindeq arc..'nmhil.lg ele but
Wgcery part'xclcs'at- cheirgrpate-agimion,

atte/34.' has very Tandfomqly fdemonrar

Mix! his Metrw which

tricks doe

99? o much drive, she Airh: oxe. themzas

Pas throw" zing zsaight ofairowes and
howers ogilesorx-rainn One part ofthc

Aire chcrcorwoc driven om another a

but it if; as ifwe hould -'conseivc o medy
Lime pigccs ofhnire twirliqg on their mid?
dle Foin; as a; quarzer-ac,- and: o: pans

xlwah xhs Akszwbish When wouldgas.

-_ "




The Immortality - LIB. Ill.

hee, without carrying the Aire alongwith

ie.- This therefore 'being'v'fhe nature'of
'Winde, the Aic'e is not torn aieces 'there
by, though we nde the impair: ofit move;
ing again us, becaue it lcahnoc Penetrate

on: Bodies-with that facility that it does

the Aire,
- 1'
12. Butthe Vehicle: of the aenii and

\ SOUIS deceaed are much-what of the very

nature ofthe-Aire; wbcnceit is lainlyimr
poible that the Winde'houl have any
'oeher force on them, 'then what it has'on
and therefore
vivill hold
all che'p'arts

xogecher. which is true' alo if the Win'de

didearry along the Aire with it : for then

the 'Vehidegdthe Gem'i would movelaldng

With-the regmziuering little or no'b
'lence a: all; unles they would force themz

felvesagainl-ic; 'Which they-are n'ot nEee

ieatedto dOEz'a-s- indeed "noeo much_as_ to
\ X it,
cominue in'
Creatures-dog in ho'ues, behind walls, in
woods,7dales, cdherns, tocks 'and 'other obj
vious places-3' and that mawtely enough,

the' changeof 'Wire and *Pr0gn0ickbf

orms being more perceptible to them 'then

to any'terrerial animal. -- i
' < ".' Is? And ye: they need no: be o cauti


CAP. 3.

oft/Je Soule.


oustokeep out o danger, they havinga

power to grapple with the greate ofit,

which is their Smith faculty z which aries

from the power of directing the mation of
the'particles of (their Vehicle.- "For, they
having this power vof directino the motion
-ofthee particles which way they pleae,- by
'AXiom'e 31. Liti'ln'ecearily followes , that
z-theyx can determinate their. coure inwards;
orftowiard the centre;v by: Which-direction
Jhey'wi be all
cloe. together, rm
r- whiehabilityl call Ille State-"X
ipowem'f che-Sduift. Which ifit c'an dire'ct -

rthewholetagitation- 'ofthe particles of the

' Vehicle, a'a well thoe of the r'andccond
-Eletnentr'as .- thoeofthe Aire; and that part?
Jy>tgvuards the Cedt're, and partly ina couny

-tertende'ney again, the orme, this:- force

and rmnes wlllzbe'ar above' the-'rew
ge;1 windes that he can pobly meet
Wlt .
*"'17}T"Wherefore the Soules'Vehicle is in

no danger from; the boi-orounes of the

Winds, and i it were, yet there is no fear

xocea'tion ovLie For as'the.Wind blowes

oone. part of Aire, it bring-son' another

which 'may be immediately actuated by the

preence. of the soule; though there be no

need'totake refuge in' o large an Hy'pothe-v

_ s. And it ismQrePrQbablL that he is more


Tbe Immortality

LIB. ill. X

peculiarly united to one part of theAire z

then another, and that heidi'mies her 'Ve-

hicle but by degrees, as our Spirits leaur-ely z

pas away by inenble Perpiration;

15. We ee how little the Soals Vehicle

Rain, Haile, nowi
will mcommodate her till. les. For they
pas as they doe through ' other parts of
the Aire, which cloe again immediately,

and leave neither wound nor carre behinde

them. Wherefore all thee Meteors in their
Mediocrity may bea pleaureto her and
refrehment-,and in their exces no long pain,
nor in their highe rage any deruction: of
life at all. From whence we may afely: con
clude, that not onely the Upper Region,
but this: Lower alo , may be inhabited

both by' the deceaed Soul: ofMcn and by


2: a .

If? *-'*' '-V wi'


-" - '- T' ,-.-7*

"3 ,'M


"heir."- ' CAp: W_ - a 'rub





v-I. That the Soule out [ruling quitted th'


earthly-Body became: a Deemeth-a a, vof

'- 'tbe Exuma Senes 'of-'be Soule epa

rate, their 'number and limita in the Fe
ln'dc. 3. of'Stghtin 4 which organie

'zed and unorganized, 4..Hm 'Dremonz



an. .

CAP.4, *

ofthe' Soule.

36 5

hear itandfte
a va
is thatat though
they mayt

hear oree m, me 'my 'ei

theree no' hear them,

5. That they hove

4: wed at: Sight. 6, of the

Touch, smell', Ta, mdNourihmen-t of
Daemons. 75. The: external employ-ent
, that the Genii wdSmd: detezZedm-zy have
the'Bady. 8. That t e actions- q"
S arate Sozls, in referenceta as, are mat
w at canformahle tathee" life here anEa'th.
9, What their entertam'eem: are in'refe- *
rence to themelves. lo. The diinction

oforders' qf Daemons from the plate: they

1. Time
H E isnexc
we areofto thlhqwul
the thi
after Death z how he can entertain her elf,

and pas away the time, and that either in

Solitmle, in Cmpany, or as he isafeliticd
memher of ame Kingdom or Empire. Con- .
cerning all which in the general we may
conclude, that it is with her as with the re

ofthe Aerial Gem'i, a? 33 +uxh WMMW

3 a Young/My U', for the Soulv having'

once put o thi: terrerial Bath became: a Ge--'

nius her elf z as Maximus Tyrius, Xenotra

tex, Phila and. others exptey arm. Buc

we hall conider
thee. things. more parti
_ malady,
z- As


The Immortality

- L13.ll[. i

' 23- As.for,thoe employments wherewith

he ma entertain her elf'in olitttde, they
are' eit erohjects of the 'External Senes', or
of the InwardMinde. Concerning the for
mer. whereof it is more eaie to move (Lie

ions then atisy them z* as Whether he

have the ame number of; Senes he had-'in

this life; - That he is endued with Hearing,

sight- mid-Touch, I think' there can be no
cruple, becaue thee ,lwill fall to her hare
necearily, Whether her 'Vehicle be organi

zed or not 5 and that ofSeeing 'and Touch is

the mo imc'ontrovertible'ofall. For the
ene of viible Objects ' being dicovered to
us by tranmion of Motion through thoe
Spherical particles that are continued along
from the Object through' 'the Aire to :o_urz

very. Organ-of Sight (which ees meerly b

reaon of thee particles vi-tally united wit
the Soul) the ame particles: pervading 'all
the Souls-Vehicle, it is impoible bllt that'
he hould ee. But the Weion is, whe
ther he ees in every part thereof. - To
which I mu anwer, No : partly fromwhat
I have alr'ead declared concerning the He.- '
terogemity of her' Plait/e part z and partly

'from a gros inconvenience , that would fol

low this Suppoition. For if we hould grant a
that the Soul aw in every part of her' Ve

hicle, every' Object that; is near would not.

. .
' onely.

CAP.4. .

'ofthe Soule.


onely eem. double, but centuple, or mille

cuplez which would be a very ugly enormity.
and deacement of Sight. Wherefore we
have, with very good reaon, rerained the

Vtji-uefacttlty of the Soul in this ate ofSe

parczirtion, as well as it was in the Terrerial
this hinders norhing but that the

Soul ,when he lies in one Homogeneal orb of

Aire, devoid oforganization, may ee round
about her, behinde, before, above, beneath,
and every way. But ifhe organize her Ve
hicle, Sight may haply be rerain'd, as in us

who cannot ee behinde us. Which Coni

deration we toucht upon before,

4. It is plain therefore that thee Aerial

Spirits, though we cannot ee them, cannOt
mis of eeing us z and that, it may be, from

a might diance, i they can transform

their Vehicle, or the Organ of Sight, into
ome uch advantageous Figure as is

wrought in Dioptrick Glaes. Which

power will innitely exceed the contractin
and dilating of the pupil of our Eye, whic
yet is a weaker and more deectuous at
tempt towards o high a Priviledge as we
peak of: which notwithanding may eem
very poible in Spirits, from 31. and 34.,
Axiomes. 'The ame alo may be aid of
their Hearing. For the ame principle may.




'ena e

36 3
The Immartalit)
enable them tohape themelves Organs for'
the receiving' of Sound', of 'greater- art and

excellency then the mo accurate Arm/Eith

we read of or can excogitate. Wherefore'it

is a veryc 'ldih miake to think, that he

daue weneither ee the hape' nor heart-he
dicoure of Spirits, that they neither hear
nor ee "us, Poroft Bodies areimpreble
atd ones, but nor on the contrary; as'
melted Wart-will receive thev Signature of

the Soal, but the Seat is not at' all i'mpreed?

upcm b the-Wax. And o'a olid Body will

op t e coure' of the Aire, but the-Aire,
willnot Ropt'he coure of a- 'olid Body;
and every inconiderable' terrerial coni

ency will reect Light,- but Light ca'tce

\ moves any terrerial Body
of its place,
" but-is rebounded-back by it. That therefore

that is mo! tenuious and'tliinl, is mo pa

iven'd therefore if' it be ome the Vehicle'

of Sene', is m'ok-'enib'le Whence it 'will

follow, that' the reexion vof Light frbtn'Obw
jects being able'tom'ove our O'rg'anszthat are"

, not o ne, they will more necearily moVe

thoe of the Gem'i, andlat'a great-er' diance;-.
But their Bodies being' of dihyhamm Aire',

it is impoible for us to ee them, unles

give themelves
the trouble o re .
. . they
a' more terrdfrielcttoniwcyz

Whereby the? may reect light. Nor'can


CAP. 4;

ofthe Soule.


We eaily heathen" ordinary peech-'partly

bataille a very 'gentle mation ofthe' Aire

Will act iupon their aVehioleh; andrpardy ba

canethtyimay haplymm' and pitel .
part of thatLlentent. in! this exertie, 'which
is not o Eft mtn'ove orips'ne; \ And them

fore,- unles they ' will --bnrj heard der-i open-I,

that impirebf
'-__;5..i'Apd-.xlhatwmayzdm eem mayst: '

this forno'n'ghtzz thaortheyrixgill hQePHe

eiugae-jweas Seeirgapaaisrqm Mter-I
have ' intinmd: aboveiztrhacithis- Fntvyll
rangedrrearzehe ,Comdmsl-Zi crew-raree

Vebiclephswdlas theue 34 htnd-'theiiet

fdre-drieVnhiCle beirigzallzA _ ziucilr-p'eneul- _
rious of: itzasrcaneqthez errd Iof Sounditii In!

will nec'arilyndoezthe'likeinp tliem'I'z'Nbdc

lucre ubr'rately, h'apkyfx ifmhey'imntle

their. Veh'relelir the [impaire/which"

anwer- to theiarrection 'nctlfe' Exit-s ZOFNAQn'iU

malsz-forzthedeutx takirnjziwthe-Smvidila

'n 6; Thatrtlrieyhave the YMEOPTMTIB

ioevitaiy-trhe; ele' hwrcobldahbyfee'l'rel
iiance, whichis neceiryineh' desiring-Of
one Bodyagaintto: aurorlrerzlliwu'e
And to: ieakT eelymy

mind,it willbe averYhiriiMlng to di two

that they ita-tenor omething airalog Lal to'
Small mick-ri, whiclgre menyaklti'n
3 a'

* B b



The Immrtalzty

LIB: Ill.

mopcb proerlz _ adi called. PorFumes and

Ddourspang, aeail .-thrpugb*the Aire,

WUY , -;naturzjuzi7 muaze iutmhpirVe
Mdxb o-L'ghicdmg's, if thumb:- grocr

dodhuFkctaab 'fm'ayx imieutliiitsdircrca

tianzlo hndhmhichnwecMozts c'all - Ta

jh'ngz Simbtehtdej 'maw-,- that which

'weca Gniding. Which if wehduld ad;

minzzwc-awwi ' in-mode bo'hnds as ye: 'in

mmparionzof other; a, as'CMEuh,-gwho- ' af

rms zdowmtightzstbaoth'c .-Adrjat 'ran-ii ai-c

nourihed; kmirhxpozneof Lhb'm/'get into

thqM'daoE Animals to'bmentrhemelves

&Hid-'rect by: Mn 7': irios;m_Which
, HW Blfd'fell'k;'-*;Who.-'teflsdu?>dlat 'the

WbrC(0.,tHh-Beii arenvurihcdrby

drawing- i'n thbMqvFns durdpes are in

sbmzlamy nd? Artcrids,_ a: Tand what other
amii; Qf, a; CQuc-pvkinde, utkFin moihrieq,
nmxtahwthc Monthax waden; c-buc akin
wavy; * And ;whazyptiu:

mchg she Zabiigewmfy eat of

*bJOQd:iozthcirs-Sacniteozzbccahe they
xbqught i was rthsi'zld ofdld Dkmqm: cHez':
Wpfpxdz: and! t_
eating: dmz'eof they

grewi in
Capacity. tov'ifcbxhmunkard
ji nWhich-Lthings
ithey? v could
bC _-iWcd,-Fac*.mu1drbe>m{ uch hard
Problem: cqneerning, x*'1F3,m3a510fVzitze

r': al


c es,

ct _ Ell-4.,

qftbe Sattin' _


dles; whyztbey. uc'k IhQMJX-BULNC' ,c_uri_s


clinke-s, being no: much "to our ,pprpoc, 1

willing] io_x'nif=.>.
r ply" i
rx; cct '.z

- * _;,;- 7. Thmcluionof - ba? hasbeaniaid

jsz this, Thhuihis certainxhax the Gi-'zimqd
mncqueny: the. Souls. :;0f men \ WEET',

zwho ip'fnihime ohhc. ame ran. -z with.

them, haw! the, ene xofz Living, FWJM;

andvmhtg, ..a'nd not, .-imspmbably>s>zl-Swlr

ding. and: Hipg; z WhichJaeulticsx bi _,
granted; du? 'need non-Mmmh ca-A.- 1 ,
bw to phm :thei'r rim; SWLMKMWbut
\ - upon. emgt-naIzObjgctz gxpikthe-umitzlzrsrgf
z'Heaven, fami- Earth -being,- fairly zqxpgszp

Lthkir iVjc'W-'athanWoe;

convere qzalhmeu', an sifz'm

Way-Pas Ymmx


u s-Twn, and:frpm Gicyftqcityzaz NNW

intimates; :->"*L': . .1" > 12; 5...:-{i ._ I'*'*ii?t)
"75! .,_

iz '31

'., tuft. ,.,. .,_.._;\. ,.,-,,

' , I

Where isa-nothing. that
,QBIOY J" jfhey
their ets out A:
its' 4 fail'

high andjihmlzhfulzMounxainsz Whexsus e

-.purfez gus pf Aire-axe YWTJC mecxvx >
._Ccyaal=. lum-s,- ma p'sPrings olMBFY
of Entcttainmems, T eatrick owl?s zaPd
Shews, publick and private Dicout es, lb'
Bb 2

37 z

The 'Im'tuliqy

L m-JII.

exercilibs of Religioh, whethpr'in Temples,

Yami-lles,=ior hidden Cells. They' may be
valo (and haply nor unintcreed) Spectators
for-th! gladde-s.v and michiewus hazards of
-Wal'-,"->M1erhel*?$ea*ghts or Land-ghts 'z
thoefofuand ilent, thbugh ome
times-'tibi ltfsiltlangerom, Combats in the

Gump'wspw ziund- a thouand more pa

timlhi'es--xhgvrirtzwoald .bc_ to'o long to

l'qkbn upg'whepkztlioy haply'xexnot mer

'vSpectatbrs-bumAPbetMs-'gas Plwduhwtitu;

Qzalasawmenzhaz are panwseungynch.

lhg'ie'Balrkeglog-'playingavcudgels thema

LMWSY 'liY_dJ-> had: aBec-the young

H'A'Zn' blithe'PixmsJ,ac1rhpe;Ekercics.- So the
Wl'sp' 'led -_depak.ted, tMghxhey have


B'od thecap'iciiy ofthem

m- hnctlhq hgarnard: bling: yet they

My- aft mdabc'uhem; rs- " ruling. ome
deign in them z and that eit er hxt evil-(it

elves when: ey-wdi'el'in EB'OHY; chem
i _
'<'<:_=* Bln tlefg ,whadeveriswnuzomead

Me ,'ezces sunne she; life; dmlzchs

an '='adheres-=_wF
in tlmc-iwhfzh; i; ztb
- sfbrkle-z'hnd Wwillbeldrbjrzfdme aSe
glglFapziblbz-eithep wzzctfii, to: aid' dt lek
gizPSea' lgriyandjbm pi-uch' kinde of

La'LL-Hi." ._-;.1: t. .:u








gift/Je Soule-2

QAP. 4.;


. Arm'rmwfmmewiyti'zz
an cum mean-s


' ._ _ Fat-'re 'a- Fddiqniztzr tgllunx'qcpti

'Which tightly underobii 'is 'no .' "exic'zi'zi '

ction,buta-proeedTruth in lmzk Phi';
loo by. 'And MaximutTyriw peaks ex:

pre y\ even of the better ort of Soules,

having left the Body, and o becoming
ect; duty-"vow aj VJW dull-veys; q' dye (o'
orwv,i. e. being made ipo facto Genii in wi

ofmen , that, beide the peculiar ba pines

they reap thereby to themelves, _ ey an

appointed by God, and haven mion from
him, to be Ovcreers of humane aairs: but
that every Geniw does not perform every >
Oce, but asltheir naturall Inclinations and
Cuomes Were in this life, they exercie'
the like in ome manner in the Other" And

therefore he will haveuEcdapiwto practie

Phyick ill, and Hercules to exercie his

rength, Amphilocbm to prophey, Cdl

lond Pollux to navigate, Minos to hear cauez,

and'Ac/zie: do war, Which opinion is as

like-ly to hold true in Bad Soals as in Good;

andthen it will follow, that the Souls of '
thewicked make it their buines to ai
- and abet the exercie of uch Vices as them

elves were mon addicted; to,jn _chis_'li_fe_,_'an'd

l = ;;-,-;



Bb 3

, _____,_\_t__9

. 374

The Immqrtality


to animate and tempt men, to them. ctFronTa

whence it would-follow, that they being

thus by
as' has
they be'a-lo
to evil, they vvill very little dier, from

meeFDe-vils.' 'I '

L *



' _9. 'But beides-this employinent in refez

rence to us, they 'may entertain themelves

with Intellectuall Contemplati'onsz. whether

Naturall, fMat'hematicaI, or' Metaphycal;
For auredly KnMlmge is not o eay and

cheap in this' ate o Separation, but that

they may advance and improve themelves
by exercre andMeditations.And they being
inacaPacit to' forget' by reaon of deue
tude, it wi l be a new pleaure to them to
'recall to minde their almo obliterate pe
culations_ And for thoe that-take more
pleaureih outward'Sene then in the ope
rations'oftheir Underanding -, there being
o much changein
o theAire
and and

Elemeuts, whichlrniu needs act upon their '

aerial Bodiest'o more or les gratication
'or dilike , this alo will excue them from
being idle; and put them upon que after
uch rerehments and delights' as Nature

will' aord the multiarious prea'ges and-de;

res otheir itting Vehicles. '_ _ '
,IOa' Not but that they'-v keep' 'Conant to


1. t-


CAP.4-.- -.

' oft/Je Soul', I'


ome enerall inclination, which has divi- *

ded t ee aerial wander'ers. Ainto o many'

Orders or Tribes 5 the ancient Philoophers
and Poetsshich are 'Philoophe'rs ofthe:

antiente anding f: all) 'having agned

' places properfto e'ac 0rder:- the Sea; Ri
vers and Springs to one xMountain's rand
' Groves to' others', ,anduo of the-re;
Whence they impoed'vv x alo. thoe .-naines
of the Ncrcidcs, Naiadesg'onader, Drjaciles,
and the likezt'o which you may addethe

Dii Tmldm'of Cities and Countries, and

thoe that love the warmthtof Familiesand
homely convere of Men,guch as they
yled Larerfamilianr. All which, and hun
dreds more, no need to recite,

though they be engaged ever in one natural

propenion, yet there beingv'o great variety
o occaions to gratify: it more or les, thieir
thoughts may be im loyed in purchaino
and improvin thoe elights that are mo
agreeable to theirown nature. Which par
ticularities to run over would be as innite

as ueles. Thee hort intimations are u- cient to make us underand that theGem'z"

andfqmrate Soul: need' want no Employmnt,

no n0t in Solitude: for uch mu their ay
alo among-us he eeemed, when the

doe not. enibly and -_ peronally conver e

with us," -' 'r



The Immortalie)

(Lia-i , =



YHHL '3' =-21CHA' _.'*VL'1 U? "


A: '-_
'3. - " . 'l'
,4 . .

1' '

- mare-int. Sepa'ut'e Soule [emix 'not et he.

Ninth' &lite-Ink; That her conveye wit

ad Genii.vwereinigihk
t athe-vi
3i,*'Ho'- the Genii
.j'hIe-1me t' nother, though they he to no'
bind/ible, 4.' d their approache: , and of'

' c'tfbt; Whiyftheitfmmi of motion:

'how theyfar. exceed 'a in eelerity,
Its Bthe gure or hape oftheir Vehiclee',
3 gun', a' their primary', when they would he
i.- i'tw' thle. ' 7;,Thdt they' cannot well cart

-..-ue'r e in a mer: in le Orbicular" forme,

(a 8. 'hat they ten-un e in humane he e, at
lu- the theyhe
hotter fat-t
of them',
9, W ether
'-'s thuznepe
in proceed
-;-. hperium ofthetit'Will and Fame), a' ek

. *' rftgulated h) a natural character of the

' '-iZ-Plnick
pert of theSeat-e.
10. That the
peron-al' hapesct'vf
'Soule- 'r_Genius
' ' -,;*ptrtlyfrm the Will, and partly from the

t LPlaickpamry ; a I '. . That tpndering harp

the. Sonlzergahixee the Foetus in the Womh,
r' rMm-ves aemlnhe at pleaurez it n'ere

> p' wonder-Yf Spiritx hould net hewe-uch

m: their Vehicle; 'as ishelie-ved,
i'' =kFommand
I', Afttrthefdrguleewtframm
'gentle fayte hg-ue
given to Imagination,



a the Soule.ct .'






1.BUT the eparate ate ofthe Soule'

does not condemn her tothis Solitude,
but being-admitted into the order ofthe-V

gem'i, he is poeed of their Priviledges;

i which-is to convere peronally 'with this'
g. Aerial eople, and alo upon ocmionwith'


the In abitants of the Earth, though the

latter with far more diculty. .



2. As or her convere With the Aerial"

Geaii and Other Souls eparate, it mu'be
all' reaon concluded to be exceeding
e much more frequent then that with men,
and yet this latter isin ome ort more in
telligible; becaue itis certain he can ee
us, light being reected from our opake
Bodies unto her Sene, andb conpiating
her Vehicle he may make 'let elf viible
to us. But the Vehicles of the Gem'i and of

soule being in their natural conience

purely Aerial, and' Air bein a tranparent
Body, it will trdnmit the light wholly z and
o no reexion being made from thee aiery
Bodies, they can have no perception ofone

anothers preence, and therefore no ociety

nor communion one with anorher, '
3. This But
eemsit aishrewd
eaily taken
o , at

conider that Aire will admito many de

grees of Rarefaction and Condenation, and




The Immartality


yet ill appear unto us alike inviible,as one

may oberve in the Weather-glas, Bue-'Lt
were more proper to pro oe in this cae the
experiment ofthe Win -gun, wherein the'

Aire is compreed to a great number ofde'u

grees ofcondenati6 beyond its natural ate;
within the compas of many whereofthere
is no doubtdfnot in the utmo,that theAire
does remaine inviible to us. But there is no

cruple to be made but that in the progres of

thee degrees of Condenation the Aire, if
it were in a Glas-barrel, might become Vi
ble to the Gem'i, by reaon o the tender
nes and delicacy of their Senes, before it
would be o to us. Whence it followes,

that the Vehicles o the Gem'i may havea

coniency dierent from the Aire , and

perceptible to them, that' is to ay, to one

an0thers ight, thoughit be asunpercep

tible to us as the re o the Aire is. As, it

may be, a man that has but bad eyes would

not be jable to diinguih Ice immered in

the Water from the Water it elf by his

- $ight,though he might by his Touch. Or

if their Vehicles could be uppoed purer

and finer then the re of the Aire, their pre

ence might be perceptible by that"'m.eans

too. ' For this vaporous Aire having with

PUT queion a confuedv reection oflight in

it, every- way in ome proportion like that


'i (High ,
. ofthe Soulezr


ini aMi," 01' when the Sun hines waterihly:

4_ L),.-_> -r_.

and-pwgnoicks rain, thee repercuions

of light being far more enible tO' the Gem'z"
'then to us,- the lesening ofthem' would be
more'enible, and'therefore the diminutionz
from their
to 'dicover
one be

another : and for the illurating ofthis Hy- 2

potheis, the' experiment of the Weather
olats is more proper. ' Butthe Other uppo
itionllook upon as the more likely robe'

true -, and that as the aqaatz'l Animal: that

live in the Sea have a coniency groer
then the Element they move in, o it is with

thee that live in the Aire, though there be

nochin near o great a dierence here as in
that ot er Element,
- 4. It is plain therefore, that the Perons
ofthe Genii and eparate Souls are viible

one to another. But yet n0t at any diance,

and therefore there is neceity ofapproache
ing to one anorher for mutual convere -:
w ich enforces us to ay omething of their
'Local Motion. Which is neitherby Pins nor
Wings, as in Fihes or Birds, who are fain
to uain themelves 'by thee inruments
from inking to the boctome of either
'Element : but it. is meerly by the an

rection of the agitation of the particles of

their Vehicle toward the place they aime


'3 80

The [Wort-it)


ae ;* and'in uch. "a witnesr-orzleaukelines '

ashen lenes themelves,v and is,;compezi-.

blewt eir- natures. For they can goe no
wifter then the; whole umme- of agitation
of the particles of their Vehicle will carry
o much Matter, nor indeed o wift; for

it implies that their Vehides Would be tur

ned into an abolutely hard Body, uch as
Bral's or'Iron, or whatever we nd harder 5

o that necearily they would fall down to

the Earth as dead as a Stone. Thoe there
for-eare but phantaick conccits that give
uch agility to Spirits, as if they could be
here and there and every-where at 'once ,

skip from one Poleofthe'World to anOther,

a: be on theEarth again in a womencwhen-v
as in truth they can pas with no greater
witnes then the direction 'of uch a part
of the agitation ofthe particles of their Ve<
hides will permit, as may be pared from

what' is employed in keeping them within

as tolerable compas of a due 'aerial ui

ltV. -

i, 'And this alone will uce to hake

them exceed us in activity and wiftnes by
many degrees. For their whole Vehicle is
haply at lea as thin and moveable as out

animal Spirits, which are very few in com

, parionofthis luggage ofan earthly Body


are to driye almg-Mch them Bklxl-'t

54 v

' t. O,


'ofthe Soule. y- i

38 x

the piritual Bodies of the Qui-have no

thingzto drivex-alo xwith t,hem,;bu_t them
elves; and ther'light-,comparedz
to us,
are more freesteed
that has ca his Rider, compared, with a
, Pitch-hore 'logdemwitha ackpf Salt. . '

_ 6-.E,.The next-thing to be Wnid'ed,t01k

X thing the M'iLgon-ycrmm of their: ae
r ri'al Genii, isrtqm they appear in one to

another, ofwhat, ing-m ,it is, zand whether

the Figure be Nmml, or Arlqkuriozu, or

Mixt. Pox-thar ,athey- mu apgegrin ome '

Figure or othetdsL plain, in.tha.t,t_.heirxzV-ehiz
cles are not ofan innite gxtjion, ,Iti)
the more general Opinion,vthat.,there is? vin)

' partitzar Figure that bel

s- ugtoz them

naturally,;imles it be that w ' h-9 all Big

es is mo Gm'plezand mo;epy't0 con:

rmw,even by extent-nalv helpgwlchis the
union-yf the Aireonzevery de
of 'the Ve -'cle,':zby which meane, drops of
Dew. and Rain adipellegs
Wicome lb'

ordinatilyinto'tslintiilupez . * Which alo Will

more handoavly 'CCOl'd withlthcj natureof

ches-on] , '

'Bag-he conof amid

and Radiu-e sing-gus .I have abwe deai-z

bed, and the Coinmon Sea-aim beplapgd

in tbeanid. uilmthisf Figure ma the Sad
redein tinned haply, vme ther f, A

I me her Yehigle, into near,-oegual I ii:

an -

qur it'y

38.: ' i r The Immorlialig


quidity with Phat part Of'that Element ad

jacent to her, 'that it may bein ome mea

fure likeour- retiring into' ecrecy from. the

light off-then, 'when we deire to be private

b'your elvesz-l' - On '

7.* But ne-may, i he will, and likely
With farre more 'eaezchange this coniten
cy= of her 'Aerial Body-into uch- a degree of
thicknes;-1attheres mayl'be'a dubious dii
covery of her, as in the glimpe'ofa; Fih 'un
der- 'the 'waked-and maw-ill make! her 'elf

hare viildl 'to her fellWGenii, t'though keeping? -_ yct- -' this imple: Orbicular? forth.
But' whatodvere 'there canbefbetwim tvr'rb

n'ch heaps' d liTJing Aire; Ilktmv n0t-.- They

may i _indeed*- *eommuhicat_e jthei'r aections

one t'o atiot'h'erin uch avwaykas. is_'dicove=

red'ini the Eye-QL-Wherein the inmions ofthe

Spirits v"doeylainly indicate the 'Pabnstof

the Mindez'T'ozthat i-t- mayaeem penible,- in

this mplfeffl-'i are, to 'make knoWn-their

joy-or' 'grief-3! peaeeablen'es- or. Wrath,\:_loire

or 'diilikezbz'rz the modication-of the: mo
tion of
the spirits
* there
'be Oftheir

Qua'l 'of Ratiaiialncwnfenmeyvrithot any

- further- 'orgariiiat-ZOH of-'th'eir Aiery-Bodies,
I=prbfes ylielf at a lomwun'demand; r .

(13. _ WhEreol-e the'=-6tm'i'1 and azcpamc

Soals, kha'tey'er their hape' be in private',

CAPL 5._

of the-Soule.



appearin-a more >operoe and articulate form

a when' they are to''convere with one another;

For they can change their Figure in a man
ner as' they pleae,'by Axidme-'gb- Which
power, Iconceiv-'e,- will be made-ue of not

"onelyfor *eryiee, but qrnament and pulcri?

tude. zAndi the mot unexte'tioriable Bean?

"ty,- tmeio'nles, is that ofl'Man in the'be'll:
patter'ns (Chue whatS'ex' youjll) and ai

*above the re of creatures "-Which-i-s7nor

our judgement onely; bin His'tliat made' u's'.
Forj-ce'rtainly he would iive to the'Principal

noble form
and '
thddghi it ebeirhuch


by OHr--unfortni_tEe-Fall, Yet? Weionles the

dea'tei'ne'nt is not-'og'reag but-'that we may

have-a near gueszwhac: it hasp-bath - hereto-i


form-Flesh mora'onal therefore to rous

,tlude; that the-'Aerial 'Genii 'cOnvere with

'one'a'not-he'r in-Hrim'anehape
lea the ;:.,rz
.i) 21.;" A,

' ter=lhrt>of.them-_=.r.z'


==< 9. Butf- the-'fdcuy'u6w-45,1'1w11ethe2

thaFHumane hape-that the Sohtiiansfotrits
'her- Well-idle inroheim'wheMect of the
actqhesi, or'ofjher
her- Will'over' tM'-Mat't'er
be mihme
Meaure 'limite'd ver, tircuircribe - in its 'ef

fdct iby' a cOnqdrrjitant ereition' ofthe PM .

it: '-' power: z*-;o'* ithat 'whatU pteeds froth

the Will may be onely moieVgeneral, th

lo I/'Z A!


3 84

The Immortalzitj


is, That the Souls Will may', onely comz

mand the Vehicle into An, Animal fpgmlz

but that i; is the fotm or hape of aLMan,

may arie rm. mptze mtuxal way from xhe

goncomitanx exertion ofzxhe Plaiq/emen
tue. I ay, izpa, more eay; apdnatural waye
For vehempncypf, deire to zlcer- the Figure
into anocbgrzxepreemation may Me. (he

appcarancq-zrqgmble ,qme other creature :

no form! hiDgecan la. long- Tbemore

say andrzaturalehape tbcxcfoxc chew-lea,

he better. veni! appmiszz is num which if 'w .,gr311'Eed'-,- ixmay be as; likely
z-haz uch.-a.dex.er_minacc Humane. haPQ-may'
MMQITQSJFY'BDSI natural-then. anopherand

cha; xMSwLZ-when hE-wills to. appear. in Moml Mrswlztxwfzm her Vehiclev

lum, QnQ-Qqstw zlikenesz ...uDIefSz (ba-dih. \

guie he: aelf oncc pa1=pqe.s That 15.; the

Mut: ngyvexcof saw-cry.- Sauzl, whechcLzOf
Men, or of the other GenijWdOcSnatUaU-y

ggplgy zic, zplggo, a diqrenx. modication

Qf-Che Hlmevhapez whichislhe proper

&ignaturqfze ar-ticzllzurv or Iindwidual

Wmx: ; whish t'.. oughz may, be A lip-le
chagggd ill Wexgttqnbyg vex-tue of the Imaq

ginatzioaz ;h.e:l?arencs,)0r iqualic of theizz

e aide; L_hC-:SQB1_ et free from: at Body
he_ got hgrzzzmayzexqnitely . recover he:
menc-formza'gzinz. .

__\- _ -

_, - *
m.v . .Not

C-AP. 5;

of the Soule.


10- Now. ghat the Pta MFvirt'ug-zwak

ned by che-Itnpgrm.;o her-Will,- audi-'ter'
new; all' t'hg'lheament'g it did-- in this EMZJ -

Body (for ahmdanccpf'thenf are' ueles' and

X 10 - no pufpde';"Wh{ch-fhctefofe, Pxo'viUene'q
z foor4ainjn'g,-Mn'be re-thnchisazaiyig,

z num, and onely uch'b" was ardf-PGE

this &pay-are ince -,* and' 'uch'arete'gs-a

kfgquiee to Yierevthe irib'lp- &azure-of? i

Perqngigivhghirh anjp'ar-'cs ofeitheig'j

eneqrzue for 'the'pliird bf-i'azionakddf

vercz') n'd'r that thisEonfnatm power asks'

decekmizie-cHG-'Me appeamce -alj<ox_1g(f6't*

fhef? abri'ali Spirits 'aal 3veiriouy'cldz" .
ome like begutiful virgins, Others like' vu'zz

lient! wartiom's', WML PhEif'-Helmets- And


'darhrs'z' ' *asi=Plxr'l-qmtm W'odd

wake'Wb'eeve Acbilles'did to A ollo'izazler

But there is"'a Wixc'actibd e ect,'reul-'>
ting partly '-drn' ghdtecribs - of the Will?

and Imaginatidn,- and Partly ctom thct Ham-i:

mlpr' ' caution 'ofthe- HZ/Zicl' virtue', 'td call 3'
theVc ' kinds uch-'apcdnhap&*"4 A?

1: 1.;- *wm,c'hyr1>rem'ga;we of the Sorfi

't'o ha'pehef
wi! we'
dbe no: ee
be ere-our
eyes? '
nor often think of uch things -, ye: it is not'

much more wonderful then that he'orgaz: -

nizts the Ice-m in the 'vvmbz or that Wei


. . ,



3 85
The Immomtzty 2
egg move the parts of- our Body met-ply: by
qur:Will and , Imagination. v 'And . that the

get-it! Spirits can doe thee things,fthat they

thus hape; their Vehiclesyand transform
thgmtlyts into everal Appqaranccs, I need
bgipg minewjnggtcs- thereof. Hwe Nar

tzaeaszl: havwecitezd wit-'m . Third" Book

age-i'- fAFM m-'doc ucenJtvince this

Try; 3;

avetzily, conderingthej great

pgwgxzzcknpwlgdgedjin Imaginqq
Phpphcrz,"; nothing would *

Wc > -t.h.enr- that zhee sAieryzz Spiritsv

A _ --not2have this: gommand 'oyct their
QWnJVghicles, _.t0, transform them As. they,

pleae-3 >


I ,1 3. Farther-tare; hmc,aad they' Of- no

'mallnotg that 'atttibute o Wonderfuled

ftcts to that Facnlty axmed with condence
and belief (to which Paon, fur meyjn

pme manner be referred, as being' 33 rong.

belief of
an ccte,
evil,_gncx that Dcrc,..
it will;
*-as_ 'glo-Whqmam
as being accom anicd with nqmall mea/7

ure of perwa on that-wcz-xpa pbtain the

thingdeited, ele Deire' w

_d not be o'

very-active) I ay, they attributfc o wonder

ful force to Imagination, that they, ,arm
that 'it will not onely alter A a mans own Bo

dy, but act upon anothers, and that at a di

(Hanch Fhat Sx will inict dikafcs on the

n' U


0ftbe80uk.'- -


ound, alnd-heal'th'e i'ck z thatit will caue

Hail, 35noWs\<at-Id Winds 55 thin it willrike
down- 'an Hore (It-Canter, and-ta- theft-lli
derszinto ' a ditch; -_-that- itfwlll dbe all 'the

feats of Witcht'raft'," eken'to the! mdkingof

Ghds 'andSph-its a'ppea'rz-by transorming

the'zdj'acent Ai'rje "incochd-hape-of aperon .

that cannot'onely be felt mdxden, But heard

to ' 'difcc'zuriee- and" 'that nOt- duely' 'by them

where [thagmation created=!this_'aiery Spe
ctum', bur by! bther- byianddrs: , whoe
Faqcy contributed norhing to its exience.

Togudx Lan 'extent as' ' this have Avicegm;

Algl; ram-fty; Pomplmmi'gc, ramm
and athers,-rexated the pd'wer of humane;
Imagination' 2, Iwhich? 'i it- Were-true, this?
mznsguration-dtheVehiclc-wof the end:
nrate Souls 'and YGem'i were' but a--trie'4'm

coiiipar'io'th'ered " ) ;0 .'.-' L .


z -. 43. *.' :


w', z.






j * -. f.

xuv- s



. ,,

* ' J'

,. I.b_H.AP_

z-s'z'gr _ " a -'


la, Mm' rrcdible Inances, 'f- t-be gcctsnf

- Imagination-i -a. A. pecial. and peculiar
il [ri-me in &putat-e:
tlzc Foetus.

3.. That what Fienus. grants, who lm o

;-_ curiouly invaded 'be pyn'mrof Famy, it
fifrimtfw them ent purpoe. 4. Exo
-;amet approwd o
Fienus,_, '5. Ce'j-z

Cc 2.



* 3 as.

The Immomhgy

LIB..LH. - '

-,' my Example! rejectid by Hung (nd yet-We

4 5 'proud off-12), -'Fernelins


a.-- m Motion Stm'ez-t A 'th 'mer 'f

-_ 'the 'Mothers Imagination on t-Iu Fmtusg't
_ zHe1m05t.,_ 'A 7. A canjectu'rd infer-eare
- 'In-'e Sto'ies, what inuence the Spi

F. rit, of Natqre lm'. in all Plaick operati

m. 17? 8.

who' conrmation of the

r. copy-ifwe- -_ m' &gun-re: an 'In Foetus.

494 A," 'Iliac-gaze thercpf to 'be tumg

gz fain

'be which: 'fDX mous. _.

_-_*._){z=;-i').'_.. ,1




.' .'

UT I hallcontain-my belief within

.. more-moderate bounds,.that which

the mo ober Authors aent to being uf
cientforour tum; and that is. the power

of, Imagination on our own- Bodies, or what

is tomPreh-ended, within out own, zuiz. the
Firm: in the Womb of the MOthcr. for

that Imagination will bring real and enible

eects to pas is plain, in that'ome have
raied dieaes in their ,myp;Bodies by too

rongly imagining of them; by fane ing

bitter or - obr_things,"h3ve brought t e
real fapdursiritothei'r mouths-3 at'th'e re
Fvomiting zxat

havefaln' a 'purging z i and'


u'ch things

ofthelikenature. Awmg'' ich,_thatof

's prexing to ones 'eifxkzttimeip cheimor
*'--' "A*

" .



C.Ap.6. ' ,etbeSouIe; '

ning we will "wake, is no les admirable then
any. Which alterations upon the Spirits for

the production of uch gnalities, is every

p jot as hard as the ranginithem into new


figures or poures.. But e. harde vo all

is, to make them o determinately active, as
to change the hape o the Body, by end
ing but knobs like horns, as it hapned to

' Cyjpm, of which Agrippa peaks inhi's

Occult. Plzilofopb. Which I hould not have

repeated here,-had lnoc been crediblyin
formed of a later exam e of the like eect
olmavination, thou u onmore fancyul
groan s. That feare as illed ome, and
turned others gray, is to be referred to Ima

gination alo: the latter of which examples

a is a i ne that the Maer/e power of the
p Soule as ome influence alo upon the very

haires: which will make it les marvellous

that the Souls Vehicle may be turned into

the live egies of a Man, not a haire, that

is neceary to the perfecting of his repre
entation, being excluded, free Imagination

ucceeding or aing the Plaic/e power in

the Other ate. ..
_, . \
2. Bur. of all Examples, thoe othe Sig- natures of the Ferm- by the Imagination of .
the Morher come the neare to our pur- -

poe. For wernay eaily conceive, rhatas

LheiPlaick power-in the Fwfm' is directed

Cc 3 .


7 3 90
The Immortality z'LnL 11\,.
or educed by the Force Ofth'e Mothers 'Pan
cyz o'the Eormative virtue in Soulsie

parate and the den-ii' maybezgoverned and

directed or perverted by the vforce: of their

Imagination;" And o much the more ure

ly. by how vinnch the union is- more betWiXt.

' the Imagination of the Sonle:.-and her own

Pla'ick faculty, then betwixt xher and the
Plaick poWerofanmher Soule -, and the
capacity: of being changed; greater in the
yielding aerial.Ve'hicle,. then m the groer

rudiments of thee-tus in the Womb.

. 3. And yet theeects ofthe force of the
Mothers 'Imagination inthe,- igning of the
' Fa-tm is' very wonderful, and almo beyond
belief, to thoe that have'ntoc examined
thee things. 'But the more learned ort

both of Phyitians and Philoophers are

agreed on the truth thereof, as Empcdaoles,
' Ari'otlc, Pliny, Hippocrates, Galen, and all
the modern Phyitians, being born dow'n
'into aent by daily experience. For thee
Signatures of les extravagance and enor
mitg are frequent enough,_as the imilitude
of herries,Mulberries,- thecolOur ofCla
ter-wine pilt on the woman-with child,

with many uch like inances. z'And ifwe

and but to what Ficnus has dened in this
matter, who has, l think, behavedz himelf
'as cautiouy and modely asmayi be, thxr

* 1 '- 'ie

' '



t oft/ye Soule. -


'ill be enou h granted to aihre us ofw'h'ai

'e aime at. or he does acknowledge that

he 'Imagination-of the Mother may c'hingl'
he 'gure of the Fem- o as to iiiakeit

>eare a' reemblance, thou h-not abolu'tel

>erfect, ofan A' , Pig; 'or g, orany uc *

ike Animal. T elike he'arms ofcoljoursg
iaires, and'excre'cencie's o everal "orts!
'hat it may produce-alovwhat is v_e


or analogous to. horns and hoofs, an 'that

it may
'- r outi: everal
T of
i And

thors, yet thoe whic he admit-s for-'true

are [indications plain enough, what we may
expect in the Vehicle of a Je zmd Saide or

As that ofthe
Ha ryot irl'epdrof
Marcus 'Damacene
J; that
er out Of
Guilielmnrv Paradinns, Of a Child Whoe
skin and nails reembled thoe of al Bear-3'
and a third out of Baldui'zm Roncm,'o'fon'e"
born with man' excrecencies coloured and

gured "like "t _ _oe in> a Turky-'cock z and a

fourth'out of Party', ofone = who was born'
with an head like 'aFrog z as laly that out

odwirmm, ofchickens With' hawks heads.

All Which deviatiom of the' "Plalic/e power

hapned -r'otn*'-'rhe - force of imagination in

the Ferhiifctth 'inthe time' ofConeep-'f


(2 c 4


3 93

'1 he rmmpmzny -

puta, _

ripe <zprgcationzofthsix
. to
f ivins' Pehexs,lwhich yet are a lented xo byFV'y .
7 learned writers,
thgtof Blackzmoores
white Parents
53 airm

te FSCPEiPP,; zBcoPiw zoFfr. "rope-m:

grim and Sancta-5, zot agree-to; . He ree

iectz 2122. that. ozlsisfgmdiar 1 &en-m, ofa

Kdr. fr ._waszz bp'r-nt with' his.- Forehead.
wounde and running-with blood, rom'the

hsabasdszthrse ..wpr<l.,wf1iich
in? Wife whcehewas
he directed
towards- her: Forehead, , . ,Whiqh] will. no;

(eme qincredible, iwe conider, what Sea-7

rimxtatccordsiof known RKQWW2 vil.

' Them Woman with child eems a. Buccher.
divide, a Swines; zhead - with. his'Cleaver,

bmuehs fQh hqChild Wihit? face-slowe

._in-xhexui>psr-jawzstezpalates alldiuPPeF-'HB

zpet-But 'then oil-notorious inances of

' this , ort vare - thoe of - Helmont. p; injectit

. Memliw. Thczoncof. a 'Pas-lots. wife at

Mec/die', who. tanding,zat her-doore, and
eeingaouldierszhand cut :
in 'a uarrel,

..reently-zfellriqte labmrnhchrm . with.

honour a: thsprctaczler anibrpught forth.

eshildand; seeks-aslake &crew-ble







- Of heSultL


ing without one, of 'which wotuml-I the in

fant died by the great expen? Of blood;

'Another woman,,the- wife of; one-Lime;"
De rogeler Merchant of duties-3113. in the
ear 1692.hiseein
begging who
iad'lori ita,ouldier_>_
arme infoiendyiege,

which. he hewe to therpeople ill bloody,

fell preently intolabou'rg androughtsorth
_a Daiighter with one arme ruck o, noz

thinglpftbut a blood amp toemploy-the

Chirnr ions skill: this woman married af

terwar s to one Haodxamr Merchant of

Amlcrdam, and was yet alive inthe ear

1638. as Helmnt writes. He addsat ird
example, oanother=Merchantstwifewhich

he knew, whohearing thatzon az-morni

there were thirreen 'men to be-beheaded
(this hapned at Ammrp in Duke' D? Ala'
histime) he had the curioity-to ee the
execution. She getting thereoreza-place
in theC hamber ofa certain widow-woman',
ariend d hers that dwelt in the marketa

place, beheld this Tra ick pectacle; upon

which he uddainly ell into labour, and

brought forth a vperfectly-formed*inant';

onely the head was wanting, but the neck
bloody as their bodies he beheld-that had
their heads cut o. And that which does ill
advance the wonder is, that the hand,'arme,.

and head ofthee'infants, wereno'ne of them


_ '




i? 94

'The Immortality

LlB. lIl.

to be found,- Fromvwhence 74n7fh1m'n

would infer a penetration o corporeal di

menionsz - but how groundlesly I will nor

'dipute here;
= - ,
=' * '
r 7, .lfthee' Stories' herecites be true,"'as I
_ mu conbi's I doe not Well -know-'how- to
deny them, ' he reporting them With'O ho

z they are
ekarn' ies 0thep6wer
simz-andxuc >as doe-not- onely win'beli'ef

A to themelves, but alo ' tObthers that Fie

_ m'r would reject, not of this nature onely

wearenpon,o wounding the body'ofthe
Infant,- but alo o'_more_ exorbitant con

formation of parts, o'whi'ch 'we hall'bring

art-iname or two anon. r In the mean-time,
While I, more' carefully contemplate this
trange virtue 'and power of the 'Soule of
the Mother; in which' there - is no uch mea

ure of purication or'- exaltednes, that it

hould beable to act uch miracles, as I- may
call them, rather then natural- eects; I
be more
then uually
to think
the iPlaic/c
Souleo'the lnant, or- whatever acteiions

'there may' berom the Imagination o the

Mother,'is nOt the adaequate caue o the
of the Fretur':
a thing
by the
by, Pla

baye already notediz. That the Soule a'


I, 6


ofthe Soule. t

395. r

*e-Wor1i,otz= the Spirit-o .N4rufe, allis an,

tis performance. zWhic. i- it be trueywe

ive. dicovered a Caue proportionable to;

> prodigious anzect. Rormexmay-eailyz

onceive'gthat the deeply-impaionated (an-

r oft-he Mother. hatch- away 'In spirit.

r Nature-intozconentt whic' Spirit may.

ttionally be acknowledged to have a hand, l- the eorrnation of all, vital Beings in th'._

Vorld, 'and haply,- be the onely.Agent in:

n'xning o all. manner of Plants. In which
inde-zwhetheir ,he, exertzher- power in any

xhsr'Elemeats-dm Earth and -Wa.te_rz.;l,

'ill conclude nozfurgher, then thgt' there

nayrbe a poibility, thereof; in the- calz

ner-Regiousoz'irc and-Adam To thew
ight underanding of which; conjecture;
'ome light will oer- it elf from what we
laye ,aid cqncerningthe- Viibilityandr
30niency_-_f the aerial _P<m0'_u in their
)ccurions one with another,_ 7 .
' *_

'8. But.this'is-not.the onely Argument '

zhat would move 'one to think that this
Spirit of Nature intermeddles with the Ef

Eormation of. the- Fat-tas, For thoe Si na

:ures that are derived onthe Infant rom

:he Mothers fancy in the act oconception,

:annot well beunzderoodzwithout this Hyv

pothes. For whatcanbe the Subject o

Fhat Measure Nqtxhe- hiek Part si .


t e


TZe Immoitality


the Soul of the' Mother 37 for-thatit is?- n'ot

the Mothers Soul that eonn's thewmbryi,

as Sennertus' ingeniou! 'Conjectures from
the' manner of the egrmation o Birds,

which is in-their-Egges, diinct from the

Hem, and they may as well be hacched- withi
Ouc-anyfl-len-'at all, 'a thing ordinarily *pr'a-_
ctied im-JE [t z 'nor the Body Qf'che Em

bjb, forlit- 'as Yet-no Body; nor its Soul,

For the Soul, if-we believe Ariottc, is not
Yee-'p'r'eenc there, But the s firinfNatwc
izpreent every-where, whic natcht into
conent by the fdrce of the Imagination of
the Mother; recai'ns'eh'e Note, and will be

'ure to eal it 'on the Body j 'of' the Infant.

Foi- what r-u'de inchoations the Soul of the
Worldhas begun in the Matter of thelcz
ful', this' Signa'i'ure is 'comprehended in" the
Wholedeignnd after compleated by the
preence and operation-"of the' particular .
Soul of the Infant,-_whi&li eo'operates con
of footepsg
the' Soul 'ofwho
World, and
in hier1 having oncebe'gun 'any hint to an entire de

ign, he is alike able to ur it in any

' place, he beingevery where tile: or rather
the ame 'to her elf. For 'as-our Soul bee
ing one, yet,uon ghe varionsteniper of the

Spiijit's, ekercs her'elfiz1t('_>*various{imagi1

nations and conceptions-z (oathe Soul Yf



Ear-6.:- > Ravih-Saw V


e World, being the ame perfectly CVeryi

here, is eng dzto exert her eormative
>wer ever w ere alike',' Where the Matter

t e ame. =Whcnterit
i. hundredI-Inwks
hole Imaginatien was diurbed inclin'd
T Conception 2' becme
Soul euhe
'odd hadbegun a rude -dtaught,-. which it

lf would as necearily purue everywhere,

a 'Gm'zwician certainly knows. how (to
taw a'Circle. that will tithree'Points
yon-ear. &in-7. *
'\--. *- &Law.
aitherv irratidnalnor unintielligihlQThat

ml nf the =WM interoes and ininu'ates

taall generations of "things, WhC'the

latter is uid and yielding. Which would

duce a man to believe, thatahe may. not
and idle in the transguration of the Ve
dies' ofthe Deum, but a their fancies
td deires; and o helpto-'cloaththem and

;tite-zvtbei. aiccordirg to their own pical

lres-z or it-may-be ometimes a ain: theiif
'illsg as the unwieldines o t eMochers

ancy forces upon her a Monrous birth. \_ 31"





1 bctwullty
'. Y-ssvnjzr'ereq
ems'l ezz E'ixl ,i.LIB.-HH
izl- 71' e-Ta
.*-3:I;:-.-. A)
en', o s: ctguulzvz-Hhz 3.: 4) _ IL-V-' -

>injczzed$jenue : , ' and; jet-'fdr
I: WMmip-ik, 45' &wilt-t' 'cur deig,
bnts? Chmky'und- that'
. in' 'G'ML-l Hiddrehrewddrgmctms
niotib t e Wbd but: Hide-withall- "Eu
31' Mint: z wfzat'b : Animulrftdndr
pWJZ'ZlZ Example
='of_a mevmctddd
>md> hit
zsjndgknonztbtrwpmz Iliv; Whether 'Eve-i
ample out of him
a Child with-Eva)
*cl{_nii:g\17i.un<* ' atiw'ufphr bia been
22 ,tlnzrlieetnsz
zmzkguztidn bf't.:- F
&lain-ry Yclzielesfo' .- eparate. LSouls-em'i 'Dew X

Lambs; 8.; When pdrnnlzaakfmwi ;

:titioiz_'wtbltito "in, :*i...;-:f e',- mar-r '- 3': ' -' \
net? zZr LOi-x. '*'.'I:1' 5? am] crien' -.i

* hr'i. i

L-.. ' Hufdbth Exernpkoofethe * 3' -*;


Iibn: of;- rheJFMMte Mots i

Fancy,nvlrich..<J*em: F-reieaeth ,rehe sone? of:

therixis out of-Wdz'rm, ofa inattithat thread:

nedhis wife when he Was hggewith child;

ayingie bore-the Devil inher zwmib', and

that he would kill him: whereu on, not

long after, he brought fortha C ild well
haped from the middle downwards, buc
_';, -. x- J



ofthe Soule.


ipwards poued with black and red pocs,

vith eyes in its forehead, a mouth like a

:atjrt,.ears like' a Dog, and-bended horns

mitsheadiike a Coat. The, Other out
if Lad-Wine Fit/es, of one who returning

[ome in the diguie of avDevil, whoe part

le, had actedvon-the Stage, And having to
loe- with his'wife in: that habit, aying he
would beget a Devil on her, impregnated
let with a Moner ofa hape plainly diaboJ
ical." The third and mo remarkable is one
i Per-twain', of a Moner born at Salu
'me in theWe-JndiuJn the year t'sz3. the
lar-ration whereofwas brought to theDuke

-f Mdim Sidmia from very faithful-hands.

low; there was aChild born thetezat 'that
ime, that beideathe horribledeformityof

rs mouth-,zreaes and noe, had-two horns

>n the head,like, thoe of young Goats-ow
Lan- on the body, a-ehy girdle abouthis;
niddle, double, from - whence hung a peece

> eh like a pure, and a bell of eh'im

[is left hand, like thoe-the Indian ue:

vhen they dance, white. boots of. eh ran:

iis. leg es, doubled down ': lit-brief, the.

vhole ape was horrid and diabolical, and
onceived to proceed from ome fright the
nother had taken from the antick dances o:

he Indjam, among whom the Devil him;

'elf dees notfailtoappear ometimes? ..




_; 2. Thee-.-Narraciqns Firm' rejecteth,"

as fale,
butora's ifno:
be, doneby
thaethe any'
criptione arezomeching. more lively-then
the truth. * Buc in thezmea'n timehe
freely admixz'vtliac

the meet panter of

Imagination there mlghc be uch excxecen

cies_as might repreent: thoe. things' that
are there 'mentioned 5- dloughithoe diaboz'
hapes could not Ih'ave'j'xue horns,
hoos,utail, or any'ocher parc,-peciic-al
dlihct v'from the nacut'e' of Man', ' But" o
ne' aslhe acknowiedges is enough hr
:um',.-{3"':. 3.! Buciportmim
e: an _ e; ghts-is.
is-:.;_ how-liberal
._ * '.: >*

in his rgranps; owing-'doe 'onely -'cl>at'\'the

Births-o'wmhen may be"very exqutely

diior'tedv'ih 'oine of: their parts ingozthe
llkenesohoe of Brutes, but thatvC

mcericai'l 'imagination-Tin Dreams may" alFo

eect it, as well as Fanqies or external Ob-'
jects when they are 'make '- 'OF the-latter
anEXample a'thac
Will whereof
maze thenhematch
our purpoeof
who byhand
Crab in
a Fihermactns
caught, and'
of a more then ordinary' largenes, Wh'enhe

Was brought to bed, brought forth a Crab

(as w'ell'zx'a Child) perfectly like thoe that'
are ordinarily caughtjn the Sea; Thiewa; =
- -- w'
_.. IJJILj

ZAP. 73

ofthe Soule.

40 r

>ld him by a-peron ofci-e'ditz who both

newlthe 'Wdman,'and aw the Crab he
rought forth.

Helmont: Cherry he o of

en mentions, and how it was green, pale,

allow,- andred, at the 'times oyear Other
Zherries'are, is omething of this nature z
rat is to a , comes near to 'theperfect p'e=
es o a-C crry, as this-'did Of a Crab, the
antal "life of-a'- Cherry being' in ome mea- .
ll'C in the one',' as he life of an Animal was
erectly in the other.Whi'eh conrms w'hat'
e' aid before; thac rength of our Deire

Id Imagination 'may natch into conent the

irit' of'Nature, and make it act: 'Which
Ice having begun; leaves not o, if Mat- .
rr will but erve or- to work upon; and
zing the ame in all places; acts the ame

ances; ame
egetahle is the s .ir_it_0f Nature; in vir-

lCWhCCOfhlS-C erry ouriht and ripe

zd,according'to the eaons o the Coun
y Where the party was that bore that
ve Signatur'e. Thee two inances are very

rewd argument-s that the Soul oft/'e World

lS.'.t0_ doe With all Eormations of either

Frm: or Animal; For "neither the Childs

oul nor theMothers; in' any likelihood,
>uld frame that Crab, though the Morbe'r
ight, by that range power of Deire and




The Immwtality

LlB. Ill;

Imagination, excite the spirit ofthe World

thatattem'pts upon any Matter that is t
ted for generation, ome way or Other, to
make omething of it z and being determi

ned-by the fancy of the Woman, might ign

the humid 'materials in her Womb with the

image oher-Minde.

a -

herefore if Fiemu had conidered

fromjwhat potent caues Sigmnm may

arie, he would not have been o crupulous

in believing that degree of exactnes that

, ome.of'them are reported to have:

or i -

he; had had the good hap to have met with

o notable an example thereof, as Kirtlmt
profees himelf to have met with. For
heztells a ory ofa man that came to him

for this'very caue, to have his opinion what

a certain range Signature,v which he had
on his Arm fro

his birth, might portend z

concerning w ich he had conulted both

Aralogers and Gaalzr, who had promi

. ed great preferments, the one imputing it
tothejnuence ofthe Stars, the-Other to
the favour of the 'ealing Order ol Angels.
But ,Kjrc/nr would not pend his judgement
upon a meer verbal decription thereof -,

though he had'plainly enodgh told him, it

' was the Pz: tting on bar T/mm, with 4
Dragontm * Brcteiddd Atzgel putting
a Crown on In? Lend. Whereforethe dmzzn




We Soules .


deirous to hear a furtherconirmation of

thee hopes (he had conceived from the fa<
vourable conjectures of others) by the
furagc of o learned a man, was willing in

private to put o his doublet, and (hew his

Arm to Kircbcr: who hAving viewed- it'- with

all poible care, does prolies that theSig<
nature was o perfectly-thatit eemed rather
the work of Art then of exorbitating Na-v

ture; 8c yet by certain obervations he made,

that he was well auredit was the Work
> of Nature, and not oArt,though it was an
articial piece that Nature imitated, Wii.
the picture-of Pope Gregory the thirteenth,
who is ometimes drawn according as this ,
Signatnre did' lively repreent, namely on a

Throne, with a Dragon under his feet, lea

ning with one hand on his Seat, and bearing
the Other in that poure in which they

give the Benediction, and an Angel remo

ving a Curtain, and teaching a Crown to-,
wards his head.
*-= s. Kr'rcber therefore leaving the uper

itious and fooleries of the purious Cabba

li: and A'ral'gers, told him the truth,

though nothing o leaant as their lies and
atteries, viz. T at this Signature was"

notimpreed by any either inuence of the

Scars, or SealsofAngels, but thatit was

the eect of the Imagination of his Mother,


D d 2.




The Immortalzy

' LIB.]II.

that bore him, who in ome' more then or'

dinary it of aection towards this Pope,
whoe picture he beheld in ome Chappel

or other place of herdevotion, and having

ome occaion to touch her Arm,


that image on the 'Arm of her Chil , as it

ordinarily happens in uch caes.-_.Which .
doubtles was the true olution of themy
, 6. The ame Author writes, how he was
invited by a friend to contemplate anorher

ill-an emiracle (as he thonoht that did in

vite im to behold it) thathe might end
his judgement upon it. ,Which' was nor ing
ele but an expoed Infant of ome fourteen
days old, that was gray-hair'd, both head
and eye-brows. Which his fri'end,an Apo

thecary,look't upon as a grand Prodi y, till

he was informed of the caue the'rco . That
the Mother that brought it forth, being
married to an old man whoe head was all

white, the fear of being urprized in the act

of Adultery by her howy-headed hu
band, made her imprint that colour on the

Child he bore.

Which Storyl could not

omit to recite," it witneing to what an ex

act curioity the power of Fancy will

work , for the fahion-ing 'and modifying

the Matter, not ming o much as the
very colours of the hair, as] have al
- '
. ready

CAP. 7.

0tbe Soule.


ready noted omething -to that pur oe,

7. To conclude therefore at lengt -, and

leave thisuluxuriant Theme. Whether it

be the Power of Imagination carrying cap
tive the s irit of Nature into c'onent, or
the Soule o the Infant, or borh-7 it is evident
that the eects are notable, and ometimes
very accura-tely anwering the Idea of the.
Irn regnate, derived upon themoi and '

du il matter-v "in the Womb r Which r

yet,not being-any thing o yielding as the
oft aire, nor the Soule of the Morher o.

much one with thatof the Infant as the

eparate Soule is one with it elf , nor o pe

culiarly united to the Body of the Infant'

as the Soule eparate with her own Vehicle,
nor having any'nearer or more myerious
commerce with the Spirit ofNature, then

he has when her Plaicl- part, by the Im

perium ofher Will and Imagination, is to
organize her Vehicle into a certain hape
and form,which is a kind of a momentaneous

birth of =the diinct Peronality, of either

a Soaleeamtc, or any other Diemo" z it fol
lowes, t at we may be very ecure, that
there is uchapower in the Genii and Se

parate Soulr,_that they can with eae and

accuracy transgure themelvesinto hapes
and forms agreeable to their own temper
and nature.

. 7

Dd 3

8, All

* 4;06-\ .

The Immortality


a. An which Iharve meant hithei'to ib.

eh-ence to their viible congrces ,qne
with-another. But. they are . owetimcs, vin
ible toms alo; under ome Animal hape;

which queionles iszmuch mere dicultv

to them thent'hamthct V'bility is. 'But
this-is alo poible; thou more unuual
by faints being more unnatural. For it is
p'aiibic by Art: to comprcsiAirc o, as to:

reduce' 'it nto vibleziopacity,z-and has been

donezby inne, a'nd' particulady by afriend
'p wise-arm', whom hat 'mentions in his

Le'tters as having 'made this' Experiment z- .

- the Aire getting this .op_a-cil:y by. queezing

thelabdz' outof it.- Which-though the

Wir'e'Souis-and Spirits may'dtw by that
dixe'ctiiiq faculty, Axiome. znt ._* ye: -. urelyzic

mitld- &revel-ye painful; [For the. r Eig

mei'it iying harp; if. the Aire' be net drawn"
caue an ungratefull
in be,Will
as im'n'aruraia'
colde, and
oft-nail a momentWi'll, make the r Ele
' m>tiroo much. or. too-little, that it may,
haply, be very had, at lea for th'ceink-x

ri0nrSpirits,tp keep'eddily in adue mean,

A'dthefott; when they ap car, it is not

unlikely but thar-they oak t eix Vehicle;

in' 'hmeazorbus or gfutnoizs moiurcor

pthcr,.-that thcytnay heroine diible to its a;

amore'eay rate.
W -


A Pt

CAP. 8.

ofthe Soule.


C H A P. Vlll.

x. That the Betterort of Genii convere et

Humane hape, 'he Baer ometime; in Be;
int. ,z. ,Hotv they are diofed to tum

themelvet int-'everal Beialfbrms, 3.0f



army-it TupeulNs, or Igneous

plendouks of Dzmons,h0w the are made.

4, The' the'extemal beauty 0 the Genii
13' aceordingn the degree ofthe inward ryer
tue tftheir minds', '5. That their 'der-'ild
fer-me need not he purely tranha'fent, hilt
more finely, apake, and coloured. 6. That

there is 4 diinction ofMafcu/ine and Fe

nn'm'ne beauty in their peromtl gumtio'm;

1.AFter this Digreon, of hewing * the

acility. of the gurin of the Vehicles
of the Ge'iir' into peronal

a e, [hall re

turn again'where we left; w ich was con

cerning the Society ofthee Genii and Soul:
eparate, and under what ha e they conyer e

5; which
I _ aye'inalready
to beanother
the better
ort of Spirits. And-as for the wor kind,

I hould think that they arelikewie for the

mo part in Humane form', though digui
ed with ugly circumances -,, but that they

gure themelves alo in Beial appearan

Dd 4


TheImmortality i _ LIB.III.

ces; it being o eay for them to transform

their Vehicle into what hape they pleae,

and to imitate the gures as dexterouy as

ome. men, will the, voices oxbrthet-beasz
whom we may hear. ing likd'a Cnckow, crow
barka Cock,
like a'Dog,
and qneak
like _a Pig, and indeed. imitatezi'the-cry of

almo any Bird For Bea. whatoever. And

eay a 'matter
is itlfor
Gem'i to
of thee
all thee
in which they alo appear viibly oftentitnes
to them that entertainrthenand ometimes

to 'them that. Would willingly' iun'xthem.

a 52; Nor is. Jit'jrnprobable', but' the va

riety-oftheir impurities may-s dipoe them

to tum themelves into one bmtih hape
rather then'anotherzas envyingradmiring,
or. in ome ort approving and liking the
a condition and properties ofuch and- uch
merrily ets.heoutdecribes,
the Ne: ,
' Beams
the ,Goathea'rd
eQjvmhas Jvexihaoja i'Toh; [tzmgias epecet,
are; &'TPdgpS, at'tld; '2'721/ o.

As if he envied the. happines Yof the he

Goats,_andwiht..himelin their ead, in

their acts ofcarnal Copulation. So accor

dingto the everal beial properties that

ymbolize with nncleannes and vitiounez



o the Soule.

- 409

of the tempers of thee Demom, they ma'

have a' propenion to imitate their hape t
rather then others, and appear ugly, accor

ding to the manner and meaure of their '


- '


3. As it is likely' alo that thoe &so-Him

or oduyacl wupddds , thoe Igneoior SpIendozen Pellus makestmention oti, (as the end
andcope of themearious ceremonies thoe
wicked wretches, hedecribes, often ued)
were coloured according to the'more or les

feculency o the Vehicle of the Demon that

did appear in thisimanner, no per;
onal hape, but'by exhibitinga light to
the eyesof his abominable Spectatours and

Adorers: which, Iuppoe', he irred up

within' thelimits of. his own Vehicle; the'

poWer. of his'?Will and Imagination, by .

Axiome 31, Commanding the groer par
ticles of the Aire and terrerial- vapours,"
together with. the 'Glohrolt'g to give back
every way, from one point to a certain com

pas, not great, and therefore the more

eay to be done, Whence the r Element
3 _ lyes barein ome coniderable meaure,

whoe activity cannOt but lick into it ome

- particles Of the Vehicle that borders nexc
thereto, and thereb exhibit, not apu're
ar-like light (whi'c'i wOuldheZ, if the r
Element thus' unbared, andin the mid of



The Immortality LrBJII.
pure aire, were it elf'u'nmixt with. other
Matter) but the feculency o thoe parts
that it abrades and converts into fewel, and

the oulnesofthe ambient Vehicle through

which it hines, makes it' look red 'and
_ e like the Horizont'alT Sun een through

a tiick- throng of vapours. Which ery

lmdovr may either onely ide downa
mong them, and o pas by with the Mo
tion of the Demom Vehicle, which Pellu:
CemS mainly to aime'at; or ele it'may
make ome ay and dicoure with them it
_approaches, according as-I vhave heard ome
Narrations. The reaon of which lucid ap

pearances being o intelligibie out of the

Principles of Corn-re: hiszPhi100phy, we
need not conceit that they are nothingbut
the preigious deluons ofFancy, and no

real Objects, as Peur would have them 5

it being'no more uncompetible to a Demoh

to raie uch a light in his Vehicle; and

a purer then I have decribed, then to a

wicked man to light acandle at a tinderbox.

; - 74. >But what 'we have aid concerning the

purity and impurity of this light', reniindes
me ofwhat is of more utable conequence

to dicoure ofher'e,which is the, Spleendour and Beauty of peronal hape in t better

ort of the Gem'i, Which auredl' is greate

ermor ,leer,-according
to the

. CAP,.8,.

of the Soule.

4' I

Vertue and moral Aection: in them. For

even in this Body, that is not o yielding to
the-powers of th e Mind,a man may oberve,

that according as perons are better or

wore inclined," the aire of their viage
will alter much, and that vicious coures;

defacing the inward pulcritude of the Soul,

doe even change the outward countenance
co.-an,- Qabhorredhue, Which mu therefore necearily take' place, in a far greater

WZUK,-il thenche' ate z where our out

ward form is Wh01y: framed from the inward
Imjerium of our MiMe: which by: how
much'more pure it elf i_s-, it will exhibit

the more irreprchenible pul'critude in the

outward, featureland fahion of the Body,
bethor proportion of parrs, the pirit and
aire ofthe Countenance, and the Ornament
ocloaths and attirings: therebeing an in
- dioluble connexion in the Soule of the

Sene of theethree things together, Vertue,

vHendy-7 o
all whichin.he
the r Rootzand
ate,even oontward Beauty it elf: whence

the Convere 'of the mo vertimus. there

mu needs aord the highe pleaure and
atisactionznm onelyin point of rational
communication, but in reference to external

and peronal complacency alo, FbrifVer

tue and Vice can be evier een with outward

4I z

The 'Immortalitj

LlB. Ill.

eyes,it mu bein thee aerialVehicles,which

yield o to the Will and Idea ofgood and

pure aections, that the Soule in a manner
becomes perfectly tranparent through
them, dicovering her lovely beauty in all
the eorefcencies thereof, tothe ineable

enravihment of the beholder.

' 5, Not that Imean, that there is any

neceity that their 'Vehicle hould be as a

Statue o uid Cryal 3 but that thoe
imprees 'of beauty and ornament will be

o faithfullyand lively repreented, accor

ding to the dictates of her inward Sene
and Imagination, that if we could ee the
Soule her el, we could know no more by

her then he thus exhibits' to our eye: which

peronal guration in the extimate parts
thereof, that repreent the Body, Faceand
Vements, may be attempered to o ne

' an opaciry, that it may reect the light in

more perfect colours then it is from any
'earthly body, and yet the whole Vehicle be
o devoid of weight, as it will nejearily

keep'its ation in the Aire. Which we can

at, whilethere,
we conider
the by
ing wonder
of the Clctouds
les aerial
then this coniency we peak of: to ay

nOthing or aerial ApparitiOns as high as

the clouds," and in the ame colours and

- gures
as are een here below,
and' reflexie
yet no

> CAP.8,

ofthe Saide.

4' 3

r'eexions of terrerial Objects, as- I have

proved in my Third Book again Atheim.

6. The exact Beauty o the peronal

hapes and becoming habits of thee aiery

Beings, the briefe and ae account there

of that Philoophy can give, is to reerre to

the decription of uch things in Poets : and

then,when we have perued what the height

and elegancy of their fancy has penn'd down.

to write under it,An obfmre Subindimtion of

the trancendent pulcritude of the Aerial Gce

m'i, whether Nymphs or Herm. For though

there be neither Lu, nor dierence of Sex
among them (whence the kinde commo

tions of minde will never be any thing ele

but an exercie olntellectual low, whoe
Object is Vertue and Beautyz) yet it is n0t
improbable but that there are ome gene
ral rictures ofdicrimination of this Beauty
into Maculim and Feminim: partly be

caue the temper of their Vehicles may em

cline to this kinde ofpulcritude rather then
that; and partly becaue everal o thee
aerial Spirit: have uained the dierence
of Sex in this life, ome of them here ha

- ving been Males,orhers Females: and there

fore' their Hiory being to be continued

from their departure hence, they ought to

retain ome character, epecially o general

a one, o what they were here.

. ._ '

And-it is

' The Immortality

very harh to conceit that

L lB .HI.
e/Ema hould

meet with Dido in the other World in any

other form then that of a Woman: whence
a neceity lo ome (lighter diinction of

habits, and manner ofwearing their hait,will

follow. Which dres, asthat of the Mien

lixe mode, is= eaily tted to them by. the

power of their Will and Imagination: as

appears fromthat Story om ofPeromotur, .
of the [More Moner that was born with
ehy boocs, girdle,pure, and other things

that are no parts of a man,v but his eloathing

or utenilsz and- this meerly by the Fancy
of his- MOther, diurb'd and frighted, either
in leep or awake, with ome uch ugly ap
pearance as that Men/'er reembled. *

" _' C H A P, IX.

1. A general account ofthe mutual entertain:

of the Geniiin the other World. a. of"

their Phzlofophioal and Politiool Conrm


3. Of their Religion: Exerrz'fer.

4, Of the innocent Paflimet and Reoreati

a on: ofthe hotterort ofthem,

5. A conr

mation thereof from the Con-vcntieles of

Witches, 6. Whether the purcr Dazmom
_ have their time: ofrepel/i. or m', 7, -Whenee
_ the had Genii ham'their food; 8. (if
I e

Cnn. 9.

ofthe Soule.

41 5

the. food and feoingtvof the Letter for:

of Genii.


1. Vvdened
E haveinnow
form cry-'garb
aerial Genii convere with one anorher. It
remains we conider how they mutually en
tertain one another in pang away the time;
Which is obvious enou h to conceive, to

thoe that are not leda ide into that blind

Labyrinth which the generality of men are
kept in, of u ecting that no repreentation

of theote oft ee Beings il: true, that it not

o oonfbundedond nninteigihle that 4 man

cannot think it enfe,'nnlc? he win/t with the

inward eye: o hit Minde, and command
lence to all his Rational Foculties. But if he
will but bethink himelf, that the immedi-"

ate inrument of the Soul in this life is the '

Spirits, which are very congenerous to the

body of Angels -, and that all our paons

and conceptions are either uggeed from

them, or im re upon them; he*cannor*
much doubt ut that all his Faculties of
Reaon, 'Imagination and Aection, for
the gcneral,'will be in him in the 'other ate-r
as they were herein this: namely, that' he
will be capable ofLove, ofJoy, of Grief, of

Anger 5 that he will be able to imagine, to'

dicoure, to remember, and the ret




The I'mmortalzity

'LiB eIIl.

uCh operations as Were not prdper tov the

- Pabrick of this earthly Body, which is the

Ocine of Death and Generation.
a. Hence it will follow, thatthe Souls

4 of men deceaed,- and the re o the aerial

Dcmomz may adminier much content' to
one another in mutual Conferences concer-.
ning the nature- of things, 'whether Mortal,

Natural, or MetaP/yyiml. Fo'r-to think that:

the quitting the earthly Body entitles us to
an Omniciency, is a Fable never enough' to

be laught at- And'Socmtcs,'omewhere in

Plato',pre"ages, that he hall continue his old
Trade when he co'mesinto the 'other-World;
convincing and confounding the' idle and

vain-glorious' Sopbi: whereever he l-went'.

And by the ame reaon-Platdnis,Ariai
teliam, Stoicb', Epicuream, and whatever
Other ects and humors are on the Earth,
may in likelihood be met with there,- o far
as that eate will permit-5 though they can
not doubt ofall' things we doubt of here."
For thee
that fubi
are, aerial
and that
and act after death, unles uch as are too
deeply tinctured with Awnrazm. But they
may doubt whether they will hold'out for
ever, orfwhether they will perih at the con-,
agration of the' World, as the Stoicles

would have them, It may-be alo agreat



oft/2: S0ule.**'


controverie among them,'whether Pytlm

gary's or P'okmie's Hy thers be true con:

cerninc theMotion oft eEarth 'z and whe

ther the Stars be o biggeas ome dene

than. For thee lower. Dame's have no bet
ter! means then 1we 'to aure themelves of

v the_ truth or falhood of. thee Opinions.

Beides thcjdicoure ot'News, o the aairs
'as Well of the Earth as Aire, For the aerial
Ink-dium: cannot be les active then the

umrial, not les buie, either in the per-2

formance of ome olemn *exet*cies,' or in

qarryin ondeig'ns'party again part zand

that eit er more Private or more Puhlickzz

the events ofwhich' will'll the aerial Regi

- am' with a-quick preading fame' o-. their
Actions. To ay nothing ofzprudentialcone;
jectures concerning future uecees, afore-r

hand', and innumerable other entertains o

Conerence,--_which would be too long to,
reckon up, but bear a very, near-analogyto
uch as men pas away their time in here. _,
- 3, But of all Pleauresz there are none:

that are comparable to thoe that proceed)

om'theirijoynt exercie of Religion'and,

Dev0ti0n. For their Bodies urpaing ours?

o. much intenuity and urityz they mu
be toa. pring
tter oil
the Divine'
mo de-z _

litate. and. mot ,enravihing aections; to.-._.- .







The Immortelzty

Lust 'In

winds their Maker-,- Whieheing height:

ned by acred Hymns and songs; ungwith,

voices 'perfectly imitating the weet paiz

nate relihes of. the 'ene of theirl devout

_ mindsz'mu- &arme-it their-statiis into Di;

rine Love-rand make them-'wim with joy

in God. - But thee kinds ofexercie's being

o highly rapturous and ecsa'tical, tranpar

iing them beyond' the ordinary limits r of
their Nature, e'annot in Reaon bethought
to bee-reading irequentz but as a-olemn

Repa, after which-they hall enjoy them

elves. 'better
for. 'a good:
of time I
. ,
' pace
at; Wherefore there be other entertain
menes,lwhich though they be of an inferiour

nature to thee, yet-- they- farre ekceed the

greate pleaure-and contentmems of this
preent tate.v For the Mind life being as
eential t'o-the Soul as union With a Body,
which he is neVer ree'rom; it-will follow
rhat- there be o'rne tting gracieations of
it 'in the otheriWorld.

And none greater

den be imagined then Scar-Lump 'and er;

from! empt-um), nor onel * zinratriona diz

W'es. which is o agreea le to the Philol"
ophical Ingc'rzyz but innocent-Ram

, in:

the Mn vtcal and Amor-ons pr en'ion

. may be alo Peereated. . - For-dreethree di

Perineum-e thez'owr 'ofall the te, nen-0.. .


* -



A'tbe Soule,


, War has omewhere acted r; And his rece-s

' ptioa imothe'vother World -is et out by,
AMo's Orade-Jrom ome uch like circum
RantesI - as-thee;
'; , *
Fg'iaipw &come-'um chi-'man

"E'O', 33" 'uhaima, Et JV tWyG- Wed; WHEN'
EWPat'Z-ns Wheiaw m93FAn9Vy4 3 i
iAGgdt-w &pa-'TT rSPJ-H'Vj dyen' iEZ-iv Zdm _1,

Urine-m 35' yiwmyii mad' G 'rien-9- a-S'ip. z

Of the meaning o which-Medes that the

Reader may not Equite be deprived, I zhali

_ render their cnein this careles pamphtz
Nun: the He "metjn 's mnZi-riv' with 7"
Of t'airy eniiat w ere [oft wind: dal Ham; "i
Where Friwdbip,1:om,&'gentlewcet Deire'
Fil?thir til-'ice- welcomgue! n'zi'hjqr with;
Who eirmmr
'a pb'dam
pure that
from grmtfwe
* '


"det ring?

Whence kind arm-vere and amorous do wente"

Warm their cbqnindr 'me the' bright

'Hid/I t/yc-er &feat/zing:

ries the] er 'are

tlye [eqredztim

And he holds on, namiQ thehappy' conv .

p the Soul 04;" Hm'nm was' to aociate


, m. PJtbGM, Bil-Ere, andithe pislreg

j- F . _


e 2




The' Immartality

Lr'tn .IlI-.'

Spirits of the Golden Age,'andiall uch-tis?

made u "the Chorus of' immortal Lovgand

Th'end ip. Thee ing', andplay, and 'danee
together, reaping the lawful leairres ofthe

very Animal life, in a far hig er degree then

weare capable of in this World. - For every
thing 'here does as it were ta 'of thecask,
and-(has ome cournesv and foulnes with

it. ***3The'ww_eet motions ofthe Spit-itsin the

'pajo'n of 'Lo-ye can very hardi - be com
manded ofit-our tooneavbor ering upon
of Lut,
the hameful
ther-nto that deviation. The, 'tenderer Ear'

ea'nn0t but feel- the rude- thumpings of the'

of the. untunablenes
roin, the hoars
nes, orandgratings
ome harhnesand
other, in the be.__'c0norts ofMuicallnrm
-_ The judi'cious
er: .
therT the proportion, colour,or the ai-re of
the 'facez in the mo fam'd 'and'i'no admii _ _
red beauties
to 'ay nothing
of their
habits', But in that other ate,L.whe're- 'the

cconul'ts i With.
and the
Body iswhollyobedient tO-th-d imagination
oft e M'indez -and_ will tO' eV-tn'y Punctilio

yield to the-'imprees of 'zth'at'inward Pat


a 7- an.

tern z




tern'z hething there gane ound amis,

'every touch and roak of motion and Beat)-t

' t bei

conveyed from o judiciousa power;

throng qo delicate andzde mate a Medium, _

Wherefoie zthey eannoc- (uc-enravihv one

mod1e:s:S'onls,,-zwhile they are mutual Sper

ctato'rs of the perfect pulcritude 'of one ano-_ '
thers etonsgand comely carriage, of their,

grace ulzzdancj , their, melodious inging

and laying, with gccentso weet andqft,
asi we vhtmld ima ine the Aire hepe pf it
elf to compoe' L ons, and end forth Mu
ical ounds without the help ofanyv terreg

.'rial Incument. 'Thee,vand uch like Pa

imes-as thee, are part' ofthe happines of
the be-ontfo the aerial Genii, ' a .,j
:-* is vWh.ich_>th,e-more certain knowledge

of what is donev among; the inferiour-Pa;

us pf.
_,F0r it are
is, but .

.a depraved, radumbrat-iqtt; _0_f the Friendly

,meetingSE-dfthe uperiour aem'i, And fwha;

Muick, 'Dandng and-Peating there jis in

Lhee,the free confeion Qf;thoe ,Wtetches,

Or ro'rtuisous _d_e__te'ction oothers, has made
manife tQ;the_=W,o.rld, viz., How Humgne

- And -A'nge1ical Nun] is, tralnsformed them

into Beial-D'eformity, the chief inthe-coup .
pany ordinarily appearing in the Figures of

' '

Ee 3 -


_ Air
The -Immortality LIB. Ill.
21' -,- the
amuse;fndh mre'- ' Am;
_'_s ' ' iS'; 'bo
. may;
into' dicuxous' - gamratiensg
dilutes s?


nerates 'into the' man bruri'hueud ' ubga

mimble obeenity

can che' imagined :'v 'of

which] will adde." ' hething more, &ming

.hkte-endug'h ofthis metteryinztbe &At-pens
'to myizntidm Chap',
II. , " T."
7: 5; (What is mea water' 'fix-the preent

ks'to tdnder, Whether as &he-much and

Dendng of thee Leo-vers' andmoeedeqdy;
l'aed venom', are a-diorlted' " imtatitm 'Of

KW imhe higheriandimere pure Dream doe in their Region-3? o' their Feuhf
bd pervert-ed: reemblances of. I: _'60_thers

, Weive-ting; am; ihat" is to ay,- 'it z-js worth

jpurjehq'uiring &in-te; whether they'doen '

'ear 'eke 'drink- asewen as thee. 'z 'For thumb

as mak-have their 'r'ehi- as well-as

'theimg a'nd his-"ces" lised-es weir as Mrs

Yelk', L'though
thered-e aconfes,
great? &Warm.
diet." AndPmu
iihere 'is nd)
MF'dicnky-irj bb'tihg whence the good
r ribhdJGe'iii 'Hay-hzvetheirfoodiz though

'eaY-'emugh 'Po cmcerve-r thatthey may

feed and refreh'theit Vehidesg

* \ Yortjqq
Me actuate
thatthey- drive ow'

CAP-Qc \

.- "t/79 Soule.


' With
them, whichconceive,
isaf ac' t'a'ine extent,
13 mo-nagural-te
lqcaLmet-mW-and partly b the ctivitji of
their. thoughts, they let dine' particlesck
felr-Vehicle'a into a more then uual agim
tion r which being thus moved, catncr'an'd
rptrc 5 -=and that o the Vehicle lek'ehs'm
omevmcaltewad. therefore admits ofi

recruit-e t which mu be either by formal

xepa, 01' by drawing in: the Crude" "Aire one',

iyz which hapzlmay beenough -*,*-.bln it bee


falwaies, thepleanre will

c more. at._*Weref0rc it is-not improba

' ble' but that both may 'have their times of
Rfectioaz for pleaure at lnaz if nomecef-z

ixytwhkh will he the greateradvantage

on-the Glad; and the more exquiite miery'
for the Bad, they being punihable in this

regard alo.

- -. - -,

- 7.: Bat,'as. I'aid,the. greate 'dicultyv

is. to give a ratienall account whence the'

bad Gcnii have-their food, in their execrable

feas, o formally made up into dihes.That

the materials ofit is arvaporous. aire, ap

pears as' well from the faintnes' and emptiy

nes of them that ,have been entertainedar

thoe feas, as from their forbidding the
ue ofSalt at them, it having" a virtue of'
diolving ofall aqneous rbances, as well'

M'hindering theirjcongelation, But how the



EC 4


The 'Immartaluy
LIB. Ill.
aAire ismou'lded _ into thetlformdjdzcbnju
-_ency-,51t2i5 bety- - ard<to conceivezwhether
'it be done by? themeeri ' er- of Imaginat
'tion n nv'their own vehrcles',r jdabl'ed-in
ome ' iditieis that are-'the itte farthe

. Hegn,whi'chthey than clined-thee forms

oFViandsyhnd: then jwit 'dtatlvgi owhenthey

r. have 3ivMthemf-"udh aigure,zcolour,>'and

man err-dy ,* With' fmneminall _toueh_-' of

uch a a outs'or cincture? 3'01'1 Whether-he
the 'a-.priv
. hdrp"
Deire Jilzmdi- ikeen z army-31;
on,- to 'Greet the 3p2'j1-40f-'N2tdre5'11'62 es
'to awe' en<her223ctivity5dm gengzrgezher
tothecom' ledtin'gin-mmonm; asirWerez

thefull'de rgn: of their

Wihes-5. butiri

fpchitmalltew'artheFERMEUt'th'ey-Yhrelim 'is

capable. 'oFtzll 'which I isf this 'erdde' . and' va:

'porous Aire; whence their food mll be
verysdilbteend sflahiey"afnrlirather?t mbc
kerythen enyolid atisfaction:and pleaure;
' 8, But thoe Superionr>TDamyigvWhich
inhabit that part. of the Aire: th'at no orm
nor tempe can renchgaeerlv be ptit to 'no rich'

hifts, though they. may.Fbe as able, inche-'if

as the other. For in the tranqirill'rty ofthoe
upper Regions, that Brown-Canini: ofthe'
univere, the S irit vfNamre,' may. lently
end forth who e' Gardens and. 0rchards=o
mo delectable ruits__;and. 0wprs.,.-0f-'an

-CAP' 90



Wilibrious panderoty td the 'art-s o the

. ,Ai'r'etheYgtbwin, towhoe hgpe and col

ibws-ch'ektrdnparehcy otTt-heevPlaxits-'may
adde-a Particular' make, a's we ee' it is in was

ci'ous Stones.- fiAnd the 'chjmis are'neve't

_'cjui6t till' th'e'h'eat ' 'of their fancy have calcii

'ned-Land vitrieq the Eacth'rinto a cryal:
Line pellu'cidity, fepnceiting =that= it will be'

then a ver-yf 'xiqekhiug indgcdgd in'dalb this

then grows l'o'ut' -of* 'it

z\.w_hit:h deiibk'

Spbctade they'- may haplyenjoy- 'in arme-6

yet-ect aisn'ek ','**wheew*v1they ratezadx
itritred- into rthoe - hight-t? Region: o-thi

Aire. Forthe 'r'y'Soile - then'un'der them'

hall be trmpdre'ht, in wth t-h'


the very*'R'<'>t's'_'t_if*thez'-1'_ree-5,ft is lit-Per?

our Paradz - With "their" 6' es; "and ifit -Fna_

not oend___them , ee t _is_. Opake Eart

through it, bbun'ding , their ight With uch

a white pleiidq'ur its 'is dicard-ed 'in the

fullMomi; with that diefen'c'eof- brightd

n'es that will arie vfromthe'-diltintkicyllrOf

Land and-Water; audi the Will kecma'te"
their palatsl, ?may.taf9 uch 'Fruitsg as'
whoe natural Juice-will ,vie- With' their 'no-
ble' Extraction: and Wih'teenc'es. v"Flatuch 'certainly will they there- nd' 'the blood

of- the Grapeythe rubie-co'l'oriredI Cherries,

and Nectarines, And i for the compleatih'g
eft-he pleaantnes of thee hahitations, tlhat'


t my


The IMOrtality


LJBV Ill- \

Let like-3 digne-and dead-(eld .

m. tzthey-metmth nds NBcas ound-,

Was. nms-Mlwr-s, xbenglc. aces-tis of
Whyq miceszarez yet-3' UMfuL-to them,

aMthvatyiagtof-theirwaomsznerfect [Bil-3 X
sal-hgrmomyzhey would-d9e.very_kmd1y 1
tphriag uszmrdzback of the'ccrtamty. a x
> thee-things; *a!1d*m3kB-u\hi$t more then a. *

Bhzk'lophim gin-Sucet- zBut-xthat there may

tewvdandjwin 'in thoe htgher aerial
Regionseisvzleszzhu ted by -thc.Platoni-s_z .
WCh3m31g$1M4U5W7M 'callthe steal;


BOdYaOPiP-HW mipm':

ihe abkxvextnd = Mad: , of - Apolladc'

* __ Whem-he felicity 0'thal--Gh0l$Qm-*

_ Lovers -zbcz_'mcntiensthttez from
(exalting tqgethetzywh thckzedpmii, - \
1..'2H a






nAtzx/ Zucpa-uypajwr tap-face?


it .-;. '3

Spi that the Nnctwtzandz ambuh: of the Pas

RASMY mtbemm . fabic. fFor the spiv'

rimf>Naturt,-.zwhich,is_thq imvwdiatc in; t

Wnto Gbd;.,mty cnrich he fruits of
eat-trill 'Mad-e: with-uch Liquorsyan

being Weive-i. iatothe bodies,atheefpurerf

\ Pmjm, add; dlumg it clkzzthmugb their
While-len may-xaue-uch grateful motions
MSiF-a! 10 Quf md excite uch a more
zqrdlmry. qujckrzes in-ztbcit; mind.

came. - ,aftbe Soule. L

cbeerfulnes , that. it may ay
trancend the mo delicate-Refcction that

fcutes_could ever-intreat up

ouatth ; a

thy without all mety and

burdenfomcnes, it lling them with no

thing-but DivinezLove, Joy. and. Devotion.

, * -: 10) a

t .. ,_-.;.-..* _


YC'H'AP, X.-*.: r": r ;





. ,
1 .;'-'"
\ "

" '

4 1 3;


tJnHait hard it: '2 todcne my thing, me _ A?

- a: ning: she' - Amid-1 sat: &then-cal 'Elyinmsa

' 73' That 'bard-5 Pvlitiul order and Lanes

' mngh theft aiery Dxmons. 3. 'That t/n"

-;_clm'n ofGo-vermvt 'en/m domfront/14
'mh'gh' Edtere'al Pmrs thigh-the Aev
to 'be may' Imhabi-tants 'f 'Irn Earth;
4.: Tin' great ecurity m live-i- thereby;
'SL How taly detectiHz and MewHe
i wicked Spirit: 'm by, th e 'o-tlm'r-omz
Fribt, 6. after. Milan: o the; curity m
nd our elve; in frm t e g'
' on: wi] Spin'tx. 7.=W}ut kind pun-'V

: me'm Ibe Aerial 'Oce'rs inz'ct 'pon their

I.\ Mairfactdu.
M" ht enlarge
r" ' my elf much
' I' on this

ISuEject , by.- repreenting the many

enumeration ofthevimal and. Athena!



2; 3 8

The Immortality


Elyiumg depaintiug them'outlin aii'the t'm

fiery of' theirbrnumettts'k- but there: 'Al-sins
prudence' ofbeing 'lavt'hf'z'of ones pen 'ina

m'atter o lubricou's andJCGnJccturaJQOfZhe

bare exience whereof We' have 'to-'lother
ground, 'thenthat otherwie the ' grea-tet
part of the Univere by innite meaure,
and the mo noble, would lye as it were
uncultivate, like a de-art o Sand, wherein

a man can piejheidienPlant nor living

Creature. Which though it may eem as
hould' have
all't e-'Vzirietiesihewould
put rerained

one ddltcemptibleMo'lehilz and have made

aii' the\"*re of-'th'e Eitrth'v fone Homogeneal

tti'faeei'odry. clay'- or -one,- on which. not
one. ptig' oi-'Graszmuchleszany Flower or
Treeghould grow,v nor Bird nor Bea be
bnte to 'et their foot thereon; zyet

the Spirit; Mus Marr'zdrheing

too pullanimoustdbey-gb'ketor
'gmppie with
uch? va .
ObjEctS's-We 'mu refolve to te either igno
matter; * - .' 'what
will more 'e'a'ily 'fall 'unde-r 'out compi-ehen

ion, and that is the Pality of the aiery De

mam. Concerning which, that in general
thereiis uch Ia thing'famong them; is the
mo'auredly true in iteif,.and of the
mo ue to us to be Pzzrwaded &If- To kOW
>- *

l ell'

CLPA o',

of the Soule;

4 39

their particular'irder: and cuom is.'a more

needles Curi0ity.'\ But -tl'lat they doe lye
under' the reraint of Government, wis not
onely the opinion of the Pjthagar'eam (who
have even to the nicity ofGramm-'t'iul Cri

tirxm aigned' diinct names to the Law

that belongs to thee Three ditinct' ranks
of Beings', &It-Opium', &at/Font- and fareth;
calling the Law that belong: to the r
Noas, the econd Alma, and e third OJFK)

but it is alo the eay and obvidus uggeiis '

on of ordinary Rreaon, that it mu needs
be o,*and epecially among the'Aerial Gex

m'i in thee lower Regions, the : being a

mixt rabble of-good and bad, wi e and foo-r

lih, in iich a ene as we may ay the Inh'a-*

bitants of the Earth are o, and therefore

they mu' naturally fall under a Govern<

ment,and ubmit to Lawes,as,well 8c for the
ame reaons as Men doe. For otherwie
they cannor tolerably ubi, nor enjoy

what rights may ome way or Other apper

tain to them, For the Souls of. men dea

ceaed and theDcmm, being 'endued with

corporeal Sene, by Axiome 30. and there'

fore capable of Pleaure and Pain, and con'i

eqently ofboth Injury and Punihm'ent, it
isrnanife,v that-having the ue of Reaon,

they canno: faillto mould themelves into

ome Political form or other; x-and o to be
,*_ r) .

4 Zo
The Imnartblily
L 18.: In;
dividedzinw Natiems anelzPIWZMCS, glad to
have, tbeixoicets of Staecgromjhe-Kiag
* on 'his (Throne-'nto Lhcvcry ldwe and-mail
abhorrcd-Exedntibners ofJuioe.- "; -

-' '\.WNch.-.inviiblc-Govdmmen: is not

circumcrib'ed within the , compas Of the

aiery Regims, but takesihold al0'oa-the

Inhubicantswf the Tmhzzas 'the Govern
ment ofMm does meveral- orts ofbrute

Bengand thethereal Powers alo have

a Right and-Emcieof'ule over the Ae
rial. Whence' nothing canfe commixaedjn
the World-zdgzh the more' indipenable
Laws thered, but a mbzevcre and. inevi
table' punihment Wiil: follow; every zNa-q
' tioh,:City,Family
and Pero,
being in ome
and therefore-in

tntehgezoomc inviiblcPower or ochergs

I have above intimaced, . : -_ '1 4.. And udh Trangreons as are againt
thoe Laws withou whoe obervance the
Crmtion could no: ubi, we may be au
red are punihcd with Torture intolerable,"
and innicely above any. Flee-ure imagie

liable. the evil Gtm'i can-take in doing of

thoe of their own OrdQr, 'or 'us Morcals,any
michief. Whenceix ismanife that -_Wem*e

as ecure from Their gxos outragcsr (uchi as '

thect ring'of our houes, the' ealingaway
put jewelgor more nece-Him? thcnls, mu

.. .


LIAP. 1 o.

o] me oouu-


during our elve: or chlldren,=deroying our

cattel, corn, and ocher 'things of the like
ort,) as if they were no: in ran-m nam'd,

Unles they have ome pecial permion to

act',or we our (elves enable them by-our rah

'and indicreet tamperin with them, or uf

fer' from the malice of ome: per-on thatqs
in league with them. For their greate lii
berty. of doing michief is upon that ac'
count ; which yet is very much limited,ia

that all thee Actons mu pas the conent

of a viible peron, nor hard- robe dicove
red i'n thee unlawful practices, and eay to
be punihed by the Law of Men.
- s . And the Aerial Gem'i can with a's much
eae inict punihmant on one another, as
we Mortnls can a prehend, lmprion,and pu

nih uch as tran gres again our Law's. For

though' thee Deum: be inviible to us, yet
rare activkitynot o 'to
own o
can ithe.
the Bad'
over-maer the Good Commnwealths
men therezthzt u hold 'the Law's better them

they are among us. Nor may the various

Transguracion 'oftheir hapes conceal their'
perons, no more 'then the diguies that!v

are ued by frandulent men. For they are as

tble'to dicern whatls ctitious from what"
is true-and natural among themelves, as

we are amongt our elve-5. And every Ae

.- i


43 2

The Imm'ortalitj

- LuulII.

Lia! Spiritbeing- plrti of ome 'fnliticd zfuz

wimz upowzany Men-age: committed;

Will-thev aneayjz matter to hznrtrout-thg Mar

lete-ctor. , No Damo'zbcing;able o to? tran

gure himel'but uPQnNQjnmand he will
> be'forced-to, appear in. his natural and uual

zfpnm, m'ddring , to dnynuponexamination

to What-particular'Subdi-vo'i he belongs.
hence kzhezeay'- dicovery oftheir micar

Flaggs; and g'ertaintyfofr innpportable tor

-will ecure 'she - Wod from all eche

diorder Fhab ome' crupnlouswits upect

would! ajrie from this jkinde oioCr'earnres,

iftheyewerejn Being; l 3.: - "z

.,-'_- -

' , he: Tozwhich We. ' may,z:a*ddc' alo; That

Whatwe-lravex- is neles to' them; r and that

itis very. "hard, to conceive ahatjtherezare

many Rational IBClngS;TQ - degeneratezzas s to
take pleaure in-ill,- whcnit ds no'
themelves; r That Seat-tree his Ap orizmz
meaure, true in the other-World, aswell as
i _ _this.- That all

_rrez may bee

theezrcvil-Spirlts de

y our lgpe into. as great a

degree xof ,poay -fr0mzG'od. asT'thexn'

elvesz: andvt. bri'full parxakcrs. wththem

Oftheir. flerhi any z. asedebauqhed penons

in: thiQ life IQVMO inakecoelytes, endite
have repect . from theirrNur-ings . imwick-i

t ere

CAP. '0.

ofthe Soule.



'there arethzt at-'va for she taking away this

Pan-ick: fair-'of the ineuratids add- idols
might Farther
Of there
the upic'ious'Atheikzz

which I willingly omit, having aid make'

enough df 'this-Subject
already; --=>see
' '4 ' *i*
93' -


* 7. If any'b'e! o' cutioas- 45 td- demand

W'Bat- kinde of Punihmctuisk people ofthe'

Am inict upm xheiti-Makzctor'sz or, hha
rather refefrc ehe'm to the 'Pzciesr of Cor/m

liI'ct'f' Agrzfa*DE lOMMIIZ- Mida-3775. 'SIR-3.]

Cctf.4rl.- them-'be 'lmzghtf- zmY-elf fen? vd

thg' to decend- to- ixth: Wtieulciesr

Awg Other' thgs- tr'e- parties their m
ccek'ation, o? cmnemenuo mb Vilei'and '

qualid Habicaeions. His awawords-arer

very gn'zeanez Aedc'dt arm: wili'lmw

' rllm'd'l t'etwimomm lodor'mh bZsIMMAL-'dul
Arm;" igm, Ham-m ingMMeF,fu-[guf#'
04 'mitmamm wmum, ' temnm war-gun',
uM 'Regia 'me wys, me' udior'tm meam

pz-x, ignmiq-n teyzdamdcmm,_ptrpethw

tondb: A'
[eek MHQW, Wl'keriterh'd
wvuld make u'i believe, cha: the &beard-1
neous cazvems; ofthe E'c'k'rchrgir'e made' ue 'Of '
for Dungeos' for IMWZCk-Ed De'zmm' to be _ '
pus-Wed in' : as if the" (lateral Ninth, uch
asi Mad, Fefa-oimecla, std many cthk'rs, *

epecially in Ameriit, Wet'e' o






orboues of Correction for the unruly Ge

nii.- That there is a tedious reraint upon

them u On villanies committed, and that in

wlerab e, is without all queion z they be

ing endued with corp0real Sene, and that

more quicktand paivethen ours,an.i there
fore more ubject to the highe degrees
of torment. So that not onely byvincarcc- rating them, 8: keeping them inby a watch,
in the caverns oburn-ing Mountains, where
the heat of thoe infernal Chambers and

the eam of Brimone cannot but excru

ciate. them exceedingly, but alo by com

manding them into undry other Hollows

of the ground, noyome by everal fumes

and Vapours, the may torture themin e
veral fahions an degrees, fully proporti-v
onable to thegreate crime that is in their

power to commit, and farre above what the

has inicted
upon the Tyranny
guilty oriinnocent.
Connements and Torments are inicted

onthern,and by whatDegrees and Relaxati

ons, is a' thing neither eay to determine,
nor needful
puruing Wherefore
any further we

unprotable a Subject, and come to 'the

Third general Head we mentioned, which
is,_W/14t the Moral condition of the Soul it

when he lid left this' Body.

- .
4 l

-, * ._
C H A P.

CAJLL '__ 'Yfth'eSauIe


CHAR xn'
1-. Three thing: to he conidered before' m
come to the moral condition of the Soal af

te'r death: namely', her Memory oft'ran ale

on: in thi: life,

2. 'The peculiar eatnre

and individual character of her Aerial

Vehicle. 3. The Retainment oftheam

4. How her ill deportrnent . here.

lays the train o

her 'Miery hereafter;

s. The 'unfpeaha le torments o Confcience

wore then Death, andznot to e avoided
> dying. *6_ of the hideone tortures o 'exter
nalene &a. then', whoefearedne ofConi.
cience may ee'n to make'than "incapable of:
- her Lam. 7. of the.[late ofthe Soal: of
the more innocent and contientt'otee Pa

8. of the natural accrnrnent: of

After-happines to the morally good in

this life.

9.- How the Soal enjoys her

acting: or uering: in this Life for an in

dipenfahle Caue, when he has paed to

the other. 10. That the reaon it pro
portionahly thefame in things of Ie eon

eqnence. 1', What rni c 'if men rn

create to themelves in t e at er world
their Zealous miake: inthis.-

12. 'That

though there were no' Memory' after Dear/r,

' yet the manner of on' Life here majon
Ff 2

The llmmortaiigr

LIB .Ill.. ;

the eeds of the Soal: fntnre happine or

m' "7.I X- s; i',


hlution of this (de

ictkmthexe is anocher. rt in' nature

to'bddecided' Azv named', Whether the Soal re
Me arty'thingKof this Lr'fe after "Death,
W-Miri/Za'tl'e 'and ,Gm'dan ee'mtc" deny it z

but-1 edoexnot rentember any reaons in ei

ther. that Mllvrnakegood their OpiniomBut
Lhtrthec'ontrarysis true, ap ears frOm what
weh'aviealeadty proved. Li ,z. Captlr. viz,
Thin. Mejimntediateeat ofMernoty it the Soul

"and that: all Rerenta'tiont With

theirv 'e'tt'nhmea- m refer-ved ih'her', not

Spirit: (anor
of thehimelf
And 'that theSpir'ineare onely anccear
Ilptument whereby the-Soul' vvorks-7 which
while they'are too; hook and grqs..dnd-wate
n'h, Qhlivion creeps upon hee, in than mea
nkzmhuf'theSpiritsxare time diemperixi z

' budjhe-ziieieheing' chaedaway, and the

temper of the Spirits? rectied, the Soul
a ouhitrith reeoit'ers'. the lme'mo'ryof what
things-he could; not xwreil command before,


now-it a better atte oActivity,

rW'hence, by; the 33: Axiome, 'it Will ol

lp'tjt, that herv Memmy will. be rather ' more

perifect'after Death, and, Conience. more

i; '11


oftheSoule. 3
nimbie'to 'excue or accne-her-'aceor ding.
hdxdslxnc, _1 -;_\u:_'n;c=-: fivi '20 not'

2_, It'is not altogether beide the? Finzpbe

to tak-e! notice alo, That'lthenatural-Hnd

uual Figure d 'the-r Sons'- Mertatwhibk

bears 'a 'reemblance with the future oflth't

party in this-life t : itLlzeing'molt blzvitius zi
the' 'Pheh 'part (an the ptv'pnmand ti-Lilie

Will 'to-w; put-'forth'intwperiintl-hdpewm

t'o- that: " in" this
Ue' es the
'new .
will i ermii!_v
in ofNat te haply does: done-arte; tight-'the

guration of the Palm' '5 'but With; uch-ib

* mits 'as Uecon'ies rhe-'Aetiar-"Wngrutty-tif
life, ofit'hieh 'we huveoketaiready was

alo howzthe-Lroper Idea-in? i uretztevery

Soul (though -_it-'r'riaY'dMeG-\Exmthittgrby

e_poWer of th'ejParenUS'Imtigiiiatioliintik
ad: 'Of Conception, or Geitation',>yet) may return more-'hear to its" peculiait- emblilnee
\afterwards,andh be an' uneonecalable Nde

i 3..
We will addei?to] all=! this', the"
'i _ ' REtaTi'n'
'ment Of the ame Name whichihe 'deceaed

thod Berblds 'there'be ee'nepecial' reao'n

to ehingeitb that theirde'ron will che
Its'zpuhctuanyvdiinguiht fand: 'circumta

bed as any of ours in this life, 'Allwhirh

'.things,'us Zhey- aremo'prhbabie in', tliern- '

alves, thatthey-wilt thus MYFEaHY 'fall Quit,
. a: .'.'.'.'-'.



The *1mm0rtality

LIB.. Ill.

are veryronvenient'
of Juice,
and keeping ofdu the
(WhCR'Sta-(C-T" fix! '*-;..7;

'1 7' 1! 12. = 'as _.

4;xTheeo-tbingsxhereore premied, it
Will nombe hardxo- conceive how the con.

diniizn of. the 59111 after this life depends on

her LMo'nl deporrrnent' herc_PjQr-Mcmr] cea
ng ,-no"t, Copience may very like-ly' awake
more zfuriouyarhen- ever -,-w*thn.- Mind be
mminizz, more daw-Judge ol-rerilrActions
mild. N=ht_.c_onldbeinehe Fleh, being

maw hips. QEBJL thee * cirrnmauces and

comam-ences gzthmgsprhatzkepe
i 'Om-zhe0WQxtuMY
Of cengherhenekfoff

account; orofzxerceiving the nglinesoh-c'r

Knwnmzse. , Beidesxrhcre being-that. corn:

\mlcichewilhe5 and.- zthc Aire,
zthai; P art-lea; the zaxne-pfxthings will arrive
zto rheir-cognocence-rhat havezlefethis life z
- they jafter; i-ll, ucces of their-wicked Aenxerz
-p_ries_z 'and unreapnablg .tr3nactiens may

arm their tormenting Corrciencs withv new

whip and: ings; z. when? they-hall either
haunt-ee with; ztheir eyes ,,Whac theyw

have unjuly buil; up, to. run-with hame

to mine, andzbehold all their dei Fns Come
10' nought, and zrheix; fame-bia; ed upon


5. This is the ate of 'uch Squlg as 'are '

gapablc Lf a ene ofdiike log-,- xheiy pa:

' '



gctxozxsz ,j


oft/ye Soule.



actions : and a man would think they need

no other punihment then this, i he coni

der the mighty power of the Minde over

her own Vehicle, and how vulnerable it is

from her elf. Thee Paions therefore o

the Soule that follow an ill Concience,mu
needs bring her aier body into intolerable
diempers, wore then Death it elf. Nor

yet can he die if he would, neither by re,

nor word, nor any means imaginable z no
not if he hould ing her elfinto the ames
ofmoaking 'Am-e. For uppoe he could
keep her elf o long there, as to indure
that hideous pain of deroying the ruin!
Congruity of her Vehicle b that ulphure
ous re; he would be no ooner releaed,
but he would catch life again in the Aire,
and all the former troubles and vexations

would return, beides the overplus othee

pangs o Death.For Memory would return,
and an illConcience would return, and
all thoe buie Furies, thoe diordered Pa

ions which follow it. And thus it would

be, though the Soule hould kill her elf
a thouand and a thouand times -, he could

put pain and punih her elf, not deroy her

el 6.
. But i ctwe could uppoe Ome mens
Conciences eared in the next ate as well
as this, (for certainly there are that make


4497. U 'Human-di)


- iesheir buine- to obliteraeefall- ene of

dierence of. Good r

But out sithen

minds-a Qeheldmoo bean-ii itten; om

(though it be. 'le-thin elfei t; a' piece of
beial Rapidity) cat. iinkrthers; is no uch

thing ers-Vice, NNW, and that it isa

Prioeipall part of ysrfeelien, ver' he o degev
herste_.a;s're act, according trothe' Principle

Hithquteayzrnmbre at &Whoe-men may

Ieenz te-hare-aWeXeeLIeMrPFMleAge in the
Otheftwofldz- they being-thus iamourrprpnf

againt all thezeny- edarts ethatzzlamehek

Dew-il: As1fthesgretteizemrlty m the
'other life were; are \hayezbeeex;eemplemly
wiekedu'irrzthlszu &abates-net.- out. of. the

(Whjgfvme Reaon. andPluloephy to' di:

Fvhat ueh. held and ampudemwretehes

where-lozall-Iimmd- ene; Qf'Sioedtand

xvil,.ma.y*th=ers egnn: there Wills feel-a

a lkhifhfwda' Ear the-divine New-'g

is excluded put of no partiofthx zumverez

and;" Goddnes and JUhCTQWhIEiXT


'ten-in 'here,,.-will be acquainted with t em in

that other ale,..whether they will or ne.
l peak ufuehxoure Spirit-s, that can wal
Murder, Perjury ,zExtortienz
Adultery, Buggery, and Ehe like gros

' almes, without the lea .digu(t,and think

they haue aright; to' atisy theimwu Lu,

ogreat. injury
' . i '
' \
t Cll'

CAP. 1 1..

of 'be Soule.

44 t

their Neighbeur. Ifthee men hould carry

it-Mthimpunity, there werereall no Pro

vidence, and themelves were r e true

PwPhctS and faithu-lle Inructors of man.

kind. divulging the choice Ammim they
avetoimpart to them, namely'Tlunhen

i: no G'd,But theLcae ands quiterotherwie',

For whether it be by the imporrunity of

them they injure in this life, who may. meet
with them afterward, as Cut-dart by way of
objection ugges 'in his Treatie of. this

Subject; Or-whether by a general defer'

tion by all ofthe other worldwhat are able .

to proceed- (zuch Moners'as [decribe be

ing haply far-les in proportion to the num
her Of the Other ate, then thee- here are to

num they, wilh be..neceiiu*ily* enpoed to

thoe grim-andzre'mores o ictrwf'rzlird,
who are as devoid of all ene of w at is

* ood'asthoe'that-they hall Punih, Sothat '

t eit penalty hallbe' inicted from uch 'as
are ofthe ame princrples with themelves,
who watch for uch booties as thee, and

when they can catch them, dres them and

adorn them according to the multif'arious
petulancy of their own unaccountable hu
mours; and taking- a pecial! pride and pleas
ure in the making and eeing Creatures
mierable,fall upon their prey with all eager

nes; and alaerity, as the hungry Lions on a



"4'4 z

The Immortality

LIB. Ill.

condemned malefactour,-but with more e

r'ocity and inultation by far. For having
more wit, and, if it be poible, les good
nes then the Soule they thus aault, they
atiate their lacivient cruelty with all man
vner of abues and torments they can imagine,

iving her onely o much repite as will

_ erve to receive their new inventions with a

freher mart and more diinct pain. Nei

ther can any Reaon or R'hetorick prevail
with them, no Expoulation, Petition or
Submil'ion. For to what purpoe can it be,
to ex oulate 'about injury and violence
with t em whoe deepe reach owit is to

underand this one main Principle , T/mt

mer] one: Lu, when he ran act with impu
pity, is 'he mo/Zacred and ea-veraign Law s'
can either
doe with
thoe Petitions
who holdoritSubmii
the mo
cantemptiblc piece of fondnei and llinej
tbat is, to be intreated to reredefron' their

anon Into-e ? And theyacknowledgin no

(rich thing as Vertue and Vice, make it t eir
onely intere to pleae themelves in what

is agreeable to their own deires: and their

main' pleaure is,to excruciate and torture,in
the mo exquiitepwayes they can, as many
as Op ortunity deliversvup, to their power.
Andt uswe ee how, in the 'other life, the

Pl'QlId goneeited Atbcai may at la feel th;

i '.



CAP, 11..

of the Soule. .


ad inconvenience of his own Practies and

Principles. For even thoe that pleaed
themelves in hel- 'ng him forward, while

he zwas in this li e,-to that high pitch of

'wickednes , may haply take as much plea
ure-to ee him puniht by thoe grim Exc
mtz'pner; , in the Other. Like that portul

cruelty (which ome would appropriate to

Nero'r peron) of cauing the 'e/la! virgins
to be raviht,and then putting them to death
" ' * ' '
-_ 7; But this Subject Would be too' tedious

and t00Tragicalto ini on any longer. Let

- us-caour eyes therefore upona more tolera
ble'Qbjectz and that is The ate ofthe Soul

Fhat: has, according to the be opportunity.

he had of knowledge, liv'd vertuduy and

coneientiouy, in what part Or' Age ofthe
world oever; For though this Mind Inne
micy among the Pagans will'not amount

'to what our Religion calls Salwtionz yet it

cannot bur be advantageous to them in the
other, ate, according to the everal degrees

thereof; they being more or les Happy or

Mierable, as they have been more or les

Vertuous in this li'e. For we cannot ima
gine why God houd be more harh to them
in the other world then in this, nothing

having happened to them to alienate his at;

fection but Death-5 which was not in their



The Immortaligy
LIB. Ill,
p owerito avoid, and looks more 'likeza pu
nihmentzthcnva fault e though 'it-be 'neither
to thoev that arcwQll-n'waning and-Con
ciencious , and not: profeed contemers

of the' wholome uggeious of thelight of

Nature-,--buc are lovers of Humani't'y and

Vertue. For to thee it is onely an 'entxjaoce

into anothcrlifc,

- *

Ad amend wireuvct A ,,

Farttmatorum nemorum, e_dcj-hutm,
Which Truth I could not'concedl,it' being a
great prejudice to Diwixtvfrwilcmt '""t0
think \ otherwie. - For 1thoe-tha't' 'axe
free, her wayes will ecm'as unin'telli'gible

in wex-leading the imple with punihment,

as- in 'not zrewarding -;ghcL'.move tp'elifectl'y
righteous/'and illuminatez-z FoMrotm-fault
ill either they will be tcuilftcdaww =1i1i>sbe=
liefof the whole, r and hol jub Providence

at all.
-. 8; 'Lcc oheneenhereforezbe petuliayTl'iYi
ledges of Morality, everywhere, to' 'thoe
that pas' into the other' Stace,- For unles
God make a oz'aon pmpol'git will- nim
rally follow ,'"t t Me'moxY-K awfyDeat-h
fugge'ma nothing but What? cheConYcience
allow$ olinluchTranquillitY ofdoinde mu

gcult from thence, an'd a c'ertain hclrh and

beauty of. the: Aerial-'Vehicle zi alo hemi

' Compa'qy

CAP. wi

ofthe Soule-


Cornpany and Convcre, and more pleaant!

Tracts and Rcgious to inhabic. For what
Plotinnc peaks of the extreme degrees, En
nead.4. Lih.4. CaFAS- is alo true of the in
termediote, ele Divine Juice would be
very maime. For a m4n,aith he, hit-ving once;
appropriated to himelf o pra-vity of temper,
and united with it, it known well whet he it 5

and according to hit nature is thru forword

to what he propendt to, hath here, and departed

hence, and ohall he ptcded h] the drawing:

of Nature' into a jntehle place. But the Good
man hit Reception-and Comrnnnicationshall

he ofanother ort, hy the drawing no it were

ofcertain hidden ring: tranoed andpnlled
hy Naturesv own ngers. So odmirahle it the
power and order of' the Mni-uere, all things
heing carried on in A ilent may of atte/fice,
which none can avoid, and which the wicked

man hoc no perception nor nnderanding of,

hat it duren, knowing nothing Whither in the
Mni-oere he ought to he carried. But the good
man hath know: and goe: whither he ought,
and dicern: hefore he departs hence Where he

mu inhohit, and A! full of hope: that it hall'

he with the Gods. ' This large Paragraph of
Plotinw is nocwithom: ome mall Truth in

ic, if nightly limited and underood; but

eems nortdreach at: all the'Circumancesk

and acexumc'npof happines to the. Soulliw
.. . . z
t 1e

' 446

The Immortolig'

LIB; Ill.

, the other State, which will naturally hollow

her from her tranactions in thisiife; -'-'

- 9. For certainly, according to the ofte-

* tal degrees ofBenignity of Spirit, and 'the

deire of domg good to mankinde in. this'

life, and the more ample opportunities of
doing it, 'the-felicity of the other World'js
redoubled upon them z there'being o cler
, tain
And therefore
theythat act Or

in uch Caues
in the World,
and areiju
ho y aint'ain
at the
b'ortome, (and there' are ome: Principles
that-are indipenably uch, which Provi

dence has countenanced bOth'by Mira'cles,

the urages of the Wie men in all Ages,
and the common voice . of Nature )xthoe
, and
that Promoters
have? been of
mo things
in this 'ilife,

will naturally 'receive 'the greater content

ment of Mind: after it, being concious. to
themelves how eriouly they. have aed'
what God ivill never deert , and that

Truth is mighty, and mu at la prevail;

they when
are better
Body, then
they aured
were inofit.out _'0f
i the
,- 10. Nor is this kinde ofacces of 'Hap
pines to be cOnned onely-to our urt-he-.
rance of what is of the highe and mo in
dipenable conideration here, but impro


UAP. I 1..

o] me oouu.


portion touches all tranactions that pro

ceed from a vertuous and good principle,
whereof there are everal degrees: among

which thoe may not be eeemed the mea

ne that refer to a National good. And
therefore thoe that, out of a natural ene

roity of Spirit and uccesful fortittt e-in>

Warre, have delivered their Country from
bondage, or have been o wie and under-r

anding in Politicks, as to have contrived

wholome Laws for the reater hap ines
and comfort of the Peop e, while uch a
Nation propers and is in being, it cannot
but be an accrument of happines to thee
o coniderable B'enekhctorsnles we hould
imagine them les generous and good in the
other World, where they have the advan

tage of being Better. And what I have aid

in this more notable inance, is in a de ree
true in things of maller concernment,w ich

would be innite to reheare. But whole

Nations, with their Laws and Orders of
Men, acceons
and Families
be cut
he therefore;
that laie; i
out his pains in this life, for the carrying on
uch deigns as will take place o long as the
World endures, and mu have a compleat
Triumph at la, uch a one laiesv a train for
an everlating advantage in _ the otherA

World, which,_in depite of all thetqmz

' blings


1 be human-tary

LIB 411.- *

blings and turnin s. of-untled fouuneyill

be ure tq takee ect. \ - 3'- '-" -* -


z- a 1.. But thismatter 'requires Jadgement

as well as Heat And'Forwarfdnes. _ Per 'Frag

mati-cal ignorance, though '_ astompam'ed
Wichome meaure of Sincerity and wel

meaning,- may et a-fooe-'uch things: in the' i

Warldz-dretsdpon retard' uch - either fale',

or- LTrnFere'rnentPnd uneaonableyrinciples,

as'- bein-g

ill ue-of; may-year Which

Wejudice the Caue onedeir'es to promote;

Which will be'azfadpectacle Aforjthem- inv the

other States'- ='--'Por* though their impeity

mayxbe pardonabre, yet the-[still no: fail to'

kin-'de the ill eect of their miake upon

themelvesxAs-T he that kills a friend in ead'
ofanmemy,th'ough he inay atisfy his-Corr

zi'ence- that 3 right? leadd'his innocency;

yet-he'Cannot-'av'bi t e ene v'OF-hame and
orrow that naturally follows' fo- michie

vUis-a'n-'error-l- a '


'- 12; vBitchFaeeruencies 'asthee'there ma

Bet'o-Our' enjoymenifs in 'the Other Wor ,

tracesour tranactions
we hewe
any of'Mct'r]

' aFtEr*Deat-h,\as-T have already demonr'ated

th'at- We have."='-But=if we'h'adnot', hat Arie-*'_
hottes-and CardMeOpinion 'Were true; yet
Wert-re and Pin] will not P'prove' T onely ueful'

for this preent atte. _ Becaue wedding? to

*. out

CAP. '2. qtbe Soule.

our living here, we hall hereafter, by a hid
den concatenation ofCaues, be drawn to a

condition anwerable to the purity or impu

rity of our Souls in this life: that ilent
Ncmeis that paes through the whole con
texture of the Univere, ever fatally con
triving us into uch a ate as we our elve:
have tted our elves for by our accuo
mary actions. Ofo great conequence is it,
while we have opportunity, to apire to the

be things. a

' -CHA. XII.

r, Whattbe SpiritofNature it.

2. Expe

rilmnts that argue it: real Extmce ;

uch a that of two ring: 'med Untom.

3. SZmpathetick Cures and Fortuna',
4. T e Sympathy Letwixtt/ze Earthly and \
Aral Body. 5. Man/fron: Birth', 6. The

- Attraction ofthe Ludom and Roundmf:

of the Summd Sun.

1, V

E had now quite nihed our Di

coure, did l not think it conve

nient to anwer a' double expectation of the

Reader. The one is touching the Spirit 'f
Nature, the other the producing of Obje

ctions that. may be made again our con.




' The Immortality
L 1 B .Il I?
eluded Aertion of the Souls Immortality.

For as for. the former, I can eaily imagine

he t'nay well deirea more punctual account
of that Principle I have had o often re
conte to, then Ihave hitherto given, and

will think it it that Ihould omewhere

more fully explain what I mean by the
terms, and hew him my ronge grounds
why I conceive there is any uch ,_Beingin
the World, To hold him therefore no lon

ger in upence, I hall doe both in this

place. The Spjrit afNmm therefore, accor
ding to that notion] have of it, is, A uh
hame incorporeal, hat without Sene and-A
nimad-uerion, pewading the Whole Matter of

rheum-vere, and exerczng a plaz'ml power

therein according to the undry predi/otz'om
and occaions in the parts it work: upon, rai
ing uch. Phanomem in the World, hy dire
tng'. the parts of the Matter and their Mo
tion, a' cannot he reolved into 'mer Mecha

Malpowers. This rude Decription may

erve tO convey to vany one a conception
determinate enough of the nature of the
thing. And that it is not a meer Norion,
but a real Being, beides what I have' occai
gnally hinted already and hall here again r
conrm by new inances) thei'evare everal
other 'coniderations may perwade us.
_'* ffxvTh'e
hall be concerlni
- he,


CA'P. 121

. ofthe Soule:


i thoe experiments of Sympathnitk Pains,

Awagements and Cures, vof which there
are many Examples, approved by the mo: crupulous Pretcnders to obtiecy and judg
ment, and o all which Icannot forbear to

pronounce, that Lupect them to come to

pas by ome uch power'as makes ring'ls

that be tuned Uriions (though on fever-ab
Inruments) the one being touched, the

other to tremble and mo'vc very enibly,

and to ea o. a raw or pin or any uch
mall thing laidupon i't. Which cannot be
reolved 'into 'any Mechanical Principle,
though ome have ingeniouy gone about
it.- Por before they attempce'd to hew the
reahn, why that ring 'that is not unw

Wthatwhiehis ruck hould not leap and

move,as-it doth that'is, they hould have
demontated,--that by the meet Vibration

of the Aire that which is ua'ufw'ca-n be o

moved; for if it could, thee Vibrations

would not failto moVe other Bodies more

movable by farre then the ring fit elf that
_ is thus moved, As for example', if one hung
looe near the ring thatiar'ruck aniall

thred of ilk or anzhair with' ome light

thing at the end of it, they' mut needs re'
ceive thoe tedptocal Vibrations that are

cammunicatedaniheumhw ring at a far

greater: thanoeylzthe meet mdtio'n of the


G g 2i



The Immoritality


material Aire" caued the ubultation of the:

ring tuned Union, Which yet sis contrary

no experience. Beides that, if it were the
meet Vibration o the Aire that caued this
tremor- in the um' on ring , the eect
would not be con erable, unles both the
' rings lay well-nigh in the ame Plane, and

that the Vibration of the ring that is

ruck be made in that Plane they both lie'
in. But let the ring be ruck o as to cut
the-Plane perpendicularly by its tremulous

excurions,-or let both the, rings be in two

everal Planes at a good diance above one

another, the event is much-what the ame,

though the Aire cannot rationally be con
ceived to vibrate backwards and forwards,
but well-nigh in the ver Planes wherein

the rings are moved. Al which things do

clearly hew, that pure corporeal caues can
, not produce this eect: and that therefore

. we mu uppoe, that both the rings are

unitedv with ome one incorporeal Being,
zwhich has a dierent Zhu'ty and Acti-vity
from Matter, but yet a Sjmpatby therewith z
which aecting this immaterial Being,makes
it aect the Matter intheame mannerin

another place, where it does ymbolize with

zthat Other in ome predipotion- or qua
zlication; as thee two.'rin'gs_ doeinbeing

rtuncd unim tooneano'ther; and rhisMi-th


1- '.


CAP. xz.
ofthe Soule.
our endingany particles to the Matter it
does thus act upon; as my thoughtomo'
ving o my Toe being repreented within

my.Bra'in,-:by - the power of my Soul I can,

without ending Spirits into my Toe, but

Onely by making ue of them that are there,

move my Toe as I pleae, by reaon of that
um't and Actimit that is peculiar to my
son as a piritua ubance that pervades
my whole-Body; Whence Iwould'

clude alo, that there is ome uch Principle

as-we call- the Spirit of Nature, or the In

feriour Soul of 'be World, into which uch

Phaenomena as thee are to be reolved.

- - 3. Andl I account Sympateticl- Cures ,

Pains and Awagements robe uch. A*s for
example,when in the ue oi thoe Magpm'd
-:Rcmedies,-as ome call them, they can make

the wound dolorouy hot or chill at a great

diance, or can p'ut it into perfect eae, this
is not vb _ any agency :o*> emiar Atoms.

For thee hot Atoms would cool iynciently

in their progres to the party through the

zfrigid aire z and the cold Atoms , if they

mould be o active as to dipatch o far ,

their journeyalo
,the Summer
_1"ihe by
o the Ccmes Udder by the boyling over of
the milk into the re, the calding omens

entrails at a diance by the burning of their



Gg 3



The Immortaluy

. LIB.' Ill;

Fxerzementnmdth otherrPmtdts-o-the Eke

W'rgttheebannot be nciouzlly- rerum
, into the rocourfeothe- Spirits (of Memor

Line. mingledwith eryAoom s,a'ndd'o re-'en'r

tring the paroszjtlms aectedmbecaueitlle
,mi-nutenes of xtlwe Hemms xar'gnes theTnd

'dalnnes Of their' extinction, ruthe mall-ed

Wires: made redihot oonelmol.

To an

Which you maymdde (thar-'notable example

ofthe Wines moulting; when the. Vines are

ingthe ower', and that this ympathedc'k

eectlmuberom the Vines o that conni
-rtry':from1vhieh they' came: ,-sW\__h-ence*=thee_

exhalacions ofthe' Vineymids-tnnr 'pread as

fares from Spirit-'nd the-Cubit: to Eng

Jaw-0, and. by: Ltche. ame reaon'rnu reach

, Nundlbourxvety way as fwrom theS
'Win beides-cheirjomney Upwnrds into

ztheAirc. So thatthe-re. will be an Hemie

phere of vineall Atoms ogan, nrcredible 'eit
.tent,- unles
part themelves into trains,

end merchant-lyue. thoe"*p1ace$ whither

qtbeir Wines actual-tied, Biu- what air-pa:
Cauecaw guide-them
* Which ,queionimayibie
made ofother
fthe like natnmf ;Whence again' it 'will bie

marhy to eablih the Priintiple'I-driv'e

xat, though theeects were caued by. the

pauminnoAtoms. . * '
rag, The ngtzble examples of this Me'
_ if I

. _


CAP. 1 z.

Off/76 Soule.


dat Sjmpatliy are in hiories more uncer

tain and 'obcure , and uch as , though I

have been very credibly informed, yet, as

I have already declared my elf, I dare onely
' avouch as poible, viz. the Souls o' men '

leaving their Bodies,and-appearing in hapes

uppoe Of'CdJ, Pigeons, Way-t, and ome
times o Men, and that whatever hurt, ,bez

in thee
the Part
to call
the ame
is ini

icted upon their' Terrerial lying inthe

' mean time in their beds or on the ground.
As i their A/Iral lwdics'bemlded, woun
ded,have the back broke, the ame certainly

whappens to their Embt &adies. Whie

things if they be true, in l likelihood they
are to be reolved into this! Principleruie
eak of, and that the s i'irofN-nm is
natcht into conent with t e imagination of

the Soules in thee Aral bodies or aiery

aide/er. Which-act oimagining mu needs
be rong in them, it bein o' et on and
alied by 'a quick and harp-pain and fright
in thee caldingS,.WOundings,' and roaks

on the back-gz-ome uch thing. happening

here as in -wotrien*'with child; whoe Pan
'cles made keen by a ud dain fear," have 'de

prived their children of their atms, yea and

of their heads too, as alo appears by two
remarkable ories Sr; Kenelm' Diglzy re


Gg 4


456 ' Tbelmmortalitj


lates in his witty and eloquent Dzcoure

of 'be Cure of. Wamdst by the: powder of Sym
' at/ay, beidesWhatWe have-already recrted
'out ofllclmpt': See Lib. 2. Cap. 15. Sect,
28, 9, 10, . ,

5', Which eects I uppoe to be beyond

the ower "ofany humane Fancy unaied

byigme more orceable Agent -, as alo that

prodigious birth he mentions o a woman
of Carcaomzpwho by her overmuch: port- i
'ing and pleaing1 her' elfwith an Ape while
Jhewas withC ild,'brought forth a Mon
er exactly-o:hat rh'ape. And if. we hould
that it
was'a real.with
'it is
no more;
'not o mueh,'a's that birth ofa Crabh or

Lower-we' have above mentioned out of

xFmaniud: Matter -,* as we might alo other
imore uhalhough noles montnus 'births
ufoitthe wombs ofwomen to bear. Ofwhich
che snul of the' Mother cannot be upected
Ftozbe the caugzhe n0t- o, much as; being
rthe eorme'r coherown lit-afar, As-tha-t judi

-'.cious' Natural'r Dr; Harvey-'has determi

ned. And ifthe Mothers. Soule'qoulde the
eort'ner' of the vl':"'enr4'-.,*inhall reaon, her

Pin ick power-would- be exter- particular

anv pecickrasithe Soul itilfis particular.
uWhat remains therefore but' the 'nium-41

"Stgk efflzr-Warld Or shafte Nature .t at

C-AP. 1 z.

of 'be Soule. '


can doe thee feats r-who, Vemmu like,

is ready to change his own Activity and the

yielding matter into - any mode and hape
indierently as occaion engages him, and
oto prepare an edice, at lea the more
rude roaks and delineaments thereof, for

any pecick Soule whatoever, and in any

placewhere tbeMatter will yieldto his ope
rations. Bur the time of the- arrival thit er
of the-particular 3gue it is- intended for,

though we cannot ay how oon-itis, ye;

we may be ure-in is not laterthenaclear
- dicovery of Senation aswell as Vegetation
and organizationin theMatter, r - ' - -_-. ,t_
6. The Attraction' ef- the,.Load-,one

eems to have ome anity With thee in

ances of Sympatby. This myery Bet-Car

te: has explained with admirable artice as
to the immediate corporeal caues thereof,

to wit, thoe wreathed particles which he

makes- to. pas; certain creweporeslin .th,e_
'Land-one and Iron, But how the eor-i
mation of theeparticles, is above the reach
of the ' meet mechanical powers in _ Matter,
zas alo the exquiitedircction ofthejr. 'tio
tion, whereby they make their eculiar Yor- repa- he decribes about the Eart "from Pole

fro PQle', and thread anincruated Scar, pa

__i_ng\in_ a right line in o. long ajqnruey aa

the hit-new xhc'tcofwithoux bring trong




' '



The Immartality

' LlB'. Ill. 1

zed the' *-de's* ' z - how thee-things! ay, are

'beyond'the powers oMatcer', I have-1 fully
,jenough-'declated 8: proved in a lar-ce Letter
I'of'mine-tO-V. C._ and therefore time I may
Mt'actwhgen; hall'forbear peakin any

farthcr'the'redf in this page; To whic you

'May adde, .-th*at meek' 'cofpmeal mation in
' Matce'f, 'Without any Other guide, would ne
ver o'- much Asproduce around Sun or- sw,

of whichgure notwic-hdnding D'cseCarm

Icka'owledges them to bad-Bil: myrczohs

'why it cannot-be eected by the imple Me'

cba'nical ' 'ower-s of Matterzl have partjcu
larly et oW'tiin my L'etcers to that excel

ct i Mr PhiMQPM- - .
_ o
..,4- 3. . ;,.,,_.<,,_.
-; , .
y ,J"'-,


















,I '12









,l- .qz.
- . _.


.-.. .l.

WITH, ivy-33: my: ofbe-my Bodie-anguih.

_ zhtzz'-zLejjaid-eitheri bag in the Aire m

- "-'>-"exig'm&i' jtbe Spirit of Nature, becaue

(na-tye, neactct; z Or wouldbc dmgmd

'- do', they 3;
i v ' '*'-"-'
f-'VN-gh' a" "eiidituld'
* I' ii-'e'nd'ea-Wr'fctbc- gi'rlnr

'Aire from 'the

i' 'Ccittrei tio'fbc Qr'i-mmferene 13 m 'becaue

is 'fdrmityz'ai>z'Mi*_*iHdbb-s.- 24; Aft-11

Tirpzifamiw af- Mr,- T'Hobbs'l Fln'g'i opinion.
* *


5, A14

CAP. '3.



La 1: An 'cular Dctemnution oft/ye ubsrl

t e 'ermtbere 5. In aholute De
' m ration that Gnwity unneth: the' of.
fect _of mer Mechanical powers. 7.. The

' Law-'de

the operation: ofthe Spirit

my large
or:- 8Nature,
j'Tln reaon;v
'f it: and
9. In

Iz,{iezte of trmmitting Soul: int' Trtgbklj'

'prepared Matter.
." **



1.AN>D a farther conrmation jthut'kl

am _not- miaken therein' , is whic

tue-'daily hete' experience upon Earth,

Much is the-decending ohe'a'vy' BOdies;

as we call them. Concerning the motioh
whereof l agree with Des-Carte;" in the a'

gna-tion of the immediate corporeal caue,

towit, the Maria! matter 5<which is o'

plentifully in the Air over it is in'gtoer

Bodies z but withall doe vehemently m

mie, that there mu be ome 'immetcfrctil

caue, uch' as we call the Spirit a Natioi-c

or Inferiour Soule of the World, t at *mu:
direct the motions of the e'bm'dl particles
no act'uoon thee groer Bodies to drive
them towards the Earth. For that urplu?
a eof AgitatiOn of the' globular particles
o the Valve' above what they pend in cur;

ning the Earth about; is carried every a? *

I? tils-We' wyseh'
i '


The Immortdliy

LlB. Ill.

ung bywhich mation the drops of' liquors

axeormcdimo round gures-m heingeni

ouly-cotieludes.- From whence it is appa

a bulletis of
iron, -*-ilver
desby the decurion o thee ethereat ar
tjcles, and therefore will be _ Move 'no

more-downwards then upwards, but hang

in,equilibria,*as a piece of Cork tes on the
water, Where there is neither winde nor
reamut is equally. plaied again'by the
particles _of water on all ides.
_ .. 2.) Nor, is it imaginable how the occur
Ttons of thi-s zthereal Element here againt

ithe urace of the Earth, being it is ouid

.a-Bod-y,hould make it endeavour to lift it

from-the.- Earth at ogreat a diance-as

',the middlelie 'on ofthe 'Aire-add further.

Leides, that tEis is_not the 'caue of the de

cent of. heavy Bodiesv is? manie, becaue
zthenabroagl Plate of 'themo olid Metal

andzmoaergctly poliht, uch as is able

' to reect t _e sether-eal particles mo ecae
ciouly, being placed loOping would change

eche-coure oil-the: decent of things, and

unakc them. falllperpendicularly toric, and
hoc to the Plan" of 'the Horizon; as far
examzle, not fr m Ato B, but from A to
.C: w ich is 'again experience.

For 'the

FHNY &Gill-Will always fall down from

-- . '

' '

A to,

CAP. 1 3,

ofthe Soule.


A to B , though
the receion of
qhe'mhereal Mat
ter mu needs be

from C to A ac

. 3. -.'i 3

* _ .c0rdin0 to this

3 . Nor 'can the endeavbur ofthe celeial

Matter from the centre to the Circumference

take place here. For beides that Der

Certes the proounde Mater of Mecha-_
nicks,has declin'd that way himelf(though
Mr; Hobbs has taken it u ,) it would follow;
that near the Poles o the Earth there
would be no decent o heavy Bodies at all,
and in the very Clime we live in none per

pendicular, To ay nothing how this way

will not alve 'the union of that great
Water that adheres to the body ofthe

4. But to make good what' I'aidyby un

deniable proof that heavy Bodies in the
very Clime where we liVe will nor decend
erpendicularly to the Earth, if Mr. Hobbs;
his olutionlofthe Phamome'non of 'Gras
vity be true z- We, hall evidently demanrate

both to theE-yte and to Reaon the propor;

tion Pot?their-declination

a perpendicu

iar- in 'any Elev'ation'o the-'Pale Ei- die

; 71.?


int e


The Immortalit)




Grdeibetefore' A B I), let the 1':'='.<11121\9Fv

eB D, and from thepoinc C draw ahqe.

fo'E; Udld._to-B D: which. line-(3 E will

e] cifclr'e in F_6o. degrecs,.uppoe,

to'mB;" Imagine now a heavy Body at E -,

t accbrdingto Mr. Hobbs his volmlion of the

Pr'oblcmc' of. Gravity, in man fall. wwaxds

the' Earth in a line parallel. to the Mater,

the lineHct FE_-,_
IJL decline:
_ctthe_Horizon*L,K two third' parts ofa right
ahglc, that is to ay, 6_o._idcgrees. For the

E F-His equaltoG F _R,-wi<;_h again is

&qud to the alternate angle B-G F, which
is two thirdfPaLtsof axighcznglezcx tbc.
it .i&pla{n
that E_ F deqliges,
A "_ev 'endlcular
no leisvqhepzcso.

t e amdgaon, if- wc- had dr'awnjhf

,Scheme for the 'dcyaeiqq 95 ypa which is'


CAP:.r z.

a the soule.


more Sonthern then our Clime, we might

demonrate that the decent of heavy Bo
dies declines from a perpendicular to the
Horizon so degrees, or go a right angle,

and o of the re. From whenceit will fol

low, that men cann0t walk upright, but d'
clining, in the elevation uppoe of 60, de
grees, as near to the ground as E F is to
F L, and much nearer in the more remote
parts of the, North, as in Normy, wah'd,"

Frimd, Iand, Scricuia, Greenlzmd and

Others-,and there is proportionably the ame

reaon in other Clirnes les Northern. So

that Mr. Hobbr need n0t end us o farre o'
as to the Poles to make the experiment. ' '

5. For ifor example we dreWa Scheme

for the Parallel under which we live,uppoe

about 52.. degrees of Elevation, 'we might

repreent truly to the eye in what poure'
men would walk at 'London or Cambridge,
according to Mr, Hobbs his determination

ofthecaues of Gravity. For it is plain

The Immartalzty
Lin .III. *
from what has been above demonrated,

that thenatural poure of their Bodies upon

the'Horizon L K would 'be in the line E F,
out o which i they (did force themelves

towards the perpendicul'arHP, it would be

'much- ain; to them, neither could - they
place themelves in the' line ' H F, ' without
being born headloug toz the ground, and
laid at upon the Horizon .F Kz the force
of AtheAire or whatever' more ubtile Ele
mcntS.therei-n preing in lines parallel to
E F,v and' therefore necearily bearing down
whateizeris placed looe in the line l-I -F, as

is plain 'to any one atir ight. . Butrwe

- nding no; uch thingimeXperience, it is
evidehtithatvMr. Hobbs his olurior'r is fale;

nay Ima-y-ay that he-has not rendred o

much as apoble caue of this o ordinary
a Phaenomenon., A thing truly much to be
lamented in one who,upon pretence that- all

the Appearances in the Univere may bere- ,

olved into meet C.orporeal caues ,_ has With
unp'aiallell'd condence, and 'not without
'ome wit. derided and egrploded all immate
rial Subance out of the World; whenas

in the mean time he does n0t produce o

much as poble Corporeal caues o the

mo ordinary eects in Nature.But to leave

Mr. Hobbs to his own ways, and to return to



6. Adde

CAP. r 3.
otbe Soul',
6. Adde unto all this, thati the morion
__of gros Bodies were according to meet

Mechanical laws, ;a Bulletzuppoe of Lead

orGold, ea-up into: the' aire, would never
decend again, bu: would periinarectiu

linear-moridri. For it beingarre more olid.

then o muchiAire a: Airher pur'togetheras
would ll its place,'and being 'moved With.

no' les witnes then thatwherewith'tliei

Earth is carried about in twenty four hours,

it mu needs break out in a raight line

through themhin airezandnever return againv
to the Earth, but get away as a' Comet dods'.

- out of. a Vnex, And that de factd. a .Ca-'

non Bullet' has' been hot-o high that Lit ne-'

ver ell back again. upon' the ground; De:

Carm doesadmit 'o as a- tr'e expe1*irnent.-.

Of which3 for my own pait,v1 can imagine'

no Other unexceptionable reaon, but..tliatz

at a certainzdiance the Spirit- of Nature in

ome regards leaves the'smorionof Matter

to the pure law$ Tof Mechanicks, but with

in Other bounds checks it, vwhence it is

that the Water' does not will out ofthe


,.'J)*. ,

7. Now if the. pure Mechaniclr powers

in Matter. and Corporeal motion will not
' amount to o-mple a Phrenomenorrasz the

falling of-'a one to the Earth, how hall we

hope theyiwillbe the ad2quatecaueo
H h *


'1 be Immortam)

LIB. lll.

undry orts-of Plants and other things,that

have-farrejmore ar-ticexandcurioity then
the-direct deczenuof a one to Fthe ground,
Nor are 'we beat-en hack. again by this dico--v
very into that. do'tage ofv zthe- confounded
Scliaiilr, whohauqindued
t every
.' =qfzonr Senes
i' With/a
Suaeal rfom, and then puzzle. themelizrsWit-h endles. rupulonities 'about the

generation, cormptionrdmixtion ofthem,

Fowl arm: with Des-Cams," thattnotlming
aects our
uch variatioun
as areS'enes,-"but'"
made difference
Of Modon,
Fig"ure,-8'ituatib110fp3rts, &t.
I dient
in this, in that I hold; itxis not"

meet, and pure m'echaniual motion that cau

es alzl thee enbleModications in Matter,
but thatnmnynimesethe immediate' Di
r&0r:I.the_reof:-is this. Spirit af Nature (I

peak: of) . one and 'the ame; every where,

r andncting alwaiesralike upon like occaions;w

as'a 'clear-'mindedinan and ofa' olid judg-'

ment gives alwaies the ame "verdict in the
hme'citcuman'cesa For thixsirit of NA-T
ture intermedling with the eormation of
the'l'arta's of 'Animals [as] have already
rewn more then once) where notwithande'.
ing. there eems'not o much: need, there

being. iii thema'more 'particular Agent for:

that'*pmpofe zs'tis exccediin'gtrational that




CAP. 13.

0cbc Soule;- - 3.


am Plants and Flowers of anxorcs rid-ie:

we' have no argument to phsz'ez T tzlefl'af'fy
particular Soulsy hould be he 'WWYw
this ZMI-erfal Soule zaftbe fWd'M-ik

Hypocheis, beides cha: 1.:- is mo' redicm

ble in it- elf; according-tozkhnk'rdha'
Axiome, Fam it per plures Wadicri "* ,
per pay-claw; i-s' alo very Brc'bdhbhb'
preventing many hard Prdblems 'advised-he

i-vibili'ty ofthe Souhes afrmdntsznzezt

Tmnmmim into o-tt St'cid, the grow!

ing of Slips, and che-nue', Fqrma-wrp-fe

Soule ready-every where w puruev We: 561

Vamzges-of prdpartd Maiden' Wh-idiisdzle

common and' onely Xo'dzh-Wfd ' tail-'wa

an Ham!" Wpwmwzuelob ,twhazew

Ofhermorbead therebezgcatgme manctz

that exceew pure Meclia'nkcdl p'ovstz

Matter, WG ecape onely Men and Beds-g

who having' nI-l-'ofthem (He capacity (i-w

'on of enjoynencs os &hit-n'i was' t t-'he'y

hould have

rcicular sours o: theimulk

plying of t e ene ofjcw knjdymers

which the tranccnde'm vVVidonIre ,of the'

Cream-ar hzs-comrivea '-* "U


- "

- 8. I have' now plainly" '-e0'd9;h et-down

what I mean-by the Spirit df-Nldrapnd uf

ciendy proved Rs- Em glide', * (But dwhm
has been'- aid jxiay be eay 360cb'rved why
L'gi'vie i" thh'ahez it beingbav Ptiaa'pls that
i -

H = z'



He immortality


jso o great inuence and activity in the

Nacmcygs I may o call it,& Cork-cene) of

thlskAnd this not onely in the production

of ants, with all other Concretion: of an

inferiour nature, and yet above the meer
'Mechanical lawes of Matter z but alo in re

pect of the birth-of Animals, Whereunto it

'is preparatory and aent, I know nor
whether I may entitle it alo to the guidance
of Animals in the chiee of thoe actions

which we uually impute to natural Ininct.

Among which none o famous as theBirds
making their Nes, and particularly the ar

ticial ructure of the Martins nes under

'the arches of Church-windowes. In which

there being o nocable a deign unknown

to themelves,_and o mall a pleaure to

'preent Sene, it looks as if they were actu

ated by another, inpired and carried away
ina natural rapture by this Spirit of Nature
to doe they know not what, though it be
reallya neceary proviion and accommo

dation for laying their Eggs, and hatching

their young, in the eormation whereof .
this Inferiour Soule ofthe World is o ratio
nally conceived to a and intermeddle:
and therefore may the better be uppoed to
over-power the Fancy, and make ueof the
members ofthe Birds to build thee "conve-t
nient' Receptacles, as certain (hope to lay up

CAPctct. 13.

cftbe Soule.


the Matter whereon he intends to work,

namely the Eggs of thee Birds whom he

thus guides in making oftheir nes,
9, But this argument being too lubricous,
Iwill not much i'ni upon it.v The mo
nocable othoe oces that can beaiigned

to the Spirit of Nature , and that utably

to his name, is the Tranocation of the
Souls oBeas into uch Matter as is mo

tting for them, he being the common Pra

xettct or Contractor ofall naturalMatches and
Marriages betwixt farms and matter, if we
may alo eak M'etaphors as well as Ari-r
otle, who e Aphorime it is, that Mater-th
4ppetitfarmam utfwmimt rvirtnn- This Spi

rit therefore may have not onely the power

ofdirecting the motion of Matter at hand,
but alo of tranporting of particular Souls
and Spirits in their ate of Silmcc and In

4cti-uity to uch Matter as they are in a t

nes to catch life in again. Which Tran,
portation or Tranmion may very well be
. at immene diances, the eect of this Sym
patlzy and Coactivity being o great in the

working of Wines, as has been aboveno

ted, though a thing of les concernment.
Whence, to conclude, we may look upon

this Spirit ofNaturc as the great ,Qtyrter

maller-G'emral of divine Providence, but

abie alone. without anv under-Ocers. to

The. Immortaiiy
ledgezmtyawle 'according to her rank
_ and rmntit- whenever he leaves, the Bodys
And Wouldprove a very erviceable Hypo
thcntzr. thoe then fancy the praexience
of: humane SQula-iode'larc how they may
beggnvgnzhed into, Bodies hcregbe the as

viantszdiance they will. before, a and OW

Matter haply may be o itted,that the be
efthean may be fetcht tern the pure ache

rcahkegions into an humane Body,-without

fnrr'tag'any lQngApmntihip-in ,theinter

mediate Aneu- as. alo how-the Soals of

hartes. 'though she Earth 'man made. per:

, fectly-wept for the zlifq of any Animal,_naed

pntzlye for steede-les in the Univere.
mtnchpgculatipns a; thee areoi'ova
adornment-Wot and impencsrable obta
tion-Milan! cannot, have the cqnidencetq

dsnell any. longer the'reon'-1 epecially they

an; ztnuching o; eentially- our ' preent de'
gne,;*and being. more t to' ll. avolume
thseves ,< then se' be compried within

ths: narrow limitsof my now alwhhih'd


, '






\._=t 4

> .















V" ib


CAP. '4._ ofthe Soule. il



47 l

'1. .**

CHAP. XIV.iJi{' ,_


H 1.


a. objection: again the Soul: Iwmmlity

from her condition irt Infancy, Old age,
Sleep and Sicknees. a. Other objections
takenom Experiment: tbateem to pro-ye

Iyer Dicerpibility. 3. A: alo from 'He

ceaed; appearing
4. A'ndfrom
of theottrSoul:
of the
Death, 5 '. A Subterfage oft/te advere par?

ty,_i't uppoing [not one Soule oommon't'o

' ad Creatures. 6_ Art ,mmr concerning
'be Littlea'ei ofthe Soule in' Infancy: 7.A:

alo concerning' the meal-"a of her latel

lectualr. then , and in Old age; 8,- That
Sleep doe' not
at alliuar tale
a; t/ze*_Sottls
her Immortai

lity. 9. IA/t Anwer ita the oizjactionfrom

. Jpo lexieti and'Ca'talepe': r - I_O. As alo
tot 'at from Madttei. 11. 'That the" vari

'm &pra-vation: of ber'Trzte/l'ectual Fatal

= tie: doe no more argue'befMortalit , 'be'n
* i 'In wore' Modication; ofMatter it: na
-: ztrlral tAnnihilability. And why Godcrea'

. . Wd'Soul's ymFat/oizing mit/o Matter.




zObjectio'ns that-'are uually
.ct' - i madeagahi;TtheYImmm-tality
' Soule; 'to
i. zi

the'ni- all,- were both

Hh 4

. tedious

T The Immttrtohty ,_Lnz. Ill.
...tedious and ueles, there being carce above
one in twentythat can appear of any mo
ment to but an' 'indierent Wit and Judg

rnent. Btrt the greate diculties that can

beurgedl hall: bring into play, that the
Truth we doe. maintain may be the more
fully cleared, and 'the more rmly believed,
The-mo material Objections that I know

again the Soule Immortality, are thee

vdine, The Fir is from thexconideration of
the 'conditionzqthe Solenin Infancy, and
age, as
slee-15, and
the ,Apo
dierence of Our 'Intellectna'l operations in
Infancy and Dota e from; what'they' are
z;whzen we are in t e prime of Our years,and.
Yhow that out Wit grows up by degrees,

ourihes- for ta. time', and at 'la de'cayes, the ame pace" With. the changes
that' Age and zYears bring; into our Body,
which oberves the ame lawes thatFlowers
, and Plants \-,. . What can we upect, - but that

Lthe Soule tu-Man; which is o magnicente

lyjpoken o among-the learne-d,is nothing
elebut a Temperature of-Body, and. that it

growes andpreads with it, both in bignes

and virtues, and withers and dies as the
Jzody does; Or at lea; that 'lLdOCS wholly
depend on the Body-in its O erations, and

WHAT? illa; thereis no fen e nor percep

-* i
v .

CAP. '4.

of the Soule.


tion of any thing after death a' And when

the Soule has the be advantage of years,
he is not then exempted from thoe Eclipes

of the powers of the Minde that proceed

from Sleep, Mzrdm, Apo Iexies, and other
Dieaes ofthat nature. ll which hew her
condition, whatever more exalted Wits
urmie of her, that he is but a poor mortal
and corporeal thing.
2, The Second Objection is taken from

uch Experiments as are thought ro prove

the Soule di-uible in the groe ene, that

is to ay, dzcerpible into pieces. And it
eems a clear cae in thoe more contemp- '
tible Animals which are called Inect:,ep'e
cially the du) fLal-JLPCZ 39 To'AuwoJac, as Ari

otlc decribes them, and doth acknowledge

that being cut into pieces, each egment

will have its morion and ene apart to it
elf. The mo norable Inance of this kind

is in the Scalopendra, whoe parts Arzotle

(Hi0r. Animal. Lib, 4. Cap. 7.) armes

to live a long time divided, and to run

backwards and forwards; and therefore he

will have it to look like many living Crea- '

tures growing together, rather then one
ingle one, ,Eqx'xao't ' mal 'rang-m- u- Cw'wv
vnoMoTs Caiou augrituud, De u'umf. (

Semct. Cap, 2, But yet he will not aord

them the p'riviledge of Plants 3 whoe Slipls1



The Immortality


(willlive and grombeiug et in the Earth.

'But the inancesthat belong-tothisObjecti

on acend higher, for they pretend that the
parts of perfect Animalswill alo live aun

' der. There are two maininagces thereof.

The one, that of the Eagle Fromondu: men
tions, whoe head being chopt o by an
angry Clown,_for quarrelling with his dog,

the Body ew over the, barn near the place

of this rude execution. This was done at
Fromnlw his fathers houe: nor is the
ory' improbable, ifwe conider what or
dinarily ha

ens in Pigeons and Ducks,

when their eads are cut o. The other

inance is,o,f. a Malefactour * beheaded at

Antmrp, whoehead when it had given

ome few jnmps 'into the crowd, and a Dog
fell a licking, the blood, cau ht the Dogs
eare in its teeth, _ and held it a fa, that he

being frighted ran' aWay with the mans head

hanging athis eare, to the great aonih
' ment and confuion of the people. This
,was told Ffombndur by an eye-witnes ofthe

' fact. From which two examples they think

r may 'be_afely inferred, ,that the So'ulsof
_ Men,as. well as of the more perfect kinde of

Brutes; are alo dicerpible. ._That example

* in the ame Authour out ofoepbm Are/24,
jftrue, yet is mally to this-purpoe. For
the peaking or the acricedCaptive, when


CAP, z 4_

ofthe Soule. '


his Heart was cut outzmay be a further con

rmation-indeed that the Brainzie the Seat

of the Common Sene, but no; argument of

theDiviibility ofthe $oule,he remaining at
that time entire inzth'e Body, after thecut

ting out of the Heart, whoe oceitis to

aord Spirits, which were not o. far et
dipated , but that they uCed for trat
uddain operation of life.
3. The Third Objection is from the el
dame appearice o'ehe$ouls ofthe deceaed.

For if they can at all appear, why do theynot

oftner r if they never appear, it isa rong
upicion that they are not at all in Being.

- 4. TheFourth is from the Fear of Death,

and an inward downvbearing ene-in us at

ome times, that we- are ucterly mortal,
and that there- is nothing' to be expected
after this life.
5. The Fifth andla is rather a Subter<v

fuge then an Objection, That there is but

Om- Common Soul in' all-Men and Beas,that

operates according to the variety of Ani

mals and Perons it does actuate 'andlvivi

cate, bearing a eeming particularity ac

cording to the particular pieces of Matter it

enforms, but is 0ne*>in all z- and' that this

particularity-o zBody- being' lo. this parti

* ving creature is properly and imlflYliIJ$H3ilr

_ cular Man or Bea is lo, and o every li






The Immartali

Lus. Ill.

Thee are the realle and mo pertinent

Objections I could ever meet withall, or

can excogitate, concerning the Souls Im

mortalityzto which I hall anwer in order.
6. And to the Fir, which eems to be
the hrewde, Iay, that neither the Can

tmctednci ofthe Soule in Infancy, nor the

Weaknejs'ofherIntellectualOperarions either
then or in extream Old age , are ucient
proofs of her Corporeity or Mo'rtality. For
what wonder is it that the Soule, faln into

- this low and fatal condition, where he mu

ubmit to the coure of Nature, and the

lawes of other Animals that are generated

.here on Earth, hould diplay her elf by
degrees, from maller dimenions to the or

dinary ize of men; whenas this faculty of

aantmcting and dilating of themelves is in

the very eence and notion ofall Spirits t' as

I have noted already Lib. I. Cap. 5. So he
does but that leiurely and naturally now,
being ubjected to the lawes of this terre
rial Fate, which he does,ex'empt from this
condition, uddainly and freely: not grow
ing byztuxta-poition of partspr Intromtiion
of Matter, but inlarging of her elf with the
Body meerly by the dilatatim of her own
Subance, which is one and the ame al

7- As for theDebility of her Intellectpals


CAP. 14.

' 'be Soule.


in In an: and old Age, this conideration

has es orce to evince herameer cor o
real eence then the former, and touches.

not our Principles at all, who have provi-.

ded for the very wor urmie concerning

the operations of the Minde, in acknow

ledging them, of my own accord, to depend
very intimately on the temper and tenour

of the Souls immediate inrument, the Spi

rits; which being more torpid and watry
Old men,mu
in uchi and
o erations
as require

conitutiono Spirits then is uually in Age

and childhood.- though Iwill n0t proes
myelf abolmely condent, that the Soule.

cannot actwichouc all de endence onMatter.

But if it does not, whic is mo probable,

it mut needs follow, that its Operations.

will keep 'the lawes ofthe Body it-'is united, with. Whence it is demonrable how ne
ceary Purit] and Tempmmce isito preerve

and advance a mans Parts.

8. As for Slecp,which the dying Philoo
pher called the Brother of Death, I doe not

ee. how it argues the Souls Mortality, more

thena mans inability to ,wakezagain: but
rather helps us to conceive , how that'
though the ounds and agonies of Death

eem utterly to take away all the hopes of

the Soul: living aftegthemz' ye; upon a
_ '*



47 3

The Bnmortality

>LlB@ Ill.

recovercyiofza quidterjvizliicle- of Aip'e,\'he

may ir' dainly-awzikeinto> fuller' and freher

participation of 'life then before' But I? may
anwer alo; thatSleep'being onely. che-Liga

tion of themtward Senes, _

The!" inter

_ ception (if-motion "from the exumat w'0r1d,

airgnes no' more any' mdicaiw defect: of Life
and Imniortaiity in-th'et Soul', thn- 'the ha

ving. a mar-Might bumded within' the walls

of his chamber by Shuts; dees' 'argue gay
blindnefs i'the immured' party : 'who 'hly
is buy dreading by' candle-tight;" 'and that:
' i with eae,-'(bfmall ariiitqiwouldwonble'

an ordinary Sight tdjfread: it by'lddysdfiud

that the Scale 'is"'nOt perpetually- emldyed
. 'in eep,-:is?-very1hamghrrmy 'to 'daintie

, (ii-ate; wie hotenrammibeingm dream-s

meerly by'ceaions; iwhicrlriftheyi had 'not

dccu-rred,"wel had neven. iafpectedf we had,

dreamed thee-highe

;-.i Jl

:l 323.

a . 9., . WhithlAnwer,-'as alo th'Z- foiier*is

a licableLotiher-Fileafcts
toA o wih-raw;
' 3';'and
witnes hownihble the- Soule
is. to act upon the "upedica-tion of-dueMat
remind 'how Life and: Sene and 'MemO
ry and Reaon; and all-rerum , upon re'

turn of the tting temper: ofthe-Spirits,

uitable to that wind sangen-it] thatthe; is
*.'_ .. '. .

- a."zo_1 eAnd

CAP. 1 4.

of ibe Soule.


10. And as for Mcdnei, there are no

Apprehenions o frantick but are ar u

ments ofthe Souls Immortality, not as they

are frantick , but as Apprehenions.. For'

Matter cannotapprehend any. thing, either'

wildly or oberly, as'I have already uci
ently. demonrated. And it is as irrational;

ora man to conclude, that the depraved;

Operations. of the Soule argUe her Morta
lity, as that the-worer tempers, cotrgn'rtrns,v
or whatever more contemptible modica<7

tions there are of Matter, hould argue-its' .

annihilation by the meet pbwerl'of Nature;
which no man that underands himelfwilt
ever admit. The. Soule indeed is indued
with everal Faculties_, and. ome 'of them
very fatally pave, uch as thoe"are that
have the neare' commerce-'r with Matter,
and are not o abolutely in. herow'n power,

but that her levity' and mindlenes ofthe

divine'light may bring her into ubjection
to them; as all are, intoo 'adaf'orgthat

are incarcetate in thisierrerial Body, but

ome have better luck then Other ome in
this wild and audacions ramble from a more

ecure'ate, Of which Apoay if there be

omethat are made-more tragitk exam les
then others of their hagling from t eir
Eweraign Hapinea, it is but a merciful

admdnition of

_ '.

danger we 'all haven;

curr ,


' 'Me lmmartautj


curr'd,by being where We are z and very few

o wel ecaped,but that iftheycould examine
their Deres, Deigns, and Tranactions

here, by that Trurh they were once maers

o, they would very freely confes; that the
miakes and errours of their life are not in
feriour to, but: ofworeconequence then,
thoe ofnatural Fools and Mad-men, whom

all either hOOt at for their folly, or ele la

ment their cmiery. And queionles the
Souls of Men, if they were once reduced to
that obriety they are capable of, would be
as much ahamed of uch Deires and No
* tions they- are now wholly engaged in, as
any mad-man,r'educed to his right Senes, is

o thoe fieaks he played When he was out

of his wits.

1 1. Bur the variety of degrees, or kindes

'ofdepravation in the Intellective faculties

of the Soule, her Subance being indiccr

piHe, cannotat all argue her M0rta{it],n0
more then the dierent modications of
Matter the Annibilability thereof, as I have
already intimated. Nor need a man trouble

himelfhoWtheie hould be uch a Sympa

thy betwixt? , Body and Soule, when it is o
demontrable that thereis. For it is uci
ent to conider, that it is their immediate

nature o to be by the will-and ordinanceof

' Him that has made all things. And 'thati



CAP. 1

ofthe Soule.


Matter has no Sene nor Cogitation it elf,

as we have demonrated it has nor, it had

been in vain, if God had nor put forth into

Bein that Order of immaterial Creatures
whic we call Souls, vitally unitable with
the Matter: Which therefore, according to
the everal modications thereof, will ne

ceiarily have a dierent 'eect uponthe

Soule,the Soule abiding ill as unperiha- .
ble as the Matter that is more niutable then
he. For the Matter is diipable, but he
utterly indzcerpihle.

CHAP. xv.
I. An Anwer to the cxpm'me't ofthe Sco
. lopendra cut into iem. 2; And rath:
ying of an headZeIE-tgle over a ham, 45
* alo to that ofthe Maltfactow: headhitc

'ing a Dog hy the care, 3, A nperaddi

tion ofa diiculty concerningMmers horn
with two or more Head: and but am Bad]

zmd Heart.- 4, A folntion ofthe diculty.

s. An anwer touching thefeldome appar
ing ofthe Soul: ofthe deceaed : 6, A: 41 a

concerning the ear of Death; 7, A

dawn-hearing' en 'hatmmmes o far

cihlj chi-rude: wpm- m
ofthi '

Son Fi

nto-1.' Martdltity. 8. Ofthe Trugiul Pompe

dreadful Pub'des qfDeath, withame

. C-m'rohom'iaze. Cozdemtiam again uch

ad' [Patin-la; 9.. That there it nothing

nally ad and mis-rable in the nati-vere,

- unles 'to the-wicked and impious.

doe thoe
in theecond
- ct Objection
an thingto
the con
trary, asifthe Soule it elf were really di
viible; The mo forcible Example is that
ofthe Scalopcndra, the motionof the divi

' ded parts being o quick and nimble, and o

laing. But it is eay to conceive, that the

activity of the Spirits in the Mechanical

conformation of, the pieces of that Inect,
till motion has 'dipated them, will as ne

cetrily. mahe'them runupand down, as

G'unpowder ina quib will caue itsmotion.
And' therefore-the 'Sdule of the - Saalapcmdm
will bebnt in: onepf 'thoe Segments, and
uncertainin'which, - but likely- 'aceordi'ng as
the Se

ents be. made. For cutaWaps


fromut-heiBody, the Soule retires

out-of the headyintor the Body; 'but-cut: her

in' ther va, leaving the upper' part o the
Bddy"to -th6"h62d,3ti1e Soule then retires

into that.orepart-of_"the Wa . And there

fore, it is-hdwdrtder that' t ehead being
cutoif, the-Body ofthe Wap will ay and
- -;'

CAP_. t 5.

ofthe Soule.


atter o long, the Soule being-ink' dliz!

and hapl Conerring to the direction Ofthe

Spirits or motion, not Ont of Scne,: lum
from cuoimez or nature: aswewaik-nm -

thinking' ofit, or phy of the' Late-though

out minde be 'rimningonTometziring-eleNe
lhaZIe notedzbefore. vBut when the wa
isinft to the: head, it is les wonder, on

then the Animal may not-zbe detituteiuf

ene and fancy, to conveigh- the Spirits: to
move thewingst '

an. Theformerv cae 'viii t that of.- the

headies Eagle that ew.,wer*.tht Barni
But the mans head that carcht the Dog'bx
the eat would have mord diculty! in it. x

noc Beating o 'perfectly rrferriblietoiathe'

ofthe' Wap)
how hard
wili et
a imi - Ad
this Head therefore Was'gapiugwhilc the
Dogwas to
Wllh of, it,
which cloing together asthe ear hunginto

it, pinched itzo fat that itcouid nor fall

Berdes it is not airogethfr improbable,

efpetiaily conidering that ome men die

upwards, and: ome downwards, that the
Soul may', as-fitvhappem, ometimes retire
imo the Head,and ometimes into the Body;
inthee decoilations', according asuhey are

more or- les r-epteuihr with Spirits,


t e


The immortality

L 1 B . lll .

the luy jumping of thisi'Head, it hould

eem' it was very full of them. Many uch
EhingS-as-thee alo may happen'by the actii'

vity-of the Spirit of Nature, who, its like,

may be _ as buy in' the ruines of Animals,

While'the' Spirits la, as it is in the uid

- firdiments of them when they are genera

ted. x-But
the former
iti is needles
to enlarge
on 'this new Theme.
r - z
3. To this econd Objectionimight have
been added uch monrous births,as eem to

imply the Pempti-ue part ofthe Soul divided

actually into"two or more parts.-. For Arid

atte eems exprey to arm,' De Gumm.

Animaldib, 4. Cap. 4. that that monrous

birth; that hastv'vo hearts is two Animals,

but that which has but one heart is but one.
From whencelit will follow that' thereis but
one Soul alo in that one-hearted Moner,
though it have two or more heads z whence

it is alo. evident, that the Perccpti-ve part of

that one Soule mu be accually divided into
two' or more; This opinion ofAn'atle spa

lap-tra ubcribes to, and therefore conceiv'es

that that monrous child that was borne at
Emmmr, in hode/in: his time, with two
heads and two hearts, was two perons -, but
that other borne Anno 15-31 , with two

heads 8: but one heart, who lived till he was

2 .
t a

CAP. 15.
aftbe Soule.
a man, was but one peron. Which he con
ceives appears the plainer, in that borh the
heads profeed their aareement per etually
to the ame actions,in that they had t e ame
ap etite, the ame hunger and thir, poke
ali e, had the ame deire to lye with their

wie, and of all other acts of exonerating

nature. But for that Other that had two

hearts, and was divided to the Navel, there

was nor this identity of aection and deire,
but ometimes one would have a mind to a
thing, and ometimes another, ometimes

they would play with one an0ther,and ome

times ght. See Senna-t, Epitom. Srient.
Natural. Lib. 6. CapJ.

4_ But I anwer, and r to A'i/lotle: au

thority, that he does not o condently a

ert, that every Moner that has but one

heart is 'out one Animal. For his words
run thuszEv a) 3 Cain' 3 ney-'dawn I gAeiw

aupmcpuau'm DE' vopazciv if) V aipxlw' Blow ei

rmgrmlv at' 'Qui I' uatpcMz N'ere', rni

play Yov

xapJIOLvZX/Cahav. Where he onely peaks 1

pothetically, not eremptorily, that t

Heart is that part where the r Principle

of life is, and from which the re of life in
Soul or Body is to be derived. For indeed
he makes it elwhere the eat of Common
Sene, but that it is a miake we have al

ready demonrated, and himelf eems not

Ii 3



'The Immorta'lity


condent of hisown Opinion, and therefore

we' may with the les oence decline it, and
arm (and that without all hetanty) that
aMoner is either one or more Animals

according to the number of, the heads of

it,- and that there are as many.diinct Souls
as there are heads in a mon'hous Birth,

Buc from the heads downwards the Body

being but one, 'and the heart but one, that
there mu needs be a wonderful exact con

cord in the ene ofaections in thee heads,

they havmg their Bloodand Spirits from

\ one fountain, and one common eat of their
paons and deires. But qu-eionles 'when
ever one head winked, he could' not then
ee by the eyes of the other 3 or if one had

pricked one ofthee heads, the other would

\ ' hoc have felt it: though whatever was in

icted below, it, is likely they both felt

alike, bath the Souls equally acting the Bo
dy of this Moner, but the heads-being
actuated by them: onely in evral. Which is
a ucient anwer to Sennertus.
5 . The Weaknes ofthe third Objection

is manifetk, in that it takes aWay the Exi

=ence of zall Spirits, \as well as the Souls of
the deceaed. Of whoe Being notwithand
ing none can doubt that are not dotingly

incredulous;. We ay therefore that the

gouls of men, beingin the ame conditlion




aft/ne Soule.


that Other Spirits are, appear ometimes,

though but eldome. The cauein bath be.

ing, partly the diculty of bringing their

Vehicles to an unnatural coniency, and

partly they having no occaion o to'doe,
'and laly it being not permitted to themto

doe as they pleae, or to be where theyhave

' 6. As to
forbe.the Fear of _ Death,, andrhat

down-bearing ene that ometimes'o'uni

controulably ugges to Us that we are,
wholly mortal: To the r 'I anwer, that

it is a neceary reult ofour union withrhe

Body, and if we
of, the
or hould
being in this ate, it were a olid Anwer,

And therefore this fear and prea'ge of-iH

in Death is no argument that there is any .

ill in it, nor any more to be heeded then th'e
predictions of any fanatical fellow that will
pretend to prophecie. But beides this, itis

tting that there hould be insus this fear

and abhorrency, to make us keep this a
tion Providence has plac't us'inz 'Otherwie
every little pet would invite us' to pack our
elves out of this World, and try our for.

tunes in the other, and o leave the Earth

tobeinhabited onely by Beas, whenas it

is to be ordered and cultivated by Men,

7. To the-econd] anwer, that uch a
li 4.


The Immortalicy
LIB. Ill.
peremptory concluions are nothing but the
impOures vo Melancholy, or ome Other
dull and ulome diempers o blood that
corrupt the, Imagination; but that Fancy

proves Axiome 4. . And that

though the Soul enthroned in her z/Etbercal
Vehicle be a very magnicent thing, full of
Divine Love , Majey and Ttanquillityz

yet in this preent ate he is inclogg'd and

accloy'd with the oulnes and darknes o

this Terrcrial Body, he is ubject to many

fears and' jealouies, and other vdiirhing
paons , whoe Objects thqngh but a

a real diquiet
'go her
'minde in this
nient. Which condition o hers is' lively
'et out by that incomparablc Poet and Pla

_ toni,umid.6.where,comparing that more

free and pure ate ofour Souls in their ce

leial or fiery Vehicles with their-reraint

in this eart ly Dungeon, he makes this
hort and tale decription of the whole


Ignens e/Z ollis wigon, d< mleis origo

z quantii non nam'd corpom tardant,
Terrmiqz bebetant artus,moribnndztqzmcmraz
Him met'mm,qpizimqne,dolent,gaud5ntquc,

zgtez'ciam, plan-i tgmlvri:

(me aurm

aware mea.

CAP. 15.

of the Soule.


To this ene,
an a'
I: fn?hefegeea{ram
the day/re:
Of noxious Bodies oes not them retard,
In hea-vy earth and dying limhs imhar'd.

Hcnoe,fool'd with feargfaul lue, harp grief,

'vain joy,

In this dark Gaol they low andgroveling lie,

Nor with oneglame oftheir ohli-viom' minde
Loole had; to that free Aire they left behinde.

This is the ad eate of the more deeply

laKed Souls upon Earth z who are o

w olly maered by the motions o the Bo

dy, that they are carried headlong into an
aent to all the uggeions and imagina
tions that it o condently obtrudes upon
them 5 ofwhich that oour mortality is not

the weake. But uch melancholy ancies,

that would beare us down o peremptorily
that we are utrerl extinct in death, are no
more argument t ereo, then thoe of them

that have been perwaded they were dead

already, while they were alive; and there

ore would not eat, becaue they thought

the dead never take any repa, till they

were cheated into an appetite,by eeing ome

o their friends diguied in winding-heets
eed heartily at the table, whoe example

then they thought t to follow, and o were

- kept alive.i
8, I,


The Immortality _


8, Icannot but conesthat the Tragick '

pompand preparation to dying, that layes
wa the operations o the minde, putting

her into ts of dotage or ury,- making the

very viagelook ghaly and diracted, and
at the be adly pale and conumed, as i
Lifeand Soule were even almo quite ex
" tinct,
Iioctns even

raie upicions that all is lo in o greata

change, But the Knowing and Benign Spirit
though he may ow in tears at o dimal a
Spectacle, yet it does not at all uppres his

hepe and condence o the Souls afe a

age into the other world z and is no or er
- wie moved then the more paonate Spe
ctatours o ome cunnin ly-contrived Tra
gedy, where perons w oe either Vertue,

or misortunes, or both, have wonne the a

fection of the beholders, are at la een

wallowing in their blood, and after ome

horrid groans and gaps, lye retcht ark
dead upon the age: but being once drawn
nd themelves well and alive, and are

ready to ta a cup o wine with their friends

in the ,attiring
to olace
- ireall
after their
o death,

and eave the eay-natur'd multitude to in.

ldulge to their ort paons for an evil that

never eell them. '

,9? Th?

CAP. 13.

of the Soule; 7

49 1

9, The fear and abhorrency therefore we

have of Death, and the orrow that accom

panies "it, is no argument but that we may

live after it, and. are but due aections for

thoe-that are to be pectatours o the great

Tragiak-Comedy othe'Worldz the whole

plat whereof being contrived by innite

Widome and Goodnes, we cannot but ur

mie that the mo, ad repreentations are

but ahen', but-the delight real to uch as

are not wicked and impious -, and that what

the ignorant callEruil in this Univere is but

as the hadowy -roaks in a air picture, or

the mournful notes in Muick,-by which the

beauty ofthe one is- more lively and expres,

and the melody o the Other more pleaing
and melting,

1. That that which we properly are is' hoth

, Senitiq/e and Inteectual. 2. What zkthe

true notion ofa Soul being One. 3. That
ifthere he hat One Soule in the world, it 11'
hath Rational and Senti-ue. 4.' The 'no/3

fa-uaarahle reprentation of their opinion

'that hold hat One, 5, A confatation ofthe.

foregoing repreentation. 9. A Reply to the


The Immortality

Luz. Ill.-1

eonfntation. 7. An anwer to the Reply.

8. That the Sonle'of Man i: not properly

any Ray either ofGod or the Soule of the
World, 9. Andyet he were', it would
he no prejudice' to her Immorta ity : whence

thefolly ofPomponatius ia noted; Io, A

farther animad-ueron upon Pomponatius
hit folly, in admitting a certain n'mher of'
remote Intelligencies , and denying Par

ticular Immaterial Subances in Men and


I.AS For the la 0bjection,or rather Sub

teruge, of uch as have no minde to

nde their Souls immortal, pretending in

deed they have none diinct from that one
Univeral Soule o the World , whereby
norwithanding they acknowledge that the
operations we are concious to our elves
of, of Reaon and Other Faculties, cannot
be without one -, we hall eaily dicover

either the alnes or unerviceablenes o

this conceit for their deign, who would o
fain (link out o Being, after the mad reaks

they have played in this Life. For it is ma

niely true, that a man is mo properly
that,whatever it is,that animad-uert: in im;
for that is uch an operation that no Be
ing but himelf can doe it for him. And
that which
4limdd'vrts in us
' does


of the Soule.


perceive and take norice o its Intellectuh

andlational operations, bur of all Senatiom
whatoever that we are concious of, whe

ther they terminate in our Body or on ome

outward Object. From whence it is plain,

that That which we are is borh Seniti-ve and;


- _ . .

2. Now ifvve rightly' conider what is:

comprehended in the true and-uual ' nation'
of the unity ofa Soule, it is 'very manie;
fe that' the Aniinadwrjivverthereof is but
one, and that thereis no Senatio'n' nor-Per'

ception'o any kinde' in' the Soule, but what

is communicated to and perceived by the
whole Aniniad-verve, - '
-r: A
3. Which
if vere
be butit ne
Soule in the World, that Soule is borh Ra

tional and Scnti-vc, and that there cannot

be any Pain, Pleiure' or Speculation, in one.
mans Soule, but the'aine Would be in all,
nay that a man cannot laha Dog, 'or pur a
Hore', but himelf would feel t a mart of

it: which is arly again all sex rience;

and thereorepalpabl fale. O t 's wilde
Snppotion Ihave poken o fully in my
hew', that Ineed adde' nothing. herein
this place, having uciently confuted it


1- '4.v But none-cut- them o very hort, let

a; '

( (fer

4 '

- 494.

The Immartab'ty


mtimagine'the mo avomable' contrivance

ofzhc'ir opinion we-czn, and conceit. than

tMgh'thi-'swdtaf 'be Wald be of it elf
ever whereg'likc, and that the Animal
mriu xed-gris- inic all in-x like vigour 5.

yea: beingawgagtd in ewkayatempered

Bodies, Animad-uerm is connfd wither.
part of Mniemaely" which it actqat'es, and
is upid and-saufenibk- of all other' ogarz-z
tions, whether Scneivem'lncclkctml; than:

are trmazctai. by her. MMIK other? pa

ons: a thing very haire-conceive; and
quite repugnanrw the Idea; ofthe unityof
aSoule, 'not robe conciobs to! her df of
her own perceptions,
and: bet nis (InBut-let
poie that
it pas
one part
ofthe Soak oft-'he War d iafovms one their',

and moche; anochct, os. arlez male Meal

R. therebLYW-edwimiy
at notwin ern
-, ha'rhzdifu
e isloph

Ecnldesi For if mxaltarcs obhe- 'Soul-'of

cha-Would 'inirmz hend; parts &chain/up

ieri, whcnla than thanges hie place; he ct

cher tem-zme atcoftheSouobeWqdd
tromu'anouhcv, or. ele 'chariges Soui's every
- ep z'. andrhepehrk irisramonder than he

changes not .hi19'Wits.tdo,2-nd loes hiraMQL

mony, Unles they will
char every
of the Soal of the World, upon' the a ita

cion ofa new Body, aasjo'z o in icfas cha:



ofthe Soule;


part acted which itle, if there be no

change or alteration thereof: whence every

part of the Soul of the Woxld will have the
elf-ame Thoughts, Errours, Truths, Re
membrances, Pains, Pleanres, that the part

hadthe Body newly left. So that a man

hall always fane it is himelf, whereever-he
goes, though t is hlf be nothing but the
Soul of the World acting in ucha particu

lar Body, and retaining and renewing to hee

elf the Memory of all Accidents, Imprel

ons, Motions and Cogirations, he had the
perception of in this particular pieceo or

' ganized Matter. Thisis the mo advantaz .

geous repreentation o this Opinion that
can potbly be excogitated.. But I leave it
to thoe that love to amue themelvesin
uch myeries, to try ifthey-can make any
good ene of it.
' "

5. And he that can fancy it as a thing

poible, I would demand of him, upon

this uppoition, who himelf is; and- he

cannot deny but that he is a BeingPmepri-ue
and Animddmrfve, which the B' is not,

and thereoret at himelfis-not the-Body;

wherefore he is that in him which is pro
perly called Sat] .- But not itsoptrstionsior
the former' reafOnz becaue they perceive"
nothing, bur the Soul perceives them in ex'
nor the Famltier, for they
-. .



The Immortaliry


' perceive not one anothers Operations, but

that which is a mans Self perceives them

all: .Wherefore he mu ay heis-the Soul ;

an _

re being but oneSoul-inthe World,

be forc'dto vaunt- himelf to be the

Said qf rInzWwld. Butthisboaing mu

uddainly fall again, ifhe but Conidertha't
the Soul of 'the World-will be every mans

peronal I'pfeity as well as his;" whence every

'm man will bea/1 men, and' a men but one

Individual man : whichis a perfect contra

diction to all the Laws of Many/Wide: and
' Logick.

- .

- _

. 6, But reminded ofthee inconveniences,

he, will pronounce more cautiouy, and af

rm that heis not the Soul ofthe? World
at large, but 10nely o far forth as he expe
dites or exzerts her, elf into the Sene and
Remembrance 'of all thoe Norions or' Em

prees that'happen to her, whereever he

isjoyned with his Body-7 but that o oon

aszthis Body zohis is dipated and diol

ved, that he 'will nolonger raie any uch
determinate Thoughts or Sen'es that re

ette to that Union, and that o the Memo

ry-of uch-Actions, Notionsv 'and Imprew

ons, that-zwer'e-held together in i'elation to

aparticular Body," being lo and laid aide

upon the ailing'o the Body 'to which'the .
did'reerre, th'islpfrityzor Paron-it] will?
co to

CAP. 16.
ofthe Soule. i
conied mainly: in this, =d0es>neceiarily
perih in death. ' This oeistainly is-thu'tf- (if
know Would?
their own
who' 'arelaaiilatb
i meet
eactr they
hould in
with themelves there for their) tranfactionsin this'. And-it

isthe handhme Hyperheis that th'ey'Ecan

frame in avour of themelves, and ante'bez

yond that dull' conceit, 'it-'burden 73-iiztjni" '

by' 'mer Matter in the Wb'rld ,Z 'whichisin i

nicely more l-'yable to conmations- -!* I '3- '3 in

-2=.7. * And'yet-this is two mtacovering

I to helter--_thc\n>'andecn're- themaftomrzhe
ad after-clapsTthey may Juiy upect-'inthe
life; 5 Flio'trr,havev
itis neoelary
in this liFQ'asPaq-L
ticular and proper Teneno'ormemzof
Meaure, ol-Pc'ace; and Pahgs. of Gohci'
ence, and of'other-ir'impons, as i. May
had an' individual'v'Sou-l of, 'their own diinct

from that of the World, 'and from every

ones ele 5; and that ithere-be any Demom
or Genii, as certainly there are, that it is o
with them rob, We have alo demonra
ted, that all Sene and PerCeption is imme

diately cxcite'd in the Soul bythe Spirits z

wherefore with what condence can they
promie themelves that the death of this

earthly Body will' Quite obliterate all the



49 8

The Ymmortahtj


tracts of their Being hereon-earth *:'- when

_as the ubtiler ruines thereof, in all likeli

hood, may determine the 'thoughts of the

Soul of the Warld- to the ame fenour as be
fore, and draw from her the memory of all
theTranactiOns of this life, and make her

ekercie her judgement upon them, and

caue her to contrive the mo vital exhala

tions' of the terrerial Body into an aerial

Vehicle, of like nature with the ferment of
thee material rudiments of life, aved out

' of the ruines ofdeath. For any ight touch

is enougluo 'engage her to perfect the whole

Scene, andfo a man hall be repreented to
himelf and others in the other ate, whe

ther he will or no; and have as diinct a per

' onal Ipeity there as he had in this life.
Whence it is plain, that this fale Hypotbeir,
That we are 'mln'n but the Soul of the World
acting in our him', will not erve their
turns at all that would have it o 5- nor e

cure them from future danger, though it

were admitted to be true. But I have de
monrated it fale already, from the notion
of the Mnity of a Soul. Of the truth of which
Demonrarion we hall be the better au
red,if we conider that the ubtile Elements,

which are the immediate conveyers of Per

ceptions in our Souls , are continued

,- throughout in the Soul of the World, and in

.- 3inuate

ofthe Soule.
inuateinto'all living Creatures. So that
the Soul of the WOrld willube necearily

informed in everyone, what he thinks or

feels' every where, if he be the onely Soul

that actuates every Animal upon Earth. . 8.- That othLreonceirpfour Souls being
a Vital Rd]

the Soul of the World, may

gain much countenance by expreions in

ancient Authors that eem to favour the
Opinion: as that of Epictctm, who faith
that the So'uls of men are ma; vrgl' 3693,
aii'a &uri-t ,49'354302179 Adon-&maw. And
Philo calls the Minde of Man, a? &does-hus
dimimataptae s' Wife-row' and Tri megi, 'ii/T;
m'm hew MeH/MAXCG- 'F Jmo'mn O. 75 Z'EF,
XM' aim-e iw/ee'vQ ner-Bird- no 'g "'Aiv'

wis. All which expreions make the Soul

of man a Rey or' Beam of the Soul of the
World or of God, But we are to take n0tice

that they are but Metaphorical phraes, and

that what is underood thereby, is, that
there 12; an emo'zat'ion of4 founder] uheme

from the everal part: of the Soul of the

World, reembling the Rayes of the Sll'l.
Which way of conception, t ough it be

more eay then the other, yet it has di

culties enoughn For this 'it-du] mu
have ome head from' whence itis retched,
and o the Body wouldbe like a Bird inav
ring, whichwonld be 'drawn to an great
Kk a

goe *

The Immojrtalitju


th -'-when onetakes long Voyages, o _ :-,

Big to the Wi 'or We I'dje't. Or-i ygtt

will not 'have it a linmRq-but an agha
par-ticular lifezz-.:every uch particular Orb
mu be hugd va, that thee-Body may not X

travel out of the reach ofthe-Soul. Beides,

* this 'O'rb-wiil rike through other Bodiesxasz

well as its own, and its: own be in everal

partsof it ;- which are 'uch incongruities.

and inconcinniti'es as are very: harh and: un

pleaing colour Rational faClt'iSt', Where-a.

forethat notion is innitely more neat and
afe, that'- proper-tions' -the-. Soul' tothe
' dimen'ons ofthe Body, andn-kes her in?-T
dependent'ouany- thing butth'e Will ahen
Creator; in which repectzof-depende'nee

he may be aid to be -a Rd] of him, asthe

re of thezCreadon alo'z-bu-t 'in no other

ene that I-knowof, unles'of likene-and

imilitude, ' he being the Image of Soak-fair
theey's of-Lig-hctt are ofthe-rm. 1 ' 3 it
. 9. But-let every particular' Soul 'be-o

by- this, whenas
Soule the
beas capable; of all the_ everal congruiti'es'
of'life,-as-the.Soul is in that ene we have
decribedzc'izaod therefore Peromljty', Me.

mryj '3nd**6'o1'eimte will as. urely return

_ or eontinueinfthe other ate; according I' to
this Hyporhes, as the other m'ore uuz

-r ,. .=.





one. Whichaio dicovers'the great folly

of Pmpomtids (and of as many as are of

the. ame leven with him) who indeed is o

mode and iudicious as noc to deny Appa

ritiom, but attributes all to the inuence of
the Scars, or rather the Intellzgeneie: of' the
Ceieial Otbs;For they giving life and ani
mation to brute Animals, why may they' not
alo, upon occaion, animate and actuate the
Aire into hape and form, even. to the ma
kin of them peak and dicoure one hape

wit another -: For o Pompormtixr argues in

his Book ofthe Immortalityofthe Soul,from

Aquima his conceon, that Angels and

Souls eparate may gure the' Aire into
hape, and peak through it 5 a More igitur
Intelligentie mo-vernes eorpara ca-leia her
fecere nor' paant cum mit inrument? qtm

tot ac tanto paant quae faction' Pttaeos,

Pieos,Corruos &MeruIMJoqrai .? And a little
after, he plainl reaons from the power the
Intelligeneies have of generating Animals,

that it is not at-allzrange that they hould

raie uch kinde of Apparitiom as are recdre
ded in Hitory'z But if thee Celefial mel
ligemies be coiin'ed rob their own Orbs, o
asthat-noeoodary Eence reach theein
feriour RegiOns, it is impoible to conceive
how the can*-a6duate-t_he MIeeerhwebeloW;


there bie any uch-2' mieabomiwiam




The Immortality

iLiB. Ill.

from them, whereby theyractua'tethe-Mat

ter into thee living Specieswe ee in 'the

World, of Men and Brutes; = 'nothing hin-.

ders but theame emanationslremaining,

may actuate the Aire when this earthl fa

brick fails, and retain the memory of things

tranacted in this life, and that ill our Per

fomlity' will be conerved as perfect and di

inct' as it was here.
Io. Bur this conceit of Pomformtim' is
farre more foolih then theirs that make

onely one Anima M'mdi that paes through

all the Matter of the World, and is preent
* in-every place, to doe all feats that there
are to be done. But to acknowledge o
many everal itte/lected Being: as there be

fancied Celeial Orbs,and to fcruple, or ra

ther to eem confident, that there are not

o many particular Souls as there be Men

here on Earth, is- nothing but Humour and

Madnes. FOr it is asrational to acknow

ledge eight hundred thouand Myriads of

late/lected. and. Immeterial Beings, really
diinct. from oneanother, as eight; and an
that could
nOt create
the Matter
then. two Subances, wholly independent
on'one another, would be granted, as alo

thexlninite parts-of g Matter that have no

depend-ence one-onthe other. Why' may





ofthe Soule.


not there be therefore innite numbers of

Spirits or Souls that have as littled gn
dence one on another, as well as t 'ere

hould be eight Intellrgenciese' whenas the

morions and operations of every Animal

are a more certain argument of an Irnnratc

rial Being reiding there, then the m0tions
of the Heavens of any diinct Intellrgeneies
in their Orbs, if they could be granted to

haveany: And it is no ranger athing to

conceive an Innite multitude of I'n'nate
rial, as well as Material, Ejeneer, indepen
dent on one anorher, then but two, namel

the Matter and the Soule of the World:

But if there be o excellent a principle ex
ient as can create Beings, as certainly there
is z we arey'till the more aured that there
are uch multitudes of piritual Eences,

urviving all the chances of this preent

life, as the mo ober and knowing men in

all Ages have profeed there are,


I. That the Authour havingafely condncted

the Soule into her Aerial condition through
the dangert'ofDeath, 'night well he exert
fedfrom attending her anyfurther. 2. What

reaon: arge him to conider

K It e,whatfaterbefall

50-4 '

Tl lzmorgalixy



bzfall Im- _aefmards. = 3. - The; ._hazz4rd.-__

t &Set-cle 'cum-after tbzLs-Ji; whereby hei

"4' , ,

on mgagain become abmxiou; to dent/2, de'

- .,,,gozdj_ng_to the; ppinicrn. offomek '4.Tbat 'be

L Aerial Geniremctml, conned by three

_-_, Mimmk-L- 5. The one

the: Ftmqf

w Facius Cardanus, in u/n'gb the. Spirit: that

.-, .. Appwedn him proe/i them 6L1285_ mortal.
egg; Ille- time tcyayad nit him, andt/n
umm theydijlwudof. '2.Wb4t credit Hi
mcmaymus z_.Q-zr.danus gin-ma his Fathers:

_, non'. amgnibjng
8-. -,T1Wte'
'jr (God Pan. '9. Tbg third wdzla- afHe-iod,

' .(g>Lofa_ opinimg Rluparch bayoliu adra

z ,wd. .z1 0.? ;An.wmimof= theevenct

zlfmdaxes. zoetiwd ini-Pacius Laxdzanus

TfkF-i M-rNit-'Wl'

best/'e [w-ta'

ird PAMW, if Ikeg Aerial Specuz

nr [man Whem they though, _, 1, a, Anotlt'm

Hyp0tbq[i;z{a,z1zbc [me Wrjzge, 13. The.
' craft of tbefo Daemons, in mfig in
X poyonom errour 'among olid Truths,
14, What gage; the, ar]
the dear/1 of
Pan le' to flye pr'emt victim-3' with (m dd- X

*: ._ rm zfDgpegrius bit abwatims mach:

O; * 'te dared' Ilandsx mzgre Brinain.
ung T/m Hte'tod Im- opinion p!- the wo

- t xrgxeplimdlc, 'odd thou. 112.; barme

Ixfe'lervm em-wM-==w- IZ'

42.. .:.


3." 'J .

t e

ofthe Soule.
5 05
_; tjethierezl Vehicle inantly: Soule in.
- a condition ofperfect Immor'ality; -1 7.T}u:
then is no internal impediment to tbo'
that are Hemically good, but that they
'my abttain an' everlaing bappine after
Did' .



- E have now, mauote all the o -'

and Objgctions madet?

the contrary , afely conducted the Soule

into the other ate; and inalled her into
, the ame condition'with the'Aen'al Genii. I

might be very' well cxcued,ifl took leave of

her here, and committed her to that fortune
that'attends =thde of the Inviible World:
it being moreeaonazble for them that are

there , 'to meditatezand prcgure in their

mind-man futdrities belonging to them,
then for us that are' on this ide the paaoe. ,
It is enough thnlhave demonrated, t at
neither the Eente nor Operations of the

Soule are extinct by Death; but that they

either 'not intermitr uddainly revive upon

the recovery of her 'aiery Body,
1' 2. -Butveeing that thoe that take any

pleaure at all in ..thinking of vthee things,

can eldome command the tanging of their
thoughts within what-compas they pleae,
and that it it-obvious- for 'them to' doubt

Whether thc'Soglc cap be ecure of her per

._ i;


' magency

777: Immortahty
manencyinlie in the other-World, (it im
plying no contradiction, That her Vital
Congruity,v appropriate to this or' that Ele
ment, may either of it elf ex ire, or that
he may by ome carelenes ebilitate one
Congmity , and awaken another , m ome
meaure, and o make her elf obnoxious
to Fatez) we cannot but think it in a manner

neceary to extricate uch diculties as

thee, that we may not eem in this ater

game-to looe all we won in the former; and

make men upect that the Soule is not at

all immortal, if her Immortality will not

ecure her a ain all future faces.
3. To w ich he eems liableu on three

accounts . The one we have name already,

and repects 'an intrinecal Principle, the
feriodiul term of her Vital Congruity, or

ele the Levity and Micarriage of her own

Will. Which obnoxiounes of hers is ill
'more fully argued from what is armed
of the Aerial Gem'i (whoe companion and

low-C-itizen he is) whom undry Philor

ophers aert to be Mortal. Therethertwo
hazards he runs are from with00t,_t0 wit,

the Conagrtnion ofthe World, and the Ex

tinction of the Sun.
4. That the Aerial Gcm'i are mortal,three

are alledgedxfor
it, .;Th'e,
offacim Cardamari,


CAP. 1 7.

of the Soule.


the great God Pan, in Platareh, and the

Opinion of He nd. I will et them all down
fully, asI in e-them, and then anwer to

them, The Viion o Faeim Cardanns is

gunctually recited by his on Hieronynms in
is De Snhtilitate Lih, 19. in this manner.
55 That his Father Faeim' Cardanus ,

who confeed that he had the ociety of a

familiar Spirit for about thirty years t e
ther, told him this following Storyo ten

when he was alive, and after his death he

found the exact relation of it committed to
writing, which' was this. The 13. day of
Angu 149 I . after I had done 'ny holy things,
at theafter
20. houre
the day,
there, hort/en
a peared
their of
eloathed in ll: garments, with cloaks after the
Greek mode, with purpleockins and erirnon

Caochs, red andhining on their hreajls;

nor were they all' as clad, hnt onely two of
them who were the chief. On the rnddier and
taller ofthee two other two waited, hat the
le?" and paler had three attendants z o that
t ey made tap/'even in all. They were ahout
fourty years of age, but looktaa they had
not reacht thirty. When they were asked who
they were, they anwered that they were Ho

min'es aerii, Aerial Men, who are horn and

die 44' we -, hat that their life is mach longer

then ours, as rent/'ing to 300. years. Being



508 '



qkedcozteemihg the Immntaityof me Soule,

' they anwered, -Nihil quod'uiique pmprinm
eet uperee, That they were '0 'a meint'
nity with the Divi then-um; -. it' yet' in?

m'tel] a'z'ereagtv from them: and thanked;

happines or wier) M much tmnftmded Mrs;

m ours does the hrute Beas, That they lamp
all things that 'are hid, whether Menieslhr
Baahs. due-(that the lowe ort: of them' were'

the Genii ofthe he' andtnahle men, 44' the

men are the traimrez-'t vof the he/l'ort
qfDogs, That the tenuity afltheir Bodiexna
* eth, thatthey me: deems; neither good no'

him, aving in what theyrma . he Ahle to doe

hSpectre; MdTerrours, me 'impartmetrof

Knowledge; That they werehothptthliele Prq

feors it' ate; Academy, and that he of the le-r

ature/'a 300.; dieiples-zhthe.

ter/cing them
njauld not revealtteh' trot-tern. a they-knew

\ 'two men z-they. uuwxed,fthat. there was a xfe'- .

aid; law ggm'nit, upon 4 very grievous pe
lzt .


\ \..:\

Thee etern! Ihhahz'tmm v[beet at lea'

. ,threehanre with Facius Cardanus -, diputing

urguing undxyzthe'lgsg emang. which

one' zvae the Original. of &be. z-World; The.
t'ger denied --th4t God 'wilde Jthe world ab:
Mtgxn'og the-leer armedthitt he ia created it

wit-moment, tie/t! 'NNW-14 'ki 5" Win


CzAP. 17;

of 'be Saule.-


manent, it ctwouMperi/h. Wheredpan the 'then

e'itedme" thing-evil' 'of the' Di'tatiom of
Avenroes , which Boo/e was not yet await,
ahd retained 'fee/end other Treatie: , part,

whereofare himmlpart not, which were all of

Avenroes hilt writing, and withali did openly
7. Therecdrd
himelf to he
Apparition Cat-du'

found among his' Fathexs Papers , buc

eems unwilling .,t0 determine whether it
be a true hiorz or a Fable, but diputes 3.:

gain it in ue a huing-manner, as ifhe,

was pcrWadbd it Were true, and had a mindv
thee othershould-think it o. I am ure he

mo-whate'er's his coure in his MctaphY-a

ical adventures. according to this Cyru-m;
is noobcre'
his* aene
w 8. belief.
3'- the
1 Death
i ofthe
- of
' great
Pni, you may read in P'lararch in his De 'de-1

fectii Oraevloram zwhcre Philippas, for the

proofof the Morality of Dleimme, retiras_a
Stoxy whichihe heard from onewE-miliamim
one hctlpjdity
that wasremov'd
all. 8c
ori. vanityfar
: How
the evening,
near ithe.
hein c clip:
i ades,
for the
failed them; and their Ship heir'g'earried
are uncertain' eaarewpan the Iand Paxae;

that mo ofthe'Rajengersheirtgwa/een, many


5 'o

The ImmOrtah'ty

o them drinhi

LlB. Ill:

merril a 'ter Stt er, there

Jhoavoiee aZZlainly hiarh; from't e Iland,

whichoalied to Thamush name, whowae an .

Egyptian hy hirth, and t e Pilot ofthe >-sh'ip:

which the Paengers much wondred at, few
of them having taken notice ofthe Pilots
name hefore. He was twice called to hefore
he 'gave any ign that he attended to the voice,

hat aftergiving entire/3' attention, a clearland

diinct voice was eard from'the Ilandz-ntZ
tering thee mords;'0mv yhny 3 nuous,"
oZ-ni-yyclhor, 6'11 hire'
'rheum-ar. 51'he
company was mach aoniht at the hearing- of
the voice : and after mach dehate amongt
themelves, Thamus rehlved that,ifthewind

hlew fair, he wouldail hyanday nothing '53.

hnt they were hecalmed there, he would doe
hi Mehge : and therefore they heing he
e'almed when they came to Palodes, neither
winde nor tide tarrying them on, Thamus loue
[cing oatof the p'op of the Ship toward the
hare, delivered hi Meage, telling them that
the great Pan was dead. upon which n'as ad-1
dainlyheard as it were a joynt roaning of'

a, multitude together, mingled wit a mnrnmx

roets admiration.

r 5' Y- 'a

O: 9. The opinion of Heodalois,th2n the:

Q'enii or Damono 'within a certain period' of'
Years doe die-5 but he acteibutes- a conide-x

rable LongaeYitzy totherp, to wit -o_fl\]1ine'

' *

t 011


o] me come.


thouand even? hundred and twenty years,

which is the utmo that any allow them,

mo men les. Plntarth, under the peron
of Others,- has poliht this Opinion into 'a
more curious and diinct dres:
out of

vthe mortaiity of the Damont, and th eve-c ral ranks which He/iod mentions of Rational.
Beings, viz. Sea), deciions, Fire-m, and do's-9 me'

7rot,- he has axed a certain manner gnd

law of their pang out of one ate iilto

anOther, making them to change their Elei
ments as well as Dignitiesz "Enepi 5, faith
he, Wmgohlai nii; 'TE ow'aatmv rim/w; orath'a'i zj
40291? dam? in: yii; hie-than SWJIO- &ii-be'n:
'Of &he. fini Wraiptxuor Jejunum, 4 ha'iectu aim

Peepzn'rm' iims e'ac 72 dvepdmov ei; Pipe-me, in A'

iipw'wr si;AayaBd'eo-w,
&at-'wrote at; Beiore;
+uxi dAizai
V Priami

he' zpowp mine; JV &yea-ii; w-Sup-Siout 'nto-nd

'tra-en 'SEO'M'TQ- pilior- But other, he aith,

lah nen-dium Bacon-w , not having ufcient

command of themelves, are again wrought
down into humane Bodies, to live there an
evanid and ohcnre life, aiAatH-n; G dzaoctltd

(who i'xsam, as he phraes it.

' "

1 o. Thee are the mo natabl'e Teimo

nies for the Mortalit of Damons that I
have met withall, and' therefore the more

worth our reviewing. T hat Viion of Facias

Cardanns, if it be not a Fable,contains many



5 12

The Immareality


5- As M;Tb.{be: AerihliGeniil are-'born

* , 4'

time: as'rmll aswewNmthac any he.

Hem-w. Uezhroughud Kbedbf thcmJ-but

- that che'yacem to. havea; begimiingof - their

Bxiente, from 'which (they may be * 'rGCkOz
ned 'to heine; cer-reigned, ome- more'yeaks
And ome'lcsz- A thdig-'udtohceivablq me
les 'weihouldcimagioe ztha there is'iivcta

He Or..dncent of Soulap'cof thezhigbaj

gions 'of the: Aire inn-'thee - IOWer,'<7014
Lint leavedxee
of the.earlthiy
aiery- DMH;
As neither ,Lheir death ranuoctwell- bezu-i
deroodz'xunlcs we hould-4 fancy-that' theft
Souls Pas
0175- ele

daz- himdg ac'knowledges they perih 'ges z

Wqhich aloisggreeable withhis Opihioh'of

thcPreeexie-uceof our Soals;

- c e \'.='l-'

- "a,
369.', can; which
is again HeadUnctd

nh'cjgrcate number of the Harow-ix', unles

Khey hbuld-peak of that partic'ulaeOrder
tbemCelyes-were of; fbx it 'is likely there

maj be as much dierence ih their ages, as

there is inthe ages of everal kinds of Birds
and Beaszx-cu': . v
' -=*-'*
' . .

Tlnt Mr
o tofarre
a that tbiare'is
'a ran-aid'
ning aftexdmt. _.,'-I r; 2

"n't -'




CAP. 17.

ofthe Soule.


'Fourthly, That they were nearer allied to

the God: then we hyfarre, and that there was'

as much dierence betwixt them and er, at
there it hetrw'xt 'I and Beas. Which they
mu underand then concerning the ex
celiency of their Vehicles, and the natural

activity of them, not the preeminency of *

their Intellectual Faculties. Or if they doe,
they mu be underood of the better ort

othoeAerid Spirits. Or ifthey mean it of

ali their Orders, it may be a miake out
of pride: as thoe that are rich and pow
erful as well as peculative among us, take

it for granted that they are more judicious

and dicerning then the poor and depicable,
let them be never o wie.

Fikthly, Thatthcy hnow all ecret things,

whether hidden Baohs or Mmies : which men
might doe too, it' they could and by con
cealedly from them that hide them.
Sixthly, That the loweort yf them were
the Genii of the Nohle man, as the haferort
'fMen are the Keepers and Edamtorrafthe

hetter kinde of Dogs and Hares. This claue

of the Viion alo is inveloped with obcu
tity, the having nordened Whether this
meanne s of conjition-ofthe Tutelar Gem'i

be to be underood in a 'Political or Phyiul

ene; whether the meames of rank and

power, or of natural wit and agacity z in -



5 l 4.

The lmmortality

Lia . 111.

which many times the Groom exceeds the

young Gallant who aigns him to keep his
Dogs and Hores.
Seventhly, That uch lit' the thinne and
li htne oftheir Bodies, that they can doe mi
t er good n-or hart therehy, though they may
endrange Sight: and Terrors, and comma
nicate Knowledge z which then mu be
chiey of uch things as belong to their ae
rial Region, For concerning matters in the
Sea, the Fihes, if they could peak, might
inform men better then they, And for their
corporeal debility, it is uncertain whether
they may not pretend it, to animate their
Confabulators to a more ecure convere, or

whether the thing be really true in ome

kindes of them. For that' it is not in all,

may be evinced by that Narration that Car

daa a little after recites out of Eramm,

of the Devil that carried a Witch into the
Aire, and et her on the top ofa Chimne ,
> givin her a P0t, and bidding her turn t e
mour downwards, which done the whole
Town was red, and burnt down within the

pace ofan hour. This hapned April the I o,

Anno-Is 3 3. The Towns name was Schil

tac'h, eight German miles diant from Fri

harg. The Stor is o well atteed, and
. guarded with uc 1 unexceptio'nable circum

ances, that' though Cardaa love to hgw




' CAP. 17:

ofthe doule.

5 15

his wit in cavilling at mo he recites,

yet he nds norhing at all to quarrel at in
and Pro
in the
are divided into Sects and opinions there, as

well a: me are lure.v Which cannot poibly

be true, unles they et ome v'alue upon
knowledge, and are at an eager los how
to nde it, and are fain to hew out their

way by. arguing and reaoning as we doe.

Ninthly and laly, That they are reduced,
under a Polittml Go-vernmcnt, and are afraid
of the iniction ofpumhmenn
r I. Thee are the main matters com re
hended in Facim his Viion, which ow
true they all are, would be too much trouble
to determine, But one claue, which is the

third, I cannot let pas, it o nearly concer

ning the preent Subject, and eeming to
intercept all hopes o the Souls Immorta
lity. To peakthereore to the umme of
the whole buines; we mu either coni
ceive thee aerial Philoophers to inruct

Faciu: Cardanur as well as they could, they

being guilty of nothing bUt a forward pride, to oer themelves as vdictating O

racles to that doubtul Exorci (for his on
his Father
a spanig-rd.


'Ll 2'


51 6

The Immortdlity


gave him at his death 5) or ele'we mu

uppoe them to take-the liberty of equiva
.catin0, ifnot ofdownright lying. Now if
they had a minde to inform Patin: Cut-dam:
of thee thin s directly as they themelves

thought of tEem, it being altogether un

likely but that there appeared to them, in
theiraerial Regions, ue, ghts as repre
ented the perons of men here deceaed, it

is impoible that they hould think Other

wie then as we have decribed their Opi
nion in the fore-going Chapter, that hold
there is but one Soul in the World, b
which all living Creatures are actuate .

Which,though but a meer poibility, if o

much, yet ome or other o thee aerial
Speculators may as well hold to it as ome
doe among
us. For are
' others
of the Awnrois
as ridiculouy
pertinacious as they. And therefore thee
Awnroziml Demom anwered punctually

according to the Concluions of their own

School, Niln'l proprium miqmm upcree
po/Z mortcm. For the Minde or Soul' being
a Subance common to all, and now di
'unitedrom thoe Terrerial Bodies which

it actuated in Plato, uppoe, or Socrtter,

and thee Bodies dead and dipated, and
onely the common Soul of the -W0rld ur

viving,,there being nothing but this Soul]

> .


CAP. 17.

ofthe Soule.

5 17

' and thee Bodies to make up Socrates and

Plato; they conclude it is aplain cae, that

nothin that is proper urvives ater death

And t ereore, though they ee the repre

entation o Socrates and Platoin the other

World, owning alo their own peronali

ties, with all the actions they did, and acci

dents that befell them in this life; yet ac
cordino to the ullen ubtilties and curioi
ties ofp their School, they may think and
rofes, that to peak accurately and Phi

oophically it is none of them, there be

ing no Subance proper to them remaining
after death, but onely the Soul o the

World, renewing the thoughts to her elf

p? what appertained to thoe parties in this

1 e.
12. This is one Hypotheis conient
enough with the veracity o thee Daemons,
but there is alo anocher, not at all impo
tble, viz. That the Vehicles o the Souls

of men departed are as inviible to this Or

der of the Genii that confabulated with Fa
-cixr Carddmu as that Order is to us: and
that therefore, though there be the appea

rances of the Ghos o Men deceaed to

them as well as to us z yet it being but for
a time, it moves them no more then our

conrmed Iimream in this world are

moved thereby: epecially it being prone

Ll 3 p


's i 8

The immortality


for them to think that they are nothing but

ome ludicrous pectacles that the univeral

of the
World repreents
, when, toand
long a time he pleaes, and the vaporous
reliques othe dead body adminier occa
ion._ Now that the Vehicles of the Souls
o men departed this life, after. they are
come to a etled condition, may be farre
thinner and more inviible then thoe of the

ore-named Damom, without committing

'any 'inconcinnity in Nature, may appear
from hence: For the excellency ofthe in.
'ward Spirit is nor alwaies according to the
coniency o the -Element with which it
'does'incor oratez orherwie thoe Fihes

that are of iumane hape,and are-at et times

'taken in the- lndian Sea, hould have an

higher- degree o Reaon and Religion then

* we that live upon Earth, and have bodies

made of that Element. Whence 'nothing

hinders but that the Spirit o Man may be
mOre noble then the Spirit of ome of
the aerial Dzemom'. And Nature not al
waies running in Arithmetical, but alo in
Geometrical Progreion, one Remove in
'one may'reach far above what is before it
for the preent in the Other degrees o Pro
greion, As a creeping'worm is above a
d7WQIm,nC_l any four-owed beas aboKe

i. Q '

CAP. 17.

ofthe Soule.

5 '9

the birds, till they can ue their leggs as

well as they -, but they are no ooner even

with them, but they are raight far above
them, andcannot onely goe, but y. Asa
Peaant is above an imprion'd Prince, and
has more command z but this Prince can be -

no ooner et free and become even with

the Peaant in his libert , but he is ini
nitely above him. And oit may benatu
rally with the Souls of men when they are
freed from this prion of the Body, their
eps being made in Geometrical Progre
ion, as oon as they eem equal to that Or
der ofDamom we peak of, they may mount
far above them in tenuity and ubtilty of

Body, and o become inviible to them;

and therefore leave them in acapacity of

faly urmiing that they are n0t at all, be

caue they cannOt ee them.

13, But if they thought that there is

either ome particular Ray of the Soule of
the World, that belongs peculiarly uppoe
to Socrates or Plato, or that they had pro er
Souls really diinct, then it is evident t at
they did either equivocate or lye. .Which

their pride and corn of mankinde (they

looking upon us but as Beas in comparion
of themelves) might eaily permit; they
making no more concience to deceive us,
then we doe to put a dodge upon a dog, to
Ll 4.

520 .


- LIB. Ill.

make out elves merry, But i they hada

deign to winde usin'too'me dangerous
. errour,- it is very likely that the would
hue it in among many Truths,t at thoe
' Truths being examined, and foundolid at
the boctome, we might not upect any one
of their dictates to be fale, W herefore this
Viion being ill meant, the poion intended
was,-that- of the Souls Mortality z the dan

gerous falenes ,of 'which opinion was to

* becovered-by the mixture of others that

aretrue. r
i- ;
14- As fOr that Relation of ufmilians,
whith he heard from his Father Ept'tlterfer,

it would Come illmore home to the pur

poe, i theconcluion of the Philologers

at ROme, after Tbamas had been ent for,

and averted the truth thereof to Tiberim

Calzr, could be thought authentick,namely,

that this Pan, 'the news of whoe death
Than-m told to the Damom at Palodcs, was '
the Son of Mercury and Pcmlope; for then
itis plain that Pan was an humaneSoule, and

therefore concerns the 'preent queion

more nearly, But this Narration being ap
' plicable to a' more acred and venerable Sub
ject,it looes o much of its force'and fitnes

forvthe preent ue. That which Demetrius

adds, concerning certain Holy Iands neare

i had

ii more' t in this
.- Whither

CAP. '7.

of the Soule.

52 1

Whither when Demetrius came, uddainly

upon his arrival there happened a great com
motion of the air,mighty tempes 8: prodi

gious whirlwinds. After the ceaing where

0f,the Inhabitants pr0nounced,"0-n 097.? xpe'i
rro'x/w' and; 'en-w; ghgwev, Thatome ofa 'm
tare more
then according
humane um:
to his
torick, detants after this manner, hs 33 Aci
Xx/Q aiva'iapez-O poil-at' aNvop QNV zxd, aew
rdevG' mMo'i's Auvrnpa'; Egzv' Saws ai [42
yxAatq-uxui 'wis HEV &wether/Mind; &IN-Eva; 75;
&Mix-s; iixuazr, ati
aCs'ari; atctu'TcH/ ag QOopaci
ToMohm; Fiat), of; wri) Tvsdzzaurac 29 Could; m'

7rzm, 7raM0tim;

zg Aozpuztots 7ra920w deep.

Qdydfgsw) -i_ e. As the lightning ofa lamp

bring: no grievance with it, hat the extin
ction of it 12; oen-uc to many -, fagrcat Soulx,
while they remain kindled into lzfe, hine forth
and heni
hat uptheir
or corruption

tempe: , M in thy) Preent example , and

often infects the aire with peilmtial mnoi
- 15. But the la Teimony is the mo
unexceptionable, though the lea preten

ding to beinallible, and eems to rike

dead bOth waies-_ For whether the Souls

of men that goe out of thee earthly bodies
he Yertgogs or vitious,they mu die to their



5 2z


LiB . Ill.

Aerial Vehicles, Which eemsa ad ory

at r ight, and as if Righteounes could
not deliver from Death. But if it be more
carefully perued, the terrour will be found
onely to concern the Wicked, For the pro
founde pitch of Death is the Decent into
this Terrerial Body, in which, beides that
we necearily forget whatever is pa, we

doe for the preent lead aZAaeM-Sz' zg duv

Cwhv, a dark and ahcare life, as Platarch
peaks,dragging this Weight of Earth along

with us,as Prioners and Malefactours doe

their heavy hackles in their ordid and e
clueconnements. But in our return back
from this ate, Life is naturally morelarge

to them that are prepared to make good ue

of that advantage they have of their Aiery

Vehicle. But i they be no: maers ofthem

elves in that ate, they will be fatally re
_ manded back' to their former Prion in

i proces of time; which is the mo gros.

Death imaginable. But for the Good and
VCl'LUOUS Souls,that after manyAges change
their Aerial Vehicle for an uEthercalonez

that is no Death to them, but an higher

acent into life. And a man may as well ay
ofan lnant, 'that has left the dark Wombe

of his Morher, that this change of his is

Death', as that a Gmias dies by leavingthe

gros Aire, and emerging into that Vehicl?


ofthe Soule.


ofLight,which they ordinarily calle-Athena!

or Cwlcial.
16. There may be therefore, b Axiome
36. adangerous relape out oft e Aerial

Vehicle into the Terrerial, which is pro

perly the Death of the 'Soule that is thus
retroorade. But for thoe that ever reach

the QZZthereaIate, the eriods of life there

are innite '-, 8: though t ey may have their
Pcrige's as well as Ap0ge's,yet the'eCircuits
being of o va a com'pas,and their Perige's
o rare and hort, and their return as certain

to their formerAp/ir,as that ofthe Cceleial

Bodies, and their athereal ene neve'rlea

ving them in their lowe touches towards

the Earth z it is manife that they have arri

ved to that life that is july yled Eternal,
1 7. Whence it is plain,that pereverance
in Vertue, if no external Fare hinder, will

carry Man to an Immortal life. Bur whe

ther thoe that be thus Hcroz'cally good, be
o by dicipline and endeavour, or &le/t, 'rwi
not' gt, b a pecial favour and irreiible
deiigno God, is not to be diputed in this "
place z though it be at large dicued ome
wherein the Dialogues of Plato. But in
the mean time we will n0t doubt to con

clude, that there is no Internal impediment

to thoe that are highly and HeraicaZ/y ruer

num:2 but that, in proces of time, they



5 24.

The Immortality

LiB. III. i

may arrive to an everlaing ecurity of Life

and Happiuef , after they have left this

earthly Body.


I. The Conagratz'on 'of the World an Opini

on aof the Stoicks. 2. Two may: of n'e
. roying the World the Antients have tal-en
notice ofh' epecially that hy Fire, 3. That
the Conagration of the World, o far as it
re/ect'r us, a to he under/load onely of the
1 i hurning of the Earth. 4. That the ends
of the Stoicks Conagration t's competible
onely to the Earths burning, 5. An at
hnowledgement that the Earth may he

burnt, though the proof thereofhe imperti

-'*nent to thuplaee. 6. That the Cona
gration thereof wi pro-ac very fatal to the
- Soul: of Wt'thea' men and Daemons,
7, Five everal opinions concerning their
' [late after the Conagration 2, whereofthe
r 13', That they are quite deroy'd by


8. Thelecond, That they are an

nihilated bya pecial act of Omnipoten

- cy. 9. T'he thirdgThat they lye enles
- in an eternal Death.- Io, The fourth,

That they are in a perpetual furious and





a the Soule.


painful Dream. u. The fth endle,

That they will revive again, and that the
Earth andAire'will be inhabited/by them.

12. That this la eem to he fram'dm

the ctitiout waAiYyex/emia of the Stoicks,
who were very orry Metaphyicians,and
as ill Naturalli s. 13. An Ayimadrver
ton u on ahi.elhe:

ate of the Soul: of the Wt'rhed after the

Conagration, is. That the Bthereal
Inhabitants will he afe, And what will
then hetome. of Good men and Dzemons
on the Earth and in the Aire. And how
they cannot he delveredhut hy auperna
tural power.
I. As for the Externalimpediments, we
hall now examine them, and ee of

what force they will be, and whether they

be at all. The former of which is the Con
agration of the World. Which is an anci
ent Opinion, believed and entertain'd, not

onely by Religious, but by Philoophers

alo, the Stoicks epecially, who arm

that the Souls of Men doe ubi indeed af-'-'

ter Death, but cannot continue any longer
in being then to the Conagration of the
World. But it is noc o much material'

what * they thought,*ss toconi'derwhatt e

5. 26

The lmmortalitj

LIB. Ill.

the condition indeed o the Souls of Men

and Dzmom after that ad Fare.

2, Thoe that will not have the World

eternal have found out tw'o Ways to deroy

it, ULUDWM'aU or magical, by Water' or 'by
Fire. Which, they ay, does as naturally

happen in a va Period o Time, which they

calLA'mu: magnm, as Winter and Summer
doe in our ordinary year. Inundatia hane
cus quam H cms, quam aEbzs lege Mundi
wnit, But or this &owed-mals, it not being
o famous, nor o freqently poken o,
nor o deructive, nor o likely to end the

World as the other way, not belonging o

properly to Our enquiry, we hall let it pas.

The general Prognoick is concerning Fire

now, not onely o the Stoicks, as Zeno, Cle
anthes, Cyryppus, Seneca; but o everal

alo of dierent _Sects, as Hemciitm, Epim

rus, Cicero, Pliny, Ariocles, Numem'm, and
undry others.
3. But though there be o great and una
nimous conent that the World hall be
burnt, 'yet they doe not expres themelves
all alike in the buines. Senecis vote is the
mo madly explicite of any, making the
very Stars run and dah one again another,

o ethad
on re.
wit, ButjPodonitlf
who did not hold'
dnwdgqui Show* 'which
' Stoicks

of 'be Soule.
Stoicks did; For the deroying of the ed
tbereal Regions by Fire is as foolih a fan-v
c as the entencing of the Eele to be
diown'd, becaue the matter of the aft/le"
is too ne and ubtile for Fire to rage in,
it being indeed nOthin but a pure light or
re it elf, And yet t is aft/meal Matter
is innitely' the greate portion of the

World. Wherefore the World cannot be

aid properly to be 1yable to the deruction
of Fire from any natural caues,as the Sto

ic/es would have it. Which is demonra

tively true upon Des-Cartc: his Principles,
who makes Fire nothing but the motion
o certain little particles o Matter, and

holds that there is no more motion at one

time in the _World then at another; be

caue one part of the Matter cannor impres

any agitation upon anorher, but it mu loe
o much it elf, This hideous noie there

fore of the Conagration o the World mu

be rerain'd to the ring of the Earth
onely, o farre as it concerns us. For there
is nothing ele combuible in the Univere
but the Earth, and other Plzmetr, and
what Vapours and Exhalations arie from

4. This Conagration therefore that
Pbiloopbers, Poets, Sibyls, and all have ll'd

the World with the ame o, is nothing blot

t re


'lbe lmmartahty

LiBJll, 'I

the burning of the Earl/1. And the ends

the Stoicks pretend of their &C'U/WK) may
be competible to it, but not to the burning
of the Heaven: or uber at all z as any but
meanly skilled in Philoophy cannot but

acknowledge. For their nature is o imple

that they cannot corrupt, and therefore
want no renovation,as the Earth does. Nor
do thelnhabitants of thoe liEavenlyRe-gions

dele themelves with any vice; or if they

doe, they ink from their material ation
as well as moral, and fall towards thee ter
rerial dreggs. And therefore that part of
the happy dange-rulent; Seneca peaks of,
Or'me animal ex integra gmenbitw, deth
t'ZrZue terrix harm' infcins tele-ram, A" mali

ari m micii: natus,will take no place with

thoe Ethereal Creatures.
' 5 . We are willing then to be born down,

by this common and loud cry of Fire that

mu burnt-the World, into an acknowledge
ment that the Earth may within acertain
Period of time be burnt, with all thoe

things that are upon it or near it. But what

concure of natural caues may contribute
to this dimal pectacle,is not proper for me
to dipute, epecially in this place, I hall
'Dnely take a view of what ad eects this

Conagmtian may have upon the 'Soals- of

Dzmm and Men. For thac thoe thoeg-hae

CAP'. 18.

'ofthe Soule.


have recovered their Bthereal Vehicles

are exempt from this' ate; is evident z the
remotenes of their habitation ecuring t em
,no'm both the rage and noihnmcs of thee'

h-lphureous ames.

' - v _

. : (17

. 6. The mo/certain and mo deru

ctive execution that this Fire will doe,

be upon the mare-covered' Soule of Wit *

Me' and DMM: -, thoe that are'n ddepily
runk and drown'd d; wemqnhat theiiery

coniency of their Vehicles does imprion

them within the connes of this thicken
liginous aire.. Thee Souls or Spirits there:

ore." that have 'o inenricably" entangled

'hanelves-in'the Fare o this lower world;

giving-'up all their Senes toIt-he momentany

pieauresof the-moi iuxniziousPtinciple,

whichis the very eat o Death , thee, in

the" myical Philo hy of the Ancients,

'are theNYmphs,to w

m though they allot

a long Series of years, et they doe lnnt,

'exempt them from mort ity and ate, And

'bcmetrim in Namely pronounces exprey

out .ofHewd,:>that theirlife will beteimi
'lated with the Canagmtion of the World, _

from what' thev Poet intimates uiEaignuti"

tract), Raia' Ady. &O. rim' But Vena 'nt-WH

aiu-a'Pa' wait 3? Manual', &wi-hue award-ebrii'

ative Upyi; aim',- ZZ' 'wi-r Nu'tpau, '




r. 5 To

The Ymmortalzty


zf 'it Ka-i
,' But
to: leave And
g 7ra'aea-'mp'hem

and take a more erious-and. diinct view

- 'ithe condition of- the Soulafter the Can

z'agrarim of-thearth; 'we hall nde ve

lztveral' orts of O'pinionsconcertring it..The
"r hold, That >t it unmem'fnl heat and re
frail) 4' la' deroy' and eohfnme the Soul-w
me 45- the Body 3 But\this.eem$ to meint

poble, that any created subance' hould

-ntter1yder0y1an0ther Subance, o as to
itddnceit-tonorhing, TFor no Part of Mat
.ter,.acting- the mo furibuyzuponfanoth'er

ipart thereof, 'does eect that, 5 It can onely

tattenuate, dipate anddipere the parts,
'and-'make them inviible.- Butthe' Subance

pf: the Soul is 'indiipahle and indtcerpihe,

' JandtherefOre remains-entire, whatever: be

names of the Body or Vehiclez-

, -;

' l:-:;8. ,-.The econd Opinion: is, That after

fong-'nd tedious' tomake in:thefei ames, the
Soul by a pecial act ofmwipatWB. annihiq
. lated; untime thinks,=thi s is to: put. Provie
dence 'too much tozherxhifjts, as if'Godzwerc

e o broughtzto, azplunge. inghis training; a

Creamreofpit elfimmortal, that, hemu
be fain to it.
Beide's that
that divine Nemeto

c. __


CAP. i 8.

ctbe soule.


i: that lies within the compas of PhilQQ':

phy, never uppoes any uch forcible eruy
ptions of the D'eit into exnaordinaryef

fects, buc that all t ings are brou' ht Labour

by a wie and
naturale (rain
,Ql'. tre
- , "i , avoid:
9. The_ third thereore,izto.

aburdities, - 'denies buth-abmprion-yx Fit'

annihilatim -, but
of canceiVQSJ'hatFMI-r
pain' imahtM/MISMI
at 1'4,her
d whim-'w
With Matter' e, . the immediate Principle of llv

ni'on, which We. call Yitalmgmt'ry, couin:

ing-of acertain- mOdiQtiQaof)thiBpd
pr Vehicle as, well as: HfJUHC'SQdi'Lhii

being poiled and lo, and tbeJSWlithf-'mbY

quitellofoned from .ail;ympath'y with Box

dy or Matter, [he become; prrfe'ctly dedziadd

en/leta all thin r, by Axiome 35.. .,'a_hd,_ns
they ay,v n'ill . 0 remain-'r err/er. But: this
eems notorationalz for,as Ariotle omez
where has it, "End-go', 3' '5314- Eyipgein, Zgzv &ram.
q-B' 'in-3.: Wherefore o many entire immm
terial Subances would be continued in bef'
ing 'to allrernity to 'no end nor purpoe;

- notwithar'niingit ey' may bemade ue of,

andactuateM-atter'againas well as ever. i ,z
to. A- fourth ort therefore of$pecula2

tors- there is, who 'coriaci-ve that' after xthi'i

lax. .

_. Mm a' _


'5 2
The 'Immortaiity
L I B . Iilf
elarion of the 'Souls-or Spirits o Wicked
me and Dam'ts- from their Vehicles, That

'their pain 13' conrmed to them my in that

ip-mite ate', they falling into 'an-unquiet
eepjn 'qf f'ri'm; tormenting Dreams, the'
an: nf/Iercdy upon their Spirits; as the exo

ternal Fire did upon their Bodies. But Others

exc'ept'again 'thisOpinionas' a. very uncer

tain Conjecture, it uppoing that Which to
them eems. 'net-'ifn- ound, viz.-'That the

So'til'canact when-it has lo-'all vitalUnion

With the Matter; Which eemsrepugnant
with that 'o intimate and eential: aptimde
it has to be united therewith." And the
Drams-'of the -_Soulin the." Body are not
tranacted withoin' the help o. the Animal

Spirits in thelBrain, they' uually ymbolie

zingwith their. temper. 2 Whence they con;
kinde, that 'theres no certain ground to

i - r 1;'\Th'e
to make all ure,
thatthere ma be no inconvenience in ad'
'taining-that the Soals or spirits as well of

evil' Down: aswicked Men, disjo'yned from

their Vehicles by the force of that fatal
Conagration,"may ub, have excogitated
an odde and unexpected Hypochs, That
when this ring of the World-hat' done due A
execution upon that nnfortnndte'cme, andte
dians anddirefnl 'or-'ture has weariedtheir tfo
A '

CAP'. 13,

ofthe Soule.


icted Gho: 'into an utter reces' from all

Matter, and-thereby into a profound eep or
death z that after 4 long.Series vo years,
when not onely the fury of the Fire 'it utterly

icked, hut that vn/l Atmo/here of[monk and

wapours,whieh was fen' 'p during the time

Zf the Earth: Conagration, hot returned

uch z'u copious howres of rain (which will

again make Seas and Rivers, will binde and

conolidate the ground', and, falling exceed?

ing plentifully all over, make the oil plea
ant and fruitful, and the Airecooland
wholome) that Nature reto-verin thut te

her advantage, and heeo'ning youth ul again,

and full of genital alt and neot'ure, the
Soul: of all living Creatures belonging to

thee lower Region: of the Earth and Aire

will auro/'en orderly m their proper places,
The Seas and Rivers will be again repleni
hed with Fih z the Earth will end forth all
manner of Fowls, four-fOOted Beas, and _

creeping things z and the Souls of Men alo

hall' thencatch life from the more ure
and balamick parts'ol' the Earth, an be

clochcd again in terrerial Bodies z; and

laly, the Aerial Genii, that Element be,

Fcoming again wholome and vital, hallzin

due order. and time, awaken and revive in

the cool rorid Aire. Which Expergea-_

ction intolife isaccompanied, ay theyoyvitll
M ii 3

5 34

'The Immonolity

LlB, _I'll.

izro'penonsr anwe'rable to thoe reolutions

'they-made with 'themelves mi- thoe ery
torments, and'- with which they fell into

ghe'i'rlong-eepg' .

'- , -

_ =-'- 12. ,Bu: the whole Hypotheis eems to

be framed out-of that' dream of the Stoicks,
'concerning the Mary-'dwelt or ommyyersb
cto'lar- of the World after the dumu or &n

ctm'eigm; thereof. As if that ofSeneu belon

ged to this cae, Epil. 36, Mars, quam [er

tirnefcirnu: at retuomus, intermittit ruitam,

'non eripit. Veniet iteru'nzqui no: in lutem

VePone't dies, quern multi_ reoutrent, nii ohli

. to: reduceret." But how courly the Stoicks

'Philoophize-w-hen they are once turned

but of their rode-'way of moral Sentences,
'anyzone- but moderately skilled in Nature

and Metaphyicks may eaily dicern. For

what Errors can be more gros then thoe
that' they entertain of God, ofthe Soul, and

ofthe-sure, they makincr the two former

Corporeal Subances,andeeding the latter
with the Vapours of the Earth, arming

that the-sun ups u the water o' the great

Oc'ean to uench his 'thir,'but that the
Moon drin s o: the leer 'RiVers and
Brooks; which is as true as that the A:

drunk up_ the' Moon.

Such conceits are

vmore t or Anaoreon in' a drunken t

to omble upon; vwho to invite-his Com

t '

CAP. 1 8.

o/ the Soule.


panions to tipple, compoed that Catch,,_

lit/er &cha-air', JV ivy-es,

ctO JV HNQ Schatoraw,

then for to be either found out or owned'

by a erious and ober Philoopher. And
yet Seneca mightily trium hs in this notion
of oddering the Stats th the thick oggs
of the Earth, and declares his opinion with'

no mean rains of elo uence: but Iloving

olid ene better then ne words, hall not

take the pains to recite them.

- 13. At what a itch his underanding
was et, may be ea ily dicerned by my la
quotation, wherein there eemsa palpablev
contradiction, Veniet iterum qui no: in lu
dies, Itinot,
quem multi
how ohlito:
.? Ifoniilitos, how not-2' For we are not we, unles
we remember that we are o. And if mad

men may be aid, and that truly,v to be be

ides themelves, or not to be themelves,

becaue they have lo their wits z certainly

they will be at from being themelves
that have quite lo the Memory o them

elves, but mu be as i they had never

been before; *As_Lucretiut has excellently
well declared ' himelf, 'De rerum natuni'
Lih, 3..
M m 4'


4. m' Jmmwmmy

L'IB. m,

Am', ill mteriam norom oo'nlegerlt ietn:

Pol ohztz'l, rurumq; redegerit nt tn nunc e,
Atque iterum nohdfuere'nt dam'- lmina wite,
Iertineot quioqunnt tamen 44 no:


' foctum,
Mrerropt-r entel ezlrn it retinentin nori.3

Whetethe Poet. eems induriouy to ext

plode all the-hopes of any benet of this
Stoieul nmiyyrrualg, and to ptofes that
he isas if he
never been, that cannot
remember he has ever been before, From
whence it would follow, that though the
Souls ofmen hould revive after the Cort

* ugmiou of the World, yet they have not

'ecaped a rpetual andpermanent death,
14.' WP; ee therefore how:.deperately

undernwrable the condition of t'hcSoule

is after the Conagration' of the. "Earth, all.

thee ve Opinions being accompanied with

o much lubricity and uncertainty. And
therefore they are to be looked upon rather .
' as ome Night-landskap tofeed our amued

Melancholy,then a clear and diinct draught

pftomprehenible Truth to inform our

. , .,
15, Allthat we can be aured-ofis, that
thoe Soul: that have obtained their 'inthe-m!

Vehicles are out of the reach of that ad fate

, that qllcewss this Qonagration z and thgt


.t e

CA. tal.

oftheSakde. '_ -


the wicked Soule-'of Men andp-epmm will

be involved init. Bnt- there are: a middle ort?

betwixt' thee, concerning whom vn0t onely

curioity buc good will would makeaman i
ollicltous. For'lt' is poble, that the Con
agmtion of the World mayurzprie man
thouands ot'Souls, that neither the coure
of Time, nor Nature, nor anyhighcrPrinz

ciple hasrwrought up into an oft/lend Co'I;

great) iof lite, but yet may he 'very holy,
innocent and vertuous. Which pre-may

eaily believe, i we conider that-thee very

Earthly Bodies' are n0t o great impedi
ments to the goodnes.and incerit ofthe'
Minde, bue that many, even in t 's life;

havegiven great examples thereof. Nor Can'

that Aerial ate be les capable ok',' nor w'eli
be without,thcg'oad Genii, no more then the
Earth wlthom good men, whdare the mo
immediate Minlers ofthe Goodnes andv
But isexemption
the world
not aliwaiesfrom
upon Immcmy, bu: mo ordinarily upon
\ mtural power. And therefore there may be

numbers of the good Geniiglancl of very

holy and lnnocuousSplrits o mendepa-rted,

theiconien'ty' of vwhoe Ve'lfitl'es may be

uehzthat they can no more 'quit thee aerial

Regions, the'n'y'we'chn' y into them, that

have heavy gdiegl-wlthbtlwmgs; 'To ay

- '

' \ ,


'1 be lmmortalzty

Lm. Ill.

nothing of thoe vertuous and pious men

that may haply be then found alive, and o
be liable to e overtaken by this orm of
re. Undoubtedly, unles there appear, be- '
ore the approach of this fate. ome viible
Zsds tra-Mars. or Jacke' Sojitator, as the

heathens would call im, they mut nece

arily be involved in the ruine of the wicked.
Which would beagreat eye-ore in that
exact and irreprehenible frame of Provi
dence, that all men' promie to themelves
who acknowledge that there is a God.

Wherefore according to the light of Reaon,

- there mu be ome upernatural means to

recue thoe innocuous and benign Spirits

out of this common calamity. But to de
cribe the manner of it here how it mu be
done, would be to entitle natural Light and

Philoophy to greater abilities then they

are guilty of; and therefore that Subject
mu be reerved for its proper place.





ti That 'be Extinctim qfthe- Sun 13 no Pa

nick'fearchut may be ration/ly u/ected

from the Record; of Hiorynd round: of

._ Natural yhiloophy. ,z_,_7'/1cfa Innmref


CAP. 1 9.
a the Soule.
5' 39
' of' this Extinction 'upon Man and Beat,
and all theaerial Daemons imprion'd with

i in theinhveral Atmopheres in o'ar VOr'

tex. 3, That it will doe little or no damage

to the z\Ethereal Inhahitantt in rzference

i to heat or warmth. 4.. Nor will t ey nd
mach want of hit light. 5. And * they
did, they may pa' ontof one Vortex into
another, hy the Priviledge of their aft/'e
rcal Vehicle: a, 6. And that without any
Jahoar or toile , and at matnrely at vthey
pleae. 7. The va incomprehenhlenefr

ofthe tract: and compoer of the wait: of

fro-violence. 8, A hort Recapitnlation of

the whole Dicottrfe. 9. An Explioation of

the Perians two Principles of Light and
Darknes, which they called Oeo's and Act:

aw, and when and Where the Principle of

Light get: the full victory. Io', 'That

Philoophy, or omething more acred then
Philoophy , a the onely Guide to a trac



1,TH E la danger that threatens the;

eparate Soule is the Extinction of'
the Sun -, which though'it may eem a meet'

Paniole fear at r ight, yet i the matter

be examined, there will appear no con
temptible reaons that may induce men to

upect. that itmay at la fall out , there







been, at certain times, uch near oers in =

Nature towards this ad accident already,

Pliny, though he inances'butinone'exam
ple, yet peaks o 'it as a thing that everal
times comes to pas. Fiunt, aith he, prodi
groan- longi'ret folk defectat, quiten-rie
'Dictatore Caare, &- Antoniano hedo, totiu:
anon' pallore continao. The like happened in

ainian: time, as. Cedrentoo writes z when,

for a whole, year together, the Sun vWas of a
very dim and duskih hue, as if he had been

in: perpetual] Eclipe. . And in the time a

Of Irene the _Empres it was o dark for

'eventeen dayes together, that the hips lo

their way on the ea, and were ready to
run again one another, 'as Theophaner re

lates. But the late accurate dicovery o the

potsof the Sun by shine', and the appear
ing and diappearing ofxt Stars,and the
excurions o Comets into the remoter
parts ofout I/ortex, as alo the Very intrin

ecal contexture o that admirable Philoo

phy of Det- Canter , doe argue it more then
poible that, after ome va periods o
* time, the Son may be o inextricably inve

l'oped by the Maoala that' 'he i's neverree

'om, that he may quite looe his light.
I. ThePreambles owhichExtinction will
be ver hi'deous,-and intolerable' to all the

Iqhahitzants ofthe Plant-es. in-our o'texii

* -


t le


a the Soule.


the Planctshave then any Inhabimts at all.

For this defect-o'- light and beat 'comingon

' by degrees, mu needs weary out poor 'mor

tals inr-ith heavy 12nguihm-2nt3yb0th o;

want 'ofthe comfort of the uual Warmth of
the Sun, whereby the Bodies of men are r'e
crcated, and alo by reaon of-his ,imbility
to r_i n the fruits of the Soilez whence
ned arily mu fellaw Pamin'e, Plagnes,
Sicknees, and atzlength an utter devaa
and deructibn
Aerial 0b0th

that the vital. tye' to their Vehiclesv ne

cearily conning them to their everal
maw Izcres,they. 'wilL be inevitably impri

v' one 'in more then Cimmerian darknes,

For the Extinctitm o the Sun will put out
thedight of all their Moom, and' nothing
buc Ice, and Fro," and akes ofSnow, and
thick mih, aspal-pable as that of ugy,
will poes the Re'gions of their habitation.

Ofwhich ad pectacle though thoe twink

ling eyes of hmrv'en, the Starsz- might be
compaonate pectatoursz yet they cannot

end out one ray of light to uccour or viit'

tnem,-their_tmder_ and remote beams not
being able 'to pierce, much les to dipate,
the clammy 'and ti coniency of that:
'long and fatal Night.
. '3. Wherefore caingonxmind ofmfnt

Lent Ill.
to dimal- alightg let mrlace it. upon a 't'noie
thopeful-Object'z and conider the' condition '
of thoe Svuls'
ee jhowi
this fate
tanftake'hold of'themctAndofit
plain of
Tthisitniyidnngeon, as being already mount
'bell into thel-6cur'e manonsao'f the purer
,mbe Tlwe'wor, thatcanl be vimagined of
'that'on'tethingzrlikethey maylndethemelvesin
a condition'
that i'of' Ours

'When wewnlk out innclearzarlightroy

;night,'Whieh to thEm3 that dreloun'd is ra
ther ipe-afore: then oeneexndj if "We" can

heareltv'vlthome delight-du! ,thee-Eztrthly

'Bodiexzwho'e' 'parts wjllt grow. hard and

. i'or Want =0=due * heat," 'it-can. praye' no

'\ jthing ele' xbuta new wodibationo'tdctuhl

pleaure- 'ib thoe" &Et/aereal: Inlmbitiwsy,

whoe Bodies 'are not- conipate'das bnr's;

Lbllt are themelves a kinde oagil'e light vAnd

\ re. Alltha'tcan bevconceizved is; that the
zherieal particles 'of 'their-Vehicles may
ta'nd 2 aj little-'more cloely' and rmly to

gether then-'u.ual,wh_ente the triangn-ln'tin

Itervals heingz'more haighttenbnle des
cment 'Willzmov'e
which" willomething'
* raie" v'a i ene
. of g'reznee't

vigour and alacrity then _ uual. Sotlfittle

:fnrnifdablei's thisuzenntlmm mthi's'fegard;


- ofthe Soule.


4. Bu': their light, you'l ay, willbeob'

cnred, the Sunbeing put out, whoe hi
ning eems to concern the God: aswcll as
Men, as Homer would intimate, - '
"am-O' it', &Bu'dnia-t (Pea/O. Pint ridd Beoi'ait.

. mTbeunderooctdb
BntI anwer, that that
o Ham'
is chiey
the Aerial
the e/Ed'ereal mities, who can turn'themv

elves into a pure actual Lightwhen they

pleae. So that thereis no fear but that
their fperonal conirerewill be as cheartl
and diinct asheore, white'letrers being as

' ible uponzblack' paper as black upon

&gite. But: this-isto up oe them in the
dark, which they are not," ut in a more oft

mild light, which is but a change of

pleaure, as it is tO. ee the Moon hine fair

into ,aroome after the putting out of the

Candle. zAndccr'tainly. thecontribution of
the light of the Stars is more to their quick

fand tender Senes',.-then the- cl'eai'e: Moon

hine night is IV.-ours z though Iwe hould
upoe them no, nearer any.:Star then we

are. But uch great changes as thee 'may

thave their conveniences for-uch as Provi

dence will favour; as well as their incon'veo

..niences. ,And thezxrinctimof our Sun
may be the Augmentation of Light in ome
-S'ar-. of a_v neighbour-ing Ymex. Which
* -'- 'r "


The Im'nmmlitj


though'it may not bedble-zto'pierce thoe

Cimmrizm Prionsl keiczf'bekbrc,:yet it

may give uxiem

to, thee Spirit:

that are free. .,..Bcdes "that the Diccrptinn

and poil o our Yortex, that will then hap
pen,will necearily bring us verym'uch nea
rer the (len-tra ' ome Other', whole Sr'a'r
willadminibrncient light-rath: Athe
real Gmiiz though it be too. Weak- to relieve

the = Aerial;

that o, UemOte-n. dian'ce

me conentlwith tl'eper'fecte -h * [ii
mgme umyidicernpardyzuinthat the Foe
lclal Matterszabove &bral-17, trill- IthL'UWHY
\ zmargc
rated then;
Ima, is 'mores and
the Sun,
'and thereoreuhas les needitn then Suns
. beams to conerve its 'agdity and liquidit'yr;
and partly, inithnt thee huge va Regiuns
0f.-c\.EtI.-er wouldsbesloe'andrin vain-tial 'n
_ itbered
if they werewhiqhin-all
not reqnented'by
reaon Fand
likelihood m ofthe noble kinde, annun

tiing t0*thcmtuce a theirzElem'ent; r And

therefore all tbedzrlacrml People niayne
eire ninthe: zuptm uch; an 'axigencyzas thi-it,
Hid-there ne ecure in joy and happines,
' eriem-'idle
' int-'thee
'Spica-'r true
_ Dunm- which
I:- 5._ Whiche myealwclndtgweggn
. ,4 v
_ I er.

CAP. 1 9;

q the Soule', i'


ider the grand Priviledges of the uftlmeal

Vehicle, wherein o, great a power of the
Soul is aWakened, thatrhe can moderate the
motion ofthe particles thereof as he plea

es, by adding or diminihing the degrees of

agitation, Axiome 32. whereby he is alo

able to temper the :olidity thereof, and, ac

cording-to this contempcration 'of her Ve
hicle, to acend or decend in the Vortex as

he lis her elf-,and that with a great variety

o wiftnes, according to her own leaurea

By the'improvement ol whichPrivi edgehe
may alo, ihe pleae,- pas From one-Vomit
into another, and receive the Warmth ofa

new Yea, o that no: ate-imaginable-hall

be ever able to la , hold upon her, i
6. Nor will this be auyemore labour to
her, then ailing down the ream. For he,

'and voiage
her once
will be as-natucally. carried whither he is.\

bound, as a onegoes downward, or the

re upward. Sothjat there is no fear of any

laiitude, no more then by being rowed in a
Bpat, or carried in a Sedan, For the celeial
Matter that environs her Vehicle, works

her; upward or downward, toward the Cen

EIZC. zorxzom the Centre ,of. a ranne,- at its

ownaproper; pains and chargcs. Laly, uch'

is the tenuity.- and. ubtilty of the Senes K
a -

N n '

t e


' The hmortality


t'he Athena! Inhabitants, that their pre

viion and agacity mu be, beyond all con
ceit, above that of ours, beides that there
will be warnings andpremonirions of this

future diaer, borhmany, and thoe very

viible and continued, before the Sun hall
fail o far, as that they hallv at all be lcon
cerned in his decayz o that the lea bla;
of misfomme hall never bie-'able to blow

upon them, nor the lea evil imaginable

overtake them.


-. 7. This is a mall iance at the Mye'

ries of Providence, w oe fetches are o
large, and Circuits o immene, that they
ma very well eem utterly incomprehen
bfh to the Incrednlzms and Idiotr3 who are

exceeding prone to think that all things X

will ever be as they are, and deire-they
hould be o : thou hit be as rude and ir
rational, as if one t at comes intoazdll,

and is taken much with 'the r Dance he

ees, would have none danced but that, or
have them move no further One from ano

ther then they did when he. r came into

the room z *Whenas they are to trace .ne"aret

one another, or further o, acmrding' to the

meaures of the Muick, and the law of the
Dance they (are in. And the 'Whole Marm

of the UniVere, and all the' parts thereof;

- are eve-r upon Motion> and in hch a Dame,

a <


CAP. ly.

ofthe Soule;


as whoe traces backwards and forwards

take a va compas; and what eems to

have made the longe and, mu again
move, according to the modulations and ac

cents of that Muiek, that is indeed outof

the hearing of the acute ears, but-yet per

ceptible by the pure-Minds and the har
pe Wits. The truth whereof none would

dare to oppoe, i the breath of the gain

ayer could but tell its own ory,and declare
through how many Stars and Venice: it has

been rained, before the particles thereof

met, to be abued to the aming o o rah
a contradiction.

8.' We have now niht out whole Di

courfe, the ummary reult whereof is this;
That there is an incorporeal Subance, and
that in Man, which wecall his Soul. That

this Soul o his ubis and acts after the

'deatho his Body, and that uually r in
an Aerial Vehicle, as other Dzemnr'doez

wherein he is not quite exempt from ate, .

but is then perfect and liecure, when he has
he being
of that evil
dominion is commenurable wit


and death, Which power the Perm Magi

termed Arimninr, and reembled him to
Darkmjas the orher good Princi*ple,which

they called arme-r, to Light, yiling oge

Nn z_



'The Immortalzty

LIB. Ill.

'by the name of Am'mw," the Other by the

name ofeeo's.
' *\
- _ ,
' 9. Of, which there can be,-no other mea

ning that will prove allowable, but an adum

bration of thoe two grand parts or' Provi
dence, the one working in the Demoniacal,

the other in the Divine Orders. Betwixt

which'natures there is perpetually more or
les riez and conte, borh inwardly and
Bat ifbcopompus
his pro hecy
be true in Flame/1,
who was initiatedp
'thee Art-ma, the power of the Benign Priri

ciplev will get the up er hand at la, Ts'AQ.

5 z'mAemaau >z*- an ,&c. At length Hadst w.
Or'Arimznius will be'left in the lurch, who

o rongly, holds us captive, e 'i-i; if dulled;

> are; indeed/Away; ZWD'CM, mia: TeyQZ; deaWjaz

' W/i'njamaiv mwms, and man hall then be pdr

fectly happy, net-ding nafood,?nar caing day

hadow. For what hadow can that Bod
ca that is a pure and tranparent lieht,uc

as the e/Et/'ereal Vehicle is a' And therefore

that Oracle is- then fullled, when the Soul
i has acended into that condition we have al
" vready decribed, in which alone it is out of
the reach of Fare and Mortality.
. pro. This is the true 'Amctr'wazg to peak
according to the Perian Language, with
_whoe empty title Emperours and great Po

:tentates of the Earth have been' ambitious


CAP. 19.

ofthe Soule.


o adorn their memory after death; but

is o high aPriviledge of the Soul ofMan,
that meer I'olz'tical vertues, as Plotims calls

them, can never advance her to that itch

'ofHappines. Either Philooph ,or ome

thing more acred then Philoop y, mu be
her Guide to o trancendent a condition.
And noc being curious to dipute, whether
7 the Pythagormm ever arrived to it by living
according to the precepts of their Maer,

I hall notwithanding with condence

averre, that what they aimed at, is the ub

lime felicity our nature is capable of e. and

being the utmo Dicovery this Treatie
could pretend to, I hall conclude all with a

Diich of theirs (which I have elwhere ta

ken notice of upon like occaion) it com
prehending the furthe co e,not onely of
their Philoophy, but of this preent Di

cour e.
ctHX' J'XzmAeHr-u
e; oZteS-r' ' TALE-Step' hear,
"E wem cEBu'Vd-'iQayS'Eds dpgegjxim Orzilds,
To this ene,
Who after death 'me reach th'zthereal Plain
Are raight made Gods, and 'le-ver die again,







v. x.













o .












































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7'7 a





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a ' I


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1. -






































t The Contents o the everal
* Chapters contained in this Treatie. *

_Bi00K 1. U


Chap. I,


H E a e nne o the re ent S emla

'tionfoIChe aftdfraniniv of Growi

denee, and then-ma entent of onr Ii-ves for

an' greate/I happinezz 2. For the moderate

hearing the death and dtaers ofour Friends;
3. For the hegetting true Magnanimity in m,
+, and Peace and Tranqut'llzty of Minde,

s. That o weighty a Theory it not to he hand

1 _ Pag_x

.z Chap_2. I. That the Sonl: Immortality

3 demonrahle, hy the Anthorshethpd, to. a
int meer Steptitlet. ' 2. An Illnration of his
Fir'Axiome. 3. A conrmation and ex
' nnple ofthe Second. i4, An expligation ofthe
' Third.

5. An explication and proof of the

fourth. 6, A proof of the Fifth. 7. 0

the Sixth. 8. An example of the Se-vent _

i. A conrmation of the truth ofthe Eighth.

m. A demon/Zration
I 1. Pienetrability
p'ty of Intorporeal ahance. 12, As alo
' ' '
' , Nn 4- '

The Contents.
' Indicerpibilitir. I 3, A proof and illuration

ofthe tenth Axiome. 7


Chap.3, I. The general notions of Body

and Spirit, 2. That the notion of S 'irit te
altogether a: intelligihle' act that o Body.

3.- Whether there he any Snh/tanee o a mixt

nature, hetwixt Body and Spirit,


t Chap,4. I. That the 'notions oftheerve

"ral hind: of I'nntat'orial-Beingsv have no In
eonieney nor Incongrnity inthem. 2, That
the nature of God tle at intelltgthle 'no the na

xtttre ofany Beingtvlmtoetzoerg,v 3',- The trm

notion ofhat ,uhiqnitj, and hont 'intelligihle- if
"- 4,hnpower
of the union
of the Di-'vt'ne
'5. Of
-- Eente,
' 20
. \ Chaps; 1,"1_'he Definition hele'n ing t'
had Finite and created Spirits. > 2. 0 Indi

*cer'pibility, aymholieal repr'ae/entation there

3. An Ohjection'anfwerh again that re
_' 24
Chap. 6. 1 . Axiome: that tend to the de
' 'non/trating how the Centre or Fir [wint
the Primary Subance ofa-Spirit may he Ir
"dicerpible. "2., Several other: that demoz'v '
rate how the Secondary Subancc of a Sp'
rjt may he Indicet'piblc,

* .

_. .

3, An applitatitn


The Contents.
ofthee Principles;
Ofthe nnion ofthe Se
condz'ry Subance conidered tran-verj,

5, That the notion ofa Spirit haa ledifficnlt

then that of Matter.

6. An anwer to an 0 -7

j ectionfrom the Rationalfaculty, 7, Anwer: ,

to ohjectiontnggeled from Fancy. 8 , A
more compen tom attkfaction concerning the
notion of a Spirit. ,
. t 2'9

ni! Chap.7.

1. 0 the sel -motion'o_ as "i

2. OfSelf-pezetrationf
3, Ofshlf'ehne
and dilatatt'on. 4. Thev
power ape-53
netrating of Matter. 5. The power of-neoJ/ingz
6_. And of altering the Matter.
__ 42
Chap. 8. r. Plj'onr main Species ofi Spii


2. How they are t_o he denes-i,


denition of a Seminal Form -, 4. Of the Soul

ofa Brnte\-,'\ 5; Of 'the Soul ofa Man. 6; The
'dierence hetznixt the Sonl of an Angel and
an humane Soul. 7, 'The denition of an An

gelical Soul." 8. Of the Platonical No'e; and


1.- That Des-Cartes hh 'Demon

ration of the Exience of the 'Humane Sonl

doe: at leat1 conclude the potihility ofa Spirit.

v v-

\. .


Chap. 9. 1. That it it ofnomall cone

quence to have pro-ved the Pobility of the
Exience ofa Spirit. 2. The necesity of ex
amining Mr. Hobbs hit Reaon; to the ton


' Thc-Contenta' \
'The -' r, , -.E4ecdrptien zonr -,'

Mr;H0bbS. 4.Wecond Exterption. me

\ thita'. 6. The fone-th, ,7_. The fth. 8L.Tht

xt/1.' 9; Thee-venth: ,I_<>.=. Thteighth and


-_'- -


- ;Chap.10. I, An Anwer to the rt Ex

* eetption. 2. To the _econd._ 3.An Anwer to

the third. 4.. To the fourth Excertion. 5 . An

Anwer to the,

6. To the ixth' 7, To

thee-venth. 8. An Anwer to the eighth and

la. .9. A hrief Recapitnlatton of what haa

heen zidhitherto-.
l Chap. I I _


I. Three gronndt to pro-ye the

Extytence ofan-'Irnneaterial .Stthanzepvhereof

the. r t: fetcht. 'from the.NWe zof God.
'un-The econdfrom-the 'Fha'm'eenon Motion
> in the wed; 3. That the'Matttf-tk notel'
"met/Thu. \ 4.?An0h15-&i4n-xthat the. ee/t?
ma e ' art
el "Who-'de A ,Phzrt Iheto'td
not: 527." Any

mer. 7. Other znaont 'aluted , St zThe'

- Conclnion, Thatnq-Mattenhfelf-mowed, hat
that a tertainqnantitjofntotionwatnprebd
npon it at itsr creation hy God."



' '.Chap,1 2 , I That the Order and Nature of

* tnal
the uniruere"2,argue
. .



The Contents .

Argument; 3. A preparation out ofMr.H0bbs

to enure' the Eva on, 4.- Ther/t Anwer,
S.T e-econd-Anien 6.*Mr. Hobbs/m ent
tale-,ofnuking thh'Jgnorance of Second Ca'u
es the onelyseed of Religion.


Chap-123. -I.The la proof of Incorporeal

SubnmwtemAppnritiont. 2. The
wam of theforce uthArguingt, > 3. An
anwer to that Eruaion. ' 4. The econd Eva

'orl. 5 . The

kinde oftheecond E-ua/ion.

6, A decription out of Virgil of that Genius

that ugges the dictatet of the Epicurean
4 Philoo hv.

7. _The more full and rened

" ene oithat Philolophy now-a-dayc. 8. The

great efcac] oft e Start (which they uppoe
to conttx._of notht'ngdzut' Motion and Matter)
for production of all manner ofCreaturet in

'the needei- _ .


_ 'Chap.l4, I; That the Splendor of the Ce

leial Bodies pro-net no Fore-ght' nor So-oe

raigntythat the) have over m. 2, That the
Star; can have no knowledge of us, Mathema

tically demonrated 3. The ame Concluion

4; That
cannot communicate
ther with the Sun nor with one anothjer. 5 .That

theTSun' has no knowledge of our aairs.

6. Principle: laid down for the inferring that



The Contents.

Concluioni 7. A demonriation that he cannht

ee us. 8. That he can have no other leind of
knowledge ofus, nor. ofthel'rame 'of any 'Ani
on Earth. _of''9.theThatt
ough the
the knowledge
ri ht frame
'of an
mal, he could not 'ran mit it into Terrerial

matter. Io, An Anwer to that Inance of

the Signature ofthe Foetus. I I, 12. Further

Antvert thereto. 1 3. A hort Increpation of

out of the
world.i ofi Incorporeal Suh


B 0 0 K I I.

Chap.1 .
a. *
\x. AN addition of more Axiome:for the de
' '
monrating that there is a Spirit or
Immaterial Subance in Man. 2. The 7}uth
of the
r o the e Hobbs.
Axiome: 3.conThjermed
the hcond Axiome. 4. The proofo vt e t ir .
_ 15 . The conrmation of thefourth rom the te

iminy of Mr.'H(Sbbs, an alo from Reaon.

?6__ An vexplication and proof ofthe
7. A
'further prozzcthereof, 8, A third Argument
of the Trut thereof. 9. An 'Anwer to'an' E

'wat'om Io. Another 'Evaion anwered I I. A

further' Anwer thereto. 1 2. A third Anwer,

L3. Afourth Anwer, wher'ein'ie ntainly con


The Contents.
tained a conrmation of the
An wer to
t' of the
ixth Axiome. 15, The proofzhf the eventh.

. _
Chap. 2.


I. That if Matter he capahle

ofScne, Inanimate things are o too : And of

Mr. Hobbs hit wavering in that point. 2. An
Enumeration of everal Faculties in us that
Matter ic utterly uncapahle ofl 3. That Matter

in no hind of Temperature it capable of Sene.

4. That no one point of Matter can he the
Common Senorium.

5. Nor a multitude of

uch Points receiving ingly the entire image

of the Ohject. 6. Nor yet receiving part'part,

and the whole the whole. 7. That Memory it

incornPe'ih/e to Matter. 8, That the Matter i:

uncapahle of the note: of ome circumances
of the Ohject which we rememhred. 9. That

Matter cannot he the eat of econd Notiont.

-IO, Mr-Hobbs his Evaon o theforegoing
Demonration clearly confute . I t. That the
freedome of our Will evincet that thereilt a
Suhance in nt diinct from Matter. 1 2.That
Mr. Hobbs therefore acknowledge: ad our
actions neceary.

Che-93. I. Mr. Hobbs hie Arguments

wherehy he would prove all our actions nece

tated. His

Argument. 2. Ht'; econd Ar

gument, 3.Hit third Argument. _4.Hit fourth



The Contents. ,
ment. ' s. What mu he the meaning of thee
words, Nothing taketh beginning from it
elf, in the
Argument of Mr.'H0bbs. 6_A
fuller and more determinate explication ofthe
foregoing words; whoe en e ht'? 'evidently con
vinced to he, That no E ence of it elf can

vary its'modicathn, 7. That this it onely

aidhy'Mr. Hobbs, notproved, and at ton

futaticn of his A/ert-ion. 8, Mr. Hobbs im
poed upon hy hi own sophiry. 9. That one

' part of this


his itgroundle,

the other ophiical. 10, T e plain p

hn't Argument, whence- appenrs more

ly t e

weakne'andophitry thereo_ I 1 , An anwer

to htltecond Argument. \ I 2, An nnwertvthe

third. I 3. An annter' to a difculty concerz

ning the Truth and Faijhood offuture Mpo
tione, 14. An an ner to Mr_Hobbs his fourth

, then' 'h lifs.
' hi' e ,
of reconciling Free-will with Divine Preci
and Pro
heciet.Put1 6.
That thefaculty'if
in ue.
17. That e
ue of it 'it properly in Moral conict. 18.That
the Soul it not invincible there neither.
19. That Divine decrees either finde t In
rutnentt or malee them. 20. That the more
- e'xact we 'nen/ce Divine precience, even to the'

comprehenon of any thing' thitt implies no

contradiftionen nelfto he comprehended,the


' Thd Contents. \

Note-clear ittet'batnu'nt Will may he omei
time; ee.- _ 21. Which it' o tient to make
goodmy lat Argument again Mr. Hobbs.

1. An Emmeration of undry

Opinions concerning theSeat ofCommonsene.

2, Upon uppoition that we are nothing hat
meet Matter, That the whole Body cannot be'
3. Heartiz
Nor the 5_
of the
z 4.. Nor the

the Brain -, 6. Nor the Memhrane: ,-, 7; Nor'

the Septum lucidum z 8.Nor Regius boom/t'

and perfectly folidPartiele. 9. The prohaht'i'
I 54.
of the Conarion heing the common sleat

I. How Pereeption ofiexternal

Qhjectsppontaneons Motion, Memory andIma:

ginatt'on, are pretended to he performed by the
Conarion,'s irits and Mut/es, without a
, Soul. 2. That the Conarionzdewoid of a Soal,
cannot he the Common Percipient, demontra
ted out of Des-Cartes himelf' 3. That the
Conarion, With the Spirits and organi ation
of the Parts ofthe Body, 'o'ictwtd [of tient'
Principle of S 'ontaneottsr motion, 'Without It'

Soal. 4. A deiriptian ofi the zne 'of the Vol?v

vulae in the Newe: of the Mte cles for Spon
faneoas motion.'\ 5. The integcteney e thi'

' ; Afntt
er dei
i monra

The Contents.
montration of the infufciency thereof'5 from.
whence io clearly evinced that Brutes have
7. That
hefalvcd the

9. A Di/Zrihution out of Des-Cartes of the

Functions in u:,ome
the Bo>
tothe Soul.
1io. ThetoAuthor;
Ohervatione thereupon.


.Chap.6. t.'_That no part of the Spinal

Marrow can he the Common Seniorium with
out -a SouLIin the Body. 2. That the Animal 1
Spirits are more likely to he that Common

Percipient," 3. But yet it is demonrahle

the are not :

4. A: not heingo much aaca

of directing
into the Muclesz
le of Ima
gination and rational Invention;

7, Nor of

Memory. 8. An an wer to an E-va/ion. 9-The

Authors reaon, w yhe haa con uted o parti- '

all theWhen
s oft eseat
mon Sene,
fen' oz'them
' erted with the. exeluion of a Souh

1 73

Ii-Ill' enquiry a ter theSeat o 1

Body, - z. That
there isthere.is_._a_
ome parz ct
part inthe Body that it the Seat ofqm
ino'n Sene,3.!Aenefaldi-vion

opinions ' concerning i the *. 'plate of C mon

' i* ' '

'The Contents.
. That
thoe that 5.
ont of
Theit In-va-A
lidt'tj of Helmont': reaons, wherehy he would
pro-ne the Orifice ofthe Stomach to he the prin

cipal Seat ofthe Soal. 6. An anwer to Hel

mont': orie: for that purpoe, 7; A fur-

ther eonfutation out of hie own eonoei'onn

8. Mr. Hobbs his Opinion confuted, that
'na/te: the Heart the Seat o Common Sene.

9. A further oonfutation t ereof from Expe-_

riencee. Io. That the Common Sene it eated

'neoohere in the Head. I I. A eautionfor
the choice of the particular place thereof."
12. That the whole Brain is not it; 1' 3. Nor

Rcgins his' mall olid Particle z 14. Nor any'

external Memhrane of the Brain , nor the'

Septum Lucidum.'_ 15. The three tno lihelj

places; 16. Ohjectiont again Ca'rteius he:

Opinion concerning' the on'arion anwered,
17. That the Con'arion is not the Seat of
,18. the
that part
of the
Spinal Marrow
are concei-i'
'ered to concurre z hu't the 'Spirits in the fourth'
Ventricle of the Brain.
Chap.8. 1', The firt-reaon of his' opt'- '
nion,the' con-'venient Situation ofthee Spirits.
2, The
econd, that
the Soul
are herfnncti
the imme
in all

int. 3z The proof of the econd Reaonfro/na'


a a'

t 'e

The Contents.

the' general.v authority-- of ,Philofophers, and

particularly of Hippocrates --, 4.,From our

sympathing >'wit_h-- the changes - 'ofthe --At'r.'e *-,'

5, Fromethe eelerity 'of Motion'ctand 'Cogitaa
tion-3 6.. From what it oher-ved. geiner'ay ini
Generation" ofiaj
of thing;
8nail in - a7.;Fron'

the' 'running round. of Image-s in. a. Vertigo -,

of thethe
there '5oftheE'ye,
Io. fromand:
the mo
. Pendentj ,hf the action: of the '._$'oul_ upon the
Body, Whether in Meditation or corporeal Mo
tion; T 11; Fromthe recovery ofMotion, and

Sene into a upifiedpartz 1 2'.And-la lyfront

WhACJIhU'UCd in wooning'tt, o_ " ,alene _
andhot neS' of rvi ageh't, 13; T e in?


All-ths,- That the spiritst int e'

o'urth' entri'eleziue the ent ofcommon Sene,

&nd-that the main ue ofthe Brain andNer-'ues

'o'- topreent/e the Spirits; 1 _; z -_ -- ' - 19'
' Chap- 9, I_.",'Selld_"lh' Ohjectiont againll
- v'A-nirnal Spirits. 2,An Anwer to the rt 0 -

jection touching the Poroit of the_'Ner-ues.

3. To the econd and third jjrom the Extrava
fation_'zofi_t_he " Spirits'_z_ and rptcttuitous Excre
men'tt'fon'nd in the-Brain. 4. To the fourth

fetcht:from, the zincrodihle wiftnes ofmotion

inthe; spirits, '_ =5._.'-_To the la from 'Liga-v
tion; _6..; Urtdeniahle Demonrationt that
* '
' "there

The Contents.

the Brain.
are 'Animal** Spirits
' * in ' the 'Fentriile:
'. =

., Chap'Jo, Ii. That the Soultk not' confi

- ned to the Common Senorium. z; The rt.
from the
Soul. ' 3. Which
ie ' conrmed
dual dignity' of the Soul, Faeu'lties, ofwhich
their Plaick is the lowe; 4. External Sem
ation the next z 5 . After that Imagination,

and then Reaon. 6. The econd Argument

from Paions and Sympathies in Animals,
73 ' An tcturation of the manner of natural'
Magich-- 8. The third Argument from the
Perception of Pain in the exteriour art: Zf
the Body. 9. The fourth and la rom t e
nature of Sight.- _
Chap_-1 I,

I; That neither the Soul wit/14

out the Spirits, nor the spirits without the

preence of the Soul in the Organ, areuf
cient caues ofSenation. 2. A hriefdecla
ration how Senation it made. 1 3. How Ima
gination; 4. Of. Reaon and Memory, and

whether there he any Marht' in the Brain.

5 a That the Spirits are the imii'ediate Iniru-i

ment of the Soul in Memory. alo 3, and how

Memory unet;

6. At alo Forgetfulne';

7, How' onta'neout Motion it performed,

3: How We really, ing, andplay, though thin/e

O e 2


The Contents.

ing' ofoonething ele. -9. That 'though the'

Spirit: he not ali/eene every where, yet the
Impre to,
ton will
to the
mon Senorium.
it an
terogeneity in the very Soul her
z and
what it it in her me call the Root, the Centre,
and the Eye -, and what the Rayes and Bran
ches. 1 I . That the oher and allowahle Dii
trihution of her into Parts, it into Perceptive
and Plaick.
Chap.12. t, An Anwertoan ohjection,
That our Argument: will at wed prove the
Immortality of the Soul: of Brutes, no Men.
2. Another Ohject'ion inferring the Praete

tence of Brutes Soule, and conequently of

ourt. 3. The rt Anwer to the Objection.
4. The econd An wer can/ling offour parts.
5; Fir, That t e Hypothes ofPraexienee
it more agreeahle to Reaon then any other Hy
potheie. 6. And not onely o, hnt that it it
very olid in it
7. That the Widome
and Goodnej? of God argue the truth t ereof.
8. As alo the face, of Providence. in the
World._ 9. The econd part of theecond An
wer, That the Praexience ofthe Soul hat

the ura e of all Philoopher: in all Ages,

_ that


it Incorporeal.

10. That the

_Gymnoophis of Aigyptghe Indian Brach

mans, the Perian Magi, and all the learned


The Contents.
ofthe Jews were'of thi: opinion' 11. A

Catalo ue of particular famous peron: that *

held t ie ame, 12, That Atiok war alo
of the ame minde.

1, 3. Another more clear

place in Ariotle to this purpoehwith Sena

nettes hie Interpretation. 14, An Anfwee
to an Eva ton o that Interprotation. 15. The
Ialande eare planof all out Mioteles '

*. -





Chap.13. -1.: The third part of th_e-'_ _ z

cond' Anwer, That the' forgetting-ofthe or:
mer ate is no good argument again/t the

Souls Praeexience; 2. What are the thief

oatres of Forgetftolnei. 3. That they 'all
emtire, and that in the higheh- dZgree, to

the memory-ofthe otherate, w; That

MicYan'ceS and ,Dtezet have quite taken

may' the Memory-oft 'ings here 'in-this life',

5. That it in impofihle for the Sooth to re-_'
member herformer condition without a Mi-u


6. The fourth part of theecond Ate

um', That the entrante of a 'Praexihent Soal

into a Body it at int-elligihle at either Creation
or Traduction.

25 2

' Chap.14_ 1. The knowledge of the di

ferenee of Vehicles, and the Soule Union
with them, necearyfor the undeQ/Zanding IIBW
he enter: into this EarthlyBo y. z. That'
_9 o 3

- Thc:-.Contents.. i,

thou 'h the'namehf'iVehide hit not in'-_AriL

[toil e, yetthething is there._- -_ 3. A tlearing
'of-Arioclcs' 'notion of the Vehicle', "out oftht

'Philoophy of-*,hi_*t->Teoet.z
41.- Afull
25; 'That
ma/ees'on'e two "Vehicles, 'Terrekridl-and
thereal-z_ which' 'is more' then ufcient. .. to
'of 'herforiner
p _ 6;
ordinary Vehicle
of the Sou '

a ter
\ deathitAire. 7. The' duration of the Soul
r in' her Fever-'il Yehieles; -\
I Thatlthe union

of 'the Soul'with' hen Vehicle doe; not eonht'n

_MQCha_ni'gal Congrujty, heit-Vital, 9. In what
Vital edngtui-ty'ofthe Matter conis, 1 an.

uharVital congruity of the-,Soul conis, and

how it changing, the jet-na mity 'he free from
her aiery .7ehiele,7*wit>hout'<jviokntpreoi _'ta'
tion out ofit."i 1 my 'Of themannereoft e'de
tent of Soule into Earthly. Bodies..'. 1 2; That.

there i: o iittleahurdity inthe Praeexi'ence

of Souls, that, the eonce'ion. thereof ean she.
hut a very mall prejudice to non Demonra
tions ofher Immortality.

Chap. 15'-

_ '


I. What is meant hy the-Sc

paration o the Soul, with a confutation of

Regius, w o would/top her in the dead Corps,

2 _ An anwer to' thoe that profe themelves

puKled how the Soul can et outof the "Bad,
3, That there i." a threefo d Vital Congtuity




'to biqfozgndih tbree'wrml Subjects; 4.,ct'yh4it.
this triple. Can finity ii: 7a1f0icbmp<tiHe "Maria
Subjcctzvizft e Soul afgan:

5 . 'bckporitz

tbisjypotbtsif is 'very itgi ible habit/1?

Sulmhy magnum-17.' 46; 'I at lier uhio'i .

with the abrial Vehide may be'n/cry u'ddain;
andxdit tm'ere "1'n 'a moment; 17. . 'Thu-The!
Soul 13 actuay'eparatefrom the' Badijsl to' be:
fro-ved eithc'r by HiorYor Rdaonr-Exzizmz

ple: oft/je former kinde out of Pliny, Hero


8.'Wlzetber the Eq/Zafze of

Witches. pro-at z'm JZTIMITEPUMIM ofthe Soul

the. My, -:-9..I/ntt thi 'realeardtio

'f > tASMZ: in. Ecdit it 'rirueryi pzible'. .

16.' How th?zS(M- 'may be [caled and [carve t/yc;
Bah'yzandy'et rctumtln'tlrcr. ag'zzin. .1-i:. The?

though-Ream And Will cannbt. inTthxkflif'e' 'je-i

lufe the; Sbul 'om- the-Body, ye? Paicm my?
mdyetfa: xlzafye'mqy 'ctum Again. '13. The:

yeculiar._,p0mr of. Deire, for this purpoe,

Cardans andwbhatjtrutbithere
Fcau, land , tbe-i'may
'in theironfeom: -. ' . '
= '267
- ' '
'. . \h '
. ,\
.'\ \ . \ .
ct Ch'aPJ 6. .I.\ 'That Soul: departed-cam
'municate Drgams 2. Example: of 'Apari

tions of Said: deceaed. - 3. Of Apparitiom

incld: whcrepitc/nBaitgls have beenfozzg'brz

As. alo of thoe in Church-yards, dmlother

maporom_plm:_' 4. "haft/w Spiitude "if

*. * '

0 a 4.

t e

The Contents',
the 21pearingiro ma ofGhqs
well contribute
and Spcctresf
to the 'zq
s. A
on-'r proof thereof

undry cxdwplex.

'6. 0 _MaliUS Ficinus 'his opo'mingaer,

door ._ 7. .Wit}1 who? ort ofp'oo ick ,
'gy-ample: m' thoe avail lift/al ' 8. Reaon;
nto pcL/'wode ae, onptojudiced 2 *rl'ut*-.>.ordiu-.

- rily t ofo Appm'tiom that two' the-'hape

perone the dmood, an'izdocd the. Sal: of


' .2-8'6_

Chap. I 7. ' F, The proamimpmzm-gu

morn. dram from Mm abov: tboft from
$tory._ "2. The LT'c . Muddy-'swink

ir-'tion of Reaon' that! (So-'I zct- out ofht

Loa,for that/be or vwim'rnawrial' Subanu
eparablethererom. . 3.. Ibespoozd, The;
'the immediate inruments for Son/i', Mr

tion, And Orgoni'zgtion ofthe. Boaru ton-'in

ubtile-4nd"tenuiQus.'_.Spixits. 4. Any-py
, _ rm betwixt tbe-S'ouljn the Body and vthe
Acrid Genii. 5; ofthe mine ofDazmons
from the account of Marcus tho Emm'tgaxd

how the Soul is'premlyuch, bon/ing ome left

. ' 6. In Objection concerning' o

Soal: o Brutes : to which jouten-1, Fia

myof anceor/o;

7. Secony,coo

zing the' Argummf'or the


'That Soal
tle-no ration'
doubt good
ofter death,
i QL'Af'Mz


A. '

X ,



The Contents.
ther Argument ofher activity out of this Body,
from her- conict; with it while he is in z't.

IO. A; alb orn the general hope and helizf

of41: Notiont, that the]hall li-ve after dent .
. _ 2 97
Chap. I 8., 1.. That tho Faculties of on'

Soals, and the nature of the immediate in

ux-ent of themdhe- Spirits, doe nearly

nhahX; with thoe Dlvm, then it-rend
reaonable," God did hot on p'rpof? hinder it,
that they n'ould notfail to 'ctont a this tarth-;
ly Body.

3.- ar tfthey would, upon-er and

mdm-tonld eaily implnnt in their e'ence. 'o

' double or triple VixalxCongruity, toznoalee all

f're; 'I 3. Aft-'ther dkznonration ofthe pre-a

ent Trrtthfrm 'hern-hit] of God. 4.', An
Anwer to In. objection again theforegoing
Argtomrtt. .S a Another Dewonrotion from
'6. Art' 'Anwer to on Objection.
7. An Anwer to another Ohjection. 8.- Ano

ther Arglmntfrorn the Juice ofGod. 9.An

ohjectton anwered. 10. An invincible Dev
Mnrntionfhe Soul: Intntmdity from tho
'Di-uirmGoo ne. I I . A more particular en
foroernent ofthat Argument, and who they' are
upon whom it m' war/e lea. 12. That the

nohlz and
'bern-on: Spirit 13' the mo af- *
from of. the Smlt 'Inmortalz'ty
31 1


The Contents;


. . ,-_,.\.\



'war ',"=**\,"\*\*..
U t \ _>7,
















11: -,1..,.,_. *..,='.**.u.._\z__

-' 3 T the-Htth Meats-3 mhu'nte

'of-"the sonlzaftm D'm Nun-dine

tohat-Mbthod; 2.-Ar" drnutxt'o _ro*ue.-:thnti_

the sontiz-g-verznniti' Ditzdl'rwir 'oziti-Ma v
tap' 'on otheroz 32; rough-Hawk; Ltbiwm'nm


A 74;"ThatvthtSoWf-ZftmhtB-whi

kidtyrMEreal wash; W-ell w n'.'_terre.-'

nish-If- 59Khntjhebtndriyzasumfyn:
aerMWe'hiol h; maw,
in =herTaietTYeikV=ehitkjha
Pleau-rq,and'_Pain;-'3 =7 That the-White mit

o'thqzsaztto-zjerahen act-Mick is t Via

nation. w' - dotiart * inctT'thtJpmieletathergq
, S-a'vThzt-Viemny nlh' vtial-drain' HimirztjhgMotion

her. 'twthpkealx
* "ttto'btkfsofzsegt
Knowledge; " -1-o.>*.0f t e Sbotijt' imtrrihone.
the-hape ther-eae" der-it]
. I 2 . Ya
If lewd,'XYZ'Iggz''
it 'a-(I _ 21

'A xzxyYf-x t' ik

" Chap.
i; 7 il.hardy:
'- Of'l-theirihor'e''T
22: 't -zthq
- Figure of the Soul: Dimenons.
Heterogendty ofbe' Eemt.

3. Ofthe

4. That there

The _.Contents".*l
kvittt Hemrogenei't'y kin
'Plaick - part
di. this
int? Plaickz
. Ofthe.acti2ig.
Forth inherfraiming
of: tho'

Vehicle. r6. The' extlene'y. of-Des-Ca'rte's

hisLPhilo'ophy; 5 7.. Thatzzthe Vehides (of
Ghps ha-ue at rnneh ofolid corporeal -S_'ub-.

ance in them-ne the Bodies ofMen. 8. The

foy of the contrary Opinibn 871in6<d."9'..7he
advantage of - thesiznly'or 'bitter q Bodyefitz
thepth'er tati,*a*h@-ueft is; .
1 ; '-'-.34c: .*. '.'.

, an: 'Lzz'zw .> -. 1 \'.'::"\'\\"-'\,'in

Soul after
2. un

_ 'cannot qnit'thezAeciale io'n'tti the-'Et est

real Congruicyzhf

e amzheited. in, her.

3; That-All "Sooth! are not jnxthp ame Region.

of. 'the Aireiq. -4;!Cardans'eont'eit ofplatirt':
hllz-DEmWS inWhC.Ptr*;Rei0- 5.: T a',
ue of this' tartteit.forrthe>Jheiprng.. the . rtn'

oftheir-ldo'pe appearing; _6-_ That this PhK?

nomenon isfatwedshza more-rational; Hjpoe.
thts. ** 7, Afarther'cowtation-"ofzCardAtiS
Opinion; 8;

ten in inthe. ameoogeh

9. The Original. of Claudius etrur tower-'

ning the remote _op'erat'ian.'. zof Dtemona.

- 10. 'An Ohjectton-how Dt'tponand, Sottlse

parate can he in this laurer Region, Where.

Wind: and Tempe/t: are o frequent;

11; A

preparation to! an An wer from the tonidera

tion of the nature o the winds ' 1 2. Parlti


m ar

. The Contents;
cular Anoertto the objection; 13; 'A fare:

ther" Anwer fron' the 'ware-If the'Statick

Faculty'of the Soul.

14. Anotherfrom the

tddain power of man ' ' her Vehicle.

15. What
a .. forfeit 350
* "'*Chap.4,-:::*1.' That the 'Soul oncehmrt'ng
quitted this earthly Body becaue Daemon;
2, Of the External Sen/'erJhexSonL epa
and limit:
in the Vehicle.
3.; oftheir nnmher
tina Vehicle

orga-niz . 4; 'HomiDlzrk-mn's aiul ey-armed

Souls hear andeeat a va Dime: and
whence. it it that though t ey may o ezily
hear on _z.
neitheree nor'wellear
aw '
Sight; 6.. ofthe-a onch; "swell, Ta', me
Nourihfnentof Dkmonsz 7.. The extend
nd enqloymnt that' the. GmiiandSonl: des-3

uad 'rah-we ent ofthe Body; 8. That:

the action: of Sepnvrate'sonlty'in reference- * ton
rot, are m-iahattonrrnahle titheik. lefe
Hem-erth.- 9: What their entertainntents
are-in rFzrenoe 'whereo/even: r.0_. hed-t

incti0WD72tndmwn1he plat-e:

Yo-Mt-enm- -'= '


* ;


Chap. 5; - I', That the' -.Se}arate Sad.

[fiende-not all hen te'nte in

. 2, Fiat


The Contents.
her tom/ere with tie eetns more intelligihle.
then that with the Genii,

3. How the Genii

'nay he 'viible one to another, though they he

to ne in-uehle.

4. Of their approathet, and

of the limit: of their wiftnei of motion:

5. And how they farre exceed ue in eelerity,
6. a thegure or hape oftheir Vehicles, and
of t eir pri-vaty, when they would he ire-vi
hle. 7. That they cannot wed ton-vere in a
meer imple Orht'tular form. 8. That they

con-vere in humane hape, atlea the hetter

ort of them.

9. Whether the hape they he

in proceed meerly from the Imperium oftheir

Wih and Faney, or it re ulated hy a natural

character of the Plaic

part of the Soul,

19., That the eronalzape ofa Soul or Ge-i

nius il' partly rout the Will, and artlyfrom *
the Plaickpower. 1 I . That ton tdering how
the Soul organiLes the Foetus in the Wornh,
and mo-ves our lirnhs at pleaure; it were a


Spirits hould not a-ve uch torn

ntand ower their Vehicles at it helt'ez/ed. 1 2_A '

further Argument from an extei'ue 'vertue

ome have girt/en to Imagination.


1. More tredihle Inances of

the eects of Imagination. 2. A eoial and

peculiar Inanee- in St'gnatures of the Fmtus.
3 . That what Fienus grants, who hue o tau
tiou/Zy hounded the power of Fancy, it ufci

' * (fit

T-he Contents;
anFfor the preent- pwpoe, 4', "Example!
approgued of hy Flienus. 5.-'Certai'n Example:
rejeiledyhy him, and yet approvedofhy Per

ncliusand Sennerrus.-. 6. Three notorioua

of the
Mother; Imagina
tion on of
the the
7._ A'
tonjei't'ural inferenoefrom, thoe Stones,- what
influence 'the Spirit o Nature hat in-ali
Pla,ick__ operations, 8.. A further confir-v
mation 'of the Conjecture from Signaturet on'
the-Foetus. 9. An' application thereof to
thetransgurationof the Vehicles of D:r--v

mous-s r -Chap.7'_.'

-- > -*


I. Three notahle Examples of

Signatures,_rejee7edhy Fienus:

2, Andyet A

* t farre allowedfor poiihle, ac will fit our de

ign: 3. That. Hehn-oncs Cherry and Licetus
hie Craheh are hrewd Arguments that the
' Soul of the. World'haa' to doe withal! Eorrna

tions of hath Animals and Plants. i 4. An

Exam le ofa mo exact andli-uely Sign'ature

out o Kirc'her *. 5, With his judgement there)

upon. 6. Another Example out ofhim of a
Child with gray hairs. 7. An application of

what hat heen [aid hitherto, concerning the

Signatures oft' e Foetus, to the traits/i ura'
tion of the aiery Vehicles of eparate gouls
and Dcem-ons,. 8. Oftheir peronal trantfori
mation wih/e to ne,

x *

3 98'


The Gpntcnts; .
. __(;hap.8,

1.-Thatthe-Better ert of Ge-z

nii*_conq/er_e innite-mehape, the I er rme

times in .Beta_l_ - 2.*\_Hdw they are ziyped to

turn themelvet into everal Beli-a forms.

3. ofPellus his dazed jmveoiJ'ds; orlgneous
plendours of-Daemons, how 'they are made.

4. That-the external' heautyof theGenii it

according to the. degree of the inward 'vertue
of their minds. 5. fThat their 'aerial form
need not he purely tranparent', hut; more finely

opahe, and coloured. 6. That 'there is a di

_ inction of Maculine zand Feminine Beauty
in their'peronal gurations. . ._
v '407
' Chap. 9.

I. A general 'account o the mu

tual entertains of theGenii in the 'ot er world.

2. Of their Philoophical 'and Political Confe


'3. Of their Religion-t Exerczes,

4. Of the jnnocentPa/times and Recreationt

of the hotter ort of them. 5. A conrma
tion thereoffrom the Con-ventioles 'of Witches.
6. Whether the purer Dxmons harue their
times of-repa or no. 7. Whence the had Ge
nii have theirfood, 8. Ofthe food andfea
ings of the hette-rort of Genii.
Chap, I o. I . How hardit is to dene any
thing concerning the Aerial or Etheteal Ely
iums, -\ ' 2. That there is Political Order and

Laws among theexaiery Datmons. 3 . Tlilat

. .
. t A

- The' Contents.
'hilt Chain ofGovernrnent reaches down from
the hi'ghotji'zEthcreal Power-e' thro h' the A
erial to the very Inhabicants of t eEarth.

4.. The great ecurity we live intherehy.

5. How eail ' de-tectt'hle andpuni/hahle wicked
Spirits are thoe oftheir own Trihe. 6. 0

ther reaons of t' eecurity we nd our elve:

in from the groff infeationt of evil Spirits.

7. What kinde vfpttnihneents the Aerial'Of

cers inict upon their ,Malefae'tours,


I. Three things to he e'onide-v

r'ed hefore we come to' the moral condition of

the Soul after death .'- namely, her Memory of

iron/'actions in jthit life, 2. vThe peculiar
feature and individual character of her Ae
rial Vehicle, 3, The Retainment oftheame
ill de ereaften
ortment here
train 4."ofHow
her her
5. The
unealeahle torments of Concience wore then
Death, and not to he avoided hy dying._ 6. Of

' the hideou: tortures ofexternalene on them,

whoe earednei of Concience may eem to'_
male-e them uncapable of her Lahes._-, 7. Of
_ the ate of the Soulsof the more innocent

and concientioue Pagans,

8. Ofthe natural

accr'uments of'Aftct-happines to the morally

good inthis life. '9. How the Soul enjoys her

actings or ierings' in this Life for an in

dienhhlo Caue, when/he haa paed tohtehe


The Contents.
other. -Io. That the reaart 'is proportionahty
the (ame in thing: of \ le/F conequence.
1 l. What mi/thtefmett may create to them
et-vex in the other World hy their Yea/atte mz
ta/ee: in ther; 12..'-That thoughithere were
'to Memory after Death, yet the man/ter of our
Life here may ow the eed: of the Soul: t;
ture happine or mtcry.
' 435 _


I; What the Spirit ofNature'ct

115.. 2. Experiments that argue it: reahExi

enee z uch ax: that of tworingt tttrted uni
ons. _ 3. Sympathexick Cttres.ahd;Tortures,_
4. The Syvmpathyhetziixt the Earthly and

Aral Body; ' 51. Man/trow Birth-. 6. The

Attractiort of 'the Loadorte and Rondnei of
the Sun and Stars.
. '


I,- That the Deent of hea-uyv

Bodies argue: the exzeme of the Spirit of

Nature, hetaue ele they would either hang.

in the Aire a: they are placed, 2. Or would

he' diverted from a perpendicular at they fall
near aPlate of Metal et tooping. 3. That
the endeavour of the @\Ether or Aire fromthe

Centre to the Circumference 12: net the caue of

Ora-vity, again/t Mr. Hobbs. 4. Aa/1 con
futation of Mr. Hobbsht's opinion. 5. An
ocular Demonratim ofthe ahttrd conequence

, thereof, 6. An aholute Demonration that

P 11


The Contents.
Grwity tum; he the eect ofmeer Meehani- *
cal powers, 7. TheLatt't'ede' ofthe operation: of
the Spirit of Nature; tow targe and where
bounded. ' 8. 'The reaon of it! name, 9. It:

grand oite oftnnmitting Soul; two rthtly>

prepared Matter.
'45 8
Chap.!4. 1. objections again the soul;
Old-age, Sleep and Sicknecs. 2. other
Immortality from hercandition in Infancy,

Objection: ta/eer'tfrom Experiments that eem

to pro-ye her Di'cerpibuity; '3. As alofrom

the [eld-arm appearitt' of the Son-[s of the' Je


4. 'And fgom our riment fear of


3, vA Svhterfuge ofthe advereer

ty, in nPPoig but one soul comment: ed

Creatures. 6. An Anwer concerning the Lit
tlem of the Soul in lnf'anczrz 7. As alo

concerning the weaknes of er Intellecttta'lt

thenzzmdt'tt oldage. 8.- That sleep does mt i
_ et all argue the Bind: Mortality, httt rather il

Itt/Zrate her Immortality; . an Anwer to

the Ohjectionfrem Apoplexies and Catakpies:

"10. A: alo to that pot-V e. n. That

'the 'variance dcPM'U-at'ctoS of , er Intell'ectual
Fattelti-es dee- m) more, argue her Morality,
then the worer Modication: of Matter its
Natural Annhilability. And why God created
Gaul: myhjrglwh Matter.

' QhaF.

The Contents.

I. An Anwer totbeexperia

ment of the Scolopendra cut into iem.

2, And to the yiY ofan headlei> Bag e o-uer

4 horn, Molo tat at ofthe Male after: head

Biting a Dog hy the eare. 3. A uperaddition
of a difculty concernin Man/lers horn with
two or more Heads dn hat one Body and
Heart. 4. Aol'etion o the diflltj. 5. An

Anwer touching the eldome appearing ofthe

Soul: of the deceaed: 6. A: alo concerning

thefear of Death;

7. And 4 down-hearing

ene that ometime; o 2orcihly ohtrudes upon

m the helief of the Son s Mortality.

8. of

the Tregical Bone? and dreadful Prelude: of

Death, with ome corrohomti-ve Conderati

on: &gain/t uch ad


9. That'

there 12; nothing really ad and miferahle in

the Hni-uerenht to the Wih-4 anthemPi- '

ous4 I
Chap! 6.

I . 'That that which He properly

are is hath Senti-ve and'ntellectttl. 2. What

it the true notion of 4' Spul being One,

3. 'That ifthere he hnt One Soul in the World

it ie hath Rational and senitive. 4, The 'no/i

fn-vonrehle repreentation of their Opinion
that hold hut One. - '5. A confutation of the

fore , ing repreentation.

6. A Be ly to the

conntion. '7. 'An Anwer to t e Reply.

8. That the Son! ofMon it not properly any


Pp 2


The Contents.
Ray e'ither of God or the Sonl of the World.

' 9; Andyet if he were o, it would he no ieju

dice to her Immortality : whence the fhlly of

Pomponatius is noted. 10.Afnrther animad

'verion upon Pomponatius hit fall', in
admitting a certain nttmher 'ofremote Intel

in Mqn
Brutes. Immater'ial
I Chap.17_ - If That the Author haft/ing
afely condncted the Soul into her Aerial con
dition through thedangers of Death, might
ther. heee'etned
_2. What front
-nri.e himherto any

ivhatfates may hefall her afigerwards. 3.Three

haZzardsthe Soul rnnt after this life, where
hyhe r'nay again hecome ohnoxiont to death3ac
cording to the opinion of ome.

4. That the

aerial Genii are mortal, conrrnedhy three te

imoniet. 5 .* The one from the Vi/ion of Fa
ius Cardanus,
the Spirits Trnortal.
that ap
to ihirn [in
6. The time they ayed with hint, and the

matters theyCardanusgii-ues
7,to What
tredit Hi
. erony'mus
hit "Fathir:
on, 8, The other teinion ontof'zPlm'arch,
e great
The thirdthe
Plptarchhah olzht>=and rened, IO. An


"' 'the**Z-vei;alParadoxes
' i tained

The Contents.

in Facius *Cardanus hit Vion.

iII. What
mut he the ene of the third Para

dox,'if thoe Aerial Speculators ahe M they

thought. I 2. Another Hypothe: to theame
purpoe. r 13. Thecraft ofthe-e Dxmons, in

huf/iing in Foyonous 'Errour among/t olid

Truthe. 14. What make: the ory of the'
death yPan le' to.the.preent matter, with
an ad ition of Demetrius his ohewationt
touching the Sacred Ian'ds near Britain."

I 5 . That Heiod hit opinion: is the mot unexw

ceptionahle, and thatthe har net therein 'it

hutgeeming, not real. 16, That the Ethei'eal
Ve icle inates the Soul in a condition of

perfect Immortality_

I 7, That there 'it no in

ternal impediment to thoe that are Heroically

hut that
may attain an everlaing
Chap. 18. I_ 'The Conagration of the.
World an opinion of the Stoicks. 2. Tnto
Way: of deroying the World the Ancients
ha-ue taken notice of, and eeciacty that hy
Fire. 3. That the Conagration of the
us,ofis the
to he
onely of it
the endsonely
the Eariths
5, An achnowledgement that the Earth may he

hurnt, though the proofthereofhe 'impertinent *

a _' a

Pp 3


:.Thc Contents. .
to 'hie plaee. 6. That the Conagration
very fatal7.
te Fi-ue
the Soul:
'iehed Men prove
and Dxmons.
opinion: eoneerning
the Can.
are quite deroy'd by Fire.

8, Theyet-ered',

That they are annihilated by a pecia . act o

Omnipoten'cy. a. The third, That they' lie
encs in an eternal Deanh. m. The findeth,
That the a e in a perpccualurious and

painful Dream. 1 I. The fth and lc, That

they will revive again, and that the Earth
and Aire will be inhabited' by them.
13. That thi: la ent: to he fram'd from the
fttitim mAtwsn-ealat of the Stoicks, wha

were euery orry Metaphyicians, and at, ill


13. An Anineadver/ion upon

a feltontraditting entence of' Seneca.

14. The unintelltgihlenes of the ate of the
7 soul: ofthe With-ed after the Conagration.
Is, That the Lthereal Inhabitants will he

fe. And what will then hecame of Good

men and DXmOnS or' the Earth and in the
Aire. And 'how they cannot he deliveredhut
hy a upernatural power,

5 z 4.

Chap.19. I. That the atte-ction of the

Sun it no Panickfeare, "hat may he rationally

utected front the Record: of Hiory and

grounde of Natural Philoophy.

2. The

The Contents.
Inuence of' thi: Extinction upon Man and
Bea, and all the aeriolDaemons imprion'd
within their e-veral Atmopheres in our
Vortcx. 3,T at it will doe little or no damage

to the yfthereol Inhahitant: in reference to

heat or warneth. 4. Nor will the nd 'moch

worzt of hie light. 5, And

t e] did, the,

meypa out of one Vortex into another,

the Priviledge of their w'Ethereol Vehicles;

6. And that without any loheur or toil, and
(* a maturely inthe] pleae. 7. 'The val in
'eomprehenihlme of the tracts and compoe:
of the woies of Providence. 8. A hort Re
eopitulatiorz ofthe
of thePeramitm
whole Dieonrfe.
9. An
;- Lxplieetion
o ,

Light and Darkues, which they taed Oed;

adAuljtwr,' and when andoohere the Prin
ciple of Light etx the full victory. to, That
Philzophyprfmething more acred then Phi
loop y , is the onely Guide t'a true'Awu

5 38





*. r' ." *'_ "T


Ham-t, *

Ag=232 ;\.,1..5..f0r GamaippSggzdGgryaigu's; '\




- an


-, ly,

. 327. LZ-L for1min01xa1itYz-F-'xmmoz =

1; -iFaIiFY-.* U
'- (3
.'\ 458.' .1?*3.Z<* fO?WP-':PS$T- WFiVKi
462'4133, for 'Eut-'4 at, 17.' angle b F H;

' = -.':--=> 1-.-4.88.-.1.t9>forzhlpgg'dzfrainzclogg'd:


-- .zz1,-_l;-I_ for. lighming,v_r4.lzghting..


if: .





































.. .











o .



































QMore, H.

The immortality o


the soul.





. . 1.;<I

__ 4 .

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