EBI Tema4.9 Installation Note

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EBI TemaLine Interface 4.

Installation Note

To install EBI tema 4.9 follow the instruction in the installation manual (Temaline
Interface - Installation Guide.pdf)

The release 4.9 works with EBI 310.1 with SP1, SP2 or SP3

EBI Tema 4.9 doesn't support multiple station running in the same computer

For WEB reception or WEB Station (without EBI tema station installed) you need Internet
Explorer 6 or greater

With WIN2003 before to install EBITema verify the ASPNET is installed (Add/Remove
Windows ComponentsIIS)

You need TemaServer 4.9.x

The reports are created with Crystal Report version 9

The Station Toolbar (default.stb) is now installed directly by EBI (its no more present

.Net framework 1.1 is installed by EBI and its no more necessary to install it before to
install Tema (in WIN2003 .Net framework is embedded in the Operating System)

This version is EBI Tema

Tech Notes


Document for internal use only

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