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1. Complete the short stories with a suitable verb from below and give a short title for each piece of news:
was rescued, was stolen, was handcuffed, was sentenced, was injured, was arrested, was kiled
1. A Television set (1)________ from a Liverpool police station while officers were out fighting a crime.
2. A drunk who tried to open an airplane door at 30,000 feet (2)_____________ for the rest of a Denmark to
Thailand flight.
3. Camper John Barnes, 23, (3)__________ after a 200-meter fall into a rocky ravine with only a broken foot.
Sadly he (4)_____________ when he fell out of the ambulance on the way to the hospital in Perth, Scotland.
2. Fill in with a suitable word related to crime and criminals:
1. Sandra is trying to ..........................Tom. She says he has to pay her $1000 or she will tell his wife about his affair.
2. Nora Roberts stuffed three sweaters into her large handbag and left the store without paying for the items. She was
charged with ...........
3. Frankie broke three windows of his neighbors' house and threw eggs at the garage door. He was charged
Albert signed someone else's name on several checks and then cashed them at the bank. He was charged

3. Read the text and answer true or false to the questions.

Madagascar When to go
Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and
October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather.
The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds,
and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between January and March because the
weather can make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.
The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with
some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with
freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400m, and even stay there for several days.
The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures
and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest. This part of the country is semi-desert,
and only gets around 300mm of rain per year.
1 There is more rain in January than in June.
2 It hardly ever rains in central Madagascar.
3 The centre of Madagascar is the coldest part.
4 The north-east is hotter than the south-east.



Complete the short stories with a suitable verb from below and give a short title for each piece of
news: was rescued, was stolen, was handcuffed, was sentenced, was injured, was arrested, was kiled

1. Burglar Frank Gort broke down and sobbed when he (5)_______________ to seven years in jail, claiming it
was his unlucky number. An understanding judge in San Antonio, Texas, took pity and game him eight years
2. Fugitive James Sanders, who escaped from jail in years 1975, (6)____________ in Texas after ringing the FBI
to check if he was still on the wanted list.
3. Mr. Clarence Ramsey (7)___________ seriously ______________ yesterday when a man came up behind him
and stabbed him in the back. Turning around to face his attacker, Mr. Ramsey was surprised to hear him say,
Sorry I thought You were somebody else.

Fill in with a suitable word related to crime and criminals:

1. The old man hit his wife so hard she ended up in the hospital. He was charged with............................
2. When Bart punched the man in the face, the man fell down and hit his head on the sidewalk and died. Bart was
charged with...........................
3. The men deliberately started the fire by pouring gasoline all over the boxes and then lighting a match. The men
were charged with......................................
4. The two men used guns and knives to force the pilot to land the plane. They were charged with ..........................
3. Read the text and answer true or false to the questions.
Madagascar When to go
Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November to April, and a cooler dry season between May and
October. However, different parts of the country have very different weather.
The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000mm of rainfall per year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds,
and these can cause a lot of damage. Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between January and March because the
weather can make road travel very difficult. The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.
The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About 1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with
some thunderstorms, but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold, especially in the mornings, with
freezing showers, and it may snow in mountain areas above 2,400m, and even stay there for several days.
The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with little rain, cooler temperatures
and blue skies. The summers can be extremely hot, especially in the southwest. This part of the country is semi-desert,
and only gets around 300mm of rain per year.
1. The wet season is colder than the dry season.
2. The wettest part of the island is the east.
3. January-March is a good time to visit eastern Madagascar.
4. The west coast has the best weather in December.

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