Useful IELTS Speaking Tips

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Useful IELTS Speaking Tips

1. Do not speak too fast thinking that is fluency. Actually you may be lowering your score because you
are skipping sounds or the examiner did not hear what you said.
2. If you do not understand the question make sure you get the examiner to repeat or rephrase (part 3
only) the question.
3. Remember to answer every point you make with details. A simple yes or no is not sufficient.
4. Lying is ok if it would help you use some good vocabulary. Its not like they are going to call your
mother and check if what you have said was the truth.
5. Use stress and intonation when speaking, don't speak like a machine.
6. Look at the examiner, smile and remember to use hand gestures.
7. Remember you need to be confident and positive. So make sure you speak up so the examiner can
hear you.
8. Speak to the examiner and not the recorder.
9. Do not ask for your score once you are finished.
10. Never say I hope to see you again
11. Never say I hope to never see you again
12. Only give good comments to questions like tough question. Saying stupid question may upset the
13. Never call the examiner stupid
14. Sit after your examiner does and do not cross your legs.
15. Wait outside before going in. The examiner will come out and get you.
16. If you cannot remember a word just paraphrase (say it another way)
17. Do not expect the examiner to tell you that you gave a good answer or a bad one.
18. Do not think out loud or repeat the question
19. Never say "pardon" or "what!" Instead say can you please repeat the question?

20. Never wait and look at the examiner if you don't know the meaning of the question.
21. Silence is not golden in the IELTS so make sure you are talking about 70% of the time
22. Do not repeat the question in your answer
23. Do not ask questions with the way you answer
24. In part 2 make sure you use a lot of adjectives
25. Saying something interesting may be helpful to your score
26. Use used to when talking about the past
27. Use would instead of will for hypothetical questions
28. Simple vocabulary is ok if you want a 5 but if you need a 6.5 or higher you would need to learn some
synonyms for simple words.
29. Try to use a mixed tense when talking.
30. Pay extra attention to the first word because most of them begin with wh31. Use discourse markers when you speak.
32. Use a mix of different types of sentences.
33. Don't say as I said before say as I mentioned before
34. Finish your sentences properly.
35. In part 2 read the cue card 2 times carefully.
36. It is okay to use fillers (works like umm, ahh, you know, etc )
37. Do not overuse fillers
38. Say NAMES slowly. If you say a name in your own language, you MUST explain it!
39. Before going into the room, take three DEEP breaths!
40. Do not worry about your accent. Just speak clearly.
41. Do not worry about mistakes - everybody makes them! Instead, think about communicating well.

42. Do not change the topic. The examiner will think you cannot speak enough on that topic and will give
you a lower score.
43. Do not say you have been in a training school to study for the IELTS the examiner wants to think you
prepared for the speaking test by yourself.
44. Do you say the score which you need to get so you can go abroad unless the examiner asks you.
45. Do not be overly nice. Once you finish just say thank you for your time or nice meeting you and
46. Do not only say bye-bye
47. Remember in part 2 if the examiner stops you, do not worry it is because the test is time limited.
48. Do not sidetrack your answers from the question
49. Take notes in part 2 or you might lose marks.
50. Remember to use logic when you talk

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