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Scene 1A
-Zoozos are black in the beginning
-the air is unlivabale
-Volcanic erruptions
-earth cools down due to extended night time holds the heat at night and
avoid the earth from getting hot in day time
-earth becomes livable and life came to existence
-man evolves and so does air (air color changes _ marine life changes to
-man discovers fire _ co2 zoozu (light grey color)goes up.
-man burning the fossil fuel
-more light greys join each other and keep turning into darker grey
Birth of our Characters Hero & the Villain
Scene 0.1A (left half)
-Childs birth takes place
-The zoozoo comes and prevent child to breathe properly , everyone gets
tensed and doctor pats on the back of the child and the child takes the
breadth and comes to life.
Scene 0.1A (right half)
-Another grey Co2 zoozoo comes out of the earth fossil fuel source and
joins the darker grey zoozo and eyes and horns appears on the zoozoos
head ( red eyes and horns-the zoozoo turns black )
Scene 1A
A child birth takes place, but everybody around is worried as the child does not cry.
With a pat on the back of the child, the air (oxygen) travels across into the lung
alveoli, expanding the lungs.
Scene 1B
In parallel, carbon / carbon-dioxide is also born, which was the actual reason for
reduction in level of oxygen in the air causing difficulties for the child to breathe.
The birth of carbon / carbon-dioxide to be shown the way we take out oil from earth.
As the CO2 comes out on surface, it says thank you for giving me birth. The CO2
looks devilish with two horns over its head.

Tussle between the Hero & the Villain

As the child and the CO2 grow up, their battle continues to grow. The CO2 would
always create problems for the child. It will not let the child play in outdoors. The

child finds it really difficult to run after the ball, to ride his bicycle, to swim or to play
any other outdoor game. The CO2 would always interrupt and bully him.
Scene 0.1 A
The child grows up, Now there are more black zoozoos visibly seen in the air.
- child is playing in the garden, his father starts his car for the office, one zoozoo
comes out joins a dark grey zoozo and becomes black, zoozoo runs to the child and
plucks the flower. And child coughs again.
-child is going on a cycle , the zoozoo chases him and put puncher to his cycle. And
child falls down and coughs very badly. ( Kejriwal :D )
-Child goes to play football, He is not able to see the goal but some how manages to
see the goal and hits, the goal was about to happen by co2 black zoozoo catches
the ball and threw it away avoiding the goal.
-child wants to go to picnic, his parents tells him that breathing outside is
dangerous.Child risists but his parents gets angry on them and refuse.
-Child tries to sneak out to play, he opens the door and finds a Co2 zoozoo on the
Their fight starts, Zoozoo multiplies into two four Eight and fights fith the kid,
The kid fights hard bu was kicked inside the house by the co2 zoozoo.
-He cries and falls asleep on the floor only.
-Chid wakes up and again opens the door and hits back to the co2 , He also calls his
friends , his three -four friends help him in the fight and they win the fight.
-the kids play their favourite outdoor games
-next day goes to picnic with his dad
-runs in the grounds and gardens
-going on a bicycle
-Something from the behind hits him and he fells down.
-- Jerk from the dream wakes him up
Scene 2 A, B, C, D, . . .
As the child and the CO2 grow up, their battle continues to grow. The CO2 would
always create problems for the child. It will not let the child play in outdoors. The
child finds it really difficult to run after the ball, to ride his bicycle, to swim or to play
any other outdoor game. The CO2 would always interrupt and bully him.
The child gets so stressed that he starts dreaming about the CO2 out of fear. The
child fights with CO2 in the dreams but always loses.

Scene 0.2 A

-The child decides to defeat the co2 in real life by taking the help from his friends .
-He gathers his friends and start getting the facts right.
-on the news all the news channels are showing the politicians giving speeches on
co2 end. Asking votes on the name of global warming.
-there are news from the other areas that co2 terrorists are killing the people and
fossil fuel is still been burnt by the contries.

Scene 2 X, . . .
The child decides to learn how to fight and win. He joins martial arts school. (Like
Karate Kid movie)
After lot of practice, he challenges CO2. The fight takes long to get over, as the CO2
gets multiplied itself in numbers (Like Agent Smith in Matrix film. But our kid is not
less than the Neo in Matrix film). The kid finally wins over CO2. It was an epic battle
of its time.
It was all over the media, newspaper and TV THE GREATEST WAR OF THIS ERA
And that was the happiest moment in his life. He could run as fast as cheetah
without losing breath!

Awakening of the Hero

This is where we show the origin and evolution of air and mankind
Scene 3 A, B, C, D, . . .
But, next day he finds that CO2 is back and troubling him again. He then realizes
that he had beaten the CO2 in his dream, not in reality.
He starts researching on how to kill CO2. He reads about origin and development of
CO2 and watches news and documentaries on the same.
Evolution of air is shown (The three atmospheres)
Evolution of man is shown (as in the song Right Here, Right Now by Fat Boy Slim or
in the documentary series - Zeitgeist)
Scene 3 X, . . .

The kid then realizes, that the CO2 is not just one entity what he wanted to fight
with, its all over the earths atmosphere. He learns how CO2 is affecting earths
climate and in turn human life. He realizes that something needs to be done to
resolve this problem.

Hero on the move to resolve the problem, to fight climate change, to kill
the villain
Scene 0.2 A
-The hero and his friends travel to different parts of the world where there
is no co2 terrorism.
-one goes to Ladakh, othe goes to abudhabhi and so on
Scene 0.2 B
-delhi Ladakh scene
Now that our kid has taken a charge to resolve this problem, he travels around the
world and meet scientists, entrepreneurs, etc. who are already working in this field
(Like Tintin comics)
Various solutions are shown to fight CO2 (climate change) like Electric car, Solar
energy, Search for new planet, etc.
Scene 0.2 C
He is in Ladakh, watching stars which he had never seen in the city where he lives.
He was awestruck to witness the shooting stars.
In the parallel frame, another kid is bursting a rocket (fireworks) and enjoys as it
goes into the sky and bursts. But there is lot of smoke all around, people are
choking, coughing.
Our kid looks at the parallel frame and pulls the other kid (from him collar), brings
him to his frame (Ladakh) and says look at the sky here, this is real firework, which
you can witness every night. It will not get over like your crackers quota. And you
can also play in fresh air without losing breathe.

This is where we show facts/figures and solutions

Scene 4 A, B, C, D, . . .
Now that our kid has taken a charge to resolve this problem, he travels around the
world and meet scientists, entrepreneurs, etc. who are already working in this field
(Like Tintin comics)
Various solutions are shown to fight CO2 (climate change) like Electric car, Solar
energy, Search for new planet, etc.

Scene 4 X, . . .
He is in Ladakh, watching stars which he had never seen in the city where he lives.
He was awestruck to witness the shooting stars.
In the parallel frame, another kid is bursting a rocket (fireworks) and enjoys as it
goes into the sky and bursts. But there is lot of smoke all around, people are
choking, coughing.
Our kid looks at the parallel frame and pulls the other kid (from him collar), brings
him to his frame (Ladakh) and says look at the sky here, this is real firework, which
you can witness every night. It will not get over like your crackers quota. And you
can also play in fresh air without losing breathe.

Open ended climax

Scene 0.4 A
-The kid/human manages to cll all the big businessmen, delegates,
presidents,prime ministers, economists, scentists, actors, doctors to have
debate on how to kill the co2 terrorist.
-Fossil fuel production industries and fossil fuel pros refuse to control the
co2 terrorists and refuse the fact that they are responsible for co2
-Fossil fuel pros giggles within each other tht we will find a new planet
before this earth dies.
Scene 0.4 B
both the fuel pros and environment pros come out of the conference hall
-they get divided into another worlds.
-both find the new world one by destrying it one by using the ryt
technology in sustainable way.
- two differen frames on one screen
(Left frame)
people gets into jets and flew towards the new planet, the reach a plant
and start living.
and the black co2 is continuously coming out of their jet and the earths
turns into black and explodes.
(Right frame)
people find a new planet by using sustainale means and reducing the
carbon footprint , using sustainable sources of energy allows them to keep
the air on the existing planet white.
and livable.

The audience has to decide what they choose for their future and how
they act
Scene 5 A, B, C, D, . . .
Different futuristic possibilities are shown in parallel frames
1- People are choking. The world ends.
2- There is clean air everywhere. People are happy.
3- A new planet
Scene 4 X, . . .
We ask the audience

The clock keeps ticking, as the audience is still thinking . . . and the clean air frame
fades out slowly

Final message

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