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earthquake precursors

An earthquake precursor is an anomalous phenomenon that might give effective warning of an

impending earthquake
Animal behavior
anomalous animal behavior preceding and associated with earthquakes some tens of seconds
prior to a quake, it has been suggested they are responding to the P-wave.
Another confounding factor of accounts of unusual phenomena is skewing due to "flashbulb
memories": otherwise unremarkable details become more memorable and more significant when
associated with an emotionally powerful event such as an earthquake
Changes in Vp/Vs
Vp/Vs changes when rock is near the point of fracturing
In the 1970s it was considered a likely breakthrough when Russian seismologists reported
observing such changes in the region of a subsequent earthquake
Radon emissions
rock contains small amounts of gases that can be isotopically distinguished from the normal
atmospheric gases reports of spikes in the concentrations of such gases prior to a major
earthquake; One of these gases is radon, produced by radioactive decay of the trace amounts of
uranium present in most rock
it is radioactive and thus easily detected,[49] and its short half-life (3.8 days) makes radon levels
sensitive to short-term fluctuations
The VAN method is named after its authors, University of Athens. In a 1981 paper claiming that
by measuring ultra low frequency geoelectric voltages what they called "seismic electric
signals" (SES) they could predict earthquakes.
Background magnetic field noise disturbances
Seismo-electromagnetics is the study of electromagnetic phenomena associated
with seismic activity such as earthquakes and volcanos, and also the use of electromagnetic
methods in seismology such as magnetotellurics. Links between the electromagnetic fields in
the lithosphere and those in the atmosphere and ionosphereare also studied. Earthquake
prediction is one of the aims of this area of research.
Seismic gaps (pacific rim forecast)
At the contact where two tectonic plates slip past each other every section must eventually slip,
as (in the long-term) none get left behind. But they do not all slip at the same time; different
sections will be at different stages in the cycle of strain (deformation) accumulation and sudden
rebound. In the seismic gap model the "next big quake" should be expected not in the segments

where recent seismicity has relieved the strain, but in the intervening gaps where the unrelieved
strain is the greatest.
Seismicity patterns
Various heuristically derived algorithms have been developed for predicting earthquakes. The M
7.3 1975 Haicheng earthquake is the most widely cited "success" of earthquake
Active Faults:
The Seismotectonic Atlas of India shows existence of over 66 neotectonic/ active faults of
regional extent. The Himalayan belt, extending for 2400 km, is dissected by 15 major active
faults, disposed both parallel and transverse to the Himalayan trend. Most of these came into
existence during the terminal phase of the Himalayan orogeny and still participate in the strain
accumulation and release. The Indo-Gangetic and Brahmaputra Plains are marked by the
presence of 16 tectonically active faults, the traces of which are found generally concealed under
a thick mantle of alluvium. The Peninsular India is marked by the presence of about 30
neotectonic faults, confined mostly in the palaeo-rift systems. The Andaman and Nicobar Group
of Islands, falling under Zone V of the Seismic Zoning Map of India, are characterized by the
presence of three N-S trending faults of regional extent and two active faults in the NE Region.
The above-mentioned faults, in addition to some of the hidden ones, govern the seismicity of
India. It is, therefore, imperative that a systematic study of these tectonic discontinuities,
including their classification and characterization, needs to be taken up under a Mission mode for
identification of the seismic source zones and assessment of seismic hazard.
Continental Collision Tectonics:
The Indian sub-continent contains many geologically unique features, and among them the
Himalayan collision orogen is the most important. The tectonic effects of this collision are
manifest not only in the orogen itself, but these are transmitted in the hinterland (Tibet) and the
Indian shield (foreland). Since the collision of India and Asia at ca. 55 Ma the Himalayan orogen
is being built up due to thrust stacking and growth and collapse of critical taper whose exact
implication on post-collision tectonics within the orogen is not clearly understood. Moreover,
continued post-collision underthrusting of the Indian lithosphere beneath Asia and
foreland-ward propagation of the Himalayan orogenic wedge are transmitting the stress toward
the Indian shield that show evidences of post-collision deformation in the formation of foreland
basin (Ganga-Brahmaputra), forebulge (Narmada-Son), wrench faulting (Aravalli) and plateau
uplift (Meghalaya) and recent seismicity.
The Indian lithosphere has many unique features such as the mantle depletion consequent upon
the voluminous eruption of the Deccan traps, unusually thin continental crust and lithosphere,
large tract of passive continental margin whose transition to oceanic crust is little known, and
the Himalaya, the proto-type of collision orogen whose lithosphere dynamics is the topic of
current international interest. Neotectonic deformation, especially related to post-collision
crustal deformation, is tectonically important both in the northern part of the peninsula and in
the Himalaya, particularly in the foothill belt where the critical taper is getting deformed.

Tectonic, tectonic geomorphologic and crustal dynamics research has great relevance to studies
on climate change and natural hazards.
Paleo-seismology is a useful tool in reconstructing the history of fault zones and it is now being
used in assessing the past seismic productivity in many active regions. A relatively young field in
earthquake studies, techniques in paleoseismology, combined with advances in dating techniques
is leading to better estimates on the timing and size of past earthquakes, and development of
recurrence models. Thus, paleo-seismological investigations, in particular, along the Himalayas
and the NE India assume importance as a priority area of earthquake studies. The focus of
paleo-seismological investigations in the Himalaya should be to identify the previous slips and
secondary featured and associate them with the faults/seismic source zones and compute the size
of the earthquake taking into account the role of decollment and the wedge deformation

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