Models - Cfd.droplet Breakup

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Solved with COMSOL Multiphysics 4.


D r o ple t Br e a k up i n a T- Ju n ct i on
Emulsions consist of small liquid droplets immersed in another liquid, typically oil in
water or water in oil. Emulsions find wide application in the production of food,
cosmetics, and pharmaceutical products. The properties and quality of an emulsion
typically depend on the size and the distribution of the droplets. This model studies in
detail how to create uniform droplets in a microchannel T-junction.
Setting up the model you can make use of the Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Level Set
interface. The model uses the predefined wetted wall boundary condition at the solid
walls, with a contact angle of 135. From the results, you can determine the size of the
created droplets and the rate with which they are produced.

Model Definition
Figure 1 shows the geometry of the T-shaped microchannel with a rectangular cross
section. For the separated fluid elements to correspond to droplets, the geometry is
modeled in 3D. Due to symmetry, it is sufficient to model only half of the junction
geometry. The modeling domain is shown in Figure 1. The fluid to be dispersed into


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D R O P L E T B R E A K U P I N A T- J U N C T I O N

Solved with COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3b

small droplets, Fluid 2, enters through the vertical channel. The other fluid, Fluid 1,
flows from the right to left through the horizontal channel.
Inlet, Fluid 2

Inlet, Fluid 1


Figure 1: The modeling domain of the T-junction.

The problem described is straight forward to set up with the Laminar Two-Phase Flow,
Level Set interface. The interface sets up a momentum transport equation, a continuity
equation, and a level set equation for the level set variable. The fluid interface is defined
by the 0.5 contour of the level set function.
The interface uses the following equations:

+ ( u )u = [ p I + ( u + ( u ) ) ] + F st
u = 0

------ + u = ( 1 ) --------+

In the equations above, denotes density (kg/m3), u velocity (m/s), t time (s),
dynamic viscosity (Pas), p pressure (Pa), and Fst the surface tension force (N/m3).
Furthermore, is the level set function, and and are numerical stabilization
parameters. The density and viscosity are calculated from

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Solved with COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3b

= 1 + ( 2 1 )
= 1 + ( 2 1 )
where 1, 2, 1, and 2 are the densities and viscosities of Fluid 1 and Fluid 2.

The two liquids have the following physical properties:




Density (kg/m3)



Dynamic viscosity (Pas)



The surface tension coefficient is 5103 N/m.


At both inlets, Laminar inflow conditions with prescribed volume flows are used. At
the outflow boundary, the Pressure, no viscous stress condition is set. The Wetted wall
boundary condition applies to all solid boundaries with the contact angle specified as
135 and a slip length equal to the mesh size parameter, h. The contact angle is the
angle between the fluid interface and the solid wall at points where the fluid interface
attaches to the wall. The slip length is the distance to the position outside the wall
where the extrapolated tangential velocity component is zero (see Figure 2).

Fluid 1


Fluid 2

Figure 2: The contact angle, , and the slip length, .


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Results and Discussion

Figure 3 shows the fluid interface (the level set function = 0.5 ) and velocity
streamlines at various times. The first droplet is formed after approximately 0.03 s.

Figure 3: Velocity streamlines, velocity on the symmetry plane, and the phase boundary at
t = 0.02 s, 0.04 s, 0.06 s, and 0.08 s.
You can calculate the effective diameter, deffthat is, the diameter of a spherical
droplet with the same volume as the formed dropletusing the following expression:
d eff = 2 3 -----4

( > 0.5 ) d


Here, represents the leftmost part of the horizontal channel, where x < 0.2 mm. In
this case, the results show that deff is about 0.12 mm. The results are in fair agreement
with those presented in Ref. 1.

1. Graaf and others, Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Droplet Formation in a
T-Shaped Microchannel, Langmuir, vol. 22, pp. 41444152, 2006.

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Solved with COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3b

Model Library path: CFD_Module/Multiphase_Benchmarks/droplet_breakup

Modeling Instructions

1 Go to the Model Wizard window.

2 Click Next.
3 In the Add physics tree, select Fluid Flow>Multiphase Flow>Two-Phase Flow, Level
Set>Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Level Set (tpf).
4 Click Next.
5 Find the Studies subsection. In the tree, select Preset Studies>Transient with
6 Click Finish.

1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1 click Geometry 1.

2 In the Geometry settings window, locate the Units section.
3 From the Length unit list, choose mm.

Work Plane 1
1 Right-click Model 1>Geometry 1 and choose Work Plane.
2 In the Work Plane settings window, locate the Plane Definition section.
3 From the Plane list, choose xz-plane.

Rectangle 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Geometry 1>Work Plane 1 right-click
Plane Geometry and choose Rectangle.
2 In the Rectangle settings window, locate the Size section.
3 In the Width edit field, type 0.1.
4 In the Height edit field, type 0.4.
5 Locate the Position section. In the yw edit field, type 0.1.

Rectangle 2
1 Right-click Plane Geometry and choose Rectangle.


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2 In the Rectangle settings window, locate the Size section.

3 In the Width edit field, type 1.
4 In the Height edit field, type 0.1.
5 Locate the Position section. In the xw edit field, type -0.7.

Plane Geometry
1 Right-click Plane Geometry and choose Build All.
2 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.

Polygon 1
1 Right-click Model 1>Geometry 1>Work Plane 1>Plane Geometry and choose Polygon.
2 In the Polygon settings window, locate the Object Type section.
3 From the Type list, choose Open curve.
4 Locate the Coordinates section. In the xw edit field, type 0 0.1.
5 In the yw edit field, type 0.2 0.2.
6 Click the Build Selected button.

Extrude 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Geometry 1 right-click Work Plane 1 and

choose Extrude.
2 In the Extrude settings window, locate the Distances from Plane section.
3 In the table, enter the following settings:
Distances (mm)

4 Click the Build Selected button.

5 Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.

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Form Union
1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Geometry 1 right-click Form Union and

choose Build Selected.


Material 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1 right-click Materials and choose Material.
2 Right-click Material 1 and choose Rename.
3 Go to the Rename Material dialog box and type Fluid 1 in the New name edit field.
4 Click OK.
5 In the Material settings window, locate the Material Contents section.
6 In the table, enter the following settings:






Dynamic viscosity



Material 2
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Materials and choose Material.
2 Right-click Material 2 and choose Rename.
3 Go to the Rename Material dialog box and type Fluid 2 in the New name edit field.


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Solved with COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3b

4 Click OK.
5 In the Material settings window, locate the Material Properties section.
6 In the Material properties tree, select Basic Properties>Density.
7 Click Add to Material.
8 In the Material properties tree, select Basic Properties>Dynamic Viscosity.
9 Click Add to Material.
10 Locate the Material Contents section. In the table, enter the following settings:






Dynamic viscosity




Step 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1 right-click Definitions and choose
2 In the Step settings window, locate the Parameters section.
3 In the Location edit field, type 1e-3.
4 Click to expand the Smoothing section. In the Size of transition zone edit field, type

Add an integration operator that you will use to calculate the effective droplet diameter
according to Equation 1 in the Model Definition section.

Integration 1
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Definitions and choose Model
2 In the Integration settings window, locate the Source Selection section.
3 From the Selection list, choose All domains.

Variables 1
1 Right-click Definitions and choose Variables.
2 In the Variables settings window, locate the Variables section.

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Solved with COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3b

3 In the table, enter the following settings:






Volume flow, inlet 1



Volume flow, inlet 2



Effective droplet diameter

L A M I N A R TW O - P H A S E F L O W, L E V E L S E T

Fluid Properties 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Model 1>Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Level Set

node, then click Fluid Properties 1.

2 In the Fluid Properties settings window, locate the Fluid 1 Properties section.
3 From the Fluid 1 list, choose Fluid 1.
4 Locate the Fluid 2 Properties section. From the Fluid 2 list, choose Fluid 2.
5 Locate the Surface Tension section. From the Surface tension coefficient list, choose
User defined. In the edit field, type 5e-3.
6 Locate the Level Set Parameters section. In the edit field, type 0.05.
7 In the ls edit field, type 6.25e-6.

Wall 1
Because this is the default boundary condition node, you cannot modify the selection
explicitly. Instead, you override the default condition where it is not applicable by
adding other boundary conditions.
1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Level Set click
Wall 1.
2 In the Wall settings window, locate the Boundary Condition section.
3 From the Boundary condition list, choose Wetted wall.
4 In the w edit field, type 3*pi/4.

Initial Interface 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1>Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Level Set click
Initial Interface 1.
2 Select Boundary 11 only.


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Initial Values 2
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Level Set and

choose Initial Values.

2 Select Domain 3 only.
3 In the Initial Values settings window, locate the Initial Values section.
4 Click the Fluid 2 button.

For Domains 1 and 2, the default initial value settings apply.

Inlet 1
1 Right-click Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Level Set and choose Inlet.
2 Select Boundary 18 only.
3 In the Inlet settings window, locate the Boundary Condition section.
4 From the Boundary condition list, choose Laminar inflow.
5 Locate the Laminar Inflow section. Click the Flow rate button.
6 In the V0 edit field, type V1.

Inlet 2
1 Right-click Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Level Set and choose Inlet.
2 Select Boundary 12 only.
3 In the Inlet settings window, locate the Boundary Condition section.
4 In the edit field, type 1.
5 From the Boundary condition list, choose Laminar inflow.
6 Locate the Laminar Inflow section. Click the Flow rate button.
7 In the V0 edit field, type V2.

Outlet 1
1 Right-click Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Level Set and choose Outlet.
2 Select Boundary 1 only.

Symmetry 1
1 Right-click Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Level Set and choose Symmetry.
2 Select Boundaries 5, 13, and 14 only.

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Mapped 1
1 In the Model Builder window, under Model 1 right-click Mesh 1 and choose More
2 Select Boundaries 2, 7, and 10 only.

Distribution 1
1 Right-click Model 1>Mesh 1>Mapped 1 and choose Distribution.
2 Select Edge 3 only.
3 In the Distribution settings window, locate the Distribution section.
4 In the Number of elements edit field, type 80.

Distribution 2
1 Right-click Mapped 1 and choose Distribution.
2 Select Edges 1 and 9 only.
3 In the Distribution settings window, locate the Distribution section.
4 In the Number of elements edit field, type 8.

Distribution 3
1 Right-click Mapped 1 and choose Distribution.
2 Select Edge 12 only.
3 In the Distribution settings window, locate the Distribution section.
4 In the Number of elements edit field, type 16.

Mapped 1
Right-click Mapped 1 and choose Build Selected.

Swept 1
1 Right-click Mesh 1 and choose Swept.
2 In the Swept settings window, click to expand the Source Faces section.
3 Select Boundaries 2, 7, and 10 only.

Distribution 1
1 Right-click Model 1>Mesh 1>Swept 1 and choose Distribution.
2 In the Distribution settings window, locate the Distribution section.
3 In the Number of elements edit field, type 4.


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4 Click the Build All button.


Step 2: Time Dependent

1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Study 1 node, then click Step 2: Time
2 In the Time Dependent settings window, locate the Study Settings section.
3 In the Times edit field, type range(0,5e-3,0.08).
4 Click to expand the Results While Solving section. Select the Plot check box.
5 From the Plot group list, choose Default.

This choice means that the Graphics window will show a surface plot of the volume
fraction of Fluid 1 while solving, and this plot will be updated at each 5 ms output
time step.
6 In the Model Builder window, right-click Study 1 and choose Show Default Solver.
7 Expand the Study 1>Solver Configurations node.

Solver 1
1 In the Model Builder window, expand the Study 1>Solver Configurations>Solver 1

node, then click Dependent Variables 2.

2 In the Dependent Variables settings window, locate the Scaling section.

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3 From the Method list, choose Manual.

4 In the Model Builder window, expand the Study 1>Solver Configurations>Solver
1>Dependent Variables 2 node, then click Velocity field (mod1.u).
5 In the Field settings window, locate the Scaling section.
6 From the Method list, choose Manual.
7 In the Scale edit field, type 0.05.
8 In the Model Builder window, under Study 1>Solver Configurations>Solver
1>Dependent Variables 2 click Pressure (mod1.p).
9 In the Field settings window, locate the Scaling section.
10 From the Method list, choose Manual.
11 In the Scale edit field, type 300.
12 In the Model Builder window, under Study 1>Solver Configurations>Solver
1>Dependent Variables 2 click mod1.tpf.Pinlinl1.
13 In the State settings window, locate the Scaling section.
14 From the Method list, choose Manual.
15 In the Scale edit field, type 300.
16 In the Model Builder window, under Study 1>Solver Configurations>Solver
1>Dependent Variables 2 click mod1.tpf.Pinlinl2.
17 In the State settings window, locate the Scaling section.
18 From the Method list, choose Manual.
19 In the Scale edit field, type 300.

In the current model, the solver performance can be increased by reducing the
relaxation factors used in the secondary presmoother.
20 In the Model Builder window, expand the Study 1>Solver Configurations>Solver
1>Time-Dependent Solver 1>Iterative 1>Multigrid 1>Presmoother node, then click
Vanka 1.
21 In the Vanka settings window, locate the Secondary section.
22 In the Relaxation factor edit field, type 0.3.
23 In the Model Builder window, right-click Study 1 and choose Compute.

Note: The computation takes about 7-10 hours.


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The first default plot group shows the volume fraction of fluid 1 as slice plot, and the
second plot group shows a slice plot of the velocity combined with a contour plot of
the volume fraction of fluid 1. Follow these steps to reproduce the series of velocity
field plots shown in Figure 3.

3D Plot Group 3
1 In the Model Builder window, right-click Results and choose 3D Plot Group.
2 Right-click 3D Plot Group 3 and choose Slice.
3 In the Slice settings window, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of the
Expression section. From the menu, choose Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Level
Set>Velocity magnitude (tpf.U).
4 Locate the Plane Data section. From the Plane list, choose zx-planes.
5 From the Entry method list, choose Coordinates.
6 Click the Plot button.
7 In the Model Builder window, right-click 3D Plot Group 3 and choose Isosurface.
8 In the Isosurface settings window, locate the Levels section.
9 From the Entry method list, choose Levels.
10 In the Levels edit field, type 0.5.
11 Locate the Coloring and Style section. From the Coloring list, choose Uniform.
12 From the Color list, choose Green.
13 Right-click 3D Plot Group 3 and choose Streamline.
14 In the Streamline settings window, locate the Streamline Positioning section.
15 From the Positioning list, choose Uniform density.
16 In the Separating distance edit field, type 0.05.
17 Locate the Coloring and Style section. From the Line type list, choose Tube.
18 Select the Radius scale factor check box.
19 In the associated edit field, type 2e-3.
20 From the Color list, choose Yellow.
21 In the Model Builder window, click 3D Plot Group 3.
22 In the 3D Plot Group settings window, locate the Data section.
23 From the Time list, choose 0.02.
24 Click the Plot button.

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25 Click the Go to Default 3D View button on the Graphics toolbar.

Compare the resulting plot with the upper-left plot in Figure 3.

26 To reproduce the remaining three plots, plot the solution for the time values 0.04,

0.06, and 0.08 s.

Next, evaluate the effective droplet diameter computed according to Equation 1.

Derived Values
1 In the Model Builder window, under Results right-click Derived Values and choose
Global Evaluation.
2 In the Global Evaluation settings window, click Replace Expression in the upper-right

corner of the Expression section. From the menu, choose Definitions>Effective

droplet diameter (d_eff).
3 Click the Evaluate button.

The result, roughly 0.12 mm, is displayed in the table in the Table window.
Finally, generate a movie of the moving fluid interface and the velocity streamlines.

3D Plot Group 3
1 Click the Player button on the main toolbar. COMSOL Multiphysics generates the

movie and then plays it.

2 To replay the movie, click the Play button on the Graphics toolbar.

If you want to export a movie in GIF, Flash, or AVI format, right-click Export and
create an Animation feature.


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