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Formative test: Animals in the city

Skim the text. (Answer in English)

- What kind of text is it?
- Do you recognize words in the title? If yes, which ones and what do they mean?
- Where do you think the text is about?
Answer the following questions. (Answer in English)
- Why is the city not safe for baboons?
- What did the police do when they caught the bear in Vancouver?
- What did you do to find these answers?
Guess the meaning of the following words. (Answer in Dutch)
- Lorry
- Squirrels
- Accidents
Look up the meaning in a dictionary. (Answer in Dutch)
- Cupboards
- Fridges
- Entering

Answer sheet for the teacher

Skim the text. (Answer in English or Dutch)

- What kind of text is it? informatieve tekst, kranten artikel
- Do you recognize words in the title? If yes, which ones and what do they mean?
- Where do you think the text is about?
Answer the following questions. (Answer in English)
- Why is the city not safe for Baboons?
Human food is bad for their teeth.
The city is dangerous ivm car accidents.
- What did the police do when they caught the bear in Vancouver?
They put the bear in a lorry and took it to the mountains outside the city.
- What did you do to find these answers?
Search for keywords, by scanning the text.
Guess the meaning of the following words. (Answer in Dutch)
- Lorry = wagen, vrachtwagen
- Squirrels = eekhoorns
- Accidents = ongelukken
Look up the meaning in a dictionary. (Answer in Dutch)
- Cupboards = kast
- Fridges = koelkasten
- Entering = betreden, binnenkomen

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