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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) When you begin keeping your manager's appointment calender, which of the following should you
A) Your manager's preferences for scheduling
B) How much time appointments should take
C) Which appointments should be given priority
D) All of the above


2) Office automation systems are available that enable the user to switch from one function to another
with what simple keystroke?
A) Ctrl+Enter
B) Ctrl+Alt
C) Alt+Tab
D) Del+Enter


3) Automated calendaring systems allow you to do all of the following except

A) Add reminders.
B) Send selected automatic e-mail messages.
C) Note any items that need to be acted on at a definite time of day.
D) Enter items in the tickler file.


4) Web-based calendars
A) Allow you to store information online.
B) Are scaled-down versions of the all-in-one schedule, e-mail, and address book software that
you find on your desktop computer.
C) Can be found free on the Internet.
D) All of the above.


5) Which of the following would you avoid doing when canceling an appointment your manager had
A) Express regret on your manager's behalf
B) Offer to schedule another appointment
C) Explain exactly why the manager is canceling the appointment in specific terms
D) Mention the appointment must be changed


6) To leave the impression of a well-organized office for visitors to see, which of the following habits
should you develop?
A) Remember that completion of each task includes "putting away"
B) Designate and use specific locations for supplies, files, and work-in-progress
C) Follow through by clearing your desk of materials you are not using
D) All of the above


7) When a visitor who has an appointment arrives, you should

A) Allow the visitor to wait when more pressing work is due.
B) Do not keep a visitor who has an appointment waiting.
C) Invite the visitor who must wait to reschedule the appointment.
D) Make the visitor feel comfortable and visit with him or her until it is time for the visitor's


8) To deal with unwanted visitors, you should

A) Apologize if it is appropriate to do so.
B) Use common courtesies and listen to the visitor.
C) Show empathy and understanding and promise to follow-up.
D) All of the above.


9) To assure you are secure and safe at your office, you should
A) Be aware of any procedures established to safeguard your personal security in your office
B) Not take security for granted.
C) If you have your own office, be sure to lock the door when you leave for lunch or to attend
D) All of the above.


10) Which of the following guidelines should you avoid doing when a visitor is waiting for your
manager or others?
A) Show your interest in the visitor by asking questions of a personal nature.
B) Never assume based on the color of a person's skin he or she is from a certain country or
C) Treat each visitor equally.
D) Avoid sharing confidential information about products, office gossip, company successes, or


TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
11) When someone requests an appointment by telephone or e-mail, establish immediately whether
your manager is the person the caller should see.


12) You need to keep two computerized calendars for your manager so either you or your manager can
access the calendar at any time.


13) Although certainly not necessary, some managers keep both paper and electronic calendars.


14) Enter in your calendar all of your manager's appointments, including reminders of tasks that must
be taken care of within a given time period and a list of all activities that must be followed through
by your manager at the end of the day.


15) Make tentative entries in your and your manager's calendar in ink because pencil will fade.


16) Once each day, preferably at the end of the day, check your manager's calendar with your calendar
to make sure all recorded appointments are identical in both calendars.


17) When keyboarding a list of appointments for your manager, include the time, name of the caller,
his or her affiliation, and purpose of the visit.


18) Visitors usually pay no attention to clutter in the office, but are more concerned about the
appointment he or she has with your manager.


19) When your manager's supervisor requests a conference with your manager, the implied message is
your manager will extend a courteous invitation to the supervisor to come to the manager's office.


20) Until you know, anticipate your manager wants to be interrupted while someone is in his or her
office so the manager can stay on schedule and be able to always see each person with whom he or
she has an appointment.


ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
21) Discuss the common uses of automated calendaring systems (electronic calendars).
22) Identify the guidelines to follow when canceling an appointment for your manager.
23) When preparing a list of appointments for your manager, what information should be included in the list?
24) How would you handle interrupting your manager who has a visitor in his or her office when another
visitor arrives promptly for an appointment?
25) Explain how you can help turn an undesirable situation into one that is satisfactory to both parties when
dealing with unwanted visitors.

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED10
1) D
2) C
3) B
4) D
5) C
6) D
7) B
8) D
9) D
10) A
11) TRUE
13) TRUE
14) TRUE
16) TRUE
17) TRUE
21) Automated calendaring systems allow you to have an accurate, up-to-the-minute schedule. You can also enter items
in the tickler file, add reminders, and note any items that need to be acted on at a definite time of the day. The page on
the screen looks the same as the page in a desk calendar. You can select a meeting time by comparing your managers
schedule with that of others on the network who make their calendars available.
22) When you must cancel an appointment for your manager, let the person whose appointment is being canceled know at
once. Express regret on your managers behalf; mention the appointment must be changed; state a reason in general
terms; and offer to schedule another appointment.
23) When you keyboard the list, arrange it so that it is easy to read. Use an appropriate heading. For example, if you are
keyboarding lists for more than one person, include the persons name in the heading. For each appointment, indicate
the time, name of the caller, his or her affiliation, and the purpose of the visit. Also include reminders, such as a dinner
meeting or a commitment to meet someone at the airport. When an appointment is someplace other than your
managers office, indicate clearly where it will be.
24) You may select one of the following procedures: Take the new visitors business card or name written or typed on a
slip of paper with the notation that the visitor has arrived and hand it to your manager; enter your managers office
and say, Excuse me. Your three oclock appointment is here. May I tell her (or him) how soon you can see her (or
him); call your manager on the interoffice telephone, especially if you think he or she does not want to be interrupted.
Suggest a time for the meeting to end, enabling your manager to answer Yes or No without comment.
25) Use common courtesies by learning the visitors name and using a positive tone of voice and body language to convey
a positive, sincere message; listen to what the visitor has to say; apologize if it is appropriate to do so when your
company has not performed to the highest of standards; show empathy and understanding by paraphrasing the
customers story; promise to follow-up by commit ting to assisting the visitor yourself or to having someone else take
action. Tell the visitor exactly what your action plan will be and when he or she can expect to hear from you.

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