Message From The Guria Team: Guria News Update - Winter 2016

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Guria News Update - Winter 2016

Message from the Guria Team

It has been an incredibly busy year for Guria, as always! Over the year we have rescued 423 people from
slavery, including 138 children and we have registered 117 new cases against human traffickers involved in
trafficking children for sexual exploitation. We have carried out a major rescue operation in Allahabad, Uttar
Pradesh, through which we made a national record in enabling the seizure of brothels worth an estimated
US$182 million. Through this operation 134 victims were rescued and 48 brothel keepers/traffickers were
Guria has won several awards including the prestigious "Nari Shakti" Award presented to Guria founder and
director, Ajeet Singh, by the President of India.
We hope you enjoy this newsletter and would like to say a huge thank-you to all those who support Guria and
our fight against human trafficking.

Children at NFE centre

Non formal education

There are currently over 300 children attending Gurias Non-Formal Education (NFE) centres. There are two
centres in Varanasi, one is known as the boat school situated on the river Ganges and there is another larger
centre in Shivdaspur, the red light area of Varanasi, where around 120 children regularly attend. There are
additional centres in rural Mau, Azamgarh and in neighbouring Madhya Pradesh state. The centres enable children
from the red light area an opportunity to access education, including mainstream schools, as well as a range of
creative and therapeutic activities. Over the last year the NFE centre in Shivdaspur has been visited by 62 visitors
from a number of countries including USA, UK, France, Japan, Germany, Australia and Russia.
A few events over the year at the Shivdaspur centre include:

Holi, the Festival of Colours and Spring: In March the kids at the centre celebrated Holi through a fun afternoon of
games and running around throwing vibrantly coloured powder at each other.
Diwali celebration: Children at the NFE centre worked for weeks preparing for Diwali celebrations including
decorating the NFE centre and creating elaborate models of cities and towns out of recycled materials.
UNICEF visit: The UNICEF team from Belgium along with the UNICEF Uttar Pradesh state office visited the centre
and saw the efforts to empower children. The team also visited a government aftercare home for girls where Guria
has been placed as a mentor by the government to monitor, guide and ensure best practice.
Fulbright visit: Twenty teachers under the Fulbright Fellowship from the U.S. visited the Shivdaspur centre. This
was an effort by the educators to explore issues, challenges and strategies and learn from Guria's model for
preventing sex trafficking and child prostitution.
Guria is an amazing inspiration drawing attention from the world-at-large (Fulbright teacher)

Children at NFE centre line up for lunch after Holi

Children at boat school

Guria's NFE centre is scored 'Excellent'

Gurias NFE centre in Shivdaspur, was scored as A grade or Excellent in a report assessing the quality of child
care institutions in the state. The report was completed by Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya of the National Law University
and submitted to the Department of Women and Child Development.
Freedom Now! Global Art Exchange & Exhibit
An international exhibit of artwork was held at the Shivdaspur NFE centre and in schools around the world of works
depicting human trafficking and slavery. Schools in 18 countries participated including USA, India, China, Senegal,
Madagascar, South Korea, Indonesia, Romania, Brazil, Switzerland, Angola and South Africa to raise awareness
and show solidarity with others combating human trafficking.
Operation Smile
The Uttar Pradesh government has nominated Guria to support in the implementation of Operation Smile an
initiative lead by the Department of Women and Child Development to ensure effective rescue and rehabilitation
of children who have been exploited, abused and compelled into forced labour.
This is an example of how Gurias NFE centres offer a model which is now being replicated by other education
centres in Uttar Pradesh. Gurias model is holistic and based upon the idea of working on the self, enabling the
child to take an inward journey through not just educational classes but equally important creative and therapeutic
activities. Children, who are usually from traumatised backgrounds, enjoy a wide host of activities including
painting, music, dance, theatre, photography, videography, meditation, gardening and even classes in shouting
and laughing.

Dia Mirza visit to boat school

The actress and producer, Dia Mirza, visited children attending the Guria boat school on the river Ganges. She
participated with the children in meditation, painting and singing.
Our idea is not just to provide one-time support. These girls are like our children. You cannot just provide
clothing or just food to your children. You have to give them overall support. This is what we do for these girls,
Ajeet Singh (Guria Director)

Awards and recognition

Guria Awarded with the "Nari Shakti" Award
On March 14th, Guria was awarded the prestigious "Nari Shakti" Award
by the honourable President of India, and later in the evening, the Prime
Minister of India invited Ajeet Singh over for tea and discussion. Ajeet
shared experiences about Guria's work and invited the Prime Minister
to visit the NFE centre in Shivdaspur.
Rani Lakshmi Bai Award
Guria was awarded with the prestigious Rani Lakshmi Bai Award by
the Honorable Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh.
Ajeet receives Nari Shakti award

Life Channel and Zee TV awards

Guria founder, Ajeet Singh, was felicitated with the 'Lifetime Achievement ' award by Life OK Channel of Star
Network. The award was presented by Film star Irfan Khan.
Ajeet was felicitated by ZEE TV, a leading Indian channel, at the Fempowerment award ceremony in Mumbai.

Rescued bonded labourers

Bonded labourers rescued from brick kiln

Rescue Operations
Over the last year Guria has conducted a number of rescue operations resulting in the rescue of 423 people from
slavery, including 138 children. This includes those rescued both from exploitation within the sex industry as well
as situations of bonded labour.
Children, women and men are exploited in bonded labour within a number of industries in India, including the brick
kiln industry and carpet weaving. In bonded labour situations people are forced to work extremely long hours in
dangerous conditions, they are sometimes imprisoned or otherwise coerced through threats of violence, they are
often abused, especially children who are more vulnerable, and they are not paid for their work.
24 Bonded Labourers Rescued from the Brick Kiln Industry in Nepal
Guria carried out a rescue operation in Nepal which resulted in rescuing 29 bonded labours from a brick kiln. Guria
is active along the Indo Nepal border as the route from impoverished rural areas of Nepal into India is a key human

trafficking route and the border is highly porous. As such Guria has relationships with authorities and stakeholders
in Nepal enabling them to carry out rescue operations and help prevent trafficking from there.
57 bonded labourers rescued in Uttar Pradesh
In one operation Guria rescued 57 bonded labours working in a brick kiln in the district of Maharajganj in northern
Uttar Pradesh along the Indo-Nepal border. The rescued people were from Chhattisgarh state and most had been
trafficked or lured to Maharajganj on false pretences of a job. Amongst those rescued were 12 children. The labour
department refused to cooperate or assist during Gurias rescue operation, however fortunately the district
magistrate took the matter into his own hands to ensure statements were recorded from victims as a first step in
pursuing their cases.

A National Record 61 Brothels Seized

In May Guria carried out a major rescue operation in the red light area of Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. Through
this operation 61 brothels were seized worth an estimated US$182 million, the seizure of brothels to this value
is a national record. Through this operation Guria rescued 134 victims and 48 brothel keepers/traffickers were
arrested. This operation follows on from Guria's previous rescue in Allahabad red light area in 2009.
Guria worked undercover for over a year to collect evidence for the rescue including hard to obtain high risk
material such as video evidence from spy cameras highlighting children being kept inside brothels. The
evidence including rescue map, spy cam video clips, photographs, plan of action, criminal histories of
traffickers, identified brothels and a list of traffickers was presented to the authorities which then enabled the
raid to go ahead. Fourteen team leaders of Guria lead police teams during the rescue and 12 female
counsellors were present to support the victims. Victims were from the Indian states of Karnataka, Rajasthan,
West Bengal, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and also from Nepal. The district magistrate has authorised Guria
as the sole organisation to provide counselling, restoration and rehabilitation of the victims, which is ongoing
since the operation.
Guria is fighting hard to oppose the bail applications of the accused and has taken this battle to the Honourable
Supreme Court. Ensuring bail rejections is vital as typically legal cases can last very long periods of time, which
means if perpetrators can obtain bail they can continue exploiting victims and intimidating witnesses. The
process of seizing brothels is important as it means that the brothels are no longer able to operate as the
premises are seized by the state. This damages the long term finances of perpetrators including human
traffickers, brothel keepers, pimps and corrupt law enforcement officers. Furthermore it sends out a message
that the law will be enforced, and those who exploit vulnerable children and women cannot operate with
impunity any longer.

Victims rescued in Allahabad raid

Ranas story
Rana was 14 years old when she was kidnapped by two men in her village in rural Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh.
She was raped by the men who left her so badly injured and traumatised that she fell unconscious and was only
found the following morning by villagers. Rana was in very bad condition and was taken to the nearest hospital.
She gave the details of her attack to a police inspector during her treatment at the hospital, however no action
was taken to record her case. Her parents later made requests to the local police station, pleading with them to
register their daughters case, however the police refused and no action was taken. Further to this Ranas father
contacted the Superintendent of Police Ghazipur demanding her case be registered, but to no avail.
Guria, who became aware of the case, intervened by leading a protest of local villagers and women who
surrounded the police station demanding justice for Rana and that her case be registered immediately. The
protestors called for an end to police negligence, as the reaction of police to Ranas horrific attack is
unfortunately typical in Uttar Pradesh. The protest and following pressure applied by Guria meant that Ranas
case was registered and a statement taken from Rana and her family.
Guria sent a letter giving details of police negligence in the case to the National Human Rights Commission
(NHRC) in New Delhi which requested a detailed report from the Superintendent of Police Ghazipur. The report
sent back by the Superintendent was reviewed by Guria at the request of the NHRC. It was found to be full of
errors, incomplete and fundamentally incorrect.
Through Gurias support, one of the accused rapists has been charged but Ranas case and her fight for justice
is ongoing.

Children in rural Mau district

Children in rural areas are targeted by human traffickers

due to high levels of poverty as well as police corruption
and a lack of law enforcement. Guria works in these areas
of Uttar Pradesh to raise awareness about human
trafficking and has a non formal education centre in Mau
offering educational support to vulnerable children.

Children in rural Mau district

Legal work
Over the year Guria lodged 117 new legal cases against human traffickers in cases of trafficking children for sexual
exploitation. This brings the total number of legal cases being fought by Guria to over 1,900.
Following a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) by Guria the state of Uttar Pradesh has issued a government order to
establish a Medical Board to determine the age of juveniles (either victims or perpetrators) in legal cases. A
separate PIL filed by Guria has resulted in the High Court directing the state of Uttar Pradesh to file a status report
on how effectively the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) is being implemented on the ground.

Policy and Advocacy

Guria Trained Staff from the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS)
Guria has been training staff of a state wide initiative called the Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) in 18
districts of Uttar Pradesh. The trainings are being taken in three phases on the following issues Trafficking;
Prevention of Children from Sexual Offences Act; and Adoption.
Government committees and New Trafficking legislation
Guria was been nominated as a member of an inter-ministerial committee set up by the Department of Women
and Child Development to prepare comprehensive legislation on various aspects of Human Trafficking. India's
Minister for Women and Child Development has subsequently unveiled a draft of the country's first ever
comprehensive anti-human trafficking law on 30th May 2016. The minister, in her speech, praised Guria for its
support in drafting the legislation as a member of the inter-ministerial committee.
Over the last year Guria has also been nominated as a member of several other government committees including
the Central Nodal Agency to combat trafficking; Standing Committee on combating trafficking in women & children
for sexual exploitation; and the new core group on Trafficking, Women and Children, created by the National
Human Rights Commission.
Speaker Parliamentarians' International Conference
Guria was invited as a speaker to the Parliamentarians' International Conference on Sustainable Development
Goals for Children. Founder & Director, Ajeet Singh, gave a presentation about Guria's successful strategy to fight
child sex trafficking in India. Over 40 Parliamentarians from India, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand,
Bhutan, Liberia, the European Union and Sri Lanka participated in the Conference in New Delhi.
Speaker at the Indian Social Work Congress
Ajeet Singh was one of the speakers at the 4th Indian Social Work Congress where he talked about Guria's model
in fighting sex trafficking.
Training of Indo Nepal Border Force
Guria acted as a resource person for the training of trainers programme for the SSB (Indo-Nepal border force) in
Lakhimpur and Gorakhpur under the guidance of the SSB and UNICEF.

Parliamentarians' International Conference

Training of SSB

Media coverage
BBC World Service interview
Guria director, Ajeet Singh, was interviewed by the BBC World Service. Listen to the interview
Taking on India's Sex Traffickers at this link:
There have been a number of articles in national and international newspapers, a few of which are mentioned as
follows, please click on the link for the full article:
India Times:
Daily Mail:
The Better India:
The Logical Indian:
You can watch some short films recently made about Guria by clicking the following links:
101 Underground:
Blush Originals:

Volunteering and awareness

Ealing half marathon
A huge thank-you to Priyanka Vijay Anand and husband for running 21km in the
Ealing half marathon and raising 550 to support Guria !
You can see Priyanka's page at this link and support her efforts further:

Specks of Dust
The documentary made by Guria volunteers, Specks of Dust, was screened in New York, Calgary in Alberta,
Canada and in South Texas College, Texas. At the Calgary event there was a silent auction with donated items
which raised $12,500 Canadian dollars to help support Guria in its fight against human trafficking. At the Texas
event the film was followed by a Q&A session with Ajeet Singh over Skype and artworks were on display as part
of the Freedom Now Global Art Exchange and Exhibit.
Unspoken art exhibition
The proceedings of an art exhibition entitled Unspoken in Delhi in September, which was featured in The Times
of India, have been donated to Guria. This donation has been tripled by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Your support
The Guria team would like to say a huge thank you to all our supporters!
Guria are a frontline charity protecting vulnerable woman and children, which leaves little time to raise attention
for Gurias work. Not only funding, but international friendships and recognition are important to Guria. Your
support in being aware, spreading the word or raising funds is important. If you have ideas for awareness raising
or fundraising, please contact Sarah Wraight (Guria UK).

Guria co-director, Manju Santwana, with children at the NFE centre

Ajeet carries out tremendous work on behalf of other people. He displays exceptional courage in the face of
threats and intimidation and great personal danger. Every day he puts his life on the line in defence of the rights
that we take for granted. Mary Lawlor, Director, Front Line Defenders.

For more information see: Guira India Website

Guria UK Website Donations: JustGiving
Guria Facebook page Guria Blogspot
Contact UK: or contact India:

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