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Technical Communication 40S

Final Project Overview

*Value: 25% of Final Grade
What really matters about anything that you learn is figuring out where
you can use it, and what you still need to learn. So, we are going to test
the technical communication skills you have learned by exploring and
reporting on an issue to a real audience.
The issue that you research and speak out about it up for negotiation, but it should be based on
the following questions:
What are you passionate about?
What is a burning question that you just have to answer?
What is a problem that you recognize that needs to be fixed?
Look to your own life to find a meaningful project. The key to success will be finding a topic that
you are passionate about, because you will be spending many hours thinking and talking about
this issue. Please dont underestimate the importance of choosing the right topic.

For any project idea, however, you must consider the following key elements...
Purpose/ Need: Why is this issue important to you? (To you? To others? To society?)
Audience: Who would be most interested in learning the results of your research? Who is impacted by
this topic?
Possible audiences might include (but are not limited to...)
Staff at GC
* Local politicians (City councillors, mayor)
Students at GC
* Politicians (Prime Minister, MLAs, MPs)
Parent Council at GC
* Local business owners
SOSD school trustees
* Local business patrons
Context: Where will you share these results? What resources do you have access to? What can you do
in the time you have?
Final Product: How can you share the results of your research with any of the audiences you have
Possible products might include (but are not limited to...)
* report or proposal
* oral presentation
* letter
* social networking
And it may be linked with an event, activity, etc.

Requirements- CHECKLIST
On the day of the final presentation, you will need to hand in a binder with copies of ALL documentation,
including things you have already handed in and received marks for:

progress report
research (per person)
o 3 sources of secondary research (internet/ library)
o at least 1 source of primary research (survey or interview: you need to include all
questions AND notes)
a completed log book (IDAP sheets) for each group member minimum 15 entries
any correspondence that you conduct during your project (include scripts, emails, letters, etc.)
all rough drafts (with evidence of peer editing, etc.)
final product (or evidence that the final product was completed)
the final report and reflection
assessment sheet (will be handed out and reviewed in class )

Other items you might want to include...

- an incident report documenting if/when the group encountered problems and what was done
- anything else that you think might be of some relevance or importance to your project
Other Assessment:
Conferences and check-ins will be happening throughout the semester.
You will also be doing an oral presentation to share your final project with the group. Date to be
determined (during exam week).

Are you doing a worthwhile project? Is it sustainable?
Can you complete the following checklist and answer yes to at least 5 of the following
This project would let me explore a subject I am interested in.
I know of an audience that might be interested in my presentation.
There are reliable, accessible sources of information on this topic.
This project can be accomplished within the available time.
This is a worthwhile topic.
This project would be interesting and challenging to explore.




1) PROPOSAL - due Wednesday, Jan. 11th

Create a proposal that is your initial plan for this project. Remember that it will change as you
do your research; that is to be expected. Be clear, complete, and concise in your writing this
document should not be more than 2 full pages. You are writing as yourself, to me, in a letter
format. This initial proposal should include the following categories:
- Summary/ overview of your project
- Purpose/ Need: Explain why there is a need for this inquiry or information. What
questions are you going to explore?
- Audience: Who may be interested in these results? Think of as many people as you can,
and guess which of those would be most interested or accessible.
- Proposed Product and Context: What do you think you will create to share the results?
- Resources: Where will you get the information on this issue? Who could you interview?
What online resources are available to you? Print resources?
- Plan for the Coming Period: What are you going to do next? Propose a schedule and
outline the responsibilities of team members.
- Conclusion

2) PROGRESS REPORT due in-class_- Wednesday, Jan. 18th ______

You will write a progress report that contains an update on what you have discovered throughout
your research and what you know about your audience. This should be done in memo format.
Use the example from your toothpick project and include the following sections:
- Purpose statement or summary
- Research Process: How have you conducted your inquiry? What have you learned?
- Purpose: What product will you use to share the results of your inquiry? What will your
purpose be? What will your audience`s purpose be?
- Audience: Answer the triangle sheet questions
- Context: Answer the triangle sheet questions
- Plan for the Coming Period: same as proposal (from now until the end of the project)
- Conclusion
3) RESEARCH due: already done, but you should look for opportunities to do more, if possible
You are required to do two types of research for this project.
1) Secondary research Internet, book, article, etc. sources.
o You will find at least 3 sources (per person) that give you information that will
be helpful to your project in some way.
o Use MLA referencing to show where you got your information from. You should
use direct quotes, summaries or paraphrases (with proper in-text parentheses),
where appropriate and include a works cited list.
o Refer back to your notes for more information.
o This information should be incorporated into your final product in some way or
should at least inform your decisions for your final product.
2) Primary research

o You will be conducting a survey and/ or an interview with someone (or a group of
people) who can give you information that is helpful to your project in some way.
o Each group member should complete a separate research source or the survey or
interview should be that much more extensive (see Ms. Whiteside for approval).
o Again, use MLA referencing to cite your sources.
o This information should be incorporated into your final product in some way or
should at least inform your decisions for your final product.
4) CORRESPONDENCE as it pertains to your project
We have learned about a whole range of different types of correspondence, from letters and
emails, to memos, phone scripts, and even thank you notes. You must hand in a copy of any
correspondence that you use during this project.
- There is no maximum or minimum, but be aware that you do need to make contact with
other people in order for this project to be successful.
5) ROUGH DRAFTS as it pertains to your project
The drafting, and then the subsequent editing and revising processes, are important to the success
of your final project.
- Keep track of drafts that you produce as you work on your project.
- They are supposed to be messy; dont make look neat!
6) IDAP LOGBOOK check-ins approximately once a week, randomly
You will keep track of your day-to-day work in log book format.
- You should be filling out these sheets in a neutral, objective manner.
- Keep track of the work you do every time you work on the project (both in and out of
class time).
- Also keep track of any questions/ concerns that you have. Make a plan for what comes
- You need a MINIMUM of 15 entries that means some of them (at least 3) will involve
work outside of class time. Hand in ALL log sheets with your final project, even if I
have already checked them.
7) FINAL REPORT AND REFLECTION due in class_________
This report will be written as an in-class reflection on the last day of class. You will summarize
your project, reflect on problems that occurred, make product observations, talk about likes and
dislikes of the project, as well as what you learned overall. You will also be asked to reflect on
the course overall.
- More specific information will be given out on that day.
8) FINAL PRODUCT due on the day of presentation
This is your final product that you are going to share with everyone. This showcases the essence
of your question/ problem and then the subsequent answer/ solution.
- Be creative. Be professional. This should be as polished as it can be.

9) ORAL PRESENTATION due: ___________

During the exam period, we will choose a day to give our final presentations to the class. This
will be done in a professional, reflective way. You are to share what your initial idea was, what
you did to go about completing the project, and then your final results and product.
- We can discuss the format of this day in more detail as the day gets closer. We can look
at the possibility of inviting others to the presentation, having a potluck celebration, etc.
- The folder containing all of the required items it to be handed in on this day. (see
- There will be no extensions given.
10) Optional - Incident Reports:
Often times, problems occur when we are working on a project of this nature. It may be due to
the nature of our group, unforeseen circumstances, or surprises in research. I strongly encourage
you to complete an incident report when you come across one of these problems and include it in
your final package. This form can serve as a guide to help you work through the problem and
come up with some possible solutions.
11) Ongoing: Student/ Teacher Conferences
Throughout the month, I will be meeting with you on a regular basis. These conferences can be
prearranged if you want to talk to me about a specific deadline or task. They may also be done
randomly to ensure that you are on task and meeting deadlines. There will be about one
conference/ check-in per week. I may also do a conference check via email
( Please know that you can email me with questions, concerns or to
ask about other ideas at any point during this project.
Use this chart to help you plan out some of the major steps to your project:
Task to Complete

(to do/ how to do it/ materials needed,


Check off
when deadline

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