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4 pm Christmas Eve

Bulletin with Script in bold

Things in color are not in bulletin:
Purple- Ann
Green- Mark
Blue- Phillip special music
Black- in printed bulletin

Christmas Eve
The Journey to Bethlehem
December 24, 2016 at 4:00pm

Phillip Morgan

[already in stable: manger, hay, sleeping sheep, donkey, cow]


Rev. Ann Deibert

Welcome to this holy time as we get ready to enter the mystery of Christmas.
This afternoon we will hear and sing the Christmas story, and join Mary and
Joseph and the donkey as they travel to Bethlehem.
We need lots of children (and adults) to help us tell the story. Pastor Mark and I
have the nativity figures that were going to give to those of you who would like
to help tell the story. As the story unfolds, well tell you when to bring your
nativity figure to the stable.
Does everyone have a candle?
You are welcome to move in closer so you can see what happens in the stable.

Now well ask the Squire and Southworth family to light the Christ candle as we
get ready to enter the mystery of Christmas.

Lighting the Christ Candle

We have watched; we have waitedin hopefor peacein joywith love.

One: When Jesus was born,

the angels sang to the shepherds,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth,
peace and goodwill to all!
All: Jesus has come to bring hope, peace, love and joy to
all people.
One: Jesus is Emmanuel, which means God-is-with-us.
All: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth,
peace and goodwill to all!
We light the Christ candle giving thanks to God for
Jesus Christ
who is the light of the world.


Angels We Have Heard on High


On the Way to Bethlehem

This night is like no other night. It is a time to dream and sing our way to
Bethlehem. The children will show us how to go.
The little town we seek sits in the hill country some ten miles south of Jerusalem.
For thousands of years the houses have gathered there on the hilltop like a family
breaking bread together. Bethlehem means House of Bread.
In the center of the village is a small inn. On this night it is overflowing with
people seeking sleep and a place to eat. Behind the inn is a dark stable. One cow
chews his barley and broken straw. A sheep nearby is nearly asleep. A cat nestles
in the straw and tucks her nose into her curled tail.
All is still and quiet in the little town.
[Invite congregation to bring cow, 3 cats to the stable.]


O Little Town of Bethlehem


No Room in the Inn


As night gathers, the last two travelers and their donkey come slowly up the
road. Look, there is a young woman about to be a mother. She is walking with
her husband. They are Joseph and Mary from Nazareth! They have walked for
six days to come to this city where King David was born, so long ago.
They have come, like so many others, because the Roman emperor wants to
count each one, so he can take their money as a tax.
But it is late, and Mary is so weary. Where will they sleep? There is no room in
the inn. They decide to sleep with the animals.
[Invite congregation to bring Mary and Joseph and the donkey to the stable.]


Away in a Manger


Jesus Is Born


Stars brighten slowly in the sky. All creation holds its breath. Suddenly, from the
stable, comes the cry of a newborn child! Mary gently wraps the baby in a
blanket and lays him in the feed box that his father has filled with straw.
[Invite congregation to bring Jesus to the stable.]


Hark the Herald Angels Sing


The Angels Bring Good News to the Shepherds


In the hills outside Bethlehem, shepherds watch their shadowy sheep. All at once,
the dark is lost in light, and in the midst of the light is something even brighter:
the faces of angels.
The fearful shepherds then hear music in the sky, and a voice says clearly, Do
not be afraid. Listen, I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by all
people. Today in the City of David a Savior is born! He is Christ, the Lord.
Then more angels appear, a whole heavenly host of them, praising God and
singing: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to all people,
The shepherds run with joy across the fields to Bethlehem to the stable behind
the inn. There they find the Holy Family. They creep forward, overwhelmed with
mystery, to find Nativity itself in the center of all that love.
[Invite congregation to bring angels and sheep to the stable.


Sam Soto, tenor

Phillip Morgan, piano

[All the animals adore the Christ child]

There is a traditionits not in the Biblebut its been said that on Christmas
Eve, all the animals bow down to worship the newborn baby. The one in whom
we will see the face of God.
[Invite cong to bring the remaining animals]

Magi Follow the Star to Bethlehem

Three camels plod up the road to Bethlehem. They have come from the East, far
beyond the Arabian Desert, perhaps from as far as the Caspian Sea. The camels
carry three kings, the wise ones, the Magi. They are following the wild star, the
destiny they had never seen before, and they are following it, wherever it goes, to
find the King its shining shows them.
[Invite congregation to bring the gold star and three Magi to the stable.]


We Three Kings


We Follow the Star

Everyone is invited to bring their star to the manger and
then return to their seat.
The kings journey ends in a new kind of king. Their restlessness rests at last.
They fall to their knees and give him bright gold, sweet-smelling frankincense
and bitter myrrh, brought so far with so much love.
So now we all come, following the star, to find God-with-us. We come, as people
have come all through the ages, to bring our own gifts to this Child, Gods gift to
words about offering for diapers
Come forward now. Bring your gifts of stars and of yourselves to place around
the manger.
[everyone comes forward with their star]

Christmas Prayer
Rev. Mark Baridon
One: When Jesus was born, even the animals were at peace
with one another.
Thank you for Jesus, who gives the gift of
One: For people who wanted to be treated fairly, Jesus showed
justice for all.
Thank you for Jesus, who gives the gift of hope.
One: Jesus came to bring abundant life for all Gods children.
All: Thank you for Jesus, who gives the gift of joy.
One: Jesus said the greatest thing we can do is love God and
our neighbor.
All: Thank you for Jesus, who gives the gift of love.

Thank you for Jesus, who makes our lives whole.

Sharing the Light of Christ

Please tip only your unlighted candle into the lighted candle of
your neighbor.
Through the four weeks of Advent, we have been getting ready to enter the
Mystery of Christmas. Tonight we are invited to enter that mystery, for this night
is holy and filled with overwhelming stillness.


Silent Night


Through the four weeks of Advent we have been getting ready to enter the
Mystery of Christmas. Tonight we are invited to enter that mystery, for this night
is holy and filled with great joy.


Joy to the World


Please extinguish your candles before leaving your seat. You
can leave them in the containers at the back of the sanctuary.

Phillip Morgan


Poinsettias given to the glory of God and in loving


Laurence and Edith Bruggers
James and Christine
Jean D. and Eric H. Beckhusen
Lee Beckhusen and
Carolyn Klinge
Barbara Burwell, Robert and David Schultz
James and
Christine Bruggers
Vivian Crum
John Crum
Lula Maude French
Andrew and Gina YeagerBuckley
Harry and Florence Gans
Uzoma Egekeze and her sons,
Ndu, Nkem, & Obi
Wilson and Jane Keil Isert and Mary Isert
Uzoma Egekeze
and her sons
E. Muriel and Victor S. Klinge
Carolyn Klinge and Lee
Priscillas mom, Dallas Lafferty
Katie Cobb and Priscilla
Vicki and Dennis Love
Leigh Neale and Adam Love
Donald E. MacFalls
Eileene MacFalls
Margaret and Henry Neale
Leigh Neale and Adam
Marylou OKrent
Renee Edwards
Jer Perkins
Donna Morton
Katies father, Bob Taylor
Katie Cobb and Priscilla
William R. Yeager
Andrew and Gina YeagerBuckley
Ann Yeargin
Eileene MacFalls
Poinsettias given to the glory of God and in honor
Anthoy and Deanie Bucalos
Anne and Dean Bucalos
Jean Edwards
Donna Morton
Cecilia and Clark Haynes
Anne and Dean Bucalos

Our Children Jordan, William,

Logan, and Abby
Our Grandparents
Ming Wu and Jud Miles
The Youth of this Church!

Leigh Neale and Adam

Leigh Neale and Adam Love
David and Yvonne Miles
Andrew and Gina Yeager-

For those who ordered poinsettias, you may take them home
with you this evening.
Join us tomorrow for a Christmas Day celebration at 11:00am
in the Sanctuary.
Join us each Sunday morning for worship at 11:00am.
Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:30am.
(No Sunday School on December 25.
No Children or Youth Sunday School on January 1. Faith Form
will meet January 1.)
The offering today will purchase childrens shoes, deodorant
and underpants for children at Engelhard and ColeridgeTaylor Elementary schools, our neighborhood schools. We
contacted the Family Resource Counselors at each school to
find out what they needed for their children on a daily basis.
Underpants, deodorant, and childrens shoes were at the top
of both lists. Accidents happen, children can be stinky, and
cheap shoes come apart, or they were in a hurry and put on
someone elses shoes that morning. So while you are out
shopping, pick up some deodorant, underpants and shoes, or
you can write a check to Central with mission project on the
check and our intrepid shoppers will shop for you. Please
bring all items to Central by January 1.

You can contribute to todays offering with cash, a check made

out to Central Presbyterian Church, your on-line banking
(memo: missions project), or via Centrals website or QR
code, which can be found on the back page of the bulletin.
On behalf of many children and their families in our
neighborhood, we say thank you.

Greeters for this service: Sharon Clements and Dee Cochran

Central Presbyterian Church:

Reimagining Christianity
Reclaiming Christ
Intentionally Inclusive

Intentionally Inclusive

Donate now:

Pastor Rev. D. Mark Baridon
Pastor Rev. Ann J. Deibert
Director of Music Mr. Phillip Morgan
Administrative Assistant Ms. Barbara Creasy
Seminary Intern Ms. Katherine Norwood
318 West Kentucky Street 40203
Phone: 587-6935 Fax:
587-6936 / E-mail:
Follow us on Facebook: Central Presbyterian Church

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