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Topic: Biography of Mario Vargas Llosa Student name: Estefani Lourdes Mariluz Eufracio

Cycle: Conversation I
Timetable: Saturday/Sunday (3:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.)
Date: August 2016
Teacher: Gilbert Cristbal
Principal: Juan Martnez Guilln

This work designed so practical for know the life of Mario Vargas Llosa,
Peruvian writer very known for writing wonderful works, such as won the title of
Prince of Asturias, Cervantes and Nobel Literature Prize 2010. He taken a
position as one of the greatest contemporary writers, and even as an influential
politician for Peru.
When we talk about Vargas Llosa not only we refer to his life, his literature or
politics, also on the Peruvian reality that is part of our history
Many of works of Vargas Llosa are influenced by the perception of the writer on
Peruvian society and his experiences in Peru, also topics from other parts of the
Corruption, power and abuse are the most important topics in three of his
works: The Time of the Hero, The War of the End of the World, Conversation in
the Cathedral and The Feast of the Goat.


Jos Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa, more known as Mario Vargas Llosa was born
on March 28, 1936, in the Peruvian provincial city of Arequipa and in a middleclass family. His parents, Ernesto Vargas Maldonado y Dora Llosa Ureta they
were separated, when he was born; he was their only child. Shortly after Mario's
birth, his father said that he was having a relationship with a German woman;
later Mario had two half-brothers: Enrique, he died at age eleven of leukaemia
and Ernesto Vargas, now he is a lawyer. His parents divorced. He moved a
Bolivia and spent the first years of his childhood in a cotton treasury near
Cochabamba with his mother and maternal family, where his grandfather Pedro
J. Bustamante Llosa was administrator. Until the fourth grade, Mario studied at
La Salle school and until ten years, he believed that his father had died,
because his mother and her family they didnt want to explain that they had
In 1945, Jose Luis Bustamante y Rivero became Perus president. Mario and
his family returned to Peru when Marios grandfather, who was a cousin of the
president, won the charge of prefect of Piura city. Mario and his mother followed
the grandfather to Piura, where Mario studied in fifth grade at Salesiano Don
Bosco School. There he met Javier Silva Ruete and he became his friend, later
Javier would be economy minister. When he was ten years old, for the first time
Mario met his father in Piura and his parents re-established their relationship.
Later they moved to Magdalena del Mar in Lima, and then they moved to La
Perla in Callao, where they lived in a small house. At weekends, Mario visited
his uncles and cousins in the district of Miraflores, where he made many friends
and he had his first crushes (relationship).
In 1947, he studied sixth grade at La Salle school of the Congregation
Christians Brothers then the first two years of high school from 1948 to 1949.
The relation with his father was terrible and he kept to his mixed feelings, such
as resentment because his father had a violent character and he felt repulsion
of his literary vocation that never understood. Also, Mario felt resentment for his
mother and Llosa family.
When he was 14, his father sent him to the to the Leoncio Prado Military
Academy in Callao where he studied third and fourth grade of high school from
1950 to 1951, there he endured a hard military discipline and according to his
testimony it was the time when he read and wrote, "As never before". His
favourite readings were the novels of French writer Alexandre Dumas and Victor
Hugo. One of the teachers was the surrealist poet Csar Moro who teached
French to Mario. In 1952, in summer holidays Mario began working as a
journalist in La Crnica newspaper where he did reports, notes and interviews.
That year he retired from the military academy and moved to Piura, where he

lived with his uncle Luis Llosa and he finished his high school at San Miguel of
Piura school. Also, he worked for La Industria newspaper and witnessed the
theatrical performance of his first dramaturgical work, La flight of the Inca, in the
theatre "Variedades".
Adulthood and marriage
In 1953, Mario started National University of San Marcos and he studied law
and literature. That year Manuel A. Odria was Perus president and Vargas
Llosa participated in university policy for the Peruvian Communist Party,
opposed to the government, expressed through the university and protests in
places. Then, he distanced from the group and participated in the Christian
Democratic Party of Hector Cornejo Chavez. During this time, he worked as of
historian Raul Porras Barrenechea in a work that never materialized about
monumental history of the conquest of Peru. In 1955, at the age of 19, he
married Julia Urquidi, aunts sister, who was 10 years older, but, they were force
to separate for a time because the opposite of his family. Still young Mario
continued his life and helped by Porras Barrenechea, he got simultaneous jobs:
as an assistant of library, writing for mass media and creating names for
gravestones of Presbtero Maestro of Lima cemetery; finally he began working
as journalist for Radio Panamericana, making a lot of money. Thus, Mario
began seriously his literary career with the publication of his first stories:
Grandpa in the El Comercio newspaper in1956 and Bosses in Mercurio
Peruano magazine in 1957. Also in 1957, he entered a competition of stories
organized by La Revue Franaise, important French publication about art. His
story The Challenge won the first prize, which consisted in fifteen days visiting
Paris but he stayed for a month. That year he graduated university in
Humanities at the National University of San Marcos. Also, he was considered
the most San Marcos student of Literature and he received the scholarship
Javier Prado for study postgraduate courses at Complutense University of
Madrid, in Spain. He travelled to Amazon Peruvian, before his travel to Europe.
He finished the scholarship in Madrid and moved to France with Julia in 1960.
He had a difficult economic situation but the couple decided to stay in Paris
where Vargas Llosa wrote easily. After a few years, their marriage ended in
divorce in 1964. A year later, Mario married Patricia Llosa, his cousin, and they
had three children: Alvaro in 1966, writer and editor; Gonzalo in 1967,
businessman; and Morgana in 1974, photographer. In 1966, Carmen Balcells
proposed to Mario become his literary agent and she got financial support
during he wrote Conversation in the Cathedra. From that moment, she became
his agent and came to get extraordinary contracts.
In 1971, under the direction of Professor Alonso Zamora Vicente, obtained a
doctorate in Philosophy from the Complutense University of Madrid with
excellent cum laude for her thesis Garca Mrquez: language and structure of
his narrative later published under the title Garca Mrquez: story of a deicide.
He was jury of the Cannes Film Festival 1976. In 1973 his ex-wife Julia Urquidi
published her book titled What Varguitas didnt say in response to the novel

Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter , based on the relationship between both, that
were republished in 2010. During the World Spain 1982, Mario, football fan,
worked as a sports journalist. Since 1990, Mario Vargas work for Spanish El
Pas newspaper, which is reprinted sources in all the world. Also, he teaches
literature courses at American universities. He received the Spanish nationality
in 1993, without sacrificing the Peruvian.
In June 2015, after the magazine Hello! published some photos of Vargas Llosa
with Isabel Preysler (Spanish socialite and TV personality), the writer announce
his separation from his second wife. Mario Vargas divorced Patricia Llosa in
Political life
During the military regime of Juan Velasco Alvarado applauded the
revolutionary reforms such as participation the workers in the management of
companies and more, after he disagreed with the government when it closed
different mass media, saying that this was authoritarianism. From 1976, he
expressed his distance with the military government, in favour of freedom of

In 1987, Alan Garca ,Perus president that time, wanted nationalise the banking
industry and Mario Vargas Llosa rejected this project because all the power
would beas in government hands. Three years later, his Movimiento Libertad,
which opposed Alan Garca, become the Frente Democrtico and he ran in the
presidential elections in 1990, but he lost and the engineer Alberto Fujimori
won. Mario returned to Europe and now Alberto is in prision for corrupt dictator.
Major works of Mario Vargas Llosa

The Time of the Hero (1962)

The Green House (1966)
The Cubs (1967)
Conversation in the Cathedral (1969)
Captain Pantoja and the special services (1973)
Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter (1977)
The War of the End of the World (1981)
Death in the Andes (1993) and A Fish in the Water (1993)
The Feast of the Goat (2000)
The Bad Girl (2006)

Awards and decorations (The most important)

It has been awarded by the government French with the Legion of Honor in
1985, in 1994 he was appointed member of the Royal Spanish Academy and
that same year won the Miguel de Cervantes Prize; He is subsequently
recognized honorary doctorate at many universities. His work has been
translated into more than 30 languages, and in 2001 received the award from

his government Order of the Sun of Peru in the Grade of Grand Cross with
Diamonds, the highest distinction granted by that country.
In 2004 he won the Konex MERCOSUR Letters, granted by the Konex
Foundation (Argentina), as the most influential writer of the region.
On October 7, 2010 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, three days
later he received the award from king Carl XVI Gustaf at the Concert Hall in
Stockholm . during the banquet after receipt of the Nobel Prize gala, Vargas
Llosa gave a toast of thanks in story form. After learning that he won the Nobel
Prize 2010, Mario Vargas Llosa said that the award was considered as
recognition of the Spanish language. About his literary production said: "what I
do, what I say, expresses the country where I was born, the country where I
lived, the fundamental experiences that make a human being, which are the
childhood and youth, so that Peru I am. I can thank you to my country, I am,
being a writer. "
On 13 December, the same year, He was awarded the Ordre des Arts et des
Lettres for his "extraordinary contribution to world literature and the contribution
to the cultural development of the country", the ceremony was two days later at
the Palace government of Peru.
In 2013 he won the prize Columnists of El Mundo in recognition for his
journalistic facet.


The works of Mario Vargas Llosa are very original and true stories that being
entertaining, very well narrated, as they are easy to understand and lead the
reader to all the scenarios of his stories. Also is part of general culture, and
literature today.
Mario Vargas Llosa is significantly a universal Peruvian who has made readers
for over fifty years with a growing interest in the world novelists rarely have
delighted us with unquestionable quality.

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