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| jucstion Gant = solations Pet Titan v PART-A is bated Bases & STATISTS ILA Rigid Geol "A body fe Sold tote ated, when fhe welative Alsrauces of, tte poaticles spemioh& Smartoyle. Defprmasle bays Jn the proxe of fore epee its ou frody qeor y (x) dlfmensions oY share clowges then Said to Le dapormoude body _Phufelt- Tre waterteds, AEE poss the pepe of, viscosity ( dpnoing wer Layers) 4p 98 Called 98 jet Crxonple; tute wunkestecls, Ate ofc * S.wsir _ srt : voted deal Rte ft 74 the fs Gn ele "Tt fea beach of eg Reute ) tae study of uc tedy of west, Motly mols ucken of fevce hen body dum: % v The ental amuanpifon down olexgnate postion Of cenakton way be cepined oa body. Van Fokingtestnal, portion of matter Balled particle! The Study 4 merhoutes ” afyvk these panticles % Called os Pootitle - Melrouies". Reg body Nedauta'— The medrant & Off ong body fn ighfd the detovmatfons are very ; D ry small ond hence >1¢ lected, ana mow wt efter the equilib Condition’ of Hae dy F8 Called qd bedy Heclantes Apes pddfig “to teres fe. i) i too pres one (FF) owe attiig fn the Lame Pine ofastion in cane dfvedfon, te addition af, foes Ll -e o4 spallouss. css qb P=R +h tyes Pe BB Coppastte) a P, Adding une tram! 2! foves- . ; Te all tee fyoces one (move than?) oxsuad to be Grant ond Coplavey from the Addition dow ifllgiaes te Yeouttaut torte eS ee ee M R= Rta th Pr wet TL all the 3 ANE Yepsen ti & a" magne LG si oto gon in wagnitudssy, i y und direction, the Chising stde trrthe yevense oveley vail gfves resullant hove fa pride cual Lbebfon. ot the ‘woe polygon. o Le 7 us ) Co plamow pes Syston DL all the tovces au in one ploue, Fr called co plawcnne foccesystom, Non- coplaman 4 Sn non Coplanan pe System allthe fpvces voont a cette Samar plane & Costunvent por ual ie Tpallihe joes Intosebat a ne Py Re Fi x & Covamon pobil, Hupare Sold to be Comment -prees Non rs 5 Sf all the Pra GyStur ove prot trout O- Commer LS ssediing “all ogo colle Neur- Coron 4p" hus f Con turret pes @ pl 7 ay $A over Lose Po te Soune Conmuer Miter Seth potter Come plone. Le In ap sygtem all contuavenat fortes Ore aaa ote Jruk fs vuoke Fe not AD) aan res Th bere ofaction of all porces ance per 1 Cob other Hay ove sof tote poroullet ue RET D if all forces aetna same dPrection. “ke pores! pe ‘ i Hille 2) Uy fog oxe obpestite lodeke — aa pomalle ores! ly Aug : Fy — B= Goi 4 207 R= ~3oh t25f —4ok Fo = lof tof +40k Reiko R= ATR te x Re wie? 85 oe] fat ®, = coll Ao a no AL] = g0-55 ege CoS ‘| = 6UYLy" art Rem Resuuk tevce maguttde = 49720 wn ot ; Diveifoun witra Xaous = 20:65" Wht Yoo, = 64H FAs Data Gtuen 8x = Zo" 7 By= hs", oy= 2 we dave ial dSrertiored Coxtnes fool CoS By + Cosby + cos" Bg = | cofbg = 1- Ceol yt Cosby) = I ( 06’ + 0-77) =i ha4ya9 = -2a49 63 = Q) AM Loner Theoret A tf tuxee 28 Ochtng ob ob por bein coletntntind them Cosy tse tS propetfonal ete ie the angle fetweer the othe tw Uathewatically - if EEE ODE He Sha Shy SRY application: outs theoveur iz fed YB teploy Grursvent ctpvees p which me in Cquttedntum. 1) Avs 1) Gauurent- Co planar Es Pa entce pee tte Tp 3 Comment aul ie aaa Gprces one astiog ata R a 2 potnt, an to make fe potere 8 Fr equal ityriom — “The vesubkaunt of amy 2 fences wa + oud & Ste tothe at i Capt ” ome oa elton th Grower | Non Coplamoin dprces,- let F(R & A one ztoce vets ubgdiore Gnosrent oud a von Coplay’, to make Halt System B en cop h ifinore the yesubtoust veto ER Lbtee should fe Cqual te Rexo Plane Ra FtBtG =8 Heer ten eee law plane + %td body: 4, ny fody doesn qe cy. alefermation Se Hoa pewnce of tevce eesr fe.called vfafal badly Are Fy tes vial is hakng neglestl eke (to) FP called plane. rfp troy Biwi Pavrcple o Foawannset (Olt “Ta rs ackauy point ona véyid doy. ir mor clio Consider eal po achomy other por nts Rre efastion" Je Asrume ‘A hum voller Pe pusltng Withepece ont “e), Thom geet “ip pcide of bosintscty Pe = yor (Sau effed’) 13) tw \axtgnen’s Theorem bb "the cdgebate Sumo all moments Of oy umber of foes ofpoutauy porvat 8 Gual to hes moment of thei vesubrout Same por fine game plane” trample Ler F, & fave i & Rigthe yeoultout Thon {re Vorignauts Hsover “principle ts thor Rxd = Pxnthyxy there % Yad ave the pexpandlitudaw distances fom oxen ‘ol Pye | or FY tea posttion vedo & Cyn) ope Fen free | AS acting ok potar- BG tus | Prnishey Ys As = (apt + Car gol tC ar2o% Fe fit Bf4Rx Thy vertovfally the womert Veto olpout poet A Re Vet g Nabicedotornkuaunk 13ill ofues te. Wvedoy g- | ? 2 Fk H= * i GH Rey fi FF | 4 [Castor (aoa) &] 3 [eo - Goan) tk [oxy F- (yew A] =} il : pe ' 1S) hast 0%) AC. tf ec On=T = CT ump | 2? Teo of4f ¥ t Fox eT 4aof, f= -aot +10F Moment afyout ovfgin We Yxe +¥xR, Ste: ey | a v3) = F (0-0) (0-0) +k (40-40) 60 7 = 30k Yee = TU¥ 7 i: . 21 2) 2 F (0) +$(c) tk (roHW) yo 1o 0 = 60K o Hoe YRA + Y xe -gok+bok = Hok We ee pes Given dota Ms Ch +s = WP amy d tig Maguitude [fiz (C74 @ 4S" 2 ME dietion wait Xerts 6 caf 4 1H! b= wile] sty = os Pe] = cat y+ mes bg = os ee | = 1b-SC" " Mim Fa oft SF tuk | Re stuof yok Yo F+sp-sk | = APR _ H- wee | TTR ner} iF i Jase TUB | 5 4 | o 34! Se Me ae 39) - 25 Ho = (67 + yf poe a x 1) Rat Rg = T) ema = Rgxl -txty, 2 lo Roa Rao w _owcanaiog Beau, oe @ Ra g Cl Rs RetRge W G eyeo Raxa- wat) <0 Re= whats a & Re ] Grtliuer g, GyauBuaUSEESEueNNOETGs UM) Feed Ream oe i nN Ren thop* Mee wxrb Rates Ww Hire Hee Wl a Yh Expiltbnt um Grelitions fev A 1) Non concurrent ~ Coplomene Cscole ) > hy mn Conamnvent —Non Copleurow (esti) ; '¢ A shoul Sadis4y' 3” nrecesory ole > Paovded terte & e420 3 Sunatton of all tow 7 oe o e cal, fpce Wy Evzo B Cumumadion of, all oe 7 Con porate dueuld fe geo! a, EN,=0 @ swamation otal Goposeit, cheat cong PRM fee teen pig edema acs a Gane oh ners Gachont " Combai of freddy 98 daptved of the nt You Sek tas be ngs) ven ho dpoly PS Concentrated wale Corbet 16 wordy veyfered to ou and suze dewavstoned. 28. h oan ! oe cH Te ands waht one einige Conbotd is Called cantotd ans. (xx Gry athe fp), 22) Rigborougle taghe BRectonge wa, X ; aa Croesus) abl Ws) oT Che hye) uy Soothes hy Quadvaut cfrele. fae. SET : yl *G oO di Y. . aoe) og). 2)aa D_ Are moment of Reet “The Second moment aveats Colla ea onea momentot Rnentfa Tp fs = ousted by T. The woment of Rex Polonenornet” of Prenton - 4 The area moment of Prentia for an anex relative to an anfs ohh 2 perpemeltendon to the aut eee tleneuedeuedee ate aces F a = | tee te + yy (5. yore AL rventettd) FOI vows nomen of Torta "he gevond moment of mons fe Cablea mars womewl ofy Presta : vote ae plane ggoxe (2d) > Aven moment of nents dey Colts offauk Cano Hom momentof Pathe * 9 Pa WAS toe eats nome of Prete, CHK) = Kyi = Dre Sdn. 7 Ly= Sade. KY Fons uornent of, Poet. per (atrour ts cords) Q Sphere - » seeGy ¥ 1 dx = iB [see] =2y Tge HRY 2 Revadg he (n= Wisc often) 28) Parallel x8 Theorems SGt Stoty thot — Hremoment of mera ofa fouBha. ofpout cay cols fia the plane of amina f equal tote Sum ofthe Moment of frestia alouk @ porallal cenbolcl ars Fy the plone of lamfno avd the product of the. area of the Aawkna ond Spare of the 2 fetwen {wo Ones - Aearea. a eepetreeeeeed T= j Tree Dex tARY | ym aR * & fiz. 26) ren. Moment of Drentta about Cenbrotdel anes G Restaurgle a Root male bangle a . ay al ; x TL la ‘x ALG 4+ ob Fe q ; Fe bho Lex = bho ee a Te = Abs. Tye — a “3% WH hedar & ee ee ey 4 Bx =0.d obgdt Y ro M Tyo well. 2 = 7d pare wey Ly = Lay o-6is 2F aug Po.pput-Guldims Tuorent,— "The area of asuyece of veuolution fx tre. produak of the, feahe of, tua parative aud Yrs détance travelled da the Cenbietel of tra cre, fle He sorpre MH qrseed 7 Qe Haiting Fécttoo “The wondmum reertence Otfored by toe. & Nutting Peto Bets dencted bg ‘at boty Ba Fn ob Me esha th nonenal vendane P 3 | aot | 7) Laws of, optetfon a) fadeos State drftfor- ) Frttfonal pre fs aulroays aeltn the. oppatiie. Afredtn “Of the. tencly Jomove ie 2) Fefution cloernot lepend ov the shape and oreo Bee ara 3 The ftufonal depends onthe ee of vorrpunens shit cone re ee ae ** A) The tefetfonal force # Gspal to the fone cpplted to the fred. 'S0 as long ot the trodig % at west. 8) Toe Bel, tfonal. porte CFn) fears a Conslant wotiow He Rodis veattfor Nay febwenr the Hae 6) dows of Dypoudic Pifatont- ) The pectfoned terce cuts Tn He ofpatste. clivetion to the few tale fe fefeon fears a. Cavttant ‘vatfopthe iormol “reaxtion in He, 20 Sanfntes. 2 fSeut of Kfnettocrietton % bees hon the Coegfietant of sini fat Bow edae " ie cae; A ec 16a ‘ Lowe or weal kt se or trapeaot dol san Gros Sextfon, ion fev Aepting Jodds for sligotedpat- k We thon! From 485, * phen f ‘yl fa opplted, verses place Hence, reladine beste anal este ermal oy & fone. ade tos vee gtely B cad adie tos . py 2) Morte “Hinetiy j, the Study of wlfon ope wrodkag trod ty Gonstduvivg.. the extemal obo Wiha Cause the motion EM Reutleneay motfon, Cuxvilinear maotton. Pine mates baemadfeg % the Study of motfon ofa moving body. isftmd Considering Hae fortes alefile Come He motfon _Ex- Newtons Deus ) boork-eveny, Mettipel. ef. 22) Ana 9) Retltnear Motfons "he -motfon of a porttle along e sH¥yft fine FE kuamion 04 yeetfltneow CX) Shaft Lfne motion" Exe 0) A Cow wont on a Shit Yad A dail foltcy veriteally down woowrcl TD) Curvilfneae Motfor “The eee: particle along 0 Creed path $e kano of pL Eneow po Motta Str) Profettle motfon 5) Stenple Yownenic Holton. 33) Fs » auger veloc 4 shen porvtde move er ene redton youl Ie Covers equal distance fon equal. Patervalt of. tine, Hen tre velodtty: of portfcle ib Known os unig veloctey! a vdotiy. of, Sound y Welokty of eshte ale. A Lanter a.corlaation,- “UT the cxcocdruiion a ponttcle. Rg, Cuter. 4 &- Fee “ynlltrg brick whtle wri, acudanation be to 2H) Prefecttler pact “Ar ponatcle paper fo space. I oF augle ae hovzontol 4 va ref ae ko cin pat one a — pratle velodty 4 38) Aus aa Gtven data Motorist storied at vert Uxo msec accdenut foo a = Bro|sec” t= see fre vdlodty * We weak = 0+ Bet = t2 msec Se) Gtren dake. Cox Speed = [50 kmph = Goer malsec = Ot ble Curve rrad?uy = ¥ = loom time. of appltadion break {/= 3sec final vdowty = Gokenph = Ib-b4 mifeec “Tougeatted Gecdoration @- Mr4 = 1666-3299 ae 3-9 = 367% cear wr mod. cccelevatt . iy” No’ Lenoton (n)= ¥ = Ma ry Total Ov) Resuttamt axccelvation as font ay SAY Nero Secord owe ‘ ‘The vate morn bly oc Sel ret eee hope wat Pye taa Breton of foe! Se Aw Date ofiven # Mos (™) = Ke acceleoration (q) = 3xfseeY Fovce exerted by. the dhodly. (P) a mea = 4e3 F= 2N SPRAY Werk Energy Prete eae = Feral, Knekfe ela — — a : TThe {pee atte ens ly dormee I acon Atzramce , He worrdlere Ik equal to the. 7 Fniskinetic. tueey,". P= applied pyre = wow) Ss = distance Fs = bm(v%uy) m= wen. opts body us inital a Ve ffnal ve ey Holts: Guam data. Mow of he boaly = dprmatec Totol d2souce travelled = Gm mow =m Ko Tote evaneyy. = deny’ = L mxip= Sm ly 4 os qfen dota Grant sped = Qhovpm =(s) 4 W= Q2w. 2 vadivg of Cramk = 2ynm = 0-0sm- Acceloration Of Crank (al = VUs%= 0-0 x BA) a= 15-49 mfeeeY $98 Seplect fe then 0 Longe force acts fora short ported of. _ Heme, that sere fs Called Pmpubsivertorce’, Dt daunted dy “LD. Tema Meetoy quautt : i Sepaline fcelPacitg over a fine Freel fore +\ ot. 8 cleffoad ty Te [pede unde i ese Momentum? oy ig the procluc: of mors aud veloty" Te b clenoted ty M. Morniutum = Hows x Veloty ADA Gttvendeta Hon of the. hoaby (ot) = Mk by fubttol. velocity (u) = 6mbec Treat vdokty (vy) = (> mIlsee Heme Prlervel (at)= B5e% Dopabe te « j=? Bom Srapube- Vomentwr eaportton Fat = wn (v-W) Fe m(nt)_ omy Maes - Coepiteteuk of ayesttation’-( ) «The vatfo Hee tuck tthudion. whee totee Nuapathediy chgehapen Tapdhe Yy kuorones Coyptdent of YextPhutlon! Dendealby ‘é ez Tupedee cduntig, vestitetion = Vay _ 4 = VM 2 duhug dh forenation. Uy Ua Aiteir nln cule Hetfes- (um “4, o votedTg beady cleacpibes eal angles $ Snterval of Hime fe Kusion of Cusifore angular Veloce *. = oky Go| uutperm angudew arubratir- C Uae) . “Or the Veloctty avotatt ‘cays by eg encod dane taef Prkervalsof tme ) tre fody Ik safel te tre Yelaled wite wuktppren aurea actelewation® tote Ly the acaberation J& Wife evrceored ie rabatied wantfowt law ‘Labted HDMi LEnetfarob vigil ped equator Colas nucton) pe OO Cece tee het us Potted veloc in mafsec Ve frat velotty ia wtfrec t= fime cee A= aceebration My vasec” = AMitrouce tewelled fn Vite Ths #) Ve uta dy Se urs tor ce for dil Veudoas lectlevatfonenie, ) Hibbs pean Sesend Lows tone aude equi lfm prog = ee Boy wsing le Shlomperts private Eh-wase > Stee Eug- Gx= 6 36) SFn= Summation of all force Componend8 abou a! ea )! ey = “data Cl tection EMpe Rotational Moments of, Sich alrout Phe Ceudee of- getty Tp = Mars moment of Truviia alpout its | pene A8) Aus Novi Crerayy prnctplas— ( Repeated qotition)) pore denes change fh REnetfe cheney Wa AKE F.8 = deer) al shes Lonputse and Honerstu prtple _Capele womentum “equadfon Com fe cLantoed uring snewtons Gersnrd Lao - Fauwa =™ Edb= md (pct = (rad o fo Sopulie = rem t ne 4) Asi a aa Sted. ete = ty = Sredfsee ffl ee = (Bredkee tame =4sec Prnspalane acceleration = 2 Wy= wt ee a= Woh = Ke 13-5 2a ved pec” Meee £ Nikags _ONTHE STATES OF PARTICLES pet : D sh Gren dota Foxe. Ce eo ) F ose at oufle's On. =643°, 63 -0F9 € Fy = [thn Argle Oy? Cos, On + coi'by + cof, >| cay coy 2b CHB WS8s 8, = 3965" i Hoguituce of; pwc [Fl 22 Coby = FY -_ \Fl \ T= Fr /cosoy = = Cos 3965 [Fl- F = 226-01 a ene? Coun pernsants of spores aleng Fx @F5 Cos, = Fa wy Re (Fl. cosbx = FEN . fs = {Bl Cog = (20100 7 »% Potion veetor of, oCoo0) ¢ ACHED 5 ve Bg 4k; [Vl rae = ft ve qt w= aA( fits wate vest bmg 7 nal ae SH) Tues = 9ab0! (% (FagsK)) FoF j30S8F e130 3F +19 ii Guepounnts Fre [3053 9 Fy= [30530 Re [30530 2) Lote ; foe Jet cbttne the all polinks en ow Space A COUb, 0) LEAD) oy cats BF emits 0,0) 1 oy 5 ok el We m4 [ ©) 0-1, b3F] on 42 plane = Ott N Df ots, 0.910) xn plow her Teusion's along re Coples AB) Ace #0 ove Ths» Tre & Tap ° Portion Vertow s aloug AB, Re GAD Ove Nay = OUST Vac Oa Veo = OF +O-Tf- STR uit vertov8 aleug. Yond acy Xn ove We he" Ws Nas cous 2 -E (ol fous’ The = Mae = -ouct teal 2 -oustron \Kael Nearer Kip = Yao aa 0 St 0-1-1 37K arte We O84 i \f ot tog 34¥ f Thus Tuusfonal Vedors olla, oll thae 3 Copples one cle forl Tre= Taree ) Mee Te Maes foe Tae Mh © weit Veter AE = -26-94F TB woke Ende Systeme Pr etl ar ps Teme “Pe of the gto Should te- Sere - R=O= ot0FtoK x) aa ER =0) Ey =0, Sf =0 Sia >! chapments CF conpiols = 0° Fhs> Tae = Tez Te(oustio-tal] 2 TacoudT 40-9 Tac Tho = Tao ol TosHy 192K] Ge = ant = pis TaD? +0SuTA— ook Ehya0 DD Tag us Tee tol® Tp =9 a SEO > O-RTTA HOS4Ty — MAF = 0) ER=0 2 08> Ty 20 2 Te 3 fo DCD exprodions Tage 0uTAC = 8 Tao =P ee ferent? “nae ha shoal beopplied Rothe oppo dire on. ®) Fromihe show forte feustontrrte rope, ragfet- webglt of the: e- fh Free bedly dlagrom ee ae arg & Y fe be Ce TE Lek Tension in vepis Tee p oO) Resolve the ye Couponeut ot B To make dre euttre RAR Xai eqn BGrine SH, =0- = Te Sin Zo xh: IE COIS we -WUWAMDAF [ieee t+ Tccorso xs Sings =f 2s Hastae. Cstvso-cosso) = The = p PxaKktasso 4 3500 XB- ISK (e350 ceeree ei tices Wasx(s nso-Grsr) The = 6) 0% lan Di Fee boty. Ragin A Kote the tretgnr af, the plangle thoy fanen = [200mm Soom (St From Lames Treovens sink Sink Ste Tre = WxStnd _ (569% Pn 13at =[L BAIN Sent Sinere9 Tye = SHE gy 28-58 ayy. ast ofS Magetieds = (Ro. (eyaeGer = 2SeN: = Coa! aa a Coit one | Ae ee ay soe bs Did- Gir dota paccl Fie 601-309 + 20k Fe = 201 tof tio R = cist tasv+ek o a vest R = (ST +usf tuck Tele (GaSe = Besa ar Re gi(6S | co fae bx = co 7 ales] Aat me os [B= eter] oe 65 = calf Re] = cot a] 63-16 bet veoutfon tence. on the Gall at pot Ble ‘Ry. ‘em Dh Ao aR Ri2 0 Cos 8 Ends 26 a b= coi! eal = F052 For wallntiva fre fall equblrfiven Couditfen vse Lows Thooran- fre Re Stand Sing sthy (Fnsiontr Tie = 2 x Snel = yeexstnfe = 42dr Abn Coble AE) Sto S¥n [09-4 ie @ Reatfon foe ok Patera Ry = nee Stn¥ y= Lyon xsin (60S _ Lal Hint aes Sin Ort 0 6 * 2 3 i Let yeeudfons at petals 1,213)415)6 eg One Ry Re. Re, Ra Rs & Re ‘Sespetively BE =loum Pet Gostdor of Binlewa) AACE te spo . KPae90-6> co & Corbye Wefaaye > 0 Fate “stow fom A nEC n See Cos6, = 10 = FHA SISIFY ele re Thos ost ‘ x cfer ) 8 LeuudsTheovers { Ri Re Wy yy, Shrieéi SPB Sino 48 xfs) farnon Ro # R= loo xsmBe! __geaeey actual ection 26 F 16 Xe- ain z ~~ 64-04 Ro = lov x Sing e-69) a Re ae eae Ee He ete Hore —ve! Valu Rrditabe te Yeoutfors Supposed the foken in es ae ‘ tee on cfindor “@ Yue some Yeoutfon cfpece Ry ale yam odd w fo “weutons 24 Lous! Z=0 3 Rye — i ae Ry ciel as RAAT VEO Row Werth StH Ft We Rea lov SaGaKstn HA SEIT Rs = penn = Re Note — ete; RyeRy 5 Re = Re os the efit olistiigution &s tc Giver Dota Loot Ggbere A= oem a at Ce = 300m Aye dite. te oa “KE Yee ate =1Gom, SE Letcoristdler sphere’ Bie ii tee . By = 10-8 = 34-4) Res ha xtin Bry, eee To make He Splare. Fn eli Gofiom Gndtttor Ett=o, Evo Ro : iE Rucrsost ® - Sigm. <= El D> Rg Ry corse Sea aT ae 7 VPacinss Se EVD Ry —he-Rgingsy=o Rug — LetConsielew Becky 4 sphere Eveo > — Rusinsv-se=W, Ry = Pa sy. gan Stass-se Elam R, = RyCIss: Se = &ruAtN Som CGO) Ry = Ry lorense = B22IAN Avs. Ry = wy tRy Sense se = ISSTTN toy. yor 7 Ro w Sino « 420-64) StrAroxree) Shot) = WSing 9, RB SIIB SICH) Si Grp) \P b> 76 wwe Vito oe we hoon we Loumuds theo By veg a 6, = Taal( 4k) = 3349 e on) = 65, = Tual(Sfb) = 39 Sin(I¥o-b.) . — Stn( 180-61) Staite) jc wshnbe : P. Oe QHTOTP py, Eee SfwlOyt62) G= w SiO) 9 3).4lN A ——_ = 7 Seba) Wsd- fle down octfrg ot AC 2146) Fp = 200n acting ot 6435) Fg= AON obkieg of c(-érus pestiion vestov's % = aPaZtOR 3 Male (SHE =649 Yee HI +SK , |%Gl = 6-40 Re Gi -ug-NK (%I= 246 ewe unit Vertors bong Yay Ya We ore. mw % Me Me Ma = 2 (Fi +6) orvtgn(0)912) — lal ree We = oh, (ar 2f-sk fe | oF isk) Hc ee el (teu a i $36 ) ra s a + x 104 qt a = RTA G+ RE (Sb tek 2. 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Se et eee eee . t ma DEH=O D> Sone so — WoGws--Rey a0 Rex = GCS $0 250 Costes bo =_PS6.9eN Wy Evo Wy eee Ray - Seostnz0 -300 ~Asestngs4 Rey 20 Reg 4 Ray = Sov Sth2042004-9508 4s Ray + Rey = 6aGHFBW ii aos Ny Emy 20 ~Sevsbysox3 ~2odx 6 -2 SosTnusxg + Rey x10 =o Roy = SS 6-yr0 ae" D> Ray = Ry = 990-3F 0 ZdSA- hk veplace the mprce lobwinto pwce aud ex Coupee potat ‘l Sots weds | ote AR Te 3D C1 1% (Ra) bog Ell=o > ve —force Components a v=0 > & — 20-10-42, =0 a RatRy> 4o WO > -toxb — S0K8 —20 ~ 10 +RAXI2 =O Ra = 15 fe ( v [sPsinge Ettzo => Qa —tovces20 1S0Co130 <0 Bay = (oo +15 Nearo = P5030 = Eve > (Ra), + 1So08F30~ lovstn3o apo (Ray =-S0sinz04260 wes tcp *eytrect ol eredabe) = [Roa (Ry (RY” a Ref S967” = Steen 2 “(Ge = 3eay" ee aus ex | Bs-9y EM} = —lOVStnz0x 4 + tgortoxe — 2O0KID = - 2epf¢ 10392 —b00 = PSVZE tor, FbSN: ie puis Petey ge = A+ Ry =o BpeRe v0 Ev=d ie Ry, = 800046000 = Fenny EMA =o Rex F— BOWAS —Loroxis =o Re = 21ydod~ Be Rye By v0 ol Dei Preetody dbegromt- pose won |= oe oe Zio Stee ee \ (yf Elzo 2 (®), _ [Solos =d Re = (s0xGrbe = 450 &) Ix, V=O = Qy + Roe Go +15 0Sinbo yo = RFT W) Engeo = 229-90 = ox) — s i ox} —box2 Lo +(®) Ke _ | SoSivkox#=0 Re = QQnr snl pen ey (ey + SEE Lob Ths Ba) ini he Ste. obfvedtfon ane oe (he webgit 24 Crate Combe: ~eplaced of ‘a’ alto)) ceo ave re Components. 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