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India is a country with an ancient clothing design tradition, yet an emerging fashion industry. Style
statements of Indians now have changed a lot, Fashion plays an increasingly important role in an
individuals life because it is considered as a means of self-expression. The western culture is
cultivating a grand love affair with the distinctive fashion style in India. Along with Indian music and
spirituality, Indian clothing is seeing a huge impact on main stream identities of western style and
culture. The main intention of this essay is to demonstrate how this emerging trend relates to the
changing face of Indian fashion. The global scenario in the economic perspective is yet another
influence that has altered Indian fashion. International brands entering the Indian market and
selling at economical prices is improving the growth of brand awareness in India in a big way. Thus
we see how fashion for women in India has changed over the decades. Not only India, but the
whole world has witnessed changes in fashion statements for both men and women. Dressing is
emanated as that powerful tool which gives the first and foremost impression about ones
personality. In the race of fashions, girls have not lagged behind. Rather they have gone a step
ahead of the boys. They wear sack shirts and trousers. Their hair-styles give them an untidy and
shabby look. Blindly they indulge in the foot-steps of the film actresses. By the turn of the 21st
century, both Western and Indian clothing had intermingled creating a unique style of clothing for
the typical urban Indian population. Women started wearing more comfortable clothing and
exposure to international fashion led to a fusion of western and Indian styles of clothing. Women's
clothing in India nowadays consist of both formal and casual wear such as gowns, pants, shirts
and tops. Traditional Indian clothing such as the kurti have been combined with jeans to form part
of casual attire. Fashion changes very quickly, so the current trend will change soon,
but it might always have an Indian taste, though the west is really influencing the
Indian fashion trend these days.

Clothing in India varies depending on the different ethnicity, geography, climate and cultural
traditions of the people of each region of India. Historically, male and female clothing has evolved
from simple Langotas, and loincloths to cover the body to elaborate costumes not only used in
daily wear but also on festive occasions as well as rituals and dance performances. In urban
areas, western clothing is common and uniformly worn by people of all social levels. India also has
a great diversity in terms of weaves, fibers, colours and material of clothing. Colour codes are
followed in clothing based on the religion and ritual concerned. The cotton industry in ancient India
was well developed, and several of the methods survive until today. Herodotus, an
ancient Greek historian described Indian cotton as "a wool exceeding in beauty and goodness that
of sheep".Indian textiles were traded from ancient times with China, Southeast Asia and
the Roman Empire. India is a country with an ancient clothing design tradition, yet an
emerging fashion industry. Though a handful of designers existed prior to the 1980s, the late 80s
and the 1990s saw a spurt of growth. This was the result of increasing exposure to global fashion
and the economic boom after the economic liberalisation of the Indian economy in 1990. The
following decades firmly established fashion as an industry, across India. The young have always
been enthused and led by fashion trends. For the elite, it is matter of status, while for
thecommon man, it become a cause of desperation. In order to stand up to the status quo, the
youth from ordinary families end up swayed. Instead of education and profession, their energy,
concentration and expenditure is channelized into false appearance. They lose out on the prime
time of their lives in attempting to follow trends and doing nothing constructive. With
a compulsive urge to be trendy, youth also end up in enterprises making easy money. They are
attracted to corruption and other criminal tendencies. Thus, fashion and lust to possess creates an
anti-social environment.

Changing in fashion trends

Indian fashion has transformed through the years, harnessing both the traditional
and cosmopolitan look. As the many new trends develop in India, there is no doubt
that its fashion will change with it.

Fashion refers to the manner of doing something. Fashion also denotes style, a dress and
hair and dealings with others. Among students, the word primarily conveys the sense with
regard to dress and hair styles.
Today, India is not a country like it was in the 50s and 60s when it comes to fashion. This
developing country has experienced a lot of changes over the last few decades.
Today, Indian women wear lots of kinds of dresses unlike before. Earlier, they had limited
options if we compare it with todays collections. But things did not change overnight. Many
factors were involved for the changes. Today, every month we see a new trend in India as
there are too many designers, models, and fashion stores in India now. Another big factor is
that now the purchasing power of the middle class family is pretty good. This article talks
about how the fashion tradition changed in India over the years.
To see the differences, we are looking back to the 50s. Then India has very little fashion
industry. Unlike today, designers, models were not abundant. All Indian women focused on
the quality of the fabric not on the manufacturer as there were very few manufacturers
60s: In 60s, Indian women were more fashionable than the 50s. They used to wear tight
Kurtas, chudidars, etc. in the 60s.
70s: We have seen a lot of changes in Indian fashion in 70s. Indian people started using
bold colors and bell-bottoms as they looked very gorgeous. Bollywood superstars like
Amitabh Bachchan and Rajesh Khanna made bell-bottoms very popular then. And at the
end of 70s, we have seen disco culture in Indian fashion. Surely, 70s was a great time for
80s: This timeframe was also very important when it comes to the changes of Indian
fashion trend over the years. During the 80s, we have seen new fashion stores in Mumbai.
It was the beginning of a new era of Indian fashion.
90s: Surely, India witnessed the most changes in the 90s. Lots of models, fashion
designers, and fashion stores were launched during that time. Garments were very
affordable in the 90s. It was the time when India got global recognition for its work.

Global Scenario

The existing gush of economic growth in India has had a major impact on the changes in
fashion. The awareness and purchasing power of the middle class has resulted in a sudden
boom. The influx of the IT industry has brought a rapid change in work and culture. There is
a striking need for comfortable clothing during the long working hours that have led to a
change in the overall demand for office wear (which includes casual clothing as well).
Evolving work standards and patterns increases the scope of varied fashion in the country.
The global scenario in the economic perspective is yet another influence that has altered
Indian fashion. International brands entering the Indian market and selling at economical
prices is improving the growth of brand awareness in India in a big way.
Similar to international fashion destinations like Paris and Milan, Indias two big fashion
house gatherings, Lakme India Fashion Week, and Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week,
host the fashion week that occurs twice a year. It acts as great platform for new designers
and provides interested buyers from across the globe to make unique purchases. This
influence has marked India on the international fashion map.
The Indian change in attire has also managed to target the clothing for plus sized where
the demand is remarkable. The market for plus sized is gaining importance and the
demand is growing day by day. This could be possibly the off-shoot from changes in diet
too, possibly more akin to the West in some ways such as more burger bars, pizza houses
and eateries opening. The variety in the wardrobe rises swiftly from this increasing
urbanisation. The country today is witnessing a rapid growth in many sectors thus bringing
in the need to dress well and appear presentab

Style statements of Indians now have changed a lot, Indians wearing sarees and salwar
kameez have changed. Now the look has become much more metro. Indian fashion
designers have come up with many innovative designs in Indian clothes. Now days
designers are taking break from usual design of jewel studded lehengas and tops. They are
coming up with creative designs with khadi or ethnic Indian silk.

Evolution of Indian costumes

Evolution of Indian costumes involves the gradual but firm transition from traditional styles
of clothing to contemporary fashion, inspired by Western styles of attires and modern
trends communicated through various forums in the country. Innumerable variations can be
observed in Indian costumes, with the Indian clothing varying between different portions of
India according to the region, climate and culture of certain states, villages or districts of the
nation. The multiple kinds of Indian dresses have been born in the ancient ages, dating
back to Indus Valley Civilisation.
Various kinds of weaving processes were used in India,
most of which have survived till date. Some of the
renowned weaving styles were the 'kasika vastra'
of Varanasi, 'Jamdani', 'butidar' and 'Ilkal saree'. Persian
designs were adopted by Indian clothing which involved
brocades of silk interwoven with silver and golden threads.
Paisley and 'latifa buti' are instances of Mughal influence
in Indian costumes. Kalamkari and resist dyeing were
popular techniques with which Indian garments were embellished in olden days. Kashmiri
shawls, including Pashmina and Shahtoosh were in high demand throughout Indian
history. Woollen textiles used to be worn ever since the age of the Vedas. Kashmiri shawls
known as 'Jamovar' and 'Kanika Jamovar', which utilized coloured threads called 'kani'
were quite favourable. Printed calicos, muslins, chintz and patterned silk manufactured in
India were immensely popular in English markets. Khadi and Khadi products were used all
over India, especially during the Swadeshi movement following the Partition of Bengal.

Dhotis form a standard Indian costume, which have

by Indian men since ancient times. Turbans were
accompany these dhotis which usually covered the
were tucked to the waist, after passing it between
Though dhotis are seldom used as modern Indian
still rule several fashion ramps and design houses.
and salwar kameez were introduced in the country,
the Mughals, though these costumes were believed
influenced by Persian fashion. Salwars are basically
trousers, which possess a wide variety of stitching
patterns and colours. These dresses complimented
tunics called kameez which evolved into various
fashionable, contemporary garments of India.
Contemporary Indian costumes involve shirts,
sherwanis, kurta-pyjamas, tees, sarees, salwar
'lehengas' or 'ghaghara cholis', fancy tops and
other types of attires. Indian costumes are
attractive and differ according to the region,
traditions and numerous types of local festive
occasions. Today globalization has influenced
majority of Indian costumes, which have donned
appearance, texture and attitude. Western trends
different Indian outfits like salwar kameez,
kurta-pyjama, dhoti, lungi, sherwani,
several other types of indigenous costumes of the country.

been worn
utilized to
legs and
the legs.
attire, they
possibly by
to be
the long
types of
trousers, jeans,
or social
the style of a
a cosmopolitan
are visible in
headgear and

Fashion in India, a land rich in culture and tradition, has evolved through the centuries. This
country, rich in culture represents a kaleidoscope of changing trends and traditions. Here,
clothes perform different functions depending on the occasion.
Fashion and identity are inseparable companions. Fashion with all its symbolism and attributes
form an outstanding base for personal and cultural identification. Identity is a necessary
process of a healthy personality as it is a part of self-realization of a person that is so much
required for finding a place in life of every person. Fashion has become a tool for achieving
harmony with the inner world and a way of revealing or concealing peculiarities. Fashion
possesses a specific meaning and the more diverse is the society around us the more fashiontrend will appear and surprise us. As long as it does not hurt people around fashion symbols
are acceptable, nevertheless while thinking about fashion and identity it is necessary to
remember the ethical side of the issue. Fashion and identity through it still remains a twofold
issue but there are a lot of positive aspects one can enjoy and share with other people.


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