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Rhea Mae O. Chaves, R.N.



1. A client who is 34 weeks pregnant has just been admitted to the labor room in the first
stage of labor. Which of the following clinical manifestations would be considered
abnormal and would be reported to the physician immediately?
A. Expulsion of a blood- tinged mucous plug
B. Continuous contraction of 2 minutes duration
C. Feeling of pressure on perineum causing her to bear down
D. Expulsion of clear fluid from the vagina

2. An eclamptic client has been receiving magnesium sulfate IM every 4 hours. What
symptom would indicate that the next dose can be administered?
A. Absence of deep tendon reflexes
B. A respiratory rate of 16 per minute
C. Urine output of 50 ml over the last 4 hours
D. Complaints of being thirsty

3. A client, 18 weeks pregnant, is concerned because she had a fever and rash about 2 ½
weeks ago. The nurse’s best response is
A. “It’s best to talk with the physician about that.”
B. “It’s unlikely the fetus would have been affected as the first trimester is the most
important time.”
C. “What do you think the problems are with that?”
D. “Are you thinking you may have to terminate the pregnancy?

4. Which of the following garments worn by s pregnant woman would necessitate a special
nursing intervention?
A. Garter belt with nylon stockings
B. Support panty hose
C. Woolen athletic socks
D. Knee-high nylon sockettes

5. A client in her 36th week of pregnancy is admitted to the maternity unit in an effort to
control the further development of eclampsia. She is assigned to a private room. The best
rationale for this room assignment is that
A. The client is financially able to afford it.
B. The client would be disturbed if placed in a room where another mother was in
active labor.
C. A quiet, darkened room is important to reduce external stimuli.
D. A rigid regimen is an important aspect of eclamptic care.

6. Instructing the client about her nutritional needs during pregnancy, the nurse tells her that
she will have an increased need for
A. Potassium
B. Fat
C. High-carbohydrate foods
D. Iron

7. In the delivery room, a client has just delivered a healthy 7- pound baby boy. The
physician instructs the nurse to suction the baby. The procedure the nurse would use is to
A. Suction the nose first.
B. Suction the mouth first.
C. Suction neither the nose nor the mouth until the physician gives further
D. Turn the baby on his side so mucus will drain out before suctioning.

8. While assessing a postpartum client, the nurse observes signs and symptoms of infection.
A specific clinical manifestation of infection would be
A. Dark red lochia
B. Bradycardia
C. Discomfort and tenderness of the abdomen
D. Generalized edema

9. A primigravida, age 36, delivered an 8 lb 6 oz. baby girl by cesarean section. Which one
of the following nursing actions would NOT be included in the client’s immediate post-
operative care?
A. Taking vital signs q15 min for 2-3 hours
B. Checking lochia for amount and color q15min for 2-3 hours
C. Assisting the client to turn, cough, and deep breathe
D. Offering oral fluids q15min for 2-3 hours

10. A new mother is concerned because her physician said that her baby had jaundice. The
nurse understands that jaundice is a/ an
A. Normal condition that appears at 2-3 days of life.
B. Normal condition that appears 8-24 hours after birth.
C. Abnormal condition that appears within the first 24 hours of life.
D. Abnormal condition that appears at 2-3 days of life.

1. B – A uterus that is contracted for more than 1 full minute is a sign of tetany, which could
lead to uterine rupture. This symptom must be reported to the physician immediately so
interventions can be initiated.

2. B- The respiratory rate must be maintained at a rate of at least 12 per minute as a

precaution against excessive depression of impulses at the myoneural junction

3. C- Although the first trimester is the danger period with German measles, the nurse
should first ascertain the client’s concerns before she gives any direction
4. D- These stockings are held up by elastic bands around the leg may cause constriction of
blood vessels. Frequently women are more susceptible to varicose veins, and this would
aggravate the problem.
5. C- An important aspect of the treatment of pre-eclampsia is absolute quiet, and only a
private room could accomplish this objective
6. D- During pregnancy , there is an increased need for iron, calories, protein, calcium, and
other minerals and vitamins
7. B- It is important to suction the mouth first. If the nose were to be suctioned first,
stimulation of the delicate receptors in the nose could cause the infant to aspirate mucus
from the mouth
8. C- The major symptom of infection would be rapid pulse, foul-smelling lochia or
discharge, and discomfort and tenderness of the abdomen
9. D- Oral fluids are usually withheld after surgery, until normal conscious levels are
reached and bowel sounds are heard. Giving oral fluids before normal consciousness
returns can lead to vomiting and aspiration
10. A- Jaundice (icterus neonatorum) is a normal newborn condition that appears 48-72 hours
after birth and begins to subside on the 6th-7th day. This condition is caused by the
breakdown of excess fetal red blood cells after birth.

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