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ERMEDLATE Table of contents Kitty, Katie, Betty Wooabulary Grammar Adjectives Musthave to ‘bseribing places Compound “The seucture ~ aijecves to there should bo ‘ascribe people ‘Sropping adiction Numerals Pains ‘Aéjectves Plt requests cescrbing people ‘Sounds Strctures ~ there ivare Iioms with colours Theatre world ‘The Wizard of Oz Vocabulary Grammar Rules in the street No vosing Sounds from Use of imperative ature when giving instructions Phobias Modal verbs: must expressing rules when recyeling Recycling ‘Communication Giving instructions Following Inetructions Greeting people Giving explanations Communication Expressing wishes For and against Famiyftrionds ‘Compare and contrast Giving instructions — ow to make an object Writing about an event Finish a story Paragraph writing Table fing Desribing a trick CChristmas/Valentine! birthday cards| ‘writing a recipe Par of a play Writing Describing people and animals Describing objects ~ household appliances Dialogue writing ‘Ad writing Robinson's Long Journey into Piraoy Vocabulary Grammer Communication Writing Activities in cold’ irregular plurals Advantages! Write an entry hot places disadvantages of | to.a diary, a bk living on a desert island Health problems; Purpose Clauses Giving instuctons~ Wit the men Books tuse something fo, how tobuidatree the day ‘make something to house, ara, asheter ‘Sea dangers Write a note of apology Navonaitios <5 White a postcard from Rik A Abbreviations E ite an interview Pirate's equipment (SES) we attr of Special dogs application Means of transport ‘Text a message ‘on the cellphone eB Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ‘Vocabulary Grammar Communication Writing Magical world Comparison of Expressing Describing a place agjectves — short, opinions (Wonderland) ong, regular, ircegular Food idioms The structure Expressing mood Describing a fantastic with food cucat..cualét (scared, happy...) dream Proverbs with The structure ~ ing instructions Describing physical food din ce ince mai (laying the table) appearance (ater linking 2 potion) Fru, vegetables, The stucture- Likingldistking ‘Tea party invitation dfnks, meat & ‘The days of the ‘Asking he way, giving Holiday/echool poem week i instructions fox the right drecton Puns! homophones KITTY, KATIE, BETTY 2 = allhave fiends. Think about your best fiend, Write some qualities that make him! Se special. Two are done for you: reliable a good friend 7 rose six words from the ones you have mentioned and write @ short text about your = 23 beginning wath: My fends fs F>ends and tiendship are se ‘ecome your best friends. One 1s matters. Be ready to meet two nice persons that can them is WITTY KITTY WITTY KITTY, @ gi of your age, is the most popular gin ul made # delicious omelette. Kity’s project ‘was a success though. ‘The next day she showed up with her task fully aocomplished. She explained what she had done to her teacher and her curious clasemates: “Pieoe of cakel | have ettached « small parachute fo the cotton costed box where | hed the ag. Than | roped fom he rt flor. The fg ded xe and sound on ‘Write about the task and how a ‘2 she volunteered fo organize a charity fie in her school. It wae en enjoysbie and ‘xey way for the pupils to shop for oignel presents at a vary good p "eer fiende," Kity addressed her schoolmates, "bring fo achool any obj ‘ean spare. Bomebody's garbage can be comeone eloe's treasure, as you ‘nd che wes right. The school hal, where the objects had been displayed, Auth lene eager fo buy thameave procnt. When Ky counted th money the fed ofthe day, che was more than heppy to eee that some poor famliee were gong to hhwve an unforgettable Christmas. (Have you been involved in fund raising activity? It so, share this experience in wring. not, describe how you would organise such an event ‘©xe moming, while coming to schoo, Kitty happened fo notice an old man pushing # cart pled up with cardboard boxes. He was taking them to the reoyele centre to collect the few pennies they paid for the paper. The man looked like he had seen beHter days, £0 {Ktty wanted to be of some help. She asked him: “Is there something Ioan do for you? ‘The man was surprised fo 800 thet the gil wae addressing hrm. "I ean manage all ight. ‘hanks for the kind offer." 1nd Kilty found out that the man had fought in Vietnam and had war. Years passed, he retired and eventually found en ocoupation: ‘way of making extra money. ops me busy and | have the chance fo talk fo people. | have no family of my own {et really lonely sometimes." explained the man. "Ws a pity fo waste yourslf ke thi. | have an idea. | am going to organize a survival camp this eummer. Be my guest and feech my schoolmates fechriques to survive. ‘They are going fo be thled,” Witty Kitty convinoed him by using witty words. 1¥ goes without seying that the man sooepted the offer end joined the students on the school camp. You are on a camp in the mountains. A guests there to teach you diferent new things. What would you like to learn? Kitly ie ole at doing things that only professionel adults oan do. She feels «+ ease when driving a oar a full speed or fying a plane of small danensions. ° ‘Also combining herbs to get miraculous potions that meke all the pains go away ie one ‘ther specialities. ‘Aid | haven't fold you everything ebout her yet! ‘Sie eurprises everybody with her imagination. pupils hed fo make thelr costumes for « theme party. Witty Kitty came up liant solution for both boys and girls. ‘old-fashioned olothes into feshionable ones! We oan do this by attaching apeolae You will hve @ brand new look." r ‘ile that can be applied to diferent pars of your jackets 1d « go onthe spot and wer in for a big suprise. How diferent ‘ir clothes were with & peplum! Gils and boys 11Be your own til ataching somethir — 3 dressmaker! Draw an old piece of clothing. Improve its aspect by ‘Hy wouldn't be so witty if she did't like going fo echool where she has a fevourite ‘teacher, Kind Katie. 1 What is her teacher 2 Think of her name, Write a few adjectives to describe her: In my opinion, Kind Katie is Let's find out more about Kind Katie. ite Kid Katie fe easy-going and friendly: che always smiles and has @ good word for the idren thet che respects and understonde, ‘Tobetter understand the special lationship ‘she has with them, here isthe greeting her students weloome her with when she entore You say HELLO to somebody you know well or doing Kale loves listening fo olageical musio: her cat fs named Mozart, affer her favourite ‘When the students came fo visit Ketis one day they went ke: had e room padded with thoueande of books and CD-. Katie's efudents stared laughing: f must have sounded very odd fo them. 2 ae fp Sk "Oh, teacher, you know that we have eooees to en elecironio reed ‘sayy to cary plenty of books with you end read at leisure whenev "Technology on our side then,” Katie answered since he was fa inventions and was alreedy thinking of buying en eleotronio book Ido you oolect objects? There are plenty of things you can collect: napkins, cars, = {ganes, stamps, ete. Thoy are called collectibles. Real collectors swap, exchange and keep in touch. Do you have fiends who coliect he sane things as you? Do you swap to complete your collection? I so, give an example, ‘What about books? Do you have favourte collections (of Books? What are the files? re some pars of a book: the front cover, the back cover, the text block, the tal, the fe them on the book. Did You Know? ‘A hardback (hardcover) s a book with a cover made of cardboard 'A paperback is a book with a cover made of thin carg Which cover do you prefer? Why? ‘After you open the book, you tum the pages and shows you what the book contains. In English books beginning, You start zeading the story and you can't stop unt you finish i; that book is called a page-turner. In case you ae curious to see what the book's about betorereacing it, go directly tothe ‘a short commentary onthe back cover. If you Ike, read it you dont, find anot Ketie's hobby, among others is gardaning. She hes green fing thing she touches urns fo green: plante thrive and Rowers blossom under her magio fouch. 2 Colour Idioms CAFiin with one ofthe colours: red, blue, green, red 1 You are 2 good gardener; YoU have wn fingers. 2. When you go in town and have lots of fun, you paint the town -3.The police convicted him for stealing the car, they saw him doin : handed, 4 He visits his American trends vary raraly; in fact he visits them once in a ‘moon. ‘caught him Kd Katio has a nice @ garden which she takes good oare of: her garden is a pieoe of Heaven; birds cng in tre thankful forthe orursbe of bread thet are placed every day inthe gracs. The grass is moun ond trimmed weekly by Ketie's younger brother, Tom. He e@ good lad of about twenty. They get on well and Katie's brother is ekvays there ip her. re © family and families never part," is theie motto in lie. Kie joined the bird-watching association in Scotland. Fora small fee that helps preserve ‘he birds, you got © special card every month. The card hes « bird on if, each month a dliferent kind, and when you open i you hear that partiulr bird chirping, Kind Katia appreciates simple things inf, things that realy make our life more beautiful. ‘She tesches thie philosophy fo her children. "Look around you and always see the bright side of things.” (One day che invites her pupils fo have e small party. When the chiklren enter the house ‘thay are surprised fo see thai Kind Kee hasn't thrown away their hand-made cards sant to her on different ovoations. “Oh, teacher, look how they are hanging on that piece of sting” the chidren say excitedly. “They do indeed. They were 60 many and {thought why not put them on display? ¥ did ‘the same with your Easter cards lect yea.” Ketie added. 1 Take a tour of Katie's gresting card gallery. Write a few lines to go with each greeting ‘card. Address them to people you lke on the diferent occasions mentioned on the cards “Then colour them. {you wil,” answers Katie “and this will make you Cheese Cake Fane since you tke Ht 20 much." "We can start a blog and convince others 40 join the Cheese Club,” saye Witty Kity who ahways makes funny remarks. Write the recipe of your favourite cake. 7 Youare pole. Yourake polite ofersandinvitations. Use the structures and we fullsentences. ‘Would you ike me to + verb ‘Would you Tike some = noun Lets + verb paling a serious foo. ir mums on Mother's Dey. have some precious beads | bough in Germany. You have fo use your imegination ‘and put them on & piece of si ind Katie ight. On the ta living room there are lots of raneparant plato ile bags full of colourful beeds. The children run towards the table and fake a sect. Thoy al start making neckiaces combining siver beade with glass and stone beade. What comes ‘ut of thei hand fs quite « masterpiece: iti unique and emazing at the same time In half an hour, each pat of hands hes completed and euocessfuly managed te make ‘magial bright piece of jewelery that wil moke any mum proud fo wear eround her neck. Before leaving Katie's house, whore fime fies inctead of pesting, the children take Photos with the handmade neoklaoee aro raw yourself & ath ic thesia goer. She never misses a pay atthe local theatre not fr from her home 1D Ba you ever goto the theatre? Fropie rarely go io the theatre nowadays, They prefer the oiner ‘erence between a play and a fm? 1 Hare are some words connected tothe theatra world: performance, audlence, props. aisle, seats, to book a seat, drect, director, directions, ticket, cashler, stage, ‘Chose and then fil inthe gaps withthe right words: 1. Before going to tho theatre, make Sure YOU wn 2.1 want to buy a... How much isi? '8.The actors were playing on the ea 4.The Were cheering after the play had finished, Kind Ketie kee theatre eo much that she brings i into her children’s fives. Qhe organizee ® Drama Festival every yeer. The Drama Festival is an oocation for all the children in oe. ist that you heve fo discover." Kete enoourages her [And the children become stare elongelde her. 1 Wie a few lines as part ofa play, jeacher lived happily ever Bad Betty lives ne Beware, children! Bad Betty takes the stage. Bad Betty Is really mean and youl find out more i you read on, 7 BAD BETTY Js you walk elong Baker Steet, you notios a gloomy house currounded by dark walle, Tou can barely 6 the walls because of the [uch vegetation on them. \iot even the bieds dare sing in this house. You may wonder who ives there: the plate anging ebove the doorbell says: Elizabeth Badnorski. We her house, a place where you are never welcomed and invited. Those who caw its inside and lived to tel the fle, were impresged by the creaking sound ofthe fore, the bare welle and the scarce furifure. The basement is the perfect place fo rep the children who dere frespass on her property. ‘1 Underne the acfectves inthe tex that lustrate what Betty's house i ike: dark, gloomy, et 1 Enter Bad Betty's house. What can you see? Describe in a few words this horrible place. Think of the creaking floors in her bedroom, the untidy kitchen, the broken window the bad smell, bugs that are everywhere. 1 Try to make it a better place. Improve the aspect of both the garden andthe inside of = house. Start your sentences with: There should be . S 1. There should be flowers in her garden. 2 nhe red hair, lots of wrinkles and a chade of ‘@ moustache right above her upper lip. Luckily for her she always wears okie otherwise you would say she ia 8 be. ‘he is a relly fough person. ‘She never emilee or laughs, che has 2 cheeey grin beonue che has a reputation 40 otiok to, that of an unkind lay. ‘She ie moody, easy upset. When angry. she shouts and bange he ton the fable. Betty Ie aloo kind of lazy, ahuaye giving ‘asking them poli do thi, you do ‘She cares only about herself, she is sesh and eggressive.. In short, Bey ic the type of company no one wil ever dretm of spending fime with. (1 Underine the words that tell you what Baty is realy ike. Write down the adjectives that describe her and find the opposite. You have two columns to help you do this. road shouldered ‘narrow shouldered ‘selfish unselish Loneliness hee fumed her into grumpy old lady who can't understand children because she has never had any of her own. You'l witness some stupid things she ie going to do and then you'l be able to judge her for her awful deeds. Bad Betty is loo very mean. She keeps the maney for rainy daye (et least, she pretends) in the attic of her house, placed in @ pot covered in cobwebs. among many other pote. She hae thought ebout it very carefully. fmagine hunter eferte locking for her money. He wil get fied éryng to find the ‘he empty pote. I's a precaution she fakes in order 4 diecourage people who might be curious enough to get their nose info her business. She wants everyone to ballove that money is @ ratty in her Me and others have fo give 4 to her and not the other way round. Charity is a word thet doesn't exist in her vocsbulary. To out the long story short, she is ¢ faker, not a giver. Not even Betty ‘owe how much money she possesses. “Money fe to keap, not 4o spend.” ie her slogan in Ife. Spot the Pot Would you ke to go hunting to discover which pot is full of money? Enter Bety’s atic, {guided by an expert in treasure hunting (you are carrying a walkie-talkie with you). Folow the Instructions and tick the right pot says: You have infront 3 the first pot SEGGIB. (es pots, Listen careful iit has got tbe ber vetty atc, ‘low rotuly nas got People can suffer trom different addictions. Somebody who likes shopping a lot and ‘Dy things even I that person doesn't need them is called a SHOPAHOLIC. it’s your turn to guess the right wore: ‘Aperson vino loves chocoiate is called ‘person who loves workis called. thing that is edible from every stl, any kind of fut or vaget peeling. She eats them until che has had enough. “‘Ypmmont Let me taste thie,” Betty addresses one of the women behind fhe counter. ‘od after heving a few bites, she goee away mumbling unsatisfied: |“ “Your products aren't worth the money, you're charging foo much!” vie somanes goshoosing witout baying anting. W's cals window-ehopping. “ean also go: mate king, sub ving wind suring, snowboarding, Thin aout nat you to wl porting ese acts Shops ree do you buy hese routs? 4, You by rie and coe at he aoe’ 2 ou buy brea at ha 6. You buy moa at 4, You buy vegetable 5. You buy dairies fo hereelt. She stalls along rady fo make thie fough decision: fo kis a few pennies goodbye in exchange tle yelow object that has become @ necessity inh ly gota home and starts doing the washing up: a hugs be recoued from the dity sink. After suoossafully accomplishing thie household 1, she hange the euper messy sponge above the cooker to dry. BeHy's plans for that day ere quite etirecive: che ic going fo eee come of her finde ei her house for Betty is all of « sudden so kind io invite someone over? gifts che may get. "im looking forward to unwrapping the presents. 1 hope my fiends love me a fot and they won't thik twice before spending money on me." ‘She prepares a stew (a sort of mes! consising of tomato sauce with plenty of maot ‘and lots of spices). Her mind being comewhere else, she lis the lid of the pot end starts mixing the stew with a huge spoon. Without noticing she knocks down the hanging sponge into the boiling food. The sponge diseppears down in the mixture. Before her guecte' arrival Bad Betty eaye to heres! “itm no} going to give the bact plaoe of meat fo m hs ated pe As ol ios gobbles H up without even "Ths poe fate aun” sae Beity elmost euffocating on the big ohunk che has @ hard fime to swallow. You must have guessed by now whet really fe. spend his money is Ik to people you are sie of things you are ‘The perty being over Bad Beity storie doing the washing up without using the sponge of course. She keeps asking herself: "who took my eponge? Maybe some of my guests collected If ae @ eouvenir. | chould e-mel ther thie txt: SPONGE MISSING-BRIGHT COLOUR-ALMORT NEW-BRINS IT BACK URGENTLY. 'Thope they wil bring Ht back come day. [At thet moment something in Bely's siomach rumblee and che feels like she is going *: explode. {need to go fo the filet," she says fo herself, “thal chunk of meat didn't do me geo ‘And Betiy is still waiting fo cetoh the thief: #f che hasn't glvan up hope by now. ing to Sending Messages 3 How can you send messages? Thnk of way o send a message, Wits hem down, Lost and Found 19 and never found it? Health Problems 1 say you have a stomachache. x she has @ permit, end got inthe oar fogether with her hound dog and goes hunting n the woode nearby. “tm going hunting, end {hope "choot a rabbit oF even @ bied.." che sings while hopping withthe dog by her side. Onoe, while hunting, Bey and her pet came acrose @ flock of sheep guarded by « pack ‘of angry doge which, without thinking, (shephord dogs never do) ettzoked the poor dog. 23 {ad Betty fed the battle field and took refuge in her car, laeving her dog to be mu ly the jawe of the forosious animals. 1 the end of this unfair enoounter, unfle fom the dog's point of view, Bad Batty and picked up the dog which was in a eiate that would make « more sensive g ler heed off. Betty threw inthe boot of her ost ‘Whet shall | do with you? Why did you get me in euch « meee’ |e chwaye about her, even ifthe dog isthe one tht is suffering from the forble wows fh He back. Do you think the dog benefited from medica oare? Fat chenoat ‘Money is more Important than any living orecture in thie word,” Belly keeps * herself. She ie angry that the dog hs ruined her plone. ‘No more hunting for foday..... W's 90 frustrating!” complaine Bad Betty. ‘Choose the right word ane fin the gaps: @ pack, e fllght, 2 gang, @ bunch, 2 a shoal, © cluster pee (of thieves robbed the shop, 2 nnene Of shi98 86t Sal gs vsnnnnns OF Bis was flying towerds warmer counties. 4, The astronomer Was Observing ‘of stars through Be - of wolves attacked the deer. 6, The diver studied the behaviour of of fish 7. bought | of grapes bul they were =: 11. Who can help you in times of trouble? Fil in with one word: 66, When thera is an emergency you call he a, si Have you evar cone any ofthe things aiready mentioned? If so, remember th you dit and wrte a few impressions about it 2 nohed wont ory dling ope. 5eHty leas her lessons the hard way. She oan't be eympathetio with chidren she hates thom, {ne day she gooe fo a famous fast-food restaurant. She ie not very fond of fast food “ut che eometimes vst this pleoe because i's really olooa fo her pace. Go she enfera urent end heads fr fhe counter. Betty who ere bboy of about five starts begging for money. Some children cooing out of their pocket money. This boy etops at Betty's teble and asks low voieg: “an you spare a penny, madam?” No, Toan't and ! won't. And go away, | want fo enjoy my drink right now." ‘The boy turns sway. He manages to buy « hamburger with the money he's collected om others. He fnds himsof a seat next fo Betiy. There are no other fre seats except far thls one.The boy ls prapating to eat hie food when Belly grins at him and says: "Now ean you spare a bite?" out saying @ word the poor boy, hungry ae he ie, mos falls off from her oheie when she eaee that the Betty @ bite. r¢ generous than her, never going to meee ‘06, 198 a book by its cover. rains but pours. 1 Wnt other proverbs in Engish do you know? Write them dovin, ‘ss Bad Betty doesn't traat animale better than children. che bought enather dog fo guord her house. She ic afraid of robbers and of played by the pupis from the neerby school. The dog likes her and tries 4o onde with her, but what does it get in return? Misery! She never foode or takes it 8 for a walkin the park. She doss't eae ie happy or not. t dosen't even have @ name, he simply refers fo her pet as IT. ll slone snd starving. But things ere minus 20°C. Beit is fast aeloep in her ‘morning when Betty discovers that the dg ts dead, she caye without any regret in her voioe: "Ht wae sick and ding anyway.” {Betty doesn't know how to take care ofa pet. Teach her. Write alist of rules. Use MUST. 1, You must feed your pet 4 3 5. 5. You heve already noticed i,m sure. ‘adzing the ending ~less mean without: Now check if you understand them. Write a definition in English next to them, Which are good habits and which are bad habits? Write them in the right column: i. Golo sleep early! ‘good habis ‘ad habits ] "7 Explain what happens it you have bad habits. Look atthe chart that you have. >. What are the consequences? Eat with diay hands and you will be i 1 2 a. 4 5 6 7 8 es 10. Complete the table with more rules, Advice Column for Your Health 5 Watch the two parts ofthe sentences and you wil discover some healthy or unhealthy cits. Write your answers in the table, and playing sports are lois of chocolate and sweets ‘computer games for hours and going to bed late f. Wash your hair 1. after eating 2. betore eating 8. good forms of exercise. 4.18 bad for your tacth 5, and body 6, make you tre. a Le e d @ 7 3 [ Do you stil remember where Betty ives? She fives next fo the school where Kitty goss fo. Break after break when the children are out fo play in the schoolyard, she doesn’t miss ‘the opportunity to piok on them and make her point. ar De doy Betty relenes in hr garden having a cup of es Al of aucken bell coring frm the seigbouring schoo bis her favourte cup. It mediately breaks into numbers pleoes. ‘You naughty obildren... be quiet. Stop playing wih the bell end with my nerves” Betty mumbled to herself. Without thinking Betty punctures the football then kioks it over the fence inthe street to tha litle footballer’ desperation. he api “This footbell’ fife hes come fo an end! Lucky me, sorry forthe olden!” ‘he ball ite a policeman who is paesing by. He is now determined to find the oupr seldresses Baty directly: “Hey, lady, thats not very Kind of you to hit mo ko fe Bed Betty, inateed of apologizing, comes up with the most unlicely story: "Oh, but you are berking up the wrong free. How could I have done such a thing? The children in the echool over there must have done it” \What do you think about lying ether people? Have you ever told a lie? How cid you feel? Did you get away with it? fe some fixed phrases. Let's so if you can guess the answer. 2. To lt the cat out of the bag means to 2, release the cat b tell someone's secret fe. discover a secret 4. To pull someone's legis 2, to mock someone to tip someone up ‘to hurt someone bey 08 'G-2 e+] Fe10msuB MOK YORUD Now fil in the blanks with one of phrases: 1. He told mea.. but cidetbelieve a word of what ne was saying. He was sme but ) Said: “SOP ens r jves the children for teling her @ ‘because they wit. He welll” g? The Hewas se they he keeps ita secret, then tell him the truth, ‘An investigation follows the incident with the poceman who has been injured by Betty, Children from the oless, including Witty Kitty ere inferogeted. Kind Kati is there 40 ‘support them with thelr depositions. “fm not gully, they arl"Bed Batty shouts pointing ot the pupil. “Let's have a le detector fest, insite the policeman whose duty fe to discover the truth. He suspects more but osn't prove it ind the chidren toke the fest. Betty fells # with fing ooloure while the innocence fnlly comes fo light, are hoppy fo eee that their neighbour has brought i all onto herael. ind Ketie and the children throw @ big fanoy dress party. One of the boys gives everybody a fight when he shows up deguised es Betty. They laugh a lot and have @ reat time. 1D Schoo! life can be 50 funny. Lots of incidents happen there. Deseribe an episode that hhappened during a class What did you like about it? What did you lear from i? How ald you and your classmates feet? "Let's fry and be niver fo the old lady," sought the chien. Remember that we are having thie project on how fo prepare delicious food salads! save come for Betty. Our “yummy” project will make her mouth water for sure: bananae, kiwis, oranges, papayas and mango, al cubed end then gerved in a pineepple boat with some oreamy vanila topping,” somebody cuggected. ‘This may sweeten hora litle Bi," eomeone else's condluskon was. "ave an idee. Wet act with rescktions. 1's like for New Your's Eve when our parents meke us come up with resolutions to be beifer end lean more. We'll have Baty sgn it and this wl give her food for thought while the fruit elad wl be the porfeot food for her stomech," Kitty concluded in or witty words. {80 the children think hard, discuss with their parenta and write the contract that gost tke thie: | hereby agree fo respeot children Date: Signature: 15 Finish the contract. Think of her mistakes: how she treats animais, what other hobby ‘she should take up, how she doe ren wino need money or food. Don't forget that she lad to the people hurting Jder when making resolutions. ut of your grasp. ito learn more” or" wil cut + ones. For instance, improve your eating habits anc want to change. Do you wateh TV as part Jax? Reading books is an allematve. ‘uly important to you, not what you think you ought © do or whe: your parents expect you to. ‘When Bad Betty soos the children gathered infront of her gate with ther peace offer served in @ pineapple boet che can't do otherwies but set sal and give it etry, Fist hhelpe herself to some fru salad and then she exclaims: 2» bby orget itout sand art of what ering she ~ not co bad having children around. I's just that you heve fo try “understand them and eventually you'l grow fo like them. Patience ie the kay.” cookies over the fence. She has ‘rect for the hungry etudents fo make thelr life bette ‘made here. The children are delighted and they know that If they want have themselves. And so they don't think twice before saying " r hearts. letermined not fo let this happen. She in round fruit and eat thal fil. '¥e e0 much funnier to be generous than mean,” dhe thinks feling embarrossed when she remembers how she used to be. "You must have noticed that the verb used isn tha pac! becauee che i all changed now. Tiss a cas ofa gep between generations, successfully bridged with ile imagination snd lot of perspiration. A new begining defritely needs a new name, Bad Betty thus Secomes Good Betty and che can't be but happy with her pet name. And our etory may Pally end with: Thay al lived heppily ever after with no bute... this time.” You a good person? What makes you good? List some qualities and give reasons - your choice. 3t THE WIZARD OF OZ OR AN ALTERNATIVE TO ARMCHAIR. TRAVELLERS (BASED ON “THE WIZARD OF OZ" BY FRANK BAUM) Do you happen to know what armchait are readers of travel wiing, com 127 'm going total you in aj. They Be such an armchair ravelar and visit the marvellous realm of the Wizard of Oz together with Dorothy Pale and her fiends! Dorothy Pale wes « gil lke no other. She lived In a big city with tall ekyeerepors and lols of people. She was pale because the sit sho breathed was polled and the eun Gin’ vies her very often. The smog covered her city Fe # thiok blanket ‘Tornadoes were very common in that area sine thie cty was located on the Tomado ‘ley. The brave peopl ofthis oly thought that Nature's enger oould be controlled by planting a few trees or by pretending everything would be Just fine. Yet Nature showe te different fooee: eometimea har faoe is more then we ean handle, bu! people ere stubborn fo prove they oan beat her. We won't eve our home no matter whet,” they kept seying. Some of these people \were tomado freaks: they chaeed fomedoes for fun and adventure. Danger was Ike 2 magnet to them. There was a saylag emong those who survived a fomado: “if you haven't seen such an outburst of nature you have lived fn vain.” wish I were in a muoh niger and olesner place,” Dorothy thought shmost every day, Bo careful of what you wish! One day Dorothy's wich ceme frus: @ grisly tomedo \whooshed Dorothy's house high up inte the alr. Dorothy wee not alone inthe house et ‘Ghe wes holding Toto, har dog, ln . Bho was relly soared but she to show her feer. She was o brave indood. 2D There are word ae in the story. Dr water crackle creak rumble leaves roar floo: or door Fil in the sentences with one word: 1. The mobile phone fd all around hi, ‘Dorothy's house landed on top of @ green hil. The sun wae bright forthe fst time, so bight that Dorothy had #o kop her ayes olosed for fear of geting bind. “Oh, how Hamels of grass, I've navor geen eo much green. Look, the ekysorapers are ee. thee ae oly al reseed enormous wars eahee. etme ouch oe. “= because they are efrald of thie mysterious wizard thet nobody hee ever eoen, 33 "How can he help me?" continued Dorothy. The insect eater answered eagerly: “The Wizard of Oz ie very resourceful person. He wil help you, f can guarentee. Let's eee what Ioan do for you. Hare, fake come of my leeves. They have magic power. Dry them, meke eome fea and give it to all your ‘nares fo drink. The leaves wil work wonder: they wil meke those persone disappear." “Thank you for your gi. You never know when the leaves wil come in handy. Thank {you agsin end goodbye,” Dorothy anawered polly. Dorothy Pele set off on her journey. She Hook the roedindoated by the plant. Hf was a tollow brick road with cobblestones. ‘As che stepped from one cobblestone to another, the road coloured bright yellow oe 1D Dorothy's story got mixed up with other stories. Find the sentences that belong to our story. Circe the fi ' corTesponding to those sentences, These letters will bo the ‘clues. if you are correct, you will discover a famous character \W. “Why do you want to go home to Kansas?" asked the camivorous plant. Lite ed Riding Hood met the Big Bad Wolt “You are very small that’s why I’m going to call you Thumbatina.” “want hie to hel Y ' got back home to Kansas,” Dorothy sai. © One of the three lite pigs but @ house of straw. Z_ Zard of Oz is not conect. We say “The Wizard of Oz." Hi He was shipwrecked on 2 desert isand, A As Dorothy walked on through the forest she heard something behind a tre, 'S Sho asked the White Rabbit where he was going. R "Really? Is there a Wizard of Oz?" wondered Dorothy. D. Dorothy wes afraid. 4 yolow toour be the ree. Siderly Dorothy epotied somettng in the groclan. it had the shape of a human being, ‘st real person or e ghost?" she wondered. ‘Sie realized that i wae @ Scarecrow. ‘The Soarecrow wes made of straw. He wae wearing vinioge jeans tha! used fo be blue once tb whose colour hed faded from foo much staying in he sun. Cowe hed eaten eome of the Stew end now the Boareorow showed his inside through the holes made in his clothes. “They were not avan hie clothes. They hed belonged fo « cowboy and had been the petiect 8 forthe orignal ours. But tho clothes were too beggy fo the poor Soareerow who looked more lice hip-hopper than a puppet. Dorotty couldn't help laughing. "Sorry sbout thie, "che apologized to the Soerccrow. “le there something | oan do for you?" ‘The funny thing wae thet he was wearing © atraw hat on a straw head. With & stew brain? Of course he couldn't and “Some people are spaces. These fears he Dorothy, Toto and the Soareorow were walling down the Yelow Brick Rosd, and Dorothy wae teling the Soareorow ebout the fomado when they heard a sienge noise. It ws ‘coming, from behind a free. They wanted fo nd out what or who was making thet eound. ‘They saw a pile of empty soda cane, but that ple had a human shape. The wind was biowing tnd the figure's ame were Dapping wid as he was tying fo gan conra of himself. fine as you oan 990. But then he blown by the sirong winds of the weet. 0 they al walked slong, happy to be together. They ot deeper ino the forest when ‘they heard 6 roar. If was the most fightening roar eve. Tiny Tim. The Lion and the Scarecrow, Dorothy and Toto went on thelr joumey fo meet ‘the great Wizard of O2 fo express their wishes. 2% |. Match the charactors to what they say. Finish with what you want. The Ta Man Trani courage, The Scarecrow. Twanta heart “The Lion We want to go home to Kansas. Dorothy and Tote want a brain, Me Twant, 3 What aro the advantages / disacvantages of having: a brain, a loving heart, courage? ‘enlion two advantages and two cisadvantages. You have a brain ‘You have a loving heart | You have courage SOI SSSI Oy eae nef RM ee ow do you calla person who has got brains? oh ~0W do you call someone who has strong joving feelings? nat about someone who has got lois of courage? 7 Femember tne si am as brave 28 a lion?" Find the Romanian for the following > vssions. Pay att one is extra, 28 white as snow as stubborn as a mule as quiet a8 a MOUSE on as fresh as a dalsy 2s pretty as a picture... = the blanks withthe right words ghosts fingers fet as lused to change her mind, she was cin want to wake his baby brother so he wes: Couldnt take his eyes from the girl whe was consicerad by everyone to be ' eentences for some ofthe characters in the stor. Stat with the capital letters, zrez-4 1 imagine the characters in our stories have each gota friend. Find the perfect match for them, Here you have an example: ‘The Scarecrow's friend is Miss Scarecrow, alovel 11. Miss Scarecrow has got low ski, She is smartand beaut ‘She is also very generous. She wanis to help the Scarecrow become as smart as she ‘She is going to teach him English and Maths. Good luck, Miss Scarecrow! Draw and then colour Miss Scarecrow. Now its your tum to describe The Tin Giri and The Lioness. Descrve what they lok tke and what they are Eke. Don forget to mention whal they can do to help the rend in need Key Words ‘The Tin Girt curly har, blue large eyes, tn kit, The Lioness sharp fangs, sr harring boxes as shoes, loving black eyes, long claws, friendly, protective, brave Ey .Draw the two tends. 1D Answer these questions about the charactors you have mat so far 4, My favourite charactor inthe story is (1 Make alist of things and feelings that come to your mind when you think of Friends Family fun {good food adventure good advice After © few days Dorothy, Toto, the Soarecrow, tha Lion and Tiny Tim arrived at the ete of the Capital City, @ very unusual 3-D ci used in cinemas for 8-D movies. Dorothy was # followed her example. “What a strange fealing you have from these glasses,” ssid the Scarecrow. "ee, indeed," agreed Toto who hed trouble keeping the glasses on his nose. ‘They saw the city not fer from them. If was more lke a forress with » most around i. ‘There wos a drawhrdge they hed fo oross fo get to the other side. It was ike going back In fimo. The city wae old end modem st the same time. The cfizan ofthe city cared not 39 ‘ori about tredtion but also about #helt persons! comfort. The houses could sok the ‘24 the old-fashioned architecture of the walla didnt offer you any clues sbout the life \witin. There were the latest gadgets you can imagine: weshing machines, dehwashers, cleric cookers, coffee machines, foasters, sandvich-mekere and TV sets. 11 are coming out of the Town Hall. le there with the Wizard of Oz?" he first astronaut boy to fly into eal space shuttle. Something want wrong end {found myself here in thie place ‘where they fook my shuttle away the moment | lnded "The Wizard's ordere, obviously!" scked Dorothy eurously. of jack-of-al-trades, . “It meene that you like doing things all by -1T-Youresl. Anyway tell me mora ebout the space tne minute the guards varished into thin ar. Only the kaye ofthe garage dropped on the ‘oor vibere they had been stanéng @ minute before. Doroty picked up the keye and then che handed them 40 Alex. They got inside without ang rouble and Alex oimbed up ‘he ladder thet took him to the oaptsin’sosbin. He realized thet the space chutll had been fixed and onoe inside he etarted the engine with almost no effort at sll “tf fools 20 good to be in charge of everything again.” Alex aid while Dorothy was getting on the shuttle with her fiends keeping close to her hess. She had nai ‘wore all happy fo embark upon an adventuroua journey. ‘cowerd, Lion?” aeked Dorothy. “Vm eo proud of you. You didn't "How could we mise such an opportunity?” asked the Soareorow. “if we get eafo fo Kanes 'm counting ssed happily. ‘can you see there? Name the planets that 27= PPy Ho be home?” acked Alex, who hed 2 herd fine sacing the beauty of the place that attracted Dorothy baok. "Yee, of oourse | am. There Is no place like home.” Dorothy stared fo sing in a loud voioe an old song ahe remembered from her childhood. The Soarecrow, Tiny Ti Joined fn end eoon the inside of the epace shuttle sper how, and the Home isthe pleos Where you oan do your best Play with your mateo ‘nd run with your Fendi, Family is everything Yet friends are alvaye comathing Find a place in your heart Where neither will aver par. ‘ae 1s family important to you? What about your friends? Do you think it is important o be with your family? Why? Fasten your seetbelis and be quiet!" ordered Alex who was irying #0 concentrate on bringing the space shuttle down on sold ground. ‘They ll kept quiet and finaly they fet the land undor their Fock. The place looked as if TORNADO had fumed i upside down. A wer wouldn't have damaged the pace fo ouch an extent. The only thing stnding wae the tafe control tower, Gusts of wind were blowing the garbage and the duct inthe sirecte, Yet Dorothy was brave enough to tell her friend: "Cheer up, dear ones. With your help I'm going to rebuild thi city.” ‘What do you think Doratny does to wine ofthe sad face ofthe cy and bring a emo on is face? ‘Mention at least three things. 1 Recycling was the magic word Dorothy was thinking cf, She put not ony her mind but her friends to work immediately. She asked TiayTin to be an example for the pupils in school the Art class and showed them the works of is beating in his tn chest “1 AM 80 HAR cone fo ahow # 1 thought out Joud. "People fee! empty only when they have nc ings to. Now | er alive.” 3 You want io make a litte man out ofa plastic bottle. Write the instructions. First Then Aer that Fiealy 48 ‘Th Lion in his turn volunteered fo start « campsign fo stop people from kiling animale, etecially the endangered species. He wes eo convinelng that a green company asked hire to beoome their spokesman, more likely their apokeslion. the time he used to be a cowerd and a eofie and reczed he could be famous and courageous, no by ingpting far fo people ound him but by balig able fo stand up not only for hls vighis but slo for his fellow animal’. Do you ‘eve how much oourage fakes fo epeak in font of a crowd of people? The Lon was cuuntised to ind out he could do if with no effort. Ac for the Soarecrow, he decided it wee time fo move on. He started a profitable business celng brooms. His slogan was: "A geod broom used every day saves a lot of lechrcily n any way." Hie brooms were bought by the people who undoretood thet brooms can work wonders and make lier in the street dieappeer without using huge vacaum cleaners that consume high amounts of electricity. Rules in the Street 3 Inorder to keep our streets clean, think of some rules you must follow. Write thom down, No tering, No smoking. Dorothy and Alex made cure the ty was never going 40 look Ike @ huge dumping {round any more, They started fo igh for thir droar to help Mother Nature preserve her boautioe. What Do You Do to Recycle? ‘Think of the Dotto banks, paper banks, etc. Use MUST to express the rules that you have to follow wher ng. 1 You must take the paper to the paper bank, 11 Think of more slogans fora profitable business to promote recyting. Tink of ways fur) the useless objects into something rice. Write down one of your slogans. Make tyme, 1. They plant 2. They install ‘to keep people cool in hot summer days. 3, They plant to make the park more beautiful 4, They put {or people to throw their 8. They buy from the Soarecrow's co 6. They nvie «4am schoo te design posters to promote Environment Day What Would You Do to Make the Earth a Better Place? 11 Design a poster for Environment Day. jongor parod of time what are the frst tings you notice or yo. ike home? nie When I'm back | realize that what | missed most was Why? 48 TT EEO Extra information Remember D.LY? D.LY. is fashion these days, t's sometimes relaxing to werk in and for your house ater Spireing hours doing homework ort you are an adult doing stesstu obs, You can design Potters ©: paint your own can help your mathar make new curtains or fx pipes Whe Kitchen. It does not mean that you have to do hard work, you do ito make your home a nicer place D.LY joke: At home you engage in “ do-t. That's the perfect life for you it yourself” and at schoo! you “let-somebody-else- Hote are some D.LY. activities. Enjoy themt ih the hep of some beads, shels, leather or some other stuff design a neckace, a bracelet or a keyring. Design a fashionable dress or suit for you to wear ata party, 18 Witte an ad forthe object you have created. Give its size, shape, colour, texture and escribe its advantages. Ask fora price Now thet Dorothy has fuliled her dream of making her home better pce, che ean foous on leering for schoo! and on oatching up with her olasametes. ROBINSON'S LONG JOURNEY INTO PIRACY (BASED ON "ROBINSON CRUSOE" BY DANIEL DEFOE) Robinson Crusoe, the youngest eon of an Englishman lived in the town of York in the 17> century. Enoouraged by hie father fo study low, he expresses his wish fo go fo sea instead. His family fe ageinat Crusos's traveling, and hie father explaine thet tla better for him to make # modest, eeoure living. Robineon eats sal anyway and while on the chip a storm eters. Ther ie « shipwreck ‘and Crusoe soon learnc he fe the only survivor of the expedition: he has tharafore 40 find shelier end food for himeelf. He is alone on a desert island. 12 How do you think he wit survive? What does he need? a. Read the blurb above and say what you have leamed by reading it. OS "EBLURE i a show role on a book jadket. Te gives you a few indications | ‘about the topic ofthe book and makes you read the whole book, _Bbout the topic ofthe book and makes you read the wiele Book, b. Tlok the ight answer sa magazine en adverture siory s; What can you write about Robinson Crusoe's character so fr? ‘Ho tkes eoventur, Rotinson is going olive on the istanc for many yaars, Draw his island, give ita name and doce what other things are there. (8.9. a river, 2 cave, palm trees, shells, beech, sand, etc) Robineon Crusoe comes from « rch family. But he fe not interested in money, he is interested in edventues. All he oon dream offs going out at wee, He dosen't listen to bi fether co he le going fo be ina lot of trouble. (1) What doos tne word adventure mean to you? Circle the answers that you lke: fun, mystery, friends, tropical sland, snow, skiing, snowooarding, backpack, tent, danger, rainforest, lost, avalanche, Add a faw more words tothe list. ‘Have you soen the movie Cast Away staring Tom Hanks? itis aboul the modern Robinson, A businessman is shipwrecked on a desert iland. His plane crashes into the sea and he is the only curvvor. Do you know how he communicates? He saves ball fom the Plane. He shapes that ball info a hed and fas fo if ike you talk fo your fiend. He even endangers is fe fo resoue it when the ea fakes it away from hi. 5 Draw the ball and imagine the words this modern Robinson addresses that object in @ desperate need to communicate. Write the words in the ball Lot's see how Robinson managed on his frst day on the topical island, Night came and he didn't know where 40 sleep. He was fred and afraid of wild animals. Words can borely desorbe the way he felt. All he hed 40 do was fo climb up a tree and find shelter there. But hie eyelids wouldn't close. He heard strange noises snd counds ‘made by animale he couldn't eee. He could feel creatures moving in the frees but they ‘dn't attack him. H seemed that he wae afraid of them and they were afraid of him. He was thankful fo see that if was moming afler so many sleepless hours spent in ‘complete darkness. and even mote thankful fo relize thatthe ship was not completely ‘covered by water. He cwam to it and caved some biouite and tea leaves, quite treat {or his breakfast thet morning. ck fo his ship fo bring more things. He wes determined fo the chore. But was it possible? He decided to fry hie luck raft from a few pieces of wood that he fied together with a 3. Some dred bread, few lumpe of suger, botile of rum and a H was more than he had expected. Carefully and very slowly he ceried them on the raft back fo the island. Some of the thing fl info the water but he was relieved when he managed fo get baok to the shore. Oe ‘Naw he had to find o place to put his belongings. He olimbed up a bill and there he Found a small cave. He hid hie things in there. Ribincon pent a second night in the wilderness. The next motring he was realy sad. © Hekept asking: "Why are all my fends dead’? Why am I the only person alive? What ‘wil happen to me?" He was in a deoperate situation, __ SIHow did Crusoe ive on the island? Use the cues in the chart and write full sentences. Oe is done for you afire to keep shelter, alent from a big tree. the sin, ‘to make strong pots, | nee to keep warm. al clothes from the ship's sails. | Sausea uo E 1, He made a fire to ty fish. : : i oo $ i : ‘s "He did some oaloulations and he realized he was on an iland rarely visited by shipe, 20 he was about to spend a long fime on what was fo beoome his home. He took a piece of wood and he carved these words on it. [CAME HERE ON the 30TH of SEPTEMBER 1659 hy did he carve these words on a piece of wood?” Do you think Robinson hoped to survive? fn idea came to him. He was happy Ho be alive. He was young and healthy but he was not sure he wae going to survive. With the pen end paper he had saved from the ship he started viting his dary. That activity kept him alive and helped him remember what day it was, especially how his life had changed. Why do people keep ciaies? Do you keep a diary? ae How do you remember what happened? Do you take photos? 3 People nowadays don't keep cates, they write about their feeings and impressions on blogs. Robinson's Diary Every morning, | wake up when the sun is shining. tis not very hot but | bathe in the sea. | feel very fresh affer swimming for a while. 1 keeps me fit. 1 don't shave and 1 don't comb my hair because | don't have a mieror and nobody oan eee me, 60 why do #9 | have broakfoc favourite | prepere ‘the raft fo go to the ot 1 walk and explore the island. | get used to living alone. I don't talk but | think a lot. feat and drink next day? oocupy my mi "Christmas is coming on my ieland,” hie diary continues. (11 What do you do on Christmas Eve? ‘Write your answer in the present box: c to keep in good order and I feel much better. make @ rope ladder to help me ofmb in my house that | bul last week. | ight @ candle and | am waiting. | feel very peaceful. nd work makes me feel good. 1 Find adjectives that ilustrate how | fight column and explain wy he feels ‘Then in the let column wite adjectives | Are there any differences? felt on Christmas day. Write them in the scribe how you feel on that particular day. © [ie and my family on Grvisimas Da lobison with no family on Ohvisimas Daj ener _—Januery Ist 1660 Today isa very special day. Iie _e day | found @ companion, 4g! What a surprica I’ small a RENEE ores © Do you tke dogs? How can they help you in case of emergency? Match the two halves! 1. Golden retriever dogs 2. help you escape from an avalanche 2. Saint Berard dogs ». pull sleigns| 3. Husky dogs 6. are very frendly and help shy people Nay 1th, 1880 feel more comfortable with each da have rice and com in my garden, and pants. But | still think of my home, my fe jain, to tell them how much I love them! ‘everything | need. 1 fish when | want, | land offers me fruit, oooa trees and sugar is and my family. How I wish to see therm | What does Robinson eat on the island? Write his menu for a day, Breakfast Luneh | Dinner June 23rd, 1660 "ve got a bad cold. | think | am dying I fol it. have a temperature. | am cold, then hot. My whole body hur. If you find this dary, | wont my parents 4 know that Iam ‘sorry for not lctening to therm. ‘Write @ short sorry note to your parents for something bad you di. ‘You are il, Whats wrong with you? Fill inthe gaps with the right word: a stomachache, a cough, a cold, an earache 1. ate t00 many cakes. ve got. 2, Ihave to go to an ENT specialist. I've got ate 4, Your lungs are affected, that’s why you have such a bad... ‘08: fe on thie quiet beautiful tropical island ie not quiet anymore. Someone oF something | _ #8 Boing to disturb ite peaoe, namely the Nefives. ‘One day, something ferible happened. Robineon was walking along the shore when he ___Patioed eomething inthe cand, He looked carefully and realized i wes « human footprint, “Oh” e exclaimed in suprise. What can it be? He looked around him and waited for while. Nothing happened. He was afraid, very afraid. He was thinking: “What if