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UNIVERSITY OF WEST LONDON TONDON COLLEGE OF MUSIC EXAMINATIONS Centre WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS IN THE THEORY OF MUSIC Summer, 2012 Saturday 16th June 10am —Ipm GRADE V - (3_ hours) Full Name of Candidate ... (Surname Last) Registration Number... Instructions to Candidates 1, _Allanswers to questions must be given on this paper inthe spaces provided 2, These answers may be fair copies of rough work done in the examination room on paper provided by the Invigilator. All rough work mus be lft inthe examination room. 3. Candidates ae forbidden to bring into the examination room any paper for rough working, blotting paper, notes o text books. 4. They are not allowed to talk to one another in the examination room during the time of the examination, but reasonable questions may be addressed tothe Invigilator. GRADE FIVE, 1. a) Add arest or rests at each of the places marked with an * to make complete bars. (0) 'b) Rewrite the following showing exactly how it might correctly be played. ” *” t 7 ote ~ Ghz = = =a 2, Add the correct time signature to each of the following. (10) i) (Moderato) Debussy ii) Moderato oe iii) Presto Raff (Lento) Debussy ‘Molto allegro Czerny GRADE FIVE 3. Write the following scales using the given rhythms for i) and ii) (10) i) Pentatonic major scale from B, ascending. ii) Whole tone seale from G, descending. i, J WTI 3 I > — )) Lydian mode ascending from Ab to a rhythm of your own choice, avoiding equal note values. Slur the semitones and add a suitable time signature. 3B = 4, Transpose this melody, written for Alto Saxophone, into concert pitch, adding the a0) correct key signature. Include all performance directions. Allegretto GRADE FIV! 5. Describe in full each of the following intervals (10) @ (>) : (©. @ © o Description: 6. Study the following extract. The key is E major. (19) 8) Describe the numbered chords as I, I, 1V, V or VI: 1 2 3 'b) Suggest the most suitable chord under the last three notes of the extract. Use I, , IV, V or VI ©) Name the bracketed cadence, _ ——— 7. Write the following cadences (2 notes in the treble and 2 notes in the bass), adding the (10) correct key signatures. fe = & == LSE — = i) Imperfect in C# minor ii) Interrupted in G flat major GRADE FIVE Question 8 on next page GRADE FIVE 8. Study the following extract from a song by Schubert and then answer the questions G0) which follow, Langsam Singstimme Teh ta = ge hel - ne Pianoforte = wp tle kin = nen mir sl - To nicht ie Ster = ne stein 2u och; ——moin Buch = fein wil. ich | GRADE FIVE ob mich men Herz be - les IA] @_ Describe in full the time signature, Gi) Name the key at the stat (iii) What key has the music reached at bar 12?_ (iv) Describe, using Roman numerals or chord indications, the chords marked: | x andy i | 1B] (i)_ Describe the intervals marked: @ OY). —— © | (i) Indicate in the score examples of: | a) aperfect cadence | b) assign that means to get quieter ii) Complete the following sentence: { ‘The shortest note values are _ in bar (iv) a) Circle ONE of the following instruments that could play all of the voice part: trombone cello flute timpani b) State the family to which the instrument you have circled above belongs. GRADE FIVE Blank Page

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