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UNIVERSITY OF y WEST LONDON LONDON COLLEGE OF MUSIC EXAMINATIONS. Centre WRITTEN EXAMINATIONS IN THE THEORY OF MUSIC Summer, 2012 Saturday 16th June 10am — 1pm GRADE VIII - (3 hours) Full Name of Candidate .. (Sumame Last) Registration Number... Instructions to Candidates 1. All answers to questions must be given on this paper in the spaces provided, 2, ‘These answers may be fair copies of rough work done inthe examination room on paper provided by the Invigilator. All rough work must be left in the examination oom. 3. Candidates are forbidden to bring into the examination room any paper for rough working, blotting paper, notes oF text books. 4. They are not allowed to talk to one another in the examination room during the time of the ‘examination, but reasonable questions may be addressed to the Invigiator. GRADE EIGHT Perform ers | 1. Complete the following passage in four part harmony (SATB), using chromatic harmony as) at appropriate points. Andante sostenuto 2. Harmonise the following passage, which makes use of ‘changing note’ patterns. as) Allegro a GRADE EIGHT 3. Continue the given texture over this pedal point. (as) Allegretto — nf 4, Write examples of the following chords in the keys named. Precede each example with a as) suitable approach chord and resolve it to the tonic (home) chord. Take note of the time signature in each case. (iA chord of 117 with flattened 5th in B flat major Gi) A dominant 9th chord in D major ‘An (Italian) augmented 6th chord in A minor Now answer question 5, on page 8, GRADE EIGBT Composers 1. Using the given 5-note row, compose a piece for piano of between 12 and 15 bars. Include examples of retrograde, inversion and retrograde inversion of the row. ‘Add all performance directions. 0 20) GRADE EIGHT 2. Using the given theme, compose three linked variations for piano: variation 1 in two parts, (20) variation 2 in three parts and variation 3 in four pars. Add all necessary performance directions. Theme a Pp ——lf Pp GRADE EIGHT GRADE EIGHT 3. Complete this piece of three-part counterpoint, making full use of the rhythmic figures from (20) the given part. JSBach ‘Now answer question 5 GRADE FIGHT Performers and Composers answer this section 5. Study the extract and then answer the questions below: (40) IA] Explain the following: Grave > > Gy ae —— [B] Write out bars 7-10 of the Bb clarinet and Eb hom parts as they would sound in performance, Clarinets Horns [C] Mark on the score one example of each of the following: (@) Imitation (b) Arepeated arpeggio pattern (©) Adiminished 7th chord (@ Asuspension [D] Comment on any particular points of interest in this extract. Consider the interaction of the voices and orchestra, texture, structure and style as well as any other aspects of the music you consider relevant. Continue on p13. ob. a. Cor. co) Toni vi Via Ve. od Org. Grave ob. a. Cor. 5) vu © + tieampo | no bis, Ye. cb. od Org. 0, a Fe. Cor. 5) v. Via, ed Org ob. Fe | ( Cor. 5) Toni v. Via. Ve cb. ed Org GRADE EIGHT | GRADE EIGHT GRADE EIGHT Blank Page | | | GRADE EIGHT Blank Page

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