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Thursday, December 22, 2016 Your community news from Evart, Reed City, Hersey, Sears & Chase.

Merry Christmas


2011 Chevy Traverse LS

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Corner of M-55 & M-66
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Nestle donates funds

to improve Lauman Road
Evart Nestle has donated
$10,000 to the city of Evart. The
money is to be used for road improvements to Lauman Road.
The companys water load station is adjacent to the road inside
the city limits.
Company spokeswoman Arlene
Anderson-Vincent said the company learned the county doesnt
maintain the road.
The road is used frequently
by our local water hauler contractors, Double Diamond, and
other industrial businesses that
are located along that route. Ice
Mountain always looks for ways
to serve the community and is
delighted to provide funds for the
City of Evarts efforts to improve
its roadways.

Learning a lesson for a lifetime

ence with them. She suggested they could collect
things that would entertain patients during their
stays there.
Norman second-grade
Hansen gave examples
students wanted to
of things her students
spread some Christmas
could send, such things
as coloring books, crayThe desire spurred
ons, games, puzzles and
them to bring in donacraft items.
tions for MaryFree Bed
She also sent a note
Rehabiltation Center in
home to parents alertGrand Rapids, the 167ing them the class was
bed non-profit facility
collecting items for the
treating those who have
rehabilitation center
suffered brain or spinal
instead of having a
cord injuries, strokes or
student-to-student gift
an amputations.
The students are mem- exchange. Hansen suggested the dollar store as
bers of Tracy Hansens
an idea of a place to go so
class. It is a first-time
they they wouldnt have
project for Hansens stuto spend a lot of money.
Hansen said her cousin Many in her class of 25
was in the rehabilitation shopped with parents
years ago. Hanson visited and picked out items for
the center.
her cousin and it was
Besides bringing in
so sad to realize that so
gifts, students are makmany kids spend many
ing Christmas cards to
days and weeks there.
send along. Many of the
Hansen wanted to
students are making sevteach her students the
importance of giving, so eral cards. The care package was sent Friday after
she shared her experiBy Andy Duffy
Weekly Voice

Courtesy of Tracy Hansen

Students in Tracy Hansens second-grade class work on Christmas cards to send to patients at
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Center in Grand Rapids. Hansen wanted to teach her students the
importance of helping and giving to others.
the end of the school day.
Helping and thinking

of others is something
that I think is very im-

portant to teach our children, Hansen said.

Election questions
State looking into results of
Hersey village election

page 2

Courtesy of Tracy Hansen

Student of the week

Meet Major Griffin

page 3

Students in Tracy
Hansens secondgrade class at G.T.
Norman Elementary
School in Reed City
brought care items
to send to patients
at Mary Free Bed
Hospital. Hansen
said she believes it
is important to teach
students the importance of thinking of
and helping others.

2 weekly voice | Thursday, December 22, 2016

What is it?
Nicole Hamner Weiss | Weekly Voice

At Monday nights regular Village of Hersey council meeting during public time, as resident Patsy
Jacobs addressed her concern regarding the recent election sat an open seat once occupied by the
new village clerk Kim Venema. Venema resigned recently, the second village clerk to resign since
close Village presidential election ended with concern over voter fraud.

State looking into Hersey election

mine, said Bluhm. We
are cooperating and hoping for answers just as the
village is.
HERSEY Turnout for
The issues surroundthe Hersey Village Presiing the election has led to
dent election was good.
questions, confusion and
In fact, it was a little too
even anger in the Village
of Hersey.
So good, in fact, that the
At Mondays regular vilState of Michigan is inveslage council meeting, Martigating the results. In a
village with 168 registered vel announced that Kim
Venema, the second village
voters, 208 votes were cast
clerk in two months, has
in the contentious village
followed in the footsteps of
president race.
Challenger Robin Marvel previous village clerk Jef
Hoquard and resigned.
defeated incumbent John
In addition to the clerk
Calabrese by two votes, 105
issue, other village volto 103.
When the Michigan State unteers, employees and
elected officials have quit
Bureau of Elections ratior been removed from
fied the village election,
their rolls including one of
there were already rumtwo maintenance workers,
blings about the legality
leaving the village officials
of some of the votes cast
scrambling to plow roads,
and at Mondays regular
open locked buildings and
Hersey Village Council
keep up with necessary
meeting, it was clear convillage maintenance on
flict remains as the state
reduced staff.
moves to investigate what
In addition to clerk and
happened with the village
maintenance issues, the
board had another trustee
Osceola County Clerk
resign in November as a reKaren Bluhm confirmed
sult of the village election.
that the discrepancy beThe good news is that
tween village votes cast
on Monday, the board did
and data providing the
move forward and approve
total of registered village
voters has become a matter the appointment of a new
trustee for the open posifor the state to settle.
tion. However, according to
This did not happen
Marvel, the appointment
overnight and it will take
was against her wishes
some time at the state
level to be understood and and in direct opposition
to the nominees she put
explained to everyones
satisfaction, including
by Nicole Hamner Weiss
Weekly Voice

The board appointment

Lisa Shoemaker to the vacant trustee position, but
Marvel is concerned with
this choice over her objections.
Marvel said there are
already issues with this
decision including nepotism, as Shoemaker is a
relative of Marvel, and is
the administrator for a social media group that has
criticized Marvel online in
a private group.
There are photos online
of a recent village council
holiday party on this page,
run by Shoemaker, and
Marvel noted all members
of the village board were
invited to the celebrationexcept the village president.
As the new village
president I am saddened
by the power struggle that
continues to take place on
this council, said Marvel.
Actions speak louder than
words and the actions of
some of the council have
proven this over and over.
As the investigation in
to the election issue continues, Marvel said all she
can do is move forward as
president and hope for better communication.
I plan to work for the
best interest of Hersey and
bring this to the forefront
that need to be looked at,
she said. I am interested
in complete transparency
moving forward.

Do you know what the item is in the above photo? If so, contact us toll-free at 1-888-330-4144
or email us your answer, along with your name and the town where you live to The quarter is there for size reference.

What WAS It?

When you look up at
the calendar and realize theres a last-minute
crunch to get those remaining Christmas cards
into the mail, and whats
worse, you havent dillydallied on a mere half-dozen but rather upon stacks
of them, that is when our
mystery item offers a bit
of relief.
Granted it is in play
numerous other times
around the year, but the
efficiency it offers can
often offer immense relief
when those elves failed to
send your holiday envelopes on your behalf.
You were looking at a

Reed City council seeks parking

space and new fire engine

proach Yoplait with what

the council viewed as a
workable solution to a disREED CITY In its final pute over charges on water.
Howell was seeking permeeting of 2016 the Reed
City council discussed and mission from the council
to present Yoplait with a
reviewed concerns about
plan to pay back six years
parking in the downtown
of billing minus surcharge
errors. Howell assured the
The primary concern
board that regular billing
stemmed from the use of
would continue while the
public spaces by contractors working on the Yoplait six-year error would be
paid back in installments.
plant. The area in quesThe board unanimously
tion was approximately 30
provided consent.
spaces primarily used for
Another concern heard
parking by the Pompeiis
by the council was the
purchase of a new fire enThe main concern was
voiced by Councilman Ron gine by the Reed City Fire
Department. Fire Chief
Scharlow. Scharlow said
Jeff Stein presented the
that these public spots
council with a bid for a
should be reserved for the
new $351,000 truck with a
public use.
Councilwoman Linda Til- $10,000 trade in.
After questioning purlotson concurred and queschase price and bid protioned whether or not Yoplait had followed through cess, Stein told the board
that he planned to lease
on a pledge to pave other
the vehicle meaning it was
areas of the downtown for
not subject the normal bid
Chief of Police Chuck
Councilman Trevor
said that this is not a new
Guiles asked if there were
problem, and that it actually stretches back 10 to 12 any grants available to aid
in the purchase. Stein inyears.
formed the board that they
After consultation with
had used the grants to purcity lawyer David Portechase two previous vehicles
ous it was concluded that
certain conditions were not making it highly unlikely
that they would be granted
met at the time for Yoplait
for this purchase.
to pave the property in
Howell asked how much
of the price could be offset
However Porteous adby surrounding townships
vised the council that it
using the services of the
might be advantageous to
fire department. Stein estiapproach Yoplait and find
out how many spaces were mated that the fire engine
would be used about 80 perneeded and to explore a
possible lease of the spaces cent by the townships and
20 percent by the city.
over a set period of time.
The council appeared
City manager Ron Howell
amendable to considering
agreed to take all of the
concerns to Yoplait and re- purchase if the townships
port back to the council the covered 80 percent of the
purchase price. However
findings at its next scheduled meetings. The council Porteous advised the council to consult the city treadecided to take no action
while awaiting a response. surer to make sure that the
Howell also agreed to ap- purchase did not constitute
By Jon Gilbert
Weekly Voice

deficit spending.
Councilman Roger Meinert asked whether there
was plan for large scale
I feel like we are being
reactionary in replacing
large equipment, we need
a clear vision for the purchase of these items and
work them into our budget, said Meinert.
Tillotson asked what
would happen to the purchase if the townships
chose to not receive fire
services from the city.
Its all on us (purchase)
if the townships choose to
default said Mayor Karen
Lea McKinnely.
The council advised Stein
to present the 80/20 split
to the townships before
moving forward with the
The council also discussed site selection in
planning for the Veterans
Memorial Park. After
Howell discussed meeting
with the Michigan Department of Transportation to
discuss a site near U.S. 10
councilman Dan Burchett
said he was concern about
the proposed location.
The site is at the end
of town, which makes it
kind of out of sight, out of
mind, he said.
Burchett said the park
should be in town because
it would bring more people
into the downtown area.
Alternative sites were also
discussed. Howell agreed
to discuss three different
sites with various agencies such as the Michigan
Department of Transportation and the Department
of Natural Resources, as
some of the sites were presently being used for snow
The council unanimously awarded its residential
solid waste bid to Republic

self-inking address stamp.

While they often are
rectangular in shape, this
particular one produces a
lovely rubber stamped
stylized circular address
for the zippy completion
of envelopes requiring a
return address in that upper left hand corner or on
the rear flap.
As one presses down on
the black cap, internally
the mechanism rotates
the plate with the raised
letters of the address.
At the at rest position, that plate is snugly
against the ink pad hidden in that upper black
section. As it rotates into
position sliding down

toward the piece of paper

(or envelope), it perfectly
aligns and arrives fully
inked. And since it is a
simple action, you can
center the stamp onto the
envelope, depress, and
then center onto the next
envelope, creating your
own little production line
of efficiency.
Speaking of alignment,
the United States Postal
Service, in its Publication
No. 28, wants you to know
that a properly addressed
envelope does not have
the addressees address
centered. Uncle Sam
prefers a left justification
of all individual lines of
It is only the whole
address which as a
paragraph, is somewhat
centered to the envelope
When it is time to send
that letter, first class
stamps cost most of us
47-cents, but the business
rate for that same piece of
mail is discounted to just
over 37 -cents.
And perhaps you did not
realize that if that envelope (or package) is headed overseas to a member
of the military, as long
as the recipient is on a
bonafied base, the postage
expense wont be a penny
over the cost of sending
it as though it were being
mailed to someone right
here in the United States.
It appears as if we
stumped everyone last

Merry Christmas from Our

Family to Yours!

Mon.-Fri. 8 AM-5 PM, Sat. 8 AM-3 PM

4353 US-10 Sears, MI (231) 734-2451

National Weather Service forecast


Friday Night

A 10 percent chance of
A 50 percent chance of
snow showers before 7am. snow, mainly before 1am.
Cloudy, then gradually be- Mostly cloudy, with a low
coming mostly sunny, with around 28.
a high near 35. Northwest
wind 9 to 13 mph.
Mostly cloudy, with a
Thursday Night
high near 36.
Partly cloudy, with a low
Saturday Night
around 23. West southwest
wind around 8 mph.
Mostly cloudy, with a low
around 23.


Christmas Day

Sunday Night

Showers likely. Areas

of fog. Otherwise, cloudy,
with a low around 32.


A chance of showers.
Cloudy, with a high near 43.

Monday Night

A chance of rain and

snow showers. Mostly
cloudy, with a low around

Partly sunny, with a high

near 34. Southwest wind 8
A slight chance of snow
to 10 mph.
before 1pm, then a chance
Mostly cloudy, with a
of rain. Mostly cloudy, with high near 27.
a high near 37.

Weekly Voice
December 22, 2016 Volume 10, Issue 35
The Weekly Voice retains the publication rights to all content produced or supplied by the Weekly Voice. Use of said
material without the written consent of the Weekly Voice is prohibited. Contents copyrighted; all rights reserved.
130 North Mitchell St. P.O. Box 640 Cadillac, MI, 49601-0640
The Weekly Voice is published
weekly and covers Chase,
Evart, Hersey and Reed City.

You can also submit

information online to

We accept submissions of
photos, articles and opinion
at community@weeklyvoice.
net or mailed to Weekly
Voice, P.O. Box 640, Cadillac,
MI., 49601.

Publisher: Chris Huckle
Editor: Matt Seward

Newsroom: 1-888-330-4144
Advertising representative:
Linda Ziska
231-779-4155 or 231-9209486
Classified representative:
Contact us at (888) 330-4144

Thursday, December 22, 2016 |

weekly voice 3

Whats Happening in the Area

Live nativity in Hersey

Evarts clinic will be held

the second Tuesday every
HERSEY A live nativmonth, 10 a.m. to noon.
ity will be held on Dec. 22
at 7:30 p.m. a Christmas The Evart meal site is lotradition with Hersey Unit- cated at 732 West Seventh
Street (US 10).
ed Methodist Church.
Marion and Tustins clinics will be held the third
Reed City library
Tuesday each month, 10
holiday hours
a.m. to noon. The Marion
meal site is at the Eagles
City Area District Library building, 220 South Mill
Street. The Tustin meal
will be closed Dec. 23-26
and Dec. 30 to Jan. 1 for the site is at 213 South Neilson.
Walk-in clinics. If you
wish to eat at the meal site,
call 231-734-5559 at least
Free winter clothing
a day before to reserve a
REED CITY Free hats,
coats, mittens and boots
Story hour
sponsored by the Reed
at Reed City library
City Area Ministerial
Association reopened on
REED CITY Story hour
Oct. 11. The location is the will be held on Dec. 28 at 1
Reed City United Methodp.m. at the Reed City Area
District Library.
ist Church located on the
Stories, songs/movecorner of Lincoln Street
and Church Street. Use the ments, crafts and more.
Ages 3 to 6 welcome.
Lincoln Street entrance.
Hours will be each Tuesday, 1 to 4 p.m. until spring.

Free blood pressure


EVART Osceola County Commission on Aging

is offering free blood pressure clinics for adults 60
years and older. Monthly
blood pressure screenings
will be conducted at the
OCCOA meal sites in Evart, Marion and Tustin.

MARION Marion Food

Pantry, East Main Street,
by appointment, on call 24
Contact Marsha at 231743-6801
TUSTIN Augustana
Lutheran Church
Every Monday, 9 a.m. to
Contact Katie at 231-7684418, or Betty at 231-8293457
REED CITY St. Phillips Church
Every Tuesday, Thursday, 1 to 4 p.m.
Contact Robert at 231-8322624
GFWC Womens Club
EVART Evart Womens
Club meets the second
Tuesday of every month
(Sept. through June).
Contact Terese at 231-7346940.

AARP meeting


2418 meets on the second
Wednesday of every month
Food pantries
at the United Methodist
A food pantry is available Church in Reed City.
Potluck lunch (bring own
to residents in need who
live in Osceola County. The table service) will start
following is a list of the dif- at noon followed with a
ferent locations, hours and program starting at 1 p.m.
Everyone welcome.
contact people.
For more information,
SEARS Former Orient
Township Hall, next to the contact Marylou at 231-8324938.
Post Office
Every Tuesday, 1 to 4 p.m.
Contact Ken at 231-6202504


Body Shop Free Loaner Service
Towing Used Car Sales

8018 US-10, Evart 231-734-2163
Monday-Friday 8 AM-5 PM
Saturday by appointment

Shepherds Table
REED CITY Church of
the Nazarene, Shepherds
Table, free meal every
Thursday at 5:30 p.m., 5300
220th Avenue. Donations

OLAH holding monthly


EVART The Osceola

League for Arts and Humanities will be holding
a monthly meeting on
the first Tuesday of each
month at 6:30 p.m. at 207 N.
Main Street, Evart, 231-7349900.
Art, antiques, crafts.
Open Thursday, Friday,
Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5
Lapidary Class, Saturday,
1 to 5 p.m.
Classes in other areas of
the arts will be offered for
those interested.

Volunteers needed
for Road to Recovery


Recovery is an American
Cancer Society volunteerbased program that provides transportation for
cancer patients to and
from their treatments.
Volunteer drivers transport patients from their
home to cancer treatment
centers, doctor visits and
other cancer-related appointments.
The American Cancer
Society is working with
Spectrum Health Reed City
Hospital, Susan P. Wheatlake Regional Cancer
Center to recruit volunteer
drivers and coordinators
from Osceola and its surrounding counties to help
drive cancer patients to
and from their treatment.
All volunteers need is a
few hours during the week
and a desire to make a dif-

Local community members who are interested
in volunteering for the
Road to Recovery program
should contact the American Cancer Society at 1-800227-2345.

Spectrum offers
diabetes support group

REED CITY Spectrum Health is offering a

diabetes support group on
the last Thursday of the
month at 3 p.m. at the diabetes education building,
219 East Church Street.
The groups are free and
open to those with diabetes or those who support
someone with the condition. Facilitators will lead
discussions on various
topics including healthy
cooking, computer apps for
diabetes, use of over-thecounter medications and
To register, call 231-5924483.

Dinner with friends at

St. Paul Lutheran Church

EVART Dinner with

Friends Community Meal
will be held on the second
Wednesday of each month
from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at St.
Paul Lutheran Church, 435
W. 5th Street. Sponsored by
St. Paul Lutheran Church
and the Evart United Methodist Church.
Donations appreciated.
Take out available.
For more information,
contact 231-734-3585 or 231734-5491.
In the event that school
is canceled, Dinner with
Friends will not take place.

Free dinner
at Reed City church

will be a free dinner every

Monday from 5 to 7 p.m. at
the Church of the Firstborn Revival Center, 310 S.
Donations accepted but
not necessary.

Free community dinner

SEARS Free community dinner will be held every Saturday night at 5:45
p.m. in Brooks Corners
Hall with a contemporary
worship at 6:30 p.m. Invite
a friend.

Weight loss group

meetings on Thursdays

EVART T.O.P.S weight

loss support group meets
every Thursday at 8:30 a.m.
at the Evart United Methodist Church. Weigh in is
from 8:30 to 9:15 a.m. and
meeting is at 9:30 a.m.
T.O.P.S. MI 1390 weight
loss support groups meets
every Thursday at 6 p.m.
at Calvary Baptist Church.
Weigh in is from 6 to 6:30
p.m. and meeting is from
6:45 to 8 p.m.

Health specialty clinic

REED CITY Urologist, John Anema, M.D.

will be offering outpatient
services at the hospitals
Specialty Clinic twice a
He will be consulting
with patients on the second
Friday of the month and
performing outpatient surgery and other procedures,
including lithotripsy on
the fourth Friday.
The clinic is located at
300 N. Patterson Road. Contact Spectrum Health Reed
City Hospital Specialty
Clinic at 231-832-7108 for
more information.


tudent Athlete
Of the Week

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This Space Could Be Yours

for Only $24.75/Week!
Call Linda at

What was your most

memorable game and why?
Last football game, being
only the 4th team to make
What is your favorite
subject in school and why?
P.E. Ms. Van Van Buren
is my favorite teacher.
Who inspires you and
My Grandpa. Hes always
there when I need some-

thing, and hes a great

role model.
Pregame ritual: Eat food
and sleep
What advice would you
give to someone starting
out in sports today?
Be focused and committed.
Future plans:
Go to Ferris or Mid for

Lets spread
your Voice!
Call Linda today to start
promoting your business!


Your Town. Your Paper. Your Voice.

Linda Ziska

Advertising and Marketing Specialist


Cell: 231-920-9486
Fax: 231-876-4155

Advertise in this directory for Only $24.75/Week! Call Linda at 231-779-4155.

130 N. Mitchell St.,

Cadillac, Mi 49601-0640

Your town. Your Paper. Your VOICE.

4 weekly voice | Thursday, December 22, 2016

deer? I have been a good boy en

for Chistmas I would like some

Mrs. Calabreses fifth grade

class - G.T Norman Elementary

BC Pizza
401 W. 7th Street (US-10)


Babb Ford
21351 Maple Avenue (US-10)
Reed City


Caseys Auto Parts

16854 Schofield Road


Corey Funeral Home

415 N. Main Street


Evart Pharmacy
107 N. Main Street


Family Farm & Home

21875 N. Park Street
Reed City


Dear Santa,
I wish I could see you so I
could tell you want for Christmas.
But I cannot tell you so I going to
write. This is what I want, if it is
1. More books to read. the one
I want another out of my mind
2. Some new boots because
my dog pooped on them.
3. Some good pair of glovs to
wear when I am playing so my
hands will not get wet. I will pray
that you will not get bad weather.
Hana W., 12
Ps. Merry Christmas
Der Santa,
How are you? Thankyou for
bringing us gifts every year. I
have a wish list. I would love to
get an art set and things like
that. I would also like the whole
series of ever after high please,
only the books not the movies. I
also would like some dog books.
Also I would like you to bring
some dog treats for my dog,
please. I really want the whole
entier series of Twilite and the
movies, please. Thankyou for being so nice.
Piper J., 10

Dear Santa,
I want a reindeer for Christmas. If you get me one I will
be so happy! (But my parents
wont)! Please stuff my stocking
with lolipops, and other candy.
And, maybe an elf on the shelf!
IM KIDDING! But I do want an
apple laptop! They are so much
money, but I will use it wisely and
be responsible with it. Im not
trying to be greedy, but that is
the only thing I want! Thank you
and make sure there are presents under my tree!
P.S. Thank you!
Dear Santa,
I would like a microphone for Maya F., 10
Christmas because I love to sing.
I also want a new pair of sheos. I Dear Santa,
want the bright yellow ones I saw How are you doing? I want a
in the Nike store in New York. million dollars, a drit bike. All the
Thank you for all the hard work games for the xbox 360. A new
pone, a lap top, an arcade. A new
you do on Christmas Eve.
house a horse, and a new bus
driver. Get rid of my brothers,
Hannah S., 9
and sister. A clonw for school, a
P.S Thank you
hedge, a lot of guns.
Jack C., 11
Dear Santa,
I would like a computer so I
can play games on it and make Dear Santa,
art. I also want an iphone 7 be- I think this year I should get
cause I need a new phone. Also a new Iphone 6. I would also like
maybe a cool lookin case with it. a new pair of earrings maybe
Then I want a new ps4 and TV three or four pairs. I would
because my TV and ps4 broke. also like my brother home for
Christmas because hes in the
Thank you.
Air Force. Can you also bring my
Logan W., 11
Dad home. Thats all I really want
for Christmas. Can you please
Dear Santa,
I hope you are not working too get rid of my siblings. They are
hard to fulfill all the chidrens really annoying right now. Im
wish list. I, too, have a wish list. going to Ohio to visit my great
I would like a PS4 so I wont be grandparents for Christmas.
bored I would like Marvel ac- The plan is to open presents and
tion figures. I would also like then fly over to Michigan. I cant
video games for my PS4. I would wait untill I see them. I havent
like Nerf guns and bullets for seen them in a while, and I cant
the Nerf guns. I would like new WAIT!
clothes. I would like Hot wheels Mikaela B., 11
and a case for my Hot wheels.
I also would like arts and crafts Dear Santa,
supplies. I would like lego sets I would like Beat head phones,
and lego holders. I would all so but I belive that my parents are
like candy in my stocking. I would getting them. I do want a toy
sniper, nerf gun, drone, alexia,
like a good Christmas.
cozmo. They all are expensive,
Seth Y., 11
but my mom is looking at the
expensive stuff. I would like the
Dear Santa,
I hope you have a great flight top 5 things and a scooter. I love
around the world to give Christ- nerf guns and I want a 3ds video
mas gifts to children. On my game because I am bored from
Christmas list I want to have an the games I have. I hope you
iphone seven, zoomer kitty, guitar, read my list santa, and I give you
lego set, candy, joke book, and a a Merry Christmas.
new computer for Christmas. Tell Zach E., 10
Rudolph I said Hi and tell the
Dear Santa,
other reindeers I said Hi too.
I would like a ps4 with BO3 and
Kali H., 11
p.s. I also want Rudolph for two controllers. I would also like
a cozmo and I would very much
like a dirtbike. I also want a toy
nerf gun. I also want a hedgehog
Dear Santa,
My favorite thing about named winky.
Christmas morning is the stock- Mason P., 11
ings, so please stuff it full, and
I mean FULL, I also love pres- Dear Santa,
ents so I will tell you what I I hope you can get all of the
want. I want an apple laptop, a presents in everyone elses spenew phone case, new clothes and cial wish lists, and mine, to make
new shoes, and more, I just cant them happy, like me, too. All
think of anything else right now. I want for Christmas is, a helix race, drone, Pokemon Sun
Kaylin G., 10
and Moon, Pokemon slippers
(Charizard), and my very own
Dear Santa,
I think I have been good this baby duck, or a lizard (Bearded
year for Christmas I would like a Dragon). At least, the Bearded
bean bag chair and some clothes. Dragon. Those are the only
I would like jeans the most. things I want for X-mas.
I would also like some board Ayden M., 11
game. Another thing I would like
a diary with a lock on it. Another Dear Santa,
thing I would LOVE my own lap- How are you? How do reindeer
fly? I want one million dollars in
top with a keyboard protector.
Alyssa W., 11
my stocking, not chocolate or

Dear Santa,
How are you and the reindeer?
I have been a good girl this year.
I wle rot macup.

Dear Santa,
How are you? this yeer I hav
benn good my dad wood like a
iye my mom wood like atv and i
wood like a pilre.

toys, please. Also, I want more

Ever After High dolls, and my life
dolls. I want a mp3 player or an
Ipod. By the way, you are lucky
that you get over 7 billion cookies
and milk in ONE DAY! Is Rudolph
with you every Christmas even if
it is not foggy?
Audrey S., 10


Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
I hope you are warm in the I hope you have a godd nite.
north puol. for christmas I wolde I hope you liket the cookes. and
like the big robotse. I will leve irile wonte a folbote sillakon baby
ckokes and carots for you and boy.
the reindeer!
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I wnnt a xbox
Dear Santa,
How are the elf? I have been a one.
good giol How is mis. closs? How Jaxson
is your dog? I wont a walking
Dear Santa,
tolking pone.
I have tried to be good this
year. For Christmas I would like
a remote controle truck.
Dear Santa,
I will leave cookies on the table. Kayson
I whant a pasword jurnal. I always wanted to know what rein- Dear Santa,
deer eat? Can you write back to I have tried my best to be
good this yeer. stuffed horse.

Dear Santa,
I hope Ive been good enough
to have some preasents this
year. I know youre busy fulfilling all the childrens Christmas
list. So, while I have your attention, I would like some paint so I
can paint my new bookself, some
books for my new bookshelf, and
I would also like a gazillion dollars
so I can help support my family, an entertainment center for
my tv in my bedroom, and a joke
book. I like to spread Christmas
cheer. Hope you have a good rest
of the year. Ill be good for the Dear Santa,
I relly wont a car santa ples
next month.
and a lego city play hows ples.
Taya M
P.S. there better be presents Wyatt
under my tree.
Dear Santa,
How aer you Santa I have been
Dear Santa,
First off, Hello! and Merry a good girl I will promise you that
Christmas! I would like art sup- a will give you cookies. And I will
plies for Christmas this year. I make you a presi and a doll.
would also like a new soft ball Katilan
mitt with a new ball, so I can play
with my sisters and brother. Ev- Dear Santa,
eryone in my house is very ex- How are you and the reindeer?
cited to have you come. We will I have been a really good girl this
make sure to leave out cookies year and I really want 2 pairs
and milk for the road and car- of fall boots and I want 3 video
games and 3 pairs of speiries
rots for the reindeer.
any colors.
Merry Christmas
Madelyn S., 11
Dear Santa,
I think Im being really good,
but if I wasnt feel free to not
give me any presents. But if I
want some basketball socks.
I also want some basketball
shorts. I really want Just Dance
2017. I want this sorta old, sorta
new game called pie face. I also
want pants and shirts especially
athletic pants. I cant wait untill
Christmas! Yay!
Kyleigh W., 10
Mrs. Lindquists first
grade class - Pine River Area

Dear Santa,
How are you and the reindeer?
I hav been a good girl and we will
mac cocess for you i wot a amnerican doll.
Dear Santa,
Ho are you and the randeer
I wot a big car that gos in the
Dear Santa,
Haw are you and the elfs?
I am beig good ples can i have
army men?
Dear Santa,
How are you and the reier? I
have been a good girl I would reall like it if you got me a lelsu doll.
thank you.
Dear Santa,
How are you and the reindeer?
Ple get some makup and a new
cran box I will lev sum cookies
and milk for you.

Dear Santa,
How are you and the reindeer?
Today I have been good. may I
have legos please and three

Dear Santa,
I have tried my best to be
good this year. a book a candy
cane a horse and a car a braclet
a necklace a soft owl a soft kitten.

Dear Santa,
have a good day how are you
doing. I want candy american doll

Dear Santa,
I have been very good this
year and what I what for Chrstmas I a shroler for bob and bob
is a bunny.

Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
How ara you Santa? i wus a Do the reinder still fly for
good boy. i wod the lago moove. Christmas i would like a new ball.
have a good christmas.
Dear Santa,
I hav been wating for a long
Dear Santa,
How are you ann the reindeer? time i hope you hav a good day i
I have been a good girl this year wod like some snobrd boots and
for chistmas I would like two ro- snobord.
bot dog and robot cat.
Dear Santa,
I have been good Santa so can
Dear Santa,
How are you dooen this yer? I got hathclopes cus I lot ahat
and your reindeer? ma i hev a for cismisis.
lego kilr whal set for christmas Moriah
ples and a pet gego to ples?
Dear Santa,
I have tried my best to be
good this year a fire breathing
Dear Santa,
How are you duin and the rein- dragon. a real one, a real cat
deer and can i have a pack of and a real phone is all I want for
tractor and a barn for christ- Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl. I want
Dear Santa,
How are you and the reindeer? a candy cane for Christmas.
I have been a good girl this year. Nyah
I would like new shoes.
Dear Santa,
I had bin a reyle good girl. I
wont a horse for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
How are you and and your Cerena
reindeer and elfs? I left you and
your reindeer some carrots and Dear Santa,
son cookies can I have a pack I have tried, my best to be
of legos? Hope you have a great good this year for Christmas, I
would like an I pod and a case.
Thank you.
Dear Santa,
I tride to be good. Is it ok if I Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like a
can hav sum batman toy please?
Dear Santa,
How are yow and the rein-

Thursday, December 22, 2016 |

Ms. Camerons second

grade class - Pine River Area

weekly voice 5

I play with my litty dog. How men

coce do you eat? Also how much
do you drink? Can I please have
electric scodr.
Your frend Kylee

Dear Santa:
How are you doing? How are
the reindeer? I would like you to Dear Santa,
bring my brother a xbox one and I cleaned my sister room for
me, a yoyo and some yoyo string. her. May I have a tablit please
and thank you. How do you git
down the chimney.
PS. Savannah
Dear Santa:
I would like you to get my sis- Dear Santa,
ter Jordan a Iphone 7 and my I wosh dishis. Can I plaes Have
sister Alissa a dirt bike thanks a robtcat thack you so much.
I hope you are having a good How do you fit in the chimn.
christmas I Love you.
Love Cadance
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa:
I help my Grampa grind deer.
How have you been? I have I would like a electric four sheelbeen really nice this year. Ive er please. How many cookies do
been wondering how you get down you eat on Christmas?
a chimney. I was also wondering Love, Dillan
if you could get me a robot dog
for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I helped people a lot. How do
you now when people are being
I have been. relly nice but how nice. I wold like Books.
do. you Fly to a lot. Of house. be- Love, Kayedon
fore day. And back to the north
Pole. So HoHoHo
Dear Santa,
I helped my mom do the dishes and how much cookies do you
Dear Santa:
eat can i please have a dirtbike.
What is it like at the northpole From Anders
is it cold at the north pole thank
you for ohwhere presents. I wata Dear Santa,
Riley to get a bick and Gabe o I help mom and dad clean
get a culering sufe and what I Pennys Pey and i want a iPod.
wanat Is my family. HO HO HO! How do your randear fly. How
many cookies do you eat.
Love, Alayna
Dear Santa:
Can you give the kids who cant Dear Santa,
get presents from family can I helped my dad wark on the
they have the same amount? P.s. tractor. What is your phone
how are you elfs
Dear Santa:
This year I have been really
nice. I was wondering if you could
get me an xbox. Could you also
get me Minecraft, Call of Duty,
Nascar, Wrestling, and tractors?
Lastly I would like a remote control grave digger truck. I hope
you have a merry Christmas!
Dear Santa:
How are the rainbeer? Are
fed good? Do the raindeer feel
Good? ho! ho! ho! P.S what is
your phone numer.
Dear Santa:
Can you get Jones a tractor
move because Jones was nice
this year. I want a star wars lego
set. p.s merry christmas santa.
Dear Santa:
I want to know the north pole
is. can I have magiktraks and
tera klimer please. HoHoHo
Mrs. Racignols second grade
class - Pine River Elementary
Dear Santa,
I cleaned the house for my
Dad. For Christmas i want project mc2 lab kit please. How many
cookies do you eat in one night.
Your freind Ava
Dear Santa,
I halped my mom dakate the
tree. How do the reindeer fly.
Can I have a air hockey please.
By Ashton

138 W. Upton Street, Reed City

233 N. Main Street, Evart

Holihans Drug Store

128 N. Main Street


Lake Osceola
State Bank

Dear Santa,
I helpt my baby brother. How
do you get down a chimney? I Do you talk to polar bears in
a special language. Can I have
would like cow girl boots.
pokemon cards for Christmas
Love, Elizabeth M.
Your frind Ayden
Dear Santa,
You are a vear naes man. I was
wadring how do you go to eve si- Dear Santa,
gel hose in the woed and I thik I said a good thing about your
that is cool and may I plese have elf and elf red. Love Kainen. Can
you get me a dron and how mea vedo game 3.0.
nee coocees do you eat in a day.
Theak you Oliver
Love Kainen
Dear Santa,
I made sure my brother woke Mrs. Hansens second grade
up in the morning. Do you know class - G.T. Norman Elementary
I watched you on the computer?
Dear Santa,
May I have a piano please?
I want a toy ball please. I want
Love, Emily
a doll please. How many elves do
you have? Santa are you cool?
Dear Santa,
Kendra I have biog good I help Molly
put a way I owt a rile puppy.
Dear Santa,
Love, Kendra
Can you please get me a lego
table for christmas and how maDear Santa,
I help my sister. How meny ny elfs do you have? And why do
houses do you got on Christ- you wear red? How many kids do
mas? I want a Jeep for christmis you have to deliver to?
please and I want snow flaks on Maddox
it and I can fit in it. Pleece and
its a jeepe for little girls that are Dear Santa,
I really want a cozumo pleas!
I really want a imaginext ice age
Love, Brooke
Dinosour toy pleas. How many
elves do you have? How do your
Dear Santa,
I have done yard wrke. How elves make all toys in a year?
do you get around the wrlde in How many Reindeer do you have?
1 might? Can I pese have a min- Tanner
craf lego set.
Dear Santa,
Love, Kaiden
How many elves do you have?
How do your elves make so much
Dear Santa,
I opened a door for someone. toys in a year? Can I please get
How do you fit down the chim- a Iphone seven. How do your
ney? Please bring me a zoomer raindeer fly. How do you deliver
somuch presents in one night?
Love, Colten

Dear Santa,
I clean dishes when my mom
needs help. How do you eat all of
those cookies in 1 day? I wold like Dear Santa,
a hoverboard.
I helped my mom and dad
Love Dakota
cleen the hous yesterday. Wot
dos Ruldoph lok leik. A remot
Dear Santa,
coun chrol monstr chrok.
I want a hamster ples Santa Love, Fisher
claws thank you santa claws.
Wen I was at mi frend trevers Dear Sanda,
hose I was good and trevre was I helped my mom clean the livbeen bad and I was dowen things ing room. How many cookies do
for him. How do you get down the you eat at night. Can I please
chine santa.
have a dirtbike.
Love Hunter
From Aiden
Dear Santa,
Clear the dishis. I get up good.

Agency, Inc.

Dear Santa,
I helped my dad move tires.

Dear Santa,
How many elfs do you have?
Are you real at the north pole?
How old are you? Can you please
get me a heghog?
Dear Santa,
Please get me golden yu-gi-oh
box for Christmas. How many
elves do you have? How old are
you? Are you real? How long were
you Santa?

217 S. Chestnut Street

Reed City


Dear Santa,
I would like a ice cream truck
please. I would like shopkin
please. I would like a christmas
stuffed animal. I would like some
whiteboard markers. I would like

Dear Santa,
How many elves do you have?
Is jack frost in the north pole?
How many gifts do you make in
a month? What is your favorite
elf? How many people do you go

Dear Santa,
Can I pleae have 4 transformer games? And an Optomus
toy! And devastator and a transformer game?

Dear Santa,
How many elves do you have?
How many toys do you make in
a year? Santa can you make me
a iphone 7? Santa can you make
a nintendo? Santa can you make
me a playstation?

Dear Santa,
How do you make presents
and toys? How do you make yor Dear Santa,
reindeers fly in the air? Santa Please make me a xbox 360
you are the best Santa in the and grand theft auto 5 to go with
whole wide world.
to? I like that game! Its cool!
You can basically do any thing!
Theres cool cars!
Dear Santa,
Can I please have a POP out
Pokemon and poke ball? How Dear Santa,
old are you? How high can you Can you get my Dad a toolbox?
cownt? Can you get my Dad a Dear Santa can you get my mom
tool box and my mom a washing a hair pretty to wear? Dear Sanmachine? Thank you!
ta can you get my sister a Barbie
Dear Santa,
I hope Im on the good list? Dear Santa,
How old are you? How many Will you please get me some
elves do you have? How do you more American girl dolls and acgo around the world in one night? cessories. Please bring me some
Thank you!
shopkins. Please bring me some
Dear Santa,
I want a flashlight but it has Dear Santa,
to be a flashlight so I can read a Please can you give me Star
book. Here is a song... Ho ho ho! Wars legos and a tablet. How
Riley Jo
many elves do you have? How
many deer do you have?
Dear Santa,
I really like your sleigh. But I
really want a x box 360 please. I Dear Santa,
really want to meet an elf. Santa I luved the bike you got me
how do you know how to come to last yer. I want a rainder plase. I
my house?
wont a monstr truk plase. and a
mud truk please.
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the christmas Dear Santa,
lights and for the christmas tree! How many elfs do you have?
How do your elves work? How do How do your elfs make all those
your reindeer sleep? Do you like toys in a year? Can you please
hot cocoa? I like Rudolph and get me thermal binoculars thank

Skips Pool & Spa

411 Dailey Drive
Reed City


Smith Lumber
202 N. River Street


Weekly Voice
130 N. Mitchell St., Cadillac


6 weekly voice | Thursday, December 22, 2016

Elvis tribute artist Jake Slater mixes it up with the audience at the annual Osceola County Senior Dinner.

Andy Duffy | Weekly Voice

Andy Duffy |
Weekly Voice

busts a
move on
the floor
while Elvis
artist Jake
sings at
the annual
Dec. 14.

Andy Duffy | Weekly Voice

Osceola County
Commission on
Aging employees
Arianna Trimner
and Ann Whyte
serve at the
annual Osceola
County Senior

Public record
Evart Police Department
Weekly Report

Runaway: Officers responded to a complaint of
a juvenile runaway. The
subject was located and
returned home the following day.
Accident: Officers responded to a one-vehicle
property damage accident.
No injuries were reported.
Harassment: Officers
responded to a harassment
complaint through social
media. The case remains
open at this time.
Arrest: Officers made
contact with a subject with
outstanding warrants. The
subject was arrested and
transported to Osceola
County Jail where they
were lodged on their warrants.

Reed City Police

Department, weekly
Officers continue to perform property inspections
and serve the appropriate
abatement paperwork for
those in violation. Please
be aware the winter parking ordinances have begun
and will run until April 1.
Officers will be enforcing
the Parking Violations
Bureau policy in which no
vehicle shall be parked on
a city street between the
hours of 2:30 a.m. to 6 a.m.
Any and all vehicles in violation will be cited a parking ticket and/or towed.

Officers were dispatched to local apartment
complex regarding an argument between a 30-yearold female tenant and her
29-year-old boyfriend.
Upon officers arrival, the
apartment had become
quiet and no one would answer the door.
Officers were requested
to respond to a local apartment complex to locate a
31-year-old male who was
wanted on an outstanding
warrant for a parole violation. The individual was
located in the parking lot
where he was arrested,
transported and lodged in
the Osceola County Jail
without incident.
Officers were dispatched to respond to a single-vehicle accident with a
telephone pole. No injuries
were reported.
Officers were dispatched to respond to a single-vehicle accident where
it ran off into the ditch. No

injuries were reported.

Officers were dispatched to respond to a single-vehicle accident where
the vehicle slid through
an intersection and into
a ditch. No injuries were
Officers were requested
to respond to harassment
through text messages and
Facebook complaint. The
complainant was advised
on how to ignore and/or
block the text messages.
The responding officer also
directed her to adjust the
settings on her Facebook
account to block those people from messaging her.
Officers were dispatched to local residence
to assist an individual with
breathing problems, until
EMS could arrive and take
School Liaison Officer
performed a well-being
check on a couple of students that have been absent from school. Upon
the officers arrival, it was
found the children had
been taken to school right

after the officer had called

the residence prior to the
well-being check.
Officers were requested
to assist Child Protective
Services as they paid a
visit to a family. Officers
responded and attempted
contact, but no would answer the apartment front
or back doors.
Officers were dispatched to respond to local
residence regarding a visitation/custody situation.
Since there was no custody
agreement in effect, the
complainant was advised
to contact the Friend of the
Officers were dispatched to local apartment complex regarding
an alarm activation. The
alarm areas were checked
and secure. Officers were
told that there had been
a power surge, and it is
believed to have set off the
alarm. The key holder/
maintenance person was
contacted as the alarm continued to go off throughout
the evening.

Phils County Line Service

Computerized Front & Rear Alignments
Brakes Batteries Shocks Struts
Exhaust Systems Air Conditioning
Preventive Maintenance Tires
Complete Oil Changes


23680 W. US-10, Reed City Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 8-12

Church Directory

Weekly Voice

Evarts Friendly Church


10AM Sunday School

11AM Morning Service
6PM Evening Service
7PM Prayer Meeting, Bible Study, Youth
Service & Master Clubs

Nursery, Bus Ministry, Music Ministry, Active Teen Program

231-734-6172 Pastor Ryan Beilfuss
327 N. Main St., Evart MI 49631

This Space Could Be Yours!

Call Linda at

Thursday, December 22, 2016 |

weekly voice 7

voice classifieds


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TOLL FREE: 1-888-330-4144
FAX: (231) 775-8790





Private Party Classifieds are ads placed by an individual,

where there is no ongoing commercial or business interest.

*Includes one insertion in Cadillac News/ one insertion in

the Northern Michigan News as well as the Weekly Voice.

10 Lines
Addl. Lines




130 N. Mitchell St PO Box 640 Cadillac MI 49601

MON-FRI: 8AM-5:30PM | SAT:8-10AM (by email only)








Apartments For Rent


Autos For Sale


2005 Chevrolet Uplander LT, 3.5,

V-6, local trade, 7 passenger, remote start, real nice contidion,
ONLY $5,671. Payments of $149
per month at 6.99% for 48
months. Call Dale Eising at Classic Chevrolet (231)839-7231 or

2007 GMC Sierra SLE2 Extended

Cab - 5.3L Vortec engine, 4X4,
Z71, tow package, bed liner, fog
lamps, power windows/locks/seat,
remote start, Bose Audio, & bucket seats. Only 80K miles! Medium
Brown exterior with black cloth interior. Stock # 40340A. Buy now
for only $19,316 Out the Door with
a plate to transfer. Payments as
low as $311/mo for 60 mos. @
6.99% APR with 20% down on approved credit. Call or text Ethan
Waddell with Classic Chevrolet
today at (231)429-5162.

2008 Chevy Silverado Ext

Cab, 4x4, Z71, maroon exterior,
black cloth interior, 5.3 V8, trailer tow package, bedliner, clean,
228,000 easy road miles. Wont
last long at $11,991 plus taxes
and fees. Call Larry Emery at
Classic Chevrolet Lake City
(231)839-7231 for an appointment.

2013 Chevrolet Silverado 1500

LT Ext. cab, local, one owner, GM
retiree trade, perfect condition, 20
inch chrome wheels, remote start,
6 chrome assist steps. Zero
down, $398 per month for 78
months at 2.59% on approved
credit. Contact Dale Eising at
Classic Chevrolet (231)839-7231
or (231)434-8222.


2012 Chevy Silverado Ext cab,

Z71, LTI, 4x4, loaded, 5.3, V8, Silver exterior, black cloth interior,
power windows, power locks, trailer tow package. Chrome assist
steps, bed liner, soft tonneau cover, great condition! Local trade.
Serviced at Classic Chevrolet
Lake City. 44,400 miles. Sale
priced at $24,761 plust taxes and
fees. $399 a month for 70 months,
2.59% 0 cash down on approved
credit. Call Larry Emery at Classic


like us on


2014 Buick Lacrosse CXL - 3.6L

V6, FWD, Only 28K miles, 1 owner, remainder of factory warranty,
Champagne Silver exterior with
heated/power/memory driver and
passenger seats, 8 color touch
screen radio with rear vision camera and rear park assist, & remote
start. Stock # 40357A. Buy now
for $21,436 Out the Door with a
plate to transfer. Payments as low
as $243/mo for 78 mos. @ 2.59%
APR with 20% down on approved
credit. Call or text Ethan Waddell
with Classic Chevrolet today at

2005 Ford F-250SD Extended

Cab Lariat - 6.0L Power Stroke,
4X4, white exterior, heated tan
leather seating, assist steps, bed
liner, 167k miles, very well maintained. Stock # 40270A. Buy now
for $15,606 Out the Door with a
plate to transfer. Payments as low
as $352/mo for 42 mos. @ 6.99%
APR with 20% down on approved
credit. Call or text Ethan Waddell
with Classic Chevrolet today at


2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited, 5.7 V8, local trade. $8,991.
Only $234 per month with zero
down for 48 months at 6.99% to
qualified buyers. Contact Dale Eising at Classic Chevrolet
(231)839-7231 or (231)434-8222.

2012 Buick Encore, AWD, only

26K miles, moonroof, remote start,
rear vision camera, clean vehicle
history. ON SALE $18,471. Payments of $276 per month with
zero down for 78 months at 2.59%
to qualified buyers. Contact Dale
Eising at Classic Chevrolet
(231)839-7231 or (231)434-8222.

2012 Chevrolet Equinox 2LT

AWD - 2.4L 4 cyl. Engine, 1 owner, Mocha Steel exterior with heated black cloth interior, local trade,
rear vision camera, remote start,
navigation, 140K highway miles,
warranty. Stock # 40354A. Buy
now for $12,595 Out the Door with
a plate to transfer! Payments as
low as $189/mo for 72 mos. @
2.59% APR with $0 down on approved credit. Call or text Ethan
Waddell with Classic Chevrolet
today at (231)429-5162.

Are you having difficulties paying your rent? The Evart Housing
Commission is accepting applications for our one bedroom building
and our 1, 2 and 3 bedroom townhouses. quality, affordable housing located behind Evart Elementary School. Rent is based on 30%
of household income. Also accepting applications for our Section 8
voucher program. You can pick an
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Photos Courtesy: Holly Bailey-Wiltzer, Dave Newhouse, Bruce Oseland, Ellen Vanderwal, Rick Hodges, Gail Gurnee, Cadillac Area Visitors Bureau & Joyce Potter

Your town. Your Paper. Your VOICE.


8 weekly voice | Thursday, December 22, 2016

Making spirits, and the city, bright

windows, bright lights
to powerful messages reminding us the reason for
the season, residents are
REED CITY Strugfinding ways to make spirgling to find that holiday
its bright.
spirit? If so, no need to
Just one example is the
venture any further than a
short drive or stroll around front yard of Thomas and
the snow-covered streets of Lucinda Roggow of Reed
City, who have temporarily
Osceola County.
transformed their property
With grand or quaint
on 220th Avenue into a wingestures, local residents
are finding ways to demon- ter wonderland-complete
with festive inflatables like
strate their holiday cheer.
snowmen, snow globes
As these recent day and
and Tigger dressed in his
evening photos of the
Christmas best.
Reed City area show, from
The display is one of mabusinesses to bedroom
By Nicole Hamner Weiss
Weekly Voice

ny in the area that greets

guests and travelers alike
and makes it hard not to
find a seasonal smile.
In addition to other places with fun inflatables, it is
worth a drive or a stroll to
experience some of the area homes bearing elegant
Christmas light displays,
festive decorations and of
course places with symbols
that help us remember the
reason for the season.
Hoping you find a reason
to celebrate the season,
Merry Christmas to our
Voice family.


Hunting T radit

2016 Photo Co
Brought to you by:


Share your family hunting

tradition photos with a brief
explanation behind the
tradition and you could WIN!
One winner will be chosen
in October, November &
December. Of those three
winners, one grand prize
winner will be announced and
will win a $150 gift card to Jays
Sporting Goods. The 2 other
finalists will each win a $50 Jays
Sporting Goods Gift Card.
Nicole Hamner Weiss | Weekly Voice

Top: Zailya Romine told

Santa about her holiday
wishes at the Hersey
Village Santa is coming
to Hersey, a new holiday event that president
Robin Marvel hopes will
be an annual event.
Right: One of Herseys
oldest and dearest village couples, Ruth and
Bian Jacobs, made sure
to share their holiday
wishes with Santa at the

How to EntEr

1. Email picture and tradition

explanation in 100 words or less
to: or
mail to Family Hunting Traditions,
PO Box 640, Cadillac MI, 49601

All Michigan
photos welc

Small gam
e, whitetail

2. Go to
cadillacnews and submit
your picture with a caption or
comment under the above
photo explaining your tradition.
*No Purchase Necessary. Must be a resident of Lake,
Missaukee, Osceola, or Wexford County in Michigan. Void
where prohibited. Contest ends December 31, 2016. Official
Rules can be picked up at the Cadillac News office located at
130 N. Mitchell Street, Cadillac Michigan.
**All photos are subject to publisher approval.

Trusted. Local. Connected.

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