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Our guides content is not a substitute for professional medical care and
diagnosis. If in any doubt whatsoever, have poor health, or pre-existing mental
or physical conditions/injuries do NOT attempt the training or dietary plan
without clearance from your physician or doctor first. We are NOT medical
experts nor do we purport to be.
As with any training programme by participating you knowingly and voluntarily assume
all risks associated with such exercise activities. LDN Muscle & TPW accepts no liability
for any injury, loss or damage resulting from physical exercise. By following our guide
you knowingly and voluntarily assume the inherent risk of physical/resistance training.
When training you should do so in a safe and controlled environment, ensuring you
have supervision and are assisted by another competent/qualified gym assistant
when required. At no time should you attempt to perform such activities alone and

Should you suffer from any medical conditions, injuries or allergies, or should
you be in any doubt whatsoever, we advise you seek medical/professional
advice immediately and do NOT proceed to partake in any activity.
Any supplements featured within the guides are optional and must be taken in
strict accordance with manufactures recommendations, if in any doubt always
consult a physician. Always ensure your technique is correct, train within your
own capabilities and observe any safety practices/code of conducts present
within your own gym.
LDNMuscle & TPW accept no liability for any injury, loss or damage resulting from
cooking or consumption the food within this guide. By following this guide you
voluntarily assume the inherent risk of food preparation and its consumption. Should
you suffer from any medical conditions, injuries, intolerances or allergies, or should you
be in any doubt whatsoever, we advise you seek relevant medical advice immediately
and do NOT prepare or consume any foods within the guide. Any supplements featured
within the guides are optional and must be taken in strict accordance with manufactures

If any doubt always consult a doctor or relevant medical professional. Always

ensure you wash your hands correctly before handling any food and be sure to
prepare it in a safe environment and manner.

w w w. LD N M u sc l e. co m | w w epro teinwo r k m

Star ter Pack

A b o u t Te a m L D N M
We are two sets of brothers from South West London comprising of the
Bridger Brothers, Lloyd and Max, and the Exton Twins, James and Tom.
We have trained together for years each with a slightly differing background
but the same goal: a natural, lean and aesthetic physique. As a group, we have
all been heavily involved in weight training and promoting the often-overlooked
importance of general health and fitness.
Having all extensively trained for a number of years and had to fit this initially
around full time University education and sport, and now around our full time
professions and social lives, we whole heartily empathise with the juggling act
that is required. We create all our guides with this firmly in mind.
We all approach areas from a slightly different angle, we all have our own
positive and negative experiences to draw on when providing practical advice
and opinions about both training and nutrition. This valuable knowledge, gained
over years of experience will help you reach your training goals and develop the
lean and natural looking muscular results that we all strive for. With advice and
tips to suit everyone, no matter what your starting point is.
We are, and always have been 100% natural, using only legal, commonly
available supplements- strictly no pro-hormones, steroids or performanceenhancing drugs. We are intent on spreading the natural ethos we all uphold.
LDNMuscle aims to open peoples eyes to the dishonesty, false claims and
naturally unattainable physiques that are sadly often mis-sold to people with a
gimmicky supplement or generic one size fits all plan.
We at LDNMuscle are also 100% independent, having repeatedly turned down
various sponsorship offers this allows us to give unbiased, simple, honest and
realistic advice. We chose to distance ourselves from supplement companies
as we believe the vast majority attempt to sell customers the dream, as does
much of the fitness industry as an entirety. We became highly frustrated and
increasingly disenchanted with an industry commonly fortified by unjust, bold
and spurious claims.
Were all proud to practice what we preach- our muscular gains have not
been drastic over a period of months, we have had to work hard year on year,
learning from our mistakes and determining what kind of training and nutrition
works for us; all four of us with different genetic strengths and weaknesses.
Unlike many other companies, LDNMuscle offers unrivalled advice, support and
motivation with NO hidden agendas.
Best of luck on achieving your health, fitness and aesthetic goals, we wish you
every success from all of us here at Team LDNM:
Lloyd, Max, James & Tom.

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I ntroducing The Protein Wor ks

THE PROTEIN WORKS is an award-winning sports nutrition brand thats been dubbed
Europes most innovative by the fitness media. Created out of our passion for nutrition and
a vision to raise the bar in terms of product quality and level of service for customers, TPW
embodies the way we believe sports nutrition should be. We have invested heavily in doing
things the right way and listening to customers on a daily basis. We are passionate about
what we do and we care deeply about not only meeting our customers expectations, but
exceeding them.
TPW Philosophy
The most important part of what we do is the product itself. We refuse to compromise or
cut corners in any part of our development or manufacturing process and as a result can
offer exceptional products at low online prices. We call it premium value. Despite a lot
of big business now entering the sports nutrition sector, we are 100% independent and
proud of it. We have invested heavily in our own manufacturing facility so we can control
the entire process from formulation to delivery to you. Our focus on the detail means high
quality levels are maintained throughout.
When it comes to the products, our philosophy comes down to three key principles,
PURE Sports Nutrition
The most important part of TPW is focused on product quality and innovation. We are
constantly sourcing new ingredients, experimenting with new formulas, reading up on the
latest nutritional research. Basically always looking for new ways to raise the bar in terms
of quality and efficacy. Its pretty universal that you get what you pay for and the better the
quality of ingredient, the better the results. This is the bedrock of why every product in our
range has to be PURE.
PROVEN Sports Nutrition
As well as all TPW products all coming with the assurance of being PURE, the second part
of our product philosophy focuses on ensuring all our products being PROVEN. For us, its
not about bold claims without substance nor is it about including several great sounding
proteins in your formula but not telling you how much of each one.
We prefer to be 100% transparent and provide all the information you need to make
informed judgements on the quality of our sports nutrition supplements. As you will see
below, there is much more to our PROVEN way of thinking than just transparency. If youre
not happy with any of our products, for whatever reason, well listen and fix it. End of story.
PERSONAL Sports Nutrition
We have never prescribed to the mantra when it comes to sports nutrition, that one size
fits all. We are very much in the camp that everyone is different and simply offering a stock
product for everyone whether you have a leaner body shape (ectomorph) or a larger body
shape (endomorph) isnt the way to go. Wherever possible, we try to offer products and
innovative features that allow you to customise your nutrition to your own body type and
own personal goals. Below you will find more information on some of the ways we make
TPW sports nutrition personalised to you.

w w w. LD N M u sc l e. co m | w w epro teinwo r k m

Star ter Pack

Introducing... Alice!
After having a love for all things health and fitness for a long time I decided
to start an Instagram blog over a year ago now, and have developed a solid
knowledge of nutrition whilst posting daily recipe ideas online! I am absolutely
passionate about marrying my love for good food with my desire to stay lean
and healthy year round. It is my aim to show you that healthy eating can be
easy, quick and convenient, and doesnt have to involve complicated recipes,
that never quite end up how you intended. I strive to bring you realistic meal
ideas that you can easily recreate at home, that require minimum effort but
maximum taste! This is just a taster of whats to come from Team LDNM in 2015
so stay tuned for more releases very soon!
Bon apptit!

w w w. LD N M u sc l e. co m | w w epro teinwo r k m

Star ter Pack

A very warm welcome from all of us here at Team LDNM and The Protein Works .
Congratulations on downloading our Taster Pack.

The LDNM & TPW Taster Pack, is designed to do just that, giving you a brief taste of what
our world renowned, and life changing Guides and Packs have in store for you.

We have put together four mouth-watering recipes alongside four distinct and
challenging workouts, giving you a flavour of both the variety and quality of
what is included within all of our products.
We hope that you find the workouts both enjoyable and demanding, and that
the recipes liven up your palette!
As ever we love to see, hear, and read about your feedback and progress
so please be sure to tweet us, be it photos of your training, cooking or any
questions you may have.
Lloyd, Max, James, Tom & Alice

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Star ter Pack

We know that fitness diets can often seem
overwhelming and/or incredibly boring.
Thankfully we at LDNM & TPW understand

this and so are always producing new recipes

and culinary delights. All of our guides come
with a series of varied meal suggestions, and
whats more, our guides also educate you on
how to effectively manage your own macros
and construct meals to your own preferences.

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Paprika Spiced Mixed Veg Scramble

Per serving

This is one of my favourite go to meals if Im ever in a rush.



Its so quick and simple and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch



or dinner as it is packed full of protein to keep you full and



energised for the day ahead!



1. Break your eggs into a bowl and add the milk,
before whisking until completely combined.

Serves 1
2 whole eggs,

2. Heat a small amount of coconut oil in a pan.

1 egg white (optional)

3. Lightly fry off the red onion and kale until soft.

A large handful of kale

4. Pour in your egg mixture, tomatoes and avocado

and stir so all ingredients are completely cooked
through and combined.

7 tomatoes, halved

5. Once plated, mix a pinch of paprika with a little

salt in a separate bowl and sprinkle over.

Half a red onion, finely

30g Avocado (or Feta Cheese)
2-3 tablespoons of milk
TPW Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

Sea Salt

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Star ter Pack

D e c o n s t r u c t e d B LT

Per serving

I can hardly call this a recipe as such, as it is so simple, but it is



a great healthy twist on an old favourite which I usually eat for



breakfast or lunch.





1. Turn on your grill and place the bacon medallions
to cook.
2. Bring some water to boil in a pan and place
your egg into the water to cook for the desired
amount of time. I usually leave mine for
approximately 6 minutes.

Serves 1
One slice of Biona Organic
pumpkin seed rye bread
Two lean bacon medallion

3. Whilst the egg is boiling, toast your bread.

A handful of spinach (could

also use rocket, or lettuce)

4. Once toasted, assemble the spinach first, and

then place the bacon and tomato on top.

One egg

One large salad tomato

5. Remove the shell from the egg, slice and place

on top.
6. Season with a little salt and pepper.

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Star ter Pack

Paprik a Spiced Prawns with Sauted
Kale and Cucumber Noodles
I love this spicy prawn recipe, it is great for a light lunch or
dinner, while still ensuring you get enough protein!

1. Begin by finely dicing your onion, and halving
the tomatoes.
2. Heat a small amount of coconut oil in a pan,
and then add your kale and cook until softened.
Once finished, assemble on a plate.
3. Next either use a spiralizer to create cucumber
noodles or alternatively simple slice your
cucumber into small pieces and assemble on
top of the kale.
4. Heat a small amount of coconut oil in another
pan and add the garlic, red onion, tomatoes
and prawns and begin to cook on a high heat.
Sprinkle over a small amount of paprika and
stir the contents of the pan so that all the
ingredients are completely covered.

Per serving








Serves 1
200g Prawns
Two large handfuls of kale
One whole cucumber
One red onion
Roughly 10 baby tomatoes
TPW Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

Spiralizer (Optional)

5. Continue to stir regularly, until the prawns are

completely cooked and then place the entire
contents on top of your already assembled kale
and cucumber.
6. Finally, in a small bowl mix some salt and paprika
and sprinkle over the top for an added kick!


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Yo g u r t w i t h Wa r m B l u e b e r r i e s a n d
Cinnamon Spiced Plums
This warming recipe is great for cold winter mornings or when I
need something sweet!

1. Place your yogurt into a bowl.

Per serving








Serves 1

2. Remove the stones from the plums and slice

into segments.

200g Total 0% Yogurt

3. Heat a little coconut oil in a pan and add your

plums. Lightly dust them with cinnamon turning
them regularly to ensure they are coated.

Two small plums

50g Blueberries
TPW Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

4. Place your blueberries in a microwaveable dish

and microwave for approx. one minute.
5. Pour the blueberries onto the yogurt, before
assembling the cooked plums on top. If desired,
add another sprinkling of cinnamon.


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Star ter Pack

Our Guide to the Best Whey Protein for You
So what is the best whey protein? With more than 25 proteins now in stock at THE PROTEIN WORKS, it can
be hard to know which one is the best whey protein for you. The truth is, the best whey protein choice depends
completely on your training and physique goals. But now weve made it easy for you with this simple guide to the
Best Whey Proteins - categorized by your needs and training goals. Below is a list of some of the best whey
proteins for a variety of goals.

Whey Protein 80 is formulated to be the highest quality whey protein
concentrate on the market today. Undenatured and with the highest biological
value of any known protein, Whey Protein 80 protein shake shuttles the vital
nutrients rapidly to your muscles for optimal results. Whey Protein 80 is made
from premium grade whey protein concentrate with over 80% protein content.
It is micro-filtered, not heat treated, to produce ultra pure protein. Whey Protein
80 is rich in BCAAs and Glutamine. It is the best whey protein shake to help
build muscle size, definition and aid recovery. Whey Protein 80 is considered to
be our best whey protein in terms of cost-effective quality.

Whey Protein 90 is a premium grade whey protein isolate with the highest
protein content of any whey protein powder. TPW Whey Protein 90 is
undenatured as the whey is micro-filtered and NOT heat treated, ensuring
the purest possible protein. It is fast-acting with a 90% protein content. Low
in fat, carbs and lactose, it is the best whey protein for anyone looking for a
lean, defined look. Whey Protein 90 is instantised to ensure easy mixing and
naturally high in BCAAs & glutamine.


Diet Whey Isolate 97 is the purest whey protein isolate, renowned for having
the highest protein content and lowest carbohydrate and fat content of any
protein. Perfect for anyone wanting to lower their body fat - it is one of the
best whey protein choices to support weight loss. With less than 1g of fat and
carbohydrates per serving plus an amino acid profile thats been scientifically
shown to aid fat loss.


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Star ter Pack

TPW 100% Whey is a premium protein blend based upon our two bestselling whey proteins, whey protein concentrate & whey protein isolate.
Formulated with 100% of the highest grade whey proteins on the market
today, TPW 100% Whey is the best whey protein choice for anyone on
the hunt for lean muscle growth. We have also included Digezyme, the
very latest digestive enzyme technology, to ensure the protein is efficiently
absorbed by the body for maximum muscle repair & development. TPW
100% Whey has an impressive amino acid profile and is low in fat & carbs
compared to whey protein concentrate.


Naked Whey Protein 80 is the UKs first all natural whey protein powder
made using all natural flavourings, colourings, sweeteners (Stevia) and
ingredients. Naked Whey Protein 80 is therefore the best whey protein
supplement for anyone looking for a high quality protein source to aid muscle
growth and repair, with the assurance that it contains absolutely no artificial
additives of any kind. Naked Whey Protein 80 is also the best whey protein
choice for those who want a subtle tasting protein powder thats considered
more delicate on the palate and provides nothing artificial in their diet and
supplement plan.

Hydrolysed Whey Protein is an ultra-pure form of whey protein thats
predominantly used post workout since it delivers amino acids and protein
to the muscles faster than any other form of protein. Hydrolysed whey is
undisputedly the best whey protein choice if rapid absorption and accelerated
recovery is crucial. Hydrolysed Whey Protein has a superior bio-availability
compared to whey protein isolate. This is ideal post workout as it helps
to shuttle nutrients to the muscles, kick-start the recovery process and
ultimately improve muscular growth, repair and recovery.


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Our Guide to the Best Whole Foods for You
At TPW we understand the importance of protein-rich whole foods. Why? Because whilst our whey protein is
award-winning and is a fantastic source of quick digesting liquid protein, we also understand the need to have
protein in solid form. Which is why an athletes cupboard should contain a combination of the two. For this very
reason THE PROTEIN WORKS protein foods range has been created under the exact same core philosophy that
governs the manufacturing of our widely-acclaimed protein shakes. Essentially we only ever use the finest quality,
natural ingredients and never use any thickeners or fillers.

Peanut Butter from The Protein Works is ultra pure, made simply from
100% natural roasted peanuts. Unlike standard peanut butter, TPW
Peanut Butter contains absolutely no added sugar or salt. Furthermore, it
is produced right here in the UK and comes in Simply Smooth and Super
Crunchy versions.
Peanut Butter has an incredibly versatile nutritional profile and is popular
with people wanting to lose fat. Its widely considered to be one of natures
best sources of protein, carbs and healthy fats.


Naked Protein Popcorn is a little bit different to say the least. Alongside the
high performance bespoke formulas we create for elite teams and athletes,
we like to have fun with some of our favourite foods and snacks. This time
weve taken classic popcorn and given these nutritional gold nuggets the
TPW treatment! Harnessing TPW breakthrough protein fusion technology,
Naked Protein Popcorn is made with premium grade Whey Protein Isolate,
Organic Popcorn, Organic Coconut Oil and Stevia Extract to create the ultimate
high specification protein snack. Rest assured, this audacious popcorn contains
zero soy or artificial flavours and is the ideal snack to boost your protein intake
when the munchies strike.

Beef Jerky from THE PROTEIN WORKS is a great tasting high protein snack
that is low in both carbs and fat. Each pack of TPW Beef Jerky is made from
350g of prime selected beef and contains a massive 27g of quality protein.
Our Beef Jerky is chosen from select cuts of beef and is available in Original,
Hot n Spicy and Sweet Teriyaki flavours. It is the ideal snack to consume on the
go and is suitable for all athletes, whatever the goal.


w w w. LD N M u sc l e. co m | w w epro teinwo r k m

Star ter Pack

Protein Granola from THE PROTEIN WORKS takes the classic granola to a whole
new level. Using the very latest protein fusion technology, the TPW team have
created a unique super-breakfast to help boost your early morning protein intake. In
a range of great tasting natural flavours and packed with low GI oat clusters, Protein
Granola is high in both protein and fibre.
Protein Granola has been nutritionally enhanced with organic coconut oil and
flaxseed. It has also been naturally sweetened with honey and apple juice to create
something pretty special. TPW Protein Granola not only tastes great, but it can be
combined with a wide range of fruits and yoghurts, making it incredibly versatile.
Breakfast time will never be the same again!

Our Guide to the Best Supplements for You
At TPW we have thousands of supplements to help with your training and nutrition goals. Whether thats to
lose fat, build muscle or boost immunity. But among our vast range we know theres some that your supplement
cupboard should never be without. Namely our premium-grade Creatine Monohydrate and our comprehensive,
potent Raze Pre-Workout. Made with our widely-acclaimed all natural flavours and colours, these two bestsellers even rival our award-winning whey in terms of popularity.

RAZE Pre-workout is a potent scientifically engineered pre-workout
enhancer for those looking to take their training to a new level. Developed
using research proven ingredients with synergistic effects to provide training
intensity and optimal results.
Unlike many pre-workouts which are solely stimulant based, Raze
contains not only potent stimulants, but also active ingredients that have been
scientifically proven to aid performance. These include Creapure, Beta
Alanine, iBCAA and AAKG.

TPW Creatine Monohydrate is simply the finest quality creatine on the market
today. Made from 100% pure creatine, nothing has been added or taken away
during the production process. It is 100% 200 mesh, meaning it has an ultra
small particle size to ensure fast absorption by the body.
Creatine Monohydrate is one of the most popular supplements for those
undertaking strength, speed and power based training. This is based on its
ability to increase physical performance in successive bursts of short-term,
high intensity exercise.


w w w. LD N M u sc l e. co m | w w epro teinwo r k m

Star ter Pack

Wor kouts
All four workouts within this Taster Pack are entirely different, and
have differing purposes. As with
all our flagship guides we utilise
a multi-phased approach to programme periodization- varying between strength, power, hypertrophy and volume- to get the most
optimal results from your training
and maximise your progress.
Perform every exercise with the
tempo 1:1:2 and allow yourself
60-90 seconds rest between sets,
unless stated otherwise.


w w w. LD N M u sc l e. co m | w w epro teinwo r k m

Star ter Pack

exercise no.1

Goblet Squats

exercise no.2

Straight leg deadlifts

exercise no.3

Legs & Abs

Bulgarian Split Squat to walking


4 sets of 8 reps
Feet just beyond shoulder width apart.
Select your grip as shown in the photos.
Pull shoulders back, strong through the
core, and break from the hips. Bum comes
back and then down, weight through your
heels, aiming to drop just below parallel.
Powerfully drive up to standing; squeezing
through the thighs and glutes at the peak.

5 sets of 10 reps

Feet slightly narrower than shoulder

width apart, back straight, legs slightly
bent throughout. Flex from the waist
while trying to keep the bar as close to
your legs as possible, lower until you
feel a firm stretch on your hamstrings.
Return to starting point with a straight
back squeezing through your glutes and
hamstrings at the peak.

4 supersets of 6 reps each leg to 20

Assume a lunge position, but with the
rear foot resting on a bench. Using the
rear leg for balance, lower yourself to the
bottom of the lunge, driving up through
the front foot. Ensure you keep a strong
core, holding your shoulders back and
head looking forwards throughout the
movement. Switching the leading leg and
Step forward landing with a soft knee. In
one movement sink down in to a lunge
position- keeping the knee from caving
inwards- and drive through the front foot;
pushing up to standing. Use the rear leg
for balance, drawing it up and through to
a standing position. Ensure you keep a
strong core and chest proud. Repeat with
the opposite leg alternatively.


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Star ter Pack

exercise no.4

Quad Extensions

exercise no.5

I n c l i n e b e n c h re ve r s e c r u n c h e s

exercise no.6

LEgs & Abs

R u s s i a n Tw i s t s t o fe e t r a i s e d

3 drop sets of 10 reps to 15 reps

With your legs just within or shoulder
width apart utilise the full range of motion
allowed (do not go too low if this brings on
knee pain). Squeeze through the quads at
the peak, and control the eccentric portion
of the lift. Keep your body still, and back
and shoulders against the pads- holding
onto the handles and pulling yourself
down may help here!

3 sets of 10 reps
Select a 15-degree incline. Lay on the
bench so the top of your head is in line
with the top of the bench and grip the
bench. With a constant right angle at the
hip and knees bring your knees towards
your face/elbows by contracting the lower
abdominals. Hold briefly at the peak and
slowly return to the start position where
the back is flat and the abs on stretch.

4 supersets of 10 reps (each side) to 12

Assuming a sit up position, elbows in
tightly gripping a medicine ball, twist your
shoulders core and head in unity to one
side, return to the centre then to the other
side. Keep the ball in close at all times and
legs and hips facing forwards.
Lay flat on your back with your legs and
arms pointing directly upwards. With a
neutral neck position crunch directly up
attempting to touch your toes, then slowly
returning to the start phase.


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Star ter Pack

The LDNM Bikini Guide V3 has arrived! This

instantly downloadable E-Guide builds
upon the unparalleled success of its predecessors (Bikini Guide V1 and V2), both of
which have produced and continue to produce thousands of incredible, inspiring,
life-changing and sustainable transformations.
The single most comprehensive and sustainable diet and training plan available,
dont accept any imitations. Specifically
designed to get YOU in the shape you have
always yearned for, and NOT a generic one
size fits all plan.

Get your hands on the market leading guide

for a under 2.50 a week, which will leave
you both looking great and feeling fit and
This is a 130+ page, 18 week progressive
plan, designed to get you that Bikini Body
that you have always desired.

Fully adaptable for your weight and body

type, with unrivalled support from the
LDNM team via Twitter, Facebook and E-mail.
Getting in shape has never been easier no
matter what your starting point is the
Bikini Guide is designed to lead you through
your journey, every step of the way, in an
easy to understand manner.


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Star ter Pack

exercise no.1

Single arm dumbbell row

exercise no.2

Underhand Lat-Pulldown

exercise no.3

Bench Press

exercise no.4

Chest & back

Wide grip dips


5 sets of 4 reps
Brace yourself on the bench with a
straight-arm and bent leg, looking
forwards. Allow the dumbbell to hang at
the bottom of the rep keeping the weight
in your back rather than your arm. Initiate
the movement with your back, drawing
the dumbbell to the base of your rib cage.

4 sets of 6 reps
Take an underhand grip just inside your
shoulder width. Keeping your arms and
elbows tucked in- initiate the movement
by contracting your scapula down and into
place (rather than your biceps) sitting up
straight pull the bar down until it touches
your upper chest and squeeze through
your back.

5 sets of 4 reps
Take a comfortable, slightly wider than
shoulder width, grip on the bar, lowering
it so that it touches your chest in line
with your nipples. Push directly upwardsthrough your chest rather than your
shoulders- avoiding locking out the elbows
at the peak of the movement.

4 sets of 6 reps
Take a grip wider than regular dips and
lean your upper body forward to keep the
tension in your chest and shoulders. Keep
your forearms vertical and dip your body
until there is a 90 degree angle at your
elbow. Avoid avoiding locking out your
elbows at the peak of the rep.

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Star ter Pack

exercise no.5

Chest & Back

Lat pull- down to Lat push- down

exercise no.6

3 supersets of 6 reps to 12 reps

Take an overhand grip around 30cm
outside of your shoulder width. Initiate
the movement by contracting your
scapula down and into place- rather than
your biceps- sitting up straight pull the bar
down until it touches your upper chest,
again contracting through the upmost of
your back.
Arms and hands just outside of shoulder
forwards. Keeping your arms straight push
the bar directly down and then towards
the body until you reach your crotch area
contracting your back throughout. Be sure
to maintain your posture throughout.

Incline flyes to plate squeeze raises

3 supersets of 6 reps to 12 reps
Palms should be facing each other at the
peak of the rep, with arms slightly bent.
Lead the movement with your elbows,
keeping in line with your shoulders. Go
as low as comfortably possible while
maintaining form. Avoid bouncing at the
bottom of the rep and resting at the peak
of the rep.
Place both hands flat on the plate weight,
squeezing through your chest with elbows
pointing directly outwards. Use your chest
to raise the weight in an arc. Focus on a 1
second pause at the peak of the rep and
a controlled eccentric phase, maintaining
the tension through your chest.


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Star ter Pack

The LDNM Bulking Bible V2 is here! This

E-guide builds upon the massive success
of the original LDNM Natural Bulking Bible,
which produced thousands of fantastic lifechanging and sustainable transformations.
The Bulking Bible V2 takes you through a
step-by-step, lean bulking phase, ensuring
the best results possible- increasing your
size, strength and power- without unnecessarily increasing body fat.

This is a 100+ page, 22 week progressive

plan, which can be run standalone, or immediately following the LDNM Cutting Guideideal for those looking to embark on an extended bulking phase to achieve maximal
hypertrophic and strength gains.
Get your hands on the market leading guide
for under 2.50 a week, which will optimise
you gains in strength, size and power.

Rather than just lifting heavy with no real

aims or goals, the Bulking Bible V2 training
programme exploits Undulating Periodization and training phases of Accumulation
and Intensification.
Bulking Bible V2 diet is fully detailed for
your weight and body type, ensuring you
arent unnecessarily piling in extra calories
and putting on pounds of fat. It is an ideal
complement for any athletes current training regimen looking to stay lean while increasing their strength, size and power.


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Star ter Pack

exercise no.1

Dumbbell shoulder press

exercise no.2

Lateral raises

exercise no.3

Hammer curls

exercise no.4

Shoulders & Arms

Skull crushers


5 sets of 10 reps
Set the bench to an angle of 70 degrees or
above. Starting with the dumbbells in-line
with and just wider than your shoulders,
pushing directly upwards keeping your
forearms vertical throughout. The peak
of the rep, finish directly above your
shoulders and avoid locking out your
arms. Control the eccentric.

4 drop sets of 6 reps to 10 reps

Feet shoulder width apart, with your
shoulder blades pulled back and knees
slightly bent grip the dumbbell with your
knuckles facing downwards. Raise the
dumbbells directly to the side stopping in
line with shoulder height. Lead with the

3 sets of 12 reps
Allow your arms to hang straight, palms
facing inwards. Fully extend your arms at
the bottom of the rep but keep the tension
on your biceps. Focus on controlled
concentric/eccentric movements with a
strong bicep contraction at the top of the
rep. Avoid lifting the dumbbells too high.

3 sets of 12 reps
Elbows should stay directly above your
shoulders throughout the rep- not bowing
out or moving down towards your hips/
chest. The bar should stop at your hairline
or upper forehead, at the base of each
repetition. Push through your triceps on
the concentric movement.

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Star ter Pack

exercise no.5

Shoulders & Arms

R e v e r s e G r i p E Z- c u r l s t o n a r r o w
grip EZ- curls

exercise no.6

3 supersets of 6 reps to 12 reps

Take an overhand grip, hands shoulder
width apart, keeping elbows locked by
your sides. Fully extend your arms at the
bottom of the rep but keep the tension
on your biceps. Focus on controlled
concentric/eccentric movements with a
strong bicep contraction at the top of the
Take an underhand grip, hands shoulder
width apart, keeping elbows locked by
your sides. Fully extend your arms at the
bottom of the rep but keep the tension
on your biceps. Focus on controlled
concentric/eccentric movements with a
strong bicep contraction at the top of the

Flat bar tricep push-downs to

dumbbell kickbacks
3 supersets of 6 reps to 12 reps
Use a flat bar attachment on a high
cable. Stand tall, slight knee bend, elbows
remain in throughout. Starting with a
90-degree angle at your elbows, draw the
attachment down towards your crotch
and fully extend your triceps at the peak
of the movement. Control the return to
the start position and repeat.
Adopt a bent over row position, knees
bent with a flat back. Keeping your arm
and elbow at a 90 degree position: neck
neutral, extend the dumbbell backwards
without moving your arm position. Pivot
through the elbow until the arm is straightsqueezing through the triceps at the peak.


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The LDNM Cutting Guide V3 has arrived!

This instantly downloadable E-Guide builds
upon the monumental success of its predecessors (Cutting Guide V1 and V2), both
of which have produced and continue to
produce thousands of incredible, inspiring,
life-changing and sustainable transformations.
The LDNM Cutting Guide V3 guides you,
step-by-step through your diet and training,
in a safe and easy to understand way maximizing the effectiveness of your cutting
phase and enabling you to reach your
shredded end goal while maintaining (or
even increasing) your muscle mass!

wanting to shred body fat and maintain (or

even increase!) lean muscle mass, or as an
epic follow on to your Bulking Phase with the
LDNM Bulking Bible V2.
Get your hands on the original and market
leading guide for under 2.50 a week, which
will leave you both looking and feeling

Fully adaptable for your weight and body

type, with unrivalled support and motivation
from the LDNM team via Twitter, Facebook
and E-mail getting in shape has never been
easier no matter what your starting point is.
This is a 130+ page, 18 week progressive
plan, which can be run standalone for those


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Metabolic Circuit
Metabolic circuit

exercise no.1

Squat to shoulder press

exercise no.2

Squat taps

exercise no.3

Complete 10, 12 or 15 reps of each exercise, using 30-50% of your 1

rep max (for weighted exercises, dependant on your fitness) with a 10
seconds transition between exercises.
Complete 4 rounds, with a 30 second rest between rounds.
Time yourself and try to get faster each week, but never sacrifice form
for speed!
Increase the amount of reps or rounds per formed each time you do
the circuit!

Mountain climbers


Feet shoulder width apart, back straight

throughout. Hold the dumbbells with a
hammer grip with your elbows pointing
forwards and dumbbells parallel to
the ground throughout. Squat down to
parallel, before pushing through the heels
to standing and press the dumbbells
overhead by extending your arms. Lower
the dumbbells to the starting position.

Your starting body position should be the

same as at the bottom of regular squat.
Explosively jump upwards, moving your
feet so they are under the middle of your
body, landing on the balls of your feet with
soft knees. Without allowing your heels
to touch the floor, quickly jump your feet
outwards to the starting position. Then

Assume a press up position, hands

shoulder width apart. Keeping your hands
on the floor, lift one foot off of the floor
and move one knee towards your chin
as far as possible. Return the foot to
the starting position. Perform the same
motion with the opposite leg; the motion
should become similar to running on the

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Star ter Pack

exercise no.4

Press ups to dumbbell rows

exercise no.5


exercise no.6

Metabolic Circuit

Bench dips


Grip a dumbbell in each hand and assume

the press-up position- only the dumbbells
should be in contact with the floor. Keeping
strong wrists to stop the dumbbells from
rolling,, perform a press-up pausing at
the top of the rep. From here, row one
dumbbell to the bottom of your rib cage
while maintaining a strong body position.
Return to the bottom of the press up and
perform on the opposite side.

From the peak of a press up position jump

both feet in so the knees are below the
chest; from here jump upwards extending
the hands above your head. When you
land sink down and place your hands on
the floor and jump your feet back to the
start position. Complete a press up and

Start with your feet forward and your

hands on the bench, arms fully extended
(but elbows not locked out). Dip by
breaking the elbows, lowing your bum
close to the floor. Try to form a 90 degree
angle in your elbow at the bottom of the
rep. Push through your triceps to fully
extend your arms at the top of the rep.

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Star ter Pack

Here we have collated and listed
the most common terms that you
may not be familiar with and handy
replacement exercises.
If you are still left perplexed or there
are any terms you dont see included, please dont hesitate to tweet
us, or ask on any of our other social
media channels.


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Star ter Pack

Te r m i n o l o g y
Regularly used or complicated gym jargon.

Workout! Generally referring to your weights session in the gym.

Abbreviation of macronutrients. People often talk of their daily macros, to
describe the total amount of each food group they consume in a given period.
These food groups are; protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Abbreviation of repetitions. Refers to the number of times you should perform
the full movement of the exercises for one complete set.

The amount of times you should perform the full number of specified reps
taking the specified break between each.

The push or pull section of the exercise/movement the hard part where you
are doing the positive work of the rep (moving against a resistance). A type of
muscle activation that increases the tension on a muscle as it shortens.

The hold at the peak of the concentric phase (e.g. at the top of a bicep curl.) A
contraction, where the muscle fires but there is no change in its length and no
movement at the joints.

The section of the exercise/movement where gravity is acting upon the weight;
you must control this and resist gravity as you lower/raise (exercise dependant)
the weight. A type of muscle activation that increases the tension on a muscle as
it lengthens.


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Star ter Pack

Compound vs Isolation
A compound lift is a multi-joint exercise, engaging multiple muscle, e.g. squats.
An isolation exercise aims to only engages a single muscle, e.g. quad extensions.

Fa i l u r e
Exactly how it sounds. Hitting a point where you cant physically finish a rep
and your muscles fail to contract properly. This doesnt mean going crazy with
a dangerously heavy weight. It requires you to push yourself to your maximum
without compromising form or tempo.

Te m p o
These numbers are the length (in seconds) each movement should take, or be
held for.
2 (concentric phase) : 1 (isometric hold) : 2 (eccentric phase)
For more information on tempo, read this article.

This is where you perform one exercise immediately after another different
exercise, aiming for a 0-10 second rest between each. Supersets can be used to
target a single or multiple muscle groups and are utilised for various training
protocols. Their most effective use is to stimulate hypertrophy and increase
muscular endurance.
We have integrated supersets within the Bikini Guide V3 to challenge you and
add volume and variety where required you have been warned!

Drop set
Once you have reached the first number of specified reps for the given exercise,
you should reduce the weight by 30-40% (you should reduce the weight by
a higher percentage if you are required to reach a high number of reps) and
perform the specified number of reps for the drop.


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Replacement exercises
U n d e r- e q u i p p e d g y m ? Weve g o t yo u cove re d !

EZ Bar Curls: can be replaced with a barbell, using the specified grip.
Hammer Bar Curls: can be replaced using a hammer grip with dumbbells.
Plate Curls: can be replaced using either hammer dumbbell curls or hammer
bar curls.
Preacher Bench: Can be replaced using single arm dumbbell isolation curls.

Tr i c e p s
Overhead Tricep Cable Extension: can be replaced with over head dumbbell
Tricep Cable Pushdowns: can be replaced with skull crushers (EZ Bar or

Barbell and Dumbbell Work can be used interchangeably here so long as you
mimic the same movement. An exception would be Arnold Press which cannot
be directly mimicked with a barbell.
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press: can be replaced with seated dumbbell
shoulder press.
Front Plate Raises: can be replaced with vertical barbell or dumbbell (hammer
grip) raises.
Dumbbell Shoulder Press: can be replaced with barbell military press.

Lat Pull-Down: can be replaced with wide grip chin ups, and for those who
struggle (and dont have an assisted chin up machine) simply perform the
negative stage only. To do so jump up while holding onto the bar, and attempt
to control the lowering phase for the specified tempo, then repeat.
Lat Pull-Down: can also be replaced wide grip bent over barbell row.
Cable Row: Lay prone on a flat/incline bench and perform a row with either
dumbbells or a barbell. Alternatively, utilise a bent over row here with the
equivalent grip.


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Star ter Pack

Barbell and Dumbbell Work can be used interchangeably here so long as you
mimic the same movement.
Bench Press: can be replaced with dumbbell press utilising the same incline/
decline. Smith machine and chest press machines can also be used, but are less
Dumbbell Flyes: can be replaced with cable flyes.
Wide Grip Dips: can be replaced with press-ups and vice versa.
Press-Ups: can be performed on your knees if necessary to reach the full
number of reps.

Back Squat: can be replaced with leg press and additional glute work.
Deadlift: can be replaced with sumo squats and additional back extension and
lat/back work.
Front Squat: can be replaced with quad extension or goblet squats.
Jefferson Squat: can be replaced with or machine/barbell hack squats.
Quad Extension: can be replaced with a front squat or goblet squat.
Laying Hamstring Curls: can be replaced laying dumbbell hamstring curls as
pictured below or with barbell/dumbbell straight leg deadlifts.


w w w. LD N M u sc l e. co m | w w epro teinwo r k m

Star ter Pack

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