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Unfriendly Mob

Part 4
Capture and Freedom
Written by,
Ian Toomey

So, were brothers, and shes our sister?! Dylan asked.

I nodded.
How is this even possible?
I dont know, but hey, at least were allowed to wander around freely now!
I say we get out of here. I saw a submarine as I was being carried in. Lets
try and steal it and get away. I dont want to live with this creepy guy. Isnt it sort of
weird that he waited until we were eleven-years-old to find us? I said.
Yeah, I guess it is. Paige replied.
Lets do it under the cover of darkness, that way its easier for us to get out
without being seen. Dylan suggested.
Good idea. I said.
The compound we were at had regular-sized chain link fences without any
barbed wire. Inside there were lots of locked doors that led to different rooms, and
Dr. Sweeds office. The entire building was made entirely out of cement, and kind of
looked like a prison with guard towers all around it and security cameras pointed
every which way. We went back to my room to plot and plan. We decided that once
it got dark, we would wait until midnight, then we would make our move. We were
going to steal the submarine right outside the compound and sneak away
underwater to freedom.
That night, the three of us were wide awake in Dylans room, the closest one
to the exit. It was 11:50, and we were just about ready to try to escape. I was
checking our map, and making sure we had everything planned correctly.
Everyone ready? Dylan asked.
Yep. I replied.
Lets get out of here.
We shut off the lights in the room, and Dylan cracked the door open. He
peeked out, then waved us on behind his back. It was clear to go.
We left the room. We crept down the dark hallway, when suddenly Dylan
stopped by a cell. He peeked in, and gasped.
Theres someone in there!
I undid the latch and pulled the door open. The hinges creaked loudly, and we
froze, waiting for someone to discover us outside in the middle of the night, but
nothing happened. We went inside the cell and knelt next to the figure lying
uncounciness on the floor.
Who is it?
Suddenly Dylan let out a scream of surprise.
OH! Its him! Its him! Its him!

The figure stirred and sat up, jumping away in fright when he saw us.
Who are you? he asked, panic in his voice.
Its me, Dylan! Dylan said.
The figure stared at Dylan uncertainly.
You know me!
The figure suddenly yelled in delight. I realized who it was.
Dylan! Youre here! I cant believe it. Were together again! Cristian
exclaimed excitedly.
Dylan crawled forward and hugged his brother. The two boys embraced. They
both started to laugh.
At least were still a family. Dylan whispered.
Forever. Cristian replied.
Whos that? Paige asked my quietly.
His twin brother. Its a long story. I whispered back.
Paige and I started to back away, but Cristian told us to come back. We
scooted over to him, and shook hands excitedly.
How did you guys find me?
I explained how we got here, and our plan to get out.
But, how in the world did you survive falling into that fireball? I was sure you
died. Dylan asked inquisitively.
Well, when I fell, I curled up into a ball. When I hit the ground, I stayed in a
ball, and the fireball passed over me. But then fire sprinklers turned on, and the fire
died off. I got drenched. I waited for someone to find me, and finally when no one
came, I got one of the cones that the fire came out of from the side of the room and
used it to stand on to get out. Once I was out, I escaped, but got caught by the cops
for being out after the city curfew. I spent four hours in Juvie before the cops could
track down mom and dad and tell them where I was. But then Dr. Sweed got to me
first, and Ive been in here ever since. Its been like a week or something since Ive
seen another human being. Oh, and for the record, Juvie sucks!
Thats insane. Well, were escaping now. Weve got to get outta here.
We all stood up, but Cristian was wobbly.
Im pretty weak. I havent eaten or drank anything for like two days.
Here, wrap your arm around my shoulders. Ill help you. I said.

Cristian did as I said. We walked slowly out of the room and down the hallway.
Cristian had trouble walking, but together we made it outside. We went over to the
fence, and Cristian had a lot of trouble hopping the fence. Dylan and I ended up
picking him up and carrying him over the fence. Once Cristian was over, I climbed
over, and I helped Cristian down to the submarine. So far our escape had gone
pretty much to plan.
Once we made it down to the submarine, Dylan crawled on top of the
submarine and unlocked the hatch on top. He helped me lift Cristian up to him and
Cristian slipped into the sub. Paige, Dylan and I quickly followed. Once everyone
was in, Dylan closed and locked the hatch. I sat down in the co-pilots seat, and
Dylan sat down in the pilots seat. The submarine had five seats, two in the front,
two behind them, and one in the back in the middle. Cristian took the seat behind
me, and Paige took the seat behind Dylan. Computer screens showed our location,
depth, a radar, and our speed. It also showed that the submarine was sealed
Okay, how do we turn this thing on? asked Dylan to no one in particular
I turned a key, and the engine roared to life.
Like that.
Okay. That must be the throttle. Im guess this button here is to pressurize
the cabin. I think Im getting this. Dylan said.
Dylan pushed the throttle lever forward, and we started to move forward. I
saw a button that said dive, and I pressed it. We started to go underwater. Dylan
pressed the pressurize button, and air rushed in as we got deeper and deeper.
How do you stop the descent?! I asked, a little freaked out. I hit the dive
button again, and we stopped diving. We started going forward.
We moved through the water, using the joysticks in front of us to pilot the sub
around rocks and other things in the water.
Phew! I cannot believe we got away so easily! That was a piece of cake.
I know, right?
How you doing, Cris? I asked.
Okay. Im starving, but Im okay.
Look for some food. Dylan said.
Paige stood up and started rummaging through some boxes in the back, but
found nothing.
Where are we going? Paige asked, sitting back down in her chair.

Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. I dont know. Anywhere except for that freaking
place, though.
For sure.
But the euphoria of our escape didnt last long. Suddenly the radar started
beeping loudly, and four blips appeared very close to their submarine.
Shoot. Weve got company! Hang on everyone! Dylan yelled.
He punched the throttle and the sub shot forward. The computer showed that
we were going fifty knots. I quickly did the math, and determined we were going
only 57 miles per hour. I punched the second throttle, and we accelerated to over
100 knots. We were now going 115 miles per hour.
Holey moley, were cruising. Were going 115 mph, yall.
The blips kept up with us, and I saw two of them on either side of us.
Everyone buckled? I yelled.
Yep! Cristian replied.
Dylan and I took hold of the joysticks and together started to go up to get
away from the other subs, but to no avail. They stayed with us easily. We were
maxed out, speed-wise anyway.
Shoot. Theyre staying with us.
Try slowing down, then backtracking. Paige suggested.
I pulled the throttles back and we stopped. I gave us throttle once again, and
we quickly turned around. I hit full thrust, and we shot away from the other subs.
The tactic seemed to work-for a little while anyway. Soon the other subs were back
on us.
Gosh darn it, we cant get away. Theyre too darn smart. Everything we try
they can do faster.
Just stop and see what they do. Cristian said.
We stopped and waited. The other subs came up close to us and boxed us in
in all directions. We felt a bump, and then the hatch on the top opened. A man
peeked in, then froze.
What in the?
He saw four eleven-year-old kids staring back at him nervously.
What, what are you kids doing in here?
Um, nothing, um, sir. Dylan spluttered anxiously.
How old are you kids?

Eleven, um, sir.

Dont you know these are only supposed to be driven by adults?
We stayed silent.
Stand up kids.
We stood up, unsure of what was going to happen. The man climbed down
the ladder into our sub. I backed away a little bit, the knot in my stomach tightening
more and more with each second.
Im with the United States Navy. You kids worried about getting in trouble?
I nodded, now sick to my stomach. Weve been caught driving a submarine
illegally by the navy? Were seriously screwed. If I though four hours in Juvie was
bad, I couldnt imagine how bad a year would be
Dont worry about that for now. Where were you kids going with the
Um, we dont know sir. Were trying to, um, escape.
Escape from who?
Um, Dr. Sweed. He kidnapped us, um, sir.
You the kids that have been chased by that lunatic?
I nodded. Yes, um, sir.
We freaked out when we saw the other subs. We thought it was him coming
to get us. We tried to get away.
It was just us. We were in the middle of training, and we saw your sub. We
thought we should better make sure it wasnt an enemy. I didnt think it was going
to be a group of kids, though.
Um, whats gonna happen sir? Cristian asked.
Well, were gonna have you get in our sub, then well have someone drive
this sub to our base. We need to take you kids with us.
Are we in a lot of trouble, sir? Paige asked with fear in her voice.
Well discuss that later. The man replied.
He had us climb up a tube into the gigantic navy sub, then he came up. He
helped Cristian climb up by holding him as he climbed, then I let him wrap his arm
around his shoulder for support. Another man went down to pilot our sub. The man
that had followed us up led us to a small room, where he told us to stay until we
docked. The room was four walls with a window that looked out into the ocean. We
sat down on the floor together.
Im really dizzy. Cristian said weakly.

I stood up and looked outside. The man was just down the hallway.
Hey, um, sir? Can I ask you something, please?
Sure. The man came over to me.
My brother is really weak. He hasnt had any food or water for a few days.
Could he get something to eat, please? Hes really dizzy.
Oh, um, sure. Ill get him something. Stay in there and Ill be back.
Thank you, um, sir.
I went and sat down. I was devastated at being stopped in our escape
attempt so quickly. First chance we get, were getting back in the sub and getting
out of here. Far away from Dr. Sweed, from the compound, and away from the evil
kidnappers-and the Navy.
The man came in with four plates of food, and he gave one to each of us. He
left us alone. We ate hungrily, thankful for the food.
I say we get back to Michigan ASAP. Cristian said.
Me too. I said.
Michigan? Why Michigan? Paige asked.
Thats where we live.
Oh. Gotcha.
What if we hop a freight train out of town? Just ride in a boxcar until we get
closer. I suggested.
Well, first off, where the heck are we? Cristian asked.
I dont actually know where we are.
Go ask the man. Dylan said.
I stood up and peeked my head out the door, but the hallway was empty. A
woman came down the hallway a moment later, and I stopped her.
Hey, do you know where we are?
Certainly, youngster. Were just on the coast of New Jersey.
New Jersey?!
Thats right.
Oh boy. Okay. Thank you.
The women went on her way, and I shut the door.
Were in New Jersey.

WHAT?! Cristian yelled.

Okay. We definitely need to get a train out of here. Dylan exclaimed.
What happens when we do hit land? Paige asked.
Oh, yeah. I hadnt thought of that.
An hour later, we hit land. The man escorted us off to a police officer. He put
us in the back seat of his Crown Vic, and drove us to a station. There he called
someone, and asked us a whole bunch of questions. After the questioning, he put us
in a tiny cell to wait.
An hour later, he returned. He opened the cell, and let us out. We followed
him out of the cell and up two flights of stairs to his office. We went into his office,
only to find Dr. Sweed waiting for us.
Oh, no. Cristian muttered to me.
I know. I mumbled back.
Hello, kids. Glad youre okay. Dr. Sweed said pleasantly.
We didnt say anything. I avoided eye contact with him.
These your kids? the officer asked.
Yes, sir. Thats them. Thank you so much. I dont know what they were
thinking when they ran off. They will be thoroughly punished.
Im sure. You and your kids are free to go.
With that, we all had to stand up and follow Dr. Sweed out of the office and
outside to his van. The four of us got in, giving police officers nervous looks as we
passed them, but none of them did anything. Dr. Sweed started the van. We drove
out of the parking lot and back to the compound.
Go to your rooms and stay there. No talking. Dr. Sweed said as soon as we
The four of us obeyed. We gave each other one last look of despair, then
separated to our rooms. I sat on my bed, worried about what thoroughly punished
meant. I heard a yell down the hall, and the worried knot in my stomach tightened. I
started to sweat, and my heart rate increased.
I hate getting hurt or hit. I hope Dr. Sweed doesnt spank us. About ten
minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Dr. Sweed entered and shut the door
behind him.
Kieran, buddy, how are you? he asked, his voice calm, and yet
Um, nervous, sir. I replied.
Why are you nervous?

I dont want to get spanked, sir.

No, no, no, Kieran, I dont spank kids. Dont worry. I just wanted to talk to
Um, okay. I sat up, hanging my legs over the edge.
Dr. Sweed sat down next to me. I nervously glanced at him.
Who came up with the idea to run away?
The nervous knot in my stomach tightened.
I did, sir.
Oh, it was you then. Whyd you all try and leave?
I stayed silent.
We dont believe youre our father. I said, fear increasing inside me.
Dr. Sweed was silent for several moments.
I understand. He finally said. The news of being adopted is hard to take in
for a boy your age. I should have waited for a more appropriate time. Well leave it
here for today. Youre all grounded from the grounds for now. You all must stay
Yes, sir.
Dinner is upstairs in room 200 at six Oclock sharp. Be there or youll starve
Dr. Sweed stood and went over to the door. He stopped and turned around.
Im sorry, about everything. He said.
Before I could reply, he turned around and left the room, leaving my door
open a crack. I kicked off my shoes and laid down on the bed, curling up into the
fetal position with my back to the door. I started to cry. I missed home.
-CristianI exited my room and went up to Dylans room. I knocked on the door, and he
opened it. His face was tear streaked.
Oh, hey, come on in, bro. he said. He opened the door and let me in. He
wiped the tears off his face.
Sorry. He said.
Its okay. You doing alright?
Not really. I miss home.

Me too.
What do you think mom and dad are doing right now?
Probably talking to the FBI.
Yeah. I hope their holding up okay. I feel like such an emotional mess right
Hey, its okay. Calm down. Well get through this, just like the other times. I
know we will. Weve gotta make a plan.
Get the others.
I left the room and got Kieran and Paige. We gathered in Dylans room, and
sat on his bed.
Dinner is in a half hour. Paige said.
Yeah. Weve gotta go tonight. Were still in trouble with Dr. Sweed, you
know. Kieran said.
Yeah, I know. Lets just play it cool tonight. Act like innocent kids. Just have
some fun and joke around. I think we should ride out our sentence, then once were
allowed on the grounds again, we make our move.
I agree.
We made our plans for our second escape attempt. By the time we left for
dinner, we were sure in our plans. As we got into the elevator, we were joking
To me, it felt like we were all friends, just hanging out together and having a
great time. It scared me a little bit. It felt too close to a real family.
I guess I dont know what family means right now. I know Dylan is my brother,
but Im not so sure about Kieran and Paige. I barely know Paige, but she seems nice,
plus shes cute, so that helps, I guess.
We talked and joked around as we headed down the hallway. When we got to
room 200, we went in. We were ten minutes early, but Dr. Sweed was waiting for us
all the same. He was standing at the head of the table. He smiled when we entered.
Hey, kids. Im glad you all could make it.
We sat down around the table, and Dr. Sweed rang a bell. Five servers
appeared from a hidden door in the wall, each carrying a plate of mac and cheese
with bacon mixed in, peas, pear slices, and root beer in glasses.
As this is our first dinner together, I thought I would make something you
kids would like.
Awesome! I said.

I loved mac and cheese! That was practically my favorite food. Dylan liked it
too, but not as much as I do. The servers put the food in front of us, then promptly
left. We started to eat, and Dr. Sweed asked us questions about ourselves. We told
him about soccer, ballet, (that was Paiges thing!), video games, and Dylan and Is
friendship with Kieran. Kieran talked about his violin classes, and school.
Man, school. That seems like a whole other life. I bet I failed all my classes.
Dr. Sweed listened to us talk intently, only asking a few questions here and
there. Even after we finished eating, we were still talking happily.
Two hours after dinner ended, we finally left the room and went back to
Dylans room to keep planning. Although, now I was having second thoughts about
leaving. I stayed silent, thinking of a way of tell the others what I thought. Finally,
the group fell silent.
Guys? Um, can I say something?
Sure, Cris. Dylan said.
Well, I, um, dont think we should escape.
What? Why not?
Well, when we were going up to dinner and while we were talking,
everything seemed right. It all seemed like it should. It seemed natural, you know? I
dont know if this is making any sense, but thats how I feel.
But, Cris, dont you want to go back to Michigan?
I dont know right now.
Dude! Weve been kidnapped three times by this guy. Hes insane! Weve
gotta get outta here before he tries something. Hes only being nice to him so he
can hurt us later. Kieran said.
Hes right, you know. Its just an act. Paige said.
I dont think so. Everything seemed right! Didnt you feel it too?
No, Cris, we didnt. It felt awkward during dinner. I didnt like it.
I sighed.
Well, thats how I felt.
Were still going to try. Were leaving. You can come or you can go. Kieran
I took a deep breath and stood up, letting my breath out slowly.
Okay, then, see you guys later.
I turned and walked to the door. When I got to the door, I stopped. I turned

Maybe youll see in time. This is where we belong.

I opened the door and left the room, letting it close behind me. I went to my
room and shut the door, locking it. I laid on my bed on my back and stared at the
-//Later that night, I laid in my bed, listening to guards run every which way
outside my room. Dylan, Kieran, and Paige had just attempted their escape, and it
looked like they made it. I laid in bed and let the sparks fly around me.
Just then my bedroom door burst open and three guards burst in. I sat up,
and they put their guns down.
Control, this is 22. There is one child still here. Hes in his quarters. A guard
said over his two-way radio.
Who are you, kid? Whats your name? another guard asked.
Cristian. I stayed behind.
Well, thats really good. That was the right thing to do. Hop out of bed and
come with us. Dr. Sweed wants to see you.
Oh, um, okay.
I hopped out of bed and followed the guards up to Dr. Sweeds room. When we
arrived, I knocked, and Dr. Sweed told us to come in.
I went in and found Dr. Sweed sitting behind his desk, a smile on his face.
Hello, Cristian. Please, sit down. Guards, you are dismissed. Thank you. Keep
looking for the others!
The guards left, and I sat down in front of Dr. Sweeds desk.
I always knew you were the smarter one, Cristian.
I smiled.
Did you know this was coming? I asked, mostly out of curiosity
I did. I could tell from the others faces that they were planning something,
but I could tell you werent on board with them.
It just didnt seem right.
I could tell. You know, if you would tell me where they are going, Ill reward
you profoundly.
Oh, yeah, um, sure. I know where they were going.
Dr. Sweed leaned forward, clasping his hands together on the desk.
And where, do tell, might that be, Cristian?

-//Two boys and a girl, each the same age, entered a small caf and quickly
took a booth in the back of the restaurant. Each looked around nervously, but
seeing nothing that worried them, they relaxed. A waiter came over and asked what
they wanted, and they each ordered a salami and ham sandwich with water to
drink. Once the waiter left, the three kids leaned in close each other, talking in
hurried, hushed voices.
Weve got to get out of this city. Theyll find us for sure! one said.
I know, but how the heck are we going to do that? the girl said.
Hop a train. The other boys replied.
The two other kids looked at him incredulously.
Itd be easy! Just climb into a box car and close the door. Theyll never know!
Cristian suggested it before, you know.
Hey, he might be onto something. The girl said.
Yeah. Thats a good idea, I guess. Wheres the closest train station?
Oh, um, I dont know. Ask that officer over there. He might know.
Nervously, one of the boys stood and approached the young police officer.
The officer was eating lunch alone.
Excuse me, sir. Um, can I ask you something? the boy said anxiously.
Of course, buddy. Whats your question? the officer replied. He looked at
the boy with a friendly smile on his face.
Um, where is the train station? Were supposed to meet my cousin there, but
we got lost.
Oh, thats simple. You just go up the street to the light, then turn right. The
train station is just up the road a little bit.
Oh, gosh. Its that close? I didnt know. Thank you, sir.
No problem, buddy. Good luck.
The boy turned and went back to his table.
Up the road to the light, then turn right. Its down the road a little bit.
Perfect. Nice sweet-talking, by the way. The girl said.
The kids sandwichs and water came, and they ate the food hungrily. When
they were finished, the girl paid with a twenty-dollar bill, but told the lady at the

counter to keep the change. The three kids left the caf, and hurried down the
street towards the train station.
So, whos the cousin were supposed to pick up? one boy asked his friend.
Doesnt matter. I had to come up with something so the officer wouldnt get
suspicious. It got us the directions we needed, so just forget it.
Ten minutes later, the kids arrived at the train station. They walked up the
tracks a little bit so they would be out of sight of prying eyes. A few minutes later a
train pulled in. It was a freight train, with boxcars and tanker cars as far as the eye
could see. Once the train stopped, the three kids quickly opened a boxcar doors and
jumped in. The girl slid the door closed just as a police car passed by.
Phew. We made it.
The kids looked around the stuffy boxcar. It was half full of plywood boxes,
each six feet long, four feet high, and two feet wide. The kids crawled behind a
stack of boxes to hide out until the train started moving again.
The kids hid in the boxcar for two straight days, watching the world fly past
as they went. When they got to a train station, they closed the doors and hid until
the train was far away from the station. The kids were thirsty and starving, but glad
to getting away from the compound, and Dr. Sweed.
Three long, cold, stuffy days later, all three kids were asleep when the train
suddenly stopped. Paige, the girl, awoke first. She heard voices close by their
boxcar, and she quickly awoke Kieran and Dylan. Kieran peeked out, and saw cops
peering into each boxcar with flashlights.
Its the cops! Theyre looking in each car, looking for someone or
I think there looking for some-one!
Who would they be looking for?
Duh! US!
Oh. Right. Shoot.
Hide behind the boxes! Paige exclaimed.
The kids scrambled behind large stacks of boxes, laying down flat so they
were hidden. They listened intently to the voices, which were getting closer with
each passing minute. Finally, the voices reached their car. Flashlights illuminated
the boxcar, making it bright as day inside. Dylan tried to control his heartbeat,
which he was sure the cops outside could hear.
Hey, Rick, climb in there. Im seeing something on the thermal camera.

The kids looked at each other with wide eyes of fear. Had they just been
discovered, and now they were simply waiting for capture?
One of the officers climbed up into the boxcar, shining a flashlight around it.
With one hand on his gun, he walked to the other side of the boxcar, but didnt see
anybody. He checked behind the boxes, on all sides of the boxcar, and even the
roof, but there was nothing. Then he checked behind another stack of boxes.
Hey, kid! Sit up with your hands where I can see them!
Sadly, Kieran sat up, keeping his hands up, palms open and towards the
Stand up and turn around.
Kieran did as he was told. The officer took hold of Kierans two hands and he
placed handcuffs Kierans wrists. Suddenly the officer gasped.
Wait a minute. Youre the same kid from the caf! Where are your friends,
Kieran shrugged.
I dont know, sir. They left me. They ran off.
Just now.
The officer led Kieran to the doors, and two officers helped him out. Once
outside, he was led to a patrol car and locked inside the backseat. Two more officers
searched the entire boxcar, but found nothing.
Sir, just before you climbed into the boxcar and found us, my friends darted
out the other side of the boxcar, making a clean getaway. I stayed behind. I stayed
behind to get captured, so I can go back and be with my friend. Ive been thinking,
and I thought that maybe a life with Dr. Sweed, however crazy he is, would be safer
than this constant running from everyone and anyone.
Well, I appreciate you being honest with me. Ill keep that in mind. I need to
read you something, then ask you some questions, okay?
I listened to him read me my Miranda rights, and I agreed to them. I also
agreed to answer questions.
So, where are your parents, buddy?
Um, I dont know. My dad is named Dr. Sweed, though. Kieran lied.
Dr. Sweed? You mean that crazy old nuthouse up on the hill?
Yeah. That guy.

Alright, I didnt know he had kids. One more question. What in the world
were you doing on the train? You know thats illegal, right?
I nodded. I explained what had happened and why we had hoped the train.
Oh. Thanks for being honest with me, kiddo.
He paused for a moment.
You know Im going to have to take you in with me, right?
Am I going to jail? Cant you just call my dad and have him come get me?
Well, I am going to call your dad, but first I have to take you to the station
and fingerprint you. Its all part of the system.
Well, okay. Have you caught the others?
No, not yet.
Well, lets go then.
The officer smiled, and closed the door. He went around and jumped into the
drivers seat. Ten minutes later we arrived at the police station. The officer led me
inside, where he made me promise not to try anything. After I had sworn up and
down I wasnt going to do anything, the officer took my cuffs off. He fingerprinted
me, then took me to an office where he called Dr. Sweed. After that, it was a waiting
game for one of Dr. Sweeds guards to come and pick me up and bring me back to
the compound.
When I got to the compound, I was brought before Dr. Sweed so he and I
could talk about what happened. At first he was mad about us leaving, but when I
told him about me getting caught intentionally to come back, he relaxed. He told
me that since I had changed my mind and decided to come back, I was ungrounded.
I told him where Dylan and Paige had run off to, and he sent guards out to go track
them down. Then Cristian came up, and he told both of us that there was something
special he wanted us to do.
I want you two to help me with something.
Okay, what do you need help with, sir?
I need help finding someone special. Shes been missing for a long time, and
I need your help tracking her down.
Who is it?
Your mother.
Cristian and I looked at each other in surprise.
Our mother? Cristian asked.
Yes, boys, you both have another mother. Your biological mother, should I

How can two kids track down one person in the entire world? Thats like
trying to find a needle in a haystack! Kieran exclaimed.
Boys, youve survived through three rough kidnappings, escaped twice, and
now youre back, I think two eleven-year-olds like you can handle it. Youre the
smartest kids I know.
Do you know her name?
Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Her name is Kelly Sweed, but nowadays she
goes by the last name of Hendricks.
Kelly Hendricks. Got it. Maybe we could find her on Facebook.
Go ahead. Dr. Sweed said. He logged into his computer, and let me go on
Facebook. I searched the name, and got five hits. I asked Dr. Sweed if he recognized
any of the women, but he didnt identify any of them.
We searched for fifteen more minutes, but found nothing. We searched a
phone book. But there werent any answers there. We had hit a dead end. We
looked up the name on Google, and a picture of a thin woman came up on LinkedIn,
a professional business social media website for adults. I asked Dr. Sweed if the
woman was the right one, and he said that it was.
She was a middle school teacher in Maple Valley, Washington.
Get ready, boys. Were heading to Washington.
Were ready right now, sir. We dont have any luggage or anything. Kieran
Go wait outside the building. Ill be there in a few minutes.
We went outside and waited. A moment later a nice BMW drove up. Dr.
Sweed was in the passenger seat.
Jump in, boys!
We hopped in the backseat, buckling up and relaxing a little.
Think we should try to escape? Kieran whispered as the car drove out of the
compound and down the dirt road.
Uh, possibly, but play it cool for now. Just act like a family. Its pretty much
the only thing keeping us alive right now. I whispered back.
Right. Got it.
An hour later, we arrived at the airport. The driver dropped us off, then left.
We hopped on a flight to Seattle, only getting held up in security when
Kierans belt buckle set off the metal detector and he had to be taken to another
room to be searched, but everything turned up okay and we still made our flight. We
sat in the very back of the 737-900, and the flight took off without a hitch. Nobody

seemed to recognize us as the kids that had been missing for several weeks, mostly
because I know pictures of us had been in newspapers and TV. When we were
searching for the woman on Facebook, we also saw our picture on there as well. I
kept hoping someone would recognize us and help us, but it never happened. The
flight was a red-eye overnight flight, so most of the passengers on the plane were
asleep anyway.
A few hours later, we arrived in Seattle. It was four in the morning, and all of
us were exhausted. We got a hotel, and slept for a whole day. We got some dinner
when we awoke, then went right back to bed. The next day, Dr. Sweed woke Kieran
and I up early to get ready for school.
Our job was to be new students at Tahoma Middle School, and try and get to
Mrs. Hendricks to see if she would return to the family. At least, thats what Dr.
Sweed told us to do. He gave us backpacks with all the newest school gear in it, as
well some other items kids our age would have in our pockets in middle school.
Dr. Sweed drove to the school, and my first thought was that it looked more
like a prison than a school. Gates surrounded the entire campus, and bars covered
the windows. The main building was three stories tall, and there was an office, a
gymnasium, and a music room.
Dr. Sweed took us into the office and introduced us to the secretary. She
showed us around the campus, and helped us find our new classes. Dr. Sweed had
preselected our classes for us, none of them had Mrs. Hendricks teaching. We met
our new teachers, and found our way around the school. We started school
tomorrow. Now that we had been introduced to the school, we found Mrs. Kendricks
room, and discovered it was away from most classrooms in the basement. All our
classes were on the third floor, so getting down here unseen was going to prove
The next day, Kieran and I were at TMS early. We went to our homeroom
class, and found our desks. We waited for the rest of the class to trickle in. They
never once looked at Kieran and I. Class began, and the teacher told Kieran and I to
come up to the front of the classroom.
Kieran and I stood and walked to the front of the class, the same nervous
feeling forming in my chest that I get on every first day of school.
Class, this is Kieran and Cristian. They are our new students! I expect every
one of you to welcome our new kids to the class.
We looked at the sea of students, just wishing we could return to the back
and sit down and hide. The teacher let us sit down, and relieved, we both went to
our desks again.
Okay, class, please get out some homework or something to read. I want it
quiet in here. You may work on group projects together. The teacher explained.
The class got out assignments and started working. Kieran and I started
talking to each other quietly.

Did you see that one kid sneer at us? Hes so weird! I exclaimed.
Oh, I know! But not as weird as the girl in the front row with all those colors
in her hair! Its so gross!
I HATE middle school!
The hour passed slowly, mostly just Kieran and I talking to each other, then
when the bell rang we went to our second class. While we were in passing, my cell
phone buzzed. It was a text-message from Dr. Sweed.
Boys, hope your first day is going well. When you have a chance, go down to
Mrs. Kendricks room and try and get her schedule. That way we can plan when we
want to talk to her.
-Dr. S
I told Kieran what the text said, and he suggested we do it during lunch. So,
we decided on that. The next class was a math class. We were introduced to the
class, then we set about the lesson. For Kieran and I, it was a hard hour of class. We
were working on order of operations, and math was never something Ive
necessarily flourished in, and well neither has Kieran.
The teacher had a student teacher that helped her, so she spent most of the
class helping us understand the complex equations. After class ended, it was lunch
time. All the sixth graders eat lunch together, and we had to sit and eat for fifteen
minutes, then after the fifteen minutes we could either walk around the lunchroom,
or go outside to the football field and hang out.
We waited for a few moments, then left the lunchroom and snuck down to
Mrs. Kendricks room. Her schedule was taped to her door. I took out my cell phone,
and quickly took three pictures of the schedule. We turned and started walking back
to the cafeteria.
Excuse me, boys. What are you doing down here? a man asked behind
Uh oh.
We turned around. A teacher was walking towards us.
Um, were new here. We, um, got lost. We were looking for the library.
Oh. Thats on the third floor. Ill walk you up there if you want.
That would be awesome. Thank you.
Follow me.
We followed him down the hallway.
Is this your first day?
Yeah. We just moved here.

Where from?
Michigan. Our dad got a new job here. Its been pretty rough, though.
Well, if you kids need any help, you can always come to me.
Thank you. What is your name?
Mr. Peters. Im a counselor. Were here.
We turned and found the door to the library. Kieran and I thanked Mr. Peters,
and went inside. We found a table in the back that was empty and sat down. I put
my backpack next to me on the ground.
Phew. That was way to close. I thought we were busted for sure!
Yeah, me too!
Nice sweet talking. Youre good at that.
I smiled. Thanks. I guess that makes me a good liar.
Yeah, I guess it does.
What time does lunch end?
Um, I dont know. Wed better ask.
Ill do it.
I stood up and went over to the lady at the desk.
Hi. What can I help you with?
What time does lunch end?
12:53. Youve got about ten minutes left.
Alright. Thanks. Im new here, so Im still trying to figure everything out.
No problem, buddy. Welcome to Tahoma.
Thanks. I said. I turned and walked back to Kieran.
Theres ten minutes left.
I sat down and pulled out my cell phone. I quickly sent the photos of Mrs.
Kendricks schedule to Dr. Sweed.
Wheres our next class?
I think its downstairs. Room C12.
Okay. Want to go find it now?

We stood up and left the library. We went downstairs to the basement and
walked along the hallway, trying to find our room. None of the rooms were C12. We
walked back, making sure we hadnt missed it, but room C12 just didnt exist. I
pulled out my schedule, and it said room C12 on it. We had just three minutes left to
find out classroom, and we had no idea where it was. Feeling a little stressed, we
went up to the second level, and looked there, but again we didnt find the room.
The bell rang.
Shoot. Where the heck is this room?! Kieran cried, obviously as stressed as
I was.
I dont know. Lets try the third floor.
We went upstairs and looked there, but there was nothing.
Argh! Well never find the room. What class is it, anyway?
I looked at my schedule again.
Oh. Wait a minute. Isnt that outside?
Maybe. Lets go see!
We raced downstairs and out the door. We tore down the walkway, past
classrooms and a pathway up to the outside building. We went inside, and finally
found room C12.
Phew! Finally, it took us forever to find this! Kieran muttered.
I know!
I opened the door and peeked in. Twenty-five students were standing on
risers, listening a very lively woman explain something to them. Kieran and I quietly
went in, embarrassed that we were so late. The teacher turned and saw us.
Hi, boys. You must be the new kids.
We nodded.
Sorry were so late, maam. We got lost and couldnt find the room. Kieran
No problem. Were glad youre here. Im Mrs. Day. Go stand over there on
the risers. The teacher said, pointing to the right side of the bleachers.
Kieran and I went over to where she was pointing. We sat our backpacks on
the ground. Twenty minutes later, a loud screeching alarm went off. Lights started
to flash, and lots of kids jumped.
Alright students. Line up. You know the drill.
We lined up and followed Mrs. Day outside to a designated spot in the parking
lot. A fire truck raced up the road a few minutes later, lights flashing and siren

blaring. It pulled into the parking lot and the siren stopped. More and more students
came out of the building, and the firefighters raced inside the building. I didnt see
any smoke coming from anywhere, so I guessed maybe someone had pulled the
alarm to get out of a test or something stupid like that. Mrs. Day took attendance,
then held up a green card. That meant everything was okay. A cop showed up, lights
flashing and siren blaring, and he went over to the principal.
Think this is just like the hotel?
Why would it be? Dr. Sweed already has us. I think someone pulled it.
Oh yeah, youre right.
Ten minutes later, we could go back into the building. But by then, it was 2:45
and class was over in fifteen minutes anyway. Mrs. Day discussed the songs we
were going to be singing in our concert. After class, we went out and sat down on a
bench in front of the main office to wait for Dr. Sweed to pick us up. A seventh
grader came up to us while we were talking.
Hey, runts! Off my bench! he growled.
No. You can find your own. Kieran said.
Kieran had always been one to stand up to bullies, but this one was
persistent. He grabbed our shirt collars and pulled us off the bench. He pushed us
down, and sat down on the bench, being sure to take up the whole thing.
Geez, dude. Get a life. Kieran said as we stood up and walked away.
What a wierdo. I said.
Dr. Sweeds car drove up and we climbed into the backseat. But instead of
driving back to the hotel, we drove to a small one-story house. Dr. Sweed was in the
kitchen when we arrived.
Hey, boys. How was your day?
Good, sir.
Im glad. I see you got the schedule. Good work.
Thank you, sir.
You kids may relax and do whatever you want until dinner. Your rooms are
the last ones down the hall.
Sweet! Thank you, sir!
We went down to Kierans room and discovered there was an X-box in his
room, which was connected to a big screen TV. We played Lego Star Wars. I wished
Dylan were here. He loves this game. During dinner that night, I asked if they had
found Dylan, but Dr. Sweed said they had been avoiding his trackers. I wondered
where they were. I wondered if they were even still alive.

-//Vermont FBI field office.

There have been no signs of the kids for two weeks, sir.
Two weeks?
Yes, sir. That is correct sir.
Dang those kids. Assemble the J-SAR team. We need to find and rescue
those kids.
Yes, sir. On it, sir.
The director of kidnapping and juvenile affairs leaned back in his chair,
rubbing his eyes. The forty-seven-year-old man was exhausted, and he hadnt slept
in at least a month-not a full nights rest, at least. Dark bags under his eyes testified
to the stresses of his job. He sighed, and leaned forward, picking up his telephone
receiver and punching three numbers. He held the receiver up to his ear and waited
impatiently for an answer.
Byron, get in here! he spat when the woman on the other end finally
answered the phone.
Yes, sir. Be right there, sir.
The director slammed the receiver down and waited. A moment later a
frazzled looking woman with crazy red hair and glasses came bustling into the
office, carrying a notepad and a pen.
Yes, sir?
Sit down.
Byron sat.
When was the last tip on those kids whereabouts? The missing ones from
Byron flipped through her notes.
Um, on a train heading out of Maine. Thats where the trackers pinged them
last, then they disappeared.
Ugh, youre killing me, smalls.
Um, sir?
Sorry, Byron. Been a long two weeks. What train where they on?
They were on a BNSF freighter. Heading to New York. One got caught, and he
has disappeared. The other two, we dont know where they are.

Okay. Ive got Max starting J-SAR. I want you and your team to get a tracker
in or on those kids ASAP. I dont care how you do it. But, please dont hurt them in
the process. Theyre sweet little eleven-year-olds who have gotten kidnapped three
times, not ruthless murders. Just remember that theyve already been hurt enough.
Yes, sir. Ive got an idea on how to do it painlessly, sir.
Good. I dont want them hurt. I would hate to see their pain in their eyes.
Dont worry, sir. This wont hurt them a bit.
Good. Get to it.
Yes, sir.
-DylanWeve successfully escaped the cops and hopped another train, but now I feel
like a criminal. I sat with my back against the open door, watching the world go
past. Paige was asleep on top of a stack of haybales, hay covering her in a
makeshift cocoon. First Cristian didnt come, then Kieran intentionally got himself
caught and returned to Dr. Sweed. Now its just us.
Outside its snowing. I think we passed into Vermont a while back. I shut the
door and climbed up next to Paige. I covered myself with loose hay, and tried to
warm up. I was shivering, I could barely feel my fingers and toes, and I could see my
breath. Paige woke up and covered me with more hay, then she went back to sleep.
But even with extra hay over me, it still took me a long time to warm up. But
warm up I did, and I fell asleep, grateful to be able to slip into the world of sleep and
forget my problems.
-//I awoke sometime later. It was dark out, and the boxcar was freezing cold. We
were still moving, which was a good thing. I wondered what Dylan and Kieran were
doing right now. Probably playing video games or having dinner. Paige woke up, and
we laid on the hay together.
Paige, is this really still worth it? I feel like fugitive.
Paige sighed.
Im not going back.
Well, I dont want to keep running away for the rest of my life. Im going
Dylan, no! Dont leave out here alone! I dont even know where we are.
Well, maybe you shouldve paid more attention. Were in Vermont.
Very funny. When did we get here?
While you were asleep. I saw the sign as we passed the line.

How are you gonna get back if were in the middle of nowhere on a train
hurling down the tracks at practically light speed?
Um, when we stop, Ill jump off, then find my way to the police.
You make it sound easy. Its gotta be below freezing out there, and are you
even remotely dressed for that?
Well, no. But I
I thought so. So, I dont think you should go.
Im still going to. Ill find my way. What are you gonna do alone? Where will
you go?
Ill start working my way back home to Ohio. I dont know how Ill do it, but
Ill figure it out.
Well, I guess we just wait until the next train station, then we part ways.
Yep, such as it is.
I turned onto my side, away from Paige, so I could think without being
Okay, lets go over the facts here. Apparently, were the kids of a rich and
famous guy that served in a war, and now he wants his kids, who he put up for
adoption when we were just babies, back-eleven years later. Why? I dont know.
Maybe hes demented. I dont understand it.
I took a deep breath and let it out. When things dont make sense, it bugs the
heck out of me. I want things to make sense, and it irks me when they dont. When
things dont make sense, I keep thinking about it and coming up with different
solutions to make it make sense until I figure out the truth about it.
About an hour later, the train stopped at a train station. We climbed down the
bales of hay and jumped out of the boxcar. Giving each other a hug, we parted
Good luck getting home. I said to Paige.
You too.
We turned and walked in separate directions away from each other. I walked
down the road and into the small town. I searched for a police officer, and all I found
was a small Sheriffs Office. I went inside and talked to the woman at the desk. She
called a Trooper, who agreed to get me to the state line. From there I would be
picked up by a Maine Trooper, and be taken back to the compound. The Trooper and
I went out to his car, and I got in the backseat. We drove down the road, me trying
to warm up while telling the trooper what had been going on. As we drove out of
town, the trooper suddenly slammed on his brakes. The Jeep slid and fishtailed
wildly, and finally came to a stop.

Holy hoppin horses! He exclaimed.

He jumped out of the car and knelt in front of the car. A moment later he
helped a girl sit up. She wiped herself off, and stood up with the Trooper helping her.
He helped her to the back of the car, and she got in next to me.
Just what in the world were you thinking, Paige?!
Just trying to get him to stop. I was trying to wave him down, but I slipped
and he almost nailed me.
You okay?
Yeah. Holy that was scary!
The Trooper opened the back door next to Paige
Hey, you okay? Do you need an ambulance?
No, Im good. Thanks, though.
Alright. Do you two know each other?
I nodded.
Hes my brother. Paige said.
Gotcha. You both trying to get home?
We both nodded.
Alright. I wouldnt try that again. That couldve been very bad, young lady.
I wasnt trying to jump in front of you. I was running down the street trying
to wave you down and I slipped.
Well, Im glad youre okay.
The Trooper got back into the car.
So, what made you want to come with me?
I realized it would be nearly impossible for me to get from here to Michigan
alone, so I gave up. I tried to go with you, but you were gone. I went to the Sheriffs
office, and they told me you had just left with a Trooper. I saw you guys turn the
corner and I figured if I could just get ahead of you, I could flag you down. It sort-of
Well, glad to have you back on the team.
I felt a slight sting in my leg, and I thought it was just a cramp. I rubbed it,
and it went away.

Trackers implanted. We got em. Now we wait for the drop off point. The
agent said.
Nice work. Get to the drop-off rendezvous. Im trusting you on this. Replied
the agent in charge.
Roger that. C2, you got the chopper ready?
Thats affirmative.
Roger. Come get me.
Already there.
Drop off is in 3 hours. Be there in one.
Roger that, sir.
The agent scrambled up the ladder and into the small black helicopter. As
soon as the agent was inside, the door was shut and the helicopter flew forward
through the ominous snowstorm. The pilot, a skilled air force fighter pilot turned FBI
agent, flew through the rough turbulence with relative ease.
They saw a solo Vermont State Police Jeep winding its way along the windy,
backcountry road. They rose in altitude until they were in the clouds to avoid
detection. If the kids or the trooper saw them, they would be compromised.
The helicopter easily flew faster than the jeep, and within an hour and a half,
they had reached the state line. The pilot landed the chopper easily, concealing it in
a clearing in a nearby forest. The agents got into position, one on each side of the
rendezvous point. An hour and a half later, a Maine State Police Jeep drove up and
parked on the side of the road.
The lead FBI agent went up and talked to the trooper, who agreed to their
plan. The Trooper would pick up the kids, then hand them off to the agents once the
other trooper released them to him.
The FBI agent went back into hiding, and the group waited for the Trooper
from Vermont to arrive. It was t-minus one hour and counting

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