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FeedJournal Basic 6/23/2010 at 8:09:35 PM - 6/24/2010 at 8:18:29 AM feedjournal.


Gilad Shalit watching the World Cup?

by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del soldier in Gaza, only to be denied
Zion para Israel - Daughter of time after time.
Zion for Israel) “One of our main achievements is
that we have been able to visit nearly
Submitted at 6/23/2010 9:34:00 PM everyone detained in connection to
Gilad Shalit watching the World this conflict, with the exception of
Cup? Hamas claims that kidnapped Gilad Shalit,” Pierre Dorbes, deputy
IDF Corporal Gilad Shalit (four years head of the International Committee
held hostage on Friday) is watching of the Red Cross in Israel and the
the World Cup Soccer matches from Occupied Territories, told Haaretz on
his prison in Gaza. Of course, they Tuesday.
won’t let the Red Cross or anyone But of course. Shalit is the one
else in to verify it. prisoner who is not controlled by
Shalit has been following the daily Israel.
matches on the pro-Hamas al-Aqsa Friday will mark four years since
satellite channel, al-Resallah news Gilad Shalit was kidnapped from the
reported. Kerem Shalom crossing point. There
… was a mass rally in Paris on Tuesday
The report said watching the soccer to mark the occasion, and there’s a
matches helps Shalit forget his flotilla of peace being held in New
despair “after the Israeli government York on Thursday to demand Shalit’s
decided to suspend indirect talks to release. And in Rome, they turned out
finalize the swap deal with Hamas.” the lights in the Colosseum to
The report, which does not quote any demand Shalit’s release. But the UN
sources within Hamas or among and its ‘Human Rights Commission’
Shalit’s captors and reads like are silent, the ‘international
propaganda, claims that the abducted community’ is silent (and continues
soldier is tired of the Israeli on the ground as well as the political humanitarian rights to in a way that to throw money at Hamas and to
politicians’ lies and their false vows and military issues involved. clearly exposes their [Israel's] demand its ‘human rights’) and even
to secure his release, and therefore he That’s funny. I don’t recall any such offensive manner, ‘Schalit Law’ our ‘friends’ are silent. Gilad Shalit is
is focusing on the World Cup games considerations being part of the being a recent example.” a Jew so no one outside of Israel and
because he understands that the Geneva Convention. Why doesn’t the Ah yes, the Shalit law. It would scale the Jewish community cares about his
Israeli public is more focused on Red Cross or the ‘international back the rights of ‘Palestinian’ fate. A lesson to all of us.
soccer than on him. community’ call Hamas on that? Of terrorists to what’s required under posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 7:34
Egypt, and later Germany, had tried course – Shalit is a Jew and the international law as compared with AM
to finalize a prisoner exchange deal hypocrites at the Red Cross (who the family visits, televisions and cell Hija del Zion para Israel Support
between Hamas and Israel. However, barred Israel’s Magen David Adom phones that they currently have. Israel
the efforts collapsed after Hamas for nearly 60 years and made it In addition, Musa explained that • Diana Krall Latest to Announce
insisted that Israel free 1,000 change its logo as a condition for Hamas has been replying to demands Concert in Israel this Summer
Palestinian prisoners, including those admission) and in the ‘international in negotiations with Israel and Canadian singer Dana Krall is the
who were directly involved in terror community’ treat Jews differently transferred letters from the Schalit latest in a long line of artists who
attacks against Israelis. than everyone else. family to Gilad. have announced that they will be
The report said Shalit, who holds Musa explained that Hamas’s “We cannot continue to send letters to giving concerts in Israel this summer.
French nationality, “was very sad concern was based on the security of and from Gilad since Israel is using She will be performing at the
when France was defeated by Mexico the location in which the soldier was special technology to try and locate Ra’anana Amphitheater in th...
during the World Cup matches held being held. The Red Cross would not his [Gilad's] location. This damages • US gives Abbas private assurances
in South Africa.” be able to “guarantee Schalit’s our efforts to end the suffering of over Israeli settlements Exclusive:
But Hamas has turned down yet safety,” the Hamas official was Palestinian prisoners,” Hamas Americans consider withholding veto
another request to let the Red Cross quoted as saying. lawmaker concluded. protecting Israel at UN if building
visit Shalit. They claim that they are “Handling this matter in an Funny – I don’t recall seeing that in goes ahead at Ramat ShlomoThe US
afraid that if the Red Cross is allowed unthoughtful way will encourage the Geneva Convention either. has given private assurances to
to visit Shalit, Israel will conduct a Israel to engage in an operation to By the way, it’s not that the encourage the Palestinians to join
rescue operation. rescue Shalit from captivity with International Red Cross has not tried indirect Middle E...
In an interview with Hamas force, something that may endanger to visit Shalit. • Excerpts from “Introduction to
newspaper, Falastin, four years after everyone involved,” Musa warned. The International Committee of the Tehillim” Filmed May 6, 2008 at
Schalit was captured, Hamas He declared that the Red Cross “can Red Cross said it has approached She'arim in Jerusalem...
lawmaker Yichia Musa said that the discuss the rights of 8,000 Palestinian Hamas a number of times to allow its
Red Cross had not taken into prisoners which Israel is denying representatives to visit the kidnapped Original post source
consideration the reality and situation
2 FeedJournal Basic

A Terrorist’s Guide to Improving Israel’s Media

by Daniel Greenfield @ the Reporters forced to stay home. killing enough terrorists tends to put
Sultan Knish blog (Hija del Zion Foreign correspondents who have to an end to that whole terrorism thing.
para Israel - Daughter of Zion cover an election in Hungary, instead 3. Victims of Our Own Competence
for Israel) of eating caviar in a Jerusalem hotel The real problem with Israel is not
and writing vicious articles about that it has jets and tanks and nuclear
Submitted at 6/23/2010 8:12:00 PM Jewish Middle Eastern refugees weapons. Most of the Middle East
When you’re in a competition and living in East Jerusalem. Haaretz has at least two out of three of those.
you’re losing, one of the first thing to reporters will have to move to North Korea has all three. The
do is to study what your opponent is London to write biting columns in the problem is that Israel works a little
doing and copy him. In this case Guardian about how racist the too well.
Israel is competing for good media country they used to live in, is. What do I mean by that? Israel has
coverage with the terrorists. And the Before they move on to the inevitable working traffic lights, electricity,
terrorists are winning. And if the theater reviews and finally begin airlines, police forces and stores filled
media likes them so much, maybe it’s writing ad copy for insurance with things made in the country. Back
time to start doing what they do. agencies. Oh the pathos, the pity. No around 1950 when countries were
1. Get Good Media Coverage By one will care. expected to be able to do things for
Excluding Bad Media Coverage Should Israel do this? It’s not the themselves, this was considered a
Say that two movies will be coming way of a free society, but there’s only good thing. But today the anti-
Applied to the Israeli-Muslim
out next week. One of those movies so much propaganda for a totalitarian capitalism paradigm is dominant,
Terrorist conflict, this means that
has studio which bans all critics who society that even the freest society which means that any level of
Israel is bad because it only
have spoken unfavorably about it can endure before it is destroyed. competence defines you as a villain.
inconsistently kills terrorists. On the
from seeing it. The other movie Freedom comes with responsibility. When a reporter goes to Tel Aviv or
other hand the terrorists consistently
welcomes all reviewers. When the The main responsibility is not to use Jerusalem, he notices that despite all
kill Israelis, which must mean that
final numbers are tallied, which that freedom to destroy the free the flaws, things somewhat work. No
they’re good. By only killing
movie do you think will have the best society whose freedom you enjoy. one generally tries to murder him on
terrorists sometimes, Israel shows
reviews? The one that didn’t screen Drill enough holes in a boat, and the street. The Jewish residents at
that it doesn’t believe that killing
the movie for any critics who were either the boat will sink or you’ll be least, aren’t using donkeys as
them is ever right. By constantly
not favorably disposed toward it. Sure escorted off and Carnival Cruises will transportation, no one throws rocks at
trying to kill Israelis, the terrorists
the other movie might claim that its never let you brook a cruise with his head, and sewage isn’t flowing
demonstrate a consistent value system
favorable reviews were honest. And them again. through the street.
that shows they always believe the
that and a dime will buy you a cup of 2. Get Good Coverage by Killing But when he goes to Ramallah or
are doing the right thing.
coffee. People All the Time Gaza, he sees gorgeous villas and
This seems like madness only
Now say that these two studios keep Terrorist groups are always killing classic Mercedes cars, but he also
because you aren’t a cultural
doing this for 10 years, and that people, which the media is fine with. sees dust, dirt and yes raw sewage.
relativist. Which is to say that you
they’re the only game in town. Israel on the other hand mostly Things don’t work, or work only
believe some things are right and
Eventually just to be able to do their doesn’t kill anyone. Occasionally it unpredictably. Abused animals are
other things are wrong irregardless of
jobs, critics will almost always goes after terrorists and kills some of everywhere. Militia gangs prowl the
who believes them or does them. But
positively review movies from the them. An international outcry streets. Kids throw rocks. The
if you were a moral idiot, or a cultural
studio that bars critics, and almost immediately results. This paradox is electricity goes on and off. The
relativist (but I repeat myself), you
always negatively review the movies explained by a well known defect doctors occasionally work at the
would understand that subjective
from the other studio to stay on the commonly present in children and hospital, when they aren’t heading up
labels such as right or wrong don’t
good side of the first studio. That is moral idiots. This moral defect judges the local wing of Hamas\Fatah or
matter. What matters is that people
because selecting for optimal results consistently evil behavior more selling drugs. Naturally he thinks
behave in a way consistent with their
will produce them. favorably, than inconsistently good these people must be the victims.
cultural imperatives and global
Free societies “screen” for all critics. behavior. Another “Oppressed The solution is to make Israel appear
context. Which generally means
Totalitarian ones only play to Mansion” in Ramallah just as dysfunctional. While the
killing people or feeling bad because
supportive audiences. That is why In other words, someone who steals country has its problems, by
their ancestors killed all those people,
they get the better publicity than free all the time is viewed more favorably comparison things do generally work.
depending on their level of industrial
societies. Journalistic integrity is than a seemingly solid citizen who Now is the time to stop making them
development, infrastructure and
supposed to make up the difference gets caught shoplifting. Don’t believe work. During a crisis, major cities in
average family income.
by telling the truth to the public. me? Count how many ballads have Israel should repeatedly lose power.
Back when Israel was much more
When it doesn’t, then the journalists been written about highwaymen, The Knesset will have raucous
consistent about killing enemy
are functioning willingly as tools of bank robbers and terrorists. The debates by candlelight. Traffic jams
insurgents and terrorists, there was
totalitarian regimes. And maybe it’s answer is a whole lot. will be orchestrated and donkeys will
also a general consensus in its favor.
time to give them the boot. This defect does not judge the replace taxis. Raw sewage will spill
In the 50’s, Ariel Sharon snuck into
If Israel wants the same supportive morality of behavior, but its out in the street and doctors will leave
Egypt and blew up an entire village
coverage that Fatah and Hamas get, it consistency. Someone who is their jobs and do nothing but conduct
being used as an insurgent base.
needs to play by their rules. Press consistently bad is seen as good, press conferences denouncing
Today a single targeted assassination
credentials would then go to those because he sticks to his principles. Sweden for making us live this way.
of a terrorist results in shrieks of
who provide positive coverage. Those Which are bad. Clearly proving that Photographers will be invited to take
global outrage. The problem here is
reporters who want to take pictures of he’s good. Because if he weren’t pictures of senior citizens struggling
the “single” and the “targeted” part.
wall graffiti and stage photos of good, why would he be bad all the to manually translate Henning
The answer is to kill terrorists like
Muslim children throwing stones at time? It must be because he believes Mankell and Iain Banks novels by
you mean it.
Israeli tanks need not apply. If the that his behavior is really good. So all hand, due to their boycott of Israel.
Not only does consistently doing
New York Times or NBC News can’t we have to do is understand his point And of children who are receiving
something result in a better global
find anyone willing to play by those of view to see why he acts this way. inadequate medical care because of
image, but it also deadens any
rules, the way they do in Gaza and On the other hand someone who is being boycotted by British medical
scandal by turning it into static.
Ramallah, then they can stay home inconsistent is clearly a hypocrite. journals. And of course there will be
Assassinate one terrorist in Dubai and
and they won’t be able to do their Otherwise why is his behavior people posing buried in rubble due to
the world is upset. Assassinate ten
jobs. inconsistent? Clearly he knows he’s the boycotts of the Canadian Union of
terrorists a day and the world quickly
The mainstream media will be doing wrong and occasionally tries to Public Employees, the Presbyterian
gets bored a month later after the
outraged, you say. There will be even restrain himself, but still keeps Church and Swedish dock workers.
300th terrorist. There are only so
more negative coverage. As if there engaging in wrongdoing. Which Of course none of this makes any
many headlines reading, “Israel Still
isn’t heaps of it now. And what will means he has no principles, and his Killing Terrorists” that anyone will
the negative media coverage be of? behavior is therefore unjustifiable. TERRORIST’S page 7
bother to read. And as a major bonus,
FeedJournal Basic 3

The Franklin Prophecy

by NoahDavidSimon (Hija del
Zion para Israel - Daughter of
Zion for Israel)
Submitted at 6/23/2010 11:00:00 PM

here is my ancestor Soloman Isaacs.

Solomon Isaacs was related to the
most powerful, respected Sephardic
families in America through his
marriage to Elkalah Kursheedt,
granddaughter of Gershom Mendes
Seixas, “The Patriot Rabbi,” and his
sister Frances’s marriage to the
copper magnate Harmon Hendricks. (
Seixas was one of the few clergymen
invited to officiate at George
Washington’s inauguration and was a
trustee of Columbia College.)
Apprenticed to his brother-in-law,
Isaacs learned all aspects of copper
manufacturing, from appraising
foreign metals to understanding the
processes of refining and rolling. His
expertise and ability to supervise
engineers and mill hands led to a
partnership with Hendricks, who
reactivated the defunct Soho Copper
Works in New Jersey. Isaacs was
entrusted with Hendricks’s
longstanding account with Paul
Revere& Sons. The firm also
supplied Robert Fulton with copper
for his pioneering steamboats and the
United States Navy with copper
sheathing for warships. via
Wthout my family the Revolution
would not of had any metal.
so my Jewish ancestor was friends
with George Washington and Paul
Revere. This painting was in my
family when I was growing up. Sol
here married the granddaughter of the
rabbi during the Revolution.
…but now my enemies in the Arab
world are changing documented U.S.
history. BTW… Jewish geneology is
well documented.
“The Franklin Prophecy”, sometimes
called “The Franklin Forgery”, is an
antisemitic speech falsely attributed
to Benjamin Franklin, warning of the
supposed dangers of admitting Jews
to the nascent United States. The
speech was purportedly transcribed
by Charles Cotesworth Pinckney
during the Constitutional Convention and mistakenly referred to Franklin as Franklin was, in fact, a friend to the “I fully agree with General
of 1787, but was unknown before its a former President of the United Jews of 18th-century America,[4] and Washington, that we mustprotect this
appearance in 1934 in the pages of States.[1] Osama Bin Laden has even contributed toward the building of young nation from an insidious
William Dudley Pelley’s pro- Nazi used this canard briefly in his October Philadelphia’s first permanent influence and impenetration.The
weekly magazine Liberation. 2002 “Letter to the American synagogue.[5] menace, gentlemen, is the Jews.
(Pinckney wrote that he had kept a People.”[2] While its author is not There have been similar false “In whatever country Jews have
journal of the Convention, but it has known, many who have investigated antisemitic quotations attributed to settled in any greatnumber, they have
never been found, and Pelley’s claims the “prophecy” suspect Pelley of George Washington which have been lowered its moral tone; depreciated
that it was printed privately, and that having penned it himself. debunked. In fact, in 1790, in a its commercialintegrity; have
the Franklin Institute has a The U.S. Congress report Anti- marked sign of religious tolerance, segregated themselves and have not
manuscript copy, are Semitism in Europe: Hearing Before Washington sent a letter to the Jewish been assimilated;have sneered at and
unsubstantiated.) the Subcommittee on European community in Rhode Island, writing tried to undermine the Christian
Despite having been repeatedly Affairs of the Committee on Foreign “May the Children of the Stock of religionupon which that nation is
discredited since its first appearance, Relations(2004) states: Abraham, who dwell in this land, founded, by objecting to its
the “prophecy” has proved a The Franklin “Prophecy” is a classic continue to merit and enjoy the good restrictions;have built up a state
remarkably durable canard, returning anti-Semitic canard that falsely will of the other Inhabitants; while within the state; and when opposed
most recently as a popular internet claims that American statesman every one shall sit under his own vine havetried to strangle that country to
hoax promulgated on Usenet groups Benjamin Franklin made anti-Jewish and fig tree, and there shall be none death financially, as in thecase of
and antisemitic websites, where it is statements during the Constitutional to make him afraid. via Spain and Portugal.
presented as authentic. On February Convention of 1787. It has found “For over 1,700 years, the Jews have
18, 1998, a member of the Fatah widening acceptance in Muslim and here are what says
Central Committee revived this myth Arab media, where it has been used to Benjamin Franklin said about George FRANKLIN page 5
criticize Israel and Jews…[3] Washington.
4 FeedJournal Basic

How To Choose An Israeli Talit Online | about

by paraisrael (Hija del Zion websites which sell them online so a (Shacharit), as well as afternoon
para Israel - Daughter of Zion search result will provide you with (Mincha) and evening prayers
for Israel) plenty of results. There will be plenty (Ma’ariv) by many Sephardi Jews.
of varieties listed so it is important [dubious , discuss] The tallit has
Submitted at 6/23/2010 11:20:11 PM that you search through all the pages special twined and knotted fringes
by MHZmaster and check the prices for each of them. known as tzitzit attached to its four
How To Choose An Israeli Talit How to Find a Vendor Online corners. The tallit can be made of
Online When you do a search for Tallit any materials except a mixture of
What is Tallit? online, you would find plenty of wool and linen interwoven which is
Basically Tallit is a garment worn by pages with appropriate information items offered by different vendors strictly prohibited by the Torah. It is
the Jews which is fringed. The about the background and history of and different stores. This would allow made out of Acrilan. This Tallit is
garment fulfills the commandment the material like how it is to be worn, you to get the right type of Tallilot made by number
that Jews have to follow to wear who should wear it etc. You would you want for a competitive price. one factory in Israel and SHIPPED
fringes as a part of clothing. The also come across many different Visit us to purchase http:// FROM ISRAEL It come at all sizes
fringes are 613 multicolored and colors, varieties and and colors of :Black , Blue & White.
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All Jews wear a Tallit Gadol during helpful to you but these would not /“> Tallit prayer shawl at For fast EMS shipping (5 to 7
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times whenever they are out in you would have to conduct a search Comunidad Judía de Alicante- Taller List Price:
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Tallit prayer shawls are available in any specific material that you want to • Cool Facts about Israel – New
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Tallit Katan, the preferable material is incorporate the name of the designer TALLIT PRAYER SHAWL everyone! As a small country with
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Spanish senate votes to ban burqa

by Marisol (Hija del Zion para Islamic clothing and has instead been opponents of a burqa ban in countries Israel
Israel - Daughter of Zion for pushing to curtail religious like France, where only an estimated • Yad Vashem Martyrs’ and Heroes’
Israel) fundamentalism through better 100,000 women wear the burqa out of Product DescriptionMaterial
education. a Muslim population of about 5 regarding all those members of the
Submitted at 6/23/2010 8:09:35 PM The Spanish vote comes amid million. France, however, already Jewish people who laid down their
Spanish senate votes to ban burqa several national initiatives across passed a law in 2004 to ban head lives, who fought and rebelled against
Following a trend of local burqa bans Europe to restrict the spread of scarves or any other “conspicuous” the Nazi enemy and his collaborators
within the country. “Spain’s Senate radical Islam and defend liberal religious symbol from state schools in and to perpetuate their...
Votes to Ban Burqa,” by Raphael values. [...] order to preserve their secularism. • IDF names five terrorists on Mavi
Minder for the New York Times, The motion adopted by the senators The Spanish government is supposed Marmara IDF names five terrorists on
June 23: calls on Spain to outlaw “any usage, to follow the Senate’s motion. Mavi Marmara The
MADRID — In a significant custom or discriminatory practice that However, given that Socialist IDF has named five passengers on the
escalation of Spain’s debate over how limits the freedom of women.” It was senators opposed the ban, the Mavi Marmara who are affiliated
to handle radical Islam, the Senate on drafted and led by politicians from governing party is likely to seek ways with terror organizations (Ha...
Wednesday narrowly and the main center-right opposition to circumvent the vote…. • Proud to be a Zionist – 5770 edition
unexpectedly approved a motion to People’s Party. [...] Posted by Marisol on June 23, 2010 I wrote the original essay around
ban Muslim women from wearing in The Senate’s position also came as a 8:09 PM 2002 and I have been modifying it
public the burqa or other garments surprise because although Spain has | 1 Comment since then. Here is this year's
that cover the whole body. become a major European entry point Print this entry edition:Every year, the State of Israel
The vote, 131 to 129, was another for Muslim migrants from North | Email this entry seems to be up against yet another
setback for the Socialist government Africa, few of those immigrants wear | Digg this unsolvable crisis. Wheth...
of Prime Minister José Luis either the burqa or the niqab, which |
Rodríguez Zapatero, which had does not cover the eyes. A similar | Original post source
favored more-limited restrictions on argument has also been made by Hija del Zion para Israel Support
FeedJournal Basic 5

“Afn beys-oylem” Performed by Lifshe

by YiddishMusic (Hija del Zion 1890) had a wonderful sense of Oy vey! Dort shrayt a miter – oy vey ??? ????! ????? ????? ?? ????? — ???
para Israel - Daughter of Zion humor (he was author of „Di bord?). iz mir in vind, ???? ??? ??? ??? ?????!
for Israel) However, here he composed a Vos vil di shtifmame fin man eyn in ????? ???? ?? ?????????? ???? ????
moving, even shocking, portrait of eyntsik kind!? ???? ??? ??????? ?????!
Submitted at 6/23/2010 9:12:18 PM the life of an orphan. Women On the cemetery under a gravestone, .
Notes by Itzik Gottesman folksingers had no problem singing You can hear the voice of a dead ?? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ????, ??
„Afn beys-oylem? (On the Cemetery) this kind of song since it truly woman. ?????? ?????,
is a version of Mikhl Gordon‘s Di reflected the difficult times and Oy vey! shouts the mother. Oy vey, ?? ???????? ??? ???????, ?? ????? ???
shtifmuter(The Stepmother). A hopelessly depressing family woe to me. ????,
complete text of the original in situations. Singing it today from a What does the stepmother want from ?? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ??????.
Yiddish can be found in the first stage is another matter… my only child? .
volume of Antologye: finf hundert LSW‘s Performance Zi kimt aheym fin der gas, di groyse ???????, ???????, ?? ???? ???????
yor yidishe poezye edited by M. For more on singer Lifshe marshas, ???? ????
Bassin, 1917, pages 167 -169, and Schaechter-Widman (LSW) 1893- zi varft im anider, zi heybt im of. ??? ?????? ???????, ???? ????????.
Perl fun der yidisher poezye edited by 1974 click here. zi tsenemt im a yede glider. ??? ????! ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? ?????,
Joseph and Chana Mlotek, 1974, I consider this song the epitome of She comes home from the street, the ??? ?? ?????? ???? ?????,
pages 29-31 (A translation of the LSW‘s slow, mournful vocal style evil woman, ???( ?????) ?????? ?????????? ???
Mlotek book into English by Barnett brimming with ornamentation. You she throws him down, and lifts him ?????? ????????
Zumoff - Pearls of Yiddish Poetry – can also hear the reach and power of up, Hija del Zion para Israel Support
was published a couple of months her voice, which seems to float, if she breaks every part of his body. Israel
ago). you will. Avrum, Avrum, di bist geveyzn • Why the World points at Israel
A similar version of this song is in She clearly flubs the second verse, mayn man. Why the World points at Israel
Shmuel-Zanvil Pipe‘s collection singing only three out of four lines dem yusemeles futer, oykh min- Why does the World point a finger at
„Yiddish Folksongs From Galicia? and does not rhyme the obvious hastam. Israel all the time? Shelby Steele
edited by Dov and Meir Noy and „anider? and „glider?. But she Oy vey! Tsi iz dayn herts fin ayzn, in writes that it says more about the
included in the Pipe-volume – improvises a neat ending to the di aleyn fin shteyn, World ...
Folklore Research Center Studies, shortened verse and continues. Notice Vi (azoy) kensti farnemen deym • What is Kabbalah? - What is
volume 2, Jerusalem, 1971. In that how she only repeats the last two yusemls geveyn? Kabbalah? video created by two
text, a verse which names the lines in the final verse, the emotional Avrum, Avrum, you were my students of Bnei Baruch. For a free
husband “Avrum” is also sung; so a highpoint of the song. husband. Kabbalah course, sign up here:
distinct Galician/Bukovina variant is This recording was done by Leybl and the father of the orphaned child,
clear, which is very different from the Kahn in New York City, 1954. Please of course. • The Artscroll Children’s Haggadah
much longer original (there is no note that the Yiddish dialect of the Oy vey, is your heart made of iron, Product DescriptionShmuel Blitz and
mention of the father‘s name in singer is more accurately reflected in and you made out of stone? his brilliant childrens books never
Gordon‘s text). But as sometimes, or the transliteration than in the Yiddish How can you stand the cries of the cease to amaze. This is his seventh
perhaps often happens, the condensed text. orphan? book -- and they just seem to get
folk-version has much more power Af deym beys-oylem inter a ??????????????(????????????) better and better. This time, he puts
and intensity. For other versions see mitseyve, ???? ??? ???????? ?????? ???? ?????, his talents to t...
note #9, p. 300, in the Pipe volume. dort hert men eyn kol fun ayn toyter ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ????
Mikhl Gordon, (Vilna, 1823 – Kiev, nikeyve. ?????? ?????. Original post source
continued from page 3
been bewailingtheir sad fate in that exclude Jews for alltime, your There founders of America would of
they have been exiled from their children will curse you in your never said such things.
homeland,as they call Palestine. But graves. Hija del Zion para Israel Support
gentlemen, did the world give it “Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics, let Israel
tothem in fee simple, they would at them be born wherethey will nor how • Israel blames Gaza flotilla deaths
once find some reason for many generations they are away from on activists Israel blamed the
notreturning. Why? Because they are Asia, theywill never be otherwise. violence on the mostly Turkish and
vampires, and vampires do notlive on Their ideas do not conform to an European activists aboard the Gaza
vampires. They cannot live only American’s,and will not even thou flotilla, saying its naval troops were
among themselves. Theymust subsist they live among us ten generations. A attacked with knives, clubs, and ......
on Christians and other people not of leopardcannot change its spots. Jews • Finland: Foreign Minister Stubb
their race. are Asiatics, are a menace to defends immigration and
“If you do not exclude them from thiscountry if permitted entrance, and multiculturalism Finland: Foreign
these United States,in their should be excluded by this Minister Stubb defends immigration
Constitution, in less than 200 years Constitutional Convention.” via and multiculturalismSee also:
they will have swarmedhere in such Finland: 59% against more
great numbers that they will dominate …every document refutes this. Our immigration "Finland needs to be
and devourthe land and change our founding fathers loved the Jewish international and multicultural", says
form of government, for which we people. In fact Hamilton was a Jew Minister for Foreig... JStreetJive: J Street, the
Americanshave shed our blood, given from the Bahamas… who was • Global Yeshivat Haverim Date: JCRC and the ADL
our lives our substance and probably related to Sol. Thomas 2010-05-02Video: ENG 15.25MB...
jeopardizedour liberty. Jefferson was no Christian himself Present Stephen Lynch,
“If you do not exclude them, in less and followed a world view that was Original post source Gaza’s Man in
than 200 yearsour descendants will be deist. Thsee types of guys were
working in the fields to furnish them enlightened minds. Jefferson even Congress
substance, while they will be in the read a Quran and knew exactly what by NoahDavidSimon (Hija del
counting houses rubbing theirhands. I kind of hate was in there so he could Zion para Israel - Daughter of
warn you, gentlemen, if you do not understand the Barbary Pirates. Zion for Israel)
Submitted at 6/24/2010 12:25:00 AM

6 FeedJournal Basic
continued from page 5 Michigan), Dennis Kucinich (who martyrdom. The Q & A portion is what history was supposed to have
Partners in Shame never saw an Islamic terrorist he audio only (apologies), but suffice it taught them in all the Holocaust
Only the Boston Jewish Community couldn’t “understand”), the ever to say that, in spite of the sponsorship museums they constructed. The only
Relations Council could conceive an bizarre Ron Paul, and California’s of J Street/JCRC, among others, there lesson appears to be its easy to have
event honoring Stephen Lynch, Pete Stark (representing San was significant pushback from the sympathy for dead Jews and the
Democratic Congressman Francisco’s east bay – enough said?. audience, to their credit. living? Well, let’s just say they
representing a melange of rough and And so, onto the bimah of Temple Regarding the question about deserve to ganged upon for not
tumble blue collar voters along with Beth Shalom in Needham strode prosecuting U.S. citizens who agreeing to be dead, too. Really a
upscale suburbanites. Aside from the Congressman Lynch sponsored by the participate in “humanitarian” shame with J Street and JCRC and
obvious in-their-pocket J Street JCRC of Greater Boston with its missions to Gaza (aid – in virtually the ADL whom you think would get
politicians like Keith Ellison, Donna Director, Nancy Kaufman, seated any form – to terrorist groups is a it. They don’t. June 23, 2010 8:45 PM
Edwards and Maurice Hinchey, prominently next to him. Lynch has felony and was affirmed by a recent via
Lynch is probably the most squishy also refused to add his signature to Supreme Court decision), Lynch Hija del Zion para Israel Support
congressman on the terrorist threat to the Poe-Peters letter affirming Israel’s chose not to reply. Israel
Israel. right of self defense in the wake of To this point, in attendance was Jeff • Aviva Lee The Holocaust Yom
Recently, Lynch has become so the Gaza blockade incident. To date, Klein, who, in his own words, has HaShoah In Israel Yom HaShoah is
extreme on the subject of Gaza, that 315 members of Congress have “left the Jewish race to join the remembered on Thursday any year
he has laid virtually all the blame on signed the letter. humans”. He urged Lynch to cease when the actual date falls on a Friday.
Israel for the (phony) “humanitarian” Watch the video of Congressman all aid to Israel and is currently Traditionally, in preparation for
crisis culminating in the Gaza flotilla Lynch press the Palestinian position, spearheading a “Jewish” boat project Shabbat, Jews refrain from delivering
incident three weeks ago. As a blaming the violence that ensued from Boston to Gaza to break the or discus...
preface to his skewed view of the following the flotilla interdiction blockade and make it possible to ship • 5 Rosh Hashanah Greeting Cards -
Gaza situation , he – along with 2 solely on the Israelis. any and all goods into the Hamas Big Pomegranates CAT# GRC – 7 5
other Massachusetts congressmen – According to Lynch, Gazans dream weapons depot. Klein may be an Rosh Hashanah Greeting Cards -Big
was one of only 36 nay votes that of “coming to America” and extreme case, but the roots of betrayal Pomegranates CAT# GRC - 7...
refused to condemn the incredibly “freedom”. Strange, every other intertwine at J Street and it would • Part 1: The Book of Zohar –
biased UN Goldstone Report. credible report has Gazans dreaming seem, now among Jews in leadership Selections, chapter "Vayetze", item
On the subject of Israel defense of destroying Israel and the Jews. I positions. Boston is now vying for 142 Date: 2010-06-21Video: ENG
funding, however, he scores relatively guess Mr. Lynch could only find number one with San Francisco as 28.72MB Audio: ENG 5.12MB ...
high marks. Anyone representing idealists cast as Jefferson and one of the worst examples of Jewish
heavily Jewish Needham, would be Madison. steadfastness and honesty. Posted by Original post source
unelectable were he to oppose He then joins the international chorus parrhesia at
defense aid to Israel. The only by insisting on an “investigation.” Of NormanF said… This is how
congressmen consistently voting course, he does not demand an American Jews pay back Israel: by
against funding for Israel are the international commission to appearing openly with and endorsing
usual suspects: John Conyers investigate the Turkish and IHH role the positions of its adversaries. I
(representing Dearbornistan, in preparing their Shaheeds for don’t think they have truly learned

Rosh Hashanah: An Event Replete in Symbolic

by paraisrael (Hija del Zion Ram’s horn makes one contemplate relationships,womens issues
para Israel - Daughter of Zion on the sacrifices that he is going to birthdays, inspiration, religion, love
for Israel) make to remain righteous. and friendship. He is a writer with
Challah: This traditional Jewish special interest in ecard industry. He
Submitted at 6/23/2010 11:25:10 PM bread which is round in shape writes for
by joshbousel signifies the cyclical nature of the yoz and bob, rosh hashanah
Rosh Hashanah: An Event Replete in years. Another symbolic significance Image by jon_gilbert
Symbolic Significance of the round Challah is that it Hija del Zion para Israel Support
Rosh Hashanah is characterized by resembles a crown, a reminder of the Israel
several customs, traditions and rituals kingship of God. copiously, that is why they are seen • Rosh Hashanah – Solemnity Or
that bear religious, spiritual, Biblical Apple: The most characteristic as a symbol of fertility. Moreover as Festivity? by joshbousel Rosh
and even Pagan suggestions and feature of Rosh Hashanah is they never close their eyes, they Hashanah - Solemnity Or Festivity?
significance. Let us look at the undeniably, the apple. But even this witness everything, that’s why they Rosh Hashanah is more commonly
different items used in Rosh simple fruit also conveys a symbolic also symbolize knowledge. During known as the Jewish New Year.
Hashanah celebrations and the meaning. An apple is an unusual fruit, Rosh Hashanah, the fish is placed on Literally, it means the "head of the
significance they bear. in the sense that, in an apple tree the the table in such a way that its head in year" or the "first of the yea...
Shofar: One of the crucial fruit appears before the leaves. facing towards the head of the family • Rosh Hashanah – More Than Mere
components of the celebration of Therefore, the apple sprouts without which is away of saying ‘Thank You’ Celebrations by joshbousel Rosh
Rosh Hashanah is the Shofar. It is a the protective cover of its leaves. It and to show appreciation for his Hashanah - More Than Mere
musical instrument, quite similar to symbolically refers to the Jewish leadership. Celebrations Rosh
the trumpet. Shofar is made out of people who are willing to live what Pomegranate: Pomegranate is an Hashanah marks the beginning of a
Ram’s horn. The word ‘Shofar’ is may seem as defenseless but in reality essential part of Jewish feats during Hebrew calendar year. It is a serious
linked to the Hebrew word ‘I’shaper’ there is always the faith in God that Rosh Hashanah. A Pomegranate is occasion, more akin to the first day of
which means “to beautify”. Thus it show the right direction. believed to contain 613 seeds, which school ...
symbolically inspires to make our Honey: Honey used in Rosh is also the exact number of Mitzvah • Engineer Ari and the Rosh
lives more beautiful in the coming Hashanah symbolizes the duality of or commandments that the Jewish Hashanah Ride (High Holidays)
year.The significance of using a life. Honey that the bees collect is people are supposed to abide by. A Engineer Ari and the Rosh Hashanah
Ram’s horn can be traced to the story sweet to taste. Again the sting of the pomegranate on the table of the Ride (High Holidays) ISBN13:
of Abraham who offered his only son, bees can inflict tremendous pain. Life banquet encourages the people to live 9780822586500Condition:
Isaac to God as evidence of his in the same way can be thrust into life in an honorable and righteous NEWNotes: Brand New from
allegiance to Him. God, in return to immense misery but there is always manner. Publisher. No Remainder Mark. A
his willingness to sacrifice an inherent sweetness and beauty to Sean Carter writes on holidays – sweet and creative Rosh Hashanah
everything, caused a ram to appear it. Rosh Hashanah, Halloween, story based on the...
and be executed in Isaac’s place. Fish:Fish is the symbol of fertility Thanksgiving, Christmas – around
Hence, blowing Shofar, made out of and knowledge. Fish spawns the world. He also writes on family,
FeedJournal Basic 7
continued from page 2
sense. But it doesn’t have to make schoolchildren achieve a lower If censorship, homicidal mania and Hija del Zion para Israel Support
any sense. The facts don’t matter. The literacy rate than their counterparts in deliberate dysfunction are effective Israel
Muslim terrorists proved that already. the West Bank. When there is no media relations tools for the poor • Denial of Service Attack On
The point is to create a lot of electricity anywhere in the country, “Palestinian Arabs” who can hardly Sunday, many of you noticed that you
sympathetic dramatically staged and cold running water only twice a walk four steps without claiming could not publish comments at this
photos and blame someone for them. week. When the only forms of citizenship in the great state of site. Others of you may’ve noticed
It might as well be Sweden since transportation in the country are victimhood, maybe it’s time their you could not access the main page. I
they’re spoiling for a fight anyway. rusting 1960’s classic American cars victims got a piece of the action. If noticed yesterday night that instead of
This is not about the facts. It’s about and mistreated donkeys. When there the left doesn’t like working countries the ...
making the competent feel guilty for is no working fire department, but that don’t throw critics off buildings • One of these people is the PM of
their competence. If Israel is cell phones are everywhere. When or constantly try to kill people– then Australia One of these people is the
demonized because Fatah and Hamas you can’t go a hundred feet without they’re writing a scenario in which PM of Australiaby sheikyermami on
can’t provide basic services even with hearing the sounds of machine gun those countries will transform May 4, 2010Andrew BoltTHREE
billions of dollars in foreign aid, then fire. And when there is an entire themselves into the image of the sort million Australians have changed
it’s time for Israel to stop providing branch of the UN dedicated to of countries that the left does like. their mind about Kevin Rudd in just
basic services. feeding and clothing Israelis. Then This is only a satirical piece, but all two years.The question is: why did
In the anti-capitalist dogma, finally the public relations battle will satire has more than a grain of truth to they an...
competence is criminality. A more be won. Because Israel will truly be a it. If the media left calls democracy, • 20th Century Battlefields – 1973
advanced society is always more failed state– and therefore wholly tyranny and tyranny, democracy. Yom Kippur War part 3/6 20th
wrong than a less advanced one. moral. Then perhaps the only way for them Century Battlefields 1973 Yom
Clearly the only way to win their Only successful states take the to recognize a country as a Kippur War part 3/6 octobre war
sympathy is a race to the bottom. If blame, because only they are judged democracy is for it to become a middle east egypt egyptian israel...
the lights go out in Gaza, let there be as being responsible. Failed states on tyranny. If they praise countries that
no lights and sewage in Haifa. In the other hand are always someone violate civil rights, for their freedom, Original post source
Ramallah has open sewage, then Tel else’s victim. If paradoxically the and damn countries with freedom for
Aviv should go back to using only way to be a successful state, is to violating civil rights– clearly then the
donkeys. If Jenin has armed militias be a failed state– it’s time to start only way to the leftist heart is by
riding on donkeys that are swimming failing upward. violating civil rights. By calling good,
in pools of sewage, it’s time to close Anyone who supports the Muslim evil, and evil, good– the left has
all the hospitals in the Israel and terrorist side, and disapproves of the written this narrative itself with the
gather gangs of schoolchildren and article should ask him or herself, inkstains of its own moral hypocrisy.
start stoning foreign planes. why?“Or we’ll hold our breath until It cannot complain about its
At some point where Israeli we turn blue” consequences.

Eye On The World: Reports: IAF Landed at

Saudi Base, US Troops near Iran Border
by NoahDavidSimon (Hija del Israeli military aircraft landed 10 border after noticing the American Hija del Zion para Israel Support
Zion para Israel - Daughter of days ago at the Saudi base near the forces, which Iran claimed also Israel
Zion for Israel) city of Tabuk, located in northwest included Israeli troops. Azerbaijan’s • Blue State Smurfs Introducing
Saudi Arabia, one of the closest areas independent Trend news site also BLUE STATE SMURFS: ...WHAT
Submitted at 6/23/2010 8:55:00 PM in the oil kingdom to Iran. reported on Wednesday that CAN PAPA SMURF DO?
( INN) The Israeli Air Force recently Fars said that the Tabuk base will be American armed forces are in the ...CHELSEA SMURFS ...KEEP
unloaded military equipment at a the central station for an Israeli attack country, which is in an armed conflict ABORTIONS SMURFY
Saudi Arabia base, a semi-official on Iran. It quoted an Islamic news site with rebels. ...sympathy for the TERRORISTS
Iranian news agency claimed that a commercial airline passenger Revolutionary Guards Brigadier ...SMURFETTE DOING COKE
Wednesday, while a large American said the airport in Tabuk was closed General Mehdi Moini said Tuesday LINES AFTER LOSING ANOTHER
force has massed in Azerbaijan, to all other traffic during the alleged that his forces are mobilized “due to ELECTIO...
which is on the northwest border of Israeli landings. The passenger said the presence of American and Israeli • The real censorship (Robin
Iran. that “no reasonable explanation” was forces on the western border.” The Shepherd) From Robin Shepherd
Both reports follow by less than a given for shutting down the airport Guards reportedly have called in Online:...[C]onsider the response to
week the Pentagon’s confirmation and those passengers were tanks and anti-aircraft units to the the Palestinian Authority’s decision
that an unusually large American compensated financially and booked area in what amounts to a war alert. last week to celebrate the worst
fleet sailed through the Suez Canal in four-star hotels. via terrorist atrocity ever perpetrated
Saturday. Several reports stated that “The relations between Saudi Arabia Israel Air Force aircraft have been inside Israel (the 1978 bus massacr...
an Israeli ship joined the armada. and Israel have become the talk of the spotted in recent days at a Saudi • Israels Armageddon Closer Than
The Pentagon played down the news, town,” the passenger added. The Arabian military base unloading You Think The news today has been
saying the American maneuvers were chief authority in Tabuk, Prince Fahd military equipment in the city of full of Israel and the resulting fiasco
routine. However, a report by Iran on ben Sultan, was reported be Tabuk, in northwestern Saudi Arabia, in Lebanon. It has no doubt it has
Wednesday that it has enriched coordinating the cooperation with according to a report from Iranian been history, which has kept virulent
dozens of pounds of 17 per cent Israel. news agency FARS. The base will Arab states from attacking Israel.
enriched uranium serves as a Azerbaijan reportedly be used as a forward This ...
reminder that time is running out to Iran’s government-funded Press TV operating base by the Israelis as part
stop Iran from being able to produce reported that the Revolutionary of an offensive on an Islamic country. Original post source
a nuclear weapon. Guards began closely patrolling the Posted via email from
Iran’s Fars News Agency said the Islamic Republic’s northwestern noahdavidsimon’s posterous
8 FeedJournal Basic

Kemal K?l?çdaro?lu
by NoahDavidSimon (Hija del
Zion para Israel - Daughter of
Zion for Israel)
Submitted at 6/23/2010 11:31:00 PM
First the Green Revolution in Iran
turned out to be run by a man who
was as bad as the established regime
and now Turkey supposedly has a by paraisrael (Hija del Zion
resurfacing opposition to the para Israel - Daughter of Zion
Islamists, Turks Turn on Islamist for Israel)
Submitted at 6/23/2010 11:15:13 PM
Gaza flotilla backfires at home.
BY Adam Brickley by vad_levin Israel to allow more ‘civilian’ goods
Kemal K?l?çdaro?lu is probably the into Gaza
happiest man in Turkey right now. JERUSALEM – Israel announced on
He’s just inherited the leadership of Sunday it will allow all strictly
the country’s secular socialist “civilian” goods into Gaza while
surge of personal popularity as he Staff Rahm Emanuel compared
opposition, and now he’s reaping the preventing a specific list of weapons
tries to modernize the party founded President Obama to George H.W.
benefits of an incredibly boneheaded and dual-use items from entering the
by Kemal Ataturk. However, it also Bush (also known as Bush 41 or
move by the “moderate” Islamists Hamas-run Palestinian territory. Read
appears that Erdogan’s heavy support Bush, the father) on foreign policy.
who run the country. more…
of the Gaza “aid” flotilla has blown Foreign Policy (the blog) asked s...
A recently released poll shows the Read more on The Malaysian Mirror
up in his face — and that his gradual • Jail ordeal of hundreds of
governing Justice and Development Israel to Ease Land Blockade on
Islamization of the government may Palestinian children arrested for
Party (AKP) of Prime Minister Gaza
have reached a point where the public throwing stones Rights groups
Recep Tayyip Erdogan slipping out Israel has been facing intense
is ready to pull the plug. express concern at the rising number
of first place for the first time in international pressure to end its 3-
To be fair, K?l?çdaro?lu has joined of juveniles as young as 12 who are
years. Instead, K?l?çdaro?lu’s year-old blockade of tiny Gaza,
Erdogan in heavily condemning the held behind bars and 'treated like
Republican People’s Party (CHP) has where 1.5 million Palestinians live
Israeli raid on the flotilla — but he terrorists'With more than 300
inched to a razor-thin lead. If these Read more on Voice of America
has also blasted Erdogan for Palestinian children being held in
numbers were to hold through next Hija del Zion para Israel Support
needlessly provoking Israel. So, now Israeli pri...
year’s election, the AKP’s Sunni Israel
that the prime minister has marched • Muslim terrorists in South America
Islamism will be dealt a heavy • Israel News by The Jewish Agency
into a full-blown religious join forces with drug cartels"Today,
repudiation — as K?l?çdaro?lu is a for Israel Israel to allow 'civilian'
confrontation with the Jewish state, Terrorist-sponsoring nation Iran is
member of the minority Alevi goods into Gaza ISRAEL will allow
the electorate is opting for a more fair increasing its presence in Latin
religious sect. He could also be all "civilian" goods into the Gaza
-minded leader who concerns himself America, and Hezbollah, a terrorist
Turkey’s first Kurdish Prime Minister Strip while still preventing weapons
with national interest over religious organization it sponsors, is making
— depending on whether or not one from entering the Hamas-run terr...
zealotry. inroads in drug trafficking in
considers his Zaza ethnicity to be a • Israel News by Ahron de Leeuw
Hija del Zion para Israel Support Colombia...&q...
Kurdish subgroup or a separate Israel to build world's biggest
people (either way he’s not an ethnic seawater desalination plant
• Rahm Emanuel sells Obama as Original post source
Turk). Jerusalem, June 21 : Israel is planning
George Herbert Walker Bush Earlier
Now, this success is partly due to the to build the world's largest seawater
this week, White House Chief of
fact that K?l?çdaro?lu is enjoying a desalination plant, Prime Minister

Israel launches new spy satellite to • Israel News by merdi UN: Israel
needs to move quickly to ease closure
Students in this refugee camp study in

watch Iran stifling hot metal shipping containers,

and there's no space in the crammed
U.N. classrooms for thou...
by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del camera. It would join two other active May 4, 2010Andrew BoltTHREE
Zion para Israel - Daughter of spy satellites in the Ofek series million Australians have changed
Zion for Israel) already orbiting the earth. The their mind about Kevin Rudd in just
officials, speaking on condition of two years.The question is: why did
Submitted at 6/23/2010 8:15:00 PM anonymity because details were not they an...
Israel launches new spy satellite to made public, said the three satellites • Kenya: Clerics near Somali border
watch Iran On Tuesday night, Israel would give Israel considerable ban public broadcast of soccer and
launched a new spy satellite, the Ofek coverage of sensitive areas. films Kenya: Clerics near Somali
9. The Ofek 9 is to be used mainly to Addition of a new satellite gives border ban public broadcast of soccer
keep an eye on Iran. Israel the capability of sending space- a n d f i l m s
The Defense Ministry issued a borne cameras over sensitive areas . . .
statement saying the satellite was more frequently. One of Israel’s main • Albert Einstein: E=mc2 – The
launched late Tuesday from the
Palmachim air force base on Israel’s
targets for spy photos is Iran, because
of its nuclear program.
Universe, Art and Physics – painting
exhibition by Romeo Niram
Our banana
coast south of Tel Aviv. An hour Heh. Romeo
later, after the satellite completed its
first circuit, the ministry said it had
posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 6:15
Niram - Innauguration of the Painting
Exhibition "Brancusi E=mc2" at The
achieved its proper orbit, describing it Hija del Zion para Israel Support Movement for Contemporary Art, by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del
as “a surveillance satellite with Israel Lisbon, Portugal. Romeo Niram is ... Zion para Israel - Daughter of
advanced technological capabilities.” • One of these people is the PM of Zion for Israel)
Defense officials said Ofek 9 is a spy Australia One of these people is the Original post source
satellite with a high resolution PM of Australiaby sheikyermami on Submitted at 6/23/2010 11:15:00 PM

Our banana republic Former Defense

Minister Moshe Arens charges that

OUR page 9
FeedJournal Basic 9
continued from page 8
the Netanyahu government is have resulted in a crisis? Or by Colombia. Britain. Only Israel is
behaving like a banana republic in sticking to its principles when vital afraid to say no. Why?
acceding to the demands of the Israeli interests were at stake, would Read the whole thing.
Obama administration, and that this the Israeli leadership have gained posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 9:15
behavior is not helping Israel’s image respect in Washington? The jury is AM
elsewhere. still out on this question. Hija del Zion para Israel Support
Now that the Obama administration But it is clear that Israeli Israel
has decided to raise the profile of the subservience to American demands • Australia: War memorial
differences of opinion that existed for does not strengthen Israel’s image in vandalised on Anzac eve Australia:
many years, Israel giving in to the eyes of its enemies and in the War memorial vandalised on Anzac
Washington’s demands may capitals of Europe and Asia. The net eveby sheikyermami on April 27,
momentarily assuage tempers in result of this Israeli policy in recent 2 0 1 0 P E R T H
Washington. But the emphasis is on years is negative. Add to that, and not NOWMOHAMMEDAN VANDALS
momentarily. Additional demands least important, how Israelis feel attacked a war memorial on the eve
will be coming, and if they are not about themselves in light of this of Anzac Day, throwing rubbish
accommodated the situation may subservience. After having attained around the site and snappi...
worsen. In Jonathan Alter’s book independence at great sacrifice, and • When is G-d? G-d is found at two
“The Promise” on Obama’s first year having gotten used to a poles of Time. He is found outside
in the White House, Obama is quoted democratically elected leadership Time and beyond. And He is found
as saying: “I know how to handle determining the nation’s course of here within the moment now. From
Netanyahu.” And after a year of action, it is a blow to our self-esteem that point beyond, G-d looks w...
dealing with him, Obama probably to see our leaders obeying orders that • Purim festival Image taken on 2008
gives himself a good score on this come from abroad. -03-21 21:11:13 by maxnathans....
subject. One cannot escape the feeling that
Has the government’s policy of Israel is the only country in the world Original post source
giving in to Washington’s demands that does not know how to say no to
strengthened the relationship between Obama. Forget about former enemies
the two nations? It certainly does not like Russia, China and Iran. Look at
seem that way at the moment. And how many allies say no to Obama.
what if the Israeli government had Turkey. HONDURAS (which said no
stuck by its positions – would that for months and eventually won).

Back to the future? Israel setting itself up to be

accused of expelling ‘Palestinians’ from their
by Carl in Jerusalem (Hija del yet taking place.
Zion para Israel - Daughter of By the way, I think the picture at the
Zion for Israel) top is photo-shopped. Look closely at
the two clouds of smoke side by side.
Submitted at 6/23/2010 10:08:00 PM posted by Carl in Jerusalem @ 8:08
Back to the future? Israel setting AM
itself up to be accused of expelling Hija del Zion para Israel Support
‘Palestinians’ from their homes The Israel
IDF has decided to change its military • Exiting Egypt – Kabbalah
doctrine in Gaza to allow for the ‘ Moments – May 24, 2010 Tweet This
evacuation’ of entire ‘Palestinian’ Post Delicious Facebook Stumble
villages and ‘refugee camps’ as an It...
opening gambit. • Celebrating the Jewish Year: The
Ahead of a potential new conflict Fall Holidays — Rosh Hashanah,
with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the Yom Kippur, Sukkot Product
IDF has drawn up plans to evacuate DescriptionJPS's new holiday books
entire Palestinian villages and refugee take us through the joys, spirit, and
camps from areas of conflict in the meaning of the seasons. Blending the
event of an Israeli incursion, The old and the new, they ground us in
Jerusalem Post has learned. the origins and traditions of each
an invasion of the Jabalya refugee opens the IDF up to accusations that
During Operation Cast Lead, in the holi...
camp in a large-scale operation, for it expelled ‘Palestinians’ from their
winter of 2008/2009, the IDF dropped • 7) [54min-1hr03min] Rabbi David
example, the IDF would give prior homes as happened in 1948. Second,
millions of flyers over areas it Blumofe DEBATES Dr. Michael
notification to residents and designate it forfeits whatever element of
planned to invade and made over a Brown Rabbi David Blumofe debates
an amount of time they would be surprise the IDF might have
quarter of a million phone calls to Dr. Michael Brown on "Who Is Jesus
given to leave. The IDF would also otherwise had. And third, it implies
private homes and mobile phones ?" hosted by Sid Roth...
enter potential conflict zones more that IDF soldiers will be on the
warning people to leave.
slowly to permit residents to evacuate ground during the ‘evacuation,’
… Original post source
the area. exposing them to danger during a
According to the new operational
This is not a great idea. First, it time when military operations are not
doctrine for the Gaza Strip, ahead of
10 FeedJournal Basic

Seattle Conference: Gaza’s Humanitarian Crisis

and the Failure of U.S. Policy
by Richard Silverstein (Hija del attack and he will speak about his Related posts: Motoon Racketby sheikyermami on
Zion para Israel - Daughter of experience. Finally, Hazim Shafi, • Hassan and the Failure of U.S. June 4, 2010Based on the
Zion for Israel) who lives and works here in the Counter-Terror Policy In a N.Y. recent South Park fiasco—where an
Seattle area will speak about current Times op-ed, Robert Wright, portrays animated episode depicting
Submitted at 6/23/2010 10:48:13 PM reality in Gaza on the ground. His the Ft…. Muhammad in a bear suit sparked
I am organizing a conference this father and brother have lived there for • Muhammad Sahimi Keynotes outrage among various Mu...
week here in Seattle that will focus some time and Hazim’s larger family Seattle Iran Conference Prof • Little Fox – Tehillim A Little Fox
on all the issues surrounding the Gaza hails from there, though many have Muhammad Sahimi, one of original song with an old Donald
flotilla attack and siege, as they relate left since conditions worsened America’s most prominent Iran Duck cartoon from the 40's. We are
to U.S. policy and its magnificent substantially over the past few years. analysts,… the duck. Nazism is our sinful nature.
failure (so far). I’ve joined together Hazim’s uncle, Haider Abdul Shafi • Sabeel Seattle Conference: Media Think about it. The lyrics to the song
with SABEEL of Puget Sound to was a senior PLO negotiator at the Panel on Covering Israeli-Palestinian are "Have...
produce the event. We’ll have Prof. Madrid conference. Conflict Friends of Sabeel will host a • Axelrod: Obama knows Jerusalem
Steve Nivas of Evergreen College, If you live in or near Seattle or know conference on the Israeli- can’t be first issue Axelrod: Obama
who will speak to U.S. policy towards people who do, please join us for an Palestinian… knows Jerusalem can't be first issue
Gaza and Hamas. I will address the informative evening dealing with an Obama adviser David Axelrod told a
current meltdown within Israel of its especially nettlesome U.S. foreign Related posts brought to you by Yet group of Jewish journalists on
democratic values and how this policy issue. Another Related Posts Plugin. Tuesday that President Oba...
impacts the possibility for progress Other co-sponsors include Hija del Zion para Israel Support
on the peace front. Dave Washington Physicians for Social Israel Original post source
Schermerhorn was a passenger on Responsibility and American Friends • Zakarias Botros & the Motoon
and survivor of the Mavi Marmara Service Committee. Racket Zakarias Botros & the
FeedJournal Basic 11

Menorah w/Dreidel – Tree of Life

by Judaica – judaica
by paraisrael (Hija del Zion Menorah Judaica – judaica Tzedakah
para Israel - Daughter of Zion Box: Tree of Life & Menorah Judaica
for Israel) Tzedakah Box: Tree of Life &
Menorah Judaica Tzedakah Box: Tree
Submitted at 6/23/2010 11:05:06 PM of Life & MenorahThis colorful
Menorah w/Dreidel – Tree of Life by Tzedakah Box celebrates the rich
Judaica cultural heritage of th...
• Tree of Life Mezuzah from the
• Menorah w/Dreidel – Tree of Life Artazia Collection #460 GM –
by Judaica judaica Tree of Life Mezuzah from
the Artazia Collection #460 GM Mort Zuckerman: Why
Tree of Life Menorah w/Removable
Dreidel.This scroll shaped menorah is
Each Mezuzah Case is truly like a No Outrage for Anti-
miniature artwork. Measures 4 3/4"
decorated on the front with the Tree High by 1 1/2" wide"Hand painting, Israel, Phony Flotilla? –
This lovely Menorah has two sides,
of Life and on the reverse side with
an abstract design. One of the scroll both beautifully painted: one is an
with a variety of materials meticulo... U…
• Wedding Menorah by Karen Rossi,
handles removes to showcase a image of birds resting on the branches Judaica – judaica Wedding Menorah by israel (Hija del Zion para
ceramic dreidel. This menorah is of the Tree of Life, while the other is by Karen Rossi, Judaica Wedding Israel - Daughter of Zion for
pretty an image of a peaceful-looking Menorah by Karen Rossi, Judaica Israel)
Rating:(out of reviews) woman, with the words “A Woman Wedding Menorah Judaica by Karen
List Price: Of Valor… M Rossi Want to celebrate Hanukkah in Submitted at 6/23/2010 9:48:00 PM

Price: $ 83.00 Woman of Valor Rating:(out of reviews) musical style? Then this menorah is Mort Zuckerman: Why No Outrage
Menorah Judaica List Price: the one to ... for Anti-Israel, Phony Flotilla?
Price: $ 58.00 Fortunately, the Obama
• Woman of Valor Menorah Judaica Hija del Zion para Israel Support administration refused to participate
MORT page 12
Woman of Valor Menorah • Tzedakah Box: Tree of Life &

The Binding of Isaac and Messiah: Law,

Martyrdom and Deliverance in Early Rabbinic PJTV – Richard Landes
Religiosity (S U N Y Series in Judaica)
by paraisrael (Hija del Zion
para Israel - Daughter of Zion
Rating: (out of 1
List Price: ...
interviews Itamar
for Israel)
Submitted at 6/23/2010 11:10:06 PM
• The Book of Theodicy: A
Translation and Commentary on the
Book of Job (Yale Judaica Series)
by Elder of Ziyon (Hija del Zion taken on 2008-10-24 18:17:30 by
The Binding of Isaac and Messiah: The Book of Theodicy: A Translation para Israel - Daughter of Zion Kodamakitty....
Law, Martyrdom and Deliverance in and Commentary on the Book of Job for Israel) • NBA Player Jordan Farmar Visits
Early Rabbinic Religiosity (S U N Y (Yale Judaica Series) Rating: Israeli and Palestinian Children
Series in Judaica) (out of 1 reviews) List Price: $ Submitted at 6/23/2010 11:01:00 PM Jordan Farmer, NBA Lakers player is
Rating:(out of reviews) 100.00 Price: $ 99.90 ... Check out this video that describes helping to create peace between
List Price: $ 57.50 • Midrash and Multiplicity: Pirke de- how Palestinian Arab leaders speak Israeli and Palestinian children
Price: $ 48.97 Rabbi Eliezer and the Renewal of differently in English to Western through teaching them to play
Hija del Zion para Israel Support Rabbinic Interpretive Culture (Studia audiences and in Arabic to their own basketball in Kiryat Gat on Tuesday
Israel Judaica) Midrash and Multiplicity: people. August 5th, 2008. ...
• The Poetics of Ascent: Theories of Pirke de-Rabbi Eliezer and the Richard Landes, of the Augean • Menorah Gift #1705A – Solid and
Language in a Rabbinic Ascent Text Renewal of Rabbinic Interpretive Stables blog and now also a heavy Menorah Gift – 26cm or 10.5
(Suny Series in Judaica : Culture (Studia Judaica) Pirke de- correspondent for PJTV, interviews inches high Menorah Gift #1705A -
Hermeneutics, Mysticism, and Rabbi Eliezer represents a late Itamar Marcus, director and founder Solid and heavy Menorah Gift - 26cm
Culture) The Poetics of Ascent: development in ""midrash"", or of Palestinian Media Watch. or 10.5 inches high...
Theories of Language in a Rabbinic classica... Hija del Zion para Israel Support
Ascent Text (Suny Series in Judaica : Israel Original post source
Hermeneutics, Mysticism, and • Mexican Dreidels? (2 of 2) Image

The New Palestinian Statehood Push and the

Nuclear Threat to Israel…
by israel (Hija del Zion para Hija del Zion para Israel Support Israel
Israel - Daughter of Zion for Israel Level: Basic
Israel) • Mt.Carmel Image taken on 2006-02 The Promised Land
-07 16:53:59 by eye of einstein.... The history of the Jewish people
Submitted at 6/23/2010 9:49:00 PM • Mordechai Ben David (MBD) – begins with Abraham, and the story
The New Palestinian Statehood Push B’Rosh Hashanah Berosh Hashana of Abraham begins when God tells
and the Nuclear Threat to Israel Louis Berosh hashono yekoseyvun (On him to leave his ...
René Beres is a professor of political Rosh Hashanah our destiny is
science at Purdue University and the inscribed) (En Rosh Hashaná nuestro kipur yekhoseymun (And o... Original post source
author of… destino está escrito) Uv'yom tsom • The Land of Israel The Land of
12 FeedJournal Basic
continued from page 11
in such moral hypocrisy In the • Israel to use nukes against Iran?
Midd… Israel to use nukes against Iran?
Hija del Zion para Israel Support Shavua tov, a good week to
Israel everyone.Now, it's getting really
• Ilan Ashkenazi Guitar Shred crazy. UPI is claiming that Israel is
Extreme Sick Shred Clip... going to use...
• 37,500 Names Deposited at Yad
Vashem Heinz Kounio, is one of only Original post source
1,950 Jews from Salonica who
survived the Holocaust. Deported
from Greece in 1943, he survived
Auschwitz, and at the conclusion of
the war returned to his hometown.

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