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Lesson 3

Types of Government
Subject and Grade Level: Social Studies 10th Grade
Unit Title: Unit 1 Political and Economic Structure
Unit Objective: Students will understand the underlying values and principles of political
and economic systems is necessary to understanding how all people are impacted by the
structure they live within.
Content Standards: 2.2.1 The student will analyze advantages and disadvantages of various
types of governments throughout the world.

1. Lesson Objective:
a. Students will understand that power is distributed differently in varying forms of government
system .
2. Warm Up/Motivational Activity: 5 minutes
a. The Teacher will display different pictures of leaders and the warm up question. What
type of government do these rulers rule?.
b. Students will answer the warm up question.
3. Instructional Activity: 20 minutes

a. Teacher will explain the different between forms and types of government.
b. Teacher will present the types of government presentation.
c. Students will take notes on the presentation.
4. Guided Practice Activity: 20 minutes
a. Students will complete the flowchart of forms and types of government.
b. The teacher will go over the different forms and types of government and the who
rules under those types of government.
5. Independent Activity: 15 minutes

a. The teacher will instruct the students to complete an graphic organizer or

organizational tree that demonstrates the forms of government, the types of
government that fall under the forms of government and who rules these
b. Students will complete the organizational charts and submit on Google
6. Closure/Formative Assessment: 5 minutes
a. The teacher will give the students an exit survey on paper.

b. Students will complete the exit survey.


Resources, Material, Equipment:

Powerpoint Presentation
Smart Board
Internet (Google Chrome)
Organizational chart

Lesson 3 Redesign
Types of Government
Subject and Grade Level: Social Studies 10th Grade
Unit Title: Unit 1 Political and Economic Structure
Unit Objective: Students will understand the underlying values and principles of political
and economic systems is necessary to understanding how all people are impacted by the
structure they live within.
Content Standards: 2.2.1 The student will analyze advantages and disadvantages of

various types of governments throughout the world.

ISTE Standards: 7c Students contribute constructively to project teams,
assuming various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common
1. Lesson Objective:

a. Students will understand that power is distributed differently in varying forms

of government system.
2. Warm Up/Motivational Activity: 5 minutes
a. The Teacher will display different pictures of leaders and the warm up question. What
type of government do these rulers rule as a pre-assessment activity.
b. Students will answer the warm up question.
3. Instructional Activity: 20 minutes
a. Teacher will explain the different between forms and types of government.
b. Teacher will present playposit presentation on the types of government.
C. Students will create their own type of graphic organizer to take notes about todays
lesson. (KWL, Cornell Notes, and/or Outline). Students will answer the questions
associated with the video

4. Guided Practice Activity: 20 minutes

a. The teacher will have the students develop a flowchart using Google Draw. The
teacher will complete a graphic organizer or organizational tree that demonstrates

the forms of government, the types of government that fall under the forms of
government and who rules these governments.
b. Students will complete the organizational charts in Google Draw, inputting the
information in the chart, and submit on Google Classroom.
5. Independent Activity: 15 minutes
The students will develop a grading scale in a Google document universally
for the whole class and grade each other on their slide and their presentations.
The students are pick a form and type of government, research about their
government and in a google slide tell pertinent information about their form and type
of government.
Once the students have finished their slides they will teach another student
about there government.
6. Closure/Formative Assessment: 5 minutes
a. The teacher will give the students a homework assignment.
b. Students will complete the homework assignment.
c. For Homework: Students will complete a frayer instruct the students to complete a
frayer on paper with 3 columns to define, write a sentence, and draw a picture of the
following terms Scarcity, Allocation, Opportunity Cost, Resources, Means of Production,
Demand and Supply.


Resources, Material, Equipment:

Powerpoint Presentation
Smart Board
Internet (Google Chrome)
Construction paper and marker/colored pencils
student chromebooks
exit ticket
iCivics Who Rules Packet

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