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A Chronological History

of the

Psychopathic Elites


(Version IV)
Anthony Forwood

LAST UPDATE: July 18, 2014

What follows below is a chronology of historical events that tie together the
evidence of a long-term secret agenda being carried out by a psychopathic
ruling elite to implement total human enslavement on a global scale. This
chronology encompasses several notable areas of their operation:
- The psychopathic elite operate through various powerful secret societies,
government agencies, and private organizations, so I have attempted to
include information on the more significant of these groups whenever
- Since mind-control programming techniques and technologies are a
major aspect of this agenda, I have attempted to pay close attention to the
developmental history of all relevant techniques and technologies.
- Because the UFO enigma arose parallel to the start of the US
governments secret mind-control programs (MKULTRA) and appears to have
been used in the capacity of psychological operations (psyops) to cover up
many of those programs, I have included a number of significant UFO events
that reflect the developmental stage of mind-control techniques and
technologies at the times involved.

- Many cults and New Age groups have been used for these mind-control
programs or have grown out of them, so Ive included information on these
as well, whenever possible. These cults and New Age groups are seemingly
autonomous entities that come and go, but they are essentially under the
control of more powerful secret societies and are there to fulfill certain
aspects of the elites agenda.
- The many cases of domestic terrorism that have been occurring more
and more frequently over the years suggest that the perpetrators are
possibly mind-controlled and that these incidents are all part of this Orwellian
agenda, so I have also included relevant information on these events
whenever possible. These include serial killings, mass shootings,
assassinations, and other possible false flag events.
- A deeper aspect of the mind-control involves sex-slavery, pedophilia,
and other satanic activity that takes place to serve the corrupted pleasures
of the psychopathic elite, and so Ive also included whatever significant
events Ive come across that reveal this aspect of the mind-control and the
deeper secret agenda.
These six areas reflect certain distinct stages in the development and
application of the elites Orwellian agenda, and they can be better understood
for what they are and how they have systematically led from one to the next
as compared to the separate and unrelated incidents that theyre more
commonly believed to be when considered within the progressive stages of
a historical chronology, as set forth here.
This work is first and foremost a personal reference for my own use in my
research into these things, but Im making it publicly available since it may
be of some help to others in their own research efforts. Many entries that I
hope to include in this document are still missing, others are still short on
information while some are perhaps too long, and many arent directly
significant but are included because they have historical significance to those
that are. Whatever the case, few if any of these entries should be ignored in
attempting to piece together and understand the progressive line of
development and implementation of total mind-control within our global
society. No matter, I think readers who simply skim through this document
will still find many interesting and useful pieces of information, but to fully
understand the deeper truth of the situation that we find ourselves in today,
more than just the information presented here will be required, even though
I hope that the shadows of this deeper truth will reflect through to the
discerning reader.
Each entry in this document has been added as the information has come to
my attention, and although I have often resorted to outright plagiarism (!)
and not always giving proper credit (!), this has only been out of a personal
necessity to put all of the material together more quickly and keep moving
forward in my research, rather than to be bogged down with rewriting the

information just so it is uniquely presented and each piece of information

properly accredited. Readers should check the information presented for their
own assurance of accuracy.
This document is still a work in progress, and many more pieces of
information that Im aware of (and probably many that Im currently not) still
need to be included, and will be in future versions (new versions of this
document are published about every six to twelve months). If you see
something thats missing that you feel is worthy of being included, and you
can point me to a good written source for information about it, please feel
free to contact me at and let me know. Further details or
corrections for entries that are already included are also very welcome.
A Note on the UFO Enigma, Satanism, and Mind-Control Technologies
This document began when, after almost twenty years of personal research, I
came to the conclusion that the UFO phenomenon has been far more myth
than fact, as far as extraterrestrial visitation goes. This isnt to say that I
dont believe in the possibility of alien visitation to our planet. On the
contrary, I started out with an open mind and accepted at face value that
UFO and alien experiences were real as described, but in my long and
persistent search for the truth behind the stories of UFOs and alien
encounters, Ive come across a great deal of evidence to show that the
presentation we the public have been given regarding this matter has been
nothing more than a carefully orchestrated deception, and there is very little
substantive evidence that exists that would convince me that what many
people believe about this subject is real as they describe it, that cant be
better explained by psychological techniques used to manage public
perceptions and/or through the use of mind-control technologies that already
existed or were being developed and experimented with at the time of their
experiences. In fact, Ive come to a point in my research where Im able to
explain any of the more extraordinary aspects of the subject of UFOs and the
events surrounding them in these more down-to-earth terms that involve
known mind-control techniques and technologies.
To put it in the simplest terms, the UFO phenomenon has been nothing more
than a cover for secret government mind-control experiments and the
application of mind-control techniques and technologies. Of course, this is
too simple an answer, particularly for the deceived, and deserves a better
explanation. The best way I know how to provide one is to look at the
chronology of events to show how the stories of peoples UFO-related
experiences over the years match very closely with the developmental stages
of mind-control technologies. Although these same technologies were
sometimes used to cover up black projects involved in developing secret
military aircraft technologies, this was when these mind-control technologies
were still in their infancy, and their success in that capacity has led to their

applications being quickly expanded to many other areas where they would
be more beneficial to the elites New World agenda.
Such a conclusion as that which I have reached regarding a false UFO enigma
covering for mind-control experimentation could only have come this long
after the beginning of this massive psychological charade, by reviewing it all
over again and looking at the many revelations that have come to light long
after certain events have occurred. In considering these events and the later
revelations, it will be found that the UFO phenomenon and the development
of mind-control technologies are inextricably tied together as part of a much
larger psychological warfare program, with the apparent UFO phenomenon
having been used to cover up the secret mind-control experimentation
programs known collectively as MKULTRA. What came out of these programs
has since been put to use in various ways to manipulate and control more
and more members of society without their knowing, and have been largely
directed towards non-mainstream thinkers and anyone else who is not likely
to willingly or easily conform to the elites New World agenda.
Since the official closing of the MKULTRA programs, the UFO phenomenon as
a cover story for mind-control programming has since metamorphosed into
various other equally extraordinary belief systems that have also been used
as covers for mind-control. A large subset of the continuing post-MKULTRA
mind-control programs have incorporated satanism into their methodologies,
including the use of satanic ritual abuse to induce trauma-based alter
personalities, involving the victims in satanic activities that are so outrageous
that they wouldnt likely be believed, and using the products of the
programs to terrorize the public with a growing number of mass murderers,
serial killers, and lone nut shooters. Of course, these satanically-inclined
killers had to have sprung from somewhere, and it happens that a number of
satanic cults were in operation in the same area that most of the earliest and
most gruesome cases suddenly sprang up.
Timeline of Events
325 AD The first Council of Nicea. Christianity becomes orthodox when
Emperor Constantine and the church councils create creeds and canons at
the Council of Nicea. With this human-made church law, the followers of
Christianity will no longer abide by the teachings of Jesus, but will instead
follow the dictates of the Church.
1070 The Knights of St. John are established.
1118 The founding of the Order of the Knights Templar by Jacques
DeMolay. This secret order exists under the guise that its members are the
protectors of pilgrims traveling to and from the Holy Land, but this is only
used as a cover to acquire wealth and power for themselves. Within the first
twenty-one years of their formation, they will gain so much power that they

will only be answerable to the Church. They will also become the strongest
military force in the world. Their early secret activities will include excavating
Solomons Temple in Jerusalem, where they will apparently find scrolls of
knowledge, and these will give them certain power over the Church,
presumably because this knowledge could expose certain lies that the Church
has been promulgating as the truth. Through their schemes, they will come
to own thousands of castles and other properties across Europe, and great
hordes of wealth in silver and gold. Eventually, however, they will become too
powerful, and the Church will decide to eliminate them. Although many of the
Templars will be rounded up, tortured into making confessions, and burned at
the stake, many others will escape with much of their amassed wealth, as
well as their secrets, and will go on to form other secret societies. One of
these will be the Knights of Christ. Although not known for certain, its said
that the Templars worshipped the devil, who they called Baphomet, and
engaged in certain outrageously immoral acts, including sodomy, as part of
their secret initiations and rituals.
1307 The Order of the Knights Templar is forced to dissolve when its
Grand Master, Jacques DeMolay, is arrested and imprisoned in Paris along
with 60 of his knights, followed soon after by the rounding up of the
remaining members in France. All of the wealth and possessions of the Order
will be confiscated, although it will be rumored that a small group of knights
successfully escaped with a large horde. Most of those who are arrested will
be forced to confess to the worst offenses imaginable before being burned
alive at the stake. The same will occur in England during the reign of Edward
II, where the confiscated properties will be granted to the Knights
1317 The Order of the Knights Templar is reformed in Portugal under the
name Knights of Christ.
1407 According to Rosicrucian texts that will surface in the 1600s, this is
the year that the Order of the Rose Croix is first founded. It is a sect of
hermetical philosophers, including alchemists, astrologers, and spiritists, who
were first becoming noticed in Germany early in the previous century. Bound
by solemn oaths of secrecy, they claim to possess secret knowledge,
particularly pertaining to the Philosophers Stone, all of which, according to
them, they received by tradition from the ancient Egyptians, Chaldeans,
Magi, and Gymnosophists. The original purpose of the Order appears to have
been to bring learned minds together for the sake of sharing and preserving
their knowledge and using it to improve the state of mankind. The Order of
the Rose Croix will later become more commonly known as the Rosicrucian
Order, and its main function will always be the study of occult knowledge for
the purpose of bringing all of mankind to its fullest spiritual development,
based on Hermetic science. Only initiates who have already attained a certain
level of spiritual development will be accepted into the Order.

(See online book, Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr

1454 The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in
Germany. This invention will revolutionize communication and book
production, leading to the spread of knowledge. It will also quickly become a
medium for the mass dissemination of propaganda. The early printing
industry will be controlled by only a few printing houses, and the high cost of
publishing will restrict this medium to those who can afford it.
1492 Christopher Columbus sales from Spain to the Americas under the
flag of the Knights Templar.
1534 (August 15) Ignatius Loyola gathers together a small group of
carefully chosen men and lays out a plan to establish what will become the
Society of Jesus (better known as the Jesuits), with the intention to convert
the infidels of the world into followers of Christ. By 1539, Ignatius and his
group approach the Pope and make an offer to act as a body of light infantry
at his personal beck and call. They state that they are prepared to take a
special vow of obedience only to him, accurately calculating that this will lead
to him giving his blessings. The Order is officially established in 1540,
composed of a small body of senior members and a larger body of junior
members, and headed by Ignatius. It is governed in secret, and its activities
are to be kept secret by its members except with the approval of their
superiors. Each member is demanded strict obedience and total servitude to
the Order, or face being thrown into the Orders private prisons where they
face being tortured for their transgressions. Junior members live in strictly
policed barracks and are not allowed any free time or privacy, while senior
members live in luxury and ease. Rather than operating under the principles
of love and compassion, they operate through craftiness and guile.
Ignatius creates an intricate spy system within the Order to keep watch over
all its members constantly and with extreme scrutiny. In every house and
college, and among every class of the Order, syndici are appointed to watch
and send in secret reports to Superiors. Each month members are also
required to write down all the faults they notice in any other members and
give the report to the head of their house. If they note any serious faults in
the head of their house, they are required to inform the head of the Order.
The Jesuits will make use of every source of information they can, being very
discrete but also very cunning. As its founding head, Ignatius will deliberately
cultivate the favor of the rich and powerful, as well as securing special
concessions and favors from friendly Popes, and the Order will secretly
involve itself in manipulating political affairs for its own benefit. Ignatius will
also induce the Pope to give the Order special protection and make it
independent of bishops, as well as giving it special privilege over other
Orders. This will cause them to exalt themselves above other religious

Ignatius will write a secret manuscript known as The Spiritual Exercises,

which gives directions for a series of exercises that involve meditation,
prayer, fasting, sensory imagery, etc. These exercises cause enough physical,
mental, and emotional exhaustion to induce hypnotic trance states and are
essentially methods of mind-control programming. The result, when
successfully applied, is a deep devotion to the Order.
Ignatius Loyola will die in 1556, resulting in strife within the Order, with the
new leader, Lainez, being accused by other senior members of usurping the
leadership. This strife will also extend to the Pope, who will attempt to make
changes to gain their obedience to the Church, but he will conveniently die
before he is able. By this time, the Order will have grown to a membership of
3,500 divided into 18 provinces and 150 institutions. The wealth of the Order
will already be tremendous by this time, and this growth in both wealth and
numbers will steadily increase. By 1773 it will have 22,589 members, and
the number of colleges, residences, and mission-stations in its possession will
be about 1,500. They will have established many schools of higher education
and produced thousands of literary works on a large variety of topics, and
will have become very popular in the countries that they operate in.
(See online book, The Jesuit Enigma, by E. Boyd Barrett)
1573 Under Queen Elizabeth I, Sir Francis Walsingham sets up the first
organized foreign espionage service to operate from England, incorporating a
network of undercover agents he already had working throughout Europe and
extending as far east as Turkey and Russia. Dr. John Dee, the Queens
personal astrologer and magician, is recruited as an agent.
1618 In his book Themis Aurea, written in 1616 and 1617 and printed in
1618, Michael Maier, Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Order (Order of the
Rose Croix), refers to a resolution passed at a meeting in 1617 in which it
was formally agreed that the Brotherhood must maintain the strictest secrecy
for a hundred years. During this period, members of the Order will be
referred to as The Invisibles. The resolution had also decreed that, in the
year 1717 (the same year that Freemasonry will be established), the
fraternity would be transformed into an association that could carry on more
or less open propaganda. At about this same time, Robert Fludd is greatly
helped by Francis Bacon in founding the Rose Croix in England.
(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr
1660 The Royal Society of London for the Promotion of Natural Knowledge
is founded. Most or all of its founders are said to be Freemasons, although
this secret society will not be officially established in England until 1717. The
Royal Society will maintain an immense influence on the development of
science by establishing control over the acceptance or rejection of scientific

papers, and will play a major part in directing and controlling the entire
scientific establishment of the western world.
1717 (June 24) The English Grand Lodge of Freemasonry is founded by
members of the English Order of the Rose Croix (Rosicrucians). It works only
the first three degrees, Apprentice, Fellow-Craft, and Master Mason, and
constitutes the nursery for the selection of initiates for the higher degrees
worked by other Lodges, such as the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites and
the Grand Orient. The Grand Lodge will therefore only teach the exoteric
doctrines (Blue Masonry), reserving the esoteric teachings for other Lodges.
In 1813 it will add a fourth degree, that of Holy Royal Arch. After the English
Lodges founding, men of religious persuasions other than Christianity will
begin to be accepted into Masonry. On initiation, each member is given an
alias that they will be known by within the Lodge. The secret oath taken by
initiates supercedes all other oaths that they have or might ever take,
thereby making their first allegiance to the Order and their fellow Masons.
This oath continues even if they decide to leave Freemasonry, in order to
assure that whatever secrets they might hold regarding the inner workings of
Masonry are never divulged. All Masonry is founded on the principle of
helping fellow members over helping non-members. Because of this, after
the English Grand Lodge is established, it will become almost necessary for
any person in London to become a Mason in order to succeed in business.
To secure the inner workings of Freemasonry against the higher morals of its
members, once in the higher degrees, a member who is found to be
intractable can continue to the highest visible point of initiation along the
track prepared by those who mean him to know nothing. All is beautiful, all is
noble, he sees only the best, and forever advertises the goodness of
Freemasonry. Though in this capacity he may do nothing else, he becomes
an important factor in recruiting.
Under the guise of philanthropy, humanitarianism, democratic ideals, and the
promise of material advancement, this Order will attract untold numbers of
unsuspecting men. The sifting takes place from the time of their initiation.
For those who are deemed useless to the further secret aims of Masonry and
therefore unworthy of climbing from the Master's chair in Grand Lodge to The
Royal Arch degree, English Masonry will always remain what it was
represented to be when they became candidates for initiation. They will be
useful carriers of the legend that English Masonry believes in God and
philanthropy. But, like Charity, English Grand Lodge covers a multitude of
sins.... Above all, it covers Gnosticism under all its aspects; it is in fact its
(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr
1731 Benjamin Franklin, a Quaker, becomes a Freemason at the Lodge of
St. John in Philadelphia. He will reach the rank of Grand Master at this lodge,

and by 1749 will be elected Grand Master of the Province. While in France in
the 1770s, as a diplomat for the American colonies, Franklin will also be
made Grand Master of the Nine Sisters Lodge in Paris. The first major
printing house to be established in the USA will be owned by Benjamin
Franklin, who will maintain a monopoly on this industry throughout his
1746 The formation of the Hellfire Club, run by Sir Francis Dashwood.
During the time of the club's operation, its members are believed to be
holding notorious, orgiastic and satanic meetings at Medmenham Abbey
beside the Thames, and later at West Wycombe Caves. The club motto is
Fay ce que vouldras (Do what thou wilt), which will later be adopted by the
satanist Aleister Crowley. Benjamin Franklin, a leading member, will
frequently attend meetings.
1757 The British East India Company is formed by a group of London
merchants from the ruling class who are acting on behalf of the Queen. It is
essentially a front company for British royalty. Until its final dissolution in
1858, it will engage in plundering the resources and population of the Indian
continent. It will also be responsible for introducing illegal opium into China,
and will generate massive income as it comes to rule large swathes of India,
exercising military power and assuming administrative functions on behalf of
the British crown.
1761 At about this time, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rites of
Freemasonry are established in America. This branch of Freemasonry
originally had 32 degrees, but has now added a 33 rd degree.
1766 Franz Anton Mesmer publishes a paper titled De Planetarum lnfluxa,
in which he describes his findings on the curing effects of magnets on the
human physiognomy. Mesmer will be the first to conjecture that
psychological trauma might be related to, or be the cause of, physical illness.
1775 The invention of the steam engine initiates the industrial revolution.
This capability to harness motive power will lead to the rapid development of
both transportation and industry, which in turn will create a number of
business monopolies that will become new systems of control. Foremost
among these monopolies in these early days will be the transportation and oil
industries, both of which will be necessary for the manufacturing and
distribution of an ever-growing plethora of products that will be made
available to an ever-broadening consumer market. This will result in greater
wealth and power being concentrated among a relatively small group of
people. The initiators who will make all of this possible will be the bankers
who control the flow of money. Leading this banking cartel will be the
unfathomably wealthy Rothschild dynasty of Europe. Among the industrial
magnates that will emerge from this revolution will be the Harrimans, Fords
(automobiles), Rockefellers (oil and banking), Carnegies, Mellons, etc.

1776 At about this time, Franz Anton Mesmer discovers the phenomenon
of animal magnetism or mesmerism, later known as hypnotism. He is able
to affect cures for many ailments with his discovery and with the aid of a
device he calls a baquet, which employs electrical charges and magnets to
affect changes in his patients.
1776 (May 1) - Adam Weishaupt, ex-Jesuit priest, Freemason, and
professor of Catholic Church Canon Law at the University of Ingolstodt in
Bavaria, founds the Order of the Illuminati in the Strict Observance Lodge of
Freemasonry of Munich, Germany. Amschel Mayer Rothschild, a Jew, is
actually responsible for the creation of this secret society, and has Weishaupt
acting on his instructions. The Illuminati are devout Luciferians and follow
satanic principles. The Order will come to consist of the cream of European
society, and writers, publishers, and educators are first priority for initiation.
The objectives of this powerful organization are:
1) The destruction of Christianity and of all Monarchical governments;
2) The destructions of nations as such in favor of universal internationalism;
3) The discouragement of patriotic and loyal effort branded as narrowminded prejudice, incompatible with the tenets of goodwill to all men and the
cry of Universal Brotherhood;
4) The abolition of family ties and of marriage by means of systematic
corruption; and
5) The suppression of the rights of inheritance and property.
This elite groups ultimate long-range agenda will be to create a single world
government system (NWO) that puts all power into its hands. It will begin to
do this by either creating or infiltrating every possible organ of influence and
control in society, including governments, businesses, religions, etc. The
Illuminati will become the most powerful secret society on earth, connecting
with virtually every other secret society of significance through memberships
in their upper ranks. Weishaupt writes:
The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment, let it never appear, in any place
in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is
fitter than the three lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects
little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it.
In her book, World Revolution, Nesta Webster will describe their modus
operandi this way:
"The art of Illuminism lay in enlisting dupes as well as adepts, and by encouraging the
dreams of honest visionaries or the schemes of fanatics, by flattering the vanity of
ambitious egotists, by working on unbalanced brains, or by playing on such passions as
greed and power, to make men of totally divergent aims serve the secret purpose of the

As the Order begins to spread throughout Germany, money will be

contributed from such leading Jewish families as the Oppenheimers,
Wertheimers, Schusters, Speyers, Sterns, and of course, the Rothschilds.
From Bavaria, the Order will spread rapidly. They will soon have over 300
members from all walks of life, including students, merchants, doctors,
lawyers, judges, professors, civil officers, bankers, and even church
(See online book, Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World, by Henry
Makow, PhD)
1784 - The Marques of Pursegur in France, a student of Anton Mesmer, is
able to mesmerize a sick young man named Victor Race and cause him to fall
into a strange sleep state, during which Pursegur can communicate with him.
Victor is extremely suggestible and shows a dramatic change in personality.
He is able to speak articulately, diagnose his own sickness, and even read the
thoughts of the hypnotist. When he is awakened, Victor has no memory of
what went on during the sleep state. This is the first documented case of
multiple personalities and telepathy occurring during a hypnotic trance.
Pursegur will discover that Victor is not unique in this capacity, and some
individuals would easily fall into a trance state when animal magnetism was
applied to them. Although appearing to be asleep, they were still conscious,
and like Victor, could reply to questions and convey information. In this
induced trance state, the patient was very suggestible, taking for reality any
fantasy that the magnetizer might depict. Upon awakening from the trance,
the patient would remember nothing that had taken place while asleep.
Pursegur will discover that many people in this state can apparently diagnose
their own illnesses and those of others, and even prescribe effective
remedies for the conditions they perceive. He will also notice that although
magnetized subjects had no memory in the waking state for occurrences in
the state of magnetic sleep, they did retain a continuous memory from sleep
state to sleep state.
From this time on, many other researchers will note these same supernormal
phenomena arising in hypnotized subjects again and again, and they will
become the most controversial aspects discussed in the literature on
mesmerism and hypnotism for many years.
The power of mesmerism (hypnosis) is being revealed for its potential to
unlock supernormal abilities dwelling in everyone, but its power has still been
barely realized at this point. Although hypnotism will come to be used
experimentally in medical treatments for a time, its ability to affect the
subjective mind far more easily than it can the physical body will lead it to
become more popular among spiritualists, who will explore its ability to
unleash the mysterious powers of the subconscious mind.

1784 - The French government orders two separate commissions to

investigate Franz Anton Mesmer's claims regarding animal magnetism. The
first is conducted by members of the Royal Academy of Sciences and the
Faculty of Medicine, and includes some of the countrys most eminent
scientists. It is chaired by Benjamin Franklin (US ambassador to France).
Franklin comes to the conclusion that it isnt Mesmers baquet that is
responsible for the cures attributed to it, but rather it is due to an induced
trance state and the heightened suggestibility that it creates in a person. The
second commission is composed of physicians of the Royal Society of
Medicine. Both investigations are carried out in the face of Mesmers
objections and without his cooperation. The second commission also files
reports that are unfavorable to animal magnetism, although one member
writes a dissenting opinion recommending further investigation.
In spite of these conclusions, many physicians who have had positive results
with Mesmers methods will voice their criticisms of the commissions, and
many patients who had been cured will give positive testimonies to Mesmers
methods. Mesmerism will soon become very popular among the highest
levels of society throughout the world. When it reaches America, it will also
become popular among the middleclass, mostly within spiritualist circles and
as a form of stage entertainment. This will have a huge effect on the
spiritualist movement by the turn of the twentieth century, where hypnotic
trance will become commonly used by psychic mediums to help them
communicate with what they believe are spirits.
1786 Club Breton, later renamed the Jacobin Club, is founded in Paris by
the Bishop of Autun (Talleyrand), Mirabeau, and the Duc d'Orlans, Grand
Master of the Grand Orient Lodge of France (Freemasonry). The Jacobins will
be intricately involved in starting the French Revolution.
1791 - Luigi Galvani makes the legs of a frog move by conducting electricity
through wires, from its nerves to its muscles. This discovery will lead to the
full realization that the nervous system is electrical in nature and can be
influenced by electrical charge.
1797 (January 28) James Tilly Matthews, the first recorded claimant of
mind-control targeting (also the first documented case of paranoid
schizophrenia), is admitted into Londons Bethlem (Bedlam) Hospital, the
infamous insane asylum, where he will spend the remainder of his life.
Matthews had not been incarcerated on medical grounds, but on the orders
of Lord Liverpool, the Home Office minister, whom Matthews had incidentally
accused of being involved in a plot against him.
Matthews was an English spy who had been posing as a tea merchant in
France, where he was able to mix with the highest circles as he tried to
negotiate a peace treaty between that country and his own. He had been
thrown in jail by the French in 1793 and held for three years, and it was
while there that he believes an electromagnetic device had been implanted in

his head by a group of undercover Jacobin revolutionaries, and that he was

being controlled by them through an influencing machine. Matthews claimed
that this group was able to do such things as implant thoughts in his head,
inhibit his speech, and alter his reasoning abilities, among other things. He
claimed that this machine sent out invisible magnetic rays that affected the
magnetic device he believed had been implanted in his head. He even drew
up diagrams of this machine (which he called an air loom), which showed
multiple levers that were used to produce modulations of the magnetic waves
that were emitted. The fact that this case dates to over two hundred years
ago makes his claims sound eerily familiar, yet out of their time.
Electromagnetic radiation had not yet been discovered, nor had the full
electrochemical nature of the human nervous system. The fact that Matthews
described these waves as being modulated is even more remarkable,
considering that this is exactly the case electromagnetic waves require
specific patterning to effect specific responses in a person targeted with
modern-day electronic mind-control technologies.
Matthews claimed that this gang, who he was able to describe very well,
would materialize in his dreams in order to gather information to use in
assailing him the next day. Matthews believed that there were other groups
with similar machines that were being used against various politicians and
public figures, including the then Prime Minister of England, William Pitt.
Beyond Britain, these machines were supposedly being used in France,
Prussia, and elsewhere. These groups were believed by Matthews to be
lurking everywhere, using what was believed to be a magnetic vapor to put
the unsuspecting person under the control of their machine. This sounds
similar to modern-day remote-influencing, which is a proven psychic science
that is an extension of remote-viewing (clairvoyance), and may have been
within the repertoire of this Jacobin group that Matthews claimed was
targeting him with their mysterious machines.
Matthews was an intelligent man, and although eccentric, was proven by two
separate doctors to be quite sane. It was while in prison in France that
Matthews believes he was first ensnared by this Jacobin group, through a
person by the name of Mr. Chavanay. When Matthews returned to England he
tried to warn the Prime Minister about this group and their activities, who he
said were preparing to use these machines to overthrow the government. In
December of 1796 he had interrupted a debate in the House of Commons to
accuse Lord Liverpool of treason, which resulted in getting himself
incarcerated at Bethlem.
Much of what we know about Matthews claims comes from a booklet titled
Illustrations of Madness, which was written by Dr. John Haslam, the resident
apothecary at Bethlem Hospital. This booklet was written not just to detail
the delusions of a purportedly mad man, but also to prove to Matthews
family and others who believed him sane that he was indeed mad. Haslam
shows definite signs of possible complicity in any real conspiracy that may
have been afoot, helping to silence a man who knew too much about a secret

Masonic group with a lot of power. It is quite likely that Haslam may have
embellished some of his descriptions of Matthews more outrageous claims,
even though Matthews supposedly read the booklet before publishing and
had given it his approval.
In examining the story of James Matthews, its hard to believe that such
technology could have existed in his time, especially for those who are
unaware of similar technologies existing even today. However, for those who
are familiar with todays mind-control technologies, there is a strong sense of
realism to what Matthews claimed. Could it be possible that Matthews was a
victim of very early attempts to control the minds of men through remote
electrical means?
Interestingly, during this same time, Franz Anton Mesmer (a Freemason) had
been making a scene with his notions of animal magnetism a precursor to
the discovery of hypnosis and the effects of magnetic energy on the human
body and brain were being seriously studied among certain scientific groups,
and many accusations were being made that it was being used to influence
both politicians and the public at large.
Benjamin Franklin (another Freemason), the discoverer of electricity, was the
US ambassador to France at the time, and was asked by the French
government to look into the activities of Mesmer and his claims of miraculous
cures with electricity. Being brother Masons, Franklin and Mesmer hit it off
quite well, and Franklin filed a lengthy report favorable to Mesmer. Another
brother Mason who frequently visited these two men in Paris happened to be
Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati.
It should be noted that Mesmer was the godfather of Amadeus Mozart. In
fact, he raised Mozart, a genius musician who behaved as if he were suffering
from MPD/DID. It is very possible that Mesmer had experimented on Mozart
as a child in order to enhance his musical abilities, since its known that
victims of trauma-based mind control, apart from acquiring alter
personalities, often develop exceptional mental skills as well, and hypnosis is
also able to similarly enhance a persons normal abilities when properly
That a group of men with ambitions to power might have stumbled upon the
means to remotely influence a person or inflict discomfort or even harm is
not as farfetched as it might seem. Consider the fact that science was wide
open to almost any possibility at that time, and so much was begging to be
invented or discovered. The popular literature of the times says a lot for this:
Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, etc. This is where many peoples
minds were focused. The darker side of science was already lurking in certain
minds when it was still in its infancy. Even if the influencing machine that
Matthews described was nothing more than an imaginary concept, the
possibility that it was entirely of Matthews own making seems far from likely.
He was involved in political espionage, or was at least consorting with people

who were involved in it, and he may have picked up the idea from parties
who were actually attempting to devise such machines, if they hadnt
already. In any case, it seems that the conceptual reality of such mindcontrol technologies was already fomenting that long ago in the minds of
certain politically motivated groups with Masonic ties.
The Jacobins, who had thrown Matthews in jail in France where he believed
he first came under the control of this machine, were a group that had been
founded by prominent Freemasons. It was the time of the French Revolution
and much political turmoil was going on, which Matthews seems to have
gotten caught up in. Secret societies were very alive and working on their
various agendas, their members often having ties with religious, political, and
mystical groups through which they could operate or otherwise use to
influence others to do their bidding. Perhaps Matthews wasnt so delusional
and this machine actually existed, or perhaps he picked up his ideas about it
from secret society members who even back then were at least conceiving of
such technologies, even if they didnt yet have them. Perhaps they were
using hypnotism on Matthews, and had convinced him that such a machine
and its sinister gang of operators was involved in making him experience
things that were actually being induced through nothing more than hypnotic
suggestion. Whatever the case, the story of James Tilly Matthews is
interesting for its parallels with modern-day equivalents, where we have
people coming forward with claims that theyre being targeted with very
similar mind-control technologies.
1801 The Supreme Council is established within the Masonic Order, with
its global headquarters in Charleston. This marks the beginning of Universal
Freemasonry, which places all Masonic Lodges throughout the world under
one central controlling body.
1813 The English Grand Lodge of Freemasonry adds a fourth degree, that
of Holy Royal Arch.
1820 At about this time, fifteen-year-old Joseph Smith allegedly begins
having visions, in one of which the angel Moroni appears to him three times
and tells him that the Bible of the Western Continent, the supplement to the
New Testament, is buried in a certain spot near Manchester. Four years later,
after due disciplinary probation, Smith will claim to have been delivered into
his charge by an angel of the Lord a stone box, in which was a volume, 6
inches thick, made of thin gold plates 8 inches by 7, and fastened together
by three gold rings. The plates will be covered with small writing in the
reformed Egyptian tongue, and will be accompanied by a pair of
supernatural spectacles, consisting of two crystals set in a silver bow, which
are called Urim and Thummim. With the aid of these spectacles, the mystic
characters can be read. Smiths story will be given the semblance of
legitimacy by three other men Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, and David
Whitmer who will each gave sworn statements as to the truth of Smiths
claims. These translated writings will be published as the Book of Mormon in

1830, the same year that Mormonism is established. Years later, all three of
these men will denounce the story as false after they leave the Mormon
Church. The real source of this book was a preacher named Solomon
Spalding, who wrote it in 1812 as a historical romance, and the manuscript
came into Smiths hands through another man named Sidney Rigdon, who
had copied it.
(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr
1825 The Royal Academy of Medicine of France appoints a commission to
investigate the subject of animal magnetism. The commission is composed of
some of the ablest scientists of the Academy, and it prosecutes its
investigation until 1831, when it makes its report. Amongst other things it
will announce that it has demonstrated the fact that some mesmeric subjects
possessed clairvoyant power; that such subjects could, with their eyes
closed, distinguish objects, tell the color and number of cards, and read lines
of a book opened at a chance page.
(See online book, The Law of Psychic Phenomena, by Thompson Jay Hudson)
1826 William Morgan, a Mason of the highest degree, after having
announced his intention of assisting in the work of exposing Freemasonry, is
kidnapped by his brother Masons under pretended forms and warrants of law,
removed from the State of New York to the borders of Canada, near the falls
of Niagara, where he is barbarously murdered. This event marks the
beginning of an anti-Masonic movement in America. Several persons will be
punished for the abduction of Morgan, but the murderers will be sheltered by
Masonic Lodges and rescued from justice.
(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr
1829 Justinus Kerner, a physician and poet, publishes Seeress of Prevorst,
in which he describes his treatment of a woman named Friederike Hauffe that
started in 1826. Kerner had decided to use animal magnetism on her, and the
woman proved to be a good subject and easily became somnambulistic. In
her trance states, she had visions, premonitions, and clairvoyant
experiences. Kerner believed in the genuineness of these phenomena,
recording them with great care in this account.
(See online file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and
Psychical Research, 1766-1925)
1830 Joseph Smith founds Mormonism. Smith, who is a Freemason,
establishes a new Masonic degree soon after, claiming that an angel of the
Lord had brought him the lost keywords of several degrees, enabling him to
progress further than the highest Masons. The charter of the Mormon lodge

is taken away by the Grand Lodge soon after. The Mormon dogma is
universality, materialism and pantheism. It blends Judaism and Christianity,
aiming at a progressive universal religion while seeking to unite in itself all
faiths and the cults of every people on earth. The Mormon state is a
theocratic community at the head of which is a grand priest-president
assisted by two others and a traveling council of twelve. Its mysteries are
those of spiritism and the sance room.
(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr
1832 The Order of Skull and Bones is founded at Yale University by William
Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft. This secret fraternal brotherhood is
created after Russell returns from a trip to Germany, and it is reportedly a
branch of a Masonic/Illuminati group in Bavaria. The Order is oriented
towards the post-graduate outside world and recruits strictly from among the
richest and finest of Yales upcoming graduates. Members are elevated to
key positions in government and industry, often leading to positions in the
executive branch. The Order will become a stepping-stone to such groups as
the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the
Bilderbergers. Through their symbolism and practices, it can be fairly claimed
that the Order of Skull and Bones is a satanic group. Initiation involves
making a pledge of secrecy that probably involves some sort of blackmail
insurance, where the initiate must put himself in a compromising position
(such as engaging in an illegal or immoral act) that can be used to destroy
his career and credibility should he step out of line. Members of the Order
must take an oath that absolves them from any allegiance to any nation,
king, government, or constitution, which includes the negating of any
subsequent oath that they may be required to take. They swear allegiance
only to the Order and its goal of a New World Order.
1834 Freemason Albert Pike is appointed to direct the American arm of the
Order of the Illuminati.
1835 Around this time, animal magnetism begins making significant
inroads in the United States. Lectures by Charles Poyen St. Sauveur on
animal magnetism excite the imagination of the country and lead to the
emergence of magnetic practitioners of a peculiarly American type. Itinerant
magnetizers wander the countryside with professional somnambulists (easily
hypnotizable subjects) at their sides, giving medical clairvoyant readings. The
visionary Andrew Jackson Davis begins his career as a somnambulist and will
eventually become an author of great popularity, using the trance state to
dictate his spiritual treatises.
1839 Prussian scientist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovers that by playing
different frequencies in each ear, the difference between those frequencies is
heard inside the head what is known as a binaural beat.

1841 (November) After witnessing several public experiments in

mesmerism, Dr. James Braid came to the realization that mesmerism wasnt
caused by any direct action of the mesmerist on the subject, as Anton
Mesmer had believed, since a trance state could be induced in a person by
merely having them stare at an object. After experimenting further, Braid
concluded that the effects of mesmerism were due to a physiological
condition of the nerves.
(See file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical
Research, 1766-1925)
1842 James Braid coins the term hypnotism to replace animal
magnetism, intending to do away with the idea of a physical agent such as
magnetic fluid passing between magnetizer and subject to produce the
phenomena of somnambulism. He also emphasizes the role of suggestion
both in producing the hypnotic state and in bringing about the healing effects
associated with it. He recognizes the post-hypnotic responses to these
suggestions as well. Eventually Braids view will become the dominant one
and his terminology the accepted nomenclature. Hypnotism will become
widely accepted among the medical community in France and Germany, and
more slowly taken up in England.
(See file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical
Research, 1766-1925)
1843 The Independent Order of Bnai Brith (Jewish Masonry) is
established. Like most secret societies, it covers its political activities under
the cloak of benevolence and philanthropy. From its inception, its main
contact will be with Germany and its chief aim the establishment of the
supremacy of the German Jews in all world affairs through the channel of
1848 The earliest recorded case of modern spiritism in the USA takes place
at the home of the Fox family, and in particular with the two Fox sisters
Margaret and Kate, in Hydesville, NY. Strange phenomena in the form of
noises and moved objects first begin to occur in the home around February,
and increase in intensity over the next several months until the family is no
longer able to sleep at night. It was nine-year-old Kate who first noticed that
the noises would respond to her own noises and gestures. Further
exploration by the family revealed that the noises had intelligence behind
them, since they would respond accurately to questions posed to them. After
moving the two girls out of the house, it was discovered that the phenomena
followed them.
1848 The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is established
in England. The Templar body resigns control over the Rose Croix and
Kadosh, which had been incorporated into the Ancient and Accepted Rite as
the 18th and 30th degrees.

(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr

1853 Around this time, spiritualism spreads to England and Europe.
Spiritualist churches are established; spiritualist alliances are formed; and
spiritualist books and newspapers come into print. There is such a
proliferation of apparently paranormal spiritualistic phenomena that seriousminded people voice the need for a careful scientific investigation into these
(See file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical
Research, 1766-1925)
1858 Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky begins to make a name for
herself in Russia as a spiritualist.
1859 John D. Rockefeller starts the Standard Oil Company, which will
quickly grow into a monopoly through his shrewd and often underhanded
manner of doing business. His method is to attack the competition and force
them out of business or otherwise gain control of them, often planning years
ahead, and often acting through illegal and even violent means. He will very
frequently employ others to act as his agents or spies within other
companies, using these people in whatever way he can to retain the upper
hand in business. His industrial espionage system will be by far the most
elaborate, sophisticated, and successful that had ever been established. He
communicates in code, so that any spies within his own ranks will have a
difficult time knowing what he is planning or how he is operating. Very often,
the companies that he will be seen to be publicly battling will actually be
owned by him, so that he creates an image that makes him look far more
innocent than he really is. Many of his tactics will be incorporated into the
methods used by a number of US and foreign government agencies (CIA,
NSA, FBI, BATF, etc.) and private organizations that will come to be involved
in establishing a New World Order.
(See online book, The Rockefeller File, by Gary Allen)
1864 James Clerk Maxwell publishes his epic material on electromagnetic
1865 Newly elected President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated in a movie
theatre by John Wilkes Booth. Immediately after the hit, Booth is whisked
away by members of a secret society known as Knights of the Golden Circle.
Booth has connections to elite bankers.
1866 The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia is founded in England by Frater
Robert Wentworth Little. The basic rule of this society states that only Master
Masons of good standing and repute should be admitted to membership.

Foreign branches will be established in Canada and Scotland in 1877, the

USA in 1880, and Germany in 1902.
1872 At about this time, a political-occult ideology called Synarchy is
formulated in France by a man named Joseph Alexander Saint-Yves
d'Alveydre. This is a period in which many new political ideas are taking hold.
Like many, Saint-Yves is alarmed by the rise of Anarchy, and he develops
Synarchy specifically to counter it. Whereas Anarchists believe that the state
should have no authority over the life and behavior of an individual, Synarchy
takes quite the opposite view, where the more control the state has over the
individual the better. Essentially, Synarchy advocates government by secret
society or, in its own terms, by an elite of enlightened initiates who rule from
behind the scenes. It therefore doesn't matter which political party holds
power in a state or even what political system that state has. Synarchists
would step in and take control of the key state institutions. Saint-Yves
identifies three key pillars of society that, once under the control of his elite,
would allow them to rule without the population even being aware of their
existence. These are the political and social institutions, the economic
institutions and the religious institutions. Although Synarchy can therefore
rule in any kind of state, for obvious reasons it will find itself more at home
among totalitarian regimes. It will therefore attract a greater following from
the right. Synarchy is totally opposed to ideas of democracy and social
equality, since it believes that some people, i.e. Synarchists, are natural
However, Synarchy as devised by Saint-Yves is not a purely political
movement. Saint-Yves is active in the esoteric world of 19 th century Europe,
and is a friend of key figures such as Victor Hugo and Lord Bulwer-Lytton. He
incorporates specific mystical and occult ideas into his system that originate
from these occultists. For instance, Saint-Yves believes in the existence of
spiritually superior beings that can be contacted telepathically, and his elite
will be made up of people who are in communication with them. He himself
claims that he is in touch with these beings, and that they actually gave him
the principles of Synarchy. He borrows his ideas from both eastern and
western esotericism, and makes his unknown superiors into spiritually
advanced beings that live in a remote part of Tibet. He introduces the
concept of Agartha, the mysterious underworld realm peopled by these
superior beings and hidden somewhere in Tibet. Saint-Yves's doctrines also
include ideas about the evolution and history of the human race that will
become popular among esoteric and New Age circles. Also central to his
reconstruction of history is that Atlantis was an advanced, global civilization.
Saint-Yves also promotes the idea of root races a succession of dominant
races that are each allocated a period of supremacy, but each destined to be
supplanted by the next, superior race. The current dominant race, according
to Saint-Yves, is the white Aryans. All of these ideas will become incorporated
into subsequent occult systems, mostly through Madam Blavatsky and her
Theosophical Society, where they will be further embellished and promoted.

1873 At about this time, Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky arrives in

America and quickly becomes prominent in spiritualist circles there.
1874 William Crookes publishes Researches in the Phenomena of
Spiritualism, which contains an account of his experiments to assess the
existence of a psychic force. Using many different types of apparatus, he
eventually confirmed unequivocally the existence of a force that could move
objects and apply pressure at a distance from the apparent source of that
force. In his paper he gives a detailed account of the construction of the
apparatus used and other physical circumstances of the experiments. This
paper will make a powerful impression on the minds of intellectuals of the
day and will do much to create a climate receptive to the establishment of
the Society for Psychical Research in 1882.
(See file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical
Research, 1766-1925)
1875 (October 20) Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, along with a man
named Henry Steel Olcott, founds the Theosophical Society, an occult group
based on Hinduism and Buddhism that professes to expound the esoteric
tradition of Buddhism and aimed at forming a universal brotherhood of man,
studying and making known the ancient religions, philosophies and sciences,
and investigating the laws of nature and developing the divine powers latent
in man. Blavatsky will allegedly engage in fraud and charlatanry whenever
necessary to fool her followers into thinking that she is in contact with a
group of Ascended Masters who secretly rule the world. Much of her written
work will be exposed as being plagiarized from earlier occult works. The
Theosophical Society will grow to become a worldwide movement with many
thousands of followers, and will represent a driving force of esoteric insight,
laying the foundation for the modern-day New Age movement. Blavatskys
works will also come to be embraced by Freemasonry.
1876 The first formal research into parapsychology is started by Henry
Sidgwick at Trinity College, Cambridge University.
1877 Madame H. P. Blavatsky publishes Isis Unveiled, her first voluminous
work that is purported to have been channeled from advanced spiritual
teachers from a higher plane who were said to be members of The Great
White Brotherhood.
1882 The Society for Psychical Research is established in Britain, with
founding members including Professor W. F. Barrett, Henry Sidgwick, Edmund
Gurney, and Frederick William Henry Myers. It will engage in the scientific
study of psychic phenomena and mediumship.
1883 Francis Galton, an English psychologist and half-cousin of Charles
Darwin (whose work inspired him), proposes the principle of eugenics, which
states that by encouraging better human stock to breed and discouraging the

reproduction of less desirable stock, the human race would be improved. This
idea will develop into Social Darwinism.
1886 Albert Pike, Grand Master of the Supreme Council of Freemasonry in
Charleston, establishes the secret Palladian Rite, a hidden satanic order
operating from within the highest degree of Freemasonry. It is little known
about, since the number of its members is strictly limited and the deepest
secrecy surrounds all its deliberations. The existence of this rite will be kept
strictly secret and no mention of it will ever be made in the assemblies of the
Masonic Lodges and Inner Shrines of other rites, even when the meeting is
composed exclusively of members of this Rite. The secret of this new
institution will only be divulged with the greatest caution to a chosen few
belonging to the ordinary high grades. Members will be selected exclusively
from among the 33rd degree of ordinary Masonry, where they have been long
tested for their trustworthiness, and only those who are deeply interested in
occultism will be considered. The Palladian Rite is essentially involved in
Luciferianism, and it controls all other Masonic Orders.
(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr
1887 Heinrich Hertz announces his discovery of electromagnetic waves.
1888 Madame H. P. Blavatsky publishes The Secret Doctrine, a voluminous
work that was channeled and purported to be derived from advanced spiritual
teachers from a higher plane.
1888 The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is founded by William Wynn
Westcott and MacGregor Mathers. Westcott is a Theosophist and closely allied
with its leader, Madame Blavatsky. It is in the Golden Dawn that Aleister
Crowley will first attain his occult celebrity status.
1889 Oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, inspired by Andrew Carnegies essay,
The Gospel of Wealth, makes the first installment of what will amount to $35
million in donations, issued over a period of two decades, to fund the
University of Chicago.
(See online book, The Rockefeller File, by Gary Allen)
1889 After Sigmund Freud witnesses a demonstration of hypnosis
conducted by Hippolyte Bernheim, in which his hypnotic patient is able to
recall not what actually occurred during a hypnotic trance, but rather the
hallucinatory pseudo-memories that Dr. Bernheim had suggested. Freud is
deeply impressed and becomes his pupil. He draws a lasting lesson from this
experiment, realizing that the mind could know something - yet not know
what it knew, and that the unconscious stores information at differing levels.
This demonstration was also evidence that hypnosis could be used to create
a cover memory.

1889 Jules Ligeois, a researcher in France, publishes a paper that

describes his experiments with hypnotic suggestion. He has discovered that
fifteen to twenty percent of his subjects could be placed in a somnambulistic
state, in which they were extremely susceptible to hypnotic and posthypnotic
suggestion. While his subjects were somnambulistic, Ligeois was able to
create all sorts of hallucinations and induce various degrees of amnesia. He
also experimented with suggestion in the waking state, obtaining striking
results. Ligeois carried out other experiments with hypnotic suggestion,
discovering that he was able to get subjects to carry out suggestions at a
distance in space (by using the telephone) and at a distance in time (finding
that suggestions could be executed long after they were given). His
experimentation with criminal suggestions were successful in inducing
hypnotized individuals to commit what they believed were criminal acts and
discovered that, when awakened, they could experience complete amnesia
for those actions. He concluded that it is possible for one person, through
hypnotic suggestion, to induce another to commit criminal acts that are
contrary to the conscience of the hypnotized person.
(See file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical
Research, 1766-1925)
1890 William James publishes The Hidden Self in Scribners Magazine, in
which he discusses the existence of the subconscious, which is just beginning
to be recognized by scientists. He emphasizes the importance of discoveries
of a second stream of consciousness that can be tapped in certain conditions
such as the state of hypnotism, and sees in this secondary or, as he calls it,
submerged consciousness a key to understanding such diverse phenomena
as possession and multiple personality. He calls the coexistence of a
secondary self or selves with the primary self a splitting of the mind, and
urges further investigation to determine more about the relationship between
hypnotic trance and these subconscious states.
(See file, Esalen CTR: Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical
Research, 1766-1925)
1890 John D. Rockefellers Standard Oil is refining 90% of all crude oil in
the USA.
1891 Cecil Rhodes founds The Round Table, an organization of elite
bankers bent on world hegemony.
1894 A number of books from this period refer to what appears to be a
portable wireless telephone in the possession of the heads of the Masonic
Order, at a time when wireless was still unknown. It is called the Arcula
Mystica or Mystic Box, of which there are reportedly only seven in existence
at the Masonic headquarters in Charleston, Borne, Berlin, Washington,
Monte Video, Naples and Calcutta. It is described as having a trumpet-

shaped mouthpiece and a bell-shaped hearing piece attached by a cord to

the main body, similar to early telephones. Seven mounted golden statuettes
designate each of the directories, which are manipulated in various ways to
call any one of the other Masonic headquarters. The existence of these
devices will never be verified, and will be written off as a fabrication to give
an exaggerated sense of power and mystique to the Supreme Council of the
Masonic Order.
(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr
1895 Karl Kellner, Franz Hartmann, and Theodore Reuss, who all have
close ties to German intelligence entities, establish the Ordo Templi Orientis
(OTO) in Germany, a secret society that claims to be in a direct line of
descent from the Knights Templar. Hartmann is a Theosophist and a close
associate of the Madame Blavatsky, and has ties to the Rosicrucians. Kellner
and Reuss are both high-ranking Freemasons, and Reuss is also a highranking Rosicrucian. Reuss is closely tied to William Wynn Westcott, who cofounded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and currently heads the
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Other prominent persons connected with this
organization at its start are MacGregor Mathers and Aleister Crowley. The
OTO teaches Hermetic Science or Occult Knowledge, the Pure and Holy
Magick of Light, the Secrets of Mystic attainment, Yoga of all forms, Gnana
Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakta Yoga and Hatha Yoga, and all other branches of the
secret Wisdom of the Ancients.
(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr
1898 The Michelson-Morley experiment is conducted, supposedly
disproving once and for all the notion that there is an underlying etheric
medium that permeates the universe. However, this experiment will never be
replicated to verify the conclusions drawn. Proving the existence of an ether
would have upset the currently developing scientific model of the universe.
1898 Aleister Crowley joins the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
1899 At about this time, Nikola Tesla conducts experiments to test the
effects of ELF and VLF electromagnetic waves on humans.
1904 The first chair in eugenics and working society in eugenics are
instituted at University College, London.
1904 (April) While in Cairo, Aleister Crowley transcribes The Book of the
Law while allegedly receiving it telepathically from a spirit that calls itself
Aiwass. Aiwass claims to be a messenger from the forces ruling this Earth at
present, and is supposed to possess fantastic knowledge and powers. This

book will become Crowley's Bible. The book will also be very important to
Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard throughout his life.
1905 The Society for Racial Hygiene is established in Germany, Future Nazi
eugenics researcher Dr. Ernst Rudin is a co-founder with Dr. Alfred Ploetz.
1906 Ivan Petrovich Pavlov discovers that responses can be conditioned
when he teaches a dog to salivate at the sound of a bell.
1907 Dr. John Harvey Kellogg travels to St. Petersburg, Russia to observe
the experiments of the Russian psychologist, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. This
same year, he is expelled from the Seventh Day Adventist Church. He had
anticipated the probability of an eventual break from the church seventeen
years earlier and had been preparing for the possibility for the previous
(See online file, John Harvey Kellogg MD - Urantia Book)
1907 The Galton Laboratory of National Eugenics is established in England.
1907 Annie Besant becomes president of the Theosophical Society. This
marks the beginning of the modern New Age Movement and a search for a
new Messiah. Along with 33rd degree Mason C. W. Leadbeater, Annie Besant
will promote a young adept named Jiddu Krishnamurti as this messiah.
1907 Aleister Crowley founds Astrum Argentinure, an occult secret society.
He begins to call himself the Great Beast, in reference to the Antichrist
described in the New Testament.
1908 The Eugenics Education Society (renamed the Eugenics Society in
the 1920's) is founded in England.
1908 The Connecticut Society for Mental Hygiene, the starting point of the
Mental Hygiene movement as an organized body, is founded. Its aims are the
improved treatment for the insane, and the safeguarding of the public's
mental health. By 1930, twenty-four countries will have Mental Hygiene
Associations. Routinely these associations will have as their medical
specialists psychiatrists who espouse eugenic medicine. The legislation of
various countries will start to orient themselves to eugenic principles and
their parliaments will begin to enact many new laws of a purely eugenic
nature. Although these laws will vary in form and execution, they will all be
aimed at the same objective - the mentally deficient and the mentally ill.
Laws of a general nature will provide for the establishment of institutions and
colonies, enabling the mentally deficient or mentally ill to be segregated from
the rest of the population. Although the original stated purpose of the mental
hygiene movement is improved care of the mentally ill, the first laws passed
on an international basis at the instigation of this movement are laws to
sterilize the mentally ill in order to prevent them from reproducing.

(See online book, The Men Behind Hitler, by Bernhard Schreiber)

1909 Max Heindel founds the Rosicrucian Fellowship in order to herald in
the Aquarian Age and promote the teachings of Rosicrucianism to the
western world. The Rosicrucian philosophy is centered on the idea that
humans are reincarnating souls who have the potential to evolve into gods,
and that there are etheric or spiritual levels of existence. Rosicrucianism is
the pursuit of mystical or occult knowledge that will help to achieve that end.
The Rosicrucian Fellowship endeavors to prepare the world in general, and
occultists and mystics in particular, for the awakening of the latent powers
in man, so that all may be guided safely through the inherent dangers
involved and be as well fitted as possible to use these new faculties. In the
latter part of 1911, the Fellowship will acquire a scenic piece of property in
Oceanside, California, ninety miles from Los Angeles, where they will
establish their headquarters.
(See online book, The Rosicrucian Mysteries, by Max Heindel)
1910 The Eugenics Record Office is established at Cold Spring Harbor, New
York, receiving major funding from the Harriman, Carnegie, and Rockefeller
dynasties. This organization is involved in tracking genetic traits among the
population and determining pedigree families. Simply put, the goal is to
categorize every individual in the population according to recognized traits,
based on natural inheritance. It will use the research results of the Galton
Laboratory of National Eugenics to propose practical applications. Some of
those practical applications will include sterilization programs that target
non-white races, the poor, and those who are otherwise deemed genetically
deficient. In the years ahead, eugenics will be carried over to Nazi Germany
(through the same founding dynastic families) to become the impetus behind
Hitlers drive to create a master race through his macabre human
experimentation programs using concentration camp prisoners. The
Rockefeller Foundation will go on to finance the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes in
Germany, where the early work of racial scientists Joseph Mengele and Ernst
Rudin will be carried out prior to the start of the Second World War.
1911 Seventh-day Adventist minister, psychiatrist, and debunker of
spiritualism, Dr. William S. Sadler, begins observing a certain unnamed
person (identified many years later as Wilfred Custer Kellogg, a member of
the Kellogg dynasty) who can go into a deep trance that he cant be
awakened from, and is completely unaware of what takes place while he
channels allegedly extra-planetary entities. Sadler will continue these
observations for over a decade, coming to the conclusion that they are
authentic. Sadler is married to Leona Kellogg, and got his start in life working
for her brother, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. The Kellogg family has close
connections to the Order of Skull and Bones. Sadler also held an executive
position in the governmental intelligence organization that later became the

(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1911 John D. Rockefellers Standard Oil monopoly is ordered by the US
government to be broken up. In response, Rockefeller simply creates several
new foundations and gives his company stock to them, thus retaining
ownership and control.
(See online book, The Rockefeller File, by Gary Allen)
1912 According to a book by Greg Hallett, Hitler was a British Agent,
Adolph Hitler spends February to November of this year being brainwashed
and trained at the British Military Psy-Op War School at Tavistock in Devon
and Ireland to be a double agent for the Illuminati. The purpose is to create
an enemy who would foment conflict in order to further the Illuminati plans
for world domination. Hitlers grandfather is none other than Nathan Meyer
Rothschild. His grandmother, Maria Schickelgruber, worked as a maid in the
Rothschilds Vienna mansion when his father was conceived during a satanic
ritual rape.
(See online book, Illuminati: The Cult That Hijacked the World, by Henry
1912 Aleister Crowley joins the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), a satanic
secret society whose British branch is led by a man named Theodore Reuss,
who is a German spy. Crowley will soon take over the leadership of the OTO
in Britain and bring it to prominence as the largest and most powerful
Satanic order in existence. The OTO will attract the interest of a number of
intelligence agencies, including the CIA and MI6. Crowley will eventually
introduce the practice of male homosexual sex magick into the OTO as one of
the highest degrees of the Order.
1913 Passage of the Federal Reserve Act places all of the USAs finances
into the hands of private bankers, giving them the ability to print money they
do not have, lend it out, and collect taxes on the loans. The Federal Reserve
is headed by Paul Warburg. His brother, Max Warburg, is chief of German
Intelligence at this time. Both men are directors of Germanys IG Farben
industrial conglomerate. The Warburgs will be involved with funding Hitler in
the years ahead.
1913 (May 14) John D. Rockefeller Sr. founds the tax-exempt Rockefeller
Foundation as a philanthropic organization whose claimed mission is to
promote the well-being of mankind throughout the world. However, the
true purpose of this foundation will be to hide the Rockefeller familys
immense and growing wealth and power, becoming probably the most
influential organization in the world. In the first decade of its existence, it will
focus its attention on the sciences, public health, and medical education.

During its first year, the foundation sets up the International Health
Commission, which launches it into international public health activities,
promoting the need for public health and environmental sanitation. It also
begins a 20-year support program of the Bureau of Social Hygiene, whose
mission is research and education on birth control, maternal health and sex
education. This may seem like a good thing on the surface, but it is a move
that is intended to put the Rockefellers in a position that will better serve
their interests in particular, global depopulation. The Rockefeller Foundation
will also be heavily involved in molding public opinion through education,
media, and religion.
Although the Rockefeller empire is most notable at this time for their pursuits
in industry, they are also very big players in banking and finance (through
Chase Manhattan Bank). Part of their strategy is to make loans to industry
giants, but always with the stipulation that they have a voice in the decisionmaking machinery of that company, often through the placement of one of
their own people on the companys board of directors, thus creating
interlocking directorates. This will lead them into having control of most of
the western worlds business and economy.
For the next two generations, the great wealth passed down by John D. will
be fractionated and made more complex by creating increasing layers of
trusts and closely held companies, where no public reports are required. The
Rockefellers have invented a scheme whereby the more money they appear
to give away, the richer and more powerful they become. With the help of
captive politicians, guided by the Rockefellers highly skilled family lawyers,
legislation is written and passed which protects the Rockefellers and others of
the elite super-rich from the repressive taxation they have foisted on the rest
of the population. The key to this scheme is giving up ownership but
retaining control. For example, most people don't believe they really own
something unless they retain title to it in their own name. The Rockefellers
know this is a big mistake. Often it is better to have your assets owned by a
trust or a foundation which you control than to have them in your own
name. The Rockefellers will create hundreds, possibly even thousands, of
trusts and foundations, so that their assets can be moved, merged, and
manipulated so that the neither the public nor the US Treasury Department
will ever have any way of knowing just how much money is where. These
specially created trusts can not only eliminate probate, cut inheritance taxes,
and reduce income taxes; unlike corporations, they can achieve almost total
privacy. Theoretically, trustees can, within the privacy of their directors'
meetings, create more and more trusts ad infinitum. With a little effort, taxes
disappear. With a little more effort, even the value of the holdings can be
completely hidden. Such trusts will allow the Rockefellers to legally deny the
ownership of any part of their wealth by putting it in the hands of private
trustees whenever necessary, through a shell game played by moving their
assets around on paper.
(See online book, The Rockefeller File, by Gary Allen)

1914 The Rockefeller Foundation begins a program of international

fellowships to train scholars at the world's leading universities at the postdoctoral level a fundamental commitment to the education of future
leaders, but also a means to select, mold, employ, and maintain control over
them throughout their lives and careers.
(See online file, The Rockefeller Foundation, at wikipedia)
1914 The Royal Institute for International Affairs is established in London
as a front group for Cecil Rhodes Round Table. The Council on Foreign
Relations is set up as a sister group in New York.
1917 The start of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, financed largely by
Illuminati bankers (the Rothschilds Kuhn Loeb & Co.), will lead to a depraved
police state in which millions of people will be stripped of their property and
exterminated in their homes and on the streets, or otherwise starved and
worked to death in the Gulag prisons in Siberia. Up to 20 million will die
under the hand of the mostly Jewish Cheka secret police. The Cheka will
publish the names of 1.7 million people they execute in 1918 1919 alone,
including 300,000 priests. About the same number will be executed between
January 1921 and April 1922. This will be a secret depopulation program
equal or greater in scope to the later Nazi holocaust, only this time it is
mostly Jews targeting non-Jews. The first to be targeted are bureaucrats,
gendarmes, and high-ranking officers, but this quickly expands to include
scientists, doctors, engineers, priests, monks, writers, and any citizen whose
property is valued at 10,000 rubles or more. The Jewish bankers will take
ownership of Russian industry. Christian churches are closed and their
property seized while Jewish synagogues go untouched.
(See online book, Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World, by Henry
Makow, PhD)
1918 The Rockefeller family shifts their focus of philanthropy into the
social sciences, stimulating the founding of university research centers and
creating the Social Science Research Council.
(See online file, The Rockefeller Foundation, at wikipedia)
1918 (July) The founding of the Thule Society by Rudolf von
Sebottendorff. The Thule Society is an Aryan-Theosophical group that
practices black magic and whose members believe they are in
communication with higher beings, known as the Secret Chiefs of the Third
Order. They base their philosophies on Madam Blavatskys The Secret
1918 After being gassed while fighting on the front lines in World War One,
Adolph Hitler is taken to a hospital in Bavaria. A Dr. Edmund Forster, cited as

the father of modern hypnosis is brought in from Berlin University to treat

Hitler for what is thought to be hysterical blindness. This symptom is
psychosomatic in nature, implying that Hitler would be a good hypnotic
subject. At about this same time, Hitler dreams that he will be prominent in
politics and will rise up to control Germany.
(See online file, Mind Control, World Control, by Jim Keith)
1919 (January 5) The German Workers Party is founded, and soon
attracts Adolph Hitler as a member, acting as a spy for the German Army.
This political organization is a creation of the Thule Society, and will soon be
renamed the National Socialist (Nazi) Party. Dietrich Eckart, a member of the
Thule Society, will recognize the oratory talents of young Adolph Hitler and
will help to mold him into the future leader of Germany. Eckart will also later
help to transfer funds from Henry Ford to Hitler and his Nazi Party. Other
Thule members at this time include Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, and Hans
Frank, all of whom will become Nazi leaders and play key roles in the Third
Reich. Max Warburg, brother of US Federal Reserve founder Paul Warburg, is
chief of German Intelligence. The Nazi choice of the swastika symbol is
influenced by the Thule Society.
1919 Aleister Crowley produces a depiction of LAM, an entity that he
purportedly conjured during a magickal ritual. The head of LAM is large,
smooth and hairless, tapering to a pointed chin. The mouth is no more than a
slit, and the eyes extend towards the sides of the face. There is no
suggestion of clothing beyond what appears to be a cloak buttoned at the
neck, nor does the entity have any ears. In short, LAM resembles what will
become recognized in later years as the typical grey alien of UFO lore.
Crowleys drawing will not be discovered until after his death in 1947.
1920 Adolph Hitler becomes leader of the German Workers Party, and
changes its name to the National Socialist German Workers Party, more
commonly known as the Nazi Party.
1920 With the passing of the Eighteenth Amendment of the US
Constitution, the Anti-Saloon League succeeds in outlawing the use of all
wines, spirits and liquors. With Prohibition in force, crime rates in the USA
will rise dramatically over the next ten years and organized criminal
syndicates will gain a strong foothold as they take advantage of the
enormous revenues to be made from the manufacture, distribution, and sale
of illicit alcohol.
1920 The first commercial radio broadcast.
1920 The earliest precursor to the EEG machine is used to read
brainwaves from the scalp.

1920 Alice A. Bailey, who is a leading disciple of the Theosophist Society

and married to 33rd degree Freemason Foster Bailey, founds the Lucifer
Publishing Company to publish her writings. This name will change to Lucis
Trust in 1922. Lucis Trust will promulgate the work of an Ascended Master
who is working through Bailey. The Lucis Trust Publishing Company and their
many fronts will carry out the work of a Luciferian master plan for the
establishment of a permanent Age of Aquarius and New World Religion.
Through a spirit that calls itself Djwhal Khul, Bailey will write 24 books that
promote a world government she refers to as the New World Order. Lucis
Trust will become a powerful institution that will work on both political and
occult fronts to achieve its goal. It will enjoy Consultative Status with the
United Nations and have a close working relationship with that organization,
including a seat at their weekly sessions, and more importantly, influence
with powerful business and political leaders throughout the world. Through
its founding of World Goodwill, Lucis Trust will be aggressively involved in
promoting a globalist ideology. In her book Externalization of the Hierarchy, a
section called Steps Towards the New World Order outlines the process for
preparing humanity for this New World Order.
1921 The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is established at Oxford
University in London by the Royal Institute for International Affairs for the
purpose of studying the breaking point of humans. It will later be funded by
the Rockefeller Foundation.
1921 Adolph Hitler goes to Berlin to give a speech to the ultraconservative National Club, and establishes his first contacts with
industrialists and business circles. Over the following years these will
increase to an ever-widening circle of supporters.
(See online book, The Men Behind Hitler, by Bernhard Schreiber)
1921 At sixteen years old, T. Townsend Brown discovers an electrogravitic
effect caused by high-voltage charges. This will later become known as the
Biefield-Brown effect.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1922 - The Rockefellers found the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). This
organization will have a huge influence on the worlds political and economic
affairs, as well as the media, and will effectively give control of them to the
Rockefellers. The ultimate goal of the CFR is the submergence of US
sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world
(See online file, The Rockefeller Foundation, at wikipedia)
1922 Alice Bailey founds the Arcane School. By 1954, it will boast having
20,000 graduates.

(See file, Alice Bailey & Master DK Djwhal Khul A Satanic Communion, by
Terry Melanson)
1922 Freemasonry is outlawed in Italy.
1923 Dr. William S. Sadler starts a small group for Sunday philosophical
and religious discussions, and they soon turn their interest to the strange
communications that Sadler has been receiving through his unnamed
channeler when he mentions the case at one of their meetings and reads
samples at their request. Soon after this, a channeled communication is
received stating that this group would be allowed to devise questions and
that answers would be given by the entities. The group compiles 4,000
questions that they wish to ask the channeled spirits. Several weeks later,
the medium delivers the group 472 pages of text containing the answers to
all of their questions. According to the mediums wife, the pages had been
written in a single evening. The group, consisting of a number of his close
friends (later known as the Forum), begins examining these channeled
communications. Only an inner core of five members of the group is ever
allowed to witness the channelings, and the identity of the channeler is kept
anonymous in order to prevent undesirable future veneration or reverence for
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1923 According to the book, Goebbels: The Man Next to Hitler, by Rudolf
Semmler, Hitler is involved with spiritualistic circles and taking part in
sances, and is hearing voices commanding him to save Germany. He is
consulting with and is greatly moved by a fortune teller who tells him that he
will come to power in 1933.
1923 The abortive Munich Putsch, staged by Hitler, makes his name
known beyond the borders of Germany for the first time, and earns him a
short term in Landsberg prison. Here, with the assistance of Rudolf Hess, he
writes Mein Kampf. This book is an excellent illustration of the degree of his
absorption of Social Darwinism, eugenics and racial ideas. Within it can be
found the familiar arguments behind them: the merciless struggle of all life
forms; the victory of the strong over the weak; the ruthless disregard for the
rights of others; the Jewish menace; the advocacy of techniques for breeding
of superior citizens, and so on.
(See online book, The Men Behind Hitler, by Bernhard Schreiber)
1925 At about this time, Wilhelm Reich discovers orgone energy. This
organic-based energy is found to impart a magnetic charge to nearby iron or
steel implements, and a static charge to nearby insulators, such as rubber
gloves. Photographic film stored in nearby metal cabinets spontaneously

fogs. Reich notes that whatever this energy is, it is rapidly attracted to
metals, but just as rapidly reflected away, or dissipated into the surrounding
air. Organic materials, however, are seen to absorb this radiation and hold
onto it. It is also noted that the air in rooms containing special cultures that
emitted the energy felt heavy or charged. When observed at night, in full
darkness, the air visibly scintillates and glows with this pulsing energy. Reich
begins building devices that accumulate this energy, in order to experiment
with it further. He will discover that orgone energy has a significant impact on
psychological states of mind as well as on weather conditions.
1925 (March 25) Scottish inventor John Logie Baird gives the first public
demonstration of televised silhouette images in motion, at Selfridge's
Department Store in London. This is a precursor to the television.
1925 The Rockefeller Foundation makes an initial grant of $2.5 million to
the Keiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry in Munich, Germany. This institute
is conducting pioneering research into eugenics (racial purity) under the
direction of future Nazi scientists Ernst Rudin and Josef Mengele.
1926 (January 26) At his laboratory in London, John Logie Baird gives
the world's first demonstration of a working television system to members of
the Royal Institution and a newspaper reporter.
1927 Joseph Banks Rhine begins his investigations into parapsychology at
Duke University. One of his sponsors will be James McDonnell, founder of the
McDonnell-Douglas aircraft company.
1928 (July 2) The first regularly scheduled television service in the United
States begins. The Federal Radio Commission authorizes C. F. Jenkins to
broadcast from an experimental station in Wheaton, Maryland, a suburb of
Washington, D.C. For at least the first eighteen months, 48-line silhouette
images from motion picture film are broadcast.
1928 (October) The Jewish World Agency is created.
1928 With Mussolinis fascist government suppressing Freemasonry in
Italy, the terrorist Mafia organization is crumbling and many of its members
begin seeking refuge in America. They settle in Chicago, where, through their
affiliation with the Unione Sicilione (later known as the Italo-American
Union), they maneuver themselves into a position which enables them to
cooperate with the vice and liquor purveyors of the city on the one side and
the political party machines on the other. After seizing control of the Chicago
Coal Teamsters', Chauffeurs' and Helpers' Union, local No. 704, their
gangster-style racketeering will enter into a new phase of economic
terrorization as their operations spread to other American cities like Detroit,
Cleveland, Philadelphia, and New York.

(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr

1929 T. Townsend Brown writes a paper titled How I Control Gravitation, in
which he describes an invention he calls the Gravitor, which uses electrogravitation to provide a 1% weight gain or loss, depending on the direction of
the force. He proposes that by placing an evenly spaced array of these
devices along the perimeter of a disc-shaped craft and selectively charging
them, the craft could be moved in any direction.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1929 Spiritualist debunker Dr. William S. Sadler publishes The Mind at
Mischief: Tricks of the Subconscious Mind, in which he explains the fraudulent
methods of mediums and how self-deception leads to psychic claims. In the
appendix, he recounts the story of an investigation into the psychic realm
that he conducted that he was unable to debunk. Since 1911, as he relates
it, he had been observing a medium who was apparently communicating with
extra-planetary personalities. Sadler states in his book that the information
imparted through this source is consistent in both its philosophy and with
scientific facts, and is essentially Christian in context.
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1929 Inventor Philo Farnsworth demonstrates the first television system
with no mechanical parts. He transmits the first live human images with his
1929 (March) RCA begins daily experimental television broadcasts in New
York City over station W2XBS, the predecessor of WNBC. The 60-line
transmissions consist of pictures, signs, and views of persons and objects.
Experimental broadcasts will continue to 1931.
1930 (April 23) The International Bank is founded at Basil. It is
commissioned to enroll the central banks of nine nations in its membership.
The bank is to exist for fifty years, paying no taxes during that time and its
assets and deposits being immune from seizure, confiscation, and
censorship, in peace or war. It will also be subject to no restriction or
prohibition of any kind on its imports and exports of gold or currency. The
bank will owe allegiance to no single government. It will keep no currency
reserve. It will owe no allegiance to anyone and can do as it likes, to make
what profits it can, with unrestricted powers. In addition to its extraordinary
powers, it has control of the Machinery of Reparations which contains the
means by which the wherewithal to liquidate Reparations can be squeezed
out of the receivers at a profit to the payers.

(See online book. Occult Theocracy, by Lady Queenborough Edith Starr

1930 (September) T. Townsend Brown joins the Navy, and is immediately
put to work at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, DC.,
where he continues his experiments in antigravitics.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1930 US Army and Navy both begin research into radar technology.
1930 The First International Congress for Mental Hygiene is held in
Washington, DC. Ernst Rudin is among the German delegates, and pushes for
an intensified integration of eugenics and mental hygiene.
1931 Aldous Huxley writes Brave New World, a futuristic vision of a
totalitarian society in which the government chemically coerced the
population into loving its servitude.
1931 (July 21) CBS's New York City station W2XAB begins broadcasting
their first regular seven-days-a-week television schedule.
1931 (August) - At the Berlin Radio Show, Manfred von Ardenne gives a
public demonstration of a television system using a CRT for both transmission
and reception. (This reveals that CRT televisions can be designed and used
as visual surveillance devices.)
1931 Thomas Townsend Browns research into dielectrics becomes
classified information.
1932 World Goodwill is founded, receiving financial support through Lucis
Trust. It will work directly with the world federalists, and is part of
Theosophist Alice Baileys work to Externalize the Hierarchy of Illumined
Minds, and usher in the Age of Maitreya (the Anti-Christ).
1933 The British-led eugenics movement meets at the American Museum
of Natural History in New York City, and designates German Dr. Ernst Rudin
as the president of the worldwide Eugenics Federation. The eugenics
movement at the time calls for the killing or sterilization of people whose
heredity make them a public burden. A few months later, the Nazi regime
appoints Rudin to head Germanys Racial Hygiene Society.
1933 (January) Adolph Hitler comes to power in Germany.
1933 (March) Hitler establishes his first concentration camp for political
prisoners at Dachau.

1933 (April) The German government announces plans to immediately

conduct a national census. The project is particularly important as a
mechanism for the identification of Jews, Gypsies, and other ethnic groups
deemed undesirable by the Nazi regime. Americas IBM Corporation will
provide design and tabulation services, using its computers to handle the
census information that is collected and entered on punch cards. Without
this, the speed and efficiency with which the Nazis will be able to
systematically root out and exterminate the Jews and other undesirables
wouldnt be possible.
1933 (July 14) The Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Disease in
Posterity (better known as the Sterilization Law) is passed in Germany. The
chief architect of this law is Ernst Rudin, Professor of Psychiatry at the
Munich University, Director of the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and
Demography, and of the Research Institute for Psychiatry. This law will allow
a doctor, legal guardian, or prison administrator to force anyone in their care
to be sterilized. By November, it will be decided that habitual offenders
against public morals are to be castrated.
(See online book, The Men Behind Hitler, by Bernhard Schreiber)
1933 (July 16) The German Union for Mental Health changes its name to
the German institute for Mental Health and Racial Hygiene, and puts Ernst
Rudin in charge. This organization is heavily subsidized by the Rockefeller
1933 After discovering that he can put his subjects into a hypnotic sleep
by merely thinking the command to do so (telepathically), the Soviet
researcher Leonid Vasiliev begins investigating the effects of electromagnetic
shielding (using lead and mercury) on the induction of hypnosis, and
discovers that it has no effect on blocking telepathy, even from several miles
distance. These experiments appear to indicate that telepathy is not
electromagnetic in nature.
1934 The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry joins the Rockefellers in sponsoring
psychiatric genetics, under the rubric of research into dementia praecox
1934 - A Rockefeller progress report from the Eugenics Record Office reveals
that the idea of breeding a superior race through genetics is being seriously
1934 The first commercially made electronic television sets with cathode
ray tubes are manufactured by Telefunken in Germany.
1935 At about this time, the last channeled communications are received
by Dr. Sadler through his unnamed medium. The channeled spirits ask Sadler
to publish the material. The Urantia material is compiled into 2,097 pages of

text, and consists of 196 apocryphal revelations communicated by various

spirit beings. Sadler has spent over a decade debunking and refuting
spiritualism. It is apparent from this that the unnamed medium that Sadler
had investigated from 1911 to 1929 was the source of the Urantia material.
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1935 - Psychologist Hadley Cantril and Gordon Allport coauthor The
Psychology of Radio, in which they write, Radio is an altogether novel
medium of communication, preeminent as a means of social control and
epochal in its influence upon the mental horizons of men. Cantril will
become a principal contributor to the knowledge and information that will
help propel Rockefeller-controlled enterprises in the postwar era. Throughout
this period, Cantril will provide the Rockefellers with important information
and new techniques in public opinion measurement and management. He will
receive a $67,000 grant for a two-year charter of the Princeton Radio
Project at Princeton University. While there, Cantril will develop studies
assessing radios effects on audiences, particularly with regard to Orson
Welles radio presentation of War of the Worlds, which will reportedly cause
mass terror due to its realistic presentation and effects. Cantril will also
become a founding editor of the Rockefeller Foundation-funded Public
Opinion Quarterly, an organ closely associated with US governments
psychological warfare endeavors following World War II.
(See online file, Early Psychological Warfare Research and the Rockefeller
Foundation, by Prof. James F. Tracy)
1935 Dr. Alexis Carrel, a French-American Nobel Prize winner who has
been on the staff of the Rockefeller Institute since its inception, publishes
Man the Unknown, in which he suggests the removal of the mentally ill and
the criminal by small euthanasia institutions which were to be equipped with
suitable gases.
(See online book, The Men Behind Hitler, by Bernhard Schreiber)
1935 The Nuremberg Laws are passed in Germany, and anti-Jewish
legislation commences. Initially these laws are concerned with compulsory
retirement of non-Aryan government employees, attempts to define nonAryan, and sending questionnaires to civil servants to gather details on their
racial background. Already preceded by an assortment of citizenship laws
that began in 1933, the two new laws are sharply to the point. The first, the
Reich Law of Citizenship, will divide the German nation into classes of
citizens, those who are merely subjects of the State and those who possess
full citizenship including political rights. Based on racial and ideological
grounds, this law, with one stroke, places all Jews into the category of
second-class citizens. The second law, For the Protection of German Blood
and German Honor (or the Blood Protection Law) is intended to ensure the

racial purity of the nation for all time. Fundamentally it makes criminal any
sexual intercourse between these new classes of citizens, but it is aimed
specifically at the Jews. Apart from that, this law will also serve as a basis for
further isolation of the socially undesirable in the following years.
The aim of racial hygiene in Germany is intended to create a fictitious Aryan
race. In accordance with this, all non-Aryan elements were to be rooted out.
Apart from having a wrong combination of chromosomes, it also seems to be
a non-Aryan trait to have or to be of a different opinion. Consequently, all
minorities fall into this category, and liquidation, with the exception of the
Jews who are declared scapegoats, will start with the smallest groups and
work up from there. Because of this, the larger minorities are left with the
belief that it will never affect them. If the Nazis were to start from the other
end, everyone would know that it is intended to be everyone's neck and they
could unite themselves against this program while the Nazis are still not yet
firmly established.
(See online book, The Men Behind Hitler, by Bernhard Schreiber)
1935 (December 12) Heinrich Himmler founds the Lebensborn project.
This involves taking children of preferred genetic stock and raising them as
part of the new Aryan super race.
1936 The incorporation of the Ford Foundation creates a tax haven for the
ultra-wealthy Ford family dynasty.
1936 The Office of Population Research is established at Princeton
University, carrying on eugenics research and training.
1936 John Whiteside (Jack) Parsons, a self-taught chemist, enters CalTech
at age 21 with a desire to build space rockets. A special project is initiated
that will eventually attract enough interest from the Army Air Corps that they
take over its sponsorship.
(See online book, Jack Parsons and the Curious Origins of the American
Space Program, by The Magician)
1936 In Hungary, a man named Stephen Pribil demonstrates an invisibility
system, which utilizes special heterodyned light beams to render objects
transparent and even invisible. Under the beams produced by his special
lamps, opaque objects gradually become transparent. The effect can be
controlled, optical transparencies sustained at specific intensities. Radio
cabinets, exposed to his lamps, fade from view. Astounded witnesses are
able to see through the cabinets, while the interiors stand out with amazing
clarity. Metal parts, tubes, and chassis can be seen darkly shining through
the wooden enclosures.
(See online book, Lost Science, by Gerry Vassilatos)

1938 L. Ron Hubbard, future founder of the Church of Scientology, begins

writing and publishing science-fiction stories in popular pulp magazines. Up
until now, he has been writing adventure stories, promoting himself in these
and elsewhere as a nuclear physicist, engineer, explorer, medical doctor, etc.,
and boasting numerous extraordinary achievements that are entirely
fabricated and intended to give him an appearance of greatness and
(See online book, Jack Parsons and the Curious Origins of the American
Space Program, by The Magician)
1938 At about this time, Harvard psychologist B.F. Skinner has fine-tuned
the art of human control into what he termed operant conditioning,
becoming a guru to generations of mind shapers that followed. His simple
notion was that the reinforcement of a repeated negative stimulus
(punishment) or positive stimulus (reward) formed the basis for learned
behavior. Skinner is a member of US Army intelligence.
(See online file, Mind Control, World Control, by Jim Keith)
1938 Dr. Albert Hofmann first synthesizes LSD at Sandoz Laboratories in
Basel, Switzerland while investigating the chemical and pharmacological
properties of ergot, a rye fungus rich in medicinal alkaloids. Preliminary
studies on laboratory animals did not prove significant, so the compound was
shelved. It will be five years before Hoffman studies it again, at which point
he will accidentally dose himself by absorbing it through his skin and learn of
its intoxicating properties. Further experimentation on himself led him to
conclude that this new drug could be an important tool for studying how the
mind works. During this time, Sandoz is under the control of the Warburg
family, and Allen Dulles is serving a post in Switzerland.
1938 The American Society of Euthanasia is established.
1938 The A=440Hz tuning standard (the standard for tuning musical
instruments) is established. This standard is specifically chosen for its
negative effect on the listener. Other frequencies might have been chosen
that are superior for sound quality (such as A=444Hz, which is already widely
in use at this time, or A=432Hz, which is mathematically consistent with
universal design, and recognized as being spiritually uplifting), but these are
passed over. A year later, the British will adopt the same standards. Joseph
Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, will be employed by the Rockefellers
and Rothschilds to persuade the British to adopt it. The A=440Hz frequency
stimulates ego tendencies and left-brain functioning while inhibiting intuition
and creativity.
1938 (October 30) Orson Welles War of the Worlds radio presentation
results in reports of mass panic, as many listeners mistake this fictional

drama as a real alien invasion of the planet. Over the next several months
afterwards, interviews with War of the Worlds listeners will be collected and
subsequently analyzed in Hadley Cantrils 1940 Rockefeller-funded study, The
Invasion From Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic.
1939 (September) RCA signs a ten-year contract with Philo Farnsworth to
commercially manufacture television systems based on his patent.
1939 (September) Germany invades Poland, causing the start of World
War II. Later in the same month, executives from Rockefeller-owned
Standard Oil fly to the Netherlands on a British Royal Air Force bomber to
meet with (Germanys) IG Farben executives. As the largest shareholder in
IG Farben stock, Rockefellers Standard Oil pledges to keep their merger with
IG Farben going, even if the United States enters the war. These Standard Oil
funds will help to pay for the SS guards at Auschwitz as they work prisoners
to death in IG Farbens factories, as well as funding the barbaric research of
Auschwitzs number one doctor, Josef Mengele.
Chase Manhattan Bank, also controlled by the Rockefellers, is also funding
the Nazis at this time, and starts closing its Jewish accounts even before
Hitler orders them to do so. Through the Rockefellers signature methods of
taking over or merging with their competitors, Chase Manhattan will become
the largest bank in the USA in the years ahead.
1939 Rocket scientist Jack Parsons takes an interest in occultism and joins
the Agape Lodge, the Los Angeles branch of Aleister Crowleys Ordo Templi
Orientis (OTO). He will quickly rise to prominence within the Order, and
within a few years will be regularly corresponding with its leader, Aleister
(See online book, Jack Parsons and the Curious Origins of the American
Space Program, by The Magician)
1940 German inventor Viktor Schauberger applies for a patent at the Reich
Patent Office for a device that could be put to use either as an energy
generator or as a power plant for aircraft or submarines. It operates on
centripetal force that draws air or liquid inward to create a force that is nine
times greater than conventional turbines. Shortly after this, he writes to a
cousin and tells him that he has invented an aircraft that makes no noise.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1940 At about this time, the Rockefeller Foundation funds the
establishment of the Office of Public Opinion Research (OPOR) at Princeton
University. A primary objective of OPOR is to systematically examine how
public opinion is forged, and learn what the motivating factors are behind
mass public sentiment toward certain ends.

(See online file, Early Psychological Warfare Research and the Rockefeller
Foundation, by Prof. James F. Tracy)
1940 T. Townsend Brown is appointed to head the minesweeping research
and development at the Navy Bureau of Ships. While here, he works on
methods of degaussing ships (canceling their magnetic fields). This will tie
in with the claims made years later about the Philadelphia Experiment, which
supposedly takes place in 1943.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1941 (March) The German Gestapo becomes interested in the work of
Viktor Schauberger. By May, he will be ordered by them to keep his work
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1941 (July) L. Ron Hubbard enters the US Naval Reserve as a Lieutenant,
using various letters of recommendation in which he has fabricated an
apparently bogus past. He enrolls in Intelligence Officer training in New York,
but is kicked out after his first assignment. He is reported to have taken
positions of authority without obtaining official sanction and attempted to
perform duties that he had no qualifications for. Eventually he goes to antisubmarine warfare school in Miami, and gets appointed Commanding Officer
of a submarine tracker, the USS PC-815. Within five hours of setting sail out
of Portland, Oregon, he is claiming to have detected enemy subs, and
exhausts his supply of depth charges trying to knock them out. A second
incident where he and his crew are firing weapons in Mexican waters leads to
him being transferred to other duties where he can be supervised. He will
end his military service at the end of World War II in the hospital for
epigastric distress and a long list of other minor aches and pains.
(See online book, Jack Parsons & the Curious Origins of the American Space
Program, by The Magician)
1941 (July) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allows
television stations to broadcast advertisements, but requires public service
programming commitments as a requirement for a station to have a license.
They set up the first licensing standards for television broadcasting. The first
licenses are granted to NBC and CBS in New York.
1942 There are about 5,000 television sets in operation in the USA at this
time, but the production of new TVs, radios, and other broadcasting
equipment for civilian purposes will be suspended from April 1942 to August
1945, during the war years.
1942 T. Townsend Brown is made head of the Atlantic Fleet Radar Materiel
School and Gyrocompass School in Norfolk, Virginia.

(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)

1942 With the help of British Intelligence, the Office of Strategic Services
(OSS) is created by the US government, which includes a psychological
warfare division that will be involved with propaganda and disinformation
operations that target both foreign and domestic populations.
1942 Jack Parsons leaves CalTech and starts a company called Aerojet,
continuing his research into solid rocket fuels. He is also spending time
building up the membership of the Agape Lodge of the OTO in Los Angeles.
(See online book, Jack Parsons & the Curious Origins of the American Space
Program, by The Magician)
1943 The Rockefellers help finance the Allen Memorial Institute at McGill
University in Canada, where the infamous Dr. Ewen Cameron will perform his
macabre mind-control experiments on human victims. These experiments will
be conducted under the auspices of the Canadian military, the Rockefeller
Foundation, and the CIA. Camerons work will be based on the idea that
behavior patterns in adults can be erased by a physiologic process
(electroshock, drugs, sleep deprivation, psychic driving, etc.) that attacks
neural patterns. He is interested in whether adults can be made patternless
and returned to a state of neurological and psychological infancy for a short
period before new patterns of behavior are introduced.
1943 Josef Mengele
concentration camp.







1943 Prominent psychologist/hypnotist George Estabrooks publishes his

book, Hypnotism, in which he outlines the utility of hypnotism for mindcontrol purposes. Estabrooks will become deeply involved in the CIAs
MKULTRA program in the years ahead. In his book, he claims that once a
person's core personality has been split, it is then possible to control one or
more of the alter personalities, without the conscious awareness of the
primary personality. This process, according to Estabrooks, would allow the
intelligence community to create super spies unwitting 'agents' who are
willing to follow any orders unquestioningly. These agents could also make
ideal couriers, since they could be fed sensitive information while in a
hypnotic state and thereafter have no conscious awareness that they were
transporting important information. He only vaguely alludes to the necessity
of extreme trauma to create MPD in a person. He states that young children
make the best subjects.
1943 The rumored Philadelphia Experiment (Project Rainbow) takes place
at the Philadelphia Naval shipyard (July and October). The original intent of
this experiment is to make a battleship invisible to radar, with the possibility
of making it optically invisible as well.

According to William Moore and Charles Berlitz, who will present this story to
the public in book form in 1979 (The Philadelphia Experiment: Project
Invisibility), the experiment not only succeeds in causing the battleship USS
Eldridge to become completely invisible, but teleports it to its sister berth in
Norfolk, Virginia. Strange things allegedly occur to the crew on board the
ship during the experiment as well, causing some of the men to end up
embedded in the metal of the ship, while others fade in and out of sight or
disappear completely, and still others who appear to be on fire. Many of the
survivors go completely insane from the experience.
The story will be written about first by such people as Dr. Reilly H. Crabb,
Vincent Gaddis, Brad Steiger, and Gray Barker, and will later come to the
attention of Berlitz while he is investigating the mysteries of the Bermuda
Triangle. Moore will have already been investigating the Philadelphia
Experiment in the 1970s when he and Berlitz meet and begin collaborating
on their book. It should be noted that Moore will publicly confess years later
to having been wittingly used by Air Force Intelligence to disseminate
government disinformation related to UFOs. Also, according to an article that
appeared years later in the Seattle Times/Post Intelligencer, at the beginning
of World War II, Charles Berlitz had been taken out of the Air Force to work
in counter-intelligence. The article indicates that Berlitz' connections with
intelligence agencies didnt end with World War II, but that He resumed his
intelligence work, though not overseas, during the Korean and Vietnam
Two people will play important parts in the initial unfolding of this incredible
story. The first of these is an astrophysicist and private researcher named
Morris K. Jessup, and the second is a rather mysterious man named Carlos
Miguel Allende, who will claim to have been a first-hand witness to the
experiment. Jessup will publish a book in 1955 called The Case for the UFOs,
in which he offers his opinions about UFOs and their source of motive power.
He will go on to give lectures and make appeals to the public for the
government to begin research in this area, and this will get the attention of
Allende, who will write him a number of letters in which he will warn against
this idea. Allende will cryptically mention a certain Naval experiment that he
had witnessed, in which a ship had been turned invisible and teleported to
another location before returning to its berth minutes later. Allende will claim
in his letters to Jessup that Einstein had actually completed his Unified Field
Theory between 1925 and 1927, but had withdrawn it again out of fear of
what might be done with it. Allende will go on to say that at the time, any
possible uses of this theory that could be immediately applied were
considered by the military, and one result of this was that they were able to
make an entire ship and its crew turn invisible.
According to Gerry Vassilatos in his book, Lost Science, just prior to the time
that the Philadelphia Experiment was initiated, Naval researchers had been
experiencing strange phenomena that were somehow related to the

extremely high amperage discharges from the special arc welders being used
to build ships with armor plated hulls. A special process had been designed
that allowed them to weld the extremely thick plating, and the intense
electrical discharges of the welder was causing a strange optical blackout
effect. Some of the workers were also experiencing what appeared to be
neurological effects, including hallucinations and even madness. Military
officials saw this strange effect as a potential weapon.
Other strange phenomena were occurring as well. After powering up the
special capacitor that was used in the arc welding machinery, the intense
discharge would routinely rock the entire site. When workers commenced
their duties (having previously cleared out of the area prior to the power up),
they would discover that the tools they had left lying there had disappeared.
This was investigated further, and high-speed cameras were set up to film
the effect. At first, they had thought they were being disintegrated by the
intense blast of the discharge, but the cameras revealed that this was not the
case at all. The objects simply vanished without any trace.
T. Townsend Brown was one of the scientists brought in to investigate this
phenomenon, which was similar to the electrogravitic effects he had been
studying. The military started a classified research program to look into these
effects (Project Rainbow), which led up to the events of the alleged
Philadelphia Experiment.
The names of T. Townsend Brown, Albert Einstein, John von Neumann, and
Nikola Tesla have been attached to these experiments. This might very
possibly have been true in the case of Brown, and the storys more
outrageous aspects may have been intended to discredit Brown and his
antigravity work in order to throw off investigations into these matters.
Brown never refused the truth of these experiments. He remained almost
completely silent on the story, but is said to have confided to his friend Josh
Reynolds sometime before his death in 1985 that the story was greatly
The more extraordinary elements of this story will be used to support later
claims (mostly made by UFO proponents) regarding an interdimensional
and/or time-travel aspect to UFO phenomena. The purported symptoms
suffered by the crew that was on board the USS Eldridge during the
experiment suggest partial truth, in that some of their symptoms match the
known effects of electromagnetic fields on the human brain.
Irrespective of the more extraordinary claims regarding these experiments,
the use of electromagnetic fields to generate radar invisibility is a technique
used by the military today.
1943 (December) T. Townsend Brown suffers a nervous breakdown and is
discharged from the Navy. Could this have been due to exposure to intense










(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)

1944 The Germans develop an electrical apparatus that produces an
intense electromagnetic field that will interfere with the operation of an
engine from a distance. They also develop a method of radar invisibility by
producing an oscillating current that corresponds to the radar frequency to
effectively cancel it out. These effects will be seen to occur quite regularly in
many UFO sightings in the years ahead.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1944 Glowing orbs, later named foo-fighters, are first sighted by bomber
pilots while flying over Germany. These are small, apparently remotecontrolled objects that show the same general maneuverability as will be
witnessed in UFO sightings in later years. Undetectable by radar, they are
able to get within a few hundred feet of fighter jets and lock onto them for a
few minutes. Sightings of these foo-fighters in German skies will continue
sporadically throughout the war, suggesting that they are some sort of
German experimental craft in early operational development.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1944 T. Townsend Brown begins working as a radar consultant at
Lockheeds Vega division in Burbank, California.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1944 (April) At 59 years of age, Viktor Schauberger is called up for active
duty in the German Army and ordered to handpick a team to work with him
in developing his invention an unusual energy device that he had been
working on before the war. He apparently achieves success with it just before
the Germans surrender. One report from a team member will state that on
the first attempt to run the saucer-like power plant, it rose to the ceiling
trailing a blue-green and then silver glow. Only a few days after this test, an
American group will show up and seize everything, putting Schauberger
under protective custody.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1944 (November) Long before the end of World War II, a Technical
Industrial Intelligence Committee is set up by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff to
begin identifying and locating any German developments that could serve to
improve the postwar American economy. This committee is interested in
military, industrial, electronic, and medical advancements. A subcommittee
comprising 380 specially trained people represent 17 US companies. Because

of this early preparation, the Americans will acquire the greater portion of the
spoils of war.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1944 Betty Andreassons first purported alien abduction at age seven. This
is the earliest known abduction case on record. Her future husband Bob Luca
apparently has a separate encounter this year as well, at the age of five.
Both cases are recalled through hypnotic regression many years later.
In the case of Betty, she will remember years later through hypnotic
regression that she is alone in her playhouse when a small luminous ball flies
in and buzzes around her head. In the next moment she falls backwards and
is feeling sleepy, and she feels something in her head and then hears a
number of voices all talking together. They say she is coming along fine and
would be ready in about five years. The beings tell her that they also visit
many other people, and that what they are doing is for the good of mankind.
She will have another (hypnotically recalled) abduction incident in five years.
In the case of Bob, he is at the edge of a wooded area when he is
approached by a disc-shaped object with a transparent dome on top. Two
grey-skinned beings with large heads communicate to him via telepathy from
inside the object while he sits paralyzed, saying that they are preparing him
and others for something that will be good for mankind in the future. Bob is
programmed by these beings to forget whatever else occurs during this
incident. He will have another encounter in 1967 (again, separate from
Bettys 1967 encounter).
(See book, The Watchers, by Raymond E. Fowler)
1944 William Thetford graduates from DePauw University. He takes a job
as an administrator for the Manhattan Project, supervising certain buildings
and performing radiation decontamination. After the bombs are dropped on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he quits and enrolls in a course being given by Dr.
Carl Rogers on Client-Centered Psychotherapy. He soon becomes Rogers
teaching assistant, and then his research assistant.
1944 Aleister Crowley appoints Jack Parsons as head of the Agape Lodge
of the OTO in California. This same year, Parsons founds the Jet Propulsion
(See online book, Jack Parsons & the Curious Origins of the American Space
Program, by The Magician)
1945 As the Allies are plundering Germany at the end of the war, they
discover that the Nazis had constructed a large number of underground
facilities where most of their advanced technologies were being developed.
These facilities are each from five to twenty-six kilometers in length. These

German underground facilities were also located in Austria, France, Italy,

Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. Approximately 143 of them had been put into
production just months before the wars end, and another 107 were in
planning or preparation.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1945 T. Townsend Brown moves to Hawaii after the war and continues his
work on antigravity research and is a consultant at the Pearl Harbor Navy
Yard. He demonstrates his gravitators and tethered flying discs to Adm.
Arthur W. Radford, Commander in Chief of the US Pacific Fleet. After the
demonstration and an apparently disinterested response by the Navy, he
goes home to find that his room has been broken into and his notebooks are
missing. The Navy returns them to him several days later. It is at this point
that the US military seems to have stolen Browns research work and started
secretly developing it, if they hadnt already been.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1945 - Jack Parsons, now Lodge Master of the Agape Lodge of the Ordo
Templi Orientis, meets L. Ron Hubbard. Parsons is impressed by Hubbard and
writes Crowley to tell him about the man and his desire to establish a New
Aeon. This is something that Parsons and Crowley are apparently interested
in as well. Parsons lets Hubbard live with him for the next few years.
(See online book, Jack Parsons & the Curious Origins of the American Space
Program, by The Magician)
1945 (September 24) A directive written by a senior USAAF field officer
to General McDonald, Air Force intelligence chief at Wright Field in Ohio,
states that:
1. It is considered that the following have been thoroughly investigated and have proven
to have no basis of fact.
a. Remote Interference with Aircraft
Investigations have been completed on this subject and it is considered that there is no
means presently known which was in development or use by the German Air Force which
could interfere with the engines of aircraft in flight. All information available through
interrogations, equipment and documents has been thoroughly investigated and this
subject may be closed with negative result.
b. Balls of Fire
As far as can be determined from extensive interrogations, investigation of documents,
and field trips, there is no basis of fact in the reports made by aircrews concerning balls
of fire other than that phenomena similar to balls of fire may have been produced by jet
aircraft or missiles. This subject may be considered closed with negative results.
A. R. Sullivan, Jr.,
Lt. Colonel, Sig. C.

A document in the Air Force archives shows that the Americans actually did
find evidence that the Germans were developing both of these types of
technologies. The results of any investigations into these technologies were
therefore likely to have been quite positive, and this directive was a piece of
disinformation meant to put a lid on the matter and deter further
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1945 (October) With the end of World War II, the OSS is dismantled.
1945 With the end of World War II, Project Paperclip begins bringing
thousands of Nazi scientists and engineers into the US, continuing until as
late as 1990. This will include rocket scientists Werner Von Braun and Arthur
Rudolph, flying saucer designer Richard Miethe, physician Hubertus
Strughold, physicist Werner Heisenberg, mind-control expert Joseph
Mengele, and head of Germen intelligence, Reinhard Gehlen, among others.
A large number of them will be psychologists, psychiatrists, and physicians.
These scientists and doctors will be put to work for US military and
intelligence agencies, usually within major front companies. Although US
President Harry Truman expressly excluded anyone found to have been a
member of the Nazi Party, and more than a nominal participant in its
activities, or an active supporter of Nazi militarism, this exclusion would
have rendered ineligible most of the leading scientists that had been
identified for recruitment, and so it was ignored, and false employment and
political biographies were created for them while their Nazi Party
memberships and rgime affiliations were expunged from the public record.
Within a two year period, an estimated 1,800 technicians and scientists,
along with 3,700 family-members will be brought into the USA. Scientists are
assigned to such places as Fort Strong, Massachusetts; Fort Bliss, Texas;
White Sands Proving Grounds, New Mexico; Wright Field; Lockheed; Martin
Marietta; North American Aviation; and other aviation companies. Reinhard
Gehlen is able to bring many of his SS over and implant them into the ranks
of the CIA. He also brings with him a massive amount of intelligence
information that he had microfilmed just before his surrender.
Apart from Project Paperclip, the CIA arrange for a private intelligence facility
in West Germany to be established, and name it the Gehlen Organization.
This is used by Gehlen to establish rat lines to get Nazi war criminals out of
Europe to avoid prosecution. Gehlen is able to help more than 5,000 Nazis
escape Germany and relocate around the world, particularly in South and
Central America. Mass murderers like Klaus Barbie will help governments set
up death squads in Chile, Argentina, El Salvador, and elsewhere.
A large number of the Project Paperclip Nazis are hard-core Satanists and will
continue their practices unabated on American soil, helping to spread satanic
ideologies and practices until they become deeply rooted within the military,
intelligence agencies such as the NSA and CIA, NASA, law enforcement

agencies such as the FBI and BATF, local and state police forces, the court
system, the Federal Reserve and Wall Street, the education system, hospitals
and mental institutions, the AHA, APA, AMA, and ADA, the FDA, science and
research foundations, postal services, the communications industry,
transportation such as airlines, trains, road/highway services, religion, the
entertainment industry, including movie production, TV, music industry and
casinos, mainstream media, major corporations, utilities such as gas,
electric, and oil, etc. These Paperclip Nazis arent the source of Satanism in
America, however. They are brought into the US by the same Satanists who
had helped Hitler rise to power and funded him in the war effort. Allen Dulles
was instrumental in this.
1945 At the end of World War II, General Reinhard Gehlen, the head of the
Nazi SS and Hitlers Chief of Intelligence against Russia, arrives in
Washington DC to meet extensively with President Truman, General William
Wild Bill Donovan, Director of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and
Allen Dulles, who will later become the head of the future CIA. The objective
of their brain-storming sessions is to reorganize the American intelligence
operation, transforming it into a highly-efficient covert organization. The
culmination of their efforts will produce the Central Intelligence Group in
1946, which will be renamed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in 1947.
1945 The Rockefellers influence the establishment of the United Nations.
1946 Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard perform a series of Enochian sex
magick rituals in an attempt to conceive a moon child a supernatural
offspring with messianic potential. These rituals will become known as the
Babalon Working. The rituals draw largely from the writings of occultist
Aleister Crowley. During the rituals, Hubbard reportedly channels an entity
that is mentioned in Crowleys The Book of the Law. Parsons writes to
Crowley to inform him of this.
The Babalon Working will later be claimed by certain sources to have created
an interdimensional doorway in our spacetime matrix, allowing non-earthly
beings to enter our part of the universe. This claim will be used by some to
explain the many strange UFO-related activities that will begin soon after
Parsons and Hubbards experiment. Soon after the ritual, Parsons and
Hubbard will have a failed business partnership that will result in a falling out
between them when Hubbard attempts to make off with all of Parsons
(See online book, Jack Parsons & the Curious Origins of the American Space
Program, by The Magician)
1946 The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is formed.
1946 The RAND Corporation is established by the US Army Air Force as
Project RAND. It is a government think-tank involved in developing

technologies for the military. Over the years, it will be funded through
government contracts, university collaborators, and private donors. RAND's
primary agency clients will include the CIA and DARPA (Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency). RAND was conceived by Donald Douglas, CEO of
Douglas Aircraft, along with two military officer luminaries. These officers
carry with them significant UFO histories. These officers are Major General
Curtis LeMay (the US Air Force's Chief of Development) and General Hap
Arnold (considered the father of the modern US Air Force). This organization
will be secretly involved in studying the UFO phenomenon.
(See online article, Deep Secrets of a UFO Think Tank Exposed!, by Anthony
1946 Development of the ENIAC computer by the US Army, which is the
first general purpose computer in existence.
1946 The first x-ray evidence of electronic implants in humans is made at
the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, Sweden.
1946 0.5% of homes in the USA have television sets.
1947 Andrija Puharich graduates from medical school at Northwestern
University. During his years there, he has developed what he calls the Theory
of Nerve Conduction, in which he proposed that the neurons radiate and
receive waves of energy (which he calculated to be in the ultra-shortwave
bands below infrared and above the radar spectrum), and therefore act as a
certain type of radio receiver-transmitter for the transference of thoughts
from one person to another. His theory is well received by leading scientists,
including Jose Delgado, who will become notoriously famous as an MKULTRA
scientist for conducting experiments in electronic stimulation of the brain
using implants.
1947 (June 21) Maury Island UFO sighting in Washington State. This case
starts with the claim of a sighting of six UFOs by a man named Harold A,
Dahl, his son Charles, and two other crewmen on board a boat in Puget
Sound. According to Dahls story, metal debris had fallen off one of the UFOs,
killing Dahls dog and burning the arm of his son. Some of the debris was
retrieved and Dahl claimed to have taken photographs of the UFOs. Dahl
reported the sighting to his employer, Fred Lee Crisman, who is supposedly
the harbor patrolman at Tacoma, Washington.
The next day, on June 22nd, Dahl is visited by a mysterious man in a dark
suit driving a new black Buick (the first MIB incident on record), who warns
Dahl that if he loves his family he shouldnt talk about what he had seen. The
man seems to already know all about the events of the previous day.

Crisman investigates Dahls claims for himself on that second day, and finds a
great deal more of the debris where Dahl said the sighting had occurred.
Crisman also claims to have seen another UFO at that time.
Soon after this, in July, Crisman writes a letter to Raymond Palmer, editor of
Amazing Stories magazine, about the incident. In turn, Palmer writes to
Kenneth Arnold, who had his own UFO sighting three days after the Maury
Island incident (see next entry), and asks Arnold to investigate the incident
for him, paying him $200 for his troubles. Arnold is assisted in the
investigation by a friend, United Airlines Captain E. J. Smith.
On July 29th, Arnold arrives in Tacoma to interview Dahl. Upon arriving, he
seeks out a hotel to stay at, and finds that an unknown person had already
booked a room for him at the Winthrop Hotel. When he contacts Dahl that
day, the latter is reluctant to talk to him, saying that he had been having a
run of bad luck he nearly lost both his job and his son, and his wife had
suddenly become sick. He attributed these problems to the threat by the
mysterious MIB. However, when Arnold tells him who he is, Dahl relents and
agrees to talk to him.
On July 30th, Dahl is interviewed by Arnold. He claims that the photos he
took had strange spots on them, but the photos are never produced as
evidence. Dahl had apparently sent some of the debris to Palmer, and Palmer
claims that it was stolen out of his office, but not before he had some of it
analyzed. Palmer claims that the results of the analysis show that it is neither
slag nor natural rock. Dahl had described an extremely light, white foil-like
metal (similar to what was found at the Roswell crash), but nothing like what
he described is to be found among any of the debris that had been retrieved.
The investigation will eventually reveal that Dahl and Crisman werent
actually harbor patrolmen, but just salvagers.
During Arnolds investigation, a reporter from United Press receives calls from
an unknown person who informs the reporter of everything that is discussed
between Arnold, Smith, Dahl, and Crisman in Arnolds hotel room, which the
reporter repeated back to Arnold. Arnold concludes that the room has been
bugged, but a search of the room turns up nothing.
On July 31st, two Army Air Corps Officers, First Lieutenant Frank M. Brown
from Hamilton AFB, California, and Captain William L. Davidson, are sent at
Arnolds request to investigate the UFO report. Again, the United Press are
already aware of the officers involvement, and call Arnold to ask him why
they are meeting with him. The only people Arnold has told about them are
Smith, Dahl, and Crisman. The two officers meet with Arnold and Crisman
(Dahl doesnt show up), and retrieves a box of the debris from Crisman
before heading to Hamilton AFB from McChord AFB on a B-25. Apparently,
Brown, Davidson, and Arnold all feel that this incident is a hoax, and Brown
and Davidson inform a Major George Sanders at McChord AFB of this opinion
before leaving with the debris in their plane on August 1st. Sanders also

states that he thinks it is a hoax, but for some reason is nevertheless

determined that all pieces of the debris in their possession are gathered up.
The officers plane subsequently crashes, killing both men, while three others
on the plane are able to bail out safely. The mystery caller to United Press
also knows the names of these two officers in spite of the fact that their
names were never released, and the caller even claims that the plane had
been shot down. The crash makes local and national news, in which it is
mentioned that the plane was carrying saucer parts. It is later concluded
that the caller who reported it was none other than Crisman.
At some point (according to author Kevin Randle), Dahl and Crisman both
apparently admit that the debris had been nothing more than slag from a
local smelter, and that the whole story was made up. However, much later in
the January 1950 issue of Fate magazine (another magazine edited by
Raymond Palmer), Crisman claims in a letter to the editor that the Maury
Island incident was not a hoax.
By August 2nd, Dahl and Crisman have both disappeared and are nowhere to
be found.
On his way home after the investigation, on August 3rd, Arnold crashes his
plane due to a faulty fuel valve, but is unhurt. Whether the plane was
tampered with or not is unknown.
It is later discovered that Crisman had written to Amazing Stories magazine a
year earlier (June 1946), warning about publishing other stories that Palmer
had been featuring in his magazine about underworld creatures (known as
the Shaver Mystery), claiming that it was all true. He tells Palmer that he
had come across these creatures and a futuristic laser weapon in Asia while
serving in an aviation unit called the Second Air Commando. Crismans
knowledge of this military unit revealed that he probably had ties to the
military, whether or not he was actually in that unit. He also claimed to have
served in the OSS (the precursor to the CIA). Years later, CIA documents will
reveal that he had indeed served in the OSS as a liaison officer to the British
Royal Air Force during WWII, and was later transferred to the (yet to be
formed) CIA, where he acted as an extended agent, specializing in
disruption activities.
On August 18th, 1947, a recommendation issued by Lt. Colonel Donald
Springer, the Army Air Corps intelligence officer at Hamilton AFB, states that
in view of the reported statements made by Mr. Crisman that consideration
be given to revoke his Air Reserve commission and flying status as an
undesirable and unreliable officer.
Crisman will eventually turn up again in the 1960s during New Orleans
district attorney Jim Garrisons investigation of Clay Shaw in relation to the
Kennedy assassination, and will be identified as one of the three hobos who
were picked up in the railroad yard soon after the shooting. Crisman and

Shaw apparently know each other well, since he is the first person Shaw will
call when he is arrested. He is also well known to Michael Riconosciuto, a
witness who will testify before the House Judiciary Committee investigating
the Inslaw Affair. In Crismans obituary after his death on December 10th,
1975, it will be stated that he had received the Distinguished Service Cross,
although no proof of this will be found. Why he would have received it can
only be guessed at.
The details that have emerged regarding this incident show that Fred
Crisman was the central figure in a purposeful UFO hoax, and was most likely
attempting to create the appearance that the matter was highly sensitive and
even dangerous. He seems to have been working in the background during
the investigation to give the incident wide publicity and create an air of
mystery by anonymously tipping off the United Press reporters (and sending
an agent to threaten Dahl into silence), as well as by causing the plane
crashes in order to dispose of the false evidence and the doubtful
investigators, even going so far as to cause their deaths. The result seems to
have been to get the story out to the public (via United Press) while
eliminating all possibility of proving it was a hoax. Dahl may have been
caught up as a witting accomplice in the hoax at Crismans urging until he
was threatened by the mysterious MIB, at which point he did his best to
extricate himself from the matter, given the circumstances of his initial
involvement as the main witness. The request by Raymond Palmer (a person
of dubious character with probable ties to intelligence agencies) for Arnold to
investigate the incident soon after Arnolds own UFO sighting may have been
designed to give the story even greater publicity, since Arnold was already in
the public spotlight at the time, and was a trusted individual.
(See A Different Perspective: The Maury Island UFO Crash, by Kevin Randle;
Maury Island Incident, at wikipedia; Fred Crisman, at wikipedia)
1947 (June 24) Kenneth Arnold makes the first public report of a UFO
sighting. Just three days after the Maury Island incident occurs but before it
is reported to anyone, Kenneth Arnold makes headline news when he reports
spotting nine UFOs over Mt. Rainier in Washington State while helping to
search for a crashed airplane in the area. In his description to reporters, he is
the first to use the term flying saucer.
1947 (July 4) Less than two weeks after the very first reported UFO
sighting by Kenneth Arnold, the rumored UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico
1947 (July 8-9) Newspaper reports are made of Roswell crash and a
subsequent cover-up begins.
1947 (September) The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is formed. It
takes up where the OSS had left off in 1945. Rear Admiral Roscoe H.
Hillenkoetter is appointed as the first Director. Project Paperclip Nazis who

worked for Reinhard Gehlens Germen intelligence services are given

positions in this new agency.
1947 (September) The purported secret group known as MJ-12 is
created. Its purpose is to investigate UFOs.
1947 (September 23) A memo written by Lieutenant General Nathan
Twining, head of US Army Air Forces Air Materiel Command, to Brigadier
George Schulgen, a senior USAAF staff officer in Washington, with the
subject heading AMC Opinion Concerning Flying Discs, states in part:
There are objects probably approximating the shape of a disc, of such appreciable size
as to appear to be as large as man-made aircraft The reported operating characteristics
such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which
must be considered evasive when sighted. [] It is possible, within the present U.S.
knowledge provided extensive detailed development is undertaken to construct a
piloted aircraft which has the general description of the object above which would be
capable of an approximate range of 7,000 miles at subsonic speeds.
It is entirely possible that these objects are experimental craft that originate
from a military branch other than the Army, and that Twining is not aware of
the fact.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1947 (December 1) The day of Aleister Crowleys death. When L. Ron
Hubbard hears of the death, he decides to adopt Crowleys self-appointed
title of the Great Beast 666. Hubbard begins making plans to establish his
extremely cultish Church of Scientology, basing it on a philosophy and
mental-health (mind-control) system he has been working on that he calls
Dianetics. Although he will claim that this work originates entirely from
himself, it will largely reflect the earlier work of Alfred Korzybski, published
as far back as 1935.
(See online file, Hollywood, Satanism, Scientology and Suicide)
1947 What will become one of the most successful Tavistock offshoot
organizations, the National Training Laboratories (NTL), is founded (later
renamed the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences). Located in
Bethel, Maine, the mission of the NTL is to give group dynamics sessions to
American leaders. During group sessions, dissonance or stress is introduced
to destroy the individual's previous beliefs, and then a new, group-oriented
personality is coaxed forth. This will become the primary technical method
used by a myriad of Tavistock-influenced sensitivity groups like Alanon and
Esalen. In the years to come, the majority of America's corporate leaders will
be processed in NTLs programs, as will be members of various segments of
the government, including the Navy, the Department of Education, and the
State Department.

(See online file, Mind Control, World Control, by Jim Keith)

1947 The secret UKUSA Agreement is signed between the US and Britain,
and soon after adding Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, creating a
worldwide listening network for electronic communications. Norway,
Denmark, Germany, and Turkey would eventually join as third-party
participants. Each of the five main countries involved are responsible for
overseeing surveillance of different parts of the globe. The agreement
requires that before anyone is admitted to knowledge of the network
operations, they must first undertake a lifelong commitment to secrecy.
Every individual working for this network must be indoctrinated and, often
re-indoctrinated each time they are admitted to knowledge of a specific
project. They are privy to information on a strictly need-to-know basis, and
the need for total secrecy about their work is constant. All information
passing through this network is compartmentalized and relies on specially
assigned code words for access. This secret network is the root of the later
ECHELON global surveillance system. It is the first global Wide Area Network
(WAN), connecting signals intelligence (SIGINT) and processing stations. It
wont be until the mid-1990s that the Internet will become larger than this
secret network. It will incorporate the NSAs internal email system, which will
remain completely separate from regular Internet email systems, providing
complete security of communications within this highly secretive
(See online file, Inside Echelon, by Duncan Campbell)
1947 The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) starts Project CHATTER, which
delves into the Nazi secret mind control experiments. The project is involved
in extracting information from subjects against their will without inflicting
harm or pain.
1947 The Air Forces Project SIGN is initiated, with the purpose of studying
UFOs in relation to their performance and purpose.
1947 British scientist Dennis Gabor develops the theory of holography
while working to improve the resolution of an electron microscope.
1948 L. Ron Hubbard is invited to attend a meeting of the Los Angeles
Fantasy and Science Fiction Society. He agrees to go, and attends several of
their meetings, using them as an opportunity to further boast about his
exaggerated achievements and abilities. One characteristic that he does
actually possess is the ability to hypnotize people, and he gives a
demonstration, causing one person to think he was holding a pair of
miniature kangaroos in his hand, another thinking the floor was getting
hotter and hotter, another who would immediately fall asleep whenever
Hubbard scratched his nose, etc. Others who witness his hypnotic abilities
will state that he could put some people into a hypnotic trance in seconds.

This period will also mark a change in Hubbards interests from sciencefiction to philosophy, as he begins to introduce his ideas about mental health,
which he will call Dianetics. In the next year, Hubbard will convince John W.
Campbell, the editor of Astounding Science Fiction magazine, of the merits of
his technique in using hypnosis to cure mental aberrations and
psychosomatic illnesses. Campbell will become the first committed disciple of
Dianetics. Through Campbell, Hubbard is also able to convince a medical
doctor by the name of Dr. Joseph Winter of the merits of his techniques, and
the three men will continue to develop and refine them further, bringing in
several other interested parties over time. They will be known during this
time as the Bay Head Circle.
(See book, Bare-Faced Messiah, by Russell Miller)
1948 Louis Jolyin West graduates from the University of Minnesota School
of Medicine. He is already enlisted in the US Army, stationed in their
Specialized Training Program. He will be in charge of the US governments
secret mind-control research programs (MKULTRA) in the years ahead.
1948 The US Navy allegedly begins Project Penguin, headed by a man
named Rexford Daniels, who previously studied the effects of
electromagnetic waves on human beings. The purpose of this alleged project
is to test individuals who have psychic abilities. Andrija Puharich will later
claim to have been involved in this project. The US Navy will later deny the
existence of this project.
(See online file, Ratting Out Puharich, by Terry L. Milner)
1948 Project SIGN is renamed Project GRUDGE.
1948 According to James Casbolt, Project ANVIL is started in Britain. This
is said to be a genetic bloodline study to locate gifted children for use in
espionage operations. In the 1950s the name will be changed to Project
1948 Behavioral psychologist B. F. Skinner writes Walden Two, a novel
about life in a utopian community created on his principles of social
engineering, in which 1,000 individuals are allowed to live the most
meaningful and fulfilling life possible. In this utopian community there is no
democracy and everything is run by behavioral engineers.
1948 According to federal files, the CIAs Operation Octopus is in full swing
at this time. This is a surveillance program that can turn any television set
with tubes into a broadcast transmitter. Agents of Octopus can pick up audio
and visual images with the equipment as far as 25 miles away.

1948 - The Swedish childrens hospital, Sachsska Barnsjukhuset, starts an

experimental project that involves implanting electrodes in the brains of
newborn babies. The same type of projects are going on in other countries,
including the US, Britain, and New Zealand.
1948 (December 20) Andrija Puharich receives a medical discharge from
the US Army. He decides to visit his father and stepmother in Chicago before
going to New York and Boston to meet other scientists to discuss his theories
on nerve conduction. While stopping in Camden, Maine, to visit a friend
named Zlatko Balokovic and his wife Joyce, he is introduced to the idea that
there are beings with superhuman abilities who can live outside of space and
time as we know it, and can enter our physical world whenever they choose
to, appearing as living people. It is suggested to him that Jesus Christ was
one of these beings. This idea leads Puharich to begin taking a serious
interest in psychic phenomena. The Balokovics, who are quite wealthy, offer
him a place to live at their guesthouse, where he is able to begin his research
into nerve-conduction. He will be given the use of a neighbors barn for his
laboratory. The Balokovics will begin to stir up interest in Puharich among
their rich and influential friends, leading to the creation of a small fund for his
research. He will use these funds to build his own electronic equipment as
well as a Faraday cage to house it all.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1949 Three year old Uri Geller is allegedly visited by a UFO, after which
(four years later) he begins to develop strong psychic abilities. He will not
see another UFO until he meets Andrija Puharich in 1971, when he will begin
to see them repeatedly throughout their association.
(See book, Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller, by Andrija Puharich)
1949 Andrija Puharich founds the Round Table Foundation of
Electrobiology, which, although it is originally interested in researching
neurophysiology, will soon become involved in exploring psychic phenomena,
particularly channeling. His most prominent psychic mediums during this
period will be Eileen Garrett and Peter Hurkos. Two other psychics that
Puharich will use in his research are Bobby Horne (who will almost be led to
suicide by the experience), and Phyllis Schlemmer (who will continue to
channel entities for the next twenty years and gain wide recognition).
Puharichs group will attract some very wealthy backers, including former US
vice-president Henry A. Wallace (a Theosophist and 33 rd degree Mason, and
the person responsible for the Illuminati symbolism on the US one dollar bill),
Ruth Forbes Young (of the Forbes dynasty) and her husband, Arthur M.
Young (inventor of the Bell helicopter), Alice Bouverie (heiress to the Astor
dynasty), and Sir John Whitmore (multimillionaire and former race car
driver). Eileen Garrett also introduces Puharich to the great electronics
inventor, John Hayes Hammond, Jr., who thereafter becomes his close friend

and mentor. Puharich will also have many connections to other wealthy and
influential people.
During this same period, Puharich is also developing electronic hearing-aid
devices for the deaf. These devices (one of them involving an electronic tooth
implant) will allow a person to hear a radio-transmitted audio signal
intercranially. These devices could conceivably be used to transmit voices
directly into the head of a medium, making them think they were hearing
The Round Table Foundation is secretly receiving funds from the Pentagon. It
will only come to light many decades later that Puharich is in the employ of
the CIA during this time and is working directly under Dr. Sidney Gottlieb,
who will soon be heading the secret government mind-control programs
when MKULTRA is officially established in 1953.
1949 - Mrs. Janine Jones of New Zealand is electronically implanted
immediately after her birth at LoverHutt Hospital. The psychosurgery is
performed via stereotaxic methods by drilling into her skull. She is adopted
into another family. Both her natural and adopted parents have military
backgrounds. Her birth father is (at this time) a prominent politician and
Chief Justice of Western Samoa. X-rays will later reveal that she has implants
in the cavities near the cochleas of both ears and one in the frontal lobe
directly adjacent to the nasal passages.
1949 Betty Andreasson has her second (hypnotically recalled) alien
abduction experience. She recalls being out in the woods when she is
confronted by a small being. Scared, she starts throwing stones at it, but
they appear to stop in mid-air and drop harmlessly to the ground. A small
marble-sized object emerges from the beings suit and flies over to attach
itself to her forehead. She immediately feels sleepy and falls backwards. Like
the first encounter five years earlier, she hears voices in her head that are
discussing her. They state that she will be ready in another year, and that
they are preparing things for her.
(See book, The Watchers, by Raymond E. Fowler)
1949 George Orwell, a political futurologist, publishes his futuristic novel,
1984, which depicts life in a futuristic totalitarian society. The parallels to
how we are living today as we enter the twenty-first century is more than
just remarkable the book is like a premonition of what is to come. In this
novel, the citizenry is constantly watched by the government through
technology; knowledge is slowly reduced through the elimination of ideas and
replaced with propagandist slogans and news bites; the government is
untouchable and always right; mediocrity in life is encouraged; every word
and action is a measure of a persons conformity; invisible (and sometimes
nonexistent) enemies are constantly posing threats to the state; etc. The

ideology of the government in this book is best expressed by the slogan:

1949 (November) Eustace Mullins, a researcher in Washington DC, is
invited to meet the famous American poet Ezra Pound who is confined at St.
Elizabeths Mental Hospital as a political prisoner, having been charged with
treason for Radio Rome broadcasts that questioned America's war motives.
Pound commissions Mullins to examine the power of the U.S. banking
establishment. Mullins spends every morning for the next two years in the
Library of Congress and meets with Pound every afternoon. The resulting
manuscript, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, will prove to be too hot for
any American publisher to handle. Nineteen publishers will reject it. When it
finally appears in Germany in 1955, the US military will confiscate all 10,000
copies and burn them.
(See online book, Illuminati: The Cult That Hijacked the World, by Henry
Makow, PhD)
1949 (December) Donald Keyhoe publishes an article titled Flying
Saucers Are Real in True magazine.
1950 Professor Giuseppe Belluzzo, a former industry minister in Mussolinis
cabinet, claims to have worked on disc-shaped flying bombs that were
passed on to the Germans and developed further. He states that they are
being developed by the Russians.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1950 Rudolf Schriever, a German scientist, tells the West German media
about a flying machine he was working on for the Nazis during World War II
that would have changed the wars outcome had it been fully developed. This
had stemmed from Schrievers work at the Heinkel Aircraft Company in 1940.
The craft, classed as the V3 and nicknamed the Flying Top, was able to take
off and land vertically. By 1942 a prototype had been test-flown and received
top secret funding from the Germans State Air Ministry.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1950 (March) Senator Joseph McCarthy initiates a series of investigations
into potential communist subversion of the CIA. Allen Dulles will request that
President Eisenhower step in and demand that he discontinue issuing
subpoenas against the Agency. Under Dulles' orders, the CIA will break into
McCarthy's Senate office as well as intentionally feed him disinformation to
discredit him, in order to stop his investigation of communist infiltrators in
the CIA. Many of these infiltrators are Nazis that have been brought over
from Germany under Project Paperclip and given positions in the CIA with
Dulles knowledge and assistance.

1950 (April 14) A research paper by RAND entitled The Exploitation of

Superstitions for Purposes of Psychological Warfare is published for the US
Air Force. Although the paper doesnt explicitly mention UFOs, it is obvious
that at the time of publication, the UFO phenomenon was already being used
in psychological operations, capitalizing on modern-day superstitions. The
paper notes that during times of great uncertainty, such as in wartime,
superstitious activities increase substantially. It points out that although the
less educated members of a population are more likely to be superstitious,
the more intelligent members (including military and government officials)
often engage in superstitious beliefs as well. More significantly, it suggests
that superstitions can be exploited with fairly simple props and illusionary
effects. The author states:
It seems likely that superstitions flourish in an atmosphere of tension and insecurity and
that when daily experiences fail to provide reassurance and freedom from anxiety, when
in fact factors making for anxiety and insecurity are multiplied as they are in time of war,
an atmosphere exists which is conducive to the acceptance of superstitions.
1950 (April 20) The CIA initiates Project BLUEBIRD, which is involved in
researching methods of human behavioral control with an emphasis on using
drugs to achieve these ends. The goals consist of controlling an individual to
the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such
fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation.
1950 Betty Andreassons only consciously recalled memory of an alien
abduction occurs in this year, when she is thirteen years old. She remembers
seeing what looks like the moon coming closer and closer to her. She tries to
run away, but is unable to move. Her next memory is of being in a room in a
tranquilized state. Further investigation of the incident years later will reveal
that she was taken aboard the craft and taken to another place, where she
entered the world of Light to see the One. She apparently interprets this as
God (she becomes a devout Christian at sixteen years old). She sees two of
herself at this point, as though having an out-of-body (OOB) experience. Her
other self appears stiff and unmoving. Whatever takes place during her visit
with the One, she will be incapable of giving any details to investigators
later on, but it overwhelms her with love and joy. Before being returned to
where she was picked up, small beings with large heads and dark eyes
implant something in her head. This object will be retrieved by these beings
in 1967, extracting it from her nose.
1950 Behavioral psychologist John Gittinger joins the CIA under the cover
of the Human Ecology Fund. Gittinger will develop his Personality Assessment
System (PAS), which he had already been working on for several years,
basing it on scores from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). With
his PAS, both personality traits and predictable behaviors under specific given
situations can be accurately determined. The PAS will come to be used
extensively both for identifying individuals who are the best subjects for the
various mind-control programs in MKULTRA, as well as for selecting and

handling CIA operatives and agents, and of course, for determining how to
compromise a person and take advantage of them. Gittinger will go on to
develop an extensive database that will allow all phases of human behavior
to be charted and individuals categorized, based on the comparison of
accumulated test scores. Such categories are able to be determined for those
who are good role-players, who are easy to hypnotize and who arent, who
will be most loyal and who might become traitors, who have sexual
deviancies, what a persons greatest fears are, what motivates them, how
they can best be influenced to act a certain way, etc. Almost anything is able
to be determined about an individuals personality with this system. Top CIA
officials are so impressed with this system that they begin to use it in most
agent-connected activities. The prime objectives for using this system are
control, exploitation, or neutralization. Eventually, Gittingers database of test
scores will become large enough that individuals who havent even taken the
Wechsler tests can still be accurately assessed by studying their behavior in
various circumstances and looking for specific patterns that correspond to the
(See online book, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, by John Marks)
1950 In April, the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation is established in
Elizabeth, New Jersey. A month later, L. Ron Hubbard publishes Dianetics:
The Modern Science of Mental Health, first introduced in Astounding Science
Fiction magazine, and immediately after published in book form by
Hermitage House. It becomes an instant hit, staying at the top of the Los
Angeles Times bestseller list for several months. After only two months of the
books publication, there are already five hundred Dianetics groups in
operation across the USA.
With his new-found publishing success, Hubbard relies on his charm and the
false image he has been creating for himself as an exceptionally gifted
individual with expertise in various fields of knowledge, using these to
legitimize himself and endear his followers. Dianetics will quickly evolve into
Scientology, with the hidden intent of enslaving followers through mindcontrol techniques while at least pretending to turn them into super-humans
through a series of auditing sessions. Scientology will eventually grow into a
$300 million a year corporation with branches throughout the world.
Like any typical secret society, Scientology is composed of a series of levels
that are reached through initiatory processing, after which they are given
access to a new layer of secret knowledge and the purported benefits that
go with it. Also like with many secret societies, Hubbard will base this secret
knowledge on an invented cosmological history that spans aeons of time and
involves reincarnation and past-life histories. He teaches that hypnotically
implanted goals have been deliberately and maliciously installed into a
person's subconscious mind throughout their many incarnations. (This
concept of implants reflects the influence of Crowleys ideas on Hubbard).
Dianetics and Scientology are promoted as a method of uncovering and

eliminating these aberrations through its system of auditing. The techniques

used, although generally based on legitimate science, are applied in a
manner that effectively replaces a persons previous perception of
themselves and their reality with one that better suits Hubbards intentions,
and they will often lead to psychosis or worse.
In the years ahead, it will be revealed through a secret internal document
(referred to as OT VIII: The Confidential Student Briefing Document) that, in
Hubbards own words, Scientology is nothing less than Satanism, and that L.
Ron Hubbard considers himself to be the Antichrist.
(See online book, L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman?, by Corydon Bent)
1950 The Urantia Foundation is established in Chicago, and consists of
high-ranking members of the Seventh Day Adventist sect. The foundation is
centered around the channeled texts known as the Urantia Papers. Its board
of directors take a pledge of secrecy not to reveal the human author or its
means of transmission. Dr. William S. Sadler, a Seventh Day Adventist
minister, will ultimately be responsible for publishing these texts. They will be
published as The Urantia Book in 1955.
1950 At the end of this year, Andrija Puharich moves to a 65-acre estate at
Warrenton in Glen Cove, Maine, which has been purchased for his use with
$35,000 provided by a Walter Cabot Paine of Boston. The house has 45
rooms and about a dozen bathrooms. Twelve co-workers move into the house
with Puharich and his family, where they will live in a commune-type setting.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1951 (January 5) Wilhelm Reich conducts his Oranur Experiment and
discovers a new type of energy that he calls deadly orgone (DOR), which is
caused by the effect of nuclear radiation on orgone energy. DOR is black,
lusterless, toxic, carries a high charge, and is oxygen and water-hungry.
1951 (March 27) Andrija Puharich meets with Eileen Garrett and John
Hammond Jr. in Gloucester to conduct experiments to find out whether or not
telepathy exists. These experiments will continue for three months, and will
incorporate a Faraday cage built by Hammond. The experiments are designed
to test the hypothesis that telepathy is based on the transmission of
electromagnetic waves between humans. Puharich believes that he should be
able to block telepathy with appropriate shielding. Instead, he will find that
placing a person in the cage will increase their psychic ability significantly.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1951 William Thetford begins working on Project BLUEBIRD, remaining
until 1953.

1951 (August) Project BLUEBIRD is renamed Project ARTICHOKE, and is

involved in searching for a truth drug and studying interrogation techniques.
ARTICHOKE is interested in the use of electro-psycho-therapeutic
techniques, as well as the creation of amnesia, hypnotic couriers, and
Manchurian Candidates. The subjects of this project can also function as
hypnotically controlled cameras, where they can enter a room or building,
memorize materials quickly, leave the building, and be amnesic for the entire
episode. The memorized material can then be retrieved by a handler using a
previously implanted code or signal, without the amnesia being disturbed.
1951 (September 4) The first national live television broadcast in the
U.S. takes place, when President Harry Truman's speech at the Japanese
Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco, California is transmitted over
AT&T's transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast
stations in local markets.
1951 - The Psychological Strategy Board is signed into existence by Harry
Truman. It is tasked with coordinating psychological operations at home and
1951 - Captain Alfred M. Hubbard, a high-ranking officer in the OSS during
World War II, takes his first LSD trip, and immediately becomes a proponent
of its transcendental effects. Through his extensive connections in business
and government and at his personal expense, Hubbard is able to acquire
6,000 bottles of the compound, which he will begin to dispense freely to any
friends and researchers who want it. Since the CIA has been tightly
controlling the supply lines for the drug, they obviously know that Hubbard
had this large supply and may have even provided it to him.
1951 Project GRUDGE is renamed Project BLUEBOOK. Its mandate is to
record and debunk UFO sightings.
1951 Project CHATTER is initiated by the US Navy, with the goal of seeking
a fast-acting truth drug. This project will be abandoned by the next year.
1951 Andrija Puharich receives a grant for almost $100,000 either from
an undisclosed wealthy friend or from the US military to build a solid sheet
metal Faraday cage for use in psychic experiments. He will use the cage to
continue testing the telepathic abilities of Eileen Garrett. The experiments will
be so successful that they will attract the interest of the US Department of
the Army. An American, Colonel Jack Stanley, and a French General, J.C.
Sauzey will visit the Round Table to express the interest of their respective
governments. As a result of this visit, Andrija will be invited to present his
new data on telepathy at a meeting sponsored by the office of the Chief,
Psychological Warfare, US Army at the Pentagon, Washington DC, on
November 24, 1952.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)

1952 (January 7) A CIA document written on this date states:

If, as now appears to us as established beyond question, there is in some persons a
certain amount of capacity for extrasensory perception (ESP), this fact, and consequent
developments leading from it, should have significance for professional intelligence
service It now appears that we are ready to consider practical application as a research
problem in itself [] The two special projects of investigation that ought to be pushed in
the interest of the project under discussion are, first, the search for and development of
exceptionally gifted individuals who can approximate perfect success in ESP test
performances, and, second, in the statistical concentration of scattered ESP performance,
so as to enable an ultimately perfect reliability and application.
(See online file, The Stargate Conundrum)
1952 CIA Director Walter B. Smith writes to Raymond Allen, director of the
Psychological Strategy Board:
"I am today transmitting to the National Security Council a proposal in which it is
concluded that the problems associated with unidentified flying objects appear to have
implications for psychological warfare as well as for intelligence and operations. I
suggest that we discuss at an early board meeting the possible offensive and defensive
utilization of these phenomena for psychological warfare purposes."
1952 Project CASTIGATE is initiated by the CIA and the US Navy, working
together to test a secret potion. This project is conducted in Germany.
1952 Project MKNAOMI is started, with the intent to develop biological
1952 By this year, T. Townsend Brown is living back in California, and has
set up the Townsend Brown Foundation in Los Angeles. He receives an
unannounced visit by Major General Victor E. Bertrandias of the USAF,
accompanied by a man named Lehr. Bertrandias is amazed when he
witnesses a demonstration of two model flying discs. What he witnesses are
the successful results of Browns Project Winterhaven, which is working
towards drawing up blueprints for a manned electrogravitic craft capable of
Mach 3 or better.
In a report printed in Electrogravitics Systems, found years later in the
technical library at Wright-Patterson AFB, Project Winterhaven is referred to
extensively. Brown states in the report that there is a good possibility that
the speed of his disc craft could eventually approach that of light, and that
the motor would produce no heat, sound, or vibration.
Soon after Bertrandias visit, after reviewing a report on Browns work put
together by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) titled An Investigation
Relative to the Townsend Brown Foundation, the Air Force Office of Special
Investigations (AFOSI) decides Browns work would be a waste of time,

effort, and money to pursue. They downgrade it from confidential to

This report is very possibly a disinformation ploy by the ONR to dissuade the
Air Force and others from looking into Browns work. It is also possible that
Browns work was rejected because the military already knew the principles
behind it and were actively developing technologies based on them.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1952 L. Ron Hubbard introduces the E-meter as part of Scientology. It is a
simple galvanometer, which acts like a lie detector by measuring skin
conductivity. Hubbard will incorporate the E-meter very effectively into his
Scientology program to psychoanalyze members and find their weak spots in
order to control them. By asking a person questions while they hold two
metal rods attached to the E-meter, the measured increase in skin
conductivity while being asked questions indicates areas where there is
excitement or emotional stress.
From his early experiments with the E-meter, Hubbard develops his concept
of implants, which he defines as a painful and forceful means of
overwhelming a being with artificial purposes or false concepts in a malicious
attempt to control and suppress him. He describes various types of these
implants, including ones that attach themselves between incarnations on the
physical plane.
(See book, Bare-Faced Messiah, by Russell Miller)
1952 The Special Projects Group at Avro Canada, headed by a man named
John Frost, begins work on a number of highly classified projects involved in
developing flying saucer technologies.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1952 UFO writer Albert K. Bender, head of the International Flying Saucer
Bureau in Bridgeport, Connecticut, is visited by Men in Black, who warn him
to remain silent about his knowledge of UFOs. Soon after, he becomes
physically ill. He complies with the warning and closes down his organization,
and remains silent until 1963, when he publishes his story as Flying Saucers
and the Three Men.
1952 Eileen Caddy is introduced to her future husband Peter Caddy and his
current wife Sheena Govan. Through their shared interest in the occult and
spirituality, they begin meeting as a small group. Peter Caddy is an RAF
officer with ties to British Intelligence.
1952 (June) Authorization to create the National Security Agency (NSA) is
given in a letter written by President Harry S. Truman.

1952 (June 17) Rocket scientist Jack Parsons is killed in a suspicious

explosion at his home in Pasadena, California. Upon hearing about his death,
Parsons mother commits suicide.
1952 (July 19) The White House in Washington DC is buzzed by seven
1952 (July 26) The White House in Washington DC is buzzed by UFOs a
second time.
1952 (October 24) The National Security Agency (NSA) is established by
Executive Order and without any charter. It is answerable only to the
President, has no government oversight to check on its activities, and is
exempt from all laws that do not specifically name this agency within their
Much of the work of the NSA is to monitor global communications and
perform cryptanalysis, as well as to secure sensitive government computer
systems. It is also involved in the design of specialized communications
hardware and software, and the production of dedicated semiconductors,
with a chip fabrication plant at Ft. Meade. This means that it has the ability
to develop computer chips that can look identical to an ordinary computer
chip, but have hidden functions built in.
1952 (November 24) Andrija Puharich presents a paper to a secret
Pentagon gathering, titled, An Evaluation of the Possible Uses of ESP in
Psychological Warfare. He is reportedly redrafted into the military the very
next day.
1952 (December 31) Dr. D. G. Vinod, a psychic medium who Andrija
Puharich is working with, begins receiving channeled communications from
entities who introduce themselves as The Nine Principles and Forces. When
Vinod wakes from his trance after about ninety minutes of channeling, he will
have no recollection or knowledge of what had been said. As Puharich works
with Vinod over the next month, he will come to believe that he is dealing
with extraterrestrial intelligences from the future. The communications will be
terminated at the end of January 1953, when Puharichs group splits up and
Vinod returns to his home in India. It will be twenty-two years before the
communications with The Nine are resumed.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1952 By the end of this year, the USAF has 1,500 UFO reports on file.
1953 (January) The Robertson Panel, headed by Dr. Howard Percy
Robertson, director of the Pentagon's Weapons Systems Evaluations Group, is
set up by the US government with the stated purpose of investigating the

growing UFO phenomenon. The real purpose, however, will be to debunk UFO
reports. This panel will state:
The debunking aim would result in reduction of public interest in flying saucers, which
today evokes a strong psychological reaction. This education could be accomplished by
mass media such as television, motion pictures, and popular articles...Such a program
should tend to reduce the current gullibility of the public and consequently their
susceptibility to clever hostile propaganda.
This secret panel consists of nuclear physicists, radar and rocketry experts,
Air Force personnel, and an astronomer. Although, in the decades ahead, this
report will be used to support the idea that the government is covering up
alien visitation, it will originally be nothing more than a whitewash to
recommend that the two main UFO groups in the US at the time, the Aerial
Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) and Civilian Saucer Intelligence
(CSI), should be monitored because of the influence they could have on
public perceptions. The panel makes the recommendation that UFO reports
should be actively discouraged through a covert mass-media debunking
effort. The conclusions and recommendations of this panel, known as the
Robertson Report, will not be fully released to the public until 1966.
1953 (January 7) A declassified CIA document from this date describes
the creation of multiple personality in 19-year old girls:
These subjects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awake state to
a deep H [hypnotic] controlled state by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by
the use of code, signal, or words and that control of those hypnotized can be passed from
one individual to another without great difficulty. It has also been shown by
experimentation with these girls that they can act as unwilling couriers for information
1953 (January 26) John Foster Dulles is appointed US Secretary of State
under Eisenhower. On this same day, his brother Allen Dulles is appointed to
the position of Director of the CIA. The Dulles brothers are cousins of John D.
Rockefeller. As lawyers, they had both acted in the interests of the
Rockefellers prior to and during World War II when the Rockefellers were
trading with the enemy, supplying funding to the Nazis. Allen Dulles had been
the Swiss Director of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during the
1953 (February 26) Andrija Puharich is recalled into military service,
being sworn in as a captain in the Medical Corps at the Army Chemical
Center, Edgewood, Maryland. This is the headquarters for research into
chemical, radiological and bacteriological warfare. He will serve there until
April 1955, living with his family at the army base. He is reportedly working
directly under MKULTRAs Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. He will later claim that he was
never involved in anything related to his psychic research during his service,
and will state that he suspected that the government was only interested in

interfering with his psychic research in order to slow him down. He will
instead be involved in doing hearing research with a dentist named Joseph
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1953 (April 13) The official start of MKULTRA mind-control programs, as
ordered by CIA Director Richard Helms. This is an umbrella project consisting
of 149 sub-projects involving over 80 universities, research foundations, and
similar institutions, and 185 private researchers. They are tasked with
developing diversified methods of mind-control. These methods involve
drugs, chemicals, radiation (electromagnetic and nuclear), electroshock,
electronic devices, hypnosis, psychology, sociology, psychiatry, etc.
Experimental subjects include volunteer students, hospital patients, and
inmates, but soon expand to include anyone at all that the CIA can get their
hands on (involuntary subjects), including children. Dr. Sidney Gottlieb is the
director. This program starts just prior to the first reported alien abductions.
One of the main goals of these MKULTRA projects is to create mind-controlled
espionage agents (both male and female, young children and adults) who are
trained how to sexually please men and how to coerce them to talk about
themselves, with the ultimate purpose of using these agents and their skills
to elicit information from high government and agency officials and heads of
academic institutions and foundations, and to covertly film them in
compromising sexual acts for blackmail purposes. It is very probable that this
blackmail is used to recruit them into the services of the CIA, and perhaps
even using mind-control techniques on them to keep them loyal and more
controllable. This blackmail techniques are also used on the MKULTRA people
themselves, in order to ascertain their commitment to the program and its
agenda. This will also open the door to involvement in satanic activities that
will come to be more apparent among people connected to these projects in
the years ahead. Of course, many of them are already involved in Satanism,
coming from wealthy bloodlines that have been secretly involved for many
In an interview by Jon Rappaport, he explains that young children are
preferred in mind-control experiments because their minds are less
developed and are easier for creating a blank slate before programming
them to be however the controllers might want. Children are brought into the
USA from Mexico and South America, and these particular children are
considered expendable, and the more brute-force methods are used on them
and what works is refined, and then the next batch of children undergo the
refined techniques. The best and brightest minds are sought out for these
experiments, and they program these kids so that they will later emerge in
prominent positions in society, and the mind-controllers will then have long
term control of society by controlling these people in power positions.
(See online file, The CIA and Mind-Control For Kids, by Kris Millegan)

1953 Margaret Singer begins working as a psychologist at the Walter Reed

Army Institute of Research in Washington, DC, where she specializes in
studying brainwashing techniques that were used on the returned prisoners
from the Korean War. She will be deeply involved in MKULTRA programs, and
this will result in her becoming a leading authority on cults in the years
ahead. By the 1960s, she will be called on repeatedly to handle high-profile
cases that involve cults and the deprogramming of their members, including
Patty Hearst, Charles Manson and his followers, and early members of
Heavens Gate.
1953 George Adamski, supposed UFO contactee of benevolent space
brothers, publishes his bestselling book (with co-author Desmond Leslie),
Flying Saucers Have Landed, in which he describes his supposed adventures
with space beings in the California desert. Adamski goes on to give lectures
around the world about the subject of UFOs and aliens. Years later it will be
discovered that Adamski was acting for the CIA as part of an intelligence
operation, and had been traveling on a CIA-furnished passport.
(See file, The Pied Pipers of the CIA, by Philip Coppens)
1953 John Frost, who heads the Special Projects Group at Avro Canada,
goes to West Germany, and, accompanied by British and Canadian
intelligence officials, meets with a German aviation engineer who claims to
have worked on disc-shaped craft during the war.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1953 - The US government signs the Nuremberg Code and pledges with the
international community of nations to respect basic human rights and to
prohibit experimentation on captive populations without full and free consent.
1953 At thirteen years old, Jack Sarfatti receives a series of mysterious
phone calls from a metallic voice that claims to be a computer on a UFO.
These calls leave him in a semi-hypnotic state and he has very little memory
of what they were about. The voice tells him that he and a number of others
have been selected to be involved in important work, and that they will all
meet in twenty years time. About this same time, he is enrolled in a secret
government program for gifted children.
(See online book, Destiny Matrix, by Jack Sarfatti)
1953 John C. Lilly reports that Dr. Antoine Ramond of Paris is able to insert
electronic implants into a person without the need for surgery.
1953 Aldous Huxley tries mescaline for the first time, and goes on to write
The Doors of Perception, in which he describes his experience in minute

detail. The book will promote the consciousness-expanding qualities of

hallucinogenic drugs.
1953 A leak through the Toronto Star reveals that Avro Canada is
developing a disc-shaped aircraft that can take off and land vertically and
reaches speeds of 1,500 mph.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1953 After having transferred to the U.S. Air Force Medical Corps, Louis
Jolyin West is appointed Chief of Psychiatry Service at Lackland Air Force
Base, San Antonio, Texas. In this position he studies US pilots and veterans
after they have experienced torture and brainwashing. He will become the
director the Cult Awareness Network, which is funded by the CIA to study the
psychobiology of dissociation.
1953 While at a private sanctuary in Glastonbury with Peter Caddy, Eileen
Caddy begins to hear a voice that claims to be God. She will describe the
voice as being just at the audible/sub-audible threshold. It instructs her to
take on Sheena Govan as her spiritual teacher. Sheena soon moves away to
the Isle of Mull in Scotland after divorcing Peter Caddy.
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1953 Discovery of the DNA double helix structure.
1953 The Soviets begin experimenting on the biological effects of
1953 (December 18) L. Ron Hubbard incorporates the Church of
1954 Los Angeles psychiatrist Dr. Oscar Janiger begins experimenting with
LSD-25. Over an eight-year period he will give it to more than 950 men and
women, ranging in age from 18 to 81 and coming from all walks of life.
1954 Dr. Timothy Leary becomes the director of clinical psychology at the
Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Oakland, California, where he will work until
1959. While here, he will create a personality test that will later be used for
profiling prison inmates and prospective CIA employees. Eight government
grants will be paid to Leary between 1953 and 1958, most of them paid
through the National Institute of Mental Health, later known to have fronted
for the CIA in the MKULTRA program.
1954 In the summer of this year, Andrija Puharich receives a transcript
from a close friend of some channeled utterances that the psychic Harry
Stone had made while in a trance state. Some of it is in English and some in

Egyptian. He had spoken as though he was a personality who had lived

some 5000 years ago. What fascinates Andrija is the trance description Stone
had given of a plant that could separate the consciousness from the physical
body, and that such a separated consciousness could operate independently
of the limitations of the body. Drawings of the plant made by Stone while in
trance look like mushrooms, and the description he has given is that of the
toxic fly agaric, or amanita muscaria. This leads Puharich to begin a search
for amanita muscaria. By August of 1955 he will have acquired a large supply
with which to begin testing its psychic effects on humans.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1955 (April) Andrija Puharich ends his service at the Army Chemical
Center in Edgewood, Maryland, and returns to Glen Cove, Maine. His Round
Table Foundation, which had ceased operating during his absence, is slowly
brought back to life with financial backing from an unnamed friend.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1955 (August) Having gathered a large supply of amanita muscaria,
Andrija Puharich begins testing its psychic effects on humans. He uses the
psychic Harry Stone as his main test subject. He will later use the psychic
Peter Hurkos as a test subject.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1955 (October 12) The Urantia Book is published. The channeller of this
material and the means of transmission are held under an oath of secrecy. It
will eventually be revealed as late as 1991 that the medium is Wilfred Custer
Kellogg. Wilfred Custer Kellogg is related to the Kellogg dynasty, and also
happens to be Dr. William Sadler's brother-in-law.
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1955 The aviation trade publication Interavia reports that T. Townsend
Brown has made substantial progress in antigravity or electrogravitic
propulsion research. Trials are described that involve three-foot discs under a
charge of 150 kV reaching speeds of several hundred mph. They are
impressive enough to be highly classified.
In the same year, George S. Trimble, a leading aerospace engineer working
at the Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Company begins heading the Advanced
Programs department and is Vice President of its G-Project, a small group
involved in antigravity research based on Browns work. This research effort
also includes several other aircraft manufacturers, including Bell Aircraft,
Lear, General Electric, and Sperry-Rand. Trimble indicates in a statement

during this time that a breakthrough in antigravity could be reached in about

five years.
Trimble is also part of a Martin Company spin-off called the Research
Institute for Advanced Studies (RIAS), which includes world-class
contributors to mathematics, physics, biology and materials science. The
focus of RIAS is on NASAs goal of putting a man on the moon. Within two
years, all talk in the aerospace industry regarding antigravity research will
suddenly become nonexistent.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1955 William Thetford starts working at the CIA-funded Society for the
Study of Human Ecology at Cornell University Medical College.
1955 Morris K. Jessup publishes The Case for the UFOs, in which he offers
his opinions about UFOs and their source of motive power. He goes on to give
lectures in which he makes appeals to the public to pressure the government
to begin research in this area. His book will play a key role in the breaking of
the story of the alleged Philadelphia Experiment. This starts soon after the
books publication when Jessup receives a number of letters from a man
named Carlos Allende, who claims to have been a first-hand witness to the
experiment in 1943. Allende implores Jessup not to make appeals for
government research into UFOs, and describes the bizarre results of the 1943
As early as July or August of 1955, several months before Jessup receives
the first of these letters from Allende, a copy of his book is received in the
mail by an officer of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) in Washington. Its
pages are filled with cryptic notes that refer to UFOs and their propulsion
systems as they relate to the discussion within Jessups book about various
strange phenomena. The ONR contacts Jessup and shows him the
annotations, asking if he knows who wrote them. Jessup recognizes them as
Allendes, The annotations are apparently of such interest to them that the
ONR acquires Allendes letters from Jessup and makes a limited
mimeographed edition of the annotated book with copies of the letters
included. They claim that they are only interested because they are
considering any information at all that might help them to understand the
nature of gravity. However, it is just as possible that they are concerned
about security leaks and dont want to draw attention to the fact, or it may
be that Allende is acting on their behalf to set Jessup up in order to give this
story some seeming validity as part of a long-range disinformation campaign
to cover up the true facts surrounding Project Rainbow.
Jessup receives a copy of the annotated version of his book from the ONR,
and spends some time going over it and adding his own further annotations.

Around this time, Allende also contacts the Arial Phenomenon Research
Organization (APRO) and talks to someone there about the Philadelphia
Experiment. They take a photograph of him during the interview, which they
will send to William Moore during his investigation of the Philadelphia
Experiment in the years ahead. APRO will eventually receive a letter from
Allende, and this will lead to Moore tracking him down.
1955 At about this time, L. Ron Hubbard writes The Brainwashing Manual.
According to the manual's foreword, the text consists of a transcribed lecture
that was given to students of psycho-politics at Leningrad University around
1950 by the dreaded Beria, head of Stalin's Secret Police. Thereafter it had
supposedly been used as a textbook on how to wage psychological warfare
on Western democracies. This psychological assault was to be followed by an
eventual takeover of the West, which would be achieved by first taking over
the psychiatric and mental health organizations. The manual reflects the
mind-control techniques used within the Church of Scientology and Hubbards
ultimate goal of world domination.
(See file, Coercive Persuasion and Scientology, by Lawrence Wollersheim).
1956 Elated by his success in developing and testing prototypes of his
electrogravitic flying discs, T. Townsend Brown approaches Pentagon officials,
but they arent interested.
1956 (February) A report is drafted, titled Electrogravitics Systems An
Examination of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric
Control, containing details of an apparent Mach 3 antigravity vehicle
belonging to the US Air Force. The report is prepared by a British group
called the Gravity Research Group, Special Weapons Study Unit, a
subdivision of Aviation Study Unit (International) Limited. This report will be
discovered in the technical library at Wright-Patterson AFB in 1985. The
report names T. Townsend Brown and his Winterhaven Project.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1956 (April 7) First alleged alien encounter by contactee Elizabeth Klarer
in South Africa. She claimed to have traveled to the aliens home planet and
had sexual intercourse with one, producing a baby that she left behind on
their planet.
1956 T. Townsend Brown helps to found the National Investigations
Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) a UFO study group consisting of
professional scientists, military men, engineers and civilians. Admiral Roscoe
H. Hillenkoetter, a former Director of the CIA, will also join its board of
directors. There will be at least three intelligence operatives among its
leaders: Bernard Corvalho, Nicholas de Rochefort, and Colonel Joseph Ryan.
These men are all trained practitioners of the modern techniques of

psychological warfare. NICAP will be instrumental in both monitoring and

manipulating the beliefs of the public regarding the UFO phenomenon.
1956 Eileen Caddy, now married to Peter Caddy, moves to the Scottish
Island of Mull, where she undergoes classical brainwashing techniques.
Although she hadnt previously accepted that the voice she is hearing is
actually God as it claims, she now begins to believe that it is. She is
encouraged to do so by Peter Caddy. Eileen Caddy will become the primary
channeler at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland in the years ahead, and the
voice will dictate 30,000 pages of material to her, becoming the basis for the
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1956 In order to attempt to suppress the work of Wilhelm Reich, the Pure
Food and Drug Administration orders all books containing the term orgone
to be burned.
1956 The FBI initiates their COINTELPRO program. Its purpose, as
described by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, is to expose, disrupt, misdirect,
discredit, or otherwise neutralize activities of those individuals and
organizations whose ideas or goals he opposed. Tactics include: falsely
labeling individuals as informants; infiltrating groups with persons instructed
to disrupt the group; sending anonymous or forged letters designed to
promote strife between groups; initiating politically motivated IRS
investigations; carrying out burglaries of offices and unlawful wiretaps; and
disseminating to other government agencies and to the media unlawfully
obtained derogatory information on individuals and groups."
1957 Antigravity research becomes a classified subject.
1957 Alleged alien contact by Cynthia Appleton in Great Britain. She
claims to have had intercourse with an alien and had its baby.
1957 The Antonio Villas-Boas alien abduction in South America. He claims
to have had intercourse with a female alien.
(See file, Doctoring Villas Boas and Aliens on Ice, by Philip Coppens)
1957 (August) During the months that he is working with Andrija
Puharich in psychic experiments using amanita muscaria, Peter Hurkos
begins having UFO experiences.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1957 Claudia Mullen becomes a victim of MKULTRA, where she is turned
into a mind-controlled espionage agent and used for blackmailing high

government officials and heads of academic institutions and foundations. She

will name John Gittinger, Sydney Gottlieb, Ewen Cameron, and Robert Heath
as four of the doctors who worked on her.
1957 The first publicized test of subliminal messages inserted into a visual
presentation. James Vicary, a market researcher, inserts the words "Eat
Popcorn" and "Drink Coca-Cola" into a movie shown at a theatre in order to
study the phenomena.
1957 Wilhelm Reich dies while being held at Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary
for a technical violation of an injunction that was initiated by the Pure Food
and Drug Administration regarding his inventions.
1957 Victor Schauberger, 72 years old and getting on in health, is
contacted by two unnamed aircraft companies and made offers for the rights
to his propulsion technology. One of the companies probably Avro Canada
offers him $3.5 million. Schauberger turns them both down. At about this
same time, he is visited at his home in Austria by a man named Karl
Gerchsheimer, who is acting as an intermediary for a wealthy US financier
named Robert Donner. Schauberger is offered a chance to develop and
implement his technology, and is persuaded to go to the USA and start
working on the project. He agrees, and in the process of drawing up the
initial paperwork, Schauberger makes the error of signing away the rights to
all of his work. He returns to Austria and dies a few days later.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1958 The USAF commissions a special classified study group to appraise a
recently published book, titled German Secret Weapons of World War II,
written by a Major Rudolf Lusar, the commanding officer of a German Army
technical unit. The book, which details names, dates, and places, reveals that
the Germans had been far ahead of the British and Americans in jet and
rocket engines, infrared and thermal imaging, missile guidance systems, and
proximity fuses. The Germans also had certain wonder weapons that
involved such things as sound waves, air vortices, compressed air jets, and
intensely focused light beams. But the most interesting part of the book is a
section on flying discs, where Lusar clearly states that they are of German
origin, and had been under development since 1941. The scientists involved
in their development were three Germans named Rudolf Schriever, Klaus
Habermohl, and Richard Miethe, and an Italian named Giuseppe Belluzzo.
Lusar states that at the end of the war, many of the scientists working on a
disc-shaped craft designed by Miethe were captured by the Russians and sent
to Siberia where their work was successfully continued. Lusar also describes
another successfully operational craft design that achieved 12,400 meters in
three minutes and reached a speed of 2,000 km/h.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)

1958 Project ORION is started by either USAF or CIA. This project is

involved in studying the use of drugs, hypnosis, electronic brain invasion with
radar, microwaves, and extremely low frequencies of sound for mind-control
1958 The neurophone is developed by 14-year-old Patrick Flanagan. This
devise converts sound into electrical signals that can then be heard inside a
persons head when electrodes conducting the signals are placed against
their skin. (US patents #3,393,279 and #3,647,970)
1958 Helen Schucman, who in the years ahead will begin hearing a voice
in her head that claims to be Jesus, goes to work for Dr. William Thetford in
the Psychology Department at Columbia University's College of Physicians
and Surgeons as a clinical and research psychologist. In 1921, at the age of
12, she had had a spiritual experience while visiting Lourdes, France. Her
mother has dabbled in Theosophy and Christian Science. Thetfords parents
were also involved with Christian Science while he was growing up.
1958 The young mathematics prodigy Ted Kaczynski enrolls at Harvard
University at age 16. During his time there (he will graduate in 1962), he
volunteers to be one of twenty-two subjects used for a psychological
experiment being conducted by a Dr. Henry A. Murray, who heads the
Harvard Psychological Clinic. Murray had worked for the OSS as their chief
psychologist during World War II, at which time he was developing methods
of interrogation. Murray also founded the Boston Psychoanalytic Society. Like
John Gittinger, his work on personality psychology will advance much of the
encoding language that the CIA uses in psychological assessments. The
Harvard study that Kaczynski becomes involved in is called Multiform
Assessments of Personality Development Among Gifted College Men, and is
being funded by the Pentagon, the CIA, and the Rockefeller Foundation,
Kaczynski is a participant from 1959 to 1962. The basic premise of the
research is to study how bright college students will react to aggressive and
highly stressful attacks on their beliefs and values, but this is not told to the
volunteers prior to taking part. Each prospective volunteer is simply asked
whether they would be willing to contribute to the solution of certain
psychological problems as part of an on-going program of research in the
development of personality, by serving as a subject in a series of
experiments or taking a number of tests through the academic year. As a test
subject, Kaczynski finds himself being put through an intentionally brutalizing
psychological experiment, involving extremely stressful, personal, and
prolonged psychological attacks. During the experiment, subjects are
connected to electrodes that monitor their physiological reactions while
facing bright lights and a two-way mirror in an interrogation-like setting.
Each subject is asked to write an essay detailing their personal beliefs and
aspirations, as well as take a battery of psychological tests that allow the
researchers to develop a psychological portrait of their personality in all its
dimensions. After this, they are individually belittled, based in part on the
disclosures they had made. This is filmed, and the subjects expressions of

rage are played back to them several times during the study. Kaczynski's
records from this period suggest that he was emotionally stable when the
study begins. Years later, after he is arrested for the Unabomber mailbombing campaign, Kaczynski's lawyers will want to seek an insanity plea,
attributing some of Kaczynskis apparent emotional instability and dislike of
mind control to his participation in this study. Kaczynski will adamantly
protest such a plea. When the Unabomber goes on his mail-bombing
campaign after the experiments, some of the targets will be behavioral
(See online file, Ted Kaczynski and CIA Mind Control Experiments, by David
1958 Not long after meeting with officers of the ONR, at the end of
October, Morris K. Jessup visits his friend, Ivan T. Sanderson and takes him
into his confidence, handing him his re-annotated copy of his book, The Case
for the UFOs, and asks that he read it and then put it somewhere for
safekeeping in case anything should happen to Jessup. He tells Sanderson
that he has been experiencing a series of strange coincidences that he
doesnt want to discuss, since anyone would think he was crazy for claiming
what was happening to him. After this meeting, Jessup will suffer a serious
car accident followed by a number of rejections from his publishers, sending
him on a downhill course that will end in his tragic death in 1959. His death
will be officially declared a suicide, but there will be evidence suggesting that
he had been murdered.
Just before his suicide, Jessup also contacts his close friend Dr. J. Manson
Valentine and tells him that he has prepared a rough draft paper on the
Philadelphia Experiment and wants to discuss it with him. They make
arrangements to meet at Valentines home, but Jessup never arrives. He is
found dead in his car soon after, but there are no papers found with him.
1959 Playing different frequencies in each ear to cause binaural beats as a
brainwave entrainment technique (first discovered by H. W. Dove in 1839)
gains both scientific validation and widespread recognition.
1959 MKULTRA subproject 94, which is running at this time, is involved
with electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB) using implants.
1959 Around this time, Dr. Timothy Leary becomes a lecturer at Harvard
University, where he will establish a research project to study psilocybin,
which is approved by Dr. Henry A. Murray, the chairman of the Department of
Social Relations at Harvard. Murray had been the chief psychologist within
the OSS during World War II, and is currently conducting some rather
extreme psychological experiments under the auspices of MKULTRA, with Ted
Kaczynski as one of his experimental subjects.

1959 (April) The US Department of Defense reveals during hearings

before Congress that it is working with Avro Canada to develop a disc-shaped
aircraft, later to be known as the Avrocar.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1959 Andrija Puharich publishes The Sacred Mushroom, relating his
experiences in searching for hallucinogenic mushrooms in Central America.
1959 (December) The first untethered test flight of the Avrocar, a jetpowered, disc-shaped aircraft being developed by Avro Canada. The test is
barely successful. The project will continue for two more years before being
1960 Pinup model Candy Jones is recruited by the CIA as an espionage
agent and turned into a hypnotized Manchurian Candidate. Her recruitment
takes place in Oakland, California. It will be revealed by investigators after
the publication of her story in later years that MKULTRA expert hypnotist Dr.
William Jennings Bryan and Dr. William S. Kroger had been involved with
Jones recruitment, but her main hypnotist/programmer is a man named
Gilbert Jensen. Soon after this revelation is made in 1977, Bryan will turn up
dead in a Las Vegas hotel room.
1960 With a $300,000 investment from three unnamed New York
businessmen, Andrija Puharich starts a company called the Intelectron
Corporation, which is involved in developing electronic devices to stimulate
hearing in the deaf. He is given research contracts by various arms of the US
government, including the CIA, FBI, Air Force, and NASA. The Air Force is
interested in the electrical stimulation of hearing (ESH), while NASA is more
interested in the psychic research he had previously conducted using a
Faraday cage and what is called bio-information-transfer. Due to
Congressional pressure over the issue of dabbling in the paranormal, NASA
will be forced to cancel its contracts. Soon after this, Puharich will be
approached by people from Bell Labs. Bell is a heavy contractor for secret
government projects. Supposedly, nothing comes of this and the contract is
1960 The invention of the laser.
1960 At this point in time, fewer than two serial killers are reported each
year in the USA.
1961 Allen Frey, a biophysicist working for the Defense Intelligence
Agency, reports using pulsed microwaves to cause intracerebral sounds.
1961 (August 8) Henry (Andrija) Puharich and Joseph Lawrence receive a
patent (US Patent #2,995,633) described as a means for converting audible
signals to electrical signals and conveying them to viable nerves of the facial

system. These two men will be favorably named within the channeled
communications published by Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty in
1984 as the Ra Material or The Law of One.
1961 (September) Andrija Puharich moves to Ossining, New York.
1961 (September 19) The Betty and Barney Hill alien abduction. This is
the first abduction case to be reported in the US. It will be publicized in the
book, The Interrupted Journey, in 1966. The incident begins when the Hills
are driving in an isolated part of the country at about 10:30 pm when Betty
sees a bright light in the sky moving erratically and getting larger. After both
of them look more closely at the object through binoculars and see that it
isnt a normal craft, they get in the car and drive on. As they drive, they
watch the object as it seems to follow them, coming in and out of view in the
mountainous area. It suddenly swoops down and forces them to stop the car
in the middle of the highway. As it hovers silently less than 100 feet above
the ground, Barney gets out of the car. He witnesses a number of humanoid
figures looking out of a large window in the craft, and then one of them
communicates to him and tells him to stay where he is and watch. According
to Barneys later recollections, the creatures are wearing glossy black
uniforms and caps. Fearing that they are going to be captured, Barney jumps
back in the car and they speed off. Soon after, they begin to hear a rhythmic
beeping or buzzing sound. The car vibrates and a tingling sensation passes
through them. Betty touches the metal on the passenger door expecting to
feel an electric shock, but only feels the vibration. At this point in time they
experience the onset of an altered state of consciousness that leaves their
minds dulled. A second series of beeping or buzzing sounds eventually
returns the couple to full consciousness. In the meantime, they have traveled
35 miles down the highway. They recall that they had made an unexpected
turn and then encountered a roadblock and an orb in the sky during this
period of altered consciousness.
The Hills arrive home at dawn, and both are feeling strange. They try to
reconstruct the chronology of events from the night before, but from the
point that they heard the buzzing sounds their memories are vague and
fragmentary. Barney vaguely recalls having said Oh no, not again! when he
first saw the craft in the sky.
On September 21, Betty contacts Pease Air Force Base to report their UFO
encounter, but withholds some of the details. On September 22, Major Paul
W. Henderson telephones back for a more detailed interview. Henderson will
conclude that this was a misidentified sighting and forward his report to
Project Bluebook. Days later, Betty will find a book on UFOs at the library,
written by retired Marine Corps Major Donald E. Keyhoe, who is also the head
of NICAP, a civilian UFO research group. She writes to him a few days later
and relates all of the details of the incident, stating that she and Barney are
considering using hypnosis to help them recall the event better. At about this
same time, Betty begins to have a series of very vivid dreams for five nights

straight before they suddenly stop. On October 21, Walter N. Webb, an

astronomer and NICAP member, is sent to meet with the Hills, and conducts
a six-hour interview. Barney tells him that he has developed a mental block
about certain parts of the event that he feels he doesnt want to remember.
After this interview, Betty begins to write down the details of her dreams. In
one of them, she and Barney encounter a roadblock and then men surround
their car. She loses consciousness but struggles to regain it. She realizes that
she is being forced by two small men to walk in a forest at night, and she
sees Barney walking behind her, although he seemed to be in a trance or
sleepwalking. The men wore matching uniforms, with military-style caps.
They appeared nearly human but had a grayish pallor and bluish lips. In the
dreams, they are led up a ramp into a disc-shaped metallic craft, and then
the two Hills are separated and taken to separate rooms. Betty and the men
with her are then joined by another man, who she describes as having a calm
and pleasant demeanor, but with a less than perfect command of the English
language. She undergoes an examination, and hair, fingernail, and skin flake
samples are taken. Next, she has a long needle inserted into her navel, which
causes pain. A wave of the examiners hand dispels the pain. After the
examination, she is handed a book with rows of strange symbols on it that
she is told she can keep. She asks where these people are from, and is
shown a large star map on the wall. Finally, in the dream, the Hills are
escorted from the craft, but a disagreement starts about letting Betty have
the book, and it is decided that it be taken back since she should forget the
entire incident. The book is taken back and the Hills are returned to their car.
On November 25, 1962, the Hills will again be interviewed at length by
NICAP members. This time the interviewers are C.D. Jackson and Robert E.
Hohman. The two interviewers point out that, although the drive should have
only taken about four hours, the Hills did not arrive at home until seven
hours after their departure. A period of missing time is realized, and so
hypnosis is suggested to retrieve the memories of whatever events took
place. Barney is apprehensive, but agrees. Barney is seeing a psychiatrist,
and asks him about hypnosis. He is referred to a Dr. Benjamin Simon of
Boston. They will undergo their first hypnosis session on January 4, 1964,
and the sessions will continue until June 6, 1964. Each of the Hills will
undergo separate sessions and have amnesia reinstated, so as not to allow
them to influence each others memories. Barney will recall memories similar
to those of Bettys dreams, in which he is also given a medical examination.
Betty will also recall events similar to her dreams, but with notable
differences. The capture and release, onboard technology, appearance of
their captors, and general sequence of events were all different to her dream
memories. However, both of the Hills hypnotic recalls will be quite similar. It
should be noted that the similarities of hypnotic recall could reflect a scripted
hypnotic memory given to both, while the dreams reflect a more accurate
truth. Betty will also be given a post-hypnotic suggestion to draw the star
map that she had seen, which she does. In the end, Dr. Simon will conclude
that Barneys recollections were influenced by Bettys remembered dream

experiences, but the Hills will both continue to believe that they had been
abducted by the occupants of a UFO. They will not seek publicity outside of
talking to friends and interested parties, but due to the extraordinary nature
of their story, it will be picked up by a newspaper reporter and come to the
attention of John G Fuller, who will write the book, The Interrupted Journey,
depicting the Hills experiences. The book will show a drawing of the star map
that Betty drew, and a picture of an alien with wraparound eyes that Barney
drew. This will be the first public depiction of an alien with wraparound eyes.
In 1968, a woman by the name of Marjorie Fish will create a threedimensional representation of Betty Hills star map drawing in an attempt to
discover what star system it might represent. She will use the 1969 Gliese
Star Catalogue as a reference, and after studying thousands of possible
points of perspective, will find that the map matches most closely to the Zeta
Reticuli star formation.
(See files, The Pied Pipers of the CIA, by Philip Coppens; Betty and Barney
Hill Abduction, at wikipedia)
1961 (November 22) - A declassified CIA document from this date:
22 November 1961
SUBJECT: Project MKULTRA, Subproject No.94
The purpose of this subproject is to provide a continuation of activities in selected species
of animals. Miniaturized stimulating electrode implants in specific brain center areas will
be utilized.
Initial biological work on techniques and brain locations essential to providing
conditioning and control of animals has been completed. The feasibility of remote control
of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated. The present
investigations are directed toward improvement of techniques and will provide a precise
mapping of the useful brain centres in selected species. The ultimate objective of this
research is to provide an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the directional
control of animals and to provide a system suitable for (deleted word) application.
The word that has been deleted is undoubtedly human.
1961 Planning for the ARPANET communications network begins.
1962 Helen Schucman and William Thetford co-author a paper entitled The
Personality Theory of John Gittinger, which is published by the Human
Ecology Fund, a CIA front.
1962 (September) Helen Schucman co-authors a paper with David R.
Saunders, which relates to Gittinger's PAS. Saunders is involved in secret
personality profiling investigations for MKULTRA. At this time, they also write
a paper with William Thetford on Gittingers PAS. One of Schucmans

colleagues at Columbia University is a man named Herbert Spiegel, who is a

recognized expert in hypnotism and brainwashing. Spiegel is teaching
courses in hypnosis. He is involved with the famous case of Sybil, an MPD
victim. Because Sybil is easily hypnotizable, he uses her for demonstration
purposes in his classes.
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1962 Andrija Puharich publishes Beyond Telepathy, in which he describes
his research into psychic phenomena and offers his theories on the subject.
1962 The first laser transmission hologram of 3-D objects. These
transmission holograms produce images with clarity and realistic depth but
require laser light to view the holographic image.
1962 90% of homes in the USA have television sets.
1963 A 350 page manual is prepared by the CIA on the subject of RHICEDOM (Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral Control Electronic Dissolution of
Memory) technology, in which it asserts that this technology has been
mastered. RHIC-EDOM can remotely induce a hypnotic state in a person,
deliver suggestions, and erase all memories and awareness of both the
programming and the actions to be performed. Through electromagnetic
bombardment, the human brain can be overloaded so that it stops operating
for as long as the bombardment continues. During that time, awareness is
lost, memory is distorted, and time-orientation is destroyed.
1963 After ten years of silence, Albert K. Bender publishes his story, Flying
Saucers and the Three Men, which describes his visit by three Men in Black
1963 (November 22) John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
Lee Harvey Oswald is named as the killer. Oswald will immediately claim that
he is a patsy, but before he can say any more he will be killed by Jack Ruby.
Evidence will show that he couldnt have shot the fatal bullet that killed
Kennedy, and a major cover-up operation will allow the real perpetrators to
forever remain a mystery. Before being killed by Ruby, Oswald will be visited
by Dr. Louis Jolyin West, who is a leading mind-controller for MKULTRA.
The main piece of evidence that could have led to the truth behind this
assassination plot the Zapruder film will be suppressed by the FBI. When
it is finally released years later, it will be discovered that it had been
tampered with by changing the frame sequences so that the fatal shot will
appear to have come from the opposite direction than it actually did. When
they are put in their proper sequence, the film will show that the fatal shot
came from the grassy knoll, where three hobos had been seen. These hobos

will be picked up for questioning, and a photograph of them will reveal

years too late that one of them is Howard Hunt, a CIA operative.
George Bush Sr. is in Dallas on this day, but he will later forget this fact. In
the month following the assassination, several FBI memoranda pertaining to
Kennedys death are transmitted to a Mr. George H. W. Bush, President of
the Zapata Off-Shore Drilling Company, Houston, Texas and to a George
Bush of the CIA. Bush will claim not to be that George Bush.
In the three years following the assassination, 18 material witnesses will
perish. In the time leading up to 1979, when the last of the Kennedy
investigations will end, over 100 witnesses will have died. Interestingly, most
of these deaths will coincide with one of the four main investigations.
1963 At about this time, Robert DeGrimston (real name Robert Moore) and
his soon-to-be wife Mary Ann MacLean, have been receiving advanced
training at the Church of Scientology in London, England. While they are in
the process of applying a form of hypnotherapy used in Scientology to cure
psychoses that have purportedly been incurred in past lives, Mary Ann begins
channeling an entity that begins giving Robert instructions in ancient
mysteries. They decide to leave Scientology and create their own therapy
group called Compulsions Analysis, which will soon after be renamed to The
Process Church of the Final Judgment. They use the underlying methods
applied in Scientology to create a cult that centers on Apocalyptic beliefs and
uses sex and fear as control mechanisms. They will seek ties with various
counterculture icons such as Mick Jagger, Marianne Faithful, Allen Ginsberg,
Timothy Leary, and Abbie Hoffman. Mary Ann will prove to be the real force
behind this cult, with Robert acting as a mere figurehead. She is very
authoritarian and has a deep interest in Nazi ideologies. Their anarchistic
philosophies will be adopted by future serial killer Charles Manson, who will
become one of their earliest acolytes and set up his own offshoot.
Within the larger organization of the Process Church, and at the cutting edge
of the movement, smaller families of Satanists called Chingons will
develop. To join a Chingon family, the Processan must enter a long period of
satanic worship that reportedly includes blood rituals and sacrifice. Chingons
formally convene twice each month (under a new moon and a full moon)
under the supervision of a Grand Chingon to summon the ancient pagan god
who sponsors their particular family. The pagan god speaks to the group
through one of the gathered cult members, who serve as a medium at the
black mass.
Robert DeGrimston is a former cavalry officer and the grandson of a British
Vicar. MacLean, a one-time prostitute who was connected to the Profumo
scandal, reportedly believes that she is the reincarnation of Nazi
propagandist Josef Goebbels.
(See online book, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)

1963 The Brotherhood of Eternal Love is founded by Dr. Timothy Leary and
Richard Alpert at Harvard University. This cult is very drug-oriented and will
become involved in producing and supplying a variety of illicit drugs to
Americas youth in the years ahead. Leary had been conducting a research
project at the university to study psilocybin, which had been approved by Dr.
Henry A. Murray, the same man who had conducted psychological mindcontrol experiments that Ted Kaczynski (the alleged Unabomber) had made
the mistake of volunteering for when he was enrolled there as a teenager
between 1958 and 1962.
After being fired from his post at Harvard this same year as a result of
experimenting with LSD, Leary will move onto the estate of a man named
William Mellon Hitchcock (the grandson of the founder of Gulf Oil) in
Millbrook, New York, where he will continue his experiments for several years
before he (and his cult) moves to Laguna Beach, California, and begins
spreading his message among American youth to tune in, turn on, and drop
out. The Mellon family has extensive ties to the US intelligence community,
as well as to Richard Helms, who will be Director of the CIA from 1966 to
By 1969, the Brotherhood will become the largest supplier of hashish and
LSD in the USA. One of Learys cult members will be Ronald Hadley Stark
(who will join in 1969), later identified as a CIA operative who had access to
unlimited public funds and numerous high-level contacts in business and
government throughout the world. Stark will be instrumental in funding and
setting up the Brotherhoods international drug smuggling/manufacturing
enterprises. He will also be closely associated with the founders of The
Process Church, Robert and Mary Ann DeGrimston.
1964 (February) The Beatles perform to American youth for the first time
on the Ed Sullivan Show.
1964 An increase in reports of alien beings associated with UFOs. Also,
numerous reports begin to be made of MIBs who attempt to scare and
threaten into silence UFO witnesses. A number of UFO researchers (mostly
those later to be discovered to have ties to the CIA) are promoting the idea
that these MIBs are aliens posing as humans.
1964 MKULTRA purportedly closes down, but MKSEARCH takes over many
of the more sensitive surviving projects. Studies are expanded to include
telepathy, memory, and the effects of different electromagnetic frequencies
on human subjects.
1964 CIA Director Richard Helms states in a memo to the Warren

Cybernetics [or computer theory] can be used in the moulding of a child's character, the
inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment
of social behaviour patterns all functions which can be summarised as control of the
growth processes of the individual.
The wording of this memo suggests that this had already been successfully
achieved, and that children were used in the experiments.
(See Mind Control, World Control, by Jim Keith)
1964 Michael Aquino graduates from Santa Barbara High School in
1964 In the summer of this year, beat novelist Ken Kesey (author of One
Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest) launches a yearlong cross-country trip in a
Day-Glo painted school bus filled with friends called the Merry Pranksters.
They will distribute thousands of doses of LSD along the way. Kesey had been
an MKULTRA test subject at Stanford University, along with beat poet Allen
Ginsberg and Grateful Dead musician Bob Hunter.
1964 (August) US warships under the command of US Navy Admiral
George Stephen Morrison allegedly come under attack while patrolling
Vietnams Tonkin Gulf. This false flag event, subsequently dubbed the Tonkin
Gulf Incident, will result in the immediate passing by US Congress of the
obviously pre-drafted Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which will, in turn, quickly lead
to the Vietnam War.
This same year, Admiral Morrisons son Jim arrives in Los Angeles to attend
UCLA. Jim, having no previous musical talent or experience, will become one
of the biggest rock icons to emerge out of Californias Laurel Canyon area
over the next few years. Jim happened to have attended the same Naval
kindergarten at the same time as Adelaide (Gail) Sloatman, the wife of Laurel
Canyon resident Frank Zappa, who by 1968 will allow his large Laurel Canyon
home to be a hangout and crash pad for many up-and-coming musical
talents. Zappas father is a chemical warfare specialist who worked at both
Edgewood Arsenal and Edwards AFB, where Zappa had spent his youth. His
wife Gail comes from a long line of career Naval officers, and her father spent
his life working on classified nuclear weapons research for the US Navy (she
will tell an interviewer that she had heard voices all [her] life). Jim Morrison
also happened to attend the same Alexandria, Virginia high school as two
other future Laurel Canyon luminaries John Phillips and Cass Elliott of the
Mamas and the Papas. Phillips is the son of a US Marine Corp Captain and
spent his youth in a series of elite military prep schools in the Washington,
DC area, culminating in an appointment to the prestigious US Naval Academy
at Annapolis. David Crosby was another military brat who will emerge out of
Laurel Canyon in the years ahead, his father having been a World War II
military intelligence officer and whose family tree is deeply rooted in
American politics all the way back to its founding fathers. Other rising stars

with military backgrounds who will frequent Laurel Canyon over the next few
years include Gram Parsons, Joni Mitchell, Stephen Stills, Jane and Peter
Fonda, etc. Jim Morrison will essentially arrive on the scene in Laurel Canyon
as a fully developed rock star, complete with a backing band, stage persona,
and an impressive collection of songs enough, in fact, to fill the Doors first
few albums and all of this in spite of the fact that Morrison had no previous
interest in music. Morrisons music will have a peculiarly mystical and
hypnotic quality to it, and he will name his band, the Doors, after Aldous
Huxleys book, The Doors of Perception, which details the psychedelic
experience of mescaline. Jims music will reflect his very close familiarity with
the mind-expanding qualities of hallucinogenic drugs.
Hidden deep within Laurel Canyon is a top-secret military compound called
Lookout Mountain Laboratory, which will not be publicly known about for
decades. Built in 1941 as an air defense facility, it occupies two-and-a-half
secluded acres of land surrounded by an electric fence. By 1947, the facility
featured a fully operational and self-contained movie studio. With 100,000
square feet of floor space, it includes sound stages, screening rooms, film
processing labs, editing facilities, an animation department, and climatecontrolled film vaults. It also has underground parking, a helicopter pad and
a bomb shelter. Over its lifetime, the studio produced classified motion
pictures for the military. Officially, the facility was run by the US Air Force
and did nothing more than process footage of atomic and nuclear bomb
tests. However, it was clearly equipped to do far more than just process film.
There are indications that Lookout Mountain Laboratory had an advanced
research and development department that was on the cutting edge of new
film technologies. Such technological advances as 3-D effects were
apparently first developed at the Laurel Canyon site. Hollywood luminaries
like John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald Reagan, Bing Crosby,
Walt Disney, and Marilyn Monroe were given clearance to work at the facility
on undisclosed projects. The facility will still be in operation when Laurel
Canyon becomes the originating point for a great deal of musical talent that
will spring out of nowhere in the late 1960s. The facility will continue
operating until at least 1969.
(See online book, Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel
Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation, by David McGowan)
1964 (August 27) Fifteen-year-old Edmund Kemper, who grew up with an
abusive mother, kills both of his grandparents with .22 caliber rounds to the
back of their heads. He will be convicted on December 6 of this same year,
being found insane and sent by the California Youth Authority to Atascadero
State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, where he will remain for five years.
While there, he will develop a friendship with the chief psychologist and
become his assistant. He will be released in 1969, at which point he will
engage in a series of gruesome murders in the Santa Cruz, California area.

Kempers father, Edmund Emil Kemper, Jr., is a Special Forces operative

whose specialty, according to his son, is suicide missions. He had also spent
two years working on the US atomic bomb testing program.
(See online book, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)
1965 (February) At about this time, Augustus Owsley Stanley III, while
working as the sound engineer for the Grateful Dead, begins producing and
freely dispensing large quantities of LSD in California. Over the next two
years, he will produce and distribute over one million doses. Stanley had
previously been in the US Air Force (1956 ?), where he specialized in
electronics and radar.
1965 The Findhorn Foundation is established in Scotland, at a location
adjacent to the Kingloss Royal Air Force Base. Eileen Caddy, who is hearing a
voice that claims to be God, becomes their primary channeler. She is
surrounded at Findhorn by people who have ties to British Intelligence.
People visiting Findhorn will notice a vibrant field of energy that blankets the
immediate area.
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1965 (May 17) Jose Delgado demonstrates his stimoceiver. With the
press of a button on a remote control device, he stops a charging bull in its
tracks by sending a radio signal to activate an electronic implant in the bulls
1965 (September) - Michael Hollingshead leaves Timothy Learys
communal group in Millbrook, New York and flies back to his native London
with 5,000 doses of LSD (purportedly acquired from a Czech lab in Prague),
intending to enlighten his English brethren. He establishes the World
Psychedelic Center on Kings Road, which attracts a number of big names,
including Roman Polanski, Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney, Donovan, and the
Rolling Stones. London had become a major psychedelic center by this time,
and LSD was in demand.
1965 The Pentagon starts Project PANDORA, which will focus its research
on the behavioral and biological effects of low-level microwaves.
1965 After a series of vivid dreams in which she communicates with a
character that claims to be Jesus, Helen Schucman confides this to her
employer, William Thetford. Soon after, she begins hearing the voice in her
head while awake, and over the next seven years this voice will dictate to her
what will be published as A Course In Miracles (published in 1975), which she
will write down in shorthand while in a fully conscious state. This book will
gain a cultic following over the years. Like Eileen Caddy at Findhorn, she
describes the voice as being just at the audible/sub-audible threshold. In

spite of her own doubts about the origins of the voice, she is encouraged to
believe it by her employer, William Thetford, who helps with compiling and
writing the material that will become A Course in Miracles. Although unknown
at this time, Thetford is working for the CIA under its MKULTRA program.
1965 By about this time, the NSAs ECHELON global surveillance system is
able to monitor every HF (High Frequency) radio message, obtain its
bearings, and locate the position of its transmitting point.
(See file, Inside Echelon, by Duncan Campbell)
1965 Rev. Jim Jones establishes the first People's Temple Church in Ukiah,
California. He sets up Happy Havens Rest Home, which is guarded by dogs
and surrounded by electric fences and guard towers. He draws in many
people to the camp, including elderly, prisoners, people from psychiatric
institutions, and 150 foster children, many of them transferred to care at
Happy Havens by court order. He is soon consorting with wealthy and
politically connected people. Church members, mostly poor, are forced to
sign over their meager personal funds and property. A number of people who
attempt to leave the church are found mysteriously murdered, and others will
report extreme sexual abuses and other illegal activities, but the police just
look the other way.
1965 (September) Andrija Puharichs Intelectron Corporation loses its
main investors, but will somehow continue to stay afloat.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1965 (November 9) At 5.28 p.m. an electrical blackout occurs all across
the Northeastern part of the United States, in the greatest electric power
failure in history. Press reports will state that UFOs had been seen some
twenty miles from the area just before the power failure occurred. It is
eventually determined that a key switch at the Sir Adam Beck plant in
Queenston, Ontario was the trigger point. However, it will never be
conclusively shown why it had failed, since it will work perfectly after the
power failure without needing any repairs.
Almost a year prior to the blackout, psychic Jean Dixon had been asked by
Andrija Puharich to make a prediction concerning UFOs and the NASA space
program, and a few days later she had contacted him back, saying that she
had something to report. A meeting was set up on October 2, 1964 where
two NASA officials were present. She gave the following statement:
I see a satellite in the sky that flies from west to east, and as it comes over New York it
suddenly reverses direction. As it does so all the power in Eastern United States goes out.
There is no power at all. All the lights go out. Radio and TV programs go off the air. The
satellite is a round ball with straight horns coming out of it.

When asked when this would happen, she could not say for sure, except that
it was close. She went on to repeat the statement on national television and
radio shows at least three times prior to the event (the last time forecasting
that it would occur sometime in November), which would have had a huge
influence on the publics belief regarding the cause of the blackout when it
finally happened. Reports of UFO sightings predictably increased after the
1966 (April 30) Anton La Vey and underground filmmaker Kenneth Anger
co-found the Church of Satan in San Francisco. Michael Aquino will soon
become one of its leaders. Such Hollywood celebrities as Sammy Davis Jr.
and Jayne Mansfield will become members.
1966 (August 1) Charles Whitman, a former Marine, begins the day by
stabbing both his mother and his wife to death, then drives around passing
bad cheques and buying guns and ammo, which he packs into a footlocker
with food and supplies before donning khaki overalls and driving to the
University of Texas in Austin where he was enrolled. Sitting at the top of the
campus bell tower after barricading himself in, he proceeds to randomly pick
people off using a sniper rifle, killing 17 and wounding 32 before he is finally
shot and killed by the police.
Whitman grew up in an authoritarian home where his father was both
physically and emotionally abusive. He was extremely intelligent, Due to his
fathers enthusiasm for guns, he became proficient with them at an early
age. After graduating from high school in 1959, Whitman enlisted in the
Marines and served an 18 month tour of duty at Guantanamo Bay. After his
stint, he entered college on a military scholarship. By 1961, he was showing
signs of what was to come. He had mentioned to a friend how easy it would
be to hold off an army from atop the universitys bell tower. After finishing
college in 1963, he returned to duty and eventually got into trouble, causing
him to serve some time in military prison and being demoted from colonel to
private. At this point he began keeping a journal. He was honorably
discharged at the end of 1964, and enrolled at the University of Texas. He
began to abuse amphetamine and getting severe headaches. The night
before the rampage, he wrote out a suicide note that states in part, lately (I
cannot recall when it started) I have been a victim of many unusual and
irrational thoughts. A comment in a university doctors medical file that
Whitman previously had been seeing will state, This massive, muscular
youth seemed to be oozing with hostility [...] that something seemed to be
happening to him and that he didn't seem to be himself. Whitman also told
the doctor that he had been having thoughts of going up into the tower and
shooting people.
Although an autopsy of Whitmans body will reveal a brain tumor, the doctor
performing the autopsy will conclude that it was in remission and played no
part in Whitmans actions. However, the Connelly Commission will decide that
this evaluation is wrong and that the tumor was dormant but suddenly

became active, using the excuse that the tumor may have been pressing
against the amygdala regions of his brain, causing a fight/flight response.
The commission will also recommend that the university and state aid the
wounded and those affected by the events. This will include assistance with
mental issues and rehabilitation. Whitman will be buried with full military
honors. The shooting helps lead to the formation of SWAT teams across the
(See online file, Charles Whitman, at
1966 Cleve Backster, Americas top polygraph expert, performs an
experiment by hooking a plant up to a lie detector and measuring its
response to various types of stimuli. He discovers that a plant will respond to
a persons intentions toward it, such as pampering or abuse.
1966 L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the Church of Scientology, purchases a
small flotilla of ships, with a 342-foot ship he renames the Apollo becoming
his international base of operations over the next decade. He mans his fleet
with a smartly uniformed crew of several hundred carefully selected
Scientologists, who will become known as the Sea Org. The Apollo is
equipped with a state-of-the-art telex communications system that allows
Hubbard to stay in touch with every Scientology branch around the world.
Within the Sea Org, he recruits a special group of buxom young teenage
girls, comprised mostly of children who have grown up in Scientology, who
will act as his personal messengers and attend to Hubbards needs day and
night. They will be given excessive powers over other members in order to
carry out their duties. Over time, they will come to know the inner secrets of
the organization better than anyone other than Hubbard himself.
Hubbard begins occupying his time hunting for treasure in the Mediterranean,
believing that he had left caches of hidden gold in various places during past
lives. He also has serious intentions of finding a country he can infiltrate and
take over in order to use it as a base to eventually take over the entire world
with his new religion. Using knowledge he had gained in Navy Intelligence
and from what he had learned from reading about Nazi spymasters, Hubbard
and his followers begin to engage in their own intelligence operations,
infiltrating various governments and organizations that they hope to gain
control over. Hubbard increases security measures to keep outsiders knowing
about Sea Org activities, and begins keeping detailed files on all sorts of
people and groups, compiling information that he could use in whatever way
might be necessary to protect himself and his organization from enemies of
Scientology or to further his goals. He also begins keeping files on every
member of his organization, which includes detailed personal information
culled from their processing sessions. Over the next decade, Hubbard will
cause himself to be barred from entering various countries and wanted on
criminal charges in France. He will go into hiding while stepping up efforts to
counter the increasingly bad image that Scientology will receive. These

efforts will focus primarily on destroying opponents of Scientology by both

legal and criminal means.
(See online book, L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman?, by Corydon Bent)
1966 The alien abduction story of Betty and Barney Hill is published in
book form as The Interrupted Journey.
1967 The CIA initiates Operation Chaos, to find a link between antiwar
groups and foreign interests. Soon, the program will have indexed 300,000
names, built up 13,000 subject files, and intercepted large numbers of letters
to and from American citizens. At the same time, the NSA begins targeting
the telephone calls and telegrams of thousands of Americans involved in
peaceful protest activities against the Vietnam War.
(See online book, The Shadow Factory, by James Bamford)
1967 (January 14) The Human Be-In in California takes place, attended
by 20,000 people. 5,000 doses of a new drug called STP are distributed for
free to attendees. The doses are 5-10 times stronger than recommended.
1967 (January 25) Purported alien abduction of Betty Andreasson Luca.
She is at home with her family when the lights in the house temporarily blink
off. She sees a pulsing red light beam shining in through the kitchen window
and everything is silent. Her father looks out the window and sees five
strange beings moving towards the house. The beings appear to pass right
through the door and enter the house. This is as much as Betty will
consciously remember, and the rest of the experience is only recalled through
hypnotic regression. The beings are described as the classic greys, with
small bodies, large heads, and large almond-shaped eyes. Betty and her
daughter Becky both see that the others are in a suspended state at this
time. The beings appear to be peaceful, and Betty feels protected. They say
they are seeking knowledge tried by fire. She is apparently transported to
the craft and undergoes examinations, and recalls floating up into the craft,
rather than using a ladder or stairway that was there. None of the other
family members were taken aboard. Apparently, Betty is the only one who
sees the craft, and she gives a fairly detailed description of it during later
hypnotic regression sessions. It should be noted however, that clear, detailed
imagery might reflect a hypnotic suggestion at the time of the abduction (or
even during the regression session) to fill in these details, thus making the
imagery seem much more real to her. Betty finds that the inside of the craft
is much larger than it appears from outside, and even describes riding in an
elevator on board the ship. She describes changing into a white gown and
then being taken to a room where she was submerged in a liquid while sitting
in a chair. This could very well be a sensory-deprivation chamber, which is
known to be used during mind-control programming. She later claims to have
had an amnesia block placed on her in order not to remember the
experience. She also claims that one of the beings locked secrets in her

mind, which would be released at the right time. None of her family seems to
have been able to remember the experience afterwards, either. Betty is
eventually returned to her home, where her family is still in suspended
animation, being guarded by one of the beings. They are put to bed and the
beings leave.
Three days after this event, Bettys eleven-year-old daughter Becky will
complain to her of having dreams of strange beings in the house.
Betty Andreasson will eventually begin to recover her memories of her
experiences using hypnotic regression, and these will be promoted through a
publicity campaign for the book The Andreasson Affair (by Raymond Fowler).
She will go on to do many radio and television interviews, book signings, and
lectures, bringing the subject of alien abduction into the minds of the public
at large. She felt that it was her duty to do this, since people needed to
know. She has accepted her experiences as having religious undertones,
herself being a devout Christian. At the time of this encounter, she had very
little knowledge about UFOs.
(See online file, B J's Interview with Abductee Betty Andreasson Luca)
1967 - Robert and Mary Ann DeGrimston and other members of their
Process Church descend upon San Franciscos Haight-Ashbury district, taking
lease of a property located at 407 Cole Street. They are situated close to
Anton LeVeys Church of Satan, as well as the local Chapter of the OTO.
Recruiters for the Process Church sign on such members as 'Brother Ely,' a
member of the Gypsy Jokers biker gang. One of the High Priests of the cult
at this point is a former Israeli Mossad agent with strong links to the
international intelligence community.
(See online book, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)
1967 (March 21) Future cult leader Charles Manson is released from
Terminal Island federal prison. He takes up residence in San Franciscos
Haight-Ashbury district at 636 Cole Street, two blocks from the headquarters
of the Process Church. He is required by law to report regularly to his parole
officer, Dr. Roger Smith, who is heading the Amphetamine Research Project
based at the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic. This clinic is a NIMH project
designed to observe and supervise the first large-scale drug addiction of
white teenagers, thousands of whom are the clinic's clients. Roger Smith is
officially commissioned to scientifically investigate the effects that various
kinds of drugs have on addicts that are being served by the clinic. The clinics
director, Dr. David E. Smith, has collaborated in another NIMH project to
study the behavior of children in communes, and is an expert on the creation
of violent anti-social personalities in hippie or cult commune environments.
The infamous MKULTRA mind-control doctor, Louis Jolyin West, is also living
in Haight-Ashbury at this time.

Manson soon becomes involved with the Process Church, reaching the fourth
level of initiation before breaking off and establishing his own group. David
Berkowitz, the future Son of Sam serial killer, will also become a member of
the Process Church or one of its offshoots.
(See online book, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)
1967 (June) Underground LSD chemist Owsley Stanley hands out 5,000
free hits of a new drug called STP at San Franciscos Summer Solstice
Festival in Golden Gate Park, resulting in a large number of bad trips. Owsley
will soon employ the local chapter of the Hells Angels to help distribute his
drugs. Methamphetamine begins appearing on the streets at this time as
well, and violent crime rises as a result.
1967 (September) Timothy Leary and his Brotherhood of Eternal Love
move from their commune in Millbrook, New York, and set up in Laguna
Beach, California. The Brotherhood files as a legal corporation and receives
tax-exempt status as a religious organization. For the next two years, they
will flourish in the drug trafficking business, smuggling large amounts of
marijuana, hashish, and LSD into the USA and distributing them among
Americas youth.
1967 (November 11) The powerful hallucinogenic drug STP, at the time
an experimental drug and only available to a handful of CIA distributors, is
introduced onto the streets in San Franciscos Haight-Ashbury district,
causing outbreaks of toxic psychosis.
1967 According to Alexander Saunders, who was personally mentored by
Aleister Crowley as a boy and has since appointed himself as King of the
Witches, during the filming of Eye of the Devil, he initiated the film's star and
future Manson victim Sharon Tate into witchcraft.
(See online book, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)
1967 Ted Kaczynski earns a Ph.D. in mathematics at the University of
Michigan and then joins the Berkeley Department of Mathematics as an
1967 According to the CIAs internal assessment, there are literally
hundreds of college professors on more than 100 American college campuses
under secret contract to the CIA.
1967 The Phoenix Program (not to be confused with the Phoenix Project)
is initiated by the CIA, with the aim of neutralizing through assassination,
kidnapping, and torture the civilian infrastructure that supports the Viet
Cong insurgency in South Vietnam. It will be a terrifying final solution that
will violate the Geneva Conventions. Targets for assassination will include VC
tax collectors, supply officers, political cadre, local military officials, and

suspected sympathizers. Faulty intelligence will often lead to the murder of

innocent civilians. In 1971, William Colby, head of CIA in Vietnam at the
time, will testify that the number killed was 20,857. South Vietnamese
government figures will claim 40,994 dead. CIA officer Ted Shackley will
manage 600 military and 40-50 CIA liaison officers who are working with
South Vietnamese officers in 44 provinces. Ted Shackley and Robert Komer
will play key roles in recruiting Phoenix Program personnel, who will be
mostly Navy SEALs and Green Berets. Colby, Komer, and Shackley report to
DCI Richard Helms and the White House.
The horrors unleashed by the Phoenix Program will turn many US soldiers
into psychopathic killers, who will then be returned to American soil. The
Phoenix Program will also be involved in smuggling heroin back to the USA
by sewing it inside the bodies of dead soldiers being returned to American

1967 Vern Grimsley, a member of the Urantia Foundation, establishes the

offshoot Family of God Foundation in California.
1967 First reported animal mutilation (Snippy the horse). These
mutilations will begin to occur more and more frequently over the following
years, and will come to be associated with UFOs.
1968 With 20,000 American soldiers already killed in action and 110,000
wounded, the war in Vietnam is raging on with no end in sight. Across the
country, anti-war protests and demonstrations turn into riots as the police
and National Guardsmen routinely attack the crowds with tear gas, rubber
bullets, and batons. In preparation for the Democratic National Convention in
Chicago in August, Mayor Daley orders 12,000 police to work overtime, and

hundreds of undercover agents are deployed on special assignments. 6,000

National Guardsmen are also prepared, as well as an equal number of regular
army troops with tanks and bazookas. Approximately 10,000 protesters show
up for the Festival of Life on August 25, the day before the convention. As
the crowd gathers, the police move in and begin arresting people. As would
be expected, mayhem and riots break out and the street fighting continues
for five days. On the last night of the convention, TV cameras are rolling
when the National Guard, suited up in full battle dress with gas masks, clubs,
and M-1 rifles, lob the first tear gas canisters into the crowd before moving in
with their clubs swinging. By the time its all over, over a thousand people
have been injured and one youth is dead. According to Army intelligence
documents that will later be leaked, nearly one out of six demonstrators at
the Chicago convention was an undercover operative.
(See online book, Acid Dreams, by Martin A. Lee & Bruce Shlain)
1968 (March) Seymour Hersh documents the following regarding the My
Lai massacre in Vietnam, carried out as part of the Phoenix Program:
Charlie Company met no resistance; there were no Viet Cong soldiers at My Lai. Calley
then ordered the slaughter of the civilians. People were rounded up into ditches and
machine-gunned. They lay five feet deep in the ditches; any survivors trying to escape
were immediately shot. When Calley spotted a baby crawling away from a ditch, he
grabbed her, threw her back into the ditch, and opened fire. Some of the dead were
mutilated by having "C Company" carved into their chests; some were disemboweled.
One GI would later say, "You didn't have to look for people to kill, they were just there. I
(See online file, Black Ops, Blue Blood, and My Lai Satans Fake
1968 (June) Authorities in San Jose, Santa Cruz, and Los Gatos,
California, begin recording the discovery of mutilated canines, skinned and
drained of blood without any apparent motive. It is suspected that they are
being used in satanic ritual sacrifices by local cults.
1968 (June 5) Senator Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated. The apparent
assassin is Sirhan Sirhan, but evidence will reveal that he wasnt the actual
killer. Sirhan will confess to doing it, but only because people are telling him
that he did. He will have no memory of the actual event, and will eventually
claim that he was mind-controlled. Sirhan had apparently been treated by
CIA hypnotist William Jennings Bryan prior to the assassination. Bryan is a
programmer from the US Air Force and was Chief of Medical Survival
Training, which was a covert brainwashing section. It will be reported that
Sirhan is in a trance-like state both during and after the shooting. The
ballistics evidence and autopsy report will be suppressed, making it

impossible to prove whether or not Sirhan was the actual killer. Sirhan was
standing in front of Kennedy when Kennedy was shot, but he was shot from
behind. One witness will give testimony that she heard 12 to 14 shots, but
the FBI will change her testimony to state that she heard only 8 shots the
maximum number that Sirhans gun could hold. Four other witnesses will also
report hearing more than 8 shots. Audio evidence will also show that at least
13 shots were fired. The sound of two different guns will also be
distinguished, one firing more rapidly than the other.
Sirhan had disappeared for three months the year before, and when he
returned he had a sudden fascination with the occult. More recently, he had
been working at a racing stables in Santa Ana, California, where, according
to a co-worker named Thomas Bremer, he was programmed by two CIA
mind-control specialists. Bremers brother Arthur, another mind-control
victim, happens to be the man who will shoot Governor George Wallace in
1972. A large quantity of Rosicrucian and other occult literature will be found
in Sirhans room when it is searched. Sirhan is alleged to have been
acquainted with a member of the Process Church (a Scientology offshoot),
and to have attended drug orgies at the home of Roman Polanski and Sharon
Tate, who may also have been linked to the Process Church. Robert Kennedy
had dined with Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate the night before his
assassination. Only one year later, this same home will be the target of
Charles Manson and his band of murderers. Manson will also be found to
have links to the Process Church, as will future serial killer David Berkowitz.
Years after the assassination, while under hypnosis, Sirhan will recall that he
had run into a woman in a polka-dot dress who he had been smitten by and
felt compelled to follow to the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles
where RFK was, at which point she pinched him and then spun him around to
face Kennedy as he entered. Sirhan states that he thought he was at a
shooting range at this point and only saw the circles of targets in front of
him, and thats when he began shooting. He also recalled seeing someone
else with a gun at the time of the shooting. Sirhan will also recall being at a
shooting range before the assassination, accompanied by an unknown man.
While in prison, Sirhan will be visited by MKULTRA mind-control programmer,
Dr. Louis Jolyin West. The name of another future serial killer, Albert DeSalvo,
will be found repetitively scrawled throughout Sirhans diary. DeSalvo will
also be treated by William Jennings Bryan after his arrest.
1968 (June 14) Michael Aquino, having just graduated with a BA in
Political Science from the University of California Santa Barbara, joins the US
Army and trains as a psychological warfare specialist. He meets Anton LaVey
and begins taking an interest in his satanic philosophies.
1968 Late in the year, the leaders
Francisco for New York City, where a
Cornelia Street in Greenwich Village. In
members start living in a building on East

of the Process Church leave San

Process Church is established on
addition to the church, numerous
12th Street, while the DeGrimstons

live in Brooklyn. As in California, they recruit among the artists, poets and
hordes of counterculture youth who frequent the Village. A cult spokesman
will later tell United Press International that more than 200 Americans were
fully converted to the faith. Process contingents will subsequently
materialize in New Orleans, Dallas, Toronto, Chicago and Cambridge,
Massachusetts, among other locations. After this, they begin to branch out to
small towns adjacent to colleges and military bases recruiting young adults
who are away from home and in search of meaning. The growth in
membership will be explosive.
After the DeGrimstons leave for New York, the remaining members in
California go through a lot of political infighting. Possibly due to Sirhan
Sirhans association with their group, the Process Church goes underground
and secret chapters or spin-offs are established in northern and southern
California. One of these will purportedly be the Four P Movement or Four Pi,
which will be involved in blood-drinking and human and animal sacrifice.
(See online book, The Ultimate Evil, by Maury Terry)
1968 At around this time, the Children of God religious cult, founded by
David Berg, is operating in California. Within the next ten years it will
establish communities in 60 countries. This cult is involved in mind-control
and pedophilia.
Over the years, pamphlets will promote pedophilia and sex between children,
as well as a photograph of a Children of God nurse engaged in oral sex with a
young boy. Children of God girls will be used to lure men into having affairs
with them, in order to recruit new members; this was known within the
Children of God movement as flirty fishing. Joyanne Treadwell Berg, the
granddaughter of the cult's founder, will allege that she was made to have
sex with important government officials and had met presidents from
around the world. If this claim is valid, it would imply that she was used as a
mind-controlled sex slave to entrap high-level dignitaries.
1968 (December 20) The first of the Zodiac murders rocks the San
Francisco area when a man is shot once in the head at point blank range with
a .22 and his female companion is shot multiple times with the same
weapon. A detective working the case notes that the male victim had
recently learned of a major drug deal that was about to go down, and he had
been talking openly about who was involved in the transaction.
1968 (December) Members of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love travel to
San Francisco to secure a permanent source of supply for LSD. This LSD will
become famously known as 'Orange Sunshine'.
1968 Future serial killer John Wayne Gacy is convicted of violently raping a
teenage boy and sentenced to ten years in prison. During his stay in an Iowa
penitentiary, he is recruited into a satanic cult by a fellow inmate. He will be

released shortly after completing his initiation into the cult even though he
will have served only eighteen months of his sentence.
1968 Zbigniew Brzezinski publishes his book, The Technotronic Age, in
which he posits an information society whose basis of competition is replaced
by amusement focus based on spectator spectacles (mass sports and TV)
providing an opiate for increasingly purposeless masses... New forms of
social control may be needed to limit the indiscriminate exercise by the
individual of their new powers. The possibility of extensive chemical mind
control... will call for a social definition of the common criteria of restraint as
well as utilization. He also states that it will soon be possible to continuously
control citizens and maintain up-to-date files on them that will be
instantaneously retrievable by authorities and will contain their most
personal details about health and personal behavior. He predicts that power
will be in the hands of those who control information.
(See online file, Mind Control, World Control, by Jim Keith)
1968 Northrop Grumman, a black project contractor for the US military,
conducts research on the creation of electrical forces to condition the air
flowing around an aircraft at supersonic speeds, and submits a paper on this
subject to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
This research sounds very much like it stems from the work of T. Townsend
Brown. The paper will later go missing from the records of the AIAA.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1968 Laura Knight-Jadczyk joins Don Elkins. In later years she will found a
cultic group called the Cassiopaeans. They will be involved in using a Ouija
board to channel information from a group of entities that claim to be from
the Cassiopaean star cluster. Don Elkins will be one of the founders of
another group involved in channeling similar entities (the Ra material).
1969 Lincoln Lawrence (a pseudonym) publishes a book, We Were
Controlled, in which he claims that Lee Harvey Oswald was a hypnoprogrammed assassin and had a malfunctioning implant in his brain. He
describes RHIC-EDOM technology:
Under RHIC, a 'sleeper' can be used years later with no realisation that the 'sleeper' is
even being controlled! He can be made to perform acts that he will have no memories of
having ever carried out...nothing he says will implicate the group or government which
possessed and controlled him. [] There is already in use a small EDOM generatortransmitter which can be concealed on the body of a person. Contact with the person - a
casual handshake or even just a touch - transmits a tiny electronic charge plus an
ultrasonic signal tone which for a short while will disturb the time orientation of the
person affected.

1969 (March) The Brotherhood of Eternal Love produces its first batch of
Orange Sunshine LSD in a laboratory outside of San Francisco. Just under
one million hits are produced. They will become the largest suppliers of
hashish and LSD in the USA, producing many millions more doses of LSD
over the next four years.
1969 (June) Carlos Allende walks into APRO headquarters and confesses
that his story about the Philadelphia Experiment was all a hoax. Actually, he
only confesses that the parts of his letters that describe the bizarre
aftereffects of the experiment are false.
1969 (July 4) The second Zodiac murders occur when a couple is gunned
down in their car, this time with a 9mm semi-automatic. The woman, Darlene
Ferrin, who appears to be the primary target of the attack (the man survived
his wounds), may have known the previous Zodiac victims. She had
reportedly told her friends that she had witnessed a murder by a man who
had subsequently been following her. In the weeks before her death, she had
been receiving mysterious packages from a man living in Mexico who Darlene
had, for unexplained reasons, married in 1966 using an assumed name and
then later divorced. Her companion on the night of the murder, Michael
Mageau, left his home in such a hurry that the lights and TV were left on and
the front door was left open. He later told investigators that he and Darlene
were followed immediately upon leaving Ferrin's house. After changing his
story several times, Mageau will go into hiding. Shortly after the shootings,
police will receive a call from a man claiming credit for Ferrin's murder. The
call is placed from a payphone just outside the Sheriff 's station. At the end
of July, the first of what will prove to be a long series of letters will arrive at
area newspaper offices, with a request that the letter be published on August
1, the occult holiday known as Lammas. The series of letters are laced with
codes that suggest that the writer had a background in naval intelligence,
bringing the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) onto the case. On August 4,
1969, the killer will supply his moniker in a letter that begins: This is the
Zodiac speaking.
(See online book, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)
1969 (July) Acting on a phone tip, police raid the OTOs Solar Lodge
compound near Blythe, California and find a six-year-old boy locked outdoors
in a 6 x 6 wooden crate in the sweltering desert heat. The young boy had
been chained to a steel plate for nearly two months in temperatures reaching
as high as 117 F. According to an FBI report, the box also contained a can
partially filled with human waste and swarming with flies The stench was
nauseating. Before being put in the box, the child had been burned with
matches and beaten with bamboo poles by cult members. The leader of the
cult, Georgina Brayton, had reportedly told cult members that when it was
convenient, she was going to give [the boy] LSD and set fire to the structure
in which he was chained and give him just enough chain to get out of reach
of the fire. Killing the child had also been discussed. Eleven adult members

of the sect were charged with felony child abuse, the majority of them young
white men in their early twenties. All were brought to trial and convicted.
1969 (August) Ronald Hadley Stark approaches Timothy Learys
Brotherhood of Eternal Love in Laguna Beach, California, with an offer to
bankroll their drug trafficking activities. He is carrying with him 10 million
doses of liquid LSD. He impresses them with his knowledge of drug
smuggling and money laundering, as well as his connections in the world of
covert politics. He also makes known his intention of facilitating the
overthrow of both Western capitalism and Eastern Communism by inducing
altered states of consciousness in millions of people. With Starks help, the
Brotherhood will quickly become the largest supplier of illicit drugs in the
USA. It will be discovered in later years that Stark is a long-time CIA
operative with connections to the Tavistock Institute in Great Britain, where
he was also responsible for supplying the majority of illicit drugs. There are
indications that Stark is also intimately tied to Charles Manson as his drug
1969 (August 9-10) A year after the satanic movie Rosemarys Baby is
released, director Roman Polanskis beautiful young bride, the eight-monthspregnant Hollywood actress Sharon Tate, is brutally murdered along with four
other people at her Cielo Drive home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles.
The words Pig and Helter Skelter are scrawled in blood on the walls.
The next night, in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles, wealthy supermarket
president Leno La Bianca and his wife Rosemary are stabbed to death inside
their home at 3301 Waverly Drive. Again, the word Pig is scrawled in blood
on the walls.
The killers are members of the Family, a cult led by Charles Manson. Record
producer Terry Melcher (Doris Days son) owns the property and had been
living there until Polanski and Tate took over the lease in February. Melcher
knew Manson personally and had been considering him as a recording artist.
Sharon Tates father happens to be a Colonel in US Army Intelligence. Two of
Mansons followers who are involved in the murders, Susan Atkins and Bobby
Beausoleil, are connected to Anton LeVeys Church of Satan. LeVey is himself
connected to Roman Polanski, having acted as technical consultant as well as
starring in a cameo role as the devil in Rosemarys Baby. Another Manson
follower involved in the murders is Lynette Squeaky Fromme, who is the
daughter of an aerospace engineer who had been stationed at Randolph Air
Force Base during WWII. Manson will later state that the victims in these
murders had been involved in child pornography and deserved to die.
Three days before the grisly murders, a drug dealer named Billy Doyle had
been publicly whipped and sodomized at the Polanski/Tate home while a
number of people watched. According to actor Dennis Hopper, They had
fallen into sadism and masochism and bestiality and they recorded it all on
videotape, too. The LA. police told me this. I know that three days before

they were killed twenty-five people were invited to that house for a mass
whipping of a dealer from Sunset Strip who'd given them bad dope. There
will also be rumors that Polanski and Tate were deeply involved in satanism.
Hopper will also state in interviews that sadistic movies were filmed at the
house that featured some of Hollywood's biggest names. Sammy Davis, Jr.,
who was introduced to the Church of Satan by Manson victim Jay Sebring,
will state, regarding the victims who were killed at Tate's Cielo Drive
residence: Everyone there had at one time or another been into satanism.
Roman Polanski will hire psychic Peter Hurkos in an attempt to find out who
killed his wife.
Mansons parole officer, Dr. Roger Smith, who was involved in a mind-control
project at the Haight-Ashbury medical clinic at the time that Manson was
reporting to him, will state in an interview with Life magazine that there are
a lot of Charlies running around, believe me.
(See online file, Mind Control, World Control, by Jim Keith)
1969 (September) The third Zodiac murders occur when a man and
woman are stabbed multiple times in a San Francisco-area park. Despite the
fact that it took nearly an hour for an ambulance to respond to a call as the
pair lay bleeding, the man survived the attack. The assailant is described as
wearing a strange hood with an attached apron that prominently displayed
the trademark symbol of the Zodiac. The attacker reportedly had a gun, but
chose instead to use a knife, breaking from the previous pattern and likely
contributing to the survival of the male victim. Prints from a military-issue
boot distributed primarily to U.S. naval bases on the west coast are found at
the scene. The professed killer again calls police from a payphone near the
local police station. He reportedly leaves a clear palm print on the phone, but
a nervous technician reportedly destroys it.
(See online book, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)
1969 (October) Andrija Puharich gives a report on his ESH research
before an annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and
Otolaryngology (AAOO) in Chicago, Illinois. He had been warned that he
would face severe opposition. However, he had no idea how virulent that
opposition would be. As a prelude, three days before the AAOO meeting his
office in New York was robbed of all the clinical records on his patients. He
will eventually trace the theft to the AAOO. After he presents his paper and
shows a movie film of his work, the opposition gets up and argues for the
next two hours that Andrija's claims to be able to help people with hearing
loss are not acceptable. He is also told that since he is not a member of the
club of the AAOO, his evidence would not be acceptable in any case. He
responds by offering them to use his equipment to test his claims for
themselves, but they refuse.

(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)

1969 (October 11) The Zodiac killer strikes a fourth time when a taxi
driver is shot once in the head with a 9mm handgun. The weapon used is a
different 9mm than had been used previously by the Zodiac. The latest victim
had picked up his fare on Mason Street and had then driven him to an
address in the Presidio Heights area of the city, where he is promptly shot.
Some local kids witness the murder and immediately call the police with a
description of the assailant. For unexplained reasons, however, the police
dispatcher broadcast a description of a black perpetrator, allowing the real
shooter to evade a massive police response. Two days later, a new letter from
the Zodiac will claim credit for the killing and threaten a future attack on a
school bus.
(See online book, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)
1969 (October 12) Charles Manson is arrested on charges unrelated to
the Tate/LaBianca murders, but is eventually discovered to be tied to them
and is held in jail. Ultimately, 12 murders will be linked to Manson and his
Family, although Manson will claim 35.
In his book Helter Skelter, prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi will state that two
Process members from Cambridge, Massachusetts, had visited him to
dissuade him from believing that Manson was connected to the Process
Church. Soon after, Manson will be visited by the same two members, after
which he will stop talking about the Process Church. When author Ed
Saunders publishes his book on Manson called The Family, in which he
strongly suggests that Mansons had ties to the Process Church, he will also
be contacted by members of the Process Church, who will threaten legal
action if he doesnt remove all direct references to the Process Church from
his book. He complies.
(See online book, The Ultimate Evil, by Maury Terry)
1969 (October 29) The militarys ARPANET goes online as a secure
electronic communications network. This will eventually develop into the
modern Internet. The first ARPANET link is between the University of
California, Los Angeles and Stanford Research Institute. By the end of the
year it will add the University of Utah and the University of California, Santa
1969 (December 6) A Rolling Stones concert at Altamont Speedway in
California ends the hippie era on a bad note when one of the Hells Angels
members who are acting as security stabs a black man to death in front of
the entire audience and with cameras rolling.
1969 (December 17) Project Bluebook is closed. The Air Force will state
in a memorandum that the continuation of Project Blue Book cannot be

justified either on the ground of national security or in the interest of

science, and will conclude that the project does not merit future
expenditures of resources.
1969 With William Thetfords help, Helen Schucman begins scribing her
channeled material in written form, to be used as the A Course in Miracles
1969 At about this time, the FBIs Behavioral Sciences Unit (BSU) begins
taking shape, but it wont really take off until 1972, when the FBI Academy
opens in Quantico, Virginia. It will initially have no operational functions and
will be solely involved in teaching the principles of profiling. Over the next 25
to 30 years, the FBI will manage, despite initial resistance, to spread the use
of the BSUs profiling techniques in other professions, thoroughly co-opting
the fields of law enforcement, academia, mental health, and the forensic
sciences. In doing so, they will successfully mold public opinion and firmly
ingrain in the mind of the average American the concept of the serial killer.
Curiously, Robert Ressler, who will become the most well known profiler in
the unit, had lived on the same street and was in Boy Scouts with future
serial killer John Wayne Gace when they were boys. Ressler will later assist in
investigating the Gace case.
(See online book, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)
1969 Edmund Kemper is released from jail after serving five years as a
juvenile for killing his grandparents. He takes up residence at his mothers
home in Santa Cruz, California, and begins hanging out at a bar called the
Jury Room, which is also a hangout for local cops, sheriffs, and prosecuting
attorneys. By May 1972, Kemper will begin killing female hitchhikers and
having sex with the bodies before cutting them up and disposing of the parts.
1969 - The California Board of Medical Examiners finds MKULTRAs Dr.
William Joseph Bryan guilty of unprofessional conduct for sexually molesting
four women patients who submitted under hypnosis. Bryan had
demonstrated a proclivity and fantasy for sexual perversion. Shortly after his
sudden death in 1977 in Las Vegas, two Beverly Hills prostitutes will come
forward and claim to have known him intimately, saying that they had been
double team servicing him on an average of twice a week for four years,
and were usually present at the same time. According to the prostitutes,
Bryan repeatedly confides that he is not only a CIA agent but involved in top
secret projects. They will say that he bragged about his role of
deprogramming Albert Di Salvo in the Boston Strangler case for F. Lee Bailey,
and boasted that he had hypnotized Sirhan Sirhan, Robert F. Kennedy's
1969 Michael Aquino joins the Church of Satan. Soon after, he leaves for a
tour of duty in Vietnam (taking part in the infamous Phoenix Program),

returning in 1971. Not long after his return, he will be ordained a priest in
the Church and start his own grotto that meets at his home.
1970 (May 4) After the invasion of Cambodia by US forces, anti-war
protestors in the USA are fired on by the National Guard at Kent State
University, killing four people. This was nothing less than a blatant terrorist
act inflicted on the US citizenry by its own government in order to scare them
into conformity and stifle dissent.
1970 Future Urantia Foundation trustee, NSA-trained Neal Waldrop enters
the US Navy and attends Officer Candidate School.
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1970 Rand Corporation publishes a report entitled, A Direct Mechanism for
the Direct Influence of Microwave Radiation on Neuroelectric Function, by R.J.
MacGregor. He "notes that power densities of close to 1000,000mw/cm2 can
produce auditory hallucinations in a field that would be averaged as low
intensity and non-thermal."
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1970 The release of Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain by
authors Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder reveals the Russians advances
in psychic research. This book will help to prompt the US government to take
a serious interest in researching psychic phenomena for intelligence
gathering purposes.
1970 In spite of him stating at his parole hearing that he will kill again,
Henry Lee Lucas is released after having served 10 years of a 20 40 year
sentence for murdering his mother and violating the corpse. Lucas mother
had been both physically and sexually abusive to Henry throughout his
childhood, which turned him into a sadistic psychopath and sexual deviant by
the time he reached his teens. During his incarceration for her murder, he
spent four and a half years on a mental ward, receiving intensive drug and
electroshock treatments. He will later describe having heard voices in his
head during this time.
Within a year of his release, he will be back in prison again for the attempted
abduction of a young girl. He will serve four years before getting another
early release in August of 1975, at which point he will become involved in a
satanic cult called the Hand of Death. Accompanied by a man named Ottis
Toole, he will begin committing an untold number of lurid child abductions
and murders until his final capture in 1983.
(See online book, Theres Something About Henry, by David McGowan)

1970 (September) Colston Westbrook returns to the USA from Vietnam

and the CIAs Phoenix Program (Chaos Program). Westbrook begins work
under the cover of the UC Berkeley Black Studies Department. He will soon
become involved in programming Donald DeFreeze, who will become the
leader of the MKULTRA created Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA).
1970 (September 14) The first of the Death Angel attacks occurs in
Berkley, California when 21-year-old Danny Crawford is picked up hitchhiking
by two black men who hold him down and slash him with a meat cleaver
before dropping him off. The next attack will be on October 25, involving the
mutilation/murder of an unknown white male. Two more attacks will occur on
October 27 involving gunshots. Two more attacks with a gun will occur on
November 10. The attacks will carry into the next year, the next one
occurring on June 18, 1971. By July, the attackers will more often than not
be reported as two black men wielding a machete-type weapon. The attacks
will continue throughout 1971 and will never be solved.
1970 (November 19) While Andrija Puharich is attending a conference in
Rye, New York that was being convened for the purpose of exploring the
energy involved in certain psychic phenomena, one of the scientists present
reports on a young man in Israel who could apparently do amazing
psychokinetic feats, such as splitting solid gold rings in two, and moving
clock hands. This is the first time that Puharich hears about the psychic, Uri
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1970 At this point in time, an average of six serial killers are reported each
year in the USA.
1971 The Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) is secretly created at
Vacaville State Penitentiary by Colston Westbrook. Westbrook is a former CIA
advisor to the South Korean Government, was trained in psychological
warfare, and had participated in the CIA's infamous Phoenix program in
Vietnam, training terrorist cadres and death squads. Westbrook is assisted at
Vacaville by his case officer, William Herman, who is a CIA operative,
counter-insurgency expert and arms dealer, and will become involved in the
Iran/Contra Affair in the years ahead. Donald DeFreeze, a Vacaville inmate, is
groomed by Westbrook to be the leader of the SLA. DeFreeze had worked for
the Los Angeles Police Department's Public Disorder Intelligence unit between
1967 and 1969. Other SLA members will be Angela Atwood and Emily Harris,
who had both received intelligence training at the College of Foreign Affairs
at the University of Indiana prior to joining the Intelligence Division of the
Indiana State Police.
1971 As part of the Rockefellers depopulation program, they fund Planned
Parenthood to establish the first large-scale abortion mill in New York City.

The center is designed to perform more than 10,000 abortions a year. It is a

model for future sites that will be set up around the country. By the next
year, 700,000 innocent babies will be killed in the USA by abortion.
1971 Well-known author and researcher Otto Binder writes an article for
Saga magazine's Special UFO Report titled Liquidation of the UFO
Investigators, Binder had researched the deaths of no less than 137 flying
saucer researchers, writers, scientists, and witnesses who had died in the
previous ten years, many under the most mysterious circumstances.
1971 Andrija Puharich is in Israel studying the psychic abilities of Uri
Geller. After placing him under hypnosis (and very possibly leading him with
suggestive questions or comments, or perhaps even unspoken thoughts sent
telepathically), Geller starts channeling an entity that identifies itself as
Spectra and claims to be a conscious computer aboard a spaceship
stationed far out in space. Spectra also claims to be the source of Gellers
psychic abilities, and, at least according to Puharich, causes some very
strange telekinetic phenomena to occur that go way beyond Gellers already
amazing spoon-bending abilities. When asked, the entities agree that they
are the same Nine Principles and Forces that Puharich and his Round Table
Foundation had been in contact with in the early 1950s, and that they are
behind the UFO sightings that started in 1947. They also explain that Geller
has been programmed for a special mission to Earth and that he is the only
one for the next fifty years to come. They also claim that a global war is
imminent, and this is why they are revealing themselves. They tell Puharich
that he is to take care of Geller, who is to be a Messiah. They are against
Puharich using Geller in his psychic research, but Puharich insists, and so
they reluctantly agree.
Puharich will bring Geller to the USA in 1972 to visit Stanford Research
Institute and have his psychic abilities tested by a small group of interested
scientists that include Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ, and Edgar Mitchell. These
three men will soon start classified remote-viewing programs for the US
government that will continue for twenty-three years, with funding provided
by various different military/intelligence agencies of the US government.
(See book, Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller, by Andrija Puharich)
1971 Ted Kaczynski quits his job as a professor of mathematics and moves
to Montana to live off the land.
1971 From 1971 to 1978, William Thetford and David Saunders head CIA
mind control Project MKULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory at
Columbia University.
1972 (March 10) During an encounter with police, Robert Naeslund is put
to sleep, and wakes up hours later experiencing what he describes as a radio

signal in his head. He has been electronically implanted. Later x-rays will
show that there is a device in his nasal cavity.
1972 The Santa Cruz area of California becomes a mecca for hippies, drug
traffickers, and satanists. It also becomes the location of a large number of
seemingly random murder/mutilations. Up until this time, 95 percent of
murders that have occurred in the USA have been primarily situational
inspired by tense domestic incidents or the result of some kind of altercation
among acquaintances. But the murders during the 1970s in Santa Cruz will
defy this pattern.
Many of the area's killings will be credited to two alleged serial killers,
Edmund Kemper and Herb Mullin, who are apparently operating at the same
time in the same city, though acting independently of each other. Kemper's
bloody odyssey will reportedly include eight victims brutally butchered
between May 1972 and April 1973, most of them coeds whose corpses are
cannibalized and sexually violated. Mullin will be credited with dispatching
thirteen victims in just four months, from October 13, 1972 through February
13, 1973. Mullin will admit to having a strong interest in the occult, choosing
significant satanic dates for his murders.
No fewer than six serial killers/mass murderers Charles Manson, Stanley
Baker, Edmund Kemper, Herbert Mullin, John Lindley Frazier, and the Zodiac
are spawned from the Santa Cruz/San Francisco metropolitan area in a span
of just over four years, at a time when serial killers are still a rare enough
phenomenon that they haven't yet acquired the name.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is being developed commercially for mass
consumption at the University of Santa Cruz by Dr. Bateson, Richard Bandler
and John Grinder.
(See online book, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)
1972 (May 7) The first of a series of brutal murders occurs in the Santa
Cruz, California area that will be attributed to Edmund Kemper. These
murders will involve two female hitchhikers who are picked up and taken to
an isolated rural area where they are stabbed, shot, or smothered to death.
Kemper then takes the bodies back to his mothers home to have sex with
them before cutting them up and dumping the parts in ravines or burying
them in fields. As he dissects them, he takes Polaroid photographs. He will
commit more murders over the next year before turning himself in to police.
At the same time that Kemper is murdering people in the Santa Cruz area, so
is serial killer Herb Mullin, and both had been preceded three years earlier by
serial murderer John Linley Frazier.
1972 (August) Andrija Puharich brings Uri Geller to the USA.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)

1972 (September 14) The second in a series of murders occurs in the

Santa Cruz area that will be attributed to Edmund Kemper. The victim is a
fifteen-year-old female hitchhiker who Kemper takes to an isolated spot and
kills before having sex with the body. He then puts the body in the trunk of
his car and drives to a bar for a few drinks before continuing to his mothers
home. He takes the body into the house and places it on his bed, where he
begins to dissect it. The body parts are later disposed of in various locations.
1972 (October) A pilot project to investigate the merits of clairvoyance as
a means of accurate intelligence acquisition is started at Stanford Research
Institute with government funding. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell is overseeing the
preliminary program and reporting directly to George Bush Sr. Hal Puthoff
and Russell Targ are working directly under Mitchell. This is the precursor to
Project SCANATE, a classified government program that will continue under
for over two decades. A structured methodology for clairvoyance will be
developed that is termed remote viewing.
These programs will incorporate the use of a Faraday cage to enhance
psychic receptivity, and EEG machines to monitor brainwave patterns.
Hypnosis is very likely a key element as well, since it has been repeatedly
shown to heighten telepathic ability in a hypnotized subject.
Andrija Puharich brings Uri Geller to SRI for psychic testing during this
preliminary stage of the remote-viewing program. The results prove very
successful, and will be reported in the National Enquirer. Soon after this,
Time magazine, with the backing of the Department of Defense, will begin to
discredit Geller and the scientists at SRI. This will lead to a public battle that
will make Geller famous in the USA, while Puharich will find himself being
vilified within the scientific community.
Many of the people who will be involved in the remote-viewing programs at
SRI (including Uri Geller, Andrija Puharich, Harold Puthoff, Russell Targ, and
Jack Sarfatti) have previously had strange experiences that included
communications with alleged UFO occupants, and/or had been involved in
secret government aptitude enhancement programs as children.
1972 (October 13) The first gruesome murder that will be attributed to
Herb Mullin takes place in Santa Cruz, California. By February 13, 1973,
twelve more murders will take place that will be attributed to him.
Mullin grew up in a military family, his father having been a highly decorated
Navy captain. Before the killings, Mullin had spent a considerable amount of
time in and out of various mental institutions, including one in Maui two
years earlier that was run by the US Army. According to author/investigator
Ed Saunders, a mind control project was in operation on the Hawaiian Islands
at the time and was specifically aimed at creating serial killers. Another

serial killer, Mark David Chapman, will spend time in Hawaii in 1977, and
there will be evidence that he was also involved in a mind-control program
Mullin would frequently complain about hearing voices in his head. He will be
diagnosed with MPD. He regularly told those around him that he was
receiving messages, including commands to kill, that were delivered in his
father's voice. He would later state: I feel that I was under my father's
control, like a robot. Mullin was also known to tell people that his father, a
Freemason, was a mass murderer responsible for countless unsolved killings
up and down the California coast. His father had committed himself to a
mental hospital at the end of World War II.
Herb will claim to have only vague memories of the year and a half he spent
in California during the killing spree. During this largely blacked-out period,
he engaged in backward writing, a hypnotically conditioned skill that is
frequently indicative of mind control programming. He was known to
consume large quantities of hallucinogenic drugs, and he had an interest in
the occult.
Just prior to his arrest, Mullin will enlist in the US Marines, and the recruiter
will waive his criminal record.
After his arrest, Mullin will robotically chant silence to every question posed
to him. He will later claim that, once incarcerated, he began receiving
telepathic messages instructing him to kill himself, but was able to resist
acting on those orders. There will be discrepancies in the evidence used to
convict Mullin, suggesting that he didnt commit all of the murders attributed
to him. A gag order will be imposed on court proceedings, and a presumption
of guilt will be set before the trial even gets under way, leaving the jury
without a not guilty option. Mullins lawyers will do nothing to defend him
and will instead help to convict him unfairly. He will state in the end that he
was the victim of a huge conspiracy.
1972 The US Army publishes a study entitled Controlled Offensive
Behavior: USSR, which concerns itself with targeting individuals with mindaltering techniques and the total submission of ones will to some outside
force. The study involves the use of pulsed microwaves.
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1972 Arthur M. Young founds the highly influential Institute for the Study
of Consciousness at Berkeley. This organization will provide a forum for some
of the most daring thinkers of the day. Young was involved with Andrija
Puharichs Round Table Foundation in the early 1950s.

1972 The Heavens Gate cult is established by Marshall Applewhite and his
wife Bonnie Nettles. The two founders had met in a psychiatric hospital,
where Applewhite was a patient and Nettles a nurse.
1972 The Montauk Project (Project Phoenix) allegedly starts at Camp Hero,
Long island.
1972 MKSEARCH closes down.
1972 With William Thetfords help, Helen Schucman channels the material
for the A Course in Miracles Manual.
1973 (January 7) Edmund Kemper strikes a third time in his ongoing
murder spree in Santa Cruz, California. As with the last time, he targets a
young female hitchhiker and takes her to an isolated area to kill her, then
takes the corpse to his mothers home and has sex with it before cutting it up
into pieces. He buries the head in the backyard and disposes of the
remainders by throwing them over a cliff.
1973 (February 5) Edmund Kemper strikes a fourth time in his ongoing
murder spree in Santa Cruz, California. This time he picks up two separate
hitchhiking females and shoots them both in the car while driving. When he
is at an isolated area, he transfers the bodies to the trunk of his car and
beheaded them before taking one body inside his mothers home to have sex
with it. He later disposes of the body parts in various places.
1973 (March) The Institute of Neotic Science is founded in Palo Alto,
California by Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell. It is dedicated to research
and education in the processes of human consciousness to help achieve a
new understanding and expanded awareness among all people. This
organization will be heavily involved in psychic testing, partly funding tests
conducted with Uri Geller at SRI.
1973 (April 21) On Good Friday, Edmund Kemper strikes a last time when
he bludgeons his mother to death, beheading her and having sex with the
corpse before using her head as a dartboard. He will then call and invite his
mother's friend over, and upon her arrival, will quickly deal with her in a
similar manner. After this, he will quickly leave California for Colorado, where
he will call friends at the Santa Cruz police department and begin confessing
to a string of murders. After convincing them that hes not a crank caller and
telling them where to find him, he sits and waits for them to come and arrest
Although he will be in possession of Polaroid pictures that depict the murders
and will be able to provide many details of the crimes, thus proving his
involvement, there will be indications that others were involved as well. He
will give one of the most detailed, articulate, and chilling confessions of
sadism, murder, mutilation, cannibalism, and necrophilia in the annals of

crime. The murders are laced with satanic symbolism, and he will testify that
the killings arose from fantasies that began to build in his head during his
confinement at Atascadero as a youth. Ed had told California Youth Authority
officials of evil forces within him which tried to control his behavior. Kemper
will state, I believe [] that there are two people inside me. He will also
describe having experienced a dissociative state while going about his grisly
work: It's almost like a blacking out. You know what you're doing but you
don't notice anything else around. Ed will be judged sane and guilty of eight
counts of first-degree murder. He will be sentenced to life in prison and sent
to Vacaville, then later transferred to Folsom.
(See online book, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)
1973 In the spring of this year, Uri Geller appears on the Jack Paar TV talk
show. Paar unexpectedly asks whether Geller could bend several large steel
nails, held by Paar. Geller places his hands over Paar's, concentrates, then
asks Paar to open his hands and inspect the nails. All of them are bent. Edgar
Mitchell, co-appearing on the show, will later state how when he opened his
hand his faced turned ashen. The tip of one of the nails was bent about
twenty degrees, whereas all had been perfectly straight just moments
before. An awkward silence fell over the set.
Geller will make other TV appearances, and each time he does, there will be
numerous reports of parents calling up the TV stations and claiming that
their children were bending spoons as well. Geller is apparently triggering
spontaneous telekinetic ability among the television viewers. This will
become known as the Geller Effect.
1973 (October 21) The first meeting of the Trilateral Commission, a
political organization formed by David Rockefeller. Its purpose is to guide
fellow internationalists in using their private influence to make certain their
governments remain on the proper public course a headlong rush toward
the merging of governments into a single world government.
1973 At about this time, the ECHELON global surveillance system goes
online. It incorporates high speed computers that run advanced search
engines to automatically sift through the global communications traffic for
specified keywords.
(See file, Inside Echelon, by Duncan Campbell)
1973 Uri Geller stops working with Andrija Puharich and returns to Israel.
1973 Tipped off about forthcoming investigations into the CIAs mindcontrol programs, Richard Helms destroys a large number of documents
relating to MKULTRA prior to leaving his position as Director of the CIA.

1974 (February 4) - The MKULTRA-created SLA kidnap Patricia Hearst, the

daughter of Randolph Hearst, the ultra-wealthy owner of Hearst newspapers.
She is kept locked in a closet and sexually abused while brainwashing
techniques are used to bring her over to their side (via the Stockholm
Syndrome). She joins the group in committing a number of bank robberies.
When the police close in on the groups safe house, a shoot-out takes place
and the safe house is burned to the ground, killing six SLA members,
including Donald DeFreeze, the groups leader. Patricia Hearst will get away
and remain on the run for the next year before being caught. In spite of
having been brainwashed, she will be found guilty for her part in SLA
activities and sentenced to seven years in prison. President Carter will
commute her sentence and she will be pardoned after serving two years.
DeFreezes body will be delivered to his parents in a closed casket. They will
open the casket and find a headless and handless corpse inside.
Four of MKULTRAs leading experts in mind-control Margaret Singer, Robert
J. Lifton, Martin Orne, and Louis Jolyin West will testify as expert witnesses
at Patty Hearsts trial. West had been the head of the infamous UCLA
Violence Project at Vacaville, which DeFreeze had been recruited into.
1974 (April 18) 13-year-old Todd Bequette is abducted at the Old Market
in Omaha, Nebraska, by a man named Terry Holman and forced to help
abduct other children. He will eventually be found by a private detective.
Holman will never be charged.
(See online file, Child Trafficking and Mind Control in the Heartland - My Cost
of Child Advocacy, by David Shurter)
1974 First successful unclassified voice-to-skull experiment conducted by
Dr. Joseph C. Sharp and Mark Grove at the Walter Reed Army Institute of
1974 J. F. Shapitz, working at the Department of Defense, files a proposal
that states:
In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotist may be
conveyed by modulated electro-magnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of
the human brain - i.e., without employing any technical devices for receiving or
transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a
chance to control the information input consciously.
This is an extension of the work done by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp and Mark Grove
at Walter Reed Institute of Research the same year (See previous entry).
Besides this proposal, no records of this research have ever been
declassified, suggesting that it was successful. The wording of the proposal
suggests that this technology incorporated subliminal audio via voice-toskull technology, since it states that the messages are directed to the

subconscious and dont necessitate a receiving device (such as an implant) to

transcode them.
1974 An Army Medical and Information Agency document, entitled
Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation, discusses, among other
things, the induction of voices inside the brain by use of signal modulation at
very low power densities.
1974 Andrija Puharich publishes his book, Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of
Uri Geller, in which he describes the strange psychic phenomena that
surrounded Uri Geller, particularly during Puharichs involvement with him.
Apart from the many descriptions of objects allegedly materializing,
dematerializing, and teleporting to other locations whenever Geller was
around, Puharich also claims that he and Geller had been in communication
with disembodied beings from the future, who identified themselves as the
same entities his Round Table group had been channeling years earlier.
According to Puharich, they claimed that he had been chosen for a special
mission to reveal to the world through Geller that these entities were here to
save mankind from imminent destruction and were about to land en masse in
spaceships. Although the book will be an instant bestseller due to the fame
that Geller has already achieved in the USA, the more unbelievable events
described in the book and the inclusion of information about channeled
entities and their strange communications will only serve to discredit both
Geller and himself. Doing this would assure that his research would never be
taken seriously, and so it appears to have been a forced move.
This same year, Puharich sets up Lab Nine at his home in Ossining and
starts working with another psychic named Phyllis Schlemmer. John
Whitmore, the professional racecar driver and international tycoon, will also
be closely involved. Schlemmer will soon begin channeling an entity that
claims to be part of The Nine from Puharichs Round Table days in the
1950s. These channeling sessions will continue into the next year, when the
three will have a falling out. Schlemmer will continue to channel these
entities for the next twenty years, eventually publishing a book based on the
communications titled, The Only Planet of Choice: Essential Briefings from
Deep Space. In her book, she will claim that these entities are known about
by our world governments but our governments refuse to disclose their
existence and are covering it up.
Puharichs second-in-command at Lab Nine is James J. Hurtak, who will later
collaborate with Carla Rueckert, a paranormal researcher who will be best
known for her 1984 publication of The Ra Material, which is channeled
information from a group of entities that have suspicious similarities to
Puharichs Council of Nine.
Lab Nine disciples include multi-millionaire businessmen (many hiding behind
pseudonyms and including members of Canada's richest family, the
Bronfmans), European nobility, scientists from the Stanford Research

Institute and at least one prominent political figure who is a personal friend
of President Gerald Ford. Author Lyall Watson is involved, as is the influential
counter-culture guru Ira Einhorn, as well as Gene Roddenberry, the creator of
the television hit Star Trek.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1974 With the increasing need to control his followers, L. Ron Hubbard
incorporates the Rehabilitation Project Force within his Church of Scientology.
It is a slave labor prison system onboard his ship, the Apollo. Members who
break the rules receive extremely harsh punishments and have to live under
extremely harsh and degrading conditions. It is seen within the organization
as the last chance at redemption. Those members who have thoughts of
leaving Scientology are placed in this project. Those who have been
successfully broken by the ordeal will have nothing but thanks for having
been put through it, becoming all the more loyal to Hubbard and his
(See online book, L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman?, by Corydon Bent)
1974 Robert and Mary Ann DeGrimston, joint leaders of the Process
Church of the Final Judgment, get divorced, and the original organization
changes its name to the Foundation Church of the Millennium, while many of
its chapters across the country split off to form into autonomous groups.
1974 The Citizens Freedom Foundation (CFF) is founded. It will officially
change its name to the Cult Awareness Network (CAN) in 1986.
1975 By the beginning of this year, members of the Church of Scientology
will have infiltrated the IRS, the US Coast Guard, and the DEA. 30,000 pages
of documents have been stolen from the IRS relating to Scientology and its
founder. Burglaries of the Department of Justice offices resulted in the
copying of tens of thousands of other government files. A government
sentencing memorandum on Mary Sue Hubbard will state:
The crime committed by these defendants is of a breadth and scope previously unheard
of. No building, office, desk or file was safe from their snooping and prying. No
individual or organization was free from their despicable conspiratorial minds. The tools
of their trade were miniature transmitters, lock picks, secret codes, forged credentials, and
any other device they found necessary to carry out their conspiratorial schemes.
(See book, Bare-Faced Messiah, by Russell Miller)
1975 The Travis Walton alien abduction.
1975 Betty Andreasson Luca responds to a local newspaper article by UFO
researcher J. Allen Hynek, in which readers personal UFO experiences are
being solicited. Her response will contain little data to mark it as significant,

causing it to be filed away and forgotten about until 1977. A local

investigator, Jules Vailencourt, will eventually be informed of her case and
contact her to see if she would be willing to investigate it. She agrees, and
begins undergoing hypnotic regression sessions, with a man named Dr.
Edlestien conducting the hypnosis. This is the point when the full details of
her experiences will start to surface. She will often be placed under
subliminal hypnosis by Dr. Edlestien, which causes her to have spontaneous
flashbacks throughout the weeks between these sessions. The hypnotist has
to plead with her to allow this to continue, stating that others are having
these experiences as well. Some years after these first hypnosis sessions,
another hypnotist by the name of Fred Max will continue exploring her
1975 (April) At about this time, future serial killer David Berkowitz
becomes involved in a satanic cult in New York. Initially, according to
Berkowitz, the group is involved in harmless activities, such as sances and
fortune telling. Gradually, however, the group introduces him to drug use,
sadistic pornography, and violent crime. They begin by killing dogs, mostly
German Shepherds. Over a dozen mutilated dog corpses will be discovered in
Yonkers, especially near Untermeyer Park, which Berkowitz will claim to be a
frequent meeting place for the cult.
1975 (April) Government agent and future Urantia Foundation trustee,
Neal Waldrop, is admitted to the Urantia Brotherhood as a member.
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1975 (May) Andrija Puharich travels to England, where he meets several
children who can bend spoons, pocketknife blades, keys, etc. He gets
permission from their parents to study their paranormal powers further. Soon
after, he meets more children with these same abilities in Mexico City. By
July, he will have an experimental school set up for testing these psychic
children at his home in Ossining, NY. There are initially nine children plus his
fourteen-year-old son, Andy. They will be informally known as the space
kids, and will undergo extensive hypnosis sessions that involve teaching
them that they are from other planets and came here with a life mission.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1975 (May) Lt. Col. Michael Aquino leaves the Church of Satan and founds
the Temple of Set. It will develop into a small group of several hundred
members (including many military personnel) and an inner circle called the
Council of Nine. According to Aquino, the Council takes its name from the
legend of the Nine Unknown Men, recounted by Louis Pauwels and Jacques
Bergier in their book, Morning of the Magicians. During this same year,
Aquino also co-authors a psychological warfare manual for the US Army titled
From Psyop to MindWar: the Psychology of Victory.

1975 (July) According to the Napa Valley Sentinel in an article by Harry V.

Martin and David Caul titled, Mind Control (August-November 1991), at a
NATO conference in July, 1975:
A U.S. Navy psychologist, who claims that the Office of Naval Intelligence had taken
convicted murderers from military prisons, used behavior modification techniques on
them, and then relocated them in American embassies throughout the world [] The
Navy psychologist was Lt. Commander Thomas Narut of the U.S. Regional Medical
Center in Naples, Italy. The information was divulged at an Oslo NATO conference of
120 psychologists from the eleven nation alliance [] The Navy provided all the funding
necessary, according To Narut.
Dr. Narut, in a question and answer session with reporters from many nations, revealed
how the Navy was secretly programming large numbers of assassins. He said that the
men he had worked with for the Navy were being prepared for commando-type
operations, as well as covert operations in U.S. embassies worldwide. He described the
men who went through his program as hit men and assassins who could kill on
Careful screening of the subjects was accomplished by Navy psychologists through the
military records [] and many were convicted murderers serving military prison
1975 (August) Henry Lee Lucas is released early from prison after
serving a four year sentence for the attempted abduction of a child. By the
next year, he will be teamed up with another serial killer named Ottis Toole,
with whom he will spend the next seven years committing murders and
abducting children as they roam around the country, eventually being caught
in 1983.
After his arrest in 1983, Lucas will claim to have been initiated into a cult
that Toole had introduced him to, called the Hand of Death. According to
Lucas, this cult is part of a larger network that spans the country and
involves very wealthy and influential people at the top, including high-ranking
politicians. After his release from prison, he claims to have spent some time
in the Florida Everglades, formally training at a mobile paramilitary camp in
assassination, kidnapping, and arson.
Tooles grandmother, who had raised him as a youth, had been involved in
satanism all her life, which is probably how they became involved in the cult
network. According to Lucas, the cult operates out of Texas and from a ranch
in northern Mexico, and trafficks in children and drugs, among other things.
He will claim that what appeared to be the random work of a serial killer was
in fact a planned series of crimes often committed for specific purposes,
including the assassination of foreign dignitaries. Contract hits were mixed in
with random murders in order to conceal the purpose of the crimes.
(See online book, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)

1975 (September 5) Lynette Squeaky Fromme, who became the head

of Charles Mansons Family after Manson was arrested in October 1969, is
arrested and imprisoned for an attempted assassination of US President
Gerald Ford. Another associate of the Manson Family, Sarah Jane Moore, will
also be arrested and imprisoned for another failed assassination attempt on
President Ford. If either woman had been successful, Nelson Rockefeller
would have taken the presidency.
1975 US Congressional hearings into Project MKULTRA are initiated by the
Church Committee. Investigative efforts are hampered by the fact that CIA
Director Richard Helms had illegally ordered all MKULTRA files to be
destroyed in 1973, leaving the Church Committee with no other choice but to
rely on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the relatively small
number of documents that survived Helms destruction order. The hearings
will reveal that over 30 universities and institutions were involved in an
extensive testing and experimentation program which included covert drug
tests on unwitting citizens at all social levels, high and low, native Americans
and foreign. All told, the program consisted of 149 projects at 80 universities
and other institutions involving drug testing and a variety other studies on
unwitting human subjects, including numerous studies using electromagnetic
1975 Future serial killer and satanic cult member John Wayne Gacy is set
up in a construction business in Chicago with financing provided by an
unknown benefactor.
1975 Helen Schucman publishes A Course In Miracles, based on her
channelings. The book will become a New Age bible for millions of people.
1976 (July 29) The first Son of Sam killings allegedly by David Berkowitz
in New York City. Six people will be killed and seven will be wounded before
he is caught a year later, on August 10, 1977. During the killing spree, a
number of cryptic and taunting notes from Son of Sam will be sent to
reporters and investigators, claiming that he is taking orders from a
neighbors dog. The case will be closed without any further investigation
immediately after Berkowitzs arrest, even though there are definite signs
that others were involved. Queens' District Attorney John Santucci will
reopen the case in 1979 after concluding that Berkowitz did not act alone.
Berkowitz was an adopted child, and both families were Jewish. After his
adopted mother died, his father remarried and moved to Florida in 1971,
leaving David to live alone in New York. He spent time in the US Army
between 1971 and 1974, stationed in Korea, and was a proficient marksman.
When Berkowitz joined the army, he had entered a special program
reportedly for profiled candidates of an unspecified character, and was also
taking hallucinogenic drugs for recreational purposes at one point. It was
after his release from the military that he began to show paranoid delusions,
believing that various people and dogs were possessed by demons. At the

time of the murders, he is working as a postal worker. Berkowitz may have

been under mind-control and known the source of his programming. In the
first handwritten missive he sent to the New York police, he wrote, I am the
Son of Sam. I am a little brat, the possible implication being that he was
an army brat. He also wrote, I am on a different wave length than
everybody else programmed to kill.
After Berkowitzs arrest, police will find numerous telephone numbers
scrawled on the walls of his apartment, including the unlisted private home
numbers of prominent doctors living on Long Island, the number for a large
Scientology training center in Florida, and the number for the Montauk Golf
and Racquet Club, an exclusive country club on Long Island that lies adjacent
to the purportedly closed Camp Hero military base that has been tenuously
linked by researchers to ongoing mind control operations.
In 1997, Berkowitz will reveal to author/investigator Maury Terry that there
were other people involved in the killings apart from himself, that he only
killed three of the victims and wounded a forth, and the rest of the shootings
were done by other members of the cult. Although he will refuse to discuss
anything that relates to the cult, it will be determined that the Son of Sam
group were part of a larger satanic network that extended across the
country, with the local chapter having members from the Yonkers police
department. Berkowitz will claim that their group performed animal sacrifices
and made child pornography. Many of the victims they targeted had been
involved in college prostitution rings that may have tied in to the satanic
network. At the time of the murders, dead and mutilated dogs, mostly
German Shepherds, have been turning up in the area. Berkowitz will name
his neighbors, brothers John and Michael Carr, and their father Sam Carr, as
members of this satanic group. John Carr is alleged to have been involved in
satanism since high school, and was in the Air Force for many years until
being discharged only a few months before the first Son of Sam murders.
John Carr had been a staff sergeant stationed at Offutt AFB in Minot, North
Dakota, and the headquarters of the satanic group he was associated with at
the time was located in nearby Bismarck. Michael Carr was apparently a
Scientology executive and was involved with one of its offshoots most likely
The Process Church, which had moved its headquarters from California to
New York around the time that the Son of Sam murders started. John Carr
will be found shot dead in a girlfriend's North Dakota apartment in 1978.
Michael Carr will be killed in a car crash in New York City less than two years
(See online book, The Ultimate Evil, by Maury Terry)
1976 (August 20) The Allagash alien abduction incident involves four
men (Jack and Jim Weiner, Charlie Foltz, and Chuck Rak) who are out
camping near Allagash, Maine. They spot a strange light in the sky while
fishing out on a lake at night. When one of them signals it with a flashlight, a
beam of light shoots out from the craft and it comes towards them. They are

enveloped in the light, and in the next moment they find themselves back on
shore, staring at the craft as it hovers nearby before suddenly disappearing
into the night sky. The men are exhausted and go to bed for the night, not
discussing the incident. Days later, they all start to have similar nightmares
of strange beings with long necks and large heads. Years later, in 1988, Jim
Weiner meets ufologist Raymond Fowler at a UFO conference and agrees to
undergo regressive hypnosis. All four men take part, and they recall being
abducted and undergoing physical examinations. Their descriptions of the
aliens are consistent. Chuck Rak points out that he has trouble focusing
clearly on the aliens appearance, which suggests that the recalled memories
were screen memories.
1976 (October) Over the next year, 85 German shepherds and
Dobermans will be found skinned and drained of blood in New York City. It is
suspected that they were used in satanic ritual sacrifices.
1976 First non-classified Remote Neural Monitoring device patented by
Robert G. Malech (US patent #3951134, Apparatus and method for
remotely monitoring and altering brain waves).
At the time of its writing, this patent was only a conceptual idea and a
prototype was never actually built and tested. It can be shown that the
technology described within it wouldnt be capable of what it claims, and
would never have made it into the patent records if it was, since the military
immediately classify any new patent application that has any possible
weapons application, which this one obviously does. Nonetheless, this patent
will come to be referred to or described in innumerable online documents and
articles on mind-control technologies, influencing many peoples beliefs that
this particular technology exists. It is very possible that this patent
application was purposely put into the US Patent Office records in order to
use it as disinformation.
1976 The Soviets begin transmitting an extremely low frequency (ELF)
electromagnetic signal that disrupts communications around the world. It is
at a frequency that also has the potential to disrupt brainwaves.
1977 (February 14) Frederick Cowan, a neo-fascist from New Rochelle,
New York, who was suspended from work after quarreling with his Jewish
boss, turns up at the plant with a small arsenal and proceeds to kill five
people and wound two others before turning a gun on himself. According to
serial killer David Berkowitz, Cowan had been involved with the Four Pi
movement, a satanic cult that Berkowitz was also involved with.
(See online book, The Ultimate Evil, by Maury Terry)
1977 (March) Andrija Puharich and Dr. Robert Beck build a magnetic
wave generator in the laboratory in Ossining and begin charting the effects of
different ELF waves on humans. The dangerous implications of their findings

will lead them to prepare a scientific document and send it (hand carry it) to
the political leaders of the western world: Carter, Trudeau, and Thatcher.
Nothing will result.
At this point or earlier, Puharich has learned that ELF waves can be used to
enhance a persons potential for telepathic communication. He is also aware
that peoples brainwaves will fall into electromagnetic resonance when in
close proximity.
(See online book, Memories of a Maverick, by H.G.M. Hermans)
1977 (April) Dr. William Joseph Bryan is found dead in Las Vegas on the
eve of the House Select Committee on Assassinations starting an
investigation into the assassination of Senator and Presidential hopeful
Robert F. Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan.
1977 (July 8) 134 FBI agents, armed with search warrants and
sledgehammers, simultaneously break into the offices of the Church of
Scientology in Washington and Los Angeles and cart away 48,149
documents. These documents will reveal an astonishing espionage system
that spanned the USA and penetrated some of the highest offices.
(See book, Bare-Faced Messiah, by Russell Miller)
1977 (September) After numerous articles in Hearst's S.F. Examiner and
New West Magazine exposing the Peoples Temple, Jim Jones begins an
exodus of temple members to an isolated commune in Guyana.
1977 (October 17) The first murder attributed to the Hillside Stranglers
takes place in the Los Angeles area. By February 17, 1978, twelve more
victims will die. The murderers will eventually be identified as Angelo Buono
and Kenneth Bianchi.
1977 Future serial killer and satanic cult member John Wayne Gacy is
made a Precinct Captain in Chicago where he lives. He will be responsible for
helping to fix Chicago elections so that only special members of the
Democratic Party are elected.
1977 Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ publish their book, Mind Reach, in which
they describe some of the successful early remote viewing experiments at
1977 Project Dreamscan supposedly begins at Montauk.
1977 On the Senate floor, Senator Ted Kennedy states:
"The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions
were involved in an 'extensive testing and experimentation' program which included

covert drug tests on unwitting citizens 'at all social levels, high and low, native Americans
and foreign."
1978 At around this time, the US Army begins funding an operational
remote-viewing program at Fort Meade, Maryland. Six volunteers from Army
Intelligence are trained in remote viewing at SRI.
1978 (February 9) the last murder attributed to Ted Bundy occurs.
1978 (February 17) The last murder attributed to the Hillside Stranglers
takes place.
1978 (February) Future serial killer Richard Ramirez, who will become
known as the Night Stalker, arrives in San Francisco and has a meeting with
satanist Anton LaVey, as well as attending a Church of Satan ritual. From
here, he moves on to Los Angeles, where he will eventually begin his killing
spree in the years ahead. When he is finally caught, he will be visited in jail
by LaVeys daughter Zeena.
1978 (May) Serial killer John Wayne Gacy is photographed with First Lady
Rosalynn Carter, being congratulated as a Ward boss for the Chicago
Democratic Party for a job well done. The photograph shows him wearing
an S pin, indicating to the Secret Service that he carries a special
government clearance. At this time, he has a number of corpses buried under
the crawlspace of his house.
1978 (June) Jeffrey Dahmer kills his first victim, 19-year-old Steven
Hicks, after picking him up hitchhiking and taking him home to drink and
have sex. Afterwards, when Hicks tries to leave, Dahmer bludgeons him to
death and stores the body in the crawlspace under his fathers house. Three
days later, when it begins to smell, he decides to cut the body up into pieces
and put them in garbage bags before burying them in the woods behind the
house. Nine years will pass before he kills again. The murders will involve
rape, dismemberment, necrophilia, and cannibalism.
At the end of this year, Dahmer will enlist in the Army and be stationed in
Germany. He will be discharged two years later due to alcoholism.
Although Dahmer had grown up in a healthy family environment, by the age
of six, after having surgery for a double hernia, he had become different.
According to his father, he grew more inward, sitting quietly for long
periods, hardly stirring, his face oddly motionless. This change would remain
for the rest of his life.
1978 (August) Andrija Puharichs Lab Nine research center permanently
closes when someone burns it to the ground. Puharich flees to Mexico,
claiming that the CIA are targeting him. Lab Nine has been involved up until
this time in experimenting with children who showed psychic potential. Its

very likely that these experiments were related to those that reportedly take
place at Camp Hero (Montauk), Long Island. Little is known about what
actually went on at Lab Nine, but reports by visitors state that many of the
children being used in experiments there appeared to be very traumatized. It
is possible that the CIA feared revelations about these children through a
scandal involving Puharichs associate Ira Einhorn, who at this time is being
investigated for the murder of his former girlfriend Holly Maddux (for which
he will be subsequently convicted). At the time of her disappearance, Maddux
apparently possessed papers relating to the Puharichs research with these
children. It is also possible that what Puharich knew about psychic
phenomena and/or the US governments secret remote-viewing programs
posed a threat to them, and they were making sure that this information
didnt get out. Up to this time, Puharich has been trying to alert the
governments of the western world to the dangers of ELF waves.
(See online file, Behind the Mask: Aliens or Cosmic Jokers?, by Lynn Picknett
& Clive Prince)
1978 According to Walter Bowart (author of Operation Mind Control), there
are only 25 diagnosed cases of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) at this
point in time. By the year 2000, there will be hundreds of thousands of
diagnosed cases. This initial low number apparently doesnt include cases of
MPD prior to it being formally recognized as a medical condition, since the
medical literature from the 18th and 19th centuries is filled with many such
1978 A woman by the name of Jenny OConnor is introduced to the
famous Esalen Institute in California by Sir John Whitmore, a former racecar
driver who was involved with Andrija Puharichs Round Table Foundation.
OConnor will become the channeller for The Nine, continuing the
communications that first started at Puharichs Round Table Foundation. The
Nine will literally take over the administration of Esalen between 1979 and
about 1982, which includes deciding who is hired or fired. Many of the people
who attend OConnors seminars will become prominent in political circles
both in America and the USSR. Another participant at these seminars will be
David M. Myers, who will go on to channel the Nine and publish at least one
book about them, called Two Thirds. He will also work closely with Richard
Hoagland in promoting the Face on Mars controversy in the years ahead.
(See online file, Behind the Mask: Aliens or Cosmic Jokers?, by Lynn Picknett
& Clive Prince)
1978 The Unabomber (allegedly Ted Kaczynski) begins his mail-bombing
campaign, planting or mailing numerous home-made bombs to selected
targets, eventually killing 3 people and injuring 23 others. The campaign will
continue until Kaczynski is arrested in 1996.

Kaczynski had been a child prodigy, and had been accepted into Harvard
University in 1958 at the age of 16. While there, he was a subject of mindcontrol experiments conducted by a Dr. Henry Murray. Later, he was an
assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley at age 25, but
resigned two years later. In 1971, he moved to a remote cabin in Montana
that had no electricity or running water, and lived as a recluse while learning
survival skills, hoping to become self-sufficient. He decided to start his
alleged bombing campaign after watching the wilderness around his home
being destroyed by development. He believed that violent collapse was the
only way to bring down the techno-industrial system. He will later write:
In a general way, I think what has to be done is [] try to increase tensions in society to
the point where things start to break down. To create a situation where people get
uncomfortable enough that theyre going to rebel. So the question is how do you increase
those tensions?
That Kaczynski was angry about the mind-control experiments conducted on
him at Harvard is suggested when he states in a letter to the New York Times
that one of his targets was attacked because its business is in the
development of techniques for manipulating people's attitudes.
1978 (November 18) The Jonestown massacre occurs in Guyana, South
America, under the direction of the psychopathic cult leader and CIA
operative, Rev. Jim Jones, leader of the Peoples Temple Church.
Congressman Leo Ryan, who was actively investigating CIA-bred cults, is
assassinated by cult members after he arrives at Jonestown to investigate
reports of abuse made by former members. At about the same time that
Ryan is murdered, the mass deaths of most of the population of Jonestown
takes place. Ryans killers are described by witnesses as zombies, walking
mechanically, without emotion, and looking through you, not at you as they
fired their guns.
The initial body count given by the US Army is 400, while claiming that
another 700 people had fled into the jungle to escape their deaths. When
none of these survivors fail to materialize, the excuse is made that they
miscounted due to the fact that some of the dead had been hidden under the
bodies of others. However, it is hard to conceive how 400 bodies could
possibly conceal almost twice as many more, so the public was being lied to
and a coverup of some sort was underway. A week after the massacre, the
final official body count will be 916 dead and 16 survivors, but no explanation
will be given as to where almost 200 others are.
The cause of the deaths will be reported as cyanide poisoning by drinking
tainted Kool-Aid, but the evidence will show that this is false. Most of the
bodies are found to have needle injection marks located at the back of the
left shoulder blade, while others had been strangled or shot, indicating a
different scenario to the official one. Jim Jones (or a possible look-alike, as he
was known to employ) is found shot in the head, and although it will be

reported as a suicide, the gun that was used is found 200 feet away from the
A massive amount of drugs commonly used in MKULTRA mind-control
programs are found at the site. This includes 11,000 doses of Thorazine,
20,000 doses of Demerol, stockpiles of sodium pentathol, chloral hydrate,
thallium, and more. It will later be confirmed by Joseph Holsinger, one of
Congressman Ryans aides, that the CIA was responsible for the formation of
religious cults in the USA, stating that MKULTRA had shifted its programs
from public institutions to private cult groups like the Peoples Temple since
1963, and that a CIA rear-support base had been in collusion with Jim Jones
to perform medical and mind control experiments. It will also be discovered
by investigators that Jonestown was the pet project of Dr. Lawrence Laird
Layton of the University of California at Berkeley, a former chemist for the
Manhattan Project and head of the Armys chemical warfare research division
in the early 1950s. Layton had conceived, staffed, and financed the
Jonestown project, and his own son was the man who had shot and killed
Congressman Ryan. Another CIA agent within the inner ranks at Jonestown is
Richard Dwyer.
Reports by a number of survivors reveal how harsh living conditions were at
Jonestown. Infractions of the rules or disloyalty had resulted in increasingly
harsh punishments, including public humiliation, forced drugging, physical
torture, sensory isolation in an underground box, and public sexual rape. The
inhabitants of this tightly run concentration camp setting had also been
subjected to medical and psychiatric experimentation. Beatings and verbal
abuse were commonplace. Only the special guards were treated humanely
and fed decently, while everyone else survived mostly on rice, bread, and
rancid meat. Prior to their fatal end, those living at Jonestown would be
regularly put through suicide drills.
A number of the Jonestown survivors will end up being murdered after
returning to the USA, quite possibly to assure their silence. The mass
suicide appears to have been ordered at the last minute by somebody other
than Jim Jones, since he had been murdered as well, just when Congressman
Ryan was about to expose the situation at Jonestown. He was becoming a
serious threat to the CIAs secret involvement in this and many other mindcontrol cults that had been cropping up in recent years. The CIA apparently
had a number of their agents within Jones elite ranks (who all survived), and
ordered them to pull the plug and eliminate everyone, including Ryan, so that
no information could leak out about what had really been going on and who
had been involved.
Immediately after the massacre, World Vision, a CIA front organization, will
develop a scheme to repopulate the Jonestown site with CIA-linked
mercenaries from Laos.

(See online file, CIA Cults and the Global Brainwashing Experiment: The
Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre, by John Judge)
1978 At about this time, a man named John Todd begins speaking out
about his alleged involvement with the top levels of the Illuminati. He claims
to have been a member of their Grand Druid Council. He names the
Rothschild family as the ultimate head of this Luciferian secret society, with
the Rockefellers acting as its American head. Todd reveals that the Illuminati
seek to bring in the Anti-Christ, and are constantly on the lookout for an
ideal candidate to play this crucial part in the unfolding of their plans for
world conquest. It is certain that this candidate, whoever it might be, will
have undergone the most extensive mind-control programming possible.
1978 At about this time, the Texas House Select Committee on Child
Pornography discloses that investigators probing leads to organized crime in
Houston, Dallas, and other major cities found that slave auctions for sixteenand seventeen-year-old boys are routinely held in Mexico. Some of the boys
are featured in brutal snuff or slasher movies.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1979 William Moore and Charles Berlitz release their book, The
Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility, detailing the events that
allegedly took place in 1943 involving the USS Eldridge. It is an instant
1979 Publication of The Andreasson Affair, by Raymond E. Fowler. This is
the first of three books he will write about the alleged alien abduction
experiences of Betty Andreasson Luca.
1979 Ufologist Bruce Maccabee begins his secret involvement with the
1979 Ted Gunderson retires from the FBI after 29 years of service and
opens a private detective agency. Gunderson had headed the FBI field offices
in Memphis, Dallas, and Los Angeles and was an expert in counterintelligence. During his career, Gunderson had been a vociferous defender of
the FBI, acting as their media spokesperson during the Watergate scandal
and publicly supporting the COINTELPRO tactics used in the 50s and 60s,
claiming that such extreme measures were necessary. After retiring, he will
go on to lead investigations into a number of controversial cases that link to
an international drug/child sex trafficking network involving people at the
highest levels of government. His real agenda in these investigations will be
to contain the situation, gather intelligence, and spread disinformation. He
will work tirelessly over the years in helping to raise a satanic scare among
the public, which will effectively backfire when psychiatrists and childcare
workers who report claims of satanic ritual abuse by their clients are accused
of planting false memories of these incidents. For all of Gundersons years of

investigation, nothing positive will result and doubt and confusion over the
whole issue will only multiply.
(See online file, Ted Gunderson: Death of a Public Paranoid)
1979 - CompuServe becomes the first computer network to offer email
service to personal computer users.
1980 MKULTRA mind-control victim Cathy OBrien will claim that during
this year she was programmed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, by Lt. Col.
Michael Aquino of the US Army. Aquino is a self-confessed neo-Nazi and
devout Satanist. He will use barbaric trauma techniques on both Cathy and
her daughter Kelly that involve NASA technology. Aquino is the founder of the
Temple of Set, and holds top-secret clearance in the DIA's Psychological
Warfare Division. He is also deputy director of reserve training at the Presidio
Army Base in San Francisco. He will be charged (but never tried or convicted)
for the ritual and sexual abuse of children at the Presidio Army Base day care
center in the years ahead, leading to his involuntary discharge from the
Cathy OBrien is a presidential model Monarch sex slave, meaning that she
is specially programmed to cater to the sexual perversions of the highestranking politicians in the USA. During her time as a sex slave (which started
as a child), she services a number of well-known politicians, including Bill and
Hilary Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, George H.W.
Bush, Dick Cheney, Governors Lamar Alexander and Richard Thornburgh, Bill
Bennett, Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator Robert Byrd (who is her handler)
and Arlen Spector. O'Brien will eventually give testimony before the US
Senate regarding the events she was forced to go through and she will name
her perpetrators, and not one of these men will challenge her or accuse her
of slander.
(See online book, Trans-Formation of America, by Cathy OBrien and Mark
1980 William Moore and Charles Berlitz coauthor and publish The Roswell
Incident, which is the first book to come out about this alleged crash.
1980 Emma Christy Christensen, the daughter of William S. Sadler,
receives an apparently audible message from unseen friends, who are
believed to be the same supernal beings who provided the Urantia material.
1980 Andrija Puharich is invited to live at the estate of Richard Joshua
Reynolds (Reynolds dynasty), where he is able to conduct research studying
the effects of electromagnetic fields on brain waves.
1980 Paul Bennewitz, a scientist and amateur UFO investigator, becomes
the target of a UFO hoax initiated by government agents. It begins when he

and another UFO investigator, Dr. Leo Sprinkle, hear the story of a young
woman named Judy Doraty, who claims that she and her son had been
abducted by aliens and taken to an underground base where they were
examined and implanted with alien devices. She claims that while at the
base, she saw large vats with human body parts floating in them. CAT scans
paid for by Bennewitz reportedly confirms the existence of the implants in
the woman and her son. Bennewitz comes to believe that at least 300,000
or more in the USA and at least 2,000,000 if not more worldwide have been
implanted with cerebral control devices by the aliens, although his means of
detecting these implants is questionable: You can recognize them because
of their eyes... [a] peculiar look in the eyes and a funny smile.
Bennewitz, who owns an electronics research laboratory, attempts to detect
the electromagnetic signals that he believes the aliens are using to control
the woman, in order to find out a way to shield against them. In late 1979,
he had told members of the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO)
that he was detecting these low frequency signals, and that he had begun to
make calculations about electronic and propulsive techniques employed by
the aliens. At the same time, from his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico, he
had been photographing unidentified lights in the area of the Manzano
Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility east of Kirtland Air Force Base. He believed
that he had established constant direct communication with the Alien using
a computer and a form of Hex Decimal Code with Graphics and print-out.
The communication method also involved asking the aliens questions
telepathically when a UFO was in sight.
Bennewitz comes to believe that he has located two underground alien bases
in the New Mexico desert, and begins collecting evidence, hiring a helicopter
to take photographs of the sites. He claims to have captured images of
saucer craft, beam weapons, and aliens on the ground. However, when the
film is developed, these images are inexplicably missing. Bennewitz goes on
to produce a written report on his research titled Project Beta, which includes
a study of alien psychology, as well as proposed means by which the military
might destroy the alien bases using his own company, Thunder Electronics,
as a sub-contractor for his own beam weapon inventions.
Throughout all this, Bennewitz was in close touch with a military officer
named Major Edwards at the Manzano facility, and through him, was able to
give several presentations to high-level Air Force personnel at the base. UFO
writer/researcher William Moore will later explain that [Bennewitz] had
innocently stumbled on a signal used in a secret Air Force experiment that
was totally unrelated to UFOs. He was approached by security officers who
tried to get him to disconnect this equipment and to stop monitoring their
electromagnetic tests. The more they did this, of course, the more Bennewitz
was convinced they had something to hide (which was true) and that it had
to do with UFOs (which was false). And he refused to comply.

The hoax is stepped up in an attempt to lead Bennewitz into discrediting

himself. People with apparent implant scars begin to come to him more
frequently with their abduction stories, and Bennewitz begins to have a
number of his own abduction experiences. By early September, William
Moore is contacted by a well-placed individual within the intelligence
community who claimed to be directly connected to a high-level project
dealing with UFOs. This man, known only as Falcon, claims that he is part
of a group that wants to expose the continuing government cover-up of
UFOs. Moore goes along with the man in the hopes of gaining access to
government UFO information. Acting as liaison between Moore and this group
is Sgt. Richard Doty, who will later be found to have been working for AFOSI
and trained in disinformation and psychological operations. Moore soon
learns that his own role is to provide information on Bennewitz in exchange
for sensitive information on UFOs. He also learns that several government
agencies are collaborating together to discredit Bennewitz by passing him
By 1982, the alien scenario that Bennewitz is being fed will be adopted into
the belief structure held by a large portion of the UFO community in the
years ahead, where malevolent grey aliens are abducting humans, mutilating
cattle, farming hybrids, and implanting humans with control devices. These
aliens, as the story went, had made a secret treaty with the US government,
in which they would be allowed to operate an underground base in Dulce,
New Mexico, and abduct a certain number of humans for experimentation,
and in exchange for this they had given alien technology to the US
government. To add further excitement to the plot, there was also a
benevolent group of aliens intent on stopping the destructive greys from
ravaging the planet.
Eventually, Bennewitz will have a nervous breakdown due to the stress
induced by the situation, and he will be hospitalized and placed under
psychiatric care. Many other up-and-coming UFO researchers/investigators
will be unwittingly manipulated in the years ahead and provided with false
documents and disinformation that will continue to promote this belief
system and lead it along with enough intrigue and sensationalism to capture
and hold the attention of as many willing believers as possible.
(See online file, Mind Control, World Control, by Jim Keith)
1980 (December 8) Mark David Chapman murders John Lennon outside
Lennons residence at the Dakota Hotel in New York City. When Chapman
sees Lennon, he hears a voice in his head saying, Do it! Do it! Do it! After
the shooting, Chapman sits down on the curb and begins reading a copy of
the book, The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger, and waits for the police
to arrive. Inside the book, he had written, This is my statement. The book
is known to be prescribed to mind-control victims by their programmers. A
few months after the shooting, Chapman will send a handwritten statement
to The New York Times, urging everyone to read The Catcher in the Rye,

calling it an extraordinary book that holds many answers. Even though his
lawyers believe they can get him off with an insanity plea, Chapman will
decide to plead guilty after a voice in his head that he attributes to God
commands him to do so.
Chapmans father was a staff sergeant in the U.S. Air Force, which ties him to
the military as a possible target for mind-control programs. Chapman will
state that as a boy, he lived in fear of his father, who was physically abusive
towards his mother and unloving towards him. Such fear and abuse within
the family are further signs of a possible mind-control situation. He also had
suicidal tendencies, and had tried to kill himself by carbon monoxide
asphyxiation in 1977, which led to him spending time at Castle Memorial
Hospital for depression. He was later hired to work at the hospital.
Chapman had also been an employee of World Vision in 1975, and had
worked at a refugee camp in Ft. Chaffee, Arkansas, as well as several other
refugee camps in various foreign countries. Chapman would accompany his
World Vision employer to meetings with government officials, and even had a
chance to shake hands with Gerald Ford at one of these meetings. World
Vision works with refugees worldwide, and is a CIA front company involved in
recruiting mercenaries in foreign countries. It has links to Rev. Jim Jones and
his Jonestown community in Guyana. John Hinckley Sr., the father of the man
who attempted to assassinate President Reagan, is a high-ranking official at
World Vision. He is also a close friend of George Bush Sr. and the owner of
Vanderbilt Oil.
After leaving World Vision, Chapman became a security guard for a while,
and took a week-long course that qualified him to carry a firearm.
Chapman began planning the assassination three months before the incident,
and had confided to his wife about his obsession to kill Lennon, even showing
her his gun and ammunition. She failed to report it. He made an appointment
to see a clinical psychologist, but never showed up.
The doorman at Lennons residence was an anti-Castro exile from Cuba. It
has been alleged that he had worked for the CIA as far back as 1961, and
had even participated in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. Lennon had long
known that he was being monitored by the FBI and his phones were tapped,
and he even stated that if something should ever happen to him, it would be
no accident.
1980 At this point in time, nearly twenty serial killers are reported each
year in the USA.
1981 (January) - The Law of One books (also known as The Ra Material)
begin to be channeled by Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty
(founders of L/L Research), and will continue until 1984. The entity that is
channeled will describe itself as belonging to a Council that consists of nine

members, and, when asked, will affirm that this Council is the same group
that identified themselves as The Nine Principles and Forces that were
contacted through Andrija Puharichs Round Table Foundation many years
earlier (see sessions 7.9 and 7.10). The transcripts of these more recent
channeling sessions reveal that Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty
are in contact with Puharich (see sessions 7.11, 12.1, 12.10, 21.3, 23,11,
39.4, and 84.7). The Ra Material places humans in a greater cosmic scheme
of things that pits positive forces against negative forces within cycles of
incarnations and stages of spiritual development where we humans move
towards one extreme or the other through free-will choice, with an eventual
harvest of souls at the end of these cycles. The material presents the idea
that many of us are born into our lives as Wanderers, using this as a method
to entice followers through their own wishful thinking. There is no critical
questioning by Rueckert, Elkins, or McCarty about the validity of the material
being offered, and they even seem to grasp the rather deep philosophy quite
easily, as though theyre already familiar with it. The questions being asked
the entities are focused strictly on these philosophies, and completely ignore
anything that might be insightful relating to science, history, etc., that would
qualify these entities as advanced beings worthy of listening to. There is
nothing within the Ra Material that hasnt already been introduced by one
person or another in our past as beliefs or ideas about the human condition
and the nature of reality.
1981 (March 30) The attempted assassination of newly-elected President
Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley Jr. If Hinckley had been successful, Reagans
position as President would have been taken over by the Vice President,
George Bush Sr. Interestingly, Hinckleys father, John Hinckley Sr., is a good
friend and neighbor of George Bush, and as owner of Vanderbilt Oil, a fellow
oil tycoon. He is also president of World Vision, which acts as a front
organization for the CIAs mercenary training camps. Bushs son Neil even
had dinner with Hinckleys older brother Scott the night after the
assassination attempt on Reagan.
Hinckley is obsessed with the actress Jodie Foster, and believes that
assassinating Reagan will win her heart. He identifies strongly with the
character of Travis Bickle in the movie Taxi Driver, played by Robert DeNiro,
and is emulating him in the movie, Bickle attempts to assassinate a
presidential candidate in the belief that it will please the woman he loves.
Prior to this event, Hinckley had stalked Jimmy Carter during his 1979
presidential campaign, which resulted in him being arrested for possession of
firearms at the Nashville Airport. After this previous incident, Hinckleys
parents sent him to see a psychiatrist named John Hopper. Hopper didnt
think there were any signs of mental illness, and recommended that
Hinckleys parents cut him off financially and evict him from their home. This
was just prior to the attempt on Reagans life, and seems to have been the
catalyst for the act. After the assassination attempt, a copy of J. D. Salingers
The Catcher in the Rye will be found in the hotel room where Hinckley has

been staying. Interestingly, Hinckley will claim that he met with serial killer
David Berkowitz while in Colorado.
Hinckley was able to get very close to Reagan as he was leaving the
Washington Hilton, and fired off six shots in three seconds. Although Reagan
was hit, there is reason to believe that the bullet didnt come from Hinckleys
gun. Reagan will only feel pain from the bullet after he has been shoved into
the back seat of his limousine by a Secret Service agent, and at first thinks
that the pain is caused by the agents gun pressing against him as the agent
lays over him to shield him from gunfire. Later forensics will show that none
of Hinckleys bullets could have hit Reagan, and it seems that the Secret
Service agent was the one who actually shot Reagan. Hinckley was using
hollow-point bullets that shatter on impact, causing maximum damage, but
Reagan will not show any signs that such a bullet hit him.
Hinckley will be found innocent by reason of insanity, and remain
incarcerated at St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington, DC. He will have
Secret Service agents watching him 24 hours a day, 365 fays a year. Why?
What is so important about Hinckley that the Presidents special security men
must keep such a close eye on him?
1981 (July 27) The abduction of six-year-old Adam Walsh in Hollywood,
Florida will lead to his father John Walsh creating and hosting the FOX TV
show, Americas Most Wanted. Adams decapitated head will be the only
remains ever recovered. Years later, Ottis Toole, a serial killer with ties to a
satanic ring called the Hand of Death, will confess to killing Adam. The
widespread publicity of this case will result in the implementation of federal
DNA, fingerprint, and sexual offender databases. Despite that these
technologies will be put into place under the guise of protecting children,
there will still be a record number of unsolved disappearances taking place
every year, and sexual offenders will continue to prey on victims.
1981 ARPANET is expanded when the National Science Foundation
develops the Computer Science Network. (CSNET). The number of host sites
is 213, and new ones will be added regularly. These are all military sites,
universities, or research centers.
1981 The NSA becomes responsible for detailing trusted computing and
network platform specifications, meaning that they can easily secure hidden
functions in any computer architecture. This gives them the ability to
surreptitiously insert spyware or malware in any computer, which would be
completely undetectable (even to computer manufacturers and technicians).
Computer chips that have other functions, such as for transmitting electronic
mind-control signals, could also be designed and surreptitiously inserted as

1981 UFO researcher and hypnotist Budd Hopkins publishes his book,
Missing Time, in which he discusses the purported alien abduction
phenomenon, based on the retrieved memories of hypnotized subjects.
1982 Vern Grimsley, founder of the Family of God Foundation, awakes one
morning with a sudden compelling urge to purchase new property for his
organization. Around this same time, he claims he is hearing voices that are
from the same higher beings who wrote the Urantia Book, and that they
warn of an impending world war that will be followed by a nuclear holocaust.
A month later, while viewing the vacated St. Anthony's College campus with a
realtor, he hears an audible voice from no apparent source telling him, This
is it! The site is surrounded by a number of different military installations, as
well as the Livermore Nuclear Research Laboratory, all of which are within a
thirty-mile radius of it.
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1982 (September 5) Twelve-year-old Johnny Gosch is abducted from a
shopping mall parking lot in West Des Moines, Iowa, while doing his paper
route. He is never seen again. Years later, during an interview with private
investigator Ted Gunderson, child abductee and sex slave victim Paul Bonacci
will reveal that, as a child, he was directly involved in Goschs abduction,
having acted as a lure to draw Gosch into the hands of his pedophile
abductors. The abduction was reportedly ordered by Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.
After the abduction, Johnny is taken to a farmhouse where he is held for two
weeks until Michael Aquino comes to pick him up and take him to Colorado.
Both Gosch and Bonacci are used for the pedophiliac pleasures of highranking government officials, which will tie in with the Presidio case in 1986,
the Finders case in 1987, and the Franklin case in 1988, as part of a deeper
satanic network operated by very rich and powerful people. The police chief
in West Des Moines, who fails to do anything in the Gosch case, will also be
linked to the Franklin case.
1982 (October 20) Robin Gecht, a 28-year-old carpenter-electrician who
had worked for serial killer John Wayne Gace in the past, is arrested for the
vicious slashing of an 18-year-old prostitute. This case will open a Pandoras
box of depravity, sadism, Satan worship, and cannibalism that involves
nearly a score of Chicago-area women. Within a week of Gechts release on
bond for the attack on the prostitute, another woman will claim to have been
attacked by him, leading to his re-arrest.
1982 Around this time, Operation Clydes Dale is purportedly initiated as a
Special Operations Group to identify, track down, and exterminate the
pedophiles who are kidnapping children from the streets of New York City
and using them to make pedophile porn films. Some of the children are being
killed in snuff films, some are sold into white slavery, and others are

programmed and used in projects similar to Project Monarch. All the children
are being tortured in satanic rituals.
1983 (June) After being arrested for illegal possession of a firearm, Henry
Lee Lucas begins confessing to a long string of gruesome murders spanning
almost a decade. His partner in crime, Ottis Toole, will corroborate his
involvement in over 100 murders. Lucas willingness to confess to all these
murders allows authorities to take advantage of this in order to close the files
on many unsolved cases, and so Lucas probably admitted to many murders
that he didnt actually commit. He will claim to have been working for a large
satanic cult network called the Hand of Death. According to Lucas, this
network involved wealthy and powerful people, and Lucas and Toole
performed contract hits and child abductions for them. He will state that he
delivered the children to ranches in Juarez and Matamoros, Mexico, where
they were used in child pornography and ritual sacrifices. Years later, a mass
grave will be found exactly where Lucas had said. In 1998, Lucas will become
the only inmate on death row to ever have his sentence commuted by thenGovernor of Texas George W. Bush. Lucas partner Ottis Toole will similarly
have his sentence commuted in Florida by then-Governor Jeb Bush. This
raises the question about whether Lucas and Toole might have helped to
cover up murders that were tied to the Bushes.
(See online book, Theres Something About Henry, by David McGowan)
1983 (August) The Manhattan Beach Police Department in California
begin an investigation regarding allegations of sexual abuse occurring at the
McMartin Preschool. Altogether, approximately 400 children will be evaluated
by therapists. All interviews will be videotaped and 350 children will disclose
sexual behavior. Almost all the victims will show physical signs of abuse.
Seven teachers at the preschool (six women and one male) will be named as
having molested them. These individuals will be charged with 209 counts of
child molestation.
The child victims will describe sexual abuse, child prostitution, and child
pornography occurring on school grounds and at various other locations.
There will be descriptions of animal sacrifices as well as being urinated and
defecated on. Children will state that the adults sometimes dressed in black
robes, formed a circle around them and chanted. They will tell of being
forced to witness and participate in the ritual torture, killing and mutilation of
animals and, on occasion, of human babies and children as well. They will
also describe being forced to drink the blood and eat the flesh of the
slaughtered corpses, witnessing the beheading of infants, and being forced to
stab infants themselves. Other local preschools will be tied to the case and
60 more victims will give reports of similar activities.
The McMartin victims will also describe a tunnel system that is used to
secretly transport them in and out of the school to where they were taken to
be tortured. Law enforcement officers and the media will treat the claim of

tunnels as a fantasy and only a superficial search will be made, turning up

nothing. Parents of the victims will eventually have a second search
conducted when the property is sold in April 1990, and the tunnels will be
found. Charges against five of the seven defendants in the case will
inexplicably be dropped. The first parent to lodge a complaint in the McMartin
case will receive threats before turning up dead just before her scheduled
testimony. A private investigator hired by the victims parents will also turn
up dead on the eve of his scheduled testimony.
1983 (October 10) While traveling in West Germany on official NATO
business, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino stages a satanic working at the
Wewelsburg Castle in Bavaria, attempting to invoke Nazi SS chief Heinrich
1983 Vern Grimsley has over 100 channellings, some even while hes
sleeping. The communications warn him of a coming nuclear war, and provide
survival strategies. He begins preparing his compound and stockpiling arms.
1983 - George Bush Sr. allegedly begins sodomizing and electrocuting
Project Monarch slave Cathy OBriens three and a half year old daughter
Kelly. Furthermore, constant threats are made by Bush on Kelly's life in order
to keep Cathy in line. He also tells her that he is an ET and can activate a
holographic image within Cathy's mind that would make him appear to
change into a lizard-like alien creature.
(See online book, Trans-Formation of America, by Cathy OBrien and Mark
1983 MILNET splits off from ARPANET. The first desktop computer
workstations become available.
1983 The closure of the Camp Hero facility at Montauk, Long Island, NY.
1983 DARPA begins research into brain-computer interfacing.
1983 At about this time, crack cocaine begins flooding the streets of Los
Angeles and in other US cities soon after, causing an epidemic drug problem
unlike any time before in history. Street gangs develop into national networks
and are essentially militarized as a result, establishing their territories and
enforcing their share of the market. This leads to an influx of guns and the
increased crime and violence that come with them. This rapidly growing
problem is a direct result of the supposed War on Drugs, which was an
excuse for various US government agencies (including the CIA, FBI, BATF,
and DEA) to eliminate the existing South American drug cartels and take
over the illicit drug markets themselves, funneling the profits into black
projects being conducted by those agencies. This epidemic problem will also
give the government an excuse to increase the size of police forces and give

them excessive powers of search and seizure, entrapment, and the

recruitment and use of informants.
1984 (March 17) An unnamed gunman is arrested near the White House
who claims that he has been injected with a crystalline implant that was
broadcasting messages telling him to kill the president.
(See online file, Mind Control, World Control, by Jim Keith)
1984 (July) Ritual abuse is uncovered at West Point military base when a
three-year-old girl finds herself in the emergency room of the West Point
Hospital with a lacerated vagina. She tells the examining physician that a
teacher at the daycare center had hurt her. By the end of the year, fifty
children will be interviewed by investigators. Children at West Point will tell
stories that will become horrifyingly familiar. They will report that they had
been ritually abused. They will report having had excrement smeared on
their bodies and being forced to eat feces and drink urine. They will say they
were taken away from the day care center and photographed. Despite
abundant medical and psychological evidence and literally dozens of child
witnesses, and despite 950 interviews by 60 FBI agents assigned to the
investigation, the investigation, led by former US Attorney (and future mayor
of New York) Rudolph Giuliani will produce no federal grand jury indictments.
1984 (December 11) Fellow UFO researchers William Moore and Jaime
Shandera receive the controversial MJ-12 documents, contained on film that
is anonymously delivered to Shanderas mailbox.
1984 A fictionalized account of the Philadelphia Experiment is released in
theatres in the USA. The US government immediately forces an injunction,
banning it. The injunction will be overturned two years later in 1986, at
which time the movie is released on video.
Why would the government ban this movie from public release? This only
seems reasonable if there is actually some truth to this strange story.
Stopping the release of the movie might have been a purposeful ploy to bring
the story to the attention of conspiracy theorists and other fringe groups, in
order to popularize the more outrageous aspects of it so that certain
important truths buried within them such as its association with T.
Townsend Brown and his work are discredited. If Browns work with the US
Navy had been successful in making battleships invisible to radar, it is very
likely that this had since become part of the new stealth technology for
aircraft, or even antigravity technology, and a disinformation campaign was
being conducted to cover this up.
1984 Scottish inventor Sandy Kidd succeeds in building an antigravity
device that uses gyroscopes attached to the ends of a crossarm. When the
device was turned on, it levitated three inches off the workbench.

(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)

1984 The USAF seizes 89,000 acres of public land surrounding Groom Lake
in Nevada (Area 51).
1984 - Carla Rueckert publishes The Ra Material, a collection of channeled
information. This published information will become a huge hit among the
New Age movement and take on a cult-like following.
1984 The cult group, Order of the Solar Temple is founded in France by Jo
Di Mambro and Luc Jouret. Di Mambro was inspired by the Ancient and
Mystic Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) during his involvement with them from
1956 to 1969. The Order of the Solar Temple is involved in promoting their
New Age philosophy and the belief that the universe is nearing a great
change. The Order consists of three levels of initiation or clubs. The Amanta
Club is involved with disseminating the group's philosophy and bringing
together a spiritual elite in order to achieve a higher state of consciousness.
The Archedia Club is involved with providing selected members with more
advanced knowledge. The International Knighthood Organization has access
to special publications and to initiations exclusive to its members. Di Mambro
presents himself to members as a representative of higher beings and the
receiver and transmitter of divine messages, which he receives during group
ceremonies. These messages will become apocalyptic in nature, with the
leaders and members believing that Earth will one day be destroyed and that
they will be the sole survivors. They will see themselves as unique beings,
set apart from the masses through their discovery of the truth, and they will
believe that they have a special mission to accomplish. Gradually, the feeling
that they are different will lead them to believe that they have little in
common with the rest of the world. The Order believed in the existence of an
original source of consciousness to which members of the group would one
day return. This latter point is similar to what is stated in The Ra Material put
out by Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty.
1984 - Paul Bonacci is an eyewitness to the ritual rape and murder of a
young boy at the Bohemian Grove while being forced to take part in a
homosexual snuff film.
1984 The Gittinger Assessment Center is established at Hocking College,
serving as a site for training, resources, information, data collection, and
future development of the PAS.
1984 George W. Bush is implicated in a Brownsville, Texas, mass murder,
in which 17 people have been ritualistically murdered and skinned. Bush had
disappeared for three days, during which time the murders happened, and he
is unable to explain where he had been at the time or what he had been
doing. The people murdered were allegedly members of a satanic cult that
Bush also belonged to. His father, Vice President George Bush, will stop
investigations into the matter. Brownsville is directly across the border from

Matamoros, where several mass gravesites connected to satanic cults will be

discovered in several years time. Serial killer Henry Lee Lucas, whose death
sentence Bush will commute in 1998, will provide authorities with information
on at least one of these sites.
1985 By this year, the number of murdered women in Washington
suspected of being victims of the Green River Killer, going back to 1982,
reaches 45. The main suspect, Gary Leon Ridgway, will continue to avoid
arrest until 2001. Over the next few years, he will begin visiting the
Vancouver area in Canada. There will be eyewitness accounts of him in
Vancouver in the close company of future serial killer, Robert Pickton.
1985 - A ranch is uncovered in Kerrville, Texas. The ranch, run by a family of
German immigrants, is found to be holding 75 human slaves, many of them
acquired when they were young teenagers. The property is patrolled by
armed guards who keep the slaves chained together and routinely torture
them with electric cattle prods. Whenever one of the slaves was killed, the
body was burned to dispose of the evidence. The Texas Rangers eventually
raid the property, but only after routinely ignoring steady reports of strange
happenings at the ranch. It will take the state of Texas almost two full years
to bring the case to trial. When it is all over with, the rancher and one of his
sons will receive extraordinarily light sentences for their crimes: 15 years for
one, and 14 for the other. Another indicted son will be acquitted and walk
away a free man.
1985 Quantum Computer Services Inc., which later becomes America
Online Inc. launches the first online service, Q-Link, on the Commodore 64.
1985 Allegations of ritual abuse at the Jubilation Day Care Center at Fort
Bragg erupt when several children report being sexually abused by a number
of people at the day care center and at several locations away from the
center, including at least two churches. Lt. Col. Michael Aquino is identified as
having been present at one of those churches.
1986 (March 23) 11-year-old Ricky Chadek is abducted in Omaha,
Nebraska, the same state where Johnny Gosch went missing four years
(See online file, Child Trafficking and Mind Control in the Heartland - My Cost
of Child Advocacy, by David Shurter)
1986 (November) The first allegations emerge regarding sexual abuse
being perpetrated at the US Armys Presidio Child Development Center in San
Francisco. Alarmed by accusations made by her child, a parent seeks medical
examination that confirms that the three-year-old boy had in fact been anally
raped. The boy identifies his rapist as Mr. Gary, a teacher at the center
named Gary Hambright. It will take the Army almost a month to notify the
parents of other children who have been in Hambright's class that the

incident had taken place. Within a year, at least 60 victims will be identified,
all between the ages of three and seven, and further allegations will be made
by parents that several more children have been molested even after an
investigation has begun. Victims will tell of being taken to private homes to
be abused, and at least three houses will be positively identified. They will
also describe being urinated and defecated upon, and being forced to ingest
urine and feces. Irrefutable medical evidence will document the fact that
these children were abused, including five who had contracted chlamydia,
and many others will show clear signs of anal and genital trauma consistent
with violent penetration. Even before the abuse is exposed, the children were
exhibiting radical changes in behavior, including temper outbursts, sudden
mood shifts, and poor impulse control. Both Lt. Col Michael Aquino and his
wife Lilith will be positively identified by victims as two of the perpetrators. At
least one victim will be able to positively identify Aquino's home and describe
with uncanny accuracy the distinctively satanic interior of the house. Only
Hambright will ever be charged for abusing one child, and these charges will
be dismissed three months later.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1986 A woman named Eulice (Lisa) Washington tells Youth Care Worker
Julie Walters, as documented in her Department of Social Services March 25,
1986 report, that Lawrence King ran a massive child sex, homosexual, and
pornography industry. She describes how beginning in tenth grade, she had
been taken by plane by King, with other youths, to be used as a child
prostitute at parties in Washington, Chicago, and New York. Lisa states that
at these parties, she sat looking pretty and innocent and guests could
engage in any sexual activity they wanted except penetration. She names
Vice President George Bush as in attendance at these parties at least twice,
according to Walters report. Lisa states she had first met Mr. Bush at the
Dallas 1984 Republican Convention. She also claims to have seen Vice
President George Bush Sr. at a party in Chicago in September or October of
1984, accompanied by two large white males. Walters report states: She
[Lisa] indicates that she set [sic] on a table at the party while wearing
nothing but a negligee. She stated that George Bush saw her on the table.
She stated she saw Vice President George Bush pay King money, and that
Bush left the party with a nineteen year old black boy named Brent.
According to the Chicago Tribune of October 31, 1984, George Bush Sr. was
in Illinois campaigning for congressional candidates at the end of October,
1984. Walters report indicates that Lisa said she saw George Bush Sr. again
at a party hosted by Lawrence King in Washington, DC, in which there were
no women, only men perfectly made-up to look like women, older men and
men in their younger twenties. She said she saw sodomy committed at those
(See online book, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster G.
Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin)

1986 ARPANET expands further when the National Science Foundation

provides access to supercomputer sites in the US from research and
education organizations.
1987 (February 4) Two men Michael Houlihan and Douglas Ammerman
are picked up on multiple counts of child abuse. They are found traveling in
a van with six children ranging in age from two to seven years old. The
children are dirty, barely clothed, and covered in insect bites, while the two
men are well dressed. They claim they are going to Mexico to take part in a
special school for smart kids. The van is found to belong to an organization
in Washington, DC, called The Finders. A search of two of the offices of this
organization results in the discovery that sex orgies and satanic activity had
taken place at these locations, including a murder. A large collection of
photographs of nudes, believed to be members of the Finders, is also
obtained. Documents seized in the investigation reveal detailed instructions
for obtaining children for unspecified purposes. The instructions include the
impregnation of female members of the Finders community, purchasing
children, trading, and kidnapping. Further evidence suggests that this is part
of an international satanic pedophile ring. Numerous files seized relate to
activities of the organization in different parts of the world, including London,
Germany, the Bahamas, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Africa, Costa Rica, and
Europe. Files are also seized that contain intelligence information on private
families not related to the Finders. The intelligence gathering process
appears to be have been a systematic response to local newspaper
advertisements for babysitters, tutors, etc. A member of the Finders would
respond to the ad and gather as much information as possible about the
habits, identity, occupation, etc., of the family. What this information was
used for is still unknown. There was also a large amount of data that had
been collected on various childcare organizations. The police report on the
case is classified secret. The investigation soon becomes a CIA internal
matter. No further information is made available and no further action is
1987 (August 11) Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund, a physicist and expert on
oilfield development, is working as a consultant for the Atlantic Richfield Oil
Company (ARCO) when he is issued US Patent #4,686,605 for a technology
he developed that will quickly be implemented as HAARP (High Altitude
Auroral Research Project) in Gakona, Alaska. Using Eastlunds technology,
HAARP is capable of irradiating the upper atmosphere with electromagnetic
energy for a variety of purposes, including over-the-horizon radar, weather
modification, and mass mind-control. Eastlund assigned the patent rights to
APTI Inc., a Los Angeles subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield.
1987 (August 14) Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and his wife Lilith are identified
by child victims as two of the sexual abusers at daycare programs at the US
Armys Presidio in San Diego, California. A search warrant is served on their
residence and numerous videotapes, photographs, photo albums,
photographic negatives, cassette tapes, and address books are confiscated.

Also observed is what appears to be a soundproof room. Neither Aquino nor

his wife are charged with any crimes.
One month later, a fire which the Army will claim to have been accidental
will destroy the Army Community Services Building adjacent to the Presidio's
day care center. The fire will occur on the autumnal equinox, a major event
on the satanic calendar. The fire will also destroy some of the center's
records. Three weeks after this, fire will strike again, this time at the day
care center itself. A building that houses four classrooms, including that of
Gary Hambright, is completely destroyed. Investigators from the BATF will
determine that both fires, contrary to the Army's finding, had been arson.
During this time, Hambright, the Presidio teacher who was charged in the
case previously, will again be indicted, this time for molesting ten children.
As before, the charges will be dropped. It will later be reported that there is
clear evidence of satanic cult activity taking place on the grounds of the
Presidio base, including an abundance of satanic graffiti, a satanic altar, and
numerous artifacts of satanic rituals.
By November, the Army will receive allegations of child abuse at 15 of its day
care centers and several elementary schools. There will also be at least two
cases at Air Force day care centers, and another at a center run by the US
Navy. In addition, a special team of experts will be sent to Panama to help
determine if as many as 10 children at a Department of Defense elementary
school were molested and possibly infected with AIDS. Yet another case will
emerge in a US-run facility in West Germany. These cases will occur at some
of the most esteemed military bases in the country, including Fort Dix, Fort
Leavenworth, Fort Jackson, and West Point. In the West Point case alone, by
the end of the year, 50 children will be interviewed by investigators. There
will be reports of satanic acts, animal sacrifices and cult-like behavior among
the abusers. An investigation led by former US Attorney Rudolph Giuliani will
produce no federal grand jury indictments. His investigation will conclude
that only one or two children were abused, in spite of all the evidence to the
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1987 (September) Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer picks up 26-year-old
Steven Tuomi at a bar, takes him to a motel room to have sex, and then kills
him on impulse. Stuffing the body in a suitcase, he takes it back to his
grandmothers home where he is living and cuts it up into pieces, places
them in garbage bags, and leaves them out by the curb for the garbage man.
He will later say that he had no memory of committing the crime. He will
continue to kill sporadically after this, committing two more murders in 1988
and another in early 1989, usually picking up his victims in gay bars and
having sex with them before killing and dismembering them. By 1990, he will
move into an apartment in Milwaukee, where he will pick up the pace of his
murders, killing four more by the end of the year, and another eight in 1991.

Dahmer will finally be caught when a victim escapes his clutches and draws
police back to Dahmers apartment, where they discover the grisly remnants
of his previous murders: vats of acid used to dispose of body parts, human
skulls on display, photos of partially dismembered bodies, a human heart in
the freezer, and the stench of decomposing bodies.
1987 After defecting and speaking out about the Illuminati, John Todd is
framed for rape and sentenced to 30 years in prison.
1988 At about this time, the first commercial Internet Service Providers
(ISPs) become available for connecting to the early Internet (ARPANET).
Connecting to Europes CERN network expands it further. Expansion into
Asian countries follows soon after this. The first ISP companies are formed.
1988 MKULTRA Project Monarch victim Cathy OBrien is rescued from her
mind-control programmers and begins deprogramming by her rescuer, Mark
Phillips. One effect of the MPD that trauma-based mind-control causes is a
photographic memory in the victim, and this will allow OBrien to eventually
recall details that will lead to a tell-all book, Trans-Formation of America,
which reveals how she and her daughter Kelly were prostituted out to
pedophiles, politicians, criminals, and practicing Satanists as sex slaves for
entertainment, blackmail set-ups, and both child and adult pornographic
films. Cathy was specially trained as a Presidential Model, which is a mindcontrolled sex slave used specifically by US presidents for perverted and
often very brutal sexual abuse (the first Presidential Model was Marilyn
Monroe). She served Presidents Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush
Sr., and a number of other high-ranking politicians, including Dick Chaney,
Senator Robert C. Byrd (who bought her from her sexually abusive father for
a million dollars), and Canadian Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau and Brian
Mulroney. Other abusers included country musicians Kris Kristofferson,
Boxcar Willie, and Merle Haggard. Other Monarch slaves included Barbara
Mandrell and her sisters, and Loretta Lynn. OBrien was also forced to take
part in satanic activities involving cannibalism, and used to produce fetuses
for satanic rituals. Some of the places used for her programming were
MacDill Air Force Base at Tampa, Fort Campbell in Kentucky, Fort McKlellen at
Anniston, Alabama, Redstone Arsenal and Marshall Space Flight Center in
Huntsville, Alabama, the NASA Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral in
Florida, and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center near Washington D.C.
The only problem with OBriens story is that there is almost nothing
revelatory about it that could be verified to prove that any of what she claims
is true, and considering the fact that she claims to have a photographic
memory, you would think that she would have included even a few pieces of
information that could be checked out.
(See online book, Trans-Formation of America, by Cathy OBrien and Mark

1988 (September 26) In the midst of his killing spree, Jeffrey Dahmer is
arrested for drugging and sexually fondling a 13-year-old boy in Milwaukee.
He is sentenced to five years probation and one year in a work release camp.
He is also required to register as a sex offender. Dahmer will be paroled from
the work release camp two months early, after which he will begin a string of
grisly murders that will end with his arrest in 1991.
1988 (October) The airing of the TV special, UFO Cover Up Live. This
documentary has William Moore and Jaime Shandra introducing two
anonymous intelligence agents who claim that the US government is secretly
collaborating with extraterrestrials. This is part of a disinformation campaign
to promote the idea that the government is allowing aliens to abduct humans
for experimentation in exchange for alien technology.
1988 (November 4) FBI raid the Franklin Credit Union in Omaha,
Nebraska, run by a man named Lawrence King. In the process, they uncover
evidence relating to drug running, pedophilia, pornography, and satanic
activity involving prominent individuals in the local community. Eighty
children will come forward and identify many of those involved, including the
Chief of Police Robert Wadman, a local newspaper publisher, a former vice
squad officer, a judge, and others of prominence. The children will describe
satanic ceremonies involving human and animal sacrifice. Evidence that will
come out will show that children were abducted from shopping mall parking
lots and auctioned off in Las Vegas and Toronto. Airplanes owned by the DEA
were often used to transport the children. Other children are removed from
orphanages and foster homes and taken to Washington, DC to take part in
sex orgies with dignitaries, congressmen, and other high-level public officials.
A number of the child victims will testify that George Bush Sr. was one of the
people often seen at these parties. Photographs were being surreptitiously
taken at these orgies by the child traffickers for blackmail purposes.
There will be no follow-up investigation when these findings are made. The
US national media will not report on the story. Local media will only focus on
discrediting the witnesses. The FBI and other enforcement officers will harass
and discredit victims in the aftermath, causing all but two victims Paul
Bonacci and Alisha Owen to recant their testimonies. The child victims,
rather than the perpetrators, will be thrown in prison. One of these, Alisha
Owen (who the Omaha police chief Robert Wadman got pregnant), will spend
more time in solitary confinement than any other woman in the history of the
Nebraska penal system. She will receive a sentence of 9 to 25 years in prison
for allegedly committing perjury, which will be ten years longer than the
sentence that will be received by Lawrence King for looting his Franklin Credit
Union of $40 million. This heavy sentence imposed on Owen will serve as a
warning message to all other victims who might think of talking.
The key investigator in the case, Gary Caradori, will be killed when his
private plane explodes in mid-air while en route to delivering damaging
evidence to Senator Loran Schmit. His briefcase containing the evidence will

be missing from the wreckage. This will be the first of many deaths of people
attempting to uncover this politically connected satanic cult/sex slave/drug
ring. The Discovery Channel will make a documentary about this case,
entitled Conspiracy of Silence. At the last moment, US Congressmen will pay
them $500,000 to not air it, and all copies will be destroyed. Republican
senator John DeCamp, who is on the investigative committee, will write a
book exposing the case, titled, The Franklin Cover-Up.
There will be evidence of ties to mind-control programs being conducted at
the highly secure Offutt Air Force Base in Minot, North Dakota, where the
head of the Strategic Air Command (SAC) is located. The Anthroposophist
Society is also involved in the pedophilia. The suicide of journalist Hunter S.
Thompson will also be tied to the exposure of this pedophile ring, since
according to the testimony of Paul Bonacci in 1999, Thompson had directed a
snuff film at Bohemian Grove, an exclusive resort for the elite in the
Sacramento, California area. Thompson apparently committed suicide soon
after Bonaccis testimony is made. Thompson had been close to Rusty
Nelson, who was Kings official photographer for the pedophile/blackmailers.
Bonacci will also positively identify Lt. Col. Michael Aquino as an associate of
Lawrence King, who is known to the children only as the Colonel. Rusty
Nelson will also identify Aquino as the man that he once saw King give a
briefcase full of money to, and who King had told him was involved in the
Contra gun and cocaine trafficking operation being run by George Bush and
Lt. Col. Oliver North. Minot is an area that has satanic cults operating in it
that have been tied to the Son of Sam and Manson murders. A number of
witnesses and investigators will die under questionable circumstances as the
Franklin case is covered up. Other witnesses will be silenced with charges of
perjury for testifying.
1988 Karla Turner first becomes conscious of the ongoing alien abductions
of herself and her family. She and other members of her family had already
read and been intrigued by Whitley Striebers Communion, and she herself
had also just read Budd Hopkins book, Missing Time. Both she and her
husband had been experiencing stress symptoms, and were unable to explain
its cause. For this reason, they are both getting counseling, and in the
process, Karla begins keeping a journal of her dreams. In doing so, she starts
recalling dreams of strange scenes, some involving UFOs. She also attempts
to help her husband with his stress-related symptoms by practicing some
hypnosis techniques that her therapist has used on her. When she does, he
immediately begins to describe an experience that sounds UFO-related a
blinding light, a curved wall with strange symbols on it, a grey-type alien
face, an enormous orange spacecraft. At this moment, her phone rings and
she answers it, only to hear a strange unintelligible voice on the other end
before it turns to static. Over the days and weeks, Karla continues to explore
her new-found skills at using hypnotic regression on her husband, and
uncovers further details about his experiences. Their exposure to the
information they have been drawing up results in Karla seeking out a
professional ufologist to find some answers. She uses a listing she finds in

Hopkins book, and is put in touch with members of a local MUFON chapter. A
meeting with them leads to Karla relating some strange experiences in her
own past, and she will ask that they put her in touch with a good hypnotist.
On the way home from the meeting, they notice that they are being followed
by another vehicle. They are soon put in contact with UFO researcher
Barbara Bartholic. They meet with her for an initial interview, after which
they again notice that theyre being followed. They are determined to further
explore these strange memories that theyve tapped into, and start
regression sessions with Bartholic. Apparently, at no time up to this point has
any possible explanation been considered other than the UFO/alien one. In
the first regression session, Karlas husband draws up scenes of being
abducted in 1947, as well as the year before in 1987, and of having had
something done to him during the last incident. A second session brings up
an incident from 1960 where he witnesses a UFO landing as a young
teenager, after which he finds himself with an unexplainable sore nose.
Several other abduction incidents will also surface. After the second session,
the Turners witness lights and what appears to be a saucer-shaped craft in
the night sky. They will begin to wake up and find scratches and other
unexplainable marks on their bodies, and then notice an increase of
helicopter activity in the area. Further regression sessions to explore certain
incidents (mostly dreams) that occurred to Karla, her husband, son, and
others will result in the further belief that they are related to alien
abductions. Of course, they have all been focusing on thoughts of abduction
and all the information that they had been absorbing for months, so the fact
that they would have strange dreams especially if the thoughts and
information was unsettling them is not at all unlikely. The regression
sessions they undergo will always reflect the information they have been
Although Turner states early on in her book Into the Fringe that she was
reading both Striebers and Hopkins books prior to discovering her familys
abduction experiences, she will later claim within the same book (pg. 127)
that she had been entirely uninterested in UFOs before our own experiences
forced us into this fringe reality. It must be asked: Is she being absolutely
honest about these experiences? There is also a point in her book where she
mentions the information that John Lear presents in a lecture regarding
underground bases where he claims military personnel work side-by side with
aliens, and she reflects her acceptance of this claim without question. She
uses the fact that many people start claiming to have seen this scenario
during their remembered abductions, and she concludes that it must be true
because these claims started to arise only after Lears lecture. She
completely overlooks the fact that Lear probably influenced their memories,
otherwise these claims would have arisen prior to Lears lectures. Is this the
sort of shabby professionalism that a self-described researcher should have?
In the years ahead, Turner will become a prominent figure in abduction
research, working very closely with Bartholic and helping to form the beliefs
and opinions of many others who will come to question whether their own
experiences are somehow tied to alien abductions. In reality, Turner and

Bartholic and many other researchers before them and after have been quite
limited or otherwise selective in their scope of inquiry and their logic, always
focusing on the alien question and never considering any more down-toearth explanations.
Karlas husband had been enlisted into the US Armys military intelligence
branch after finishing school.
(See online book, Into the Fringe, by Karla Turner)
1988 (December 21) Pan Am flight 103 is blown out of the skies over
Lockerbie, Scotland by a terrorist's bomb. 259 people plunge to their deaths,
and 11 more die on the ground. It will be discovered that the CIA had
foreknowledge of this attack and allowed it to occur. The flight is being used
for a controlled shipment of heroin coming from the Middle East, and one of
the bags of heroin had been switched with one carrying the bomb. The
purpose of the attack was to eliminate one passenger who was planning to
blow the whistle on the US government, while putting the blame on Middle
Eastern terrorists. The first responders to arrive on the scene of the crash will
be Americans, who will arrive in large numbers almost immediately,
appearing to arrive out of nowhere. These first responders will appear to be
more interested in finding something (the drugs) among the wreckage, more
than anything else. The excuse used by the US for not stopping the bombing
will be that they didnt want to jeopardize their negotiations with Iran to free
six hostages they were holding. The US government effectively allowed 270
people to die so that six could regain their freedom.
1989 (January 17) After the police receive an anonymous death threat
directed at Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton, California, Patrick Purdy
goes on a shooting rampage at the school. The 25-year-old Purdy, wearing
camouflage gear, sets his own car on fire outside the school before entering
the grounds and starting his rampage. He randomly murders five children
and wounds thirty others. He will end the ordeal by committing suicide.
Witnesses will describe him as acting matter-of-factly and without emotion.
He is being prescribed Amitriptyline, an antidepressant, as well as the antipsychotic drug Thorazine. Purdy was a drifter with a long criminal history that
included prostitution, robbery, and drug trafficking.
Purdy was born in Tacoma, Washington, and had grown up in Stockton, going
to the same school that he later targets. At the time of his birth, his father
was a staff sergeant stationed at Fort Lewis. Note that Fort Lewis is very
close to Madigan Military Hospital, which has been involved in classified
military research for a very long time and is rumored to be a major mindcontrol programming center. His parents had divorced after his father
threatened his mother with a weapon. His father spent most of his last year
of service in a hospital for psychiatric evaluation, and was then put on
temporary medical disability for five more years before being honorably
discharged in 1971. Because of a troubled childhood and possible further

physical abuse by his mother, Purdy had eventually ended up being adopted
by a foster family in West Hollywood. He had been in trouble with the law on
numerous occasions, including prostitution. He drifted around and worked
sporadically for various companies over the years, most recently including
DuPont in Memphis, Tennessee. DuPont is a contractor to the CIA and other
government agencies involved in secret programs. Those who had known
Purdy will describe him as full of frustration and angry about everything.
The school will open the next day for classes, and students will be greeted by
psychologists and nurses trained in treating grief. This incident becomes the
catalyst for the original legislative frenzy to ban semiautomatic assault
weapons in California and the nation.
1989 (April) - KLAS TV journalist George Knapp presents a series on UFOs,
in which he interviews a man (later to be identified as Robert Lazar) who
claims to have worked on alien flying saucers at a super-secret government
facility in Nevada known as Area 51.
1989 (April 11) A search for a missing Texas student, Mark Kilroy, ends
with the gruesome discovery on a ranch near Matamoros, Mexico, of the
graves of thirteen victims of a satanic cult. One of the mutilated corpses is
that of Kilroy. According to the testimony of arrested cult members, the
victims had been dissected while still alive and then cannibalized. Brains,
hearts, lungs, and other internal organs had been cut or torn from many of
the bodies, and some of these are found stewing in cauldrons in a shed at
the ranch. There were signs of black magic being practiced at the ranch.
Victims include the owner and secretary of a company that served as a front
for a cocaine-processing lab, an informant for the Federales and his mistress,
two federal narcotics officers, three former police officers, and the American
nephew of a US Customs agent. There are also reported to be a number of
law enforcement personnel within the cult, including a Mexico City Federal
Judicial Police agent who was in charge of narcotics investigations. Juan
Benitez, the Commandante of the Federal Judicial Police, will claim that there
were another six agents involved, but we have no proof at this time to bring
The cult, which is heavily involved in drug trafficking, is part of a satanic
network that spans Central America and the United States. Several members
will implicate major Mexican establishment and entertainment celebrities;
Florentine Ventura, the head of the Mexican Interpol, will shoot his family
and then himself after his name is discovered on a cult membership list. The
Mexican courts will withhold the names of those who supplied the sacrificial
victims to the cult. Another mass grave site will be discovered near Juarez,
Mexico, ten years later. Both sites will be located exactly where serial killer
Henry lee Lucas had claimed they would be.
1989 (May) Lt. Col. Michael Aquino is again questioned in connection with
child abuse investigations. This time, at least five children in three cities are

making the accusations. The children had seen Aquino in newspaper and
television coverage of the Presidio case and immediately recognized him as
one of their abusers. The children are from Ukiah, Santa Rosa, and Fort
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1989 (June) The Washington Times publishes a story about a man named
Craig Spence, a behind-the-scenes Republican powerbroker in Washington
who has been deeply involved with a callboy ring that supplied young boys to
the elite of both political parties, as well as to visiting dignitaries. It is
reported that a list of some 200 influential clients included the names of
government officials, locally based US military officers, businessmen,
lawyers, bankers, congressional aides, media representatives and other
professionals, only a few of whom are publicly identified. Among the
revelations in the case is that Spence had taken some of his callboy escorts
on private, late-night tours of the White House. The tours, of which there
were at least four, were cleared by a uniformed Secret Service guard who
moonlighted as a bodyguard at Spence's parties. Spence will hint that the
tours were arranged by the national security adviser to Vice President George
H. W. Bush Donald Gregg for whom Spence once sponsored a dinner.
There will also be indications that Spence is partnered with Lawrence King in
running a pedophile ring, and that he was a CIA asset.
Despite being a largely Republican scandal, it will be completely ignored by
the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times. The
story will soon disappear entirely and Washington and the media will proceed
to pretend as though nothing had ever happened. The paper trail will be
quickly covered up. Some 20,000 documents pertaining to the case will be
sealed by court order and the US Attorney's office will issue a gag order on
the release of information. By the time Craig Spence turns up dead in a
Boston hotel less than five months after the story first breaks, he will have
been all but forgotten. Before his death, he will tell a friend: I may be
disappearing soon. It will be sudden. It may appear to be a suicide, but it
won't be.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1989 (August) Neil Waldrop is now on the Urantia Foundation Board of
1989 A number of Urantia members and readers of the Urantia Book
apparently claim to hear voices in their heads.
1989 William Moore confesses before an audience at a Las Vegas MUFON
UFO conference that he had been secretly working with intelligence agents
throughout the 1980s, and had assisted AFOSI agent Lt. Col. Richard C. Doty
in passing disinformation to civilian UFO investigator Paul Bennewitz

regarding aliens working in underground bases and experimenting on

abducted humans.
1989 Ted Rice, a natural psychic who has for a long time communicated
with spirit guides, begins to experience nightly spirit intrusions of an
unfamiliar nature after moving to Shreveport, Louisiana. These experiences
involve little grey aliens and UFOs, and he witnesses many others in his
community being abducted along with him. Rice and a number of others form
a small UFO group, and soon afterwards, questions of a metaphysical nature
that come up during their discussions are answered during Rices nightly
dreams. He also begins to see orbs of light in his bedroom, which flood his
mind with information. What sound like holographic apparitions appear in his
room, and walls and ceilings appear to turn invisible. Although Rice is very
distraught over these strange experiences, others in his UFO group
encourage him that these experiences are nothing but good. After placing an
ad in a metaphysical newsletter, Rice is contacted by alien abduction
researcher Karla Turner. She, in turn, puts him in touch with Barbara
Bartholic, another researcher who also performs hypnotic regression. Both
Turner and Bartholic both begin by collecting extensive background
information on Rice through many hours of interviews with him. After this,
Rice undergoes a series of hypnotic regression sessions with Bartholic, and
uncovers memories of being visited by alien-looking beings that engage in
raping both him and his grandmother. Through these sessions he is able to
realize that the beings are often using disguises, but he and Bartholic both
interpret this to mean that these are aliens attempting to look like humans,
rather than considering that it might be the other way around. Bartholic even
explains to Rice how extremely frightening screen memories are used to
cover up real events, using the trauma of these false memories to discourage
further exploration. But Bartholic (and Turner) approach their work strictly
under the pretense that these experiences are alien abductions, and ignore
the possibility that they are covers for extremely covert mind-control
programs conducted by humans. They begin to study ufology literature, as
well as attend MUFON lectures. Her son suddenly begins to show signs of an
alter personality, and starts to have dreams of UFOs and aliens. He soon
recognizes a strange sensation and a buzzing sound in his head when he
goes to bed. Other events occur to the Turners and certain others around
them. In response, they soak up as much information on UFOs and aliens as
they can, and begin to see relationships to their own experiences, fitting their
own into the scenario that is being widely presented in the media. They begin
to accept the idea that the truth about an alien presence is slowly being
revealed by the government.
According to Turner in her book, Masquerade of Angels, Rice had a number of
mysterious experiences throughout his life, and after learning about his
ability to psychically read information about people, in 1970 he was coerced
into joining a group of people who said that they had been looking for him.
He was convinced by them that he had indeed been specially chosen and his
experiences in life were all leading up to this, so at their urging he enrolled

with an organization called the National Spiritual Association of Churches and

trained for and received a license in mediumship. This allowed him and his
group to open up their own spiritualist chapter, where the group continually
encouraged Rice and helped to guide his abilities. Soon after, however, he
would begin to have nightly experiences where he was visited by an entity
that would impart spiritual truths to him, although he was never able to
remember what had been imparted by the morning. He always felt as though
he was in an altered state during these experiences. He will describe the
entity as alien-looking, but not fitting the look of a typical grey. He
remembers that the entity taught him how to pass through solid objects,
although he apparently never even tries to display such a talent afterwards.
At one meeting with members of his group, one of them claims that that she
can see the entity, and tells him that its not of this earth but is trapped here,
and that it is highly developed spiritually and that Rice should let it help him.
He decides to accept this as true. Soon after, he begins to get visions
involving widespread destruction, but when he seeks answers from his spirit
guides, there is no perceptible response. He begins to wake up in the middle
of the night with a compulsion to write, and what he writes seems so come
out of nowhere. It is a childs story with metaphysical components to it, and
when he asks his group about it, they suggest that he is being guided to
write such stories for children, to introduce them to the spiritual world. He
spontaneously produces another creative piece of writing, which he finds all
typed up one morning on waking, but no more after that. His involvement
with his group and the strange experiences begins to tax his health, so he
checks into a hospital, and after a number of weeks he feels much better and
the weird experiences hes been having have stopped. But within three years,
in 1984, he begins to have recurring dreams of an entity he calls Raphael,
from whom he receives a message to go to New Mexico, and is provided a
date to be there. As circumstances turn out, he finds himself taking the trip
on the date specified. Once there, he has another dream of Raphael, and this
time he is told to submit a resume to a certain company on a certain date.
He does so and is soon contacted for an interview. The interview takes place
and Rice is given a job.
(See online book, Masquerade of Angels, by Karla Turner)
1989 Marc Dutroux of Belgium is convicted along with his wife for the rape
and violent abuse of five young girls, the youngest of whom was just 11
years old. He will be accused of being a key player in an international child
prostitution and pornography ring whose practices include kidnapping, rape,
sadistic torture, and murder. He receives 13 years in prison, but will be
released in 1992 after serving only 3 years, in spite of a medical report that
described him as a perverse psychopath who was a danger to society. Shortly
after his release, young girls will begin to disappear again.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1989 The number of Internet hosts exceeds 100,000.

1989 The breakup of the USSR.

1990 The first commercial provider for Internet dial-up access is
1990 (May) - British Aerospace (BAe) Defense begins sponsoring tests on
Sandy Kidds antigravity device. They reportedly show only minor success.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1990 An advertisement by Elizabeth Y. Fitzhugh appears in New Age
publications promoting her channeling of an entity named ORION. The ad is
signed, S. G., Boston, VA. The only telephone listing in this area at the time
that matches these initials is that of retired MKULTRA director Sidney
Gottlieb. The name ORION is also that of a secret government program that
was involved in hypnosis and electronic brain invasion.
(See file, A Urantia, 9/ & CIA Mind Control Technology, by Alex
1990 (August 31) Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, founder of the satanic Temple
of Set, is processed out of the Army after being investigated for satanic ritual
child abuse that took place at the Presidio Army Base. Although never
formally charged, according to court documents, Aquino was titled in a
Report of Investigation by the Armys Criminal Investigative Division (CID)
for indecent acts with a child, sodomy, conspiracy, kidnapping, and false
swearing. For unknown reasons, the CID chose to release their Report of
Investigation three months after the statute of limitations ran out. The child
abuse charges remained against Aquino because, according to the CID, the
evidence of alibi offered by Aquino was not persuasive. Aquino will later
deny that he was ever processed out of the Army and will even claim that he
was selected as one of their first Space Intelligence Officers during this same
year, and was stationed at Cheyenne Mountain for four years of active duty
before retiring.
1990 the US military initiates the construction of the High-frequency Active
Auroral Research Program (HAARP), in Gakona, Alaska originally a
component of President Ronald Reagans so-called Strategic Defense
Initiative or Star Wars, and sold to Congress as a tool for military
communications. The HAARP antennas are designed to project powerful
electromagnetic pulses that literally heat a specific point in the Earths
ionosphere. This effect on the ionosphere will allow for steerable,
controllable, electromagnetic frequencies to bounce back to earth at desired
locations. HAARP consists of an array of 180 antennas laid out in a grid
pattern over a 35 acre area, with a total power output capability 3.6 billion
watts. It is capable of heating a 1000 square kilometer area of the
ionosphere to over 50,000 degrees. In regard to weather modification,

HAARPs heating effect will be able to literally lift the ionosphere (within a 30
mile diameter area), thereby changing localized pressure systems or even
altering the route of jet streams. It is also capable of being used for mass
mind-control by transmitting frequencies that affect human brainwave
patterns to affect physiology in specific, predictable ways.
1990 At this point in time, nearly three dozen serial killers are reported
each year in the USA.
1991 (May 5) Carl Campbell goes to a bus stop in the parking lot of the
Pentagon and fires five shots into the chest and abdomen of Navy
Commander Edward J. Higgins, who works as an arms control specialist for
the Department of Defense. When Campbell is examined by psychologists, he
will report that he was haunted by voices, and believed that he had been
injected with a microchip by the CIA. Although Campbell will be charged with
first degree murder, he will be ruled mentally incompetent to stand trial.
(See online file, Mind Control, World Control, by Jim Keith)
1991 (May 27) In the early morning hours, 14-year-old Konerak
Sinthasomphone (the younger brother of a boy whom Jeffrey Dahmer had
molested in 1988) is discovered wandering naked in the street, under the
heavy influence of drugs and bleeding from his rectum. Dahmer chases his
victim down and tries to take him back to his apartment, but two women
from the neighborhood intervene and call 911. Dahmer tells the arriving
police officers that Sinthasomphone is his 19-year-old boyfriend and that
they had an argument while drinking. Against the protests of the two women,
who recognize the young boy from the neighborhood and insist that he is a
child and cant speak English, the officers turn him back over to Dahmer. The
officers, who had entered Dahmers apartment during the incident, will later
report having smelled a strange odor there, but did not investigate it. The
smell is the body of Dahmer's previous victim, who had been decomposing in
the bedroom for three days. The officers do not make any attempt to verify
Sinthasomphone's age or identity, nor locate someone who could
communicate with him, and fail to run a background check that would have
revealed that Dahmer was a convicted child molester who was still under
probation. Later that night, Dahmer kills and dismembers Sinthasomphone,
keeping his skull as a souvenir. He will kill three more people before he is
finally caught.
1991 (July 22) Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer lures a man named Tracy
Edwards into his home. Dahmer ends up struggling with him while trying to
handcuff him, but ultimately fails to cuff his wrists together. Wielding a large
butcher knife, Dahmer forces Edwards into the bedroom, where Edwards
sees pictures of mangled bodies on the wall and notices a terrible smell
coming from a large blue barrel. The barrel is filled with acid and is being
used to dissolve human bodies to sludge before disposing it down the toilet.
Edwards fights to get away and runs for the door to escape. Running through

the streets with the handcuffs still on one wrist, Edwards waves to a police
car for help. Edwards leads the police back to Dahmer's apartment, where
Dahmer at first acts friendly to the officers. However, when one of the
officers checks the bedroom, he sees the photographs of mangled bodies and
calls for his partner to arrest Dahmer. As one officer subdues Dahmer, the
other opens the refrigerator and finds a human head. A further search of the
apartment reveals three more severed heads and a human heart in the
freezer, multiple photographs of murdered victims and human remains, and
severed hands and penises preserved in jars filled with formaldehyde. The
remains of several corpses will be found in acid-filled vats, and implements
for the construction of an altar of candles and human skulls will be found in
his closet. A total of seven human skulls will be found in the apartment.
After his trial, Dahmer will say:
[I]t sure seems like some of the thoughts aren't my own, they just come blasting into my
head... These thoughts are very powerful, very destructive, and they do not leave. They're
not the kind of thoughts that you can just shake your head and they're gone. They do not
1991 (October 9) Dr. Tom Philpott, a history professor at the University of
Texas, is suicided after he gives an interview on a show hosted by Frank
Morrow, detailing the issues concerning the prostitution of boys in Houston,
Texas and the power structure behind it that helps to promote and profit
from the business. Investigations into what is happening in Houston come to
a halt.
(See online file, A History of Silence: Child Trafficking in the United States,
by David Shurter)
1991 Four-year-old Michael Dunahee is abducted from Blanshard Park in
Victoria, BC, while his parents play a game of touch football nearby. He will
never be seen again. It will be rumored that he was abducted by local
1991 The mysterious death of investigative reporter Danny Casolaro.
Casolaro had been investigating the theft of Project Promise software, a
computer program capable of tracking down anyone, anywhere in the world.
He was also investigating the connection of UFOs to Pine Gap, Area 51, and
governmental bioengineering.
1991 A Urantia Book study group member begins channeling a purported
celestial named Ham.
1992 Neil Waldrop resigns from the Board of Trustees at the Urantia

1992 A survey of 800 psychologists in the San Diego area reveals that
between them, they have received 5,731 reports of (satanic) ritual abuse
from their patients. These reports describe human or animal sacrifices,
cannibalism, sexual abuse, satan worship, and other bizarre rites.
(See online file, Diana Napolis vs. Michael Aquino Lawsuit 2008)
1992 Phyllis Schlemmer publishes The Only Planet of Choice: Essential
Briefings from Deep Space, a book that promotes the messages she
channeled from a group of entities who call themselves The Nine. She has
been channeling these entities ever since she became involved with Andrija
Puharich in 1975. The book will continue to be a bestseller in the New Age
movement for many years.
(See online file, Behind the Mask: Aliens or Cosmic Jokers?, by Lynn Picknett
& Clive Prince)
1992 After being accused of molestation as a child by their daughter, Peter
and Pamela Freyd establish the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF).
The original board members include doctors who have been directly involved
in MKULTRA mind-control programs, such as expert hypnotist Martin Orne
and Dr. Louis Jolyin West, as well as many people who have been accused of
child sexual abuse. Another board member, Richard Ofshe, is an alleged
expert on coercive persuasion techniques, and Margaret Singer is a
government expert on cults and cult tactics. The mandate of FMSF is to
discredit the recovered memories of people who report having been
traumatically abused as children by claiming that the childs therapist has
implanted false memories, and to develop legal defenses for protecting
pedophiles in court. They will routinely argue in court cases that satanic ritual
abuse (SRA) and multiple personality disorder (MPD) dont exist, and the
organization and its members will specifically target therapists who claim that
they do. This defense strategy, if successful, would allow victims of traumabased mind-control to be completely discredited, and allow their perpetrators
to continue their activities unimpeded.
The fact that this relates to mind-control experiments and programs, where
victims have had their memories of these events erased and overlaid with
false memories of alien encounters, is important to bear in mind. At about
the time that FMSF is established, a number of mind-control victims are
starting to remember being involved in these events, and this threatens to
expose the perpetrators, so it is important that a means to discredit them is
in place.
(See online file, Diana Napolis vs. Michael Aquino Lawsuit 2008)
1992 Shortly after Marc Dutrouxs early release from a Belgian prison after
serving only three years for sexual abuse of children, young girls begin to
disappear in the vicinity of some of his homes. Though technically

unemployed and drawing welfare from the state, he nevertheless owns at

least six houses and is living quite lavishly. The magistrate who releases him,
Justice Minister Melchior Wathelet, is soon after appointed to serve as a
judge at the European Court of Justice at the Hague. Dutrouxs rather
lucrative income is apparently derived from trading in child sex-slaves, child
prostitution, and child pornography. Many of his houses appear to stand
vacant, although some of them are being used as torture and imprisonment
centers where kidnapped girls are taken and held in underground dungeons.
Some of his homes are used in this way for several years, and a growing
body of evidence will indicate that fact. One informant will report to police
that Dutroux is building secret cellars to hold girls before selling them
abroad. The same informant will also tell police in 1995 that Dutroux had
offered another man the equivalent of $3,000 to $5,000 to kidnap girls.
Authorities will fail to act on any of the information they receive. They will
routinely ignore tips that later prove to be accurate (including a report from
Dutrouxs own mother that hes holding young girls against their will). Key
facts will be withheld from investigators and lines of communication will be
broken, effectively hindering the investigation. On three separate occasions,
one of his homes will be searched and voices of children will even be heard,
but the police will turn up nothing, He will eventually be caught and arrested
in 1996, when a final search will lead to the discovery of two fourteen-yearold girls who are imprisoned in a cellar dungeon, chained and starving. The
girls will describe being used as child prostitutes and for the production of
child pornography videos. More than 300 such videos will be discovered in
the search.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1992 Timothy McVeigh takes a job with Burns International Security
Services in Buffalo and assigned to security detail at Calspan, a Pentagon
contractor doing classified research into advanced electronic warfare,
bioengineering, and artificial intelligence. Three years from now, after
McVeigh is arrested for the OKC bombing, a spokesman for Calspan will
describe McVeigh as a model employee. Todd Regier, who works with
McVeigh, will tell the Boston Globe, He was real different Kind of cold. He
was almost like a robot." Jeff Camp, who had worked with McVeigh as a
guard in upstate New York, will tell a Newsweek reporter that McVeigh was a
very strange person. It was like he had two different personalities.
1992 (December 16) A shooting at Simon's Rock College in Great
Barrington, Massachusetts leaves two dead, four wounded. The shooter, 18year-old Wayne Lo, is a gifted violinist from Taiwan, where his father had
been a career officer in the Air Force. Lo claims that he had been relatively
happy with life, but had suddenly started getting a feeling (not visual or
auditory) that he believed was God, directing him to buy a gun and kill
people. He will later state: "At the time I thought I did the right thing. But as
I look back at it over time, more and more it doesn't make sense to me. And

more and more I ask myself, why? Why did I do it? I mean, why?" His lawyer
will use the insanity plea even though Lo will deny that he is insane.
1992 (December) Julianne McKinney, an ex-NSA employee, member of
the Association of National Security Alumni, and director of the Electronic
Surveillance Project, publishes a paper titled, Microwave Harassment and
Mind-Control Experimentation, in which she promotes the existence of
directed-energy weapons and suggests that they are being used to
experiment on US citizens without their consent. She states in her paper that
she has received complaints from 25 individuals who claim to be targeted by
these electronic weapons, and gives an overview of those complaints. She
lists a number of methods used to overtly harass targets, including abuse,
noise campaigns, vandalism, break-ins, and harassing telephone calls.
Further, the report appears to blame a number of government agencies for
the targeting, but almost completely omits the NSA as possibly being
complicit as well. Although there are not enough cases at the time to support
her, she claims in her report that the targeting is meant to pervert TIs in
their loyalties, redirect their frustrations towards selected targets, and coerce
them to act violently.
Although the report appears to be sincere and accurate in most areas, her
claims within it that she and her group are performing ongoing investigations
into the complaints they have received will result in nothing further beyond
adding a supplement to the report in 1994 that will state that the number of
complaints has more than tripled.
(See online file, Microwave Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation,
by Julianne McKinney)
1992 John St. Clair Akwei files a lawsuit against the NSA, claiming that
this agency is using advanced remote electronic mind-control applications on
the public. The lawsuit will be thrown out on the grounds of frivolousness.
Nonetheless, it will be referred to in the years ahead by many people as
evidence that the technologies he describes are real. These technologies are
very similar to what is described in the Robert G. Malech patent application
that was filed in 1976. It is very possible that the Akwei case was part of a
disinformation program to cover up for technologies that were developed as
part of the US governments remote-viewing program, which ends at about
this same time.
1992 The Great Invocation, an occult rite that originates from the writings
of Alice Bailey, is read during the opening ceremonies of the UN's Earth
Summit in Rio. It has often received the attention of world dignitaries at the
UN and read at many official conferences.
(See online file, Alice Bailey & Master DK Djwhal Khul A Satanic Communion,
by Terry Melanson)

1992 Members of the European Parliament begin to report being targeted

with EMF weapons for having opposed US policies. At the same time, NSA
whistleblowers such as Julianne McKinney and John St. Clair Akwei begin to
make public claims of satellite-based mind-control technologies.
1992 First commercial access to the Internet through NSFNET.
1992 The number of Internet hosts exceeds 1,000,000.
1993 (February 26) World Trade Center bombing. It will be revealed that
the CIA had prior knowledge that this terrorist act was going to take place,
and even aided the perpetrators, but did nothing to stop it.
1993 (February 28) FBI/BATF raid on the Branch Davidian compound in
Waco, Texas, which will lead to a 51-day standoff.
1993 (April 19) Siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.
David Koresh, leader of this religious cult, has been hearing a voice that he
believes is God. On April 19, the compound is stormed and 76 people inside
(including Koresh) die when the building is burned to the ground at the
hands of the authorities. April 19th is an important day for satanists, on
which sacrifices are performed by fire, preferably of women and children.
Prior to razing the compound by fire, the BATF contacted the local hospital to
inquire about the number of beds available in their burn unit, revealing that
this was indeed a premeditated act. Koresh was apparently a CIA asset, and
Waco was a center for mind-control experimentation. The remains of the site
will be quickly destroyed after the event, thus assuring that no independent
investigation will ever be able to determine whether the official version of
events was accurate.
1993 UFO researchers discover that Dr. Bruce Maccabee has maintained
close links with the CIA since 1979.
1993 A paper written by physicists Douglas Torr and Ning Li of the
University of Alabama in Huntsville is received by the Advanced Concepts
office of the Marshall Space Flight Center. The paper describes how
superconductors have the potential to alter gravity.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1993 The US governments secret remote-viewing programs end. Although
they are claimed to have been unsuccessful, evidence will show that they
were in fact very successful, with many phenomenal results.
1993 The Montauk Project mind control operations reportedly start running
out of Robins AFB near Atlanta, Georgia. In the years ahead, a spate of
seemingly mindless and inhuman violence will be carried out by very young
boys in this area. Is this an indication of some results of this project?

1993 USAF seizes further public land in Nevada, including the last publicly
accessible sites from which the Groom Lake military base (Area 51) is visible.
1993 Paideka, a pedophilia magazine published in the Netherlands, quotes
FMSF Advisory Board member Ralph Underwager in giving his open support
to pedophilia. Underwager and his wife Hollida Wakefield are founding
members of the FMSF, and Underwager earns his living testifying for the
defense in child sexual and ritual abuse cases.
1993 A raid on the Children of God compound in Argentina uncovers
videos of ritual abuse and child pornography. Some 170 children are taken
into protective custody.
1993 By the early 1990s, some members of the Order of the Solar Temple
have started to question leader Jo Di Mambro's authority and alleged
mystical powers. Di Mambro's own son, lie, begins questioning the visions
and messages his father is claiming to receive from the Masters. lie
discovers that the spiritual visions, witnessed by several members are staged
by his father, and that the divine beings and messages received are actually
produced by special effects and holograms. He decides to share his discovery
with the other members of the group, causing some of them to leave. Di
Mambro has also started to live in increasing opulence compared to the rest
of the group, and has become more authoritarian, demanding unconditional
obedience. Some members begin to speak out and denounce Di Mambro.
One member, Lucien Zecler, sends out a letter raising his concerns about the
use of mind control to subjugate members.
Police investigating terrorist threats in Quebec have come to suspect that the
Order of the Solar Temple might be involved, leading to government
persecution of the group and its members. The group begins talking about
transit, which Di Mambro describes as a passage across a mirror or travel in
a spaceship, and of returning to the Father. Di Mambro tells members to
begin preparing themselves. He has been taking measures over the past year
to establish a mythology surrounding this culminating event, sending 300
envelopes containing information on the group to selected locations around
the world. One of these goes to the French Minister of the Interior, accusing
him of attempting to destroy the group and causing the deaths of a number
of members.
1993 (December 2) - Alan Winterbourne, a computer systems engineer,
went on a killing rampage at a Ventura County, California, unemployment
office. Winterbourne had been employed in classified scientific work, and had
resigned after complaining of harassment by workers and that his phone was
tapped. Winterbourne's problems had begun after he had written a letter to
his congressman requesting a federal investigation of illegalities that he
believed were taking place at Northrop. Before his murderous spree, he had

told his sister, they're working on terrible things at Northrop that would kill
millions of innocent people. Things you can't imagine.
(See online file, Mind Control, World Control, by Jim Keith)
1994 (May 3) The documentary, Conspiracy of Silence, is scheduled to air
on the Discovery Channel. At the very last minute, it is pulled when unknown
parties pay $500,000 for the copyrights and destroy all copies. The
documentary exposes a network of religious leaders and Washington
politicians who are regularly flying children to Washington DC for sex orgies.
1994 (October 4) The first in a series of murders, suicides, and arsons
occur in Switzerland and Quebec, connected to the cult group, Order of the
Solar Temple. A cottage in Quebec is torched, and police discover the charred
bodies of five members of the Order inside. On the same day in Switzerland,
several other homes are torched and a total of 48 bodies are recovered.
Again, all are members of the Order. Many of the 53 bodies show signs of
having been murdered prior to the fires. More deaths will surface in the next
1994 (December 14) Just after 9 am on the last day of a class on the
history of ancient Greece, in a subterranean room beneath the State
University of Albanys central quadrangle campus, a rifle-wielding student
takes the class hostage, eventually shooting one youth in the leg. He is
eventually subdued by the students. As police lead 26-year-old psychology
student Ralph Tortorici away, he shouts to a crowd of bystanders, Stop
government experimentation! Tortorici will tell psychiatrist Dr. Lawrence
Siegel, who later examines him (after the prosecution spends six months
looking for a psychiatric expert who is willing to get involved in the case),
that Tortorici has been selected as the Anti-Christ, and that his thoughts and
actions are being manipulated through an implant in his head. The
psychiatrist will state to the court that Tortorici is not mentally competent to
stand trial or assist in his own defense, but the decision will be made by the
judge that he is competent to stand trial, and he will be found guilty and
sentenced to 20 to 47 years in maximum security prison under 24 hour
isolation. Tortoricis grandmother, when she asks him why he did what he did,
will be told that the voices in his head said that the implant would be
removed if he went ahead with the shooting.
Ironically, Tortoricis brother Matthew, who is a corrections officer, will be
working where Tortorici is to be held after the shootings. Matthew will state
that at about the time that Ralph was 16, he started showing signs of
paranoia, thinking that his family was out to get him and that the police were
monitoring him. Ralph would claim to see things on TV, hear voices coming
from appliances, etc. After undergoing surgery sometime earlier, Tortorici
came to believe that he had been implanted with a tracking devise.

Prior to the shooting, Tortorici had been admitted to a mental ward

involuntarily and treated with anti-psychotic drugs. He had also been
designated as having chronic paranoid schizophrenia. A report will state that
he firmly believes he needed to pursue such a course of action to draw the
media and the government into a position where they could first admit they
implanted a device into his brain and penis and then to remove it and
remove the pain it is causing him...He claims he never meant to hurt
anyone, and waited a long time to take drastic action. Tortorici will also
claim, I did what I had to do, and thought the evidence would come forward
and the problem be solved. Tortorici had been in the Army National Guard.
In 1999, the University of Albany will be forced to shut down a project run by
psychology professor Kathryn Kelley that involves mind-control implants
when individuals begin claiming that they have been implanted with
communications devices that can read and transmit their thoughts. The
research is funded by the NSA and DoD, with an annual budget of $2 billion.
The devices will typically be implanted in uninformed, unconsenting
subjects who were usually federal prisoners and political dissidents.
1994 Using a Ouija board, Laura Jadczyk begins channeling entities that
claim to be from the Cassiopaea star system. They say they are from the
1994 A secret government program is established to project large, threedimensional objects that appeared to float in the air for psyop applications.
The Holographic Projector is described in a classified Air Force document as
a system to project information power from space ... for special operations
deception missions.
(See Washington Post article on PSYOPS, 2/1/1999)
1994 The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act is enacted,
requiring telecommunications providers to design their equipment according
to FBI specifications in order to make eavesdropping easier and more
(See online file, The Surveillance-Industrial Complex, by the ACLU)
1995 (February) Part of a human skull is found by the roadside near the
farm of Robert (Willie) Pickton in Port Coquitlam, BC. The skull has been cut
down the middle with a table saw and appears to be relatively fresh. DNA
tests will reveal years later that it belongs to one of the many women who
have or will be murdered on the Pickton farm.
Dozens of women, most or all of them drug addicts and/or street workers,
have been disappearing at an increasing rate from the Downtown Eastside of
Vancouver, BC. The earliest unsolved incident goes back to 1978. The current
year will show a spike, with five reported missing from the area (this doesnt

count the many women found dead or murdered). Police show little concern
and are extremely slow to respond to tips and missing person reports. Their
attitude is that these women are disposable.
1995 (April 19) The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma
City occurs, in which 168 people are killed and over 680 injured. The building
was apparently chosen because it contained offices for a number of different
government agencies, including the BATF, FBI, DEA, Social Security
Administration, and recruiting offices for the Army and Marine Corps. Timothy
McVeigh, who is picked up within 90 minutes of the bombing after being
pulled over for driving without a license plate and arrested for unlawfully
carrying a concealed weapon, will be portrayed as the main perpetrator. He
will be very cooperative with the arresting officer and will show no signs of
having just committed such a massive bombing. Terry Nichols, Michael
Fortier, and Lori Fortier will soon after be named as accomplices by
authorities. On April 21, Terry Nichols will learn that he is wanted by the
authorities in connection with the bombing, and will immediately turn himself
in. In neither case will these men act like people who had just engaged in the
largest terrorist attack in the history of America.
Many witness reports will state that McVeigh was seen with at least one
additional unidentified man (not Nichols or Fortier) around the time of the
event (identified in these reports as "John Doe #2"), although authorities will
ignore this information and then later deny it. In fact, there will be reports of
up to four additional accomplices made by witnesses that will be ignored and
eventually forgotten about by the authorities. Witnesses who saw anything
that didnt fit the official version of events will be intimidated into changing
their stories, or otherwise ignored.
Before McVeigh is even caught and identified as a suspect, the BATF will
already be claiming that this terrorist act was in retaliation to the Waco
massacre at the Branch Davidian compound. McVeighs anger over that
event, which was a reflection of the feelings of many people, was used to
prop up the claims that he perpetrated the OKC bombing.
A 7,000 lb. fertilizer (ammonium nitrate) bomb in a Ryder rental truck will be
claimed by authorities to have caused the destruction of the Murrah building,
as well as damaging or destroying 324 other buildings in a 16-block radius.
They will equate the effects of the blast to damage that would be caused by
5.000 lbs. of TNT. The blast of the fertilizer bomb had to have been powerful
enough to penetrate deep into the building in order to knock out a number of
large supporting pillars. However, a fertilizer bomb by itself even of this
size could not have done nearly as much damage as what occurs at the
blast site. Pillars closer to the truck bomb survived the blast and columns
further away went down, suggesting that more than one bomb was
responsible for the damage. Two additional unexploded bombs will be found
in the building. There will be many reports that there were two bomb blasts,
several seconds apart that were heard by witnesses, and both blasts

registered on seismograph charts. This will also be denied by authorities, and

surveillance tapes from the area that might prove or disprove this claim will
be suppressed. All of this suggests that there is far more to the story than
what the authorities are revealing. As the official story unfolds in the media,
it will change repeatedly and facts that come out early will later be ignored or
denied. Added to this is the fact that several people saw what appeared to be
workmen handling what appeared to be plastic explosives at one of the
underground pillars of the building several days before the bombing. At least
one witness will state that the workers seemed out of place and acted very
nervous when they saw her watching them, hiding the materials they had
when she approached.
One police officer who was one of the first to arrive at the scene, Terrance
Yeakey, will state that McVeighs truck couldnt have contained an ammonium
nitrate bomb because the air would have been unbreathable for some time
after the bombing, which it wasnt. Yeakey didnt buy the official story, and
was harassed and intimidated by his fellow officers for saying so. He will be
found dead a year later under unusual circumstances that would refute the
official claim that he committed suicide. Also, an FBI agent named
Burmeister will acknowledge during McVeighs trial that no PETN or
ammonium nitrate was found at the blast scene.
Coincidentally (or not), the FBI had a bomb squad drill the day before, and
the Sheriffs bomb squad was witnessed at the scene just prior to the
explosion. They will later deny this, and yet they will arrive at the bomb site
only a few minutes after the blast. Witnesses will be intimidated by the FBI
into accepting a false version of events. This pattern will occur again and
again in future terrorist acts on US soil. While rescue workers are searching
for survivors immediately after the blast, they will be stopped while federal
officials remove boxes of documents. Up to 50 federal agents will spend
much of the night carrying boxes from the floors occupied by the federal DEA
and BATF. These may have been documents that the FBI will later admit were
withheld from the defense lawyers. The targeted building will be torn down
within a month and all evidence on the site will be disposed of, effectively
removing any chance of conducting a proper investigation and forcing the
official version of events. The same tactic will be used immediately after the
9/11 disaster in 2001. The circumstances surrounding the Oklahoma City
bombing strongly suggests deeper complicity by government agencies and a
major cover-up. McVeigh will be portrayed as acting through a militia group,
but this will never be proven. The purported reason for the bombing is
retaliation for the Waco massacre that occurred exactly two years earlier. It
should be noted that this date is an important day of human sacrifice for
McVeigh, Nichols, and Michael Fortier had become friends while in the Army.
All three were supporters of the militia movement, opposed gun control, and
believed that the government was incredibly corrupt. McVeigh had earlier
disclosed to friends that he was upset because he had been implanted with a

microchip while in the military during the Gulf War, which suggests that he
might have been influenced by mind-control. McVeigh had been a loyal and
decorated soldier in the Army, and had performed valiantly on the front lines
at the start of the Gulf War. It will be discovered that he had taken a
psychological operations training course while stationed at Ft. Riley, and had
been attempting to get into the Special Forces, but was apparently never
accepted. Although this fact will be used to portray him as a disgruntled
soldier whose dreams were dashed, it is very likely that he was secretly
enlisted as a covert agent and continued to work for the military, even up to
and after the bombing. After his arrest, McVeigh will be visited at least
seventeen times by the CIAs infamous mind-control expert, Dr. Louis Jolyin
West. West will also head a psychological trauma team put together by the
American Psychological Association to treat survivors and victims families.
Interestingly, the Alfred P. Murrah building had been previously targeted
numerous times in the past, the last time being in October 1983 by a white
supremacist group that called itself The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm
of the Lord. The founders of this group who participated in this plan were
James Ellison and Richard Snell. The group had also plotted to park a van or
trailer in front of the Federal Building and blow it up, in their case, with
rockets detonated by a timer. After Snell's appeal for murdering two people
in unrelated cases was denied, he was executed the same day as the OKC
bombing. Was he an additional sacrificial lamb? Could he have known
something that could expose who was really behind McVeighs actions? It
turns out that the FBI, ATF, and probably the CIA were all facilitating the
plans for this terrorist act, and had been warned by multiple sources about it
just days before the event, but chose to ignore those warnings.
McVeighs lead lawyer, Stephen Jones, will come to believe that McVeigh was
a patsy in a larger conspiracy, but this will be dismissed by Judge Matsch,
who will independently rule the evidence concerning such a possibility to be
too insubstantial to be admissible. A gag order will be imposed during the
trial, prohibiting attorneys on either side from commenting to the press on
the evidence, proceedings, or opinions regarding the trial proceedings. While
prosecutors will intersperse relatively circumstantial evidence with heartwrenching and completely irrelevant tales from tearful bombing victims, the
defense will not be allowed to present any expert witnesses debunking the
government's single bomb theory, or any evidence linking other suspects to
the crime. A 517-page Justice Department report will be published that
criticizes the FBI crime laboratory and David Williams, one of the agency's
explosives experts, for reaching unscientific and biased conclusions. The
report will claim that Williams had worked backward in the investigation
rather than basing his determinations on forensic evidence. This suggests
that a predetermined conclusion was sought during the investigation, with no
consideration to reaching the truth. As late as May 2001, the FBI will
announce that it had withheld over 3,000 documents from McVeigh's defense
counsel. McVeigh, who will have already been convicted and sentenced to
death by this time, will have his execution postponed for one month so that

the defense can review the documents. On June 6, Judge Matsch will rule
that the documents would not prove McVeigh innocent and will order the
execution to proceed. With President George W. Bushs approval, McVeigh will
be executed by lethal injection five days later. Most people sentenced to
death wait years before being executed (McVeighs was the first federal
execution in 38 years). Nichols will eventually receive 161 consecutive life
sentences without the possibility of parole. For testifying against McVeigh and
Nichols, Michael Fortier, who the FBI will pressure night and day for months,
will cooperate and receive a reduced sentence of twelve years in prison and a
$75,000 fine, and his wife will receive complete immunity provided she
performs in the prosecutions favor during the investigation and trial. After
doing ten and a half years, Michael Fortier will be released and put into the
Witness Protection Program and given a new identity. Nobody else will ever
be investigated for the bombing. In spite of the possibility that there was a
larger conspiracy at work, McVeigh will release a letter in which he writes,
For those die-hard conspiracy theorists who will refuse to believe this, I turn
the tables and say: Show me where I needed anyone else. Financing?
Logistics? Specialized tech skills? Brainpower? Strategy? ... Show me where I
needed a dark, mysterious Mr. X! Was this letter intended to cover up a
larger conspiracy, or was it reflecting the truth? Or, just as probable, did
McVeigh merely think he was acting of his own accord?
A great deal of evidence will arise that suggests even further that people
working within the government were involved in perpetrating this event. For
instance, BATF employees who worked in the Murrah Building apparently
received messages on their pagers prior to the bombing telling them not to
go in to work on this day. It will also be discovered that McVeigh was
reportedly trained at the School of the Americas, the CIA's academy for
death squads, and he was actually a CIA sharpshooter and assassin who had
been involved in covert government drug trafficking operations, and had
been decorated several times, even receiving a commendation while he was
in prison for the bombing.
According to McVeighs sister, McVeigh had been recruited by a special
operations Army group, but he had supposedly turned them down. He had
apparently told her that this group was involved in criminal activities,
including protecting drug shipments, assassinations, and population control.
During his Grand Jury hearing, McVeigh appeared calm and unworried, as
though he knew that he would go free. He refused to speak to anyone,
protecting whoever it was that had orchestrated the plot to bomb the
building. Investigations will reveal that there were strong ties to Middle
Eastern terrorist groups who were using American neo-Nazi and white
supremacist groups as proxies to engineer the plot.
Various nave government insiders will report that the bombing was a failed
sting operation, and that John Doe #2 was an undercover agent who was
supposed to disarm the bomb at the last moment but had failed to do so.

These insiders will state that the federal authorities had planted this agent
deep within the militia movement, and the agents identity was being
protected with the belief that he would be seen as a hero within the
movement and would then be trusted enough to be let in on their future
plans. These insiders will effectively suggest that the protection of this
agents identity is more important than exposing the bombing as a failed
sting operation.
Immediately after the event, public opinion will be mobilized against the
apparent threat of the growing militia movement, and the consequences of
this will be the public acceptance of President Clintons solutions of
increased FBI powers to infiltrate and attack these militia groups, as well as
to allow military enforcement of domestic laws, and a media ban on so-called
'anti-government' extremists such as the People's Militia, who are fully aware
of the workings of America's secret government.
(See online book, The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror, by
David Hoffman)
1995 (April 24) The Unabomber, later alleged to be Ted Kaczynski,
sends a letter to the New York Times in which he promises "to desist from
terrorism" if the Times or the Washington Post publishes his manifesto, titled
Industrial Society and Its Future (also called the Unabomber Manifesto), He
defends his actions in the letter, arguing that his bombings are extreme but
necessary to attract attention to the erosion of human freedom necessitated
by modern technologies that require large-scale organization. He warns of
the psychological consequences for individual life within our current
industrial-technological system, which he states has robbed contemporary
humans of their autonomy, diminished their rapport with nature, and forced
them to behave in ways that are increasingly remote from the natural
pattern of human behavior. He also states that rather than recognizing that
humans currently live in conditions that make them terribly unhappy, the
system develops ways of controlling human responses to the overly stressful
environment in which they find themselves. He goes on to identify some of
these trends:
Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make them terribly unhappy,
then gives them the drugs to take away their unhappiness. Science fiction? It is already
happening to some extent in our own society. It is well known that the rate of clinical
depression has been greatly increasing in recent decades. We believe that this is due to
disruption of the power process... The entertainment industry serves as an important
psychological tool of the system, possibly even when it is dishing out large amounts of
sex and violence. Entertainment provides modern man with an essential means of escape.
While absorbed in television, videos, etc., he can forget stress, anxiety, frustration,

The later sections of the manifesto speculate about the future evolution of
this system, arguing that it will inevitably lead to the end of human freedom.
Paragraphs 157 and 158 state:
157 Assuming that industrial society survives, it is likely that technology will eventually
acquire something approaching complete control over human behavior. It has been
established beyond any rational doubt that human thought and behavior have a largely
biological basis. As experimenters have demonstrated, feelings such as hunger, pleasure,
anger and fear can be turned on and off by electrical stimulation of appropriate parts of
the brain. Memories can be destroyed by damaging parts of the brain or they can be
brought to the surface by electrical stimulation. Hallucinations can be induced or moods
changed by drugs. There may or may not be an immaterial human soul, but if there is one
it clearly is less powerful than the biological mechanisms of human behavior. For if that
were not the case then researchers would not be able so easily to manipulate human
feelings and behavior with drugs and electrical currents
158. It presumably would be impractical for all people to have electrodes inserted in their
heads so that they could be controlled by the authorities. But the fact that human thoughts
and feelings are so open to biological intervention shows that the problem of controlling
human behavior is mainly a technical problem; a problem of neurons, hormones and
complex molecules; the kind of problem that is accessible to scientific attack. Given the
outstanding record of our society in solving technical problems, it is overwhelmingly
probable that great advances will be made in the control of human behavior.
The above excerpt of the Unabombers manifesto reveals the writers acute
awareness of mind-control technologies. The manifesto will be published in
the Washington Post on September 19. The style and content of the text will
be recognized by Kaczynskis brother David, who had often debated with Ted
the subject matter contained within it. His recognition of the text will lead to
Kaczynskis capture in April of 1996.
(See online file Ted Kaczynski, at wikipedia)
1995 (August 19) The San Francisco Chronicle reports that 48-year-old
freeway sniper Christopher Shaw Scalley had told authorities after his arrest
that he had been receiving messages via radio waves and electronic
appliances, and had heard voices telepathically from passing vehicles.
1995 (August 24) The release of Windows 95. It will later be discovered
to have a secret backdoor built into it for NSA access. Microsoft holds 90% of
the market share of computer users, with their Windows operating system
running on most home and office computers.
1995 (December 15) The second in a series of deaths occur that are
connected to the cult group, Order of the Solar Temple. 16 cult members (13
adults and 3 children) are immolated in a clearing on a plateau in Vercors,
France. They were shot and then their bodies burned. The killers had
committed suicide after killing and torching the others.

1995 While employed as a Court Intervention Social worker at Child

Protective Services in San Diego, California, Diana Napolis decides to work
undercover on her own time and investigate satanic cults on the internet
under the pseudonyms Curio and Karen Jones. A year earlier she had
established the Ritual Abuse Court Cases Project, which was dedicated to
proving that satanic ritual abuse existed after a cover-up had occurred in San
Diego County. In spite of this, she continued to address ritual abuse cases,
and successfully protected children via the system she was employed by
despite the efforts of the Director of CPS to stop all training about this
1995 The US government declassifies its remote-viewing programs.
1995 The Farsight Institute is founded by Courtney Brown, Ph.D., evolving
from a research program he conducted in the early 1990s (described in his
book, Cosmic Voyage: A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting
Earth). Brown's investigations began with his training in a remote viewing
technology that had previously been used by the US military during highly
classified operations in the 1980s and 1990s, according to his sales
literature. Historically, the principal breakthroughs with this technology were
made at Stanford Research Institute in the 1970s and 1980s by the gifted
artist and natural psychic, Ingo Swann. The vision of The Farsight Institute is
to promote the continued research and development of the most modern and
effective forms of this continually evolving technology. Other remote viewing
gurus from the SRI remote-viewing program will spring up like poison
mushrooms around the country, ranting obliquely on the paranormal and
scapegoating aliens.
1995 DreamWorks SKG and Microsoft join forces to form DreamWorks
Interactive, to produce interactive and multimedia entertainment properties.
1995 Release of the Alien Autopsy film by British entrepreneur Ray Santilli.
Eleven years later in 2006 he will admit that the film is a hoax.
1995 The Internet is commercialized. More ISPs quickly come into service
to meet increasing demand.
1996 (March 13) Thomas Hamilton kills sixteen children and one teacher
and wounds ten others at Dunblane Primary School in Scotland. He ends the
rampage by killing himself. There is evidence that Hamilton was part of a
child pornography ring that included police and politicians, and to silence
him, the shooting had been staged to make it appear that he was the
shooter. Hamilton will be found to have had links to two senior politicians in
Scotland, as well as the head of NATO and Scotlands Secretary of State. He
was also involved in Freemasonry.
1996 (April 29) Martin Bryant calmly walks around a tourist site in
Tasmania, methodically shooting 56 people, killing 35 of them. Interestingly,

Bryant is in possession of an assault rifle that had been handed in to police in

Victoria as part of a gun amnesty program, but mysteriously wound up in
Bryant's hands before the massacre.
After his arrest, Bryant said that he had been gotten to, and had been
programmed. An anti-social loner, Bryant had recently returned from a
solitary two-week trip to the U.S., ostensibly to visit Disneyland. Australian
Customs agents noticed he carried no luggage and was acting strangely.
They took him to the hospital to be examined as a possible drug courier, but
found nothing. Had Bryant actually visited Disneyland, or had he visited a
different type of playground - one inhabited by the mind-control masters of
the CIA?
In the wake of this massacre, Australia underwent wholesale gun confiscation
of its citizenry. Not surprisingly, Australia and New Zealand have long served
as a playground for the CIA, who reportedly played a major role in the
overthrow of Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, directed from the
CIA's super-secret Pine Gap facility. It has also been reported that the CIA
has been testing subliminal TV transmissions to influence the outcome of
(See online book, The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror, by
David Hoffman)
1996 (April 3) Ted Kaczynski is arrested as the Unabomber, ending a
mail-bombing campaign that has been going on since 1978. There will be
many indications that Kaczynski was set up as a patsy. The signs of a coverup will be similar to those in other high-profile lone nut cases. The
authorities end all further investigation into the case immediately after
Kaczynski is apprehended and present the public with their version of the
facts. He will be denied the attorney of his choice, San Francisco radical
lawyer Tony Serra, who would probably have mounted an ideological defense
that could result in disclosure of federal entrapment or conspiracy. Instead he
will be appointed two federally employed California defense attorneys, who
are convinced of Kaczynskis guilt and will intend to seek an insanity plea.
Kaczynski will balk at these legal maneuvers and, after a request to
represent himself is denied, will bargain a guilty plea in return for life
imprisonment instead of the death penalty. Many questionable elements of
the official story are ignored including strong evidence that there were
other accomplices and never allowed to be contested. Authorities quickly
gather up and cart away every possible piece of physical evidence related to
the case, including Kaczynskis entire cabin and everything in it.
During his sentencing, on May 4, 1998, Kaczynski will make the following
brief statement:
My statement will be very brief. A few days ago the government filed a sentencing
memorandum, the purpose of which was clearly political. By discrediting me personally,

they hope to discredit the idea expressed by the Unabomber. In reality, the government
has discredited itself.
The sentencing memorandum contains false statements, distorted statements and
statements that mislead by omitting important facts. At a later time I expect to respond at
length to the sentencing memorandum and also the many other falsehoods that have been
propagated about me. Meanwhile, I only ask that people reserve their judgment about me
and about the Unabom case until all the facts have been made public.
(See online file, The Scapegoat: Ted Kaczynski, Ritual Murder and the
Invocation of Catastrophe, by Michael A. Hoffman II)
1996 (July) Dr. Ian Wilmut of Roslin Institute in Scotland, succeeds in the
first cloning of a mammal Dolly the sheep.
1996 (August 13) Four years after his early release from prison for
sexual abuse of children, Belgian authorities arrest Marc Dutroux once again
for his involvement in the disappearances of young girls, along with his wife
(an elementary school teacher), a lodger, a policeman, and another man
named Michel Lelievre. The latter is described as an associate with political
connections. Two days after the arrest, police search Dutroux's home and
find a soundproof dungeon/torture chamber. Several days after this, police
will dig up the bodies of two eight-year-old girls at another of Dutroux's
homes. They had been kept in one of Dutrouxs dungeons for nine months
after their abductions, during which time they were repeatedly tortured and
sexually assaulted, which was all captured on videotape. More buried bodies
will also be found. At least ten other people will be arrested in connection
with these crimes. Evidence of high-level government and police complicity
will begin to emerge. An accomplice, businessman Jean-Michel Nihoul, will
confess to organizing an orgy at a Belgian chateau that had been attended
by government officials, a former European Commissioner, and a number of
law enforcement officers. A Belgian senator will note, quite accurately, that
such parties are part of a system which operates to this day and is used to
blackmail the highly placed people who take part. Nihoul will claim that he is
beyond the reach of the law because he has information that, if made public,
would bring the Government and the entire state down. In September, 23
suspects - at least nine of whom are police officers will be detained and
questioned about their possible complicity in the crimes and/or their
negligence in investigating the case. The reports are based on information
supplied by a police inspector who had already been charged as an
accomplice. This case will have connections to the 1991 assassination of
prominent Belgian businessman and politician Andre Cools, who had been
planning to make some shocking revelations before his death. High-ranking
officials will continually interfere with investigations as it becomes known that
a pedophile ring exists that involves very wealthy and powerful individuals.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)

1996 (September 1) Britains Sunday Telegraph headlines a

breakthrough in gravity-shielding research by a Russian scientist named Dr.
Evgeny Podkletnov at Tampere University of Technology in Finland. The
research had already been heavily scrutinized by a number of independent
experts, and a paper was being put forward for publication in Journal of
Physics D: Applied Physics. However, the release of this news causes
Podkletnov to be ostracized by the university and the paper is pulled from the
journal. Podkletnov goes back to Russia for a year but continues his work,
eventually returning to Finland to work at a local company. The reaction he
received for the newspaper article may have been intended to cover up the
significance of this research. Like the work of Douglas Torr and Ning Li in
1993, Podkletnovs work involves the use of superconductors to inhibit
gravitational force. The development of superconductors at this time is still in
relative infancy.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1996 (September 17) A shooting at Penn State University, State College,
PA leaves one dead and one wounded. The shooter, 19-year-old Jillian
Robbins, when asked why she did it, will state repeatedly, I don't know.
Was she under mind-control? Robbins had suffered hallucinations since the
tenth grade, including hearing voices. She had enlisted in the US Army
Reserve before graduation, where she became a rifle expert. She had been
seeing a State College psychologist who was treating her in the months
before the shooting, and had told him of urges to commit random acts of
violence and of owning a Mauser rifle. The psychologist, Wilbur Wadlington,
had done nothing about it. She had been discharged from a mental
institution only a month before the shootings.
1996 (December 25) The molestation/murder of six-year-old beauty
queen JonBenet Ramsey. By all appearances, the parents, John and Patsy
Ramsey, or someone very close to them, are the killers. JonBenets body is
found in the basement of their Boulder, Colorado home with a rope around
her neck, and there are signs of sexual abuse. The body has been dead long
enough to give off an odor, meaning that JonBenet had been killed days
earlier, but this fact will be completely ignored. An autopsy will reveal that
she had been sexually abused many times in the past. It will become
strongly suspected that the parents were involved in a satanic pedophile ring
and were pimping out their daughter. It is also suspected that JonBenet was
killed in a snuff movie. According to the San Jose Mercury News, at least 150
videotapes were seized from the home.
John Ramsey, who is a former Navy officer, runs a Denver company called
Access Graphics, which is doing business with a company called the William
Morris Agency, which represents up and coming child models and had
solicited a contract from the Ramsey's for the 'services' of JonBenet. At the
time of JonBenets death, this company is under investigation for its
involvement in a child pornography ring. The pornography ring is being run

by the FBIs Div. 5 (Special/Black Ops). During the investigation into

JonBenets murder, John Ramseys company computers will be found to
contain a large volume of child pornography. Access Graphics, it will turn out,
also has service contracts that are directly tied to the Iran Contra affair.
Access Graphics bank accounts are with Silverado Savings and Loan, the
noted Iran Contra money-laundering outfit that is administered by the
Director of Silverado, Neil Bush, George W. Bush's brother. John Ramsey is
also on a list of witnesses that are never subpoenaed by former Iran Contra
Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh.
John Ramsey's daughter Elizabeth (from his first marriage), will later uncover
several vivid memories of satanic, ritual sexual abuse after a failed suicide
attempt (during the ensuing therapy sessions) in which her father apparently
played a major role in the rituals. Within several months of uncovering the
memories and going public with them (talking to friends and family
members) she will be found dead killed in a freak car accident.
1996 Robert (Willie) Pickton and his brother David sell various parcels of
their pig farm property in Port Coquitlam, a small town just outside the city
of Vancouver, and acquire over five million dollars in total. David Pickton
takes some of the money and opens a party hall down the street from the
farm, calling it Piggys Palace. Robert Pickton carries on running the pig
farm. Piggys Palace will soon become a hangout for local Hells Angels
members (they have a clubhouse across the road from the farm), as well as
politicians, police officers, businessmen, teachers, and sometimes even
children. It will also be regularly frequented by many different female street
workers, most of them brought there from nearby Vancouver City, who are
there to be used for sexual services, and some will never leave.
This same year, Robert Pickton will be charged with attempted murder and
unlawful confinement for repeatedly stabbing a street worker who he had
been holding against her will at his farm. She is naked and has a pair of
handcuffs locked onto one wrist when she flags down a car during her
escape. She dies and is revived at the hospital. The charges will be dropped
within a year, with the excuse from court prosecutors that they would be
unable to get a conviction because the woman was a drug addict and would
never be believed in court.
(See online file, Death Farm, by Charles Mudede)
1996 Eric Harris (who will be one of the shooters at Columbine High
School) and his family move to Littleton, Colorado from Plattsburgh Air Force
Base in New York. Before he leaves, he will confide to a friend that hell be
glad to get away from the place because of the experiments the military has
been conducting on him there. Plattsburgh AFB has an 18-level underground
facility where many different types of psyops and mind-control programs are

1996 Mexican police break up an international child pornography ring

based in the resort of Acapulco that reportedly has at least 4,000 clients in
the United States. A UN envoy investigating the case states that the child
pornography sometimes involved babies of less than one month old.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1996 A pedophile ring called the Orchid Club is exposed in San Jose,
California. The members crimes include recruiting young relatives and
friends of their own children to be molested and photographed. The club is
also involved in real-time exploitation of children on the internet, where
members are able to send in requests and have them acted-out on live
feeds. The club also held a pedophile summit, at which members could trade
stories about pre-teen girls they have molested and photographed in sexually
explicit poses. The summit was held on April 20 the birth date of Adolph
Hitler and a major satanic holiday.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1996 The NSAs Intelink system goes online as part of the ECHELON
system, connecting 13 different US intelligence agencies and some allied
agencies with the aim of providing instant access to all types of intelligence
information. Just like logging onto the Internet, intelligence analysts and
military personnel can view an atlas on Intelink's home page, and then click
on any country they choose in order to access intelligence reports, video
clips, satellite photos, databases and status reports.
(See file, Inside Echelon, by Duncan Campbell)
1996 Michael Aquino retires from his satanic church, the Temple of Set.
1996 America Online, the worlds largest Internet service provider, reaches
five million members.
1997 Released documents reveal that the CIA admits having encouraged
reports of flying saucers in the 1950s and 1960s in order to obscure test
flights of the U-2 and U-12 spy planes.
(See book, The Hunt for Zero Point, by Nick Cook)
1997 Police in France detain more than 250 people and confiscate some
5,000 videotapes in conjunction with an investigation into a massive child
pornography ring. Those detained by police are described as mainly married
professionals. A dozen of them will soon turn up dead, allegedly suicide
victims. As the case proceeds in the years ahead, the French courts will be
accused of attacking the easy targets the porn consumers rather than the
producers and distributors. Senior public figures will be among those
investigated but their cases will be dropped before going to court.

(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)

1997 (March) An RCMP report states: It has been determined that
[Robert Picktons stabbing victim from 1996] is an East Hastings [Vancouver,
BC] area hooker and Pickton is known to frequent that area weekly. []
Given the violence shown by Pickton towards prostitutes and women in
general, this information is being forwarded to your attention. This
familiarity of the police with Robert Pickton wont be uncovered until after his
trial, when its entered into evidence during a later inquiry.
1997 (March 22) The third and final in a series of murders, suicides, and
arsons occur in connection to the cult group, Order of the Solar Temple, this
time in St. Casimir, Quebec. Five people, four cult members and the parent of
one of the members have committed suicide. Police discover a letter
explaining that they have taken this action to ensure a path to the new
1997 (March 26) Thirty-nine Heavens Gate cult members, including the
leader, Marshall Applewhite, commit mass suicide. They believed that by
doing so they will be transferred to an alien spaceship that is purportedly
following the Hale-Bopp comet as it passes near Earth.
Three members of Heavens Gate worked for Advanced Development Group
(ADG), Inc., a company that developed computer-based instruction for the
US Army. ADG later became ManTech Advanced Development Group. These
organizations have connections to the First Earth Battalion. The First Earth
Battalion was a psyop group that was formed in the US military to allegedly
handle military extraterrestrial affairs such as abductions, contact through
telepathy, remote viewing, ESP, and possible simulated extraterrestrial drills
using holographic technology. First Earth Battalion eventually became the
Jedi Project. All of these secretive psyop groups are well skilled in spreading
disinformation (including about themselves).
1997 Michael Aquino files two lawsuits in San Francisco against Diana
Napolis internet provider Electriciti in attempts to force them to cancel her
account and reveal her identity to him. During this time, Aquino is routinely
misrepresenting to newspaper reporters what had occurred on the internet
between them in attempts to make himself appear a victim. However, after
reviewing Napolis public messages, Electriciti refuses to disclose her identity
or even investigate who she might be because they believe that Aquino is
dangerous and that Napolis needed protection. These lawsuits are dismissed
due to the CDA precluding internet companies from liability due to their
customers messages.
1997 While preparing for a story about the abduction of Johnny Gosch,
Karen Burnes of ABCs 20/20 uncovers 45 other victims of child sexual abuse,
satanic abuse, and kidnapping, several of whom knew Gosch and were with

him on many occasions. One of these victims is the son of Anton LaVey,
founder of the Church of Satan, who will claim that his father had castrated
1997 (October 1) A shooting at Pearl High School in Pearl, Mississippi
leaves two dead, seven wounded. The shooters are Luke Woodham, 16, and
Grant Boyette, 19. Woodham will later state, [I] fought with myself because
I didn't want to do any of it. Woodham, who had killed his mother earlier in
the day, will later state that he doesn't remember killing her, but will recall
hearing Boyettes voice telling him to kill her. He will also say he was driven
by demons. Boyette, an avid church-goer with deeply religious parents, will
be found to have directed Woodhams actions during the killings, and is the
leader of a small satanic cult named the Kroth. This group consists of
Boyette, Woodham, and at least five other teenagers, and are known to
dabble in black magic. All seven will be charged for the murders. The
shooting spree had been planned since the beginning of the year and was
intended to target a number of enemies of the group. A notebook belonging
to Woodham will be found, in which is written, I killed because people like
me are mistreated every day. [] I did this to show society'Push us and we
will push back.' I suffered all my life. No one ever truly loved me. No one
ever truly cared about me.
1997 (December 1) A shooting at Heath High School in Paducah,
Kentucky leaves three dead and five wounded. The shooter, 14-year-old
Michael Carneal, is carrying five guns and 1,000 rounds of ammo. When later
asked why he did it, will state he doesn't know. Carneal's homeroom teacher
will report that he didnt seem to recognize what he had done. His sister,
Kelly Carneal, who is present at the shooting, will state that her brothers
face looked different and his body posture was different. She will state, He
looked like a completely different person. I would not have recognized him
had he not had on the same clothes as he had on that morning. .... He
turned his head and he looked at me. And I realized he didn't know who I
was. ... I will never forget that stare on Michael's face in a million years......
It was just blank, nothingness. It's like there was nothing in him. Carneals
father is a prominent attorney.
Carneal will later describe in an interview how he was being controlled and
tormented by a group of entities that called themselves the Danes. He had
told some students that something big was going to happen on that
1997 Laura Knight-Jadczyk and her channeling group, the Cassiopaeans,
are joined by her soon-to-be husband, Dr. Arkadiusz (Ark) Jadczyk. Dr.
Jadczyk is a theoretical physicist working as a professor at the University of
Wroclaw, Poland, teaching mathematical physics. He had met Laura on the
Internet and then came to the USA to join her and her group. The group
certainly has all the signs of a cult, and Laura is the perfect portrayal of a
paranoid and psychopathic cult leader with delusions of persecution and self-

importance who demands very tight control over her members and what they
believe. She claims to be a Wanderer, which is a term that comes straight
out of the Ra material channeled by Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim
1997 HAARP is activated, although it isnt slated to go fully on-line until
1998 (January 27) Charges that have been laid against Robert Pickton
for unlawful confinement and attempted murder are stayed by BCs Criminal
Justice Branch.
1998 (February 11) The Times reports that workmen restoring the
residence of Benjamin Franklin in London have dug up the remains of a baby,
five children and four adults from under the house. The bones are estimated
to be about 200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin was living in
the house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762 and from 1764 to 1775.
Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. One
skull has been drilled with several holes. While living in London, Franklin was
a member of the Hellfire Club, otherwise known as the Order of the Friars of
St. Francis of Wycombe. The Hellfire Club was a meeting place where
members of high society and people of quality could meet and engage in
black masses, sexual orgies, and other immoral acts.
1998 (March 24) School shooting at Westside Middle School in Jonesboro,
Arkansas. Five are killed and ten injured. The camouflage-clad killers are 13year-old Mitchell Scott Johnson and 12-year-old Andrew Douglas Golden.
Johnsons mother is a prison guard and had married an inmate when Johnson
was seven years old. Following the shooting, Johnson's attorney will claim
that Johnson had been sexually abused as a child by a family member of the
day care where he had been placed. A year before the shootings, he was
charged with molesting a 3-year-old child. Both of Goldens parents are
postal workers. Since that day, when the boys have been asked why they did
it, they appeared not to be able to give an answer. Johnson will state, I
really thought that no one would actually be hurt.
1998 (April 24) A shooting at Parker Middle School in Edinborough, PA
leaves one dead, three wounded. The shooter, 14-year-old Andrew Wurst,
will state that he had no reason to do it.
1998 (May 22) A shooting at Thurston High School in Springfield, Oregon
leaves one dead, seven wounded. The shooter, Kip Kinkel, also kills his
parents. He will repeatedly state in a police interview that he had no choice.
Q: Why did you go to school and start shooting people? A: I had to. I had
no other choice. I couldn't do anything else. He had been hearing loud
voices in his head that commanded him to kill. When asked where he thinks
the voices come from, Kip will reply, "Well, I had some theories. Maybe it
was from the devil... the government might have put a chip in my head.

Government satellites might have transmitted to the chip.... At first I

thought the voices were outside of my head because they were so very loud,
like surround sound." Kinkel will also claim that he believes one satellite
gives voices to the microchip and another follows his movements.
1998 (July) At about this tine, Australia's longest serving mayor, 68-yearold Frank Arkell, is bludgeoned to death in his home. He had been facing 29
child sex charges, and was a key witness in a royal commission into police
corruption that uncovered a pedophile network. Police suspect his murder is
part of a series of gruesome gay hate killings in the Sydney region that are
linked to a notorious pedophile ring. In the past few months two other men,
one a convicted child sex offender, were attacked in their homes in similar
circumstances and also suffered horrific injuries.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1998 (August) Alleged mind-control victim Andy Pero goes public with his
story. His father was a Lieutenant Commander at the Fallon Naval Air Station
in Nevada at the time of his birth in 1969, and his experiences began about
two years later. He has flashback memories of being subjected to shock
treatments and various other forms of trauma at that age in order to split his
mind and create multiple personalities. He states that he was programmed at
such places as the University of Rochester, NY, the Rome National Air Base in
Rome, NY, Camp Hero, at Montauk, LI, and also at Dobbins Air Force Base in
Atlanta, GA.
By 1974 his family had moved to Munich, Germany. At age 10 his mother
enrolled him in a (legitimate, non-MKULTRA) Silva Mind Control course where
he learns self-hypnosis techniques.
His government mind-control programming involved training him to endure
suffering beyond belief and be able to accomplish superhuman feats of
strength and survival. One of the things he claims he was trained to do was
to jump from extremely high places including from airplanes without a
parachute and land without hurting himself. By the time he was 15 years
old, he was being used on secret military missions. He also claims to have
been used in the Montauk Chair to create time portals and threedimensional materializations. He also claims to have encountered alien
creatures during many of his experiences, including greys and reptilians.
1998 (September) At about this time, police in 22 US states and 13
foreign countries conduct coordinated raids aimed at breaking up an internet
child-pornography ring. The pedophile network is called the Wonderland Club,
in honor of Lewis Carrolls children's book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,
and of Carroll himself, who is known to have had a predilection for underage
children, and who has become something of a patron saint of pedophiles. The
ring involves as many as 200 people around the world, who were exchanging
thousands of sexually explicit images of children as young as 18 months. The

ring shares pictures of children being abused in some cases live via webcam broadcasts over the internet. Some members are reported to be using
their own children in pictures. In other cases, parents are suspected of taking
money to let their children be used. Over 1,250 children are said to be
featured in the photos and videos, many of whom appear to be suffering
appalling injuries and are seen sobbing uncontrollably while being sexually
violated. Most of the children are under the age of ten. The combined raids
result in the seizure of more than 750,000 computer images of children. The
raids include homes in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany,
Italy, Norway, Portugal and Sweden, although the ring extends into 47
countries. 107 suspects are eventually arrested. As with earlier raids on
pedophile rings in Europe, a rash of suicides will soon follow. Four of the 34
American suspects will commit suicide, including a retired Air Force pilot, a
microbiologist, and a computer consultant.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1998 (October) Wade Michael Page (aka Wade Vanbuskirk) receives a
less-than-honorable discharge from the Army after serving for almost six
years. He was stationed at Ft. Bliss, Texas, and Ft. Bragg in North Carolina,
where he was trained as a Psychological Operations Specialist. After his
discharge, he moves to Littleton, Colorado. According to some sources, he
had grown up in Littleton, Colorado and was a student at Littleton High
School. Page had become a neo-Nazi while in the military, and is possibly a
member of the Trench Coat Mafia, the group that shooters Eric Harris and
Dylan Klebold belonged to.
1998 Vancouver Police have only two officers working in their missing
persons unit, while the number of women disappearing from the downtown
eastside is growing.
1998 A large-scale international pedophile ring is discovered operating out
of the Netherlands and Berlin, Germany. Images of abuse of babies and
infants are being peddled via the Internet and other media. Police discover
voluminous records of what appear to be clients and suppliers from countries
including Israel, Ukraine, Britain, Russia and the United States. The ring is
uncovered when a key member is found dead in Italy, apparently murdered
by another member of the ring. His apartment is found to contain thousands
of digital images stored on computer disks, as well as hundreds of addresses
of suspected suppliers and clients.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1998 Serial killer Henry Lee Lucas becomes the only inmate on death row
to ever have his sentence commuted by then-Governor of Texas George W.
Bush. Lucas partner in crime, Ottis Toole, will similarly have his sentence
commuted in Florida by then-Governor Jeb Bush.

1998 Rusty Nelson, who was the blackmail photographer for Lawrence
King in the Franklin pedophile ring, is arrested in Oregon, and found in
possession of thousands of pornographic photographs.
1998 Diana Napolis publishes the results of her research in an archive
titled Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive, which consists of appellate
documentation and news articles that provide substantial evidence proving
that ritual abuse exists.
1999 (February 5) In US District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, an
extraordinary hearing occurs in Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King, a civil
action in which the plaintiff charges that he had been ritualistically abused by
the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful
political figures in Washington and to elements of the US military and
intelligence establishment.
During the hearing, Noreen Gosch, whose twelve-year-old son Johnny was
abducted in 1982, stuns the court with sworn testimony linking US Army Lt.
Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide pedophile ring:
Well, then there was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He
had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He's founded the
Temple of Set. And he was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very
active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government
program to use [in] this experimentation on children.
Where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that
when they're questioned or put under oath or questioned under lie detector, that unless the
operator knows how to question a multiple-personality disorder, they turn up with no
They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have
control of. This sounds so far out and so bizarre I had trouble accepting it in the
beginning myself until I was presented with the data. We have the proof. In black and
Paul Bonacci, who was simultaneously a victim and a member of the
nationwide pedophile crime syndicate, subsequently identifies Aquino as the
man who ordered the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch.
Three weeks later, on February 27, Judge Warren K. Urbom will order King,
who is currently residing in Federal prison, to pay $1 million in damages to
1999 (April 20) The Columbine High School massacre takes place. Eric
Harris and Dylan Klebold enact a planned attack on their high school, killing
13 others and wounding 24 before allegedly turning their guns on
themselves. The official report will be that the shooting started at 11:20 am
and ended at 12:08 pm, although many witnesses will state that the
shootings went on for far longer. This event would be televised live, with
trained and fully-geared SWAT teams holding off outside the school for an

inexplicable length of time (up to four hours), allowing the shooters to

continue their rampage and waiting until long after they finally kill
themselves before taking any action at all. The police will later claim that
they didnt go in immediately because they were out-gunned. Because of
this, teacher Dave Sanders will bleed to death waiting for help to arrive.
Denver physician William Deagle, who attempts to go in to help the injured,
is threatened with violence by the police and kept from doing so.
Many eyewitness testimonies will reveal that others are involved in the
shootings, some of them identified as Robert Perry, Chris Morris, Brian
Sargent, and Joseph Stair. An older, muscular man with an chiseled face is
also witnessed at the scene carrying a shotgun, and another pudgy male is
seen with Harris and Klebold just before the shooting starts. Morris will be
photographed being arrested by police at the scene. The names of these
other shooters will be redacted from the police report later released to the
public, serving to cover up their identities. Some or all of these named
accomplices are connected to the Trench Coat Mafia, a neo-Nazi gang of
youths and adults that Harris and Klebold are associated with.
Early on during the shootings, three youths in combat fatigues Matthew
Christianson, Matt Akard, and Jim Branetti are apprehended in a field near
the school. They claim that they had heard about the shooting on the radio
and had come to investigate, and name Harris and Klebold as the shooters.
This is before any radio announcements have been made. In spite of the
many witness reports of more than two shooters, authorities will not
investigate the matter and conclude that there were only two shooters. At
the same time, they will use the excuse that there might be other
accomplices in order to withhold releasing an official report on the incident.
Some witnesses inside the school will claim to have heard shots hours after
both Harris and Klebold are supposed to have killed themselves at 12:08 pm.
Police will report that just before 1:00 pm, they were exchanging gunfire with
the shooters. A student inside the school will call into a local new station at
1:09 and report that he just heard gunfire. He will call back again soon after
and report that he just saw shooters wearing black trench coats and masks.
At about 3:45 pm, a reporter will state that he just heard more gunfire inside
the school.
From 60 to 90 bombs will later be found placed in various locations within the
school. Several witnesses will report that they saw BATF officers shooting
students inside the school.
An incredible number of different federal and state agencies (one report
claims 26), including NATO officers and a four-star general, will be witnessed
at the scene soon after the shooting starts. A large, blue truck with NATO
clearly printed on it is witnessed by numerous people on the school grounds
at about 11:30 am. It is captured on camera from a helicopter. When the
cameraman zooms in on it, the video feed is suddenly cut. An army of

psychiatric grief councilors are also immediately on location to handle the

surviving students, possibly to help deal with those students who witnessed
what they shouldnt have, pumping them with pharmaceuticals so that they
will forget many of the details of what they witnessed.
Many students who are interviewed will describe the school atmosphere as
one with a lot of bullying and rivalry. Some students will state that the staff
were known to turn their backs and do nothing to stop it. The educational
system in the Denver area is focused heavily on mental health-related
classes for students, and at Columbine there was a death education class,
which led several students to suicide. One student will describe class field
trips to cemeteries, mortuaries, crematoriums and being assigned to write
their own obituaries and eulogies, design their own headstones, etc., as well
as classroom activities focusing on how you would 'do it' if you killed
yourself. Many students besides Harris and Klebold had been harboring the
idea of blowing up the school. It is possible that this was being influenced
through mind-control in some way. The greater Denver area is a center for
many secret government projects, and over 10,000 residents in the Littleton
area work for companies that ran these programs.
Like in a number of other suspect cases that appear to involve government
complicity, certain facts that surface early on in the case will suddenly be
forgotten, ignored, or covered up by the authorities. Nonetheless, there will
be evidence that many students at Columbine knew about Harris and
Klebolds plans up to two years prior to the event, and know who some of the
other accomplices are and who remain free. There will be threats made
against witnesses, victims, and victims families by unknown parties in the
days and weeks ahead, silencing many of them. When the school reopens for
the new school year on August 16, a number of swastikas will be found
drawn or etched both inside and outside the building.
There will be rumors of Satanism and deeper connections of the Trench Coat
Mafia to government agents. One member of the Trench Coat Mafia who told
the police that satanic worship was practiced within this group is Eric Ault.
The police will also question another unnamed person who is carrying
sexually explicit photographs of a homosexual nature. This person will state
that he had been to the house of an individual known to some in the TCM
group as Pedophile Bill, a sadistic homosexual who had given him the
pictures and had shown him photo albums which made him sick to his
stomach. He will state that the albums contained sexually explicit
photographs of small children up to the age of fourteen. Displays of
homosexuality among the TCM group had been witnessed by Columbine
students on a number of occasions.
Journal notes and online entries will reveal that the killers had spent over a
year planning this event, and had built over 100 homemade bombs that they
were able to somehow plant throughout the school prior to the shooting
event. Notes in Harris journal will also mention a plan to fly a plane into a

tall building to cause maximum damage (predating 9/11). A school video

made by Harris, Klebold, and Scott Fuselier (the son of Dwayne Fuselier, lead
FBI investigator in the case and a government psychologist) two years earlier
eerily depicts an enactment very similar to the events of this day, as does an
essay that Harris turns in to his teacher only weeks prior to the event. Scott
Fuselier is a member of the Trench Coat Mafia as well. The fact that both
Harris and Klebold appeared otherwise normal right up to morning classes
just prior to the shootings, and that they were even making plans for their
futures after graduating, makes it more plausible that they were triggered
(through mind-control) to act as they did.
Further evidence will reveal that Harris, if not Klebold, had been involved in a
mind-control program earlier on, when his family lived at the Plattsburgh AFB
in New York (his father Wayne gas an extensive military background as a
retired Air Force officer with intelligence ties). Harris was known to be full of
hate and have violent tendencies, while Klebold did not. This is reflected in
their journals. A student who had known Harris will describe Harris telling
him about a recurring dream where he is walking through the school shooting
at people, with the school blowing up at the end. He also describes having
other very vivid dreams that are like virtual reality games.
Wellington Webb, the mayor of Denver, is said to have connections to the
British Royal Family, who own a large amount of land in the area through
various front companies. The new Denver International Airport, with its
Masonic themes, Apocalyptic artwork, and rumored secret underground
components, is being constructed in this area.
On the same day of the shooting, a gas line leak is reported at the home of
Eric Harris. When the Littleton Fire Department arrives they find live bombs
with live triggers and lots of gas spilled in the garage.
Because Chris Morris will help police to set up a man named Mark Manes for
helped to buy guns for Harris and Klebold, he will be cleared of all charges.
Manes, on the other hand, will receive a six-year prison sentence. Joseph
Stair, who allegedly founded the TCM in Littleton, will commit suicide in 2007.
The day after the shooting, David G. Penland, a certified private investigator
who handles security for local neighborhoods and homeowner associations,
will receive a call about a loud party taking place in the nearby town of
Aurora (the location of a future mass shooting), and the participants were
celebrating both Hitler's birthday and the victory of Harris and Klebold.
Penland will state, We know as a security firm that we have past reports on
this youth being involved in Neo-Nazi activities. This he does not deny and
he is proud of being part of this large group. He also has been arrested for
other disturbances, and for selling and using drugs often. He also stated
that the resident of the home has been arrested on drug charges in the past.

Wade Michael Page, who will be directly involved in a mass shooting at a Sikh
Temple years later (2012) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, is living in Littleton, CO.
during this time. He may have been one of the other shooters at Columbine.
Page was a psyops specialist in the military prior to the Columbine shooting,
(See online file, The REAL Columbine, by the CRTF Webmaster)
1999 (April 23) Five juveniles are arrested on charges of planning an
attack on Danforth Junior High School in Wimberley, Colorado. The five
unnamed 14-year-old boys had had been planning the attack since the
beginning of the year and intended to kill fellow students and teachers. A
search of the suspects homes turn up crude explosive devices and
gunpowder, as well as computer disks and internet documents about bombmaking.
1999 (April 24) At a memorial for the victims of the Columbine shooting,
Vice President Al Gore and numerous other government officials attend, all
wearing the symbolic black trench coats that Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, and
their gang, the Trench Coat Mafia, were known to wear. There will also be an
armed military presence, including a fly-over by Air Force jets. This seems to
be a message to surviving witnesses and anyone else who has knowledge of
the deeper aspects of this case, to intimidate them into keeping silent about
what they know.
1999 (April 27) A shooting at W.R. Myers High School in Taber, Alberta
leaves one dead and one wounded. In a signed police statement, the shooter,
Todd Cameron Smith, will state, I have no particular reason for shooting the
boys that I did. I don't know who any of them were. Was he under mindcontrol?
1999 (April 29) An unnamed 13-year-old boy with a loaded handgun and
a hit list of 30 names is arrested at Sierra Middle School in Bakersfield after
classmates report they see a gun under his shirt and see him loading it
outside. A .40-caliber semiautomatic handgun and 13 rounds of ammunition
are found on the boy. In the boy's backpack are 30 pieces of paper, each one
with the name of a classmate or teacher, a drawing and the words 'because
they deserved to die' scrawled at the bottom.
1999 (May 20) A shooting at Heritage High School in Conyers, Georgia
leaves six wounded. The shooter, 15-year-old T.J. Solomon, upon handing the
gun over (a teacher convinces T.J. not to kill himself when he puts the barrel
in his mouth) starts crying hysterically and saying repeatedly I don't know
why I did this. Witnesses will describe the shooter as initially calm, sedate,
vacant, and robotic. A note by the assailant is found in his room that says, I
did this because, well, I'm not sure..... Ever since the shooting at Columbine
in Colorado all I've been able to think about is doing this. It continues, One
big question I leave behind for you to find is why. But for the sake of my
brothers and sisters related to the Trench Coat Mafia, those answers will

have to remain out of the public eye. Dr. Eddy Regnier, who teaches
psychiatry at Harvard University and who will be hired by defense attorneys
to examine Solomon, will state, He heard voices telling him to do strange
things, but they were robotic voices, not human voices.
1999 (June) At about this time, two unnamed German men go on trial,
accused of running a child pornography ring in Germany, Poland and the
Czech Republic. The pair, along with at least eleven known but unindicted
accomplices, are reported to have made video recordings of the gang
sexually abusing children between the ages of three and 14 since 1993. A
large but unspecified quantity of videos, photography, magazines and CDROMs containing child pornography were confiscated. There is a possible
connection to the Marc Dutroux case in Belgium: It is reported that There
have been cases of Slovak children being taken to Vienna to make
pornographic films. The Belgian paedophile Marc Dutroux had been a regular
visitor to one Slovak town.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1999 (July 13) Rafael Resendez-Ramirez reportedly walks across a bridge
from Juarez, Mexico into El Paso, Texas and turns himself in. He is wanted for
a string of alleged serial killings attributed to the Railroad Killer. Ramirez
had been taken into custody several weeks earlier by the US Border Patrol,
only to be promptly released despite his presence on FBI most-wanted lists
and the issuing of alerts to the immigration service, and with a nationwide
manhunt under way. He killed four more people after being let go. He chose
to surrender in Texas, where there is a death penalty, rather than in Mexico,
where there is none.
1999 (August) Police in Latvia uncover a massive child prostitution/child
pornography operation involving as many as 2,000 severely abused children.
A special parliamentary commission is formed to investigate. The scandal will
reach to the very top of the nations political power structure. In February
2000, the chairman of the commission will deliver a report to Parliament
implicating the country's Prime Minister, Justice Minister, director of the State
Revenue Service, and a number of army and law enforcement officers in the
case. Efforts will immediately be taken to discredit the commission chairman,
including making allegations that he is tied to the former KGB, enabling the
allegations to be dismissed as Communist propaganda.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1999 (August 27) Only months after the Columbine massacre, four other
high schools in Jefferson County, Colorado Dakota Ridge, Standley Lake,
Pomona, and Bear Creek receive anonymous letters that suggest further
threats of violence. They contain no specific threats of action, but make
general statements that the Columbine High massacre was the start of more

school violence. A second set of threats will be mailed to local south Denver
schools a week later.
(See online file, The REAL Columbine, by the C.R.T.F. Webmaster)
1999 (September) A raid is made on the home of Thomas and Janice
Reedy in Ft. Worth, Texas, who are operating a business called Landslide
Productions, which sells child pornography over the internet. The raid yields a
database containing the names and addresses of 75,000 subscribers around
the world. Although almost half of those subscribers were in the USA, only
100 arrests will be made in the months after the initial arrests. By early
2003, the story will have dropped out of sight with little indication that there
would ever be any further arrests, despite the insistence from authorities
early on that the initial arrests were just the tip of the iceberg. The names,
addresses, and credit card information of more than 7,000 British subscribers
are provided by the FBI to British authorities, who launch their own
investigation. As in the USA, only a few of the known offenders will be
arrested. Included among these suspects are hundreds of child welfare
professionals, including police officers, care workers and teachers, all of
whom are identified as extremely high-risk pedophiles. Included among
those questioned by police will be television personality Matthew Kelly and
legendary guitarist Pete Townsend. The list of British suspects also includes
at least 20 senior executives, services personnel from at least five military
bases, GPs, university academics, civil servants, and an official with the
Church of England.
1999 (September 15) Larry Gene Ashbrook opens fire on a Christian rock
concert and teen prayer rally at Wedgewood Baptist Church in Fort Worth,
Texas. He kills 7 people and wounds 7 others, almost all of them teenagers.
Ashbrook commits suicide in the end. Ashbrook had previously served in the
1999 (December 6) A shooting in Fort Gibson, Oklahoma leaves four
wounded. According to a witness, the shooter, 13-year-old Seth Trickey,
starts yelling, I'm crazy, I'm crazy, during the shooting. He drops the
emptied 9 mm semiautomatic handgun when he is approached by a teacher.
When later asked why he did it, Trickey will say I don't know. Trickey will be
described as a smart and popular student. Was he under mind-control?
1999 (December 16) Patrick J. Naughton, an executive of Walt Disney
Co. who runs one of the company's child-friendly web sites, is convicted on
child pornography charges. The very next day, the US 9th Circuit Court of
Appeals will issue a ruling on pornography laws that will stipulate that the
government cannot prohibit computer-generated sexual images that only
appear to be pictures of children, since the graphics technology that is now
available to the general public is so sophisticated that it is virtually
impossible in many cases to prove that a pornographic image is of a real
child. This ruling will effectively make digital still images of child pornography

completely legal. Within hours of the appeals court ruling, Naughton is

released by federal prosecutors on $100,000 bail.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
1999 Military Psyops Specialist Wade Michael Page receives a traffic ticket
for driving without a valid license in Littleton, Colorado. This places him in
the area during the time of the Columbine shootings.
1999 Ex-Monarch sex slave Brice Taylor publishes her book, Thanks for the
Memories, in which she discloses her experiences as a mind-controlled slave
of the Illuminati. She describes how sexual blackmail is used to control highranking politicians and explains the true moral depravity that those in power
have sunk to.
1999 Ben Johnston, an employee at DynCorp who is working in Bosnia,
discovers that fellow employees and supervisors are involved in purchasing
illegal weapons, women, forged passports and are participating in other
immoral acts including pedophilia. Johnston witnesses coworkers and
supervisors literally buying and selling women and children for their own
personal enjoyment, and heard employees bragging about the various ages
and talents of the individual slaves they had purchased. When Johnston
reports the activity, he is fired for bringing discredit to the company and
forced into temporary protective custody. A videotape of Johnstons
supervisor raping a 14-year-old girl will be retained as evidence. DynCorp is
a long-time contractor to the US military, maintaining its aircraft. No charges
will be laid and the company will continue to do business with the US
1999 (December 1) The Los Angeles Times reports the discovery of a
mass grave in Juarez, Mexico, just across the US border. Early reports state
that from 100 to 300 bodies are expected to be exhumed, including 22
missing US citizens and a number of former FBI and DEA informants. The
investigation quickly expands to include at least three more possible burial
grounds in the area. When US authorities take over the investigation, the
body count suddenly drops to 9 and coverage of the story promptly seizes,
indicating a coverup. The location is exactly where serial killer Henry Lee
Lucas claimed that the Hand of Death cult maintained a ranch, years earlier.
(See online file, Programmed to Kill, by David McGowan)
1999 Its discovered that Microsoft has provided the NSA with a key to
allow them backdoor entrance into every copy of Windows 95osr2, Windows
98, Windows 98 SE, Windows NT 4, and the soon to be released Windows
1999 First wireless networking.

2000 Computers and cell phones are becoming heavily proliferated in the
Western world, offering the potential means to act as a carrier for
transmitting and receiving brainwave signals for mind-control purposes.
2000 RCMP consider getting a warrant to search Robert Picktons property
after reports that he is involved in the disappearance of missing women from
Vancouver BCs lower east side, but fail to do so.
2000 (May) The Jefferson County Sheriffs Office, amid pressure over the
long delay in publishing their investigations findings into the Columbine
massacre, releases a report that includes an overwhelming 11,000 pages of
material, making it a slow process for the public to sort through.
2000 (September) At about this time, eight people are arrested in Italy
and three in Russia, and police say that another 1,700 people are being
investigated in Italy, as yet another pedophile network surfaces. The images
traded by this ring included ones in which children are raped and tortured to
death. By November, close to 1,500 people will be charged in the case. There
are clear indications of high-level complicity and a strong belief among the
Italian people that the facts of the case are being covered up. The magistrate
heading up the inquiry denounces a paedophile lobby supported by highlevel politicians who openly obstruct investigators.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
2000 (September) According to Diana Napolis (or someone posing as
her), she has an alien abduction experience. She kinesthetically feels an
object come over her that she believes is extracting her astral body, after
which she is taken aboard a craft. She is shown a pictograph of two
diminutive aliens struggling over a weapon, as well as physics equations on
a chalk aboard. She tells them she is not proficient in physics but if she can
assist them with something she will consider it. She then returns to her body.
2000 (December 26) Edgewater Technology employee Michael Mucko
McDermott shoots and kills seven of his coworkers at the office in Wakefield,
MA. McDermott claims he had traveled back in time and killed Hitler and the
last six Nazis. He will be sentenced to seven consecutive life sentences.
McDermott had previously served in the Navy aboard a nuclear submarine.
2000 Michael Aquino and others continue their efforts to discover the
identity of Diana Napolis, who is attempting to expose their pedophile
activities. A satanic cult retractor and alleged MPD/DID sufferer, Michelle
Devereaux, eventually approaches Napolis and claims that dangerous
individuals are seeking her identity and Devereaux is concerned about her
safety. A sting is then orchestrated by satanist Devereaux and unknown
others, at which time Devereaux files a false police report at the San
Francisco Police Department so that San Diego State University (SDSU)
would identify Napolis. For unknown reasons, SDSU then releases Napolis

name to San Diego Union-Tribune reporter Mark Sauer even though Napolis
has told them that dangerous people are seeking her identity. Mark Sauer
proceeds to write an invasive and defamatory news article in the San Diego
Union-Tribune titled, The Web of Intrigue, The Search for Curio Leads
Cybersleuths Down a Twisted Path, which consists of false allegations made
by Carol Hopkins, Elizabeth Loftus, Michelle Devereaux, and Michael Aquino.
There are numerous efforts made in this article to make it appear that
Napolis is writing libelous online posts when in fact these people are making
libelous allegations about her in efforts to ruin her reputation, in retaliation,
due to her investigation that had exposed them. Although Devereaux's
actions against Napolis were described by Mark Sauer as cyber-sleuthing,
her overall behavior actually meets the criteria for a criminal stalking
2000 Noreen Gosch publishes her book, Why Johnny Cant Come Home,
detailing her private investigation into the abduction and sex-slavery of her
son Johnny in 1982, which was perpetrated by satanist and pedophile Michael
2001 (January) Interpol agrees to set up an electronic library of child sex
victims at its headquarters in Lyon, France. The first images to be processed
into that database are 750,000 photos seized by British authorities in the
Wonderland raids. The database has the potential to be used as a
recruitment list to identify those persons who have been preconditioned for
future mind-control operations.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
2001 (March) Yet another interlinked, global pedophile network called
Blue Orchid is exposed, and four Americans are arrested for their
2001 (March 5) A shooting at Santana High School in San Diego,
California, leaves two dead and thirteen wounded. The killer is Charles Andy
Williams, whose mother is in the military and father is in intelligence. After
Williams moved with his family to San Diego from Fort Dettrick (a base
deeply connected to psychological operations), his father began working at a
Naval Medical Center that was involved with neurosurgery.
2001 (September 11) The attack on the World Trade Center in New York
City and the Pentagon in Washington, DC. At least 2,744 lives are lost in New
York this day. The Bush Administration will immediately point the finger at
Osama bin Laden. An incredible amount of evidence reveals that this was an
inside job, perpetrated on the American people by its own government. It will
lead to increased domestic surveillance and sweeping anti-terrorist laws. The
New World Order will suddenly begin to loom much closer.

One telltale sign that this is a false flag operation that is evident in other
terrorist events in the US is that there is a military exercise drill going on at
the exact same time, using the same type of scenario as the actual event
in this case, that a plane is going to fly into a building in New York City. This
exercise caused NORAD to stand down at that time, thus allowing the
hijacked planes to fly into the towers and the Pentagon.
2001 Reports indicate that there are over 100,000 child pornography sites
on the internet.
2002 (January) John Poindexter, working through Syntek Technologies, is
appointed to develop sophisticated data-mining software for DARPAs Total
Information Awareness program. The system will utilize sophisticated
computer algorithms to find relevant information links between people,
organizations, places, and things from the masses of available data,
looking for connecting information patterns that can be evaluated and
analyzed, and learning what patterns discriminate between legitimate and
suspicious behavior.
During the Reagan administration, Poindexter was the highest-ranking official
to be found guilty during the Iran-Contra affair. He had been convicted of five
felony counts of lying to Congress, destroying official documents, and
obstructing congressional investigations, and was sentenced to prison by a
federal judge who called him the decision-making head of a plot to deceive
Congress. Later, an appeals court overturned the conviction on a technicality,
holding that the testimony Poindexter gave to Congress about Iran-Contra
was immunized, and therefore couldn't be used against him at his trial. Now
he was in charge of designing the software system that would be the eyes
and ears of Big Brother, siphoning all digital communications for possible
2002 Despite the fact that she has previously been a high-functioning
social worker in her local community with no criminal record, Diana Napolis
begins suffering from attacks from nonlethal electronic weapons, as well as
hearing unexplained voices in her head. Several of these voices appear to
be that of filmmaker Steven Spielberg and actress Jennifer Love-Hewitt. She
attempts to confront these two celebrities and ends up being charged with a
criminal offense that leads to a year of jail time, months in a mental hospital,
and the end of her career. She is also given a court order to refrain from
using the internet, which makes it impossible for her to defend herself
against further claims against her. She only later realizes that her
perpetrators (Michael Aquino and others) coerced her to confront these
celebrities and act as she did.
2002 (February 5) A number of Hells Angels members in the Vancouver
area (Canada) have recently been busted for drugs and guns. Soon after, the
charges are mysteriously dropped. Soon after, the ongoing investigation into
missing women in Vancouver leads police to a pig farm in the outlying town

of Port Coquitlam. A warrant is served on its owner, Robert Pickton, and a

search of the site uncovers a gruesome scene human body parts, including
heads, hands, and feet, stored in a meat freezer in one of the sheds. They
belong to two of the missing women. Other evidence found on the site
includes clothing and ID cards belonging to many of the missing women. A
wood chipper is found at the site, and is believed to have been used to
dispose of other body parts. Pickton is charged with fifteen counts of first
degree murder. As the investigation continues and details begin to come out,
an information ban is ordered by the courts, keeping many of the details of
the investigation from public awareness. Every inch of Picktons property will
be carefully scoured for DNA traces of other missing persons, and much will
be found. The circumstances leading to his arrest, coming immediately after
the stay of charges on Hells Angels members, suggest that Pickton has been
made into a fall guy. As the investigation and court trial proceeds, many
important police documents will somehow be lost. The murder count will
reach 49.
(See online file, Death Farm, by Charles Mudede)
2002 (March) Knight Ridder carries a report that states: Postal
inspectors, the FBI and Canadian authorities have broken up an underground
network of adults who traded pornographic videos of children sometimes
their own being brutally beaten. Ten arrested have already been made at
the time of the report, and more are expected. The brutally sadistic beatings
involved whips, hairbrushes, canes, and wooden paddles. Among those
convicted are a middle school teacher, a nurse, a former Boy Scout leader,
and a former Sunday school teacher.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
2002 (August) The Independent reports that US authorities have
uncovered a child pornography ring stretching to Britain and continental
Europe, in which parents sexually abused their children and distributed
photographs of them over the internet.
(See online file, The Pedophocracy, by David McGowan)
2002 A woman files rape charges against George Bush, and is found dead
from a gun-shot wound 9 months later. There is a near-total blackout in the
media on the subject.
2003 (July 8) Doug Williams, a Lockheed Martin employee, shoots up his
plant in Meridian, MS in a racially-motivated rampage. He shoots 14 people,
most of them African American, and kills 7 before killing himself.
2003 (September) The International Herald Tribune carries a report from
Berlin concerning an international police investigation [that] had uncovered
an immense child pornography ring involving 26,500 suspects who swapped

illegal images on the Internet in 166 countries. More than 500 homes in
Germany have been searched and hundreds of computers seized, along with
tens of thousands of CD-ROMs, diskettes, and videotapes. One seized image
shows a baby of four months being abused. The German Interior and Justice
Ministries issues a warning that many of the suspects, a number of whom are
reportedly teachers and police officials, are extremely dangerous pedophiles
and are from all walks of life. About 800 suspects reside in the United
2003 Author and Illuminati exposer Fritz Springmeier is framed for a bank
robbery and sentenced to nine years in prison.
2005 The NSA implements information technology called Turbulence, an
extension of their ECHELON system that includes offensive cyber-warfare
capabilities, such as injecting malware into remote computers.
(See online file, National Security Agency, at wikipedia)
2005 (March 21) A massacre at Red Lake High School in at the Red Lake
Indian Reservation in Minnesota leaves ten people dead. The shooter, 27year-old Jeff Weise, ends the ordeal by shooting himself in the head. He is
wearing a black trench coat. Prior to arriving at the school on his rampage,
Weise had shot and killed his grandparents.
A second shooter is detained but later completely disappears from all reports,
the FBI report and all the video surveillance evidence will be kept secret, five
fulltime FBI agents will be permanently located in Red Lake, and according to
Weises internet posts, unmarked vans full of FBI agents began showing up at
Red Lake the year before, and he said he had been named as a possible
shooter back then.
Weise was having strange dream experiences, similar to virtual reality
scenarios. The following is one of his internet posts:
"Lately I've been having some really strange dreams, they seem very realistic and filled
with colour and sounds, ....a few night's ago I had this dream where I saw this very evil,
very creepy canine's face coming toward's me, and I heard someone say "shoot!," either
way everything went black and I could feel my whole body jerking and shaking, and
while this was happening I could hear very loud and very distinct gunshot's, mostly
machine gun fire... I found it very weird and woke up immediately after feeling a little
disoriented... ."
2005 (July 7) The terrorist bombing attack in London. Scotland Yard is
performing a crisis exercise on the same day, in which the scenarios exactly
parallel the attack, with bombs exploding exactly at the railway stations
where the terrorist bombing occurred.

2005 (November) The CIA is active in operating recruitment programs

based out of Virginia Tech at this time, and will continue to be as of the 2007
shootings at that campus by killer Seung-Hui Cho. A coalition of concerned
graduate students and campus organizations at Virginia Tech stage a teach
in to protest CIA recruitment on campus. Planned events also include the
protest of a career information session to be held by the CIA. Several
professors from Virginia Tech are involved in government programs linked
with NASA and other agencies.
(See online file, Seung-Hui Cho Was a Mind-Controlled Assassin, by Paul
Joseph Watson)
2005 The online organization Freedom From Covert Harassment and
Surveillance (FFCHS) is established by ex-NSA employee Derrick Robinson.
FFCHS will position itself as a support group for people who believe that they
are being targeted by government COINTELPRO tactics, electronic
harassment, or mind-control. Through their activities and promoted material,
FFCHS will encourage anybody, whether real targets or imagined, sane or
delusional, to claim that they are victims of government harassment. FFCHS
will promote the most unrealistic claims about the purported technologies
used in this targeting, misleading many people about their capabilities while
downplaying the more plausible targeting methods. FFCHS will come to
reflect many indications that it is actually a cult, drawing in the most gullible
people who tend to fall for traditional cult-oriented mind-control tactics.
Through its heavy promotion over the years among a growing online
community of purported government targets, FFCHS will be in an ideal
position to identify, monitor, recruit, contain, and control anyone who already
is or might make a good candidate for mind-control. Much of their efforts will
serve to destroy the credibility of those people who are actually being
targeted by encouraging obviously false or delusional claims to be made as
2006 (March 25) Seven die and two are injured by 28-year-old Kyle
Aaron Huff in a shooting spree through Capitol Hill in Seattle, Washington.
2006 (May) Mark Kline, a former AT&T employee, alleges in court that this
company was cooperating with the NSA in installing hardware to spy on both
domestic and foreign network communications.
(See online file, National Security Agency, at wikipedia)
2006 (October 2) An Amish schoolhouse in Lancaster, PA is gunned down
by 32-year-old Charles Carl Roberts. Roberts separates the boys from the
girls, binding and shooting the girls. 5 young girls die and 6 are injured.
Roberts commits suicide afterwards.
2007 (February 12) The Trolley Square massacre in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The shooter, 18-year-old Suleiman Talovic, leaves five dead and four

wounded. He is wearing a dark trench coat during the attack. He will be

described as being totally calm and silent throughout the rampage.
2007 (April 16) Virginia Tech shootings. The shooter, Seung-Hui Cho, kills
32 people and wounds 17 others in two separate attacks, approximately two
hours apart, before taking his own life. Out of 174 rounds fired, he will make
135-odd hits, which is an astoundingly high percentage, suggesting he had
extensive weapons training.
The incident starts in the early morning when Cho shoots and kills two
victims. He then goes to his dorm room on campus, changes his clothes,
deletes his email, and removes the hard-drive from his computer. About two
hours later, he appears at a nearby post office and mails a package of
writings and video recordings to NBC News. This package will be found to
contain an 1800 word manifesto, photographs, and a number of digitized
videos in which Cho compares himself to Jesus Christ and expresses his
hatred of the wealthy. After mailing the package, he then returns to campus
and enters Norris Hall, chaining the three main entrances so no one can get
in or out. He places a note on at least one of the doors, warning that a bomb
will explode if entry is attempted. A faculty member will find the note and
report it, but no action will be taken. Cho begins to shoot and kill those he
encounters in the building. After killing 30 and wounding 17 within a 10 12
minute period, Cho shoots himself in the head.
For some reason, the FBI, BATF, DEA, and the Secret Service arrive as first
responders or investigators, rather than local police. BATF will tell FOX News
that their response was immediate. In the ensuing investigation, police will
find a suicide note in Cho's dorm room that includes comments about rich
kids, debauchery, and deceitful charlatans. The result of this shooting
incident will be the institution of tougher gun laws.
Cho had a lifetime of anxiety disorders, and in 2005, after being accused of
stalking two women, he was ordered to undergo psychiatric treatment.
Several former professors of Chos will report that his writing as well as his
classroom behavior had been disturbing, and he had been encouraged to
seek counseling.
Between the time Cho is identified by name and the time his mailed package
is received, there will be reports on the news that he was an ex-Marine. After
this, this will never be mentioned again.
2007 Serial murderer Robert Pickton is convicted for six counts of seconddegree murder.
2009 (January 24) 24-year-old Richard Ayala fires into a crowd at a
nightclub in Portland, Oregon, killing three people and wounding six before
taking his own life. A note found at his home will insinuate he was planning
on committing suicide.

2009 (March 11) 17-year-old Tim Kretschmer, wearing black combat

gear, goes on a rampage in Albertville-Realschule, Germany, killing a total of
16 people (including himself) and wounding 7. He first descends on his
former school, killing nine students and three teachers and wounding seven
before leaving and going to a mental health clinic in nearby Winnenden
where he used to receive treatment, killing another person. He leaves the
clinic and then comes back and kills two more. After this, he hijacks a car
and goes to a car dealership in the nearby town of Wendlingen where he kills
two others before taking his own life. Almost all of his victims are women. At
one point there are between 700 and 1,000 police officers chasing him.
Witnesses will describe him as being in a trance during the school shooting.
One former classmate will state that Kretschmer used to spend all day in
front of the computer. He reportedly had a problem fitting in.
Kretschmers father is a wealthy businessman and avid gun enthusiast, and
was Kreschmer himself had won a number of shooting competitions in the
From April to September of 2008 Kreschmer had been under psychiatric
treatment, and attended a psychiatric clinic in Weissenhoff five times
between April and September before his care was transferred to the centre in
Winnenden and he broke off treatment.
2009 (April 3) Jiverly Wong, 41, opens fire at an immigration center in
Binghamton, New York before committing suicide. He kills 13 people and
wounds 4. Police will state that he was wearing body armor. Wongs family
came to the US from Vietnam in 1990. Wongs father had been a captain in
the South Vietnamese Army. Wong would have had to do compulsory service
in the Vietnamese Army from 1986 to 1989.
Wongs parents will describe their son as having shown signs of mental illness
19 years earlier when he claimed that someone was trying to kill him. He
moved to California soon after that, and they didnt see him for 15 years.
When he moved back, his father says that he had changed. He had worked
for a sushi restaurant for seven years until he suddenly stopped showing up
in 2007. Two weeks before the shooting, Wong stopped eating and watching
TV, and spent most of his time alone in his room. A letter written by Wong
will arrive at News 10 Now in Syracuse three days after the shooting. In it,
Wong writes that undercover police officers were taunting him, torturing him,
and spreading rumors about him wherever he went. Pictures will be included
of him holding guns.
2009 (November 5) 43 people are shot by Army psychiatrist Nidal Malik
Hasan at the Fort Hood Army Base in Texas. Hasan reportedly yells Allahu
Akbar! before opening fire, killing 13 and wounding 29 others. He will be
described as appearing vacant, neither happy nor angry, during the

2011 (January 8) Former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) is

shot in the head when 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner opens fire on an
event Giffords is holding at a Safeway market in Tucson, Arizona. Six people
die, including Arizona District Court Chief Judge John Roll, one of Giffords
staffers, and a 9-year-old girl. 13 people are wounded. Witnesses will report
that Loughner appeared emotionless during the incident. He will be
sentenced to seven life terms plus 140 years, without parole.
Prior to the shooting, Loughner had started writing in notebooks using a
code. He was labeled as schizophrenic, and had fears that the college police
were out to get him. He had attempted to enlist in the Army at some point in
the past, but was rejected. A skull shrine will be discovered in Loughners
2011 (September 6) 32-year-old Eduardo Sencion enters an IHOP
restaurant in Carson City, Nevada and shoots 12 people. Five die, including
three National Guard members. In the end, he turns the gun on himself. Both
the FBI and BATF will become involved in the investigation for some reason.
The shooting occurs at a location that is surrounded by military installations
and recruitment centers.
2011 (December 8) Virginia Tech shooting. 22-year-old Ross Truett
Ashley randomly kills a police officer who is sitting in his cruiser. Within a half
hour, Ashley will be found dead, apparently from suicide. The FBI, BATF,
Secret Service, and DEA arrive as first responders/investigators. Ashley had
gone to the shooting range with a friend at least three times prior to the
shooting. He will be described as normal. He has no online footprint and no
criminal history. There will be no known motive.
2011 Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearing in Victoria, BC, is
supposed to be a healing event for victims of sexual abuse and torture, but
the presence of many of their abusers high-ranking clergy members
sitting front-row before the stage while the victims tell their stories, is
purposefully intimidating. When one of the victims makes accusations of one
of those in attendance, the TRC Commissioner angrily tells her to show
some respect. The command effectively re-traumatizes the victims and
stops them from speaking openly.
2012 (January 27) A shooting at Chardon High School in Chardon, Ohio
by T. J. Lane. Three are killed and three are wounded. When asked why he
did it, Lane will state, I don't know. At another point he will state, I don't
really understand myself. For some reason, the FBI, BATF, and DEA will all
take part in the investigation. Psychiatric testimony given during his
preliminary hearing will state that Lane suffers from auditory hallucinations
and involuntary fantasies. Lane will be described as a good and intelligent
person who has never been in trouble before.

2012 (May 26) A shooting in Hyvink, Finland, leaves two dead and
seven wounded. The shooter, 18-year-old Eero Samuli Hiltunen, will express
remorse for his actions under questioning, and will indicate that he
understands the consequences of his actions, but will be unable to give a
reason for his opening fire on a group of people. Hiltunen had enlisted in the
army at the beginning of the year but left before completing his stint.
2012 (May 29) Ian Stawicki opens fire in the Cafe Racer Espresso in
Seattle, Washington, killing 5 people and then commits suicide after a
citywide manhunt. Stawicki, whose brother later described him as mentally ill
and full of anger, had frequented the caf regularly. According to his brother,
Stawicki had spent time in the military and this is where his mental illness
surfaced, although there is no record of him having served active duty.
2012 (July 20) A mass shooting takes place in a movie theatre in Aurora,
Colorado, leaving 12 dead and 58 injured. The alleged shooter is a man
named James Holmes, who is arrested without incident behind the theatre,
where he is found sitting in his car. There is a loaded 40 mm Glock on the
seat beside him but he appears meek and non-threatening. His hair is died
orange and he introduces himself as The Joker. He is reportedly wearing a
black trench coat. After his arrest, Holmes repeatedly asks his prison guards
Why am I here?, claiming to have no recollection of the killings.
At least one witness to this shooting describes a suspicious man with a
goatee in the theatre just prior to the shooting who looked very similar to
Wayne Michael Page the man who will later be involved in a mass shooting
in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, only months later. This suspected accomplice is
seen receiving a cell call while sitting in the front row of the theatre, after
which he gets up and props open a fire exit door. Moments later, someone
dressed in full SWAT gear and gas mask enters through the same door and
starts shooting at the theatre audience. There are no witnesses who actually
see Holmes in the theatre, but several report multiple shooters. A second gas
mask is found at the scene, indicating a second accomplice. All of this will be
disregarded by the police and Holmes will be portrayed as a lone killer.
During his arrest, Holmes informs the police that his apartment has been
booby-trapped with explosives. When they investigate it, they find that it has
been rigged up in a very sophisticated manner, taking them several days to
disarm. Holmes reportedly had acquired a large variety of explosives and
over 6,000 rounds of ammunition. How he had acquired the weapons, riot
gear, and explosives cannot be accounted for. He was living off a $26,000 a
year student grant that would barely cover tuition fees, textbooks, food, and
Holmes is said to be a highly intelligent 24-year-old neuroscience student
who had already earned a BS degree in 2010. He was scheduled to present a
paper on micro-RNA biomarkers for a class on psychiatric and neurological
disorders. Holmes mother is a psychiatric nurse, and his father is a senior
lead scientist at the San Diego office of Minneapolis-based FICO. Holmes had

been seeing a psychiatrist by the name of Dr. Lynne Fenton, who is a former
Air Force psychiatrist. He had tried to call Fenton only minutes before the
shooting, and had sent her a package sometime earlier, which authorities will
refuse to reveal the contents of. Also, there will be reports that Holmes
mailed a notebook filled with gruesome sketches and details of his plans for
the attack to a professor at the University of Colorado where Holmes had
recently dropped out.
He will appear to be under heavy sedation during his first court appearance,
indicating that he is purposely being kept under heavy control. For some
reason, over 100 FBI agents, as well as members of the BATF and the Joint
Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), will take part in the investigation.
Ominously, the words Aurora and Sandy Hook (the site of another future
shooting) are depicted in the Batman movie and movie trailers that are
playing at the theatre that night. Also, the period from July 20 to July 27 is
known to satanists as the Grand Climax. July 27 will be the opening
ceremonies of the Olympic games in London.
2012 (August 5) A mass shooting that leaves seven dead and an
undisclosed number wounded takes place at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek,
Wisconsin. Although Wade Michael Page will be depicted as the lone shooter,
witnesses will report seeing other accomplices. However, the mention of
other shooters being involved will be quickly suppressed, and the
investigation will be closed with determining a motive. Page either commits
suicide or is killed by the police. In June, Page moved out on his girlfriend
and stopped showing up for work, disappearing from sight. This had been
only a few days before a previous massacre at a theatre in Aurora, Colorado
involving James Holmes. Someone who looked like Page was seen acting
suspiciously in the theatre just prior to that event. There is also a good
possibility that Page was involved in the Columbine shootings in Littleton,
Colorado. He was living in Littleton at this time, evidenced by a traffic ticket
served to him in 1999 by local law enforcement. There is also a possibility
that he was a member of the Trench Coat Mafia that Columbine shooters Eric
Harris and Dylan Klebold belonged to. A photo of him held by the Littleton
authorities from this time period is being suppressed, at the request of
Wisconsin authorities. Why?
Page was a neo-Nazi with ties to the military as part of a psyops unit. From
1992 to 1998, he was a US Army psychological operations specialist with US
military secret clearances out of Fort Bliss, Texas (Fort Bragg is a known
outlet for white supremacists). Part of his duties as a psyops specialist was to
manage perceptions. This includes actions to convey and/or deny selected
information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions,
motives, and objective reasoning ultimately resulting in behaviors and
official actions favorable to the originators objectives.

2012 (September 27) Five people are shot to death by 36-year-old

Andrew Engeldinger at Accent Signage Systems in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Three people are wounded. Engeldinger goes on his rampage after losing his
job for being continually late, ending it by killing himself. Engeldinger is
described by his parents as highly intelligent but having a history of mental
2012 (December 11) - 22-year-old Jacob Tyler Roberts, wearing a white
hockey mask, bullet-proof vest, and dressed in camouflage, wounds one
person and kills two others before turning a stolen rifle on himself in the
Clackamas Town Center in Portland, Oregon. His motive is unknown. An
estimated 100 law enforcement personnel quickly descend on the mall,
including local police, state troopers, and four tactical weapons teams,
supported by members of the FBI and BATF.
Roberts will be described by friends as a relaxed, friendly, and outgoing man
who had been looking forward to moving to Hawaii before missing his flight
just prior to the shooting. He had dreamed of becoming a Marine before an
injured foot stopped him from enlisting. Just prior to the shooting, Roberts
had stopped off at his best friends house and told him that he had to go
and that he didnt want to. He also gave him a bracelet that he always wore,
and hugged him.
2012 (December 14) A school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary
School in Newtown, Connecticut, allegedly leaves 26 dead 20 of them firstgrade children. The alleged killer, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, ends the rampage
by shooting himself in the head. Earlier that morning, Lanza had reportedly
shot his mother in the head four times, killing her while she lay sleeping in
bed. His computer hard-drive had been removed and destroyed prior to the
shooting. A teachers car in the school parking lot had been riddled with
Lanza is described by a number of people who knew him as being highly
intelligent but deeply disturbed, subject to outbursts, and immune to
physical pain. He is also reported to have suffered from autism and/or
Aspergers syndrome. Interestingly, he had studied J. D. Sallingers The
Catcher in the Rye in high school when he was 16 years old. He is described
by those who knew him as a loner with no friends and into Goth music.
Lanzas mother was reportedly a gun collector and often took Adam and his
brother Ryan out target shooting. Reports of the shooting describe Lanza as
being a very accurate shot. There will be a strange lack of injured survivors,
credible witnesses, or anyone at the school who even knew Adam Lanza,
leaving no known motive for the murders.
As police arrive at the school, they see a maroon-colored van leaving the
scene. Two other unidentified people are picked up in the woods near the
school soon after the shooting. One of them is seen carrying a gun and being
chased by the police. He will later be identified as an off-duty tactical squad

police officer from another Connecticut district. At least one of these suspects
will be wearing camouflage gear. A possible third suspect is apprehended at
the front of the school. Early police reports will claim that there are up to
seven suspects. No explanation will be given as to why these suspects were
in the area, what they were doing, or what happened to them. Later reports
will unexplainably claim that there Adam Lanza was the only suspect.
Early reports state that a Bushmaster .223 semi-automatic rifle was found in
Lanzas car, but later reports state that this is the weapon that was used in
the shootings. The question arises as to how this rifle ended up back in the
car after the massacre/suicide, since Lanzas body was found in the school.
Little to no evidence that this crime took place will be forthcoming,
particularly the victims bodies. There was a question as to whether any
children had actually been killed. Parents of the victims are only allowed to
identify their children through photographs, rather than identifying their
bodies. Some of the victims parents will be seen on video footage laughing
and joking moments before getting into character and then going on camera
to grieve to the viewing public over his loss. Children shown in photographs
being evacuated from the school do not look upset, and some are even
smiling. Very little information will come out beyond the first reports, while
all news reports will focus on the grieving friends and family, and gun control
laws. Medical responders are denied entry to the school. Officers will be
assigned to each of the 26 families of the victims, which will severely restrict
the families from being able to speak to the media or anyone else about what
they might know.
The killers father, Peter Lanza, is vice-president of GE Energy Financial
Services, a subsidiary of General Electric. General Electric is also a major
contractor for the US military/intelligence organs, often involved in
developing covert mind-control technologies. There is a possibility that
Lanzas mother was a CIA P2 analyst working for the Defense Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) and also for the Department of Homeland Security
The FBI, BATF, DEA, US Attorney's Office, Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), Marshals Service, and Postal Inspectors will all be involved in the
investigation. On this same day, the DHS and FEMA are running a joint
training exercise for emergency teams (FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of
Children in Disasters) at the nearby Carmel Elementary School.
Interestingly, the US governments Social Security Death Index will list Adam
Lanzas death as occurring the day before the shooting.
Helicopter footage taken about an hour after the shooting will show further
evidence that this event was staged. There are only three children visible at
any time, although hundreds have supposedly been evacuated from the
school and taken to the fire station next door to wait for their parents to pick
them up. The footage also shows that the only road leading to the school is

blocked by numerous police cars and SUVs, which would mean that no
ambulances or other rescue vehicles could get in or out. The many people
seen in the footage are at the fire station and are just milling around and
chatting leisurely, showing no sense of urgency. There is very little activity at
the school itself, nor ambulances that would be expected to be there to deal
with any wounded. Eight ambulances are parked at the fire station and
appear to be completely unattended, while several other ambulances can be
seen slowly driving by on the main road. At least 20 emergency medical
teams can be seen just standing around doing nothing. State police can also
be seen putting on combat gear, even though there is no reason to other
than perhaps for a photo op.
2013 (January 22) Shooting at Texas College campus.
2013 (April 15) The Boston Marathon bombing. Photographic evidence
will reveal that the bombing was faked and the many reported victims who
will claim to have lost limbs from the blasts particularly the central figure,
Jeff Bauman are actors. This means that this is a psyop that involves many
people, including medical teams, police, FBI, etc.

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