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Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses

International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering
Duration: 1 year 8 months
Course description:
The joint programme (EMMC) in Fire Safety Engineering (FSE) establishes a top-level education in
Fire Safety Engineering. Students completing the EMMC will be qualified for technical or scientific
jobs in the field of FSE and will have a network of contacts in the field.
Currently, the application of fire safety codes and design procedures is evolving from a prescriptive
towards a performance-based approach. This evolution is accompanied with an equally drastic
transformation of the educational framework and an increase in the number of needed professionals
in Fire Safety Engineering.
The three partners (Ghent University, Lund University and The University of Edinburgh) build upon
their excellence in research and experience with existing educational programmes in FSE to deliver
this new EMMC. Each partner has their own expertise. Ghent specializes in the behaviour and
modelling of fire and explosions ('general FSE'). Lund is a recognized leader in human behaviour in
fires, fire modelling and risk analysis. Edinburgh is the developer of the first curriculum in structural
fire safety engineering, with a focus on infrastructure.
The duration of the program is 2 years (120 ECTS credits). The language of instruction is English.
The students spend semester 1 and 3 in either Ghent or Edinburgh. All students spend semester 2 in
Lund. The fourth term covers the master's thesis, for which one of the three partners will be
responsible, although the work can be done in another institute (if appropriate).
All of the involved higher education institutes already provide education in Fire Safety Engineering,
each with a world wide reputation of exellence. The partners will deliver a joint degree ('International
Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering', called 'Master (Two Years) of Science in Fire Safety
Technology' at Lund University*).
Applicants should have a Bachelor degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution
(minimum 3 years full-time study or 180 ECTS credits) in civil/electrical/ chemical
/electromechanical/computer science/industrial engineering, material sciences, engineering physics,
architecture, or a related discipline. Other criteria that will be taken into account are awards, TOEFL
scores, external references and details of earlier project work.
*The name 'Fire Safety Engineering' cannot be used in Sweden because it is protected according to
Swedish Higher Education Ordinance; this has no practical implications and the diploma is a true
joint degree, issued by the three universities.
GHENT UNIVERSITY, Belgium (Co-ordinating institution)
Bart Merci
Deparment of Flow, Heat and Combustion Mechanics
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
9000 GHENT - Belgium
Maximum grant:

809 200 (30 000 consortium + 779 200 scholarships), 2010

710 800 (30 000 consortium + 680 800 scholarships), 2011
698 800 (30 000 consortium + 668 800 scholarships), 2012
542 000 (30 000 consortium + 512 000 scholarships), 2013

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