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How Walk for SDGs can contribute to our why?

This national campaign aims to advocate our purpose for Indonesia. Through this
campaign, we want to introduce Indonesian People to the SDGs. Moreover, we want
them to hear this from youth and see how youth can advocate SDGs as part of their
contribution to Indonesia. That is why we want this campaign to be massive and to be
What will we do in Walk For SDGs?
The event will be held on Sunday, 25 th September 2016 from 6-10 AM. Venue for
Walk for SDGs Bandung will be in Car Free Day Dago (meeting point : in front of
D A G O sign). Some of our activities in Walk for SDGs:
- Opening
: Participants will get to know more about AIESEC and SDGs
- Roll Dance: One of AIESEC Culture, dance together to attract attention of people
- Fun Walk : All the participants walk together with SDGs flyer (use your phone
because we dont want to waste many paper), banner, and poster, and explaining

about SDGs
SDGs booth

: AIESEC Members will provide booth for people who want to

know more about SDGs

How can we make this movement viral?
Participants and People who join the movement can post photos of them with SDG
number that they support. The caption will be:
I support SDGs number . and I join the movement in #WalkforSDGs of
#aiesecindonesia for a Better Indonesia in 2030.
#aiesecbandung #globalgoals

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