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Ogilvy, D.

(1982) (1989), Commonsense Direct Marketing, London: Drayton Bird and

Kogan Page, p28
Leppaniemi, M. and H. karjaluoto. (2005). Factors influencing consumers willingness to accept mobile advertising:a
conceptual model. International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol. 3, No. 3, 197-213.
Leung , L. (2007 ).Unwillingness to- communicate and colleges students motives in SMS mobile messaging.
Telematics and Informatics , Vo.24.115-29.

Okozaki, S., A.Katsura& M.Nishiyama. (2007). How Mobile Advertising Works: The
Role ofTrust in Improving Attitudes And Recall, Journal of Advertising Research,
47(2), pp.165-178.

Shan-kar and Balasubramanian (2009) gave mobile marketing a much more

general description - two-way or multi-way communication and promotion of an
offer between a firm and its customers using a mobile medium, device or
technolo-gy - which again emphasizes same three things as most other
definitions do too: mobile technology, interactive network, and relationship
between customer and business.

Marketing message and its delivery is also considered as the key factor
which influence consumer acceptance attitude however, little research

has been done on this medium to find weather this influence consumer
acceptance (Stewart, Pavlou, 2002).
Mobile marketing is the successful tool in building brand awareness and an important factor in
consumer acceptance (Enpocket, 2002) and there is reciprocal participation of brands being
marketed through mobile phones because despite of the brand trust consumers are still doubtful
about the message which had come directly to them, they may have a opioion that message came
from un authorized source etc. Consumers response and perception for the message may vary.
They may be happy to receive such message or may be annoyed, inconvenienced, or even
psychologically harmed by numerous hang-up calls during the day. They may find it interesting
or irritating to find out that which are the products and services that are recently marketed and
are readily accepted by customers through this medium.
There is a need for marketers to deeply understand attitudes, perceptions, characteristics, and
shopping patterns of mobile phone users in order to market their products and services
successfully via mobile phone.
Consumers mainly have negative attitude towards mobile marketing although they have given
permission to be texted (Rizwan). Tsang et al. (2004) investigated consumer attitudes toward
mobile marketing, he said that consumers generally have negative attitudes toward mobile
marketing unless they have specifically consented to receive the advertising messages.
Trust is also the main factor which reflects consumers buying behavior towards mobile
advertising. Trust is under considerable attention in many disciplines. It plays a vital role in
situations characterized by risk and uncertainty. Trust act as a cue for facilitating as it reduces
complexities in consumer decision making process. Companies, in order to differentiate
themselves and their products, in this demanding and competitive environment has been engaged
in mobile advertising to secure customer loyalty and trust. (Hartmann,Klink, Simons, 2015).
There are two types of trusts Personal trust: combination of personal communication with trustee
or data acquired from personal sources and Institutional trust: trust of respondent on institutional
environment containing political sectors and civil societal organization (Rizwan and his

fellows).Yousafzai et al. (2003) found that due to lack of trust nearly 63 per cent of the customers
refuse to provide their personal information to web sites. The main reason behind this how
company will use our personal data also because of lack of trust. Context of the message which
had recently gone attention not only develops trust of the consumers but also develop factors of
environment like legal, social and cultural environment that affect the development of trust
(Kautonen and Kohtamaki, 2006) from this perspective, different legal, political and cultural
frameworks of different areas are the bases of trust are likely to vary across countries
(Bachmann, 2001). Cost is one of the main variable in mobile marketing that affects consumers
buying behavior. Consumers consider high cost of the product while deciding whether to use
mobile marking products, as consumers must deal with the negligible cost in mobile marketing
products(Wu and Wang, 2005).Individuals attitude also vary because of having different
demographic characteristics such as age group, income levels, educational degrees, employment
areas have different attitude towards mobile marketing. Barutcu, (2007) said that respondents
less than 30 years old, working as public officials have monthly income of $500 or more and
have undergraduate degrees have more positive attitudes towards mobile entertainment services.
People who are 30 years old and older, with lowest monthly income (up to $ 250), have primary
and high school degrees, and are having their own business have more negative attitudes towards
mobile shopping.

With the introduction of the SMS and mobile web browsers, the phenomenon of spam has
infected also the mobile phones (Smith, 2005). A new generation of hackers started to attack
mobile devices, creating specific viruses. Recently, a company called Vervata announced the
development of the first spyware for mobile phones FlexiSPY that is absolutely
undetectable by the user, and which can be used to monitor the SMS messages that are send and
received, or to record the duration and the history of these calls. The data captured is then sent to
Vervatas servers, being accessible by customers via a special website (Evers, 2006).(Gurau,
Ranchhod,2009 )For Altman, privacy does not simply means avoiding information disclosure,
but rather a selective of personal information that permits us to reconcile the desire for a private

life with the maintenance of an accepted social persona (Margulis, 2003. distribution between
male and female respondents regarding the level of awareness about privacy protection
legislation. It can be noted, however, a slightly higher percentage of women than know nothing,
or very little, about privacy protection legislation, in comparison with the men respondents
The existing studies outline the following customer privacy threats related with mobile
commerce (Dixon, 2007; King, 2008; Milne and Rohm, 2003): . unsolicited calls, MMS, or
intrusive advertising on websites accessed though mobile devices; . collecting information about
consumer profile and/or behaviour without consumer consent; . incapacity to control the
inclusion of personal or behavioural information in marketing databases (the optin/
opt-out principle); and . using consumer information for other purposes than those
explicitly accepted by consumers. On the other hand, it is necessary to identify the existing
solutions for eliminating or limiting these threats, as well as the locus of responsibility in
developing and implementing these solutions. A review of the existing publications indicate
two major solutions for reinforcing and respecting consumers privacy: the development of
voluntary codes of conduct by professional associations (Mobile Marketing Association,2008),
and the legislation developed and applied by governmental or supra-governmental institutions
(Cleff,2007; King, 2008).
The definition of perceived risk has changed since online transactions became
popular. In the past, perceived risks were primarily regarded as fraud and product
quality. Today, perceived risk refers to certain types of financial, product
performance, social, psychological, physical, or time risks when consumers make
transactions online [5,15]. Credit ratings, bank balances and financial data could be
changed without the owner knowing during online transactions. Some users
perceive potential risks from immature technology. Others hesitate before trusting
online transactions and other activities Wu and Wang, 2005

Some experts say, that mobile marketing is essential key for organizations as Internet marketing,
and can soon even surpass and mostly combination with- it as cell telephones are turning into
purchasers' primary instrument of associating with the Internet. This not only gives a magnificent
base, but also a motivation to study modern mobile marketing (Latto, 2014).

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