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Notes: Weather Maps

How do you read weather symbols?

This funny looking thing is a WEATHER SYMBOL. It represents data recorded from a _WEATHER

The _ TAIL is the wind _DIRECTION. It shows where the wind comes FROM.

The _FEATHERS_ are the wind __SPEED_in knots. (1 knot = 1.15 miles)
feather = 5 knots
1 feather = 10 knots
1 triangle = 50 knots

What is the percent cloud cover at the station?

What is the wind speed in knots?
15 knots
What direction is the wind coming FROM?
What direction is it going to?

1) Draw a weather symbol with

cloud cover
wind at 5 knots out of the northeast.

2) Draw a weather symbol with

60% cloud cover
wind out of the west at 55 knots.

What is a weather system?

Remember the rule of thumb.
Wind flows from areas of _HIGH_to __LOW__pressure!
Air _PRESSURE__is equal to the _ WEIGHT of a column of _AIR_at a particular location. It is measured in
millibars (mb)
_HIGH PRESSURE systems are regions of relatively _ high_pressure.
**They are associated with _DRY _weather and _CLEAR__skies. Why?
- Air flows from high to low pressure. Air _SINKS_ and flows _AWAY from a
high pressure system. Therefore, few or no clouds form.
_LOW pressure systems are areas of relatively _LOW______pressure.
****They are associated with clouds and precipitation. Why?
Air flows from high to low pressure. Air flows _TOWARD a low pressure system
and __RISES_________ Therefore, many clouds form.

What are fronts?

An _AIR MASS is a large body of air with SIMILAR temperature, pressure, and humidity throughout.
A _FRONT is a _BOUNDARY between air masses.

We talk about warm fronts and cold fronts. These both happen with _LOW PRESSURE systems. Why
cant they occur in high pressure systems?
Air flows from high to low pressure. Air __sinks and flows away from a high pressure system.
Therefore, few or no clouds form.

Cold Fronts
A _cold_front is a boundary between an advancing _cold air mass and a warm air
mass that is already present.
It is represented by triangles that point the direction the front is moving.
Precipitation/clouds occur _BEHIND the front.

Cold air is __MORE dense and pushes the less dense warm air up.
Clouds form and precipitation occurs _BEHIND _the cold front. (I.e. it
gets cold before it rains).

Warm Fronts
A _WARM front is a boundary between an advancing _ WARM air mass and a cold air
mass that is already present.
It is represented by __SEMI-CIRCLES that point the direction the front is moving.
Precipitation/clouds occur _AHEAD OF the front.

Warm air is _LESS DENSE and rises above the cold air. It condenses and
forms clouds _AHEAD OF THE front.
Warm Front

Cold Front
Brings cold air

Clouds and
precipitation behind
the front

Occurs during
a low
pressure system.

Brings warm air

Clouds and precipitation

ahead of the front

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