Reproductive and Endocrine

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Endocrine and Reproductive

By: Tara, Justin, Casey, and Lara

What is the endocrine system?

A system that releases hormones to help and regulate the body.
Contains: hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenal glands, pineal body,
reproductive glands (which include the ovaries and testes) and pancreas.
Hormones regulate many body functions, including

Growth and development
Tissue function

They perform these functions by causing changes in cells.

What is the reproductive system?

A system that regulates sex hormones. It allows for organisms to continue to
reproduce and pass on genes
The female reproductive systems functions are
- Producing egg cells
- Protect and nourish offspring until birth
- Pushing baby out of you know where
The male reproduction systems function
- Produce and deposit sperm
We have chosen to focus on the female reproductive system for our model

Reproductive system (continued)

Egg cells exist from birth, produced in the mother's womb

main hormone produced by the female reproductive system is Estrogen and is
absorbed by the granulosa cell
Estrogen is used to trigger the menstrual cycle, and triggers the secondary sex
characteristics of females
Sperm cells are produced during and after puberty and is produced in the
main hormone produced in male reproductive system is testosterone
testosterone is produced in testis and prostate

How do they work together?

Reproductive system produces hormones for the endocrine system and the
endocrine system releases hormones telling what the reproductive system should
The endocrine system regulates many functions of the reproductive system,
including menstruation.
One thing they do is the endocrine system tells the ovaries to send eggs to the

Endocrine system organs

Hypothalamus- Produces and stores hormones for the pituitary gland and controls its releases
Pituitary Gland- Releases the hormones that controls the endocrine system
Thymus- Develops T-cells (a type of white blood cell)
Pineal Gland- Releases hormones such as melatonin which regulates mood, sleep, etc
Thyroid- Controls the rate that the body produces energy from nutrients
Parathyroids- Control the level of calcium in the blood
Adrenal glands- Helps body react to stressors and control blood pressure
Pancreas- Produces and secretes insulin

Reproductive system organs

Uterus- The egg is fertilized here and if its not then its released during menstruation
Ovaries- hold on to the eggs before they go to the uterus
Vagina- a muscular canal between the womb and the genitals
Fallopian tubes- carry the egg from the ovary to the womb
Penis- male genitals
Testes- make sperm and sex hormones
Epididymis- collects and stores sperm

Our Model

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