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Basic Medical Sciences

75 Multiple Choice Single Anwer type, Multiple Answer type & True or False Type
Practice Series I

Basic Medical Sciences

Total time = 45 minutes.

Total Marks: 75

Please use a dark pencil/pen to complete the test. Read the instructions at the
begining carefully. This is an Sample Test Paper for practice. Please Note: There is a negative
marking of ( - ) for each incorrect response.
Multiple Choice Single Anwer type, Multiple answer type & True or False
QUESTION 1. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A polypeptide antibiotic
A) Ethionamide
B) Linzolid
C) Colistin
D) Nystatin
E) Teicoplanin
QUESTION 2. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Which of the following is a not a component of the Medial brain stem pathways?
A) Anterior Vestibulospinal tract
B) Anterior Corticospinal tract
C) Reticulospinal tract
D) Tectospinal tract
E) Rubrospinal tract
QUESTION 3. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Insulin has a molecular weight of________ and contains ______ amino acids
A) 150,000 D., 31
B) 69,000 D., 167
C) 8500 D., 76
D) 57,000 D., 51
E) 55,000 D., 51
QUESTION 4. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A) 1, 2, & 3 correct
B) 1, & 3 correct
C) 2, & 4 correct
D) 4 only correct
E) All correct
Concurrent use of Probenecid induces toxicity of which of the following drugs?
1. Indomethacin
2. Methotrexate
3. Salicylate
4. Digoxin

QUESTION 5. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A 100% sensitive index for myocardial infarction
A) Troponin-I
B) Troponin-T2 (TnT2) isoform
C) Troponin-T1 (TnT1) isoform
D) Calsequestrin
E) Troponin C
QUESTION 6. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Decorticate rigidity is characterized by
A) flexion at elbow of upper extremities
B) flexor hyperactivity in the lower extremities
C) posture typical of uncal herniation
D) exaggeration of extensor muscle hyperactivity
E) fasciculations
QUESTION 7. Choose the CORRECT options (A-E) listed below, MULTIPLE options may be
Lower motor neuron and its characteristic lesions
A) manifests as abnormal Babinski sign
B) characterized by flaccid paralysis, hypotonia
C) corticospinal tracts that innervate spinal motor neurons
D) axons terminate on skeletal muscles
E) characterized by spasticity, hypertonia
QUESTION 8. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Tributyrase is also known as
A) gastric lipase
B) lingual lipase
C) intestinal lipase
D) pancreatic lipase
E) lipoprotein lipase
QUESTION 9. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A) 1, 2, & 3 correct
B) 1, & 3 correct
C) 2, & 4 correct
D) 4 only correct
E) All correct
Which of the following are Polyene antibiotics?
1. Nystatin
2. Teicoplanin
3. Hamycin
4. Bacitracin
QUESTION 10. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.

A disulfiram-like reaction may occur after taking alcohol alongwith all of the following medications
A) metronidazole
B) tolbutamde
C) famotidine
D) moxalactum
E) procarbazine
QUESTION 11. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Which of the following is a three-carbon unit?
A) Oxaloacetate
B) Acetyl CoA
C) N-acetylneuraminic acid
D) Phosphoenolpyruvate
E) Isocitrate
QUESTION 12. Choose the CORRECT options (A-E) listed below, MULTIPLE options may be
Regarding aqueous humor:
A) contains pyruvate
B) contains urea
C) amount in anterior chamber is 230 microL - 250 microL
D) aqueous humor contains hyaluronic acid
E) amount in anterior chamber is 50 microL - 60 microL
QUESTION 13. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
The intermediate during formation of ribose 6-phosphate from glucose 6-phosphate
A) UDP-glucose
B) fructose 6-phosphate
C) glucose 1-phosphate
D) 6-phosphoglucoronic acid
E) 6-phosphogluconate
QUESTION 14. Choose the CORRECT options (A-E) listed below, MULTIPLE options may be
Regarding hemoglobin and methemoglobin mark the statements 'true' or 'false'
A) Methemoglobin is also called ferrohemoglobin
B) normal % of Sulfhemoglobin is <3%
C) Normal methemoglobin level is 0.6% to 2.5% of total Hb
D) Hb saturation at >1% CO is 15% - 20%
E) normal carboxyhemoglobin is 1% - 3%
QUESTION 15. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
The Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve is shifted to right in all of the following conditions

A) decrease in hydrogen ion concentration

B) increase in partial presure of CO2
C) decrease in partial presure of O2
D) muscular exercise
E) Increase in hydrogen ion concentration
QUESTION 16. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
An ultra-long acting Sulfonamide:
A) Sulfadoxine
B) Sulfamethoxazole
C) Sulfasalazine
D) Sulfisoxazole
E) Sulfadiazine
QUESTION 17. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Haptoglobin is a _________ protein with a molecular weight of ______
A) conjugated protein, 250,000
B) globular, 480,000
C) globular, 42,000
D) glycoprotein, 100,000
E) complex, 500,000
QUESTION 18. Choose the CORRECT options (A-E) listed below, MULTIPLE options may be
A) bactericidal
B) causes Gray baby syndrome
C) inhibits metabolism of phenobarbitone
D) inhibits metabolism of cyclophosphamide
E) phenytoin enhances its metabolism
QUESTION 19. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A) 1, 2, & 3 correct
B) 1, & 3 correct
C) 2, & 4 correct
D) 4 only correct
E) All correct
Which of the following are classfied as agranulocytes?
1. lymphocytes
2. eosinophils
3. monocytes
4. basophils
QUESTION 20. Choose the CORRECT options (A-E) listed below, MULTIPLE options may be
Regarding Essential Pentosuria

A) barbiturates aggravates pentosuria in these patients

B) excretion of xylulose gives a negative Benedict's test
C) results in encephalopathy
D) excretion of D-xylulose
E) excretion of L-xylulose
QUESTION 21. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Lymphocytopenia is characteristic of
A) Malaria
B) Rickets
C) Thyrotoxicosis
D) Tuberculosis
E) Malnutrition
QUESTION 22. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Oxidation of glucose to lactate via anaerobic glycolysis produces
A) 8 ATP
B) 12 ATP
C) 2 ATP
D) 24 ATP
E) 36 ATP
QUESTION 23. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Not a feature of Tuberculoid leprosy (TL)
A) bacilli rarely found in Lepromin test biopsies
B) anaesthetic patch
C) prolonged remissions
D) cell mediated immunity is normal
E) cell mediated immunity is absent
QUESTION 24. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A muscarinic receptor agonist
A) oxotremorine
B) atropine
C) hydroxyzine
D) tropicamide
E) scopolamine
QUESTION 25. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
The pathway responsible for posture typical of decor-ticate rigidity
A) reticulospinal tract
B) vestivulospinal tract
C) corticospinal tract
D) rubrospinal tract
E) tectospinal tract
QUESTION 26. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.

Microglia are derived from

A) basophils
B) meningocytes
C) monocytes
D) neutrophils
E) lymphocytes
QUESTION 27. Choose the CORRECT options (A-E) listed below, MULTIPLE options may be
Intraocular pressure:
A) measured by a tonometer
B) is maintained by vitreous humor
C) normal is 10 - 12 mmHg
D) normal is 12 - 20 mmHg
E) glaucoma occurs when IOP>60 mmHg
QUESTION 28. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A) 1, 2, & 3 correct
B) 1, & 3 correct
C) 2, & 4 correct
D) 4 only correct
E) All correct
Which of the following enzymes is/are inhibited by glucagon?
1. pyruvate kinase
2. fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase
3. phosphofructokinase
4. phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
QUESTION 29. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
C. difficile colitis is mostly associated with/due to use of
A) Metronidazole
B) Clindamycin
C) Vancomycin
D) Cholestyramine
E) Fidaxomicin
QUESTION 30. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A) 1, 2, & 3 correct
B) 1, & 3 correct
C) 2, & 4 correct
D) 4 only correct
E) All correct
oxidation of terminal alcohol group (OH sixth carbon atom) of glucose produces
1. uronic acid
2. gluconic acid

3. glucoronic acid
4. aldonic acid
QUESTION 31. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
The activated intermediate in glycogen synthesis is
A) glucose 6-phosphate
B) UTP-glucose
C) pyruvate
D) UDP-glucose
E) glucose 1-phosphate
QUESTION 32. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Which of the following is known as a thread worm or dwarf threadworm?
A) Ancyclostoma duodenale
B) Ascaris lumbricoides
C) Trichuris Trichiura
D) Necator americanus
E) Strongyloides stercoralis
QUESTION 33. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Net ATP production in anaerobic glycolysis is
A) 36 ATP
B) 2 ATP
C) 24 ATP
D) 12 ATP
E) 8 ATP
QUESTION 34. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Drugs which cause orange discoloration of the urine
A) propofol
B) Furazolidone
C) Tolcapone
D) indomethacin
E) amitriptyline
QUESTION 35. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Which of the following drugs reduces the bioavailability of digoxin?
A) erythromycin
B) quinidine
C) verapamil
D) cyclosporin
E) phenobarbitone
QUESTION 36. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Tolbutamide is metabolized mainly by the CYP P450

QUESTION 37. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
The largest cells among the leukocytes
A) lymphocytes
B) monocytes
C) basophils
D) neutrophils
E) eosinophils
QUESTION 38. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Drugs/Antibiotics that are Bacteriostatic
A) Cephalosporins
B) Aminoglycosides
C) Pyrazinamide
D) Sulphonamides
E) Penicillins
QUESTION 39. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Not true regarding functions of T- lymphocytes:
A) promotion of inflammation
B) necrosis of tumour
C) chemotaxis
D) phagocytic actions
E) activation of immune system
QUESTION 40. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Chloramphenicol prolongs the half-lives of all of the following drugs except:
A) dicumarol
B) rifampin
C) phenytoin
D) chlorpropamide
E) rifabutin
QUESTION 41. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Which of the following diseases is characterized by monocytosis?
A) Kala-azar
B) Diptheria
C) Mumps
D) Chicken pox
E) immunosuppressant steroid
QUESTION 42. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.

All of the following are derived from monocytes except:

A) kupffer cells
B) colony stimulating factor (CSF)
C) interleukin-1
D) platelet activating factor (PAF)
E) heparin
QUESTION 43. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A) 1, 2, & 3 correct
B) 1, & 3 correct
C) 2, & 4 correct
D) 4 only correct
E) All correct
Sulfonamides are competitive inhibitors of
1. dihydrofolate reductase
2. para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA)
3. dihydropteroic acid
4. dihydropteroate synthase
QUESTION 44. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Molecular weight of each heavy chain of a myosin filament
A) 400,000
B) 480,000
C) 200,000
D) 42,000
E) 80,000
QUESTION 45. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Which of the following is not inhibited by penicillin G (PnG)?
A) Proteus
B) T. pallidum
C) Strep. pyogenes
D) Listeria monocytogenes
E) Strep. faecalis
QUESTION 46. Choose the CORRECT options (A-E) listed below, MULTIPLE options may be
Mark the following statements 'true' or 'false' about the functions of leukocytes:
A) eosinophils promote acceleration of inflammatory response
B) basophils promote chemotaxis
C) monocytes promote aggregation of platelets
D) basophils prevent intravascuar blood clotting
E) neutrophils inhibit aggregation of platelets
QUESTION 47. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.

A) 1, 2, & 3 correct
B) 1, & 3 correct
C) 2, & 4 correct
D) 4 only correct
E) All correct
Drugs highly bound to plasma protein
1. Warfarin
2. Valproic acid
3. Phenytoin
4. Disopyramide
QUESTION 48. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Structural parent of all sphingolipids
A) Sphingomyelins
B) Ganglioside
C) Sialic acids
D) Ceramide
E) Cerebroside
QUESTION 49. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
REM sleep is characterized by all of the followng except:
A) neurotransmitter is noradrenaline
B) occupies 20% of the sleeping period
C) absence of muscle twitching
D) sleep is deep
E) dreams occurs during this period
QUESTION 50. Choose the CORRECT options (A-E) listed below, MULTIPLE options may be
Regarding glutathione mark the following True or False:
A) consist of aspartate
B) consist of phenylalanine
C) consist of glutamate
D) consist of glycine
E) consist of cysteine
QUESTION 51. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Eosinopenia is seen in
A) Cushing's syndrome
B) Polycythemia vera
C) asthma
D) Filariasis
E) Scarlet fever
QUESTION 52. Choose the CORRECT options (A-E) listed below, MULTIPLE options may be

Regarding aqueous humor

A) has a pH 7.5
B) volume is 0.13 mL
C) viscosity 1.34
D) refractive index 1.029
E) rate of formation 2 -3 microL/min
QUESTION 53. Choose the CORRECT options (A-E) listed below, MULTIPLE options may be
Regarding muscle contraction mark the following statements 'true' or 'false'
A) troponin-tropomyosin interaction requires ATP
B) Troponin I is a marker for myocardial infarction
C) troponin C is also known as actomyosin-ATPase inhibitory element
D) actin-myosin interaction is Calcium dependent
E) results from interaction of actin and myosin
QUESTION 54. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Basophilia is seen in
A) Syphilis
B) Chicken pox
C) Stress
D) Urticaria
E) Tuberculosis
QUESTION 55. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Shortest acting hypoglycemic drug:
A) Repaglinide
B) Glibenclamide
C) Chlorpropamide
D) Tolbutamide
E) Gliclazide
QUESTION 56. Choose the CORRECT options (A-E) listed below, MULTIPLE options may be
Mark the following statements true or false regarding Penicillin:
A) Penicillin V is acid labile
B) Excetion of Penicillin is mainly via bile
C) Penicillin G is more acid stable than Pencillin V
D) elimination T1/2 of Penicillin G is 30 mins
E) Penicillins readily penetrate the CSF
QUESTION 57. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Which of the following does not contain a sugar moiety?
A) ganglioside
B) N-acetylneuraminic acid
C) globoside

D) cerebroside
E) sphingomyelin
QUESTION 58. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Basophils do not secrete
A) myeloperoxidase
B) interleukin-4
C) heparin
D) histamine
E) interleukin-1
QUESTION 59. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
The common intermediate by which ATP is generated by the oxidation of fuel molecules
A) pyruvate
B) lactate
C) glucose 6-phosphate
D) acetyl CoA
QUESTION 60. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A) 1, 2, & 3 correct
B) 1, & 3 correct
C) 2, & 4 correct
D) 4 only correct
E) All correct
Regarding Penicillin G (PnG)
1. 10% excreted by glomerular filtration
2. activity limited to gram -ve bacteria
3. acid labile
4. broad spectrum antibiotic
QUESTION 61. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Half-life of digoxin is
A) 17 hr
B) 40 hr
C) 24 hr
D) 20 hr
E) 90 hr
QUESTION 62. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A) 1, 2, & 3 correct
B) 1, & 3 correct
C) 2, & 4 correct
D) 4 only correct
E) All correct
Antibacterial action of Dapsone is antagonized by

1. phenytoin
2. Para-amino salicylic acid (PAS)
3. warfarin
4. Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA)
QUESTION 63. Choose the CORRECT options (A-E) listed below, MULTIPLE options may be
Regarding Neomycin mark the following statements True or False
A) active against Strept. pyogenes
B) highly toxic to internal ear and kidney
C) obtained from S. lavendulae
D) enhances the metabolism of digoxin
E) effective in hepatic coma
QUESTION 64. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Drug which shows the characteristic "ion trapping"
A) aspirin
B) atropine sulphate
C) chloroquine phosphate
D) ephedrine HCl
E) morphine
QUESTION 65. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Dose-dependent cholestatic jaundice is due to toxicity of
A) Captopril
B) Pyrazinamide
C) Halothane
D) Telithromycin
E) Phenytoin
QUESTION 66. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Substitution of valine for which amino-acid at what position is responsible for sickle-cell anemia?
A) phenylalanine, at position 4
B) glycine, at position 4
C) alanine, at position 4
D) leucine, at position 6
E) glutamate, at position 6
QUESTION 67. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Decarboxylation of lysine due to bacterial metabolism produces which amine?
A) Putrescine
B) Cadaverine
C) Tyramine
D) Tryptamine
E) Ornithine

QUESTION 68. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
The end product of triglyceride digestion in the mouth
A) phosphorylcholine and free fatty acids
B) fatty acid and glycerol
C) fatty acid 1,2-diacylglycerol
D) lysophospholipids
E) monoglycerides and fatty acid
QUESTION 69. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Which of the following tracts is not a component/not situated in the anterior white column?
A) tectospinal tract
B) anterior vestibulospinal tract
C) anterior corticospinal tract
D) medial longitudinal fascilulus
E) olivospinal tract
QUESTION 70. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A) 1, 2, & 3 correct
B) 1, & 3 correct
C) 2, & 4 correct
D) 4 only correct
E) All correct
Regarding cardiac output (c.o.) curve:
1. shifting to left indicates increase in c.o.
2. shifting to left indicates decrease in c.o.
3. shifting to right indicates decrease in c.o.
4. shifting to right indicates increase in c.o.
QUESTION 71. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Aqueous humor differs from plasma in that it contains
A) higher protein than plasma
B) higher glucose than plasma
C) lower glucose than plasma
D) no chloride
E) low ascorbate than plasma
QUESTION 72. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Regarding the drainage and circulation of aqueous humor
A) drains from anterior chamber to posterior chamber via limbus
B) drains from anterior chamber to trabeculae via limbus
C) drains from posterior chamber to limbus via trabeculae
D) drains from anterior chamber to limbus via trabeculae
E) reaches posterior chamber through the Canal of Schlemm
QUESTION 73. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.

Which of the following is a procoagulant?

A) thrombomudulin-thrombin complex
B) thromboplastin
C) sodium citrate
D) plasmin
E) heparin
QUESTION 74. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
A thiamine pyrophosphate ( TPP ) dependent enzyme:
A) Glutathione peroxidase
B) Kynureninase
C) ALA synthase
D) Aldehyde dehydrogenase
E) Transketolase
QUESTION 75. Choose the SINGLE MOST CORRECT option (A-E) listed below.
Elastases are secreted by
A) monocytes
B) eosinophils
C) neutrophils
D) basophils
E) T-lymphocytes

QUESTION 1. Correct answer = C
QUESTION 2. Correct answer = E
QUESTION 3. Correct answer = D
QUESTION 4. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 5. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 6. Correct answer = A
QUESTION 7. Correct answers: A= F, B = T, C = F, D = T, E = F.
QUESTION 8. Correct answer = A
QUESTION 9. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 10. Correct answer = C
QUESTION 11. Correct answer = D
QUESTION 12. Correct answers: A= T, B = T, C = T, D = F, E = F.
QUESTION 13. Correct answer = E
QUESTION 14. Correct answers: A= F, B = F, C = T, D = F, E = T.
QUESTION 15. Correct answer = A
QUESTION 16. Correct answer = A
QUESTION 17. Correct answer = D
QUESTION 18. Correct answers: A= F, B = T, C = F, D = T, E = T.
QUESTION 19. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 20. Correct answers: A= T, B = F, C = F, D = F, E = T.
QUESTION 21. Correct answer = E
QUESTION 22. Correct answer = C
QUESTION 23. Correct answer = E
QUESTION 24. Correct answer = A

QUESTION 25. Correct answer = D

QUESTION 26. Correct answer = C
QUESTION 27. Correct answers: A= T, B = F, C = F, D = T, E = T.
QUESTION 28. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 29. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 30. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 31. Correct answer = D
QUESTION 32. Correct answer = E
QUESTION 33. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 34. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 35. Correct answer = E
QUESTION 36. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 37. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 38. Correct answer = D
QUESTION 39. Correct answer = D
QUESTION 40. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 41. Correct answer = A
QUESTION 42. Correct answer = E
QUESTION 43. Correct answer = D
QUESTION 44. Correct answer = C
QUESTION 45. Correct answer = A
QUESTION 46. Correct answers: A= T, B = F, C = T, D = T, E = F.
QUESTION 47. Correct answer = A
QUESTION 48. Correct answer = D
QUESTION 49. Correct answer = C
QUESTION 50. Correct answers: A= F, B = F, C = T, D = T, E = T.
QUESTION 51. Correct answer = A
QUESTION 52. Correct answers: A= T, B = T, C = F, D = F, E = T.

QUESTION 53. Correct answers: A= F, B = T, C = F, D = F, E = T.

QUESTION 54. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 55. Correct answer = A
QUESTION 56. Correct answers: A= F, B = F, C = F, D = T, E = F.
QUESTION 57. Correct answer = E
QUESTION 58. Correct answer = E
QUESTION 59. Correct answer = D
QUESTION 60. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 61. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 62. Correct answer = D
QUESTION 63. Correct answers: A= F, B = T, C = F, D = F, E = T.
QUESTION 64. Correct answer = A
QUESTION 65. Correct answer = A
QUESTION 66. Correct answer = E
QUESTION 67. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 68. Correct answer = C
QUESTION 69. Correct answer = E
QUESTION 70. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 71. Correct answer = C
QUESTION 72. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 73. Correct answer = B
QUESTION 74. Correct answer = E
QUESTION 75. Correct answer = C

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