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Original Message From: Frank Sweeney [] Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 10:53 PM To: ‘John Muhifeld! Subject: RE: (Fwd: Responding to the New York Times 8€” Richard B. Spencer] Interesting... how did you come upon this? -Original Message. From: John Mubifeld (mailto:jmuhlfeld] Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 1:19 PM To: fsweeney ‘esponding to the New York Times 4€” Richard B. Spencer] Subject: (Fwd: ~ Original Message ~ Subject: Responding to the New York Times 8€” Richard B. Spencer From: "Francine Roston" Date: Sun, August 2, 2015 10:36 pm To: "" “childner” Just in case you didn't see the NYT piece and his reply on his blog which includes his comment that he will not hold NPI events in Whitefish... Sent from my iPad : Frank Sweeney (cit Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 2:15 PM To: 'Rosi Smith’ Subject: RE: No Hate ordinances Thank you for the ‘referal’. | am lead to believe that you have labeled, Mr. Spencer and the National Policy Institute a hate group. Are you able to confirm and are you in a position to provide me with what lead you to place such a label on him and his organization. | think | understand why but am interested in your process and rational for doing so. Thank you for your time. Frank Francis J. Sweeney ‘Attorney and Counselor at Law 100 Second Street East Whitefish, Montana 59937 Phone: (406) 863-4848 Facsimile: (406) 863-4849 From: Rosi Smith imaitoxos smith@ splcenter org Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 12:03 PM TS Subject: FW: No Hate ordinances Dear Mr. Sweeney, ‘We certainly understand your concerns and desire to implement a “no hate” ordinance ‘you contact Not in Our Town ( as they work on issues of this nature and if able to refer you to someone who has the expertise you are seeking. ‘They have Sample Pledges on their site that may be of use as well ( Whitefish. We suggest that they can’t help, will ikely be ‘Their contact info is: Email Not in Our Town at The Working Group / Not In Our Town P.O, Box 70232 Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: (510) 268-9675 Fax: (510) 268-3606 We wish you success in your efforts. Sincerely, Rosi Smith Rosi Smith Legal Administrative Manager Southern Poverty Law Center 400 Washington Ave. Montgomery, Alabama 36104 (334) 956-8343 desk (334) 956-8481 fax Sent: Wednesday, Novern To: Legal Attomey Request Subject: No Hate ordinances | am requesting assistance in drafting a ‘no hate’ ordinance in response to Richard Spencer and his National Policy Institute. | am a sitting City Councilor in Whitefish, MT where Mr. Spencer is a part time resident and has issued several of his diatribes from our fair city. Your thoughts and experience would be a huge help. Thank you for your kind attention. | can be reach at this address and my cell # is SR Frank. Francis J. Sweeney Attorney and Counselor at Law 100 Second Street East Whitefish, Montana 59937 Phone: (406) 863-4848 Facsimile: (406) 863-4849 +++++CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICEH+++ The information in this email may be confidential and/or privileged. This email is intended to be reviewed only by the individual or organization named above. If you are not the intended recipient or an authorized representative of the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, review, dissemination, or copying of this email or its attachments, if any, or the information contained herein is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply email and delete this email from your system. Thank you. From: Frank Sooo Subject: EWEN eto ornanoes Date: November 10,2014 a 218 PM To: VanBuekik, Mary mvanbuUSKiK@choMntetsh og, Richard ino FYI... Frank Francis J. Sweeney Attorney and Counselor at Law 100 Second Street East Whitefish, Montana 59937 Phone: (408) 863-4848 Facsimile: (406) 863-4849 From: Rosi Smith [] Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 12:03 PM To: eS ‘Subject: FW: No Hate ordinances Dear Mr. Sweeney, We certainly understand your concerns and desire to implement a “no hate” ordinance in Whitefish. We suggest that you contact Not in Our Town ( as they work on issues of this nature and if they can’t help, will likely be able to refer you to someone who has the expertise you are seeking. They have Sample Pledges on their site that may be of use as well ( Their contact info is: Email Not In Our Town at ‘The Working Group / Not In Our Town P.O. Box 70232 Oakland, CA 94612 Phone: (510) 268-9675 Fax: (510) 268-3606 We wish you success in your efforts. Sincerely, Rosi Smith Rosi Smith Legal Administrative Manager Southern Poverty Law Center 400 Washington Ave. Montgomery, Alabama 36104 (334) 956-8343 desk (334) 956-8481 fax rosi, From: Frank Sweeney Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 11:00 AM To: Legal Attorney Request Subject: No Hate ordinances | am requesting assistance in drafting a ‘no hate’ ordinance in response to Richard Spencer and his National Policy Institute. | am a sitting City Councilor in Whitefish, MT where Mr. Spencer is a part time resident and has issued several of his diatribes from our fair city. Your thoughts and experience would be a huge help. Thank you for your kind attention. | can be reach at this address and my cell #is Frank. Francis J. Sweeney Attorney and Counselor at Law 100 Second Street East Whitefish, Montana 59937 Phone: (406) 863-4848 Facsimile: (406) 863-4849 +4444 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE++++ The information in this email may be confidential and/or privileged. This email is intended to be reviewed only by the individual or organization named above. if you are not the intended reci an authorized representative of the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, review, dissemination, or copying of this email or its attachments, if any, or the information contained herein is prohibited. if you have received this email in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply email and delete this email from your system. Thank you. From: Frank Swecncy amt ‘Subject: FW: Personal eter of opinion and revised resolution attached, Dacombor 1, 204 at 121 PM Joh Muh VNR co fou Frondsen, Jor etyorwhiotcn org ao —— Severe porter co: Richard Hiner VanBuskirk, Mary mvantuskk Gentle friends, | have attached for your review the suggested revisions to the Resolution that is in our packet. It was offered by Ina Albert of the Love Lives Here group. Her suggested additions are all in the first ‘bold’ paragraph. | have taken the liberty of visiting with Mary and Richard and they were a little uncomfortable with the suggestions as challengeable. As a result, in talking with Mary she thought that incorporating some of Ina’s suggestion into the first 'Whereas’ clause as part of the reference to what the ‘community’ has requested of us was a good way to deal with it. See the Res 14 ... above attached. | will provide each of you with the revised language in hard copy this pm. Frank Francis J. Sweeney Attorney and Counselor at Law 100 Second Street East Whitefish, Montana 59937 Phone: (406) 863-4848 Facsimile: (406) 863-4849 Personal letter of opinion and revised resolution attached. DATE: November 26, 2014 FROM: Ina Albert, TO: Frank Sweeney, Whitefish City Councilman Dear Frank, Love Lives Here does not deny Mr. Spencer freedom of speech, but we don't deny ourselves that freedom either. Nor do we deny him freedom of assembly. We do object strenuously to his denial of human rights to us and to the minorities that he proposes sterilizing. We condemn his reversal of our U.S.Constitution by declaring that all citizens are UNEQUAL If we accept his premise, we stand on the uneven ground of persecution of those that he considers 'less than’ his white European ideal. Ideas like these are straight from the Nazi songbook and an excuse to usurp God by designing what traits humans should have and rejecting those that HE considers inferior. Spencer's design for the human race is the ultimate arrogance. . His ideology would restrict immigration to this country on the basis of Latinos, Africans, and Asians as being intellectually inferior. + He restricts the rights of his fellow citizens by invading and modifying their bodies, and denying their heritage and culture. Love Lives Here stands for everybody being included in our community ~ even Richard Spencer. What we can't abide is standing by silent and not pointing out that he proposes not only restricting our rights, but our very nature as human beings. Please understand that we don't want to minimize the effects that Altemate Right academic racism can have on Whitefish by inviting others who follow this creed to take up residence here. This is not a polite conversation about a philosophical theory. It challenges our way of life, our freedoms and the open and welcoming attitude we want to maintain. Mr. Spencer and Love Lives Here are diametrically opposed. The question is whether we can shed light on this very difficult problem from both sides. Our hope is that the ordinance/resolution will protect all of us from the discrimination and intimidation that can come from White Supremacy. No cross burning, no violence, no intimidation of our citizens should be permitted. It may seem benign now, but | do not trust that things will stay this way. He has said that action in creating a White State is easy. Easy is the operative word. History demonstrates over and over that we must stand in our power and in opposition to the discrimination, intimidation and violence that results from racism. Thanks for listening, Ina Albert-Secher 955 Northwoods Drive Whitefish, MT 59937 406 249-4642 Ina Albert inaall RESOLUTION NO doc Ras 14-_ Res of Intention to. 20714.docx rom: Subject: Fo: Dat of Lost Loon Lake History?Namo Chango Request and correspondence with offended ctzon Date: March 16, 2016 at 10:29 AM To: tony tony golwtstatshcom, Frank Svconcy ASOD itech om, fmuhifedeectyotwbtetish org, Richard Wigner ‘Wiilelich Lake Restaurant wir@gofasilish com, Morgan Dalanay rockalarll’gmat com, Doug Reed Ce: jmuttilascityotwhteien org Good information Terry. | will include it in the draft. Ihave to acknowledge Jen for organizing the process though, thanks Jen! Best, Lu From: terms dec Gaalubiatey com> rank Swoonay ; Lisa Jones Ce: ynubfeld@ncivofunteish or ey, March 16,2016 8:15 AM Re: Dra of Lost Loon Lake HstoniName Change Request and correspondence with offended citizen Lisa, ‘Thanks again for organizing this process. I would add that the Loon’s returned after the golf course purchased and launched a nesting platform to encourage the Loon's to establish themselves at the lake. Prior to the nesting platform being placed in the lake the loons used the lake as a casual feeding area. In the past three years the nesting pair has been successful and last year again had a pair of off springs. Not that it matters, but the lake is partly in the City of Whitefish, but mostly in Flathead County. Do you need any help in getting signatures to support the name change? I c: of the property owners opposing the name change. Terry Nelson "timage any Sent from Surface From: Lisa Jones Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 9:16 PM ‘To: Old Town, terry, Frank Sweeney, , Richard Hildner, Whitefish Lake Restaurant, Morgan Delaney, Doug Reed Ce: Sorry | didn't get this to you earlier. | have attached the draft of the history and reason to change the name document for the application we are working on. Please feel free to “track changes" and reply with any edits for the committee to consider for the final version. Don't be shy, your input is appreciated. Ihave also pasted below the correspondence from the offended gentleman Ryan Gollner who wrote to the Whitefish CVB, and the reply that was sent back by the Whitefish CVB Executive Director. | have included this as a reference along with the Wikipedia definition. It will be gratifying to contact Mr. Goliner to update him when we successfully and officially change the name! 7 * 1am going to try and make it to the meeting in the morning, but we are headed out of town tomorrow and I may miss it. | will let Jen know. Best, Ld .- Forwarded Message ------ From: "Ryan Géliner* To: Sent: 4/16/2015 2:00:52 PM Subject: Time to Re-Re-name Racist Lake in Whitefish Hello, My name is Ryan Géliner, and | am of German-Jewish-Irish descent. I have been happily married for many years with a lovely woman who happens to be black. We live a perfectly normal upper middle class life, and rarely run into the trouble generations before us may have had in their lives, as a result of their decision to marry outside of one's race. We recently moved our family to Missoula, Montana for work, and have not experienced any “racially related trouble of any sort in the last 2 years we've called Montana home. And that's not surprising. Montana is filled with some of the nicest people we've ever met! And's the year 2015. Most of us are kind of past that stuff. Enter Whitefish. Despite publicly decrying the attempts of folks like Spencer to create an Aryan Mecca of sorts in the NW of our country, there is something | discovered today that appalled me. When looking at traveling up to Whitefish for some recreation, | honed in on a lake within city limits, in quite plain view, called "Lost Coon Lake". Immediately my “racism receptors" went up, and | decided to do a brief historical search about the lake to learn of it's origin. The truth of this lake is actually shocking, The original name was in fact, "Nigger Lake", per Wikipedia, and several historical sites on the town of Whitefish. Auspicious as this is, though merely a reflection of the racism that was within the town in days past, the more alarming fact is that they decided to rename a lake originally called "Nigger Lake" to "Lost Coon Lake". Lost Goon??? Seriously? Call me crazy, but perhaps it's time to issue an apology, and to consider a motion to rename this lake as well, before it brings more bad press to what | stil firmly believe is an amazing part of the planet. An organization such as yourselves seems perfectly poised to effect this, change... Thoughts? Respectfully, nya Thank you for taking the time to write your thoughtful and respectful letter. It has been a challenging time of late with some residents voicing beliefs in opposition to the tolerance that we promote and embrace in our community, and we appreciate your acknowledgement of the public decry of Mr. Spencer's attempts. We apologize that the lake is named as itis, and we will research the process for changing the name with a hope to put an end to the racist days of old, We were pleased to read your experiences in Montana have been positive thus far and we hope you will feel welcome and enjoy the many recreation options in and around Whitefish in the future. Thanks again for contacting us. Sincerely, Dylan From: Old hw) To: terry ; Frank Sweeney ; * " ; Richard Hildner ; WLR Email ; Morgan Delaney Sent: Friday, March 4, 2016 9:34 AM Subject: Lost Loon Lake Proposal Hello all! This morning was our first meeting to discuss the Lost Coon Lake name change to Lost Loon Lake. In attendance were Frank, Doug, Lisa, Richard and Jen. The following tasks have been identified to proceed: + Produce list of all the names, as appearing on record at the county, of the persons/corporations owning real estate on or water rights to the lake (JEN) + Link to all past Montana geographic name change requests (JEN) visor/Default + Research whether Lost Coon Lake Preservation Association is still active (FRANK) + Draft official petition as defined in Montana Code 85-2-131(2) to then be reviewed by group, state advisor to geographic name changes (Gerry), and approved by county attorney (FRANK) + Draft history and reasons for the name change to support the petition (LISA) + Gather materials supporting the name change to Lost Loon Lake, including photos of Loons on the lake, photos of signs, and digital copies of any documents currently using the name Lost Loon Lake (FRANK, DOUG, LISA) * GIS historical research to show history of the names of the lake over the years—to support the writing of the history that Lisa is working on, and to understand whether the al (NIUFIANLY Next meeting will be at 8:00a.m. at Old Town Creative on Thursday, March 10. We will discuss the progress of the above tasks, review any findings and discuss proceeding with the next steps. Next steps will then be: + Review petition language + Have Gerry D. at the state review petition language + Submit final petition language to county attorney for approval + Gather signatures on official petition + File with petition and findings to District Court - Montana Code 85-2-132 + If approved, then: + Letter to Board of Geographic Names + Submit Application to BGN Thank you for your support! Jen Frandsen Ola Town Creative + Interactive 300 E. 2nd St, #2 PO Box 4420 Whitefish, Montana 59937 406-763-0340 ext.303 406-763-0334 direct www., SUppOTL tle Wriunig OF IIe HISLOTy WraL Lisa Is WorKing On, alG LO UNUeFstanu WneUler we name is official or unofficial (RICHARD) Next meeting will be at 8:00a.m. at Old Town Creative on Thursday, March 10. We will discuss the progress of the above tasks, review any findings and discuss proceeding with the next steps. Next steps will then be: + Review petition language + Have Gerry D. at the state review petition language + Submit final petition language to county attorney for approval + Gather signatures on official petition + File with petition and findings to District Court - Montana Code 85-2-132 + If approved, then: + Letter to Board of Geographic Names + Submit Application to BGN Thank you for your support! Jen Frandsen Old Town Creative + Interactive 300 E. 2nd St., #2 PO Box 4420 Whitefish, Montana 59937 406-763-0340 ext. 303 406-763-0334 direct Utne maT

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