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Where Im From

I am from a red broom, from Nescafe and Clorox

I am from the two story house with dusty white walls, blue trim and red doors, from a smell of
cleaning products, and from mirrored walls
I am from the Bougainvilleas that sprouted near my garage, the Sunflowers that were laid in
perfect precision on shelves
I am from the notes written on New Years to remind us of our past selves, from the thick dark
hair, from Mike and Gabby, from Lopez and Paez
I am from the talking too much, too fast and too loud, from the grandmas, tias, and mothers
drinking too much coffee
I am from the pedaso de cielo que Dios me dio, from eres mi prinsecita
I am from not being raised with a religion but having values installed in me from the ones my
parents grew up with
I am from Riverside, from the Mexicans and Native Americans, from West Covina and Mexicali,
from Beef Chorizo and Coffee with too much creamer
I am from my Abuelo Chon falling asleep at a stoplight only to have the person behind him wake
him up, from my Big Grandpa Frank buying one movie ticket and then proceeding to sneak his
seven brothers in
I am from a bin in the office closet, from old dusty albums, and from picture frames. I am from
the pictures which show me the faces of my ancestors and family members I never got to know. I

am from the graves of my primos, my abuelos, my tios, and so. From the pictures on my
refrigerator door.
From the laughter shared at family dinners, and the tortillas my Bisabuela makes with care.
I am from laughter, from family, from trust, and love.

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