Wheel Calculation

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Revised calculation

Calculations done with Wheel material

16. Design of roller wheel and axle:
? Total load on vacuum vessel +carriage = 60,000 kg
? Total no of wheel / roller = 5+5= 10
? Load on each roller /wheel = 60,000/10 = 6000 kg
Due to unsymmetrical load let us take a load multiplier of 2.5, hence
? Maximum load on some wheels = W = 6000*2.5 =15,000 Kg= 147.1 KN
a) Design of Axle:
? Shear area of the axle, AS = p*d2/4 *2= p*(60)2/4 *2 = 5654 mm2
? Induced shear stress in the axle, s avg = F/A = 147.1*103/5654 = 26 N/mm2
? Moment of inertia. IXX = p*(d)4/64 = p*(60)4/64 = 0.636*106 mm4
? Section modulus, Z = IXX/(d/2) = 0.636*106/30 = 0.0212*106 mm3
Unsupported length, L = 30 mm------on each side of the wheel. The line diagram i
s as shown below
Reaction Force Ra = Rb = total load /2 = 147.1/2 = 73.55KN
At section CC, moment, MC = 73.55*103*L
= 73.55*103*30
= 2.206*106 N-mm
? Induced bending stress in the axle,
sb = MC/Z = 2.206*(106)/0.636*(106) = 3.468MPa
? DeflectionYmax =
= = 0.0006mm
The bending stress and deflection is very less, hence ok
b) Design of wheel/Roller:
Bearing Stress calculation on wheel as per IS 4622.
-+Wheel is subjected to the compressive stress. As per IS 4622 the critical stre
ss is evaluated The data selected is as given below,
? Maximum Factored load on each roller /wheel (W) = 147.1 KN From Section 16 above
? Wheel diameter = 170 mm
? Wheel tread (width) = 60mm
? Wheel material SS304 the properties are as given below,
o Ultimate tensile strength = 505 MPa
o Yield Tensile strength = 215 MPa.
o BHN: Brinell Hardness Number = 201
As per Equation E 2.2 in IS 4622 we get,
? Critical stress of projected area in N/mm2
Pcr = (BHN * 0.169) - 15.174
= (201 * 0.169 ) -15.174
= 18.795 N/mm2
As the Factored load on the wheel of 147.1KN is considered with Factor of safety
(FOS) of 2.5, then allowable stress is considered to the same as the critical st
ress. Pcr
? Projected area required to hold the load. Ap = W/Pcr = 147.1*103/25.386 = 7826
Hence, Net tread width required = Projected Area/ Wheel diameter = 7826.5 / 170
= 46 mm.
As the selected tread width = 60 mm > 46 mm the wheel size is safe for bearing str
Check for shear stress on wheel:
? Maximum shear load on roller /wheel (Fx) = 45 KN From Section5.2 above
? Maximum shear stress on roller and tread surface = 40 MPa ...From FEM Analysis d
one in Section5.2
As per section 5.4.2 of IS 4622 code, the maximum shear stressin N/mm thus compu
ted shall not exceed 2.41*BHNwhere BHN is the Brinell Hardness Number of wheeltr
ead or wheel path whichever is smaller, or 0.7*ultimate tensile strength, whiche
ver is less.
The material for wheel tread can be taken same as that of wheel. Ie. SS304.
? Allowable shear stress = minimum (2.41 x BHN or 0.7*UTS) = minimum (484.4 or 3
53.5) = 353.5 MPa

The generated shear stress of 40MPa < allowable shear stress. Hence OK.
Contact stress calculation as per IS 4622.
? Factored Load on each roller /wheel = 147.1 KN
The contact stress between the wheel and the track is calculated based on the ac
tual load as per equation given below. This stress shall be less than 1.6*UTS fo
r safe operation as per code.
? fc = contact stress in N/mm2
? p =wheel load in N = 147.1*103N
? E = Modulus of elasticity =2*105 N/mm2
? R = radius of the wheel in mm = 85 mm
? L=tread width in mm =60 mm
Hence we get, Contact stress (fc) =0.418* = 1004 N/mm2
The allowable limit for contact stress as per the code = 1.6* UTS = 1.6 * 505 =
808 N/mm2
Hence Contact stress generated 1004 MPa >808 MPa (allowable value)
hence not safe.
Option 1
? Now considering a higher tread width of L = 100mm
? We get, Contact stress (fc) =0.418* = 777.65 N/mm2 < 808 N/ mm2Hence Safe
Option 2
Considering factored load at a lesser load multiplier, taking FOS = 1.5, we get
Factored load = 1.5*6000*9.81 = 88.29 KN = 88290N
? So, Contact stress (fc) =0.418* = 777.8 N/mm2< 808 N/ mm2Hence Safe
As the wheel is already safe for bearing stress and shear stress calculations fo
r the actual tread width of 60mm, it is advisable to finalise the option 2 where

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