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IPMS Workpackages, Chains, Timesheet Codes

Equipment Requisition Worksheets

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8 May, 2000

Workpackages and Chains

Workpackages define the scope of work while Chains define the activites and progress
contribution required to accomplish the workpackage scope. Workpackaging
requirements include universal requirements which all disciplines will use, as well as
discipline specific requirements. Workpackages and Chains provides an introduction to
this process, which includes universal requirements, a flow chart, and a glossary of
IPMS terminology. This guideline covers the specific requirements for the use and
development of these IPMS tools and affects all Vessel Mechanical Technology
operations. Vessel Mechanical will identify workpackages, codes, and budgets using
Work Package Input Forms.
Package Coding Reference Table
The Package Coding Reference Table, or Vessel Mechanical (MD) Codes is an aid to
determine the codes for workpackges. Workpackages are to be prepared for each
Workpackage subType (WPsT) Code and further defined for each activity such as
Design, PDS Modeling, Procurement, etc. as documented on the chains "D-XXXX" and
"P-XXXX", where applicable.
Timesheets, PCoAs and Workpackage Subtypes
Timesheets are coded using Project Code of Account (PCoA) numbers followed by a
letter designated to further track the workhours expended for specific activity types.
See "Timesheet Work Operation Codes" within this guideline for a description of the use
of these codes on timesheets.
The recommended PCoA for each workpackage subtype is shown in the Vessel
Mechanical (MD) Codes table. PCoAs are constructed to have significant digits in
common with the workpackage subtype. This coding commonality aids in the
comparison of earned workhours for workpackage subtypes to expended hours on
timesheets. This comparison is the basis of productivity analysis for engineering
Document Numbers, Groups, Types and Subtypes
Documents produced and registered by the Vessel Mechanical Technology discipline
include data sheets, vessel and tank drawings or sketches, vessel steel drawings
(ladders, platforms, clips, pipe supports and guides) and procurement specifications.
The milestone status of these documents is tracked by IPMS at the workpackage level.
This requires the discipline to maintain an off-line listing of the status of the detailed
documents required to support a workpackage.


IPMS Workpackages, Chains, Timesheet Codes
Equipment Requisition Worksheets

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8 May, 2000

Equipment Requisition Worksheet Codes

This section describes the selection and use of Engineering Requisition Worksheet
(ERW) codes when preparing ERWs for quotation and purchase.
Equipment Requisition Worksheet (ERW) codes are selected to be consistent with the
IPMS Project Code of Account (PCoA) codes. These are further defined by the
complexity of the equipment involved.
ERW codes are developed from the Construction & Material PCoAs for Vessel
Mechanical. These are found on the Mechanical Equipment spreadsheet of the
referenced file. The PCoAs for Vessel Mechanical are designated as MD and MF and
consist of a three character code. An additional 1 or 2 characters are added to the
PCoA to further identify the specific type of equipment for the ERW code. This code
designation is related to the equipment design type and is used by Procurement to
determine the appropriate suppliers qualified to bid and fabricate the equipment. The
ERW code designation also establishes the minimum recommended inspection levels.
Examples of PCoA codes used for the ERW are:
MD2-15 - Shop Fabricated Alloy Steel Columns and Towers
MD3-11 - Shop Fabricated Carbon Steel Converters/Reactors/Regenerators
MD4-11 - Shop Fabricated Carbon Steel Drums
MF3-10 - Shop Fabricated Field Assembled Carbon Steel Tanks
Also refer to Procurement and Materials requirements MRP013 "Preparing Tagged Item
RFQW" and MRP014 "Compilation of Purchase Order Requisition (TAGGED)."
Workpackage Milestones and Chains
The Vessel Mechanical IPMS Chains provide the milestones and activity chains for
each workpackage.
The following chains are available:

D-KGDS: Vessels, Internals & Tanks - Standards & Specification Preparation is

used to include all activities for the preparation of standards and specifications.

D-KPVS: Vessels, Internals & Vessel Steel and D-KPTK: Tanks are used to
include the life cycle of vessels and tanks, including such activities as design,
PDS modeling, data reviews, and vessel steel design.

P-KVTS: Vessels, Internals, Vessel Steel, Tanks - Procurement is used to

include all non-engineering activities from receipt of the Equipment Requisition
Worksheet by procurement through delivery of the equipment to the jobsite.


IPMS Workpackages, Chains, Timesheet Codes
Equipment Requisition Worksheets

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8 May, 2000

Workpackage Workhour Budgets

Workpackage workhour budgets are distributed to Vessel Mechanical workpackages to
weight the progress of the Vessel Mechanical Technology discipline work. A description
of the workhour estimating process, and access to the workhour estimating
spreadsheet, can be found within the Estimating section of the Vessel Mechanical
website. This section provides a breakdown of the workhours weighted for the
Inter-workpackage Logic Recommendations
(Not applicable to Vessel Mechanical operations)
Specific Guidelines
Vessel Mechanical workpackages should be defined according to how the work is
performed on the project in order to meet interdiscipline and procurement lead times. In
addition, workpackages may be defined by equipment type and the defined activities
associated with the project scope. See "Workpackage Guidelines" below for more
specific information on establishing workpackages.

Workpackage Guidelines
This section provides guidelines on selecting the number of workpackages required to
efficiently provide input to IPMS and the execution of Vessel Mechanical activities to
support the project schedule. These guidelines apply to all Vessel Mechanical
Technology engineering and procurement activities on a project which utilizes IPMS.
In general, the number of workpackages should be as few as possible in order to avoid
unnecessary reporting and tracking activities. However the number of workpackages
will need to be determined early to support IPMS constraints and project / interdiscipline needs. General guidelines are:

The items on a workpackage may be included on one or more Equipment

Requisition Worksheets (ERW).
All items in a workpackage should reach the same milestones within a
reasonable timeframe.
Technical and Purchasing Specifications should be listed under a separate
Workpackages should be structured to support inter-discipline needs, or early
construction required dates, or possibly structured by similar materials of
construction, or by supplier expertise. Examples:


IPMS Workpackages, Chains, Timesheet Codes
Equipment Requisition Worksheets


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A group of vessels in a plant area that requires early civil work for which
Vessel Mechanical must provide foundation loads.
Long delivery items that require immediate design work.
All alloy vessels or tanks, or all carbon steel vessels or tanks
All drums, or all towers, or all reactors
Proprietary equipment such as ammonia reactors

One workpackage is required for each chain of activities which affect a group of
items. Example:

One workpackage is required for vessels or tanks for each of the chains DKGDS, D-KPVS, D-KPTK, and P-KVTS.

The above examples represent general guidelines and may be altered to suit the project
or an expedient work process. A supplier may have expertise in the fabrication of alloy
and carbon steel vessels or tanks, therefore these may by grouped onto one
Workpackage numbering is to follow specific guidelines. The workpackage number will
typically consist of 12 characters which will be required to completely define the process
unit, discipline, equipment type and sequence. Specific guidelines may vary from one
project to the next, however the following will serve as a guide:
Typical Workpackage Number Format: AA-BB-CC-MD(MF)x-xxx
AA: represents the KBR process unit designation such as 2A for Ethylene or 2C
for Hexene (project specific designation)
BB: represents the client unit designation
CC: represents the process system and First Planner area. For vessels this will
normally be "00" since vessel equipment will reside in various areas and vessels
are normally not affected by First Planner requirements.
MD(MF)x: MD (pressure vessels) and MF (tanks) are the designations for the
Vessel Mechanical document subtypes such as MD2 for column and tower
drawings or MF2 for shop fabricated tank drawings
xxx: is the sequence number to indicate several workpackage of a given
equipment subtype.
Example Workpackage Number: 2A-02-00-MD2-201
The CTE is responsible for ensuring that appropriate guidelines are available to assure
consistent preparation of Vessel Mechanical workpackages on projects. The Vessel
Mechanical Work Group Leader is responsible for planning the workpackages to meet
the requirements of the project and to review the selected workpackages with the


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Equipment Requisition Worksheets

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8 May, 2000

assigned Vessel Mechanical Principal Engineer. The WGL is also responsible for
planning the staffing levels required to execute the workpackages as planned.

Timesheet Work Operation Codes

This section provides guidelines to identify the Vessel Mechanical Technology work
group activities associated with Work Operation Codes for timesheet entries. This
affects all Vessel Mechanical Technology operations.
The following listing is a summary of the Chains applicable to Vessel Mechanical project
related activities. Milestone codes can be found on the indicated Chains. For the
relationship between the Work Operation Codes, the IPMS Chains, and the
deliverables, refer to the IPMS Vessel Mechanical (MD) Codes for Vessel Mechanical
Technology. As with any project, there are activities of a general nature that are
necessary to support the project such as IPMS setup, First Check Estimate, QA/QC
audits, and Project Closeout. Refer to the IPMS General Work Codes for timesheet
codes that apply to all disciplines and refer to the associated IPMS General Chains.
The table below gives a brief description of the activities associated with each Vessel
Mechanical Chain.

Vessels, Internals & Tanks:
Preparation of Standards and Specifications
Vessels, Internals & Vessel Steel:


Engineering, Data Sheets, Drawings, Equipment Requisition

Worksheets (ERWs), Technical Evaluation of Bids, PDS Modeling,
Nozzle O&Es and Fabrication Release, Supplier Data Reviews,
Vessel Steel Design, Clip & Vessel Steel Fabrication Release,
Vessel Steel Supplier Data Reviews, Revised ERWs for Purchase,
Accept Final Supplier Drawings, and Final Drawing Issue



Data Sheets, Drawings, Technical Evaluation of Bids, PDS

Modeling, Nozzle O&Es and Fabrication Release, Supplier Data
Reviews, Pipe Support & Guide Fabrication Release, Accept Final
Supplier Drawings, and Final Drawing Issue
Vessels, Internals, Vessel Steel, & Tanks:
All Non-Engineering Procurement Activities

Work Operation Codes are used to track hours used to prepare deliverables on the


IPMS Workpackages, Chains, Timesheet Codes
Equipment Requisition Worksheets

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8 May, 2000

associated IPMS Vessel Chains. The Work Operation Codes are shown in the first
column of the Vessel Mechanical (MD) Codes table and the General Work Codes table
and are designated as "Cost Codes." These codes are used in preparation of Vessel
Mechanical workhour estimates and weekly timesheets. The Work Operation Codes
are entered into the "Work Operation" box on the KBR timesheet.
The following is a listing of typical Vessel Mechanical activities associated with cost
codes. The "xx" part of the codes are replaced by numeric codes. Within the Generic
Work Codes table, the "AA" is replaced with "MD" for VM activities. It should be noted
that the Procurement codes, such as MD2P, are not normally engineering activities. On
occasion, there may be activities undertaken by engineering of a procurement nature
(non-engineering) that would be charged to these codes.
The CTE is responsible for ensuring that the listing is up-to-date and any additional
entries are correct before introducing them into the Vessel Mechanical Technology work
operations. The Work Group Leader is responsible for ensuring that the prescribed
practices concerning deliverables and use of Work Operation Codes are followed on the
Work Operation Codes & Associated Activities
MDGxx General / Administrative / Coordination Activities
Project Initialization
Set up files
Drawing format
Review client specifications
Review project data
Prepare project specifications
Prepare project standard drawings
Prepare Work Plan
Prepare WOC and Roster
Prepare ATS and update weekly
Prepare weekly report
Prepare monthly report
Prepare workhour estimates
Issue risk memo
Weekly engineering meetings
1.10 Scheduling meetings
1.11 Client coordination
1.12 Coordination with disciplines
1.13 Filing project information
1.14 Prepare IPMS work packages
Group equipment for requisition packages
1.15 Administrative functions


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Equipment Requisition Worksheets


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Employee evaluations
Department meeting
Prepare department monthly report
1.16 Prepare and comment on project change requests
1.17 Engineering Closeout
Prepare and issue closeout report

Assemble and box all project data scheduled for archives

Dispose of all project data scheduled for destruction

1.18 Post Closeout

All activities following project closeout
MDxD Vessels, Drums, Transfer Lines, Bins - Drawings
Prepare information for inquiry drawings
Design calculations
Check calculations
Prepare drawings
Check drawings
Review planning release
Issue construction issue drawings
Coordination with disciplines
Issue information for preparation of IFCDs
Issue information to piping planning group
Issue information to civil / structural group
Issue information to other groups as required
Prepare Safety Checklist
2.10 Vessel steel design
Design calculations for all vessel steel
Check calculations for all vessel steel
Prepare information for PDS data entry
2.11 Vessel steel drawings for non-PDS projects
Prepare vessel steel drawings
! Ladders and platforms
! Pipe supports and guides and reboiler supports
Prepare clip drawings
! Ladders and platforms
! Pipe supports and guides and reboiler supports
Check vessel steel drawings
2.12 Prepare Equipment Requisition Worksheets (ERWs) for purchase
2.13 Pre-bid meetings
Prepare meeting notes
2.14 Technical evaluations
2.15 Pre-award meetings
Prepare meeting notes
2.16 Issue orientation and elevation drawings


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Equipment Requisition Worksheets





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Issue clip drawings

Supplier data review
Update ERWs as required for major revisions/additions
Prepare ERW revision records if required by the project
Review supplier price revisions
Transmit revised drawings
Prepare quality inspection reports
Prepare ERWs for purchase
Technical evaluations
Update ERWs as required for major revisions/additions
Review supplier data
2.25 Maintain supplier data files
2.26 Answer supplier technical questions
2.27 Review inspection and expediting reports
2.28 Review supplier code data reports
2.29 Catalyst, desiccants, inert balls, packing
Prepare ERWs for purchase
Technical evaluations
Update ERWs as required for major revisions/additions
MDxP Vessels, Drums, Transfer Lines, Bins - Procurement
There are no engineering activities charged to this code unless specifically
related to procurement activities of a non-engineering nature
MDMD Vessel Modeling
Review and provide comments to super sketches
Enter data for PDS models
Review PDS data reports
Internal PDS model reviews
Scheduled PDS model reviews
Review and resolve interference problems
MDSD Extraction of Platform/Steel Drawings (PDS project)
Extract vessel steel drawings from PDS
Ladders and platforms
Pipe supports and guides and reboiler supports
Extract clip drawings
Ladders and platforms
Pipe supports and guides and reboiler supports
Check vessel steel drawings
Prepare vessel steel cost estimate
Prepare ERWs for purchase
Technical evaluations
Update ERWs as required for major revisions/additions
Issue vessel steel drawings
Supplier data reviews


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Equipment Requisition Worksheets



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5.10 Review vessel steel supplier invoices

5.11 Issue comparison report of estimated versus actual steel cost
5.12 Transmit revised drawings
5.13 Maintain supplier data files
5.14 Answer supplier technical questions
5.15 Review inspection and expediting reports
MDSP Platform/Steel Procurement
There are no engineering activities charged to this code unless specifically
related to procurement activities of a non-engineering nature
MF2D Shop Fabricated Tanks - Drawings
Prepare ERWs for purchase
Design calculations
Check calculations
Prepare drawings
Check drawings
Review planning releases
Issue construction issue drawings
Coordination with disciplines
Issue information for preparation of IFCDs
Issue information to piping planning group
Issue information to civil / structural group
Issue information to other groups as required
Prepare Safety Checklists
7.10 Tank (Vessel) steel
Prepare calculations for all clips
Check calculations for all clips
Prepare information for PDS data entry
7.11 Tank steel drawings
Prepare tank steel drawings
! Ladders and platforms
! Pipe supports and guides
Prepare clip drawings
! Pipe supports and guides and reboiler supports
Check steel drawings
7.12 Pre-bid meetings
Prepare meeting notes
7.13 Technical evaluations
7.14 Pre-award meetings
Prepare meeting notes
7.15 Issue orientation and elevation drawings with ladder and platform
7.16 Issue pipe support and guide clip and bracket drawings
7.17 Supplier drawing reviews
7.18 Update ERWs as required for major revisions/additions


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Equipment Requisition Worksheets




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Prepare ERW revision records if required by the project

Review Supplier price revisions
Transmit revised drawings
Prepare quality inspection reports
Maintain supplier data files
Answer supplier technical questions
Review inspection and expediting reports
Review supplier code data reports
Shop Fabricated Tanks - Procurement
There are no engineering activities charged to this code unless specifically
related to procurement activities of a non-engineering nature
MF3D Field Assembled Tanks - Drawings (same activities as MF2D)
MF3P Field Assembled Tanks - Procurement (same as MF2P)
MF4D Special Tanks - Drawings (same activities as MF2D)
MF4P Special Tanks - Procurement (same as MF2P)
MF5D API Code Atmos. Bins and Hoppers - Drawings (same activities as
MF5P API Code Atmos. Bins and Hoppers - Procurement (same as MF2P)
MFMD Tank Modeling
15.1 Review and provide comments to super sketches
15.2 Enter data for PDS model
15.3 Review PDS data reports
15.4 Internal PDS model review
15.5 Scheduled PDS model reviews
15.6 Review and resolve interference problems

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