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The Embassy Of Korea

Jalan Jenderal Gatot Soebroto Kav 57

Jakarta Selatan
Dear Sir/Madam,
We the undersign,
Place and Date of Birth
Passport Number
Place and Date of Birth
Passport Number

: Achmad Faisal S.SOS

: Samarinda 27 juni 1964
: jalan mas penghulu RT 42 kelurahan Masjid Samarinda Seberang Samarinda
Kalimantan timur
:: Lik Tituk Suwardjijani
: Jember, 10 Januari 1971
: jalan mas penghulu RT 42 kelurahan Masjid Samarinda Seberang Samarinda
Kalimantan timur

Give Permission to my daughter

Place and Date of Birth
Passport Number

: Mega Aryani
: Samarinda, 24 april 1991
: jalan mas penghulu RT 42 kelurahan Masjid Samarinda Seberang Samarinda
Kalimantan timur
: A 9359550

To visit South Korea from on 3 December 2014 to 08 December 2014, to participate in Panorama Tour
accompanied by Achmad Faisal S.sos

Samarinda, 01 november 2014

Achmad Faisal S. SOS


Lik Tituk Suwardjijani


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