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D4 and ESF Alarm Conditions

AIS (Alarm Indication Signal) CFA

The AIS is also known as a "Keep Alive" or "Blue Alarm" signal. This consists of an UNFRAMED
all-ones signal sent to maintain transmission continuity. The AIS CFA signal is declared when both
the AIS state and RED CFA persist simultaneously.

OOF (Out-Of-Frame) Condition

Occurs whenever Network or DTE equipment senses errors in the incoming framing pattern.
Depending upon the equipment, this can occur when 2 of 4, 2 of 5, or 3 of 5 framing bits are in
error. A reframe clears the OOF condition.

Red CFA (Carrier Failure Alarm)

Occurs after detection of CONTINUOUS OOF condition for 2.5 seconds. This alarm state is
cleared when no OOF conditions occur for AT LEAST 1 second. Some applications (AT&T DACS
services) may not clear the CFA state for UP TO 15 seconds of NO Out-Of-Frame occurences.

Yellow CFA (Carrier Failure Alarm)

When a Terminal/Network equipment enters a RED CFA state, it transmits a "Yellow Alarm" in the
opposite direction.
A Yellow Alarm is transmitted by setting Bit #2 of each timeslot to a 0 (zero), SPACE state for D4
Framed facilities. For ESF facilities, a Yellow Alarm is transmitted by sending a repetitive 16-bit
pattern consisting of 8 MARKS (1) followed by 8 SPACES (0) in the Datalink bits. This is
transmitted for a MINIMUM of 1 second.
For D4 facilities, the minimum Yellow Alarm detection time is 335 mS. Trunk conditioning should
occur within 335 to 1000 mS. For ESF facilities, the MINIMUM detection time is 28 mS.
NOTE: 335 mS equates to 2680 D4-type frames.

LOS (Loss Of Signal)

A LOS condition is declared when no pulses have been detected in a 175 +/- 75 pulse window (100
to 250 bit times).
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