ICT1513 101 - 2016 - 3 - B

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Tutorial letter 101/3/2016

Introduction to Web Design

Semester 1 and 2
School of Computing

Please activate your myUnisa and myLife email addresses and ensure you have
regular access to the myUnisa module site ICT1513-16-S? as well as your e-tutor
group site ICT1513-16-S?-E?.

Note: This is an online module, and therefore your module is available on myUnisa only.



Dear Student
Welcome to the module Introduction to Web Design, ICT1513. This module is presented online only, no
additional material will be sent to you via posted mail.
Do not hesitate to contact your lecturers (on myUnisa, by email or by telephone) if you are experiencing
problems with the content of this tutorial letter or any aspect of the module. We sincerely hope that you
find this module, as well as your online learning experience interesting and rewarding and trust that you
will complete the module successfully.
Because this is a fully online module, you need to use myUnisa to study and complete the learning
activities for this course. You need to visit the websites on myUnisa for ICT1513 frequently. The website
for your module is ICT1513-16-S?.
It is HIGHLY recommended that you complete the modules EUP1501, ICT1511 and ICT1513 BEFORE
your attempt the ICT1512 module.

To get started

Go to the website here: https://my.unisa.ac.za and login with your student number and password. You
will see ICT1513-16-S? in the row of modules in the orange blocks across the top of the webpage.
Remember to also check in the More Sites- tab if you cannot find it in the orange blocks. Click on the
module you want to open. Click on the Learning Units to the left of the module site, select the
IMPORTANT INFORMATION Learning Unit and READ ALL the information contained in it. Should you
refrain from doing this you WILL NOT succeed in the module.



Fully online module

Please note that this module is offered fully online.

It is very important that you register on myUnisa and access the module site on a regular basis. You
must be registered on myUnisa to be able to access your learning material, submit your assignments,
gain access to various learning resources, chat to your lecturers, e-tutors and fellow students about
your studies and the challenges that you might encounter. myUnisa contains the Learning Units tool
from which is the only place you will be able to access the study material for this module.
You must be able to access the internet for a minimum of 2 hours per week in order to complete this
module successfully.

Printed materials to support the online module

You will not be receiving any additional printed material for this module. All relevant material will be
available on the myUnisa site in the Learning Units.

Please consult with the myStudies @Unisa publication for more information on the activation of
your myLife email address as well as obtaining access to the myUnisa module site.





The contact information for the primary lecturer for this module is available on the myUnisa site.
All e-mails must be sent to the module mailbox ict1513@unisa.ac.za
To contact the University, you should follow the instructions in the myStudies @ Unisa brochure.
Remember to have your student number available when you contact the University.
When you contact the Lecturer, please do not forget to always include your student number. This will
help the Lecturers to assist you.



Assessment plan

Because this is an online module, the assignments are not provided at the beginning. Instead, you are
given the assignments within the study materials, as they occur during the course. Full details regarding
the requirements for the assignments are ONLY available in the IMPORTANT INFORMATION Learning
Unit on myUnisa.
You will be required to complete ALL 9 assignment for the module, there are 4 multiple choice
assignments contributing 25% towards your year mark, 4 blog assignments contributing 25% towards
your year mark, and one practical assignment contributing 50% towards your year mark. You year mark
contributes 49% towards your final mark, thus doing ALL your assignments AND doing well in them will
ensure you pass the module. Your written examination paper contributes 100% towards your
examination mark. Your examination mark contributes 51% towards your final mark.
Do not hesitate to contact your lecturer or e-tutor via the myUnisa site if you are experiencing problems
with ANY aspect of the module.
We wish you a fascinating and satisfying journey through the learning material and trust that you will
complete the module successfully.
Enjoy the journey!
ICT1513 lecturers

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