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Multi Skills Festival

By Lucy and Ellie

Some of our Year 1s and 2s took part in the multi skills festival in the sports hall at Bishop Heber School.
Our team was Ethan Woolley, Charlotte Hand, Isla Saltiel, Isabel Perry, Marcus Madeley, Oliver Warbrick
Brown, Jessica Edge and Arthur Fox.
The children took part in a massive 25 activities moving around the hall from one to another. They had to balance a ball on a tennis racquet, roll and bounce a ball around some cones, speed bounce, skipping, throwing
knobbly balls against the wall (the balls went all over the place!), hoolahoop, balancing a bean bag on their
head while walking around cones and many other fun activities.

Autumn 2016

Delightful Delamere
By Lulu R and Lulu P
great because it
was huge! Once
they were done
they had a hot
chocolate to congratulate themselves for their
hard work but
they had a lot of

Although some children were a bit nervous before they went because it was the first time they had competed with
the school they all really enjoyed themselves. Mrs Parsons said they all performed magnificently.
There were some very proud parents and the children in Class 2 told their class all about it the next day. They
were so excited.

On the last day in Delamere they went sky

walking on the way to Black Lake. They also
made creative and cool paint pallets out of
leaves and bracken.
At the very start of the term lucky Class 3 At Delamere there was a new cook this time
got to go to Delamere forest for their resi- and he was very good (although there wasnt as
dential and they had a great time.
much cake as last time!) Maisy in Class 4 was
very sad because her sister got to go to
On the first day at Delamere twice and she only went once! As you
Delamere they went can see its a very popular residential that all
orienting where they the children look forward to. All the staff
had to find clues said they were wonderful this time! (no presaround an area of sure Year 2s then for next year! Editor)
the forest and bring
them back. It is really good because you
get to go off on your own (although the teachers can always see you!) They had an amazing
time. After they had finished that, they went
pond dipping and caught loads of newts.
Then the next day
they went dipping in
the stream and caught
some fish before they
made a dam across it!
The same day they
built a den and it was


Anti-bullying Week
By Lulu P and Phoebe
Every year the school takes part in the
national anti-bullying week. During the
week each class looked at what bullying is
and what makes a good friend. In assembly and class we look at ways that we can
help others to be happy and what to do if
we see someone who is on their own or who
is being unkind to someone else.

learnt what a bully is and what they can do

to stop it. They also learnt about taking
care of other people and playing with them
if they are left out and sad. If people are
sad always help them. If they have no-one
to play with help them to find someone.

Each class did something different, but all

looked at posters and a lot did some form
In Anti-bullying week Class 4 did posters of drama to help them understand.
about anti-bullying and what bullying is.
Class 4 also looked at scenarios about bul- At Bickerton always try to be kind and
lying and what they could do to help. They think of others. We say No! to bullys!

Cutting Hair for Charity

By Lulu R and Lulu P
Daisy Wright and Jazzy Goldthorpe have
done an amazing and special thing. Having
both grown their hair for quite a while and
over the summer, they finally let us know
why they were now sporting new hair cuts!
(and we just thought they had decided to
have a change of style!)
They recently had it all cut off so they could
send their cut hair to The Little Princess
Trust who among other things arrange to
make wigs for the people who have lost
their hair because of cancer and other illnesses. These wigs are given free of charge
to children. We think this is a really brave
and caring thing to do.

an amazing thing. Well we think it is as they

are both really kind and thoughtful.
These girls have also raised an amazing
amount of money for The Little Princess
Trust by having their hair cut and have been
able to give them the huge sum of about
This was amazing for The Little Princess
Trust and they
proud of the
girls and so are

Here is the
We asked them what they thought about photo
what they had done but both of them just put on her Just
smiled and didnt seem to think it was such Giving page.

Cross Country

By Phoebe and Poppy

On Thursday 6th October two children from each Cotgreave. All of them ran very well and made the
year group competed in the Cross Country competi- school proud.
tion at Bishop Heber High School.
The year 1s and 2s came in the first 20 in each of
These are the children who ran: Jack Hughes, Ame- their races. The rest of the children came in the top
lia Hepworth, Tristan Williams, Amy Woodhouse, 15, with Sid an amazing 2nd in his race. Angus
Toby Adamson, Lydia Dilworth, Sid Faithfull, Jake Doyle came 3rd in his race and a brilliant race was
Thompson, Ellen Butler, Henley Woodward, Livy run by Annabel as she came 1st place in her race.
Francis, Angus Adamson, Angus Doyle and Annabel Each child ran their best. Well done!

Tag Rugby Y3/4

By Phoebe

Mrs Chesworth and Mrs Parsons took 8 children to play tag rugby at Bishop Heber
school. The players were Jake Thompson, Oliver Golding, Franz Saksarov, Maisy Tudor,
Ellen Butler, Jessica Arden, Sid Faithfull and
Toby Adamson.

They played against Tushingham, Malpas,

Clutton, Shocklach, Tilston and Farndon. The
team did very well. They played 6 games winning 3 and losing 3. They came 4th overall
making us all very proud of them.

Tag Rugby Y5/6

By Phoebe

Tom Kelly, Poppy Greenhough, Ruby Cotgreave, Molly Fowles,

James Morris, Angus Doyle, Casper Armstrong and Freya Diamond all competed in the Year 5 and 6 tag rugby tournament.

The teams in our group were Tushingham, Tattenhall B and

We won against Shocklach and Tattenhall B but lost against
Tushingham. We played in the semi final against Farndon who
we lost 65 to. Clutton and Farndon were in the final and
Farndon won!
Mrs Parsons said the team played well and received lots of
compliments about how well they played. Well done to everyone who competed.


Ranger Dan

Christmas Lunch
and Christingle
By Lulu R
On Friday 9th of December at lunchtime we had a
fantastic Christmas lunch and everyone loved it.
While we were eating there were Christmas songs
playing in the background. For lunch there was
roast turkey, stuffing, sprouts, roast potatoes and
mash. The dessert was amazing! It was an ice
cream snowman which had a dark chocolate layer
at the bottom. The whole dinner was so delicious
and we all loved it. Thank you Mrs Jenkins and
Mrs Baker.

Class 2 had a great afternoon with Ranger

Dan in the nature area at school. First they
learnt about the types of trees we have and
then they collected lots of leaves. Ranger Dan
told them about the fruits, nuts and seeds that
are around for the animals and birds this time
of year.
They then used sticks that they had collected
and the leaves to make a hedgehog house to
help protect them during the winter. Finally
they made a den. The children had a great
time and learnt a lot about Autumn.


By Phoebe
and Lucy

On Sunday the 11th of December lots of people

gathered for the Christingle Service at Bickerton
Church near our school. Class 5 made Christingles
to give out at the service. During the service Canon Davenport reminded us what the parts of the
Christingle stand for and we sung some songs, heard
some readings and said prayers. It was a lovely
Class 1, 2, 3 did a Christmas play called
Baubles. It is all about two caretakers who
had decorated the school for Christmas
but had forgotten to decorate the tree.
They decided to make some baubles for
the tree so the children came in to see it
each morning and there was a new bauble
on it. At first they didnt know who was doing it and then finally Archie, a little boy
saw them working on it. He decided that to
say thank you the children should make a
bauble too. Each bauble represented a part
of the Christmas story so the play moved
between the school and the nativity story.
The children all performed and sang really
well and the hall was packed full of mums,
dads and grandparents both performances.

Bickertons Got


By Lulu P and Lulu R

By Ellie and Lucy

Maisy Tudor has got an audition for the TV show

Britains Got Talent!!! She is going to wow the
judges with her amazing hoola hooping and she
is amazingly brilliant at it.

It was time to
replace the librarians so Mrs
asked anyone
who wanted to
be one to write
a letter to her saying why they wanted to
be one.

In assembly she showed us her fantastic act and

she had us all completely in awe of her skill. She
danced to Firework by Katy Perry with 2 hoops
and a ribbon and she was absolutely fantastic.
Mrs Tudor told us that on Saturday she was taking Maisy to Manchester to do the audition and
that it was a filming day.
She had her outfit all
ready and had bought 2
professional hoops. We
think she will definitely be
in the final!
(Update: sadly Maisy did
not get through but she is
still absolutely amazing in
our eyes. What an experience Maisy and maybe
you could teach us all.)

Junior Safety Officers

Mrs Chesworth and some of the other

teachers then looked at the applications
and decided who were to be the next librarians.
Well done to the successful children
Jazzy, Isabelle, Amelia and Harry. Mrs
Tudor and Mrs Chesworth were really
pleased with the amount of effort, hard
work and care that these children had put
into their application. We look forward to
seeing what special things they have for

By Florence

Florence Butler and Daisy Blake were made So far they have written an email to PC Liz to
Junior Safety Officers.
inform her that they are the safety officers for
The job involves receiving information and tell- School. Floring the rest of the school about road safety, in- ence
ternet safety, fire safety and community safety. Daisy
The girls need to do a noticeboard (which you both enjoycan now see on the main door) and a scrap ing their jobs
book about what they have done. They will also and
talk to everyone about a different type of safety
every month from after receiving a bulletin.


Theres a Hole in
Class 1...
By Poppy and Ellie
There was great excitement in Class 1
early on in the term
because in the wet
area the floor had
started to feel a bit
squishy! So they
called in Stuart the
builder to have a
look .
When he came he
took up the floor
and found a huge
HOLE underneath!
The children were
really excited to see
it! Stuart put a
board over it and

then put concrete over

it before putting on
a levelling liquid.
All of class one really enjoyed seeing
how the hole was
fixed and Stuart
was really good with
the children explaining what he was doing - and no one fell
down the hole which
is good news because
one off the teaching
assistants said it
was the perfect size
for a child to fit in!

Autumn Fair

Pilgrim Day

Harvest Festival

By Ellie and Lucy

By Florence and Lulu

By Florence

After the Summer Fair was rained off it we were all

looking forward to the fair this term and thanks to
the PTA it was worth waiting for. There was a barbeque and everyone enjoyed the yummy food. Everyone bounced their hearts out on the brilliant bouncy

Classes 4 and 5 visited Chester Cathedral for a

Pilgrim day. There were lots of activities including dressing up as monks. One of the other activities was making a mosaic which involved gluing
small tiles onto a piece of wood, Some other people climbed the tower
and made
glass windows. There
was also sugar craft to
do and we saw a falconry display.

castle and people got their nails and their face s

painted too. They all looked lovely!
Everyone a great time at the fair. There was beat the
goalie with Mark and a raffle with some great prizes.
Lots of people bought the yummy cakes and yummy
cookies and drinks from the cake stall. There was a
bottle tombola and was jam jars with really nice
sweets and candy. Two really fun games were the
wellie throwing and a game when you hit the target
with a wellie . The children and adults had louds of
fun and we raised lots of money. Well done everyone and thank you to everyone who came and to all
the hard work the PTA put in.

Book Fair

Bonfire Competition

By Ellie and Lucy

By Lulu R

The school held a book fair where everyone came and bought lots of books.
There was 700 worth of books
bought which has given us an amazing
350 to spend on books at school.
There was a great choice of books for
all ages and it was lovely to see mums,
dads, grandparents and children all
choosing books together.
A big thankyou to everyone who bought
books, contributing to the 350 we
can now spend on making our library
even better.


At the end of last half term the librarians

told us about the new competition for us to
enter. You had to make something to do
with bonfire night and bring it in ready for
the competition.
There was a boy and girl winner for each
year. There were some great entries including 3D bonfires, pictures and stories. It
was really hard to choose the winners but
well done everyone who did win.
Everyone that entered did so well. We look
forward to the next library competition.

We went to a service that monks and nuns went

to. In the service there was a long table set out
with bread and juice (but the monks and nuns
had dried bread and water).
Class 4 and 5 really
enjoyed the trip and
at the end they got a
certificate and a

Chocolate Hedgehogs
A few weeks ago Charles came in to Classes 4 and 5 to make
chocolate as their topic is chocolate. They each made 6 chocolate hedgehogs to take home and enjoy .

On Tuesday 18 October 2016 the whole school

walked down to Bickerton Church for the Harvest
Class 4 based the service around an acrostic poem they wrote about harvest and they performed it very well. We sang three songs very
well. Lots of parents came and shared the service
with us. Canon Davenport said a bit about two
leaves and how one was crumpled and stepped
on and one nice and fresh. He said we are like the
nice fresh one and we are very fortunate, unlike
the other crumpled leaf representing the poor
unfortunate people in the world.

By Poppy
ens. Then he tipped out the excess chocolate and it looked like a chocolate

First they rubbed dark chocolate into

Then it was left to dry. Once dried they
the spikes of the mold. Next they
squirted fonpiped little chocolate eyes into the
dant cream into
molds. Then Charles poured milk the middle. Then Charles put chocochocolate into the molds saying the late over the top and they were left to
longer you leave it the more it hard- dry .Everyone took them and enjoyed


As part of the Infants Religious Education topic
about water and Baptism Canon Davenport
came into school and showed Classes 1, 2 and 3
what happened at a baptism and what the
meaning behind it is.
First he showed them how he got ready for the
service by showing them what he wore and how
he set up the church. He also told them the importance of baptism and what it meant and the
importance of the font, water, cross and the candle.
He told them
that it is a special time when
babies into the
family of the

Beeston Castle
On the 10th of November Class 4 went to Beeston
Castle to learn all about prehistoric life. They only
went for the morning but learnt all about how to
make flour with stone grinders and corn, pottery
with clay and then did spinning wool with spindles. They also drilled holes in stones with sharp
sticks and string.
After that they climbed up Beeston crag to see
the castle but unfortunately it was raining and
they got very wet. After that we talked about
what we had learnt and then we went back to
school and told everyone about our amazing trip!
Although we got very wet but it was extremely
good fun!

By Florence
showed his special font which is really old and can
take to places if he needs.
He then chose people to be the parents and God
parents and got out a doll and the children decided to call it Heather. Next he did the service he
would do with a real baby and the parents and
God parents said the vows. He then gave Heather
a baptism candle so she could remember the special day and also a certificate welcoming her into
The children
learnt a lot
Baptism and enjoyed taking
part in the service.


Infants Visit Rhyl

By Lucy and Ellie
As part of their Under
the Sea topic classes
1, 2, 3 went to the Sea
Aquarium in Rhyl and
saw lots of sea creatures from different
costal areas for example the Great Barrier
Reef and British seas.

dy wanted them to do and she said it wasn't

fair to force them. show .
They also went to the beach and made sand
castlesit was great fun! They later went
back to see the beach and saw that the tide
had come in and covered all the sand so
they looked at it from the wall. They could
see seals playing in the sea. It was a brilliant trip.

They had a talk where

they were shown crabs, mermaids purses
(ray eggs) and starfish. One starfish had only just finished eating when Class 2 saw it
so they could see food all round its mouth.

As they walked around they saw seahorses,

jellyfish and lots of other fascinating fish .

By Lulu and Phoebe

They went in a tunnel under the sea and

saw sharks and rays . After dinner they
watched a sea lion but the sea lions kept
being naughty and wouldn't do what the la-

Welcoming New Friends

By Lucy and Florence
This term Bickerton have had lots of new children
starting. In Class 5 weve had Tom Kelly and his
sister Bethan is in class 3. Class 4 have had Lulu
Phillips. Also Class 4 have welcomed Poppy
Greenhough and Oliver, her brother is in Class 2.
Poppy said the school is brilliant and I enjoy the
fun work. Lulu Philips enjoys this school a lot and
she is making lots of new friends.

We asked Mrs Eccles how theyve been settling in

and she said that they have settled in very well.
They love playing in the garden and playing in the
caf. They love their topic Under the Sea and
they are really looking forward to their trip to the

We have also just welcomed Imogen and Ciceley

Richards too. We hope you are all making friends
Also weve had all the Early Year children join us. and that youre enjoying your time at Bickerton.


Junior Trip to Techniquest

Internet Safety Roadshow

By Florence

By Lulu R and Lulu P

On Wednesday 28 September Classes 4 and 5

Techniquest, Wrexham. It
was a really fun trip!
We went in a dome
called the Planetarium. In the Planetarium we
learnt about the solar system and the shapes
the stars make. Then we had lunch.
After lunch we had a go in all the zones. Our
favourite things in the zones were the mirror
maze, shadow wall, unlocking the treasure
chest and slow bubbles.
Next we went to a
workshop called Destination Space, in which

we learned about Tim

Peakes mission to
space and we did two

One of the experiments was where you

used a robot and
picked up shapes and put them in a box and
the other one was a absorbency experiment
where we squirted water on three materials
to see which one was
the most absorbent.
The materials were
cotton wool, cat litter
and fake snow.
After the workshop we
wrote a review then we
went home. It was a really fun trip and we all
really enjoyed it.

On Thursday the 29th of September Poppy Greenhough, Taylor Linforth, Angus Adamson and Lulu
Ralison went to the Crewe Alexander football stadium to learn all about internet safety. They had
an amazing time!

We then learnt about the robot NAO who sang

and danced really well The man then said that he
had programmed him to do all of these tricks.

Then we made a poster each which was going to

be judged at the end and guess
First PC Liz spoke to us about how we can stay what? Poppy won!
safe online. She told us that 40% of 7 to 11 year
olds get cyber bullied and 50% of children aged 7 After that everyone was given
to 11 already have Facebook accounts despite it goodie bags, and we then got
being for 13 year olds and over.
given a box of books about
keeping safe and a free football
Next we had a look at all the exhibits and then sat ticket. It was a very good roaddown and had a talk about ChatFOSS and learnt show and we learnt lots of
all about the organisation. It is a safe messenger things to share with the rest of
service that is totally private and you can talk to the school.
your friends without strangers intervening with
any part of your privacy.

Autumn Disco

Miss Briscoe Gets


By Poppy and Ellen

By Lulu P and Phoebe

At the end of the day Rosie roasted her

pumpkin seeds and made pumpkin soup at
home. Then the next day Charlie and Freddie
brought in a picture of their carved pumpkins.

In October the PTA held an Autumn disco for us. At the disco we had a DJ
called Lee. He was very good and he
played lots of brilliant music for us to
dance to.
There was a joint
disco for Classes 1
and 2 and then
one for Classes 3,
4 and 5. We had
lots of fun dancing
and then we could
have our nails and
faces painted.
There was also very good food served
by the PTA and mum helpers. We had
pizza, chicken and crisps and for pudding we had cupcakes. Yum!

Class 1 really enjoyed the trip and want to go

again next year.
Thank you Mrs Tudor.

Every one really enjoyed themselves.

We would like to thank everyone who
helped at the disco.

A few weeks ago Miss Briscoe got married

and she became Mrs Powell! She had been
looking forward to the day all term! She had
lots of guests including Mrs Tudor, Mr
Sweetnam, Miss G. and lots of other people
(a lot of teachers!!) The teachers said she
and the wedding
was wonderful. She
wore a lovely dress
and had a brilliant
time. She said her
favourite part was
the party and dancing! The theme was
1950s RocknRoll.
Congratulations to
Mrs Powell and her

Pumpkin Pickers

A few weeks ago Class 1 and the Beeches

went to Mrs Tudors pumpkin farm and learnt
how pumpkins grow.

By Lulu and Florence

First they travelled through the maize maze

and when they reached the pumpkin patch
they picked a pumpkin each and put their
name on it. They had great fun finding a
pumpkin they wanted.

Then they went to the main field and did

arts and crafts and then played some outdoor games. They had lots of exciting things
to bring back with them.

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