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Name : Finandya Fatihasari

Class : English Class C


NIM : 16/396925/BI/09683


A. Paraphrase First and Second Paragraph

Paracelsus recognised that all thing is actually poison, but dose is
the only thing that restrict them. Some compounds can be helpful at low
level but it can be hazardous in high level ones, even the water can be
poisoning, and radiation can be safe in certain dose. Since then the
modern toxicologists job is to find that line, and the governments job to
put the limit on exposure. But for some substances may be banned since
the balance safe and deadly range may not clearly recognised. This case
is also believed in one set of pesticides named neonicotinoids.
B. Short Summary
Paracelsus recognised that all thing is actually poison, but dose is
the only thing that restrict them. Some compounds can be helpful at low
level but it can be hazardous in high level ones, even the water can be
poisoning, and radiation can be safe in certain dose. Since then the
modern toxicologists job is to find that line, and the governments job to
put the limit on exposure. But for some substances may be banned since
the balance safe and deadly range may not clearly recognised. This case
is also believed in one set of pesticides named neonicotinoids.
Even so according to Oosthoek, even the pesticide used at a level
that is stated safe, there may have impact to wild life. The accumulation
of pesticides may killed some species, This thing is supported by the
amount of wildlife animal that living in the highly contaminated stream is
less than uncontaminated stream area.


Name : Finandya Fatihasari

Class : English Class C


NIM : 16/396925/BI/09683

A. Answer the following questions:
1. The vertebral column, also known as the backbone or spine, is part
of the axial skeleton. The vertebral column is the defining
characteristic of a vertebrate

Protect the spinal nerve

Maintain the shape of body

2. Bone is less flexible than cartilage but stronger. An endoskeleton

made of bone rather than cartilage allows animals to grow larger
and heavier. Bone also provides more protection for soft tissues and
internal organs.
3. The nervous system consists of a brain in the head region. It also
includes a long spinal cord that runs from the brain to the tail end
of the backbone. Long nerve fibers extend from the spinal cord
4. What is an adaptive immune system?
Adaptive immune system is the organ system that defends the body
from pathogens and other causes of disease. Being adaptive means
that the immune system can learn to recognize specific pathogens.
5. Ovipary refers to the development of an embryo within an egg
outside the mothers body. This occurs in most amphibians and
reptiles and in all birds.
Ovovivipary refers to the development of an embryo inside an egg
within the mothers body until it hatches. The mother provides no
nourishment to the developing embryo inside the egg. This occurs in
some species of fish and reptiles.

Vivipary refers to the development and nourishment of an embryo

within the mothers body. Birth may be followed by a period of
parental care of the offspring. This reproductive strategy occurs in
almost all mammals.

B. Paraphrase the section Characteristics of Vertebrates.

The spesial feature that all vertebrates have is vertebral column, or
backbone. The backbone is repetation of vertebrae that take part of
holding shape of the body and protects the spinal cord. The backbone
runs from head to tail along dorsal. In many spesies there are shockabsorbing









C. Make a short summary of the above text (max. 150 words).
Make sure you include all important elements and key terms of
the subject matter
Vertebrates are chordata that have several special features like they
have column or backbone. The backbone is repetation of vertebrae that
take part of holding shape of the body and protects the spinal cord.
Another special feature that vertebrates have is endoskeleton that made
up by bone and cartilage. It helps animal to protect their internal organs
and soft tissues.
Beside the special features that help to distinguish vertebrate, there are
also several traits that helps to helps the vertebrates to life like muscle
system that helps vertebrates to move, closed circulatory system with a
heart to transport oxigen, excretory system that helps to filter waste from
blood, endocrine system as hormon secretery to produce hormon.

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